A New Measure of Disclosure Quality - The Level of Disaggregation of Accounting Data in Annual Reports

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DOI: 10.1111/1475-679X.

Journal of Accounting Research
Vol. 53 No. 5 December 2015
Printed in U.S.A.

A New Measure of Disclosure

Quality: The Level of
Disaggregation of Accounting Data
in Annual Reports
S H U P I N G C H E N ,∗ B I N M I A O ,† A N D T E R R Y S H E V L I N‡

Received 19 June 2013; accepted 21 August 2015


We construct a new, parsimonious, measure of disclosure quality—

disaggregation quality (DQ)—and offer validation tests. DQ captures the level
of disaggregation of accounting data through a count of nonmissing Com-
pustat line items, and reflects the extent of details in firms’ annual reports.
Conceptually, DQ differs from existing disclosure measures in that it captures

∗ University of Texas at Austin; † National University of Singapore; ‡ University of California–

Accepted by Philip Berger. We thank an anonymous referee for insightful suggestions,
and Benjamin Allen, Maurice Brame, Ute Boileau, Borislava Margitina, and the product con-
sultant team at S&P Capital IQ Compustat for helpful communication about Compustat’s
data collection process. We thank Stephen Brown, Judson Caskey, Xia Chen, Qiang Cheng,
Henri Dekker, Ross Jennings, Steve Kachelmeier, Kelvin Law, Ningzhong Li, Scott Richard-
son, Sorabh Tomar, Irem Tuna, workshop participants at Duke University, London Business
School, Singapore Management University, Tilburg University, VU University Amsterdam, and
brownbag participants at the University of Texas at Austin, and participants at the 2013 FARs
Midyear Conference and 2014 MIT Asia conference for helpful comments. We thank Brian
Bushee for sharing AIMR data. We thank Brett Cantrell, Candice DiPaolo, and Nikhita Khan-
deria for able research assistance. All errors are our own. Chen acknowledges financial support
from the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin. Shevlin acknowl-
edges financial support from the Merage School of Business at the University of California–
Irvine. An online appendix to this paper can be downloaded at http://research.chicagobooth.

C , University of Chicago on behalf of the Accounting Research Center, 2015

the “fineness” of data and is based on a comprehensive set of accounting

line items in annual reports. Unlike existing measures, which are usually ap-
plicable for a subset of firms or are based on a subset of information items,
DQ can be generated for the universe of Compustat industrial firms. We con-
duct three sets of validation tests by examining DQ’s association with variables
predicted by prior literature to be associated with information quality. DQ is
negatively (positively) associated with analyst forecast dispersion (accuracy)
and negatively associated with bid-ask spreads and cost of equity. These as-
sociations continue to hold after we control for firm fundamentals. Taken
together, results from this battery of validation tests are consistent with our
measure capturing disclosure quality.

JEL codes: M41; D83

Keywords: disclosure quality; disaggregation of data items; annual reports;

1. Introduction
We construct a new measure of disclosure quality, disaggregation qual-
ity (DQ), based on the level of disaggregation of financial data items in
firms’ annual reports, and provide validation tests. We base DQ on the
theoretical premise that finer information is of higher quality (Blackwell
[1951]). Greater disaggregation leads to more, finer information available
to investors. More detailed disclosure reduces information asymmetry, ar-
guably increases the precision of the information in the financial state-
ments, and provides investors with more information for valuation and
mitigates mispricing (Fairfield, Sweeney, and Yohn [1996], Jegadeesh and
Livnat [2006]). Greater disaggregation also enhances the credibility of
firms’ financial report as it gives managers fewer degrees of freedom to
manage the reported numbers (Hirst, Koonce, and Venkataraman [2007],
D’Souza, Ramesh, and Shen [2010]), enhancing the contracting and stew-
ardship role of accounting information. Reasoning along this line, we argue
that a greater degree of disaggregation represents higher disclosure quality.
DQ is parsimonious and applicable to all Compustat industrial firms: we
count the number of nonmissing financial items reported in firms’ annual
reports, including items both in the financial statements and in the foot-
notes, as captured by Compustat. A higher count of nonmissing account-
ing data items represents higher disclosure quality. Despite a vast empirical
literature on disclosure in general and voluntary disclosure in particular,
there is surprisingly no overall measure of disclosure quality based on a
comprehensive set of accounting data as reported in financial reports.1

1 While the concept of disaggregation has been explored by researchers in a segment re-

porting setting (e.g., Berger and Hann [2003, 2007], Bens, Berger, and Monahan [2011]),
the concept of disaggregation of financial statement data items has received scant research
attention. We are aware of only one other paper (D’Souza, Ramesh, and Shen [2010]) that ex-
plicitly addresses the disaggregation of accounting data items in firms’ earnings press releases.

DQ is conceptually very different from existing measures of disclosure

quality, which are either voluntary disclosure measures, such as manage-
ment forecasts and conference calls, or researcher self-constructed indices
(e.g., Botosan [1997], Francis, Nanda, and Olsson [2008]), or analyst rat-
ings, such as the now-discontinued AIMR scores, or the narrative quality of
MD&A in annual reports, such as the Fog Index (Li [2008]). DQ differs
from all the above measures in that DQ captures the “fineness” of data,
as reflected in the level of disaggregation of accounting data items in the
financial statements.
We capture the degree of disaggregation in GAAP line items in firms’ an-
nual reports by counting the number of nonmissing Compustat items, with
a bigger number representing higher disclosure quality. In constructing
DQ we take multiple steps to mitigate the impact of Compustat’s systematic
coding scheme on the count of missing items: Compustat can code an item
as missing when a firm does not report it, or when a firm does not have
it because the item is irrelevant (e.g., inventory to an Internet company).
Our empirical screening mechanisms help purge cases where an item irrel-
evant to a firm’s operations is coded as missing by Compustat. Assuming
Compustat’s data collection is not systematically biased,2 missing data items
(after our adjustments, to be discussed in detail in section 3) would suggest
that the firm does not provide the associated information in its annual re-
ports. In other words, the number of nonmissing items for each firm-year
captures how detailed firms’ financial statements are and can be used as an
overall measure of disclosure quality of the company’s annual reports filed
that year.
We employ the nesting feature of the Balance Sheet and, to a lesser ex-
tent, the Income Statement (i.e., the individual accounts, such as accounts
receivable/payable, add up to total assets/total liabilities and shareholders’
equity; on the income statement, current income tax and deferred income
tax add up to total income tax expense) and implement multiple screen-
ing mechanisms to purge the effects of the Compustat coding scheme in
counting missing items on the two financial statements. We do not have a
DQ measure for the Statement of Cash Flows because the variation in the
number of missing items from the Statement of Cash Flows is minimal.3

2 According to Compustat, the average tenure of its data collection staff in the United States

is 10.3 years, and some of them have been collecting data for over 20 years. Also, the staff is
highly educated and primarily has finance and business degrees, as well as Masters Degrees
and CFA certifications. Also, each of the staff goes through extensive training before updating
the data on a company, and staff bonuses are awarded for low errors and productivity.
3 Another reason we do not construct a statement of cash flow DQ is because multiple

reporting formats are allowed for the Statement of Cash Flows over our sampling period 1973–
2009: the formats for pre-1989 and post-1989 years are dramatically different, and pre-1989
firms could employ three different formats in presenting their Statement of Cash Flows. This
heterogeneity makes it difficult to construct a meaningful, parsimonious disclosure score for
all years. This exclusion is a caveat to our DQ measure.

We validate DQ through three sets of validation tests. We base our val-

idation tests on the premise that, if DQ reflects disclosure quality, then it
should be systematically associated with variables predicted by prior liter-
ature to be associated with information quality. Thus, we examine the as-
sociations between DQ and analyst forecast dispersion and accuracy and
bid-ask spreads. Finally, we relate DQ to the cost of equity. Because DQ can
be a result of firms’ operating characteristics, such as operating complexity,
we control for such firm factors in all of our validation tests. Our goal is to
isolate the association between information quality and managers’ discre-
tionary contribution to DQ. Note our validation tests do not require us to
demonstrate causality and we make no claim or inferences about causality:
we only require DQ to be correlated with established measures of informa-
tion quality in the predicted direction.4 The issue of causality is the most
challenging issue in empirical research, and we caution against interpret-
ing DQ’s correlations with established measures of information quality as
Examining the association between analyst forecast properties and DQ
further allows us to differentiate whether the number of nonmissing items
count, as reflected by DQ, is capturing disclosure quality or firms’ operat-
ing complexity, as firms with more complex operations can have more data
items included in their annual reports. If DQ is capturing disclosure qual-
ity, then higher DQ should be associated with lower forecast dispersion and
higher accuracy. If DQ is capturing operating complexity, then the oppo-
site association exists: higher DQ should be associated with higher forecast
dispersion and lower accuracy.
We find higher DQ to be associated with lower forecast dispersion and
higher forecast accuracy—consistent with DQ capturing disclosure quality
and inconsistent with DQ capturing complexity of operations. We also find
DQ to be negatively associated with bid-ask spread and cost of equity. Taken
together, the above three sets of tests offer strong and consistent evidence
that DQ captures disclosure quality.5

4 Both Beyer et al. [2010] and Berger [2011] highlight the difficulty in drawing causality

between disclosure and cost of capital. Neither theoretical nor empirical research agrees on
whether information quality should impact cost of capital. While many researchers demon-
strate that higher information quality should lead to lower cost of capital (Easley and O’Hara
[2004], Francis et al. [2005], Lambert, Leuz, and Verrecchia [2007], Kelly and Ljungqvist
[2012]), others argue that information asymmetry can be diversified away in large economies
and thus should have no impact on cost of capital (e.g., Hughes, Liu, and Liu [2007]). See
Shevlin [2013] for a summary of the literature.
5 Note our validation tests rely on the concurrent validity approach instead of the conver-

gent validity approach. In the latter approach a new measure is validated through high cor-
relation with existing measures of the same construct. Since DQ is capturing a fundamentally
different construct from existing disclosure measures, such as management forecasts and the
Fog Index, the convergent validity approach is not appropriate for our setting. The concurrent
validity approach examines how well one measure relates to other criterion that are presumed

We conduct a number of additional tests to yield further insight into

the properties of DQ. These tests include: disaggregating DQ along two
dimensions—DQ operating versus DQ financing and DQ Balance Sheet
versus DQ Income Statement, including firm fixed effects (FEs), and iden-
tifying large changes in DQ over time. These tests serve as a starting point
for future research interested in using DQ as a disclosure quality measure.
We contribute to the existing literature by proposing a new disclosure
measure, DQ, which captures the level of disaggregation of accounting data
items in firms’ annual reports. DQ is an overall measure of the fineness of fi-
nancial statement information presented in firms’ annual reports. The level
of details in firms’ financial reports, though an important aspect of firms’
disclosure behavior, has not received much research attention to date. DQ
is conceptually very different from existing measures of disclosures, which
are often limited to a subset of firms, to a subset of disclosed items, or to
texts in MD&A. DQ can be constructed for the universe of Compustat in-
dustrial firms, is parsimonious, and is based on machine readable data. In
addition, DQ can be constructed for each firm-year and does not require
time-series data to compute. These features make it easier for replication
and researchers can use this measure to test new hypotheses on a much
wider set of firms in the economy. For example, researchers can use DQ to
further explore the relation between the level of details of accounting data
in firms’ annual reports and audit quality, and other aspects of financial
reporting quality.
We acknowledge the following three caveats with DQ. First, our goal is
to construct a parsimonious measure that is concise, intuitive, and rela-
tively devoid of researcher subjective judgment. Thus, we make the im-
plicit assumption that more detailed information is better and we do not
distinguish between recognition (financial statement items) and disclosure
(footnote items).
Second, DQ proxies for the level of details of annual reports by captur-
ing aggregation by omission more than aggregation by classification shift-
ing (e.g., classifying short-term debt as long-term debt to present a better
picture of short-term liquidity). DQ captures classification shifting under
only certain circumstances, the details of which we provide in section 3.
Third, we note that, though DQ exhibits considerable cross-sectional
variation, by definition DQ might not exhibit large year-to-year change:
all firms filing with the SEC must abide by Regulation S-X, which requires
public companies to present comparative financial statements. Our addi-
tional analyses adding firm FEs (thus, removing cross-sectional variation
for identification) and restricting the sample to large changes in DQ over

to occur simultaneously. We employ the concurrent validity approach for our validation tests,
as disclosure quality should be positively correlated with concurrent variables prior literature
has shown to be associated with information quality. For a more detailed discussion of conver-
gent and concurrent validity approaches, please see Kline [2014].

