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A Personal Narrative Essay

Writing a personal narrative essay about oneself can be a challenging endeavor. The difficulty lies not
only in the need for introspection and self-reflection but also in the delicate balance of presenting
personal experiences in a way that engages the reader. Crafting a compelling narrative requires the
author to navigate the fine line between sharing intimate details and maintaining a level of objectivity.

One of the challenges is determining which aspects of one's life to highlight and how to weave them
together cohesively. Selecting the right anecdotes and experiences is crucial, as the essay should not
only provide insight into the author's character but also resonate with the audience. Striking this
balance requires careful consideration of what to include and what to omit, as well as an
understanding of how each chosen element contributes to the overall narrative.

Another difficulty is the introspective aspect of the process. Delving into personal experiences and
emotions can be emotionally taxing, requiring a level of self-awareness that some may find
uncomfortable. Additionally, the challenge lies in presenting these reflections in a way that is
relatable and meaningful to the reader without coming across as self-indulgent or overly sentimental.

Moreover, maintaining the narrative's coherence and pacing is essential. A well-structured personal
narrative should have a clear beginning, middle, and end, guiding the reader through a journey that is
both engaging and reflective. Achieving this flow can be challenging, as writers may struggle with
deciding how much background information to provide and when to introduce key events or

In summary, writing a personal narrative essay about oneself is a demanding task that requires careful
consideration of content, emotional introspection, and a keen sense of storytelling. It's not merely
recounting events but sculpting a story that captures the essence of one's experiences and leaves a
lasting impression on the reader.

If you find yourself struggling with such a task or are pressed for time, it's worth noting that there
are services available where you can seek assistance. Similar essays and much more can be ordered
on platforms like, offering support for those in need of guidance in crafting their
personal narratives or other types of essays.
A Personal Narrative EssayA Personal Narrative Essay
Hierarchy of Courts
Explain the hierarchy of courts in Malaysia. Discuss in details.
Law is defined as any system of regulations to govern the conduct of the people of a
community, society or nation. It is the governmental response to society s need for both
regularity, consistency and justice based upon collective human experience. A statute,
ordinance, or regulation enacted by the legislative branch of a government and signed
into law, or in some nations created by decree/judgement without any democratic
process. This is distinguished from natural law which is not based on statute, but on
common understanding of what is right and proper (often based on moral and religious
precepts as well as common understanding of fairness and justice). by laws is a ... Show
more content on ...
Court of Appeal
Under article 122A of the Federal constitution the President of the Courts of Appeals is
the head of the court. He is appointed by the Yang di Pertuan Agong after consulting the
Conference of Rules. There are ten judges in the Court of Appeal and they are appointed
by the Yang di Pertuan Agong after consulting the Chief Justice of the federal Court.
The Court of Appeal generally hears all civil appeals against decisions of the High
Courts except where against judgment or orders made by consent. In cases where the
claim is less than RM250,000, the judgment or order relates to costs only, and the appeal
is against a decision of a judge in chambers on an inter pleader summons on undisputed
facts, the leave of the Court of Appeal must first be obtained. The Court of Appeal also
hears appeals of criminal decisions of the High Court. It is the court of final jurisdiction
for cases which began in any subordinate courts.

High Courts
High Courts of co ordinate jurisdiction and states namely the High Court of Malaya and
High Court of Sabah and Sarawak. Each of the High Courts shall consist of a Chief
Judge and not less than four other judges. Presently there are 47 judges in the High Court
of Malaysia and 10 for the High Court of Sabah and Sarawak. A person
Research Paper On Paranoia
Nobody ever wants to type the dreaded three numbers, 911, into the landline keypad.
Two weeks ago, on Thursday night, my mom and sister left for hockey practice, leaving
me alone. Paranoia is always a factor when I m home alone, but this time it was a reality.
While watching TV, I hear footsteps outside, a knock on the door, and the doorbell
ring, then another knock. Naturally, I run upstairs and look out the window in order to
see who is there. A truck with flashing yellow lights is parked in the road, and a stout
man holding a flashlight is looking in the back of the truck. To be safe, I call my mom,
and ask her if she is expecting someone. She replies with a curious no, and asks, Why?
While I am in the midst of telling her the situation, the flashlight beams through my
bedroom window, sending chills up my spine, and causing my heart to drop. ... Show
more content on ...
Somehow, my mom manages to calm me down just a little bit, and tells me to call 911.
My response is typical, I can t! You do it! Please! You have to do it, my mom replies
Freaked out, I obey and dial the numbers with shaky hands and press talk. Meanwhile, I
lock myself in the bathroom as the man dressed in black walks through my yard and
disappears around the corner of my house. Eyes wide open, I wonder where he is
going? Is he trying to break into the basement? Why does he have a truck?
911, what s your emergency?
My breathing speeds up and I start rambling about the situation, My name is Lizzie
Gilmartin, there s someone walking through my yard, and I don t feel
How s The Realt Estate Market in San Diego, California
How s the Real Estate Market One question always asks by people How s the real
estate market? it is significant that real estate agent and other real estate professional not
provide a general response. They should response with full knowledge about the market.
As professional it is not acceptable for real estateagent to say it is a seller s market, or
the banks are not offering loan right now, etc. A regular person may accept those
answers, but prospector buyer may need to know why the market is down, or it is
good time to invest in real estate, or why it is a seller s market or why not buyer
market? I will clarify these matters in real estate economic relations, so the prospector
buyer can better appreciate why the markets are in... Show more content on ...
The study concludes that real estate is playing a significant role in major business cycles.
The past indication is consistent with land assumption is a major factor in business cycles.
The business cycles effects in real estate have not been a pure market activity, but have
been subjective by substantial government fiscal and monetary interventions.
We are recognize tendencies in the mortgage interest rates, national home price trends,
new housing build tendencies and many more economic indicators that impact the real
estate markets. It will help the real estate professional to retain active real estate
information, but to always keep in mind that this is a local business. There are many
forces manipulating your local market that will have little or no influence in other
national real estate market. But these factors that can have great effect on local real
estate s market include the local weather trends, aging of the population, general stock
market and investment health, etc. Things that effect discretionary income have more of
an effect on this type of market

Perfect competition indicates on the real estate market in which no one supplier can
impact prices, obstacles to enter and exit are slight, all suppliers offer the same goods,
there are a great number of suppliers and buyers, and information on pricing and process
is willingly available. Systems of imperfect competition include monopoly, oligopoly,
Walking Into Herts Donut Research Paper
Walking into Herts donut shop like whaddup i want a donut . This is heaven was the
first thing I said as I looked around and the smell of fresh warm donuts hit my face . The
place wasn t as big as I thought it was going to be , it was actually kinda small but it just
made it feel more cozy in there . It was super warm in there , and I could smell all the
kinds of donuts and coffeedrinks they had . I could smell the fresh ground coffee and the
freshly brewed tea. That wasn t even the best part , the best part had to be the smell of
warm donuts that hit my nostrils. I could smell the chocolate frosting , the peanut butter,
the Nutella and even the toppings such as the caramel and strawberry drizzle and the
oreos and candy they use .
Explain Edward Thorndike Theory Of Behaviourism
Children learn through encouragement and praise rather than punishment.
Edward Thorndike s Law of Effect states:
Behaviour that is followed by pleasant consequences is like to occur again and any
behaviour that is followed by unpleasant consequences is likely to stop occurring.
Edward Thorndike was a Beaviourist and worked on his theory that lead to the
development of Operant Conditioning within Behaviourism. Operant Conditioning
involves learning from the consequences of our Behaviour.
Thorndike s theory simply means to achieve good behaviour and learning one must first
present a form of encouragement and not punishment in order to achieve this goal. There
are several different types of Operant Conditioning. The one that explains clearly what
his theory states is the Token Economy. The Token Economy is a form... Show more
content on ...
As teachers, we should try our best to befriend our pupils so as to enhance learning
and to show results that what was taught was taken in and processed. Teachers should
encourage pupils and be like a second parent to their pupils so as to foster learning in
and outside a classroom. Teachers need to show encouragement or give them small
tokens or praises so they can break the fear barrier and pupils show positive behaviour
towards the teacher and learning. In any science class, teachers should encourage
pupils to love science and show them how fun science can be. One major fact of why
pupils see science as a burden is the amount of reading and writing of work to do and
study. Teachers now need to make it clear to pupils that science is fun. What do this
mean? They need to create more fun in class and out of class science related activities
so pupils learn without even thinking that leaning is taking place. This way it is fun and
more memorable than normal ways of learning. Science is fun! And this way pupils will
The Pros And Cons Of Bioethics
In healthcare, bioethics is studied to improve patient outcomes and treatment. Research
is conducted by bioethicists on ethical, social, and legal issues that have come about in
biomedicine (National Institute of Health). Since the beginning of time, much knowledge
has been gained through experimentation. Healthcare is an everchanging field in which
experimentation is a key aspect. Some research can be done without using humans as test
subjects, however, others must be tested on humans. The primary purpose of medical
researchinvolving human subjects is to understand the causes, development and effects or
diseases and improve preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic interventions (World
Medical Association). Accordingly, there are fundamental boundaries that should be
respected, relating to the principles of beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy, and
justice. The World Medical Association (WMA) originally adopted the Declaration of
Helsinkiin 1964, which protects the ethical principles involving human subjects. It serves
as a statement of ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects, as
well as research on discernable human substance and data. The document provides
guidelines to ensure that the life, well being, dignity, integrity, privacy, autonomy, and
confidentiality of subjects are protected (WMA). Though the declaration is not a legal
document, it has been integrated into laws governing medical research across the world.
Before a research
Comparing The Poem Twenty Love Poems And A Song Of
In Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair , Neruda uses natural references and
imagery to present his thoughts and feelings. Initially, it is granted that he tries to unite
with the essence of the natural world, as that is something out of human control and
even existed prior to human beings, which significantly adds to the meaning. With his
use of natural imagery, Neruda implies its captivating beauty and how expressive and
meaningful nature is, but is not appreciated enough. Girl Lithe and Tawny , White Bee
and I Remember You as You Were , share a common motif to present his feelings and love
towards an unknown and absent woman, but also the opposing feelings, such as
loneliness that come with his feeling of love. Although this love... Show more content on ...
Especially, in this poem, Neruda has a great focus on natural onomatopoeia that
effectively conveys his feelings about his lover, whereas in Girl Lithe and Tawny , he
compared his lover to a bee exhibiting his ambivalent feelings towards her. However, in
White Bee , he says White Bee, you buzz in my soul , implying that he senses a buzz
inside of him, which could indicate that he has a constant unrest inside of him,
whenever he thinks of her. In contrast, when his thoughts do not revolve around the
woman he loves, he is silent . Ah you who are silent , possibly indicates that he feels
lonely and yet, is unable to control his thought or emotion. The you refers to the woman
he is attracted to. Neruda s enunciation shows the contrasting sensations he feels,
thinking of her leads to his inner unrest, but the sounds surrounding him, constantly
remind him of her. He describes what he hears, It is raining. The sea wind is hunting
stray gulls , which also leads him to think of her. Hunting stray gulls , could indicate
that he is willing to hunt her, in order for him to have her back in his life. It almost
seems like Neruda has lost his lover when he says, he who lost everything and he who
had everything , implying that the woman he refers to does not have the same feelings as
him, leading to a constant thought of a
Why I Don t Be A Professional
Being in charge of a group of children can be a tad bit overwhelming at times, however
once you realize that children don t care if your singing is horrible, or it you mess up in
the reading of the book. All they care about is that your taking time to teach and interact
with them. They want you to take the time to read them, and play house with them.
Listen to their silly stories as well as tell silly stories. Children are curious about the
world and only get the opportunity to be a childonce in their life.
Starting in college one doesn t realize what exactly it means to be a professional. You
can look like a professional on the outside. However, it takes knowledge and
understanding to understand what a professional looks like on the ... Show more content
on ...
Being able to plan and engage in developmentally appropriate activites for young
children. As well as being able to explain to others what developmentally appropriate
activities look like. Being the voice for children when they are not able to speak for
Standard 6 for the NAEYC professional preparation is Becoming a Professional With the
key element Identifying and involving oneself with the early childhood field the artifact
in which I choose to use the Photo s from teaching at group times. These are photo s that
were taking during my head teacher practicum while working at First Step Learning
Center. I was the head teacher of the three year old group.
During group times we started out with a opening song and or finger play. We then
discussed the calendar and the weather of the day. Once that was complete we read a
story or acted out a story with flannel board pieces. This usually tied in with what we
were learning for the week. Such as back to school, dental hygiene, fall fun and/or
recycling. After the story we discussed what we were going to be working on and
maybe what was going to happen during the day. We would then sing some more songs
and then dismiss to go play at centers. Being able to successfully lead a group time and
keep the
Chemical Structure Of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene
Chemical structure
Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (chemical formula (C8H8)xВ·(C4H6)yВ·(C3H3N)z) is a
graft copolymer synthetised from polymerisation of three monomers, acrylonitrile, 1,3
butadiene and styrene which are shown in Figure 1, and the side chains of ABS plastic
are structurally distinct from the main chain. Carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen are the main
atoms present in ABS polymers with carbon being the predominant atom. It is a
thermoplastic polymer that becomes more pliable when heated and then becomes
harder and more rigid when cooled which is a reversible physical change. Each ABS
plastic has two phases, a continuous phase of styrene acrylonitrile (SAN) and a
dispersed phase of polybutadiene which are shown in Figure 2. The properties of ABS
plastic are dependent on the ratios of monomers and molecular structure of two phases.
An ABS polymer is comprised of 21% 27% acrylonitrile, 12% 25% butadiene and 54%
63% styrene. In addition, an ABS polymer typically contains 70% 90% SAN phase and
10% 30% rubber phase to meet its optimal commercial characteristics.
Manufacturing processes of ABS plastic
The general preparation of ABS plastic is to graft a polymerization of acrylonitrile
styrene mixture (SAN phase) in the presence of a suitable rubber component. There are
five steps involved in an emulsion process which are rubber polymerization,
agglomeration, grafted polymerization, polymer recovery and compounding, and all
polymerisation reactions take place in the presence of water. The grafting of SAN phase
can be achieved by reacting with an initiator radical () from the polybutadiene:

