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Example: Delivering a Science Virtual Lesson (Grade 8)

There are unlimited scenarios in which the teacher can deliver a virtual lesson, below is one suggested
example that can be implemented:

MoE (Term 2) Alef Platform (Term 2)

Chapter 8: Inheritance and adaptation Lesson 22: Introducing Inheritance 2

Lesson 8.1: Inheritance and Traits (2 periods)
(2 periods)​ ​P. 279 - 282

Kindly note that the following abbreviations will be used in the lesson plan below:

AL Approaching Level BL Beyond Level

OL On Level ALL All Students

Before​ the virtual period, please make sure of the following:

● Decide on the virtual tool to be used to host your class.

● Preview your Alef lesson with reference to the MoE resources.
● Define the learning outcomes and objectives.
● Prepare your virtual instructional plan, make sure it is aligned with the sequence of content in each
lesson part.
● Prepare your differentiated worksheets, engaging activities and any other resources for the ​AL, OL, BL
ALL​ groups of students.
● Rehearse your session and its resources before you host your class.
● Lock the Exit Ticket and Assign the lesson.
● Send a notification 15 minute prior to the lesson as a reminder.

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During​ the virtual period, please do take into account the following:

● Ensure all students are logged into the virtual learning tool (MS Teams etc.)
● Please put yourself on mute when you are not talking to the students to avoid disturbing them.
● Ask your students engaging and guiding questions during and at the end of the session to maximize
their learning.
● Choose whether to turn on or off your video.

Period 1

Order Time Activity Description

1 4 Lesson ● Welcome the students and remind them of the following etiquettes
minutes Beginning of the virtual lesson:
− Mute yourself when you are not talking.
− Screenshots, photos, or recording of this session is NOT allowed.
− All resources will be shared with the students by email or any
other tool of communication.
● Ask students to log into the Alef Platform.
● Check the analytics page and ensure all students are logged into
the Alef platform.
● Award stars for the students who completed the last lessons, or did
the assigned tasks.
● Share the objectives and the agenda of the day with the students.
● Ask the students to go to the assigned lesson#22: Introducing
Inheritance 2 on the Alef platform.
● Make sure your students have all the needed tools and resources
before they start the lesson, such as their (book, student lab
activity book, and notebook).

2 3 Big Idea ● Ask students to watch the Big Idea video independently.

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● Ask students to pay good attention to the content of the video
because they will answer the questions shared via google
classroom, My Teams or any other online tool.

The discussion question:

1. Create a​ 5 boxes or circles​ ​graphic organizer
as shown in this illustration.
2. Add the following question to the graphic
organizer: ​“Not all the family members look the
same. Using the given graphic organizer, give ​5
examples​ of some physical traits or phenotypes
shown in the big idea.”
3. Ask the students to answer the question while
they are watching the Big Idea video.

3 3 Discussion ● Discuss the posted question with the students.

minutes ● Share the correct answers with all of your students virtually.
● Reward stars for the students who completed this assignment

4 12 Lesson Part 1 ● Introduce the first lesson part ​“Explore”​ objectives and share the
minutes & main points:
Differentiated − Define genotype and phenotype
Activities − Link how genes and traits are related
− Explain what is a genotype
− Explain what is a phenotype
− Explain how the phenotype is a result of the genotype
● Students learn independently through lesson part 1 and complete
Check My Understanding 1.
● Regularly check live data and remain available to take proper
instructional actions to meet students’ needs.

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● Based on the data, direct struggling students to specific
pre-planned differentiated activities/tasks to cater to their needs as

BL:​ ​Students who score ​100%​ in CMU1 try 1 will proceed to the
next lesson part ​“Apply”.

OL: ​Students who score ​<70%​ in CMU1 try 1, ask them to go back
to the Alef platform and review lesson part 1 by watching the video
or the slides together according to their preference.
● Within their groups,Create a separate channel for them, use this
channel to share the instructions.
● Use the​ “Create A Window”​ strategy.
● Provide the students with windows with 4 quadrants/categories
● Ask students to use the window
template to list some of the
phenotypes they can observe. ​Add​ ​a
Penguin image to help them better
understand when building their
● Ask students to agree on the correct
answers within their group.
● Ask students to attempt CMU1 again.

AL: ​If the students still score ​<70%​ in CMU1 try 2, the teacher
needs to intervene, and explain the difficult concepts. The teacher
needs to ask the students first to go over the ​“Explore”​ lesson part
main concepts.
● Within their groups, create a separate channel, use this channel to
share the instructions.

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- (use the ​“Guess-the-Fib”​ strategy)​:​ ​share a Rabbit image to
help students better understand when building their answers.
- Ask the students within the group to give 2 correct and one
incorrect (Fib) sentence that describes a trait/ phenotype of the
- and the group needs to agree if the given answers were correct
or a Fib.
- Ask students to attempt CMU1 again.

At the end of this lesson part:

● Summarize the main learning points and set expectations for the
following part.
● Share the correct answers with the class and award stars for the
students who completed their assignments successfully.