time generally yield significant though weaker results than the pooled cross-
sectional tests. These results suggest that DQ is likely better suited to cross-
sectional studies or event studies surrounding changes in firms’ operations.
For example, DQ can be used in settings where a firm changes its auditor
or top management or when a firm undergoes mergers and acquisitions.
Further, we caution that, since DQ captures a very unique aspect of dis-
closure quality, the level of details of accounting data in annual reports,
DQ differs from all existing measures and as such cannot be construed as
a simple replacement of existing measures without giving thought to the
underlying theoretical construct of interest.
The rest of our paper is organized as follows. In the next section we mo-
tivate our new measure of disclosure quality DQ. Section 3 offers detailed
discussions of the construction of DQ. Section 4 presents descriptive statis-
tics on DQ and section 5 presents results on the validation tests and addi-
tional tests separating DQ into components and on the temporal variation
in DQ. We conclude in section 6.

2. What Does DQ Capture?

We base DQ on the theoretical premise that, ceteris paribus, finer infor-
mation is of higher quality (Blackwell Theorem).6 In the setting of a firm’s
financial reports, DQ captures the degree to which a firm’s financial infor-
mation is disaggregated and more detailed. We operate on the maintained
assumption that more finely disaggregated data are of higher quality.
This assumption is supported by recent empirical evidence. For example,
Hirst, Koonce, and Venkataraman [2007] find that investors perceive more
disaggregated management earnings forecasts, that is, forecasts that con-
tain separate forecasts of line items, as more credible. Issuing a disaggre-
gated forecast constrains earnings management opportunities, and leads
to a perception of higher quality financial reporting and thus enhances the
credibility of the earnings forecasts. In a similar vein, D’Souza, Ramesh,
and Shen [2010] find that opportunistic managers tend to limit GAAP line
item disclosures in their earnings releases, and tend to provide more ag-
gregated data in earnings announcements in order to guide investor atten-
tion to the bottom line numbers. In a segment reporting setting, Berger
and Hann [2003, 2007] find that firm managers have incentives to conceal
bad performance by aggregating segments incurring losses with profitable
segments in order to avoid shareholder scrutiny. These empirical findings

6 We acknowledge the possibility that finer information is not necessarily better information

when strategic concerns are involved. If some firms or industries produce more aggregated
information because of concerns with proprietary costs, DQ will be lower. Even though such
strategic nondisclosure might benefit managers, the lower DQ score still reflects lower quality
disclosure to users of annual reports.

are consistent with more disaggregated financial statements, allowing bet-

ter monitoring of managerial actions thus better satisfying the stewardship
demand for accounting information (Gjesdal [1981]).
Prior research has also shown that disaggregated data better assists in-
vestors in valuation and forecasting. Fairfield et al. [1996] find that dis-
aggregating earnings into its components increases the predictive content
of reported earnings. Others have found that investors are better able to
interpret earnings when revenue surprises are also provided (Ertimur, Liv-
nat, and Martikainen [2003]) and that revenue surprises convey useful in-
formation about future earnings growth over and above the information
contained in contemporaneous earnings surprises (Jegadeesh and Livnat
[2006]). Hewitt [2009] finds that experimental participants are able to pro-
vide more accurate forecasts only if the income statement presents disag-
gregated cash and accruals components of earnings. Taken together, the
above findings suggest that disaggregated data better satisfies the valuation
demand for accounting information.
While the SEC’s mandatory disclosure requirements provide a basic
framework and minimum standard for many financial disclosures, consider-
able latitude remains in determining what information is actually provided
and how information is presented (Lang and Lundholm [1993]).7 For ex-
ample, research has shown that managers opportunistically shift expenses
from core expenses, such as cost of goods sold and SG&A expenses, to spe-
cial items (McVay [2006]). Koh and Reeb [2015] find that managers have
significant freedom of choice in disclosing corporate R&D: some managers
overreport R&D expenses by classifying normal operating expenses as R&D
expenses, while others underreport R&D to maintain competitive position
and prevent leaking of strategic information to other firms. Thus, man-
agers have considerable discretion in choosing which line items to report
separately and which line items to aggregate into other line items, and DQ
reflects the discretionary choices managers make within mandatory filings.
DQ is conceptually very different from existing measures of disclosure:
it captures information fineness as reflected in the level of disaggregation
of accounting data items in firms’ annual reports. There are two broad
types of disclosure measures in the literature: voluntary disclosure mea-
sures and measures that capture firms’ overall disclosure quality. The most
common type of voluntary disclosure measures include management earn-
ings forecasts and conference calls, in which forward-looking information
is provided by management. The second type of disclosure measures are

7 A voluminous body of literature on earnings management stands to attest to the existence

of managerial discretion in financial reporting within the confines of GAAP. Other specific
examples of managerial discretion include the choices between using LIFO versus FIFO for
inventory costing and choices among different presentation formats for market risk disclo-
sures under FRR48.

subjective disclosure indices constructed by researchers (e.g., Botosan

[1997]) or by analysts (e.g., AIMR scores). Though the second type of dis-
closure measures are sometimes loosely referred to as voluntary disclosure
measures, these measures have both a voluntary and a mandatory element,
as many of these metrics are ordinal rankings of what researchers/analysts
deem as important information items in firms’ mandatory filings. DQ is dif-
ferent from the first type of measures in that it captures the quality of his-
torical information in mandatory filings instead of voluntary forecasts. DQ
is different from the second type of disclosure measures in that it is based
on all Balance Sheet and Income Statement line items, either reported in
the financial statements or in the footnotes, not just the items judged to
be most important by researchers and analysts. Thus, DQ is less subjective.
DQ is also different from measures of the narrative quality, such as the Fog
Index (Li [2008]) in that DQ captures the level of details of accounting
data items included in annual reports. Thus, DQ is an overall measure of
the fineness of financial statement (Balance Sheet and Income Statement)
Though DQ is a count of the number of nonmissing items in firms’ fi-
nancial reports, we emphasize that it is not simply a measure of quantity or
frequency. For example, DQ is different from simply counting the number
of management forecasts and using this quantity to proxy for voluntary dis-
closure quality. The count embedded in DQ captures the fineness and the
extent of details of information. There is a subtle yet important difference
between using quantity to proxy for quality and using DQ, which captures
the fineness of data, to proxy for disclosure quality.
In addition to the above conceptual differences between DQ and exist-
ing measures of disclosure, DQ also has several important empirical advan-
tages over existing measures. First, DQ is a parsimonious measure based
on machine-readable data that is much easier to implement than, for ex-
ample, self-constructed disclosure indices. Second, DQ can be constructed
for all Compustat industrial firms (i.e., nonfinancial firms) for all years.
This is a significant advantage over existing disclosure measures, which are
either generally available only for a selected group of firms or are cost-
prohibitive to collect. For example, common machine-readable measures
of voluntary disclosure, such as management earnings forecasts and con-
ference calls, are usually only applicable to the subset of firms that choose
these voluntary disclosure mechanisms. The (now discontinued) AIMR rat-
ings were only applicable to an even smaller number of firms and years.8
Researcher-constructed disclosure measures through manual coding (e.g.,
Botosan [1997], Francis, Nanda, and Olsson [2008]) are very costly to de-
velop and, as a result, the ensuing samples are usually very small. While the

8 Lang and Lundholm [1993] report that a typical year’s Financial Analysts Federation re-

port provides ratings for about 27 industries, each with an average of 17 firms evaluated by an
average of 13 analysts in each industry. The firms covered by AIMR are the largest and most
heavily followed firms in each industry.

Fog Index can be applied to all firms, it is only applicable to MD&A, not to
the entirety of annual reports.
In sum, DQ is easy to construct and can be calculated for all Compus-
tat industrial firms, and is more objective relative to other self-constructed
measures of disclosure. These advantages of DQ make it possible for re-
searchers to replicate or test new hypotheses on disclosure quality on a
much wider set of firms.

3. Construction of DQ
DQ rests on a count of nonmissing data items in firms’ annual reports as
reported by Compustat. There are two possible scenarios that can lead to a
Compustat missing line item: (1) the firm has the underlying item but does
not report it and Compustat reports it as missing, and (2) the firm does
not have the underlying item and Compustat codes it as missing.9 Though
we do not have reason to believe that missing items as a result of scenario
(2) will be systematically different across firms, and moreover systematically
related to firms’ disclosure behavior, we nevertheless aim to only capture
scenario (1) and purge from DQ items that firms do not have but appear
as missing fields on Compustat. We build in screening mechanisms based
on the nesting feature (i.e., sum of the components equals the total) of
the Balance Sheet and, to a lesser extent, the Income Statement accounts
to mitigate the impact of scenario (2) on DQ. We discuss each of them in
detail below.
In capturing line items reported by firms, Compustat has three “Balanc-
ing Models” for each of the three financial statements, which Compustat
uses as the basic templates in gathering financial statement data. These
models lay out the interrelations among standardized data items on the fi-
nancial statements. Abbreviated versions of the templates (the “Balancing
Models”) for the Balance Sheet and the Income Statement are attached in
appendix A.10 Since our coding of the Balance Sheet and Income State-
ment follows the same logic, we first illustrate our method to arrive at DQ
using the Balance Sheet as an example.
We refer to all line items under the column “Item Description” in the
Balancing Model (appendix A) as “subaccounts.” Our goal is to capture

9 A third possible scenario is that a firm reports an item but Compustat does not capture it,

resulting in a missing field. Our extensive communication with experienced Compustat data
experts reveals that these cases are rare, and are usually a result of a firm misplacing an item
in an irrelevant section.
10 The full-blown version of the Balancing Models is available from Compustat’s

Web site. An online appendix to this paper can be downloaded at http://research.


