Avatar Legends RPG - Starter Set - Adventure Booklet

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T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e

Adventure Booklet
Project Manager Art
Elizabeth Chaipraditkul Avatar Studios & Viacom International Incorporated
Jayd Aït-Kaci, Miguel Ángel Espinoza, Abe Dieckman,
Lead Designer
Patrick Spaziante, Richard Suh
Brendan Conway
Additional Art: Pete Hague, Syd Mills
Core Designers
Brendan Conway, James Mendez Hodes,
Katherine Fackrell
Marissa Kelly, Mark Diaz Truman
Chinese Translation
Contributing Designers
Dr. Lee Siu-Leung, Tony Lee
Sharang Biswas, Lee Francis IV, Sen-Foong
Lim, Yeonsoo Julian Kim, Daniel Kwan Calligraphy
Dr. Lee Siu-Leung
Additional Design
Elizabeth Chaipraditkul, Alexi Sargeant Licensing Liaison
Mark Diaz Truman
Elizabeth Chaipraditkul, Brendan Conway, Miguel Staff Support
Ángel Espinoza, Marissa Kelly, Mark Diaz Truman Kate Bullock, Derrick Kapchinsky, Adam McEwen,
Valerie Osbourn, Chris Samson
Elizabeth Chaipraditkul, Brendan Conway, Special thanks to:
Simon Moody, Mark Diaz Truman Lourdes Arocho, Christi Cardenas, Emilie Cruz, Michael Dante
DiMartino, Arthur “DJ” Desin, Joan Hilty, Bryan Konietzko,
Copy Editing
Jessica Roufaeil, James Salerno, Russ Spina, Jeff Whitman
Monte Lin

Layout and Graphic Design

Miguel Ángel Espinoza

Art Direction
Marissa Kelly

Printed by LongPack Games

Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game text and design ©2022 Magpie Games. All rights reserved.

©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all
related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

2 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game


crimson sails
Crimson Sails is an island filled with pirates, no-good
scoundrels, and more than a few outlaws. It’s a place
that sends most law-abiding citizens running…and ex-
actly where Fire Lord Zuko sends the heroes on a mis-
sion of utmost importance! The pirates—who were
mostly quiet during the Hundred Year War—are sud-
denly attacking Fire Nation vessels! In fact, they’ve
stolen money and critical supplies the Fire Lord prom-
ised to the Earth Kingdom; the precious cargo must be
returned before it starts an international incident. Left
with few options, Zuko enlists the heroes to help re-
trieve the stolen goods! Only the companions, fresh
faces who won’t be recognized by the pirates, can slip
past their defenses, infiltrate their close-knit society,
and recover the money and supplies in time!

Aang Era: The Pirates of Crimson Sails 3

Using This Adventure Since every significant action a PC takes drives the action
of the game forward, there is no prescribed order of events. In-
stead, the adventure puts the PCs in a dramatic starting situation
This adventure creates a sandbox for your PCs, a setting in which that demands immediate action from them! It’s your job to use
they can choose any path they’d like to move the story forward. the material in this adventure to keep things moving, providing
Here are some of the tools you can find here: interesting events and NPCs to consistently engage your players.
You can read more about running Avatar Legends: The Role-
• The “Summary” provides an outline of the adventure and
playing Game in The Rules found in this Starter Set.
explains the various issues the PCs may encounter.
• The “Introduction” brings the PCs into the story and sets up
your group to undertake the adventure.
Using the Pregenerated Characters
• “Important Characters & Groups” provides the backstories of
There are five pregenerated characters for the Aang Era included
the NPCs, including the various factions of pirates, and their
in this Starter Set. Each character has a unique history, playbook,
stats for use in your game.
and set of stats. Your players can use these characters to play
• “Important Locations” features different areas for the
through this adventure. The pregenerated characters have their
heroes to explore during the adventure and explains where
moves, feature elements, and techniques already chosen; players
important characters might be found.
need only decide whether to shift their balance by one step at
• “GM Advice” contains additional guidance for this adventure
the start of play, and which principle to shift it toward. Players
just for the GM, including advice on how the adventure
can adjust the pregenerated characters to make themselves more
might end.
comfortable, altering names, look, and even mechanical ele-
ments like the stat boosted by the free +1 at character creation if
No Path to the End? they are familiar enough to make that choice. The characters are
If you are used to running adventures with heavily detailed designed to work well with the current elements included and
encounters and prepared NPCs, it might come as a surprise that the adventure as presented, but as always, if the GM and player
few mechanics are written into this adventure, beyond the esca- agree then they can make changes as desired. After selecting
lations and some information about various characters. Avatar their pregenerated characters, players still go through the pro-
Legends: The Roleplaying Game relies on players triggering moves cess of filling out connections with each other.
based on the actions they take during play instead of asking
players to make any specific checks for specific actions required
by the adventure.

4 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game

Summary used for more worthy causes.” So, the pirates of Crimson Sails
reverted to doing what they do best—being pirates. Except this
time, they’re not only attacking Fire Nation navy vessels, but
In this adventure Fire Lord Zuko tasks the companions with in- also merchant and civilian vessels carrying goods to the Earth
filtrating the pirate island of Crimson Sails, finding stolen goods, Kingdom and the rest of the Four Nations. Unfortunately for the
and returning them to the Fire Nation. In order to gain access Fire Nation, one of the vessels the pirates struck, Zeisan’s Hope,
to the island the companions must gain the trust of one of the was carrying crucial cargo: money and supplies destined for the
pirate crews and then figure out where the goods are kept; along Earth Kingdom as part of the Treaty of Yu Dao.
the way, the heroes are likely to get mixed up in some difficult Unwilling to give into the pirates’ extortion attempts, Fire
pirate politics! The Summary gives you all the relevant details Lord Zuko has tasked the players with finding and returning
you need to help the players tell an awesome story on the island the cargo the pirates stole from Zeisan’s Hope. While the Fire
of Crimson Sails. Rather than tell you exactly what happens Lord may have angrily rejected the pirates’ attempts to return to
and giving you a set of events the companions must experience, the old status quo, he knows he’s overplayed his hand. Zuko is
you tell this story of heroic adventure based on the choices your unable to directly attack the pirates to recover the goods; his mil-
players make. This section helps you navigate those choices and itary is spread thin and he doesn’t have a strong enough fleet to
respond with characters and conflicts worthy of the Avatarverse! sail against the pirates. But the situation is too urgent for him to
wait and build more ships—if the missing goods aren’t delivered
soon, the Earth King will think that Zuko broke the treaty and
The Story of Crimson Sails might retaliate in kind.
During Azulon’s reign in the Hundred Year War, naval offi-
cers who committed crimes or refused to follow orders were
dishonorably discharged from the navy. Over the years these The Heart of the Matter
officers banded together becoming the Crimson Sails Armada The primary influence pushing the Crimson Sails toward
and took pride in raiding and stealing from the Fire Navy. The ar- conflict is Ningka, the new Head Captain of Crimson Sails.
mada gathered wealth and by the time Ozai took the throne they Ningka is a newcomer to Crimson Sails who claims to hail from
were a formidable threat to the Fire Nation. Some of them even a long line of accomplished pirates—in truth, she’s a former Fire
developed a reputation as folk heroes when they delivered stolen Warrior who swore to follow Azula after the disgraced princess
goods to particularly oppressed or starving communities. Rather broke them both out from a secure asylum. When the princess’s
than divert naval resources to fighting the pirates, Ozai cut a deal plan to manipulate Fire Lord Zuko failed and the Fire Warriors
with them. The pirates agreed to stop attacking the Fire Nation, faced the Avatar and his friends, Ningka fled. Hopeless after
and Ozai agreed to deliver food, money, and supplies to the many so betrayals, losses, and setbacks, Ningka felt totally lost
“reformed” pirates. and alone…until she found Crimson Sails.
The pirates settled on a small island, which came to be Ningka immediately recognized that the captains needed
known as Crimson Sails, not least because ships too damaged someone to give them an enemy they could unite against. When
to be repaired or to set sail again were thatched and tied to the Kangana failed to get Zuko to make the same deal the pirates
island, their red sails fluttering like flags in the wind. The remote had with Ozai, Ningka turned the pirates against her…and the
island—located in the waters between the Fire Nation and Earth Fire Nation. According to Ningka, it was Kangana’s poor lead-
Kingdom—grew into a strangely bustling community, especially ership that ruined the cushy deal the pirates had with the Fire
as the downtrodden of other Nations immigrated to the pirate Nation; Ningka would’ve never let that happen. Kangana was
paradise aboard Crimson Sails Armada vessels. Relying on ousted from her position, exiled from Crimson Sails, and under
Ozai’s largesse instead of pirating, the residents of Crimson Sails Ningka’s leadership the pirates began raiding again. Ningka is
kept mostly to themselves for many years. finally getting the revenge on the Fire Nation and its people that
As the Hundred Year War came to an end, and Ozai was she’s craved her entire life.
deposed, the captains of the Crimson Sails Armada found The pirates of Crimson Sails are torn on what to do next.
themselves in a strange place. The new Fire Lord was unaware of Many of them are fine with raiding for now, but some captains
the deal his father struck with the pirates. In accordance with the aren’t convinced it’s a long-term solution. Now that Ozai’s gone,
Treaty of Yu Dao (read more about the treaty and the Harmony it’s a new world, and the captains aren’t sure how they fit into
Restoration Movement in the Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying it. At the same time, Ningka’s only just come to power and her
Game core book), Zuko drastically cut his military and began position isn’t guaranteed; Captain Kangana might be able to
paying reparations to the Earth Kingdom to help it rebuild. The convince the captains that she did her best and should be back in
money and supplies that were once quietly diverted to Crimson charge. Regardless of who has the upper hand for now, things are
Sails dried up. poised to shift on the island and the companions could be the
The leader of the island at the time, Kangana (page 13), catalyst that makes everything different!
went to Zuko to demand the same deal they had with Ozai, but
she came back empty handed. Zuko refused to pay the pirates
money for doing nothing. He “wasn’t going to be extorted by
pirates” and told Captain Kangana that, “the money should be

Aang Era: The Pirates of Crimson Sails 5

Pirate Factions Captain Tengfei, and the crew
The Crimson Sails Armada is ostensibly led by Captain Ningka, of the Renegade Phoenix
because the pirate captains of the various ships agreed to follow Tengfei led the Renegade Phoenix against the Fire Nation as a
her when she ousted Kangana. Ningka decides most issues on a band of terrifying legends during the Hundred Year War, the
case-by-case basis. Factions on the island are split into different bloodiest and cruelest of the pirate fleet. When Ozai struck
crews and ships who work together. Below is a list of the leaders a deal with the pirates, the crew found themselves at a loss as
of these crews, what they want, and what they are currently to what to do. Now that Ningka’s taken control of the island,
doing when the adventure begins. they’re back to doing what they do best—raiding—and the crew
is ecstatic. Their newly regained sense of purpose has exacer-
Captain Ningka, and the crew of the Pyre Howler bated their constant clashes with the crew of the Burning Wave
When Ningka took control of the island she also took over Kan- whom they see as weak, greedy merchants.
gana’s ship and crew. Under Kangana’s leadership the crew was The crew doesn’t do well with sitting and doing nothing. Now
level-headed and disciplined. Now under Ningka’s control, the that they have something to focus their energies on, the crew is
crew has used the change in power to start exerting their control reinvigorated and sharp. This also means they’re more and more
over the other crews of Crimson Sails; they’re the ones in charge unwilling to bow to other crews, which leads to clashes with
and they want everyone to know it. anyone who gets in the way of their next big score.
Kangana kept a short leash on her crew and for good rea- Current status: Tengfei’s personal vendetta against the Fire
son—they are the most skilled bunch of ruffians on the island. Nation prompts the Renegade Phoenix to go on more danger-
When most of the crew had a chance, they voted her out and put ous raids against Fire Nation vessels, without discrimination
Ningka in place. Now that a new captain is in charge, however, a between their targets. Tengfei has heard of a new vgoods-laden
growing minority of the crew is reconsidering their choice. They vessel heading towards the Earth Kingdom and she plans to take
have more freedom now, but the other crews are more hostile it down all on her own.
than ever. Did they make a mistake betraying their captain?
Current status: If there’s a conflict, this crew is the first one Captain Mosi, and the Dancing Nobleman Fleet
to step in and try to break things up, whether they should be in- The Dancing Nobleman Fleet is comprised of smaller boats run
terfering or not. They’ve also started exacting a tax on each ship by different crews or individuals. The fleet is a microcosm of the
that brings in goods from a raid. The other crews are unhappy Crimson Sails Armada, with lots of differing opinions and inter-
with what they’re doing and if the crew isn’t careful they could ests. A shared sense of kinship with one another, the idea that
have a rebellion on their hands. they can always find support within the fleet, unites them.
The fleet enjoys living in a lawless society. They follow Mosi’s
Captain Duga, and the crew of the Burning Wave leadership, because he’s mostly hands off and lets them do what
The crew of the Burning Wave made more money than any other they want. The fleet let Ningka rise to power, but she’s turning
Crimson Sails pirate faction during the war by also dabbling in into a more bloodthirsty leader than they expected. Mosi hasn’t
mercantile pursuits, but they only shared the bare minimum spoken out against her yet, but it’s only a matter of time.
with the Armada. Their greed has made them an object of scorn Current Status: Mosi is playing it cool and seeing how the
on Crimson Sails, but enterprising pirates who actually want to current conflict tilts. Mosi and Kangana were friends and Ning-
make a profit know that Duga and the Burning Wave are their ka’s made life difficult for him and his fleet since she took over. If
best shot. During the war this crew came into conflict often with he has a chance, he will try to unseat Ningka and bring back his
the Renegade Phoenix—both crews blame one another for more old friend as leader.
than a few blundered missions and still clash to this day.
The Burning Wave want to transition to mercantile profiteering, The Other Crews
smuggling goods all over the Four Nations. But the “easy” profits A handful of smaller crews and individual boats with one or two
from raids are too tempting for them to stop their piracy and in- members also live on Crimson Sails. These crews are divided on
vest in their business. In the end, Duga and the Burning Wave have what to do and, for the purposes of this adventure, follow the
a choice to make about their future; the problem is the crew of the majority of the larger crews. These NPCs are here to provide
Burning Wave wants a way to have their bao and eat it too. extra chaos and make the island come alive when players look
Current status: Though Duga and his crew are largely for more information. Rather than sketching out each of these
shifting toward mercantile profiteering, they’ve joined in on the individuals, you can have your players detail who they are when
raids. They could be swayed from their current course of action, they meet the NPC.
so long as they keep making profit. Ask your players the following questions to construct who
this NPC is:
• What’s their name?
• What’s the first thing you notice about this person?
• What’s a nickname they earned on Crimson Sails?
• What’s one thing you’d only notice about them
after talking with them for a while?

