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Cell Specialisation

Answer all the questions

I. Characteristics of organisms

1. Choose the correct answer from the box given below and fill the blanks [5]

Red blood cell skeletal muscle cells Cells unicellular complex

Root hair cells Photosynthetic cells cell membrane
Cytoplasm Nucleus

a. ________________are the basic building blocks of all living organisms.

b. A single cell carries out all the vital functions to sustain life in _________________ organism.

c. ________________ organisms such as plants and animals are composed of many types of cells,

each with a different function.

d. The outer most covering of the cell is ________________

e. Jelly like matrix inside the cells is called ________________

f. ________________ is a spherical structure that directs all the activities of the cell and contains

the genetic material.

g. Speicalised cell that carries oxygen is ________________

h. ________________ helps in the movement of bones

i. _________________ helps in the absorption of water from the soil

j. ________________ helps in photosynthesis

Kumundhoo school / Grade 6 / Exploring Science / Assessment-Unit test 2/ Term 1 1
II. Look at the picture and write the level of organization in multicellular organisms [5]

Level of organisation Name of the level

1 A

2 B

3 C

4 D

5 E

Kumundhoo school / Grade 6 / Exploring Science / Assessment-Unit test 2/ Term 1 2
III. Identify the structure given in column A. Answer the questions given in column B.… [8]
Name of the cell
Shape of the cell

Name of the cell
Shape of the cell

Name of the cell
Shape of the cell

Name of the cell
Shape of the cell

IV. Name the following [5]

1. Two cells in plants

2. Two cells in animals

Kumundhoo school / Grade 6 / Exploring Science / Assessment-Unit test 2/ Term 1 3
3. Two organs in plants

4. Two organs in animals


5. Two organ system in animals


V. Look at the picture and write the following questions [7]

1. Name the process that is represented here in this picture


2. What are the raw materials of this process?



3. Name two factors that are needed for this process.



4. Name one waste material of this process


5. Name the end product of this process.


6. Define the above process


Kumundhoo school / Grade 6 / Exploring Science / Assessment-Unit test 2/ Term 1 4

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