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(1) V(3rd Sm.

)-Political Science-G/GE/CC-3/CBCS

Paper : GE/CC-3
(Government and Politics in India)
Full Marks : 65

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words

as far as practicable.

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V(3rd Sm.)-Political Science-G/GE/CC-3/CBCS (2)

[ English Version ]
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

1. Answer the following questions (each in a single sentence) : 1×15

(a) What is the name of the body that formed the Constitution of India?
(b) Mention two items from the Concurrent List of the Constitution of India.
(c) In which year the word ‘Socialist’ is included to the Preamble?
(d) Mention one fundamental duty mentioned in the Constitution of India.
(e) How is the Vice-President of India elected?
(f) Name any one committee of the Parliment of India.
(g) Who enjoys the Discretionary Power?
(h) Mention the article related to amendment of the Indian Constitution.
(i) Mention one function of the Finance Commission.
(j) Who presides over the joint session of Indian Parliament?
(k) Mention one function of Gram Panchayat.
(l) Write one feature of the Indian political party system.
(m) Write the composition of a Zilla Parishad.
(n) Mention one feature of women’s movement in India.
(o) Write the name of any one national party of India.
(3) V(3rd Sm.)-Political Science-G/GE/CC-3/CBCS

Module - 1

2. Answer any one question (within 100 words) : 10×1

(a) Discuss the legislative relations between the Union and states in India.
(b) Discuss Article 14 of the Constitution of India.

3. Answer any one question (within 500 words) : 151

(a) Discuss the powers and position of the Prime Minister of India.
(b) Write a note on the Committee System in India.

Module - 2

4. Answer any one question (within 100 words) : 10×1

(a) Discuss the functions of the Election Commission in India.
(b) Mention the reasons for emergence of regionalism in India.

5. Answer any one question (within 500 words) :

(a) What do you mean by coalition politics? Discuss the growth and future of coalition politics in India.
(b) Write a note on environmental movements in India since the decade of 1970. 15

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