the variation in the disclosure of these accounts. We then classify 13 of

the accounts, bolded in the column “mnemonic,” as “group” accounts. All
subaccounts are nested to the group accounts. For example, all asset subac-
counts add up to total assets, and all liabilities/shareholders’ equity subac-
counts add up to total liabilities/shareholders’ equity.
We use the nesting feature of the Balance Sheet to filter out the impact
of the Compustat coding scheme on the count of missing items. Toward
this end, we link subaccounts to an intermediate group of accounts, which
we call “parent accounts.” The parent accounts are further nested to the
13 highest level group accounts on the balance sheet. And these 13 group
accounts add up to total assets and total liabilities and shareholders’ eq-
uity. We provide in appendix B a schematic presentation of this three-level
nesting structure for Balance Sheet items. For example, the parent account
INVT (Inventory – Total) has four nested subaccounts: raw materials in-
ventory (INVRM), work-in-progress inventory (INVWIP), finished goods
inventory (INVFG), and inventory-other (INVO). These four subaccounts
should add to the parent account INVT. Furthermore, INVT is nested to
the group account ACT (Current Assets – Total), together with the other
seven current asset parent accounts, such as RECT (Receivables – Total).11
The full listing of parent accounts is provided in Internet appendix A. Two
of the group accounts, MIB (Noncontrolling interest – Redeemable) and
IVAEQ (Investment and advances − Equity), have no subaccounts and are
excluded, because there is no variation in the reporting of these items.12
A parent account on the Compustat Balancing Model has a zero balance
if the firm does not have the underlying operation that produces such an
account. For these firms we exclude such parent accounts and the asso-
ciated subaccounts in counting the nonmissing items. In other words, we
only count the subaccounts if the parent account is nonzero. This step is
our first screening mechanism to make sure we do not penalize firms for
subaccounts that appear as missing fields on Compustat because the firm
does not have the operations that generate these accounts. For example,
an Internet company typically has no inventory and hence the parent ac-
count INVT is reflected as zero, and all the four linked subaccounts can be
coded as missing by Compustat. This exclusion process removes from our

11 We read the detailed definition of each of the subaccounts on the Compustat data manual

to link them to a specific parent account. The definitions are straightforward, and only in
rare cases do we need to exercise judgment. To minimize coding errors, we communicate
extensively with senior Compustat data representatives throughout the coding process to gain
an accurate understanding of Compustat’s balancing models.
12 Note that, while removing these two group accounts might render the assets not equal

to the liabilities and shareholders’ equity on the balance sheet, the impact of such removal is
minimal on our DQ measure. The correlation between DQ with and without these two group
accounts is 99.9%.

counting scheme Balance Sheet items that are irrelevant to firms’ opera-
tions even though they appear as missing fields on Compustat.13
We further check if the subaccounts, where applicable, add up to the
parent account in coding a missing subaccount. This step is our second
screening mechanism for the Balance Sheet DQ measure. For example, if
three of the four inventory components, INVRM, INVWIP, and INVFG add
up to inventory total INVT, then the fourth component INVO (inventory-
other), though a missing field on Compustat, does not count as missing
in DQ because the balance of this account should be zero, indicating that
the firm does not have INVO in that particular year.14 When the subac-
count total does not equal the parent account, we treat a single missing
subaccount as missing.15 If two out of the four inventory subaccounts have
missing Compustat fields, then we count both as missing as we cannot dis-
tinguish between which one of these two subaccounts is truly missing, or if
both are missing. Nevertheless, this second screening mechanism produces
a DQ measure that is strictly better than no screening because such a mech-
anism mitigates Type I error (coding an item as missing when in fact it is
not missing).
While this second screening mechanism for the balance sheet accounts
mitigates Type I error—it corrects over 56% of the potential misclassifica-
tion of subaccounts—it does come with a cost: when the subaccounts add
up to the parent accounts, DQ captures only aggregation by omission and
not aggregation by classification shifting. We note that, to the extent that
DQ misses classification shifting and wrongly codes a firm engaging in clas-
sification shifting as having a higher DQ, it will work to weaken the associa-
tion between DQ and the established information quality variables.
Not all subaccounts lend themselves neatly to a sum that equals the value
of the parent account. For example, while the six subaccounts DCLO (Debt
− Capitalized Lease Obligations), DCVT (Debt – Convertible), DD (Debt –
Debentures), DN (Debt – Notes), DS (Debt – Subordinated), DLTO (Other
Long-Term Debt) on the Linking Table in appendix B add up to the total
DLTT (Long-Term Debt), DD2DD5 (Debt Maturing 2nd5th years) do

13 As another example, a firm that does not have long-term debt will have DLTT (Long-

Term Debt – Total) appearing as zero on the Balancing Model and the associated subaccounts
as missing fields. We do not count these missing fields as missing in our coding.
14 Our coding of inventory items takes into account the fact that a nonmanufacturing firm

does not have INVRM (raw materials), INVWIP (work-in-progress), and INVFG (finished
goods) accounts. For nonmanufacturing firms, we exclude these subaccounts when we count
missing items.
15 We believe that, even though a single missing account’s magnitude can be determined

by subtracting the sum of N−1 nonmissing accounts from the total amount, it nevertheless
imposes more information processing costs on users, and as such is not as transparent as
if the firm itself disclosed it and constitutes lower disclosure quality than if all N accounts are
disclosed. Empirically, only 3,757 observations out of 14,300,972 subaccount level observations
are affected, and our results remain the same if we treat these accounts as nonmissing.

not necessarily add up to DLTT because sometimes companies report ma-

turities including discounts or premiums. For the DD2DD5 accounts, we
code all missing fields as missing items.
For the Income Statement, we first identify seven group accounts, and
link each of the 51 subaccounts to one of the group accounts according to
the data definitions from Compustat.16 The linking table for the Income
Statement items is presented in Internet appendix B. Similar to our screen-
ing of Balance Sheet items, if a group account is zero, then all the associated
subaccounts are excluded when counting the number of nonmissing items.
However, unlike for Balance Sheet items where we are able to identify an
intermediate group of “parent” accounts and employ a three-level nesting
structure to triangulate our counting of missing Balance Sheet items, such
a structure is not feasible for the Income Statement due to both the differ-
ent structures of the Income Statement and Compustat’s Balancing Model.
First, there are far fewer Income Statement items that allow us to form an
intermediate group without losing significant variation in the count of non-
missing items. Second, many of the Income Statement subaccounts on the
Balancing Model do not necessarily add up to the total group accounts.
For example, the subaccounts linked to XOPR (Operating Expenses – To-
tal) do not always add up to the total XOPR. For other accounts, such as
TXT (Income Taxes – Total), the subaccounts do add up to the total group
account. Thus, in counting the nonmissing Income Statement items, we
are only able to apply the second screening mechanism for a subset of the
We further cross-check Compustat missing items against actual annual
reports. We randomly generate 50 firms for the year 2009 from our sample
and check these firms’ 2009 annual reports for each item reported as miss-
ing by Compustat. In total, we manually check 1,380 data items reported
as missing by Compustat against actual annual reports. The error rate for
Balance Sheet missing item counts is 7.77%, and for Income Statement
counts is 8.31%, and ranges from 6.13% to 11.23% from the smallest to the
largest firm size quintiles.17 Though this is a relatively small sample check,
it nevertheless mitigates concerns about Compustat systematically missrep-
resenting nonmissing items as missing.

16 Note that, even though the group account CITOTAL (Comprehensive Income – Total) is

not on the Income Statement Balancing Model, we classify the associated accounts as income
statement accounts rather than balance sheet items.
17 Note that these percentages are upper bound estimates, as we consider a missing Com-

pustat item as an error even if the firm only mentions the item (without a clear disaggregated
dollar value for the associated magnitudes) in its annual reports.


We value weight Balance Sheet groups in an attempt to approximate the
economic significance of the items based on the magnitude of the assets in
that group relative to total assets by using the following formula:
# Nonmissing Items $Assetsk
× ÷ 2,
# Total Items $ Total Assets

where k indexes group accounts. For the Balance Sheet, we are able
to create 11 groups and link these group accounts to 25 second level
accounts (parent accounts), which are in turn linked to 93 associated
subaccounts (see appendix B).18 For each of these 11 groups, we count the
number of nonmissing items in the subaccounts and divide this number
by the total number of subaccounts in that group. For example, the group
ACT (Current Assets - Total) is associated with seven parent accounts,
which are in turn linked to 20 subaccounts. Assuming only 2 out of 20
subaccounts under ACT are missing, then the ratio of nonmissing items in
this group is 18/20.
We then arrive at a value-weighted DQ score for each of the 11 group
accounts by multiplying the above ratio of nonmissing items with a weight,
defined as the asset value of that Balance Sheet group over total asset value.
This value-weighting scheme gives more weight to items that presumably
are more important to firms’ operations and thus to investors.19 Finally,
we sum the value-weighted nonmissing item ratios across the 11 Balance
Sheet groups, leading to a disclosure score with a theoretical minimum of
zero and a theoretical maximum of two (because we have both the asset
side and the liabilities/shareholders’ equity side of the Balance Sheet). We
further divide the score by 2 so the Balance Sheet DQ score, DQ BS, varies
between 0 and 1.

18 Even though Compustat provides 212 items for the Balance Sheet and 131 items for the

Income Statement, many of these items are not relevant for our research setting and are thus
excluded. In counting missing items, we first exclude all items related to financial and utility
firms. We also exclude “formula” items; these “formula” items can be directly derived from
other items on the face of the financial statements. For example, the item Operating Income
before Depreciation (OIBDP) is by construction always equal to Sales (SALE) minus Operat-
ing Expense (XORP). Including such formula items would be double counting the underlying
items twice. Other items excluded include items computed by Compustat (an example would
be Compustat reference items that are not tied to annual reports) and moving average items.
Another example of items computed by Compustat is Invested Capital – Total (ICAPT). This
item is defined by Compustat as the sum of Long-Term Debt, Preferred Stock, Minority Inter-
est, and Common Equity. We also exclude per share items as including them in the count of
missing items would be counting the same underlying data item more than once.
19 If a firm’s total assets consist of 20% intangibles and 80% tangibles, investors would want

more information disclosed on the tangibles as such information presumably is more impor-
tant to their decision making.

We provide a simple example in Internet appendix C to illustrate the

construction of the value-weighted balance sheet disclosure score DQ BS.
While the Balance Sheet lends itself naturally to a value-weighting
scheme, for the Income Statement value-weighting is problematic for two
reasons. First, the Income Statement has both positive (e.g., revenues) and
negative (e.g., expenses) items, thus, to value weight these items means tak-
ing absolute values of these items, making it more difficult to interpret the
weight meaningfully. But, more importantly, a value-weighting scheme, say
using Sales as the natural denominator, would mean the Income Statement
DQ score will be overly dominated by the variation in XOPR (Operating
Expense – Total), as XOPR accounts for 90% of the weight when using Sales
as a natural denominator in common-size statements. Recall that our goal is
to capture the variation in the number of nonmissing items for all Income
Statement items; a value-weighting scheme using Sales as the denominator
will be capturing mostly the variation of missing items related to XOPR
while severely biasing downward the variation of missing items in other In-
come Statement items, such as the income tax provision and the cumulative
effect of accounting changes. Thus, for the Income Statement DQ score,
we use an equal-weighting scheme.20 For the Income Statement, we identify
seven group accounts and link these accounts to 51 subaccounts.21 For each
of these seven groups, we count the number of nonmissing items in the
subaccounts and divide this number by the total number of subaccounts in
that group. For example, the group XOPR (Operating Expenses – Total) is
associated with 13 subaccounts. Assuming only 4 out of the 13 subaccounts
linked to XOPR are missing, then the ratio of nonmissing items in this
group is 9/13. We then compute an equal-weighted DQ score for the
Income Statement (DQ IS) by averaging the ratio of nonmissing items over
the seven groups. DQ IS hence has a theoretical range between 0 and 1.
Our summary measure that captures the level of disaggregation of Bal-
ance Sheet and Income Statement data is the simple average of DQ BS and
DQ IS. We call this measure DQ. In untabulated analysis, we examine the
univariate distribution of all Balance Sheet and Income Statement group
level accounts. All group level accounts exhibit considerable variations, and
no one single account dominates other accounts in driving the variation in

20 Untabulated results show that, when we use an equal-weighting scheme to arrive at the

Balance Sheet disclosure score, our results are qualitatively similar. However, we believe that
value-weighting for the Balance Sheet is conceptually superior to equal-weighting, hence we
present all our results using the value-weighted Balance Sheet DQ BS.
21 An eighth group account, SALE, has only one subaccount, REVT (Revenue – Total), for

which there is no variation as virtually all firms have nonmissing value. Therefore, we drop this
group account in constructing our DQ measure. Including this group account has no impact
on our results.