High levels of emulsifier are then added to maintain a separated suspension during the
aqueous phase. A stable dispersion is formed in the SAN phase after the polybutadiene is
partially grafted. The latex particles are then extracted through a coagulation process and
produce an ABS concentrate. After the compounding process, ABS polymers are
produced. The advantages of the emulsion process are that the resultant ABS resins are
more flexible and they can have different hardness, resistance and tensile strength
depending on the different combinations of monomer ratios. However, residual
monomers and solvents will make
Essay about Elie Wiesel s Night
When looking at the holocaust, it is widely known the devastation and pain that was
caused by the Nazis; however when inspecting the holocaust on a deeper level, it is
evident that the Jews were exposed to unimaginable treatment and experimentation often
overlooked in history discussions. When looking at Night , ElieWieselwas helped by the
doctors in the camp when his foot was severely infected; although this is not the
experience he had, many Jews were mistreated and even killed by the doctors. Many Nazi
doctors that were assigned to Jewish patients were later found to have exposed the
patients to horrific medical experiments and unnecessary treatments that commonly led
to their death.

There definitely were cases in which the ... Show more content on ...
Many claim that doctors were only advancing science, and others claim the horrid acts
that were committed were done because of the hatred towards the Jewish people.
Regardless of which fact is inevitably true, both situations caused cruel and inhuman
treatment to the Jews, and ultimately led to their deaths at the camps. A civilian doctor
named Carl Clauberg was famous for his sterilization experiments. The procedure
involved injections to the cervix to destroy the fallopian tubes, and then often the
victims were gassed and left for dead (Winik 9). When the Jews arrived on transports,
Nazi doctors immediately determined who would be gassed and who would go to a
work camp (Winik 8). In Auschwitz, Nazi doctors presided over the murder of most of
the one million victims of that camp. Doctors consulted actively on how best to keep
selections running smoothly, on how many people to permit to remain alive to fill the
slave labor requirements ... and on how to burn the enormous numbers of bodies that
strained the facilities of the crematoria (Gutman 303). In the book, Anatomy of the
Auschwitz Death Camp, Yisrael Gutman offers a summary of the events that took place
at Auschwitz:

It was the Nazi doctors themselves, however, who were the most implicated in Nazi mass
murder and brutal experimentation in Auschwitz. There probably has never been an
episode in history in which
Essay about Aryan Brotherhood
This paper will serve as a profile of a prison gang of your choice. You will research this
gang, its origins, growth, culture and newsworthy incidents. This paper should include
the influence gang membership has on inmates, their progress in their sentences,
rehabilitation and recidivism.
Aryan Brotherhood (AB)
Gender Makeup: Male
Racial Makeup: White Example of Aryan Brotherhood graffiti.
Origin: Originated in 1967 in the San Quentin State Prison, California Department of
Characteristics: Unaffiliated splinter groups sometimes use the name of their state along
with the name Aryan Brotherhood (e.g., Aryan Brotherhood of Texas). Members display
many white supremacist, neo Nazi characteristics and ideology, but often ... Show more
content on ...
They currently have approximately 15,000 members, in and out of prison. Initially
formed for the protection of whites against blacks in prison, the gang gradually moved to
becoming a criminal enterprise. The AB are concerned with white supremacy, and are a
ruthless gang who regularly murder those who oppose the system, growing so out of
control at times, that even their own ranking members could not consider themselves
safe. In prison, they strive to control the sale of drugs, gambling, and punks, or male
prostitutes. The Aryan Brotherhood has carried out contract killings for the Mexican
Mafia, but racist beliefs prevent members from consorting with African Americans,
including even taking a cigarette or a candy bar from them. The only way to be a
member is to abide by their philosophy of Blood In Blood Out. Kill somebody to
become a member and die to part from it. AB members make up approximately 1% of
the prison population nationwide, but are responsible for up to 18% of murders in the
federal prison system. 10 us prison gangs/

