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Winners and losers: On Pakistan democracy, Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif
Elections in Pakistan go according to the script written by the Army

The back-to-back jail sentences former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan was handed out in two
different cases just a week before the February 8 parliamentary elections, show how roles have been
reversed in Pakistan’s convoluted political space dominated by the shadow hands of the
establishment. In 2018, when Mr. Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) was elected to power, the
Opposition Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and the Pakistan People’s Party had accused the
military of electoral rigging in favour of the former cricket star, who was the preferred choice of the
generals. A year earlier, Nawaz Sharif, the PML-N leader, had to resign as Prime Minister over the
Panama Papers allegations and later go into exile after his conviction and disqualification. Today, Mr.
Khan has been disqualified and is serving lengthy sentences, while Mr. Sharif is back, leading the PML-
N. Given the way how the military and other state institutions went after Mr. Khan and his party,
there was little surprise in the court proceedings and the verdicts. On Tuesday, he was sentenced to
10 years by a special court in what is commonly called the ‘Cipher case’, on charges that he leaked
state secrets, while on Wednesday, another court sentenced him and his wife to 14 years in the
Toshakhana case, for keeping some of the gifts they had received while he was in power.

Mr. Khan was forced out of power in April 2022 after falling out with the military establishment. He
accused the military and the United States of conspiring to oust him and, at a rally, waved a paper,
purportedly a diplomatic cable sent by the then Pakistani Ambassador to the U.S. in 2022, as
evidence, which came back to hit him as a violation of the Official Secrets Act. His lawyers complain
that they were replaced by state attorneys in the middle of the case and that Mr. Khan was not
allowed to give a proper defence in the ‘Cipher’ trial, which took place inside a jail. His arrest in May
led to large-scale protests. But since then, the authorities have unleashed a systematic campaign to
weaken the PTI — many of its leaders are in jail, while several others have left under pressure or are
on the run. Recently, a court barred the party from using its iconic cricket bat symbol in ballots. Many
PTI workers are contesting as independents. While Mr. Khan is in jail and his party is in tatters under
state repression, Mr. Sharif seems to be enjoying the support of the invisible power centre in the
electoral arena, which makes the elections look like a fixed match. Mr. Sharif might make a political
comeback, but the real winner in the unfolding developments in Pakistan, which is grappling with
enormous economic challenges, is the military and the real loser, the country’s democracy.

 Red/blue coloring of words in the sentence indicates subject verb relationship; where ‘red’
denotes ‘subject’ and ‘blue’ denotes ‘verb’. [Practice Exercise]

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1. Sentence (noun) – Verdict, ruling, decree, 11. Go after (phrasal verb) – Pursue, chase,
judgment, condemnation, punishment follow, seek, target

12. Proceedings (noun) – Actions, activities,

2. Hand out (phrasal verb) – impose or inflict process, operations, transactions
a penalty or misfortune on someone.
, 13. Verdict (noun) – Decision, judgment,
ruling, conclusion, determination
3. Convoluted (adjective) – Complex,
intricate, complicated, tangled, involved 14. Cipher case (noun) – A specific legal case
involving code or secret communication

4. Shadow hand (noun) – Hidden influence,

unseen force, clandestine power, covert 15. Fall out (phrasal verb) – Disagree, quarrel,
control, surreptitious authority clash, conflict, differ

5. Establishment (noun) – Authority, power 16. Conspire (verb) – Plot, scheme, collude,
that be, the ruling class, the system connive, machinate

17. Oust (verb) – Expel, remove, eject,

6. Accuse (verb) – Charge, indict, allege, displace, depose
impeach, arraign
18. Purportedly (adverb) – Allegedly,
7. Rig (verb) – Manipulate, fix, tamper, falsify, supposedly, ostensibly, apparently,
doctor seemingly

8. Exile (noun) – Banishment, expulsion, 19. Diplomatic cable (noun) – An official

deportation, ostracism, relegation communication sent between diplomats or
9. Conviction (noun) – Verdict, judgment,
sentence, ruling, decision 20. Ambassador (noun) – Envoy, diplomat,
emissary, representative, delegate
10. Given (preposition) – Considering, taking
into account, in view of, with regard to, 21. Violation (noun) – Breach, infringement,
owing to contravention, transgression, offense

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22. Attorney (noun) – Lawyer, counsel, 30. Contest (verb) – a competition for a
solicitor, barrister, legal representative political position.

