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Administrative Justice in South Africa: An Introduction second edition

Print ISBN: 978-0-19-074424-3

ePUB ISBN: 978-0-19-073314-8

First impression 2020

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To my big brother Jacques:

anks for showing me the realities of public administration, I’ll miss you.

Geo Quinot

















1.1 Introduction
1.2 Defining administrative law
1.2.1 A working definition Administrative law as constitutional law Two sides of public power Administrative justice The role of the legislature Public authority and functions Administrative law as rules of law Rule of law
1.3 The development of South African administrative law
1.3.1 The consequences of ‘judge-made law’
1.3.2 The shifting line between the private and public spheres
1.3.3 The growth of discretionary authority
1.3.4 The distinction between executive and administrative authority
1.3.5 Distinguishing formally between review and appeal
1.3.6 The peculiar character of South African administrative law
1.3.7 Conclusion and defining some basic terminology
1.4 The reform of South African administrative law 1990 to 2000
1.4.1 First stage of reform
1.4.2 Second stage of reform
1.4.3 Third stage of reform
1.4.4 Fourth stage of reform
1.4.5 Superstructural reform
1.5 Outline of the general structure of the Promotion of Administrative Justice
Act 3 of 2000 (PAJA)
1.6 Outline of the various avenues to judicial review of administrative action
in South Africa
1.7 Concluding remarks about the current state of administrative law, and
some challenges
1.7.1 The current state of administrative law
1.7.2 Some challenges facing administrative law


2.1 Introduction
2.2 Concepts and nomenclature
2.2.1 State
2.2.2 Executive
2.2.3 Government
2.2.4 Public administration
2.2.5 Civil service
2.3 Constitutional supremacy
2.3.1 Democracy
2.3.2 The Bill of Rights
2.3.3 Section 195 of the Constitution
2.4 The doctrine of the separation of powers
2.4.1 The separation of powers in South Africa
2.4.2 The normative nature of the separation of powers
2.4.3 The public administration and the separation of powers
2.5 Identifying the administration
2.5.1 The rise of the administrative state
2.5.2 The term ‘the administration’
2.5.3 The South African administration National departments National department: The Department of Water and
Sanitation The Ministry of Finance and its administrative
authorities State-owned company: Eskom SOC Ltd. The Public Protector Commissions
2.6 Administrative law: A discipline steeped in controversy
2.6.1 The dual nature of administrative law
2.6.2 Administrative law and administrative power distinguished
2.6.3 Administrative law and administrative authorities distinguished
2.6.4 Sources of administrative law
2.6.5 Sources of administrative power


3.1 Introduction
3.2 The separation of powers and the classification of state functions
3.3 Branches capable of performing administrative action
3.3.1 The ‘policy branch’
3.3.2 The public administration
3.3.3 The legislature
3.3.4 The judiciary
3.4 The meaning of administrative action understood within the phases of
development of administrative law
3.5 Administrative action during the pre-constitutional period
3.6 Administrative action during the pre-PAJA constitutional period
3.6.1 The SARFU judgment75 A new approach: from institutional to functional The Constitution and prerogative powers The scope of the functional approach
3.6.2 The AAA Investments judgment
3.7 Administrative action under PAJA
3.7.1 A decision of an administrative nature
3.7.2 By an organ of state or a natural or juristic person
3.7.3 Exercising a public power or performing a public function
3.7.4 In terms of a constitution, any legislation or an empowering
3.7.5 That adversely affects rights
3.7.6 That has a direct, external legal effect
3.7.7 That does not fall under any of the listed exclusions
3.8 Conclusion


4.1 Control and facilitation
4.2 Legislative regulation
4.3 Internal controls
4.4 Specialised oversight bodies
4.4.1 The Public Protector
4.4.2 The Human Rights Commission
4.4.3 The Auditor-General
4.4.4 The Public Service Commission
4.5 Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in administrative law


5.1 The primacy of judicial review
5.2 Review and appeal
5.3 Judicial review
5.3.1 Grounds of review
5.3.2 Avenues to review
5.3.3 Review and internal remedies
5.4 Deference

6.1 Introduction
6.2 Authorisation
6.2.1 What? Reason, purpose, motive Omission Changing a decision
6.2.2 Who? Identity of the authorised administrator Authorised bodies Delegation Influence and advice
6.2.3 How? Prescribed procedures Conditions
6.3 Mistakes
6.3.1 Error of law
6.3.2 Mistake of fact
6.4 Conclusion


7.1 Introduction
7.2 Procedural fairness in the constitutional era
7.3 Procedural fairness under PAJA
7.3.1 Section 3 of PAJA: Procedural fairness in respect of decisions that
affect individuals When does section 3 apply? The requirements of section 3, and how they apply
7.3.2 Section 4 of PAJA: Procedural fairness in respect of decisions that
have a general impact When does section 4 apply? The requirements of section 4
7.3.3 Procedural fairness in respect of decisions that affect individuals
and the public
7.3.4 The consequences of a failure to follow a fair procedure as
required by sections 3 and/or 4 of PAJA
7.4 The rule against bias
7.5 When is procedural fairness demanded of exercises of public power that
do not amount to administrative action?
7.6 When is procedural fairness demanded of exercises of private power?

8.1 Introduction
8.2 Reasonableness and related grounds of review
8.3 Symptomatic unreasonableness
8.4 Rationality
8.4.1 Rationality under PAJA
8.4.2 Rationality and legality
8.4.3 Rationality of process
8.4.4 Rationality and common-law review
8.5 Proportionality
8.5.1 Proportionality in South African courts
8.5.2 A test for proportionality in South African administrative law?
8.6 Vagueness
8.7 Reasonableness generally
8.8 Reasonableness and respect
8.8.1 Factors influencing reasonableness review The nature of the decision The identity and expertise of the decision-maker The range of factors relevant to the decision The reasons given for the decision The nature of the competing interests involved The impact of the decision on the lives and well-
being of those affected

9.1 Introduction
9.2 The right to reasons in section 5 of PAJA
9.2.1 Requesting reasons under section 5 of PAJA Who may request reasons? What must that person do in order to obtain
9.2.2 Providing reasons under section 5 of PAJA
9.2.3 Failure to give reasons
9.2.4 Departure from requirements of section 5 of PAJA
9.2.5 Decisions requiring reasons to be furnished automatically
9.3 Adequacy of reasons
9.3.1 Are reasons revealing possible grounds of review ‘adequate’?
9.4 Procedure and remedies
9.5 Inconsistent sets of reasons
9.6 Reasons and legality


10.1 Introduction
10.2 Lawfulness
10.2.1 Certainty
10.2.2 Guiding discretionary powers
10.2.3 Purpose
10.2.4 Duty to act
10.2.5 Consolidated versions
10.3 Procedural fairness
10.3.1 PAJA as supplementary
10.3.2 Fair but different
10.3.3 Balancing participation and efficiency
10.4 Internal remedies


11.1 Introduction
11.2 Standing
11.2.1 The concept of standing
11.2.2 The rationale for a standing requirement
11.2.3 Standing under the common law
11.2.4 Standing under section 38 of the Constitution
11.2.5 Standing under PAJA
11.2.6 Standing in practice
11.3 Procedure for judicial review
11.3.1 Duty to exhaust internal remedies
11.3.2 Time to institute judicial proceedings
11.3.3 The courts with jurisdiction in respects of judicial review
11.3.4 The rules applicable to judicial review proceedings An overview The current position and how it evolved The value of the Rule 53 record The content of the Rule 53 record


12.1 Introduction
12.2 The nature and purpose of judicial review remedies
12.3 The two-staged approach to remedies
12.4 Declarations of constitutional invalidity
12.4.1 The retrospective operation of declarations of constitutional
12.4.2 Subsequent acts that are not affected by declarations of
12.4.3 Pre-existing rights are not affected by declarations of invalidity
12.5 Setting aside unlawful administrative action
12.5.1 Invalid administrative action has legal effect until declared invalid
and set aside by a court of law
12.5.2 The collateral or reactive challenge
12.5.3 When will courts decline to set aside unlawful administrative
12.5.4 Remedial discretion in self-reviews
12.6 Remittal
12.7 Substitution
12.7.1 The test for substitution
12.7.2 Applying the test: illustrative cases
12.7.3 Alternatives to full substitution orders
12.8 Compensation
12.8.1 Delictual damages for malperformance of statutory functions
12.8.2 Compensation under section 8(1)(c)(ii)(bb) of PAJA
12.8.3 Compensation for unjustified enrichment
12.8.4 Constitutional damages
12.9 A declaration of rights
12.10 Interdicts
12.10.1 Prohibitory, mandatory and structural interdicts
12.10.2 Interim and final interdicts
12.10.3 Interdicts that restrain the exercise of executive and legislative
12.11 Remedies for failure to take a decision
12.12 Non-PAJA remedies
12.12.1 Severance
12.12.2 Contempt of court
12.13 Costs
12.14 Appealing decisions on remedy

Appendix: Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000

List of references

Table of cases

Table of legislation


Although a late bloomer, administrative law became a key eld of law in
pursuit of justice in South Africa prior to democratisation in 1994. In the
absence of a Bill of Rights and under parliamentary supremacy,
administrative law often offered the only avenue to challenge
bureaucratic decisions in law through the process of judicial review.
As with all law, the advent of constitutional democracy in 1994
ushered in a new paradigm for administrative law. e adoption of a
supreme Constitution with a justiciable Bill of Rights shifted
administrative law from a common-law based eld to one premised on
a fundamental right: the right to administrative justice. Today,
administrative law in South Africa should thus be understood as a set of
legal rules aimed at realising administrative justice.
e Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 de nes
administrative justice in section 33 in terms of a trio of principles as the
right to administrative action that is lawful, reasonable and
procedurally fair. It further provides that the right to reasons for
administrative action is included in these principles. Section 33(3) gives
Parliament the mandate of eshing out this right with the particular
instruction to balance efficient administration against control of
administrative action in protection of affected persons. e Promotion
of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000, generally known as PAJA, was
the product of this mandate. Together, section 33 and PAJA form the
backbone of administrative law in South Africa and hence the primary
legal tools to pursue administrative justice. Over the past two decades,
the courts have created a rich jurisprudence on this new
constitutionalised administrative law in South Africa.
Two key differences between administrative law as understood at
common law and administrative law in service of administrative justice
in South Africa today pervade this book. e rst is that administrative
justice is about much more than simply judicial review. Although
judicial review remains an important, and certainly still dominant,
process in pursuit of administrative justice in South Africa, there are a
host of other legal mechanisms that are just as important in realising
administrative justice today. e development of these mechanisms in
terms of administrative law is thus an important objective for the eld.
Second, administrative justice is not only about curbing the
administration in order to protect those affected by administrative
action, in other words, it is not only about control of the administration.
Administrative justice is also concerned with facilitating good and
efficient public decision-making in order to support the extensive social
justice mandate of the public administration under the Constitution.
Administrative justice is thus closely linked to social justice in South
Africa – it is about promoting the type of public administration that can
deliver on and re ect the social justice promises of the Constitution. In
this perspective, administrative law takes on both an instrumental and
intrinsic value. It is instrumental in pursuit of social justice, but it also
carries intrinsic value by re ecting in itself the values of the society that
the Constitution envisages.
is book aims to provide an introduction to administrative justice
in South Africa through an analysis of administrative law. It uses section
33 and PAJA as the framework to structure the analysis. e book is
intended to serve as a rst introduction to the eld and thus aims to
present the relevant legal rules in a clear and accessible manner. To this
purpose, lengthy and complex theoretical discussions are avoided,
although the existence of critical (theoretical) debates about particular
rules is highlighted for the reader to consider, often with an indication
of further reading. e book also strives to present the rules in a
practical context by extensive discussion of relevant case law and by
providing hypothetical scenarios to illustrate the application of the
e book starts out by sketching the eld of administrative law and its
development in South Africa in broad terms. e rst chapter thus
frames the rest of the book by positioning administrative law within its
historical and contemporary context.
Chapter Two sets out the institutional landscape within which
administrative law operates in South Africa. It pays particular attention
to the administration as the primary actor in this eld of law, which is
often neglected in the study of administrative law. As the chapter
indicates, an understanding of what the administration is and the
function it is meant to ful l within the state provides important further
context to the study of administrative law. Chapter ree turns to the
key concept in administrative law, namely that of administrative action.
Since the most basic de nition of administrative law is the law that
governs administrative action, it is critical to understand what an
administrative action is and how to identify it. ese are questions that
have become even more important under PAJA than under common
law, given the highly conceptual nature of the Act in adopting a
complicated de nition of administrative action.
Chapters Four and Five discuss the ways in which the law regulates
administrative action, that is through what mechanisms the rules of
administrative law are brought to bear on administrative action.
Chapter Four focuses speci cally on the non-judicial mechanisms to
enforce administrative law, while Chapter Five focuses on the still
dominant mechanism of judicial review. Combined, these chapters pay
particular attention to the need to develop mechanisms other than
judicial review and to view the various mechanisms in relation to each
other within the paradigm of administrative justice.
e following three chapters analyse in some detail the legal rules
constituting the three pillars of administrative justice, namely
lawfulness, procedural fairness and reasonableness respectively.
Chapter Nine focuses on the right to reasons as a major
development in administrative law under the Constitution in contrast to
the position at common law. It also explores the relationship between
reason-giving and the other principles of administrative justice.
Chapter Ten is a completely new chapter in this second edition and
aims to shift the attention away from judicial review and a reactive
perspective on administrative law to a proactive focus. e chapter aims
to explore the way in which administrative justice is relevant when
administrative decision-making is mandated. e chapter thus provides
a proactive perspective on administrative justice, that is, a perspective
on what the implications of administrative justice are when legislatures
(and other rule-makers) formulate mandates to take administrative
e nal two chapters focus on the practical aspects of enforcing the
rules of administrative law in courts by means of the process of judicial
review. Chapter Eleven explores when a person can approach a court
for judicial review, that is the rules of standing in administrative law
judicial review, as well as the procedures to follow in bringing a review
application before a court. Chapter Twelve sets out the relief that a
court can grant in an application for judicial review. e chapter shows
that the area of remedies is one of particular ongoing development in
administrative law, with the Constitution and PAJA having introduced
new remedial options that remain unexplored.
Geo Quinot

April 2020
Administrative Justice in South Africa: An Introduction, second edition,
offers a clear and applied explanation of the principles and framework
of administrative justice in South Africa. It provides valuable focus on
the application of principles to case law, problem-solving methodology,
and speci c procedural aspects of administrative justice. e text offers
a clear pedagogical framework that develops independent, critical and
re ective engagement with the subject matter. A strong conceptual and
enquiring approach enriches knowledge, and engages readers in an
interactive, topical and challenging manner.

Brief description of the features:

Pause for re ection: is feature instils a broader and deeper

understanding of the subject matter. It invites readers to re ect upon
speci c questions and issues, thereby stimulating discussion,
supporting independent thought, and developing the ability to analyse
and engage meaningfully with relevant issues.

Counterpoint: is feature supports the reader’s ability to engage

critically and exibly with concepts and perspectives that are discussed
in the text. is feature might highlight areas of controversy, speci c
criticisms of the law, or possible options for law reform. It builds an
awareness of various opinions about a particular principle, encourages
readers to engage with issues and debates from different perspectives,
and assists to develop skills in formulating and analysing legal

Reframing: is feature introduces legal concepts through the lens of

familiar experience, developing understanding through a graduated

Example: is feature pro les extracts of legislation and case law
underpinning critical case discussions. Such illustration broadens the
reader’s understanding, and encourages independent insight.

is chapter in essence: Primarily directed at supporting the reader’s

orientation, this feature maps, in a succinct paragraph, the key areas
and core topics covered within each chapter.

Further reading: At the end of each chapter, a concise list of

recommended reading suggests further material, primarily journal
articles and book chapters, on the main themes discussed. is endows
the reader’s independent engagement with the subject matter.

Diagrams: ese gures provide visual overviews for some speci c

concepts in the book. is feature reinforces understanding, helps to
clarify key concepts, and illustrates the interrelationship between
distinct legal concepts.

Tables: ese distinguish content, assisting with information

management and conceptualisation.

List of references: is feature appears at the end of the book. e list
of reference works covers the most important South African sources, as
well as relevant international and comparative sources.

Glossary: e text is supported by a comprehensive glossary that

succinctly explains and contextualises the key terms and concepts
appearing in the text.
Geo Quinot
BA (Law) LLB (Stellenbosch), LLM (Virginia), MA (Free State), MPA
(Birmingham) LLD (Stellenbosch)
Geo Quinot is Professor in the Department of Public Law at
Stellenbosch University, where he presents courses in administrative
justice and public procurement law. He is the founding Director of the
African Procurement Law Unit (APLU). In 2012, Geo was awarded the
National Excellence in Teaching and Learning Award by the South
African Council for Higher Education (CHE) and the Higher Education
Learning and Teaching Association of Southern Africa (HELTASA). He
has since served as a member of the CHE’s standards development
expert working group, which was tasked with drafting national
standards for the LLB educational quali cation. He is also a past
president of the Administrative Justice Association of South Africa and
continues to serve on its executive committee. Geo is an editor of the
African Public Procurement Law Journal. He publishes research within
the elds of legal education and general administrative law, the latter
focusing particularly on the commercial conduct of the state, including
the regulation of public procurement processes.

Allison Anthony
BA (Law), LLB, LLM, LLD (Stellenbosch)
Allison Anthony is a senior lecturer in the Department of Public,
Constitutional and International Law at the College of Law, University
of South Africa (UNISA), where she presents courses in administrative
law at undergraduate and postgraduate level. She is also Deputy
Director of the African Procurement Law Unit at Stellenbosch
University and co-editor of the African Public Procurement Law Journal.
She publishes research in the areas of administrative law and public
procurement law. Allison is also an admitted attorney and has been
involved in training lawyers in the eld of administrative law.

Janice Bleazard
BA (Hons), LLB (Cape Town), LLM (New York)
Janice Bleazard is an Advocate of the High Court of South Africa and a
practising member of the Cape Bar, who specialises in administrative
law and constitutional law.

Steven Budlender SC
BA LLB (Witwatersrand), LLM (New York)
Steven Budlender is a Senior Counsel and Advocate of the High Court of
South Africa and a member of the Pan African Bar Association of South
Africa. He has a varied practice with a particular focus on constitutional
law and administrative law. He has appeared in more than 100 matters
in the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court of Appeal.

Raisa Cachalia
BA, LLB, LLM (Witwatersrand)
Raisa Cachalia is a lecturer in the Faculty of Law at the University of
Johannesburg where she teaches administrative law and legal skills at
undergraduate level. Her research interests include administrative law
and constitutional law, as well as the developing eld of digital privacy
and the role of regulation in an age of disruptive technologies. She is an
editor at the Constitutional Court Review journal and sits on a panel of
legal consultants at Caveat Legal (Pty) Ltd where she provides advice on
a broad range of regulatory issues, particularly in the areas of public
procurement and data protection. Raisa was formerly a researcher at
the South African Institute for Advanced Constitutional, Public, Human
Rights and International Law (SAIFAC), a centre of the University of
Johannesburg. She also served as a Clerk at the Constitutional Court of
South Africa, to Deputy Chief Justice Zondo and then Justice Froneman.
Prior to her research and teaching career, Raisa was admitted as an
Attorney of the High Court after completing her articles at Bowman
Gil llan Inc.

Hugh Corder
BCom LLB (Cape Town), LLB (Cantab), DPhil (Oxon)
Hugh Corder is Professor Emeritus of Public Law at the University of
Cape Town, and a Fellow of this University. He serves currently as the
Interim Director of the Graduate School of Business. He taught
administrative law (at LLB and LLM levels) for 35 years, including a
course in comparative administrative law in the Commonwealth for the
LLM programme at Melbourne University in the early 2000s. Hugh is an
Advocate of the High Court of South Africa. He has played a leading role
in the reform of administrative law in South Africa since 1991, and
served as a technical adviser in the drafting of the transitional Bill of
Rights. Hugh has published widely in the elds of constitutional and
administrative law, with a particular focus on judicial appointment and
accountability, and mechanisms for furthering administrative
accountability. Hugh has contributed over many decades to the rule of
law and social justice, through community work and service on the
boards of non-governmental organisations.

Meghan Finn
BSocSci Honours (Cape Town), LLB (Cape Town), BCL (Oxon)
Meghan Finn is an nGAP lecturer in the Department of Public Law of
the University of Johannesburg. She is an Advocate of the High Court of
South Africa, practised at the Johannesburg Bar, and previously served
as a Clerk of the Constitutional Court of South Africa. Meghan is
currently pursuing her PhD with the SARChI Chair on Equality, Law
and Social Justice at the University of Witwatersrand. She has broad
research interests in constitutional and administrative law, and is an
editor of Constitutional Court Review.
Michael Kidd
BCom, LLB, LLM, PhD (Natal)
Michael Kidd is Professor in the School of Law, University of KwaZulu-
Natal, where he has lectured administrative law and environmental law
at undergraduate and postgraduate level for 30 years. Michael is the
author of one of the leading South African textbooks in environmental
law and has published almost 100 peer-reviewed papers within the
elds of administrative law, environmental law, and water law, all of
which are underpinned by administrative decision-making. He is also
Principal Editor of the South African Journal of Environmental Law and

uli Madonsela
BA (Law) (Swaziland), LLB (Witwatersrand)
uli Madonsela is Chair in Social Justice at Stellenbosch University
and founder of the uma Foundation for Democracy Leadership and
Literacy. As the former Public Protector of South Africa and full-time
Law Commissioner in the South African Law Reform Commission, Prof
Madonsela has an extensive background in applied administrative law
principles, mainly based on her public service years and investigations
into improper conduct in state affairs. She was one of the drafters of the
Constitution and a key participant in the conceptualisation and drafting
of several laws, including the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act.
She also helped draft several international rights instruments and
country reports. She currently teaches constitutional law,
administrative law, social justice law, democracy and governance and
has written and published extensively on these matters. An Advocate of
the High Court of South Africa and honorary member of the Botswana
Bar, Prof Madonsela has eight honorary law doctorates in addition to
her law degrees. A mother of two, she is an avid mountaineer who has
summited Kilimanjaro under #Trek4Mandela to promote the Social
Justice M-Plan.

Petrus Maree
BA (Law), LLD (Stellenbosch)
Petrus Maree is an artist and independent researcher based in Berlin
and Cape Town. He obtained his LLD at Stellenbosch University, where
he was also a post-doctoral fellow and taught introduction to law,
constitutional law and administrative law. Between 2009 and 2016, he
served as a member of the Overarching Strategic Plan (OSP) Project (on
Combating Poverty, Homelessness and Socio-Economic Vulnerability
under the Constitution) and of the Socio-Economic Rights and
Administrative Justice Research (SERAJ) Project. Petrus’s publications
focus on critical, principle-based approaches to freedom,
administrative law, deference, and the separation of powers.

Melanie Murcott
LLB (Cape Town), LLM (Pretoria), LLD (North-West)
Melanie Murcott is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Public Law at
the University of Pretoria, where she lectures administrative and
environmental law. Her scholarly interests also include constitutional
law and socio-economic rights. Melanie is a practising Attorney of the
High Court of South Africa, and a Solicitor of England and Wales (non-
practising roll). Prior to her academic career, her practice in
commercial litigation included a focus on public procurement.
Melanie’s doctoral research concerned the ways in which the courts
can, in the adjudication of environmental law disputes, more effectively
contribute towards South Africa’s project of transformative
constitutionalism and its pursuit of social justice.

Mfundo Salukazana
LLB (Witwatersrand), LLM (London)
Mfundo Salukazana is an Advocate of the High Court and a member of
the Johannesburg Bar. He formerly served as a Clerk of the
Constitutional Court of South Africa, to Justice Edwin Cameron.
Mfundo is developing a broad practice with his core areas of practice
being in administrative law, banking and nancial services, commercial
litigation and constitutional law.

Emma Webber
BSocSci (PPE), LLB (Cape Town), BCL (Oxon)
Emma Webber is an Advocate of the High Court of South Africa and a
member of the Pan African Bar Association of South Africa and the
Johannesburg Bar. She formerly served as a Clerk of the Constitutional
Court of South Africa, to Justice Edwin Cameron. Emma has a varied
practice, which includes public interest, regulatory and commercial
litigation. Her area of particular expertise is administrative law and
constitutional law.
The development of
administrative law in South Africa


1.1 Introduction

1.2 Defining administrative law

1.2.1 A working definition Administrative law as constitutional law Two sides of public power Administrative justice The role of the legislature Public authority and functions Administrative law as rules of law Rule of law

1.3 The development of South African administrative law

1.3.1 The consequences of ‘judge-made law’
1.3.2 The shifting line between the private and public spheres
1.3.3 The growth of discretionary authority
1.3.4 The distinction between executive and administrative authority
1.3.5 Distinguishing formally between review and appeal
1.3.6 The peculiar character of South African administrative law
1.3.7 Conclusion and defining some basic terminology

1.4 The reform of South African administrative law 1990 to 2000

1.4.1 First stage of reform
1.4.2 Second stage of reform
1.4.3 Third stage of reform
1.4.4 Fourth stage of reform
1.4.5 Superstructural reform

1.5 Outline of the general structure of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000

1.6 Outline of the various avenues to judicial review of administrative action in South Africa

1.7 Concluding remarks about the current state of administrative law, and some challenges
1.7.1 The current state of administrative law
1.7.2 Some challenges facing administrative law

1.1 Introduction
Administrative law is everywhere. e cellphone service that you use,
the public transport system that brings you to your class, work or home,
the preparation and packaging of the food you buy in a supermarket,
and so on, are all regulated by government agencies, whose actions are
subject to administrative law.
Administrative law is concerned with the exercise of public power or
the performance of a public function: it is indisputably part of ‘public
law’. An effective system of administrative law is a fundamental element
in the idea of the ‘rule of law’, and thus critical to the transformative
nature of constitutional democracy in South Africa. Perhaps one of the
most-quoted statements in judgments of the courts is that written by
Professor Mureinik1 in 1994, that the Constitution demands that we
must move from a ‘culture of authority to a culture of justi cation’.
Mureinik was a leading administrative lawyer, and he argued strongly
that administrative law was a key element in transformative
e purpose of this chapter is to provide the context for all the
chapters that follow in this book.3 e scene will be set by de ning
administrative law, by describing critically its origins and development
over the past century or so, and by outlining brie y the basic building
blocks of this area of the law as we know it today.
Before considering the above matters, however, think about the
following situation.

Losing your ID card and administrative law

Imagine that you lose your new ID card. You need it
urgently in order to register a cellphone contract. You go
to the nearest office of the Department of Home Affairs,
fill in the forms, pay the prescribed fee of R140, then
present your application to the official at the counter.
She responds that it will take a month to process, but if
you give her an extra R150, you could have your ID
within a week.
You are angry; this is an attempt to solicit a bribe for
the provision of a public service and in any event, you
have no extra cash. What steps can you take to remedy
the situation? Do you shout out loud and accuse the
official of corruption? Do you demand to see the
supervisor? Do you walk away quietly and report this
conduct at the nearest police station? Do you approach
your political representative (councillor or MP) or your
community/religious leader and ask them to intervene?
Do you go to a friend who is a law student or to a lawyer
and ask for legal advice? Do you approach the Office of
the Public Protector?
Think about answers to all these questions, each of
which points to an aspect of administrative justice. Write
your answers down and once you have completed your
study of this book, return to your answers and consider
how your newly developed knowledge of administrative
justice impacts on your responses to these everyday

1.2 Defining administrative law

As you will see, the drawing of boundaries around what falls within the
scope of administrative law is one of the most important issues in this
area of the law. A good way to assist in developing an understanding of
the subject is to start with a working de nition and then to re ne that
de nition by analysing more closely key aspects of it, by describing
what administrative law is not concerned with, and by isolating a few
areas of difficulty.
is raises a theme which will be referred to repeatedly throughout
this chapter: you should not seek (or perhaps better, you are unlikely to
nd) absolute clarity or certainty on many rules of administrative law.
Most often there is neither an absolutely correct nor wrong answer to a
question, but rather an attempt to nd that point on a spectrum or a
range of factors which most comfortably ts the circumstances and
demands of the applicable legal framework. So there is often (but not
always) no ‘one right answer’, but rather a few acceptable solutions. I
like to think of administrative law as predominantly grey in colour, with
few points of sharp distinction between black and white.
Administrative law is ultimately all about a quest for balancing
rights, interests and obligations, in the determination of which
public and legal policy play a central role. I hope that this
fundamental principle will become clear as you read through this book.

Law as compromise
Does this characterisation of administrative law make it
different from all other parts of law, or most of them? In
other words, is all law not something of a compromise?
Think of the other areas of law that you have already
studied: did you come across areas where no one
particular rule definitively governed a practical problem
or where a rule was not absolutely clear, so that different
interpretations or perspectives may lead to different
outcomes in the application of the rule? Many would
argue that there needs to be a degree of certainty about
the applicability of a rule of law, especially in the
criminal law, otherwise there would be chaos in society.
In other words, we must readily concede that a
substantial measure of certainty is a desirable quality to
expect of all legal rules, also of administrative law. At the
same time, we should be conscious of the imprecise
edges of uncertainty in many parts of law, because that
is often the most interesting part, ripe for creative
lawyering and development.

