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Temitope Balogun Joshua (12 June 1963 – 5 June

2021) was a
Nigerian charismatic pastor and televangelist. He was
the leader and founder of Synagogue Church of All
Nations (SCOAN), a Christian megachurch that runs
the Emmanuel TV television station from Lagos, Nigeria.
Joshua was widely known across Africa and Latin
America and had a large social media presence with
over six million fans on Facebook.
His YouTube channel, Emmanuel TV, had over one
million subscribers and was the most-viewed Christian
ministry on the platform before the channel was
suspended by YouTube in 2021 for alleged homophobic
hate speech. Joshua was described by media outlets as
the "Oprah of Evangelism" and "YouTube's most
popular pastor".
Joshua was married to Evelyn Joshua and together they
had three children. Evelyn took over as leader of
SCOAN after her husband's death.

Joshua was awarded various accolades, notably

receiving the Officer of the Order of the Federal
Republic (OFR) by the Nigerian government in 2008 and
being voted the Yoruba man of the decade by Pan-
Yoruba media outlet Irohin-Odua. He was called one of
Africa's 50 most influential people by Pan-African
magazines The Africa Report and New African
Magazine. By 2011, according to Forbes, Joshua was
Nigeria's third-richest pastor.
Early life and work
Joshua was born on 12 June 1963, as Temitope
Balogun Joshua. Joshua's home town was Arigidi
Akoko, Ondo State. He claimed that miracles
accompanied his birth, and that he spent 15 months in
his mother's womb. He claimed that his birth had been
"prophesied" a century earlier.
Born into poverty, Joshua's Yoruba family included both
Muslims and Christians. He grew up with a Muslim uncle
after his father, a Christian, died. According to SCOAN,
the church he founded, he attended the St. Stephen's
Anglican Primary School in Arigidi Akoko, Nigeria,
between 1971 and 1977. After a year of secondary
school education, he left to work on a poultry farm.[26]
In school, he was known as "small pastor" because of
his love for the Bible. Joshua attempted to join the
Nigerian military but was thwarted due to a train
breakdown that left him stranded in route to the military
Humanitarian work: yes he gave so much money to
people but it was part of his manipulation’s plans. He got
to paint himself as an angle but inside a real demon.

We are not here to praise him but to show his true face.

Let’s start by the accusations of raping, torturing, and

abusing followers over a period of almost 20 years.
Accusations included instances of child abuse and
practice of abortion.
Oh my God, he preached for decades how precious the
Life is, but he was forcing every single lady who got
pregnant after the rape to commit abortion. Abortion
done in a savage way, without caring about the life of
those ladies.
An evil rapist: he used to call only female followers in his
room very late in the night. Telling them to take the
hidden stairs, making sure that nobody sees them.
Those ladies reach his private room with the bible in
hands thinking that they going to study it, unfortunately
they end up been raped. He’s going to rape them over
and over again for decades. Those ladies can not
complain and face him, they were bewitched.

Accusation of torturing: he used to physically abuse his

followers, slapping, kicking, whipping them. Every time
somebody try to confront him or ask for explanation, he
is going to deal with the person badly. Even his
biological daughter (that he denied her entire life) has
been through the same violence. She was the first
person to confront him about all the women he raped for
so many years. He locked her up in her room for

An Occultist: he had a special place named “the prayer

mountain”, the original site of the synagogue church of
all nations. That place was the sanctuary of evil
practices, the source of his power, evil power of course.
That mountain has many small houses, where he can
practice freely the black magic. There was a special
room where he used to cast spells on his followers so
that he can obey him like good dogs.
He used to sleep with virgin girls, after the sexual act
when the girls have bled, he going to the take the bed’s
sheets with the blood on them to the prayer mountain,
where he will do his ritual’s acts.
Who knows, may be the collapsed of his building (where
116 lives have been destroyed) was a sacrifice done to
the Devil in exchange of more power, fame, and money.
That building was a big danger for everybody going in,
Joshua knew that, but he did not take any action to
prevent that accident. What is more painful, he try to
silence the families of the victims with money. If they
refuse, Joshua going to threaten them.
In closed doors, his followers say he has never shown
any pity for those who lost their lives in that building. The
next day of the building collapse, Joshua continued to
call girls in his room and rape them over and over again.

