Module 5 - Making Her Climax

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Alright guys, we're giving you some tips to get better in the bedroom.
Six specific things you could do anytime you want to make a girl feel more
more aroused, get her ready.
But, I know everybody wants to talk about this topic.
The mysterious female orgasm.
I know guys are going to think, no matter what I do, I can do all these tips,
It all sounds great, but if I don't give my girl that, then it was all for nothing.
So let's dive into that a little bit.
Obviously it's a physical thing as well, but is that for women's mental as well?
How much of the mental process goes into you being able to have that experience?
I think it's mostly mental.
Yeah, that's what I really do.
I mean, it's about the woman knowing her body is just as important as the man
knowing her
Now again, if it's someone new, you're not going to know right away.
But if you're in a relationship, hopefully you get to that point where you're
enough to talk about it.
This position feels better than this position or you could put something underneath
back or doggy side, whatever it may be for your girl personally.
But I don't think guys really understand how mental it is.
And that's why even before when we were talking about even when someone knew, women
want to
be mentally stimulated.
That comes number one.
You think that's physical.
Because physical doesn't matter how hot you are.
You have like nothing to say.
We're going to be that silly there.
You're going to be the guy that needs all the best spots.
This guy's the most skilled guy in the world.
He's a professional.
If it's the mentalism there, it's not going to happen.
If there's just nothing going on here, like we can't communicate.
If there's no chemistry, if he has nothing great to say, then my mind isn't there.
There's no way that I'm going to be able to reach that point.
So what specifically could we tell a guy to try to get better in that area?
To get that mental connection going?
Just show your personality.
You know, when you're-
You should think all these things are kind of before the bedroom things.
This is, you know, it's like-
Oh, yeah, definitely.
I think that's what people might not understand.
I guess it's all leading onto this.
A lot of it is before.
You know, like I think I could be mentally stimulated just by someone having a good
of humor.
Or you're having a great conversation about something both saw on TV or read in the
It could be simple.
It could be complicated.
But as far as mentally in the bedroom, you just have to have her in that state of
First and foremost, she has to be comfortable.
Because I don't think any woman is going to be able to completely let herself go.
She's not comfortable in her insatiable life.
She's not allowed to feel like you feel-
You know, tell her she's beautiful.
Tell her she's sexy.
Or just anything that you can do to just completely get her like just so focused
and like thinking
about you.
Different than a guy, right?
I don't think guys have to feel that.
What we need to feel comfortable-
I think the way we do it is like guys-
It's like our own emergency.
We'll go into some dangerous situations.
Not really worry.
No, we do have to be like really relaxed though.
We have to be comfortable, relaxed, mentally stimulated.
Then our body is going to cooperate with what they're doing.
And it's also not going to always happen with every guy.
You know, comfort is a huge thing.
You know, like if you don't feel-
All women's bodies, first of all, are different.
Sometimes it's like not even a reflection on like the guy's like performance.
It's not going to always be-
Sometimes it always happens you can't even beat yourself up about it.
You know, you can't-
It's like, you know, I might like things done a certain way to reach that point.
She might like complete opposite, you know?
So it's like to figure that out at first.
Or on the flip side, if you've been in the relationship for a while, you know, and
say it doesn't happen, you still don't beat yourself up about it.
You know, if she could be having an off day, you could be having an off day.
Her mind might be on work.
You know, stressors play into that.
Like if we're stressed out, we sometimes just can't get our bodies to cooperate.
It's so weird because I guess a guy, it's like, I think-
I do think, you know, I can't ask a girl, but she wants to make me sound like a
Like, oh, what do you like?
Like, so you're saying that's okay.
You know, you don't want to be like a plus.
Or how can I please you today?
You know, like, talk about those things.
That's okay.
And then the communication is kind of the sex.
All right.
So for guys moving down there, everything that area, using his fingers, using his
Now, what have you seen guys for good?
What can they do better?
What are like the obvious mistakes some guys make?
Obviously, mistakes would be like, like, rushing it because we have to be
lubricated properly
for anything.
Well, that was like, we were talking about the whole four-plus stuff, right?
That's kind of a goal, right?
Getting into that.
You know, that's going to help in that area.
If you just get there too quickly and if things aren't right, like, it can be so
Just leave the feeling.
Just leave the feeling.
The feeling can be so uncomfortable.
Like, we have to, if we're not wet, nothing.
Just going to go smoothly.
Like, literally.
Nothing's getting hurt.
So, getting any skill.
You can do the great stuff and make it the main.
Don't spend a lot of time on top.
Getting her in the mood.
Nothing's going to happen.
So, should a guy, I mean, like, you know, if he maybe doesn't know exactly what to
what would you tell him to get more comfortable, like, you know?
I think, again, that goes back to listening.
Like, even in the four-place, you would have, you're already kind of feeling all
the speed
of things.
You're already figured out a pace by the time you get down there.
And also, consistency is really what gets me to that point.
Like, guys, it's going to be all over the place and sometimes you just want to be
focused on it.
They have all these techniques in their head and they're trying, like, all of them
they're not focusing on just, like, one.
They're like, oh, yeah, they're just trying to just, they're all going to be there.
And then if she doesn't say anything, then she maybe she doesn't like.
And it's too much.
And it's also hard, like, once you're, like, turned off, like, it's hard to get
that back
going in.
And then you're right with the consistency.
Yeah, that's what makes it like, guys love variety and they're like, this position,
that position, let's do this.
Try that.
You're all in their way.
Yeah, to make us reach that point, like, to make us climax, we need some
So if you are playing, you know, Mr. Pors' star, we're probably not going to get
off that
And you have to focus on us a little bit first.