Prison Gang Name: Aryan Brotherhood

Other Names: AB, Alice, Alice Baker, Tip, Brand
Origin and history: The history of the Aryan Brotherhood prison gang goes back to 1967.
Also known as the AB, the Aryan Brotherhood prison gang originated in the California
prison system in San Quentin prison .
Originally this gang was established to provide protection
Skinner’s Use of Metaphor in Explaining the
Skinner s Use of Metaphor in Explaining the Behaviorism of Walden Two B. F. Skinner
revolutionized the field of psychology through his numerous writings on behaviorism.
However, he began his collegiate life as an English major, and his education in literary
techniques and devices clearly shows through in the manipulation of metaphor in his
famous novel Walden Two. Although Skinner rarely diverges from the incessant
description of behavioral engineering through his mouthpiece in the novel, Frazier, he
occasionally digresses from the theory and application of scientific experimentation to the
literary elements that are essential to any novel. One of these elements, the metaphor of
the sheep that appears at the beginning and... Show more content on ...
The novel, an exposition of behaviorist thought, is almost a Socratic dialogue with
Frazier acting as the famed questioning philosopher and Castle as the ignorant pupil,
through which the superiority of behavioral engineering is eventually proven. Although
Castle leaves disenchanted with what he considers a fascist ideology, Burris eventually
succumbs to the appeal of Walden Two and participates in Frazier s experiment of
humanity. Although these crucial ideas might overshadow the literary merits of Walden
Two, Skinner the English major understood the importance of every minor detail and
digression from the main narrative. The sheep, which serve no purpose to the plot of the
story, illustrate Skinner s behaviorist ideas through metaphor. The sheep benefit the
community in a superficial sense by acting as a more efficient lawnmower, requiring
only the work of moving a portable fence. Although once electrocuted, the fence is now
just string, and the only other restraint is a sheepdog, the Bishop, which guards the
sheep watchfully. This idea works on a deeper level to help Skinner relate his scientific
ideas to literary ones. As Frazier expounds upon the
Antigone Moral Dilemma
Antigone s Moral Dilemma Margaret Walsh South University Online Antigone s
Moral Dilemma Perhaps the most pronounced question in the play Antigone by
Sophocles is the value of human law vs. divine law. In this tragic play a newly
appointed king Creon declares to his people that treason was committed during battle,
and one of the two brothers (Polyneices) killed shall not be buried according to the
Gods, but instead He shall be left unburied for all to watch the corpse mutilated and
eaten by carrion birds and by dogs (Sophocles, 1900.). This dilemma is felt by... Show
more content on ...
Antigone answers no to all that she finds to be vile, I have longer to please the dead
than please the living here: in the kingdom down below I ll lie forever (Sophocles,
1900. Lines 88 90). These lines show how much personal power she possesses
compared to King Creon. Antigone remains consistent, even contentious in her
disobedience. By offending the king, it is as if Antigone is leaving him no choice and
his prideful ways force him to sustain her sentence. After Creon realizes that fulfilling
his order may be a mistake , he also knows that he cannot retract the ordering of her
death. He had surrendered his actions to the power of the state, and thus rendering
himself to a loathsome state. Unlike Antigone, who finds free will and faith in the laws
of the god s. Playwrights such as Sophocles attempt to understand the meaning of human
suffering and reexamine the many traditions and ideals from the past. Greek mythology
questions the public and private responsibilities of individuals. As in any circumstance
fighting against what is valued as right can become a conflicting power. Antigone s
decision to go through this treacherous act alone enabled her to find peace within the
divine laws of nature during her time. The act of surrendering to a fate that was unjust
prepared her for the desire she clung to despite its unbalanced position. Antigone s fatal
removal from the
Mary Grace Reeves Research
The Story Behind My Name: Mary Grace Reeves The Story of My Search A person s
name is their most important characteristic and is often comprised of hidden
significance and centurial hand me downs . When I was assigned to research my
name, I had never thought of the importance of the name my parents had given me. As
a child, I always found it annoying when my peers turned to snicker at me each time
our church s music minister asked for the congregation to stand and sing Amazing
Grace. Each time I heard the song Mary Had a Little Lamb , there was always
someone near to ask, Hey, where is your lamb? After conducting research, though, I
began to find little things that made me more appreciative of my name. What I learned
To begin my research, I looked for the origin and meaning behind my first name, Mary.
This name was passed down to me from my paternal grandmother, Mary Etta Reeves,
better known as Mawmaw . I was also named after both of my maternal great
grandmothers, Mary Evelyn Williams and Mary Dorothy Edwards (Reeves). Upon
further research, I found that there are several theories for this name s meaning including
sea of bitterness and rebelliousness . Also, Mary is the name... Show more content on ...
That just goes to show how many of you there can be. After this essay, I found that
when researching on the Internet or in books, there could be many meanings for one
thing. This is why it is important to check the reliability of a source, and that is what I
believe has helped me most. One other important thing I have learned from this research
paper is how to accurately use parenthetical documentation, as well as setting up my
Works Cited page. I think this will aid me in the future when writing research papers in
Essay On Online Newspaper
The fully customized online newspaper allows the reader to have access to audio
/video content automatically on their mobile device (Ferrell Hartline, 2014). The
reader would have audio/video access to content such as Health and Wellness, Foods,
Travel, Brands, Organizations to name a few (Ferrell Hartline, 2014). As well as live
local and national news, sports, and weather (Ferrell Hartline, 2014). Imagine clicking
on one link and being able to search for travel destination spot for a winter getaway
(Ferrell Hartline, 2014). Another option may be to click on a story about the Superbowl
that takes the reader directly to their favorite NFL team s website (Ferrell Hartline,
2014). The ideas or content marketingprovides much value... Show more content on ...
There are two possible ways for the online newspaper to make money (Ferrell Hartline,
2014). The first being USA Today can charge a fee for their App (Ferrell Hartline, 2014).
Second, advertising, like USA Today did in the past by offering six months of free
advertising with a paid six months of advertising (Ferrell Hartline, 2014). USA Today
could offer content topic providers front page one inch blocks for one day a week
advertising (Ferrell Hartline, 2014). Distribution and promotion are the third and fourth
steps, how to market the online newspaper to readers of all ethnicities, and genders
(Ferrell Hartline, 2014). What better way to promote an online newspaper to varies
readers than to use social media as an outlet (Ferrell Hartline, 2014). The website
HootSuite can help USA Today manage their social media accounts like Facebook,
LinkedIn, and Twitter (Hendrick, 2016). HootSuite can provide insight into which post
resonate with target populations (Hendrick, 2016).
Branding is very important, USA Today online newspaper logo needs to stay the same
all their printed newspaper logo (Ferrell Hartline, 2014). A blue filled in circle with
the same font USA TODAY printed in caps to the right of the blue circle (Ferrell
Hartline, 2014). The online newspaper is USA Today s social and ethical responsibility
to build long term relationships with readers and advertisers (Ferrell Hartline, 2014).
Case Study Of John Kotter s Change Model
Kotter s 8 step Change Model:
John Kotter A professor at Harvard Business School and world renowned change expert,
Kotter introduced his eight step change process in his 1995 book, we look at his eight
steps for leading change below:
Step 1: Create Urgency
In order to make a change in organization, you must convince the people to accept the
occurrence of change, and it should be cleared and explained the reasons of making
change. To do this, all the employees must conduct formal and informal meetings to
further discuss the issue and its importance, if many people talk about the proposed
change, so this can build the urgency and feed on itself.
Identifying potential threats and predicating the future, that what could happen,
explanation of ... Show more content on ...
п‚ѕAddress peoples worries and anxieties.
Step 5: Remove Obstacles:
If you follow these steps and rich this point in the change process, you have been
discussing about the vision and agreeing organization s all level staff for commitment,
expectantly, your staff want to achieve the targets that you ve been promoting.
Step 6: Create short term Wins:
Nothing motivates more than success, celebrate the victories achieving in the change
process, set short term targets beside of long term targets, when people achieving short
term targets, they can feel comfortable and becoming hopeful for achieving all proposed
objectives, this can generate sense of hard working and people s strong commitment with
the success of changing.
So take advantage of every chance and keep team happy and motivated, without this,
negative thinkers might hurt the process.
For this you can do:
Step 7: Build on the Change:
Kotter s belief is that too early declaration of victory can cause failing change within
organization, quick wins can help to achieve long term change.
Each success can provide opportunity to assess its cons and pros, so identify the areas
that need for improvement.
For this you must do
The On The Isle Of Wight Council
14 November 2016
FAO: Planning Officer
Isle of Wight Council
County Hall
High Street
Isle of Wight
PO30 1UD

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing this letter in order to turn your attention to two different sites on the Isle of
Wight. I have been contracted by DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food Rural
Affairs) to assess the current state of the southern coast of the island. The Isle of Wight
is always susceptible to landslides and coastal erosion. Hence investigations need to be
done regularly in order to minimise the negative impacts of these events. The sites I will
be talking about include:
1.Alum Bay
2.Hanover Point
Alum Bay
Alum Bay is situated on the west coast of the Isle of Wight within close proximity with
the Needles (rock formation). The bay is famous for its multi coloured sand cliffs,
which make it a perfect tourist attraction as well as a point of interest for geologists.
There is a series of vertically bedded soft sand and clays, which are weak rocks due to
being geologically very recent. The vertical beds are formed over time due to tectonic
plates pushing into each other (in this case the African plate pushing into the Eurasian
plate). The rock bed started off horizontally and due to plate pressure, the distance
between one side of the crust to the other was shortened and hence a vertical bed was
formed in the middle.

Just through searching for Alum Bay on Bing maps it is possible to spot problems
straightaway. There are
Pros Of Classical Conservatism
Madison Nickels
Mr. Johnson
Ap Language Composition
17 May 2018

Classical Liberalism A branch of liberalism, advocating civil liberties under the rule of
law and emphasizes economic freedom. The security of freedom of individuals by
limiting the power of government under the rule of law, private property and belief in
Laissez faire economic policy. This is called classical liberalism. Another way of saying
that certain people think almost all should be equal. Giving to people and never stopping
because they feel bad for the people who cannot care for themselves. Liberals generally
supports the Civil Rights ( rights to citizens to political, social freedom, and equality.)
Also supporting democracy, secularism ( separation of the state from religious
institutions like churches), gender equality, internationalism ( transcending nationalism
and advocates a greater political or economic cooperation among the nation and their
people), and freedoms of speech, press, religion, and the market. Classical Liberalism
promotes people in fundamental sense and reduces the choices they make (good and
bad). Supporting others and wanting the best for everybody. Not wanting certain rules to
apply to the people of the United States but for everybody to live the best life that they
can. Compared to Representative ... Show more content on ...
Originating from John Locke an English philosopher and physician who was the most
influential and if now known as the Father of Liberalism , Believing in Life, Liberty, and
Property . The government does not give rights to the citizens, the rights belong to the
citizens. John Locke s saying was put into the Declaration of Independence by Thomas
Jefferson Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Classical Liberalism had a strong
emphasis of the individuals rights of
Muscular System Vs Digestive System
Thesis: We all have to eat and we all have to move or body. The Digestive System and
Muscular System are two systems in the body that do a whole lot. Digestive System
breaks down the food you eat and Muscular System is all about movement.

The Digestive system is a major system. Think about if your body could not break down
the food we eat, than you would not be able to eat anything. The Digestive System is so
amazing, it turns the food we eat into energy so that we can survive. The Digestive
System contains the mouth, throat also called the (pharynx), esophagus stomach and small

The mouth is where the digestive tract begins. The digestion starts here as soon as you
take a bite of your food. By chewing your food it breaks the food into pieces so that is
easy to digest, and the saliva mixes with food to begin the process of breaking it down
into a form that your body can take. The throat also known as the (pharynx) is the next
stop and from here; the food goes to the esophagus or swallowing tube. The esophagus is
a muscular tube extending from the pharynx to the stomach. By means of a series of
contractions, called peristalsis, the esophagus delivers food to the stomach. ... Show more
content on ...
The stomach basically holds the food in; it is like a mixer and grinder. The stomach
contains acid and powerful enzymes that continue breaking down the food. When the
food leaves the stomach it becomes paste or liquid, than from the stomach the food goes
to the small intestine. The small intestine contains of the pancreas, liver, and the
gallbladder. All these are important systems in the digestive system. The pancreas is
important because it breaks down the fat, carbohydrates and protein from the food we
eat. The liver is important because it has many different functions within the digestive
system. But liver makes up secrete bile and it cleanses it and purifies the blood coming
from the small
Aligarh s First Generation By David Lelyveld
Aligarh s First Generation By David Lelyveld Review The book Aligarh s First
Generation by David Lelyveld is a case study of the Muhammadan Anglo Oriental
College , today known as the Aligarh Muslim University , in its first twenty five years of
inception, i.e., from 1875 1900. The book explores the nature of Muslim cultural identity
in India in the nineteenth century, and the changes it may have undergone in the context
of colonial rule. It was the period when the first generation of Muslims educated in
English graduated from the college. The author begins in the preface by presenting the
context of the book by describing the college. The Muhammadan Anglo Oriental College
was also known as Madrasat ul ulum Musalmanan . It was a residential... Show more
content on ...
Its British patrons, who ended up exerting more influence on Aligarh than its founder
had intended, hoped that the new college would create a class of educated Muslims who
would be more loyal to the British and less inclined to agitation than their educated
Hindu counterparts. By 1875, when Aligarh was founded, many British officials were
becoming disillusioned with the English educated, Hindu babu class. Their shrewd
adoption of British po litical techniques for the mobilization of public opinion, their
creation of a powerful and all too vocal native press, their campaigns for more civil
service places, made them thorns in the side of a government that had hoped that
education would turn them into docile and appropriately grateful subjects. Members of
the Muslim community, if they could only be persuaded to support the British
wholeheartedly, promised to be stauncher allies because this line of reasoning ran they
needed the protection of the British if they were not to be overwhelmed by the Hindus. It
seemed unlikely that English education would tempt them to agitate for representative
government of the British type, because in almost every electoral contest, Muslims stood
to be outvoted. There is no need to impute sinister motives of divide et impera to the
British to comprehend why they sought the favor of leading Muslims and made a show
of supporting Aligarh during its insecure early days. The consequence was that Aligarh,
unlike most Indian managed colleges, could count on indulgent government inspectors,
regular and sustained govern ment grants, and still more tellingly, on the support of
successive British officials who journeyed to its dusty campus, in the spirit of a
pilgrimage, to deliver solemn orations there extolling Anglo Muslim solidarity. It is
worth noting that Aligarh was one of the few appropriate forums for such speeches. They
could not conceivably have been delivered
Wine War
CASE REPORT: Global Wine Wars: New World Challenges Old
(Harvard Business School Case # 9 303 056) NMI

1. How did the French become the dominant competitors in the increasingly global wine
industry for centuries? What sources of competitive advantage were they able to develop
to support their exports? Where were they vulnerable?