6 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game

Infiltration and How It Ends
In the “Introduction” (page 8) Zuko tasks the heroes with
infiltrating the pirates and returning the stolen goods. The “In-
troduction” sets up the PCs with a fun scenario where they must
find a way into the island, but then it is up to the companions to
take it from there.
The companions likely find that as outsiders, they’re not
immediately trusted…but Crimson Sails has always had its fair
share of odd lives and new folk, looking for a home free from
a past life. They can still move throughout the island city with
relative freedom, and they can pick up on basic details relatively
quickly—specifically, they can pick up on the names of the
four major captains and their ships, as well as a general sense
of where those captains stand:
• Captain Ningka is the official High Captain of Crimson
Sails, and captain of the Pyre Howler. She’s vicious and
bloodthirsty, but new in her position and currently has a
tenuous grasp on power.
• Captain Duga is the wealthiest pirate captain of Crimson
Sails, and he and his Burning Wave crew want still greater
spoils more than anything else. They’ve been smuggling as
well as conducting legal trade.
• Captain Tengfei has a legendary reputation and she and the
crew of the Renegade Phoenix are reliving their glory days now
that they can raid again.
• Captain Mosi is a wild, chaotic character, deeply committed
to freedom. The Dancing Nobleman Fleet has many disparate
interests, all barely united under Mosi’s strength of will and
the promise of true freedom.
If the companions want to get a better sense of the goings-on,
they need to move throughout Crimson Sails, infiltrating Some PCs may just want to report back to Zuko and see what
and “joining” different crews to hear different stories and see he has to say. In this case Zuko likely asks them to help resolve
how things really are. During that process, they eventually the issue depending on the information they’ve gathered. He
discover that the money and stolen supplies are hidden on just doesn’t have the fleet needed to take on the pirates, nor does
Captain’s Island. he have the money to pay them off.
After that discovery and any conflict that arises, the PCs have If at any time the players struggle to find more information
a few options to proceed. A few ideas they could have are: about the issues on Crimson Sails, or where the stolen goods
could be, have them meet Wing—a friendly merchant always
• Stealing the goods and money and getting out—dealing with
happy to sell them some information for the right price
any conflict that arises on the way.
(page 13). Wing can send the companions to a different NPC
• Addressing Ningka directly, fighting her, and maybe even
they haven’t spoken to yet or even provide a missing piece of
deposing her…but that requires them to overcome her fellow
information that helps things fall into place.
crew members and find support from some other crews.
When thinking of how to end the adventure follow the con-
• Finding Kangana, bringing her back to the island, and
flicts the players have interacted with to their natural conclu-
rallying the crews to depose Ningka.
sions. Try to think of this adventure like an episode of Avatar:
Many of the players’ ideas, aside from just retrieving the goods The Last Airbender or The Legend of Korra. The adventure could
and getting out, will probably require the assistance of other pi- end with the companions confronting Ningka aboard a ship and
rate captains. If the PCs earn the trust of at least two captains fighting for control of Crimson Sails; or the adventure could end
with crews able to fight, then those captains will suggest with an exciting chase where the heroes flee back to Zuko with
heading into a climactic conflict with Ningka. Anyone who the reclaimed stolen goods! Regardless, the end of the adventure
can earn that much respect looks like the new Head Captain! should give the players a chance to feel special—and to feel that
Of course, the conflict with Ningka doesn’t have to be a fight! their actions make a real difference as they pull off a victory
The PCs can still try to convince Ningka’s crew to change their against the odds.
course and give up raiding, and the final “battle” might be an
exchange of words and ideals!

Aang Era: The Pirates of Crimson Sails 7

Introduction In order to infiltrate the island, Zuko’s acquired a small ship
with supplies for the players, which they can use to sail to Crim-
son Sails. The Fire Nation military has discovered the location
The adventure starts with Zuko greeting the companions and of the island thanks to their increasing use of airships, but Zuko
recounting how they impressed him during the Harmony Resto- keeps that information on the downlow. With the location, and
ration Movement. Rather than each player creating a reason for the ship, the PCs should be able to get there just fine. Beyond
themselves, the players answer a series of questions to tie their that it is up to the players how they infiltrate the island, but Zuko
characters to Zuko. Take turns asking your players the following knows that Crimson Sails has been a growing community for
questions and allowing them to craft a combined backstory on those seeking freedom and escape from the rest of the world and
how they know Zuko. its constraints…although that doesn’t mean any of the pirates
During the Harmony Restoration Movement, you impressed are particularly trusting when it comes to newcomers.
Fire Lord Zuko:
• Where were you?
Getting Started
• What conflict did you help quell?
After their back and forth with Zuko, fast forward through time
• What’s one stand-out thing Zuko remembers
slightly. Put the players on the boat just outside Crimson Sails.
about each of you?
They’ve made it safely to the island, but as they approach, they
• What did you do to make Zuko put his trust in you?
see a small fleet of ships sailing towards them and surrounding
Once you’ve established how the companions know Zuko and them. Captain Mosi calls out to them, “Hello, my friends! It
why he trusts them, Zuko explains why he’s called for their help: seems you must be lost, or very confused, because we don’t
know you and no one in their right mind comes to Crimson
• He gives a basic backstory on Crimson Sails and his
Sails unannounced and unvouched for…”
interactions with the pirates.
Then let the PCs take it from there! They might try to join Mosi
• He explains the pirates are now raiding both Fire Nation and
and the Dancing Nobleman Fleet, or they might try to lie their
Earth Kingdom ships.
way into safety on the island (perhaps claiming they’re escaped
• He stresses the fact that if the money and supplies aren’t
prisoners), or they might try to fight their way out and sneak onto
returned it could cause an international incident with the
the island—but no matter what they do, it will be exciting!
Earth Kingdom.
He fields any other questions within his ability to answer. Fi-
nally, he asks the players to infiltrate the island and find the
missing money and supplies.

8 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game

Characters & Groups List of important characters & groups
• Fire Lord Zuko, the legendary Fire Lord
seeking peace
The following pages contain information on these NPCs, along
• Crew of the Pyre Howler, a prideful crew of pirates
with stats you can use for them in game—a principle (when
• Captain Ningka, the ex-Fire Warrior who will do
appropriate), combat techniques, conditions, and fatigue are
anything to secure her liberty
all listed for each character. If you’re used to Avatar Legends: The
• Crew of the Burning Wave, a group of wealthy
Roleplaying Game adventures, you’ll notice we’ve spent more
smugglers and merchants
time in this section outlining the ships and their captains in
• Captain Duga, captain of the Burning Wave and
order to give you ample content to help run your adventure!
skilled Firebender
NPCs tied to a faction or group that come into play in the ad-
• Crew of the Renegade Phoenix, a lost group of
venture are listed after the faction itself. In a fight, the group and
folk heroes in need of purpose
the leader act separately in exchanges and choosing techniques.
• Captain Tengfei, captain of the Renegade Phoenix
and caretaker of her crew
Fire Lord Zuko • The Dancing Nobleman Fleet, a fleet of smaller
Legendary NPC
boats who value freedom and crime
Being Fire Lord hasn’t been easy for Zuko. After the Harmony
• Captain Mosi, captain of the Dancing Nobleman
Restoration Movement, dealing with his sister Azula, and dodg-
Fleet who wants to keep the island independent
ing multiple attempts on his life, even the Fire Lord is having
• Captain Kangana, former captain of the Pyre Howler
trouble surviving this trial by fire. Despite the tribulations he’s
• Wing, a joyful merchant always in the right place
been through, Zuko is determined to right the wrongs done by
at the right time
the Fire Nation during the war.
• Pirate, a generic pirate statblock
He wants to distinguish himself from his father by not dealing
• Small Pirate Crew, a generic pirate group statblock
with every situation through violence and intimidation. Zuko
• Fire Nation Soldier Group, a generic Fire Nation
wants the pirates to stop their raids without needing to kill them,
soldier group stat block
and—to be honest—his military is spread thin as it is. While
he’d normally handle a diplomatic situation like this himself,
Crimson Sails isn’t exactly safe for the new Fire Lord, and the
pirates are increasingly aggressive. He wants to uphold the
promises he made in the Treaty of Yu Dao; he has to be clever
and send in someone no one expects. The level of arrogance any one crew member has depends on
Zuko is a Legendary NPC and you can find more informa- the individual, but if other crews have a bone to pick with them
tion on him and his stats on page 18. it is often because of an off-hand comment or a Howler sticking
their nose where it doesn’t belong.
Crew of the Pyre Howler
Notable crew members:
Major NPC Group
The crew of the Pyre Howler (Howlers) are a skilled lot. During • Fern—First Mate Waterbender from the Foggy Swamp
the war they carried out raids under the shadow of darkness. The rescued by Kangana from prison. Feels passed over
tell-tale signs of a Howler raid were the missing items they stole, for the captain’s hat and wants Ningka out.
a faint howl of victory echoing through the twilight hours, and a • Cook—The former ship’s cook who now runs a tavern on Crimson
fire that would spread causing chaos if not extinguished quickly. Sails. Stoic to outsiders, terrible gossip to anyone they know well.
Nowadays, the crew of the Pyre Howler are more a sort of • Raldri—Weapons Master who joined the crew because
guard in Crimson Sails, making sure any incident is reported he hates the Fire Nation just as much as the captain.
back to their Captain Ningka. They’re enjoying the free reign Feared by many for his brutal fighting style.
Ningka’s given them and started exacting this control over other
crews, taxing whatever goods they bring in from raids. Most The following stat block represents a group of four to five
crew members see this as a right their old captain should’ve crew members.
allowed them, though feel some guilt for ousting her as they did.
The Howlers see themselves as the best pirates in the armada. Drive: Protect Crimson Sails
Their captain is the high captain of the whole island, and they Principle: Superiority
are her eyes and ears. They believe they’d be more than a match Conditions: Angry, Insecure, Troubled
for any other crew if it came to that, although the truth is that Fatigue:
their actual numbers may be a bit fewer than they really appreci- Techniques: Attend to Commands, Focused Fire
ate. But across the board, the Howlers have an air of superiority.

Aang Era: The Pirates of Crimson Sails 9

Notable Crew Members:
High Captian Ningka
Master NPC • Big Dawa—A small woman with a sturdy frame and Duga’s
Ningka is a former Fire Warrior and an incredibly skilled first mate, in charge of the Burning Wave smuggling operations
Firebender that Azula freed from a mental institution. Ningka’s when Capitan Duga has other matters to attend to.
parents sent her to the institution because she couldn’t control • Little Dawa—Big Dawa’s little brother, who always takes the
her firebending and was prone to violent outbursts out of frus- most risks on missions in hopes of impressing his big sister;
tration. Her anger and despair only increased at the institution, he’s already got a small side business selling fire ferrets.
where more care was placed in keeping her subdued than getting • Heping—A pirate who has all but turned into a merchant and has
to the root of her problems. When Azula’s Kemurikage scheme secret dreams of moving to the Fire Nation Capital and settling
failed, rather than being sent back to the institution again Ning- down with a trade house auctioneer he’s fallen in love with.
ka fled and joined up with the pirates.
Her experiences at the institution and under Azula’s influence The following stat block represents a group of four to five crew
have made her hate the Fire Nation. Ningka is dangerous and members—pirates and sailors—aboard the Burning Wave.
despite her flaws, she is also exceedingly smart and charismatic.
She’s used these skills to manipulate the pirates into doing what Drive: Amass more wealth
she wants, when she wants, without too many questions. But Principle: Greed
at her heart Ningka acts out of fear rather than malice; winning Conditions: Afraid, Guilty, Insecure
her trust is exceedingly difficult, because most of the people she Fatigue:
trusted (like her parents) failed her time and time again. Technique: Draw Foe

Drive: Get revenge on the Fire Nation

Principle: Freedom Captain Duga
Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure, Troubled Major NPC
Fatigue: Duga grew up poor but joined the navy to hone his innate
Techniques: Attack Weakness, Fire Stream, Fire Whip firebending abilities. Mercilessly bullied by his fellow crewmates
who didn’t understand the sensitive boy with an amazing gift,
he eventually ended up deserting to escape the torment. Rather
Crew of the Burning Wave than return home a failure, Duga swore to make something of
Major NPC Group himself and joined up with a crew of pirate brigands the first
The crew of the Burning Wave live quiet lives compared to their chance he got.
old raiding days. When Captain Duga originally took over the The young man proved himself invaluable to the pirate crew
Burning Wave, the crew was relentless in their pursuit of wealth, by setting merchant boats alight with his bending while the pi-
going so far as to raid in the Earth Kingdom and beyond. De- rates plundered to their hearts’ content. Duga slowly worked his
spite their travels, they always returned home to Crimson Sails way through the ranks until he was first mate. Then, as first mate
for rest and recuperation. When the deal was struck with Ozai Duga bit his tongue as the captain squandered the wealth they
it was clear the crew couldn’t run rampant on the seas as they’d stole. Eventually, the foolish former captain of the Burning Wave
done in years past, so they made the practical decision to “retire” died on an expedition, leaving Duga in charge. Waiting for this
from the life of overt crime. moment his entire life, he set about changing the Burning Wave
Instead, the crew now runs multiple smuggling and mer- for the better. Soon he won the loyalty of his crew, who doubted
cantile operations, using allied ships and a network of contacts his leadership skills at first, but grew to cherish their captain as
throughout the world. They often hire other pirates on the island their pockets grew heavy with coin.
to work missions for them, but only trust other original crew The captain used to have a good working relationship with
members of the Burning Wave with truly important tasks, ensur- Tengfei, leader of the Renegade Phoenix (some even say the two
ing the majority of their wealth stays in the family. were in love). However, the relationship soured when Duga left
Out of all the crews in Crimson Sails, the crew of the Burning Tengfei stranded on a mission, because she was caught by guards.
Wave are the most disciplined and focused. They know what Some would have made the choice to go back for her, but Duga
they want, how to get it, and they don’t let anything stand in placed profit above any loyalty he had to a fellow pirate.
their way. The Howlers might see themselves as better and more Duga sees that his crew could make even more money smug-
competent, but even they cannot deny the Wavers’ incredible gling goods between nations now that the world is at relative
focus and will—even if that will sometimes leads the Wavers to peace, but the new raids might start getting in the way of that.
doing despicable things in pursuit of their goals.
As a result of that same drive, however, many members of the Drive: Ensure financial safety
crew have started their own businesses, legitimate and illegit- Principle: Prosperity
imate, which now take more of their time and attention than Conditions: Afraid, Guilty, Troubled
matters on Crimson Sails. Fatigue:
Techniques: Fire Blade, Fire Stream

10 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game

Crew of the Renegade Phoenix Captain Tengfei
Major NPC Group Major NPC
The crew of the Renegade Phoenix once longed for the days of Tengfei grew up in a military family and went into service when
the war when they could sail the seas and plunder to their hearts she came of age. However, she was injured putting down a
content. During the years of ‘peace’ with the Fire Nation the crew rebellion in the Earth Kingdom and sent home a broken woman.
grew restless and missed their old life. Many of the crew spent so She spent years of her life nursing herself back to help, with no
many years being a thorn in the side of the military, they never help from the military, who did not care about one of their lost
considered what life would look like when the fight was over. soldiers. Eventually she was well enough to rejoin the army, but
Unlike members of the Burning Wave who secured a certain instead Tengfei was angry. She’d thought joining the military
wealth for themselves through the years, the Renegade Phoenix would be like joining an extension of her family, but if this was
crew spent with abandon. This, along with a long-standing feud how the military treated its children, she wanted no part of it.
between their captains, has caused the crew of the Phoenix to see Tengfei lost herself in anger for a few years until the crew of
members of the Burning Wave as their natural enemies on the the Renegade Phoenix recruited her for her technological skills.
island. They take every opportunity to mess with the rival crew With her new adopted family, she managed to regain her sense
when they can and dangerously flirt with the rules Ningka’s set of composure and make something of her life, even if it was a life
in place on what is acceptable conflict between crews. of piracy. Once their old captain passed away, Tengfei was voted
This crew is further emboldened now that they can start raid- in as new captain.
ing again and have even targeted a few merchants they know who The captain views the crew of the Renegade Phoenix not
work with the Burning Wave crew. So far, they haven’t spoiled too so much as a crew, but a big, dysfunctional family. Each crew
many deals for their rivals, but it is only a matter of time. Tengfei member has their own particular vice, and she does her best to
happily encourages this antagonistic behavior in hopes that Duga redirect them to more productive pursuits, like knocking a few
will slip up, lose control just for a little bit, and break the rules heads together. For all the care she shows her crew, she loathes
Ningka set out for the two crews. When he does, Tengfei will have the Burning Wave and Captain Duga after he left her behind to
no choice but to respond and get her revenge on Duga. be captured by Fire Nation soldiers. Tengfei still has a nasty scar
Unlike many of the crews who could be swayed one way or running from her left eye all the way down to her mouth from
the other, the crew of the Renegade Phoenix are intensely loyal her desperate escape!
to Tengfei. They follow her orders without question and regard Now that Ningka declared has open season on the Fire
one another as family members. They may be a group of ruthless Nation, Tengfei feels reinvigorated from her rather boring
cutthroats, but they do care for each other. retirement. She’s a vocal supporter of the new leader of Crimson
Sails and would have her back in a fight. Tengfei could be swayed
Notable Crew Members against Ningka if her crew was put in danger, because she cares
• Lazy Lu—First mate of the Renegade Phoenix who can literally about them above all else.
never sit still and resorts to petty theft when bored.
• Bad Yu—Took Good Yu’s bunk and Good Yu was Drive: Support her crew
never seen again; no one dares ask her why. Principle: Family
• Shihan—A giant man who is an artist at heart but Conditions: Angry, Insecure, Troubled
acts tough so no one tries to hurt him. Fatigue:
Techniques: Duck and Twist, Suck It Up
The following stat block represents a group of four to five
crew members.

