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Digestive System: The Food Tube (5th Grade)

Write on the Chalkboard

Whole wheat is great to eat!

Eat foods high in fiber!
Grow healthy and strong by eating whole grains, fruits
and vegetables every day.


Students will be able to:
 taste a bean and salsa dip with whole wheat crackers.
 express ways they can eat whole wheat foods.
 explain the health benefits of eating high fiber foods.
 identify that whole wheat foods and beans are high in fiber and good for the
digestive system.


Bins Teacher Provides Will be Delivered

In Kitchen Bin - text copies* - chunky salsa (16 oz)
- small bowl - diagram copies* - 2 cans refried beans low-
- mixing spoon - activity sheet copies* fat or no-fat (15 oz)
- can opener - 2’ by 3’ paper (one sheet - whole wheat crackers
for two students) (Triscuit® style) 4 - 6 per
In Paper Goods Bin - pencils with good erasers student
- small paper plates* - drawing materials (markers - hot sauce
and /or crayons) - family letter/recipe copies*
- 30 feet of yarn or string
- napkins*
*one per student


Bins Teacher Provides Will be Delivered

- N/A - N/A - 1 box or bag oyster

Digestive System 5th Grade

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Reinforcing Colorado Comprehensive Health Standards

Fifth Grade, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness. 1. Apply knowledge and skills
to engage in lifelong healthy eating.
While INEP nutrition lessons focus on the Colorado Comprehensive Health Standards,
you will find you may utilize lessons to reinforce mathematics, physical education,
reading, writing & communicating, science & social studies standards for your class.

- Make copies of text (each student), The Food Tube activity sheet (each student),
and the diagram of the digestive system (each student). Note: Use overhead
device to cut down on copies.
Work area:
- Students will work in pairs.
- Students will need space where they can spread the large piece of butcher block
paper (2’ by 3’) on the floor and lay on that paper to trace their upper bodies.
- Have nutrition table ready for lesson ingredients and materials.
- Open the can of refried beans.
- Have beans, salsa and hot sauce ready to mix together, along with small bowl
and mixing spoon.
- Have whole wheat crackers, small paper plates, and napkins ready to pass out
along with bean dip.
- Have oyster crackers ready to pass out. Note-The oyster crackers are for the
experiment in the introduction. They are not a part of the snack.
- Cut butcher block paper into about 2’ by 3’ pieces, one sheet for two students.
- Have drawing materials (crayons and/or markers) ready to pass out.
- Have a 30-foot-long piece of yarn or string to demonstrate the length of the whole
digestive system.


Let’s Wake Up Our Brains! Brain Boost Exercise!

Move Your Body! Let’s get our hearts pumping!
♥ Jog in place. (30 seconds)
♥ Jump in place. (30 seconds)
♥ Squat up and down. (30 seconds)
♥ High knees in place. (30 seconds)
Now that our minds are ready to go, let’s get started on our nutrition lesson.

Digestive System 5th Grade

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• Tell the students they are going to learn about the digestive system, also known
as “the food tube”.
• Ask students what they know about the digestive system and how they think the
system works.
• Experiment: Pass out one oyster cracker to each student. Ask them to hold the
crackers in their mouths for one minute without chewing. After one minute, ask
them to chew the softened crackers well and swallow them.
• Discuss what happened to the pieces of cracker they just ate.
• Explain to students that the digestive system starts with the mouth, teeth and saliva.
• Explain that as the crackers sat in their mouths they started to digest. The saliva
in their mouths had started the process of digestion.
• Pass out or display the text “The Food Tube” to each student. Read the text together.
• Refer to the Key Behavior on the board and tell students they can keep
their food tube healthy by eating a variety of fiber-rich foods such as whole
grains, beans, fruits and vegetables. Explain that eating these foods
regularly helps our digestive system work properly.
• Pass out the small diagram of the digestive system and have students use their
food tube text to help them label each part.
• Tell students that from start to end, the human digestive system is close to 30
feet long.
• Ask a volunteer to hold one end of the yarn and ask another volunteer to hold the
other end of the yarn and try to stretch the yarn all the way to 30 feet.
• Remind students that most of the digestive system’s length is in the small
intestine, which is about 20 feet long!
• Tell students that they are going to make their own life size digestive system and
eat fiber-rich foods for their snack.


