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1. We used ChatGPT for ‘three ways of saving energy at school’ .

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4. There were websites like ‘’ and ‘’ which have similar
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which sdg's are linked to saving energy at school?
Here are some SDGs that are particularly relevant to energy
conservation in schools:
Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy:
By saving energy at schools, institutions contribute to the
promotion of affordable and clean energy. This involves
improving energy efficiency and increasing the use of
renewable energy sources.
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure:
Reducing energy consumption in schools can involve adopting
innovative technologies and practices, contributing to
advancements in infrastructure and supporting sustainable
Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities:
Schools are an integral part of communities, and energy-saving
measures contribute to creating more sustainable and resilient
cities and communities. Efficient energy use in schools can set
an example for the broader community.
Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production:
Energy conservation in schools aligns with the principles of
responsible consumption and production by reducing the
overall demand for energy and promoting more sustainable
Goal 13: Climate Action:
Decreasing energy consumption helps mitigate climate change
by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Schools that prioritize
energy efficiency are contributing to global efforts to address
climate change.

QUESTION: write a 200 word conclusion on saving evergy at school.

Your project included
An Interview of the school
Interview with a company
Investigation amongst students
Three ways in which energy can be saved in schools:

Implementing Energy-Efficient Lighting: Schools can significantly

save energy by transitioning to LED lighting systems. These bulbs
consume less electricity, have a longer lifespan, and emit less heat.
Installing occupancy sensors in classrooms and common areas
ensures that lights are only on when needed, further reducing energy

Smart Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems:

Upgrading to smart HVAC systems equipped with programmable
thermostats and energy-efficient components allows schools to
regulate temperatures based on occupancy and usage patterns. Proper
maintenance of these systems ensures optimal efficiency, reducing
overall energy consumption.
Promoting Energy Awareness through Education: Implementing
educational programs that raise awareness about energy conservation
encourages students and staff to adopt sustainable practices. Simple
habits like turning off lights and electronic devices when not in use
can collectively contribute to significant energy savings over time.

RESPONSE: Through comprehensive research, including interviews

with school staff, a company specializing in energy efficiency,
investigations among students, calculations, and engagement in
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) activities, we have gained
valuable insights into effective energy-saving measures for schools.

Our findings underscore the importance of a multi-faceted approach

to energy conservation. Firstly, raising awareness among students and
staff proved to be pivotal. By educating individuals about the
significance of energy conservation and providing simple yet
impactful tips, such as turning off lights and unplugging electronics
when not in use, significant energy savings can be achieved.

Moreover, implementing practical solutions identified through

collaborations with energy-efficient companies is crucial. From
upgrading lighting systems to installing energy-efficient appliances,
these measures not only reduce energy consumption but also
contribute to long-term cost savings for the school.

Furthermore, our engagement in SDG activities highlighted the

interconnectedness of energy conservation with broader sustainability
goals, emphasizing the need for holistic approaches to environmental

In conclusion, by combining education, technological advancements,

and a commitment to sustainable practices, schools can effectively
reduce their energy footprint. Through collective efforts, we can
create a more energy-efficient and environmentally conscious
educational environment for future generations.

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