CAC4103 Study Guide - BM

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COURSE CODE AND TITLE: CAC 4103: Advanced Auditing

PRE-REQUISITE: CAC 2103 Audit Skills and
CAC 2203 Audit Process

Topic Learning Unit Study outcomes Study material Examinable Pronouncements

After having worked through this learning unit you must
be able to …
Introduction / the The auditor and the - Explain the objectives of and the general principles - Dynamic Auditing Structure of assurance
auditor and the audit environment governing an audit of financial statements Chapter 5-3 to 5-15 pronouncements issued by the
audit environment - Briefly explain the Fundamental Principles of Auditing - Auditing Notes IAASB,
Theory Chapter 1
International framework for
- Distinguish between a statutory and non-statutory audit
assurance engagements
- Be able to discuss within an integrated case study
whether an engagement is an audit, review, agreed upon Glossary
procedure, or compilation, taking into account the level - The standard setting
of assurance required by the client and whether this type process – The authority of
of assurance is positive or negative

Page 1 of 20
- Understands the various types of assurance and non- auditing and assurance
assurance services available standards, practice statements
- Uses the entity’s mission, vision, strategies, applicable and other pronouncements
legislation and stakeholder needs in order to identify and issued nationally and
evaluate assurance requirements and options for the internationally
- Different levels of assurance
- Recommends assurance and non-assurance services
expressed for the different
appropriate to meeting the entity’s needs.
types of engagements and the
legal implication for the
- ISA200 - Overall objectives of
the Independent Auditor and
the Conduct of Audit in
Accordance with International
Standards of Auditing
- The role of public oversight
boards in regulating the
The auditors’ - Draft a working paper in a scenario and include the - Dynamic Auditing -
documentation minimal information that should be documented to Chapter7-11 to 7-14
comply with ISA230.
- Evaluate a working paper and conclude whether the
working paper includes all minimum information
required to be documented in order to comply with
relevant ISA’s.
- For each procedure performed, ensure that the
documentation provides a clear link to significant
findings or issues that arose during the engagement
- Evaluate the overall adequacy of documentation

Page 2 of 20
- Prepare documentation with sufficient detail to support
the nature, timing and extent of the further audit
procedures performed and the results of the procedures
- Design and document appropriate programmes of
engagement procedures based on case study
Risk management - describe the factors justifying the need for an auditor’s Dynamic Auditing 7
process & internal expert
control - describe the factors to determine the extent of reliance
that can be placed on an auditor’s expert
- list things to consider when reaching an agreement with
the auditor’s expert
- evaluate the adequacy of the work performed by the
auditor’s expert
- consider implications of using an auditor’s expert on the
audit report
Audit practice and Audit practice and - Understands the importance of quality control in the Dynamic Auditing - ISQC1 – Quality controls for
quality quality performance of engagements; Chapter 5-30 to 5-41 firms that performs audits and
- Designs, implements and manages an effective quality reviews of financial statements
control system in the professional accounting firm that and other assurance and
addresses the following areas: related service engagements
-Leadership responsibilities for quality within the - ISQC1 – Inspections by the
-Ethical requirements - ISQC 1 – Continuing
-Acceptance and continuance of client relationships professional development
and specific engagements - ISA220 – Quality control for an
-Human Resources audits of financial statement
-Engagement performance
- Responds to findings of inspections undertaken by the
PAAB and the findings of internal reviews;
- Ensures that the quality control system is effective in
managing the legal liability of the firm to clients and third

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- Understands the role of public oversight boards in
regulating the profession; and
- Understand the need to supervise and review work of
junior staff.

Professional ethics Code of professional - Understand, discuss and apply the conceptual Dynamic Auditing IEASB Code of Professional
conduct framework approach of professional ethics in a practical Chapter 3-6 to 3-52 Conduct
- Suggest appropriate safeguards in order to eliminate or Zimbabwe Code of Professional
reduce the threat to an appropriate level Conduct
- Evaluate the compliance and non-compliance to the
Codes of Professional Conduct in a practical scenario PAAB Code of Professional
- Discuss the ethical implications for the actions of CA’s in Conduct [IRBA]
business, Management who is not CA’s, RA’s
- Make suggestions on whether engagements may be
accepted based on the ethical dilemmas within in a
practical scenario
- Understand the principles of the Code of Professional
conduct and how it is applied
- Make suggestions in respect of practical aspects in
relation the Code of Professional conduct and how it is
- Discuss compliance / non-compliance the Code of
Professional conduct; and
- Discuss compliance / non-compliance to the any ethical
By-laws and punishable - Identify and explain improper conduct by a registered Dynamic Auditing IRBA Rules Regarding Improper
offences auditor Chapter 3-3 to 3-6 Conduct
Business Ethics General ethics - Uses an ethical reasoning process to:
(self study) - Identify situations involving existing or potential
ethical issues