1.2.1 A working definition

is is as good a start as any in seeking to de ne administrative law:
Administrative law is that part of constitutional law which both empowers those
exercising public authority or performing public functions through the law, and
which holds accountable to rules of law all those who exercise public power or
perform public functions.

Let us take note of several key aspects of the above working de nition. Administrative law as constitutional law

Administrative law is properly part of constitutional law, because it
seeks to regulate the power of the executive branch of government
through the law. As we will see in the next section, however,
administrative law was regarded until about seventy years ago as a
relatively minor aspect of constitutional law. In fact, it only became a
separate subject in the LLB curriculum at most law faculties in South
Africa in the late 1980s, and at some is still taught as a section of a
course in ‘constitutional and administrative law’. Two sides of public power

Administrative law deals with two sides of public power: its
authorisation and its regulation. ese aspects are often described as
the ‘empowerment’ and ‘accountability’ elements of the subject. Too
often, however, again for historical reasons which will be described later
in this chapter, the emphasis falls on the ‘accountability’ and not on the
‘empowerment’ of the public administration. While such a focus may
have been appropriate under apartheid, when public authority was
frequently a threat to fairness and justice, now that public authority is
based in a constitutional democracy, the empowerment of the public
administration to do good by the fair and just provision of social goods
and services should become a priority. Administrative justice

Administrative ‘law’ can be seen as the narrower foundation of the
rapidly developing notion of administrative ‘justice’. While
administrative law tends to concentrate more narrowly on judicial
review through the courts, administrative justice widens the view to
encompass alternative methods of scrutinising the fairness and justice
of administrative conduct. ere are many potential avenues for the
pursuit of administrative justice, among them appeals tribunals (either
separate from or part of the administrative body whose action is being
reviewed), ombuds offices (in South Africa the Public Protector), the
use of alternative methods of dispute resolution (conciliation,
mediation and arbitration) to resolve differences, the role of human
rights commissions, and so on. e existence of protection through the
law for a degree of transparent or open government is a critical and
closely connected adjunct to all such alternative methods of review of
administrative conduct. The role of the legislature

Although not usually thought of in this manner, the ultimate guarantee
of the effectiveness of any administrative law system is the right of every
citizen freely and fairly to vote for the highest representative law-
making institution, and the role of that legislator (usually called
Parliament) as the watchdog over the exercise of executive authority by
government at all levels. Parliament holds Ministers to account by
asking questions about decisions made in the state department for
which they are responsible, by scrutiny of a state department’s
performance and budget through Parliamentary standing (or portfolio)
committees, by critical evaluation of a Ministry’s annual budget request,
through the work of the office of the Auditor-General, a servant of
Parliament whose onerous responsibility is the annual nancial audit of
all government expenditure, and, perhaps most fundamentally, by
creating the statutory powers in terms of which administrative agencies
ful l their public functions. Supporting all these functions is the role of
a free media, which investigates and publicises unfair, irregular and
unlawful administrative conduct. So these are all effective methods of
scrutinising administrative action, and ultimately could be regarded as
an essential context for the narrower eld of administrative law. Public authority and functions

Administrative law is concerned with public authority and functions. As
you will see in the following section of this chapter, it used to be much
easier to demarcate clearly the limits of the public from the private
spheres. Over the past forty years or so, the boundary line between what
is regarded as public and what is private has become very blurred, for
many different reasons. As the role of the state developed in the last part
of the twentieth century, bodies which were nominally private or
privately owned increasingly began to wield public power, which raised
the question whether the rules of administrative law applied to them in
doing so. South African administrative law has always recognised this
reality, which is why the de nition above refers to the nature of the
power exercised, rather than the type of body which is exercising it. So
in all your involvement with administrative law you must recognise that
the public/private divide might be an element, a ‘gateway’ question that
you must ask at the outset of the consideration of any question.

Actions of private parties rendering public

Consider the following situation: The DFG Municipal
Council outsources the collection of household refuse to
a private company, Garbage Gobblers. The Garbage
Gobblers truck is busy loading your wheelie-bin one
morning when the driver forgets to put on the handbrake
while taking a cellphone call, and the truck hits your
vehicle gate, breaking it completely, and damaging your
car in the process. Do you have an action for damages
against the municipality or against Garbage Gobblers, or
both of them in the alternative? If you do have such
recourse to law, do you found your action in public law
(which is likely to afford you greater scope to sue) or in
the private law of contract or delict? Does it make any
difference which party you sue? Administrative law as rules of law

Administrative law is primarily based in rules of law, just like any other
part of our legal system. is means that, like all rules expressed in
language, the possibility of more than one meaning being ascribed to
such rules is likely, especially where competent and skilled lawyers are
seeking to do their best for their clients, relying on interpretations of
those rules in judgments of the courts. is indeterminate quality of our
administrative law was accentuated by the fact that it was
overwhelmingly ‘judge-made’, it became part of South African law as
part of our ‘common-law heritage’ arising from our status as a British
colony, at least from 1910, although the foundation stones had been
laid many decades before. us you will nd no traces in administrative
law of the Roman-Dutch origins, which are so much a part of other
areas of our ‘mixed legal system’, our administrative law is
overwhelmingly English in its historical character. Rule of law

Allied to its grounding in ‘rules of law’, administrative law as a discipline
ts neatly with the widely acknowledged and universal ideal of the ‘rule
of law’. e prominence of this concept within modern constitutional
democracies and institutions of global governance is frequently traced
to the work of the leading English constitutional lawyer of the late
nineteenth century, AV Dicey. Dicey formulated the rule of law in three
principles:4 that everyone was subject to and equal before the law,
appearing before the ordinary courts of the land (no special courts for
speci c groups of people), and that the rule of law represented the
hard-won victories of the ordinary people through court proceedings, it
had developed organically from below, and was not imposed by
authority from above. Although many aspects of this de nition were
criticised, the ‘rule of law’ gained further prominence after World War II
when it was championed by the Western allied forces to contrast their
systems of government with those prevalent in the Soviet Union and its
allied states.5 A further important dimension was added to its de nition
when the emergence of post-colonial states in the developing world
caused the international community to add an emphasis on socio-
economic rights to the de nition of the ‘rule of law’.6 Given that one of
the main features of the rule of law (often called its ‘rule by law’ aspect)
overlaps extensively with the administrative-law principle that no
public power may be exercised without lawful grant (the ultra vires
principle) and in an acceptably lawful manner, the close relationship
between these two concepts is clear.
With this explanation of some of the key elements in any de nition
of administrative law in mind, let us turn our attention to how this part
of our law has developed over the past century or so.

1.3 The development of South African administrative law

South African administrative law, in common with those like it in
countries of the British Empire/Commonwealth during the twentieth
century, underwent great growth and substantial revision during this
period. Like all aspects of law, it is important to view administrative law
in both its historical and social contexts, in order better to understand
not only the past, but also the present. ose administering and
adjudicating in this eld of law are predominantly the products of that
past system, and legal doctrines and approaches to basic principles can
generally be traced to practices of the past. Law is overwhelmingly a
conservative force in society, it mostly re ects established interests, and
seeks to perpetuate those. is is not necessarily a bad thing, we just
need to recognise this reality, and factor it into our thinking about law.
ere is another important reason to know about the past: to avoid a
repetition of errors committed in history, and to be sensitive to signs of
similar practices rearing their heads in the present, so that speedy
action can be taken to combat what may be unfair or unjust.
What were the factors that shaped the development of our
administrative law in South Africa? I suggest that we need to examine in
a little detail the following six forces for an answer to this question: the
consequences of administrative law being ‘judge-made’, the shifting
boundaries between public and private power and their impact on
administrative law, the growth of discretionary power allocated to the
executive in a state, the division between executive and administrative
authority, the formal distinction between review and appeal, and the
particularly damaging effect of segregation and apartheid on
administrative law in South Africa.

1.3.1 The consequences of ‘judge-made law’

Given the British imperial stranglehold on the country from 1910,
particularly in public law, it is not surprising that the judgments of the
superior courts of South Africa re ected developments in English
administrative law. Its ‘common-law/judge-made’ character also meant
that, over time, the judicial ‘track record’ (that is, any discernible
pattern in how judges decided similar cases) in uenced the pace and
path of development. In other words, individual judges or groups of
judges were able directly to in uence the course of development of
administrative law because ‘judicial review of administrative action’
was almost the sole means available for an individual to seek to
constrain the exercise of public power. is judicial authority was
grounded in the ‘inherent jurisdiction’ of the Supreme Court of South
Africa after 1910,7 and its exercise was affected by at least two important
1. Judicial policy, the unwritten but widely accepted common
understanding of social-economic-political relationships of the
parties before the court in a particular dispute, the possibility or
indeed likelihood that the judge/s is/are more likely to understand
and be sympathetic to one side rather than the other, and that this
identi cation may affect their decisions in individual cases.
Furthermore, over time and in retrospect, trends in judicial
decision-making in like cases may appear to assume a pattern,
varying broadly between the contrasting end-points of ‘executive-
mindedness’ and concern for the individual in the face of the
exercise of public power.8 So, for example, judicial policy is said to
have shifted overwhelmingly towards the interests of the executive
branch of government from the late 1950s, especially as the judicial
appointments made by the apartheid government worked though
the court hierarchy.9
2. e second substantial variable, related to the rst, is the judicial
understanding of and adherence to the doctrine of the ‘separation
of powers’. In its most basic form, this doctrine requires (1) a degree
of separation of both personnel and functions between the three
branches of government (the executive, the judiciary and the
legislature) and (2) a system of mutual checking and balancing of
the exercise of governmental power by each such branch. In South
African constitutional history, based as it was on the doctrine of
parliamentary sovereignty, this meant that there was a substantial
blurring of the separation as regards those who served in each
branch, every member of the Cabinet being by de nition a Member
of Parliament. e judiciary, however, was at least formally
independent, although the executive had an almost unrestricted
authority to appoint judges. As a matter of historical fact, the
dominance of Parliament over the other two branches of
government in the rst half of the twentieth century gave way
rapidly to executive autocracy by the mid-1970s. e judicial
response varied over time: judicial attitudes were initially hostile to
Parliament giving away too much discretionary authority to the
executive,10 but by the 1930s the courts had come to terms with this
new way of governing,11 and judicial deference to the executive
escalated to the point of servile submission by the 1980s.12

The concept of deference

The concept of deference plays a key role in relation to
the separation of powers. Essentially, a healthy
democracy requires each branch of government to
respect the legitimate spheres of operation of the other
two branches.13 So Parliament must respect the policy-
making functions and executive roles of the Cabinet and
the public administration, the Cabinet must in turn
respect the law-making and regulatory roles of
Parliament, and both these branches must respect
judicial independence, while the courts in turn must not
allow their judgments to stray into the mandated spheres
of operation of the others. The critical principle here is
‘mutual respect, each of the other’, commonly known as
deference. Sadly, under apartheid, both the courts and
Parliament too easily submitted to the will of the
executive, they became too deferential, a trend which is
also to be seen in other countries.
1.3.2 The shifting line between the private and public
Any examination of the history of the role of the state will alert you to
the fact that the concept of what is properly within the scope of state
power has shifted substantially over the past hundred years. It is widely
accepted that ‘the theory of administrative law re ects the theory of the
state’ within which it operates,14 so any study of administrative law must
take the structure and functions of the state into account.
It is fair to sum up the changes in the following manner: in 1900, the
providers of most of the goods and services which we expect from the
state today would have been privately owned. Mass transport (railways,
buses, harbours), telecommunications (as far as they existed),
education, health care, housing, roads, water, sanitation and electricity
were not widely regarded as being part of the responsibility of the state,
and so the ordinary private-law rules of the law of contract would have
applied in this sector. Gradually, however, the demand arose for the
government at all levels to step in to the breach and to begin to provide
these goods and services in light of:
• the growth in popularity of social-democratic political parties,
• the decline of the idea of a completely free market,
• the imposition on employers of basic standards of health and safety
at work,
• the consequences of the extreme horror of global wars and
epidemics of fatal diseases,
• the steady rise in the population of the world and the consequent
growth in urbanisation,
• the economic depressions of the 1920s and 1930s, and
• the developing need of the owners of capital for a more educated
and skilled workforce.

is trend was substantially strengthened by the extent of state

regulation of the economy required during wartime (especially 1939 to
1945), and by the aftermath of World War II, with the foundation of
international institutions like the United Nations Organisation and its
many specialised agencies (such as UNESCO, UNDP, UNEP, UNHRC),
all of which began to set minimum standards of human rights
recognition and protection throughout the world. e process of
decolonisation through which European countries after 1950 gave at
least political independence to their former colonies, and the
signi cant rise in the level of activity of non-governmental
organisations which championed human rights, including socio-
economic rights, also pushed expectations in this direction.
By the end of the 1960s, therefore, in most countries it was assumed
that the government would supply at least basic levels of goods and
services such as those above, to which could be added some form of
social welfare support, such as old-age pensions and child grants. But
this is not the end of the story, as we know, because the election of
Margaret atcher and Ronald Reagan as political leaders of the United
Kingdom and the United States of America in 1979/80 ushered in
economic policies which threatened to reverse this trend, through the
process of ‘privatisation’ of state resources. So the ports, railways,
airports, state airlines, mines, telephone companies, and some
gas/electricity and water providers were sold off to private owners, and
the functions expected of the state were reduced. ese national
initiatives, which spread rapidly through the world, were also replicated
at the private international level, by the foundation of bodies such as
the World Trade Organization, and the renewed importance given to
the programmes of the International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (World Bank) and the International Monetary Fund.
us far, I have set out a generalised account of global socio-
economic development during the 1900s, but how did South Africa fare
in this regard? Our national experience mirrored that described above,
but with one vital difference. e state in South Africa started to provide
public education, public health facilities, old-age pensions and
disability grants, a telephone service, railway networks, harbours and
airports, some low-cost housing, and so on. In some respects the South
African state went further: it set up an insurance company (SANLAM)
and a steel-processing plant (ISCOR) in the 1920s, and also established
a national network of agricultural co-operatives and marketing boards
to assist farmers to stay on the land pro tably, and thus to provide
adequate food for home consumption and export. ese initiatives
effectively pushed the role of the state substantially further than in
many parts of the developed world. Some of these steps were reversed
in the 1980s by the commercialisation and then privatisation of ISCOR
(now Arcelor Mittal Steel), the railways and harbours (Transnet), the
airports (ACSA), the telecommunications industry (TELKOM), the
provision of electricity (ESKOM), and others.
So our own experience follows a similar pattern to that elsewhere
throughout the world, but with one critical difference: the role of the
state overwhelmingly favoured those classi ed ‘white’, with often no
such goods and services provided at all to black South Africans.

Administrative law and changing patterns in

Why is this knowledge of developments in modern
history relevant to our understanding of administrative
law? Administrative law pursues both empowerment and
accountability. Any exercise of public power needs lawful
authority, and those who exercise public power are
subject to more stringent regulation than those who
operate using private power. This more intrusive degree
of scrutiny is justified by the fact that public servants
ought to be acting in the public interest. Therefore, it is
absolutely vital that some workable form of defining what
is public forms the entry point to review of administrative
conduct through the law. It follows, then, that as the
lawful limits of public power shift, in response to the
changing patterns of demands on the state to intervene
in society, the structures and processes of administrative
review through the law must adapt to these changing
One example will demonstrate this clearly. When the
British government privatised British Telecom in the early
1980s, the type of regulation under administrative law
which had previously been applied to the activities of the
latter, because it was wholly owned by the government,
fell away in principle. In order to provide some form of
redress to replace this degree of regulation, the
government established a specialist industry regulator,
like an ombud, to investigate and resolve complaints
about unfairness in the provision of the
telecommunications services. This was known as the
Office of Fair Telecommunications (OFTEL), and similar
bodies were set up in other sectors of the economy
which were privatised.
Thus the changing patterns of state intervention in
the socio-economic sphere over time impact directly on
the form and substance of administrative law, in myriad
ways, because what is rightly regarded as ‘public’ really

1.3.3 The growth of discretionary authority

is factor in uencing the development of administrative law ows
directly from the rst two above (the consequences of administrative
law being ‘judge-made’ and the shifting boundaries between public and
private power and their impact on administrative law). A century ago,
the source of all political power in a Westminster-style democracy was
located in Parliament, which was deemed to represent the citizenry
(although of course it did not, even in Britain at that stage, because
women had no vote; the same point can be made as regards those not
classi ed as ‘white’ in South Africa till 1994). Parliament made laws to
regulate conduct and to authorise public officials to act, but Parliament
was initially reluctant to hand over a great deal of discretion to such
However, as the population grew and as more was expected of the
state to exercise its authority in times of national emergency such as war
or epidemics, in other words as the population needed to be controlled
as well as bene ts and services supplied, so it became more difficult for
Parliament to foresee all the circumstances in which public officials
would have to respond, often urgently. Acts of Parliament thus began to
use phrases such as: ‘when the Minister is satis ed …’ or ‘in the opinion
of the Minister’ or, where a power was given to a Minister or some other
senior official, it was in turn sub-delegated to someone lower down in
the administrative hierarchy. In line with senior judges in the UK, South
African judges expressed their misgivings of this trend, characterising it
as an abdication of authority by Parliament, and giving a strict
interpretation of the common-law presumption against the implied
sub-delegation of administrative authority.15

Judicial misgivings of sub-delegation

In Shidiack v Union Government (Minister of the Interior)
1912 AD 642 Innes ACJ stated:

where the Legislature places upon any official the

responsibility of exercising a discretion which the
nature of the subject matter and the language of the
section show can only be properly exercised in a
judicial spirit, then that responsibility cannot be
vicariously discharged. The persons concerned have
a right to demand the judgment of the specially
selected officer … the Legislature has prescribed a
test which is to be discharged ‘to the satisfaction of
the Minister’, and that cannot mean to the
satisfaction of anybody else.
However, as the calls for state intervention in the socio-economic
sphere grew, the courts had to acknowledge the necessity for both the
express as well as implied authority to sub-delegate power granted to
the executive by Parliament, and this trend grew apace right through
the twentieth century. In modern terms, the judicial stance against such
delegations of a century ago, seems unthinkable.
Applying this phenomenon to South Africa, the exercise of
discretion played a large administrative role in two key aspects of the
apartheid era: the administrative process of race classi cation, which
was the foundation stone of the whole system of race-based rule, and
the increasingly broad discretion granted to police officers to act against
those opposing apartheid. It was particularly in the last case that the
courts were constantly confronted with challenges to the administrative
decisions and conduct of the police force in detaining government
opponents without trial and subjecting them to interrogation and
torture.16 Regrettably, with some noble exceptions, the courts too often
acquiesced in such administrative injustice, using the rationale of the
intention of Parliament to justify their judgments.

What is delegation of authority?

The short answer is that this occurs when someone or an
institution to which a particular power is given by law
hands it on to another body to act for it. The common
law starts with Parliament as the original source of lawful
power, which means that Parliament has in fact
‘delegated’ its authority when making the law which
allows a member of the executive to exercise discretion
on its behalf. Therefore, any further act of handing over
of that authority to another body, be it on the same level
of seniority, or much more frequently to an official lower
down in the administrative hierarchy, is strictly regarded
as ‘sub-delegation’, although this secondary action is
most often described as ‘delegation’. If such action has
been expressly foreseen in and authorised by the
legislation, then there is no difficulty in principle with it,
but it is also possible, given compliance with a series of
conditions, that such delegation can be impliedly
lawful.17 This approach has been effectively adopted in
section 238 of the Constitution.18

Statutory mandate for delegation of powers

The Immigration Act19 provides in the following terms for

3. Delegation of powers.–

(1) The Minister may, subject to the terms and

conditions that he or she may deem necessary,
delegate any power conferred on him or her by this
Act, excluding a power referred to in sections 3, 4, 5
and 7, to an officer or category of officers or an
employee or category of employees or a person or
category of persons in the Public Service, but shall
not be divested of any power so delegated.

(2) The Director-General may, subject to the terms

and conditions that he or she may deem necessary,
delegate any power conferred on him or her by this
Act to an officer or category of officers or an
employee or category of employees or a person or
category of persons in the Public Service, but shall
not be divested of any power so delegated.
The distinction between executive and
1.3.4 administrative authority
Every constitutional system which provides for the judiciary to exercise
the power of review of the actions of the other two branches of
government has to confront the question of how far such power
extends. As part of the doctrine of the separation of powers and the
notion of deference (both dealt with above), the constitution must
stipulate in some manner what activities are so central to the
functioning of each branch of government as almost to be protected
from scrutiny by the other two branches. is is not easily done, as by
the nature of government in a modern state, there will be many
instances in which the answer to the question: ‘is it reviewable?’ is not
obvious. So most constitutions lay down broad guiding principles, and
leave it to the good sense of each branch of government to show mutual
respect for the others.
In South African common law before 1994, the courts made
extensive use of what was called the doctrine of the ‘classi cation of
functions’, an approach which re ected the practice of courts elsewhere
in the Commonwealth. Without going into detail, the judge on
reviewing administrative conduct would informally classify the action
taken by the public official in one of ve categories – as administrative
1. of a lawmaking nature (such as the making of generally applicable
regulations on health and safety at work by the Minister of Labour),
2. of a judicial nature (such as a decision of an administrative appeals
tribunal like the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and
Arbitration – the CCMA – today),
3. of a quasi-judicial nature (such as the granting of a licence to trade
or of planning permission to build a house, after the consideration
of representations and evidence presented by the interested
4. of a purely administrative nature (such as the granting of a permit
to catch cray sh as a recreation, not for a living, where the official
exercises some but very limited discretion), and
of a ‘Ministerial’ nature (which paradoxically implied that the
5. administrator had no discretion: on being presented with an
application and the relevant fee to camp in a municipal campsite,
the administrator had to issue a permit).

You may have noticed that the amount of discretion available to the
administrator decreases as you read down this list, from a very high
level in the rst category to negligible in the last. is approach assisted
the judge in determining the appropriate level of deference to display in
his or her judgment, as the depth of judicial scrutiny varied according to
the class of action being reviewed. In contrast to the extent of official
discretion, the degree of judicial scrutiny on review becomes greater as
you read down the list. In principle, the classi cation of functions was a
very useful tool for judges to determine their approach, provided that it
continued to facilitate predictability of judicial action and remained as a
means to the end of administrative accountability, rather than as an end
in itself. Regrettably, some judges tended to stray towards the latter
approach, applying the classi cation of functions as a sort of formula
which detracted from the true objective of judicial review of
administrative action, a trend which Schreiner JA warned against in the
1950s in the following terms:20
e classi cation of discretions and functions under the headings of
‘administrative’, ‘quasi-judicial’ and ‘judicial’ has been much canvassed in
modern judgments and juristic literature; there appears to be some difference of
opinion, or of linguistic usage, as to the proper basis of classi cation, and even
some disagreement as to the usefulness of the classi cation when achieved. I do
not propose to enter into these interesting questions to a greater extent than is
necessary for the decision of this case; one must be careful not to elevate what
may be no more than a convenient classi cation into a source of legal rules.

As will be seen below, however, this type of tendency among judges is

quite tenacious, and has reared its head again although in a different
way over the past fteen years.
Much of the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court in developing
administrative law after 1994 has been devoted to a case-by-case
exploration of the appropriate limits of its authority to review
administrative conduct, developing a nuanced understanding of the
separation of powers in the process. In doing so, they have not referred
speci cally to the classi cation of functions as applied earlier, but have
clearly been in uenced by it indirectly, and in one particular way
especially. You may have noticed in the scheme set out above that there
is no reference to executive power as such, although all public
administration falls by de nition into the executive sphere of
government. Executive power is a broader notion than the public
administration, and is characterised by the availability of a very high
level of discretion in the hands of the decision-maker. As a
consequence, the courts review the exercise of such executive conduct
with a much lighter touch, recognising the grant by Parliament of a
much greater latitude to the official (usually a Minister or Director
General of a government department) to act as he or she sees t.
However, it is vital to note that, in the constitutional democracy
provided for in the Constitution, the exercise of such authority is not
above the law. Mandated by the provision for constitutional supremacy
and the rule of law in section 1(c) of the Constitution, and faced with
the restrictive and complex de nition of the key phrase in modern
South African administrative law, ‘administrative action’, the judiciary
has over the past twenty years developed a parallel track for the review
of executive conduct which does not amount to ‘administrative action’.
In doing so, the ‘principle of legality’ has been employed as the basis of
such review, and the grounds for review included under this umbrella
term have been gradually widened, although not so far as to be co-
extensive with the grounds for review of administrative action (as will
be seen below). us the distinction between ‘executive’ and
‘administrative’ action has become the new basis for classifying the
exercise of public power or the performance of a public function in
modern South African administrative law.

1.3.5 Distinguishing formally between review and appeal

A further direct consequence of the constitutional separation of powers
is the principle that the judiciary ‘reviews’ the procedural regularity of
the exercise of public power, and does not hear ‘appeals’ on the merits
of such actions. Substantive decision-making on the facts or the merits
is the proper territory of the executive branch of government, and it
ought not to be for the courts to intrude on this sphere. What judges
must do is to ensure that, in reaching its decisions or exercising the
discretions granted to it, the executive and its public administration
remain within the limits of the authority granted to them and comply
with the processes prescribed by the law for its exercise.
In many ways, however, this distinction (between review and
appeal) is easier to state than to carry out. ere are of course easy
cases, for example where the wrong official took the decision, or where
the official acted procedurally unfairly, errors which can obviously be
set right on review, but many cases which are brought to court to be
‘reviewed’ raise issues which sit uncomfortably on the unclear
borderline between form and substance, and between lawful process
and merits. is reality has been made more complex still by the
constitutional guarantee since 1997 of administrative action that must
not only be lawful and procedurally fair, but also ‘reasonable’.
‘Review for reasonableness’ applies naturally to the process
followed in taking the action, but it also manifestly necessitates a degree
of consideration of the merits or facts, because the reasonableness of
the consequences of the action taken also falls to be reviewed. So
review for reasonableness requires the judge to consider both the form
and the substance of the exercise of public power. e critical question
which each judge needs to answer when called on to act in this way is
‘how far does my enquiry go?’ In other words, an investigation into the
merits can stay comfortably within the notion of ‘review’ provided that
the reviewing judge determines only that the action taken falls within
the limits of a range of action which is reasonable, and does not seek to
determine whether the action was correct or not (which would amount
to an ‘appeal’).
Such a judicial decision demands wisdom, caution, respect, some
sense of the politics of the question, and a good dose of common sense.
ese qualities are borne of experience and are often to be seen in
leading judgments of the Constitutional Court or the Supreme Court of
Appeal, which function as guidelines for the rest of the superior court
judiciary. Some would describe this as ‘due deference’. Rare decisions,
in which the courts arguably exceed their jurisdiction and cross the line
between review and appeal, always lead to public controversy,
frequently damage relations between the courts and the executive, and
on occasion lower the legitimacy of the judiciary in the eyes of the
public. In learning about administrative law, the fundamental
distinction between review and appeal must never be ignored, but the
absence of a ‘bright line’ between the two notions must also not be

Restricting courts to review

Look back at the factual situation sketched at the outset,
about the attempted bribe when applying for an ID. Is it
appropriate that, in those circumstances, the remedial
authority of the court is confined to review? Should there
not be an opportunity for an appeal or some other form
of remedy? Is it always right that the court should have
no appellate authority? Think about these issues: there
are no ‘right answers’ to these questions, but you need
to be aware of them.

1.3.6 The peculiar character of South African

administrative law
At several points above, mention was made of speci c aspects of the
development of administrative law in South Africa. In this last section
describing factors affecting the development of this area of the law, the
highly damaging effects of the racist policies of segregation and
apartheid over at least the twentieth century need to be emphasised. I
have already noted that the act of race classi cation was an
administrative one, and decisions about which group a person
belonged to gave rise on many occasions to applications for judicial
review. In addition, because of the importance of the consequences
which owed from such classi cation, the apartheid regime even
established specialised tribunals (Race Classi cation Appeal Boards) to
hear appeals from such decisions on the facts.21 e existence of a
degree of official discretion in such classi cation meant that judicial
review was forced to develop in this context.
Of much greater in uence on the development of South African
administrative law, however, was the fact that Parliament allocated ever
greater tranches of discretion in terms of ‘security legislation’ to the
executive and to police officers to act against those who opposed the
implementation of apartheid. e foundation had in fact been laid as
long ago as 1914 in the Riotous Assemblies and Criminal Law
Amendment Act,22 but the extent and frequency of allocation of almost
unbounded discretion accelerated in and after the passage of the
Suppression of Communism Act.23 Even in the ‘reformed’ package of
‘security’ legislation consequent on the recommendations of the Rabie
Commission in the early 1980s,24 substantial discretion was allocated to
the executive to act against opponents ‘if they had reason to believe’ or
they were ‘satis ed that’ someone was a threat to law and order, to
devastating effect on the lives of many. is use of official discretion,
almost entirely free from judicial scrutiny, reached its highest point
during the states of emergency rule from 1985 to 1990, which have
justi ably been described as a time of ‘state lawlessness’.25
e important consequence of all this for administrative law was
that judicial review of administrative action provided the only lawful
avenue to seek relief against such state oppression, because there was
no Bill of Rights before 1994. Indeed, some have likened administrative
law to our ‘unwritten bill of rights’ before freedom. So those desperate
to gain some relief from the effects of apartheid and the exercise of state
terror by the ‘security forces’ went to court typically to argue that the
‘rules of natural justice’ (that they had a right to a hearing before their
rights were removed) had been violated by such administrative
conduct26 or that the official had exceeded his or her authority and had
thus acted unlawfully (although this was very hard to prove), and thus
that they should be released from detention without trial,27 or that
interrogation by torture should cease,28 and so on. Some such litigants
succeeded in their applications, but the overwhelming majority did
e consequences for administrative law were highly damaging.
Judges were forced into choosing between the needs of the ‘state’ and
those of the individual, and too often preferred the former.30 is
stunted the development of administrative law, particularly in a period
in which it was developing fast in similar jurisdictions within the British
Commonwealth, from which South African judges were reluctant to
borrow, for fear of being regarded as ‘unpatriotic’ or some such.