In 2011, the BBC reported that at least three people

in London with HIV died after they stopped taking
lifesaving drugs on the advice of evangelical Christian

Purported healings and miracles

Joshua's former chief lieutenant, Agomoh Paul, who left
the Scoan compound after ten years, said that Joshua
was a "genius" manipulator. Paul said that he was in
charge of faking "miracles" purportedly performed by
Joshua. Paul and others interviewed by BBC News said
that those who seemed to be "cured" at the church were
frequently paid to "perform or exaggerate their
symptoms before their supposed healing took place"
and in some instances were drugged or medicated as
part of the "faith healing" process. Some were falsely
told that they had HIV/AIDS but had made a recovery
due to Joshua.
Joshua's followers attributed miraculous properties to
anointing water that had been prayed over by Joshua,
claiming that it healed wounds, or saved them from
explosions or helicopter crashes. In 2013, four people
died in a stampede in Joshua's Ghanaian branch when
an unadvertised service in which the water was being
distributed drew huge crowds that exceeded the
church's capacity. The incident nearly brought Ghana's
capital city, Accra, to a standstill, and led to criticism of
In 2014, during the West African Ebola virus epidemic,
Joshua also made headlines when he claimed his
anointing water could cure people suffering from Ebola.
He subsequently sent 4,000 bottles of the water and
$50,000 to the Ebola-stricken nation of Sierra Leone. A
Sierra Leonean politician claimed that the water cured
Ebola. Lagos State Health officials visited Joshua and
asked that he use his influence to publicly discourage
Ebola victims from visiting his church for prayers.

Criticism and controversy

Joshua was intensely controversial.
Several prominent pastors in and outside Nigeria
condemned him, including Pastor Chris Okotie, who
described him as a "son of the devil" as well as Enoch
Adeboye, David Oyedepo, Ayo Oritsejafor, Paul
Adefarasin, Matthew Ashimolowo, and Ted Haggard.
The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) rejected him
(although a CAN delegation attended his funeral) and
the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria often criticized
him. Numerous evangelical and Pentecostal figures in
Nigeria denounced Joshua as an "impostor"
and occult figure posing as an evangelical.
In 2010, Cameroon's foreign minister Henri Eyebe
Ayissi termed Joshua a "son of the devil pretending to
be a man of God" and advised hundreds of
Cameroonians not to take a planned pilgrimage to
Lagos, where several others had been left without

He did all those evil things for more than 20 years. I

have one question: how did he manage to sleep in the
night? preaching things that he does not practice; he
has never believed in God otherwise he would have
done all those evil things. He believed in the Devil, Devil
fooled him, made him think that he has nothing to fear if
he gave the Devil everything he wants.
Unfortunately, the devil did not keep his promises, all his
evil actions were exposed, he died at 57 years only. The
man who promised dead to his disciples if they leave
him. He left before them.
Joshua died on 5 June 2021 at his home
in Lagos shortly after his Saturday night teaching of
undisclosed cause . I think, I repeat again I think he
found a way to take his life with or without the help of
somebody. Why ? because, he could not bear or face
what was coming straight to him; the big scandal on the
way. Those three videos documentaries released by
BBC ….link…. showing exactly who really that man was.
An Evil ritualist, occultist, sexual predator, manipulator,
named it …
What shocks me the most, is the fact that he has been
claiming to be a God’s servant, prophet for more than 40
years. Painting himself as an Angel in front of the world,
on camera; but deep down an evil monster. I don’t
understand how he managed to sleep in the night after
all the evil things he did to the followers inside his
compound in Lagos.

Let’s be clear about this hole story, TB Joshua is not the

only fake pastor out there, performing fake miracles and
wonders, they continue their businesses. Soon God
going to expose them one by one.
Dear followers, no church in this world will save you,
only your faith in God and actions are going to save you.

You need to watch those three videos’ documentaries,

the links are below.

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