4. Sample and Descriptive Statistics

Our sample consists of Compustat firms with available data to estimate
the various variables in our validation tests. We exclude financial and util-
ity firms since these firms have very different Compustat Balancing Models
and likely have very different disclosure practices. Foreign companies are
also excluded. Since we have multiple validation tests with different data re-
quirements, our sample differs for each test and we describe the associated
variable definition and the details for each sample in the respective tables.
Since our central measure is the summary measure DQ, we focus on DQ in
presenting and discussing the validation test results.
Table 1 presents descriptive statistics of DQ calculated using available data
for Compustat nonfinancial and nonutility U.S. firms from 1973 to 2011.
We start in 1973 as 1973 is the year FASB was established and the first FASB
standard was issued. We stop in 2011 as many firms still show incomplete
data on Compustat for the 2013 reporting year and we need year t + 1
data for the dependent variables in some of our validation tests. There are
altogether 125,873 observations for which we can calculate the disclosure
score DQ from 1973 to 2011. Panel A of table 1 shows that DQ exhibits con-
siderable variation in our sample, with a standard deviation of 0.113, mean
(median) of 0.583 (0.570), and an interquartile range of 0.143. The compo-
nent scores DQ BS and DQ IS exhibit similar variation. In panel B of table
1 we present simple regression results of DQ, DQ BS, and DQ IS regressed
on industry dummies based on Fama–French 12 Industry classification.22
The significant coefficients on the industry dummies confirm our intuition
that different industries have different disclosure scores and we include in-
dustry FEs using the more detailed two-digit SIC code in all our validation
Figure 1 shows the temporal change in DQ. There is a notable upward
trend over time. The evolvement of business models over the years and
the response by FASB can contribute to the change in DQ over time as
new items are added. Our communication with Compustat product ex-
perts confirms this: Compustat uses the same Balance Sheet and Income
Statement template to gather data and adds items to this template when
standard changes mandate new items. Thus, we include year FEs in all our
validation regressions.

22 Since we exclude financial/utility firms from our sample, the regression is based on

the remaining 10 industries. This industry classification is available from Professor Ken-
neth French’s Web site, http://mba.tuck.dartmouth.edu/pages/faculty/ken.french/data
23 Note each industry is compared to the base industry reflected in the intercept. The base

industry, Consumer Durables, has a DQ score approximately equal to the sample average and
is thus representative of the overall sample. That is, the base industry does not represent an
outlier that differs from all other industries.

FIG. 1.—Temporal trend of DQ.

Descriptive Statistics on DQ
Panel A: Descriptive statistics on balance sheet and income statement DQ score
Mean Std Dev Q1 Median Q3
DQ 0.583 0.113 0.504 0.570 0.647
DQ BS 0.716 0.135 0.618 0.718 0.809
DQ IS 0.450 0.119 0.365 0.418 0.519

Panel B: Regression analysis of variation by industry DQ = β0 + βi × I N Di + ε
Parameter Estimates
Industry DQ DQ BS DQ IS
Business equipment 0.050 0.049 0.052
Chemicals and allied products 0.002# −0.011 0.015
Others −0.011 −0.025 0.003#
Oil, gas, and coal extraction and products −0.080 −0.140 −0.019
Healthcare, medical equipment, and drugs 0.051 0.052 0.050
Manufacturing −0.005 −0.010 −0.001#
Consumer nondurables −0.008 −0.013 −0.002#
Wholesale, retail, and some services −0.002# −0.015 0.011
Telephone and television transmission −0.012 −0.039 0.015
Consumer durables (Intercept) 0.575 0.718 0.432
Adjusted-R 2 8.72% 11.32% 3.93%

Panel C: Regression analysis of temporal variation (N = 36)

DQ t = γ1 + γ2 I N Tt + γ3 SIAV E ,t + γ4 LOSSt + γ5 N S E GAV E ,t + γ6 ST DW ORDS,t−1 + εt
DQ 0.333 1.621 ∗∗∗
−1.564 0.131 −0.018 0.010 0.890
(0.94) (5.56) (−2.01) (0.73) (−0.36) (0.36)
DQ BS 0.561 1.557∗∗∗ −1.938∗∗ 0.458∗∗ −0.011 −0.003 0.871
(1.39) (4.68) (−2.18) (2.23) (−0.18) (−0.10)
DQ IS 0.105 1.686∗∗∗ −1.190 −0.196 −0.256 0.024 0.850
(0.25) (4.87) (−1.29) (−0.92) (−0.43) (0.70)
Panel A’s sample consists of 125,837 firm-year observations from 1973 to 2011. Financial, utility, and
foreign companies are excluded from this sample. For panel B, all regression coefficients are significant
at the 1% level except for coefficients marked with #, which are insignificant at conventional levels. The
sample in panel C consists of 36 years (1976–2008).
Variable definitions: DQ BS = value-weighted disclosure quality score of balance sheet items, [0,1]; DQ IS
= equally-weighted disclosure quality score of income statement items, [0,1]; DQ = the simple average of
DQ BS and DQ IS (DQ = 0.5 ∗ (DQ BS + DQ IS); INT = average ratio of intangible assets/total assets in
year t; SIAVE = average magnitude of special items (SPI)/total assets in year t; LOSS = percentage of firms
that report losses in year t; NSEGAVE = natural log of average # of business segments in year t; STDWORDS =
natural log of cumulative # of words in all FASB standards issued from 1973 to year t − 1.
∗ ∗∗ ∗∗
, , indicate significance at 10%, 5%, and 1% (two-sided), respectively.

In panel C of table 1, we present the time-series regression results

of regressing the average DQ per year on variables proxying for chang-
ing business models and a measure of the complexity of new FASB

standards. Specifically, we run the following regression using data from

1973 to 2008:24
DQ t = γ1 + γ2 INT t + γ3 SI AV E ,t + γ4 LOSS t + γ5 NSEG AVE,t
+γ6 STD WORDS,t + εt ,
where DQ is the average DQ score across all firms for year t. Following
Collins, Maydew, and Weiss [1997], we include intangible intensity (INT),
the magnitude of one-time items (SIAVE ), and the prevalence of loss firms
(LOSS) as explanatory variables for temporal change in DQ. We do not in-
clude firm size as firm size is highly correlated with all other variables. We
also include an additional measure of business complexity (NSEGAVE ) and a
measure of new FASB standard complexity (STDwords ) as potential explana-
tory variables. Detailed variable definitions are provided in the notes to
table 1.
Panel C reveals that the most significant factor driving the upward trend
in DQ over time is intangible intensity, INT, our measure of changing busi-
ness models. Surprisingly, the coefficient on our measure of FASB standard
complexity, STDwords , is not significant. It could be that the impact of chang-
ing business models subsumes the impact of new accounting standards.
Untabulated results show high correlations of INT (Pearson correlation co-
efficient between 0.23 and 0.61) with all other variables used in this tempo-
ral model.
As we discuss in the introduction, even though over time DQ exhibits a
notable upward trend, for any specific firm DQ should not exhibit signif-
icant change in adjacent years: all public companies must abide by SEC
Regulation S-X and present comparative financial statements.25
In table 2, we present the correlation matrix between DQ and existing
measures of (voluntary) disclosure quality. We first discuss the correlation
between DQ and the number of management forecasts MF, the Fog In-
dex for readability of MD&A, and a count of the number of words in the
10-K.26 Because we restrict the sample to observations with all above three
disclosure measures available, the sample size is much smaller than that
presented in table 1 and the sampling period starts in 1993, the first year of

24 We stop in 2008 for this temporal model estimation because the new accounting codifi-

cation effective in 2009 makes it difficult to measure one of our variables, STDWORDS , as it is
difficult to unambiguously attribute the issuance of a new Accounting Standard Update as a
new FASB standard.
25 Consistent with this, the average first-order autocorrelation for DQ is 0.668, calculated as

the mean of firm-specific autocorrelations for firms with a minimum of five years data avail-
able. Other researchers document similar “stickiness” in annual reports and 10-K filings of
adjacent years. See, for example, Francis, Nanda, and Olsson [2008]. We note that our sub-
sequent validation test results are strongly robust to clustering standard errors by firm. We
further address temporal variation in DQ in section 5.5.
26 We obtain the Fog Index and the number of word counts in 10-K from Feng Li’s Web site,

Correlation Between DQ and Other Disclosure Measures
(Pearson Upper Triangle, Spearman Lower Triangle)
DQ – 0.876 0.884 0.292 0.036 −0.000# −0.021#
DQ BS 0.884 – 0.548 0.262 0.041 −0.026 −0.030#
DQ IS 0.867 0.563 – 0.252 0.024 0.026 0.006#
MF 0.233 0.211 0.206 – 0.038 0.084 –
FOG 0.135 0.125 0.117 0.015 – 0.264 –
#WORDS 0.078 0.050 0.106 0.142 0.327 – –
AIMR 0.017# −0.025# −0.022# – – – –
The sample consists of 41,692 firm-year observations from 1993 to 2011. The AIMR sample consists of
3,265 firm-year observations from 1981 to 1995. Financial, utility, and foreign companies are excluded from
this sample. All correlations are significant at 1%, except for those marked with # , which are insignificant at
conventional levels. Variable definitions: MF = # of management forecasts, year t. If a firm does not provide
a management forecast, MF is set to be zero; FOG = Fog Index on readability of MD&A, available from Feng
Li’s Web site, http://webuser.bus.umich.edu/feng; #WORDS = the total # of words in 10-K, year t, available
also from Feng Li’s Web site; AIMR = percentage rank of AIMR annual report disclosure score; DQ BS =
value-weighted disclosure quality score of balance sheet items, [0,1]; DQ IS = equally-weighted disclosure
quality score of income statement items, [0,1]; DQ = the simple average of DQ BS and DQ IS (DQ = 0.5 ∗
(DQ BS + DQ IS). T-statistics are in parentheses.

the First Call CIG (Company Issued Guidance) file and Feng Li’s Fog index
per his Web site. Though DQ (as well as the component scores) is positively
correlated with MF and the two readability measures FOG and #WORDS, the
magnitudes of the correlation are fairly small—between 0.050 and 0.233 for
the Spearman correlations, all significant at the 1% level.
Second, we also report the correlation of DQ with AIMR. The sample
for this analysis is even smaller due to the inherent small sample size with
available AIMR scores. All of the correlation coefficients are small and none
of the correlation coefficients are significant.27
These correlation results are expected as DQ conceptually captures a
different aspect of disclosure quality. As such, our validation tests cannot
employ the widely used convergent validity approach—correlation of DQ
with other existing disclosure measures. The convergent validity approach
is only appropriate if the new measure is capturing the same underlying
construct as existing measures. We instead rely on the concurrent validity
approach by demonstrating DQ’s correlation with variables prior literature

27 This lack of a significant correlation can be due to a number of factors: First, finan-

cial statement and footnote details, the concept underlying DQ, is just one of the many as-
pects that analysts rate in constructing AIMR. AIMR also includes analysts’ ratings of many
qualitative aspects of firms’ disclosure quality, such as the “amount of detail about the cor-
porate officers” and the “availability and timeliness of other written materials, such as press
releases, proxy statements, summary of annual meeting proceedings, and presentations to
analyst groups” (Lang and Lundholm [1993], p. 254). Second, AIMR includes analysts’ quan-
tification of “qualitative disclosure (e.g., management discussion and analysis) and disclosure
which may not have been reflected in published financial statements” (Lang and Lundholm
[1996]). Third, AIMR is a weighted average of all the myriad components. Thus, it is possible
that the variation in AIMR is dominated by all the other aspects of nonfinancial statement
quantitative and qualitative disclosure, yielding a low correlation between AIMR and DQ.

has shown to be associated with information quality/asymmetry in the pre-

dicted direction.


