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I. General Overview
Catch-up Subject: Health Grade Level: 5
Quarterly Theme: Drug Education Sub-theme: How substance use
(refer to Enclosure No. 3 of DM 001, s. 2024, Quarter 3)
affects the
individual and
society in general
Time: Date:
II. Session Outline
Session Title: “Substances effect on an individual and society”
Session At the end of the session, learners will be able to:
Objectives: a) Understand the concept of addiction and its development,
including risk factors and consequences;
b) Participate in community efforts to raise awareness about the
dangers of substances use and promote prevention initiatives.
c) Develop empathy and understanding for individuals struggling
with substance use.
Key Concepts:  Substance use, encompassing everything from alcohol and
tobacco to illicit drugs, casts a wide net of consequences,
affecting individuals, families and communities in profound
 Substance use can wreak havoc on the body, leading to organ
damage, chronic diseases and increased risk of accidents and
 Substance use can strain relationship with family, friends and
partners, leading to isolation and conflict.
III. Teaching Strategies
Components Duration Activities and Procedures
Activity: “News Flash Simulation”
Materials: News Flash Print-outs (e.g., driving under the
influence accident, addiction treatment program etc.)
 Learners will group into 4.
A. Introduction
10 mins  Teacher will ask the learners to report the
and Warm-Up
consequences and using the substance based on
these news story.
 Teacher will highlight the social and individual
consequences of each group reporter.
Activity: “Act the Picture Story”
Materials: A print-out of a simple picture story about a
character facing a choice related to substance use.
 Learner will group into 4
 Teachers will give each group a picture story
B. Concept (stories told through pictures) and ask them to
15 mins
Exploration read them.
 Teacher will then ask the learners to act them out
in front of class and put some dialogue on their
 After that teacher will discuss the potential
consequence of each choice.
C. Valuing 20 mins Activity: “Poster Making”
Materials: Cartolina, drawing materials and coloring
 Group the learners.

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 Each group will design a poster about raising

awareness about specific substance use issue like
underage drinking or prescription drug misuse.
 Present the poster to the class.

Activity: Substance Collage

Materials: Glue, different empty wrappers (energy
drinks, coffee, cigarette etc.), scissors
 Learners will create a collage of different wrappers
Journal Writing 15 mins
mention in the lessons.
 Make sure that they will form a shape of a brain.
 At the bottom write the impact of the substance
use in their community and themselves.

Prepared By:


Teacher I

Recommending Approval: Approved:


Master Teacher II Principal I

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