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- Clarify and use appropriate professional values for
choosing or recommending ethical courses of
- Use all appropriate internal and/or external
resources in resolving ethical dilemmas
- Report on ethical issues to higher levels of
management, legal or regulatory authorities or
other when appropriate

- Protects the public interest through:

- identifying ethical dilemmas and makes decisions that
ensure the public interest is paramount.

Audit Profession Audit Profession Act - Identify, explain, evaluate, apply and advise on the Dynamic Auditing PAAB Auditing Profession Act
Act requirements of the Auditing Professions Act in a Chapter 1-3 to 1-9
practical case study IRBA Auditing Profession Act
- Evaluate compliance with the Auditing Professions Act Dynamic Auditing
requirements in a given practical case study Chapter 6-14 to 6-16 Guide on reportable
- Make appropriate recommendations for compliance Irregularities in terms of the
with the Auditing Professions Act in a given practical case Auditing Professions Act
- Outline the possible liability an auditor can incur in the
execution of his duties in the Auditing Professions Act;
- Describe the duties and offences of an auditor as
imposed on him in the Auditing Professions Act.
Legal and Companies Act - Identify, explain, evaluate, apply and advise on the Dynamic Auditing Companies Act
Statutory requirements of the Companies Act in a practical case Chapter 4-3 to 4-53
Requirements study
- Evaluate compliance with the Companies Act
requirements in a given practical case study; and
- Make appropriate recommendations for compliance
with the Companies Act in a given practical case study.

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Other legislation (basic - Identify events of money laundering and respond Dynamic Auditing 6-20 A Guide for registered auditors:
awareness) thereon in terms of auditing regulations and to 6-23 Combating money laundering
international standards on auditing. and financing of terrorism
Corporate Corporate Governance - Understand and explain the recommendations of the Dynamic Auditing KING IV
Governance KING IV Report and Code Chapter 2-1 to 2-13 Governance in terms of the
- Make practical recommendations in respect of Auditing Notes Chapter Companies Act
Corporate Governance with specific reference to KING 4
- Understand the principles of the Code of Corporate
governance and the KING IV report.
- Make suggestions in respect of practical aspects in
relation to corporate governance, more specifically the
KING IV report;
- Discuss compliance / non-compliance to KING IV; and
- Discuss compliance / non-compliance to the Company’s
Control activities Internal controls: income - Reproduce the segregation of duties applicable to the Dynamic Auditing
in business cycles & receipts cycle credit sales cycle; Chapter 2-13 to 2-40
- Reproduce the flow of information as well as the source
documents applicable to the recording of credit sales Auditing Notes Chapter
transactions; 10
- Reproduce the risks relating to each function within the
cycle as well as the controls to address those risks for
application to a case study;
- To identify the weaknesses and make recommendations
for the weaknesses identified in a case study relating to
credit sales;
- Reproduce the segregation of duties applicable to the
receipts cycle;

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- Reproduce the flow of information as well as the source
documents applicable to the recording of receipt
- Reproduce the risks relating to each function within the
receipt cycle as well as the controls to address those risks
for application to a case study; and
- To identify the weaknesses and make recommendations
for the weaknesses identified in a case study relating to
Internal controls: bank - Reproduce the segregation of duties applicable to the Dynamic Auditing
and cash cycle Bank and Cash cycle; Chapter 2-13 to 2-40
- Reproduce the flow of information as well as the source
documents applicable to the recording of Bank and Cash Auditing Notes Chapter
transactions / Cash Sales; 10
- Reproduce the risks relating to each function within the
cycle as well as the controls to address those risks for
application to a case study;
- To identify the weaknesses and make recommendations
for the weaknesses identified in a case study relating to
Bank and Cash / Cash Sales; and
- Identify the weaknesses and make recommendations for
the weaknesses identified in a case study relating to
Petty Cash.

