Network 1 Unit 5

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Name: .............................................. Mark: ..............

A celebrity is talking about his life. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of was or were.
(3 points)
Interviewer: 1.
..................................... you a happy child?
Celebrity: No, I 2. ..................................... . My brother and I 3. ..................................... very young when
our mother died. I 4. ..................................... only three! After that, we went to live with
our aunt and uncle.
Interviewer: Where 5. ..................................... your father?
Celebrity: Our father 6. ..................................... at home much because he worked very hard.

8 Complete the sentences with the correct form of there was or there were. (5 points)
1 ................................................... any rain last year.
2 ................................................... some people in the house. We tried to save them.
3 ................................................... a flood two years ago?
4 ................................................... any trees after the fire.
5 How many avalanches ................................................... last year?

Network ESO 1 Photocopiable © Burlington Books 1

9 Complete the text with the correct form of was, were, there was or there were. (5 points)
Fifteen-year-old Pemba Tamang 1. ................................................... at work in a hotel in Kathmandu.
Suddenly, 2. ................................................... an earthquake. Tamang 3. ................................................... in
a small hole and 4. ................................................... any people in the area to help him.
................................................... water to drink and 6. ................................................... some very small
pieces of bread to eat. 7.
................................................... some rescue workers in the area, but they
................................................... near Tamang’s hole. His calls for help 9. ...................................................
loud enough for them to hear. When they discovered him five days later, they
................................................... amazed to see him alive.

10 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple affirmative. (4 points)
1 The earthquake ..................................... (change) our lives.
2 The disaster ..................................... (happen) six years ago.
3 My uncle ..................................... (invent) an unusual clock.
4 I ..................................... (find) an old note under the sofa.
5 Last year, we ..................................... (study) geography.
6 My brother ..................................... (save) a man’s life.
7 Many people ..................................... (bring) food and water.
8 John ..................................... (become) a famous scientist.

11 Write questions for the answers in bold. (5 points)

1 .........................................................................................................................................................
Tony flew to France last month.
2 .........................................................................................................................................................
Yes, many people came to the party.
3 .........................................................................................................................................................
We had lunch at one o’clock.
4 .........................................................................................................................................................
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.
5 .........................................................................................................................................................
The French Revolution happened because the people weren’t happy.

12 Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple affirmative or negative. (8 points)
In the 1970s, a British and a French company 1. ................................................... (make) the first
supersonic commercial aeroplane – Concorde. Concorde 2. ................................................... (have)
100 seats. It 3. ................................................... (begin) flying in 1976. These aeroplanes
................................................... (fly) 2,179 kilometres an hour. They 5. ...................................................
(not travel) across the Atlantic Ocean in eight hours, like ordinary commercial aeroplanes.
The journey from London to New York was only 3.5 hours!
In 2000, there was a terrible accident. A Concorde plane 6. ................................................... (not arrive)
at its destination. It 7. ................................................... (crash) in France and all the people on the
plane died. After that, people 8. ................................................... (not want) to fly on Concorde any more
and the supersonic flights stopped. The planes are in museums in Britain and France.

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Network ESO 1 Photocopiable © Burlington Books 3

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