Drive: Take down the Burning Wave crew

Principle: Action
Conditions: Angry, Insecure, Troubled
Technique: Protect Objective

Aang Era: The Pirates of Crimson Sails 11

The Dancing Nobleman Fleet Captain Mosi
Major NPC Group Master NPC
The Dancing Nobleman Fleet is a group of different small boats Mosi grew up in a Fire Nation colony in the Earth Kingdom.
who raided the waters together, united and led by Captain From a young age he was forced to work on dangerous fishing
Mosi. Unlike the other pirates of the island who often stuck to operations with his family to make ends meet and most of their
straight-up piracy, many members of the Dancing Nobleman profits always went back to the Fire Nation. Fed up with working
Fleet performed acts of rebellion and even charity to those who for a nation who exploited him and his family, he left his colony
had less than them, earning them the status of folk heroes during and took to the seas seeking revenge for the years of exploitation
the war. Where the fleet refused to raid merchant vessels bound under the Fire Nation.
with food and supplies to the colonies, the crew of the Burning The captain came into his own on the high seas and his char-
Wave happily picked off the worst-guarded ships to fill their own ismatic nature drew other like-minded pirates to his side. They
coffers. The name of the fleet comes from their captain, Mosi, were drawn not only by Mosi’s silver tongue, but by his promise
rumored to have made a nobleman dance a hilarious jig to save of freedom and his hatred for the Fire Nation—a life of crime to
his own skin. pay for liberty and a good life. Moreover, in combat and danger-
Not every member of the Dancing Nobleman Fleet is a ous situations, Mosi showed a shocking facility with off-the-cuff
misguided hero, but each ship has their own goals and doesn’t tactics and radical thinking, leading his disparate followers and
necessarily agree with what the crew on another boat does—as their small boats to overcome wildly greater odds—and further
long as they get their fair cut of whatever mission they went on earning their support and loyalty. Mosi has maintained his
together. Captain Mosi does nothing to help resolve the discord promises to help provide for his fleet to this day. While he knows
amongst his “crew,” because he sees it as a feature, not a flaw of they’re a disparate lot, he’s dedicated to ensuring each has the
the fleet. The fleet is comprised of independent thinkers who life they dreamed of. Luckily, this is abundantly easy for most of
have their own motivations and strengths. There’s always some- them, because Mosi just lets them do what they want, when they
one who has the expertise (or lack of morals) needed for a job want…and then he stands up to Ningka on their behalf to make
and the world isn’t so black and white. sure they get away scot-free.
Joining the Crimson Sails Armada didn’t change much for Today, Mosi lives with his husband (Sayako) and adopted
the Dancing Nobleman Fleet—save that now they had a home daughter (Lilly) on Crimson Sails. Despite a happy home life,
base and they agreed to answer to Kangana. She chastised the Mosi is restless. He hates that his friend Kangana was exiled
fleet a few times for some of their wilder actions while the war from the island and knows that Ningka is bad for Crimson Sails.
was ongoing, but earned Mosi’s begrudging respect with her di- Unlike a lot of people on the island, he believes the Fire Nation
rect and fair nature. Through the years the two captain’ became has changed for the better under Zuko’s rule. Through years of
friends, and many say Mosi’s generous attitude changed Kanga- fighting alongside Firebenders, and marrying one himself, he
na’s outlook on the world. When Kangana was exiled by Ningka, knows the people of the Fire Nation aren’t the problem—it’s just
Mosi was devastated by the loss of his friend. that they once lived in a very flawed system.
Notable Fleet Members: Drive: Free Crimson Sails from Ningka’s rule
• Makau—Weapons Master from the Southern Water Tribe who Principle: Care
taught many members of the fleet guerrilla tactics on the water. Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure, Troubled
• Sayako—Mosi’s Firebender husband and unofficial Fatigue:
heart of the fleet, known to resolve fights between Techniques: Rapid Assessment, Switch It Up
fleet members when Mosi refuses to step-in.
• Yoko—Fiery tech expert who has managed to create
a sea-water filtration system for Crimson Sails.

The following stat block represents a group of four to five fleet

members, probably from two different crews given that their
boats are small.

Drive: Pull off the biggest score

Principle: Thrill
Conditions: Afraid, Angry, Troubled
Technique: Swarm

12 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game

Kangana Pirate
Master NPC Minor NPC
Kangana became a pirate because she grew up poor and saw A generic pirate NPC to use in your game.
the Fire Nation’s inequity. Working her way up from poverty to
owning her very own fishing boat, Kangana first believed that Drive: Always come out on top
the system the Fire Nation put in place would protect her and Principle:
her family. But the idea of a great, fair, and equal Fire Nation Condition: Angry
was a lie and no matter how hard she worked she could never Fatigue:
get ahead. Being part of a system that oppressed so many people Technique: Charge
broke Kangana and she turned to a life of crime.
When Ozai was deposed, and Kangana failed to secure the
same deal for the island with Zuko, she lost everything again Small Pirate Crew
when Ningka exiled her after taking her position. Set on revenge, Major NPC Group
Kangana dug up dirt on the architect of her downfall and discov- A generic pirate group to use in your game.
ered Ningka was once a Fire Warrior. Now, Kangana’s headed to
an island near Crimson Sails to regroup and consider what to do Drive: Always have a good story to tell when we get home
next, hoping to regain her position as Head Captain. Principle: Survival
Conditions: Afraid, Angry, Insecure
Drive: Regain control of Crimson Sails Fatigue:
Principle: Peace Technique: Spread Out
Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure, Troubled
Techniques: Chart a Course, Parry, Pinpoint Thrust Fire Nation Soldier Group
Major NPC Group
A group of generic Fire Nation soldiers to use in your game.
Minor NPC Drive: Protect the Fire Nation’s interests
Wing was the first non-pirate to settle on Crimson Sails. He’d Principle: Duty
traded with many of them during the war and without any Conditions: Angry, Guilty, Troubled
family to speak of, moved to the island to retire… However, Fatigue:
retirement has actually meant more work for Wing who sells Techniques: Protect Objective, Coordination
pretty much everything and anything the pirates on Crimson
Sails want. What Wing sells varies from day to day, but he always
seems to have what’s in-demand at the moment...although he’s
been having a more difficult time of late, with the end of the war.
Aside from wares, Wing also trades in local gossip. If asked,
Wing remarks on the fact that stories keep his soul young, but
the truth is he has the most dirt out of everyone about anyone
on the island. Wing’s small stall, set atop a giant wheelbarrow
he pushes around, moves from place to place during the week
depending on where he decides to set up.

Drive: Turn a profit and have a laugh

Condition: Afraid
Technique: None

Aang Era: The Pirates of Crimson Sails 13

Important Locations The Pyre Howler
The Pyre Howler is a sleek three-masted ship flying the standard
of a skull in front of a full moon. Unlike more flashy pirate ships,
Crimson Sails is composed of ships permanently moored and the Pyre Howler is painted in dull colors to move around unob-
thatched together around a small central island. Many of the outer trusively and wouldn’t stand out next to other ships of the same
ships, including the Pyre Howler, Renegade Phoenix, and Burning make save for its banner. Captain Ningka spends most of her
Wave are only docked at the island and can sail away at a moment’s time here in her private quarters when not dealing with various
notice. Gangways, rope bridges, and floating platforms connect all bits of business on the island. A good number of Howlers always
the ships of the island with one another and it’s easy to get lost in remain stationed on the ship at any one time.
the mess if you don’t know where you’re going.

The Burning Wave

Captain’s Isle The Burning Wave is a luxurious three-masted ship with a
At the very center of Crimson Sails is a small island with a beautiful, polished dragon figurehead. From the sails right down
lagoon next to a cave wreathed in jungle flora. Inside the cave to the floorboards, everything on this ship is extremely well
is a round table, crates filled with plunder, and various forms of maintained and kept to the highest standard. A special feature
seating. The round table is stabbed with the daggers of all the of this ship are metal windows on each side that open during a
pirate captains who have made their home on Crimson Sails, sea battle, allowing Firebenders to sabotage other vessels with
and if a captain removes their dagger, it means they’ve decided a broadside of flame. Many of the Burning Wave crew don’t stay
to leave the alliance. Captain Ningka holds important meetings on their ship, opting to sleep in various boats and ships they’ve
here with the other captains of the island and makes general bought for themselves around the island. The pirates mostly use
rulings on cases brought to her attention. This island is also the ship for official matters when they want to impress business
used for voting on larger thornier issues that Ningka is willing partners and only keep a skeleton crew on the ship itself, to en-
to open to a vote. sure crew members from the Renegade Phoenix don’t slip abroad
Reminder: This is where the stolen supplies and money are and sabotage something. Duga lives in a luxury boat right next to
hidden (see: “Infiltration” and “How It Ends”). the Burning Wave so the ship is never out of his sight.

The Renegade Phoenix

The Renegade Phoenix is one of the worst-looking ships in the
fleet, at first glance. A ship clearly designed for two-masts, now
featuring three of awkward sizes, with a patchwork of wood
across its whole hull, the Renegade Phoenix also has any number
of other redundancies and protective measures to ensure its sur-
vivability. Despite appearances, the ship can withstand many at-
tacks before going down and it’s been patched up so many times
the crew’s lost count. The Renegade Phoenix serves as a home
base for its crew and holds many rowdy parties throughout the
week. Crew members needing a good night’s sleep may choose
to slumber somewhere else, but they head back to the ship for
breakfast the next day. Tengfei sleeps in the captain quarters of
the Renegade Phoenix, but in practical terms normally a crew
member or two end up crashing on the floor of her quarters after
her notorious games of pirate’s dice last well into the early hours
of the morning.

The Barge
The Barge is located to the west of the island and is nothing
more than a giant floating wooden structure with an eatery on
it. The creaking wood deck isn’t much to behold, hosting a mess
of rickety tables and chairs. However, day or night, at least three
boats of the Dancing Nobleman Fleet are docked at the Barge.
The fleet uses the Barge as a homebase of sorts, ensuring there’s
good food and good music at all times of day. Captian Mosi,
Sayako, and their daughter are found here most nights enjoying
whatever delicious meal the cook has whipped together.

14 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game

GM Advice
The basic plot of this adventure—bring back the stolen goods
and stop the raids—is functional, but there are many, many ways
the PCs might accomplish these goals. What’s more, the PCs
might choose to aim for different goals over the course of play.
Here are some suggestions for keeping things exciting while you
play and discover how the story progresses, including using two
different GM tools—escalations and flashbacks—to amp up the
excitement in your game.

Trials & Tribulations

In order to gain the pirates’ trust and support in full, the PCs
must prove themselves to the captains and their crews. What
they do to prove themselves is up to both the players and to you,
the GM—if they distinguish themselves in a combat, then may-
be that’s enough to earn the interest of one of the captains!
Generally speaking, don’t look for ways to deny the PCs trust.
If they’ve done cool things that might reasonably get one of the
pirate captains or crews to side with the PCs, then make that
clear as the pirates say aloud how happy they are with them!
But the PCs might just as well need help aiming for some
task or goal on behalf of the captains and their crews. In that
case, here are some fun options the captains might request from
the PCs. Remember: this part of the adventure should be like Escalations
the fun shenanigans you often see on Avatar: The Last Airbender Use escalations in this adventure if the conflicts start to falter,
such as the episode “The Headband” where Katara and Sokka the pace of the story slows, or the players are unsure what to
dress up like adults! do. They reveal new information about the situation and force
the PCs into action. They can also help you present different
• Duga sends the heroes to steal sea charts of ports all across relationships between the crews in Crimson Sails, or push the
the world from the captains’ quarters of the Renegade players to make a decision after a long period of investigation.
Phoenix. With these charts, all describing places the Renegade Below are a few example escalations you can use:
Phoenix has stashed away plunder, Duga can easily make a
massive profit. Twist: Another group of pirates, dissatisfied • Little Dawa of the Burning Wave and Shihan of the
with the Renegade Phoenix’s violent attitude, is in the process Renegade Phoenix get into a fist fight after Shihan bumps
of stealing the same charts for their own separate ship! into Little Dawa “on purpose.” Soon a small group of
each respective crew is drawn into the fight. If nothing
• Tengfei sends the heroes to deface the figurehead is done, Captain Duga comes down and stops the
of the Burning Wave—without getting caught! fight, but not before Little Dawa is seriously injured
Twist: Duga and a retinue of Burning Wave crew and the crew of the Burning Wave swears revenge.
members happen to be conducting an inventory
of the Burning Wave’s holds at the time. • A few overzealous crew members of the Pyre Howler
confiscate Bad Yu’s recent haul of plundered goods.
• Mosi sends the heroes to test an experimental ramshackle If Bad Yu isn’t placated or the situation diffused, she
airship he had built to help defend Crimson Sails from unapologetically blows a hole in the hull of the Pyre
the Fire Nation’s airships. The Crimson Sails airship— Howler, bringing down fury of the entire crew.
called the Listing Gullguana—is more than a bit unsafe,
but if the PCs can get it to work and fly it around • A returning ship brings news of an Earth Kingdom
Crimson Sails in a full circle, Mosi will be pretty pleased merchant vessel laden with goods that’s vulnerable to
with their prowess. Twist: Some other enterprising attack! Ningka convinces a group of pirates to attack
pirates hide aboard the Listing Gullguana, hoping to the vessel—and moreover, to capture it entirely and
commandeer it for themselves—and they’ve already bring it back to Crimson Sails. The plan could force
pulled their dagger from the table on the Captain’s Isle, Zuko to send a Fire Nation patrol to intervene, avoiding
making clear they are no longer part of the alliance! an international incident but causing a real conflict
between the Crimson Sails Armada and the Fire Navy.