31. In tatters (phrase) – In disrepair, shattered,

23. Take place (phrasal verb) – Occur, happen, broken, ruined, damaged -
transpire, unfold, come about
32. Repression (noun) – Suppression,
24. Lead (to) (verb) – Cause, result in, bring oppression, subjugation, quashing, stifling
about, give rise to, contribute to

33. Arena (noun) – Sphere, field, domain,

25. Large-scale (adjective) – Extensive, stage, forum
widespread, broad, expansive, massive
34. Unfolding (adjective) – Developing,
evolving, emerging, unraveling,
26. Unleash (verb) – Release, let loose, set progressing
free, unleash, liberate
35. Development (noun) – Event, happening,
27. On the run (phrase) – trying to avoid being occurrence, change, incident,
36. Grapple with (phrasal verb) – Struggle,
28. Bar (verb) – Prohibit, forbid, block, ban, wrestle, deal with, confront, tackle

29. Ballot (noun) – the piece of paper used to 37. Enormous (adjective) – Huge, immense,
record a person's vote vast, colossal, massive

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Summary of the Editorial

1. Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan received consecutive jail sentences in two cases,
just before the February 8 parliamentary elections, highlighting the influence of the
establishment in Pakistan's political landscape.
2. In 2018, Imran Khan's PTI was elected amid accusations of military-backed electoral rigging,
favoring Khan, who was then the military's preferred choice.
3. Nawaz Sharif, leader of the PML-N, had to resign in 2017 due to Panama Papers allegations
and later went into exile after being convicted and disqualified.
4. Now, the roles have reversed: Khan has been disqualified and imprisoned, while Sharif has
returned to lead the PML-N.
5. The military's pursuit of Khan and his party led to predictable court verdicts, with Khan
recently receiving a 10-year sentence in the 'Cipher case' and a 14-year sentence in the
Toshakhana case.
6. Khan was ousted from power in April 2022 after a fallout with the military and allegedly the
U.S., showcasing a purported diplomatic cable as evidence, which later backfired.
7. His legal defense was compromised in the 'Cipher' trial, leading to widespread protests after
his arrest in May.
8. The PTI faces significant repression: many leaders are jailed or have fled, and the party has
been barred from using its cricket bat symbol, leading many members to contest elections as
9. While Khan is in jail and his party is fragmented, Sharif appears to be gaining support from the
"invisible power center" (the military), rendering the upcoming elections seemingly
10. The military is emerging as the real winner amid these political shifts, while Pakistan's
democracy appears to be the real loser, especially in the context of the nation's significant
economic challenges.
11. The systematic campaign to weaken PTI involves jailing leaders, pressuring others to leave, and
restricting the party's election symbols and activities.
12. The manipulation and control exerted by the military and establishment cast doubt on the
fairness and integrity of the electoral process.
13. The political turmoil and power struggles are occurring against a backdrop of substantial
economic difficulties, complicating the nation's path to stability and growth.
14. The repeated pattern of political leaders being elevated and then targeted by the
establishment reveals a cycle of manipulation and control that undermines democratic
15. The situation underscores a critical juncture for Pakistan, where the balance of power, the role
of the military, and the resilience of democratic institutions are all being tested.