1.3.7 Conclusion and defining some basic terminology

At the end of this description of the factors which have exercised (and in
many respects continue to exercise) an in uence over the development
of South African administrative law, it is time to turn our attention to
the reform process which culminated in the inclusion of a
constitutional right to administrative justice after 1994. Before doing so,
however, it is vital to take note of some of the terminology and concepts
which characterised administrative law by 1990, the better to
understand the revolutionary signi cance of what follows throughout
this book.
1. Highly restrictive rules about standing to sue (locus standi in judicio)
prevented the wider reach of administrative law, in that only those
directly affected in their legal rights by administrative action were
entitled to approach a court for judicial review.
2. Further obstacles to judicial review came in the form of the frequent
use of ouster clauses, legislative attempts to exclude the courts from
exercising the power of judicial review, especially in the context of
‘security legislation’.
3. e basic organising principle of judicial review was the ultra vires
doctrine, which effectively stipulated that no public official could act
‘beyond their powers’ as laid down in the law (mainly in statute law,
but also in the common law): this encapsulates the essential
attribute of ‘lawfulness’.
4. ere were several precedent-setting statements of the grounds of
review at the common law over the decades, the overriding
emphasis in the most recent being ‘the failure by the official
concerned to apply the mind’ to the decision-making process, as
evidenced by one or more grounds of review.31
5. Over the centuries, the courts developed a number of grounds of
review, which fell into two main categories, those which required
lawfulness and those which insisted on procedural fairness (usually
described as the ‘rules of natural justice’).32 ese grounds of review
came to be rules of the common law, and included a commitment to
rational conduct, but not reasonableness as a ground of review. As
will be seen in the rest of this book, the courts in South Africa today
draw a distinction between ‘rationality’ and ‘reasonableness’: in
essence, the latter ground of review authorises a more invasive
enquiry by the reviewing judge than the former. ese terms must,
however, be used with great care: in English law, for example,
‘rationality’ means ‘reasonableness’.
6. Allied to this last point, the common law at no stage required an
administrator to give reasons for their decision or action, although
isolated statutes33 required compliance with this duty.

1.4 The reform of South African administrative law 1990

to 2000
Although some planning for a post-apartheid South Africa had begun
even in the late stages of the states of emergency in the 1980s,
discussions about the constitution to replace apartheid began in
earnest after the freeing up of political activity, the release of political
prisoners and the return of exiles from 1990. At least four stages of
reform34 of the administrative-law system can be readily identi ed, as
set out in the next sections.

1.4.1 First stage of reform

Without a doubt, the most important event which set the agenda for
reform was a three-day workshop held at the Breakwater campus of the
University of Cape Town in February 1993. It was attended by about 100
delegates from throughout the country (including most of those who
would be in uential gures in the Ministry of Justice and the senior
ranks of the judiciary after 1994) and several leading administrative
lawyers from abroad, and at its conclusion the Breakwater Declaration
was unanimously adopted.35 is two-page document listed points of
agreement as well as areas requiring further work in order to ensure a
properly revised and nuanced system of administrative review which
could take its place as one of the pillars of a constitutional democracy in
South Africa. Vitally, one of the key proposals was the inclusion of a
right to administrative justice in a future constitution, a rather unusual
proposal in international terms, but the example of the 1990 Namibian
Constitution’s Article 18 was fresh in the minds of the delegates.

1.4.2 Second stage of reform

Such a right was duly included in the transitional Constitution of 1993,
in section 24. ere was unanimity among the delegations at the Multi-
Party Negotiating Process that such a right was necessary: those in
government belatedly recognised the value of administrative law
safeguards, especially as they were likely to be in opposition after 1994,
while those who had always opposed apartheid had seen the damage
which could be in icted as the result of the unbridled exercise of power
and appreciated the role played by judicial review during apartheid. e
formulation of the right (or better, bundle of rights) was however much
more controversial, leading to a relatively complex set of guarantees of
fair administrative action, as follows:
Section 24 Administrative Justice
Every person shall have the right to –
(a) lawful administrative action where any of his or her rights or interests is
affected or threatened;
(b) procedurally fair administrative action where any of his or her rights or
legitimate expectations is affected or threatened;
(c) be furnished with reasons in writing for administrative action which affects
any of his or her rights or interests unless such reasons have been made
public; and
(d) administrative action which is justi able in relation to the reasons given for it
where any of his or her rights is affected or threatened.

Key elements of this provision were:

• the requirement of achieving varying ‘thresholds’ before the
different rights (to lawful, procedurally fair, and justi able
administrative action, and to obtain written reasons for such action)
became available, which depended on proving that one’s ‘rights,
legitimate expectations and/or interests’ had been ‘affected or
• the remarkable elevation to constitutional status of the right to
receive written reasons, from being completely absent in the
common law before that,
• the endorsement of the notion of ‘procedural fairness’ rather than
continued reference to the ‘rules of natural justice’ as was the
practice in the courts and as proposed by some negotiators, and
• the introduction of the right to ‘justi able’ administrative action,
rather than constitutionalising ‘reasonableness’ as the standard of
review. e adoption of this term is largely attributed to the
in uence of Mureinik in the drafting process, and that ‘justi ability’
was a compromise term acceptable to all parties, especially those
who felt apprehensive about the misuse of such a concept in the
hands of a recalcitrant judiciary after apartheid.36

1.4.3 Third stage of reform

is interim provision came into force on 27 April 1994, but practising
lawyers and judges proved slow to rely on its remarkably generous and
innovative provisions. In the process of drafting the nal Constitution,
the ANC-led government proposed the scrapping of the right to
administrative justice and its replacement with a more comprehensive
statutory regime. e opposition parties and civil society resisted
strongly, and a compromise was reached: a new right would be
adopted, but it would not come into force for a period of three years, or
until Parliament approved a statute especially drafted to give effect to
such a right, but also to limit its scope, whichever event came rst. e
new right in section 33 is remarkable for its breadth and the elegant
simplicity of its wording:
(1) Everyone has the right to administrative action which is lawful, reasonable
and procedurally fair.
(2) Everyone has the right to written reasons for administrative action which
affects their rights.

Subsection (3) contained the compromise to suit government:

National legislation must be enacted to give effect to these rights, and must
(a) provide for the review of administrative action by a court or, where
appropriate, an independent and impartial tribunal;
(b) impose a duty on the state to give effect to the rights in subsections (1) and
(2); and
(c) promote an efficient administration.

Item 23 in Schedule 6 of the nal Constitution provided that, until the

envisaged legislation had been drafted, section 33 would be taken to
read like a ‘plain language’ version of section 24 of the transitional
Constitution. us the transitional Constitutional provision effectively
applied to all causes of action which arose in the period from 27 April
1994 to early February 2000.

1.4.4 Fourth stage of reform

e Minister of Justice was slow to initiate the drafting of the legislation
envisaged in section 33(3), and the working committee of the South
African Law Commission which was mandated to research this issue
and to produce a draft bill on administrative justice was only convened
late in 1998. It set to work early in the following year, and after a series of
workshops around the country, it produced a draft bill by August 1999.
is bill then served before the Portfolio Committee on Justice in
Parliament, which made extensive changes to what had been proposed.
In the views of one of the members of the Law Commission
committee,37 much of the progressive substance of the bill was
removed, and an important opportunity to advance the quality,
exibility and accessibility of administrative review in South Africa was
lost. e bill was duly approved as the Promotion of Administrative
Justice Act 3 of 2000 (PAJA), by both houses of Parliament in time for the
Presidential assent on 3 February 2000, a day before the expiry of the
three-year period prescribed for its drafting and passage into law.
e Act was only brought into force on 30 November 2000, which
meant that section 33(1) and (2) could have been relied on in an
uninhibited fashion for those ten months. Since December 2000,
however, PAJA has provided a statutory cloak to the bare framework of
administrative justice rights in section 33, effectively limiting its scope.
Such limitations must, naturally, comply with the tests prescribed by
the general limitations clause in section 36; some have argued38 that
there are crucial aspects of PAJA which do not satisfy these tests, but no
court has yet pronounced on this question. Given its prominence in
modern administrative law, it is vital to note in super cial terms an
outline of its main provisions and their purpose, which follows in
section 1.5 of this chapter below.

1.4.5 Superstructural reform

e account of this thorough process of reform of the constitutional and
legislative framework within which administrative law must function in
South Africa represents a remarkable achievement. Although Australia
undertook a complete and similar overhaul of its system in the 1970s,
the South African process occurred at the same time as other
momentous changes were being made to almost every aspect of the
Constitution, and at a time of great tumult in society. e success of this
reform process is due to the committed initiative and energy of a few
individuals, both in government, legal practice and academic life. It is
probably not surprising that these changes have taken time to be
translated into changed patterns of behaviour, both by lawyers seeking
to review, and public servants engaged in, the exercise of public power.
is last sphere provides both the challenge as well as the interest in the
study of administrative law in this country.
1.5 Outline of the general structure of the Promotion of
Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000 (PAJA)
e Promotion of Administrative Justice Act (PAJA) is a short statute
barely ten sections in length. It starts, however, with an extraordinarily
long set of de nitions, the most important of which is in section 1(i),
which attempts to de ne one of the key phrases in the Act,
‘administrative action’. Now any system of administrative law must
de ne the kind of conduct subject to review, as a ‘gatekeeping device’,
otherwise the reviewing body (such as a court or tribunal) will not be
able to cope with the demand on its services, the administration will
become snowed under with having to respond to reviews, and its ability
to do its day-to-day work, its efficiency, will suffer. is was the main
purpose behind the inclusion of section 33(3)(c) in the Constitution: the
message to the drafters of PAJA was not to be too demanding on the
public administration, giving it time to adapt to the new standards
expected of it, which contrasted so strongly with those under apartheid:
in other words, to balance accountability with efficiency. erefore
the inclusion of a de nition of ‘administrative action’ was to be
expected, but not quite the degree of complexity that eventuated.
e essential elements of this de nition are as follows:
• a decision (or failure to take one),
• by an organ of state (itself very broadly de ned in section 239 of the
Constitution) when acting in terms of the Constitution or when
exercising a public power or performing a public function in terms
of legislation,
• or by a natural or juristic person when exercising a public power or
performing a public function in terms of an ‘empowering provision’
(this term is also de ned in section 1, but so widely as to be of little
practical effect),
• which adversely affects the rights of any person, and
• which has a direct, external legal effect.

e de nition goes on to list nine instances in which the official

conduct is expressly excluded from the de nition of administrative
action. In summary, these are the ‘executive’ and ‘legislative’ functions
of government at national, provincial and local levels, the actions of
judges, magistrates and traditional leaders when dispensing justice, ‘a
decision to institute or continue a prosecution’, a decision of the Judicial
Service Commission in any part of the appointment process of judges,
and two other relatively minor but speci c acts of administration.
As you will see in the rest of this book, this de nition has assumed
great importance in post-2000 administrative law.39 Of course the
exclusion of certain categories of public decision-making does not
render them immune from constitutional scrutiny, again as will be
explained in due course. is de nition has, however, become the
subject of great attention from the courts on review, such that it has
almost served to distract attention from the main purpose of section 33
and PAJA, much as the doctrine of the classi cation of functions did
under apartheid. Notice several signi cant aspects of the de nition:
‘action’ includes an omission, administrative action can be taken by a
private body, the requirement of an ‘adverse effect on rights’ clearly is
intended as a limitation on the rights in section 33, nowhere is the
crucial word ‘public’ de ned, and the reference to a ‘direct, external
legal effect’ is an attempt to require nality in a decision-making
process before an aggrieved party can seek judicial review.
e only other element of section 1 that should be noted is the
provision that a magistrate’s court will have jurisdiction to hear an
application for review of administrative action provided that the court
has been designated by the Minister to do so, and provided that the
presiding magistrate has undergone appropriate training and also been
so designated.40 While this has the potential substantially to widen
access to judicial review of administrative action, the Department of
Justice and Constitutional Development has been very slow in initiating
this jurisdictional development with the result that there has been little
meaningful broadening of access to administrative review.41
Section 2 of PAJA marks an important gesture in the direction of the
balance needed between accountability and efficiency, because it
allows speci ed groups of administrative action to be exempt from the
provisions of the Act or for some administrators to vary their
compliance with the Act, provided that it is ‘reasonable and justi able’
in the circumstances. is is an important safety valve for
administrative frustration with the strictures of PAJA, but it has yet to be
Sections 3, 4 and 5 of PAJA give greater detail on what is required
from the administrator in the area of procedural fairness: rst in regard
to administrative action affecting an individual, then where
administrative action affects the public at large, and nally what steps
need to be taken to give expression to the duty to give reasons for
administrative action. Sections 3 and 4 follow a similar pattern: they
require compliance with certain steps as a minimum level of procedural
fairness, then some steps which it would be desirable to take, and nally
they provide for a ‘different but fair’ escape route, where an
administrator effectively complies with the obligations under PAJA, but
in a different manner from that laid down in the Act. Section 5 requires
those who seek reasons for administrative action to apply for them
within 90 days of hearing about the action, to which the administrator
must respond in writing, again within 90 days of the request, with
‘adequate’ reasons. is last set of obligations is naturally of great
assistance to those who seek to challenge the reasonableness of
administrative action, for to do so without knowing why the
administrator acted is rather like shooting in the dark. In general,
commentators are agreed that this set of steps relating to procedural
fairness marks a signi cant advance on the common law.
Section 6 is the heart of PAJA for, in setting out the possible grounds
of review on which the validity of administrative action may be
challenged, it draws together and codi es the grounds which existed at
common law. Noteworthy aspects of this section are the fact that
administrative action will frequently be challengeable under more than
one such ground; that the attempt at giving greater clarity to the idea of
review of ‘reasonableness’ (section 6(2)(h)) was extremely unhelpful,
and has been effectively sidelined by the courts;42 and nally that
section 6(2)(i) keeps the list of grounds open for further development as
courts push the boundaries of review: it provides that any action which
is ‘otherwise unconstitutional or unlawful’ may be set aside on that
ground, thus preserving a degree of exibility for the reviewing judges
to develop the law, much as was done under the common law.43
Section 7 of PAJA lays down certain procedures which must be
followed in seeking to review administrative action, one of which
requires such action to have been launched within 180 days of the
action having been taken.44 Section 8 outlines the various remedies
which a court can order if it has found administrative action to have
failed to comply with the law, under the broad cloak of enhancing
justice and equity. e innovation here is the authority granted to the
court to order the payment of nancial compensation to those who
have suffered because of the unlawfulness of the action, a power which
did not exist before, and which effectively allows a judge to order the
executive to spend money.
Section 9 authorises a court on application to allow a variation of
any of the time periods stipulated in the Act, while section 9A provides
guidance in respect of the training of magistrates to preside over judicial
review applications. Finally (section 11 merely speci es the short title of
the Act), section 10 requires the Minister (of Justice and Constitutional
Development) to make certain regulations, and mandates him or her to
make others. e only point worth mentioning here is that the Minister
has not yet accepted the invitation in section 10(2)(a) to establish an
administrative justice advisory council, to monitor and continue the
process of administrative law reform.45 A set of Regulations on Fair
Administrative Procedures was duly approved and promulgated in July
2002,46 and these give yet further detail in support of the proper
implementation of sections 3 and 4.
What effect has the existence of PAJA had on the development of
administrative justice?47 In the rst place, it has inhibited the growth of
alternatives to judicial review, through its failure to address the wider
scope of and mechanisms to achieve administrative justice. Second, the
problems attendant on the complex de nition of the key phrase
(administrative action) have limited its usefulness. ird, some have
argued48 that PAJA unduly and unjusti ably (and therefore
unconstitutionally) limits the rights to administrative justice by, for
example, prescribing strict time periods within which steps must be
taken, and by requiring internal remedies to have been exhausted
before applying for review. On the other hand, the renewal contained in
the provisions relating to procedural fairness, and several other aspects,
mark advances on the common law. On balance, therefore, I would
argue that PAJA, although an ‘opportunity lost’, has had a positive
in uence on the level of administrative justice in South Africa.

1.6 Outline of the various avenues to judicial review of

administrative action in South Africa
e rest of this book examines the state of our administrative law in
some detail. e purpose of this short overview is to allow the reader to
situate their reading and study of what follows within a framework, by
outlining the main avenues through which the process of judicial review
has developed over the past twenty years.49 Judicial review is the
mechanism through which a court scrutinises an administrative action
to determine whether it meets the standards of administrative justice as
set out in the Constitution, PAJA and the common law and grants a
remedy where it does not. In considering this summary account, you
should recall that, a mere twenty- ve years ago, only two such avenues
to judicial review existed, being resort to the common law of judicial
review and the use of such special statutory processes as may have
existed in isolated areas of law (such as labour law). Using the image of
‘avenues’ is an attempt to make sense of the several possible routes
available to a court when approached by a party challenging the validity
of administrative conduct. ere are at least ve avenues through which
the review of administrative conduct can be sought. I use the word
‘conduct’ in order to cover as wide a range of behaviour by the
administration as possible: within it, one can nd decisions, actions,
omissions and so on.
• Whether the administrative conduct being challenged falls within
the de nition of ‘administrative action’ or not is the rst question
which needs to be answered, or at least it ought to be so. If the
conduct concerned can be classi ed as such, then the provisions of
PAJA apply, and must be followed. is avenue is likely by far to be
the one most commonly used, and it provides the widest range of
grounds of review and remedies of all the avenues.
• If the conduct does not fall within PAJA de nition of administrative
action, but rather within the broad compass of ‘executive action’, for
example where a Minister lays down policy for the guidance of
public officials, or the President appoints someone to public office
at his discretion or decides to pardon a prisoner, then the conduct is
clearly reviewable, but this time against the demands of the
‘principle of legality’, which is enshrined as an aspect of the ‘rule of
law’ as one of the founding values of the Constitution, in section
1(c). Here the grounds on which the challenger can rely are
lawfulness, rationality and honesty,50 with the duty to show
procedural fairness in very limited circumstances. It seems, too, that
the duty to give reasons for this conduct, at least so that the
rationality of the conduct can be assessed, is required by law.51
However, in the past ve years, the courts have increasingly pushed
the boundaries of the grounds of review under the principle of
legality, especially in their interpretation of what is required by
review for ‘rationality’. Applicants for judicial review also prefer often
to proceed under this avenue because the procedural obstacles
thrown up by PAJA (such as the 180-day limit) are not present in the
same way under this avenue. Similarly, judges sometimes prefer to
hear a review under the principle of legality, because they then do
not have to grapple with the difficulties attendant on the de nition
of ‘administrative action’ in PAJA. is trend in litigation
undermines the overall scheme of administrative review
contemplated in the Constitution.
• In certain circumstances where the conduct can be de ned as
‘administrative action’ in terms of PAJA, because of the existence of
structures and processes established by legislation which applies to
a particular sphere of the public administration or a particular type
of economic activity, the courts will insist that the ‘special statutory’
review mechanisms be used, rather than PAJA. e only exception
to this rule seems to be where the public impact of the conduct
justi es resort to PAJA.52 e best-known examples of this route are
to be seen where the complaint relates to employment by
government, to which both the Labour Relations Act53 and PAJA
both potentially apply.
• Again, where the conduct complies with PAJA de nition, but for
example it raises doubts about the constitutionality of one or more
of the provisions of PAJA itself, the court on review will use as its
benchmark the terms of section 33 of the Constitution itself, which
of course uses the term ‘administrative action’, and gives it an
interpretation unin uenced by the de nition in PAJA. is route will
very rarely be resorted to, but will allow the court a greater degree of
latitude to develop the law without reference to PAJA.54
• Finally, although it has been emphatically and repeatedly
emphasised that the common law avenue no longer exists as some
kind of parallel review process, nevertheless where a private body
such as a voluntary association (be it of a charitable, sporting,
religious or other nature) acts to discipline a member, or in some
way acts as if it is exercising regulatory power, the rules of
procedural fairness and rationality at least will apply to its conduct.
Of course, it will also be bound by the terms of its constitution, so
will have to act lawfully in that sense. is avenue is not the one
followed where a private body exercises public power or performs a
public function, perhaps as an outsourced service provider for
government. In this last case it will be subject to the ordinary review
process as laid down in PAJA as if it was an organ of state.

1.7 Concluding remarks about the current state of

administrative law, and some challenges
e purpose of this chapter has been to describe the development of
administrative law in South Africa and some of the basic concepts and
principles which underlie its development. is nal section of the
chapter attempts to summarise the main features of the current
administrative law jurisprudence, and to list brie y some of the
challenges facing it. e remaining chapters in the book will take all of
these issues much further, but it is appropriate to be aware of the
structure of the whole subject from the outset.

Main features of pre-constitutional administrative

Before proceeding, look back at the summary of the
main features of administrative law before the advent of
the Constitution, set out above at section 1.3.7. This will
demonstrate the relatively far-reaching shifts which have
occurred in this part of the law.

1.7.1 The current state of administrative law

Most of the features which characterise judicial review of administrative
action at present have been established authoritatively only in the past
twenty years (since the passage into law and coming into force of PAJA),
although as explained previously, the roots of most of them can be
traced back many decades. e main characteristics of the law are as
• e foundation of the exercise of the jurisdiction to review
administrative action by the courts is to be found in the
Constitution, particularly sections 1(c), 33 and 195. So there is now
little reference to the ultra vires doctrine as the basis of review.
• Review according to the general tenets of PAJA is by far the most
frequent type of regulation of the exercise of public power, because
most acts done by the public administration fall within the bounds
of the de nition of administrative action in PAJA.
• One of the earliest decisions found that putting goods and services
out to tender by government (what is called ‘public procurement’)
quali ed as administrative action,55 so that much litigation has
centred on the lawfulness and procedural fairness of the tender
process.56 e status of the subsequent contractual relationship
between government and the service provider as being governed by
private law or public law has also generated a fair degree of judicial
• e applicability of PAJA where a specialised statutory regime exists
(for example, in the labour relations eld) has been a source of
several high-pro le decisions, with the outcome appearing to be
that the special statutory regime will apply, unless the outcome of
the decision will have a substantial public impact.58
• A signi cant number of cases has focused on the importance of
administrative fairness to the provision of socio-economic rights,
many litigants electing to rely on the failure of government to follow
the prescripts of administrative justice as the basis for arguing that
socio-economic rights should be granted to them.59
• Perhaps the most signi cant development in this period has been
the creation of a parallel avenue for review of executive action, that
is the exercise of public power by government which does not
qualify as administrative action in terms of PAJA.60 Here the courts
have concluded that review can occur on many of the grounds
which could have been relied on were it administrative action, while
being constrained by a due degree of deference needing to be
shown to the executive branch of government.
• Some advances have been made in the creative use of the wide
authority granted to the courts in the ordering of a ‘just and
equitable’ remedy having found administrative action to be
unlawful,61 including on occasion the refusal by a court to set aside
the action, even though it is invalid in law.62
• Unlike before 1994, almost no questions are raised currently about
litigants’ standing to sue, and direct ouster clauses are effectively
eliminated because of the existence of the right of access to court in
section 34 of the Constitution; although the broad grant of
discretionary authority without sufficient guidelines for its
implementation may be seen to be an indirect ouster.

1.7.2 Some challenges facing administrative law

As far as the challenges are concerned, the following areas of
administrative law present most of the potential dangers for the
achievement of administrative justice:
1. e seemingly endless disputes about whether the administrative
conduct being challenged falls under PAJA or not. ese often serve
to distract the court from its fundamental task, which is to achieve
the greatest degree of compliance with administrative justice.
2. e delimitation of the grounds of review under the ‘principle of
legality’, the basis of review where PAJA de nition has not been
satis ed. In many ways it seems that it will be just a matter of time
before the gap between the grounds of review available under the
two separate avenues will converge, which defeats the intention of
the Constitution in section 33.
3. e courts have not been able to reach a sufficiently predictable
approach to the deference which they must show to the other
branches of government.63 Although this is a highly-charged area of
law, or because it is, the urgency of some authoritative statement in
this regard from the Constitutional Court is imperative.
4. e exaggerated prominence of judicial review as the main avenue
to review, despite all its many and serious drawbacks, means that
access to administrative justice is available to only very few. It also
means that insufficient attention is being paid to the development of
alternative avenues for achieving administrative justice, such as
appeals tribunals, specialised ombuds offices, greater transparency,
and so on.

Despite these challenges, the level of administrative justice in South

African law today has increased enormously over the past twenty- ve
years, and there is no reason to suppose that this trajectory will not
continue, albeit at a slower pace. In fact, if one returns to the objectives
set in the Breakwater Declaration of just twenty-six years ago, you will
see that they have been reached in almost every respect. at in itself is
of great signi cance for our participative democracy.


This chapter seeks to provide a broad outline of the field of the regulation through
law of power relations covered by administrative law. This is done within the
historical, socio-economic and democratic governance contexts within which this
area of law has both developed and operates today. The meaning of the concept of
the ‘exercise of public power or the performance of a public function’, phrases
central to the scope of administrative law, is explored. The several avenues to
review of administrative and executive conduct in the public domain are outlined.
This chapter provides, therefore, the essential skeleton of concepts and rules on
which the rest of the chapters in this book will build.