Step 1: Demonstrate to students how to make a life size model of the digestive
 Set the piece of (butcher block) paper on the floor.
 Have a volunteer come up to the front and have him/her lay their
head and torso on the sheet, arms out.
 Make sure the volunteer’s head is to the side so you can draw the
profile and neck.
 Trace the outline of the student using a pencil.
Tip: Show students how to move hair away from neck so it is
easier to draw the profile and neck.
Note: If there is not enough time or space to make the life size model of
the digestive system, have the students complete “The Food Tube” activity
sheet and the diagram of the digestive system.
Step 2: Adjust the outline of the upper body, if necessary, to make it look
anatomically correct. Trace the lines with a thick marker.

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Step 3: Show students how to sketch the six parts of the digestive system.
 Use a pencil first.
 Ask them to use the diagram they labeled earlier as a reference to
tell you how to draw each part.
 “Where is the stomach?” (The stomach sits somewhere above the
belly button.)
 “Where do you draw the small intestine?” (The small intestine takes
up a large space in the lower abdominal part).

Step 4: After the sketched parts look correct, draw over the sketched lines with a
thick marker and/or crayons. Label each part.
Step 5: Pair up students. Tell them to make one life-size model of the digestive
system. Pass out the pieces of paper (one sheet for two students) and
drawing materials.
Step 6: Have pairs of students work on making the life-size model.
Step 7: As students finish, pass out activity sheet and have them complete.
Step 8: When all students are finished have them wash their hands with soap and
warm water.
Step 9: Show students each of the ingredients for the high-fiber snack. Point out
the whole wheat crackers. Ask students to name other whole grain foods.
 whole wheat bread
 whole wheat noodles
 whole wheat cereal
 brown rice
 oatmeal
Explain that whole grain foods are high in fiber and help keep our food
tube healthy. Other foods that are very high in fiber are beans, nuts, fruits
and vegetables.
Step 10: Explain that fiber is the part of food that our stomachs don’t digest. Fiber
moves through our intestines and makes up a lot of what comes out the
other side. Foods high in fiber also help keep our hearts healthy. So, eat
high fiber foods (fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and whole grains) for a
healthy heart and digestive system!
Step 11: Demonstrate how to make a quick and simple high-fiber snack. Mix refried
beans and salsa in a bowl. Add hot sauce for flavor.
Step 12: Pass out whole wheat crackers, plastic spoons, and napkins. Serve the
bean dip on the small paper plates. Give them a small amount to start
(about 1 teaspoon). Offer seconds to those who want more.

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Step 13: Let’s Eat, Let’s Talk. While students are eating ask them what they
learned today. Help them personalize ways they can keep their food
tube healthy by eating a variety of fiber-rich foods. Ask and discuss
the questions in the box MAKE HEALTH HAPPEN.
Step 14: Pass out recipe and encourage students to take home and share with their

 What can you do to keep your digestive system healthy?

 What is your favorite high-fiber food (whole grains, beans,

nuts, fruits and vegetables)?

 What are some things you can do to eat more whole


For more information about, “the man with the hole in his stomach”, listen to radio lab at:

Digestive System 5th Grade

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 The food tube (digestive system) mechanically and chemically processes food
into small molecules that our bodies can use. The digestive system, which is
about a 30-foot-long tube and open at both ends, includes the mouth,
esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and rectum. The entire
process of digesting a meal usually takes from 15 to 24 hours.
 The mouth is where digestion starts. When food is put into the mouth, the teeth
begin to tear, shred, and grind the food into small pieces and saliva (spit)
moistens it. An enzyme in saliva starts breaking down complex carbohydrates
(starch) into sugar called glucose.
 The esophagus is a muscular tube that is about 1 inch in diameter and 10 inches
long. Each swallow triggers a peristaltic wave that travels the length of the
esophagus and carries the bolus of food down to the stomach.
 The stomach is a strong stretchy bag that can hold up to 2 quarts of food for 2 to
3 hours. The bolus of food is forced into the stomach through a one-way valve
called the cardiac valve. The food is then pushed downward into the more
muscular lower area of the stomach; this is where protein digestion starts.
Gastric juice (mainly hydrochloric acid, 50 times stronger than lemon juice) is
squirted in and the strong stomach walls start to knead and churn the food. A
mucus membrane protects the stomach wall to prevent it from being digested by
its own digestive juice. As the food is churned and mixed with gastric juice, the
solid food is changed into a liquefied mixture called chyme. The pyloric valve, at
the stomach’s lower end controls the spurt of chyme into the small intestine
allowing only a little at a time.
 The small intestine is about 18 to 20 feet long and 1 inch in diameter. It takes
from four to eight hours for food to travel through the small intestine. Digestion
starts in the 10-inch-long duodenum, a short loop at the beginning of the small
intestine. The digestive juices from the liver and pancreas are added here. The
liver secretes bile (the dark color comes from the used red blood cells) that
emulsifies fats. The pancreas produces an enzyme that digests starch. It also
produces a digestive juice that contains bicarbonate (an alkaline compound),
which neutralizes the strong stomach acid. Digestion continues throughout the
small intestine where the nutrients are absorbed through the inner wall. The inner
wall is covered with villi, finger-shaped tentacles. Nutrients absorbed from the
small intestine go into the bloodstream and are carried to all the cells in the body.