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Practice Exercise: SSC Pattern Based

1. What is the main theme of the passage? [Editorial page]
A. The military's role in Pakistan's cricket.
B. Economic challenges faced by Pakistan.
C. The fluctuating political fortunes of Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif influenced by the
D. The judicial process in Pakistani courts.
2. Which statement is incorrect regarding the passage?
A. Imran Khan was ousted from power due to his conflict with the military establishment.
B. The military and state institutions were indifferent to the legal proceedings against
Imran Khan.
C. Nawaz Sharif returned to lead PML-N after Imran Khan was disqualified and sentenced.
D. The PTI party faced repression, with many leaders jailed or pressured to leave.
3. Why does the passage suggest that the upcoming elections appear to be a "fixed
A. Because Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif are collaborating.
B. Because the PTI party is contesting with its iconic cricket bat symbol.
C. Because of the economic challenges Pakistan is facing.
D. Because of the systematic campaign against PTI and the support Nawaz Sharif receives
from the military.
4. What is the tone of the second paragraph of the passage?
A. Optimistic and hopeful.
B. Neutral and unbiased.
C. Critical and disapproving.
D. Sympathetic and supportive.
5. In the passage, what is a synonym for the word "unleashed" as used in the context "the
authorities have unleashed a systematic campaign to weaken the PTI"?
A. Restrained
B. Initiated
C. Prevented
D. Concluded
6. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
A. Definite
B. Universal
C. Precise
D. Specific
7. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Raise the bar

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A. To raise the price

B. To grow taller
C. To set higher goals
D. To win a competition
8. The following sentence has been split into four segments. Identify the segment that
contains a grammatical error.
Had you / not reached in time, / we will have / lost our lives.
A. not reached in time
B. Had you
C. we will have
D. lost our lives
9. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Bang for the buck
A. More value for money
B. Less value for money
C. Dash against something
D. A sorrowful heart
10. Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment in the given
sentence. If no substitution is required, select ‘No substitution’.
The toy drummer plays the drum if you press the button at the back
A. playing the drum if you pressed
B. will play the drum if you will press
C. played the drum if you are pressing
D. No substitution
11. Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment in the given
sentence. If no substitution is required, select ‘No substitution’.
While washing your hands, rub them together for 20 seconds to remove the microbes on
A. No substitution
B. the microbes on their
C. the microbes on they
D. the microbes on those
12. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given group of words.
A group of three novels or plays, each complete in itself
A. Trivet
B. Trilogy
C. Triplet
D. Triumvir
13. Select the option that expresses the given sentence in indirect speech.
“Everything is going to be alright,” said the doctor.
A. The doctor said that everything will be alright.
B. The doctor said that everything was going to be alright.

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C. The doctor said that everything is going to be alright.

D. The doctor said that everything are going to be alright
14. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.
India is formally moving ahead to ______ 21 MIG-29 and 12 Sukhoi-30MKI fighters from
Russia along with upgrades of their existing fleets.
A. procure
B. achieve
C. accomplish
D. Advance
15. Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the
right order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.
A. When we got near, we saw it was the steam rising from hot springs.
B. We saw in the distance a great column of smoke.
C. We wondered if it came from a chimney or a burning house.
D. We thought of taking a bath in the hot water.
16. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.
Work and domestic ______ made Kajal short-tempered.
A. gravities
B. weights
C. forces
D. Pressures
17. Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the
right order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.
A. But the eagle, in wrath, gave the beetle a flap of his wing, and straightaway seized upon
the hare and devoured him.
B. The beetle therefore interceded with the eagle, begging of him not to kill the poor
suppliant, and pleaded with him not to kill so small an animal.
C. When the eagle flew away, the beetle flew after him, to learn where his nest was.
D. A hare, being pursued by an eagle, took himself for refuge to the nest of a beetle, whom
he begged to save him.
18. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given group of words.
A herd or flock of animals being driven in a body
A. Drove
B. Cluster