French wine makers also face challenges that are not internal to the industry. For
instance, France lost market share in the United States due to informal boycotts in the
wake of the Iraq war. The rise of the euro against other currencies, such as the 30%
increase relative to the dollar in the last few years, has put French wines at a comparative
cost disadvantage. But consensus among experts is that the ... Show more content on ...
However, it quickly became apparent that the newcomers pose a serious threat to the
traditional winemakers. The French were especially hurt when they began to lose their
global market share as well as the coveted U.K. market to the Australians.

Allows analysis of the way in which newcomers can change the rules of competitive
engagement in a global industry. How incumbents can respond, especially when
constrained by regulation, tradition, embedded values, and a different set of capabilities
than those demanded by the emerging market by changing consumer tastes and market

The case contrasts the tradition bound Old World wine industry with the market oriented
New World producers, the battle for the US market, the most desirable export target in
2009 due to its large, fast growing, high priced market segments.

REINVENTING THE MARKETING MODEL: New World producers revolutionized

the packaging and marketing aspects of wine making. Americans and Australians
greatly impacted wine packaging by replacing the Old World standard liter bottle with a
half gallon flagon in the U.S. and the innovative wine in a box package in Australia.
Australians have been praised for this idea because boxed wine not only saves on
shipping costs but it

has made storage easier for consumers. Australians have also begun to use screw on caps
rather than the traditional corks on premium wines; this is to prevent spoiling due to
deficient corks. On the
Tokyo Story 360 Degree
Tokyo Story s 360 degree In David Desser s Ozu s Tokyo Story he mentions that casual
viewers fail to notice Ozu s scenic construction and segmenting of screen space (12).
Ozu Yasujiro s use of the 360 degree space within the film Tokyo Story (1953) may
seem like a mismatched action. The 180 degree line is a rule where the camera is
position at an eye line perspective. It causes the action within a film to continuously stay
on one side of the axis line. Through the editing of 180 degrees, the audience has a
connection to the film that makes them feel as if they were not watching a film, but
rather, watching the action in person. Ozu, like many other Japanese filmmakers, was
influenced by Japanese culture, especially architecture (17). Desser states the first timewe
see the Hirayamas in the film, they are seated next to each other, each facing right. Yet
by the time the sequence ends we suddenly notice that now they are facing left (13).
Near the end of the segment when a new character, Noriko, walks into the scene. At this
moment in the film, Tomi is on the left side of the screen and ShЕ«kichi is on the right.
The film cuts and shows Noriko entering the room, cut, then Tomi is on screen right and
ShЕ«kichi is on screen left in a long shot. Desser clarifies characters who converse with
each other seem to shift spatially in relation to each other and to the space in which they
are filmed (12). Many films, especially American films, usually have an alternating over
preschool Essay
California Preschool Learning Foundations Volume 2 CALIFORNIA DEPAR TMENT
OF EDUCATION SACRAMENTO, 2010 California Preschool Learning Foundations
Volume 2 Visual and Performing Arts Physical Development Health Publishing
Information The California Preschool Learning Foundations (Volume 2) was developed
by the Child Development Division, California Department of Education. This
publication was edited by Faye Ong, working in cooperation with Laura Bridges and
Desiree Soto, Consultants, Child Development Division. It was designed and prepared
for printing by the staff of CDE Press, with the cover and interior design created by
Cheryl McDonald. It was published by the Department of Education, 1430 N Street,...
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With the goal of ensuring that all preschools in California offer highquality programs, the
California Department of Education collaborated with leading early childhood educators,
researchers, advocates, and parents to develop Volume 2 of the preschool learning
foundations. The foundations outline key knowlВ edge and skills that most children can
achieve when provided with the kinds of interactions, instruction, and environments
shown by research to promote early learning and developВ ment. Volume 2 focuses on
three domains: visual and performing arts, physical development, and health. These
domains often receive less attention than some of the other domains, but they are equally
important for preschool children s overall learning and development. As research that is
summarized in this volume indicates, physical v vi exercise and healthy routines and
nutritional choices set the stage for lifelong healthy habits. The recent NAEYC report
underscores the need for children to play outside, use their large muscles, and engage in
vigorous physical activities every day. Of course, the visual and performing arts fuel both
preschool children s imaginative play and creativity and also promote learning in all
domains, including physical skill development, cognitive development, and social
emotional development. I believe that these foundations will help guide and support all
California preschools in providing developmentally
The Law Enforcement Profession Essay
The Law Enforcement Profession


In order to understand comptemporary law enforcemment, we should recognize the

conditions that impact our profession. It is agreed upon by many scholars that major
changes in law enforcement occur every five years. Policing is sometimes characterize ...
like a sandbar in a river, subject to being changed continuously by the currents in which it
is immersed... (Swanson,
Territo and Taylor, p. 2). However, in recent years some major changes have occurred in
a shorter time period.

Innovations in law enforcement

During the past two decades, I have observed major changes in the viewpoint of society
towards police officer s as the symbol of trust and dignity, the technological advances of
... Show more content on ...
The results of an investigation disclosed that the McDuffie s death may have been
caused by police instead of an accident. After being indicted and found not guilty by an
all white jury, riots broke out in black neighborhoods, especially Liberty City resulting in
arson and looting that left 18 persons dead and more than 300 injured. This catastrophe
forced the Miami Police
Department to reexamine and revise their use of force policies and procedures
(CQ Researcher, p. 645). The Jeffrey L. Dahmer Case characterize a situation when the
police fail to properly handle a call of a suspicous nature. Dahmer was charged with
murdering at least 15 young males. On May 27, 1993, two Milwaukee citizens reported
a naked young male in the middle of the street bleeding and unable to stand. The boy
name was Konerak Sinthasomphone, a 14 year of laotain boy.
Dahmer was able to persuade the officer that the boy was a live in lover. The boy was
later slain by Dahmer in his apartment after the officers left the scene. A storm of portest
came from the minority and homosexual communities accused the officers of displaying
racial prejudice. The officers were also criticized for dismissing the incident as a
boyfriend boyfriend thing (CQ Researcher, p.

One of the most celebrated cases in recent times was the beating of a black motorist by
several white police officers in Los Angeles. It stirred nationwide concern about police
brutality. On March 3, 1991, Rodney Glen
Principles Of Managerial Finance Gitman 14th
Principles of Managerial Finance Gitman 14th Edition Test Bank
Click here to download the test bank INSTANTLY!!! inciples of managerial

finance gitman 14th edition test bank Principles of Managerial Finance Gitman 14th
Edition Test Bank
Principles of Managerial Finance Gitman Zutter 14th Edition Test Bank
Bank in e version of the following textbook***
Name: Principles of Managerial Finance
Author: Gitman Zutter
Edition: 14th
ISBN 10: 0133507696
Type: Test Bank
The test bank is what most professors use an a reference when making exams for their
students, which means there s a very high chance that you will see a ... Show more
content on ...
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
Topic: Interest Rate Fundamentals
Learning Obj.: LG 5
Learning Outcome: F 05
Question Status: New
AACSB Tag: Analytic Skills
10) The term structure of interest rates is a graphical presentation of the relationship
between the
Principles of Managerial Finance Gitman 14th Edition Test Bank