Internal controls: - Reproduce the segregation of duties applicable to the Dynamic Auditing
expenses and payments purchasing cycle; Chapter 2-13 to 2-40
- Reproduce the flow of information as well as the source
documents applicable to the recording of purchasing Auditing Notes Chapter
transactions; 11
- Reproduce the risks relating to each function within the
purchasing cycle as well as the controls to address those
risks for application to a case study;

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- To identify the weaknesses and make recommendations
for the weaknesses identified in a case study relating to
- Reproduce the segregation of duties applicable to the
payment cycle;
- Reproduce the flow of information as well as the source
documents applicable to the recording of payment
- Reproduce the risks relating to each function within the
payment cycle as well as the controls to address those
risks for application to a case study; and
- To identify the weaknesses and make recommendations
for the weaknesses identified in a case study relating to

Internal controls: - Apply the principles of the Sales and Purchasing Cycles Dynamic Auditing
inventory for the sales/purchasing of inventory. Chapter 2-13 to 2-40
(manufacturing) - Describe the business risks associated with inventories
(WIP/Job costing); Auditing Notes Chapter
- Describe the controls that an entity can implement to 12
address these business risks;
- Name and apply the following accounting principles in
terms of IAS2 relating to inventories:
- Cost
- Cost formula
- Net realisable value
- discuss the annual stock take / inventory count in its
entirety with specific reference to the planning and
preparation as well as the client’s written instructions for
the stock taking exercise (Controls the client need to
- Identify the audit risks relating to specific types of
inventory in a given situation / case study; and

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- To identify the weaknesses and make recommendations
for the weaknesses identified in a case study relating to

Payroll and personnel - Describe the different functional sections applicable to Dynamic Auditing
cycle the salaries and wages system; Chapter 2-13 to 2-40
- Describe the flow of information when salaries/wages
transactions are recorded / captured; Auditing Notes Chapter
- Identify the risks that are relevant to each individual 13
functional section as well as its control procedures, for
application to a given situation; and
- Identify weaknesses in a case study of a salaries and
wages system and to recommend improvements.

Finance and investment - Describe the business risks associated with the finance Dynamic Auditing
cycle and investment cycle Chapter 2-13 to 2-40
- Describe the controls that an entity can implement to
address these business risks; and Auditing Notes Chapter
- Identify weaknesses in a case study of an Investment and 14
Finance cycle and recommend improvements.

Control Activities Computer auditing: - Perform risk assessment procedures in a case study Auditing Notes –
and Information review of risk - Assess risk of material misstatement on financial Chapter 5/3-5/19;
Technology assessment statement level as well as assertion level in a case study
procedures/controls and - Define significant risk, as well as the matters for Auditing Notes -
audit procedures consideration and the response of the auditor towards Chapter 5/25 – 5/28;
significant risks Auditing Notes -
- Know in which circumstances according to ISA 315, Chapter 6/13 – 6/17;
should the auditor obtain an understanding of controls
- Know the different components of an internal control Auditing Notes -
system and apply in a case study Chapter 7/14 – 7/20.
- Know the different types of internal control activities
and apply in a case study

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- Know the control objectives and to link them to control
procedures in a case study
- Know in which circumstances according to ISA 330,
should the auditor perform substantive procedures and
tests of controls
- Know the difference between obtaining an
understanding of controls and tests of controls
- Understand the assertions applicable to classes of
transactions and account balances, and link the
assertions to audit procedures
- Know the different methods of obtaining audit evidence
and to integrate these methods with audit procedures
for classes of transactions and account balances

Introduction to - briefly explain the difference between general and Dynamic Auditing – ISA 315
computer auditing / application controls; Chapter 9.1, 9.2, 9.3
general controls - name the benefits of IT controls; ISA 330
- discuss the relevance of manual controls in an IT Auditing Notes for SA
environment; Students – Chapter 8.2
- name the different categories of general controls as well
as the controls within each category;
- briefly discuss the following general controls:
- communication and enforcement of integrity and
ethical values
- commitment to competence
- participation by those charged with governance
- management’s philosophy and operating style
- know the organizational structure as well as the division
of duties within the IT department;
- know the division of duties between users and the IT