• 1993 Acta Juridica
• Baxter, L (1984) Administrative Law Cape Town: Juta
• Currie, I (2007) The Promotion of Administrative Justice Act A Commentary
(2nd ed) Cape Town: Siber Ink
• De Ville, JR (2003) Judicial Review of Administrative Action in South Africa
Durban: LexisNexis Butterworth
• Hoexter, C (2012) Administrative Law in South Africa (2nd ed) Cape Town: Juta
• Quinot, G (2008) Administrative Law Cases & Materials Cape Town: Juta

1 Mureinik, E (1994) A Bridge to Where? Introducing the Interim Bill of Rights SAJHR
10(1):31 at 38–44.
2 Mureinik, E (1993) Reconsidering Review: Participation and Accountability Acta Juridica
3 e leading texts in this eld are listed at the end of this chapter, and provide essential
4 Dicey, AV (1924) Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution (8th ed) at 198–
5 See the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) e Rule of Law in a Free Society: A Report
on the International Congress of Jurists, New Delhi India, January 5–10 1959, for the
founding statement of its principles.
6 See the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) e Dynamic Aspects of the Rule of Law: A
Report on the International Congress of Jurists, Bangkok ailand, 1965.
7 For the most extensive treatment of this aspect, see Taitz, J (1985) e Inherent Jurisdiction
of the Supreme Court.
8 See Dugard (1978) Human Rights and the South African Legal Order.
9 See Forsyth, CF (1985) In Danger for their Talents: A Study of the Appellate Division of the
Supreme Court of South Africa from 1950-80.
See Shidiack v Union Government (Minister of the Interior) 1912 AD 642, especially in the
10 judgments of Innes ACJ and Laurence J.
11 Corder (1984) Judges at Work Chapter 9 and Postscript.
12 Ellmann (1992) In a Time of Trouble Law and Liberty in South Africa’s State of Emergency.
13 For wider discussion, see Hoexter, C (2000) e Future of Judicial Review in South African
Administrative Law SALJ 117(3):484; O’Regan, K (2004) Breaking Ground: Some oughts
on the Seismic Shift in our Administrative Law SALJ 121(2):424; Corder, H (2004) Without
Deference, with Respect: A Response to Justice O’Regan [comments] SALJ 121(2):438; and
Davis, DM (2006) To Defer and en When? Administrative Law and Constitutional
Democracy Acta Juridica 23.
14 Harlow and Rawlings (2009) Law and Administration (3rd ed).
15 See the remarks of Innes ACJ and Laurence J in Shidiack, referred to in note 10.
16 Rossouw v Sachs 1964 (2) SA 551 (A) and Schermbrucker v Klindt NO 1965 (4) SA 606 (A).
17 For detailed treatment of the development of the law relating to implied delegation of
authority, see the judgment of Langa CJ in AAA Investments (Pty) Ltd v Micro Finance
Regulatory Council and Another 2007 (1) SA 343 (CC) paras 74–91.
18 e Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996.
19 13 of 2002.
20 See Pretoria North Town Council v A1 Electric Ice-Cream Factory (Pty) Ltd 1953 (3) SA 1 (A)
at 11.
21 Bamford, BR (1967) Race Reclassi cation SALJ 84(1):37, and the many cases cited there.
22 27 of 1914; Sachs and Diamond v Minister of Justice 1934 AD 11.
23 44 of 1950.
24 See the incisive analysis and critique of these laws in Mathews, AS (1986) Freedom, State
Security and the Rule of Law.
25 Budlender, G (1988) Law and Lawlessness in South Africa SAJHR 4(2):139.
26 For example, see R v Ngwevela 1954 (1) SA 123 (A) and Saliwa v Minister of Native Affairs
1956 (2) SA 310 (A).
27 For example, see Loza v Police Station Commander, Durbanville 1964 (2) SA 545 (A).
28 For example, see Schermbrucker v Klindt NO 1965 (4) SA 606 (A).
29 e earlier cases in the 1950s witnessed more successful applications, but once the judicial
personnel had changed, the general attitude towards the rights of those subjected to state
action seemed to harden: see Dugard (1978) at 360–365, and Chapter 9 generally.
30 is approach reached its greatest extent during the states of emergency in the late 1980s:
for the most extensive analysis of this issue, see Ellmann (1992).
31 e most authoritative restatement of which is to be found in JSE and Another v
Witwatersrand Nigel 1988 (3) SA 132 (A) at 152 C ff.
32 ese rules, usually expressed in their Latin format as audi alteram partem (hear the other
side) and nemo judex in sua causa esse debet (no one should be a judge in their own
cause/interest), are regarded as ‘natural’ because they are said to be inalienable rights
under the common law.
33 Such as the Riotous Assemblies and Criminal Law Amendment Act 27 of 1914, section
34 For further details of this process, see Corder, H. ‘Reviewing Review: Much Achieved, Much
More to Do’ in Corder, H and van der Vijver, L (Eds) (2002) Realising Administrative Justice
at 1–19.
35 See Corder, H (1993) Introduction: Administrative Law Reform Acta Juridica 1 for a report
on the event and for a copy of the Declaration, at 17–20. Most of the papers delivered on
that occasion are included in that same volume.
36 For a fuller account of this drafting history, see Du Plessis, LM and Corder, H (1994)
Understanding South Africa’s Transitional Bill of Rights at 165–170.
37 See Hoexter (2000) at 484–519.
38 See the authors referred to in note 48 below.
39 For a summary treatment, see Hoexter, C (2006) ‘Administrative Action’ in the Courts Acta
Juridica 303.
40 In fact, PAJA has been amended to facilitate this process: see the addition of section 9A
Designation and Training of Judicial Officers.
41 In Government Notice (GN) No. 1216 in Government Gazette (GG) 42717 of 19.09.2019, the
Minister of Justice purports to designate all regional and magistrates’ courts as ‘courts’ for
purposes of review under PAJA. is arrangement came into effect on 1 October 2019, so it
is too early to assess its impact in the widening of access to administrative justice.
42 See the judgment of O’Regan J in Bato Star Fishing (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Environmental
Affairs and Others 2004 (4) SA 490 (CC).
43 us, have the courts been able still to hold that ‘vagueness’ and ‘acting under dictation’
are valid grounds of review in the constitutional era.
44 Rules for applying for judicial review of administrative action in a High Court were
promulgated in the GG No. 42740 of 04.10.19; they came into effect on 1 November 2019.
45 e SA Law Reform Commission recommended that the establishment of such a body be
46 GN R 1022 (GG 23764 of 31.07.2002).
47 For a provocative view of the impact of PAJA, see Currie, I (2006) What Difference Does the
Promotion of Administrative Justice Act Make to Administrative Law Acta Juridica 325.
48 See, for example, Plasket, C (2002) e Exhaustion of Internal Remedies and Section 7(2) of
the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000 SALJ 119(1):50, and Hoexter, C (2012)
Administrative Law in South Africa (2nd ed), at 532–543.
49 Hoexter calls these ‘pathways’ to review, and is chie y responsible for identifying them as
such in her work over the past decade: see Hoexter (2000), and also Hoexter, C ‘e Rule of
Law and the Principle of Legality in South African Administrative Law Today’ in Carnelly,
M and Hoctor, S (Eds) (2011) Law, Order and Liberty Essays in Honour of Tony Mathews at
50 e founding authority for such a view is to be seen in President of the Republic of South
Africa and Others v South African Rugby Football Union and Others 2000 (1) SA 1 (CC).
51 See Judicial Service Commission and Another v Cape Bar Council and Another 2013 (1) SA
170 (SCA).
52 See Gcaba v Minister for Safety and Security and Others 2010 (1) SA 238 (CC).
53 66 of 1995.
54 See Zondi v MEC for Traditional and Local Government Affairs and Others 2005 (3) SA 589
55 See Umfolozi Transport (Edms) Bpk v Minister van Vervoer [1997] 2 All SA 548 (A).
56 See, for example, Cape Metropolitan Council v Metro Inspection Services (Western Cape) CC
and Others 2001 (3) SA 1013 (SCA) and Logbro Properties CC v Bedderson NO and Others
2003 (2) SA 460 (SCA).
57 See Steenkamp NO v Provincial Tender Board, Eastern Cape 2007 (3) SA 121 (CC).
58 Among the chief cases in this regard, see Fredericks v MEC for Education and Training,
Eastern Cape 2002 (2) SA 693 (CC), Chirwa v Transnet Ltd and Others 2008 (4) SA 367 (CC),
and Gcaba v Minister for Safety and Security and Others 2010 (1) SA 238 (CC).
59 See, for example, Joseph and Others v City of Johannesburg and Others 2010 (4) SA 55 (CC),
and Mazibuko and Others v City of Johannesburg and Others 2010 (4) SA 1 (CC).
60 See the excellent explanation of this development in Hoexter (2011) 55, note 49 above. For
a recent example in the case law, see Albutt v Centre for the Study of Violence and
Reconciliation and Others 2010 (3) SA 293 (CC).
61 For example, see Millennium Waste Management (Pty) Ltd v Chairperson, Tender Board:
Limpopo Province and Others 2008 (2) SA 481 (SCA).
62 See Allpay Consolidated Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Others v Chief Executive Officer,
South African Social Security Agency and Others 2013 (4) SA 557 (SCA), referring to the
judgment of Matojane J a quo in the North Gauteng High Court, at para 2, who had found
the tender process to be invalid, but had refused to set it aside. is matter was then
appealed to the Constitutional Court, under the same name, which overruled the SCA
judgment (Allpay Consolidated Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Others v Chief Executive
Officer, South African Social Security Agency and Others 2014 (1) SA 604 (CC)), and set aside
the tender award in contention, but postponed granting any further remedy, pending a
further hearing some months later.
63 See the treatment of this area of the law in the works referred to in note 13 above.
Administrative authorities in legal


2.1 Introduction

2.2 Concepts and nomenclature

2.2.1 State
2.2.2 Executive
2.2.3 Government
2.2.4 Public administration
2.2.5 Civil service

2.3 Constitutional supremacy

2.3.1 Democracy
2.3.2 The Bill of Rights
2.3.3 Section 195 of the Constitution

2.4 The doctrine of the separation of powers

2.4.1 The separation of powers in South Africa
2.4.2 The normative nature of the separation of powers
2.4.3 The public administration and the separation of powers

2.5 Identifying the administration

2.5.1 The rise of the administrative state
2.5.2 The term ‘the administration’
2.5.3 The South African administration National departments National department: The Department of Water and Sanitation The Ministry of Finance and its administrative authorities State-owned company: Eskom SOC Ltd. The Public Protector Commissions 59

2.6 Administrative law: A discipline steeped in controversy

2.6.1 The dual nature of administrative law
2.6.2 Administrative law and administrative power distinguished
2.6.3 Administrative law and administrative authorities distinguished
2.6.4 Sources of administrative law
2.6.5 Sources of administrative power

2.1 Introduction
What is the administration? What is administrative law? To whom does
administrative law apply? ese are not straightforward questions: they
do not lead to straightforward answers and they prove challenging
because they are often neglected and cannot be addressed in a vacuum.
However, an awareness of context and complexity is essential to
appreciating administrative justice. erefore, this chapter sketches the
broad contours of the conceptual framework and context within which
these questions are posed.
De ning the concepts and nomenclature necessary for a discussion
on public authorities and administrative law serves as the chapter’s
point of departure. Subsequently the constitutional framework within
which the administration operates is discussed. Normative imperatives
imposed by the Constitution, such as democracy, and institutional
principles, such as the separation of powers, are always relevant to an
understanding or analysis of administrative authorities. erefore any
response to the question ‘what is the administration?’ must be based on
these constitutional provisions.
On the basis of the constitutional and conceptual framework,
speci c examples of administrative authorities are discussed. e
examples include national departments, a Chapter 9 institution and a
state-owned company. e legislative framework and the institutional
nature of each institution are set out in order to illustrate the diversity of
administrative authorities. However, there are shared characteristics:
for instance, administrative authorities are typically concerned with the
implementation of legislation and the performance of public functions.
Finally, the relationship between institutions that can be described
as administrative authorities and administrative law is explained.

2.2 Concepts and nomenclature

Public law relies on a number of concepts and terms, which bear
several meanings. For example, the word ‘state’ can be employed in a
technical sense,1 but also in a more general sense, colloquially.2 us
the term ‘state’ has more than one de nition, but not all de nitions are
necessarily relevant to administrative law. De nitions for terms such as
‘state’, ‘executive’ and ‘government’ are discussed in this section, in
order to identify those de nitions relevant to administrative law and to
distinguish these terms from one another.

2.2.1 State
e word ‘state’ is a broad term bearing a number of meanings.
Although the Constitution refers to ‘state’ consistently, it is not de ned.
e Oxford English Dictionary lists the de nitions of state relevant to
this discussion under the heading of ‘commonwealth or polity’.3 In this
sense, state can refer to a community, living in a speci ed geographical
area with its own political organisation, or a nation. For example, the
Freedom Charter provides that ‘South Africa shall be a fully
independent state which respects the rights and sovereignty of all
nations’. In this sense state signi es the nation in a broad sense,
comprising political, economic, cultural and private entities and
State can also refer to the geographical area inhabited by such a
community. For example, article 12 of the African Charter on Human
and Peoples’ Rights provides that ‘[e]very individual shall have the right
to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of a State …’.
‘e state’, often with a capital S, refers to ‘[t]he body politic as organized
for supreme civil rule and government’.4 us the state refers to the
apparatus of a nation endowed with public authority, including the
executive, legislature, judiciary, police etc. In this sense, the term serves
as a collective noun describing the totality of entities endowed with
public authority. Louis XIV famously declared ‘I am the State’5 to mean
the monarch wields absolute power. In other words, the monarch is the
ultimate authority on all forms of public power (legislative, executive,
judicial and administrative) and the embodiment of that power; thus
the body politic, the state, is the monarch. e Constitution provides a
more recent example of this usage of ‘state’ as body politic: section 26(2)
of the right to housing holds that ‘[t]he state must take reasonable
legislative and other measures … to achieve the progressive realisation
of this right’. Similarly, criminal law cases employ the word state in this
sense: consider the designation S v Makwanyane and Another,6 where S
designates ‘the State’.
Finally, state can also signify the type of constitution operating in a
country. For example, section 1 of the Constitution reads ‘[t]he Republic
of South Africa is one, sovereign, democratic state’; article 1 of the 1977
Soviet Constitution reads as follows:
e Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is a socialist state of the whole people,
expressing the will and interests of the workers, peasants, and intelligentsia, the
working people of all the nations and nationalities of the country.

‘State’ can be used in more than one sense in a given context and,
evidently, all of these de nitions can overlap.

2.2.2 Executive
‘Executive’, as a noun, is a more technical term than ‘state’. Executive
generally refers to that branch within the separation of powers primarily
concerned with the formulation of policy and the implementation of
legislation and policy. is term is crucial to the study of administrative
In the South African context, executive is de ned by section 85 of
the Constitution:
(1) e executive authority of the Republic is vested in the President.
(2) e President exercises the executive authority, together with the other
members of the Cabinet …

us, broadly speaking, the executive performs two functions:

formulating policy and implementing policy and legislation. In
Permanent Secretary, Department of Education and Welfare, Eastern
Cape and Another v Ed-U-College (PE) (Section21) Inc.7 O’Regan J
elaborated on this distinction, with reference to President of the
Republic of South Africa and Others v South African Rugby Football
Union and Others:8
It should be noted that the distinction drawn … is between the implementation of
legislation, on the one hand, and the formulation of policy on the other. Policy
may be formulated by the executive outside of a legislative framework. For
example, the executive may determine a policy on road and rail transportation, or
on tertiary education. e formulation of such policy involves a political decision
and will generally not constitute administrative action. However, policy may also
be formulated in a narrower sense where a member of the executive is
implementing legislation. e formulation of policy in the exercise of such
powers may often constitute administrative action.9

It is essential to bear in mind the dual nature of the executive, in both

the institutional and functional sense: on the one hand the executive is
concerned with formulating policy and, on the other, with
implementing legislation. From an institutional perspective, the public
administration speci cally is primarily concerned with the latter, rather
than the executive proper. In a sense, most state decisions or acts entail
an element of policy. erefore, policy in the wide sense and policy in
the narrow sense are distinguished, as explained in Ed-U-College. e
executive can also be subdivided into the national, provincial and local
spheres.10 In order to facilitate accuracy, Vile proposes referring to the
public administration and the ‘policy branch’ as divisions within the
executive.11 is appellation acknowledges the dual nature of the
2.2.3 Government
e term government is also employed in several ways. On occasion,
‘government’ is synonymous with ‘executive’ in the wide sense,
comprising both politicians and administrators.12 Sometimes
government refers to the high executive, that is, Cabinet, and
sometimes the ruling or majority party is referred to as the government.

2.2.4 Public administration

As indicated, the public administration forms part of the executive. e
term public administration is not clearly de ned, but section 195 of the
Constitution expressly identi es the constitutional role of the
administration. In a general sense, the public administration is that part
of the executive concerned with the implementation of legislation and
of policy, rather than their initiation and formulation.

2.2.5 Civil service

e civil service is a division of the public administration.13 Chapter
197(1) of the Constitution provides the following:
Within public administration there is a public service for the Republic, which
must function, and be structured, in terms of national legislation, and which must
loyally execute the lawful policies of the government of the day.

e Constitution also establishes a Public Service Commission,14 tasked

with safeguarding the values and principles listed in section 195. e
Constitution establishes the Commission’s independence and grants it
investigative powers.15 e Public Service Commission is accountable to
the National Assembly.16

2.3 Constitutional supremacy

Section 2 of the Constitution establishes the supremacy of the
is Constitution is the supreme law of the Republic; law or conduct inconsistent
with it is invalid, and the obligations imposed by it must be ful lled.

erefore, the Constitution in general and provisions concerned with

the administration or administrative law in particular are always
relevant and should inform any corresponding determination.
Evidently, the status of the Constitution has far-reaching implications,
also for the administration and for administrative law.
An overview of the constitutional framework within which the
administration and administrative law operate is provided in this
section. e scope of constitutional supremacy is encompassing.
Section 2 of the Constitution applies not only to conduct and the
content of legal rules, but also imposes obligations. us the
Constitution not only entrenches certain values, but obliges the state to
take positive steps. is is illustrated by section 7(2): ‘[t]he state must
respect, protect, promote and ful l the rights in the Bill of Rights’.
Section 8 states that ‘[t]he Bill of Rights applies to all law, and binds the
legislature, the executive, the judiciary and all organs of state’.17 e Bill
of Rights includes socio-economic rights such as the right to housing
and the right to education,18 which themselves oblige the state to take
positive steps.19 erefore, according to the unquali ed wording of
section 8, the Bill of Rights applies to all branches of state, including the
administration. e public administration, in turn, is speci cally
recognised by sections 195 and 239. Finally, the Constitution, in
general, and the Bill of Rights, in particular, are justiciable and
enforceable: section 172(1)(a) provides that the courts ‘must declare
that any law or conduct that is inconsistent with the Constitution is
invalid’ and ‘may make any order that is just and equitable’.20 e
supremacy of the Constitution is re ected in context of judicial review:
the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act (PAJA)21 provides that ‘a
court … has the power to judicially review an administrative action’22 if
it is unlawful, procedurally unfair, or unreasonable and ‘may grant any
order that is just and equitable’.23 us the rule of law as the supremacy
of the Constitution is established in relation to the state as a whole, in a
radical departure from the system of parliamentary sovereignty within
which the administration functioned prior to 1994 as we noted in
Chapter 1.24

2.3.1 Democracy
Democracy is repeatedly emphasised throughout the Constitution:25 the
Constitution entrenches general notions of democracy as well as more
speci c conceptions of democracy, such as participation. Since
democracy is a founding constitutional principle, the public
administration is also bound to uphold and promote it. Section 1
provides that South Africa is ‘founded’ on ‘[u]niversal adult suffrage, a
national common voters roll, regular elections and a multi-party system
of democratic government, to ensure accountability, responsiveness
and openness’.26 When read with the supremacy clause, the importance
of democratic principles to the state as a whole, including the
administration, is evident. More speci cally, section 195(1) provides
that the ‘[p]ublic administration must be governed by the democratic
values and principles enshrined in the Constitution’.27
As mentioned, the Constitution entrenches various conceptions of
democracy. Section 17 provides for a measure of direct democracy and
section 34 provides for representative democracy. Section 57(1)(b),
regulating the internal arrangements of the National Assembly,
provides that the ‘National Assembly may … make rules and orders
concerning its business, with due regard to representative and
participatory democracy, accountability, transparency and public
involvement.’ Similarly, section 59(1)(a), regulating public access to and
involvement in the National Assembly, provides that the ‘National
Assembly must facilitate public involvement in the legislative and other
processes of the Assembly and its committees’.28 ese provisions are
expressions of participatory democracy, con rmed by the
Constitutional Court: ‘[o]ur Constitution contemplates a democracy
that is representative, and that also contains elements of participatory
democracy’.29 Similarly, section 195 requires the administration to
promote participation in policy-making.30
e importance of participation is revealed by the form of its
protection: the Constitution safeguards participation at the legislative
function, even where representation is strongest at national and
provincial level. us, the Constitution requires, in express terms,
participation at the formulation of generally applicable rules. In the
South African context, given the traditional, tripartite understanding of
the separation of powers, a history of unchecked parliamentary
sovereignty and a Diceyan legacy on administrative law, it is not
surprising that rule-making and its regulation are regarded as almost
solely the purview of the legislature.31 Nevertheless, sections 3 and 4 of
PAJA illustrate the importance of participation in the processes of
branches of state other than the legislature.32

2.3.2 The Bill of Rights

e Bill of Rights lists a number of human rights protected by the
Constitution and regulates their application. However, the list is not
39. (3) e Bill of Rights does not deny the existence of any other rights or
freedoms that are recognised or conferred by common law, customary law or
legislation, to the extent that they are consistent with the Bill.

Concerning the conceptual framework and context of the

administration and of administrative law, section 33 is of particular
signi cance. Bear in mind that section 33 is a human right listed in the
Bill of Rights and therefore sections 7, 8 and 36 are applicable. Section
33 entrenches the right to ‘just administrative action’:
(1) Everyone has the right to administrative action that is lawful, reasonable and
procedurally fair.
(2) Everyone whose rights have been adversely affected by administrative action
has the right to be given written reasons.
(3) National legislation must be enacted to give effect to these rights, and must -
(a) provide for the review of administrative action by a court or, where
appropriate, an independent and impartial tribunal;
(b) impose a duty on the state to give effect to the rights in subsections (1)
and (2); and
(c) promote an efficient administration.
e promulgation of PAJA gives effect to section 33(3), but does not
imply that that subsection is obsolete.

2.3.3 Section 195 of the Constitution

Section 195 recognises the constitutional role of the public
administration as such. is section lists a range of values and
principles to which the administration must adhere and makes it quite
clear that a very high standard of conduct is expected of the
administration. e public administration is not de ned in this section,
e justiciability of section 195 is arguable. Hoexter, relying on
Skweyiya J in Chirwa v Transnet Ltd and Others,33 proffers that the
values and principles of section 195:
are comparable to the founding values in s 1 of the Constitution in that they
appear to impose duties without giving rise to justiciable rights … ‘the
Constitutional Court has upheld the view that the section provides valuable
interpretive assistance but does not confer any directly enforceable rights’.34

e Constitutional Court has recently reiterated this approach to

section 195:
is Court has on a number of occasions stated that although these values
underlie our Constitution they do not give rise to independent rights outside
those set out in the Bill of Rights.35

However, the Constitution holds that the courts ‘must declare that any
law or conduct that is inconsistent with the Constitution is invalid’.36
us the courts are constrained to uphold the Constitution as a whole
and not only the Bill of Rights.37 In addition, legality, based on the rule
of law in section 1, is directly enforceable38 and the courts have, for
example, consistently applied section 217 to instances of public

2.4 The doctrine of the separation of powers40

e separation of powers is a mainstay of modern democratic
constitutions. Formulated by Montesquieu, in his classic book De
l’esprit des lois,41 the separation of powers has since been recognised in
numerous constitutions throughout the world. e administration, as a
constitutional and state entity, operates within the framework of the
separation of powers, since the doctrine encompasses all state
institutions. erefore, the administration must be classi ed in relation
to the separation of powers in order to categorise the functional and
institutional aspects of the administration.
Despite its widespread constitutional entrenchment, de ning the
doctrine remains challenging owing to a variety of variables, including
differences of interpretation. Vile formulates a ‘pure doctrine’ to serve
as a ‘benchmark’ for discussing the separation of powers.42 is pure
doctrine is circumscribed thus:
It is essential for the establishment and maintenance of political liberty that the
government be divided into three branches or departments, the legislature, the
executive, and the judiciary. To each of these three branches there is a
corresponding identi able function of government, legislative, executive, or
judicial. Each branch of the government must be con ned to the exercise of its
own function and not allowed to encroach upon the functions of the other
branches. Furthermore, the persons who compose these three agencies of
government must be kept separate and distinct, no individual being allowed to be
at the same time a member of more than one branch. In this way each of the
branches will be a check to the others and no single group of people will be able
to control the machinery of the State.43

e ‘pure doctrine’ contains four elements.44 First, all state institutions

are classi ed under one of three branches. Second, all state functions
are classi ed as either executive, legislative or judicial and each branch
is restricted to a single function. ird, a separation of personnel is
upheld between the branches. Finally, the maintenance of the
separation between institutions, functions and personnel maintains
liberty because the branches keep one another in check thereby
avoiding a monopoly of power. is triadic categorisation of institutions
and functions is also known as the trias politica.45 In terms of the ‘pure
doctrine’ each branch is absolutely independent, functionally and
institutionally, and any interference is strictly forbidden. However, in
practice, a system of checks and balances tempers such a strict,
compartmentalised understanding of the separation of powers. Checks
and balances allows for a ‘partial separation’, whether of functions or
personnel,46 which is widely considered compatible with the doctrine of
the separation of powers.

Figure 2.1 The ‘pure doctrine’ of the separation of powers or trias politica

2.4.1 The separation of powers in South Africa

e Constitution does not refer expressly to the separation of powers.
Nevertheless, Constitutional Principle VI in Schedule 4 of the interim
Constitution47 required the inclusion of the separation of powers in the
nal Constitution,48 which would not come into force without the
entrenchment of the doctrine. Constitutional Principle VI provides that:
ere shall be a separation of powers between the legislature, executive and
judiciary, with appropriate checks and balances to ensure accountability,
responsiveness and openness.

e question whether the separation of powers was adequately

entrenched in the nal Constitution, despite not referring to the
doctrine expressly, arose in Ex Parte Chairperson of the Constitutional
Assembly: In Re Certi cation of the Constitution of the Republic of South
Africa, 1996.49 In a unanimous judgment the court found that:
[w]hat CP VI requires is that there be a separation of powers between the
legislature, executive and judiciary. It does not prescribe what form that
separation should take. We have previously said that the CPs must not be
interpreted with technical rigidity. e language of CP VI is sufficiently wide to
cover the type of separation required by the NT.50
e entrenchment of the separation of powers in the Constitution was
con rmed again in South African Association of Personal Injury Lawyers
v Heath and Others.51 e court explained that:
[t]he constitutions of the United States and Australia, like ours, make provision for
the separation of powers by vesting the legislative authority in the legislature, the
executive authority in the executive, and the judicial authority in the courts. e
doctrine of separation of powers as applied in the United States is based on
inferences drawn from the structure and provisions of the Constitution, rather
than on an express entrenchment of the principle. In this respect, our
Constitution is no different.52
ere can be no doubt that our Constitution provides for such a separation,
and that laws inconsistent with what the Constitution requires in that regard, are

us the Constitution’s allocation of authority to the different branches

constitutes the entrenchment of the separation of powers in South

Figure 2.2 The South African separation of powers

Separation of powers in South Africa

Consider the nature and characteristics of the separation
of powers in South Africa. Which other institutions are, or
should, fall under the separation of powers? Does the
South African Reserve Bank fall under the separation of
powers? Should it? Who holds the Reserve Bank
accountable? Also consider the position of state-owned
Where would they fit into the scheme set out in Figure
2.2 above? Finally, consider the position of purely
private entities that perform public functions on behalf of
the state such as the private refuse removal company
Garbage Gobblers that we noted in Chapter 1.54 Should
such companies be accommodated in Figure 2.2 above,
and if so, where?

2.4.2 The normative nature of the separation of powers

e wording of Constitutional Principle VI suggests that the separation
of powers is not an end in itself. e purpose of the separation of
powers seems to be ‘to ensure accountability, responsiveness and
Even Vile’s pure doctrine is based on the preservation of liberty.
erefore the separation of powers is not concerned merely with
realising a particular institutional structure, the trias politica, as an end
in itself. Rather, the institutional structure prescribed by the separation
of powers is a means to an end.
Gwyn describes the separation of powers in relation to ‘certain
desirable ends’ that the doctrine aims to achieve.56
He identi es a number of normative objectives that have appealed
to the separation of powers for protection:
the separation of powers has been urged (1) to create greater governmental
efficiency; (2) to assure that statutory law is made in the common interest; (3) to
assure that the law is impartially administered and that all administrators are
under the law; (4) to allow the people’s representatives to call executive officials to
account for the abuse of their power; and (5) to establish a balance of
governmental powers.57
As mentioned, the ‘pure doctrine’ is concerned with securing liberty.
Montesquieu himself reasons ‘political liberty’ can only be safeguarded
‘when there is no abuse of power’; and
‘[t]o prevent this abuse, it is necessary from the very nature of things
that power should be a check to power’.58 Montesquieu argues that:
[w]hen the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person, or in
the same body of magistrates, there can be no liberty; because apprehensions
may arise, lest the same monarch or senate should enact tyrannical laws, to
execute them in a tyrannical manner.
Again, there is no liberty, if the judiciary power be not separated from the
legislative and the executive. Were it joined with the legislative, the life and liberty
of the subject would be exposed to arbitrary control; for the judge would be then
the legislator. Were it joined to the executive power, the judge might behave with
violence and oppression.59

e normative nature of the separation of power provides a framework

that assists the administration in structuring itself, internally and in
relation to other branches of state, so as to promote accountability,
efficiency and independence, without compromising rights unduly.

