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about = despre angry = suparat
add = adauga animal = animal
afternoon = dupa-amiaza Ann / Anna
again = din nou answer = raspuns
Alex apartment (flat) =apartament
alien = extraterestru apple = mar
alphabet = alfabet arm = brat
an = un armchair = fotoliu
and = si ask = intreb

baby = bebelus bedroom = dormitory bookcase = coperta
badminton behind = in spate bookshop = librarie
bag = geanta Ben bounce = a sari
ball = minge between = intre box = cutie
balloon = balon big = mare boy = baiat
banana bike = bicicleta bread = paine
baseball Bill breakfast = mic dejun
basketball bird = pasare brother = frate
bath = baie birthday = zi de nastere brown = maro
bathroom = baie black = negru burger
be = a fi blue = albastru bus = autobuz
beach = plaja board = bord / table but = dar
bean = fasole boat = barca bye = pa
beautiful= frumos body = corp
bed = pat book = carte

cake = prajitura/tort carrot = morcov child/children = copil/copii
camera = aparat foto cat = pisica chips(fries) = chipsuri /
can = poate catch = a prinde cartofi prajiti
candy(sweet/s) = dulciuri chair = scaun chocolate = ciocolata
car = masina chicken = pui

choose = a alege clothes = haine correct = corect

class = clasa coconut = nuca de cocos cousin = var
classroom = sala de clasa colour = culoare cow = vaca
clean = curat come = a veni crocodile = crocodil
clock = ceas complete = complet cross = a trece
close = aproape computer = calculator cupboard = dulap
closed = inchis
dad = tata do = a face drawing = desen
Dan dog = caine dress = rochie
day = zi doll = papusa drink = bea
desk = birou don’t worry = nu-ti face griji drive = a conduce
dining room = sufragerie door = usa duck = rata
dinner = cina double = dublu
dirty = murdar draw = a desena

ear = ureche English = Engleza example = exemplu
eat = mananca enjoy = a te bucura eye = ochi
egg = ou eraser(rubber) = guma de
elephant = elefant sters
end = sfarsit evening = seara

face = fata floor = podea fries(chips) = cartofi prajiti
family = familie flower = floare frog = broasca
father = tata fly = zboara from = pentru
favourite = favorit food = mancare fruit = fructe
find = gaseste foot/feet = picior/picioare funny = amuzant
fish = peste football(soccer)= fotbal
fishing = pescuit for = pentru
flat(apartment)=apartament friend = prieten

game = joc go = merge grandmother = bunica
garden = gradina goat = capra grape = strugure
get = obtine ( ia) good = bun gray(grey) = gri
giraffe = girafa Grace great = excelent
girl = fata grandfather = bunic green = verde
give = a da grandpa = bunic guitar = chitara
glasses = ochelari grandma = bunica

hair = par helicopter = elicopter hockey = hochei
hall = hol hello = buna hold = tine
hand = mana her = a ei home = acasa
handbag = geanta here = aici horse = cal
happy = bucuros hers = al ei house = casa
hat = palarie him = el how = cum
have = avea hippo = hipopotam how many = cate
have got = a avut his = a lui how old = cati ani
he = el hit = lovit
head = cap hobby = hobby
I = eu in = in it = aceasta
ice cream = inghetata in front of = in fata its = este

jacket = geaca/sacou Jill jump = sare
jeans = blugi juice = suc

keyboard = tastatura Kim kite = zmeu
kick = lovitura kitchen = bucatarie know = stiu

lamp = lampa like = ca /precum look = uite
learn = invata lime = lime look at = uita-te la
leg = picior line = linie lorry ( truck ) = camion
lemon = lamaie listen = asculta a lot ( a lot of) = mult
lemonade = limonada live = traieste lots (lots of ) = multe
lesson = lectie living room = sufragerie love = dragoste
let’s = ha isa lizard = soparla Lucy
letter = litera long = lung lunch = masa de pranz

make = face milk = lapte mouse / mice = soarece /
man / men = barbat / mine = al meu soareci
barbate mirror = oglinda mouse = mouse calculator
mango Miss = Domnisoara mouth = gura
many = multe monkey = maimuta Mr = Domnul
mat = covor / mat ? monster = mostru Mrs = Doamna
May morning = dimineata mum ( my ) = mama ( a
me = eu mother = mama mea)
me too = si eu motorbike = motocicleta music = muzica
meat = carne my = a mea

name = nume Nick now = acum
new = nou night = noapte number = numar
next to = chiar langa no (not) = nu
nice = dragut nose = nas

of = de old = vechi open = deschis
oh = oh on = pe or = sau
oh dear = o draga ( aoleu) one = unu orange =
ok = ok onion = ceapa portocala/portocaliu
our = al nostru ours = a noastra

page = pagina pencil = creion plane = avion
paint = a picta person / people = persoana / play = joaca
painting = pictura ( tablou) oameni playground = loc de joaca
pardon = pardon phone = telefon please = te rog
park = parc photo = poza point = punct
part = parte piano = pian potato = cartof
Pat pick up = ridica purple = violet
pea = mazare picture = imagine put = a pune
pear = para pineapple = ananas
pen = pix pink = roz

question = intrebare

radio = radio ride = plimbare rubber (eraser) = guma
read = citit right = corect ruler = rigla
really = intr-adevar right = dreapta run = fuga
red = rosu robot = robot
rice = orez room = camera

