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An Elephant Essay

Writing an essay on the topic "An Elephant" can be a challenging task that requires careful
consideration of various aspects. Firstly, the vastness of the subject itself presents a challenge, as one
must decide whether to focus on the biological aspects of elephants, their cultural significance, or
perhaps their conservation status. Narrowing down such a broad topic can be perplexing, as each
angle offers a plethora of information to explore.

Moreover, conveying a unique perspective on a well-known subject like elephants is no easy feat. It's
a creature that has been extensively studied and written about, making it challenging to present new
and engaging insights. The risk of producing a generic essay that merely reiterates commonly known
facts is always looming, requiring the writer to delve deeper into the subject matter to provide fresh
perspectives or lesser-known details.

Researching for the essay can also prove to be a demanding endeavor. With the abundance of
information available, sifting through credible sources and selecting the most relevant and interesting
details requires time and effort. The challenge lies in striking the right balance between providing
sufficient information and avoiding overwhelming the reader with an excess of data.

Crafting a coherent and well-structured essay is another hurdle. Ensuring a smooth flow of ideas,
logical transitions between paragraphs, and a compelling introduction and conclusion demands
meticulous attention. The challenge is not only in presenting information but also in doing so in a
manner that captivates the reader's attention and sustains their interest throughout the essay.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic "An Elephant" involves navigating through the
complexities of the subject, avoiding clichГ©s, conducting thorough research, and skillfully
presenting the information. It's a task that demands creativity, critical thinking, and a commitment to
delivering a unique perspective on a well-explored topic.

For those who find the task daunting or are pressed for time, there are alternative solutions.
Assistance from platforms like can be sought, where similar essays and much
more can be ordered to meet specific requirements. Such services provide a valuable option for those
seeking expert help in tackling the challenges of essay writing.
An Elephant Essay An Elephant Essay
The Hazards Of South Florida
South Florida is home to 5.8 million residents. This area consists of Miami Dade County,
Broward County, and Palm Beach County. Through out the year these residents and also
tourists have to deal with different hazards. I will be choosing Fort Lauderdale as my
community. Fort Lauderdale has to deal with severe thunderstorms and hurricanes. Both
of these hazards bring with them multiply hazards themselves. They bring severe wind,
lightning strikes, flooding, and storm surges. South Floridaalso has to deal with wildfires
in the Everglades. Wildfires are a threat to the communities that are located near the
Everglades. The smoke that is created from the fires can also be harmful to communities
near the fire and even farther away.... Show more content on ...
In coastal flooding the coastal areas are flooded due to storm activity at sea. The
waves break through coastal defenses and submerge the area. What can you expect
from flooding. Loss of life and damage to both buildings and other structures. Floods
can also damage power systems which then cause the effected area to be without
power. With the loss of power, water treatment plants are also effected. This could
cause loss of water or even contamination. Floods can also damage roadways which
would make it hard to get aid to the effected areas. South Florida is a major tourist
location. Flooding can cause economic problems with the reduced tourism. Flooding of
homes can cause severe medical problems. When a home is flooded the water saturates
the walls and other places which can grow mold. This will cause respiratory problems
and other health issues. (Flood) Mitigation is one of the best tools that can be used to
save lives and minimize damage to property and the community infrastructure. Fort
Lauderdale is located in a flood zones. The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is
an example of flood mitigation. South Florida participates in the National Flood
Insurance Program. This program allows residents whose homes are located in flood
zones to obtain flood insurance to insure their property against flood damage. The cities
have to provide the residents with information to
Issues with Domestic Violence Essay
Domestic violence is a complex issue that plagues society regularly. Judicial systems all
over the United States have attempted to create regulations to protect victims of domestic
abuse. Furthermore, scattered scarcely throughout the United States are non profit and
small organizations which attempt to supplement the judicial protection with additional
resources. Nevertheless, domestic abuse seems to be much bigger than any services these
systems can maintain. Victims of domestic violencesuffer with harmful issues even
judicial and non profit systems have yet to overcome and as society advances, even
more issue seem to arise. The Philadelphia legal system has provided what is known as
the Protection from Abuse Order (PFA) .... Show more content on ...
Outside of these hours, in severe cases, an Emergency PFA can be applied for, only to
last until closing time of the Family Court s next business day. As stated by the
Philadelphia Courts PFA brochure, if a victim is also denied an emergency PFA, they
once again must wait until the next business day to contact a separate department for
assistance (Family Law Section of the Philadelphia Bar Association, 2009).
Furthermore, the brochure disclaims that the victim should be prepared to wait your
turn , eluding to the fact that the PFA form is about 24 pages, therefore, may take time
to complete with professional assistance (Family Law Section of the Philadelphia Bar
Association, 2009). Once a PFA is issued, as the brochure states, it is enforced through
the police and the violation of its contents may result in up to 6 months prison time and
/or a $1000 fine (Family Law Section of the Philadelphia Bar Association, 2009). This
reactionary enforcement of the PFA still leaves the victim vulnerable to attack prior to
the arrival of law enforcement. Additionally, studies show that legally reporting abuse
can often increase the risk of abuse by angering the abuser and further endangering the
victim (About Domestic Abuse, 2004). The perfect solution might be to hide the victim
through some sort of program similar to the Witness Protection Program, or constant
surveillance, but it would be much too costly for law enforcement to provide direct
accompaniment to every
How Did Stanislavski Contribute To Theatre
Konstantin Stanislavski was a Russian theatre practitioner born to a wealthy
manufacturer which granted much financial backing for his amateur theatre endeavors.
Born in 1863 in Moscow, Russia, Konstantin started working in theatre as a teen, and
later became an acclaimed thespian and director of stage productions. He was known for
being an outstanding character actorand the many productions he directed. His career
work would allow him to be seen as the most influential person in Russian theatre. Over a
time span of 40 years he was involved in many facets of the performing arts which
ranged from producing and directing plays to analyzing and understanding the meaning
of acting. Konstantin performed and directed until the age of 33. Stanislavski earned
international recognition during his lifetime for all of his contributions to the acting
genre. However, in the United States and beyond, his legacy lives on today and is
demonstrated by some of the greatest performers of the 21st Century... Show more
content on ...
In 1922, he staged Eugene Onegin by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky at the Bolshoi Opera
Studio which was accredited as a major reform in opera. Stanislavski made tremendous
contribution in not only stage theatre, but also through excellent performance at the
opera, sparked what may be termed as a revolution in opera at the time. He stopped his
theatre career when he co founded Moscow Art Theatre. When Konstantin performed
he used his own technique, the Stanislavski Method . During the Moscow Art Theatre
s early years, Stanislavski worked on a guiding structure for actors to consistently have
good performances. He believed that actors needed to have real emotion when acting
and, to do so, they could draw upon feelings they d experienced in their own lives. The
Moscow Art Theatre had a world tour between 1922 and 1924 and the company traveled
to various parts of Europe and the United
High School Social Work
Students need to have advocates that care for their personal needs and the type of
education they are receiving. School social workers provide the schools with resources
to address personal and social problems the students is experiencing (NASW, 2006).
The social worker can also create a dialogue among the schools, families, and the
community to increase the chances of students been successful in the classrooms.
Students will have the chance to have a person that can provide early interventions,
group or individual counseling, and provide appropriate training programs. According to
Alvarez et al. (2013), there is a link between having a schoolsocial worker in the schools
and having a higher number of students graduating from high school.
Pericles And Alexander The Great
Professor Ed Jost Western Civilization I October 14, 2016 Lessons in Leadership
Pericles and Alexander the Great Pericles and Alexander the Great are known as two
Greek Icons who developed Greece into one of the most prestigious empires in history.
During their time, Greece was vastly advanced and influenced western civilization
today. The first leader to unselfishly use the political system of democracy, Pericles
wanted to strengthen Greece influence around the world and pushed for other states to
adopt democracy. Pericles allowed even the poorest citizens to hold a seat in office if
elected by their peers. Alexander the Great was one of the greatest leaders and
emperors of all time earning the name of the great . Today Alexander the Great is
known as a conquering leader who created one of the largest empires of all time. Both
Pericles and Alexander the Great are remembered today as some of the most
accomplished and respected leaders in living memory. Pericles was born in 495 B.C. E in
Cholargos north of Athens. Pericles was an influential orator, leader and general during
Athens golden age between the Persian and Peloponnesian wars. Pericles popularized arts
and literature and was the main reason Athens holds the reputation of being the
educational and cultural center of the ancient Greek world. During Pericles rule, Athens
developed its Acropolis, the elevated citadel that held the most important buildings and
temples. These building where so architecturally
The Indigenous People Of Australia
Ever since the colonization of Australia by the British Empire in the 18th Century, the
indigenous people of Australia have been subject to social inequalities that have left their
community ravaged. This treatment of the indigenous people was justified by the
concept of Racial Othering, and it continues to perpetuate the unequal treatment of the
indigenous people in Australia, to this day. One group of people are deemed the norm,
and everyone else is designated as the Other, who are considered deviant (Fozdar,
Wilding Hawkins 2009, pp. 4 5). In the case of the Indigenous people, Racial Othering
was originally based on physical differences determined by genetics that differed from
raceto race, but today it also takes into account the cultural differences of people
(Wilding Hawkins 2009, p. 5). What exactly Racial Othering is, and just how it has
contributed to the inequalities experienced by the indigenous people of Australia, and
what those inequalities are, will be elaborated on below.

