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Mental Health in Family Medicine 2015; 11:69-72 2015 Mental Health and Family Medicine Ltd

Research Aricle
Research Article Cause and Treatment Open Access
Angela A. Stanton
Independent Researcher, P.O. Box 18863, Anaheim, CA 92817, United States; Tel: 714-330-1439; Fax: (888) 238-2260; E-mail:
[email protected]

Title: Migraine Cause and Treatment Findings: Migraine frequency appears to be exacerbated
by carbohydrate-rich and salt- and water-poor diets and may
Background: Research shows that migraine brains have
be worsened by medicines that block voltage gated calcium
hyperactive sensory organs and multiple sensory receptor
or sodium channels. Stopping these medicines, reducing
connections. Hyper activity of these organs needs extra supply
carbohydrates and increasing saline in electrolytes appears to
of nutrition to support increased electrical activity. Today’s
prevent and/or stop migraines.
medicines reduce or prevent the functioning of these neurons
by blocking essential voltage dependent calcium or sodium Conclusions: H2O and Na+ eflux from cells caused
channel instead of providing nutrients. We asked: if we provide by glucose, electrolyte mineral (Na+, Cl-, K+) ratio may be
support for extra electrical activity of migraineurs, would it disrupted in carbohydrate heavy diets causing migraines.
prevent migraines without the use of medicines? Changes to diet that include increased salt intake along with
reduced carbohydrate intake appears to prevent glucose
Methods: We reviewed published literature and conducted
induced electrolyte changes which then decreases migraine
research over 6 months studying 650 volunteer migraineurs
frequency. In the present study, all participants who made these
in a migraine-research Facebook group. Participants were
dietary changes were able to eliminate migraine medications
screened for migraine types, answered a questionnaire on
and remained migraine free.
medical conditions, medicines used, and lifestyle. They were
provided instructions on the use of the migraine protocol and MeSH Headings/Keywords: Migraine, Electrolyte, Salt
were evaluated weekly. deiciency, Voltage, Energy, Deiciency.

Introducion migraineurs have hyper sensitive sensory organs [33,34]. Hyper

sensitive sensory organs result in more receptor connections
Chronic migraine is considered to be a disabling neurological among sensory neurons [35]. Thus brains containing hyper
illness [1-4] that is treated with dangerous [5] and often brain sensitive sensory organs with multiple receptor connections
damaging [6] medicines [7,8]. While crucial experiments and would need more voltage generating nutrients to accommodate
indings have already been established, we found that a synthesis the increased frequency of action potentials. The excretion of
with an eye toward dietary factors for practical intervention was 50% more sodium in the urine is indicative of increased sodium
missing. Research has indicated that migraineurs excrete 50% use by such active brains. Combined these indings suggest a
more sodium in their urine than non-migraineurs [9]. This inding potentially increased need for sodium and other electrolytes in
offers an important clue for the mechanism of migraine and may migraineurs.
indicate a potential therapeutic option; namely, the possibility
Considering that voltage for an action potential is generated by
that sodium depletion is involved with migraine onset and
the interaction of proper ratio of sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl-
persistence. The anatomy of migraine is now visible in scanners
) through cell membranes and since “…serum Na+ falls by 1.4
[10-14]. Depolarized regions, zones of cortical depression
mM for every 100-mg/dL increase in glucose, due to glucose-
(CD), are unable to generate energy for action potential [16].
induced H2O eflux from cells”, we hypothesize that glucose
Healthy regions send voltage shockwave of cortical spreading
disrupts luid dynamics, modiies electrolyte balance and blood
depression (CSD) that is visible in scanners [16]. Deep-brain
volume and initiates migraines in individuals so inclined.
electrical stimulation in the CD regions of depression patients
Research supports this hypothesis suggesting that migraineurs
yields complete resolution of depression and the re-activation of
are sensitive to glucose. Since glucose disrupts electrolyte
the CD region [17-21]. Since CD regions are identical in scope,
balance reducing Na+ and H2O, this may explain the frequently
differing only in their location between migraine and depression
found coupling of metabolic disorder with migraines, the
patients, not surprisingly researchers found that CD regions are
changes in blood low, and the lack of action potential in brain
also responsible for migraines and therefore can be stimulated
regions affected by glucose increase. Moreover, unless Na+ is
with neuronal stimulators [22]. Additionally, it is known that
replaced, the energy required for action potential generation is
blood low changes occur in the brain preceding a migraine.
hampered leading to regions of CD that lead to migraine pain
Migraineurs are much more likely to have metabolic disorders via CSD. Consequently, migraine may be preventable by the
than non-migraineurs [23-29] which we speculated is connected reduction of carbohydrate consumption, the increase of H2O and
to carbohydrate disturbance of electrolytes [30]. Additionally, Na+ to stabilize electrolyte and action potential generation.
migraineurs have only nominal changes in voltage between
states of action potential versus resting potential, indicating that a
migraine brain is “always on,” [31,32] supporting the theory that The research we conducted was exclusively on Facebook.
70 Angela A. Stanton