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C. Throng
D. Crowd
19. The following sentence has been divided into parts. One of them contains an error.
Select the part that contains the error from the given options.
You must avoid riding in a crowded bus / or travelling in a metro / during rush hour / as
both are quiet unpleasant experiences.
A. or travelling in a metro
B. You must avoid riding in a crowded bus
C. as both are quiet unpleasant experiences
D. during rush hour
20. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
A. Exterminated
B. Voilence
C. Wildernesses
D. Unmanageable
In the following passage, some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help
of the alternatives given. Select the most appropriate option for each blank.
What every tourist must take back from Bhutan is pure honey, especially Putka,
“Antibiotic” honey produced (1) ______ Melipona Bees (stingless bees) a breed found in
protected areas
(2)______ 700 to 1,500 metres above sea level. Due (3) ______ their small size, they can
get larger nutrients (4) ______ regular honeybees. It has a tangy/sour taste and can (5)
______ your sore throat in a matter of minutes
21. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 1.
A. with
B. by
C. through
D. Of
22. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 2.
A. after
B. between
C. among
D. Midst
23. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 3.
A. for
B. to
C. of
D. At
24. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 4.
A. and
B. then

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C. though
D. Than
25. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 5.
A. appease
B. pacify
C. calm
D. soothe

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1. C 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. C 9. A 10. D 11.A 12.B
13. B 14.A 15.A 16.D 17.A 18.A 19.C 20.B 21.B 22.B 23.B 24.D
25. D [Practice Exercise]
1. C) The passage primarily discusses the political dynamics in Pakistan, particularly focusing
on the changing situations of former Prime Ministers Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif, and
how these changes are influenced by the military establishment.
2. B) The passage indicates that the military and other state institutions actively pursued legal
action against Mr. Khan, showing that they were far from indifferent. It talks about the
systematic campaign against PTI and how state attorneys replaced Mr. Khan's lawyers,
suggesting significant involvement rather than indifference.
3. D) The passage implies that the elections seem predetermined due to the state's
oppressive actions against PTI (like jailing leaders, barring the party's symbol, and replacing
Mr. Khan's lawyers) and the apparent backing Mr. Sharif receives from the military,
indicating an uneven playing field influenced by the military establishment.
4. C) The second paragraph adopts a tone of criticism and disapproval towards the way the
military and the state have handled Imran Khan's case. This is evident from the
descriptions of the systematic campaign against PTI, the replacement of Khan’s lawyers,
the lack of proper defence in the ‘Cipher’ trial, and the overall portrayal of an unfair and
biased political and judicial process.
5. B) In the given context, "unleashed" refers to the authorities starting or launching a
systematic campaign against PTI. The closest synonym here is "initiated," which means to
begin or start something. The other options - restrained, prevented, and concluded - have
meanings that are opposite to or different from the intended use of "unleashed" in the
6. B) Generic (adjective) – Characteristic of or relating to a class or group; not specific,
general. सामान्य
Synonym: Universal (adjective) – Applicable to all cases, general, omnipresent. सार्वभौममक
 Definite (adjective) – Clearly stated or decided, certain, unambiguous. स्पष्ट
 Precise (adjective) – Marked by exactness and accuracy of expression or detail.
 Specific (adjective) – Clearly defined or identified, particular, distinct. वर्मिष्ट
7. C) Raise the bar (idiom) – To set higher goals or standards उच्च मानक तय करना