To begin with, the concept of Racial Othering must be properly explained. It is an

offshoot of Othering itself, which as explained by George Herbert Mead, is a process
whereby people learn to become members of the society they belong to, by defining
themselves by what they aren t, rather than what they are (Mead, 1934). Typically, those
differ to the majority of people in society will be considered deviants, and the majority
considered the normal. In this vein, Racial Othering is when
Divine Origin Research Paper
The issue of the origin of life is one of the most controversial issue known to man.
There are many proposed answers such at Divine Origin,Meteorites,Primordial Soup,
and RNA world along with quite a few other. These different beliefs are supported by
variety of people. In this paper I will share my beliefs on these different explanation of
the origin of life. Divine Origin is the belief that the universe and the life on earth did
not arise spontaneously, but was created by a divine creator. As a Christian I believe
the biblical account of creation. I believe this because the complexity of cells is way
too amazing to spontaneously created by a big bang. The idea of an explosion creating
order is in direct opposition to all scientific principles. Explosion do not create more
complex life but rather separates matter. Dr. Stephen C. Meyer has given evidence in his
research that the coding section of cells, which is the most complex system known to
man,... Show more content on ...
Oparin. He stated that Earth s ancient atmosphere contained the gases nitrogen,
methane, and ammonia but no free oxygen. Energy from the sun and other natural
storms/disaster caused chemical reactions among these gases, which somehow
combined into small organic molecules such as amino acids. Several people have tried
to prove this theory correct but the most famous scientists are Harold Urey and
Stanley Miller. Even though this experiment lends support to to the idea of primordial
soup, many people believed that this experiments were tampered with. As one British
astrophysicist, Fred Hoyle, said the likelihood of life appearing on Earth by chemical
reactions Is equivalent to the possibility that a tornado sweeping through a junkyard
might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials therein (1). The idea of humans and
other life coming from a mixture of gas is a pretty ridiculous idea if you truly step back
and look at it. I personally believe this is not what
Why Is Shakespeare Still Used Today
Shakespeare: Why He s Still Studied Today
Shakespeare once wrote, To be, or not to be, that is the question. (Hamlet, 3. 1. 64).
This is to be considered one of Shakespeare s most famous and used quotes. Though
Shakespeare was alive and wrote many decades before our time, students are still
subjected to using his works. This leaves people with the question, why? William
Shakespeare s works are still used today due to his universal themes, uncanny ability to
take ideas and turn them into new and captivating wonders, and amazingly rich language.
Whether or not you have read or watched one of the many fascinating works done by
Shakespeare, his name is everywhere, giving that students have contemplated at least
once or twice about this incredibly intelligent man. One of Shakespeare s most famous
plays would be the tragic love story, Romeo and Juliet. Though Romeo and Juliet is one
of English s most famous love stories, it shows a variation of controversial themes.
Critic Kelvin Odoobo states in his essay, Book Review: Romeo and Juliet By William
Shakespeare, that Shakespeare ... Show more content on ...
Hamlet shows a variation of revenge, madness, and art and culture. Critic Stephen
Greenblatt explains in is article, The Death of Hamment and the Making of Hamlet,
that Over centuries of feverish speculation, the most compelling reflections on the
presence of Shakespeare s emotional life in his plays...have focused on Hamlet,
(Greenblatt). Just like Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet is well known for all the dramatic
play and themes that make the work come alive. Today, you can relate many of his
themes to present day literature such as books and movies. Examples include Gnomeo
and Juliet, inspired by Romeo and Juliet, The Lion King, inspired by Hamlet, and 10
Things I Hate About You, inspired by The Taming of the Shrew. All these works are
based off the universal themes Shakespeare introduced to english
Analysis Of Rachels Why Should We Be Moral
Recall: In the Why Should We Be Moral, Rachels makes several important points: 1)
The Ring of Gyges illustrates how behaving immorally can sometimes be to one s
advantage. Glaucon argues that all of us would behave like Gyges, if we thought we
could get away with it. 2) Rachels points out that it is a good thing for you if other
people live ethically, but it becomes another maВІer if you are bound by moral
constraints. 3) Rachels mentions one familiar idea that right living consists in
obedience to God s commands. 4) Rachels argues that we should be as good as we can
be to increase our chances of eternal bliss. 5) Rachels mentions the Divine Command
Theory, which is an action is morally right if it is commanded by God. 6) Socrates
argument against the Divine Command Theory and Rachels concludes that the rightness
or wrongness of actions cannot be understood merely in terms of their conformity to
divine... Show more content on ...
7) Rachels argues that nothing can be morally right or wrong simply because a book
says so . 8) Kant argues that if Gods does not exist, then the universe is morally
incomplete, because virtue will unrewarded and wickedness will go unpunished. 9)
Hobbes argues that ethics arises when people realize what they must do to live as well
as they can. 10) Rachels points out that a cooperative society can exist only if we adopt
certain rules of behavior. 11) Rachels argues that social contract is the basis of morality,
which can be understood as the rules that a self interested person would agree to obey,
provided that others agree to obey them as well. 12) The reasons why the social contract
theory is attractive: it takes the mystery out of ethic and make it a practical, down to
earth business. it approach gives us a sensible way of determining what our moral duties
are. it answers Glaucon s question. 13) Rachels minions the problem of the free rider,
which is someone benefits from a cooperative arrangement without contributing to
Fostering A Positive Work Environment Through Improving...
Fostering a positive work environment through improving workplace communication

John Seawell

BUS 501 Business Communication

Jan Tucker

29 June 2015

Table of Contents
Section HeadingPage #
Why create a positive workplace5
Worker benefits from a healthy workplace7
Employer benefits from a healthy workplace7
Discussions and implications10

