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Defence Standard 91-090

Issue 5 Date: 14 December 2019

Gasoline, Aviation, Grades UL91,
100/130 and 100/130 Low Lead.
JSD: AVGAS UL91, AVGAS 100 and

DEF STAN 91-090 Issue 5
Section 1
Defence Standard Structure
Section 1
• Revision Note
• Historical Record
• Warning
• Standard Clauses
Section 2
• Title
• Introduction
• Contents List
• Scope
• Technical Information to include Tables and Figures
• Annexes
Section 3
• Normative References
• Definitions
• Abbreviations

This standard has been raised to Issue 5 to include a minimum lead content of 0.28 gPb/l for
Grades 100/130 and 100/130 Low Lead, and make provision for an optional minimum supercharge
requirement of 98 PN for Grade UL91 if agreed between purchaser and supplier.

This standard supersedes the following:
Def Stan 91-90 Issue 4 dated 30 October 2015
Def Stan 91-90 Issue 3 dated 20 November 2009
Def Stan 91-90 Issue 2 dated 31 March 2006
Def Stan 91-90 Issue 1 dated 8 May 1996
DERD 2485 Issue 9 dated June 1983

The Ministry of Defence (MOD), like its contractors, is subject to both United Kingdom and
European laws regarding Health and Safety at Work. Many Defence Standards set out processes
and procedures that could be injurious to health if adequate precautions are not taken. Adherence
to those processes and procedures in no way absolves users from complying with legal
requirements relating to Health and Safety at Work.

DEF STAN 91-090 Issue 5

a) This standard has been published on behalf of the Ministry of Defence (MOD) by UK Defence
Standardization (DStan).
b) This standard has been reached following broad consensus amongst the authorities concerned with its
use and is intended to be used whenever relevant in all future designs, contracts, orders etc. and whenever
practicable by amendment to those already in existence. If any difficulty arises which prevents application
of the Defence Standard, DStan shall be informed so that a remedy may be sought.
c) Please address any enquiries regarding the use of this standard in relation to an invitation to tender or to
a contract in which it is incorporated, to the responsible technical or supervising authority named in the
invitation to tender or contract.
d) Compliance with this Defence Standard shall not in itself relieve any person from any legal obligations
imposed upon them.
e) This standard has been devised solely for the use of the MOD and its contractors in the execution of
contracts for the MOD. To the extent permitted by law, the MOD hereby excludes all liability whatsoever
and howsoever arising (including, but without limitation, liability resulting from negligence) for any loss or
damage however caused when the standard is used for any other purpose.

DEF STAN 91-090 Issue 5
Section 2

Gasoline, Aviation, Grades UL91, 100/130 and 100/130 Low

0 Introduction
Defence Standard 91-090 is the standard for aviation gasoline intended primarily for use in
aircraft spark ignition reciprocating engines, which the United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority
(CAA) has agreed is under the technical authority of the UK MOD Defence Strategic Fuels
Authority (DSFA).

NOTE: The Technical/Specification Authority is the Head, Defence Strategic Fuels Authority,
Larch 3B #2317, MOD Abbey Wood, Bristol, BS34 8JH.

Contents List
0 Introduction…………………………………………………………………… 2-1
1 Scope…………………………………………………………………………. 2-1
2 Warning………………………………………………………………………. 2-2
3 Normative References…………………………………………….………… 2-2
4 Materials……………………………………………………………………… 2-2
5 Quality Assurance…………………………………………………………… 2-2
6 Testing………………………………………………………………………... 2-3
7 Containers and Marking of Containers……………………………………. 2-3
Annex A List of Qualified Additives…………………………………………………... 2-6
Annex B Alternative Test Methods for Use with Table 1 Test Requirements…… 2-9
Table 1 Test Requirements…………………………………………………………. 2-4
Table 2 Dye Requirements…………………………………………………………... 2-7
Table 3 Alternative Test Methods for Use with Table 1 Test Requirements…… 2-9

1 Scope
1.1 This Defence Standard specifies the requirements for three grades (AVGAS UL91,
AVGAS 100 and AVGAS 100LL) of gasoline type aviation fuel intended primarily for use in aircraft
spark ignition reciprocating engines. Fuel provided to this specification shall possess satisfactory
performance and properties when used in appropriate aircraft or engines operated by the Crown,
or for which the CAA or EASA is the certificating agency.

