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Welcome to “Build a lasting B2B buying


AGENDA (16:30 – 17:30 CEST)

A Focus on Customer Value Robert Kooloos (Capgemini)

B2B Commerce with Salesforce Martijn de Glopper (Salesforce)

Create a 3D visual buying experience Katy Collins (Threekit)

How to get started Gerard Jongsma (Capgemini)

Recorded webinar Audience muted Ask your questions via chat

Robert Kooloos

Commerce Realized lead NL

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Webinar B2B Commerce Experience | Robert Kooloos | 23-06-2020 © Capgemini 2020. All rights reserved | 6
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Featured B2B Commerce Clients

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Webinar B2B Commerce Experience | Robert Kooloos | 23-06-2020 © Capgemini 2020. All rights reserved | 11

Think Start Scale


CEN |B2B Commerce Experience
CX Performance | Robert
Management Kooloos
| March 2020 | 23-06-2020 © Capgemini
© Capgemini 2020.
Invent 2020. AllAll rights
rights reserved |
reserved. 12
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Webinar B2B Commerce Experience | Robert Kooloos | 23-06-2020 © Capgemini 2020. All rights reserved | 15
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Paul van Drunen Martijn de Glopper
Senior Senior
Solution Engineer Account Executive
B2B Commerce Cloud Commerce Cloud

Webinar B2B Commerce Experience | Robert Kooloos | 23-06-2020 © Capgemini 2020. All rights reserved | 18
Unexpected Changes Bring New Challenges to B2B

“Everything is changing “Online has become a

at an overwhelming rate” lifeline”

“My supply chain is

messed up”

Webinar B2B Commerce Experience | Robert Kooloos | 23-06-2020 © Capgemini 2020. All rights reserved | 19
What Keeps our B2B Customers Up at Night?
How do I help my sales team
and service agents who are
How do I get online fast to overwhelmed by customer
keep serving my customers? support needs?

How do I replace in-person

How do I keep my existing
customers happy and loyal?

How can I keep my customers

informed of updates and
changes impacting them?
How do I cut costs to
mitigate losses and drive

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Resilience And Leadership in the Industry
How Businesses are Mobilizing to Respond to COVID-19

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The B2B Digital Inflection Point
COVID-19 has accelerated the move to online channels

increase in importance
of digital vs. traditional
sales 2x 62%
of B2B buyers want self-
more likely to be chosen service ordering
if offer great digital

Webinar B2B Commerce Experience | Robert Kooloos | 23-06-2020 Source: McKinsey © Capgemini 2020. All rights reserved | 22
The Importance of Digital Channels is Growing
Significant preference for self-serve experiences across the B2B sales cycle

Webinar B2B Commerce Experience | Robert Kooloos | 23-06-2020 Source: McKinsey

© Capgemini 2020. All rights reserved | 23
Top 5 reasons for moving your business
Strengthen your position during Covid with Commerce

1. Improve reach to all of your customers 24x7,

especially the Longtail (C & D)

2. Offer your B2B customers a tailored BC2 experience

3. Increase cross & upsell and level of service

4. Be agile and ready to respond for future changing circumstances

5. Lower your cost of sale

Key Challenges for B2B Businesses in the “New Normal”

Quickly Manage Keep Customers

Get Online Your Costs Loyal

Webinar B2B Commerce Experience | Robert Kooloos | 23-06-2020 © Capgemini 2020. All rights reserved | 25
Salesforce Customer 360
Your platform for the digital imperative

Trusted, reliable platform

Fast time to value
Flexible configuration & updates
Smart apps with analytics & AI


Webinar B2B Commerce Experience | Robert Kooloos | 23-06-2020 © Capgemini 2020. All rights reserved | 26
Introducing Salesforce Commerce Cloud

NEW Salesforce OMS

Simplify the post-purchase experience
B2C Commerce
Grow revenue with AI-powered
merchandising and shopping
NEW Salesforce CMS
B2B Commerce Deliver connected content
Digitize sales using the across every channel
world’s #1 CRM
Commerce Portal
Headless Platform NEW
Go beyond the transaction
Deliver commerce on any Kasper Rorsted with connected portals
channel Chief Executive Officer
NEW AppExchange for Commerce
Extend commerce with pre-built, pre-
integrated apps
Salesforce Recognized as a Leader in B2B & B2C Commerce

The Forrester WaveTM

B2B Commerce Suites, Q2 2020
Joe Cicman and Emily Pfeiffer with Fiona Swerdlow, Sara
Sjoblom, and Emma Huff

“Salesforce is above par in its approach to the

market, setting strategies that speak to customer
needs and delivering (as promised) with reliable
technical and support resources.”

The Forrester Wave™ is copyrighted by Forrester Research, Inc. Forrester and

Forrester Wave™ are trademarks of Forrester Research, Inc. The Forrester
Wave™ is a graphical representation of Forrester's call on a market and is
plotted using a detailed spreadsheet with exposed scores, weightings, and
comments. Forrester does not endorse any vendor, product, or service depicted
in the Forrester Wave. Information is based on best available resources.
Opinions reflect judgment at the time and are subject to change.