5 12 Lesson Part 2 ● Introduce the second lesson part’s ​“Apply”​ objective and main
minutes & points:
Differentiated − Factors affecting an organism’s phenotype:
Activities − How the phenotype of an organism can be affected by the
− Examples of phenotypes and explains how physical and social
factors affect phenotypes"
● Ask students to learn independently through lesson part 2 and
complete CMU 2.
● Regularly check live data and remain available to take proper
instructional actions to meet students’ needs.
● Based on the data, direct struggling students to specific
pre-planned differentiated activities/tasks to cater to their needs as
BL:​ Students who score ​100%​ in CMU2 Try 1 will work on the
following activity:

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● Create a separate channel for this group, use this channel to share
the instructions.
● Ask the students to read the first paragraph in their​ book page,
● Use the vocabulary​ activity,
in the​ Teacher Edition Book,
page 274 ​at the bottom of
the page to create this
● You can take a screenshot of
the vocabulary activity and
share it with the students
● Ask the students to complete
the activity.
● Ask students to discuss the and share the correct answers

OL:​Students who score ​<70%​ in CMU2 try 1, ask them to go back

to the Alef platform and review lesson part 2 by watching the
video or the slides together according to their preference.
● Within their groups, use the previously created channel to share
the instructions.
− Use the question in the​ teacher edition book, page279:​ ​(What
are some environmental factors that can influence phenotype?)
use the same penguin image for the students to reflect on this
− Ask students to answer the questions
− Discuss the answers
− Ask students to attempt CMU2 again.

AL: ​If the students still score ​<70%​ in CMU2 try 2, the teacher
needs to intervene, and explain the difficult concepts. The teacher

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needs to ask the students first to go over the ​“Apply”​ lesson part
main concepts.
● Within their groups, use the same channel you have already
created for this group to share the instructions.
− Use the ​Teacher Edition Book, page 279​, use the ​(AL:
Physical factors)​ questions
− Use the same Rabbit image to help them better understand
when building their answers.
− Ask students to discuss the and share the correct answers
− Ask students to attempt CMU2 for the 3rd time.

At the end of this lesson part:

● Summarize the main learning points and set expectations for the
following part.
● Share the correct answers with the class and award stars for the
students who completed their assignment successfully.

6 6 Lesson ALL:
minutes Closure ● Review the main discussion points.
● Use the​ In-class game​ to summarize the main learning points.

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Period 2

Order Time Activity Description

1 5 Lesson ● Ensure all students are logged into the virtual learning tool (MS
minutes Beginning Teams etc.)
● Welcome the students and remind them of the following etiquettes
of the virtual lesson:
− Mute yourself when you are not talking.
− Screenshots, photos, or recording of this session is NOT allowed.
− All resources will be shared with the students by email or any
other tool of communication.
● Ask students to log into the Alef Platform.
● Check the analytics page and ensure all students are logged into the
Alef platform.
● Share the objectives and the agenda of the day with the students
explaining that today will be to continue the same lesson by
working on Lesson part 3 ​(Relate)​, My thinking plan, and My exit
● Ask students to go to the assigned lesson.
● Make sure your students have all needed tools and resources before
they start the lesson, such as their (book, student lab activity book,
and notebook).

5 Introductory ● Review the main learning points of the last period.

minutes activity ● Ask students if they have any questions.

6 15 Lesson Part 3 ● Introduce the the third lesson part ”​Relate​” objective and main
minutes Relate points:
− Mutation and the effect of the mutation on organisms.
− Explain the mutation and how the phenotype is affected by the

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Differentiated − Explain the effects of mutation on organisms, for example, the
Activities harmful, helpful effect also when it has no effect on organisms
with an example of each.
● Ask students to learn independently through lesson part 3 and
complete Check My Understanding 3.
● Regularly check live data and remain available to take proper
instructional actions to meet students’ needs.
● Based on the data, direct struggling students to specific pre-planned
differentiated activities/tasks to cater to their needs as follows:

BL:​ Students who score ​100%​ in CMU3 Try 1 will proceed to the
Last look video.

OL: ​Students who score ​<70%​ in CMU3 try 1, ask them to go back
to the Alef platform and review lesson part 3 by watching the video
or the slides together according to their preference.
● Use the same channel previously created to instruct this group to
- Read the first paragraph in their book page ​281.
- Look at ​figure#7​ and answer” “​How was the phenotype of the
penguin affected by the mutation? How can a mutation influence
a trait?
- Ask students to share and discuss their answers.
- Ask students to attempt CMU3 again.

AL:​ ​If the students still score ​<70%​ in CMU2 try 2, the teacher
needs to intervene, and explain the difficult concepts. Ask the
students first to go over the ​“Relate”​ lesson part main concepts
● Use the same separate channel you have already created for this
- Ask students to read the first paragraph in their ​Book page

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- Ask students will define ​Mutation ​and the​ Random change ​in
their notebook.
- Ask students to share and discuss the correct answers
- Ask students to attempt CMU3 again.

At the end of this lesson part:

● Summarize the main learning points and set expectations for the
following part.
● Share the correct answers with the class and award stars for the
students who completed their assignment successfully.

7 5 Lesson ● Use My Thinking Plan as your closure activity.

minutes Closure ● Ask students to share their answers and encourage a discussion.

8 10 My Exit ● Unlock the Exit Ticket.

minutes Ticket ● Ask students to complete the Last Look.
● Ask students to complete the Exit Ticket.
● Award stars to encourage students’ attendance, participation, and
good behavior and performance.
● Thank your students for the good behavior, attendance, and
● Remind students of the next lesson time and encourage them to be
ready for the upcoming class.

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