DEF STAN 91-090 Issue 5

2 Warning
2.1 See Section 1 for warnings.

3 Normative References
3.1 The documents and publications shown in Section 3 are referred to in the text of this
Standard. Publications are grouped and listed in alpha-numeric order.

4 Materials
4.1 The fuel shall consist wholly of hydrocarbon compounds and approved additives only as
listed in Annex A. Only additives and non-petroleum fuel components approved by and on behalf of
the UK MoD AFC shall be permitted.

4.1.1 Aviation gasoline is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons that varies depending on crude
source and manufacturing process. Consequently, it is impossible to define the exact composition
of aviation gasoline. This specification has therefore evolved primarily as a performance specification
rather than a compositional specification. It is acknowledged that this largely relies on accumulated

4.1.2 For operational performance Aviation Gasoline in this specification is a hydrocarbon

based fuel. Ethanol is not permitted to ensure broad compatibility with aircraft fuel systems, good
water separation characteristics and flight range.

4.2 Additives shall be identified by the appropriate RDE/A/XXX number or by name as shown
in Annex A. The amount, including NIL additions, of all additive additions shall be reported to the
purchaser on batch quality certificates or as otherwise directed by the purchaser and/or contract.

4.3 The Ministry of Defence and/or its appointed agent(s) reserves the right to require that the
material and any components used are subject to toxicological and physiological tests to ascertain
their suitability for use.

5 Quality Assurance
5.1 Representative samples of each batch of the finished product shall be tested to show batch
homogeneity and compliance with the requirements of Clause 4 and Table 1 of this standard.
Results shall be reported on the appropriate batch certificate to show compliance with all
requirements of the standard. A batch of fuel is defined as a distinct quantity of fuel that can be
characterised by one set of test results including types of additives and quantities added.
Documentation shall be available on request for the Technical Authority, purchaser or end user to
show that the fuel meets the requirements of this standard and show traceability to point of

5.2 The Technical Authority, purchaser or end user reserves the right to require additional testing
of the product at any time and to sample and test the product and/or ingredients at any time during
or after manufacture.

DEF STAN 91-090 Issue 5
5.3 If any sample taken from the consignment is found not to comply with the requirements of
this standard, the whole consignment may be rejected.

5.4 Materials used in refinery processing might be carried over in trace quantities into aviation
fuels and have been known to cause operational problems in aircraft fuel systems. Appropriate
management of change measures should be used at manufacturing locations to manage the risk of
this type of contamination in aviation fuels (see A.7).

6 Testing
6.1 Properties of the product shall not exceed the maximum nor be less than the minimum values
set out in Table 1 when tested by the methods referred to therein or Annex B.

NOTE: To determine conformance to the specification requirement, a test result may be rounded to
the same number of significant figures as in Table 1. The IP 367 procedure, which covers the use
of precision data, may be used for the interpretation of test results in cases of dispute between
purchaser and supplier.

6.2 Methods quoted in Table 1 are referee methods. In cases of dispute the referee methods
shall be used. Approved alternative methods are listed in Annex B.

7 Containers and Marking of Containers

7.1 The product shall be supplied in sound, clean and dry containers, suitable for the product
and in accordance with the requirements of the contract or order.

7.2 Coatings and paint finishes shall comply with the requirements of the contract or order.
Markings shall be in accordance with the requirements of Def Stan 05-052 (Part 1). The product
identification shall be specified in the contract or order.

7.3 It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to comply with any legal requirements
for the marking of containers.