Principles of Managerial Finance Gitman 14th Edition Test Bank maturity and rate of
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
Topic: Term Structure of Interest Rates
Learning Obj.: LG 1
Learning Outcome: F 05
Question Status: Revised
AACSB Tag: Analytic Skills
11) An inverted yield curve is a downward sloping yield curve that indicates that short
term interest rates are generally higher than long term interest rates.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
Topic: Term Structure of Interest Rates
Learning Obj.: LG 1
Learning Outcome: F 05
Question Status: Previous Edition
AACSB Tag: Analytic Skills
12) A yield curve that reflects relatively similar borrowing costs for both short and long
term loans is called a normal yield curve.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 1
Topic: Term Structure of Interest Rates
Learning Obj.: LG 1
Learning Outcome: F 05
Question Status: Previous Edition
AACSB Tag: Analytic Skills
13) Upward sloping yield curves result from higher future inflation expectations, lender
preferences for shorter maturity loans, and greater supply of short term as opposed to
long term loans relative to their respective demand.
The Changing Of The Government In 1984, By George Orwell
The past is constantly changing and history is continuously being interpreted in
different ways. This changing of the past is relevant in the modern world, as well as the
fictional world in in the novel 1984, written by George Orwell. The government in 1984
has the ability to completely control the past, greatly impacting the daily lives of the
people living under this invasive government. The government s ability to change the
past causes the control that an individual has over their life to be stripped away, which
stops individuals from making lasting impacts in society.
In the novel 1984, the fictional government, Ingsoc, brainwashes the members of society
so that their ideas match the radical ideas of Ingsoc. Ingsoc holds power over ... Show
more content on ...
The lack of control an individual has over their life is shown clearly through the
character Winston. Winston is a revolutionary who hates the Ingsoc government and
realizes the secrets they are hiding. The altering of the past takes people who make
significant contributions in their lifetime and make it seem as if they did not exist. It
is described to Winston that once one is a member of the Ingsoc party, whatever
happened you vanished, and neither you nor your actions were ever heard of again
(Orwell 165). Winston expresses his ideas of disobeying the government many times
during his life. He keeps a journal where he writes about his hatred towards the
government, and has frequent conversations with his love, Julia, where they discuss all
things wrong with Ingsoc. Despite these acts against the government, all records of
Winston s rebellion are erased, as if he never exists. This takes away the control
Winston has over his life because no matter what he does all records of his existence and
ideas are easily destroyed by Ingsoc. The government does not hide the fact that people s
records are being destroyed, and even the most revolutionary members of society, such as
Winston, are told that their existence is insignificant. Only when Winston is captured for
having radical thoughts, he is told that nothing exists except through human
consciousness (Orwell 265). Since
Objectages And Disadvantages Of Drone
5)MODIFICATION/UPGRADE Drone is a device and completely uses hardware to
operate. Some may have the skill to enhance the current drone into a new drone, drone
that have many others new features to make it better. With the benefits of the drone
itself it also has the limitations in doing activities. For example, the battery lifetime
and the range for the drone to hovering is limited. To make it better some may
modified with other hardware to installed it on the drone to make it hovering longer
and further in range. With the current drone some owns, one may explore the process
and the system uses by drone and may create a new better version of itself for future and
better uses. ORGANIZATIONS 1)FILMMAKING The emergence of pilotless aircraft
presents some very unique opportunities for filmmakers. With drones, things like aerial
shots and even crane... Show more content on ...
There are numerous advantages of utilizing drones in farming. Firstly, the owner may
increase yields by finding potentially yield limiting problem and issues in a convenient
manner. It will spare much time by simply scouting their crops using drone that may
cover the acres and section on foot or walks. There is no need for the farmer to
physically go throughout the field to observe on their crops anymore. Using drones,
farmers can specifically spray pesticides on plants that need it rather than spraying
whole field Drone can be very complex to set up and operate, but with standards presets
its allow new operators to have confidence in operating from the early. Mostly drones
are installed with Integrated GIS mapping where the drone can be set for a flight pattern
to scout around the field without control it manually. It is easier for the farmer to do
other things while the drone is in the
Literature Review On Losartan Potassium
1.Sumathi,(2002); have studied release behavior of drugs from TSP tablets with
water soluble and insoluble model drug such as acetaminophen, caffeine, theophylline,
salicylic acid and indomethacin. They have concluded that the mechanism of release of
soluble drugs was found to be anomalous. The insoluble drug showed near case II or
zero order release mechanism. The rate of release was in the decreasing order of caffeine,
acetaminophen, theophylline, salicylic acid.
2.Rakeshet al.,(2002); carried out work on formulation and evaluation of sustained
release matrix tablet of tizanidine hydrochloride by direct compression technique.
Tizanidine hydrochloride tablets were prepared by melt direct compression technique ...
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Pawaret al.,(2006);carried out work on formulation and evaluation of pregabalin
sustained release matrix tablet. Sustained release matrix tablets of pregabalin were
prepared to achieve a prolong therapeutic effect by continuously releasing medication
over an extend period of time. The matrix tablet were prepared by using HPMC K 100,
polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP K 30) and microcrystalline cellulose (MCC 1O2) .
13.Mofizuret al.,(2007); carried out work on formulation and evaluation of ranolazine
sustained release matrix tablets using eudragit and HPMC. In the present work, an
attempt was made to formulate sustained release matrix tablets for ranolazine using
eudragit L 100 55 and different viscosity grades of HPMC. The matrix tablets were
prepared by direct compression process. The prepared tablets were evaluated for
various physiochemical parameters. Increase in eudragit L 100 50 and HPMC
concentrations or increase in viscosity grades of HPMC polymers resulted in a
significant decrease in drug release.
14.Tanushreeet al.,(2007); have studied fabrication in vitro evaluation of sustained
matrix tablets of mosapride citrate. This study was an attempt to increase therapeutic
efficacy, reduced frequency of administration and improve patients compliance. Two
grades of HPMC alone (K4M K15M) in different proportions were used to prepare the
tablets by granulation
The Impact Of National Relations Labor Act ( Nlra ) And...
Labor Legislation in the 20th Century

Much of what we know about the improvements in the workforce came from 20th
century advancements with the workforce that we know today. Important developments
came in the form of methodology and data collection efforts. The 20th century was a
remarkable period for the American workers. Despite the initial stages of labor
management, working conditions, wages and benefits improved over the last century
with the workforce increasing six fold over the period (Gould, 1986). This research will
focus on impacts of National Relations Labor Act (NLRA) and the Fair Labor Standards
Act (FLSA) enacted in the 20th century, including major circumstances that led to the
intent of the legislation. In ... Show more content on ...
The law was enacted on July 5, 1935 (Gould, 1986).

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

Considered to be a landmark, in 1938 President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Fair

Labor Standards Act. The nation was experiencing social and economic development of
judicial opposition and depression. This law set national minimum wages and maximum
hours workers can be required to work. Incorporated into this law are overtime pay and
established standards to prevent child labor abuse. Consequently, in 1963 an amendment
was made to this law, which prohibited wage discrimination against women.

Implications Surrounding the Law

NLRA was considered to be the law that affected the relationship among the federal
government and private enterprise; this measure considerably increased the government
s powers to arbitrate in labor relations. Prior to this law, employers had the
emancipation to chastise, spy on, question for no reason and fire union members. Work
stoppages commenced in the mid 1930 s (Gould, 1986), which included striking by
factory and industrial occupational workers. By the time the strikes came to a halt,
America had a more conservative Congress. This Congress led to balance the power
between employers and unions. While the Wagner Act addressed only unfair labor
practices by employers, it was added to the enactment of
The Pros And Cons Of Cryptography
Cryptography Is considered the most important thing by means of secure
communication. It is used to encrypt and decrypt data and provide secure
communication between the sender and receiver. As a finance company, the most
important thing to look after is the process speed and security of the data. There are two
types of encryption and decryption methods known as a Symmetric key and Public key
cryptography. Symmetric key has set of algorithms such as Blowfish, two fish, DES,
3DES, AES etc and on the other hand Asymmetric key has set of an algorithm such as
Elliptic curve, Diffie Hellman, DSA, RSA etc. These symmetric and asymmetric keys
have its own advantages and disadvantages. Hybrid cryptography is one of most famous
cryptography ... Show more content on ...
Asymmetric cryptography:
Asymmetric encryption is also known as public key encryption. This uses two keys
for encryption and decryption of data. The two keys are the Public key which it can be
shared with anyone and the other one is a Private key or secret key which should be kept
secretly. Each user will have its own public key and private key. Let s assume Alice and
Bob are the sender and receiver. Alice(A) wants to send a message to Bob(B). Alice will
first encrypt(E) the plaintext(M) with Alice s public key and send to bob. Now Bob
verifies Alice s message by checking whether it is Alice s digital signature and then bob
decrypts(D) the key using the bob private key. This process will be the same if Bob
sends Alice message.

↓ ↓
Plain text(M)в†’ в†’ в†’ в†’Plain text(M)

More secure when compared to symmetric key because the private key is not shared with
each other.
Uses digital signature for encrypting data.
Wimpy Kid Narrative
Diary of a wimpy kid the long haul. Jeff Kinney.

It s family vacation time again for the Heffley s. This time it s a family road trip that
was decided by Greg s mom. They originally were going to go to Disney World, but
Mannie cried that he didn t want to go. So, road trip it was, to see their aunt at the
nursing home, go to the beach, and whatever else came along the way. Family road trips
are suppose to be fun and all about spending time with the family, unless you are the
Heffley s of course. The thing that grosses Greg out the most every time they go on a
trip, they have to bring Mannie s potty with them in the car. Greg feels really
uncomfortable when Mannie uses it while they are driving.

Greg s dad bought a boat a couple years ... Show more content on ...
Greg begged his mom to let them go there. So they all took a vote, Greg s mom didn t
want to go, but she was outvoted by four to one. So they walked into Soak Central and
got a locker to put all the stuff they didn t want to get wet in the locker. They changed
into their bathing suits and met outside the restrooms. It was super crowded, and there
was no way they were going to find five lounge chairs all together. They eventually
found ONE chair with a few broken straps, and they dumped there towles and the rest
of there stuff on it. Greg s mom and dad stayed with Manny and they let Greg and
Rodrick go on there own, but they had to stick together. They went to the giant wave
pool first, but there were a BILLION people in it. Rodrick suggested that they should
play hide and seek, but with all the people and the rafts in the pool, Greg knew it
would be impossible for the seeker to find the hider. Greg wanted to make it fair so the
hider couldn t go underwater, but Greg knew Rodrick would cheat. Rodrick got a
paper from the snack bar and decided to use this and the hider can t get the paper wet.
Greg was the hider first, but what he didn t know is that Rodrick had written
something on the back of the piece of paper. Rodrick wrote i m not waring a bathing
suit. The missed spelled word made it even worse. When they were going back to the
locker Greg told his parents he couldn t find the key so they had to ask the guy at the
front desk and when they told him the locker number 929 he unlocked it and nothing was
in the
Explain The Three Phases Of Kurt Lewin s Change
The Kurt Lewin Change Management Model

Kurt Lewin s theory model is a model of managing change, which represents three
phases. The steps are: unfreeze, change and freeze. Lewin s model is a high level
approach to change. It gives an administrator or other change specialists a system to
actualize a change exertion, which is constantly exceptionally accurate and must be made
as consistent as would be likely

The 3 phases of the Kurt Lewin model guidance for the best way to approach of
motivating individuals to change:

a manager will execute new procedures and re allocate tasks, however, change might be
successful if the general population included it and help to place it into training it.

The Kurt Lewin change theory or model helps ... Show more content on
This demonstrates it doesn t get the job done to characterize the goal of arranged change
in amass execution as the coming to of an alternate level. Permanency of the new level,
or permanency for a coveted period, ought to be incorporated into the goal.
Source Frontiers in Group Dynamics Lewin (1947) Note many quote 1951, but it was
published earlier in 1947

last but not least, The change theory of Kurt Lewin is as substantial today as it was the
point at which it was first created. More in the Organizational change space think the
model or theory is obsolete. This to me demonstrates an absence of comprehension of the
model and its aim. The difference is that change is concerned with constant, yet for
human changes in the behavior of the individuals do need to figure out how to change
propensities and practices. utilizing the three stages gives PEOPLE a system to work