Unsolicited members found the migraine research group and 88 (13.54%) vegetarians, 25 (3.85%) junk food eaters (ate only
consented to all rules upon joining (supplement 1). They were prepared and fast foods, nothing fresh), and the remaining 120
immediately given a questionnaire (supplement 2) with three (19.85%) general well balanced eaters (their diets represented all
weeks to complete and return the questionnaire to the research food groups in the proportions considered ideal by the USDA).
team. Of the several thousand members, a subset of 650 We found that 645 (99.23%) of the members drank signiicantly
volunteers responded to the questionnaire in a timely manner, less than 8 glasses of water a day (ranging from 0 water to 6
followed instructions and weekly discussions and were admitted glasses a day). Those who drank no or very little water drank
into the study. After receiving the participant responses, we soft drinks or teas instead. Blood pressure responses indicated
provided analysis and diet modiication instruction to reach that 10 participants (1.54%) had high systolic and diastolic
“Baseline” (Supplement 3). Baseline required eliminating all blood pressure (140-178 systolic and 90 - 130 diastolic) while
sweeteners, increasing water intake as per a water calculator, 640 (98.46%) participants had low blood pressure (60-117
eliminating all drinks other than water (1 coffee was permitted systolic and 53-77 diastolic). All 100% of the participants ate a
per day) and meeting the potassium and sodium maximum high amount of sweeteners (exceeding the daily recommended
recommended values of the USDA1. Research participants sugar amounts by the USDA): sugar (88%) or sugar substitutes
had to ind their carbohydrate threshold levels, the point at (12%). Some of the international participants (15% of the
which their electrolytes were disrupted by glucose resulting members UK, AU and NZ) were heavy tea drinkers drinking
in edema, extreme thirst or clear-color urination (Supplement more than two cups of regular and over two cups of herbal or
4). Participants used a carbohydrate consumption process that decaffeinated teas per day and 6 participants (1%) were from
was aimed at reducing the speed of carbohydrate conversion locations with carbs heavy diets where over 90% of their diet
to glucose and to slow its use (Supplement 5). A carbohydrate consisted of high carbs foods like rice or noodles, and sugar
test protocol was undertaken once participants had mastered (Singapore, Indonesia, Taiwan, Malaysia, Pakistan and India).
the dietary changes and were migraine free for 1 month. This
Migraine Frequency Reduction: Of the 650 participants,
involved consuming 2 cups of blueberries (35.79 grams net
647 (99.54%) were able to abort each individual migraine of
carbohydrates with 29.48 grams free sugar and only 228 mg
all types within the 6-months research period and remained
potassium and 3 mg sodium that had little effect on electrolytes)36
migraine free. 3 (0.65%) subjects had comorbid migraine-cause
followed by watching symptoms (urination within 30 minutes,
and were not able to prevent their migraines but were able to
thirst developing within 10 minutes) signs that carbohydrates
lessen the frequency and severity. We found the ideal sodium
threshold levels were passed. In all participants this passed their
dose for migraine prevention to be 30% to 50% greater than
carbohydrate threshold levels. They were instructed to take 1/8th
the USDA 2400 mg maximum Na+ based on individual dietary
teaspoon salt with only a sip of water after the symptoms of
types (vegetarian versus not). Those who were not using any
passed threshold appeared to prevent migraine. Participants
daily preventive medicines were able to overcome the cause of