What this paper does is explore one facet of the gem that is our workplace. And much
like a gem, if studied, the flaws will become evident which then means that once these
flaws are removed you have a thing of admiration and beauty. This paper is a
restatement of understood facts, facts easily available to us all, but they are presented in
a different and logical manner. Because of their presentation a logical conclusion is
Every good story starts with the story, this paper is no different. It starts with an earth
with no man then fades into cavemen as they discover fire then fades again but this
time into a modern scene of people also around a camp fire. But this time the men are
having a conversation as well as cooking on the fire. No matter what a person believes
the creation of man to be, what is learned from all the stories is that communication is
important to the evolution of man. As man has evolved, so has
Infidelity Is Not That Big Of A Deal
Infidelity is a tough subject to talk about among people throughout the world. It is
commonly known as a violation of trust between married couples and can be
considered a touchy subject. As examined in the article by Emily Barrow there are
often cases of adultery related to people who are considered happy. These people are
faithful for decades but one day they decide to cross a line that they have never
crossed before and risk everything they have in their relationship. Although some
people have a hard time explaining their reasoning and often time s relationships end
throughout the article there are several points to defend infidelity and explain how it
is not that big of a deal. My personal opinion is that it should be considered
unacceptable not because of any religious matters but out of genuine respect and love
for your partner you should keep the promise you made when you were married.
Within this paper I will investigate the concept of infidelity and why people decide to
cheat on their significant other when everything is perfect at home and when times are
tough. Through the use of several economic concepts learned throughout the course I
will apply them to my research and establish a final conclusion that will aid me in
weather I agree or disagree with the authors analysis. Infidelity is the largest opprobrium
around the world. It is well know that adultery will more than often lead to divorce yet
Esther Perel a well known psychotherapist, states that divorce is
The Oppression Of Indigenous People In Canada
Due to disassociation, assimilation, oppression, systemic and systematic erasure and
violence, Indigenous peoples have been purposefully silenced at almost every moment of
interaction with Canada.
Many Indigenous peoples have been strategically silenced since birth. Their names were
changed for number tabulations, cultures were suppressed and languages were stolen
from Indigenous children and their future generations. These actions were sanctioned by
the Catholic Church, manipulated by political leaders and, ultimately, enforced by the
government of Canada. The consequences of these actions rippled through the institutions
and cultivated into the consciousness of settler and colonial populations. Indigenous
children were subjected to an education which stripped them of their identities and
forced them into lower class, lower labour positions. Indigenous education was created
solely to meet the desired needs of subsistence of Euro Canadian peoples.
During the wars in which Canada participated, Indigenous peoples were rarely
recognized for their achievements or efforts and many deaths were purposefully not
recorded. There were also hundreds ... Show more content on ...
This belief simultaneously oppressed and exotified Indigenous peoples. Indigenous
peoples were forced to assimilate into a society that never intended to embrace them.
National and local newspapers generally ignored the lives of Indigenous peoples. Instead,
they only discussed issues of Canada helping Indigenous peoples or discussed cultural
differences that seemed exotic and entertaining. The exotification of Indigenous cultures
and traditions further discriminated Indigenous peoples by creating a divide between
what was considered socially acceptable and what was not. Indigenous peoples were
strategically ignored and erased from the Euro Canadian populace to dehumanize and
thus justify the oppression and assimilation forced upon
The Innovation Of Deep Web Crawlers Essay
The Innovation of Deep Web Crawlers 1604 Task2 70824 ZHANG Qian (Alice) With
the development of software and network technologies, World Wide Web has
infiltrated into aspects in people s life. The understanding of the significance of
information gathering deepens gradually, because the information contains online
user behavior and potential value. As a result, network information mining has
become a core subject and there is a growing need for a tool to help people gather
online information, which is called web crawlers. Traditional web crawlers have
limitations in mining information from the Deep Web that is hidden, which means
the websites could be accessed when users login, forms are submitted. However, these
shortcomings can be solved by deep web crawlers. This paper will initially explain the
innovation of Deep Web crawlers, then states applications and evaluates of this
innovation. The methods for people to record information have changed, for different
tools are invented to simplify and save time, money and manpower. Bamboo as well
as silk were used in Chins to write before paper appeared. However, both of them have
shortcomings for bamboos are heavy and silk paper is exorbitant. Lin, Salwen, and
Anokwa (2003) point out that in the year 105AD, the invention of paper by Cai Lun
improves writing condition, thus, manual record has become the main way to record
data. In their findings (Leiner et al., 1997), conception of Galactic Network was put
forward by J.C.R.
The Life and Impact of Vladimir Lenin Essay
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was an impactful political leader in Russia during the twentieth
century. He was a famous figure and left a huge impact on the Russian/Soviet Union
Empire for many decades to follow. What he may be known for best, Lenin created and
brought up the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics along with helping with the
introduction of communism. He applied that communism concept to the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics government that he was running. As the political leader in the Union
of Soviet Socialist Republics government, he tried his best to carry out the communism
plan and make the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics a powerful empire. Vladimir Lenin
was ordained at an early age to become a revolutionary leader.... Show more content on ...
The disagreement led to a split of the Social Democratic into the Mensheviks, which
Plekhanov headed, and the Bolsheviks, which Lenin ran ( Vladimir Lenin Biography ).
While Lenin learned almost all there is to know about the communism idea from
Plekhanov, he turned against him and they became rivals. Lenin was uprising fast in his
movements for the revolutionary of Russia. Becoming the leader of the Bolsheviks
group was a huge step forward for him. The only thing in his way was the opposing
group ran by Plekhanov, the Mensheviks.
With knowledge and some experience under his belt, Lenin was ready to take on the
Russian government. He would return to Russia and continue to plan his revolutionary
movements against the government. writes that after the outbreak between
both revolutionary parties, Lenin headed back to Russia. The revolution in Russia
ended when Nicholas II promised reforms, which included the adoption of a
constitution and the creation of an elected legislature. However, once order was
restored, the Czar declined most of the reforms. Because it was at the same time as
World War I, the economy of Russia was disrupted by the costly war effort. In March of
1917, riots and strikes broke out between the proletariats over the scarcity of food.
Dispirited army troops ganged with the strikers, and on March 15 Nicholas II was forced
to relinquish. This ended centuries of
Marketing Strategies Of Airtel And Airtel


mobile administrations with GSM engineering

fixed line associations

national and universal long separation administrations

vsat, Internet administrations and system arrangements

broadband administrations


в—Џmobile administrations with GSM engineering

в—Џfixed line phone administrations

в—Џuniversal Internetworking

в—Џvoip (Voice over Internet Protocol)

в—Џinteractive Television

в—Џvisual Communication

в—Џbroadband Portal


One of the fundamental purposes of this undertaking is to think about the promoting
systems received via Airtel and its adversary global partner Vodafone. The examination
would help us see how both the organizations have been testing one another to addition a
huge area of the piece of the pie.


the sub fundamental motivation behind this report is to think about the promoting
Strategies received by Bharti Airtel and its opponent Vodafone
the examination indicates how both of the organizations have been testing one another to
increase pieces of the pie.