Aang Era: The Pirates of Crimson Sails 15

NPC Flashbacks Ningka
A flashback is a moment in which you pause your current story Ningka paces back and forth in the room like a caged komodo-
and look to a past event. It could allow an NPC to share a story rhino. Her voice is collected, distant, from the memories she
about the current conflict, establish a meaningful connection recalls. Smoke weaves between her fingertips as she passes a small
with a PC, or provide a backstory for their own villainy! flame between her hands betraying the thoughts racing through
NPC flashbacks are a fun way to highlight different pirates’ her mind. The words start to spill from her lips in halted, broken
stories within the game narrative to avoid lengthy interrogations. sentences, as she tells her tale.
In the scope of this adventure you can use an NPC flashback to
portray each pirate captain’s personality and motivations. Make
sure that your flashbacks play to the balance principle of the Ningka is a young girl fighting off a group of bullies and lashes out
NPC—that way, the PCs can quickly learn how to call an NPC with an impressive blast of fire to keep them from hurting her.
out (see The Rules page 15). For example, if a captain lost the A teacher comes by and punishes her—an adult set on putting a
love of their life at sea, later on when convincing the captain to talented young prodigy in her place. Little by little the young girl’s
do something, the PC could use a love story to sway the captain vibrant gaze diminishes after admonishment and admonishment,
and call on the captain’s balance principle of Love. until you see a tired young woman quietly sitting in the corner of an
The best time to use a flashback is when you want to con- institution, too exhausted to fight any longer. Suddenly Azula kicks
vey to the PCs a depth of information you might not have down a door and with a zap of lightning fries the guards. Her voice is
time to play through. Think of Iroh’s flashing back and thinking cool and sharp like a knife and she strolls over to Ningka shaking her
of his son Lu Ten in Avatar: The Last Airbender—you see Iroh head and wagging a finger. Sometime later you see Ningka running
joyfully running through a field with his young son and then the from Team Avatar as many of her fellow Fire Warriors are caught. She
scene cuts to present-day Iroh in the rain under a tree. So much has a determined look on her face, this is a woman who will never be
emotion and meaning is conveyed in only a few seconds, which locked up again—who will always look to her own freedom.
would take much longer to literally explain on screen. Keep in Details players can “play to find out”: How does Ningka feel
mind, however, that in this game, flashbacks mostly occur as about Azula now? Who does she blame for her imprisonment in the
the PCs hear a story from an NPC—it can be messy to reveal institution? What in Ningka’s story could make her compromise?
important information about an NPC’s story to a player, and
then ask them to keep that knowledge totally separate from what Captain Duga & Captain Tengfei
their PC knows. Tengfei crosses her arms rolling her eyes and Duga digs in and
Below is a list of suggested flashbacks you could use for some continues to yell. He manages to press just the right button and
of the “Important Characters” of this adventure. Depending on she spins on her heels turning to face him with a fiery gaze. Both
the context where you use the flashback it may be appropriate to of their crews are on edge, smoke flickering from a Firebender’s
change the descriptions to match the scene you’re in. You likely fingertips and one or two hands hovering just over their daggers.
won’t have time to use every single flashback in your adventure; A pirate watching the conflict growing leans in to explain to the
the story should focus on the PCs after all! newcomers the source of the dangerous passions.
Captain Mosi
Lights flicker around a burning brazier while Captain Mosi Tengfei stands in a stronghold overlooking the sea. The window’s
lazily plucks at the strings of a pipa (a four-stringed pear-shaped open and a strong wind slips through the room as she clutches a
instrument). A member of his crew wildly calls out, “Tell the story piece of parchment in her hands. She orders other pirates in the
again, Mosi!” Mosi sighs wistfully, turning his head to the side room to get out, back to the boat. A group of guards suddenly break
with a wry grin on his lips, “Well, if I must…” he gleefully obliges. down a barricaded door and stream into the room. Tengfei runs to
the window to see the last of the other pirates, Duga, halfway down
Flashback the escape rope with a bag of loot swung over his shoulder. Her eyes
You see Mosi’s sword drawn and a sweating nobleman dancing a pan- widen and she yells down, calling out “Duga!”, reaching out for him as
icked jig. In the background Kangana stands aboard her ship, grimacing her shoulders are grabbed by the soldiers. The last thing Tengfei sees
in disapproval. The nobleman finishes his jig, removing his hat and is a grimace on Duga’s face as he bends an arc of fire to cut the rope
kneeling, begging for mercy. Mosi throws his head back in laughter so the soldiers can’t follow him—as he betrays her and her sense of
pushing the man overboard with a gleeful kick, embodying the anarchy family for the prosperity he so deeply craves.
he values so much. Kangana turns away, ignoring her friend’s actions. Details players can “play to find out”: Were Duga and Tengfei
Details players can “play to find out”: What did the nobleman once lovers or very close friends? What would it take for each party to
do? Did he die? What were the repurcussions? reconcile? What obstacle is in the way of their reconciliation?

16 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game

Ship Battles other.” If the two ships can barely see each other, then they’re
Though much of the action of this adventure takes place on not in a combat engagement yet. If the two ships are in range of
Crimson Sails itself, there’s bound to be the equivalent of a bending and arrows, then the crews are likely engaged—do what
ship-to-ship battle out in open water at some point! In general, you can in this case to split up targets, so that an NPC ship has
treat any ship battle the same way as any other conflict and fight, multiple individual crew members or groups for different parts
thinking about the unique qualities of the environment and the of the ship that the PCs might target. If they’re right next to each
fight, as well as who can be engaged with whom. other, then nearly any combatant could likely engage with any
When a battle takes place between two ships, or even on a other, as weapon wielders cross the ships to engage in hand-to-
single ship: hand while benders throw their elements at each other directly.
Similarly, make sure the players know where their PCs
• Waterbenders likely have plenty of water around to easily use.
are, and make sure it’s clear that movement aboard and even
• There may not be much earth for an Earthbender to use.
between the ships is possible! Their foes might try to board
• Only the strongest and most well-built of ships (like the Fire
their ship, changing a ranged battle between two vessels into
Navy’s ships) are made of metal, so these ships are almost
a pitched, close quarters fight on the deck of their own vessel.
certainly wooden and quite flammable.
And the PCs might in turn try to board the enemy ship! What’s
• If two ships begin engaging, they likely start at a distance,
more, a PC clambering across the tops of the masts might not be
limiting engagements—but not making them impossible.
engaged with a foe down on the deck below if the distance is too
In the case of Earthbenders, just remind them that they might far and if both of them have more pressing concerns. As normal,
have small rocks or satchels of dirt they can use, but little access use multiple engagements to split up a fight between combat-
to large-scale block-chucking earthbending in a ship battle. At ants, especially when some fighters are on one ship and some are
least, not unless they and their friends can pull fun maneuvers, on the other!
like diving toward a sandbar or a rocky protrusion to give the Remember that the environment of the fight is very easily
Earthbender ammunition! If the Earthbender is really, truly out represented by statuses! If a ship catches fire, then maybe the
of any bendable material, then they can’t participate in combat smoke causes all the fighters in that area to become Impaired
exchanges. They might still be active, putting out fires, for exam- with the hacking and coughing. And if the fire spreads, may-
ple, but they can’t use their techniques, including the basic ones. be they even become Doomed! Similarly, if one ship cleverly
But that should be a rare situation, likely the result of their foes maneuvers to catch the wind and gain an advantage against their
actively eliminating the Earthbender’s available stones, dirt, and foes, maybe they become Prepared or Favored!
sand, and the kind of situation that ends a fight altogether. If this Don’t try to track the “health” of each ship. Instead, make
fight is taking place on a ship docked by Crimson Sails island, appropriate GM moves that match the fiction and the drama. If
the bender could pull material from the island. one ship catches on fire by errant firebending, and no one puts it
Make sure everyone is clear on where the ships are posi- out, it’s going to be in dire straits! If a Waterbender pries apart a
tioned—exact distances aren’t as important as a shared sense ship’s hull with spikes of ice, then that ship likely starts sinking—
of distance, be it “they’re right next to each other!” or “they’re and its crew might flee to the enemy’s ship for safety!
in range of bending and arrows!” or “they can barely see each

Aang Era: The Pirates of Crimson Sails 17

“I promised my uncle I would restore the honor
of the Fire Nation. And I will.”


Right the wrongs of the Hundred Year War and his own past

Zuko was born to Prince Ozai and Lady Ursa, and when his father
became Fire Lord, Zuko was first in line as heir to the throne of
the Fire Nation. But when the young boy spoke out against the
Fire Nation’s brutish war strategy in front of his father, he enraged
the Fire Lord. In the subsequent Agni Kai against his father, Zuko
refused to fight, and in return Ozai permanently scarred him and
banished him from the Fire Nation. The only way he could return
home was if he captured the Avatar.
Zuko took to the seas with his uncle, the retired General
Iroh. Everyone considered it a fool’s mission but Zuko, believing
his goal was within reach, became obsessed with capturing the
Avatar and ended up chasing Aang and his friends all over the
world. Gradually, he absorbed Iroh’s wisdom and finally realized
he could never win his father’s love, and that it was his responsi-
bility to end the Fire Lord’s reign of terror. Ultimately, he turned
against his family’s brutal legacy and allied himself with the
Avatar in a quest to end the Hundred Year War. After the Fire
Nation’s defeat, Zuko became the new Fire Lord and vowed to
lead his people into a new era of peace.
Having reunited with his mother Ursa, Zuko now focuses his
attention on the fraught and complicated process of decoloniz-
ing the Fire Nation’s holdings in the Earth Kingdom. He’s also
a major proponent of internationalism and the development
of Cranefish Town together with Avatar Aang. Across the Four
Nations, his supporters hail him as a step forward for a country
that had lost its way. However, ultranationalists in the Fire Na-
tion, such as the New Ozai Society, still plot to overthrow him
by violence or trickery. In addition, many Earth Kingdom and
Water Tribe citizens who suffered under imperial expansion are
quick to criticize or resist him.
Conditions Zuko is a pensive, often tortured, soul who tries to do right
„ Afraid despite his past mistakes. It’s taken him years of hard work to
„ Angry get where he is today and he won’t squander what he’s earned.
Principle „ Guilty Through his travels trying to find Avatar Aang, and then sub-
„ Insecure sequently teaching him firebending, Zuko’s discovered his true
„ Troubled
self and hopes he can guide the Fire Nation down the same
Redemption „ Frustrated
noble path.
„ Overbearing
„ Isolated

18 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game

How to Play Zuko Zuko as a Teacher
• When something you believe in is under threat, take Zuko is a master Firebender and dual sword wielder. He has fully
swift and decisive action. Since Zuko was a kid, he’s mastered the lightning redirection techniques of his uncle, Iroh,
understood that making hard choices and living with their and even without his bending, he’s a skilled combatant when he
consequences is the burden of authority. He does so without has his twin blades. Unfortunately, nowadays he’s also incredibly
fear…as long as it’s not about someone he loves. busy—the duties of the Fire Lord are massively important, es-
• Show people close to you how much you care about them— pecially when he’s trying to alter the course of the entire nation.
even when you’re not sure how. Zuko loves deeply and He will always try to live up to his uncle’s example, helping those
honestly, but for many of his formative years, he had more bad who need it, especially those who are on the same path that he
role models than good ones when it came to relationships. once walked, trying to find themselves and make up for their
• Enjoy the finer things in life. Zuko doesn’t make a big past mistakes…but he doesn’t have the time to teach an array of
deal out of it, but his aristocratic background gives techniques or widely train a PC. Still, any hero who can prove
him a strong appreciation for theater, music, and food. that they stand on the side of balance and bettering the world
There’s more to him than politics and battle. will have his attention, and if they can then show a need to learn
one of the techniques he can teach, he will do his best to find the
Bring Zuko in… time to assist. As a teacher, Zuko pulls from many traditions en-
• …when the Fire Nation’s people or interests are under attack. compassing his own history of learning and the myriad teachers
• …when world leaders struggle to bring about balance. he has had. If he needs to be harsh, he can be harsh; if he needs
• …when a companion has to solve a problem to be understanding and patient, he can call on the lessons of
with a really, really long history. his uncle. The overall tone and style of mastery conditions Zuko
will set to PCs focuses on finding an inner peace and under-
standing through balance, as well as making up for past mistakes
Techniques and learning new lessons from new sources. Zuko wants his
students to understand that they need to own, apologize, and
make up for their own errors, and that taking in the whole of the
Redirect Lightning world and all its differences and complexity will help them find
Defend and Maneuver their own balance.
If you are targeted by a lightning attack, redirect it as you choose,
including back at the attacker. If you use this technique normally by Suggested Mastery Conditions
defending and maneuvering, it applies for the exchange; otherwise,
you can mark 2-fatigue to do it in any exchange without using a tech- • Go on a journey to learn from remote or
nique, no matter what approach you chose. hidden teachers and cultures
• End three different sessions of play with
your balance at your center
Fan the Flame • Confront your past directly, apologizing to
Evade and Observe someone you’ve truly harmed and facing someone
Focus on growing the flames around you; if there are no raging flames who represents the worst of your past
around you, then any smaller fires become raging. If there are raging
flames around you, become Empowered for the next two exchanges.

Twin Fireball Blast*

Advance and Attack

Launch a massive blast with twin fireballs circling each other as

they hurtle toward your target. If you are Empowered, you pay no
cost to use this technique. If you are not Empowered, mark 3-fa-
tigue. Inflict a condition, 3-fatigue, and Doomed upon your target as
you catch them aflame.

*Rare Technique

Aang Era: The Pirates of Crimson Sails 19



burning fuse
In the wake of the Earth Empire’s thwarted siege, Re-
public City is struggling to rebuild and heal the scars
of war. The inventor Juniper Kim once worked for the
Earth Empire, but now she develops peacetime uses
for Earth Empire weaponry and tech. Early yesterday
morning, Juniper discovered the spirit energy canisters
and weapons were missing from her lab. In the wrong
hands, the canisters and weapons can be deadly, and to
make matters worse, many of the canisters have the po-
tential to cause a devastating explosion! Juniper called
her friend Asami Sato to help deal with the press flood-
ing the scene and to prevent a mass panic from gripping
the city, but the police are stretched thin looking for
the missing weapons, so she needs the help of some
discreet allies to locate the canisters. Can the compan-
ions recover the canisters before Republic City’s fresh
wounds open once more?

