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Stats 106- Practice Sheet

Chapter 01- Introduction to Basic Statistics

1. In a questionnaire, respondents are asked to mark their gender as male or female. Gender is an example of the
a. ordinal scale
b. nominal scale
c. ratio scale
d. interval scale
2. The scale of measurement that is used to rank order the observation for a variable is called the
a. ratio scale
b. ordinal scale
c. nominal scale
d. interval scale
3. Some hotels ask their guests to rate the hotel's services as excellent, very good, good, and poor. This is an
example of the
a. ordinal scale
b. ratio scale
c. nominal scale
d. interval scale
4. The ratio scale of measurement has the properties of
a. only the ordinal scale
b. only the nominal scale
c. the rank scale
d. the interval scale
5. Temperature is an example of a variable that uses
a. the ratio scale
b. the interval scale
c. the ordinal scale
d. either the ratio or the ordinal scale

6. Arithmetic operations are inappropriate for

a. the ratio scale
b. the interval scale
c. both the ratio and interval scales
d. the nominal scale
7. Quantitative data refers to data obtained with a(n)
a. ordinal scale
b. nominal scale
c. either interval or ratio scale
d. only interval scale
8. Data
a. are always be numeric
b. are always nonnumeric
c. are the raw material of statistics
d. None of these alternatives is correct.
9. A characteristic of interest for the elements is called a(n)
a. sample
b. data set
c. variable
d. None of these alternatives is correct.
Stats 106- Practice Sheet

10. In a questionnaire, respondents are asked to mark their gender as male or female. Gender is an example of a
a. categorical variable
b. quantitative variable
c. categorical or quantitative variable, depending on how the respondents answered the
d. None of these alternatives is correct.
11. For ease of data entry into a university database, 1 denotes that the student is an undergraduate and 2
indicates that the student is a graduate student. In this case data are
a. categorical
b. quantitative
c. either categorical or quantitative
d. neither categorical nor quantitative
12. Data collected at the same, or approximately the same, point in time are
a. time series data
b. approximate time series data
c. crossectional data
d. approximate data
13. Data collected over several time periods are
a. time series data
b. time controlled data
c. crossectional data
d. time crossectional data
14. The summaries of data, which may be tabular, graphical, or numerical, are referred to as
a. inferential statistics
b. descriptive statistics
c. statistical inference
d. report generation
15. The Department of Transportation of a city has noted that on the average there are 17 accidents per day. The
average number of accidents is an example of
a. descriptive statistics
b. statistical inference
c. a sample
d. a population
16. The sample size
a. can be larger than the population size
b. is always smaller than the population size
c. can be larger or smaller than the population size
d. is always equal to the size of the population
Exhibit 1-1
Part of the data bank of a corporation is shown below.

Employee Years of Employee Rank Yearly

Number Gender Department Experience (1 - 10) Salary
23450 Male Accounting 15 10 $ 52,443.00
34568 Female IT 24 7 $111,239.00
23123 Female Personnel 20 4 $ 84,473.00
23007 Male Finance 9 1 $ 47,519.00
Stats 106- Practice Sheet

17. Refer to Exhibit 1-1. Employee Number is an example of ________ data.

a. nominal
b. ordinal
c. interval
d. ratio

18. Refer to Exhibit 1-1. Gender is an example of ________ data.

a. nominal
b. ordinal
c. interval
d. ratio

19. Refer to Exhibit 1-1. Years of Experience is an example of ________ data.

a. nominal
b. ordinal
c. interval
d. ratio

20. Refer to Exhibit 1-1. Employee Rank is an example of ________ data.

a. nominal
b. ordinal
c. interval
d. ratio

21. Refer to Exhibit 1-1. Yearly Salary is an example of ________ data.

a. nominal
b. ordinal
c. interval
d. ratio
22. After graduation ceremonies at a university, six graduates were asked whether they were in favor of
(identified by 1) or against (identified by 0) abortion. Some information about these graduates is shown

Graduate Sex Age Abortion Issue Class Rank

Marissa F 24 1 1
Jason M 22 1 2
Wendy F 41 0 3
Edward M 38 0 20
Jennifer F 25 1 4
Tim M 19 0 8

a. How many elements are in the data set?

b. How many variables are in the data set?
c. How many observations are in the data set?
d. Which of the above variables (Sex, Age, Abortion Issue, Class rank) are categorical and which
are quantitative variables?
e. Are arithmetic operations appropriate for the variable "abortion issue"?
Stats 106- Practice Sheet

23. The following table shows the starting salaries of a sample of recent business graduates.

Income (In $1,000s) Number of Graduates

15 - 19 40
20 - 24 60
25 - 29 80
30 - 34 18
35 - 39 2

a. What percentage of graduates in the sample had starting salaries of at least $30,000?
b. Of the graduates in the sample, what percentage had starting salaries of less than $25,000?
c. Based on this sample, what percentage of all business graduates do you estimate to have
starting salaries of at least $20,000?

24. The highway patrol is interested in determining the average speed of automobiles traveling on I-75 between
Chattanooga and Atlanta. To accomplish this task, the speed of every tenth car passing a particular point
on I-75 is recorded.

a. What is the population for this study?

b. What constitutes the sample?
c. Is speed a categorical or a quantitative variable?
d. What type of measurement scale is used?

25. The following information regarding the ten richest Americans was reported in a recent issue of Forbes.

Name Ranking Worth Age Marital Source

($Billions) Status
Gates, William 1 59.0 51 married Microsoft
Buffett, Warren 2 52.0 77 married Berkshire Hathaway
Adelson, Sheldon 3 28.0 74 married casinos, hotels
Ellison, L. J. 4 26.0 63 married Oracle
Brin, Sergey 5 18.5 34 married Google
Page, Larry 5 18.5 34 single Google
Kerkorian, Kirk 7 18.0 90 divorced investments, casinos
Dell, Michael 8 17.2 42 married Dell
Koch, Charles 9 17.0 71 married oil, commodities
Koch, David 9 17.0 67 married oil, commodities

a. How many elements are in the above data set?

b. How many variables are in this data set?
c. How many observations are in this data set?
d. Which variables are categorical and which are quantitative?
e. What measurement scale is used for each variable?

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