2.4.3 The public administration and the separation of

e administration forms part of the executive branch. erefore the
mechanisms that safeguard normative objectives, such as
accountability and the balance of power, are those aimed at the
executive as a whole, including the administration.
Section 85 of the Constitution vests the national executive authority
in the President and the members of Cabinet. e core of the executive
function, at least according to this provision, is the formulation of policy
and legislation and their implementation, including the coordination of
departments. However, the fundamental differences between the
formulation of policy and legislation and their implementation are
obscured by lumping them under one branch and function, not that the
classi cation itself is the source of the problem.
e exponential growth of the administration is a relatively recent
and sudden phenomenon. Quite simply, the classic separation of
powers, including the basic architecture the doctrine has entailed, was
settled well before this phenomenon. Modern conceptions of the
administrative function, the administration and administrative law only
made their appearance well after the classic formulation of the
separation of powers. Montesquieu himself reasons ‘political liberty’
can only be safeguarded ‘when there is no abuse of power’; and ‘[t]o
prevent this abuse, it is necessary from the very nature of things that
power should be a check to power’.60 Ackerman adds that the separation
of powers has not incorporated these developments and the
administrative function, as mentioned, has simply been categorised as
executive. Vile critiques this con ation of policy formulation and
e modern world is characterized by the development of what has been
described as the ‘administrative state.’ Bureaucracy has been with us, of course,
for more than two hundred years, but the modern administrative state exhibits
such complexity of structures and such a proliferation of rules that the earlier
conception of an “executive” consisting of a body of civil servants putting into
effect, under the direction of ministers, the commands of the legislature is no
longer tenable. e distinction between political leaders and bureaucrats has
simultaneously become sharper and more confused. Sharper because the
administrative state has taken on an autonomy of its own—it is only marginally
under the control of its political masters at any point in time.61

us Vile questions the capacity of politicians to control the

administration and suggests they are not actually accountable to
parliament in this regard. is reality is exacerbated by strict adherence
to a triadic separation of powers.
As a result, Ackerman contends that a reassesment of the trias
politica is overdue.62 He argues that new institutions, playing a
signi cant role at state level, cannot be classi ed under the three
functions of the separation of powers. is does not imply that the
separation of powers is obsolete, though, but that the doctrine has to
evolve to re ect these developments: state power and its control are
distributed differently than in Montesquieu’s day. erefore, dogmatic
adherence to three branches and functions must fall away; the number
of branches in itself should be irrelevant.
erefore, Vile proposes adopting the term ‘policy branch’ to
designate that part of the government or executive concerned primarily
with the formulation of policy and legislation;63 those institutions
responsible for the implementation of legislation and policy are
classi ed under the administration. Vile’s proposition of a separation of
at least four branches is adopted by the authors, in order to distinguish
between the nature of policy formulation and implementation and to
counter disproved assumptions of parliamentary control over the
executive and administration, of ministerial or executive control over
implementation, and of the adequacy of judicial review as the only, or
even primary, form of administrative law.
Would a separation of powers accommodating at least four
branches be inconsistent with the Constitution? Notably, the
Constitution does not de ne the separation of powers. Constitutional
Principle VI requires three branches, but this requirement can be
regarded as a minimum con guration. Support for such a view can be
found in the Constitution. Chapter 10 of the Constitution expressly
recognises the constitutional role of the public administration and civil
service. Section 195 requires that the administration ‘be governed by
the democractic values and principles enshrined in the Constitution’;
more speci cally section 195 imposes values and principles that govern
the administration, including
‘[s]ervices must be provided impartially, fairly, equitably and without
bias’64 and ‘[p]ublic administration must be accountable’.65 ese
principles are congruent with the normative objectives of the
separation of powers.
In addition, the separation of powers per se is a exible doctrine.66
e Constitutional Court found, in response to the complaint that
members of Cabinet simultaneously serving in the National Assembly
infringes the separation of powers, that:
[a]s the separation of powers doctrine is not a xed or rigid constitutional
doctrine, it is given expression in many different forms and made subject to
checks and balances of many kinds.67

erefore, the tripartite division is not set in stone. e content of the

separation of powers is also contingent on context, including
constitutional development:68
e practical application of the doctrine of separation of powers is in uenced by
the history, conventions and circumstances of the different countries in which it
is applied.69

On the whole, the separation of powers is normative, exible and

dynamic. Given the nature and scale of the modern administration, the
South African separation of powers should incorporate the
administration as a separate branch and function.

In De Lange v Smuts70 Ackermann J said:

I have no doubt that over time our Courts will develop a distinctively South
African model of separation of powers, one that ts the particular system of
government provided for in the Constitution and that re ects a delicate
balancing, informed both by South Africa’s history and its new dispensation,
between the need, on the one hand, to control government by separating powers
and enforcing checks and balances and, on the other, to avoid diffusing power so
completely that the government is unable to take timely measures in the public

e essential concern of the separation of powers is not form and

traditional classi cation, but rather a contextual, institutional
arrangement that promotes the normative objectives imposed by the
Constitution. Mechanisms that prevent the overconcentration of power
and promote accountability and the rule of law are purposes of the
separation of powers, rather than classifying new institutions
performing new functions in changed circumstances under three
categories formulated centuries ago. However, as Ackerman suggests,
adding a fourth branch to the separation of powers does not resolve the
doctrine’s content once and for all. Consider, for instance, the role
played by the so-called ‘Chapter 9 institutions’ in securing
constitutional democracy, which have been described as the
‘accountability branch’. e emphasis remains, not on the number of
institutions, but on institutional design that promotes normative
Figure 2.3 A modern doctrine of the separation of powers

2.5 Identifying the administration

With the proliferation of democratic states during the twentieth
century, certain state institutions and arrangements became
commonplace. National executives comprised of the majority political
party, representative parliaments and independent judiciaries are no
longer unusual or controversial; these branches of state are typically
organised in terms of the doctrine of separation of powers. us each
enjoys functional and institutional independence.
Nevertheless, this seemingly simple and uncontested structure can
obscure the nature of modern states, which is complex and
continuously changing. Although the broad terms of the modern
democratic state seem established, fundamental institutional
vicissitudes also typify the twentieth century; these developments
cannot all be reduced to the triadic narrative of the separation of
powers, as explained in section 2.4.3 above.
e ‘rise of the administrative state’ is an apt and pertinent example
of such fundamental change. Although the administrative state is not
limited to the administration, the administration is certainly an
essential component of the administrative state. erefore, the nature of
the administration, de ning the administration, and identifying the
South African administration are discussed in this section.
What is the administration? ere is no de nitive answer to this
question. e term is neither de ned by the Constitution nor general
legislation, nor is it a technical legal term. Nevertheless, the absence of
an incontrovertible de nition for the administration does not imply that
the term is not useful. Several approaches exist to identify
administrative authorities. e rst is the institutional approach. is
approach holds that certain institutions are administrative authorities
by virtue of the nature or identity of the institution. For example, certain
institutions are traditionally described as part of the administration,
such as national departments. Other institutions are regarded as
administrative authorities in certain instances, such as Eskom, and as a
private actor in other instances. Yet other institutions are not regarded
as part of the administration, but are subject to administrative law. is
reveals at least two approaches: the institutional approach and the
functional approach. e institutional approach holds that certain
institutions are in themselves subject to administrative law. e
functional approach holds that the application of administrative law is
subject to the nature of the function performed. Perhaps the simplest
accurate de nition for administrative authority is the following:
administrative authorities are primarily concerned with the
implementation of legislation.
is section attempts to identify the so-called ‘administration’, but
the impossibility of providing an all-encompassing de nition serves as
the point of departure. e nature of the administration is discussed
and since the administration has both institutional and functional
characteristics72 a list of institutions is inadequate. Certain institutions,
such as departments, are typically regarded as part of the
administration, though. Nevertheless, departments themselves differ
from each other in functional, institutional and regulatory terms. For
instance, the Public Protector will in certain circumstances qualify as an
administrator, for the purposes of PAJA. In such circumstances, the
administration will consist of an organ tasked with promoting
accountability and constitutional democracy.73 In many cases the
subject of the Public Protector’s investigations will be administrative
authorities,74 thus the administration itself. erefore, appreciating that
the administration consists of a conglomeration of widely divergent
institutions and actors is essential to the study of administrative law.

2.5.1 The rise of the administrative state

During the twentieth century, the role of the nation state changed
dramatically. Historically the state was primarily responsible for
national security, the creation of law and the maintenance of law and
order within the state. is is re ected in John Locke and Montesquieu’s
classi cation of state functions. However, the Industrial Revolution
served as a catalyst for a rapidly expanding, increasingly pro-active
state. is process was already well on its way in 1941 when Sir Cecil
Carr noted that:
[w]e nod approvingly today when someone tells us that, whereas the State used to
be merely policeman, judge and protector, it has now become schoolmaster,
doctor, house-builder, road-maker, town-planner, public utility supplier and all
the rest of it. e contrast is no recent discovery. De Tocqueville observed in 1866
that the State ‘everywhere interferes more than it did; it regulates more
undertakings, and undertakings of a lesser kind; and it gains a rmer footing
every day, about, around and above all private persons, to assist, to advise, and to
coerce them’ (Oeuvres, III, 501). Nassau William Senior, a Benthamite ten years
older than Chadwick, a colleague of his on the original Poor Law Commission,
had justi ed this tendency. A government, he thinks, must do whatever conduces
to the welfare of the governed (the utilitarian theory); it will make mistakes, but
non-interference may be an error too; one can be passively wrong as well as
actively wrong. One might go back much earlier still to Aristotle, who said that the
city-state or partnership-community comes into existence to protect life and
remains in existence to protect a proper way of living. What is the proper
standard? at is an age-long issue which is still a burning question of political
controversy. e problems of administrative law are approached in the light of
that re. ose who dislike the statutory delegation of legislative power or the
statutory creation of a non-judicial tribunal will often be those who dislike the
policy behind the statute and seek to ght it at every stage. On the one side are
those who want to step on the accelerator, on the other those who want to apply
the brake.75

In South Africa, the inclusion of socio-economic rights in the

Constitution was hotly contested and the debate ts neatly into Carr’s
description of choosing to increase or decrease state interference. With
their entrenchment in the nal Constitution, the role of the state has
increased once again. e state must now provide access to education,
housing and health care. Extensive mandates are imposed by rights
such as the right to housing, which have introduced positive
obligations. Predominantly the administration is responsible for the
realisation of these mandates. us the process identi ed by Carr in
1941 continues into the twenty- rst century.

2.5.2 The term ‘the administration’

Although one can assert con dently that the administration has
expanded rapidly and extensively, this observation does not resolve the
questions ‘what is the administration?’ and ‘how does one identify the
e administration is not a technical legal term; there is no generally
applicable de nition of the administration.76 erefore, from a legal
perspective this term is fraught with ambiguity, inconsistency and
sometimes inaccuracy. Yet politicians, jurists and journalists refer to the
administration on a daily basis. e term seems to refer to a single
entity. Common usage of the term supports this view: consider ‘the
Obama administration’. However, in reality ‘administration’ is a
collective noun, not for a collective of broadly similar institutions, such
as the courts constituting the judiciary for example, but for a vast
number of organs, divergent in function, nature and size.
A distinction needs to be drawn between administrative law and the
administration in an institutional sense. Broadly speaking,
administrative law regulates the performance of public functions.
erefore, administrative law does not apply whenever the
administration acts, though it often does. Furthermore, administrative
law also often applies when the administration is not involved, but the
function performed by a private entity has a public (administrative)
nature. Similarly, private law often applies to actions performed by the
administration. Nevertheless, historically the administration is at the
heart of the development of administrative law and the administration
merits close scrutiny regardless of the application of private or public,
speci cally administrative, law. In addition, on any particular occasion
where the administration acts, a matrix of legal rules, both public and
private, are operating. For example, where an administrative organ
concludes a contract the legal instrument itself is traditionally classi ed
as a private law instrument; however, administrative law may very well
regulate the contractual relationship in addition to the private law of
contract. e power of the administration to conclude a speci c
contract may stem from public law (for example, legislation empowers a
particular entity to conclude contracts) and the very existence of the
administrative organ is established by the operation of law. us even in
a classic private law context, classifying a particular situation as purely
private or purely public is rather arti cial.

2.5.3 The South African administration

As indicated, the administration bears no general legal de nition; the
presence of the administration does not imply the application of
administrative law. is is relevant since PAJA refers to ‘administrator’
which is de ned as ‘an organ of state or any natural or juristic person
taking administrative action’.77 ‘Organ of state’, in turn, is de ned by
section 239 of the Constitution which entrenches the functional
approach. e functional approach operates in addition to the
institutional approach: organ of state may also refer to ‘any department
of state or administration in the national, provincial or local sphere of
government’.78 erefore, for the purposes of PAJA ‘administrator’ may
refer to a private person. However, in this section national
administration refers to the South African administration in an
institutional sense, that is, those institutions primarily concerned with
the implementation of legislation and policy as such and created for
this very purpose.
e administration can be divided into three spheres: national,
provincial and local. National departments

e term ‘department’ is ubiquitous. e President establishes
departments as head of the national executive:
e President has the powers entrusted by the Constitution and legislation,
including those necessary to perform the functions of Head of State and head of
the national executive.79

More speci cally, section 85 of the Constitution provides that:

(1) e executive authority of the Republic is vested in the President.
(2) e President exercises the executive authority, together with the other
members of the Cabinet, by -
(a) implementing national legislation except where the Constitution or an
Act of Parliament provides otherwise;
(b) developing and implementing national policy;
(c) co-ordinating the functions of state departments and administrations;
(d) preparing and initiating legislation; and
(e) performing any other executive function provided for in the
Constitution or in national legislation.

is section illustrates that the term executive, in its overarching sense,
refers both to the formulation of policy as well as the implementation of
policy and legislation. However, the question as to what constitutes the
administration and its corresponding function is left unexplored.
e President lists the national departments in Schedule 1 of the
Public Service Act, 1994 (Proclamation 103 of 1994).80 e President is
empowered by section 7(5)(a) to determine the number and functions
of departments:
(5) Subject to section 7A and the principles contained in section 195 of the
Constitution, the President may by proclamation in the Gazette—
(a) on the advice of the Minister amend Schedule 1 so as to establish or
abolish any national department, designate such department and the
head thereof or amend any such designation.

e list changes regularly: even though the ANC has been in power
since South Africa’s rst democratic elections, the number of
departments has varied continually. However, overall the number has
been increasing steadily, in line with the ‘rise of the administrative
state’. With the promulgation of the Public Service Act, 1994
(Proclamation 103 of 1994), in terms of section 237(3) of the interim
Constitution,81 Schedule 1 listed twenty-six departments.82 In 2009
shortly after Zuma’s election as president, Schedule 1 was amended to
list over forty departments.83 us not only the number of departments
changes regularly, but also the functions associated with each
department. It is virtually impossible to formulate a pointed description
of the nature of all departments, since some are concerned with
providing services and others with regulation, for example. It is also
beyond the scope of this chapter to provide a description of each.
However, selected examples of departments are discussed below in
order to identify those aspects relevant to understanding departments
in general: the department’s constitutional and legislative framework,
its institutional structure, and its powers and functions. National department: The Department of Water and

To discuss every department would be beyond the scope of this
textbook. erefore the Department of Water and Sanitation’s structure
and regulation are set out for illustrative purposes. It is listed in
Schedule 1 of the Public Service Act and is a clear example of an
administrative authority.

Constitutional and legislative framework

Section 27 of the Bill of Rights provides that:
(1) Everyone has the right to have access to –
(a) health care services, including reproductive health care;
(b) sufficient food and water; and
(c) social security, including, if they are unable to support themselves and
their dependants, appropriate social assistance.
(2) e state must take reasonable legislative and other measures, within its
available resources, to achieve the progressive realisation of each of these
(3) No one may be refused emergency medical treatment.

us, access to ‘sufficient’ water is entrenched in the Constitution as a

human right. Not only is the state84 obliged not to interfere with citizens’
access to water, but it must also take positive steps to promote access to
water.85 Speci cally, a positive obligation is imposed upon Parliament to
create legislation that safeguards the right to access to water. Failure to
do so would be unconstitutional and invalid,86 subject to the limitations
clause.87 Schedule 5 of the Constitution lists the functional areas of
concurrent national and provincial legislative competence. Part B,
setting out national and provincial legislative authority over local
governments, lists water and sanitation services.
In terms of section 44:
(2) Parliament may intervene, by passing legislation in accordance with section
76(1), with regard to a matter falling within a functional area listed in
Schedule 4, when it is necessary –
(a) to maintain national security;
(b) to maintain economic unity;
(c) to maintain essential national standards;
(d) to establish minimum standards required for the rendering of services;
(e) to prevent unreasonable action taken by a province which is prejudicial
to the interests of another province or to the country as a whole.

us, the Constitution affords Parliament the authorisation to interfere

with provincial and local mandates in the public interest.
In line with section 27 of the Constitution, Parliament has created
two statutes to regulate South Africa’s water supply and distribution: the
National Water Act88 and the Water Services Act.89 ese statutes set out
the corresponding powers and functions of the Minister and
administrative authorities. Consistent with the principles of the rule of
law and legality, which are constitutionally protected, these
constitutional and statutory provisions provide the legal framework
within which the Department of Water and Sanitation must act.
Moreover, especially the constitutional provisions necessitate the
existence of some administrative entity tasked with delivering water
services to members of the public. erefore, any departmental act or
decision should always be evaluated in the light of these legal sources as
a minimum requirement.

Institutional structure
e Department of Water and Sanitation,90 its appellation since 2014, is
a national department. e Ministry for Water and Sanitation heads the
department. erefore the political head of the department is the
Minister for Water and Sanitation. e administrative head of the
department is the Director-General for the department.91

Figure 2.4 The constitutional context and structure of the Department of Water and Sanitation

Figure 2.4 illustrates the constitutional context and structure of the

Department of Water and Sanitation. e top tier of Figure 2.4 consists
of the Cabinet, which is formed by the President shortly after an
election. e President decides which Ministries to create and each
Ministry will be headed by a Minister responsible for that Ministry. In
this case the Minister of Humans Settlements, Water and Sanitation is
the political head of the Ministry of Humans Settlements, Water and
Sanitation. ese decisions are promulgated in Schedule 1 of the Public
Service Act. e Minister is also the political head of the Department of
Water and Sanitation, which falls within the corresponding Ministry.
e administrative head of the Department is the Director-General of
Water and Sanitation. In general, the Ministry will formulate policies
and propose legislation related to water affairs and the department will
implement those policies and statutes. is illustrates the dual nature of
the executive, which forms the basis of the rationale for Vile’s call for a
separation of powers of four branches: the executive is divided into the
policy branch and the administration. e entire structure depicted by
Figure 2.4 operates within the constitutional framework discussed
above. us, section 27 of the Constitution, in particular, informs the
functions performed by the Minister, the Ministry as a whole, the
Director-General and the Department of Water and Sanitation.

Power and functions

e department describes its role broadly as follows:
e Department of Water and Sanitation is the custodian of South Africa’s water
resources. It is primarily responsible for the formulation and implementation of
policy governing this sector. It also has an overriding responsibility for water
services provided by local government.
While striving to ensure that all South Africans gain access to clean water and
safe sanitation, the water sector also promotes effective and efficient water
resources management to ensure sustainable economic and social

us, one sees the political and administrative dimensions of the

department itself: on the one hand the department must formulate
policy on South Africa’s water resources; on the other hand, the
department must implement that policy. For instance, in 1994 the
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, as it was then known, issued
the White Paper on Water Supply and Sanitation Policy.93
e White Paper sets out guidelines for the provision of water
services.94 In the Basic Service Provision Policy the White Paper
determines guidelines for water supply.95 e basic water supply is a
daily allowance of 25 litres per person.96 us the guideline set by this
policy document xes a particular amount of water as a minimum for
certain, identi ed needs. is illustrates the political role played by the
administration in formulating policy, including the responsible
However, the administration also implements policy and legislation.
Section 9 of the Water Services Act97 empowers the Minister to
‘prescribe compulsory national standards’ on the management of water
services; sections 49, 61, and 66 empower the Minister to issue
regulations on various matters; the Minister may also issue directives
and guidelines and may delegate certain functions.98 However, the
Minister may not delegate the power to make regulations.99 ese are
empowering provisions: they grant powers to the Minister, some of
which must be implemented, others which may be implemented. In
other words, the exercise of some powers is mandatory, others are
e Minister has exercised the power to issue regulations in terms of
the Water Services Act100 on several occasions.101 In the regulations
issued by GNR. 509 of 8 June 2001, the Minister prescribed compulsory
national standards in terms of section 9(1), mentioned above, and
section 73(1)(j). Section 3 of the regulations reads:
3. e minimum standard for basic water supply services is—
(a) the provision of appropriate education in respect of effective water use;
(b) a minimum quantity of potable water of 25 litres per person per day or 6
kilolitres per household per month—
(i) at a minimum ow rate of not less than 10 litres per minute;
(ii) within 200 metres of a household; and
(iii) with an effectiveness such that no consumer is without a supply for
more than seven full days in any year.102

us, the Minister gave legal force to the White Paper in issuing these
regulations. Simultaneously the Minister implemented the legislation in
issuing the regulations by exercising the powers granted by the statute.
However, instead of formulating policy, the promulgation of regulations
amounts to the implementation of legislation and, in this case, of policy
also. e administration itself is then tasked with implementing those
regulations, in this case the Department of Water and Sanitation and
provincial and local administrations.

Mazibuko and Others v City of Johannesburg 2010 (4) SA 1 (CC)

From policy formulation to the implementation of legislation to
In the case of Mazibuko, a local authority, the City of Johannesburg, was
the party responsible for implementing the Water Services Act103 in Phiri,
Soweto. The Act and its regulations came under scrutiny in the context of
their application by the municipality. Thus we see the White Paper’s impact:
it was initially formulated at national level by a national department, then
formalised by means of regulation and later applied by a local
administrative authority in a particular context.
The legal question before the court in Mazibuko was whether the
provision of 25 litres per person per day, or 6 kilolitres per household, by
the City of Johannesburg to the residents of Phiri was reasonable.104 The
decision was challenged on the grounds of inconsistency with section 27
of the Constitution, lawfulness, procedural fairness, and administrative-law
reasonableness.105 The court had to decide whether or not the adoption of
water plans by the Johannesburg City Council qualified as administrative
action. The court found that:

[w]hen the Johannesburg City Council adopted the Business Plan

of Johannesburg Water which includes operation Gcin’amanzi, it
was exercising executive powers to determine how services should
be implemented in the City. The applicants’ argument that that
decision constituted administrative action cannot therefore be

Mazibuko demonstrates the con uence of public administration, policy

and legal regulation. e court characterises operation Gcin’amanzi as
the exercise of an executive power, within the meaning of section 1(i)
(cc) of PAJA. As discussed, the term ‘executive’ is not very useful in
characterising particular incidences of public power. Regardless of the
merits of the court’s reasoning, the distinction between broad and
narrow policy formulation does not appear to have been applied. The Ministry of Finance and its administrative authorities

e Department of Water and Sanitation serves as an illustration of a
single department under the political supervision of a single Ministry.
In the case of the Ministry of Finance, several departments107 and
administrative authorities are placed under one Ministry’s oversight.
is effectively illustrates the difference in institutional architecture
between departments and ministries, with departments forming the
core of the administration while ministries represent the executive from
an institutional perspective.
e Ministry of Finance plays a crucial role in governing the
economic affairs of South Africa:
e Ministry of Finance is at the heart of South Africa’s economic and scal policy
development. e Minister of Finance and Deputy Minister of Finance are
responsible for a range of state entities that aim to advance economic growth and
development, and to strengthen South Africa’s democracy.108

Strictly speaking, the Ministry of Finance is part of the executive in the

political sense and therefore not an administrative authority. e
Ministry is headed by the Minister of Finance and is typically involved
in formulating policy, a function which is not subject to administrative
law as we shall see in Chapter 3. However, the Ministry is also the
political head of several administrative authorities and thus the
ultimate authority for the administrative power exercised by those
entities. Each institution is regulated by a dedicated statute. Although
these institutions enjoy a large degree of independence it is important
also to note their interdependence and position within the Finance
Ministry. As an example, the Ministry of Finance illustrates that ‘the
administration’, or that part of the state subject to administrative law,
cannot be captured neatly within a single, institutional template.

Institutional structure
e administrative authorities that fall within the Ministry of Finance
include the Treasury, the South African Revenue Service, the Public
Investment Corporation, Statistics South Africa, the Financial
Intelligence Centre and the Financial Services Board.
Figure 2.5 The institutional structure of the Ministry of Finance

National Treasury
Section 216 of the Constitution provides that:
(1) National legislation must establish a National Treasury and prescribe
measures to ensure both transparency and expenditure control in each
sphere of government, by introducing -
(a) generally recognised accounting practice;
(b) uniform expenditure classi cations; and
(c) uniform treasury norms and standards.
(2) e National Treasury must enforce compliance with the measures
established in terms of subsection (1), and may stop the transfer of funds to
an organ of state if that organ of state commits a serious or persistent
material breach of those measures.

e Treasury is responsible for ensuring that organs of state comply

with sound nancial practices as regulated by statute. erefore the role
of the Treasury is unique in the sense that it regulates the funding and
expenditure of the state as a whole, of all spheres of government,
including other national departments. In other words, this particular
national department109 has the critical function of overseeing the
nancial prudence of all national departments as well as all spheres of
government. In addition, the Treasury has the discretionary power to
withhold funds to sanction ‘serious or persistent material [breaches]’.110
As mentioned, the Constitution obliges Parliament to establish a
National Treasury.111 e Public Finance Management Act112 (PFMA)
gives effect to this constitutional duty.
Section 5 of the Act provides the following:
5(1) A National Treasury is hereby established, consisting of—
(a) the Minister, who is the head of the Treasury; and
(b) the national department or departments responsible for nancial and
scal matters.

e PFMA also provides that:

[t]he National Treasury is in charge of the National Revenue Fund and must
enforce compliance with the provisions of section 213 of the Constitution.113

In turn, section 213(1) of the Constitution provides that:

[t]here is a National Revenue Fund into which all money received by the national
government must be paid, except money reasonably excluded by an Act of

All monies collected by SARS must be paid into the National Revenue
According to section 2 of the PFMA the purpose of the statute:
is to secure transparency, accountability, and sound management of the revenue,
expenditure, assets and liabilities of the institutions to which this Act applies.

e wide scope of responsibility accorded to Treasury is illustrated by

section 6, which lists the functions and powers of the National Treasury.
e National Treasury must manage the government’s scal and
macroeconomic policy, prepare the budget, safeguard sound nancial
practice etc. us the PFMA creates the institution of the National
Treasury and determines its nature and functions. As indicated, the
Treasury has the unique function of overseeing the nancial
management of other departments. e powers and functions listed in
section 6 include the management of nancial and other resources, the
formulation of rules and their implementation as well as ‘anything
further that is necessary to ful l its responsibilities effectively’.115 e
wording of these powers and functions is very broad. However, more
speci c content is given to these provisions elsewhere in the Act.
Section 36(1) of the PFMA, for instance, requires that:
[e]very department and every constitutional institution must have an accounting

An accounting officer is de ned as ‘a person mentioned in section 36’.116

Section 36(2) nominates the head of a department or the chief executive
officer of a constitutional institution as accounting officers. Section 38
lists the functions of accounting officers. e functions allocated to
accounting officers are numerous, signi cant and far-reaching: their
general responsibilities include the management of their department’s
nances and assets in line with certain normative objectives such as
efficiency, transparency and economical use of funds and assets. In
effect, section 38 subsumes many of the tasks listed in section 6. us,
much of the responsibility imposed on the National Treasury is thereby
channelled to individual departments, with the National Treasury
overseeing these functions.
e Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act117
identi es accounting officers at the local level. e de nition in section
1 of the Act provides that the accounting officer:
(a) in relation to a municipality, means the municipal official referred to in
section 60; or
(b) in relation to a municipal entity, means the official of the entity referred to in
section 93, and includes a person acting as the accounting officer.118

Section 60 of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management

Act119 provides that:
[t]he municipal manager of a municipality is the accounting officer of the
municipality for the purposes of this Act, and, as accounting officer, must—

(a) exercise the functions and powers assigned to an accounting officer in terms
of this Act; and
(b) provide guidance and advice on compliance with this Act to—
the political structures, political office-bearers and officials of the
municipality; and
(ii) any municipal entity under the sole or shared control of the

Section 93 of this Act provides that:

[t]he chief executive officer of a municipal entity appointed in terms of section 93J
of the Municipal Systems Act is the accounting officer of the entity.

The South African Revenue Service

SARS is not listed in Schedule 1 of the Public Service Act. erefore
SARS is not a national department. However, SARS performs a critical
national function of a quintessentially public nature: collecting taxes.
SARS was established by the South African Revenue Service Act120 and is
therefore a so-called ‘creature of statute’.121 SARS is largely
autonomous.122 e head of SARS is the Commissioner for the South
African Revenue Service;123 the Commissioner is accountable to the
Minister of Finance.
SARS is primarily concerned with the collection of taxation and
administering the tax system by means of the implementation of
statutes, such as the Public Finance Management Act.124 e monies
collected by SARS are paid into the National Revenue Fund.125 Since
SARS is primarily concerned with the implementation of legislation and
policy SARS can be regarded as an administrative authority, even if it is
not classi ed as a department.126
e functions and powers of SARS and the Commissioner are set out
in the South African Revenue Service Act.127 Section 3 provides that:
SARS’s objectives are the efficient and effective—
(a) collection of revenue; and
(b) control over the import, export, manufacture, movement, storage or use of
certain goods.

SARS administers a number of statutes including the South African

Revenue Service Act,128 the Value-Added Tax Act,129 and the Customs
and Excise Act.130 e example of SARS demonstrates that a narrow
focus on the national departments listed in Schedule 1 of the Public
Service Act is a limited approach to determining which institutions
form part of the public administration or qualify as administrative
authorities. In fact, should one follow that approach only, one would
exclude the institution that collects the state’s revenue from the purview
of the public administration, an absurd outcome. State-owned company: Eskom SOC Ltd.131

Eskom is a public utility responsible for the provision of electricity. In
terms of the Eskom Conversion Act,132 Eskom was converted from a
statutory body to a public company.133
Although Eskom is described as a public company having a share
capital in terms of the Companies Act,134 the state is the sole
shareholder.135 In terms of the Act, Eskom is a state-owned company
(SOC), a category of pro t company.136 Section 11(3)(c)(iv) requires
every state-owned company to append ‘SOC Ltd.’ at the end of its name.
Section 1 of the Companies Act137 de nes ‘state-owned companies’
as ‘a public entity in Schedule 2 or 3 of the Public Finance Management
Act [1 of 1999]’, such as Eskom. A public entity, in turn, refers to ‘a
juristic person under the ownership control of the national executive’.138
e shareholding of Eskom requires elaboration. Even though
Eskom is de ned as a public company its shares are not traded and the
state is the only shareholder, as mentioned. us, despite the
institution’s private-law form, suggesting that Eskom is primarily a free-
market player would be misleading: the South African government
owns and controls Eskom. Eskom was established, through statute, by
the government which maintains ownership control. e Minister of
Public Enterprises is the government’s shareholder representative.
Figure 2.6 Institutional position of Eskom

e Public Finance Management Act139 applies to Eskom.140 e

accounting authority of Eskom is the board of directors141 and the
Minister of Public Enterprises represents the government.142
According to Eskom:
[t]he Board is responsible for providing strategic direction and leadership,
ensuring good corporate governance and ethics, determining policy, agreeing on
performance criteria and delegating the detailed planning and implementation of
policy to the Executive Management Committee (EXCO).143 The Public Protector

Chapter 9 of the Constitution creates six state institutions that support
constitutional democracy in South Africa. e Public Protector is one of
the six Chapter 9 institutions.144 Speci cally, sections 181–183 of the
Constitution establish and regulate the Public Protector. Section 181(2)–
(5) identi es the principles that govern the so-called Chapter 9
institutions, including the Public Protector:
(2) ese institutions are independent, and subject only to the Constitution and
the law, and they must be impartial and must exercise their powers and
perform their functions without fear, favour or prejudice.
(3) Other organs of state, through legislative and other measures, must assist
and protect these institutions to ensure the independence, impartiality,
dignity and effectiveness of these institutions.
(4) No person or organ of state may interfere with the functioning of these
(5) ese institutions are accountable to the National Assembly, and must report
on their activities and the performance of their functions to the Assembly at
least once a year.

