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Republic of the Philippines

Christ the King College of Calbayog City, INC.

Magsaysay Blvd., Calbayog City, 6710
School Year 2022-2023


Schedule of Demonstration Teaching:

I. Content Standard, Performance Standard, Learning Competency, Objectives,

and Values Integration

a. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of contemporary Philippine literature as
a means of responding to the demands of the global village; various extended text
types; lexical and context clues; appropriate and polite oral language, stance and
behavior, and use of imperatives, prepositions, verbs, and Wh questions.

b. Performance Standard
The learner transfers learning by: explaining the need to be cooperative and
responsible in today's global village; using appropriate strategies to comprehend
extended types; using lexical and contextual clues to understand unfamiliar words
and expressions; using imperatives, prepositions and appropriate and polite oral
language, stance and behavior in various information sharing formats.

c. Learning Competency
Employing a variety of effective interpersonal communication strategies

d. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. Apply the importance of effective interpersonal communication strategies;
b. Describe interpersonal communication; and
c. Evaluate the effective interpersonal communication strategies.

d. Values Integration

Imply positive polite attitudes in communication and work

collaboratively with their peers.

II. Subject Matter and Instructional Materials

a. Topic: Employing a variety of effective interpersonal communication strategies.

b. References: Nexus 7 - New English Experience for us

Book: Nexus 7 – New English Experience for us


c. Materials:
●power point presentation

III. Procedure

1. Learning Activities

a. Prayer
Please all stand for our opening (Students will recite the prayer.)

b. Greetings
Good morning class! (Good Morning Ma'am.)

c. Checking of Attendance
Say present when your name is (Students will say present when their name
called. is called.)

d. Review
What have we discussed last Ma’am we’ve discussed about
meeting? distinguishing features of academic writing.

Okay, Very good we have discussed

about distinguishing features of
academic writing.

2. Lesson Proper

a. Explore
Activity 1: Fill Me! Group Activity.
(10 minutes only)
Direction: I will divide the class into
2 groups. Each students group will
form a circle in front and work
collaboratively. Students will fill in
the blank with the correct word.

The first group who will finish the

task will be the winner.

Are you ready class? ( Yes Ma'am)

Okay let's begin.

1. In erp s nal
2. Com un c tion
3. Eff ct ve
4. Per al
5. Strat es

Answers Reveal!
1. Interpersonal
2. Communication
3. Effective
4. Personal
5. Strategies

Okay, Thank you for your active


Based from our activity, what do you In our activity ma'am, I observed that the
think is our discussion for today? words that we have is all about

Very well said! Our discussion for

today is all about, Employing a
variety of effective interpersonal

b. Firm-Up: Interactive Discussion!

Everybody please read our learning (Students will read the learning objectives)
objectives. Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students will
be able to:
a. Apply the importance of
effective interpersonal
communication strategies;
b. Describe interpersonal
communication; and
c. Evaluate the effective
interpersonal communication

Thank you, class, that learning

objectives are the leaning target
that we need to achieved after our

Based from the activity that we had Ma'am communication is about giving
who can define communication? information between individuals.

Okay Very good!

Communication is the art of

exchanging messages between two
or more people.

Are we clear class? Yes ma'am

Okay Very good!

We have two types of
communication class.

Do you know what are those? (Students answers may vary.)

Answer: Interpersonal and Intrapersonal
Okay thank you for your idea class.

We have two types of

communication. We have
Interpersonal and Intrapersonal

Again what are those two types of Ma'am, the two types of communication are
communication class? interpersonal and intrapersonal

Okay Very Good!

We have two types of

communication class but this time
we should focus on interpersonal

Who has an idea of what is (Possible Answer)

interpersonal communication? Is the process of exchange of information,
Anyone from the class? ideas, and feelings between two or more

Okay Very well said!

Interpersonal communication it is a
way by which the thoughts, feelings,
meanings and ideas are exchanged
in a face to face setting between two
or more. It can be performed
through an interview, a dialogue
and discussion or a conversation.

Are we clear class? Yes Ma’am

Okay, Very Good!

Importance of interpersonal
It strengthens the bond between
people. If people don't
communicate with each other
effectively, problems are bond to

Are we clear class with the Yes ma’am.

importance of interpersonal

Why is it important class to (Possible Answer)

communicate in our everyday life?
Anyone from the class?
It is very important to communicate in our
daily life ma’am to express our ideas to
other people.
Okay Very Good!

Here are some effective strategies

you should note when you talk with

1. After speaking ask question.

One of the effective strategies in
interpersonal communication is
after speaking ask question.
For Example:
Class discussion - after the teacher
discussed the lesson she/he should
ask a question to his/her students if
they really understood the topic.

Are we clear class? Yes Ma'am

Now who can give an example with (Possible answer)

this strategy? Anyone from the Ma’am another example is interview. The
class? interviewee talks about the background of
the client and ask questions after.

Okay Very good!

2. You can use connectors like

however, in fact, but, yet, or so to
make transitions clear.

To make the conversations clear we

need to use connectors.

Sentences examples using these


Kindly read all the sentence (Students will read the sentences
example class. example.)

However - Katty couldn't cash her However - Katty couldn't cash her payback
payback however, she managed to however, she managed to buy a new tv set.
buy a new tv set.

