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New Perspectives Excel 365/2021 | Module 4: SAM Project 1b

Stuarts Bank

 Save the file NP_EX365_2021_4b_FirstLastName_1.xlsx as

o Edit the file name by changing “1” to “2”.

o If you do not see the .xlsx file extension, do not type it. The file
extension will be added for you automatically.

 With the file NP_EX365_2021_4b_FirstLastName_2.xlsx open, ensure that

your first and last name is displayed in cell B6 of the Documentation worksheet.

o If cell B6 does not display your name, delete the file and download a new

1. Kayla Rowe is an investment banker at Stuarts Bank in New York City. She is
working with a software company called Caretaker Mobile Apps, which is
developing an app that detects and manages smart devices in a customer's
home. To help Caretaker Mobile Apps secure funding for its new product, Kayla
is using an Excel workbook to analyze their expenses and funding options and
to create charts that illustrate the analysis.

Switch to the Current Expenses worksheet. In the range E5:E9, add Conditional
Formatting to compare the Quarter 4 expenses using Gradient Fill Blue Data

2. In the range F5:F10, add Line sparklines based on the data in the range
B5:E10 to compare each category of expense and total expenses from Quarter
1 to Quarter 4.

3. Apply the Red, Accent 6 (10th column, 1st row in the Theme Colors palette)
sparkline color to the sparklines to contrast with the data in the worksheet.

4. Kayla created a pie chart comparing how each type of expense relates to the
total expenses in Quarter 1. Modify the pie chart in the range G4:O22 as
follows to make it more meaningful:

a. Enter Quarter 1 Expenses as the chart title.

b. Change the data labels to include the Category Name, and position the
labels in the Inside End location to clarify what each piece represents.

c. Remove the Legend from the chart because it now repeats information in
the data labels.
New Perspectives Excel 365/2021 | Module 4: SAM Project 1b

5. Kayla also wants to compare how each type of expense relates to the total
expenses in Quarter 4. Create a chart as follows to compare the expenses:

a. Create a 2-D Pie chart based on data in the nonadjacent ranges A5:A9
and E5:E9.

b. Resize and reposition the chart so that the upper-left corner is located
within cell G23 and the lower-right corner is located within cell O39, then
left-align the chart with the pie chart above it in the range G4:O22.

6. Customize the new pie chart in the range G23:O39 as follows to clarify its
purpose and match the format of the other pie chart:

a. Enter Quarter 4 Expenses as the chart title.

b. Apply Style 11 to the chart.

7. Kayla also wants to compare the five types of expenses in each quarter. Create
a chart as follows to provide this information:

a. Create a Stacked Bar chart based on the data in the range A4:E9.

b. Resize and reposition the chart so that the upper-left corner is located
within cell A11 and the lower-right corner is located within cell F28.

8. Customize the stacked bar chart in the range A11:F28 as follows to make it
easier to interpret:

a. Enter Expenses per Quarter as the chart title.

b. Change the Maximum value to $1,400,000 on the horizontal axis.

c. Apply a shape fill of Indigo, Text 2, Lighter 80% (4th column, 2nd row
in the Theme Colors palette) to the chart area to contrast with the other
charts in the worksheet.

9. Kayla wants the Projected Expenses 2025 – 2028 combo chart to appear on a
different worksheet. Move the chart as follows:

a. Move the combo chart in the range A35:F62 to the Projected Expenses

b. Resize and reposition the chart so that the upper-left corner is located
within cell A12 and the lower-right corner is located within cell J35.

10. Customize the combo chart as follows to clarify its data:

a. Apply the Monochromatic Palette 3 color scheme to the chart.

b. Add a secondary axis for the Total series. [Mac Hint: Select the Total
series and use the format pane to add the axis.]

c. Add Vertical Axis Titles to the chart, using Expenses per Category as
the Left Vertical Axis Title and Total Expenses as the Right Vertical Axis
Title. Finally, delete the horizontal axis title placeholder because that axis
clearly represents years.

11. Kayla wants to compare three options for Caretaker Mobile Apps to borrow
$725,000 to fund the development of their new product. Switch to the Funding
worksheet. She has already entered formulas in the range B11:D12 to calculate
the quarterly and annual payments for each option.

In the range E11:E12, add Column sparklines using the data in the range
New Perspectives Excel 365/2021 | Module 4: SAM Project 1b

B11:D12. Ungroup the sparklines, and then change the vertical axis maximum
value to -16000 for cell E11 and to -60000 for cell E12.

12. Kayla wants a clustered column chart comparing the costs of the funding

a. Create a Clustered Column chart based on the values in the range


b. Resize and reposition the chart so that the upper-left corner is located
within cell A13 and the lower-right corner is located within cell D30.

13. Customize the chart in the range A13:D30 as follows:

a. Enter Funding Options Comparison as the chart title.

b. Add a Data Table With Legend Keys to the chart.

c. Apply a 1½ point border to the chart area, and then change the border
color to Blue, Accent 4 (8th column, 1st row of the Theme Colors

Your workbook should look like the Final Figures on the following pages. Save your
changes, close the workbook, and then exit Excel. Follow the directions on the website
to submit your completed project.
New Perspectives Excel 365/2021 | Module 4: SAM Project 1b

Final Figure 1: Current Expenses Worksheet

Microsoft product screenshot reprinted with permission from Microsoft Incorporated. Copyright © 2020
Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

Final Figure 2: Projected Expenses Worksheet

Final Figure 3: Funding Worksheet

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