Physics Set 11

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Model Questions Set B

Candidates are required to give answers in their own words as far as

practicable. Figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Time: 3hrs Full marks: 75

Attempt all the questions

I. Rewrite the correct options of each questions in your answer sheet.

1. Which quantity in rotational motion is analogous to mass in linear motion?
a. Torque b. Moment of inertia
c. angular momentum d. angular velocity
2. Thousand smaller drops of water of equal size combine to form a big drop. What
is the ratio of final surface energy to total initial surface energy?
a. 10:1 b. 1:10 c. 1000:1 d.1:100
3.The time period of a simple pendulum is T. What is its time period when its
effective length becomes four times?
a. 4T b. 2T c. T d. T/2
4. An ideal gas is taken through series of changes represented in diagram. The work
done by the gas at the end of cycle is equal to

4P1 C

P1 A
V1 3V1

a. P1V1 b. 3P1V1 c. 6P1V1 d. Zero

5.When the door of a refrigerator is left open in a room, the temperature of the
room will
a. increase
b. decrease
c. remains same
d. first increase then decrease
6. By what factor velocity of sound increases in a stretched string when the tension
in it increases by four times?
a.4 b. 2 c. ½ d. ¼
7. What is the angle between reflected and refracted beam for completely plane
polarized light?
b. 45°
c. 60°
8. Which one of the followings is the phenomenon of production of emf by
maintaining a difference of temperature between the two junctions of dissimilar
a. Joule effect
b. See-beck effect
c. Peltier effect
d. Thomson effect
9. The north pole of a magnet is brought near a metallic ring as shown in figure.
What will be the direction of induced current in the ring?
a. Anticlockwise
b. Clockwise
c. First anticlockwise and then clockwise
d. First clockwise and then anticlockwise
10. Ultraviolet radiation of 6.2 eV falls on an aluminum surface of work function
4.2 eV, the maximum kinetic energy will be:
a. 4.2 × 10-17 J

b. 3.2 × 10-19 J
c. 1.4× 10-18 J
d. 2.6 × 10-16 J
11. Which waves are most dangerous in earthquake?
a. Rayleigh waves
b. love waves
c. P- waves
d. S-waves
Group B:
Short Answer Questions (8×5 = 40)
12.a. Define moment of inertia of a body. Write any two factors on which it
depends. [1+1]
b. An electric fan is turned off and its angular velocity decreases
uniformly from 200 rev/min to 50 rev/min in 2 seconds.
(i) Calculate, the angular acceleration. [1]
(ii) Number of revolutions made by the fan in 2 seconds interval. [1]
(iii) How many additional seconds are required to come to rest? [1]
(a) After landing on an unfamiliar planet, a space explorer constructs a simple
pendulum of effective length 50 cm. She finds that the pendulum makes 100
complete swings in 136 seconds. What is the value of g on this planet? [3]
(b) For a simple pendulum, show that acceleration is directly proportional to
displacement of bob from its mean position. [2]

13. In an experiment, a spherical ball of radius r
falls freely through glycerin as shown in figure.
(a) Sketch a graph showing the nature of variation
of velocity of the ball with time. [1] r

(b) What happens to the magnitude of upward
acting force F if the velocity increases? [1]

(c) Establish the expression for constant

[Fig: 14.7, A metal sphere of radius r falling
downward velocity of the ball. [3] freely under gravity in a fluid.]

14. (a) What is meant by entropy? Can the first law of thermodynamics be
expressed in terms of entropy? Justify. [1+1]
(b) An ice-making machine operates in a Carnot cycle. It takes heat from water
at 0C and rejects heat to a room at 24C. Suppose that 5 kg of water at 0C are
converted to ice at 0C. How much heat is rejected to the room? [Latent heat
of fusion of ice=80 cal/g) [3]
15.(a) Two narrow slits are illuminated by a single monochromatic source, now
one slit is completely covered. Construct the intensity pattern on the screen. [1]
(b) A parallel beam of monochromatic light is allowed to fall normally on a
plane transmission grating having 5000 lines/cm and second order spectral
line is found to be diffracted at 300. Calculate the wavelength of light. [2]
(c) In physics lab, you are given a plane mirror in which polished surface has
been erased along two fine parallel lines separated by very small distance.
(i) If you send laser light from polished side of the mirror and hold the mirror
such that reflecting surface facing parallel to the white wall, identify the
physical phenomenon you observe on that white wall. [1]

(ii) Justify the changes in the observations when you go towards white wall
holding mirror in a same way. [1]

(a) Construct wave-front and wavelets from a candle source. [2]

(b) Study the phenomenon shown in the figure given below

N N'

Rarer medium
i i
x A B C r P' y
r D'
C' r
A' medium
L' M'

Fig. Varification of laws of refraction of light on the basis of wave theory

(i) Using the geometry given in the figure, explain why does the size of
dotted circle decreases as we proceed towards point D from point A? [2]

(ii) Are the lines PP’ and AA’ equal? Justify. [1]
16. (a) State and explain Biot and Savart’s law. [2]

(b) A proton moving in a straight line enters into a uniform magnetic field
along the field direction. How will its path changes? [1]

(c) A D.C current passes through a helical coiled spring. Predict the change
in length of spring and in the length of wire that makes spring. [2]
17. (a) Define eddy currents. Write its two uses. [1+1

(b ) A coil has N number of turns and the magnetic flux linking the coil
changes from 1 and 2 in time 't' . Write mathematical expression for induced
emf. [1]
(c) Figure shows a conducting rod PQ of length l is placed on two metallic
rails CD and MN in a uniform magnetic field of strength B. Suppose, the rod
moves through a small distance x with velocity v perpendicular to its own
length towards the right.