Vodafone in place plan for the future and in wake of versatile number conveyability
chose to particularly recognize its esteem included administrations by propelling the
Zoozoos crusade amid the Indian Premier League 2 (IPL 2). Cricket is thought to be a
religion in
Comparing Vince Lombardi s Life And Work
The person whom I am doing my biography on is Vince Lombardi. He was born in
June 11, 1913 and died in September 3, 1970. His birthplace was Brooklyn, New York
and died in Washington D.C.. Vince had four siblings: Madeleine, Harold, Claire, and
Joe. During his life, he faced severe discrimination. Vince s familywas very religious and
required him to go to church every Sunday. He served as an alter boy at St. Mark s
Catholic Church for the majority of his childhood. In partner with being an alter boy, he
helped his father at his meat cutting business, but came to hate it. At the age of 12, he
started playing in an untouched but organized football league in Sheepshead Bay. He
attended elementary school at the local public school (name unknown.)... Show more
content on ...
At Cathedral, he played on the school s baseball and basketball teams, but his sports
ability was hindered by his poor athleticism and eyesight. Through all this, he still
believed in God as a catholic. Eventually, he quit the priesthood and joined S. Francis
Preparatory High School in 1932. There he became a Charter Member of Omega
Gamma Delta fraternity. His faith helped him through his work and profession with
his head held high. In high school, he did sports, so he did not have a job like one he
had with his father during his childhood life. During college, he did sports as much as
he could. He played football with all his heart and mind. Professionally, he worked as
a coach or part of the coaching staff. Vince coached three teams as head coach and part
of the coaching staff. He loved the game of football and dedicated his life to it. He even
spent more time with his football team than he did with his family some
Earnest Social Structure
Oscar Wilde demonstrated the complex social structure of the Victorian era of society
through comedy and satire in his play, The Importance of Being Earnest . Despite the
play s title, neither male leading characters, Jack Worthing and Algernon Moncrieff
are entirely earnest. In order to secure their engagements and protect their social
standings, both create long exaggerated stories and lie about their true identities.
Wilde continues to display the faults of the Victorian upper class through characters,
Cecily Cardew and Miss Prism. Both women prove to be hopeless romantics with
unrealistic perspectives on fantasy versus reality. Based off of Prisms novel and her
obvious desire to become a romantic novelist, and Cecily s delusional writings in her
diaries, Wilde is trying to convey that essentially anyone in Victorian society may be
considered a writer. When Wilde first introduces Cecily, it becomes apparent to readers
that she is bored with her current lifestyle. She shows little interest in her lessons and
a strong passion for writing in her diary. Unlike Gwendolyn, Cecily s family
background and lifestyle are significantly different than her traditional upper class
London setting. Cecily s life takes place in the much less sophisticated countryside of
England with only her guardian who she refers to as Uncle Jack and her tutor Miss
Prism, who acts as a sort of motherly figure. Because Cecily is not a product of upper
class London society, and she desires more out of
The Biological Adaptions Of Animals
Science Writing Report

Compare and contrast the biological adaptions of animals that allow them to survive in
the Antarctic environment


The name Antartica comes from a greek word which means the opposite of north.
Antarctica is the southernmost continent and is known for having cold and windy
conditions. It is the fifth largest continent out of seven other continents in the world and
the area of Antarctica is 14,000,000 km2 and around 90% of it is covered in ice.

The conditions in Antartica (min, max, average temps and wind, water and food
availability) and how these conditions would affect animal survival

The environment conditions in Antarctica is very harsh, it is known for being the
most coldest and windiest continent in the world as 98% of it is covered in ice which
is 4.7 kilometres thick. Antarctica is considered a desert due to the fact that it barely
rains and how dry it is around the continent. The weather temperature in Antarctica can
go as low as 89.6 degrees celsius and a high of 12.3 degrees celsius with an average
temperature of 49 degrees celsius. This is because of the height above sea levels, the
atmosphere and the land masses around Antarctica which is why the continent is an
extremely cold place. In Antarctica the strong winds that are caused is due to the strong
winds which are the katabatic winds. The cold and dry katabatic wind is caused by the
downslope gravity flow which is formed by the cold air. The highest wind velocity in
Explain the Way in Which You Would Establish Ground
Having explored the three methods of setting ground rules during session 2 of PTTLS
course, it is evident that for the ground rules to be effective, determining the appropriate
method of ground rules setting is crucial to informing how the learners will be likely to
respond to the ground rules and how this will later affect the session or sessions to be

The three methods of setting ground rules offer advantages and disadvantages
depending on the context of the lesson and the dynamics of the group. For example the
teacher led process provides the teacher with a clear set of uniformed rules and offers the
teacher an opportunity to consider issues which may otherwise have been overlooked
such as the learning environment and ... Show more content on ...
The learners would have no choice but to adhere to the rules as they would be bound by
their own principles. This method does fail to acknowledge the teachers experience in
understanding the dynamics of groups and how the teacher could provide a valuable
contribution to ground rules which consider the needs of individual learners. This
method may also inhibit the teacher from delivering an effective lesson as consideration
may not have been applied as to whether the rules are suitable for the teaching
environment. For instance taking into account the actual content of the lesson to be
delivered and forgetting to include the health and safety of the learners.

In establishing an effective set of ground rules for my learners, I would consider a

method that offers the teacher the opportunity to create a learning environment that is
safe, efficient and stimulating for the learner (Armitage, A, et al, Teaching Training in
Post Compulsory Education, OU, 2007).

This would be implemented through getting the learners to negotiate their own ground
rules with assistance from myself. I would take charge of facilitating the discussion to
ensure all learners had an opportunity to contribute, and to ensure the inclusion of crucial
rules which allow me to effectively
The Desert Is No Place For A Man And Cormac Mccarthy
The desert is no place for a man and Cormac McCarthy makes that perfectly clear from
the onset of Blood Meridian. At first, it s hard to tell which will be more desolate and
brutal: the environment or the men that traverse it. However, McCarthy initially seems to
establish that unbridled nature will triumph over man every time regardless of the
circumstance. If natureis God, then man is hopeless to stand against it. Yet McCarthy
makes an important distinction between nature as it exists in the wild and nature that
has been tamed by man. Although a lot of his depiction of nature comes from the
landscape, he uses animals in a telling way to prove a larger point: nature is only so
powerful until it is conquered by men. It is an obvious approach to look at the ways in
which the landscape and the desert environment domineer over the gang of men
throughout the novel. Less obvious, and at the same time, painfully overt, is the role
that wild animals take within the framework of the story. The Judge is quoted as saying
that God speaks in stones and trees, the bones of things (116) and the overall
understanding of this message is that god resides in nature; the force of nature is the
force of god.
This force is seen clearly the first time someone in the band is attacked by a bear. The
first compelling part in this scene is the way the men s horses react to the bear. One
horse was described as falling backward and [the Delaware] was trying to turn it, beating
it about the head
The Restoration Of Glacial Park
When we arrived at Glacial Park, it was oppressively hot, and it stayed so throughout
the day. We were ushered into the visitor center where we met Dr. Tom Simpson, the
research field station ecologist. He gave an introductory lecture on restoration ecology in
general, alluding to the foundational UW Madison Arboretum Project, and laying out
challenges within the field. He specifically pointed to how restoration projects can
never be truly finished and how projects often work to restore historical landscapes that
are long gone. Then, he asked us to consider, in the face of these challenges, whether
ecological restoration is even worth the effort. With that question hanging over our heads,
we went into the field. Our task was two fold; we... Show more content on ...
Our next activity, following lunch, was a nature walk through the park. Although the sun
beat down with a vengeance, we braved the heat in the name of knowledge. Dr. Simpson
led us to a beautifully restored oak savanna. After farmers had cleared the landscape for
agriculture, MCCD has worked to restore the area to an oak savanna, the historic
ecosystem. Dr. Simpson said that there were more oaks in the restored area than the
reference ecosystem probably had. I was very impressed by the project as there were
massive oaks and a relatively good diversity of prairie grasses and shrubs beneath
them. However, Dr. Simpson asked us what was wrong with the restored system.
Bewildered, the group was unable to answer him. He revealed that there was a lack of
small oaks. Although there were plenty of established trees, the landscape was missing
saplings, which is problematic for the future of this ecosystem. Dr. Simpson said he
would tell us later why he thought this was so, but, as we ran out of time, Dr. Ohsowski
eventually informed us that rodents were preventing oak saplings from growing. Our
walk continued through the park. We stopped and examined different exotic invasive
species, like multiflora rose and European buckthorn. Dr. Simpson explained how
multiflora rose was brought to the United States to be used as erosion control. This
harkened back to the original dilemma he posed. If
How Does Temperature Affect The Rate Of Enzyme s Activity
In this graph we can see, when the temperature is high, the rate of the reaction also
increases, but when temperature is too high it denatures the enzyme. In this case enzyme
s activity is changing with increasing the temperature and by this the reacting molecules
have more kinetic energy and they move faster and they have a better chance to collide.
There is a specific temperatureat which enzymes activity is the best, and this is known as
(Optimum) and this temperature is 37 C (Human body temperature). After this point the
temperature continue increasing, the rate of the reaction decrease and the enzyme
denature (when the enzyme loses its original shape), this is the cause that enzyme stop
working as it cannot bind to the substrate.
Similarities Between Dreams And Dreams
One of the interesting differences between the two is that often, we are aware of
watching a film, but not that we are in a dream, which is an important difference that
can have interesting consequences for answering if a dream is a fiction. Lastly, Curry
argues that in dreams we have a bi sociative character, meaning that we have both the
sense of being in the dreamand being a spectator in it, this is an interesting
phenomenon, however, I think that this also exists in normal everyday experience in
the form of reflexive awareness. By reflexive awareness, I mean that we can have an
awareness that we are aware, so this phenomenon is not exclusive to dreams. Looking
at the similarities between film and dreams is an interesting avenue to examine the
question, but does not give a full enough evidence to show that dreams are indeed
fictions, nor does it answer the question if a dream is even like a film, all it shows is
that they have similarities. However, it is possible to think of a dream as a film, if you
imagine a device that can record your dreams and then project it onto a screen and
watch the dream on the screen then the dream would act as if it were a film, having
the same similarities as mentioned above. But, there would also be a lot lost in the
translation as well, such as the bi sociative character (Curry), and the ability to feel so
much in a dream. But due to the ease in which it is possible to imagine a dream as a
film, it strengthens the argument for a
Biologically Diverse Coral Reef
In the article Continental drift created biologically diverse coral reefs it explains how
researchers study the evolution of many marine species and how they were affected by
plate tectonics. The scientists used 100 million years of Earth s history and the history
of continental drifts to create a computer model of patterns of new marine species. From
this computer model scientists were able to show that the drift of the continental plates
was the likely driving force behind the emergence of new species (ETH Zurich).
Researchers concluded that continental drift increased the biodiversity of marine species.
If a reef is divided into two separate reefs due to plate tectonics, for example, the two
populations in each patch would continue
The Theme Of Guilt In The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel...
Nathaniel Hawthorne the writer of the Scarlet Letter in the 19th century has the story
placed in a puritan, abundant town in the 1600 s. The strict inhabitants of the puritan
town are ruled by corrupt and unrealistic extreme decrees which make them to believe
that they are the children of god. The puritans are condemned if they sin and this follows
the two main characters of the novel, The Scarlet letter. The world of puritans is a
destructive, and torturing, that abuses the power given to scare the people into
submission. In the novel the scarlet letter, Nathaniel Hawthorneuses the symbolism of
The Scarlet Letter, pearl, and Dimmesdale to contribute to the overall theme of guilt.