sad = suparat short = scurt sorry = scuze
Sam show = spectacol spell = vraja
sand = nisip sing = canta spider = paianjen
sausage = carnat sister = sora sport = sport
say = spune sit = sta stand = stand
school = scoala skirt = fusta start = start
sea = mare sleep = doarme stop = stop
see = vede small = mic store ( shop ) = magazin
See you ! = Te vad smile = zambet story = poveste
sentence = propozitie snake = sarpe street = poveste
she = ea so = deci Sue
sheep = oaie soccer ( football) = fotbal sun = soare
shell = coaja sock = ciorap supper = cina
shirt = camasa sofa = canapea swim = inoata
shoe = pantof some = niste
shop (store) = magazin song = cantec

table = masa talk = vorbeste test = test
table tennis = tenis de masa teacher = professor thank you ( thanks) =
tail = coada television = televiziune multumesc
take a photo = fa o poza tell = spune that = acea
picture = imagine tennis= tenis the = cel
their = al lor those = acestea Tony
theirs = a lor throw = arunca too = de asemenea
them = lor tick = bifa toy = jucarie
then = apoi tiger = tigru train = tren
there = acolo to = la tree = copac
these = acestea today = astazi trousers = pantaloni
they = ei Tom try = incepe
this = acest tomato = rosie t-shirt = tricou

ugly = urat understand = intelege
under = sub us = noi

very = foarte

walk = merge well = bine with = cu
wall = perete well done = bine facut woman / women =
want = vrea what = ce femeie/femei
watch = ceas where = unde word = cuvant
water = apa which= care would like = ar vrea
watermelon = pepene white = alb wow
wave = val who = cine write = scrie
we = noi whose = a caror
wear = poarta window = fereastra

year = an you = tu yours = a ta
yellow = galben young = tanar
yes = da your = ta

1 (unu) = one 11 (unsprezece) = eleven

2 (doi) = two 12 (doisprezece) = twelve
3 (trei) = three 13 (treisprezece) = thirteen
4 (patru) = four 14 (paisprezece) = fourteen
5 (cinci) = five 15 (cincisprezece) = fifteen
6 (sase) = six 16 (saisprezece) = sixteen
7 (sapte) = seven 17 (saptesprezece) = seventeen
8 (opt) = eight 18 (optsprezece) = eighteen
9 (noua) = nine 19 (nouasprezece) = nineteen
10 (zece) = ten 20 (douazaci) = twenty

21 (douazeci si unu) = twenty one

22 (douazeci si doi) = twenty two
23 (douazeci si trei) = twenty three
24 (douazeci si patru) = twenty four
25 (douazeci si cinci) = twenty five
26 (douazeci si sase) = twenty six
27 (douazeci si sapte) = twenty seven
28 (douazeci si opt) = twenty eight
29 (douazeci si noua) = twenty nine
30 (douazeci si zece) = thirty

31 (treizeci si unu) = thirty one

32 (treizeci si doi) = thirty two
33 (treizeci si trei) = thirty three
34 (treizeci si patru) = thirty four
35 (treizeci si cinci) = thirty five
36 (treizeci si sase) = thirty six
37 (treizeci si sapte) = thirty seven
38 (treizeci si opt) = thirty eight
39 (treizeci si noua) = thirty nine
40 (patruzeci) = fourty

41 (patruzeci si unu) = forty one

42 (patruzeci si doi) = forty two
43 (patruzeci si trei) = forty three
44 (patruzeci si patru) = forty four
45 (patruzeci si cinci) = forty five
46 (patruzeci si sase) = forty six
47 (patruzeci si sapte) = forty seven
48 (patruzeci si opt) = forty eight
49 (patruzeci si noua) = forty nine
50 (cincizeci) = fifty

51 (cincizeci si unu) = fifty one

52 (cincizeci si doi) = fifty two
53 (cincizeci si trei) = fifty three
54 (cincizeci si patru) = fifty four
55 (cincizeci si cinci) = fifty five
56 (cincizeci si sase) = fifty six
57 (cincizeci si sapte) = fifty seven
58 (cincizeci si opt) = fifty eight
59 (cincizeci si noua) = fifty nine
60 (saizeci) = sixty

61 (saizeci si unu) = sixty one

62 (saizeci si doi) = sixty two
63 (saizeci si trei) = sixty three
64 (saizeci si patru) = sixty four
65 (saizeci si cinci) = sixty five
66 (saizeci si sase) = sixty six
67 (saizeci si sapte) = sixty seven
68 (saizeci si opt) = sixty eight
69 (saizeci si noua) = sixty nine
70 (saptezeci) = seventy

71 (saptezeci si unu) = seventy one

72 (saptezeci si doi) = seventy two
73 (saptezeci si trei) = seventy three
74 (saptezeci si patru) = seventy four
75 (saptezeci si cinci) = seventy five
76 (saptezeci si sase) = seventy six
77 (saptezeci si sapte) = seventy seven
78 (saptezeci si opt) = seventy eight
79 (saptezeci si noua) = seventy nine
80 (optzeci) = eighty

81 (optzeci si unu) = eighty one

82 (optzeci si doi) = eighty two
83 (optzeci si trei) = eighty three
84 (optzeci si patru) = eighty four
85 (optzeci si cinci) = eighty five
86 (optzeci si sase) = eighty six
87 (optzeci si sapte) = eighty seven
88 (optzeci si opt) = eighty eight
89 (optzeci si noua) = eighty nine
90 (nouazeci) = ninety

91 (nouazeci si unu) = ninety one

92 (nouazeci si doi) = ninety two
93 (nouazeci si trei) = ninety three
94 (nouazeci si patru) = ninety four
95 (nouazeci si cinci) = ninety five
96 (nouazeci si sase) = ninety six
97 (nouazeci si sapte) = ninety seven
98 (nouazeci si opt) = ninety eight
99 (nouazeci si noua) = ninety nine
100 (o suta) = one hundred

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