DEF STAN 91-090 Issue 5
Table 1 - Test Requirements

Test Property Units Limits Test Method

Grade Grade 100 Grade
UL91 100LL
1 Appearance Clear, bright and visually free from solid Visual examination
matter and undissolved water at ambient
2 Colour, visual
(see NOTE 1) Undyed Green Blue

3 Corrosion Copper Max 1 IP 154/ ASTM D130

4 Density at 15 °C kg/m3 Report IP 365/ ASTM D4052
5 Total Sulphur % m/m Max 0.05 IP 107/ ASTM D1266
6 Existent Gum mg/100ml Max 3.0 IP 131/ ASTM D381

7 Freezing Point °C Max minus 58.0 IP 16/ ASTM D2386

(see NOTE 2)

8 Specific Energy MJ/kg Min 43.50 IP 12

9 Reid Vapour kPa Min 38.0 IP 69/ ASTM D323
Pressure at
37.8 °C Max 49.0
10 Knock Rating:
10.1 Lean Mixture Min 91.0 Min 99.6 Min 99.6 IP 236/ ASTM D2700
Motor Method (see NOTE 3)
Octane Number

10.2 Research Octane Min 95.0 - - ASTM D2699

Number (see NOTE 3)

10.3 Performance (see NOTE 4) Min 130.0 Min 130.0 IP 119/ ASTM D909
Number (see NOTE 3)

11 Distillation: IP 123/ ASTM D86

Group 2
11.1 Initial Boiling Point °C Report
11.2 Temperature at %
fuel evaporated
11.2.1 10% vol % °C Max 75

11.2.2 40 vol % °C Min 75

11.2.3 50 vol % °C Max 105

11.2.4 90 vol % °C Max 135

11.3 Final Boiling Point °C Max 170

11.4 Sum of 10% + 50% °C Min 135


11.5 Residue % v/v Max 1.5

11.6 Loss % v/v Max 1.5

Continued on page 2-5

DEF STAN 91-090 Issue 5
Table 1 - Test Requirements (concluded)
Test Property Units Limits Test Method
Grade Grade Grade
UL91 100 100LL
12 Oxidation Stability,
16 Hours: IP 138/ASTM D873
12.1 Potential Gum mg/100ml Max 6
12.2 Precipitate mg/100ml Max 2

13 Tetraethyl Lead gPb/l Max 0.013 Min 0.28 Min 0.28 IP 270/ ASTM D3237
Content (See NOTE 5) (See NOTE 6)
Max 0.85 Max 0.56
14 Water Reaction IP 289/ASTM D1094
14.1 Volume Change ml Max 2

15 Electrical pS/m (See NOTE 7) IP 274/ASTM D2624

16 Colour, Lovibond IP 569 (See NOTE 8)

16.1 Blue - Min 1.7 Min 1.7

- Max 3.5 Max 3.5
16.2 Yellow - Min 1.5 -
- Max 2.7 -
NOTE 1: The visual colour must also comply with test 16 of this table.

NOTE 2: If no crystals appear when the thermometer indicates a temperature of –58°C, the freezing point
shall be recorded as below –58°C.

NOTE 3: Knock rating shall be reported to the nearest 0.1 for Octane Number and Performance Number.

NOTE 4: If mutually agreed upon between the purchaser and supplier, a minimum 98 octane requirement as per
test method IP119 / ASTM D909 may be specified.

NOTE 5: For grade UL91 the maximum lead limit applies at point of manufacture.

NOTE 6: For Grade UL91 ASTM D3237 is applicable. For Grades 100LL and 100/130 IP270 is applicable.

NOTE 7: When a Static Dissipator Additive has been added to the fuel the conductivity at the point, time and
temperature of delivery to the purchaser shall be in the range 50 to 600 pS/m.

NOTE 8: IP 17 has been replaced by IP 569. A 50.8 mm cell shall be used. IP 17 is allowed as an alternative
method, see Table 3.

DEF STAN 91-090 Issue 5
Annex A
List of Qualified Additives
A.1 Antioxidants

A.1.1 Antioxidants or mixtures of antioxidants, of a type detailed in A.1.2 and at a concentration

detailed in A.1.3, may be added to the fuel.

A.1.2 The following antioxidant formulations are qualified:

Formulation Qualification Reference

(a) 2,6-ditertiary-butyl-phenol RDE/A/606
(b) 2,6 ditertiary-butyl-4-methyl-phenol RDE/A/607
(c) 2,4-dimethyl-6-tertiary-butyl-phenol RDE/A/608
(d) 75 percent minimum, 2,6-ditertiary-butyl-phenol RDE/A/609
25 percent maximum, tertiary and tritertiary-butyl-phenols
(e) 55 percent minimum, 2,4-dimethyl-6-tertiary-butyl-phenol RDE/A/610
15 percent minimum, 4 methyl-2,6-ditertiary-butyl-phenol
Remainder, 30 percent maximum, as a mixture of
monomethyl and dimethyl-tertiary-butyl-phenols
(f) 72 percent minimum, 2,4-dimethyl-6-tertiary-butyl-phenol RDE/A/611
28 percent maximum, mixture of tertiary-butyl-methyl-
phenols and tertiary-butyl dimethyl phenols

A.1.3 The total concentration of active material(s) shall not exceed 24.0 mg/l.