It would be nice.
I want to say, if his hands are, like, anywhere in this area, he's going to feel
the clenching
of your muscles, the contractions and stuff like that, of you hitting that spot.
When you hit that button, it does something to our core.
And so it's true you could feel it.
So you're not doing something wrong.
Like, what if her guys let, oh, she's tense.
So, like, that's, you want to keep that happening.
That's what's going to, that consistency in that spot, all that flinching is what's
to lead to our climax.
All right.
So we talked a little bit about consistency being kind of the key to making your
What about, is every girl having, like, kind of their favorite position that would
you easier for that?
That you kind of know in your mind that this would be easier?
And, like, oral or sex?
For sex.
Everyone has their own favorite.
So you're going to be asking for it now.
Everyone can not try the value, you can just ask, like, kind of just be like, she
can work
for it a little bit.
I would kind of make you like, go through the motions of discovery because that's
But first off.
Like, let him find it and he'll, he'll eventually, he'll know.
And then some there, but it's all good.
And then she'll, like, you know, a lot of women don't even know themselves.
So as long as she's comfortable enough and she's explored, you know, all of
whatever turns
her on, I think she would let you know, which one she likes the best.
What if you have a girl that's just not, you know, she hasn't explored herself?
She doesn't even, like, you can be about to kind of bring that out of her.
How should I go about that?
This is slowly.
She hasn't explored herself and she's a little bit more conservative, a little bit
more subconscious
So you would have to take the lead in, I think being verbal about it and just
saying, like,
maybe asking, like, does this feel good?
Does this feel better?
Like, what turns, because she's, she's going to answer the questions and then
hopefully you
can figure it out together.
It is a little difficult if she hasn't done it on her own.
I mean, but trying to get out together can be fun too.
So experiment a little bit.
Now, it's going to be a place, it's not just a place where a boring position is
going to
make it easier for a girl to come.
Is that true?
Like, you know, like, my girl, a missionary, you think, oh, that's boring, but for
her that's
a position.
Whatever is hitting her spot and hitting it consistently, that could be the one.
That would be like, giving her a good stuff.
I tell people, like, don't try to be important stuff because it's just not real
If you try to be an acrobat in bed, like, that's not what's going to make us come.
You know?
It's a fun one.
For a bunch of stuff and all that.
But when it comes down to making us climb back, like, it's not going to be the poor
move that makes it happen.
No one needs to be in a handstand for any reason.
I'm just thinking of it.
Like, I would never, like, if a guy was like, oh, should I do this?
And I'm like, no.
I don't want to.
I was like, I don't want to be participating in this programme or whatever.
So, yeah.
I'm sorry, yeah.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, yeah.
I'm not having to say it.
I should be sitting.
Oh, I'll bring this thing.
Oh, my God.
I don't know.
I don't have to say it.
I have to say it's like, you know, I need to do it.
There's more than half of those poses.
And you also want to go with the flow, like, the moment.
You know?
But we have exactly like we didn't do like a million positions, but it was awesome
I can just have to
Fun quickie. Yeah, just one position
You know it can be just as exciting as if you did five or six
All right, so you're with a guy and is there any way you can gently guide him to do
things a little better like maybe he's just not
Hating the right spots. He's not exactly there. How do you gently without a music
I will actually kind of move him
And I mean it's never turned out bad, you know, I think that they've always
appreciated the guy
Yeah, like as long as you say it you don't make them feel bad about it
They shouldn't want to be doing what you like
Right. Yeah, I think that brings up the topic of how my friend is talking about
this too
If a girl gives you feedback, which is great. You should be happy to be getting
And then we're talking to start with a guy who got really mad like, you know, I
know what I'm doing
Don't tell me
Don't tell me I know I've made girls, you know, whatever
Generalize it. I've done this and it's made girls feel like this so this should
work for you too
And it's like no
We are all so different our bodies are all so different, you know, you should
everyone should be willing to learn
Right, you should be open about it. Yeah, I think you should want to yeah
Yeah, and especially because she likes you that much so like she wants you to do
even better
So you guys can continue your relationship or a sexual relationship, right?
So when I get frustrated what happens in your mind?
What do you think like if a guy can bring you to climax or he's just wait me to get
frustrated and actually is
It makes me feel weird and completely like killing the mood
Yeah, because like in that every girl is gonna take you know five ten minutes or or
an hour or two
I really it's gonna be different for every girl. So if they're getting frustrated,
it's like
They need to take a step back and like real pal the way the situation do I want to
please her
I want to piss her off. Yeah, you know, it's like they need to calm down a little
Okay, so as a guy a failure
No, I would never even like think twice about it because a lot of it is is our part
like I know
Like for me, it's it's all very mental
But sometimes like I don't want to think about it and like the sex is still good
And all the other stuff you win is a four or five six at seven like you're getting
all those cool things
You just not getting the big
It feels good if we don't climax. It's not the end of the world
You know
I think I better learn more stuff, but it's not always about the guy like if the
girl doesn't know her own body
It's not the guy's fault
Sometimes she just has to like think about on her own
I'm being sexually comfortable with yourself because I think it's a girl doesn't
know her body the guy could chime in things
I do I think maybe
Not say that people like raise differently, but you grew up some women, you know
think of sex is being dirty or just being
Not supposed to be enjoyable if you're supposed to have sex for reproduction
Right just for fun, right?
It could be being conservative religious thing. It could be you know, but if they
committed to a
Partner and they're trying to like improve or compromise and find different things
and they need to spend like
It's a whole own time first before they can communicate what they like. Yeah, you
feel like society in those roles in that situation, dude

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