Section 182 lists the functions of the Public Protector, including:

(1) e Public Protector has the power, as regulated by national legislation -
(a) to investigate any conduct in state affairs, or in the public administration
in any sphere of government, that is alleged or suspected to be improper
or to result in any impropriety or prejudice;
(b) to report on that conduct; and
(c) to take appropriate remedial action.
(2) e Public Protector has the additional powers and functions prescribed by
national legislation.

us the Public Protector is primarily concerned with the investigation

of conduct that is allegedly improper, reporting her ndings and taking
remedial action. However, the Public Protector is not limited to these
functions, because section 182(2) indicates that legislation may
prescribe additional powers and functions. e Public Protector Act145
regulates the office of the Public Protector, of which section 6 sets out
additional powers. Overall, the Public Protector is designed to
safeguard the accountability of actors exercising public power.
Evidently, the Public Protector is a constitutional body. e Public
Protector is not an ‘organ of state’ in terms of section 239(a) of the
Constitution because it is not a ‘department of state or administration in
the national, provincial or local sphere of government’. However,
depending on the function performed by the Public Protector, the
institution may qualify as an organ of state in terms of section 239(b) of
the Constitution.
e Supreme Court of Appeal, referring to the Public Protector
Act,146 states that:
[t]he Act makes it clear that while the functions of the Public Protector include
those that are ordinarily associated with an ombudsman they also go much
beyond that. e Public Protector is not a passive adjudicator between citizens
and the state, relying upon evidence that is placed before him or her before
acting. His or her mandate is an investigatory one, requiring proaction in
appropriate circumstances.147

e Constitution emphasises the functional and institutional

independence of the Public Protector, an important consideration in
relation to the nature of the Public Protector. First, section 181(2) of the
Constitution declares that the Public Protector is:
independent, and subject only to the Constitution and the law, and [it] must be
impartial and must exercise [its] powers and perform [its] functions without fear,
favour or prejudice.

Second, section 181(3) provides that:

[o]ther organs of state, through legislative and other measures, must assist and
protect these institutions to ensure the independence, impartiality, dignity and
effectiveness of these institutions.

Finally, ‘no person or organ of state may interfere with the functioning
of [the public protector]’.
Evidently, the independence of Chapter 9 institutions is secured in
language similar to those sections which establish the independence of
the judiciary.148 Nevertheless, the Public Protector is not a judicial

The Public Protector in action

In March 2014 Adv. Thuli Madonsela, the Public
Protector at the time, released her findings on the
alleged irregular expenditure on President Zuma’s
Nkandla compound, his private residence.149 These
findings and remedial steps to be taken were published
in the report Secure in Comfort.
Madonsela found that a proportion of the
expenditure ‘went beyond what was reasonably required
for the President’s security, was unconscionable,
excessive, and caused a misappropriation of public
funds’.150 In fact, ‘the expenditure [constituted] opulence
at a grand scale’.151
Regarding President Zuma’s role, he:

improperly benefited from the measures

implemented in the name of security which include
non-security comforts such as the Visitors’ Centre,
such as the swimming pool, amphitheatre, cattle
kraal with culvert and chicken run. The private
medical clinic at the family’s doorstep will also
benefit the family forever. The acts and omissions
that allowed this to happen constitute unlawful and
improper conduct and maladministration.152

Therefore, the Public Protector ‘ordered’ that several

remedial steps be taken under section 182(1)(c) of the
Constitution, including the payment of:

a reasonable percentage of the cost of the measures

as determined with the assistance of National
Treasury, also considering the DPW [Department of
Public Works] apportionment document.

In this case, the Public Protector reacted to complaints

from members of the public and politicians who, in turn,
were prompted by newspaper reports alleging improper
expenditure to lodge these complaints. This is in line with
section 182(1)(a) of the Constitution. Section 182(1)(c)
empowers the Public Protector ‘to take appropriate
remedial action’. The Secure in Comfort report includes
a section entitled ‘Remedial Action’, which sets out steps
to be taken by the President and others.

e preceding section on the nature of the Public Protector points out

the clear language securing the independence of the Public Protector,
which is similar to the provisions establishing the independence of the
judiciary. However, section 165 and section 181 differ in one important
respect. Section 165(5) provides that:
[a]n order or decision issued by a court binds all persons to whom and organs of
state to which it applies.

Although section 182(1)(c) provides that the Public Protector can ‘take
appropriate remedial action’, the wording of this section is not that same
as that of section 165(5). Whether or not this implies that the Public
Protector’s ndings have binding force is unclear.
is section illustrates how a large proportion of legal activity and
dispute takes place out of the courts, even assuming that the dispute
may at some stage go to court. It is important to note that administrative
law operates outside of judicial review, as explained by green-light
theories discussed further below. Commissions
Commissions are a regular feature in the political and legal landscape of
South Africa. However, a wide variety of institutions performing
different functions are called commissions and therefore it is important
to bear in mind that commissions are not homogenous institutions. For
instance, some commissions are permanent institutions and others are
created for a limited period of time to perform a particular function.
Whether commissions are subject to administrative law will depend on
the nature of the function performed,153 but generally they are
concerned with the implementation of legislation. erefore,
commissions serve as another example of institutions that can be
classi ed as public authorities (often performing a public function).
One example of a permanent institutional body named a
commission is the Public Service Commission. Section 196 of the
Constitution establishes the Public Service Commission and
determines its institutional status:
196. Public Service Commission. –
(1) ere is a single Public Service Commission for the Republic.
(2) e Commission is independent and must be impartial, and must exercise
its powers and perform its functions without fear, favour or prejudice in the
interest of the maintenance of effective and efficient public administration
and a high standard of professional ethics in the public service. e
Commission must be regulated by national legislation.
(3) Other organs of state, through legislative and other measures, must assist
and protect the Commission to ensure the independence, impartiality,
dignity and effectiveness of the Commission. No person or organ of state
may interfere with the functioning of the Commission.

e language is reminiscent of the Chapter 9 institutions, especially

insofar as the Public Service Commission is also independent.
Section 196(4) lists the powers and functions of the Public Service
196(4) e powers and functions of the Commission are –
(a) to promote the values and principles set out in section 195, throughout the
public service;
(b) to investigate, monitor and evaluate the organisation and administration,
and the personnel practices, of the public service;
(c) to propose measures to ensure effective and efficient performance within the
public service;
(d) to give directions aimed at ensuring that personnel procedures relating to
recruitment, transfers, promotions and dismissals comply with the values
and principles set out in section 195;
(e) to report in respect of its activities and the performance of its functions,
including any nding it may make and directions and advice it may give, and
to provide an evaluation of the extent to which the values and principles set
out in section 195 are complied with; and
(f) either of its own accord or on receipt of any complaint -
(i) to investigate and evaluate the application of personnel and public
administration practices, and to report to the relevant executive
authority and legislature;
(ii) to investigate grievances of employees in the public service concerning
official acts or omissions, and recommend appropriate remedies;
(iii) to monitor and investigate adherence to applicable procedures in the
public service; and
to advise national and provincial organs of state regarding personnel
(iv) practices in the public service, including those relating to the
recruitment, appointment, transfer, discharge and other aspects of the
careers of employees in the public service; and
(g) to exercise or perform the additional powers or functions prescribed by an
Act of Parliament.

Evidently, the Public Service Commission’s remit is extensive.

In contrast to the Public Service Commission, that is established by
the Constitution and that is a permanent institution, section 84(2)(f) of
the Constitution empowers the President to appoint commissions of
inquiry. A recent example is the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into
Allegations of State Capture, Corruption and Fraud in e Public Sector
including Organs of State. By Proclamation, President Ramaphosa
appointed the commission:
In terms of section 84(2)(f) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa
of1996, I hereby appoint a Commission of Inquiry to investigate allegations of
state capture, corruption and fraud in the Public Sector including organs of state
with the terms of reference in the Schedule attached hereto and appoint
Honourable Mr Justice Raymond Mnyamezeli Mlungisi Zondo, Deputy Chief
Justice of the Republic of South Africa, as its Chairperson.154

In the mentioned Proclamation, the commission is required ‘to

investigate matters of public and national interest concerning
allegations of state capture, corruption, and fraud’, which are speci ed,
and to ‘submit its report and recommendations to the President within
180 days of the commencement of the Commission’. us, the remit is
limited in scope and the commission exists only for a limited period of

2.6 Administrative law: A discipline steeped in

Administrative law has only been acknowledged as a legitimate legal
discipline in South African relatively recently. e slow start of
administrative law can be attributed to the in uence and legacy of
Dicey. Dicey advocated a ‘red light’155 approach to judicial review and
denied the existence of administrative law, deeming it unnecessary
under the rule of law.
Although Dicey’s approach is now widely considered outdated,
administrative law remains controversial. e subject of administrative
law is the exercise of public power and whether this imposition on
power is legitimate or not, the exercise of power will always remain
contested. Administrative law also in uences and operates at the
juncture of overlapping concerns such as democratic legitimacy, the
separation of powers and party politics. Other concerns such as the
courts’ supposed inability to resolve polycentric issues or its
interference with the executive function have also been raised. e
judiciary is also expected to exhibit a degree of deference to executive
As we have seen in Chapter 1, administrative law is pervasive,
diverse and dynamic, rendering any short de nition limited and
temporary. In 1984 Baxter de ned administrative law as:
that branch of public law which regulates the legal relations of public authorities,
whether with private individuals and organizations, or with other public
Precisely because it is so pervasive, administrative law is seldom identi ed as
such. It permeates virtually every facet of the legal system.156

Baxter’s de nition reveals an institutional approach to administrative

law: administrative law is concerned with a particular set of institutions,
namely public authorities.157 In 2007 Hoexter, in response to Baxter’s
de nition, claimed that:
it is more accurate to regard administrative law as regulating the activities of
bodies that exercise public powers or perform public functions, irrespective of
whether those bodies are public authorities in a strict sense.158

Hoexter’s de nition is indicative of a shift from an institutional to a

functional approach. us, from a theoretical perspective,
administrative law is not so much concerned with the nature of the
institution performing a particular function than the nature of the
function itself. is observation does not imply at all that the nature of
an institution is irrelevant, but it does suggest a signi cant shift in

Administrative law can be categorised under two, broad categories:

general administrative law or particular administrative law.159 General
administrative law refers to those rules of administrative law that are
applicable to all incidences of administrative action. For instance,
section 33 of the Constitution, a source of administrative law, requires
that all administrative action be lawful, reasonable and procedurally
fair. Particular administrative law applies to a particular type of
administrative action.

Different instances of particular administrative

In light of the large range of different areas in which the
state and accordingly the public administration play a
key role in modern societies, the range of different areas
of law that can be viewed as examples of particular
administrative law, or that contain dimensions that are
examples of administrative law, is quite extensive. You
have most probably already studied some of these areas
and hence particular administrative law without realising

Examples of particular administrative law include the

• The law pertaining to tax administration
• Planning law, which includes the law governing
decisions on whether to approve building plans or
zoning applications
• The law governing decisions to expropriate land
• Competition law, especially those parts dealing with
the powers of competition authorities to investigate
and take action in response to anti-competitive
• Environmental law focusing on the control of conduct
that poses environmental risks
• Aspects of labour law governing dispute-resolution
processes of the CCMA
• Law of succession focusing on the role of the Master
of the High Court in relation to wills
• Company law governing the registration of

2.6.1 The dual nature of administrative law

e nature of administrative law can be described as twofold: on the
one hand, administrative law aims to restrict public power; on the other
hand, administrative law aims to enable and facilitate the exercise of
public power.160 e former concerns control and the latter
empowerment of the administration. Although these competing
concerns certainly stand in opposition to one another, they are not
mutually exclusive. For example, section 38J of the Higher Education
Act161 provides for intervention by the Minister of Education162 in certain
circumstances. Section 38J(1)(a) reads:
38J(1) e Minister may issue a directive to the board of a national institute for
higher education to take such action speci ed by the Minister if the national
institute for higher education—
(a) is involved in nancial impropriety or is being otherwise mismanaged.163

Note that this provision is not a source of administrative law, but of

administrative power. However, administrative law determines how the
provision or administrative power can be understood: lawfulness, an
administrative-law principle, requires that the decision-maker may only
act in terms of the empowering provision. us, administrative law
implies that the decision-maker’s actions are limited to the content of
the authorising provision, thereby shaping the nature of the source of
administrative power. In this case, the Minister may issue directives,
which is a discretionary power. is illustrates the enabling or
empowering aspect of administrative law. However, the decision-maker
may only exercise that particular power in a particular manner; the
Minister cannot perform any other act whatsoever. e Minister must
issue a directive to a national institute of higher education and only if
there is nancial impropriety or mismanagement. In this way the power
is limited in several ways: the Minister is restricted to issuing a directive,
the Minister must issue the directive to the board of a national institute,
and the Minister may only do so in certain circumstances. e
empowering provision illustrates that a source of administrative power
both empowers the decision-maker to act, thereby enabling the
decision-maker to exercise public power, and restricts that power. us
one observes the simultaneous operation of these two features of
administrative law.
Harlow and Rawlings articulate the dual nature of administrative
law in their seminal work Law and Administration.164 ey identify two
schools of thought, both reacting to the exigencies of the welfare state:
‘red light theory’ and ‘green light theory’.165 Red light theory regards
administrative law primarily as a form of control of public power,
enforced by the courts through judicial review.166 Green light theory also
recognises the need for control, but ‘prefers democratic or political
forms of accountability’.167 In addition, while red light theory regards the
exercise of public power as a potential threat to liberty, ‘green light
theory sees
in administrative law a vehicle for political progress and welcomes the
“administrative state”’.168 e differences between the two schools of
thought can be summarised thus:
Red light theorists believed that law was autonomous to and superior over
politics; that the administrative state was dangerous and should be kept in check
by law; that the preferred way of doing this was through adjudication; and that the
goal should be to enhance liberty, conceived in terms of the absence of external
constraints. Green light theorists … believed that law was not autonomous from
politics; that the administrative state was not a necessary evil, but a positive
attribute to be welcomed; that administrative law should seek not merely to stop
bad administrative practice, and that there might be better ways to achieve this
than adjudication; and that the goal was to enhance individual and collective
liberty conceived in positive and not just negative terms.169
Administrative law and administrative power were distinguished in the
preceding example. Likewise, the sources of administrative law and
administrative power ought to be distinguished. e sources of
administrative law for the preceding example are section 33 of the
Constitution and PAJA, which gives effect to section 33. e source of
administrative power is the empowering provision, namely, section
38J(1)(a) of the Higher Education Act.170

2.6.2 Administrative law and administrative power

As explained in the preceding section administrative law refers to the
body of legal rules that regulate incidences of public power or the
exercise of public functions. However, administrative power refers to
the legal authorisation for a particular function. us administrative
power is concerned with the source of power or authorisation that
allows the performance of a function. Baxter explains:
Since all public authorities, offices and powers are institutional creations of the
law, when we talk of administrative ‘power’ we refer only to authorized power:
what is really meant is administrative authority.171

Bear in mind that Baxter is writing from an institutional perspective and

that the emphasis has shifted to a functional approach. Administrative
law and administrative power can be distinguished by means of an
e Local Government: Municipal Systems Act172 is a statute issued
by Parliament that regulates municipalities, or local government.
Section 75A of the Act authorises municipalities to impose and collect
75A(1) A municipality may—
(a) levy and recover fees, charges or tariffs in respect of any function or
service of the municipality; and
(b) recover collection charges and interest on any outstanding amount.

e legal authorisation for this function is an example of administrative

power, as opposed to administrative law. us Parliament bestows this
power or capacity upon municipalities without which municipalities
cannot perform such a function. Administrative law remains relevant,
though. Whenever a municipality exercises its power to impose fees and
collect them, corresponding decisions would have to be lawful,
reasonable and procedurally fair, so long as those decisions qualify as
administrative action under administrative law.173

2.6.3 Administrative law and administrative authorities

Administrative law and administrative authorities should not be
confused. On a super cial level administrative law refers to a set of
legally binding rules and administrative authorities refer to a number of
public institutions. is chapter is primarily concerned with the
institutional dimension of administration.174 Despite the terms
‘administrative law’ and ‘administrative authorities’ sharing the same
adjective, administrative law cannot be reduced to the law applicable to
administrative authorities, nor can it be said that administrative law
alone regulates administrative authorities. Virtually all law is applicable
to the administration. Consider section 8(1) of the Constitution, for
e Bill of Rights applies to all law, and binds the legislature, the executive, the
judiciary and all organs of state.

us the Bill of Rights clearly applies to administrative authorities, since

administrative authorities are part of the executive or qualify as organs
of state. e Bill of Rights is not administrative law, though. Similarly,
administrative authorities often perform private acts such as
concluding contracts and then the private law of contract applies.175 In
addition, administrative law does not only bind administrative
authorities; depending on the circumstances, administrative law can
apply to natural persons, juristic persons, organs of state and every
branch of state, including the judiciary.176 Two dicta, stated in negative
terms, map the reach of administrative law and the extent of its
association with administrative authorities: administrative law does not
apply only to administrative authorities and administrative authorities
are not subject only to administrative law. ese observations do not
detract from the fact that in a large majority of cases administrative law
is applied to administrative authorities.

2.6.4 Sources of administrative law

South Africa has four primary sources of administrative law: the
Constitution, legislation, the common law and case law. As explained
above, administrative law can be divided into general administrative
law and particular administrative law.177 General administrative law
denotes those legal rules and principles that apply to all types of
administrative action; every administrative action is subject to general
administrative law. Section 33 of the Constitution and PAJA are
examples of general administrative law. erefore, every administrative
action must be reasonable, procedurally fair and lawful, in line with the
requirements of section 33. In addition, any rule of particular
administrative law is subject to general administrative law.
Particular administrative law denotes the legal rules and principles
that apply only to certain types of administrative action as we also noted
above. Tax law, labour law and public procurement law are all examples
of particular administrative law, which:
deals with the rules and principles that have developed in speci c and specialised
areas of administration.178

For instance, public procurement is regulated directly by the

Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act.179 In Steenkamp NO v
Provincial Tender Board, Eastern Cape180 the Constitutional Court
con rmed that public procurement quali es as administrative action.
erefore, the rules set out in the Preferential Procurement Policy
Framework Act181 apply to all public procurement processes, and those
rules themselves are subject to the Constitution and PAJA, by
us, a hierarchy of administrative law rules can be identi ed: the
Constitution is supreme and supersedes all administrative law, both
general and particular. Section 33 is an example of general
administrative law with constitutional status. Consequently, legislation,
including PAJA, and the common law are subject to section 33. Since
PAJA gives effect to section 33, all administrative-law statutes, such as
the Income Tax Act,183 are subject to it in the sense that they must be
interpreted in a manner that takes PAJA into account. Finally, speci c
types of administrative action must conform to the relevant, particular
administrative law. e reasoning of judgments must re ect this
normative hierarchy.

2.6.5 Sources of administrative power

e rule of law implies that public power must be authorised by law.
Where the law empowers an individual or institution to perform a
public power, the provision amounts to a source of administrative
power. PAJA elaborates on sources of administrative power. e
de nition of ‘administrative action’ refers to an organ of state exercising
a power in terms of the Constitution, a provincial constitution or
legislation.184 Where ‘a natural or juristic person, other than an organ of
state’ exercises a power in terms of an ‘empowering provision’ the
corresponding decision can also qualify as administrative action. An
‘empowering division’185 is de ned as ‘a law, a rule of common law,
customary law, or an agreement, instrument or other document in
terms of which an administrative action was purportedly taken’.186 us
the sources of administrative power are extremely divergent. Even
though administrative functions are typically characterised as the
implementation of legislation, other sources of law, or even contracts,
can amount to a source of administrative power.
Hoexter points out that:
[i]n South Africa, as in most countries, the bulk of legislation is produced not by
original lawmaking authorities but by administrative authorities. An array of
terms is used for different types of delegated legislation: regulations,
proclamations, rules, orders, declarations, directives, decrees and schemes.187

To this one could add ‘less formal’ sources of administrative power such
as standards, practice notes, circulars etc.188 us the origins of
administrative power, as well the rules governing the exercise of that
power, are diverse. is raises concerns of democratic legitimacy and
the counter-majoritarian dilemma where the administration has
formulated a rule, rather than the legislature.


An awareness of the importance and diversity of administrative authorities is
critical to the study of administrative law. Despite the shift to a functional
approach, institutions are important; they exist for a reason. Administrative
authorities play a decisive and expansive role in society: they collect taxes, regulate
institutions such as national departments and are principally responsible for the
implementation of policy and legislation. In a country witnessing protests against
poor service delivery on a daily basis, the implementation of socio-economic rights
is evidently urgent, complex and obligatory, legally speaking. The failure of
government and of parliament to play their part is often mooted as the source of
these protests. However, as we have seen, administrative authorities are primarily
responsible for ‘getting the job done’. This statement in no way trivialises the
importance of the government and legislature to the project of transformation. An
awareness of administrative authorities and their nature provides a different
perspective on the architecture of the state, so to speak. This chapter furnishes a
template for analysing incidences of public authority, from an institutional