A.2 Antiknock Additive

A.2.1 Tetraethyl lead shall be present in Grades 100/130 and 100LL and added in the form of an
antiknock mixture containing not less than 61% mass of tetraethyl lead and sufficient ethylene
dibromide to provide two atoms of bromine per atom of lead. The balance shall contain no added
ingredient other than kerosene, an approved oxidation inhibitor and blue dye as specified
in Clause A3. The maximum lead concentration limit for each grade is specified in Table 1.

A.3 Dye (Grade Identification)

A.3.1 The following dye shall be used where applicable, within the concentration limits prescribed
in Table 2, to give the finished fuel the appropriate grade identification colour:

(a) Blue essentially 1,4 dialkylamino-anthraquinone

(b) Yellow essentially diethylaminoazobenzene or 1,3-benzenediol 2,4-bis [alkyl (phenol) azo-]

DEF STAN 91-090 Issue 5
Table 2 - Dye Requirements

Maximum Concentration (mg/l)
Grade 100 Grade 100LL
Blue 2.7 2.7
Yellow 2.8 None

A.4 Static Dissipator Additive (SDA)

A.4.1 An SDA of a type detailed in A.4.2 and at a concentration detailed in A.4.3 may be
added to the fuel to impart electrical conductivity in accordance with test 15 of Table 1.

A.4.2 The following material is qualified:

Product Manufacturer Qualification Reference

Stadis® 450 Innospec LLC RDE/A/621

A.4.3 The concentration of SDA shall not exceed 3.0 mg/l.

A.5 Fuel System Icing Inhibitor

A.5.1 An FSII, of a type detailed in A.5.2 and at concentrations detailed at A.5.3 and A.5.4, may
be added to the fuel by agreement between purchaser and supplier.

A.5.2 The following materials are qualified and must comply with Def Stan 68-252:

Product Qualification Reference

Diethylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether RDE/A/630
Propan-2-ol (Isopropyl Alcohol) ASTM D4171 (Type II)
A.5.3 The concentration of DiEGME shall not be less than 0.10% and not more than 0.15% by
volume at the time of the delivery to the purchaser. A suitable method for determining DiEGME
concentration is ASTM D5006.

NOTE: Concentrations of less than 0.02% by volume can be considered negligible and do not
require agreement/notification. The assent to allow these small quantities of FSII without
agreement/notification is to facilitate the changeover from fuels containing FSII to those not
containing FSII where the additive may remain in the fuel system for a limited time. This does not
allow the continuous addition of FSII at these low concentrations.

A.5.4 The concentration of Isopropyl Alcohol shall be recommended by the aircraft manufacturer
at the time of delivery to the purchaser and typically not exceeding 1% v/v. Suitable methods for
determining Isopropyl Alcohol concentration are IP 566 and ASTM D4815.

A.6 Corrosion Inhibitor Additive

A.6.1 The following corrosion inhibitors may be added to the gasoline in concentrations not to
exceed the maximum allowable concentration listed for each additive.

DEF STAN 91-090 Issue 5
Product Manufacturer Qualification Maximum mg/l
Hitec 580 Afton Chemical Ltd. RDE/A/661 22.5
Octel DCI-4A Innospec LLC RDE/A/662 22.5
Octel DCI-6A Innospec LLC RDE/A/663 9.0
Nalco 5403 Nalco Chemical Co. RDE/A/664 22.5
Tolad 4410 Baker Petrolite RDE/A/665 22.5
Tolad 351 Baker Petrolite RDE/A/666 24.0
Unicor J Dorf Ketal Chemicals RDE/A/667 22.5
Nalco 5405 Nalco Chemical Co. RDE/A/668 11.0
Spec Aid 8Q22 GE Betz RDE/A/669 24.0