Before we proceed to our validation tests, we offer exploratory evidence
on firm fundamentals that can drive DQ. Firm fundamentals, such as re-
structuring and merger and acquisition activities and other operational fac-
tors, can systematically impact DQ. Our research purpose is to capture the
discretionary component of DQ, that is, DQ driven by managerial incen-
tives, and validate this discretionary DQ as a measure of discretionary dis-
closure quality. Thus, in all our subsequent validation tests we control for
firm fundamentals.
We use six variables to capture firm fundamentals that might impact DQ:
Restructure and M&A are indicator variables for asset restructuring and
merger and acquisition activities, respectively. SI is the magnitude of spe-
cial items scaled by total assets. We expect DQ to be increasing in the above
three measures. We use return volatility, σ (RET), the standard deviation of
monthly returns, to capture volatility of operations. We also include firm
size, log(AT), the natural log of total assets, and the log of the number
of business segments, log(NSEG), to capture operational complexity. Con-
ventional wisdom holds that larger firms have more resources for finan-
cial reporting and would thus predict a positive relation between DQ and
log(AT). However, the underlying relationship between operational com-
plexity and DQ is more complicated. The relationship can be negative if
more complex firms are constrained by GAAP standards, which impose an
upper bound on the number of items they can report, while inherently
having more items available to be reported.
Table 3, panel A, presents the correlation matrix between DQ and the six
firm fundamental variables and panel B the results of DQ regressed on these
variables. We include industry and year FEs in this regression and cluster
standard errors by year and industry. Panel A shows that DQ exhibits posi-
tive correlations with all firm fundamental variables except for log(NSEG),
and the highest correlation is that between DQ and Restructure. The nega-
tive correlation between DQ and log(NSEG) is counterintuitive, though it
is similar to the finding in Li [2008] on the relation between the Fog In-
dex and the number of segments. The multiple regression results reported
in panel B show that all of the firm fundamental variables are significant
though some of the signs flip when controlling for other factors reflecting
the correlation among the variables.

5. Validation Tests
We perform three sets of validation tests: We examine the association be-
tween DQ and variables prior literature has shown to be associated with
information quality/asymmetry, namely, analyst forecast dispersion and
DQ and Firm Fundamentals
Panel A: Correlation matrix between DQ and firm fundamentals (Pearson upper triangle,
Spearman lower triangle)
DQ Restructure M&A SI σ (RET) log(AT) log(NSEG)
DQ – 0.398 0.128 0.091 0.018 0.192 −0.024
Restructure 0.361 – 0.112 0.157 0.020 0.244 0.068
M&A 0.121 0.112 – 0.029 −0.081 0.298 0.075
SI 0.203 0.320 0.118 – 0.173 −0.046 −0.020
σ (RET) 0.032 0.007 −0.102 0.124 – −0.324 −0.125
log(AT) 0.174 0.235 0.292 0.141 −0.399 – 0.289
log(NSEG) −0.054 0.065 0.071 0.042 −0.180 0.280 –

Panel B: Regression of DQ on firm fundamentals

DQit = α0 + α1 Restructure it + α2 M &Ait + α3 SIit +α4 σ (RET )it +α5 log(AT )it +α6 log(NSEG)it +e it
Restructure M&A SI σ (RET) log(AT) log(NSEG)
Predicted Signs + + + + ± ±
Coefficients 1.682∗∗∗ −0.399∗∗∗ 0.701∗ −1.539∗∗∗ −0.100∗∗ −0.732∗∗∗
(t-statistics) (6.88) (−3.04) (1.70) (−3.06) (−2.03) (−2.95)
NOBS 114,146
Adjusted R 2 0.753
The sample consists of 114,146 firm-years from 1976 to 2011. All correlations in Panel A are significant
at the 1% level. In Panel B, all coefficients are multiplied by 100 for exposition convenience. Year and
industry fixed effects are included and standard errors are two-way clustered by year and industry. Clustered
T-statistics are in parentheses.
Variable definitions: Restructure = an indicator variable for asset restructuring, which is set to one if
Restructuring Costs Pretax (RCP) is nonzero, and zero otherwise; M&A = an indicator variable for merger
and acquisitions, which is set to one if the firm engaged in merger and acquisitions during the current year
as reported by the SDC database, and zero otherwise; SI = the absolute value of special items (SPI) divided
by total assets; σ (RET) = standard deviation of monthly return over year t; AT = total assets ($billions),
year t; NSEG = number of business segments.
∗ ∗∗ ∗∗∗
, , indicate significance at 10%, 5%, and 1% (two-sided), respectively.

accuracy and bid-ask spreads. We then relate DQ to the cost of equity. In all
our validation tests, we include control variables for firm fundamentals so as
to isolate the association between the discretionary component of DQ and
established measures of information quality. We include industry, two-digit
SIC codes, and year FEs to control for unobserved industry and year ef-
fects. Additionally, we cluster standard errors by industry and year to guard
against the effects of nonfixed (temporary) correlations between variables
within industries and years.28


Our first set of validation tests examines the relation between DQ and an-
alyst forecast dispersion and accuracy. Higher firm disclosure quality should

28 We also estimate all models using industry times year fixed effects, which allows for more

flexible industry-specific trends and shocks, and find our results on DQ are robust to these

be associated with lower analyst forecast dispersion and higher analyst

forecast accuracy (Hope [2003], Dhaliwal et al. [2012]). We estimate the
following regression:
DISP i,t+1 {|FE|i,t+1 } = γ1 + γ2 DQ i,t + γ3 σ (EPS)i,t + γ4 GROWTH i,t
+ γ5 ROAi,t + γ6 log (AF )i,t + γ7 log (AT )i,t (1)
+ Fundamenals i,t + Ind FE + Yr FE + εi,t ,
where DISPi, t+1 is analyst forecast dispersion at time t+1, measured as the
average of the standard deviations of analyst forecasts for year t+1 earnings
sampled at each month over year t+1, and forecast accuracy —FE— i,t+1 is
the average of the mean absolute forecast errors for year t+1 earnings sam-
pled at each month of year t+1. Detailed variable definitions are provided
in the notes to each table.
This validation test has an added advantage in that it allows us to further
distinguish if DQ is capturing disclosure quality or simply reflects operating
complexity. If DQ captures disclosure quality, then we expect γ 2 to be nega-
tive as higher-quality disclosure should lead to lower forecast dispersion and
higher forecast accuracy. In contrast, if DQ captures operating complexity
rather than disclosure quality, then γ 2 should be positive, because ceteris
paribus it is harder to forecast for firms with more complex operations and
there will be more disagreement among analysts.29
The results of this validation test are reported in table 4. The sample
for this set of tests starts in 1976 to coincide with I/B/E/S’s more com-
prehensive coverage of firms. After controlling for other factors that can
affect DISP (|FE|), the coefficients on DQ are significantly negative at bet-
ter than 5%, even after we include controls for firm fundamentals, with
year-and-industry clustered t-statistics ranging from −2.26 to −3.05. Results
on all control variables are consistent with prediction. These results show
that higher DQ is related to lower analyst forecast dispersion and higher
forecast accuracy, consistent with DQ capturing disclosure quality, not op-
erating complexity.
The estimated coefficient of −0.173 (−0.391) in table 4 suggests that a
one standard deviation increase in DQ of 0.113 (table 1) is associated with
a decrease in DISP of 0.019 and a decrease in |FE| of 0.044, representing
23% and 19% of the interquartile range of DISP of 0.083 and |FE| of 0.227,
respectively. An alternative way to assess economic significance is to esti-
mate the conditional standard deviation of DQ using the residuals from the
regression in panel B of table 3. A one standard deviation increase in the

29 For example, Duru and Reeb [2002] document that analyst forecasts are less accurate

for firms that are internationally diversified. Haw, Jung, and Ruland [1994] find that analyst
forecast accuracy decreases sharply after mergers. Lehavy, Li, and Merkley [2011] show that
communication complexity (or the inverse of overall readability of corporate 10-K filings)
reduces analyst forecast accuracy and increases forecast dispersion.
DQ and Analyst Forecast Properties
Predicted Signs Dependent Variable = DISP Dependent Variable = |FE|
Intercept ? 7.725 4.255 27.564∗ 16.689
(1.52) (0.80) (1.92) (1.06)
DQ − −18.934∗∗∗ −17.305∗∗∗ −42.703∗∗ −39.13∗∗
(−3.05) (−2.82) (−2.47) (−2.26)
σ (EPS) + 1.099∗∗∗ 1.067∗∗∗ 2.563∗∗∗ 2.375∗∗∗
(7.11) (6.97) (6.60) (6.35)
GROWTH + 2.902∗∗∗ 2.072∗∗∗ 8.675∗∗∗ 6.085∗∗
(3.86) (2.85) (4.02) (3.53)
ROA − −38.568∗∗∗ −40.619∗∗∗ −94.993∗∗∗ −95.19∗∗∗
(−6.77) (−7.14) (−6.54) (−6.04)
log(AF) − −4.655∗∗∗ −4.800∗∗∗ −19.215∗∗∗ −19.516∗∗∗
(−5.83) (−5.94) (−7.11) (−7.20)
Log(AT) + 2.953∗∗∗ 3.389∗∗∗ 8.391∗∗∗ 9.458∗∗∗
(6.44) (6.88) (7.16) (7.30)
Control for firm NO YES NO YES
Ind and Year Included Included Included Included
Fixed effects
NOBS 31,202 31,202 31,202 31,202
Adjusted R 2 0.179 0.186 0.084 0.087

DISP i,t+1 {|F E |i,t+1 } = γ1 + γ2 DQ i,t + γ3 σ (EPS)i,t + γ4 GROWTH i,t + γ5 ROAi,t + γ6 log (AF )i,t
+ γ7 log (AT )i,t + fundamenals i,t + Ind FE + Yr FE + εi,t (1)

The sample consists of 31,202 firm-years with at least three analyst forecasts of annual earnings from
1976 to 2011. DISP, |FE|, ROA, and GROWTH are winsorized at the extreme 1% and 99%. Standard errors
are two-way clustered by year and industry. Clustered T-statistics are in parentheses.
All coefficients are multiplied by 100 for exposition convenience. Variable definitions (all other variables
are defined as in the notes to table 3): DISPi, t +1 = forecast dispersion, measured as the average of standard
deviation of analyst forecast of year t+1 earnings sampled at each month over year t; |FE| i,t+1 = forecast
accuracy, measured as the average of the mean absolute forecast error of year t+1 earnings samples at each
month of year t; σ (EPS) = decile ranks of earnings volatility, measured as standard deviation of EPS over
yeat t − 4 to year t, deflated by share price at the end of year t; GROWTH = average percentage growth
in sales over year t − 4 to year t; ROA = income before extraordinary items divided by total assets; AF =
number of analysts issuing EPS forecasts for the current year.
∗ ∗∗ ∗∗∗
, , indicate significance levels at 10%, 5%, and 1% (two-tailed).

orthogonalized DQ of 0.054 thus obtained is associated with a decrease in

DISP (|FE|) of 11% (9%) of its interquartile range.