• Ackerman, B ‘Good-bye, Montesquieu’ in Rose-Ackerman, S, Lindseth, PL and
Emerson, B (Eds) (2017) Comparative Administrative Law (2nd ed)
Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing
• Harlow, C and Rawlings, R (2009) Law and Administration (3rd ed) Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, Chapter 1
• Maree, PJH (2013) Investigating an Alternative Administrative-Law System in
South Africa Unpublished doctoral dissertation (US) Chapter 2
• Vile, MJC (1998) Constitutionalism and the Separation of Powers (2nd ed)
Oxford: Clarendon Publishers
1 Section 1 of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 de nes ‘state-owned companies’ as ‘a public
entity in Schedule 2 or 3 of the Public Finance Management Act [1 of 1999]’, such as Eskom.
A public entity, in turn, refers to ‘a juristic person under the ownership control of the
national executive’ (from the de nitions of national public entity, national government
business enterprise, section 1 PFMA). us ‘state’, in this context, denotes the executive,
rather than constitutional and political institutions in their totality.
2 For instance, Dr Matebesi, referring to his research on service-delivery protests, explains
that ‘[w]ith the increase of violence, the space for building trust between the state and civil
society is decreasing’ (University of the Free State ‘UFS Research Sheds Light on Service
Delivery Protests in South Africa’ (03.02.2015) Mail & Guardian
tongue?NewsItemID=5231 (emphasis added)). In this context, ‘state’ can be read in a broad
sense, referring to a range of national, political institutions comprising the policy branch,
the public administration and legislative organs.
3 ‘state, n.’ OED Oxford English Dictionary: e De nitive Record of the English Language,
Oxford University Press 2019 Online available at: (accessed
23.10.2019). Reproduced with permission of OUP (Book) through PLSclear.
4 OED (2019) ‘state’.
5 ‘L’état, c’est moi’.
6 1995 (3) SA 391 (CC).
7 2001 (2) SA 1 (CC).
8 2000 (1) SA 1 (CC).
9 Permanent Secretary, Department of Education and Welfare, Eastern Cape and Another v
Ed-U-College (PE) (Section21) Inc 2001 (2) SA 1 (CC) para 18. Cf. the approach followed in
Mazibuko and Others v City of Johannesburg 2010 (4) SA 1 (CC).
10 See sections 125 and 151(2) of the Constitution.
11 Vile, MJC (1998) Constitutionalism and the Separation of Powers (2nd ed) 400.
12 Currie, I & De Waal, J (2001) e New Constitutional and Administrative Law Volume One
Constitutional Law 228.
13 Section 197 of the Constitution.
14 Section 196 of the Constitution.
15 Section 196(2) and section 196(4)(b) of the Constitution, respectively.
16 Section 196(5) of the Constitution.
17 Section 239 of the Constitution de nes ‘organs of state’.
18 Sections 26 and 29, respectively.
19 Section 26(2) provides that ‘[t]he state must take reasonable legislative and other measures,
within its available resources, to achieve the progressive realisation of this right’.
20 Sections 172(1)(a) and (b), respectively. In Chapter 12 sections 12.3–12.4 the implications
of section 172 for administrative law remedies are discussed.
21 3 of 2000.
22 Section 6(2) PAJA.
23 Section 8(1) PAJA.
24 See Chapter 1 section 1.4 above.
25 For instance, the constitutional prominence of democracy is illustrated in the Preamble;
democracy is also included among the Founding Provisions. More speci cally, section 36
provides that ‘[t]he rights in the Bill of Rights may be limited only … to the extent that the
limitation is reasonable and justi able in an open and democratic society’. us,
democracy is a general founding principle that informs all rights.
26 Section 1(d) of the Constitution.
27 Emphasis added.
28 Emphasis added. Section 118 provides the same protection at the provincial level.
29 Matatiele Municipality and Others v President of the RSA and Others (No 2) 2007 (6) SA 477
(CC) para 40.
30 Section 195(1)(e) of the Constitution.
31 See Chapter 3 section 3.7.1 below on the arguments about whether rule-making by the
executive should be recognised as administrative action and thus be subject to
administrative-law control.
32 See Chapter 7 section 7.3 below on the procedural requirements of sections 3 and 4 of
33 2008 (4) SA 367 (CC) paras 74–76.
34 Hoexter, C (2012) Administrative Law in South Africa (2nd ed) 19 (footnotes omitted).
Reprinted by permission of © Juta & Company Ltd.
35 Britannia Beach Estate (Pty) Ltd and Others v Saldanha Bay Municipality 2013 (11) BCLR
1217 (CC) para 16.
36 Section 172(1)(a) of the Constitution (emphasis added).
37 See section 39(3) of the Constitution.
38 Fedsure Life Assurance Ltd and Others v Greater Johannesburg Transitional Metropolitan
Council and Others 1999 (1) SA 374 (CC); President of the RSA v SARFU 1999 (4) SA 147
(CC) para 27.
39 See, for instance, Rainbow Civils CC v Minister of Transport and Public Works, Western
Cape and Others (21158/2012) [2013] ZAWCHC 3 (6 February 2013).
40 e section on the separation of powers relies heavily on those sections discussing the
doctrine in Chapters 2 and 3 of the doctoral dissertation by Maree, PJH (2013) Investigating
an Alternative Administrative-Law System in South Africa Unpublished doctoral
dissertation (US).
41 Published in 1748. Although the novelty of Montesquieu’s contribution to separation-of-
powers theory is disputed, he is generally cited as the father of the doctrine.
42 Vile (1998) 13–14.
43 Vile (1998) 14.
44 Vile (1998) 14–17.
45 See Du Plessis, LM (1999) An Introduction to Law (3rd ed) 90; (2002) Re-Interpretation of
Statutes 171.
46 Vile (1998) 20–21.
47 Schedule 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act 200 of 1993.
48 irty-four Constitutional Principles were agreed upon during the multiparty negotiations
for the interim Constitution and the nal Constitution’s validity was contingent on
compliance with these principles.
49 1996 (4) SA 744 (CC).
50 Ex Parte Chairperson of the Constitutional Assembly: In Re Certi cation of the Constitution
of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 1996 (4) SA 744 (CC) para 113 (footnotes omitted). CP
refers to Constitutional Principle; NT refers to New Text (i.e. a draft for the nal
51 See 2001 (1) SA 883 (CC) paras 21–22.
52 Heath para 21.
53 Heath para 22.
54 See Chapter 1 section
55 Constitutional Principle VI Schedule 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa
Act 200 of 1993.
56 Gwyn, WB (1965) e Meaning of the Separation of Powers: An Analysis of the Doctrine from
its Origin to the Adoption of the United States Constitution 5. Reprinted by permission of
Tulane University. See Maree (2013) Chapter 2.
57 Gwyn (1965) 127–128 (footnote omitted).
58 Montesquieu (1959) e Spirit of the Laws tr Nugent, T 150. Reprinted by permission of
Tulane University.
59 Montesquieu (1959) 151–152.
60 Montesquieu (1959) e Spirit of the Laws tr Nugent, T 150. Reprinted by permission of
Tulane University.
61 Vile (1998) 399–400.
62 Ackerman (2010) 129. Similarly, Harlow and Rawlings claim that ‘given the present state of
fusion between executive and Parliament, the idea of a constitution held in balance by
triadic division of functions is quite simply untenable’, Harlow, C & Rawlings, R (2009) Law
and Administration (3rd ed) 23.
63 Vile (1998) 400.
64 Section 195(1)(d).
65 Section 195(1)(f).
66 ‘What CP VI requires is that there be a separation of powers between the legislature,
executive and judiciary. It does not prescribe what form that separation should take. We
have previously said that the CPs must not be interpreted with technical rigidity.’
(Certi cation of the Constitution para 113).
67 Certi cation of the Constitution para 111.
68 ‘Within the broad requirement of separation of powers and appropriate checks and
balances, the CA was afforded a large degree of latitude in shaping the independence and
interdependence of government branches. e model adopted re ects the historical
circumstances of our constitutional development.’ (Certi cation of the Constitution para
69 Heath para 24.
70 1998 (3) SA 785 (CC).
71 De Lange v Smuts NO and Others 1998 (3) SA 785 (CC) para 60.
72 See the de nition for ‘administrative action’, section 1 of PAJA and the de nition for ‘organ
of state’, section 239 of the Constitution. Both public and private actors can perform
administrative action and the de nition of administrative action itself bears institutional
and functional aspects.
73 Chapter 9 of the Constitution.
74 See 182(1)(a) of the Constitution.
75 Carr, C (1941) Concerning English Administrative Law 10–11. London: Humphrey Milford,
Oxford University Press. Reprinted by permission of Oxford University Press.
76 Baxter, L (1984) Administrative Law 98–99.
77 Section 1(ii) of PAJA.
78 Section 239(a) of the Constitution.
79 Section 84(1) of the Constitution.
80 Although referred to as an Act, the Public Service Act is not numbered. On MyLexisNexis
the Public Service Act is listed as Act 103 of 1994, but this is erroneous as 103 refers to the
number of the proclamation (see GG 15791 GN 103 of 03.06.1994).
81 Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act 200 of 1993. Section 237 of Act 200 of 1993
is still in force.
82 e number twenty-six includes the National Defence Force, but does not count the
Provincial Administrations which are also listed in Schedule 1.
83 Not counting the Offices of the Premier.
84 Note the use of the word ‘state’, which is not de ned by the Constitution. See Currie & De
Waal (2001) 4–6, 228–229. In general, the state refers to a concept broader than executive,
government or administration. In this sense the choice of the word state has far-reaching
85 Sections 2, 7 and 27(2) of the Constitution.
86 Sections 2 and 172 of the Constitution.
87 Section 36 of the Constitution.
88 36 of 1998.
89 108 of 1997.
90 GN 43 in GG 37817 of 08.07.2014. Since 1994, this department has been known as the
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, the Department of Water and Environmental
Affairs, and the Department of Water and Sanitation.
91 GN 43 in GG 37817 of 08.07.2014.
92 (accessed 07.08.2020).
93 Department of Water Affairs and Forestry Water Supply and Sanitation Policy, White Paper:
Water – An Indivisible National Asset Cape Town, November 1994. Available at: (accessed 07.08.2020).
94 According to the White Paper:
[g]uidelines are intended to assist decision making whilst standards are enforceable
absolute limits. e rigid application of guidelines or inappropriate standards can
have the opposite effect to that intended. An example would be the closure of ‘sub-
standard’ water supplies which forced communities to revert to sources of even worse
Given that they are chosen to be the minimum needed to ensure health, the levels of
service presented below should be seen as minimum standards to be applied in
publicly funded schemes unless a relaxation has been speci cally approved.
is does not mean that higher standards cannot be applied.
95 White Paper 14–15.
96 15. ‘is is considered to be the minimum required for direct consumption, for the
preparation of food and for personal hygiene. It is not considered to be adequate for a full,
healthy and productive life which is why it is considered as a minimum.’
97 108 of 1997.
98 Sections 41 and 73(1)(h) of the Water Services Act 108 of 1997, respectively.
99 Section 74(2)(a) of the Water Services Act 108 of 1997.
100 108 of 1997.
101 See GN R509 of 08.06.2001, GN R652 of 20.07.2001 and GN R980 of 19.07.2002.
102 Emphasis added.
103 108 of 1997.
104 See Liebenberg, S (2010) Socio-Economic Rights Adjudication under a Transformative
Constitution 467.
105 Liebenberg (2010) 466; Quinot, G (2010) Substantive Reasoning in Administrative-Law
Adjudication Constitutional Court Review 3:111 at 125–126.
106 Mazibuko para 131. See Quinot (2010) 125–126, 135–136.
107 e Treasury and Statistics South Africa are both listed in Schedule 1 of the Public Service
108 National Treasury ‘Information about the Ministry’ (accessed 07.08.2020).
109 See Schedule 1 Public Service Act.
110 Section 216(2) of the Constitution.
111 Section 216(1) of the Constitution.
112 1 of 1999.
113 Section 11(1) PFMA.
114 Section 12(1) PFMA.
115 Section 6(2)(g) PFMA.
116 Section 1 PFMA.
117 56 of 2003.
118 Section 1 of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003.
119 56 of 2003.
120 34 of 1997.
121 Section 2 of the South African Revenue Service Act 34 of 1997 reads as follows: ‘e South
African Revenue Service is hereby established as an organ of state within the public
administration, but as an institution outside the public service.’
122 See section 5 of the South African Revenue Service Act 34 of 1997.
123 Section 6(1) of the South African Revenue Service Act 34 of 1997.
124 1 of 1999. See Schedule 1 to the South African Revenue Service Act 34 of 1997, which lists
the statutes administered by the Commissioner.
125 See section 213 of the Constitution.
126 See also section 2 of the South African Revenue Service Act 34 of 1997 which classi es SARS
as an organ of state within the administration.
127 34 of 1997.
128 34 of 1997.
129 89 of 1991.
130 91 of 1964.
131 e name ‘Eskom’ combines two acronyms, ESCOM (Electricity Supply Commission) and
EVKOM (Elektrisiteitsvoorsieningskommissie).
132 13 of 2001.
133 Section 2 Eskom Conversion Act 13 of 2001.
134 71 of 2008.
135 Section 2 Eskom Conversion Act 13 of 2001. Section 2 refers to section 19(1)(a) of the
Companies Act 61 of 1973 (see the de nition for ‘Companies Act’, section 1 Eskom
Conversion Act 16 of 2001) which has been repealed by the Companies Act 71 of 2008.
136 Section 8 Companies Act 71 of 2008.
137 71 of 2008.
138 e de nitions of national public entity and national government business enterprise,
section 1 of PFMA.
139 1 of 1999.
140 Schedule 2 PFMA.
141 Section 49 PFMA.
142 Section 6(4) Eskom Conversion Act 13 of 2001.
143 Eskom: Powering Your World available at:
(accessed 07.08.2020).
144 Section 181 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996.
145 23 of 1994.
146 23 of 1994.
147 e Public Protector v Mail & Guardian Ltd and Others 2011 (4) SA 420 (SCA) para 9
(footnote omitted).
148 Section 165(2): ‘e courts are independent and subject only to the Constitution and the
law, which they must apply impartially and without fear, favour or prejudice.’ Section
165(4) is couched in language virtually identical to section 181(3): ‘Organs of state, through
legislative and other measures, must assist and protect the courts to ensure the
independence, impartiality, dignity, accessibility and effectiveness of the courts.’ e
Public Protector and judiciary also have a prohibition against interference in common: ‘No
person or organ of state may interfere with the functioning of the courts.’
149 Public Protector Secure in Comfort: Report on an investigation into allegations of
impropriety and unethical conduct relating to the installation and implementation of
security measures by the Department of Public Works at and in respect of the private
residence of President Jacob Zuma at Nkandla in the KwaZulu-Natal province Report No. 25
of 2013/2014.
150 Public Protector Secure in Comfort Report 430.
151 Public Protector Secure in Comfort Report 430–431.
152 Public Protector Secure in Comfort Report 431.
153 PAJA does not exclude the decisions of commissions in general, or of the Public Service
Commission speci cally, in the de nition of administrative action. See Corruption Watch
and Another v Arms Procurement Commission and Others [2019] 4 All SA 53 (GP) where the
Seriti Commission’s report was set aside on the basis of legality and rationality, without
referring to PAJA, however.
154 Proclamation No. 3 of 2018 in GG 41403 of 25.01.2018.
155 See 2.6.1 below.
156 Baxter (1984) 2. Reprinted by permission of © Juta & Company Ltd.
157 However, it is not clear what would constitute a public authority.
Hoexter, C (2007) Administrative Law in South Africa 2. Reprinted by permission of © Juta
158 & Company Ltd.
159 Particular administrative law is also referred to as speci c administrative law.
160 Cf. the dual nature of the executive branch and of the executive function.
161 101 of 1997.
162 See section 1 ‘Minister’ of the Higher Education Act 101 of 1997.
163 Emphasis added.
164 e rst edition of Law and Administration was published in 1984. In 2009 the third edition
was published.
165 Harlow, C & Rawlings, R (2009) Law and Administration (3rd ed) Ch 1.
166 Harlow & Rawlings (2009) 23.
167 Harlow & Rawlings (2009) 38.
168 Harlow & Rawlings (2009) 31.
169 Tomkins, A (2002) In Defence of the Political Constitution Oxford Journal of Legal Studies
22(1):157. By permission of Oxford University Press.
170 101 of 1997.
171 Baxter (1984) 75–76 (footnote omitted). Reprinted by permission of © Juta & Company Ltd.
172 32 of 2000.
173 Section 33 of the Constitution; section 6 of PAJA.
174 See para (a) of the de nition of ‘organ of state’, section 239 of the Constitution.
175 However, the fact that contract law applies in a particular instance does imply that other
elds do not also apply. It may well be that contract law in addition to administrative law is
applicable to a set of facts. See Logbro Properties CC v Bedderson NO and Others 2003 (2) SA
460 (SCA).
176 Note that section 1 of PAJA excludes a number of functions from PAJA’s purview, i.e. PAJA
does not apply to certain functions such as ‘the judicial functions of a judicial officer of a
court referred to in section 166 of the Constitution’. However, the exclusion refers to the
judicial function and not the judiciary as an institution.
177 Hoexter (2012) 8.
178 Hoexter (2012) 8. Reprinted by permission of © Juta & Company Ltd.
179 5 of 2000. is does not mean that the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 5 of
2000 is the only statute that applies directly to public procurement. Other statutes, such as
the Public Finance Management Act 1 of 1999 and the Broad-Based Black Economic
Empowerment Act 53 of 2003 also regulate public procurement.
180 2007 (3) SA 121 (CC).
181 5 of 2000.
182 See Zondi v MEC for Traditional and Local Government Affairs and Others 2005 (3) SA 589
183 58 of 1962.
184 Section 1 of PAJA.
185 ‘Empowering provision’ is de ned by section 1 of PAJA, but this de nition is only relevant
to ‘a natural or juristic person, other than an organ of state’, i.e. an organ of state is not
permitted to act in terms of an empowering provision for the purposes of PAJA to the extent
that the de nition includes sources other than the Constitution, provincial constitutions,
and legislation.
186 Section 1 of PAJA.
187 Hoexter (2012) 52. Reprinted by permission of © Juta & Company Ltd.
188 Hoexter (2012) 32. For examples of practice notes issued under the Public Finance
Management Act 1 of 1999, consult the website of the National Treasury at
<> (accessed
Administrative action


3.1 Introduction

3.2 The separation of powers and the classification of state functions

3.3 Branches capable of performing administrative action

3.3.1 The ‘policy branch’
3.3.2 The public administration
3.3.3 The legislature
3.3.4 The judiciary

3.4 The meaning of administrative action understood within the phases of development of
administrative law

3.5 Administrative action during the pre-constitutional period

3.6 Administrative action during the pre-PAJA constitutional period

3.6.1 The SARFU judgment A new approach: from institutional to functional The Constitution and prerogative powers The scope of the functional approach
3.6.2 The AAA Investments judgment

3.7 Administrative action under PAJA

3.7.1 A decision of an administrative nature
3.7.2 By an organ of state or a natural or juristic person
3.7.3 Exercising a public power or performing a public function
3.7.4 In terms of a constitution, any legislation or an empowering provision
3.7.5 That adversely affects rights
3.7.6 That has a direct, external legal effect
3.7.7 That does not fall under any of the listed exclusions

3.8 Conclusion

3.1 Introduction
is chapter introduces the concept of administrative action and
explains how to identify an administrative action among a vast array of
state activities.
Administrative action bears several meanings and its de nition has
changed over time; in fact, it is a concept that continues to develop.
erefore, despite this chapter’s focus on the de nition of
administrative action in the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act,1
the nature of administrative action in general is discussed too.
e importance of administrative action to administrative law
warrants emphasis from the onset. e presence of an administrative
action is decisive for the application of administrative law: section 33
and PAJA only apply to administrative action. erefore, the preliminary
question to any administrative law inquiry would be ‘is there an
administrative action?’ If the answer to this question is ‘no’,
administrative law does not apply; if the answer is ‘yes’, administrative
law applies.
However, one rst has to understand what constitutes
administrative action and how to identify administrative action before
attempting to classify any given act.

3.2 The separation of powers and the classification of

state functions
e separation of powers provides a useful reference point for
contextualising and describing administrative action, because
administrative action has both institutional and functional aspects.
Administrative action, though de ned by statute, does not exist in a
vacuum: it stands in a dynamic and interactive relationship with other
state functions and activities. us administrative action is informed by
the nature and content of all state functions. In other words,
administrative action is given meaning in relation to the functions
under the separation of powers.2
In terms of the separation of powers all state institutions and
functions can be classi ed under three categories: executive, legislative
and judicial. Accordingly, administrative action should be classi ed as
executive, legislative or judicial in nature, at least in theory. However,
these functions are neither completely distinct in a conceptual sense
nor completely separated in practice, owing to checks and balances.3
Executive power is derived from the Constitution4 and is exercised at
national, provincial and local level. e executive function as a whole is
concerned primarily with the formulation of policy and the
implementation of legislation. Executive functions are not
automatically administrative actions. Legislative power is also derived
from the Constitution5 and is exercised at national, provincial and local
level. e legislative function implies the creation of legislation.
Legislative acts as such do not qualify as administrative action. Judicial
power is also derived from the Constitution, but the judiciary is a
unitary system, unlike the executive and legislature, which are federal.6
us we observe the classi cation of all state functions and institutions
into three categories and the allocation of one function to each of the
three branches. Where does administrative action t in, though? Is it
associated with a particular institution or function? ere are no
absolute answers to these questions.
Administrative law is largely concerned with the activities of the
executive branch, that is, the formulation of policy and the
implementation of legislation. However, the separation of powers
cannot specify which functions qualify as administrative action, despite
suggesting that a majority of administrative acts will be performed by
the executive branch. In fact, acts performed by the executive,
legislature or judiciary may qualify as administrative action. us, the
fact that a particular act was performed by the legislature does not
preclude that act from qualifying as an administrative action.
Administrative action cannot be reduced to a single state function or to
the activities performed by a particular branch. erefore, a more
nuanced standard for identifying administrative action is required.
Note that the executive has a dual nature: the President and the
other members of Cabinet are primarily concerned with the
formulation of policy as opposed to the public administration that
implements policy as well as legislation. e distinction between the
two is signi cant: the executive as an institutional whole is not the more
useful indicator of the presence of administrative action; rather, the
public administration is typically involved with the implementation of
policy and legislation.

3.3 Branches capable of performing administrative

When we focus more closely on the various branches of the state, we
can nd examples of administrative action under each one. We can also
see how the actions of the executive are best understood in terms of a
distinction between the ‘policy branch’ and the administration. e
identi cation of administrative action taken by each of these branches
is illustrated by the judgments discussed below.

3.3.1 The ‘policy branch’7

Permanent Secretary, Department of Education and Welfare, Eastern

Cape and Another v Ed-U-College (PE)(Section21) Inc 2001 (2) SA 1
In this matter, an independent school challenged the annual subsidy
amount paid to the school by the Provincial Department of Education in
1997. The subsidy amount was determined by the MEC for Education by
means of an allocation formula.
(Note that the MEC should be regarded as a politician rather than an
administrator. Therefore the MEC falls under the policy branch within the
One of the legal questions before the court was whether the
determination of a formula by the MEC amounted to administrative action.
The court found that the decision qualified as administrative action on the
ground that the determination of the subsidy amounted to policy
formulation in a narrow sense, that is, within a legislative framework.8

Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of South Africa and

Another: In Re Ex Parte President of the Republic of South Africa and
Others 2000 (2) SA 674 (CC)
In this case, the President’s action of issuing a proclamation to bring the
South African Medicines and Medical Devices Regulatory Authority Act9
into operation was challenged upon review. The President heads the
executive in the political sense of the word and can be classified as part of
the policy branch. The court classified the President’s capacity to issue
proclamations that bring statutes into operation as a power:

between the law-making process and the administrative process.

The exercise of that power requires a political judgment as to when
the legislation should be brought into force, a decision that is
necessarily antecedent to the implementation of the legislation
which comes into force only when the power is exercised. In
substance the exercise of the power is closer to the legislative
process than the administrative process.10

Therefore, the decision could not qualify as administrative action.

3.3.2 The public administration

Government of the Republic of South Africa v Thabiso Chemicals (Pty)

Ltd 2009 (1) SA 163 (SCA)
The State Tender Board, an organ of state within the public administration,
purported to cancel a contract concluded with the respondent. The
respondent claimed damages, arguing that the cancellation was wrongful.
Brand JA found that administrative law was not applicable, even though
the Board’s power to cancel derived from statute and regulation.11 The
implication is that the cancellation did not amount to administrative

Earthlife Africa (Cape Town) v Director-General: Department of

Environmental Affairs and Tourism and Another 2005 (3) SA 156 (C)
The Director-General (first respondent), which is the head administrator for
the national department, authorised Eskom to construct a pebble bed
modular (nuclear) reactor. In a challenge to this decision, Griesel J found
that the decision qualified as administrative action,12 rendering it
susceptible to judicial review.

3.3.3 The legislature

Fedsure Life Assurance Ltd and Others v Greater Johannesburg

Transitional Metropolitan Council and Others 1999 (1) SA 374 (CC)
The Greater Johannesburg Transitional Metropolitan Council, ‘a deliberative
legislative body whose members are elected’,13 adopted several resolutions
providing for levies and subsidies. These were challenged by the appellants
as administrative action. However, the court found that ‘[t]he enactment of
legislation by an elected local council acting in accordance with the
Constitution is, in the ordinary sense of the words, a legislative and not an
administrative act’.14

Economic Freedom Fighters v Speaker of the National Assembly [2018]

2 All SA 116 (WCC)
Subsequent to disciplinary proceedings, members of the applicant
opposition party in Parliament, were suspended from Parliament by the
National Assembly following recommendations of the standing Powers and
Privileges Committee. In considering a challenge against the suspension,
the court held that the approach taken by the committee had to be
understood within the context of the procedural fairness requirements set
out in PAJA, implying that such conduct amounts to administrative action.
3.3.4 The judiciary

Le Roux and Others v Honourable Magistrate and Others (16013/05)

[2006] ZAGPHC 63 (22 June 2006)
In this matter, the applicants applied to court for the review of a search
warrant issued by a magistrate in terms of the Insolvency Act.15 The court
found that the magistrate’s authorisation of the search warrant amounted
not to an administrative, but a judicial function.

President of the Republic of South Africa and Others v South African

Rugby Football Union and Others 2000 (1) SA 1 (CC)
The Constitutional Court has acknowledged that the court could perform
administrative functions:

It may well be, as contemplated in Fedsure, that some acts of a

legislature may constitute ‘administrative action’. Similarly, judicial
officers may, from time to time, carry out administrative tasks.16

e judgments discussed above illustrate that the institution

performing a particular function is not decisive when determining
whether an administrative action has been performed. In principle, any
branch of the separation of powers is capable of performing
administrative action; the nature of the function itself is the critical
consideration. is basic point was con rmed in Nkabinde and Another
v Judicial Service Commission President of the Judicial Conduct Tribunal
and Others17 where the court had to decide whether it was objectionable
for a member of the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) to participate
in the work of a Judicial Conduct Tribunal in terms of the Judicial
Service Commission Act.18 In holding that it was not, the judge stated as
As already stated, just as Judges are required to undertake certain non-curial
functions, such as commissions of inquiry, the functions of members of the NPA
on a day to day basis go beyond merely prosecuting, and could include other
functions, including of course, mundane administrative functions which are
implicit in every role in every branch of government.
3.4 The meaning of administrative action understood
within the phases of development of administrative
e meaning of the concept of administrative action must be
understood within the developmental phases of administrative law in
general, as its meaning has changed over time and continues to
e development of South African administrative law can be divided
into three, broad periods: rst, the pre-constitutional period; second,
the constitutional period prior to the enactment of PAJA; and, nally,
the constitutional period subsequent to the enactment of PAJA. During
the pre-constitutional period, administrative law operated within the
common-law tradition and a framework of parliamentary sovereignty.
e power of judicial review under the common law derived from the
courts’ inherent jurisdiction. In this period, the meaning of
administrative action was dominated by the question of the extent of
the courts’ review powers over actions of the executive in implementing
the mandate of the sovereign parliament acting as a restraining force of
the ambit of administrative law. However, this period also saw
deliberate attempts to extend the scope of administrative law and thus a
broader meaning of administrative action in response to the absence of
a justiciable bill of rights that could serve as a check on state power.
e promulgation of the interim Constitution ushered in the
constitutional period of administrative law. e primary source of
administrative law was no longer the common law, but section 24 of the
interim Constitution. us the common law was not replaced, but
became a source of administrative law additional to and subject to the
Constitution.20 e constitutional period continued with the repeal of
the interim Constitution and the promulgation of the nal Constitution,
which entrenched the right to just administrative action in section 33.
However, section 33 did not come into operation with the nal
Constitution. Item 23 of Schedule 6 to the Constitution provided that
the right to just administrative action would be set out in Item 23(2)(b)
of Schedule 6, temporarily. e wording of that right was virtually
identical to section 24 of the interim Constitution. Section 33 would
only become operational once national legislation giving effect to the
right to just administrative action had been enacted. National
legislation had to be enacted within three years. During this three-year
period and under the interim Constitution the courts had to formulate a
new approach to the meaning of administrative action in light of a
justiciable, supreme Constitution and an extensive bill of rights
providing a range of different mechanisms to regulate state power as
well as signi cantly different public institutional arrangements.
In February of 2000, PAJA was promulgated, before the expiration of
the three-year period. In November 2000, PAJA came into force,
introducing the third and nal period. e Act introduced, for the rst
time, a statutory de nition of administrative action.

3.5 Administrative action during the pre-constitutional

Under the common law, governmental functions were classi ed for the
purposes of judicial review.21 Only certain types of administrative action
were reviewable under administrative law; therefore the classi cation of
functions had far-reaching effects. Note, however, that the term
administrative action as such was not the main criterion for the
application of administrative law; the emphasis was on the identity of
the institution performing the function.22
Administrative functions were categorised as pure, legislative,
judicial or quasi-judicial administrative action. e intensity of judicial
review depended on the classi cation of administrative action.23 Pure
administrative action was unsusceptible to review; legislative
administrative action could be subjected to reasonableness review but
not the principles of natural justice; quasi-judicial administrative action
was subject to the principles of natural justice.24 Nevertheless, despite
the classi catory and formalistic approach of the common law, ‘[b]y the
end of the pre-democratic era the realm of administrative action at
common law was a very broad one’.25
3.6 Administrative action during the pre-PAJA
constitutional period
Section 33 entrenches the right to just administrative action. erefore,
the conception of administrative action is central to the operation of
section 33 and the application of administrative law. Administrative
action must be lawful, reasonable and procedurally fair; where rights
have been negatively affected by administrative action, the aggrieved
party is entitled to written reasons. However, even though the
Constitution establishes the centrality of administrative action, the
Constitution has left the concept unde ned. erefore, knowledge of
the development of the concept is necessary. Case law concerning the
content of administrative law also precedes the Constitution’s
promulgation and therefore retains relevance. As we will see below,
there is still divergence today, after the promulgation of PAJA with its
de nition of administrative action, about the most appropriate
methodology to identify administrative action. One approach starts
with the de nition in PAJA and only turns to the meaning of
administrative action under the Constitution to supplement or
challenge PAJA’s de nition. Another approach starts with the meaning
of administrative action under the Constitution and only thereafter
moves on to the de nition in PAJA.26
e right to just administrative action is a human right expressly
recognised in the Bill of Rights (not that this is decisive, since the Bill of
Rights is not an exhaustive list). It is subject to section 36.
As mentioned, administrative action as such is not de ned in the
Constitution. However, the wording of this particular right is signi cant:
it is not expressly a right to administrative justice, but a right to just
administrative action. e adjective ‘just’ refers to the lawfulness,
reasonableness and procedural fairness of the action; that is, if an
action is lawful, reasonable and procedurally fair it will be just in terms
of section 33.
e operation of section 33 is dependent on the presence of an
administrative action. Likewise, the operation of PAJA is dependent on
the presence of an administrative action. In other words, without an
administrative action neither section 33 nor PAJA applies. us
administrative action plays a decisive role in administrative law:
administrative action serves as the key to the application of
administrative law. is explains why the starting point for questions
concerning the application of section 33 of the Constitution and of PAJA
is administrative action.27

3.6.1 The SARFU judgment28 A new approach: from institutional to functional

e Constitutional Court con rmed the predominance of a new
approach to public power in the SARFU case; SARFU is central not only
to the interpretation of section 33, but also to the operation of
administrative law in general. us the very nature of administrative
action is characterised by the SARFU judgment as is the legal regulation
of all public power. erefore one should note that administrative
action is an incidence of the exercise of public power.
e court had to determine the scope of ‘administrative action’ in
response to the legal question: does the appointment of a commission
of inquiry by the President, in terms of section 84(2)(f) of the
Constitution, qualify as administrative action?29 Section 84 lists the
President’s Head-of-State functions, as opposed to the President’s
functions as Head of the Executive.
In determining the content of administrative action, the court notes
that ‘[t]he administration is that part of government which is primarily
concerned with the implementation of legislation’30 and that the public
administration forms part of the executive.31 us the institutional and
functional nature of the public administration is clari ed. Section 33 of
the Constitution entrenches the right to just administrative action, but
does not amount to ‘a mere codi cation of common-law principles’.32
erefore the constitutional meaning of administrative action is not
limited to the common law.
e court identi es the variety of functions performed by the
executive as a whole; importantly, the distinctive role of the executive in
developing and initiating policy and legislation, in contrast to the tasks
of the administration, is recognised.33 e court emphasises the fact that
section 33 refers to administrative, not executive, action.34 is leads the
court to reason that:
[w]hat matters is not so much the functionary as the function. e question is
whether the task itself is administrative or not.35

is does not resolve the matter, however, but leads to a new inquiry:
what does ‘administrative’ imply? Several factors can assist in
determining whether an action is administrative: the power’s source,
nature and subject matter, whether the power relates to exercising a
public duty, and whether the power can be associated more closely to
policy matters or the implementation of policy.36 In addition, the
Constitution as a whole and the ‘overall constitutional purpose of an
efficient, equitable and ethical public administration’ inform the scope
of administrative action.37 e court concedes that ‘[d]etermining
whether an action should be characterised as the implementation of
legislation or the formulation of policy may be difficult’.38
On the whole, the SARFU judgment entrenches the functional
approach and that characterises the regulation of public power
generally. e shift from an institutional to a functional approach is
re ected in the Constitution’s de nition of ‘organ of state’39 and PAJA’s
de nition of ‘administrative action’ and ‘decision’.40 The Constitution and prerogative powers

e powers listed in section 84(2) are conferred on the President acting
in the capacity of Head of State, as opposed to Head of the Executive.41
Historically, these powers were derived from the royal prerogative.
However, the Head of State is constrained to constitutional powers only
and the royal prerogative no longer exists.42 Head of State powers do not
qualify as administrative action, since they are ‘closely related’ to policy
and do not involve the implementation of legislation.43 ey are in
function thus not administrative.

Classifying a section 84 function

Given the court’s theoretical understanding of section
84(2), classify the nature of a decision to appoint a
commission of inquiry and rationalise your answer.44 Is
the decision administrative action, a prerogative
function, an executive function, a function of the Head of
State or a private function?

Finally, even Head of State powers are subject to judicial scrutiny.45

us, even where the President’s conduct does not qualify as
administrative action, implying that section 33 does not apply and the
decision does not have to be lawful, reasonable and procedurally fair as
a matter of administrative law, that decision will always be subject to
the requirements of legality. The scope of the functional approach

SARFU con rmed the predominance of the functional approach in
relation to the institutional approach. us, where any branch of state
(whether the policy branch, public administration, legislature or
judiciary) performs a public function, the identity or nature of the
institution is not decisive for the application of public-law principles,
including administrative law, but the nature of the function.
In the SARFU case, the Constitutional Court con rmed that the
executive branch’s exercise of public power must conform to the
requirements of legality, even where the action does not qualify as
administrative action. Nevertheless, the functional approach is not
limited to the branches of state.