A.7 Contamination by Processing Additives

A.7.1 Experience has shown that refinery processing additives, such as corrosion inhibitors, might
be carried over in trace quantities into aviation fuel during refinery production. In some cases, this
has resulted in operational problems in aircraft fuel systems. Moreover, these additives can cause
problems at levels which may not be detected by the standard specification testing detailed
in Table 1. Whilst the standard (4.1) states that non-approved additives are not permitted, defining
a zero level is not straightforward; particularly given that:

(a) modern analytical techniques are capable of detecting extremely low levels of chemical
(b) there could be a wide range of materials involved; and

(c) in most cases there are no data on their effects in aircraft systems to use to define a no-
harm level.

A.7.2 It is therefore not practical for this standard to require detailed chemical analysis of each
production batch of aviation fuel beyond the requirements listed in this standard. Instead, it is
recommended that manufacturing locations ensure that they have adequate quality assurance
and management of change procedures in place to ensure that refinery processing additive use
is well defined and controlled. Any changes in additive composition/manufacturing source or
refinery processing conditions should be subject to a formal risk assessment to ensure
maintenance of finished product quality.

A.7.3 Due to known problems arising from the carry over of the refinery processing additive
(corrosion inhibitor) 1,2-diaminoethane (ethylene diamine), its use is specifically not recommended
in the manufacture of aviation gasoline.

DEF STAN 91-090 Issue 5

Alternative Test Methods for Use with Table 1 Test Requirements

Table 3: Alternative Test Methods

Table 1 Test Number Property Alternative

1 Appearance ASTM D4176

Procedure 1
4 Density at 15 °C IP 160/ ASTM D1298

5 Total Sulphur IP 243

ASTM D2622
ASTM D5453

8 Specific Energy ASTM D3338

ASTM D4809
9 Vapour Pressure See NOTE 1
IP 394
ASTM D5191
13 Tetraethyl Lead Content IP 228/ASTM D5059
IP 428/ASTM D3341
16 Colour, Lovibond IP 17, see NOTE 2
ASTM D2392, see NOTE 3

NOTE 1: Results shall be reported as dry vapour pressure equivalent (DVPE), as

defined in the approved alternative method used.

NOTE 2: Use test method IP 17 (Method A) using a 50.8 mm cell.

NOTE 3: When ASTM D2392 is utilised, the fuel shall meet the requirements of the
test and not require the reporting of Lovibond colour units.

DEF STAN 91-090 Issue 5
Section 3

Normative References
1 The publications shown below are referred to in the text of this standard. Publications are
grouped and listed in alpha-numeric order.
Note: Def Stan’s can be downloaded free of charge from the DStan web site by visiting
<> for those with RLI access or <> for all other
users. All referenced standards were correct at the time of publication of this standard (see 2, 3 & 4 below for
further guidance), if you are having difficulty obtaining any referenced standard please contact the DStan
Helpdesk in the first instance.

Def Stans

Number Title
05-052, Pt 01, Iss Markings for the Identification of Fuels, Lubricants and Associated Products -
03 Containers Holding 216.5 Litres or Less

68-252, Iss 03 Fuel System Icing Inhibitor NATO Code: S-1745 Joint service Designation: AL-


Number Title

Allied Publications

Number Title

Other References

Standard Type Standard Name

CIVIL ASTM D86 - Standard Test Method for Distillation of Petroleum Products and
Liquid Fuels at Atmospheric Pressure

CIVIL ASTM D130 - Standard Test Method for Corrosiveness to Copper from
Petroleum Products by Copper Strip Test

CIVIL ASTM D323 - Standard Test Method for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products
(Reid Method)

CIVIL ASTM D381 - Standard Test Method for Gum Content in Fuels by Jet

DEF STAN 91-090 Issue 5
CIVIL ASTM D873 - Standard Test Method for Oxidation Stability of Aviation Fuels
(Potential Residue Method)

CIVIL ASTM D909 - Standard Test Method for Supercharge Rating of Spark-Ignition
Aviation Gasoline

CIVIL ASTM D1094 - Standard Test Method for Water Reaction of Aviation Fuels

CIVIL ASTM D1266 - Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products (Lamp