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- describe the matters that will be addressed as part of
human resource policies and practices in an IT
- identify weaknesses in the control environment in a case
- briefly discuss the controls regarding in-house
developed system;
- describe the system conversion controls;
- discuss the involvement of the auditor with system
development of a client with reference to IEASB’s
Professional Code of Conduct;
- describe the aspects that will be addressed as part of
project approval and project management;
- briefly discuss the controls regarding a purchased
- discuss, briefly, the advantages and disadvantages of
packaged software;
- describe the programme change controls;
- to identify weaknesses in the system development
process of a dummy client and suggest improvements
for the weaknesses identified;
- briefly discuss the principals on which the security policy
should be based on;
- name the matters that should be addressed as part of
physical access control both for the data centre and for
- briefly discuss the different levels of logical access
- identify weaknesses in access controls in a case study
and recommend improvements thereon;
- briefly discuss the system software and operating

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- briefly discuss the importance of documentation

Application controls - define application controls; Auditing Notes Chapter

- describe the control objectives of application controls in 8/26
- discuss how the different control activities can be Dynamic Auditing
implemented in an IT system; Chapter 14
- describe the batch controls that will be applicable in a
case study; Auditing Notes for SA
- describe the application controls (automated and user) Students – Chapter
for the input/capturing of information, link each control 8/33-8/41
with the control objective;
- describe programmed edit checks and reconciliation
- describe the preventative and detective controls over
- name examples of reports that can be generated by the
computer system for review by users;
- Describe the master file amendment controls in detail
and indicate which control objective is addressed by
each control.

Methods of processing / - Discuss the security implications of using PC’s as part of Auditing Notes Chapter
networks the audit process; 9-3 – 9/8
PC’s/ERP/ Networks/ - Identify and explain risks associated with a PC
Database systems environment;
- Describe the controls in a PC environment;
- Discuss the audit approach in a PC environment;
- Explain a ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) system
- Know the different types of networks and discuss the
audit implications of networks;

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- Describe the general controls that are of crucial
importance in a database system environment;
- Discuss the impact of a database system on the audit

advanced computer: - Describe the different components of an EDI transaction; Dynamic Auditing
EDI’S - Identify and discuss the risks associated with EDI Chapter 10 – section 1-
transactions; 5
- Know the controls that should be implemented in an EDI
environment; Auditing Notes Chapter
- Understand the effect of EDI on the audit process; and 9/11 to 9/16
- Identify weaknesses and make improvements to an EDI
system in a case study.

Advanced computers: - Name and discuss the controls that should be Auditing Notes Chapter
EFT’S implemented in an EFT environment; 9/16 to 9/20
- Identify weaknesses and make improvements to an EFT
system in a case study; and Dynamic Auditing
- Know the controls applicable to electronic fund transfers Chapter 10 – section 1-
and apply in a case study. 5

Advanced computers: - Know and identify risks associated with the Internet in a Auditing Notes Chapter ISA 600
internet/ bureaus case study 9/21 to 9/29
- Know the controls that should be implemented in an ISA 620
Internet system
- Know how a firewall operates
- Name the aspects that should be considered when
entering a contract with a service provider
- Know the content of a service provider agreement (SLA)
- Understand the audit implications when a client uses a
services bureau.
The Audit Process - Understands and apply the various stages of the audit Dynamic Auditing Various standards
process Chapter 5-15 to 5-22

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- Links all study units done and understands were it fits
into the big picture of auditing.
Pre-engagement Phase 1 - Differentiate between assurance and non-assurance Dynamic Auditing IEASB Code of Professional
Activities engagements; Chapter 8-3 to 8-9 Conduct
- Know and apply the professional requirements or
prerequisites and responsibilities that applies with ISQC 1
regard to initial engagements
- Understand, identify and apply the required or ISA 220
prescribed procedures with regard to the responsibilities
of the incoming auditor with regard to opening balances APA
- Identifies and considers issues related to accepting an
engagement and gathers and examines information Companies Act
pertaining to a potential client and engagement to - Auditor’s appointment
assess whether or not there are significant threats to the - Auditors’ Removal,
adherence to ethical requirements and professional resignation and rotation
standards and legislation resulting from undertaking the - Auditors’ Rights and
engagement restricted functions
- Utilises the understanding gained of the elements of risk - Auditors’ Duties
and the decision factors to evaluate the overall risk in
accepting the engagement ISA 200 Levels of Assurance
- Concludes on whether to accept the engagement ISA 210
- Follows prescribed procedures to accept the ISA 300
engagement and drafts an appropriate engagement ISA 600
letter for a new engagement
- Recognises circumstances when a new engagement
letter needs to be issued for existing engagements
- Follows the procedures required by legislation or
professional pronouncements to accept an appointment
- Determine which set of criteria to apply to the subject
matter being evaluated and assess the suitability of
criteria for general-purpose financial statements and for
other engagements.