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8. C) we will have' के फदरे 'we would have' का प्रमोग होगा क्मोंकक महाॉ Conditional Past Tense
का प्रमोग ककमा गमा है , औय इसे मथासम्बव सही रूऩ भें यखना चाहहए; जैसे— If he had studied,
he would have passed.
 'we would have' will be used instead of 'we will have' because Conditional Past Tense is
used here, and it should be maintained correctly; Like— If he had studied, he would
have passed.
9. A) Bang for the buck (idiom) –– More value for money धन ऩ
10. D) No substitution
11. A) No substitution
12. B) Trilogy (noun) – A group of three novels or plays, each complete in itself त्रैतीयक
 Trivet (noun) – a three-legged stand for supporting a hot dish or pot. तीन पायों वारा
 Triplet (noun) – one of three children or animals born at the same time from the same
pregnancy ततड़र्ााँ (मिि)ु
 Triumvir (noun) – one of three rulers who share power, especially in ancient Rome.
त्रैतीयक (िासक)
13. B) The doctor said that everything was going to be alright.
14. 'A) Procure' का use होगा क्मोंकक "procure" का अथथ होता है प्राप्त कयना मा खयीदना। Sentence भें
mention ककमा गमा है कक बायत अधधकारयक रूऩ से Russia से MIG-29 औय Sukhoi-30MKI रडाकू
ववभानों को प्राप्त कय यहा है, इसलरए 'procure' महाॉ सही है । जफकक 'Achieve' का अथथ है प्राप्त कयना
(भुकाभ के रूऩ भें ), 'Accomplish' का अथथ है ऩूया कयना, औय 'Advance' का अथथ है आगे फढ़ना, जो इस
context भें सही नहीॊ है ।
 Procure' should be used because it means to obtain or purchase. The sentence
indicates that India is formally moving ahead to obtain MIG-29 and Sukhoi-30MKI
fighters from Russia, making 'procure' appropriate here. Whereas, 'Achieve' implies
reaching a goal, 'Accomplish' means to complete, and 'Advance' means to move
forward, which don't fit in this context.
15. A) BCAD
We saw in the distance a great column of smoke. We wondered if it came from a
chimney or a burning house When we got near, we saw it was the steam rising from
hot springs. We thought of taking a bath in the hot water.
16. D) 'Pressures' का use होगा क्मोंकक "pressures" का अथथ होता है दफाव मा तनाव, जजससे ककसी को
ऩये शानी हो सकती है । Sentence भें mention ककमा गमा है कक काजर को काभ औय घय की वजह से

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धचडधचडाऩन आ गमा था, इसलरए 'pressures' महाॉ सही है । जफकक 'gravities' का अथथ होता है
गुरुत्वाकषथण, 'weights' का अथथ है बाय औय 'forces' का अथथ है फर जो इस context भें सही नहीॊ है ।
 'Pressures' should be used because it signifies stress or tension that can lead to
someone feeling irritable. The sentence mentions that Kajal became short-tempered
due to work and domestic responsibilities, making 'pressures' appropriate here.
Whereas, 'gravities' refers to gravitational pull, 'weights' means heaviness, and
'forces' means strength or power, which don't fit in this context.
17. A) DBAC
A hare, being pursued by an eagle, took himself for refuge to the nest of a beetle,
whom he begged to save him. The beetle therefore interceded with the eagle, begging
of him not to kill the poor suppliant, and pleaded with him not to kill so small an
animal. . But the eagle, in wrath, gave the beetle a flap of his wing, and straightaway
seized upon the hare and devoured him. . When the eagle flew away, the beetle flew
after him, to learn where his nest was.
18. A) Drove (noun) – A herd or flock of animals being driven in a body जानर्रों की टोऱी
 Cluster (noun) – A group of similar things or people positioned or occurring closely
together समूह
 Throng (noun) – A large, densely packed crowd of people or animals भीड़
 Crowd (noun) – A large number of people gathered together मानर् समूह
19. C) 'quiet' 'quite' 'quiet' ' ' 'quite'
' 'औ ' ' —