CIVIL ASTM D1298 - Standard Test Method for Density, Relative Density, or API
Gravity of Crude Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products by Hydrometer

CIVIL ASTM D2386 - Standard Test Method for Freezing Point of Aviation Fuels

CIVIL ASTM D2392 - Standard Test Method for color of Dyed Aviation Gasolines

CIVIL ASTM D2622 - Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products by
Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry

CIVIL ASTM D2624 - Standard Test Methods for Electrical Conductivity of Aviation
and Distillate Fuels

CIVIL ASTM D2699 - Standard Test Method for Research Octane Number of Spark-
Ignition Engine Fuel

CIVIL ASTM D2700 - Standard Test Method for Motor Octane Number of Spark-
Ignition Engine Fuel

CIVIL ASTM D3237 - Standard Test Method for Lead in Gasoline by Atomic Absorption

CIVIL ASTM D3338 - Standard Test Method for Estimation of Net Heat of Combustion
of Aviation Fuels

CIVIL ASTM D3341 - Standard Test Method for Lead in Gasoline - Iodine
Monochloride Method

CIVIL ASTM D4052 - Standard Test Method for Density, Relative Density, and API
Gravity of Liquids by Digital Density Meter

CIVIL ASTM D4171 - Standard Specification for Fuel System Icing Inhibitors

CIVIL ASTM D4176 - Standard Test Method for Free Water and Particulate
Contamination in Distillate Fuels (Visual Inspection Procedures)

CIVIL ASTM D4809 - Standard Test Method for Heat of Combustion of Liquid
Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Calorimeter (Precision Method)

DEF STAN 91-090 Issue 5
CIVIL ASTM D4815 - Standard Test Method for Determination of MTBE, ETBE, TAME,
DIPE, tertiary-Amyl Alcohol and C1 to C4 Alcohols in Gasoline by Gas

CIVIL ASTM D5006 - Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fuel System Icing
Inhibitors (Ether Type) in Aviation Fuels

CIVIL ASTM D5059 - Standard Test Methods for Lead in Gasoline by X-ray

CIVIL ASTM D5191 - Standard Test Method for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products
and Liquid Fuels (Mini Method)

CIVIL ASTM D5453 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Total Sulfur in Light
Hydrocarbons, Spark Ignition Engine Fuel, Diesel Engine Fuel, and Engine Oil
by Ultraviolet Fluorescence

CIVIL IP 12 - Determination of Specific Energy

CIVIL IP 16 - Determination of the freezing point of aviation fuels — Manual method

CIVIL IP 17 - Determination of Colour - Lovibond Tintometer Method

CIVIL IP 69 - Determination of Vapour Pressure - Reid Method

CIVIL IP 107 - Determination of Sulfur - Lamp Combustion Method

CIVIL IP 119 - Knock Characteristics of Aviation Gasoline by the Supercharged


CIVIL IP 123 - Petroleum products — Determination of distillation characteristics at

atmospheric pressure

CIVIL IP 131 - Petroleum products - Gum content of light and middle distillate fuels -
Jet evaporation method

CIVIL IP 138 - Determination of oxidation stability of aviation fuel Potential residue


CIVIL IP 154 - Petroleum Products - Corrosiveness to Copper - Copper Strip Test

CIVIL IP 160 - Crude petroleum and liquid petroleum products - Laboratory

determination of density - Hydrometer method

CIVIL IP 228 - Determination of Lead Content of Gasoline - X-ray Spectrometric


CIVIL IP 236 - Petroleum products - Determination of knock characteristics of motor

and aviation fuels - Motor method

CIVIL IP 243 - Petroleum products and hydrocarbons- Determination of sulfur content-

Wickbold combustion method

DEF STAN 91-090 Issue 5
CIVIL IP 270 - Petroleum Products - Determination of Lead Content of Gasoline -
Iodine Monochloride Method

CIVIL IP 274 - Determination of Electrical Conductivity of Aviation and Distillate Fuels

CIVIL IP 289 - Determination of Water Reaction of Aviation Fuels

CIVIL IP 365 - Crude petroleum and petroleum products - Determination of density -

Oscillating U-tube method

CIVIL IP 367 - Petroleum products - Determination and application of precision data in

relation to methods of test (ISO 4259: 1992/Cor 1:1993)