20 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game

Using This Adventure
The contents of this adventure create a sandbox for your PCs,
a setting in which they can choose any path they’d like to move
the story forward. Here are some of the tools you can find here:
• The “Summary” provides an outline of the adventure and
explains the various issues the heroes may encounter.
• The “Introduction” brings the PCs into the story and sets up
your group to undertake the adventure.
• “Important Characters & Groups” provides the backstories
of NPCs, including the various triads and factions, and their
stats for use in your game.
• “Important Locations” features different areas for the PCs to
explore during the adventure and explains where important

characters might be found.
• “GM Advice” contains additional guidance for this adventure
for the GM, including advice on how the adventure might end.
In this adventure the heroes help the scientist Juniper Kim to
retrieve stolen spirit vine energy canisters. Time is of the essence
No Path to the End? and they must retrieve the canisters before the culprits explode
If you are used to running adventures with heavily detailed them! The “Summary” gives you all the relevant details you need
encounters and prepared NPCs, it might come as a surprise to accomplish that rough order of events described above. Rath-
that few mechanics are written into this adventure, beyond the er than tell you exactly what happens when giving you a set of
escalations, the clock, and some information about various events the companions must experience, you can tell this story
characters. Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game relies on players based on the choices your players make. This section helps you
triggering moves based on the actions they take during play navigate those choices and respond.
instead of asking players to make any specific checks for specific
actions required by the adventure.
Since every significant action a PC takes drives the action The Problem at Hand
of the game forward, there is no prescribed order of events. In- At the start of the adventure, Asami Sato calls the companions to
stead, the adventure puts the PCs in a dramatic starting situation the outskirts of an industrial area. She has worked with, or has a
that demands immediate action from them! It’s your job to use connection to, each of the PCs so she already knows they’re up to
the material in this adventure to keep things moving, providing the task (see: “Introduction”). The players also meet Juniper Kim,
interesting events and NPCs to consistently engage your players. a scientist researching peaceful uses for wartime tech.
You can read more about running Avatar Legends: The Role- The women explain that weapons and spirit energy canisters
playing Game in The Rules found in this Starter Set. from Kuvira’s mech were stolen from Juniper’s lab. The police
are stretched thin tracking down the stolen weaponry, which has
flooded Republic City’s black market, and need help tracking
Using the Pregenerated Characters down the canisters. With few leads and a limited time window,
There are five pregenerated characters for the Korra Era included the companions must work fast to figure out who is behind the
in this Starter Set. Each character has a unique history, playbook, theft of the canisters and retrieve them. During their investiga-
and set of stats. Your players can use these characters to play tion they discover the culprits plan to explode the canisters and
through this adventure. The pregenerated characters have their time is of the essence. The action picks up as the companions
moves, feature elements, and techniques already chosen; players step out into the streets of Republic City as police push back
need only decide whether to shift their balance by one step at concerned onlookers, a nearby clock tower tolling the hour as if
the start of play, and which principle to shift it toward. Players to remind them of their explosive deadline…
can adjust the pregenerated characters to make themselves more At the start of the adventure, set the stage and the stakes, then
comfortable, altering names, look, and even mechanical ele- turn to the players and ask, “What do you do?” Right now there are
ments like the stat boosted by the free +1 at character creation if a handful of suspects and you can look to the “Leads & Evidence”
they are familiar enough to make that choice. The characters are section to help further guide the companions on the first steps
designed to work well with the current elements included and of their investigation. The adventure doesn’t assume any of these
the adventure as presented, but as always, if the GM and player groups are the “true” culprit—not all of them may even be involved
agree then they can make changes as desired. After selecting the or come up during play! Figuring out who is behind the theft of
pregenerated characters, players still go through the process of the canisters and getting them back are the two big things you
filling out connections with each other. and the players will play to find out!

Korra Era: The Burning Fuse 21

Juniper’s Research The Peace Lily Society
In the aftermath of Kuvira’s siege of Republic City, there’s plenty The Peace Lily Society is a group of students and philosophers
of opportunity to try and rebuild. Former Earth Empire scientist who formed after Kuvira’s attack on the city. They oppose the
Juniper Kim wants to atone for her contributions to Kuvira’s war use of technology and weapons invented through the oppression
machines by using her talents to heal rather than destroy. After of the Earth Kingdom’s people. The group is led by a former
her arrival in Republic City, Juniper quickly found other scien- university lecturer named Metog, and they have been expanding
tists looking to use their skills to help those in need. She pitched their rhetoric to speak out against the dangers of spirit energy
a project to them: discover peaceful uses of wartime machinery and Earth Empire technology. A number of the most anxious
to aid Republic City. and the most impassioned Peace Lilies have been protesting
With some pooled funds and pulled strings, she and her team outside Juniper’s lab for weeks. They know Juniper is a former
secured an unused building in in one of the city’s industrial areas Earth Empire scientist and believe she is up to no good, maybe
and started their work. As interest in the project grew among even making new weapons. They’d relish the chance to shut
other innovators and politicians, Juniper got used to explaining the lab down and prevent any potential harm the research will
how weapons and other tech could be harnessed as powerful and inevitably cause.
peaceful tools. Unfortunately, those who don’t share her vision
Leads & Evidence:
started paying attention to the project, as well—having a large
cache of deadly weapons in the city is dangerous, even if the lab is • The lab was breached by stealth and subterfuge. The scientists
located in a remote location. were subdued by non-lethal means. Gas and emptied smoke bombs
were left behind at the scene. Where did these come from?
• Peace Lily Society members have been holding rallies
Theft! at Avatar Korra Park recently about the dangers of re-
The weapons and canisters were stolen the night before purposing weapons. They’ve gotten a fair amount of
yesterday. When Juniper came to the lab that morning, she saw attention and won over more than a few concerned
they were gone and the scientists working in the lab at the time citizens. Could they have something to do with this?
were knocked out. Rather than decide who stole the canisters, the • Metog, leader of the Peace Lily Society, has led many direct
GM will use the PCs’ investigation to eventually inform which or- protests outside of the lab, insisting that action has to be
ganization orchestrated the theft. Once players start to zero in on taken to remove the weapons if the authorities won’t do it.
a lead, the GM can direct the story towards the culprits. You can
Blowing up the canisters:
find more information on how to do this in the “GM Advice” sec-
tion of this adventure. Though there are a few potential culprits, • The Peace Lilies want to blow up the canisters to get rid of them
not all of them have to be active or prominent in your version of once and for all so they can’t be exploited by anyone else. They’ll
this adventure. The organizations are: do this in a remote location, but will underestimate the size of the
blast. In the case of the Peace Lilies stealing the canisters, a different
organization should use their theft as an opportunity to steal weapons.

22 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game

The Rising Flame Triad
This triad is led by a cunning and charming negotiator named
Xiaolan. They are a small group of Firebenders trying to make
a name for themselves, and their leader Xiaolan rose to power
because of her lightningbending abilities and her grand ambitions.
The criminals are struggling to find their footing ever since the
Triple Threats united and then collapsed the city’s criminal un-
derground structure. Juniper’s lab is on the triad’s turf and they’ve
been keeping a close eye on her movements since she set up shop.
Leads & Evidence:
• Skoochy (see: “Important Characters & Groups”) tries to fleece
the companions with a quick scam; upon being caught, he offers
to trade some information for his freedom. He’s seen Rising
Flames scoping out the area around Juniper’s lab for the last
two weeks—he knows they’ve been planning a big score.
• There’s word that the Rising Flames are offloading
some very hot goods very fast to the right buyer.
• One of the companions finds an empty hip flask
with the Rising Flame Triad’s distinctive flame
symbol left behind at the scene of the attack.

Blowing up the canisters:

• The Rising Flame will use the canisters to stop the transport
of a Terra Triad prisoner. This may happen on a busy Republic
Blowing up the canisters:
City street, but that’s all the better in proving this triad as
a real threat. Since the Rising Flame primarily use bending, • Yoshiro will succeed where Amon failed, and the Equalists plan
they sold the rest of the weapons on the black market. to blow up the Lucky Cranefish, because they know a large
group of criminal benders (The Rising Flame Triad) are based
The Equalists there. The Equalists took enough weapons from the cache to
On the more extreme end of the spectrum, the Equalists want support their cause and sold the rest for profit to use later.
the canisters to create a weapon and prove they’re a threat
to be taken seriously. Since Amon’s death, Equalist numbers
dwindled, but Kuvira’s attack on the city brought a new wave of Other Players
recruits to the cause. The leader of the new Equalist movement The companions are also likely to encounter a few other import-
is a man named Yoshiro, who goes by the title the Iron Dragon. ant figures and groups: Detective Jiang, the protestors, and the
He plans to demonstrate his power by using the canisters as a press. These parties aren’t the actual culprits but can serve as a
great equalizer against benders. In his eyes, the Equalists need roadblock to the heroes discovering the true villain or even as a
to adapt to the rapidly changing world as much as anyone. The potential red herring.
destructive energy of the canisters is exactly what they need to Juniper called the Republic City police after she discovered
even the odds against bender opposition. In the tunnels beneath the theft, hoping they would help resolve the situation. Detective
the city, the Iron Dragon plans a potential attack on Juniper’s lab Jiang was dispatched to lead their contingent and investigate the
to secure an asset he can use to grow even stronger. crime. Jiang knows that Juniper was a former scientist for Kuvira,
having read about her in the newspaper earlier, and he’s sure she’s
Leads & Evidence: up to no good. Despite his mistrust, he’s been doing his best to
• Flyers and propaganda plastered in under-construction track down the stolen weapons and fast. However, when Juniper
residential zones and the outside streets around explained to the detective the canisters might pose a larger prob-
the lab all point towards the Equalist cause. lem, he ignored her, as his team was already too strapped as it was.
• One of the companions spots some shadowy characters When it was clear the detective would be no help and time was
in goggles and masks watching them from afar. When of the essence, Asami called the companions in.
spotted, the mysterious figures quickly try to escape The protestors outside Juniper’s lab were there since the
and slip into a nearby entrance to the tunnels… Peace Lily Society showed up and were likely tipped off by them.
• Juniper’s scientists were blasted with electrified Kuvira’s mech did a lot of damage to the city and the protestors
gloves and sticks, and the air is smoggy from smoke don’t want a cache of Earth Empire weapons in the city. If the
bombs, signature signs of an Equalist attack. companions investigate the protestors, it’s clear none have the
means to pull off this heist, and if the companions play their
cards right, the protestors may point them towards useful clues.

Korra Era: The Burning Fuse 23

News travels fast in Republic City and members of the press agendas, and that you can always make a move as hard or soft
flock to cover all the fuss around the lab, the protests, and the as you like. Advancing the clock should remind the players of
police investigation. Asami is trying to deal with the press and what’s at stake without feeling punitive.
keep everything quiet, because the idea that stolen, unstable, ex- Each time you tick the fuse clock, it should feel like time
plosive canisters might be anywhere in Republic City is likely to is slipping through their fingers and should spur the com-
cause a mass panic. However, she can only keep them at bay for panions to action. PCs might defeat an important enemy in a
so long and some nosey journalists could get in the companions’ fight only to realize that the sun is already going down and they
way at the wrong time. still haven’t found the canisters! As the clock ticks forward, the
atmosphere changes as news of the crisis spreads. What might
have been a clear route through a district in the morning might
Building Pressure—The Clock be jammed with civilians frantically evacuating their homes
This adventure makes use of a fuse clock to track the story’s and overwhelmed police trying to move them along by midday
progress. The clock is a literal representation of the time of day or nightfall. Things should constantly feel desperate—after all,
for the players, which counts down to the thieves exploding the dangerous explosives are about to detonate in one of the most
canisters. The fuse clock fills up as the players spend precious populated cities in the Four Nations!
time overcoming obstacles or coming up with plans, as well as When the fuse clock’s four segments are all filled, the clock
when they make significant progress towards recovering the strikes midnight and the canisters explode. What happens next
canisters. It serves a practical purpose to put pressure on your is up to you and the players—they’re sure to get involved in
players to act fast and take action, rather than sitting around and the disaster relief efforts that will be orchestrated immediately
planning for too long. following the blast. A few things are certain:
From the moment the adventure begins, the PCs are on the
clock to deliver results. This rapidly dwindling time is represent- • The area around the explosion is devastated by
ed by a fuse clock with four segments. Each segment represents a localized burst of spirit energy. President Zhu
several hours of time flying by—morning, afternoon, evening, Li Moon declares a state of emergency.
and finally midnight (when the canisters will be exploded). • Triads exploit the crisis and either move in on
It’s important to explain to the players that the culprits plan rival territory or take advantage of civilians by
to blow up the canisters—and since they are so unstable, they offering aid with plenty of strings attached.
need to be returned to Juniper. The characters don’t have watch- • The blast zone is condemned and declared off-
es on their wrists telling them when the explosion happens, but limits to all Republic City civilians.
they know it’s soon. See the ticking of the clock as the moment • A rash of Dark Spirits emerge in the blast zone,
in Avatar: The Last Airbender where we cut away from Aang and enraged by humans’ failure to respect the Spirit
his friends and see what Long Feng is doing underground in Ba World and the boundary between them.
Sing Se! We as the viewers know something bad is coming and
Aang has to deal with the consequences sooner or later if he
doesn’t act. An example of this would be: How it Ends
If locating the canisters and fighting off the culprits doesn’t take
• Morning—Shadowy figures rig the canisters with
that much time, you can make things interesting and up the
explosives muttering quietly to one another.
stakes by putting obstacles in the way of getting back in time.
• Afternoon—The canisters with explosives
Most of the groups involved have multiple members so over-
are loaded into a truck.
coming one of them might lead to another picking up the slack.
• Evening—The culprit, now revealed, announces on
Some NPCs may also try to get the canisters back if they’re not
the radio their intent to blow up the canisters to the
taken out somehow.
citizens of Republic City causing mass panic.
It’s important to make sure that the process of getting the
• Midnight—The bomb explodes.
canisters back to Juniper and Asami still pushes the story and
There are several ways to mark segments on the fuse clock the stakes, rather than feeling like a series of unconnected road-
but, as a general rule, whenever the PCs take a signifi- blocks. If the companions use good judgment and come up with
cant amount of time to do something for any reason, fill a good plans, they may well get back to the lab with few issues.
segment. This can happen as a result of the fiction, like having Try to think of the ending to this adventure like the ending of
to take an inconvenient mode of transportation somewhere an episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender or The Legend of Korra.
(on foot, by elevated railway, etc.). If the companions proceed It could end with a chase through the streets of Republic City where
cautiously or spend time devising an elaborate scheme—even the heroes are trying to protect the canisters from the Equalists
if it’s a good one!—that’s also a moment to tick the clock. You and get them back to Juniper in time! Or it could end with the
can also always advance the clock as a GM move when another companions in a high-stress negotiation with a Peace Lily who feels
move calls for a consequence, like on a miss. Because filling backed into a corner, threatening to explode the canisters. Whatever
this specific clock has some pretty extreme consequences—the happens the end should be exiting and meaningful, just like on
canisters explode—be mindful about how and when you tick the shows!
the clock. Remember to follow the fiction, your principles, and

24 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game

Introduction Where Do We Start?
Before beginning the game, start by choosing one of the
major groups involved in this situation that either matches
The companions have just been called to the crime scene on the companions’ interests and goals, or provides an interesting
the outskirts of one of Republic City’s industrial districts at the counterpoint or challenge to their principles. This group isn’t
personal request of Asami Sato. The PCs have a connection necessarily the culprit, but they can act as a guiding light and a
to Asami which explains why she trusts them to deal with this good direction to play towards, at least to start.
extremely dangerous situation. She knows they’re capable and Introduce the game through the PCs’ meeting with Juniper
competent, able to handle a situation she simply doesn’t have and Asami. Use that meeting to explain the information they
the bandwidth to solve herself. know, and the job set to the PCs. Emphasize that Juniper has the
Ask players to each create a significant connection to best possible intentions and is mortified by the loss of her lab’s
Asami; the prompts on some of the pregens will help with stock. The information Juniper and Asami relate is:
this. Each player should take turns answering one of the following
• The weapons and canisters of spirit energy were
questions until everyone has a connection:
stolen the night before last. Tire tracks indicate
• Your family is connected to the Satos—what does your family they were put in a Satomobile and driven away.
say about you that gives Asami a reason to call on you for • Juniper found out about the theft yesterday morning, when
help, and do you think you can live up to their expectations? she discovered the weapons and canisters missing and the
• You contributed to one of Future Industries’ projects scientists working there that night subdued and unconscious.
and worked directly with Asami—what did you work • The Republic City police, led by Detective Jiang, are
on and what lasting impression did you leave on her? all clearly suspicious of Juniper herself. They’re also
• You used to have a rivalry with Asami years ago—how spread thin tracking down weapons and need help.
did you resolve it and earn each other’s respect? • There are protestors all around the lab—ever since
• You got caught up in some sticky business and confronted the public became more aware of what the lab was
Team Avatar—why did Asami stick up for you, and doing—and it’s possible they were involved.
how do you hope to repay that kindness one day?
Lastly, make sure that Asami and Juniper sprinkle in some of
• You were assigned to work with Asami during the initial
the leads tied to the group you chose. That will help give the
recovery efforts after the siege of Republic City—what
PCs some angles to follow and explore.
special skills did you demonstrate that impressed her?
As the companions step into the streets of Republic City after
As you frame the situation, call on their shared history to help talking to Juniper and Asami, ask them what they do and where
guide the beginning of the adventure. As the game continues, they want to start their search. If they struggle for ideas, you have
you might flash back to that history and let it color moments of a few tools at your disposal:
introspection, inspire hope in the face of doom, or reinforce or First, you can put more pressure on the PCs, and use that
challenge a PC’s principles. opportunity to drop more breadcrumbs. Detective Jiang might
try to stop the PCs and ask them questions, inadvertently
telling them information that points at one of the other groups
or locations. One of those groups might send its agents to learn
what is going on, and in so doing tip off the PCs to their interest,
leading to a chase! Refer to the Leads & Evidence section for the
group you’ve chosen and use that information to both determine
how they put pressure on the PCs, and how you might drop that
As the companions investigate, present obstacles that
match or challenge their skills and principles. Are they
action-focused and ready for a fight? Give them the chance to
face off against some aggressive antagonists and situations that
require decisive action…but also push them with problems they
can’t just punch, and show the cost of those actions. Do they
prefer nonviolent confrontation and peaceful resolutions? Give
them plenty of chances to talk and think things out, but also
remind them that sometimes they have to make hard choices
without clear “good” options, and that sometimes people refuse
to negotiate.