followed all processes. No participants were turned away or left
migraines more eficiently than those whose critical channels
the study.
were blocked via reuptake inhibitors or calcium gate blockers.
Results This group beneited most when they increased their sodium
intake by 70% relative to the USDA recommended maximum.
Demographics and Participant Characteristics: In total there They reduce the sodium intake as they reduce their medications.
were 15 male (2.3%) and 635 female (97.7%) participants. The research group contained 2 participants with surgically
Metabolic syndromes were also found: 7 (1.1%) knew they were implanted neural stimulators (under skin, over skull). Both
hypoglycemic and 4 (0.6%) had diabetes mellitus. There were 4 turned their stimulators off; 1 had it surgically removed and quit
(0.6%) pregnant women of whom 2 had gestational hypoglycemia all medications. Both are migraine free and are following our
and 1 gestational diabetes mellitus. All migraineurs used some protocol. All migraines responded to our protocol regardless of
medicines: 340 (52.55%) participants were on preventives, such type.
as calcium or sodium channel blockers or SSRIs, of the 340
preventive medicated members 204(60%) used both types of We found that the modiied diet with increased water
preventives and also abortives. Those who only used abortives consumption, elimination of all sweeteners, a reduction of
250 (38.64%) used triptans, opiates or other abortives, and 60 carbohydrates and management of proper potassium to sodium
(9.2%) used OTC. Of the 650 migraineurs 227 (35.36%) were ratio at its maximum USDA recommended level signiicantly
episodic (less than 15 migraines a month) and 423 (66.64%) reduced migraine days for all participants. Those with episodic
chronic (15 or more migraines a month). In the chronic group, migraines of less than 15 migraine-days a month and not on
we found 9 (2%) of the members had what they called “non-stop any preventive medicines had the quickest response. They were
migraines” over several months. able to eliminate their migraines within a month of beginning
the protocol. A few were able to prevent all migraines within
Dietary Intake: The dietary balance of the participants was as the irst 2 weeks, remained migraine free for the duration of the
follows: 400 (61.54%) were heavy vegetable eaters (over 90% of 6-months experiment, and are still migraine free as long as they
their meals consisted only of vegetables) but also ate some meat stay on the protocol.
(at least one meal consisting of meat or ish), 8 (1.2%) vegans,
Those with chronic migraines of over 15 migraine days per
In the middle of our experiment the USDA changed its recommendations month all using preventative medicines reduced their migraines
from 2350 mg maximum sodium to 2400 mg and from 4700 mg in the irst month to less than 10, in the second month to 2.
potassium to 3500 mg. We followed the USDA recommendations and By the end of the 6-months period all migraineurs were able to
modiied the ratio required as per baseline (Supplement 3).
Migraine cause and treatment 71

prevent or abort every type of migraine under any circumstance. Abbreviaions

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medications. Those on Topamax were able to reduce their CD = cortical depression
medications fully in the 6-months period and have completely CSD – cortical spreading depression
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Release 26. Washington.

Address for correspondence

Angela A. Stanton, Independent Researcher, P.O. Box 18863,
Anaheim, CA 92817, United States; Tel: 714-330-1439; Fax:
888-238-2260; E-mail: [email protected]
Submitted Sep 28, 2015
Accepted Nov 23, 2015

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