( Rapidbi, 2018 )
Walter Dean Myers Truth
In Monster by Walter Dean Myers, Steve Harmon is a normal 16 year old except for
the fact he is on trial for something he believes he didn t do. He thinks he s telling the
truth, but can one really know that. Murderer, liar, and monster Steve have been
called all these things and now he s starting to question if he s guilty or not. At every
twist and turn, people are telling the truth to save themselves. But the real truth is, the
truth is a concept that cannot be proved. Truth is truth it s what you know to be right
(Myers 221). Initially, Osvaldo Cruz tries to lie and make it the truth so that he looks
more innocent and his case looks better. Osvaldo Cruz in court was called out by Mrs.
O Brien their conversation was Are you a member of a gang? No. So the information I
have about you belonging to a gang called the diablos is wrong. no that s right, I
belong to the Diablo s. So your first answer was a lie. (Myers 106). This shows truth is
a concept that can t be provided because, if Mrs. O Brien didn t call him out he would
look innocent and Steve would look even more guilty. The truth is a slippery thing and
most don t... Show more content on ...
First Steve and Mrs.Petrocelli said I don t remember seeing him play ball you having
trouble remembering what you ve seen. (Myers 226). Steve is using a tactic which he
said he doesn t remember something and nobody can disprove that because it s his
memory. Then in the jail inmate number two states Nah! truth is something you gave
up when you were out there on the street. Now you are talking survival (Myers 226).
This demonstrates my theme because the criminal is saying nobody will tell the truth,
they will just look for ways to lie to get out of trouble. Steve is a very smart person as
he is only saying the bare minimum as to not say any facts to show that he is guilty. The
truth is gone all you have left now is
Farah Ahmedi Short Story
Farah Ahmedi is a determined girl who is looking to escape from Afghanistan.
Wandering Aengus is a man whose curiosity gets the best of him when a beautiful girl
appears out of nowhere. Walt Masters is a loyal boy who will do anything to protect
others around him. However, all three were persevering through the hardships that
took place during their mission of looking for a better life for others and themselves.
Farah Ahmedi s mission was to get across the Pakistani border with her mother. As
Farah tried to get across the border she realized that there was no way out, The gate to
Pakistan was closed. My mother was clutching her side trying to keep up. I felt
desperate to get through (Para 1). Farah and her mother were struggling to get through
the border and soon gave up realizing that their efforts wouldn t do much good. They
are trying to escape their war torn country Afghanistan, to Pakistan. Farah s mother and
her need to get out of Afghanistan since they are living a cruel harsh life that is not
ideal. Farah says, The guards had clubs, and carbines [...] which they used as weapons
(Para 2). When people that are supposed to protect a country, are using weapons against
that country, then that is an immediate clue that it is a dangerous place. They don t want
to get beaten to death or injured so they try to flee the country like many others. Farrah
and her mother were successful in completing the mission after using a different path.
The author states, It works.
The Dual Party Bill
Criminal Justice reform has dramatically increased lately, and has become a current issue
amongst all states and more than enough voters mandating a response from Congress.
On October 1st, 2015, Charles Grassley whom is from Iowa and is the Republican
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman led the proposal Sentencing Reform and
Corrections Act of 2015. The dual party bill was also supported and sponsored by
Richard Durbin (Democrat from Illinois), Cory Booker (Democrat from New Jersey),
Patrick Leahy (Democrat from Vermont), Mike Lee (Republican from Utah), Sheldon
Whitehouse (Democrat from Rhode Island), John Cornyn (Republican from Texas),
Lindsey Graham (Republican from South Carolina), and Chuck Schumer (Democrat
from New York). The purpose of the dual party bill is to diminish the amount of federal
mandated conditions that are in relation to drug and gun sentencing provisions. This also
includes arranging to make the new provisions subsequent; raise the release exemption to
the drug mandated sentence minimums; due to the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 to
develop to be subsequently operational, and reward incarcerated prisoners the capability
to save credits for the time they have served already when attending rehabilitation
The bill was endorsed by a divided vote of the Judiciary Committee on an election poll of
15 to 5 on October 22, 2015. For the bill to become an active law, there were a number
of things that they would need to undergo for it to be. The
The Works Of Antonio Vivaldi
Throughout history, there have been many periods of time where music rose and fell in
favor of the masses. Music was part of life during the old age in many areas such as
religious services or entertainment among the elites. During the late 17th century which
was known as the Baroque period, many famous composers such as Johann Pachelbel,
George Frideric Handel, and Johann Sebastian Bach, Alessandro Scarlatti, Henry Purcell,
and many others that were successful in adapting to the change of new music style.
Among these famous composers, Antonio Vivaldistood out for his unique style of music
that innovated and revolutionized the Baroque period. Antonio Vivaldi was born on
March 4, 1678, in Venice, Italy. His father, Giovanni Battista, was the son of a tailor.
He passed away on July 28, 1741 in Vienna. His father, Giovanni Battista, was born in
1655 in Brescia and moved to Venice in 1666. Giovani married Camilla Calicchio in
1676. Together they had nine children which Vivaldi was the oldest. Giovanni was a
professional violinist who worked full time at St. Marks (Green). Due to his father s
work and influence to music, Vivaldi got involved as part of his life. Vivaldi was
ordained as a priest though at an early age, then he chose to follow his passion for
music (Antonio Vivaldi). Though he did not live for very long, he was well known for
many fantastic work and composers looked up to him. Early in his life, Vivaldi learned
how to play violin from his father. Through his
My Motivation For Teaching A Student Essay
My motivation for teaching is to make a difference in a students life. The feeling of
teaching a child a lesson, and them understanding it, is a rewarding experience for a
teacher. I have babysat for about 6 years, and being around children makes me happy
and I love the relationships that I have built with all the kids I have cared for in the
past. What really motivated me to go back to school for teaching, was this past
summer after having the opportunity to be a camp counselor. Working at the day
camp, I formed relationships and bonds throughout the summer, that I am never going
to forget about. The feeling of a child trusting and loving you, is unlike any other.
When I thought about how much I loved being around children, I figured that
becoming a teacher would be the perfect thing for me. It took me a few years to figure
it out, but I now know that this is what I am passionate about and I want this to be my
career. The relationships a child builds with a teacher never gets forgotten, I know this
from experience. I do not remember all of my teachers that I have had in my lifetime,
but I do remember the ones who I felt safe and connected with, and I felt had an impact
on my education. I believe that every student who will enter my classroom can succeed.
Teaching should be student centered and students should be accountable for their
learning and behavior. In addition, students should take responsibility for their decisions
and actions. As a teacher, I will help to
The Components Of Music ( An Educational Essay About
Components of Music
(An educational essay about what makes up music) There are many different essential
parts or components of music. Music is more than just notes on a page or any common
song one may hear on the radio. Music is very complex and there are various
components of it that makes it what it is. Music is an essential part of a countless
number of people s lives in the world today. Music serves as therapy, relaxation, a focus
component and many other things that rectify the wrongs in the live s of people all
over the world. Nobody can say that they had not had a musical experience. One may
say that the unfortunate that are deaf have not had musical experiences. In reality deaf
people feel the vibrations of music everyday and it ... Show more content on ...
The elements of music contain many categories and subcategories that cannot exist
without each other. Stanley Sadie states that music has been defined as organized sound
(Sadie 14). The word organized here is a bit understated. Music is the most organized of
all the arts. If music are not organized correctly, it will not sound right or even be able to
be played at times. Even in the most technical and complicated genres like Jazz there is
still organized. In solos there has to be organized or the solo won t sound good, throw off
the rest of the band, and do many other things that would make a piece of music not
enjoyable to listen to. Sadie states all elements of music. He talks of notation which
include pitch, octaves, scales, and intervals. Next there is rhythm which includes pulse
/tempo, meter, notation of rhythm, and time/meter signatures. Then he gets into the
melody of music which is where the notation and rhythm play out, he involves in melody
the subcategory of cadence. Cadence is better defined as a melodic or harmonic
configuration that creates a sense of resolution [finality or pause] (Randel). He then goes
onto key/tonality which consists of tonic, dominant; key signatures; major, minor;
modulation; and modes. He covers harmony which comprises chords, triads and
consonance and dissonance. Counterpoint/polyphony is his next element which
incorporates imitation. His last musical element that he covers is
Technical Influences On Globalization And Globalization
Technical Influences on Globalization The advancement of technology has influenced
globalization greatly. Technology has allowed for consumers to become closer.
Technology also has influenced the way countries communicate. From inventions that
jumpstarted modern technology to the innovation of contemporary technology; the world
has never been closer to one another. With technology continuously growing quickly it
shows that future technology will be unpredictable. Such advanced technology will allow
for globalizationto be easier and smoother than ever before. According to The World Is
Flat, In the early days of computing (Globalization 2.0), you work over in the office
there was a big mainframe computer, and you literally had to walk over and get the
people running the mainframe to extract or input information for you...thanks to the PC
and the Internet, email, the laptop, the browser, and the client server, I could access
from my own screen all sorts of data and information being stored on the network. (194,
Friedman). Friedman is expressing the difference between globalization 2.0 versus
globalization 3.0. Globalization 3.0 is advanced more than 2.0 because of the new
technology that helped to expand it. Globalization 3.0 instantly mobile technology makes
retrieving data, viewing messages and communicating easier as well as faster. The
innovation of technology helps flatten the world. With technology countries now have a
way of doing business with other countries as
The Runaways Research Paper
Molly Brown HIS 102 Spring 2016 The Runaways Album Review Runaways brought
the house down with some hot, hard, bitching rock and roll, the fact that they are
young and extremely horny teenage females was a bonus 1. The Runaways were the
first all female rock band to hit the stage in the mid 1970 s, comprised of a bunch of
teenagers with the oldest member the age of 17. They took the common stereotype
women can t rock and crushed it, opening the doors for female bands across the board.
However, they were reduced to sexual objects by their fans and not taken seriously as
a band. This image was only promoted by their band manager, Kim Fowley and their
music with provocative songs like their hit Cherry Bomb . Hey street boy, want some
style? Your dead end dreams don t make you smile. I ll give you something to live for.
Have you and grab you until you re sore 2.... Show more content on ...
The sound of can be hear from the idols of Joan Jett, the rhythm guitarist, consisting of
Keith Richards, Suzi Quatro and the drummer Sandy West influences, Queen s Roger
Taylor while Gene Simmons can be heard in Jackie Fox s bass playing. During the
summer of 1976, The Runaways and Ramones toured together throughout American.
However, there was minimal similarities between the two. The Runaways were a
bunch of teenagers that fit the bill as rock, middle class rebels. They re power forces
you to listen and hear the teenage boredom and frustration as if they had nothing to do
with their lives. There were few things to do besides watch TV, go to school during the
weekdays then party all weekend. The female teenagers took on the money making role
of sexual jail bait with
Causes of the First World War
World War I Essay

When a nation s hunger for power and control become too great, the nation may be
pushed to do things that may have harsh consequences. This was the case in the early
1900 s when the world engaged in its first major global military conflict. There were a
number of causes of the First World War; due to the Treaty of Versailles, Germany
accepted full responsibility for the war. Although the Germans had a large contribution in
starting the war, they should not be fully held accountable for starting the war. The
world was a place where only the strongest nations could thrive and expand. The major
powers of Europe were all doing whatever it took to gain power, wealth, and control
different areas of land; this caused ... Show more content on ...
France had plans of its own; they wanted to quickly overtake Germany s industrial
heartland, Ruhr Valley. France felt that if they could get into Ruhr Valley they could
lower the Germany s chance to start a modern war. The Russians planned on preparing
their army for a war against the armies of both Austria Hungary and Germany. The
pressure that each one of these plans put on the other nations led to a war where speed
was a major determining factor in the victor of the war. Once each army began
mobilization, turning back was no longer an option and the war became more inevitable
than ever. A new innovation that brought the ongoing naval battle between the major
powers was the introduction of the dreadnought. The threat of the new more powerful
battleship started a race to see who could produce the most dreadnoughts and control the
sea. The pride of each nation became a contributing factor in the war; all the major
powers felt they could reign supreme and that is exactly what they all tried to do.