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 The large intestine is a larger and wider tube than the small intestine, 2-3
inches in diameter and 5 feet long. The remainder of the food stays here for
ten to twelve hours. The large intestine absorbs approximately 3 to 5 liters of
water from the digestive juices in a day; it then consolidates undigested food.
There is a whole population of bacteria (they can fill up a soda pop can!) that
reside in the large intestine. Not only are these bacteria useful in digesting the
remaining food, but they also secrete some helpful vitamins like K, B12,
thiamin, and riboflavin.
 The rectum is a tube between the large intestine and the anus. The rectum
has a pressure sensor that measures fullness. When the rectum gets full, the
nerve sensor sends a message to the brain and at a convenient time, the anal
muscle relaxes, and fecal materials are excreted. The color of the feces
comes from the leftover bile. The feces mainly contain bacteria and also some
undigested food and water.
There are four things you can do to keep your food tube healthy:
1. Chew your food well: The mouth is the only part of the digestive system where
you can control movement. When you chew food thoroughly, you can minimize
the effort in the stomach. By chewing your food, you can also break the hard
skins of corn kernels or seeds that otherwise travel through the digestive tract and
exit undigested.
2. Eat more fiber: High fiber foods are called roughage. Roughage stimulates
peristalsis. The fiber in these foods provides bulk against which the muscle of the
large intestine can work. Whole grain products, beans, fruits, and vegetables are
good sources of fiber.
3. Drink plenty of water: Water helps break down food and prevent constipation by
softening the stool. Water is vital for optimal health. It is recommended that we
drink 6 to 8 glasses of water each day. Try to drink a glass of water whenever you
have a meal.
4. Try to exercise: Exercise increases blood flow to improve circulation and
eliminate waste. Movement also relieves stress which is a trigger of digestive
problems. Try to get at least 30 minutes of moderate to intense exercise most
days of the week.

Digestive System 5th Grade

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The Digestive System or Wonderful Food Tube
In 1833, more than 175 years ago, very little was known about the digestive system.
Doctors and scientists did not know what happened inside the body to the food people
ate. They only knew what came out of the body on the other side.
Doctor William Beaumont published a book that year that changed what people
understood about the digestive system. He was a doctor and a scientist who had
discovered what happens inside the stomach by studying a man with a hole in his
stomach. The man, Alexis St. Martin, got the hole from a gunshot wound. The wound
healed but the hole was still there. Alexis lived to be 79 years old.

The doctor learned about what happened in the stomach by tying food to a string and
putting it through the hole and into the man’s stomach. He then took it out of the man’s
stomach to see what happened to the food. By doing this type of experiment many
times he discovered the stomach had special juices that turned the food into a soupy
liquid. Today we have Dr. Beaumont and Alexis St, Martin, the man with the hole in his
stomach, to thank for a better understanding of what goes on inside our bodies!
The function or job of the digestive system is to feed the body. The food tube includes
six different parts: mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and
rectum. It takes about 24 hours for food to travel through the food tube from mouth to
Digestion starts in the mouth where teeth chew food into small pieces. Saliva moistens
it. An enzyme in saliva starts breaking down food. The esophagus is a muscular tube
that pushes food into the stomach. The stomach is a stretchy bag that holds food for 2
to 3 hours. The stomach churns and mixes the food with digestive juices turning it into
a soupy food.
After the food leaves the stomach, it travels through a long thin tube (about 18 to 20
feet long) called the small intestine. Here protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and
minerals, which are nutrients, are extracted or taken through the lining of the small
intestine and into the blood stream. The nutrients (from food) are carried in the blood
stream throughout the body to provide food for our cells. This is how our body is fed.
The large intestine absorbs the water from the undigested food (mostly fiber from
food). What is left over is waste. The waste reaches the rectum, and leaves through the
Here are four important things you can do to keep your
“Food Tube” healthy:

1. Eat fiber rich foods, such as whole grains, beans,

nuts, fruits, and vegetables.
2. Chew your food well.
3. Drink plenty of water.
4. Get lots of exercise.