(i) Estimate the response of galvanometer connected to the ends point P and Q.
(ii) If velocity of the conducting rod is not exactly perpendicular to B but makes
an angle  with it then, estimate the change in response of the galvanometer.

18.(a) Define X- rays. Write any two uses of X-rays. [2]

(b) Can total energy of an electron in an atom be positive? Justify. [1]

(c) Following figure represents the energy level diagram of an atom and the
origin of six spectral lines 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in the emission spectrum. Which
of the spectral lines (among 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) will also appear in the
absorption spectrum? Justify your answer. [2]


4 5

1 2 3

19.(a) Derive the expression T1/2 = for a radioactive phenomenon where,

the symbols carry their usual meanings. [2]

(b) What happens if a neutron decays emitting a beta particle? [1]

(c) Two radioactive samples have different values of decay constants, one smaller
and another lower. Which sample will decay with slow rate? Sketch a graph
showing the variation of activities of these samples with time. [2]

Group C: Long Answer Questions (3 × 8 = 24)
20. (a) A student sitting on the bench feels increasing pitch of sound as the
teacher approaches to him/her while explaining a lesson. Why? [2]

(b) In the figure given below, figure (a) represents situation that a source of
sound and listener are at rest at position S and L respectively. Figure (b)
represents relative motion between moving source and stationary listener.

(a) v


vs 

(b) S


(i) Does the pitch of sound changes to the listener in second case? [1]

(ii) Develop an expression to support your answer in (i). [3]

(c) The data given below was obtained during an investigation into the
relationship between the different velocities of a moving source of sound and

frequencies detected by a stationary listener for each velocity. The effect of
wind was ignored. Use the information in the table to calculate the speed of
sound during the investigation. [2]

Experiment 1 2 3 4
Velocity of the source of sound (ms-1) 0 10 20 30
Frequency of the sound detected by the 900 874 850 827
stationary listener (Hz)

21. (a) The variation of potential difference V with length 𝑙 of two

potentiometers X and Y is as shown in figure below. Which one of these two
will you prefer for comparing emfs of two cells and why? [2]

(b) In the circuit shown in figure, using Kirchhoff’s laws, find
(i)the current in the 3.00  resistor,
(ii) the unknown emf E1,
(iii)the unknown emf E2. [3]

(c) You have given a galvanometer of coil resistance G, a low resistance S and a
high resistance R to measure the current flowing through a wire connected with
a DC supply. Construct to measure the current using above component,
whichever necessary. Also develop an expression to measure current.
(a) A lamp is connected in series with a capacitor. Predict your observations
with dc and ac. What happens in each case if the capacitance of a capacitor is
reduced? [1+1]
(b) A constant voltage a.c. generator of 20
Vr.m.s. and variable frequency is connected
in series with a resistor, of resistance 2.0  a
coil of inductance 5 H and a capacitor of
capacitance 2.0 F as shown in figure. The
frequency is adjusted until the current in the
circuit has a maximum value of 2.0 A r.m.s.
(i) the value of this frequency for maximum current,
(ii) inductive reactance and
(iii) capacitive reactance. [3]
(c) Develop a phase relation between current and emf in an ac circuit containing
capacitance only. [2]
(d) An inductance of 1 Henry is connected to 220 V, 50 Hz supply. Calculate the
maximum value of current. [1]

22. (a) What is meant by specific charge? Obtain its value for alpha particle.
(b) A beam of electrons is under the potential difference of 1.36 × 104V applied
across two parallel plates 4 cm apart and a magnetic field 2 × 10-3 T at right
angles to each other. [Given; mass of electron = 9.1 × 10-31 kg].
(i) State the condition necessary for the beam to remain undeflected. Also,
sketch the forces acting on the electronic beam. [2]

(ii) If two fields produce no deflection in the electronic beam, calculate the
velocity of electrons. [2]

(iii) Explain what would happen to the nature of motion of the electronic beam,
if the electric field between the parallel plate is made zero. [2]
(a) Are diodes Ohmic conductors? Justify. [2]

(b) Draw a rectifier circuit using two diodes. [2]

(c) Summarize the input and output signals of the rectifier circuit graphically. [2]

(d) Explain what would happen if one of the two diodes is damaged so that it
stops conducting totally in any direction. Show the input and output signals of
the circuit graphically in this situation. [2]

Section A Question K/R U A HA
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
6 1
7 1
8 1
9 1
10 1
11 1
Total 2 5 3 1
Section B 12 2 3
13 5
14 2 3
15 2 3
16 2 3
17 2 1 2
18 2 1 2
19 2 1 2
Total 10 5 10 15
Section C 20 2 6
21 6 2
22 6 2
Total 8 8 8
Grand 12 18 21 24


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