Webinar B2B Commerce Experience | Robert Kooloos | 23-06-2020 © Capgemini 2020. All rights reserved | 28
Lower Costs and Grow Sales with B2B Commerce

Sell More
Digitize sales to sell more, and empower sales reps to
focus on activities that matter most

Service Better
Drive efficiencies with a single view of the customer,
and deliver streamlined service on any channel

Innovate Faster
Deploy ecommerce on the world’s #1 trusted cloud,
and scale with a broad ecosystem

Webinar B2B Commerce

Source: ForresterExperience | RobertImpact
Total Economic Kooloosof| B2B
Commerce © Capgemini 2020. All rights reserved | 29
Complete B2B Commerce Solution
Designed for large, Negotiated and
B2B-sized orders contract pricing

Ship to multiple
2-click reordering

Integrated sales Multiple

and service payment types

Sales Service

Custom ISV
Apps External Data

Webinar B2B Commerce Experience | Robert Kooloos | 23-06-2020 © Capgemini 2020. All rights reserved | 30
Lower Costs and Grow Sales with B2B Commerce

Empower Customers to Buy Online

Unlock new channels of revenue and lower your
cost to sell by allowing customers to easily purchase

Quickly Launch in 5 Weeks

Fast deployment with powerful cloud platform and
out-of-the-box functionality and 360 view of each

Strengthen Customer Loyalty

Personalize the online experience at scale and GO-LIVE IN
provide visibility into orders, inventory availability
and delivery status 5

Webinar B2B Commerce Experience | Robert Kooloos | 23-06-2020 © Capgemini 2020. All rights reserved | 31
Lead the Way with B2B Commerce

+225% 442
YoY Order Live
Growth Storefronts
10.2M orders
+21% QoQ
in 6 months

10.3M 2.4M
Products Orders / Month
26K average Products
+17% MoM
per Storefront

Webinar B2B Commerce Experience | Robert Kooloos | 23-06-2020 © Capgemini 2020. All rights reserved | 32
Hi, we’re Threekit.

Katy Collins Stephane Ollier

Senior AE, NE Solutions Engineer,

[email protected]
[email protected]

Our roots go back to
Hollywood and the
start of 3D on the web

2005 2016 2018

The Software Successful Seed and
WebGL eCommerce
Behind Series A Rounds
Hollywood CGI Totaling $30 Million

Online Sales have
grown more in the
last 8 weeks, than
the last 10 years
of buyers point to product
visuals as the most
influential factor in online
purchasing decisions.

Combining Product
Visuals with Commercial Creative
Business Rules is
Visualise Products with Threekit for

Integrated to Salesforce
Prebuilt integration tying products, options, and
pricing to product images

Enable a Self-Service Experience

Deliver high-quality configured product visuals
directly to the customer in configurable 3D or
AR allowing customers to self-serve

Increased Visibility Across the

Customer Lifecycle
A better product visual experience allows team
members to better serve customers across the
entire customer lifecycle

Product Visualisation
is Delivering Results
for Customers
● Accurate Product Information
● Opportunities for Self-Service
● Improved Purchasing
Experience for Customers and
You.The Future of Visual Selling is
Live Demo
Salesforce’s B2B Commerce platform
combined with Threekit

Paul van Drunen

Senior Solution Engineer Salesforce

Stephane Ollier
Solution Engineer Threekit

Webinar B2B Commerce Experience | Robert Kooloos | 23-06-2020 © Capgemini 2020. All rights reserved | 41
Response to COVID-19 :Quick Start for Commerce

For Who:
Companies in CPG, HLS, High Tech and
Why now?
Salespeople are no longer able to sell in-person and
need to move Sales online in order to expand reach,
continue selling, and lower the cost per sale.
What is new?
A complete, all-in package to launch a B2B
Commerce site in <5 weeks. Add ERP and 3rd party
integrations in <12 weeks*.

Salesforce B2B Commerce product
SI implementation, configuration, & launch
90 days of SI Managed Services GO-LIVE IN JUST
Integrations to 3rd-party apps*
Data load
Implementation, Configuration & Launch
Webinar B2B Commerce Experience | Robert Kooloos | 23-06-2020 *Integrations in <12 week 2020.
© Capgemini package
All rights reserved | 42
Quick Start B2B Commerce Option #1
Goal: Allows companies to accept orders from their B2B Customers in < 5 weeks
Quick Start for B2B Commerce — Simple SI Setup
$105K/year — Low Volume Orders
$153K/year — High Volume Orders
Salesforce B2B Integrations
License B2B Order Portal Managed Service Not available as part
3 month min commitment of this solution

● Year 1: $105K or $153K min; includes mandatory 3 month minimum on managed service
● Terms: Net 90 days (Salesforce)/Net 60 days (SI Partner)
● After 3 month period, managed service is $4K/month

Webinar B2B Commerce Experience | Robert Kooloos | 23-06-2020 © Capgemini 2020. All rights reserved | 43
Quick Start B2B Commerce Option #2
Goal: Allows companies to accept orders from their B2B Customers in <12 weeks
Quick Start for B2B Commerce — Integrated SI Setup
$147K/year — Low Volume Orders
$195K/year — High Volume Orders
Partner Contract(s)
Salesforce B2B Managed Service
B2B Order Portal for
License 3 month min commitment
Payment, Tax,

● Year 1: $147K or $195K min; includes mandatory 3 month minimum on managed service
● Terms: Net 90 days (Salesforce)/Net 60 days (SI Partner)
● After 3 month period, managed service is $4K/month

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Featured Salesforce Commerce Cloud Clients

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Thank you, please ask your questions!

Robert Kooloos [email protected]

Martijn de Glopper [email protected]
Katy Collins [email protected]
Gerard Jongsma [email protected]

Link to recorded webinar will be send soon Ask your questions via chat or mail
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