In fact - Yes, she said; in fact, she's In fact - Yes, she said; in fact, she's taking
taking an advance driving test. an advance driving test.

but - Oscar had a ticket, but he

didn't go to the game. but - Oscar had a ticket, but he didn't go to
the game.
yet - Edison dropped out school at
an early age, yet he became a yet - Edison dropped out school at an early
famous inventor. age, yet he became a famous inventor.

so - I have so much to do at work

today and so little time. so - I have so much to do at work today and
so little time.
Now who can give an example of (Possible Answer)
sentences using these connectors? Ma’am, I love eating barbeque but I love
Anyone from the class? sweet foods most.

Okay very good!

3. You can agree or disagree with

ideas. You may use phrases like " I
disagree/ agree with you," I could
not agree more," etc.

To agree and disagree of the idea

helps someone’s point.

For example:

Now who can give another example (Possible answer)

with this strategy? Ma’am, I agree with the idea of my
classmates about the research data they
have gathered.
Okay very good!

4. You can ask for the opinion of the

person you are talking to. You may
ask, what did you think? Did you like

It is very effective strategy about

asking someone's opinion to know
about his/her suggestions.

Now who can give an example (Possible Answer)

about this strategy? For example ma’am, I ask about the
opinion or suggestions of my friend about
our report.
Okay Very good!

5. Listen well to the person you are

talking to. This will make the person
feel that you are sincere and
interested in what he/she is saying.

Listening is very important and

effective way in conveying

For example:
Giving advice to someone about
his/her family problems.

Now who can give an example (Possible Answer)

about this strategy? For example, ma’am, short meeting about
mental health awareness in the school.

Very well said!

6. Enjoy your conversation.

It is effective way also to enjoy the
conversation not just only to make it
long but to ensure enthusiasm in
conveying information.

For example:
Friends talking about his/her love
Now, who can give an example (Possible answer)
about this strategy? For example ma’am, friends talking about
his/her favorite movie.

Are we clear class? Yes Ma'am

Did you understand our discussion? (None so far.)

Any clarification about our topic?

Again, what are those six effective Ma’am the six effective interpersonal
interpersonal communication communication strategies are?
strategies class? 1. After speaking ask questions.
2. Use connectors like however, in
fact, but, yet, or so to make
transitions clear.
3. Can agree or disagree with ideas.
Use phrases like” I disagree/agree
with you” I could more etc.
4. Ask the opinion of the person you
are talking to. You may ask, what did
you think? Did you like it?
5. Listen well to the person you are
talking to. This will make the person
feel that you are sincere and
interested in what he/she is saying.
6. Enjoy your conversation.

Okay Very Good Class!

Are there any questions about our None so far.

discussion class?

c. Deepen
Activity 3: Watch me and evaluate

Direction: The teacher will divide the

class into 2 groups and play a short
video clip that talks about a short

In the checklist the students are

going to check of what are the
effective interpersonal
communication strategies that they
have observed in the video

YES NO (Students do the activity.)
speaking ask
connectors like
however, in
fact, but, yet,
or so to make
3.Can agree or
disagree with
ideas. Use
phrases like” I
with you” I
could more
4.Ask the
opinion of the
person you are
talking to. You
may ask, what
did you think?
Did you like it?
5.Listen well to
the person you
are talking to.
This will make
the person feel
that you are
sincere and
interested in
what he/she is
6.Enjoy your

d. Transfer
Activity 4: Object to talk!
The class is divided into two groups.
Students have to make a short
conversation about a certain object.

Group 1 – Group 2 – (Students work collaboratively with their

Playing guitar Playing group activity.)
with friends volleyball with

Example: Example:
Short Short
Conversation Conversation
Melanie: When Joyce: Vollyball
I was young, I is exciting and
really love to challenging
play guitar. sport.
Rodnie: Oh Almera: Yes,
really! I know but even
how to play though it is
guitar but I love challenging, I
playing always play it.
basketball. Nica: Indeed,
Via: Your because it is
hobbies are one of the most
interesting. I popular sports
really want to in the world.
learn it.
Josefina: Me
too! I agree with
the idea of my
bestfriend Via.

IV. Evaluation
Matching type
Direction: Match column A with column B. Column A are the scenarios and column B
are the Effective Interpersonal communication strategies. (6+4=10

Column A Column B
Scenarios Effective Interpersonal Communication
1.A teacher ask questions after a. Enjoy your conversation
b. Listen well to the person you are
2.Classmates conversation in the street. talking to. This will make the person feel
Stephanie: Have you seen the police that you are sincere and interested in
earlier? what he/she is saying.
Via: Yes! But I’m not really sure of who
they are. I think so. c.Ask the opinion of the person you are
talking to. You may ask, what did you
3.Debate about K – 12 Education. think ? Did you like it?
Group 1 – K – 12 gives the students the
time to master new skills that will help to d.Can agree or disagree with ideas. Use
prepare them for employment. phrases like” I disagree/agree with you”
Group 2 – I disagree! It was not effective I could more etc.
because companies still choose college
graduates over K – 12 program e.Use connectors like however, in fact,
graduates. but, yet, or so to make transitions clear.

4.I love watching movies in Netflix. How f.After speaking, ask question.
about you what do you think?
g. Brief and smooth statement in
5.Conversation of a friend having a
family problem. His/her friends listen
carefully and give some advice.

6.Stephanie enjoys her conversation

with teacher Via.

Answers Key:
1. f
2. e
3. d
4. c
5. b
6. a

V. Assignment
Have an advance reading for the next lesson about determining the worth of Ideas.

Prepared by:


BSE-English, Pre-Service Teacher

Noted by:


Cooperating Teacher

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