Our second set of validation tests examines the association between DQ
and a widely accepted measure of information asymmetry: bid-ask spreads.
Specifically, we estimate a model based on finance theory (Demsetz [1968],
Stoll [1978]) that is empirically implemented in extant literature (Coller
and Yohn [1997], Amiram, Owens, and Rosenbaum [2013]). We estimate
the following regression:
QBAS i,t+1 /EBAS i,t+1 = β1 + β2 DQ i,t + β3 log (VOL)i,t + β4 log (PRICE)i,t

+ β5 BTM i,t + β6 log (AT )i,t + Fundamentals i,t
+ Ind FE + Yr FE + ui,t . (2)

We use two bid-ask spread measures—QBASi,t+1 is the average daily

quoted bid-ask spread and EBASi,t+1 is the average daily effective bid-ask
spread, both measured over the 12 months beginning 4 months after the
current fiscal year.30 We include trading volume (log(VOL)) to control
for the liquidity of firms’ shares, which can affect inventory holding costs
(Demsetz [1968]), and include stock price (log(PRICE)) to control for mar-
ket makers’ processing costs (Stoll [1978]). We further include controls for
firm growth (MTB) and size (log(AT)). As in our first set of validation tests,
we include firm fundamentals in our regressions. Further, in all regressions
we include industry and year FEs and report robust standard errors clus-
tered by year and industry.
If DQ captures disclosure quality, then it should be negatively associated
with information asymmetry. Thus, we expect a negative coefficient β 2 in
the regression of bid-ask spreads on DQ, ceteris paribus. Table 5 presents
the results of estimating (2). The sample for this estimation starts in 1993
because the TAQ data starts in 1993. Table 5 shows that DQ is negatively
associated with the information asymmetry component of bid-ask spreads:
β 2 is significantly negative at better than the 5% level in both regressions.
Given the average share price of $18 for our sample firms, the coefficient
estimates of −0.0126 for QBAS and −0.0173 for EBAS suggest that a one
standard deviation increase in unconditional DQ of 0.113 is associated with
a decrease in the quoted (effective) bid-ask spread of 2.6 (3.5) cents per
share. With a one standard deviation increase in the orthogonalized DQ of
0.054, the quoted and effective bid-ask spreads are estimated to decrease by
1.2 cents and 1.7 cents per share, respectively. These amounts are sig-
nificant considering that the bid-ask spread has collapsed tremendously
market-wide in the postdecimalization period. This set of results corrob-
orates the findings from our first set of validation tests.


Our third set of validation tests examines the relationship between DQ
and cost of equity. We base our tests on the maintained assumption that
higher disclosure quality should be associated with lower cost of capital.
While some researchers, for example, Hughes, Liu, and Liu [2007], un-
der very restrictive assumptions, show that disclosure quality cannot affect
cost of capital because it can be diversified away, recent theoretical and
empirical studies in accounting and finance demonstrate that a link be-
tween disclosure quality and cost of capital can exist (e.g., Lambert, Leuz,

30 Daily quoted bid-ask spread is calculated as the average of all midquote-deflated bid-

ask spreads, 0.5∗(Ask-Bid)/(Ask + Bid), quoted during regular trading hours (9:30–16:00).
Effective bid-ask spread measures the difference between the actual execution price and the
midpoint of the prevailing quote, and is calculated as (Price − MidQuote)/MidQuote, where
MidQuote = (Bid + Ask)/2. Each trade is matched with the quote at the previous second, and
the effective bid-ask spreads of all trades during regular trading hour are averaged to obtain
the daily estimates.
DQ and Bid-Ask Spread
Predicted Signs Dependent Variable = QBAS Dependent Variable = EBAS
Intercept ? 8.786∗∗∗ 8.418∗∗∗ 6.673∗∗∗ 6.414∗∗∗
(11.73) (11.69) (14.15) (14.10)
DQ ∓ −1.287∗∗ −1.260∗∗ −1.188∗∗∗ −1.173∗∗∗
(−2.32) (−2.35) (−2.94) (−3.01)
Log(VOL) – −0.518∗∗∗ −0.565∗∗∗ −0.232∗∗∗ −0.267∗∗∗
(−14.70) (−17.36) (−9.89) (−11.65)
Log(PRICE) – −1.369∗∗∗ −1.319∗∗∗ −0.875∗∗∗ −0.84∗∗∗
(−10.52) (−10.63) (−11.59) (−11.65)
BTM + 0.181∗∗∗ 0.176∗∗∗ 0.172∗∗∗ 0.168∗∗∗
(3.00) (2.84) (3.86) (3.65)
Log(AT) ? −0.104∗ −0.075 −0.202∗∗∗ −0.181∗∗∗
(−1.96) (−1.52) (−4.39) (−4.19)
Control for firm NO YES NO YES
Ind and Year Included Included Included Included
Fixed effects
NOBS 63,462 63,462 63,948 63,948
Adjusted R 2 0.597 0.599 0.557 0.560

QBAS/EBAS i,t+1 = β1 + β2 DQ i,t + β3 log (VOL)i,t + β4 log (PRICE)i,t + β5 BTM i,t + β6 log (AT )i,t
+ Fundamentals i,t + Ind FE + Yr FE + ui,t (2)

The sample consists of 63,462 firm-years from 1991 to 2011 for QBAS regressions and 63,948 firm-years
for EBAS regressions. BTM is winsorized at the extreme 1% and 99%. All coefficients are multiplied by 100
for exposition convenience. Standard errors are two-way clustered by year and industry. Clustered T-statistics
are in parentheses.
Variable definitions: QBAS = average daily quoted bid-ask spread over the 12-month period beginning
with 4 months after the end of current fiscal year. Daily quoted bid-ask spread is calculated as the average of
all bid-ask spreads, 0.5∗ (Ask−Bid)/(Ask+Bid), quoted during regular trading hour (9:30–16:00). Intraday
quotes data are from TAQ; EBAS = average daily effective bid-ask spread over the 12-month period begin-
ning with 4 months after the end of current fiscal year. Daily effective bid-ask spread is calculated using all
trades during regular trading hours (9:30–16:00). Trades are matched with prevailing quotes at the previous
second to estimate effective bid-ask spread using the equation (Price−MidQuote)/MidQuote, where MidQuote
= (Bid+Ask)/2. Intraday trades and quotes data are from TAQ; VOL = average daily trading volume over
year t; PRICE = average daily closing price over year t; BTM = book value of common equity divided by
market value of common equity. All other variables are defined as in notes to tables 3 and 4.
∗ ∗∗ ∗∗∗
, , indicate significance levels at 10%, 5%, and 1% (two-tailed).

and Verrecchia [2007], Kelly and Ljunqvist [2012]), and more specifically,
accounting information can affect cost of capital. Empirical research in ac-
counting has linked reporting quality, broadly defined, to lower cost of eq-
uity (Leuz and Verrecchia [2000], Lang and Lundhom [2000], Francis et al.
[2004], Hail and Leuz [2006], Daske et al. [2008], Francis, Nanda, and Ols-
son [2008], Ashbaugh-Skaiffe, Collins, and Kinney [2009], Baginski and
Rakow [2011], Daske et al. [2013]). Thus, we expect a negative association
between DQ and cost of equity.31 We estimate the following cost of equity
CofE i,t+1 = α1 + α2 DQ i,t + α3 Beta i,t + α4 BTM i,t + α5 log (MV )i,t
+ Fundamenals i,t + I nd F E + Y r F E + εi,t , (3)

31 We acknowledge that the literature on the causality between information quality and cost

of capital is controversial. Neither empirical nor theoretical research agrees on whether there
is a causal link (see Berger [2011], Shevlin [2013], section 4). We note that our research
purpose only calls for a demonstration of correlation, not causality.

where cost of equity, CofE, is estimated using the average of three implied
cost of equity capital measures developed in prior literature (MPEG, GM,
and Claus and Thomas [2001]) evaluated in Botosan and Plumlee [2005]
and Easton and Monahan [2005]. The forecasts of future earnings in all
three methods are based on the approach proposed in Li and Mohanram
[2014] to address concerns that optimistic analysts’ forecasts lead to bi-
ased estimates of implied cost of capital (see Easton and Monahan [2005],
Kothari, Li, and Short [2009]). Following prior research (Francis et al.
[2004], Francis, Nanda, and Olsson [2008]), we include beta (Beta) esti-
mated using daily returns and the Scholes–Williams (Scholes and Williams
[1977]) adjustment method and book-to-market ratio (BTM).32 Under the
maintained assumption that higher disclosure quality should be associated
with lower cost of equity, we expect α 2 to be negative. As in Francis, Nanda,
and Olsson [2008], we expect positive coefficients on Beta and BTM.
The sample for this test consists of 35,474 firm-year observations from
1976 to 2011.33 Table 6 presents the cost of equity regression results. The
coefficient on the summary measure DQ is significantly negative at better
than 1% in both specifications, before and after we include controls for
firm fundamentals. The coefficient estimate of −0.057 suggests that a one
standard deviation increase in unconditional DQ of 0.113 is associated with
a decrease in CofE 0.6%. A one standard deviation increase in orthogonal-
ized DQ of 0.054 is associated with a decrease in CofE of 0.3%, which is still
nontrivial. Thus, higher DQ is associated with lower cost of equity capital.
Taken together, our three sets of validation tests offer strong evidence con-
sistent with DQ capturing disclosure quality.
Our research goal is to advance one summary measure of firms’ disclo-
sure quality, DQ, based on the level of disaggregation of items in firms’
annual reports covering both the body of the two financial statements and
associated footnotes. In this section, we report results disaggregating DQ
along two dimension: DQ arising from operating and from financing ac-
tivities (DQ OP and DQ FIN), and DQ disaggregated into Balance Sheet
and Income Statement components (DQ BS and DQ IS), respectively. Dis-
aggregation along these two dimensions serves as a starting point for future
researchers wishing to examine the components of DQ.
It is possible that for a typical firm there is more information asymmetry
about its operating performance than its financing decisions. If this is the