Digestive System (5th)

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El Sistema Digestivo: El Tubo de la Comida
En 1833, más de 175 años atrás, se sabía muy poco sobre el sistema digestivo. Los
médicos y los científicos no sabían que pasaba con la comida que la gente comía una
vez que entraba al cuerpo. Sólo sabían lo que salía del cuerpo por el otro lado.
El doctor William Beaumont ese año publicó un libro que cambió lo que la gente
entendía sobre el sistema digestivo. Él era un médico y un científico que descubrió lo
que ocurre en el interior del estómago estudiando a un hombre que tenia un agujero de
bala en su estómago.
El doctor descubrió lo que pasaba en el estómago atando alimentos a un hilo,
pasándolo a través del agujero al estómago del hombre y dejando los alimentos por
tiempo variables y luego los sacaba para ver lo que pasaba con la comida. Al hacer
este tipo de experimento muchas veces, descubrió que el estómago tiene jugos
especiales que convierten el alimento en un líquido espeso. ¡Hoy tenemos que
agradecer al doctor Beaumont, y Alexis St, Martin, al hombre con el agujero en el
estómago, por ayudarnos a entender mejor lo que sucede dentro de nuestro cuerpo!
La función del sistema digestivo es la de alimentar al cuerpo. El sistema digestivo
consiste de seis partes diferentes: la boca, el esófago, el estómago, el intestino
delgado, el intestino grueso, y el recto. La comida tarda casi 24 horas para viajar
por el sistema digestivo desde la boca hasta el recto.
La digestión empieza en la boca donde los dientes mastican la comida hasta formar
pedacitos. La saliva humedece la comida. Una enzima en la saliva empieza a digerir
la comida. El esófago es un tubo muscular que empuja la comida hacia el estómago.
El estómago es un saco elástico que retiene la comida unas 2 a 3 horas. El
estómago agita y mezcla la comida con los jugos digestivos hasta volverlos una
especie de sopa.

Después de que la comida deja el estómago, ésta viaja por un tubo largo y delgado
(alrededor de 18 a 20 pies de largo) llamado el intestino delgado. Aquí las proteínas,
las grasas, los carbohidratos, las vitaminas, y los minerales en la comida se
absorben por las paredes del intestino delgado y son transportadas a la sangre. Los
nutrientes (de los alimentos) son tranpostados en la sangre por todo el cuerpo para
alimentar a nuestras células. El intestino grueso absorbe el agua de la comida que no
fué digerida (la mayor parte es fibra). Lo que sobra son productos residuales
(desecho). Los productos residuales viajan hasta el recto, y se deshechan del cuerpo
por el ano.
Hay cuatro cosas importantes que tiene uno que hacer para
mantener un sistema digestivo saludable:
1. Comer alimentos que tengan bastante fibra como los
granos integrales, frijoles, nueces, frutas, y
2. Masticar bien la comida.
3. Tomar mucha agua.
4. Hacer mucho ejercicio.

Digestive System (5th)

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Digestive System: The Food Tube

Name:__________________________ Date:________________

1. What is the function or job of the digestive system?



2. List two parts of the digestive system and explain what each part

1) _____________________________________________________


2) _____________________________________________________


3. What can you do to keep your digestive system healthy?



4. Name three foods that are high in fiber.

________________ ________________ ________________

Eat fiber-rich food for your healthy food tube!

Digestive System (5th)

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El Sistema Digestivo: El Tubo de la Comida

Nombre:________________________ Fecha:_______________
1. ¿Cual es la función del sistema digestivo?



2. Escribe dos partes del sistema digestivo y explica lo que hace cada

1) _____________________________________________________


2) ____________________________________________________


3. ¿Qué puedes hacer para mantener un sistema digestivo saludable?



4. Nombre tres comidas que son buenas fuentes de fibra.

________________ ________________ ________________

¡Coman alimentos que tengan mucha fibra para mantener un

sistema digestivo saludable!

Digestive System (5th)

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Family Letter:

Dear Families,

Today, your student learned about their “food tube” - the digestive system.
They explored how eating a variety of foods, especially whole grains, fruits,
and vegetables helps to keep their digestive system moving and healthy.
They also prepared and tasted a snack with beans, vegetables, and whole
wheat crackers - all foods high in fiber.