Page 14 of 20
Planning the audit Planning the audit: the - Understand the planning process Dynamic Auditing ISA 200
(Phase 2) process and risk - Formulate the Risk Assessment Procedures to be Chapter 8-9 to 8-35 ISA 300
assessment procedures performed in order to obtain information for planning ISA 315
(including analytical purposes ISA 520
procedures) - Discuss various Analytical Procedures that could be ISA 600
performed in order to identify risk
Obtaining an - Undertakes risk assessment procedures to obtain / Dynamic Auditing ISA 315
understanding of the update an understanding of the entity and its Chapter 8-11 to 8-18
entity and its environment, including its internal controls.
environment including - Understand the components of which an understanding
internal controls must be obtain.
Consideration of ISA - Based on an understanding obtained, identifies the Dynamic Auditing ISA 240
standards in planning specific risks that could result in material misstatements Chapter 6, 7 and 14 ISA 250
the audit. due to fraud, error or non-compliance to laws and MLFT
regulations of the subject matter. All taxation Acts
Companies Act
ISA 240 ISA 550
- Define the concept of “Fraud” ISA 580
- Define the concept of “Error”
- Name 2 types of intentional misstatements that are
relevant to the auditor.
- Discuss the responsibility of the auditor and
management for the prevention and detection of fraud;
- Explain the procedures required by ISA240 that should
be performed by the auditor during the risk assessment
- Explain with reference to ISA240 the responses available
to the auditor to respond to the assessed risk of material
misstatement due to fraud.
- Name the procedures the auditor should follow if
potential fraud and errors are detected.

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- Identify Conditions or events that may increase the risk
of fraud and error whether due to fraudulent financial
reporting or due to misappropriation of assets.
- Name the 3 elements of the fraud triangle

ISA 250
- Discuss management’s and the auditor’s responsibility
for compliance with laws and regulations;
- Discuss the procedures to follow on discovery of non-
compliance; and
- Identify indicators of possible non-compliance with laws
and regulations in a scenario.
Risk of material - Identify, describe and evaluate audit risks and the Dynamic Auditing ISA 300
misstatement at the components it consists of Chapter 8-18 to 8-25
overall financial - Describe the approach and methods that should be ISA 315
statement level followed to consider/evaluate risk
- Evaluate and conclude on the influence of error and ISA 330
fraud on the audit opinion
- Identifies and assess the key risks in the performance of
the engagement
- Based on an understanding obtained, identifies the
specific risks that could result in material misstatements
of the subject matter, including fraud risk factors
- Assess the risk of material misstatement in the subject
matter at the overall and assertion levels
Materiality - Discuss all the relevant factors to take into account Dynamic Auditing ISA 320
whilst calculating Planning and Performance Materiality Chapter 8-25 to 8-29
- Calculate, with reasons, the Planning & Performance
- Understand and Explain what "Clearly Trivial" means
- Critically evaluate a Materiality calculation (done in
working paper sometimes) done by someone else in
terms of ISA320.