To begin, Hawthorne uses The Scarlet letter to contribute to the theme of guilt. Hester
Prynne a normal women in a puritan society sinned and committed adultery. Her
punishment is she has to wear The Scarlet Letter for the rest of her life. Not only does
it hurt her physically but it also hurts her mentally. Hawthorne explains let her cover
the mark as she will, but the pain of it will always be in her heart (Hawthorne 49). This
quote shows that this letter isn t just a worthless piece of fabric but it s a symbol of
sin and guilt and it will always be in her heart. When people see Hester they don t see
her as a normal puritan girl they see her as an example on what not to do. Right now in
the book all of the townspeople are all outside of the prison waiting for Hester and they
re all talking
The Story Of The Syrophoenician Woman In The Gospels
The story of the Syrophoenician woman found in the Book of Matthew and Mark is one
of the most intriguing accounts of healing in the Gospels.
The Book of Matthew says Jesus left Galilee and went north to the region of Tyre and
Sidon. A certain woman came to Jesus, crying out, Lord, Son of David, have mercy on
me! My daughter is demon possessed and suffering terribly (Matthew 15:21 22). The
woman was a Gentile, of Syrophoenician origin. She is described as a Greek, a
Syrophoenician by race in Mark 7:26 (KJV).3 She wanted Jesus to cast the devil out of
her daughter. Jesus replied to her, It is not right to take the children s bread and toss it to
the dogs (Matthew 15:24). What??? And with remarkable insight and persistence, she
The Lord Family Mansion At The Beginning Of The Film
When I see the locations of the Lord family mansion at the beginning of the film, I
observe that there has a yard in front of the Lord family mansion. Different kinds of
flowers and trees are planted in the yard. Besides, on the right side of the Lord family
mansion, there has a lake or sea. Undoubtedly, the location of the Lord familymansion is
very good. Based on the location and the look of the mansion, I believe the family,
which owns this mansion, is a wealthy family. In the film, I see that there are many
luxurious and ornamental decorations in the lord family mansion. For instance, the
classical clock and the beautiful plates in the living room are quite luxurious and
ornamental. Also, the family owns many valuable possessions. For example, the
private car that parking in front of the mansion seems very expensive and valuable.
When Tracy and her sister are going outside, they have their own driver to drive them
out. Overall, it clearly tells us that they are a wealthy family. I learn about them through
the settings of the film, the plots, and the production design in the film. The producer
introduces the major characters through their actions, says and what they own. First, at
the beginning of the film, Tracy cracks Dexter s golf s instrument and throws it away. It
is an impolite behavior. As a polite lady, Tracy should give Dexter back his stuffs
politely no matter how angry she is. Through what Tracy did, audience will think that
Tracy is a brutal and impolite
Mixed Martial Arts Should Not Be Banned In Australia
Mixed Martial Arts should not be banned.