One of the dominant influencing factors of the war, according to the president of the
United States at the time (Woodrow Wilson) and many others, was militarism. Military
personnel had too much power in nations such as Germany, Russia, and Austria
Hungary. Surely this could not be blamed solely on Germany as a nation, this type of
military based mindset could not be blamed on any single nation in particular, and it was
just the way things were run in
Analysis Of Don T Drink And Drive Advertising
People who make advertisements for companies work really hard to make a unique
advertisement that is different than other companies, that are selling related products. It
could take months to make an ad to satisfy the companies expectation for what they
expect in their advertisement and hoping that they can convince the readers the buy the
product, they focus on the small details to make an ad unique compared to other
advertisement. People are blasted with myriad amount of advertisements, but what
captures their attention is something they could relate to, something that is pointed to
them and something that isn t common to what they see in everyday ads. Advertisers
want to capture the attention their audiences by the simplicity, color scheme and using
rhetorical methods such as pathos, ethosand logos. The Don t Drink and Drive ad talks
about crucial issue that could take someone s life away, and was published by BMWand
has all three rhetorical methods to make a miraculous advertisement. Usually car
advertisements show the interior and exterior parts of the... Show more content on ...
The background of the ad has a color scheme of white and blue, a large portion of the
background is white and the blue color is fading. I think they chose these two colors
because of the BMW logo which is blue and white for simplicity. To the left side of the
ad shows someone s legs, below the knee which fills up the majority of this ad; the left
leg is normal, while the right side is an artificial leg. To the right of the ad there s a
black colored vertically aligned text saying: Spare parts for humans are not as original
as those for cars. . Under that text is also vertically aligned with the text above saying
Don t Drink and Drive . Below that there s a small text saying, Issued in Public Interest
by , following with a small BMW logo underneath
National Interscholastic Cycling Association (NICA)
Cycling has a multitude of benefits, not just getting from one place to another. Cycling
improves your cardiovascular system, nervous system, muscular structure, helps to build
your core strength, just name a few. However, once kids reach junior high school it starts
to wane. By the time they hit high schoolit is all but a memory for the vast majority.
NICA, National Interscholastic CyclingAssociation has recognized this and has moved
into the school systems to help get kids out of the electronics and back outside,
socializing face to face and getting kids back into exercising. The military has
recognized NICA and has decided to aid NICA to help not only those in the Armed
Forces, but their families as well through the MWR, Moral Welfare... Show more content
on ...
From junior high, to high school, and into their early adult lives with scholarship
opportunities and spots on national and international mountain bike teams. NICA was
founded back in 2009, with a vision to help our youth, boys and girls alike, to build
strong bodies, minds and character through mountain biking. Through the program, our
youth will develop more lean and athletic bodies, excellence though teamwork and
professionalism and gain greater respect for their surrounding communities and our
environment. These are only a few of the areas that our youth will benefit from. NICA
does this by reaching out to the school systems, and local bike shops. The schools put
out the information and it has proven to be appealing because it includes both boys and
girls. Which is typical for sports like tennis, swimming, and track and field etc....
However, NICA has become massive. Separating itself from those sports in popularity
and sheer numbers, community evolvement and coverage, plus environmental protection
just to name a few. All while being mainly a volunteer organization. This includes the
parents, and providing massive opportunities for our armed service
Humbert Humbert of Lolita and James Gatsby of The Great...
At first glance, one might find it difficult to draw comparisons between the two
protagonists: James Gatsby, from The Great Gatsby, and Humbert Humbert, from Lolita.
Gatsby s is the tragic story of a self made man who built himself an empire for a woman
who would never love him. Humbert Humbert, on the other hand, is a manipulative and
witty pervert who lusts after the vulgar nymphet, Lolita. Both men are extremely similar
in one key aspect, however. Both Gatsbyand Humberthave idealized an encounter from
their youth and that idealization has become a driving obsession in each of their lives.

In her essay, Attachment to the Missing Object: Infidelity and Obsessive Love, Lucinda
Williams says that the passion displayed ... Show more content on ...
Another striking resemblance to William s description of the common form of
obsession stems from the fact that when Humbert meets Annabel, his father is away
touring Italy. He states that he had nobody to complain to, nobody to consult about sex
(11). Instead of speaking to a parental figure about his sexual desire, he tries to figure it
out for himself and in the process projects what he is really missing, a loving parental
figure, onto this adolescent girl.

The relationship between Annabel and Humbert is one marked with sexual restraint.
Humbert describes an important sexual encounter, when they escaped to a mimosa
grove while their chaperones play bridge, in great depth and it is this encounter that
haunts Humbert for the rest of his life. Shortly after this moment, Annabel is called
away by her mother and Humbert never gets to reach his sexual climax. He also never
sees Annabel again because she dies of typhus four months later. Because of her death,
Annabel is kept sacred and perfect in Humbert s memory. The unsuccessful first tryst
plagues the rest of Humbert s relationships with women. Ellen Pifer reiterates this in her
book, Demon and Doll, saying that It is Humbert s longing for the unattainable, for ideal
perfection what he calls the rosegray never to be had that fires his imagination and fuels
his desire for nymphet beauty (68). This unattainable perfection which Pifer speaks of
appears to be the ever young Annabel.
Sexual Relationship Life From A Contemporary Female s...
Sex on Campus She can play that game too written by Kate Taylor of the New York
Times, composed this article to shed light on college personal / sexual relationship life
from a contemporary female s perspective. The challenges these young ladies
encounters of attempting to discover and maintain an equilibrium of partaking in an
enjoyable sex life while concentrating on their scholastic and professional objectives.
Over an entire school year, interviewed by Taylor, sixty women were in a Hook Up
relationship. The Hook Up defined as a person or persons to have sex with very little
emotional ties if any, or a one night stand. The women that were interviewed attended
The University of Pennsylvania, and Princeton University. Hooking Up or previously
entitled in the 80 s, 90 s and 2000 s as Just Kicking It , Buddy or Booty Call , the
concept remains the same, however, with the turn of a new decade, the names change,
but the concept stands as the same, on the other hand with a feminist twist. Men for
decades have taken advantage of the Hook Up , conversely over the last decade or so,
there have been numerous professional women who have taken control of their sexuality
and have been initiating the Hook Up . Conventional courting within the higher
institutions of higher learning as we once knew it has seized a modernistic persona. This
notion of having a Sex Toy encompasses far beyond the boundaries of campuslife, it has
developed into a portion of the civilization in
April Fools On Polar Circus
1.The title April Fools on Polar Circus is an appropriate title given the context of the
essay since the event of the Janet Roddan and her partner climbing the Polar Circus
takes place on April Fools Day. 2.I believe the tango with fear can make a person wiser
because in situat 3.Wedding Imagery: The last two pitches of the climb are described
as an enormous wedding gown . Their climb up the Polar Circus is described as two
brides encouraging and pushing each other to conquer their fear. It says how their vows
are strong but there is still challenges along. Once they reached the top of the Polar
Circus it says, a happy marriage of fear, sweat, intelligent strength, and smiles , meaning
after all the hard work of fear, sweat and
Negative Effects Of Technology
Technology should improve you life, not become you life Billy Cox. These words
from the legendary bassist have a powerful meaning which can relate to today s society.
The fascination of new technology has stolen the eyes of the people worldwide. As more
breakthroughs with technology occur, people will become more dependent on a resource
that is not reliable. In other words, more people will start to depend on modern technology
with all of their needs, which can lead to reducing of their creativity and own
intelligence. The uprising of new technology may have its advantages, but on the other
hand, it can cause cyberbullying, health issues, and a lack of social skills.
Cyberbullying is responsible for an average of 4,400 deaths each year. The negative
impact cyberbullying has on adolescents is a major problem, for example, the article
titled Bullying and Suicide , it states, Suicide is the third leading cause of death among
young people, resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year, according to the CDC (Center
for Disease Control and Prevention). For every suicide among young people, there are
at least 100 suicide attempts. Over 14 percent of high school students have considered
suicide, and almost 7 percent have attempted it. (Bullying and Suicide). Many teenagers
who are going through cyberbullying do not reach out and ask for help from peers,
causing them to keep all of their emotions inside. In other words, with teens trying to
contain all of their feelings, the
Triumph Of The City
In Chapter 4 How Were the Tenements Tamed? of Triumph of the City, Edward Glaeser
analyses issues arising from urban concentration in New York and greater America from
the late 1700s to the present. As an economist, the author s interest in cities and urban
planning lie in the part they play in facilitating social and commercial networks that are
key to the economic and cultural success of metropolitan areas. One of Glaeser s major
concerns relates to the cost of urban concentration, i.e. problems that arise in high density
populations due to poor or incomplete urban planning, ultimately impacting the ability of
citizens to make valuable interactions. Examples include poor sanitation facilities that
permit the spread of disease and hinder productivity;... Show more content on ...
Richardson, Glaeser places certain focus on the importance of sanitation and the
provision of clean water as fundamental components in reducing disease in cities. While
this issue is highly relevant to the wellbeing of citizens in urban concentrations, Glaeser
seems less concerned with it as most present day cities have overcome these issues
through provision of sufficient infrastructure. Of greater interest to the economically
fixated Glaeser is the proposal and implementation of urban planning reforms aiming to
reduce traffic congestion in metropolitan areas. He points out that congestion
encumbers productivity in cities, and is adamant in his view that every driver should
be charged for the external cost that their use of the road deposits on other drivers.
From an economic perspective, it makes great sense to charge people for their bearing
on congested roads to make up for lost time and productivity. Though the author fails to
consider other solutions to the congestion problem, such as increasing public transport
opportunities and investing in pedestrian and bicycle facilities, his favoured solution
would still work well as part of a larger scheme to reduce traffic
Doctor Zhivago For The Most Part Was Set During The Time...
Summary, context of the era depicted, description of major social, economic, or
cultural forces in the era and how the film addressed nature of the era: Doctor Zhivago
for the most part was set during the time of World War I , spans the Russian revolution
and civil war. It also moves through the terror of the thirties , where the main character
Doctor Zhivago was able to survive through all of it, and ends in the mid 1940s
(Howe, 2013). The movie starts and ends in the late 1940s to early1950s and opens
with KGB Lieutenant General Yevgraf Zhivago trying to search for the girl that was the
child of Doctor Yuri Zhivago and Lara. Yevgraf brings in a young girl, Tonya
Komarova, who he thinks may be his niece and he begins to tell her the... Show more
content on ...
The movie moves to Lara who is told to go to a dinner in her mother s place because
she had a fever just before they were to leave. She went with Victor Komarovsky, a
friend of her mother s. Lara is apparently Victor s niece but that was not made to be an
important factoid. Victor is a powerful and rich figure in Russian society just based on
his comments like do you have any idea how expensive this meal is? Earlier in the
movie, a reformer named Pasha Antipov is passing out fliers to a crowd. The fliers are
for a peaceful rally that is pushing for a revolution. That night after Lara comes home
from dinner with Victor Komarovsky, Pasha Antipov, who we find out later is going
to marry Lara, comes to Lara s house after being injured by the Cossacks who came
out to forcefully stop a peaceful protest. Pasha goes to Lara because he needs help
treating the cut on his face. There is a bit of foreshadowing when they grab the bottle
because later on Lara s mother finds her messing out with Victor Komarovsky and tries
to use what was in the bottle to commit suicide. Victor Komarovsky sends a letter to get
assistance from the doctor but he sends it to a doctor who was really far away. When the
letter arrives, Zhivago just happens
Coal Mining Lab
Lab 4 Energy Sources and Alternative Energy

Experiment 1: The Effects of Coal Mining

Table 1: pH of Water Samples
Water Sample
Initial pH
Final pH (24 48 hours)
Activated Carbon


1. Develop hypotheses predicting the effect of pyrite and coal on the acidity of water?

a. Pyrite hypothesis = If pyrite is added to a beaker with 100mL of water, then it will
reduce the pH over 48 hours.
b. Coal hypothesis = It activated carbon is added to a beaker with 100mL of water, then
it will increase the pH over 48 hours.