Bean Dip with Whole Wheat Crackers

Tip! Makes About: 6 - 8 servings Total Recipe Cost: $8.60 - $9.40
Kids learn to like new
Ingredients Directions
foods they see and taste
more than once. It may 1 can low-fat refried beans 1. Empty can of refried beans into a
take a few tries to get 1 jar chunky tomato salsa bowl and mash with spoon.
them interested in tasting hot sauce, to taste 2. Mix in salsa.
something new. whole wheat crackers 3. Add hot sauce to taste.
4. Serve with whole wheat crackers.

Checking the unit price of a product is an easy way to save money at the grocery store. You can compare
costs of similar items with varying sizes and brands by looking at the “unit price”. Unit price usually tells us
the cost of something per ounce or pound. Find the unit price on the tag on the grocery store shelf.

Brand A: Fat Free Brand B: Fat Free

Refried Beans (16 oz.) Refried Beans (30 oz.)
Brand A Brand B
Unit Price: Total Price: Unit Price: Total Price:
$0.08/oz $1.29/ea $0.06/oz $1.99/ea

The lower the unit price, the lower the cost of the product. Brand A and Brand B are similar products but
different sizes. Brand A is smaller (16 oz.) than Brand B (30 oz.). Brand A fat free refried beans are MORE
expensive per unit because they cost $0.08/oz. compared to Brand B fat free refried beans, which cost only
$0.06/oz. Buying in bulk is often a less expensive cost per unit.

Movement is about Even a five-minute video that gets you

nourishing the body and moving benefits your overall health.
the brain! Follow this QR code to do a fun activity.
In Your Seat On your Feet

This material was funded by USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - SNAP.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Carta Familiar:
Queridas familias,

Hoy, su estudiante aprendió sobre su "tubo digestivo": el sistema digestivo.

Aprendieron cómo comer una variedad de alimentos, especialmente granos
integrales, frutas y verduras ayuda a mantener su sistema digestivo en
movimiento y saludable. También prepararon y degustaron una merienda con
frijoles, verduras y galletas integrales, todos alimentos ricos en fibra.

Salsa de frijoles y galletas de granos enteros

Rinde: 6-8 porciones Costo Total: $8.60 - $9.40
A los niños les gustan ver y
Ingredientes Instrucciones
probar un nuevo alimento
más de una vez. Puede 1 lata de frijoles refritos 1. Vacíe la lata de frijoles refritos en un
tomar algunos intentos para bajos en grasa tazón y hágalos puré con una cuchara.
que se interesen en probar 1 lata de tomate en trozos 2. Mezcle la salsa.
algo nuevo. salsa picante, al gusto 3. Agregue la salsa picante al gusto.
galletas integrales 4. Sirva con las galletas integrales.

Verificar el precio unitario de un producto es una manera fácil de ahorrar dinero en el supermercado. Ud.
puede comparar los costos de artículos similares con diferentes tamaños y marcas revisando el "precio
unitario". El precio unitario generalmente nos dice el costo de algo por onza o libra. Encuentre el precio
unitario en la etiqueta en el estante de la tienda de comestibles.

Marca A: Frijoles refritos sin Marca B: Frijoles refritos sin

grasa (16 oz.) grasa (30 oz.)
Marca: A Marca: B
Precio unitario: Precio total: Precio unitario: Precio total:
$0.08/onza $1.29 c/u $0.06/onza $1.99 c/u

Cuanto menor sea el precio unitario, menor será el costo del producto. La marca A y la marca B son
productos similares pero de diferentes tamaños. La marca A es más pequeña (16 oz.) que la marca B (30 oz.).
Los frijoles refritos sin grasa marca A son MÁS caros por unidad porque cuestan $0.08/oz. en comparación
con los frijoles refritos sin grasa de la marca B, que cuestan solo $0.06/oz. Comprar a granel es a menudo
menos costoso por unidad.

Incluso un video de cinco minutos que le ayude a

¡El movimiento se trata
moverse beneficia su salud en general. Siga este
de nutrir al cuerpo y al
código QR para hacer una actividad divertida.
Videos en ingles.
En su asiento En sus pies
Este material se desarrolló con fondos proporcionados por el Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP en inglés)
del Departamento de Agricultura de los EE.UU. (USDA siglas en inglés).
Esta institución es un proveedor que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades.

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