 'quite' will be used instead of 'quiet' because 'quiet' means 'silent' while 'quite'
means 'very' or 'to a considerable extent', and here the context is to intensify the
unpleasantness of the experiences. Like— The journey was exhausting but the
scenery was quite beautiful.
20. B) The incorrect spelling among the given options is 'Voilence'. The correct spelling is
‘violence’ हहिंसात्मकता, हहिंसा.
21. B) 'By' का use होगा क्मोंकक honey का production Melipona Bees द्वाया होता है । 'By' का use
ककसी कामथ को कयने वारे का सॊदबथ भें होता है , जैसे कक महाॉ ऩय Melipona Bees होते हैं। 'With' का
अथथ होता है 'साथ भें ', 'Through' का अथथ होता है 'के भाध्मभ से', औय 'Of' का अथथ होता है 'का', जो
इस context भें सही नहीॊ है ।

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 'By' should be used because the honey is produced by Melipona Bees. 'By' is used in
the context of who is performing the action, as in Melipona Bees in this case.
Whereas, 'With' means 'along with', 'Through' means 'by means of', and 'Of' means
'belonging to', which don't fit in this context.
22. 'B) Between' का use होगा क्मोंकक "between" का अथथ होता है ककसी दो सीभाओॊ के फीच भें ।
Sentence भें mention ककमा गमा है कक मह भधभ
ु जक्खमाॉ 700 से 1500 भीटय की ऊॉचाई के फीच ऩाई
जाती हैं, इसलरए 'between' महाॉ सही है । जफकक 'After' का अथथ है फाद भें , 'Among' का अथथ है ककसी
ू भें , औय 'Midst' का अथथ है फीच मा भध्म भें , जो इस context भें सही नहीॊ है ।
 'Between' should be used because it denotes a range within two limits. The
sentence indicates that these bees are found within an altitude of 700 to 1,500
meters, making 'between' appropriate here. Whereas, 'After' implies a sequence,
'Among' means within a group, and 'Midst' means in the middle of, which don't fit in
this context.
23. B) 'To' का use होगा क्मोंकक "due to" एक common phrase है जजसका अथथ होता है "के कायण"।
Sentence भें फतामा गमा है कक Melipona Bees के छोटे आकाय के कायण वे अधधक nutrients प्राप्त
कय सकते हैं तुरना भें ननमलभत honeybees से, इसलरए 'to' महाॉ सही है । जफकक 'For', 'Of', औय 'At'
इस context भें सही नहीॊ हैं।
 To' should be used as the phrase "due to" means "because of". The sentence
describes that due to the small size of the Melipona Bees, they can obtain more
nutrients compared to regular honeybees, making 'to' appropriate here. Whereas,
'For', 'Of', and 'At' do not fit in this context.
24. D) Than' का use होगा क्मोंकक महाॉ ऩय comparison ककमा जा यहा है। "Larger nutrients" की तुरना
'regular honeybees' से की जा यही है , इसलरए 'than' महाॉ ऩय सही है । 'And' का अथथ होता है 'औय',
'Then' का अथथ है 'कपय' मा 'तफ', औय 'Though' का अथथ है 'हाराॊकक', जो इस context भें सही नहीॊ हैं।
 'Than' should be used because a comparison is being made here. "Larger nutrients"
are being compared to 'regular honeybees', making 'than' the correct choice. 'And'
means 'additionally', 'Then' indicates a sequence or time, and 'Though' means
'however', which don't fit in this context.
25. 'D) Soothe' का use होगा क्मोंकक "soothe" का अथथ होता है ददथ मा असहजता को कभ कयना।
Sentence भें mention ककमा गमा है कक मह honey तयु ॊ त sore throat को ठीक कय सकता है , इसलरए
'soothe' महाॉ सही है। जफकक 'Appease' का अथथ है सॊतुष्ट कयना, 'Pacify' का अथथ है शाॊत कयना, औय
'Calm' का अथथ है शाॊत यखना, जो इस context भें सही नहीॊ है ।

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 Soothe' should be used because it means to relieve pain or discomfort. The

sentence mentions that this honey can address a sore throat instantly, making
'soothe' fitting here. Whereas, 'Appease' means to satisfy, 'Pacify' means to quieten,
and 'Calm' means to make tranquil, which don't fit in this context.

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