2. Based on the results of your experiment, would you reject or accept each hypothesis
that you produced in question 1? Explain how you determined this.

a. ... Show more content on ...

Develop hypotheses predicting the efficiency of solar energy from direct sunlight against
the 4 variables tested?

Direct vs indirect hypothesis = If the solar panel is faced towards direct sunlight, then the
motor will move faster.
Direct vs reflected hypothesis = If the solar panel is faced towards a reflected sunlight,
then the motor will move slower.
Direct vs shaded hypothesis = If the solar panel is placed in a shaded location, then the
motor will not move at all.
Direct vs filtered hypothesis = If solar panel is covered with a colored filter, then the
motor will either move the same or slower depending on the color.

2. Based on the results of your experiment, would you reject or accept each hypothesis
that you produced in question 1? Explain how you determined this.
Direct vs indirect accept/reject =
Direct vs reflected accept/reject =
Direct vs shaded accept/reject =
Direct vs filtered accept/reject =

3. Does increased exposure to the sun s light produce more current? Explain how you
know this based on your data?

Answer =

4. How could you increase the electricity generated by a solar cell during the day, when
Brainstorm Assignment
This assignment was definitely fun to brainstorm and create. I am going to start off
with the boys first. One of my favorites is, the farm raised country boys. They drive big
trucks, go hunting, and say yee yee. I wouldn t say they are dumb or unintelligent, but
sometimes whenever I have a conversation with them I lose a few brain cells. My school
also has a fair share of the jock boys. They are the classic few who post the rise and
grind gym selfies every day. Lastly, the few and the rare, the intellectuals. They are truly
a rare sighting at Watonga High School. Not only are they greatly appreciated by the
staff, but also me as they are great to have a conversation with.

The hardest part of this assignment was classifying the girls.

Cush Comfort Extended Reach Lumbar Support Pillow Case
8. Cush Comfort Extended Reach Lumbar Support Pillow
An ergonomic support to alleviate back pain!
Cush Comfort extended reach lumbar support pillow should be your product of choice
if you re looking for an idyllic lumbar support with a wider coverage. It s the top
orthopedic gadget for a chair or seat support at your home, office, garden, or car.
Material / Softness
100% top grade pure memory foam without any fillers as the base material provides a
soft and supportive posture accessory everywhere. The material feels soft to the touch
and offers responsive support as compressed.
The breathable black mesh cover with a non slip backside having a special high friction
fabric helps keep the lumbar gadget affixed all day. An extra wide and strong
Imagery In Nadja
Nadja by Andre Breton writes about his revelation in exploration if his identity and
experiences in Paris. Specifically, he focuses on what he values about the city, the artists,
writers and the woman who he briefly had a relationship with, Nadja. Breton introduces
the book with a question to himself, who am I? Considering this, he continues to
highlight the theme of haunting and ghostliness in relations with identity. Even though
the title of the book is Nadja, Breton focuses more on the ghostly identity of the city.
Therefore this essay will argue how Andre Breton uses ghostly imagery of the city, to
illustrate the pastself and presentself; in the hopes that he discovers the purpose of his
existence. Andre Breton is interested Paris because it drives him to question how the city
influences identity; through ghostliness and hauntological theme of the city that is
highlighted in Nadja. Moreover Breton highlights the... Show more content on ...
What does the uncanny mean to Breton? In relations to how unfamiliar aspects of the
city becomes uncomfortably familiar, Breton expresses that, I am doomed to retrace my
steps under the illusion that I am exploring, doomed to try and learn what I should
simply recognize, learning a mere fraction of what I have forgotten (Breton, 12). A
suggestion of something that you should identify within yourself or in the city has been
forgotten but, the sense of repetition and familiarity becomes noticed which starts to
frighten you. Furthermore Breton highlights the notion of when you are trying to find
your way in the city, exploring something new only to find yourself at the same place that
you have started.This implies that identity is constructed with a unique repetition which
each individual encounters therefore shapes the
Literary Analysis Of Boy At The Window By Richard Wilbur
Sometimes young children can see things a little different. In the poem, Boy at the
window , by Richard Wilbur, a snowman is personified as being emotionally moved due
the young boy s fear of something happening to him during the night. Wilbur conveys the
theme of this poem that the innocence of children can cause someone to be emotionally
moved through the point of view, connotation, personification, and irony he use in his
poem. The Point of view of both the little boyand the snowman in this poem are the
main driving force in which the theme is conveyed. The first stanza of the poem is
written in the point of view of the little boy and the second stanza is written in the point
of view of the snowman. Wilbur does this for the... Show more content on ...
In the poem the night is personified as having a gnashing and enormous moan.
According to stanza one, lines three and four, The small boy weeps to hear the wind
prepare/A night of gnashing and enormous moan. This personification shows how the
boys sees the weather in his eyes and how much he fear the weather for the snowman.
This reveals the innocence of the child which is why the snowman is later moved to
trickle the purest rain, a tear, for the boy. Personification was also used in this poem to
personify the snow man as having emotions and feelings toward the little boy. Due to
this we were able to see the boys fear and sadness toward the snowman and the
snowman s reaction of feeling sympathy toward the boy s feelings. Without this
personification we would not be able to know the snow man s feelings are emotions. In
this poem personification is a very contributing factor in showing the innocence of the
little boy and telling the feelings of the snowman toward the little boy when he becomes
emotionally moved due to the little boys fear and sadness. Lastly, irony is used in this
poem to convey its theme. One way in which irony is used is the fact that the snowman
has strong emotional feelings toward the boy. This irony is used to show how the
snowman felt toward the boys fear and sadness. Also irony was used when the little boy
thought that the snowman would be hurt by the weather. According to stanza one lines
one and two, Seeing the
Inequities Of The Modern Digital Era
IInequity in the Modern Digital Era Inequity between those who have and have not is
not new to the modern era. In days gone by (and today) commodities like property,
animals, tools, or currency divided class structures. In this day and age technological
device access, specifically, internet access can be grouped into this same category. The
expression coined to articulate the disparity linking the have and have not s by means
of technology is called the Digital Divide (Sparks, 2015). The Digital Divide concept
came to fruition in the early 1990s in The United States, describing those who have
computers and individuals or groups who do not (
Srivastava201?). The term expanded in the 2000s to encompass access to digital goods
and capabilities between social groups (Kaufman 2005). Regions in any nation on Earth
wherever clusters of poor, older, or less educated people subsist is the predominant
locations where the Digital Divide is greatest (WH DIG DEVIDE 2015).
The 1980s Hair Band Cinderella performed a song Don t Know What You Got (Till it s
Gone) , the performers sing a sappy tune apropos love and heartache. The Digital Divide
affects a variety of demographics, income, and education level(not that a demographic is
a hierarchy level of any sort); however, those affected likely are oblivious since they did
not know what they are missing in the first place. This issue is not exclusive to America,
Srivastava(201?) demonstrates in India the Digital Divide is further
Comparing The Code Of Conduct In The Newfoundland And...
In most professions, there is an expected degree of professionalism that must be met.
Teachers are not excluded from this and are held to a standard. An attempt has been
made to define expectations and regulate appropriate interactions for teachers. These
are written in the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers Association s Code of Ethics
(2013). This code applies to all members of the Newfoundland and Labradors Teacher
Association, and the members are expected to be aware of the guide and adhere to it
Teachers are very visible members of society and often find themselves under scrutiny.
(Neumark, 2014). An individual entering the teaching profession should do so with a
degree of professionalism and respect in which to regulate their own behaviour.
However, there will always be times when circumstance tests teachers professionalism.
This is when the code of ethics should be regarded.
This code offers guidance on how to have effective and professional interactions with
students, other teachers, and parents. It also offers guidelines on professional growth
and organization. The code is not a comprehensive list of all expected practice but serves
as a guide rather than a set of very specific rules (2013). ... Show more content on ...
At the very least, it would be comforting to know you have the support of your own
colleagues. Students can and will complain about other teachers to a favoured one. This
should be dealt with in the most professional way possible. The code references this
specifically stating that A teacher does not criticize the professional competence or
professional reputation of a colleague (2013). This is of course important as doing
otherwise would make for a very uncomfortable environment for both teachers involved
and the students. Undermining another teacher for your own gain should never take
The And Of The Red And Black Ink By Gloria Atwood
Writing can present a lot of messages to it readers and audiences. It conveys a message
that allows one to see what is their role and identity in society. The way they convey
their message is by presenting their own language into their writing.The use of language
in writing creates and identity in the act or experience of writing. As it is shown in the
text How it feels to be forcibly fed by Djuna Barnes, The Shawl by Cynthia Ozick, and
Tlilli, Tlapalli/ The path of the Red and Black Ink by Gloria Anzaldua.

In the text how it How It Feels to be forcibly fed by Djuna Barnes, is about the way a
woman goes through the experience of women being fed forcibly in order for her to
obtain the right to vote to get a say in her society.The language is presented with a lot
of detail on how it felt when she was being put into this state where she was forcibly
fed. Throughout the text, it is shown how the uses of language in her writing allow one
to see the role and identity these charters had in this piece of writing. For instance,
Unbidden visions of remote horrors danced madly through my mind. There arose the
hideous thought of being gripped in the tentacles of some monster devilfish in the depths
of a tropic sea, as the liquid slowly sensed its way along innumerable endless passage
that seemed to transverse my nose, my ears, the inner interstices of my throbbing head
(Barnes,461).This connects to the thesis because the about uses the imagery of a monster
going into her body

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