Korra Era: The Burning Fuse 25

Characters & Groups List of important characters & groups
• Asami Sato, CEO of Future Industries
• Juniper Kim, a brilliant scientist
The following pages contain information on these NPCs, along
hiding from her shameful past
with stats you can use for them in game—a principle (when
• The Equalists, an elite group of Equalist
appropriate), combat techniques, conditions, and fatigue are
agents acting as Yoshiro’s bodyguards
all listed for each character. If you’re used to Avatar Legends: The
• Yoshiro, the Iron Dragon, a powerful warrior
Roleplaying Game adventures, you’ll notice we’ve spent more
bringing the Equalists out of hiding
time in this section outlining the factions and their leaders in
• The Rising Flame Triad, a firebending
order to give you ample content to help run your adventure!
triad looking to make a comeback
NPCs tied to a faction or group that come into play in the ad-
• Xiaolan, the charming and shrewd
venture are listed after the faction itself. In a combat, the gang and
leader of the Rising Flame Triad
the leader act separately in exchanges and choosing techniques.
• The Peace Lily Society, a group of
student activists who protest military
Asami Sato action and all that stems from it
Legendary NPC
• Metog, the uncompromising leader
Asami met Juniper when she sought funding for a lab in Repub-
of the Peace Lily Society
lic City. Asami saw that Juniper’s willingness to make up for past
• Skoochy, a shifty earthbending street urchin
misdeeds was genuine and the two became friends. When ap-
thief who also sells information to triads
proached to help disarm the devices from Kuvira’s mech, Asami
• Detective Jiang, a distrustful
put Juniper up for the job instead. During the adventure, Asami
detective who is stretched thin
can’t leave Juniper’s lab unsupervised—she’s using her resourc-
• Police Group, a generic group of
es to help Juniper keep all the protestors and reporters at bay.
police to use in your game
Juniper has no experience dealing with the press and this could
• Protester Group, whipped into a frenzy
be a PR disaster. If the companions need it, she’s happy to be a
to demand better conditions now
resource for them. Within the scope of this adventure, she has
near limitless yuan, and if the heroes need money for transport
or other expenses, she can provide it; they need only ask. That
said, traveling back and forth between the lab has a tendency to
take up time and tick the clock…
Asami is a Legendary NPC and you can find more informa- The Equalists
tion on her and her stats on page 34. Major NPC Group
Yoshiro gathered the disparate strands of the Equalist movement
Juniper Kim and reformed it into a small but dedicated group. Not everyone
Minor NPC is willing to follow a charismatic would-be leader, but Yoshiro
Juniper is a scientist who sees the world struggling and wants to has proven he treats those who earn his respect as true equals.
do something about it through technology. As a former member The Equalists operate as spies and saboteurs. They also serve
of the Earth Empire’s science division, Juniper saw firsthand as Yoshiro’s personal guard and are never far from his side. The
the devastation that weapons technology could bring. She is Equalists believe in Yoshiro’s ability to rebuild the movement
ashamed of working on Kuvira’s war machines, and ever since and respect his leadership and power. It’s extremely difficult
fleeing the Empire after she’s been trying to use her technical to sway them against him. The members of the Equalists all
expertise for good. Juniper’s always anxious about what people have personal history with benders that made them join the
think of her upon learning that she worked on the weapon that movement, from losing loved ones in Kuvira’s attack to losing
caused so much pain and suffering. Her past isn’t a secret, but their jobs to benders. Each sees their reason as a justification for
she worked behind the scenes, and many are surprised to learn future violence. They defend Yoshiro to the end, if need be.
of her involvement. Since arriving in Republic City, she’s been
inspired to research peaceful uses of wartime tech in hopes of Drive: Restore the Equalists’ power
undoing the wrongs of her past and helping the city. Principle: Loyalty
Conditions: Angry, Insecure, Troubled
Drive: Make up for past actions through public service Fatigue:
Principle: Atonement Techniques: Overwhelm, Protect
Condition: Guilty
Technique: Rebuild

26 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game

Yoshiro, the Iron Dragon Xiaolan
Master NPC Major NPC
Yoshiro has watched the Equalists’ rise and fall over the last few As leader of the Rising Flame Triad, Xiaolan is an adaptable,
years with frustration. In a rapidly evolving world, he believes cunning, and charming negotiator unafraid of the public eye.
the Equalists need to adapt in order to survive—the exact way She genuinely loves entertaining guests at the establishment she
that Yoshiro has adapted multiple times throughout his own life. owns, the Lucky Cranefish, drifting from table to table to make
Yoshiro was the only non-bending sibling in a family of firebend- sure her guests are enjoying themselves. When it’s time to do
ing prodigies but proved himself by becoming an expert martial business, Xiaolan maintains her affable attitude while trying to
artist. He joined the United Forces, only to lose the use of his make the best deal for everyone involved. She considers herself
legs after an accident. He eventually approached Equalist sympa- like the flame—always vibrant, easily jumping from one situa-
thizers and became the subject of an experimental procedure. tion to the next.
By installing mechanical prosthetics modified off of Hiroshi The triad leader believes the triads are the one last frontier
Sato’s mecha tank designs, Yoshiro regained the use of his legs. of freedom in the modern world. Each triad has the potential
Since then, he’s dedicated himself to the Equalist cause with zeal, to shape their small part of the world, thanks to crime, into the
filled with the desire that none should be made to feel lesser place they want it to be—the law be damned. The only problem
than another. An accomplished chi blocker, Yoshiro is always is the Rising Flame’s piece of turf is rather small to truly carve
seeking to upgrade his mechanical prosthetics—he has adopted out the exquisite existence Xiaolan dreams of, which is where
“the Iron Dragon” as a nickname and he enjoys displaying his the canisters come in—they’re the perfect way to show everyone
metal limbs both as a point of pride and to intimidate his foes. else she means business.
Yoshiro wants the canisters to strengthen the Equalist arsenal
against bender threats. Drive: Make the best deal possible
Principle: Confidence
Drive: Restore the Equalists to their former glory Conditions: Afraid, Guilty, Insecure
Principle: Power Fatigue:
Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure, Troubled Techniques: Breath of Fire, Flame Knives
Techniques: Better, Faster, Stronger; Disarm; Pinpoint Thrust
The Peace Lily Society
Major NPC Group
The Rising Flame Triad Formed during the increased military tensions of the last few
Major NPC Group years, the Peace Lily Society oppose war and military actions of
The Rising Flame Triad is one of the weaker triads in the city, any kind. Easily identified by stylized lily pins, they’re primarily
and they quickly fell under Tokuga’s efforts to unify everyone composed of student activists and philosophers, but they in-
under the Triple Threat Triad. Now that the Triple Threats have clude members from across the Four Nations, with lots of differ-
been significantly weakened, the Rising Flame saw a chance to ent training and expertise. During the rise of the Earth Empire,
claim their independence and push back against the rest of the the Society organized protests and sit-ins to raise awareness,
triads. The Rising Flames respect their leader Xiaolan, although and they protested just as hard when the United Forces were
Xiaolan may be more patient than most of her triad members. called up. After the war, they also began to protest the repurpos-
Many of them want to see the triad expand beyond running ing of war tech calling it exploitation of the suffering of others
numbers and managing a business. The Rising Flames aren’t the and pointing to the damage it’s caused. Should they become
strongest triad in Republic City, but their members tend to be confronted in a fight, they mostly use their defensive martial
quick-witted, sociable, and nondescript which makes them con- or bending arts to deflect or redirect an opponent’s strikes—to
summate spies and information brokers. Some triad members avoid causing harm. The Peace Lily Society members involved
quietly work the Lucky Cranefish gambling tables as dealers or in this scenario are young, idealistic students more overzealous
as wait staff, gathering rumors and passing messages between than most. They might not start fights but they make things very
patrons. In a fight, when push comes to shove, they use their difficult socially for anyone who gets in their way or who they
firebending to trick and trip up opponents. All members of the determine to be dangerous.
Rising Flames carry hip flasks with distinctive flame engravings,
a gift from Xiaolan when they join the triad, tucked into their Drive: Convince others that Earth Empire technology is dangerous
vests and jackets. Principle: Tradition
Conditions: Afraid, Angry, Insecure
Drive: Rise up Republic City’s triad food chain Fatigue:
Principle: Prowess Techniques: Ground Shift, Protect Objective
Conditions: Afraid, Angry, Troubled
Techniques: Scatter and Regroup, Jet Stepping

Korra Era: The Burning Fuse 27

Metog Detective Jiang
Major NPC Minor NPC
Metog is the elected leader of the Peace Lily Society and a Jiang is a haggard middle-aged cop who’s been on the force
former university lecturer. She’s gone a step further than the rest for a long time now. He recently lost everything in the wake of
of the Society by swearing off all worldly possessions and only Kuvira’s spirit cannon—during the evacuation of Republic City,
using what is donated to her. Opponents of the Society find Me- he was separated from his family and hasn’t seen them since.
tog to be an insufferable hypocrite, appearing above all conflict With his home destroyed by the cannon blasts and no reports of
while being incredibly condescending and passive-aggressive. his husband or children, he presumes they were taken from him
It’s impossible for her to forgive and forget the effects of the war. by the siege. While he’s always been a man of action, these days
Metog means well, but her dedication to her cause is absolute he’s become jaded, more willing to break the rules to get results
and there’s no room for compromise in her world. Many remark than ever before. Jiang discovered his airbending after Harmon-
that it’s lucky Metog’s taken the path of non-violence, because ic Convergence and briefly spent time studying at Air Temple
otherwise she’d be deadly indeed. Metog is an Earthbender, but Island but his short fuse and struggles with patience led to his
only uses her powers defensively. rapid departure. He can easily fly off the handle if provoked or if
he sees an opening. He’s still cunning and clever but he can let
Drive: Stop the use of spirit vine energy his already hot head and recent emotional trauma get the better
Principle: Superiority of him very easily. Jiang’s motto is that it’s better to ask forgive-
Conditions: Angry, Insecure, Troubled ness than permission so he’s taken this case into his own hands.
Fatigue: He’ll likely end up causing as many problems for the players as
Techniques: Stone Shield, Duck and Twist he might solve.

Drive: Stop tragedy by any means necessary

Skoochy Principle: Action
Minor NPC Condition: Troubled
Skoochy is a clever thief living on the streets of Republic City who Fatigue:
uses his street smarts to run cons and sell information to the crimi- Technique: Cannonball
nal underground. He might know a thing or two about what’s
going on…as long as you’ve got the coin to make it worth his
while. His carefree attitude can get the better of him sometimes— Protestor Group
he’s cunning but not always as sneaky as he fancies himself. He Minor NPC Group
prefers to use his earthbending to get himself out of tight spots but The protestors outside Juniper’s lab are a mix of people who are
he’s not much of a fighter. He could get himself in trouble while genuinely worried about the cache of Earth Empire weapons
snooping around on the situation, especially when such danger- in the city and angry people who read about Juniper’s past in
ous people are involved. The companions might need to bail him the papers. While most of them protest peacefully, they can be
out of a bad jam. Saving Skoochy’s life might (reluctantly) be pushed too far, in which case the companions are likely more in
worth trading some information to the companions. danger of hurting the protestors and getting caught by the press
doing so, than actually facing a real fight against them.
Drive: Make a few yuans without having to work too hard for them
Principle: Greed Drive: Shut down the lab and its research
Condition: Insecure Principle: Action
Fatigue: Condition: Troubled
Technique: None Fatigue:
Technique: Engulf

Police Group
Major NPC Group
A generic group of Republic City police to use in your game.

Drive: Protect Republic City

Principle: Loyalty
Conditions: Afraid, Angry, Guilty
Techniques: Coordination, Spread Out

28 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game

Important Locations

Juniper Kim’s Lab

As a massive bustling metropolis, Republic City has a great num-
ber of industrial districts to produce goods and provide services to
its citizens. This area lies at the edge of the old city and serves as a
hub for construction efforts as the city rapidly expands outwards.
Quickly identified by the dark plumes of its smokestacks and the
ambient heat of its eponymous forges, it is dominated by metal
smelters and manufacturers. This is where Juniper Kim bought a
vacant warehouse where she set up her lab to start her research.
The lab is in an old warehouse in an industrial area, left
abandoned in the chaos of the siege. Juniper purchased the
building for cheap with some grant money from city officials she
convinced to support her disarmament project. It’s filled with
experimental technology, supply crates, sample containers of
spirit vines, and a makeshift bunk room and breakroom. In the
heart of the lab is the empty canister containment system, amid
a bulky mess of cables, coils, batteries, monitors, and consoles.

Republic City Tunnel Network

These extensive tunnels run all across and underneath Republic
City. During the height of Amon’s tenure as leader of the Equal-
ists, the tunnels housed several well-supplied and well-defended
bases. Many of these have fallen into disarray over the last few
years but a few Equalist holdings in the tunnels still remain
relatively unscathed since the city’s siege. The Iron Dragon puts
them to good use as he attempts to recruit new followers and
launch strikes into the city above. Anyone looking to hide out
or travel unseen can make excellent use of the tunnels. Heroes
traveling through the tunnels should be careful; it’s like traveling
through a maze with plenty of ambush points.