CIVIL IP 394 - Liquid petroleum products - Vapour pressure - Part 1: Determination of

air saturated vapour pressure (ASVP) and calculated dry vapour pressure
equivalent (DVPE)

CIVIL IP 428 - Liquid Petroleum Products - Petrol - Determination of Low Lead

Concentrations by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

CIVIL IP 566 - Liquid petroleum products - Determination of hydrocarbon types and

oxygenates in automotive-motor gasoline and in ethanol (E85) automotive fuel
- Multidimensional gas chromatography method

CIVIL IP 569 - Determination of Colour in Lovibond Units - Automatic Method

2 Reference in this Standard to any normative references means in any Invitation to Tender or contract
the edition and all amendments current at the date of such tender or contract unless a specific edition is
indicated. Care should be taken when referring out to specific portions of other standards to ensure that they
remain easily identifiable where subsequent amendments and supersession’s might be made. For some
standards the most recent editions shall always apply due to safety and regulatory requirements.

3 In consideration of clause 2 above, users shall be fully aware of the issue, amendment status and
application of all normative references, particularly when forming part of an Invitation to Tender or contract.
Correct identification of standards is as defined in the ITT or contract.

4 DStan can advise regarding where to obtain normative referenced documents. Requests for such
information can be made to the DStan Helpdesk. Details of how to contact the helpdesk are shown on the
outside rear cover of Defence Standards.

DEF STAN 91-090 Issue 5

For the purpose of this standard, ISO/IEC Guide 2 ‘Standardization and Related Activities –
General Vocabulary’ and the definitions shown below apply.

Definition Description

DEF STAN 91-090 Issue 5

Abbreviation Description
% m/m Percentage Mass

% v/v Percentage Volume

°C Degrees Celsius

AFC Aviation Fuels Committee

API American Petroleum Institute

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

ASVP Air Saturated Vapour Pressure

AVGAS Aviation Grade Gasoline

CAA Civil Aviation Authority

Def Stan Defence Standard

DiEGME Diethylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether

DIPE Diisopropylether

DSFA Defence Strategic Fuels Authority

DStan UK Defence Standardization

DVPE Dry Vapour Pressure Equivalent

EASA European Air Safety Agency

ETBE Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether

FSII Fuel System Icing Inhibitor

gPb/l Grams of Lead per Litre

IEC International Electrotechnical Commission

IP Institute Petroleum

ISO International Standard Organisation

ITT Invitation To Tender

JSD Joint Service Designation

DEF STAN 91-090 Issue 5
kg/mᶟ Kilograms per cubic metre (Unit of Density) defined by mass in kilograms divided
by volume in cubic metres

kPa Kilopascal (Unit of Pressure)

LL Low Lead

mg/100ml Miligrams per 100 Mililitres

MJ/kg Megajoule per Kilogram

ml Millilitre

MoD Ministry of Defence

MTBE Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether

NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation

PN Performance Number

pS/m Pico-Siemens per metre

(Fluids which have low electrical conductivity (below 50 pS/m), are called
Accumulators. Fluids having conductivities above 50 pS/m are called Non-

SDA Static Dissipator Additive

TAME Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether

UL Unleaded

©Crown Copyright 2019

Copying Only as Agreed with DStan

Defence Standards are published by and obtainable from:

Defence Equipment and Support

UK Defence Standardization

Kentigern House

65 Brown Street


G2 8EX

DStan Helpdesk

Tel: +44 (0) 141 224 2531

Internet e-mail: [email protected]

File Reference
The DStan file reference relating to work on this standard is 91/90.

Contract Requirements
When Defence Standards are incorporated into contracts, users are responsible for their correct
application and for complying with contractual and statutory requirements. Compliance with a Defence
Standard does not in itself confer immunity from legal obligations.

Revision of Defence Standards

Defence Standards are revised as necessary by an up-issue or amendment. It is important that users
of Defence Standards ensure that they are in possession of the latest issue or amendment. Information
on all Defence Standards can be found on the DStan Websites and, updated weekly. Any person who, when making use of a Defence
Standard, encounters an inaccuracy or ambiguity is encouraged to notify UK Defence Standardization
(DStan) without delay in order that the matter may be investigated and appropriate action taken.

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