When you hear of UFC (Ultimate fighting championship) or MMA (mixed martial
arts) many people would probably think of a brutal, bloody, barbaric cage fight with no
rules, battling until someone is knocked out cold. However, this image or stereotype is
far from what MMA really is. Early last year there was much controversy when the
Andrews Government legalised cage fighting in Victoria. This ruling enabled the UFC
193 to be held at Etihad stadium in November 2015 which brought over 40 million
dollars to the local economy. Anti violence advocates called for these UFC events to be
banned in Australia. These narrow minded people have a very distorted view of what
UFC actually involves. Mixed martial arts ... Show more content on ...
Competitors know the potential risks and injuries they could sustain. It is a regulated,
controlled environment and the chance for them to be critically injured is very
unlikely. Do we really want a nanny state dictating what we can and can t watch? If we
ban MMA the fighting will be driven underground and in turn it will not be regulated,
leading to more injuries and deaths. Put simply, to those who oppose it being shown on
television or are against people going to watch it live; if you don t like it, don t watch
The Importance Of Artifice In Society
Although many people may like to think of America as a honest and moral nation, it is
no secret that artifice has cemented itself as an indispensable skill, exploited by many to
achieve their own ambitions. Artifice, characterized through the usage of cunning
devices or expedients to deceive others, is often utilized by politicians and organizations
to help push their own agendas. As illustrated by Chris Hedges in his social commentary,
Empire of Illusion, artifice has emerged to become so ubiquitous and essential
throughout American society, whether in business or the entertainment industry.
Essential, in the essence that without it, people in any industry are more likely to be
disadvantaged in achieving their personal goals. In today s modern world, no area has
seen more abuse of artifice than in the field of media and politics. Its common
knowledge that newspapers skew reports to their own biases and politicians often tell
half truths to cover up ulterior motives. Unfortunately, these politicians and media giants
hold extremely influential positions in society, and their usage of artifice is extremely
damaging to the integrity and accountability within the United States. As a result, the
press as well as the general populace must utilize free speech to expose this behavior.
Despite the complete immorality of the usage of artifice, such chicanery remains
essential for success in media and politics. Artifice generated through the media plays a
pivotal role in the spread
Compare And Contrast Captain Hook And Peter Pan
One thing you didn t know about Disney villains is most of them wear black, purple,
red or some combination of the three colors. Captain hook is a vicious feared pirate
from the movie Peter Pan who has his own crew. With a hook as a hand, he makes his
pirate crew look for his archenemy peter pan and they all try to hunt him down like
crazy. Then there s Shere Khan from the movie The Jungle Book a strong elegant
Bengal tiger. He is basically the lord of the jungle. A lone wolf who hates human beings
because he believes they are soulless creatures and hunts down a boy by the name
Mowgli. Captain Hookand Shere Khan are seen as they have similar character traits but
closer analysis shows how both their hatred towards someone really motivates... Show
more content on ...
Shere Khan appears in the movie The Jungle Book as Bengal tiger having hatred
towards humans. Shere Khan proves how ruthless he is by hunting down Mowgli.
Shere Khan s hatred/fear towards human makes him go after Mowgli as soon as he
finds out the human is lost somewhere in the jungle. Shere Khan actually finds the
human and tries to scare him, but Mowgli doesn t get frighten, so Shere Khan
attempts a killing blow. Shere Khan jumped at Mowgli intending to bite his head off.
This is basically attempt of first degree murder, Shere khan planned to find Mowgli
and once he found him he was going to kill him. Although Shere Khan does not get to
Mowgli (due to the help of Mowgli s jungle friends) letting Mowgli escape, this shows
how ruthless Shere Khan is proving he is not forbearing. Not only can Shere Khan
show how ruthless he is, but he also shows how manipulative he is. Shere Khan is
determined to get to the human Mowgli by any means necessary; there is very devious
stuff he does to get to the human. Shere Khan is known to be a smooth talking Bengal
tiger. As smooth as he is he also quietly hears other people s conversations, then makes
friends with the snake in the movie and sets up Mowgli, leading the snake to do the
dirty work trapping Mowgli, then forcing the snake to leave. Shere Khan then had
Mowgli all to himself
Tally In Pretties By Scott Westerfeld
The second book in the Uglies trilogy by Scott Westerfeld, Pretties, is about a girl
named Tally Youngblood, who is the main character throughout all the books. Tally is
a sixteen year old who has just undergone the operation that changed her from an Ugly
to a Pretty. Tally has become a member of the most popular group in New Pretty Town,
the Crims. After attending a costume party, she discovers that she gave her consent to
take an untested drug made by one of the leaders of New Smoke, a group that lives
outside of the cities, in order to heal the lesions in her brain left by the operation. Tally
and her friend Zane find the hidden
Title IX Argumentative Essay
In 2015 at a private school in a rural town, a potential salutatorian was stripped of her
honors because she was currently seven months pregnant. She was told she would not be
allowed to walk during graduation the following May. The private school accepted tuition
paid by the student s parents. Title IX could not protect this young mother when she
faced months of discrimination. She was not allowed on campus during or after school
hours. She was not allowed to attend any school functions for other students would think
her actions were acceptable. She continued her studies at home when friends and family
would bring her homework and classwork. Tests were taken at six o clock in the morning
so she could not interact with the student body. Although... Show more content on ...
Private schools should have the right to make their own rules to help their students and
better their school. Policies and rules set in place by the private school administration
stating that pregnant or parenting students must follow different rules than regular
students are violating the students rights to education. Pregnant and parenting students
who are asked to leave private schools have no way of fighting for their rights because
Title IX does not apply to privately funded schools. Pregnancy discrimination in schools
is a violation of girls rights as women, considering only girls can become pregnant. This
country has fought for equal rights for women for many years. There have been many
Supreme Court cases revolving around discriminating against women. In 1965, Weeks v.
Southern Bell won women the fight against labor laws and regulations about the hours
and conditions that women can work and opened many jobs that were previously only
available to males (Writing Women Back Into History). In the 1969 case of Bowe v.
Colgate Palmolive Company, women meeting the physical won the right to work in jobs
that only men could work (Writing Women Back Into History). In Pittsburgh Press v.
Pittsburgh Commission on human Relations of 1973, Supreme Court ruled against
An Analysis Of Edgar Allan Poe s Cask Of Amontillado
A symbol in literature is described as a person, place, thing, or event that figuratively
represents or stands for something else (Mays, A12). In the short story Cask of
Amontillado, Edgar Allan Poe uses symbolism to establish the true meaning of revenge
behind this story. In short, this story is based upon an act of revenge carried out by
Montresor over Fortunato. Montresor lures Fortunato into the catacombs of the
Montresors where he carries out his plan of revenge by ultimately killing Fortunato (Poe,
109). The incorporation of precise decisions on the title, the characters names and the
settings illustrates the profound use of symbolism in Poe s short story.
To begin, one major symbol incorporated in the Cask of Amontillado is the title itself.
The literal meaning of the title means a casket of wine. Montresor uses Fortunato s
love for wine as an excuse to lure him into his family s catacombs. Therefore, it can be
said that Montresor uses the amontillado as the main contributor for helping him carry
out his revenge. For Montresor, this saying can be used as symbol to mark his freedom.
Throughout the story, he is trying to free himself from his desire to take revenge on
Fortunato. This is revealed when Montresor states, THE thousand injuries of Fortunato I
had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge. He
continued vouching his commitment of taking revenge over Fortunato by saying, At
length I would be avenged; this was a point
The National Nursing Shortage
The national nursing shortage is an ever growing concern, and it is essential for
healthcare organizations to confront the looming issue. Possible solutions to the nursing
shortage include retaining older nurses who are looking to retire, increasing the amount
of students graduating from nursing schools, and drawing nurses back to the bedside
who have left the nursing workforce (Hatcher, 2006). Leaders must assess the nursing
turnover in their organization, and they must strategize on ways to retain those nurses.
Organizations must implement techniques to retain older nurses to help combat the
national nursing shortage and prevent a national healthcare disaster (Keller Burns,
2010). The purpose of this paper is to identify the demographic breakdown of an
organization, explain how the organization s environment is conducive and non
conducive for older workers, and describe tactics to retain older workers. Demographic
Data Southern Ohio Medical Center is a 222 bed hospital in Portsmouth, Ohio. The
organization employs 2,414 full time and part time employees (Southern Ohio Medical
Center, 2015). The employees in the organization cover a broad range of ages with
79% of employees being female (Southern Ohio Medical Center, 2015). Employees
under the age of 25 years old constitute 13% of the employees within the organization
and employees between the ages of 26 years old and 34 years old constitute around 24%
of employees in the organization (Southern Ohio Medical Center,
Exotic Animals In Captivity
People around the world have been to a zoo and saw all the animals in their artificial
habitats. Most have been told that some of the animals are not native in the area,
knowing that they ve been able to see and learn about a non native animal they would
say that they are fascinated to see such a creature. Although there are some people who
would disagree with animals in captivity is wrong, which is why these pieces of
evidence claim otherwise.
Supporters of this topic believe that animals in captivity helps saves animals from
extinction. Leslie Ann Rush, an animal lover who raises exotic animals, believes that by
caring for these captive bred creatures she is doing her part to help keep lemurs alive on
Earth, and she cares for her animals with a profound commitment that consumes her days
and ... Show more content on ...
Some exotic animal owners spend thousands a year on fresh meat, for carnivores that
dine daily on raw steak, for primates omnivores with complex dietary needs for snakes,
which eat rat after rat. A four year old was mauled by a mountain lion his aunt kept as a
pet, a 55 year old woman s face disfigured by her friends lifelong chimpanzee, and an 80
year old man attacked by a 200 pound kangaroo(Wild Obsession).
Although my opponents believe that exotic animals don t make good pets, this isn t
valid because, exotic animals are special and are supposed to be hard to take care of.
Instead, we should let people with the knowledge to care for these animals, take care of
them as pets because, like Leslie Ann Rush, she actually knows how to care for her