The Auspicious Bear

The Lucky Cranefish Gambling House The Auspicious Bear is a restaurant located near Republic City
This establishment is well-regarded as a place to see and be seen University in the Roku Plaza district of Republic City. The large
by some of the shadier citizens of Republic City and rebellious square building has a restaurant in the front and various meeting
socialites alike. An iconic painted sign featuring a plump, jovial rooms to the back. The meeting rooms house different student
cranefish holding coins and chopsticks greets visitors as they clubs and discourses that overflow from the University. The en-
approach. The Lucky Cranefish has something for everyone: tire structure is built around a large central garden in the middle
gambling tables for high rollers and thrillseekers, fine dining of the building, which is beloved by many of the restaurant’s
(with separate booths), and even live music and dancing. The regulars. A statue of chubby bear wearing a delicate hat sits at
gambling house is the primary source of income for the Rising the base of a bamboo tree in the garden, which the owner of the
Flame Triad who also conduct business out of private rooms Auspicious Bear swears is an authentic statue of the 52nd Earth
on the upper levels. Whether the Rising Flames are the thieves King’s bear, Bosco. On temperate nights the sounds of raucous
or not, the Lucky Cranefish is a good spot to try and pick up discourse and laughter echo from the garden and the restaurant
information. Anyone with a Criminal background could easily stays open until the early twilight hours.
have been here before and urban residents of Republic City have The Peace Lilies host meetings at the Auspicious Bear. The
certainly heard of its colorful reputation. For the right price— owner of the restaurant, Sonam, knows most of them by name
and some pleasant conversation—Xiaolan herself will buy and and is an old friend of Metog’s. If hiding out from a chase, or
sell information to the companions. If they can’t pay the cost, taking a moment to re-group, the Peace Lilies could visit the
she may still offer it up in exchange for a favor…one that will restaurant to figure out what to do next.
more than likely be called in at the worst possible time.

Korra Era: The Burning Fuse 29

GM Advice Since the collapse of the Earth Empire, these young students
and philosophers are outspoken in their mistrust of any technol-
ogy which came from the Earth Empire—and, at their worst,
The basic plot of this adventure—unmask the thieves and return their mistrust of any technology which came from the Earth
the canisters before they explode—is functional, but there are Kingdom. They believe that not only was Juniper’s work created
many, many ways the PCs might accomplish these goals. What’s as the result of oppressing thousands of people—it was all also
more, the PCs may take many unexpected avenues to accom- used for nefarious means.
plish what they feel is a satisfying ending to the adventure! Here The Peace Lilies involved in this adventure aren’t content
are some suggestions for keeping things exciting while you play with sitting back and quietly protesting, though. These students
and discover how the story progresses, including using a GM want to stop Juniper Kim’s research before it gains any traction.
tool—escalations—to amp up the excitement in your game. They know she worked for the Earth Empire, and they don’t be-
lieve her claims of repentance. They’ve let this cloud their judg-
ment, focusing on stopping Juniper from making more weapons
Whodunit? and proving she still holds onto Kuvira’s vision of the future. In
This adventure provides a handful of potential suspects and order to stop more potential devastation in Republic City, this
threats for you to use. As the companions navigate the city and group of anxious activists used a gas to knock out everyone in
gather information, you play to find out who stole the canisters, the lab non-violently.
and why! Each of these groups has their own motivations for
The Peace Lily Society as antagonists
stealing the canisters, and they all make moves in the city (even
if they don’t end up being the ones responsible). The compan- If the Peace Lily Society are the thieves, the companions face a
ions can butt heads with one group only to find out they don’t delicate antagonist—a group of near-pacifists under pressure. As the
have anything to do with the theft, losing precious time in the situation escalates, these students will be pushed or provoked into
process. They might even form unsteady alliances or pit one or taking more irrational actions (especially if their balance gets shifted).
more groups against each other. Then again, they might also When they realize they’re cornered, these young idealists will have
find that some of these groups have made temporary bonds to to come to terms with how far they’re willing to go for their cause.
accomplish their goals as well! After all, when confronted about the attack and theft, there’s little
recourse for them but jail time. By trying to stop one possible prob-
If the Peace Lily Society Did It… lem, they’ve created an entirely new and very serious one. Can they
What they want: The Peace Lily Society is a group of anti-war be convinced to stand down peacefully or will they break from their
activists who railed against the Earth Empire’s totalitarianism philosophy when push comes to shove?
as well as all significant military actions taken in recent years.

30 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game

If the Equalists Did It…
What they want: The Equalists are finally reemerging after their
most recent defeat by Avatar Korra a few years ago. Yoshiro,
the Iron Dragon, has a vision of restoring the Equalists to their
former power. In order to get their weapons and equipment up
to speed quickly, Yoshiro ordered the raid on Juniper’s lab to
demonstrate his position as an emerging leader and a force to
be reckoned with. The weapons strengthen their movement as
a whole and exploding the canisters is a way for them to make
a real statement. After breaking into the lab, the Equalists are in
the process of bringing the canisters and weapons back to the
Iron Dragon himself through the tunnels. Catching up to them
is a challenge, and if the Equalists manage to get back to base,
they’ll be surrounded by a lot of their own tools and weapons.
After securing the canisters, the Equalists will carry out their
plan to blow up the Lucky Cranefish.
The Equalists as antagonists
If the Equalists committed the crime, the companions face off against
a familiar threat—the Equalists—crawling back from their recent Using the Leads
defeats. The Equalists as the central antagonists are straightforward Many of the clues presented in the Leads & Evidence for each
opponents, especially if the players are already familiar with the Korra group seem to clearly point to one culprit or another, for exam-
Era. Their motivations are clear, they’re prepared to fight for what ple, the electrified gloves of the Equalists. It’s also important to
they want, and they pose a decent challenge for the companions. If present your players with clear leads they can follow-up on, but
you aren’t sure which antagonist to focus on for this adventure, con- that may have you doubting whether you can throw a twist into
sider using the Iron Dragon as your primary NPC. The focus of this the works or not.
story becomes one where the companions confront Yoshiro and the It’s important to think of the Leads & Evidence as openings
Equalists, posing questions about who gets to use these technolo- of a story that don’t necessarily name the ultimate culprit of
gies, how to do so responsibly, and the cost of such power. this adventure. In the case of the electrified gloves, the Peace
Lilies could’ve bought the gloves from the Equalists trying to
If the Rising Flame Triad Did It… make money for their cause. In this case, the players are led to
What they want: The Rising Flame Triad have been trying to the Equalists first, must get information from them, and then
carve out a name for themselves during the ongoing turf wars in ultimately head to the true culprit.
the recovering city. They believe they can use the stolen weap-
ons to even the odds against the other triads. Xiaolan has been
waiting for a golden opportunity and when she got word the Balancing the Chase
police were moving a Terra Triad prisoner, she knew it was her The heart of this adventure is to locate the canisters and return
time to strike. The Rising Flames came to the laboratory in force, them to Juniper Kim before the canisters are blown up. That
knocking everyone out and piling the weapons and canisters naturally involves a lot of action and struggle, especially if the
into waiting getaway cars. They plan to rig the canisters to ex- thieves are one of the more aggressive or dangerous groups pro-
plode and ram a truck right into the prison transport, sending a vided! However, just like an episode of Legend of Korra, it’s not
big, messy message to all the other Triads. all about the action. There should also be moments of character
growth, difficult choices, and the push and pull of balance—not
The Rising Flame as antagonists just for the companions but for NPCs as well.
An adventure where the Rising Flame Triads are the thieves can As you play, find ways to make sure the companions are
feel more like a hard-boiled detective story. The companions may challenged by the various characters at play, not just in fights
find themselves investigating Republic City’s criminal underground, but in conversations. If the companions learn the Peace Lily
making backroom deals with dangerous people, and chasing after Society are the thieves, for example, there will likely be a lot
gangsters down alleys and busy streets on foot or by Satomobile. If more negotiation than combat to convince them to give up the
the companions are breathing down her neck and there’s no way her canisters. If the Iron Dragon is behind the theft, there will likely
plan is going to succeed, Xiaolan does what she does best—adapt. be plenty of action but they can shift characters’ principles and
She puts out a call for buyers to fence the canisters and offload some introduce complicated big-picture feelings into the mix. The
heat, make a lot of yuans, and earn some favors from potential allies companions don’t have the luxury of taking time to process all of
all in one go. The companions have a chance to stop the deal, but can this stuff—they need to make hard and fast choices, often with
they handle the Rising Flames and whoever the potential buyer is? messy outcomes, if they’re getting the canisters back by mid-
night! As with the internal struggles of every PC, the adventure
requires balance.

Korra Era: The Burning Fuse 31

Hitting the Bricks Which Groups are Active?
It can be overwhelming for players to decide where they should There’s a lot of tension and a lot of potential antagonists packed
look for answers or what their next (or best) plan of action is, into this adventure! It would be overwhelming to include all of
especially when the stakes of this adventure are so high. That’s them at once, so only include as many as makes sense to your
where the hitting the bricks move comes in. You can use this story. Not all of them will be open or obvious about their actions.
option to help your players in their investigation. They may not all be involved in the central plot of the adventure
When the companions have no clear direction of where to go when you run it, but they still take actions towards their individual
or what to do, they can trigger this move by describing a montage goals. The Peace Lily Society want to prevent another disaster
of how they go about looking for information, following clues, caused by poorly understood technology, the Iron Dragon wants
etc. This is different from relying on your skills and training to gain to make a name for himself, the Rising Flame Triad want to
insight into the situation (like an Urban background PC calling expand their operations…These groups can bump into each other
on city planning knowledge to follow some Rising Flames down as necessary during play, either throwing counterpoints to the
winding alleys). To reflect the time it takes to spread out and situation, complicating things even more, or working together.
conduct this work, making this move always advances the fuse Here are some guidelines on how multiple groups might
clock. However, because this move rolls with the number of fuses be involved at the same time, how you could use them as red
marked, it’s easier to find information and make progress the herrings, and how they clash against each other (or temporarily
closer it is to midnight. The companions are feeling the pressure align against the companions). As you can see, you may choose
and move faster to try and achieve their goal! to have one faction steal the canisters, but another faction can
enact the plan to explode them:
If the Rising Flame Triad stole the canisters, they quickly realize
When you hit the bricks of Republic City in search of they don’t have the know-how or the time to make proper use of
answers, declare what you’re looking for and roll with the them. To take the heat off, they put out a call for buyers. They don’t
number of fuses marked. On any hit, the GM chooses one necessarily care about who ends up with the things as long as it
option from their list after any of your choices. On a 7-9, mark doesn’t put them at a disadvantage—they don’t want the canisters
the fuse clock and choose one below. On a 10+, choose two going to the big dogs like the Triple Threats or Creeping Crystals,
from below and mark the fuse clock, or choose one and avoid for example. That’s where Yoshiro, the Iron Dragon, steps forward
marking the fuse clock. to express his interest. Disguising himself and his intentions, Yoshiro
• Gain an important lead or break in the case—ask the tries to take the canisters with coin or force. When the Rising
GM for guidance and they will answer honestly. Flames realize they’ve helped the people who tried to remove their
• Meet someone who can get you what you bending, they panic. They go looking for any allies they can get to
need—find an NPC who can assist, as established keep the canisters out of truly dangerous hands.
by the fiction or the GM’s choice.
• The companions track the stolen canisters to the deal
• Track down an established threat—you get the
site (probably a back room at the Lucky Cranefish) and
drop on an antagonistic NPC or NPC group.
must decide how to stop the sale and grab the canisters.
Then the GM chooses one:
• After the deal goes down, panicking Rising Flame members
• …but someone dangerous blocks your progress—you’re
reveal the truth to the companions and offer a temporary
confronted by an antagonistic NPC or NPC group.
team-up to get it back (in exchange for looking the
• …but it’s going to take a lot of time;
other way on stealing the canisters in the first place).
the GM marks the fuse clock.
• …but you’re feeling the heat—work with the GM The Peace Lily Society is unlikely to start any problems with
to describe how your principles are changing, any of the other groups on their own; if anything, they’re most
then shift your balance away from center. likely to be confronted by others. The Peace Lily Society might
On a miss, you’re caught by surprise by someone looking to even form a temporary alliance with the companions if they help
interrogate you, detain you, or stop you. them try to destroy the canisters safely. In this case, having heard
news of a group of near-pacifists getting their hands on a poten-
tial weapon, the Equalists could step-in and steal the canisters
It’s important that this move doesn’t become the central focus from the Lilies and use them for their own ends.
of the adventure. In order to make the move, the companions If the Equalists are the culprits, they likely take the canisters
need to have an idea of what they’re looking for but the situa- underground and start setting them with explosives. They take
tion needs to have changed significantly between the roll and the canisters to the Lucky Cranefish and set them to blow. The
whatever its outcome is. Otherwise, the players will just roll, get Rising Flames have been sniffing around the lab, so the Equal-
a result, resolve it, and then turn back to the move until they find ists know who they are, and the triad is small enough to be an
the canisters or they are exploded. easy target that shows the Equalists mean business. Xiaolan has
lookouts outside her establishment and if she sees the Equalists
coming, the two groups fight one another—leading to a dan-
gerous situation the companions must diffuse if they don’t want
innocent bystanders hurt.

32 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game

Ultimately, as long as you follow the fiction you may find
yourself with plenty of good angles and reasons for the different
groups to get involved. The companions may naturally gravitate
towards one suspect or focus on whichever group you present
first. That’s fine! Use this section to help determine who might
make an interesting counterpoint or complication to the adven-
ture. Each of these groups has a part to play in the adventure and
in the future of Earth Empire technology in Republic City, but
this specific story doesn’t have to be where they get the spot-
light. You can always borrow the suggestions presented here for
future story seeds or twists in an ongoing campaign built off this
one (or of your own design in the Korra Era).

One-Shot Play
If you’re playing this adventure as one-shot, the stakes are high
and the pressure is on! The players have a very clear goal—get
the canisters back in time before they explode. The companions
need to work quickly and efficiently to achieve this. Keep the
scope of the adventure tight to maximize your time. If you in-
troduce too many NPCs, the players may become overwhelmed
managing all of the potential threads or certain things might get
lost in the shuffle and chaos. By focusing on one NPC group as
the primary antagonist, you can keep things consistent and cen-
tered on one set of struggles and challenges. You can still bring
in other NPCs but they might take on a more advisory role or Future Adventures
even serve as potential allies. For example, if the Iron Dragon Whether the companions manage to stop the canisters from
and the Equalists are the thieves, the companions might enlist exploding or not, a lot of big things are set in motion in Republic
the aid of the Rising Flame Triad in getting the canisters back. City. If the companions manage to stop the plot, they’ll be cel-
They might be led towards the Equalists only to realize that the ebrated as heroes and earn some respect from Asami and Chief
Iron Dragon is being framed by the Peace Lilies, trying to throw Beifong—that kind of influence could be very useful when the
the authorities off their scent. companions need to call in a favor of their own!
However the adventure ends, Juniper Kim still wants to make
Pressure without stress good on her personal quest for redemption however she can.
Because it’s a one-shot, you can feel free to keep the pressure on Juniper can be a resource and even a mentor for the companions.
and up the ante. Every GM move you make should keep things Since she wants to make up for her work building war machines,
moving (even more than a regular session). However, remember she’s open to teaching people how to use technology for good.
that you’re playing to find out what happens without punishing Any Technologist willing to learn can benefit from her tutelage—
the players. If you’re following your GM principles, you should she’s certainly more available than the perpetually busy Asami.
be a fan of the characters as much as you challenge them. This If the PCs don’t get the canisters back before they explode,
means you can absolutely advance the fuse clock when things then whichever group stole them will likely be massively harmed
take a while and introduce complications to the situation as by the out of control explosion. The landscape afterward shifts
the fiction demands, but avoid ticking the fuse clock more than heavily against spirit energy, and with that one group removed,
you need to. It’s a serious consequence; advancing the clock others certainly try to muscle in on their space.
shouldn’t feel like you are saying to the players, “This wouldn’t If the companions are successful, Asami will be extreme-
happen if you were more proactive.” Act with intent and keep ly grateful and can be the source of many new adventures as
things rolling but make sure the players don’t feel like they’re she delegates tasks to them. Chief Beifong also may decide to
defusing a bomb out-of-game at the table! deputize the companions…or she may applaud their efforts
but tell them to stay out of official police business, even if she’s
impressed with their work. If the companions fail, they end up
at the top of Chief Beifong’s ne’er-do-well list, and Asami will be
incredibly disappointed. Whether she takes the blame herself
for recommending the companions in the first place depends
on how it all shakes out. Suffice to say, the companions may find
themselves trying to make it up to Asami somehow, taking on
dangerous or wild tasks to get back in her good graces.