32 We do not include log(AT) in the cost of capital validation tests as we already include

log(MV) in all our models. The correlation coefficient between log(MV) and log(AT) exceeds
0.90 and would lead to severe multicollinearity if we include both variables in our models.
33 Untabulated descriptive statistics show that our cost of equity estimates yield statistics

comparable to prior literature (Easton and Monahan [2005]). The mean cost of equity, CofE,
is 0.132 with a median of 0.111. Though the sample in this test is much smaller than the sample
in table 1 due to data restrictions, the distributions of DQ and the component scores DQ BS
and DQ IS (untabulated) are very similar to that presented in panel A of table 1.
DQ and Cost of Equity
Predicted Signs (1) (2)
Intercept ? 19.060 15.355∗∗∗
(10.98) (9.27)
DQ – −5.591∗∗∗ −5.721∗∗∗
(−4.05) (−4.42)
Beta + 0.284∗ −0.166
(1.68) (−1.15)
BTM + 3.501∗∗∗ 3.737∗∗∗
(12.75) (12.75)
Log(MV) – −1.997∗∗∗ −1.821∗∗∗
(−7.76) (−7.43)
Control for firm fundamentals NO YES
Industry and Year Fixed Effects Included Included
NOBS 35,474 35,474
Adjusted R 2 0.414 0.432

CofE i,t+1 = α1 + α2 DQ i,t + α3 Beta i,t + α4 BTM i,t + α5 log (M V )i,t + Fundamenalsi,t
+ Ind FE + Yr FE + εi,t (3)

The sample consists of 35,474 firm-year observations from 1976 to 2011. All coefficients are multiplied
by 100 for exposition convenience. Standard errors are two-way clustered by year and industry. Clustered
T-statistics are in parentheses.
Variable definitions: CofE = average of implied cost of equity estimated using the MPEG, GM, and CT
methods. The forecasts of future earnings used in all three estimation methods are based on the approach
proposed in Li and Mohanram [2014]; Beta = CAPM beta estimated using the Scholes–Williams method
over the most recent calendar year ending before current fiscal year end; MV = market value of equity at
the current fiscal year end. All other variables are defined as in the notes to tables 3 and 4.
∗ ∗∗ ∗∗∗
, , indicate significance levels at 10%, 5%, and 1% (two-tailed).

case, then we would expect the link between established proxies for infor-
mation asymmetry and DQ to be primarily driven by the disaggregation of
operating items.34
To explore this possibility, we classify items representing operating and
financing activities into DQ OP (DQ representing operating activities)
and DQ FIN (DQ representing financing activities) using the classification
scheme advanced in Nissim and Penman [2001]. We equal weight each line
item and reestimate all three sets of validation tests on both components.
We present the results in panel A of table 7. For parsimony, we omit the
tabulation of all control variables. Because the samples used in each esti-
mation are identical to those for the main tests and the adjusted R2 are
nearly identical, we omit the tabulation of these two items as well.
Panel A results show that DQ OP drives the link with analyst forecast dis-
persion and accuracy, whereas DQ FIN drives the link with bid-ask spreads.
Both DQ OP and DQ FIN are significantly negatively associated with the cost
of equity. Panel B of table 7 presents the results separating DQ into DQ BS
and DQ IS. The results show that both components drive the link with bid-
ask spreads and cost of equity capital, but the link with analyst earnings
forecast properties is driven by DQ IS.

34 We thank our reviewer for this insightful suggestion.


Separating DQ into Operating (DQ OP) vs. Financing (DQ FIN) Components and Balance Sheet
(DQ BS) vs. Income Statement (DQ IS) Components
Panel A: Separating DQ into DQ OP and DQ FIN
Panel A1: Analyst forecasting properties (reestimating equation (1))
Dependent Dependent
Variable = DISP Variable = |FE|
Predicted Signs (1) (2) (1) (2)
DQ OP – −22.995∗∗∗ −19.409∗∗∗ −52.515∗∗ −45.033∗∗
(−3.05) (−2.57) (−2.47) (−2.02)
DQ FIN – −3.301 −4.107 −18.734 −20.674
(−0.89) (−1.11) (−1.43) (−1.57)

Panel A2: Bid-ask spreads (reestimating equation (2))

Dependent Variable = Dependent Variable =
Bid-Ask Spread Effective Bid-Ask Spread
Predicted Signs (1) (2) (1) (2)
DQ OP – −0.648 −0.889 −0.397 −0.579
(−0.91) (−1.27) (−0.87) (−1.26)
DQ FIN – −0.878∗∗∗ −0.755∗∗∗ −0.856∗∗∗ −0.761∗∗∗
(−3.90) (−3.41) (−4.57) (−4.23)

Panel A3: DQ and cost of capital (reestimating equation (3))

Dependent Variable = Cost of Equity
Predicted Signs (1) (2)
DQ OP – −3.869∗ −4.186∗
(−1.65) (−1.90)
DQ FIN – −2.841∗∗ −2.778∗∗
(−2.45) (−2.46)

Panel B: Separating DQ into DQ BS and DQ IS

Panel B1: Analyst forecasting properties (reestimating equation (1))
Dependent Dependent
Variable = DISP Variable = |FE|
Predicted Signs (1) (2) (1) (2)
DQ BS – −10.364 −9.988 −12.218 −11.769
(−1.45) (−1.43) (−0.65) (−0.64)
DQ IS – −8.665∗∗∗ −7.449∗∗∗ −29.516∗∗∗ −26.589∗∗∗
(−3.88) (−3.60) (−3.39) (−3.14)

Panel B2: Bid-ask spreads (reestimating equation (2))

Dependent Variable = Dependent Variable =
Quoted Bid-Ask Spread Effective Bid-Ask Spread
Predicted Signs (1) (2) (1) (2)
DQ BS – −0.678∗ −0.645∗ −0.587∗∗ −0.564∗∗
(−1.79) (−1.72) (−2.16) (−2.09)
DQ IS – −0.614∗ −0.617∗ −0.600∗∗ −0.606∗∗
(−1.89) (−1.99) (−2.31) (−2.44)
T A B L E 7—Continued
Panel B3: Cost of capital (reestimating equation (3))
Dependent Variable = Cost of Equity
Predicted Signs (1) (2)
DQ BS – −3.516∗∗∗ −3.664∗∗∗
(−3.40) (−3.37)
DQ IS – −2.153∗∗ −2.40∗∗
(−2.29) (−2.37)
This table presents the coefficients on DQ OP vs. DQ FIN & DQ BS vs. DQ IS from reestimating equations
(1)–(3) by replacing summary DQ with these components. Column (1) models exclude controls for firm
fundamentals, whereas column (2) models include controls for firm fundamentals. Intercepts, equation-
specific control variables, and industry and year fixed effects are included in all estimations. Standard errors
are two-way clustered by year and industry. The number of observations (adjusted R 2 ) for each equation
are (nearly) identical to those presented in the main tables 4–6, respectively. Clustered T-statistics are in
∗ ∗∗ ∗∗∗
, , indicate significance levels of 10%, 5%, and 1% (one-sided).


As discussed in the introduction, DQ is by definition “sticky” due to the
SEC Regulation S-X requirement that all firms must file comparative finan-
cial statements.35 In this section, we provide further evidence of the tempo-
ral variation of DQ, in order to help future researchers better understand
the suitability of DQ for time-series studies.
We conduct two tests: the first test adds firm FEs to all our validation tests.
The second test identifies large increases and decreases in DQ over a five-
year window, then employs a difference-in-differences design to determine
whether firms experiencing large increases in DQ exhibit lower means on
the dependent variables, that is, lower analyst forecast dispersion and ab-
solute forecast error, lower bid-ask spreads, and lower cost of equity, than
firms experiencing large decreases in DQ.
We tabulate the results of this estimation in table 8. For parsimony, we
omit the tabulation of all equation-specific control variables and controls
for firm fundamentals. Panel A presents the coefficients (t-statistics) on DQ
in equations (1)–(3) after adding firm FEs. Note that industry FEs are re-
moved because they are subsumed by the finer firm FEs. DQ continues
to be significantly negatively associated with analyst forecast dispersion,
quoted and effective bid-ask spreads, and cost of equity.
Panel B reports the results of estimating the following regression:
Dep V ar = α + β0 DQINC + β1 POST + β2 DQINC × POST
+ Controls + Fundamentals + e ,
where Dep Var are analyst forecast dispersion and accuracy, quoted and ef-
fective bid-ask spreads, and cost of equity proxy, respectively. We employ an

35 Untabulated analysis shows that 40% (30%) of the firms remains in the same DQ decile

classification in year t to year t+1 (t+2); in other words, 60% (70%) of the firms fall into a
different DQ decile in the following year.

Additional Analyses: Adding Firm FE and Identifying Big Changes in DQ

Panel A: Adding firm fixed effects to equations (1)–(3)
Analyst Forecast Properties (equation (1)) Quoted and Effective Bid-Ask Spreads (equation (2)) Cost of Equity (equation (3))
(1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)
−5.29∗∗∗ −4.71∗∗∗ −7.49 −6.94 −0.28 −0.49∗∗∗ −0.29∗∗∗ −0.46∗∗∗ −1.77∗∗ −1.98∗∗
(−3.42) (−3.03) (−0.97) (−0.89) (−1.48) (−2.62) (−2.18) (−3.44) (−1.93) (−2.17)
N = 31,202 N = 31,202 N = 31,202 N = 31,202 N = 63,462 N = 63,462 N = 63,948 N = 63,948 N = 35,474 N = 35,474
0.780 0.780 0.619 0.620 0.802 0.803 0.779 0.781 0.688 0.692

Panel B: Analysis identifying big changes in DQ over a five-year window

Analyst Forecast Properties Quoted and Effective Bid-Ask Spreads Cost of Equity
(equation (1)) (equation (2)) (equation (3))

(1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)
∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗ ∗∗∗
−2.32 −1.90 −10.52 −9.53 −0.12 −0.062 −0.053 −0.014 −1.27 −1.26∗∗∗
(−3.13) (−2.52) (−3.31) (−2.98) (−1.47) (−0.78) (−1.01) (−0.27) (−3.97) (−4.00)
N = 7,592 N = 7,592 N = 7,592 N = 7,592 N = 14,157 N = 14,157 N = 14,081 N = 14,081 N = 9,450 N = 9,450
0.073 0.094 0.041 0.049 0.549 0.555 0.532 0.538 0.252 0.291
Panel A presents the coefficients (t-statistics) on DQ after adding firm fixed effects and removing industry fixed effects to equations (1)–(3). Column (1) models exclude controls
for firm fundamentals, whereas column (2) models include controls for firm fundamentals. The last two rows present the number of observations used in each regression and
adjusted R 2 . Panel B presents coefficients β 2 (firm clustered t-statistics) on the interaction variable DQINC×POST from the model: Dep. Var. = α + β 0 ∗DQINC +β 1 ∗ POST + β 2
∗(DQINC×POST) + Control Variables + Control for Fundamentals + error term. The dependent variables are DISP, |FE|, QBAS, EBAS, and COE, respectively. DQINC is an
indicator variable identifying changes in average DQ greater than 30% from years t − 2, t − 1 to years t, t+1, and t+2: if DQ increases by more than 30% over the five-year window,
DQINC = 1; if DQ decreases by more than 30% over the five-year window, DQINC = 0. POST is an indicator variable coded as 1 for years t, t+1, and t+2 and 0 for years t−2 and t−1.
The “Control Variables” are regression-specific controls employed in equations (1) through (3), respectively. Column (1) models exclude controls for firm fundamentals, whereas
column (2) models include controls for firm fundamentals. The last two rows present the number of observations used in each regression and adjusted R 2 .
∗ ∗∗ ∗∗∗
, , indicate significance levels of 10%, 5%, and 1% (one-sided).