exotic animals.
In the end, I believe that animals in captivity is good, because it helps fund
organizations, saves animals from extinction, and helps educate people. We all should
educate ourselves on exotic animals and their needs, we should also force permits to
keep/capture exotic
Americ The Great Wagon Road
People came to America to get away from Britain rule, so when Britain governed most
of the thirty two colonies, thirteen colonies decided to rebel against the crown during
1775. America was growing fairly big with 2.5 million people and ninety percent lived
as rural farmers. In addition, America became a big melting pot of different races. For
example, Germans were six percent of the population, and they mostly lived in
Pennsylvania. Scots Irish were seven percent of the population, and they settled along
the Great Wagon Road. Then, five percent of the multicolored population consisted of
French Huguenots, Welsh, Dutch, Swedes, Jews, Irish, Swiss, and Scots Highlanders.
America was the land of opportunity, and anyone who was willing to work could go
from rags to riches. Class differences emerged as a small group of aristocrats had all
the power, and the black slaves were the lowest on the social ladder. It was best to be a
clergyman or a physician. However, physicians were not that well trained and not
highly esteemed. The first medical school opened in 1765. Unfortunately, this didn t
prepare them for the plague, small pox. Also, if you were a lawyer, you were assumed
to be nosey scumbags. Finally, in 1750, lawyers were recognized as useful, and they
defended many high profile cases and played important parts in American history.
However, being a farmer was a great thing because it was a stable job. Soon trade
became very popular in New England. They created a
We Must Stop Global Warming
Have you noticed it has been a bit hotter outside lately? Have you seen on the news
that sea levels are rising? Did you know global warming affects animals? Do you want
to know a couple of things to do to help stop global warming? I want you to help stop
global warming. You should help me stop global warming because if you continue global
warmingsea levels will rise more. You should also help stop global warming because
records and research show that sea levelhas been steadily rising at a rate of 0.04 to 0.1
inches per year since 1900.This is a quite a bit larger rate than the sea level rise averaged
over the last several thousand years. You should also help because hundreds of millions
of people live in areas that will become... Show more content on ...
The lower temperature the higher chance for a male so all the males of the painted
turtles will be extinct (probably) because of increased heat which will lead to all the
painted turtles to be extinct. Many animals get affected by global warming so if you help
stop global warming you can help stop this. You should help stop global warming
because it increases temperatures which can cause some big changes in the world. You
should stop global warming from increasing temperatures because increased heat is
causing massive ice sheets that cover Greenland and Antarctica to melt at a faster pace.
You should stop global warming from increasing temperatures because over the past
century, the burning of fossil fuels and other human and natural activities has released
enormous amounts of heat trapping gases into the atmosphere. These emissions have
caused the Earth s surface temperature to rise, and the oceans absorb about 80 percent
of this additional heat making the oceans hotter. You should stop global warming from
increasing temperatures because droughts in the Southwest and heat waves everywhere
are projected to become more intense, and cold waves less intense everywhere. These
are some reasons you should stop global warming because it increases temperatures.
You are probably wondering how to actually help stop global warming. You can do
more green things but here are some simple things you can do. You can choose
renewable energy source. Pick a energy supplier that
Absolute Power In John Locke s Of Tyranny
This 18th chapter, Of Tyranny , is a summary of the differences between legitimate and
illegitimate power. Civil society exists to protect the property and liberty of its members
if something breaks down anywhere in its government and it no longer fulfills this
function, something has gone crooked and the people have a right to free themselves of
that government. A ruler who exercises legitimate power observes the laws of the
government and understands that the people gave him the power they possess. This
ruler seeks to preserve the public good, honor the trust between himself and his
people, and protect people s property. A ruler who exercises illegitimate power is
called a tyrant; he breaks the bonds of trust and acts outside the law. His use of
privilege may be out of bounds and he uses his will to enforce the law, not the consent
of the people. These differences are not difficult to see. Locke is profound to answer
critics claims that the ability to oppose a tyrant will lead to frequent and nonsense
rebellions. He does not think this way because the people are assumed to have a level of
intelligence and thinking that gives them the ability to know when their ruler is no
longer acting as he should.... Show more content on ...
When posing the question of who is to judge when the executive or legislative acts
contrary to the trust of the people, Locke answers directly that the people must judge.
Locke also clarifies that tyranny does not necessarily exist only in absolute monarchies
but can also exist in democracies and oligarchies. We can see Locke s most eloquent and
urgent plea for governments to be established according to the law of nature and the
consent of the
Bessie Smith Lost Your Head Blues
The Blues Genre has been out since the late 19th century. However, the blues genre
started to establish awareness around the 1920 s. Bessie Smith was one major influencer
of the blues genre. The blues common themes were related to poverty, death, cruelty,
misfortune, and unfaithfulness. In Bessie Smith s case, her song Lost your Head Blues, is
about a woman who was in love with a man who was initially broke. In the lyrics, it
later discusses how the man gains wealth and started to think differently about his
woman. As the song progresses further, the lyrics mention that the lady will leave him
without telling him goodbye . The lady finally leaves the man and mentions that she
will write a letter explaining the reason why she left him. To conclude, the song
discusses how days and nights become long and lonely for her. However, the lady will
admit that she is a good woman and refuses to be treated poorly. This song was popular
at the time and has given Bessie Smith a lot of fame.... Show more content on ...
Typically, songs in the blues genre portray a lot of these themes within the lyrics and
the tonality of the music. The tone colors of Bessie Smith s piece are her voice and
the horn in the background. This piece utilizes the 12 Bar blues structure as well as
bent pitches. Bessie Smith also repeats certain phrases as a way to emphasize the
lyrics. It also leaves a memorable thought for the audience. The format of this piece is
in AAB form. This can be noticed by the repetitive lyrics and repeated sections of music
itself. The overall piece, is a great example of the blues
Melba Pattillo Beals Research Paper
High Schools across the United States have students with different ethnicities and
cultures. However, in the 1950 s the world was different and the thought of integration
was perceived by many as an instrumental goal. There were white and black schools,
parks, water fountains, restaurants, and communities. Melba Pattillo Beals was among
one of the first African American to change the landscape of integration in schools. In
1957, Beals and eight other African American students would change the color divider
for generations to come, although with change comes sacrifice. The help of her family
and the protection of the soldiers in the schoolfrom the animosity of her white classmates
and the white community helped Beals endure the trials and tribulations... Show more
content on ...
After attempts of threatening to kill herself, her grandmother criticized her for letting
the people who wanted her out of school win and she needed to tough it out and to
wipe her tears. From her classmates teasing her, insulting her with names, and
throwing objects at her, she could not figure out what to do until her grandmother
suggested her to counterattack with reverse psychology and play mind games with
her bullies. Her grandma suggested turning the negatives into positives in which she
gave an example of the egg in her hair, this egg in your hair, suppose you d have told
the boys thank you with a smile. How do you mean? What they want for you is to be
unhappy. That s how they get pleasure (242). At first Beals was skeptical these mind
games would work, but the next day was like any other day and when someone
verbally insulted her, she responded back with kindness instead of hostility, for
example, I tried to open a door, two boys pushed it closed, I stood up straight and
smiled thank you, you have done wonders for my arm muscles (242). After seeing this
tactic work with the two boys, she kept the mind games in her arsenal and used it
whenever needed to better distance herself from bullies and attempt to suffer less
damage. The purpose of this tactic Beals wanted to include was there is another way to
confront someone without the use of violence. Her classmates pushed her to the ground,
insulted her, and chased her to try to hurt her, but Beals knew if she retaliated with
force she would be expelled even though her white classmates would not be punished for
their actions, especially in 1957 where whites had the privilege to get away with criminal
acts towards
The Lottery And The Rocking Horse Winner
What benefit could one gain if one did not critically look at the minor and major details
in life, a picture, or a tale? The key to unlocking the hidden meaning is figuring out what
is part of the missing puzzle. In The Lottery and The Rocking Horse Winner, authors
Shirley Jackson and D.H. Lawrence employ symbolism and allegory to demonstrate the
underlining deeds of secrecy as well as allude to the fateful unknown in the characters
Authors Jackson and Lawrence use symbolism as a device to bring to light the cherished
items that have a symbolic message for each individual. In The Lottery, the black box
represented tradition for the townspeople. The black box was a keepsake for the town;
The original paraphernalia for the lottery had been lost long ago, and the black box
now resting on the stool had been put into use even before Old Man Warner, the oldest
man in town, was born (Kennedy Gioia, 2013, p. 251). Ironically, from a historical
perspective, the black box is equivalent towards the lottery as a whole; without the
box, tradition can become easily upsetting. According to Jackson, no one liked to
upset even as much tradition as was represented by the black box (as cited in Kennedy
Gioia, 2013, p. 251). One can also infer that perhaps the black box symbolizes a
multitude of purposes, such as a possession of secrets, a casket in reference to death, or
part of the old town charm. Nevertheless, the lottery was a disguised attempt for the
townspeople to
History Of Bimbo Bakeries US
Bimbo Bakeries USA, headquartered in Horsham, Pennsylvania is the United States
affiliate of Grupo Industrial Bimbo, founded in Mexico City, Mexico. Though Grupo
Bimbo is now a multinational corporation, it began as a single family owned bakery in
Mexico City called El Molino . Lorenzo Servitje Sendra worked with his father in the
family bakery throughout his childhood, but when his father died in 1936 he had to
take over. Lorenzo was educated and ambitious, and together with three of his family
members devised a plan to increase the scope of their business. They bought five
delivery vans to deliver their breads, wrapped in plastic to preserve freshness, to various
small stores daily. Customers loved their product and within a few years they had
increased production and were expanding outside of MexicoCity.