Korra Era: The Burning Fuse 33

Asami Sato
“People usually assume that I’m Daddy’s helpless little girl,
but I can handle myself.”


Build a better future

Asami Sato was born in Republic City to Yasuko and Hiroshi
Sato. Hiroshi invented the Satomobile and founded the manu-
facturing conglomerate Future Industries. Asami’s childhood
was marked by tragedy; during a break-in at the Sato family
estate, Firebenders from the Agni Kai Triad killed her mother.
By her late teenage years in the Korra Era, Asami was an
adept businesswoman and inventor. She was also a redoubtable
hand-to-hand combatant, especially when synergizing her skills
with technological aids such as motor vehicles and (later on)
electrified gloves.
Soon after Avatar Korra’s arrival in Republic City, Asami met
and befriended her, joining Korra’s fight against the anti-bending
Equalist party. In the process, Asami fought against and cap-
tured her own anti-bending father, and after his incarceration,
she assumed control of the beleaguered Future Industries. She
resurrected the company from the ground up through careful
management, strategic alliances, and the development and sale
of military hardware during the hostilities between the Northern
and Southern Water Tribes.
Lending her own martial, piloting, and engineering abilities
as well as her corporate resources, Asami remained a mainstay
of the Avatar’s squad. She participated in the revitalization of
the Air Nation and the struggles against Unalaq, the Red Lotus,
General Kuvira’s Earth Empire, and Commander Guan’s impe-
rial holdouts. By the time of Kuvira’s accession, she had fully
rebuilt Future Industries, even taking point in modernizing Cen-
tral City Station in Republic City. She even began to reconcile
with her contrite father and collaborate with him on technology
for the war effort, though he ultimately died in battle against
Kuvira’s giant robotic Colossus.
Conditions In the wake of Kuvira’s attack on Republic City, Asami
„ Afraid and Korra took a vacation in the Spirit World together, finally
„ Angry admitting their love for one another and starting their romantic
Principle „ Guilty relationship. Back in Republic City, Asami and Future Industries
„ Insecure led the construction of war refugee housing in Republic City.
„ Troubled
Tokuga and the Triple Threat Triad briefly captured Asami, but
Progress „ Hurt
their plan backfired when she broke loose and used her technical
skills to sabotage his attempted gas attack on Republic City.
„ Mistrustful
Asami continues to govern Future Industries with financial and
„ Distraught scientific acumen as well as an ironclad commitment to ethical
practices. When she has a moment of free time, she spends it with
her girlfriend Avatar Korra, traveling the world, being heroes, and
enjoying each other’s company. Asami is never afraid to lend her
skills as an engineer and as a martial artist to a cause she believes in.

34 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game

How to Play Asami Asami as a Teacher
• Put principles before profit. As the world’s foremost industrialist, Asami is a genius technologist and inventor as well as a master
Asami feels responsible for using her immense resources to help hand-to-hand combatant. She’s most interested in sharing her
others, from struggling pro-bending teams to war refugees. interest in technology; she can still enjoy time with another
• Find technical solutions to problems. Asami has no like-minded technologist, experimenting and creating new
equal when it comes to mechanical, electrical, and devices. She’s very much aware of the responsibility of modern
robotic engineering. She uses her intellect and education technology, however, and how it can wreak havoc if it falls into
to solve problems in a way that no one else can. the wrong hands…or if its maker doesn’t exercise appropriate
• Get your hands dirty. Asami might have grown up rich, caution and thought. Any PC hoping to learn from Asami has
but no one can fault her work ethic. No matter what to show the same kind of responsibility, a commitment to the
kind of dangers face her as a captain of industry or as the idea that these machines should be used for the betterment of
Avatar’s girlfriend, she leads from the front—it’ll be fun! the world and the lives of others. She has her own responsi-
bilities with Future Industries and in aiding Korra, but she’ll
Bring Asami in… make time for someone who shows the same beliefs and skills
• …when there’s an elite social function or worth developing. As a teacher, Asami is encouraging and
entertainment event in the Republic City area. supportive—she prizes an individual’s own inventiveness when
• …when cutting-edge technology or immense capital channeled appropriately, far more than her own ideas. When it
could be used to improve the lives of others. comes to the overall tone and style of mastery conditions set to
• …when trouble comes for Avatar Korra. PCs, Asami will emphasize thought over force, clever ideas over
direct results. Asami wants those who learn from her to see how
problems can be solved in many ways, and there’s nearly always
Techniques a better way, in addition to seeing how they can help others and
don’t always have to solve the problem on their own.

Jolt Suggested Mastery Conditions

Advance and Attack

Launch a disruptive attack on a target within reach in an attempt to • Repurpose an existing piece of technology to solve
control or slow them. Mark 1-fatigue to target a person or object. If a problem it was never designed to solve
you target a person, they must shift their balance away from center; if • Persuade someone to use their skills or talents
they are a technology user or covered in metal, they become Stunned; for a different, constructive purpose
if you target an object, it is temporarily slowed or shut down. • Equip an ally with a customized piece of equipment or gear

Defend and Maneuver

Using your technological know-how, you improve your situation by

quickly tuning, repairing, and adjusting your available equipment.
Mark 1-fatigue, clear a condition, and gain 3-gears. Spend gears 1-for-1
instead of fatigue on technology techniques or basic techniques
using technology training.

Drive Like You Stole It*

Defend and Maneuver

Use a vehicle to both maneuver and attack at the same time,

driving it into targets while avoiding incoming blows. Mark 1-fatigue
and name the foe you’re choosing to engage with; no other foe
can successfully keep up and engage with you this exchange. Inflict
2-fatigue or a condition, your choice, on your chosen foe. If you are
willing to sacrifice your vehicle in the attack, inflict an additional
2-fatigue and a condition.

*Rare Technique

Korra Era: The Burning Fuse 35


This appendix includes an array of different
techniques used in this adventure listed in
alphabetical order. Any specialized bending
forms necessary to use a technique are called
out on the technique with a stamp. Some
techniques are also marked with an asterisk
denoting them as “rare,” meaning they are
particularly complicated, powerful, and rare
in the world; only the greatest of masters are
likely to have and teach these techniques.
Other techniques are marked with two as-
terixis denoting them as “group techniques,”
meaning they are used by groups of NPCs.

36 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game

Attack Weakness Chart a Course*
advance & attack evade & observe

Strike an enemy at a weak point where they’ve already been injured. Plan a clear and perfect path of action. Secretly choose your
Mark 1-fatigue to target an engaged, Impaired enemy in reach; they approach and up to two techniques you plan to use in the next
suffer fatigue equal to however many conditions they already have exchange (noting them in advance). If you use those techniques in
marked. the next exchange, reveal your planning; those techniques cost no
fatigue and cannot be canceled or blocked. Anyone engaged with
you can mark 1-fatigue to look at the note.
Attend to Commands**
evade & observe

A leading voice in the group takes a moment to organize it effec- Coordination**

tively. The group clears Impaired, becomes Inspired, and inflicts an evade & observe

additional 1-fatigue on all attacks made next exchange. The group sets itself up to launch a concerted, skilled attack upon its
targets next exchange. The group becomes Prepared and Favored and
may clear 2-fatigue or a condition (in addition to the normal 1-fatigue
Better, Faster, Stronger for evade and observe).
defend & maneuver

You push your equipment to its limits to move fast and charge up.
Mark 1-fatigue to use Seize a Position, but no foe can block you. You Disarm
may mark an additional 1-fatigue to gain Empowered for as long as defend & maneuver

you maintain the new position, or to move to an unsafe, unstable Target your foe’s ability to fight by breaking, removing, or limiting a
area and make it safe. particular style. Mark 2-fatigue to name any advanced advance and
attack technique your foe has—they are unable to use that tech-
nique for the remainder of this encounter.
Breath of Fire
advance & attack

Breathe fire in a massive gout. Mark 1-fatigue to set alight as much or Draw Foe**
as little of your surroundings as you choose and try to set aflame any evade & observe

foes within reach. Those foes must either retreat and disengage with The group misleads foes into overextending themselves. The group
you, becoming Impaired, or suffer 2-fatigue and become Doomed as targets an engaged foe who chose the advance and attack approach
they catch fire. this exchange. That foe must mark 1-fatigue, becomes Impaired, and
is moved out of reach of allies.

advance & attack Duck and Twist
Rush forward with the might of the wind behind you and crash into a evade & observe

foe. Mark 1-fatigue to target a foe you aren’t currently engaged with Rely on your fast movement to help keep you out of the worst of
and rush at them. You become engaged with them (disengaging with harm’s way. Mark 1-fatigue to clear one condition and become Favored.
other current foes) and inflict a condition on them.

Charge defend & maneuver
advance & attack The whole group shifts forward en masse, engulfing their target and
Advance straight at an enemy to strike them full force. Mark 1-fatigue engaging them. An engulfed target becomes Impaired and cannot es-
to close the distance and engage with an enemy you aren’t currently cape or disengage this exchange. The group automatically uses Strike
engaged with, inflicting one condition or 2-fatigue (their choice). against each Impaired foe within reach.
Become Favored for the next exchange.

Fire Blade
advance & attack

Swipe your surroundings with a blade of flame. Mark 1-fatigue to

slice through a piece of your surroundings and destabilize your foe’s
footing, inflicting 2-fatigue and Impaired on them.

* Rare Technique | ** Group Technique

Appendix: Techniques 37
Fire Stream Parry
defend & maneuver defend & maneuver

Pour fire upon a target. Mark 1-fatigue to inflict Impaired on them. Stop a foe’s attack before it connects. Choose a foe who used ad-
Mark 3-fatigue to inflict Doomed and Impaired. Mark 5-fatigue to vance and attack this exchange; during advance and attack, mark
inflict Trapped, Doomed, and Impaired. fatigue—1-for-1—to cancel an attack they use against you after they
pay the costs.

Fire Whip
defend & maneuver Pinpoint Thrust
Lash out from a distance. Mark 1-fatigue to inflict 2-fatigue or a con- advance & attack

dition (target’s choice), and enemies must mark 1-fatigue to get close Using a thrusting or stabbing weapon, go straight for the target
enough to attack you this exchange. with precision and accuracy. Mark 1-fatigue and inflict 2-fatigue
and Impaired on your foe. You may mark an additional 1-fatigue to
move yourself to a new position within reach immediately; any foes
Flame Knives engaged with you may mark 1-fatigue to block this movement.
advance & attack

Mark up to 3-fatigue. Hold an equal number of flames. Lose 1-flame

at the end of each exchange after this one. When you inflict fatigue Protect
or conditions on a foe, inflict an additional 1-fatigue for each remain- defend & maneuver

ing flame. Protect an ally within reach. Mark 1-fatigue to intercept and stop
an attack made against them in this exchange; if no attack is made
against them in this exchange, you both become Inspired.
Focused Fire**
advance & attack

The group pours out all of its attacks simultaneously, in synchronized Protect Objective**
fashion, against the same target. Mark 1-fatigue to inflict 2-fatigue defend & maneuver

and a condition. If the group was Prepared for this attack, inflict an The group surrounds a person, place, or object with their backs to it, to
additional 2-fatigue and another condition. protect it from attack, disruption, or seizure. The group marks 2-fatigue
and becomes Prepared. All foes near or engaged with the protected
target become disengaged and pushed back from the target and are
Ground Shift now engaged with the group. No foe can reach the protected target
evade & observe until the group is scattered or loses Prepared.
Twist the ground itself to displace or unbalance foes. Target an indi-
vidual foe or an area. If you target an area, mark 1-fatigue. All affected
foes become Impaired for an exchange, or Stunned if they are already Rapid Assessment
Impaired. evade & observe

Quickly take in your situation far faster than normal. Ask one
question about the situation at hand. Become Prepared to act on
Jet Stepping the answer, and you may call out your plan to an ally to make them
evade & observe Prepared as well.
Advance to a higher position and become Favored and Prepared for
the next exchange. Any foe engaged with you can mark 2-fatigue to
block this technique. Rebuild
defend & maneuver

Using your technological know-how, you improve your situation by

Overwhelm** quickly tuning, repairing, and adjusting your available equipment.
advance & attack Mark 1-fatigue, clear a condition, and gain 3-gears. Spend gears 1-for-1
Strike at every combatant in reach. All foes engaged with the group instead of fatigue on technology techniques or basic techniques
must mark 2-fatigue or one condition, their choice. using technology training.

** Group Technique

38 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game

Scatter and Regroup** Suck It Up
evade & observe defend & maneuver

The group splits apart and reforms nearby. The group clears one Focus and absorb a blow, readying yourself to act immediately after.
condition. Any foe engaged with the group is no longer engaged with For each attack that inflicts fatigue, conditions, or balance shifts on
the group, and the group can advance and engage with foes as it you this exchange, choose one additional technique next exchange
chooses; any foes the group engages with are Impaired. (even if you roll a miss on the stance move).

Spread Out** Swarm**

defend & maneuver advance & attack

The group spreads itself out to cover more ground and avoid The group throws itself upon a foe with no heed to its own safety.
large-scale attacks. The group cannot suffer more than 1-fatigue, Mark 1-fatigue to inflict 2-fatigue on a single target. This technique
one condition, or one balance shift from any individual attack—the may be chosen multiple times. Each time it is chosen after the first, it
attacker chooses which if necessary. The group can also engage inflicts an additional 1-fatigue.
with any foes in a much wider reach, and pays no cost to keep an
engaged foe from escaping.
Switch It Up
evade & observe
Stone Shield* Switch up your style, footwork, weapon, or bearing, causing your foe
defend & maneuver to second-guess your next move. Mark 1-fatigue to become Prepared
Raise a defensive shield of stone that protects you or someone else. and force an engaged foe to reveal their choice of approach before
Mark 1-fatigue to raise the shield. Anyone protected by the Stone you choose yours during the next exchange.
Shield gains Impaired—it’s tough to move inside. This shield blocks
the first attack directed toward it each exchange. The Stone Shield
cannot move and is not destroyed by an attack—it remains in place
until you decide it comes down. You can elect to use the raw material
in the wall for an earthbending technique, reducing its cost by 1-fa-
tigue and removing the Stone Shield.

* Rare Technique | ** Group Technique

Appendix: Techniques 39
Table of Contents
The Pirates of Crimson Sails.....................3
Using This Adventure........................................4
Summary.............................................................. 5
Important Characters & Groups....................9
Important Locations...................................... 14
GM Advice...........................................................15
Zuko.................................................................... 18
The Burning Fuse....................................... 20
Using This Adventure...................................... 21
Summary............................................................ 21
Introduction.................................................... 25
Important Characters & Groups.................. 26
Important Locations...................................... 29
GM Advice.......................................................... 30
Asami Sato......................................................... 34
Appendix: Techniques............................... 36

40 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game

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