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- Assess materiality for the engagement
- Identifies the users of the assurance engagement and
their decision-making needs
- Identifies the factors that affect materiality
- Determine the materiality level for planning and
performing the engagement
Risk of material - Identify, describe and evaluate audit risks and the Auditing Notes Chapter
misstatement at the components it consists of 10 – 14
assertion level (business - Describe the approach and methods that should be
cycles) followed to consider/evaluate risk
- Evaluate and conclude on the influence of error and
fraud on the audit opinion
- Based on an understanding obtained, identifies the
specific risks that could result in material misstatements
of the subject matter, including fraud risk factors
- Assess the risk of material misstatement in the subject
matter at the overall and assertion levels
Audit evidence, audit - Be alert to changes in circumstances and adjust Dynamic Auditing ISA 300
strategy, audit plan, procedures appropriately Chapter 8-29 to 8-35
audit responses - Draw a conclusion as to whether each procedure ISA 315
performed meets its objective
- Evaluate the sufficiency and significance of the evidence ISA 330
and/or results of analysis
- Prepare information for timely discussion with
management & TCWG
- For a given set of circumstances, decide on:
- the form, extent and quality of evidence required
to support the assurance report,
- The most efficient testing procedures (e.g. ToC
and/or SP ToD and/or analytical procedures) to
obtain the evidence

Page 17 of 20
- The need to make use of others (experts, internal
auditors, other auditors, or the need to use CAATs)
to gather evidence
- Communicate the plan to appropriate key
stakeholders (incl. TCWG)
- Design and document appropriate programs of
engagement procedures
- Be alert to changes in circumstances not
considered in the design of the engagement
procedures and adjust the procedures
- Name and discuss all the elements that should be
included in the Audit Strategy document /
memorandum (Planning document)
- Name and discuss all the elements that should be
included in the Audit plan (Risk assessment
Procedures and Further Audit Procedures)
- In a scenario design appropriate risk responses at
the overall financial statement level
- In a scenario design appropriate risk responses at
the assertion level (Including discussions on the
appropriate nature, timing and extent of risk
assessment procedures & further audit
- In a scenario discuss the appropriate Audit
Approach (NTE of audit procedures) to be applied
(could be overall or at assertion level) - OR Discuss
the audit approach (but limit to only NATURE).
Audit approach (nature, - In a practical scenario suggest and discuss in detail the Dynamic Auditing ISA 300
timing and extent of factors to consider for the most appropriate audit Chapter 8-30 to 8-34
further audit approach to be applied in a manual control system ISA 330
procedures) based on the risks identified; Dynamic Auditing
Chapter 12-9 to 12-12 ISA 500

Page 18 of 20
- In a practical scenario suggest and discuss in detail the
factors to consider for the most appropriate audit Dynamic Auditing
approach to be applied in a computerised control Chapter 13-4 to 13-6
system based on the risks identified;
Roll forwards / early - Design audit responses using interim testing/roll Dynamic Auditing
verifications (timing) forward procedures/early verification for a given Chapter 13-11 to 13-14
- Design and document appropriate programmes of
engagement procedures based on the considerations
- Perform the procedures specified in the programme
(e.g. analytical review of expenses) with due care and an
objective state of mind
- Modify the work plan as necessary
- Draw a conclusion as to whether each procedure
performed meets its objective
- Evaluate the sufficiency and significance of the evidence
and/or results of analysis
- Identify, and design audit procedures to obtain
sufficient, appropriate audit evidence surrounding
related party transactions/balances/disclosures
Sampling (extent) - Understand and discuss the risks related to sampling Dynamic Auditing ISA 530
- indicate the purpose of audit sampling; Chapter 11

Define the following concepts:

- Sampling
- Population, Sampling Unit
- Error (For Test of Controls and For Substantive Tests of
- Tolerable error
- Anomalous error / Misstatement
- Statistical sampling
- Stratification

Page 19 of 20
- Briefly describe the different methods of selecting
- Name the factors you would consider when designing a
- Name the factors that will influence sample size in tests
of controls as well as substantive procedures;
- Briefly describe the different methods of sampling; and
- Name the steps in the sampling process.
- Perform a practical calculation and select the items using
specific methods.
- Critically evaluate a sampling selection that has already
been performed.
Internal controls in Internal controls in the - Consider control risk in a case study Dynamic Auditing ISA 315
the audit process audit process - Describe control objectives and develop control Chapter 12
measures in a case study ISA 330
- Understand ISA 610 and be able to apply the principles
in a scenario ISA 265
- Know and understand the Components of internal
Evolution and Evolution and - Postulates: behavioral postulates and functional The Philosophy of
developments in developments in Audit postulates. Auditing by R.K. Mautz
Audit Theory and Theory and Practice - Internationalization of the auditing profession and and H.S. Sharaf
Practice - Developments of International Standards on auditing

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