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Activity on Topic 1: Historical Antecedents in the Course of Science and Technology


Your task
1. Write down the top 10 invention in the World and in the Philippines. (5 in the world,5 in
the Philippines)
2. Determine persisting needs were addressed by each invention
3. Discuss briefly the impact of each invention to society

Inventions What were the persisting What is the impact to the

needs addressed? society


BABY’S HEALTH STATUS does the demand for bettering
or saving the health of babies,
this medical incubator is used
in conjunction with other
equipment and procedures to
provide the best possible
environment and continuous
monitoring for babies who
require extra assistance.
2. SALT LAMP CLEANSING, Salt lamp play an important
DEODORIZING AND AIR role in our society. Indeed,
PURIFICATION proponents of salt lamps state
that they may relieve allergies,
improve your mood, and aid
sleep. Because of their
hygroscopic qualities, they
also purify the air. This means
that the salt attracts and traps
airborne water molecules
which really proved that it is
3. VIDEOKE CREATION AND Filipinos enjoy singing, and
ENTERTAINMENT Videoke is always there at
every occasion (birthday
parties, weddings, feasts,
festivals, events, and so on),
indicating that it is already
embedded in their life. It
strengthens relationships,
entertains people, and
provides a distinct type of
enjoyment that encourages
them to sing often. Filipinos,
as I'm sure you're all aware,
love singing. As a result of
this national fascination, many
talented Filipinos have made
their mark in the music
4. EJEEPNEY TRANSPORTATION Electric jeepneys are
environmentally friendly
versions of a classic means of
public transportation that
reduce emissions, improve
public safety, increase
punctuality, and improve
people's comfort.
5. MOSQUITO OVICIDAL REPELLENT Mosquitoes could not be
allowed to harm people's lives.
As a result, the invention of
assists them in preventing the
next generation of mosquitoes
from reaching adulthood,
thereby reducing the
population of Aedes
mosquitoes. However, It can't
kill all different kinds of
mosquitos, but it can help
prevent them from becoming a
potential problem.

6.PRINTING PRESS ADVERTISEMENT Knowledge was disseminated

wider and faster than ever
before thanks to the printing
press. The printing press
enabled mass literacy by
making books and literature
affordable to the middle class.
The printing press made
information accessible and
affordable to everyone. It is,
without a doubt, humanity's
greatest invention.
7. PASTEURIZATION PRESERVATION OF When it comes to the benefits
FOODS AND of pasteurization in today's
ELIMINATION OF society, Food preservation and
HARMFUL BACTERIAS food safety became an issue as
individuals were able to
develop better means of
production to suit the
requirements of the
population. Dairy goods,
particularly milk, were a
larger challenge to preserve
from spoiling because they
degraded more quickly. Food
poisoning, diphtheria, and
typhoid fever may occur if this
food is not taken shortly after
manufacture. That’s why the
invention of pasteurization is
really important in society.
8. WHEEL TRANSPORTATION The wheel is a significant
invention. Wheels can be used
as a mode of conveyance.
People had to walk, carry
incredibly large goods, and
cross seas before the wheel
was invented. It improved
things with its inventions.
9. CALCULATOR SOLVING Calculators have not only
substantially improved
people’s capacity to execute
basic calculations in daily life,
but they have also given
people the ability to
comprehend mathematics on a
level that has never been
10. TELEPHONE COMMUNICATION AND In today's fast-paced society,
CONNECTION telephones are considered a
necessity. Individuals were
able to communicate
considerably more quickly
because to the telephone.
Once this was realized, the use
of the telephone increased.
After the telephone's
invention, society realized that
it could be used to reach
another person at any time and
from any location, knowing
that the call would be finished.

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