approach similar to that in Healy, Hutton, and Palepu [1999] (hereafter

HHP) to identify large changes in DQ over a five-year window. DQINC =
1 for observations with increases in average DQ greater than 30%, and =0
for observations with decreases in DQ greater than 30%. POST is an indicator
for years t  t+2. Controls are the various equation-specific controls in equa-
tions (1)–(3). Following HHP (1999), we do not include industry or year
fixed effects, but the results remain qualitatively similar if we include these
Our focus is on β 2 , the coefficient on the interaction variable DQINC
× POST, which we expect to be negative. In other words, the large DQ
increase group should exhibit lower (higher) analyst forecast dispersion
(accuracy), lower bid-ask spreads, and lower cost of equity than the large
DQ decrease group. Panel B of table 8 shows that β 2 is significantly negative
at better than 1% (one-sided) in 6 out of 10 regressions and marginally
significantly negative at 10% level (one-sided) in one regression.
5.6.1. Backing Out the Magnitude of Missing Items as an Alternative Measure
of Disaggregation. A possible alternative measure of disaggregation is to back
out the magnitude of missing items by taking the difference between par-
ent accounts and the sum of the associated subaccounts, where applicable.
Larger magnitudes of the missing items indicate higher aggregation level
and lower disclosure quality. Note that this measure can only be calculated
for balance sheet accounts to yield meaningful variations, and of the to-
tal 109 balance sheet accounts we are able to back out this number for
52 accounts.36 We then reestimate equations (1)–(3) by substituting DQ
with this measure, and by including this measure together with DQ in the
regressions. In untabulated analyses we find: (1) this measure is not associ-
ated with analyst forecast and bid-ask spread, and exhibits the wrong sign
in the cost of equity regression; and (2) DQ continues to be significant in
the correct direction in the presence of this alternative measure. Thus, the
benefits of this alternative measure are likely limited.
5.6.2. Is the Variation in DQ Dominated by Larger Firms? It might be argued
that the variation in DQ is dominated by larger firms. This belief is based
on the assumption that Compustat expends more effort in collecting and
coding data for larger firms and minimum effort on small firms. To address
this concern, throughout our data coding we communicate extensively with
experienced senior Compustat analysts with very detailed understanding
of the data coding process. Our communication reveals that Compustat
uses the same template to gather data regardless of firm size and does not
discriminate based on firm size.
However, in addition to communicating with Compustat, we conduct an
additional analysis: we examine the dispersion of the distribution of DQ,

36 This backing-out method is only applicable to 2 out of 51 income statement accounts.


DQ BS, and DQ IS by size quartile based on total assets. One striking pattern
emerges: all three DQ scores exhibit similar standard deviation across the
four size quartiles. Specifically, the standard deviation for the summary DQ
ranges from 0.123 to 0.125 across the size quartiles, and the range is 0.147–
0.152 for DQ BS and 0.118–0.127 for DQ IS. Note that these numbers are
very similar to those reported for the overall sample distribution in table 1.
Thus, the data does not support the assumption that larger firms dominate
the variation in DQ.
Furthermore, we note that our random sample check (detailed in section
3.1) shows that the Compustat coding error rate for the smallest size quin-
tile is smaller than that for the largest size quintile. This result again is in-
consistent with Compustat ignoring the collection of data on smaller firms
and spending more effort on the collection of data on the largest firms.
5.6.3. Do Existing Disclosure Measures Subsume DQ? Another concern re-
garding our disclosure score DQ is that it is subsumed by other existing
measures of disclosure, such as management earnings forecasts (MF) or
AIMR scores. We have argued that DQ is conceptually very different from
existing measures and demonstrated that DQ has low correlations with
these existing measures in table 2. As such, we do not expect that existing
measures can subsume DQ. Nevertheless, to alleviate the above concern, we
include the existing measures of disclosure as tabulated in table 2 in all our
validation regressions from tables 4 to 6. The sample sizes after the inclu-
sion of these existing disclosure measures are much smaller. In untabulated
analyses, we find that the results on DQ after the inclusion of these variables
are robust, while the correlations of these existing disclosure measures with
the information quality variables are either insignificant or inconsistent in
the presence of DQ.
5.6.4. Is DQ Simply the Inverse of Immaterial Items that Are Aggregated into
Other Items? Another potential concern with DQ is that, if managers sim-
ply aggregate immaterial items into other items, DQ will be capturing the
inverse of immaterial items. Following this logic, managers aggregate the
missing items into other items because the missing items are deemed im-
material and therefore unimportant by managers. If this is true, the quality
of financial reporting should not be adversely affected by the exclusion of
such immaterial items, and we should not expect higher DQ to represent
higher disclosure quality.
Our collective evidence from the three sets of validation tests does not
support the above argument. In addition, the mean magnitude of the miss-
ing items backed out in section 5.6.1 represents 17% of total assets. This
nontrivial amount is inconsistent with the concern that missing items are
immaterial items.

6. Conclusion
We develop a new measure of disclosure quality, DQ, which captures the
level of disaggregation of accounting line items in firms’ annual reports,

with greater disaggregation indicating higher disclosure quality. This mea-

sure is based on the premise that more detailed disclosure gives investors
and lenders more information for valuation (Fairfield, Sweeney, and Yohn
[1996], Jegadeesh and Livnat [2006]) and a higher level of disaggrega-
tion enhances the credibility of firms’ financial reports (Hirst, Koonce, and
Venkataraman [2007], D’Souza, Ramesh, and Shen [2010]).
We use the number of nonmissing Balance Sheet and Income Statement
items reported in Compustat to proxy for disclosure quality. A higher count
indicates higher disclosure quality. In developing DQ, we employ the natu-
ral nesting feature of the Balance Sheet (and to a lesser extent the Income
Statement) to impose multiple screens to filter out the impact of Compu-
stat’s systematic coding scheme in the count of missing items. In particu-
lar, our screening steps mitigate Type I error—counting an item as missing
when in fact it is not missing.
We validate DQ through three sets of tests: if DQ captures disclosure
quality, then it should (1) be related to lower analyst forecast dispersion
and higher analyst forecast accuracy, (2) be negatively associated with in-
formation asymmetry as proxied by bid-ask spread, and (3) be negatively
associated with cost of equity. All three sets of tests yield evidence consis-
tent with the predictions above and with DQ capturing disclosure quality.
The tests on analyst forecasting properties further reinforce that DQ cap-
tures disclosure quality, not complexity, as complexity should be associated
with higher analyst forecast dispersion and lower forecast accuracy, exactly
the opposite of the relationship documented. These results continue to
hold after we control for firm fundamentals, such as operating complexity,
which can drive the cross-sectional variation in DQ.
The consistent results across all three sets of validation tests also give us
further confidence that DQ is not simply reflecting Compustat’s coding of
missing items, as it is extremely unlikely that the way Compustat collects and
codes data would be systematically associated with established information
asymmetry metrics or the cost of equity.
We contribute to the existing literature by developing a unique disclosure
measure that captures an important aspect of firms’ disclosure behavior
that has not received much research attention: the level of disaggregation
of accounting data items in firms’ annual reports. DQ differs from exist-
ing measures that either capture managers’ voluntary disclosure behavior
(e.g., management earnings forecasts, conference calls) or self-constructed
measures based on researchers’ or analysts’ evaluation of selected items in
the financial statement (e.g., AIMR scores). Furthermore, DQ is a parsi-
monious measure that can be constructed for the universe of Compustat
industrial firms for all years. This contrasts with existing measures, which
are usually only applicable to a subset of firms (e.g., management forecasts,
conference calls) or to a subset of financial statement items (e.g., AIMR),
or capture the narrative aspect of MD&A (e.g., Fog index). DQ can be used
by researchers for replication or to study new questions on firms’ disclosure
behavior on a much wider set of firms in the economy.

We caution that the applicability of DQ is limited by the following fac-

tors. First, future research intent on establishing causality will need to in-
clude controls variables that will likely result in considerable reduction of
sample sizes. Second, DQ, as a measure of annual report disaggregation
level, does not capture the timeliness of new information, because annual
reports provide perhaps predominantly a confirmation role to earlier or
more timely voluntary disclosures. Third, it is possible that the complemen-
tarity between mandatory and voluntary disclosure can induce an upward
bias in the estimation of the impacts of DQ. Future researchers interested
in using DQ should take these limitations into consideration.

Compustat Template
(“Balancing Model”) for the Balance Sheet and Income Statement
Item Description Balancing Mnemonic
Current Assets
Current Assets - Total ACT
Non-Current Assets
Property Plant and Equipment - Total PPENT
Investment and Advances - Equity IVAEQ
Investment and Advances - Other IVAO
Intangible Assets - Total INTAN
Assets - Other - Total AO
Assets - Total ACT + PPENT + IVAEQ + AT
Current Liabilities
Current Liabilities - Total LCT
Long-Term Liabilities
Long-Term Debt - Total DLTT
Deferred Taxes and Investment Tax Credit TXDITC
Liabilities - Other LO
Liabilities - Total LCT + DLTT + TXDITC + LO LT
Noncontrolling Interest - Redeemable - MIB
Balance Sheet
Shareholders’ Equity
Preferred/Preference Stock (Capital) - PSTK
Common/Ordinary Equity - Total CEQ
Stockholders Equity - Parent - Total PSTK + CEQ SEQ
Noncontrolling Interest - Nonredeemable MIBN
- Balance Sheet
Stockholders Equity - Total SEQ + MIBN TEQ
Liabilities and Stockholders Equity - Total LT + MIB + TEQ LSE

APPENDIX A—Continued
Item Description Balancing Mnemonic
Sales/Turnover (Net if Excise Tax TXW) SALE
Operating Expenses - Total COGS + XSGA XOPR
Cost of Goods Sold COGS
Selling, General and Administrative XSGA
Depreciation and Amortization - Total DP
Interest and Related Expense XINT
Nonoperating Income (Expense) - Total IDIT + NOPIO NOPI
Nonoperating Income (Expense) - NOPIO
Excluding Interest Income
Interest Income - Total IDIT
Special Items SPI
Pretax Income OIADP − XINT + NOPI + SPI PI
Income Taxes − Total TXT
Income Taxes - Current TXFED + TXS + TXFO + TXO TXC
Income Taxes - Deferred TXDFED + TXDS + TXDFO TXDI
Noncontrolling Interest - Income Account MII
Income Before Extraordinary Items IB
Dividends - Preferred/Preference DVP
Income Before Extraordinary Items - IB − DVP IBCOM
Available for Common
Extraordinary Items and Discontinued XI + DO XIDO
Extraordinary Items (including XI
Accounting Changes CCHG)
Discontinued Operations DO
Net Income (Loss) IBADJ + XIDO NIADJ

Note that even though the group account CITOTAL (Comprehensive Income – Total) is not on Com-
pustat’s Income Statement Balancing Model, we classify the associated accounts as income statement ac-
counts rather than balance sheet accounts.

The Three Level Structure to Link Subaccounts to Group Accounts
[93] [25] [11]
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3 Parent account A
Item 4 Group Account #1
Item 5
Item 6 Parent account B
Item 7
…… …… ……
…… …… Group Account #11



INVRM (INV – raw material)

INVWIP (INV – work-in-progress) INVT
INVFG (INV – finished goods) (Inventory – total) ACT
INVO (INV – other) (Current Assets – Total)
…… …..
…… Other seven parent accounts
…… O t h e r 1 0 G R O U P a c c o u nt s

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Supporting Information
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of
this article at the publisher’s website:
Internet Appendix A. Linking Table for the Balance Sheet
Internet Appendix B. Linking Table for Income Statement
Internet Appendix C. An Example for Constructing Value-Weighted DQ BS

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