By 1955 they had a fleet of 100 delivery trucks. They were growing fast and organized
their operations as Grupo Industrial Bimbo in 1965. They were exporting their breads,
crackers, cookies and other baked goods to South America, Portugal, and Spain. But the
principals at Grupo Bimbo saw the untapped potential of the huge consumer market in
their neighbors to the north, the United States (Thain, 2015).

A corporate growth trajectory into the U.S. was carefully planned, and with the passage
of the North American Free Trade Act in 1994 Bimbo was ready to act. How did this
small group of determined people grow a family business into the largest provider
How Offspring Education Level Improve Parents Longevity
3.1 Children level of education
Friedman and Mare (Friedman and Mare 2014) explained the association between how
far a child goes in school and how long their parents live. They found that parents of
college graduates lived about two years longer on average than those whose children
didn t graduate from high school. Education of family members is an important factor
linked to the longevity of older adults in this case to their parents. According to the chart,
offspring and parents obtain similar levels of schooling. Resulting that parents can impact
their offspring educational outcomes. For respondent s schooling with less than a high
school diploma, an average of 18% of their ... Show more content on ...
Offspring may indirectly affect their parents health because parents might or might not
be suffering from a health problem. In this scenario all that the offspring can do is
provide their parents with the best possible care available. Offspring cannot influence
the genes of the parents, but they can provide early treatment of their health problems.
Treating a health problem at its early stages can help a person obtain more years in life.
Highly educated offspring may also indirectly influence their parents to engage in
healthier behaviors. As Morin (Morin 2014) raise the question of why do the parents of
better educated kids live longer? One reason explained that better educated children
influence their parents to adopt healthier lifestyles that will add years to their parents
The United States is highlighted by the rapid, increasing of the older population.
According to the video Living Old, those who are aged 85 and older are the fastest
growing segment of the U.S. population (Chapter 1). In the 30 years after the video
was made it was predicted that the number of people aged 65 and older will double,
making up twenty percent of the U.S. population (Living Old Chapter 1). According to
the video, the population is changing in this way because medical advances have made
doctors improved at treating illnesses that in the past have killed younger people (Living
Old Chapter 1). This is causing older adults to require more ongoing
Ministry Burnout
A Description and Scope of the Issue of Ministry Burnout
The Scope of the Issue of Burnout Ministry burnout is a problem for the minister who is
burned out, the family of the minister, and the churches they serve. Adding to the
problem is, There are still many in the churches who refuse to recognize that there is a
problem with what is today called clergy burnout (Randall, 2013, p. 334). When a church
will not acknowledge there is a potential problem, the minister will be left to deal with the
shame and pain of suffering burnout. Burnout is a psychological condition that results
from chronic stress related to working with people (Milner, 2007, p. 9). The statistics
are alarming. Christian Ministers are leaving the ministry in droves. According to
statistics gathered by J.R. Briggs, 1,500 pastors leave the ministry for good each
month because of burnout or conflict in the church they serve (cited in Briggs, 2014).
According to the data gathered by Brigg (2014), that means that over 18,000 pastors
leave the ministry each year because of burnout and conflict. Briggs (2014) also found
that 80 percent of pastors and 84 percent of pastors spouses are discouraged in their
roles. Statistics further reveal that for every 20 pastors who go into ministry, only one
retires from ministry (cited in Briggs, 2014). To further expose ... Show more content on ...
The person who burns out is unable to deal successfully with the chronic emotional
stress of the job, and this failure to cope can be manifested in a number of ways,
including low morale, impaired performance, absenteeism and high turnover (as cited in
Randall, 2013, pp. 334 335). This results in the one suffering from burnout going from
church to church in hopes a new beginning, when on truth, they are carrying their old
baggage with them to the next
The Holiday Shopping Season Is Here ! Essay
Pumpkin spice lattes.

Jingle bells.

And cool weather.

Yes, the 2016 holiday shopping season is here!

Consumers are gearing up to buy family and friends unforgettable gifts. But before they
head to the checkout, more than 50% of buyers will conduct research online for their
holiday shopping.

Because people don t want to purchase just any gift. Consumers will hunt for the latest
products at the best price.

Comparison shopping is like a holiday tradition. So, ecommerce store owners shouldn t
dread it. Rathe, prepare your team to offer information to persuade buyers.

Help potential customers as they compare products. And give them a reason to choose
your brand over competitors.
Become A Personal Shopper
Holiday shopping can be overwhelming. Consumers must find the perfect gifts for family
members, friends, and even co workers.

A gift buying list that started with 20 recipients can easily become a laundry list of 50+
people. And that s where you team can help.

Your goal is to alleviate the anxiety of the buyer. You want to make holiday shopping less

Becoming a personal shopper is one way to take the mental burden away from holiday
customers. Providing them with gift suggestions saves people time.

Some brands have built their entire businesses around personal shopping. Online clothing
retailer Stitch Fix uses customer profiles, algorithms, and human curators to match
shoppers with the latest wardrobe styles.


Train customer reps

The Republican Party
The Grand New Party came alive in a small schoolhouse in Wisconsin when a group of
abolitionist gathered to fight the expansion of slavery. The Republican party is now one
of the two major political parties that makes up the United States political system. The
Republican party typically sticks to more conservative views on major issues in the
government. Three topics of constant concern for the party include taxation, gun control,
and immigration. The Republican party feels that taxes are a burden on the people and
that the more they can lower taxes the better. Their ideology is that the more they lower
taxes the more money people will have and entail their will be more activity the
throughout the economy. It has been longstanding Republican policy to favor laissez
faire economics; this means that government should play an extremely limited role in
economic matters and that taxes should be kept to the minimal amount necessary to fund
only necessary functions (MLA). The Republicans believe that by taking the minimum
amount for taxes and playing only a small role in the economy it will thrive on its own....
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The republican party has stood strong in its belief that the right to bear arms is a natural
right to all American citizens as it is written in the constitution. The first ten amendments
of the Constitution describe the undeniable rights of every individual American. Among
these undeniable rights is the right to bear arms as spelled out in the Second
Amendment. (MLA). Republican don t necessarily care to much for the guns. They are
more focused on keeping the bill of rights the way it is and they don t want citizens
losing those rights that the country was founded

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