3.6.2 The AAA Investments judgment

AAA Investments (Pty) Ltd v Micro Finance Regulatory Council and
Another46 illustrates the scope of the functional approach, which
encompasses the activities of private entities too. In this matter, the
Minister of Trade and Industry issued an exemption notice in terms of
section 15A of the Usury Act47 thereby exempting a category of lenders
from compliance with the Act upon the condition that those lenders
register with the respondent Council. e Council was a pre-existing,
private company incorporated in terms of the Companies Act 48 that was
tasked with the regulation of the exempt class of lenders. e applicants
challenged the legality of rules made by the Council and the court had
to decide whether the Council’s actions were subject to public-law
regulation. e court explained that during the pre-constitutional
period the nature of an institution played a crucial role in determining
whether a decision was susceptible to judicial review,49 in line with the
institutional approach:
In the pre-constitutional era in South Africa the nature of institutions and the way
in which they exercised their power became relevant in the context of
determining whether particular decisions were subject to judicial review.

e court referred to Dawnlaan Beleggings (Edms) Bpk v Johannesburg

Stock Exchange and Others50 where a High Court had to determine:
the correctness of the contention that the decisions of the JSE were not subject to
judicial review because the JSE was a private body. 51

e High Court found that the JSE’s decisions were susceptible to

review owing to the public impact of its decisions and the legislative
obligation to act in the public interest, inter alia:52
e Court concluded that, to regard the JSE as a private entity would be to ignore
the commercial reality and the very public interest that the Legislature sought to

e court considered the legal role of the ‘exercise of power’ in foreign

jurisdictions and noted that both functional and institutional
approaches determine its reviewability.54 In the South African context:
the exercise of all public power … is constrained by the legality principle. It is
therefore not necessary, for the purpose of determining whether the legality
principle applies, to decide whether the power is governmental.55

What was relevant was whether the Council quali ed as an organ of

state in terms of section 239 of the Constitution,56 which was largely
concerned with the question of whether a public function had been
In casu, the purpose of the legislation was for regulation by the
executive branch of exempted transactions57 and the court found that:
[t]he extent of the control exercised by the Minister over the functioning of the
Council … shows that the function is public rather than private.58

erefore, even though the Council was relatively autonomous in

relation to some of its functions:
[t]he fact that the Minister passed on the regulatory duty means that the function
performed must, at least, be a public function.59

e Minister also formulated rules which the Council had to apply.60

Executive control over a private institution

Identify six forms of control that led to the finding in AAA
Investments (Pty) Ltd v Micro Finance Regulatory
Council and Another61 that the Minister exercised control
over the Council. Focus in particular on paragraphs 39 to
45 of the judgment.
How does the court’s approach in AAA Investments
compare to the approach of the SCA in Calibre Clinical
Consultants (Pty) Ltd and Another v National Bargaining
Council for the Road Freight Industry and Another?62 In
the latter matter the SCA also grappled with the question
of when an ostensibly private entity (a bargaining council
in this instance) should be subjected to public-law
norms, including administrative law. The SCA interpreted
the judgment in AAA Investments to have held:

that the Micro Finance Regulatory Council indeed

performed a ‘governmental’ function, so far as it was
the instrument through which the Minister exercised
regulatory control over the industry.63

The SCA thus focused its own analysis on categorising

the action before it as ‘governmental’ or not. Note in
particular the court’s reasoning in paragraphs 34 to 40.
Is it the same thing to ask whether a function is public in
nature and whether the function is governmental in
nature? If we have truly made a shift from an
institutional approach to a functional approach in
identifying public power and thus administrative action,
should the control of government over a
function/functionary or the involvement of government in
that function play such a major role in the analysis?

3.7 Administrative action under PAJA

PAJA contains an extensive de nition of administrative action in section
1(i). is de nition has rightly been described by the courts as
‘unwieldy’,64 ‘cumbersome’ and serving ‘not so much to attribute
meaning to the term as to limit its meaning by surrounding it within a
palisade of quali cations’.65 e de nition is furthermore difficult to
work with because a number of terms in the de nition are de ned
separately in PAJA and the Constitution. One thus has to read all these
de nitions together to get a full picture of what an administrative action
is under PAJA.
As stated in the introduction to this chapter, the de nition of
administrative action in PAJA serves a key gatekeeping function. e
rest of the Act ostensibly only applies to administrative action as
de ned. us, you can only approach a court for relief under PAJA if you
can rst show that the public conduct you wish to complain about
amounts to administrative action as de ned. Viewed differently, an
administrator must only comply with the requirements set out in PAJA,
for example the procedural steps set out in section 4 of the Act, when
taking an action if that action will constitute administrative action. is
means that you must be able to determine whether something will
amount to administrative action even before the action is taken.
At this point it is important to remember the general rule of
statutory interpretation which states that a term must be understood in
‘its statutorily de ned meaning unless that meaning would lead to an
injustice or absurdity not contemplated by the [statute]’.66 In the context
of PAJA this means that where the Act refers to ‘administrative action’ it
must be understood to refer to the term as de ned in section 1(i),
unless the context within the particular section indicates that the
legislature did not intend the section 1 de nition to apply. is is
arguably the case in relation to section 3 of PAJA as we shall see in
Chapter 7.

The Constitution or PAJA as the starting point

Different views have emerged about the appropriate
starting point in establishing whether particular action
amounts to administrative action.
One view is that the starting point is section 33 of
the Constitution. In Minister of Health and Another NO v
New Clicks South Africa (Pty) Ltd and Others,67 Ngcobo J
formulated this approach as follows:

The starting point in determining whether PAJA is

applicable to the exercise of the power conferred by
[the empowering provision] is section 33(1) of the
Constitution. The meaning of administrative action
must be determined by reference to section 33 of
the Constitution and not PAJA. Once it is determined
that the exercise of the executive power authorised
by [the empowering provision] is administrative
action within the meaning of section 33, the next
question to consider is whether PAJA nevertheless
excludes it.
In following this approach, the court in Majake v
Commission for Gender Equality and Others68 stated:
The application of ‘PAJA’ is triggered once it is
determined that the conduct in question constitutes
administrative action under [section 33].

A different view is that the definition in section 1 of PAJA

is the starting point and that one should only turn to
section 33 if the definition in PAJA is found wanting or
needs clarification. An example of this approach is
Minister of Defence and Military Veterans v Motau and
Others69 where the court stated:
PAJA gives content to the right to just administrative
action in s 33 of the Constitution. The Act
categorises certain powers as administrative
(through a rather complex taxonomy) and thereby
determines the appropriate standard of review and
the concept of ‘administrative action’, as defined in s
1(i) of PAJA, is the threshold for engaging in
administrative-law review.70

The role of section 33 is thus secondary (in sequence,

not authority) or a background one in determining
whether action amounts to administrative action. The
court continued to state in Motau:71

As a starting point, in New Clicks Chaskalson CJ

suggested that the definition of ‘administrative
action’ under PAJA must be ‘construed consistently’
with the right to administrative justice in s 33 of the
Constitution. As s 33 itself contains no express
attempt to delimit the scope of ‘administrative
action’, it is helpful to have reference to
jurisprudence regarding the interpretation of that

Where the definition of administrative action under PAJA

provides no interpretative difficulties, there would be no
need to turn to section 33. There are accordingly many
examples of cases where the courts have decided
whether the action at issue constitutes administrative
action purely with reference to PAJA and with no
reference to section 33.
Since both these approaches have been used by the
Constitutional Court, it is difficult to say which is the
most appropriate one. However, it is worth bearing in
mind the relationship between the different sources of
administrative law in grappling with this question.72 The
Constitutional Court has made it clear that it is
impermissible to rely on a constitutional right directly
where specific legislation has been enacted to give effect
to that right. Section 33 and PAJA provide one example
of such a case. The court has stated:

This court has repeatedly held that where legislation

has been enacted to give effect to a right, a litigant
should rely on that legislation in order to give effect
to the right or alternatively challenge the legislation
as being inconsistent with the Constitution.73

It arguably follows that reliance must first be placed on

PAJA in identifying administrative action rather than going
behind PAJA to section 33. This would support the
second of the approaches outlined above.

e complicated nature of the de nition of administrative action in

PAJA has led South African courts to develop a useful analytical
framework to break the de nition of administrative action down into
constituent parts and to test for compliance with each part in
determining whether a particular action amounts to administrative
action. In Minister of Defence and Military Veterans v Motau and
Others74 the Constitutional Court identi ed the following seven
there must be
(a) a decision of an administrative nature;
(b) by an organ of state or a natural or juristic person;
(c) exercising a public power or performing a public function;
(d) in terms of any legislation or an empowering provision;
(e) that adversely affects rights;
(f) that has a direct, external legal effect; and
(g) that does not fall under any of the listed exclusions.

e order of analysis set out in this list follows the de nition itself and is
also the order followed in the discussion below. However, from a
strategic point of view it would be sensible to start with the last element,
since an action can never qualify as administrative action if it is
expressly excluded by the de nition regardless of whether it complies
with all the other elements. Starting with the exclusions is thus an
efficient way to lter out those actions that cannot be administrative
action under PAJA.

3.7.1 A decision of an administrative nature

Section 1(i) de nes an administrative action as a ‘decision’ or a ‘failure
to take a decision’ and section 1(v) provides a separate de nition of
‘decision’. is is immediately an important clue as to the type of
conduct in which administrative law is interested. Administrative law
focuses on decision-making by those exercising public power. It is thus
not interested in steps that follow automatically from earlier conduct,
even where such later steps may have legal consequences. A good
example is when a disability grant is awarded to a person with a
temporary disability under the Social Assistance Act75 for a set period.
Once that period comes to an end the payment of the grant will
terminate automatically. Such termination will not constitute
administrative action since no decision was taken to bring the grant to
an end even though such termination will have signi cant implications
for the bene ciary. e only administrative action in this scenario will
be the original decision to approve the grant for a particular period.
e element of a decision implies a measure of nality in
administrative action. Administrative law thus applies to an entire
administrative process leading to a nal decision as a whole. It does not
apply in a piecemeal fashion to parts of a multistage administrative
process. is means that one cannot determine whether an
administrative action is, say, procedurally fair by looking only at a part
of the process leading to the decision. It also means that one cannot
challenge the process in court before the nal decision is taken. It is
only once the nal decision is taken that the process constitutes a
complete administrative action and one can evaluate it against the
requirements of PAJA. In this respect the element of decision overlaps
largely with the later element requiring a direct, external legal effect.76

Final decisions
While section 1(i) refers to a ‘decision taken’ thereby
implying finality in the process, the separate definition of
‘decision’ refers to ‘any decision … proposed to be
made, or required to be made’. These phrases may seem
to qualify the finality characteristic of what constitutes a
decision. Something that is still ‘proposed to be made’ is
arguably not final. However, one should remember that
the later element requiring a direct, external legal effect
before the action will constitute administrative action
reinforces the notion of finality as a requirement. A mere
proposal arguably cannot have this requisite effect and
will thus never qualify as administrative action.
One has to follow an interpretation of the definition
that reconciles these ostensibly contradictory parts. This
may be achieved if the phrase ‘proposed to be made’ is
read as only referring to the timing of the decision and
not the substantive conditionality thereof. In other words,
conduct will be included as a decision ‘proposed to be
made’ where it is only a matter of time before the final
decision is taken, but the content of the final decision is
no longer in doubt. Such content (once the decision
becomes operational) will furthermore have to comply
with the effect requirement in order to qualify as
administrative action.
In whatever way one interprets the definition of
‘decision’ it seems that the real work in either including
or excluding preliminary steps in an administrative
process under the definition of administrative action is
done by the effect requirement of the definition (element
(f) in the list above).

e de nition expressly includes omissions in the de nition of

administrative action. e main de nition in section 1(i) thus talks of
‘any failure to take a decision’ and the separate de nition of ‘decision’
in section 1(v) likewise includes ‘a failure to take a decision’ as one
instance of ‘a decision’. e effect is that when an administrator does
nothing it could constitute an administrative action! is part of the
de nition should be understood alongside section 6(2)(g) and 6(3) of
PAJA, which creates the possibility for someone to challenge an
administrator’s conduct in court where the administrator fails to act.77
As is clear from section 6(3), this does not mean that any non-action by
an administrator will be open to challenge as administrative action. e
same is true for a failure to act as part of the de nition of administrative
action. Not all failures to act (that is, not taking a decision) will qualify
as administrative action.
In Offit Enterprises (Pty) Ltd and Another v Coega Development
Corporation and Others78 the Supreme Court of Appeal explained that a
failure that would be relevant under PAJA:
refers to a decision that the administrator in question is under some obligation to
take, not simply to indecisiveness in planning on policy issues. It is directed at
dilatoriness in taking decisions that the administrator is supposed to take …
It follows that something will only constitute a ‘failure to take a
decision’ and thus potentially qualify as administrative action under
PAJA if there is a duty on the administrator to take the decision and the
administrator has not done so.
e de nition of ‘decision’ further quali es the concept by requiring
that it must be a decision ‘of an administrative nature’. It is of course
somewhat tautological to de ne a term, ‘administrative action’, by
repeating the same word, ‘administrative’.
e question remains: what is administrative? In grappling with this
element of the de nition, the courts have relied heavily on the meaning
attributed to administrative action under section 33 of the Constitution.
Especially in Grey’s Marine Hout Bay (Pty) Ltd and Others v Minister of
Public Works and Others79 and again in Minister of Home Affairs and
Others v Scalabrini Centre and Others80 the Supreme Court of Appeal
aligned this part of the de nition with the typical separation of powers
exclusions from the ambit of administrative law. ese are primarily the
legislative decisions of original legislatures, judicial decisions of courts
and pure executive or policy decisions of the executive. None of these
are ‘administrative’ in nature and are thus disquali ed as administrative
action under this element in addition to the speci c exclusions listed in
section 1(i). e court stated in Grey’s Marine that conduct ‘of an
administrative nature’ is generally understood as:
the conduct of the bureaucracy (whoever the bureaucratic functionary might be)
in carrying out the daily functions of the State, which necessarily involves the
application of policy, usually after its translation into law …81

e Constitutional Court has endorsed this formulation and held that

this part of the de nition ful ls two functions. First, it requires a
reviewing court to make a positive determination that the action
complained of involves the exercise of public power ‘of an
administrative character’.82 Second, it indicates that a larger category of
decisions is excluded from the de nition than those listed in the
exclusions. e court added to the Grey’s Marine formulation that
‘administrative powers usually entail the application of formulated
policy to particular factual circumstances’ that the ‘exercise of
administrative powers is policy brought into effect, rather than its
creation’83 and that a ‘decision or action that is administrative in nature
is therefore operational, for it is about carrying out what has already
been prescribed often in some detail’.84 From the Motau judgment it
would seem that the closer a decision is to the policy function of
especially a politically elected official, the less likely it is that such
decision will be of an administrative nature. Likewise, in Scalabrini the
court stated that ‘decisions heavily in uenced by policy generally
belong in the domain of the executive’ and the ‘more a decision is to be
driven by considerations of executive policy the further it moves from
being reviewable under PAJA and vice versa’.85
e de nition of ‘decision’ in section 1(v) includes a list of types of
actions that would qualify as decisions under the de nition. It is,
however, not an exhaustive list as the word ‘including’ preceding the list
indicates.86 e nal item on the list is furthermore a ‘catch-all’
provision in that it includes ‘a decision relating to … doing or refusing to
do any other act or thing of an administrative nature’.

One area of administrative action that has resulted in
considerable controversy under PAJA’s definition of
administrative action is that of executive rule-making or
what was referred to as legislative administrative action
at common law.
As we have noted, the making of rules by
administrators (primarily members of the executive) in
terms of a legislative mandate has long been recognised
as subject to some administrative law controls.87 The
typical example is the making of regulations aimed at
implementing a particular statute. Other examples
include the issuing of practice notes and circulars by
various public bodies. The distinctive feature of these
types of public actions is that they are not aimed at one
particular instance of state administration, but are aimed
at governing generally a category of cases. The
application of these actions is thus general rather than
Under PAJA the question has emerged whether the
act of rule-making can be viewed as ‘a decision of an
administrative nature’. The definition of ‘decision’ in PAJA
does not seem to cater specifically for rule-making and it
is not clear that rule-making can even be viewed as ‘a
decision’. The question also arises whether rule-making
is not rather of a legislative nature as opposed to an
administrative nature.
The case that was set to bring clarity on this matter,
Minister of Health and Another NO v New Clicks South
Africa (Pty) Ltd and Others,88 unfortunately failed to
provide a definitive answer. In this matter the Minister
issued regulations on a pricing system for the sale of
medicine in terms of section 22G of the Medicines and
Related Substances Act.89 The relevant part of the
empowering provision stated that:

[t]he Minister may, on the recommendation of the

pricing committee, make regulations … on the
introduction of a transparent pricing system for all
medicines and Scheduled substances sold in the

Various entities challenged the validity of the Minister’s

conduct inter alia in terms of administrative law. When
the matter reached the Constitutional Court, the court
was split on whether the making of the regulations
amounted to administrative action as defined in PAJA
and was thus subject to PAJA. Five justices held that the
making of regulations (at least in this instance) did
qualify as administrative action as defined; five justices
held that it was not necessary to decide the issue and
one justice held that the making of regulations did not
constitute administrative action. There was accordingly
no majority view on this issue and it remained
Chaskalson CJ presented strong reasoning in favour
of the (minority) view that all regulation-making
constitutes administrative action under PAJA. He noted
inter alia that the making of delegated legislation was
recognised as administrative action under common law
and that nothing in either the interim Constitution or the
Constitution indicated a departure from that position.90
To the contrary, there is much in the Constitution that
indicates a commitment to ‘open and transparent
government’ that would require the making of regulations
to be subject to administrative justice rights.91
Chaskalson CJ held that the ‘making of delegated
legislation by members of the Executive is an essential
part of public administration’, implying that it is of an
administrative nature.92 He also held that the absence of
specific mention of rule-making in the definition of
‘decision’ in section 1(v) is not definitive, since that
section includes ‘any decision of an administrative
nature’ and contains a catch-all sub-provision in
subsection (g) which recognises ‘doing or refusing to do
any other act or thing of an administrative nature’ as a
qualifying decision.93 In the Chief Justice’s view, these
formulations included rule-making.
In the subsequent judgment in City of Tshwane
Metropolitan Municipality v Cable City (Pty) Ltd94 the
Supreme Court of Appeal simply stated, without any
reasoning, that it

agree[d] with the appellant’s contention that the

making of regulations by a Minister constitutes
administrative action within the meaning of [PAJA].
The court relied solely on Chaskalson CJ’s judgment in
New Clicks as authority for this statement. However, as
we noted above, Chaskalson CJ’s judgment was a
minority view and thus cannot be relied upon as
authority for the statement that all executive rule-making
constitutes administrative action under PAJA. The
Supreme Court of Appeal judgment in Cable City has in
turn been relied upon by the High Court as authority for
the statement that rule-making is administrative action
under PAJA. In Mobile Telephone Networks (Pty) Ltd v
Chairperson of the Independent Communications
Authority of South Africa and Others, In Re: Vodacom
(Pty) Ltd v Chairperson of the Independent
Communications Authority of South Africa and Others95
the court stated:

Although there was some controversy in the past, the

Supreme Court of Appeal has now confirmed that
the act of making regulations amounts to
administrative action as contemplated in PAJA.

However, in Mostert NO v Registrar of Pension Funds and

Others,96 the Supreme Court of Appeal revisited its
earlier statement, noting that:

in … Cable City … the position was also stated too


The court correctly pointed out that Chaskalson CJ’s

judgment was not a majority view on this point in New
Clicks and is accordingly not authority for a general
statement that all rule-making amount to administrative
action under PAJA. The court furthermore highlighted that
Chaskalson CJ in any case did not aver that all rule-
making qualified as administrative action under PAJA,
but only that the particular instance of rule-making
before the court in New Clicks amounted to
administrative action. The inquiry thus remains a
contextual one, to establish in each case whether the
rule-making in that case qualifies as administrative
action or not. This reasoning of the Supreme Court of
Appeal suggests that the answer to whether a particular
instance of rule-making amounts to administrative action
under PAJA or not, does not primarily turn on whether
such action is conceptually ‘of an administrative nature’,
but rather on other elements of the definition such as
the impact requirements, which may or may not be met
in particular cases. As the court pointed out in Mostert:

the final word on regulation-making and the

applicability of PAJA to it may therefore not have
been spoken.97

3.7.2 By an organ of state or a natural or juristic person

is element of the de nition emphasises that administrative action is
not only taken by public bodies, but also by private entities. is
con rms the functional approach to the application of administrative
law, where the key question is what the nature of the function is that is
being performed, rather than an institutional approach, which asks who
is taking the action.98
PAJA de nes ‘organ of state’ with reference to the de nition of that
term in section 239 of the Constitution. e constitutional de nition
includes, in addition to state departments:
any other functionary or institution … exercising a public power or performing a
public function.

is already opens the door to non-public entities to be recognised as

organs of state and hence come under the scope of the de nition of
administrative action in PAJA.
e inclusion of actions of non-public entities is further
strengthened by the addition of ‘natural or juristic person’ to the list of
actors that can perform administrative action under PAJA.

Refuse collection by private companies

Recall the example in Chapter 1 about the private
company Garbage Gobblers that was appointed by a
municipality to collect household refuse.99 When one
applies the second element of the definition of
administrative action to the scenario, one can see that it
makes no difference to the applicability of PAJA that it is
a private company performing the work of refuse
collection. The key question will be what the nature of
the function is. One will thus focus on the nature of
refuse collection rather than who is collecting the refuse.
The importance of this point in practical terms can
be illustrated by the following extension of the scenario
sketched in Chapter 1. Consider that Garbage Gobblers
is only contracted to collect refuse in your suburb, while
the municipality itself collects the refuse in a
neighbouring suburb where one of your friends lives. Your
friend has a very similar experience when the municipal
refuse truck hits his front gate, causing damage. Would it
make sense to view your friend’s legal recourse
differently from yours simply on the basis that his refuse
was collected by the municipality while yours was
collected by a private company?
One can think of many similar examples raised by
the modern trend to involve private entities in performing
public functions. Think of prisons, hospitals or schools
that are operated by private companies. Think of private
providers of water or electricity. Think of professions and
entire industries, like accounting, engineering, various
sports – soccer, rugby and athletics for example – or
advertising that are regulated by bodies that do not form
part of the state. In all these cases the identity of the
body tells us very little about whether the action itself
should be subject to administrative law.
It is important to note the expansive view of the
actor that may take administrative action inter alia
because, as the Constitutional Court stated in AAA
Investments (Pty) Ltd v Micro Finance Regulatory
Council and Another:100
Our Constitution ensures … that government cannot
be released from its human rights and rule of law
obligations simply because it employs the strategy of
delegating its functions to another entity.

3.7.3 Exercising a public power or performing a public

As we have seen in the examples above, the nature of the action stands
at the core of the de nition of administrative action. Administrative
action is thus action of a public nature. We already noted in Chapter 1,
when de ning administrative law, that public authority is a key de ning
feature of this part of the law. e de nition in PAJA expresses this by
including as an element that the action must amount to the exercise of a
public power or the performance of a public function. Again, this puts
the focus on what is being done rather than who is acting: a functional
approach rather than an institutional one.

Public functions as contextual

The notion of a public function is not a fixed one. What a
society views as a public function can change over time.
It can also differ between societies.
Good examples of how our perceptions of what
constitute public functions change over time are
broadcasting and telecommunications. Thirty years ago,
most people in South Africa would instinctively have said
that the function of broadcasting, especially television,
and providing a telecommunications network by way of
landline telephone services are public functions. The
state exclusively provided these services to society and
people generally accepted it as the natural state of
affairs. However, today we would not as easily regard
either broadcasting or telecommunications as the
primary responsibility of the state or something that is
inherently a function of the state. Major private players
such as MultiChoice’s DSTV and MidiTV’s e.TV have come
to dominate the broadcasting sector, while the major
cellular phone companies, Vodacom, MTN and CellC, are
certainly the first ones most people would think of in
terms of telecommunications service providers in South
An example of how public functions differ between
societies is rail services. In South Africa rail services are
largely considered to be a public function, something
that the state is responsible for through Transnet. In
Great Britain, however, rail services are provided by
private companies, of which there are more than 20, so
that the British would not consider rail services to be
inherently public, that is something that the state is
providing to citizens.
A final example of the contextual nature of public
functions is the changes that South Africans are currently
witnessing in the energy sector. The provision of energy,
primarily electricity, has been the exclusive function of
the state through Eskom. South Africans would
consequently consider this to be an inherently public
function. In many other parts of the world private
companies play a major role in providing energy to users
with the state only fulfilling a regulatory function, rather
than providing energy. Changes to the regulation of
energy provision in South Africa at present may also lead
to changes in perceptions about whose responsibility it
is to provide users with energy as more private providers
enter the market. It is thus quite possible that South
Africans will in thirty years’ time no longer think of energy
provision as an inherently public function.

It is not an easy matter to de ne what a ‘public power’ or a ‘public

function’ is. In his minority judgment in Chirwa v Transnet Ltd and
Others101 Langa CJ stated:
Determining whether a power or function is ‘public’ is a notoriously difficult
exercise. ere is no simple de nition or clear test to be applied.

e Chief Justice continued to list a number of useful factors that can

give one an indication of whether a particular power or function is
public. ese are:
(a) the relationship of coercion or power that the actor has in its capacity as a
public institution;
(b) the impact of the decision on the public;
(c) the source of the power; and
(d) whether there is a need for the decision to be exercised in the public interest.

Langa CJ’s remarks were quoted with approval by the court in

Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union v Chamber of
Mines of South Africa.102 Cameron J listed the following ‘pointers’ in
determining whether a particular power is public. ese are:
(a) the source of the power;
(b) the nature of the power;
(c) its subject matter; and
(d) whether it involves the exercise of a public duty.103
No single one of these factors will on its own determine whether a
particular action is public, but may in combination point in one
direction or another.
In AMCU v Chamber of Mines, the court highlighted the rst of
Langa CJ’s factors in Chirwa as particularly important in its analysis.
e conduct under scrutiny in this case was the conclusion of a
collective agreement between employers and unions in the mining
industry, which, by virtue of the Labour Relations Act,104 applied to all
employees of the employers regardless of whether they were members
of the particular unions or not. e applicant challenged the
constitutionality of the extension of the agreement to all employees,
inter alia on the basis that it authorised ‘private actors the right to
effectively exercise public power arbitrarily’.105 e court held that the
extension of the collective agreement to non-parties entailed the
exercise of public power based on the following reasoning:
Features pointing to ‘public’ are: (a) the decision is rooted in legislation and its
effects are circumscribed by the statute; (b) the effect of the decision is mandatory
on non-parties and coercive on their constitutional entitlements; (c) the decision
results in binding consequences without those parties’ acquiescence; and (d) the
rationale for extension is a plainly public goal, namely the improvement of
workers’ conditions through collectively agreed bargains.106

e public impact of the recall of a permanent member of the National

Council of Provinces by her political party was held to be an important
factor pointing to the public nature of such action in Van Zyl v New
National Party and Others.107 e court held that such recall impacted
on the functioning of a public institution (the NCOP) and subsequently
on the public generally whose interests are served by this body. In
contrast, in Dube v Zikalala,108 the court held that decisions taken at an
elective conference of a political party, including the election of
provincial leaders, were not public in nature since they did not concern
the public, but only the members of the party. Langa CJ adopted similar
reasoning in his minority judgment in Chirwa, holding that the
appellant ful lled a purely internal function within Transnet and was
not involved in Transnet’s public functions with the result that the
appellant’s dismissal by Transnet did not have any impact on the
In a number of cases the presence or absence of a statutory source
of the relevant power played a major role in deciding whether the action
is public or not. In Cape Metropolitan Council v Metro Inspection
Services (Western Cape) CC and Others109 the court held that had the
organ of state relied upon its statutory powers to cancel the agreement
at issue it would have amounted to the exercise of public power, but
since the organ of state relied upon its contractual rights to cancel, the
exercise of the power was private. As Plasket J rightly pointed out in
Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union and Others v Minister of
Correctional Services and Others (No 1):110
a statutory source of power is signi cant because ‘it places the existence of public
power largely, if not completely, beyond contention’.

Finally, and perhaps the most general of all the factors listed by Langa
CJ in Chirwa, the public interest in the relevant decision has long been
a key factor in identifying public power. Public interest in the
functioning of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, formally a private
company, was determinative in the common-law cases that held
actions of that body to be public in nature111 as well as under PAJA.112
Under PAJA in Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union113 Plasket J held
the pre-eminence of the public interest in the proper administration of prisons
and the attainment of the purposes speci ed in … the Correctional Services Act
all strengthen my view that the powers that are sought to be reviewed in this
matter are public powers as envisaged by … PAJA

Similarly, in AMCU v Chamber of Mines114 the Constitutional Court

noted that the ‘rationale for the power and its exercise is the public
interest in improving workers’ conditions through collectively agreed
bargains’, indicating that the power was public in nature.
e public interest element should, however, be treated with
caution. In respect of this element it is particularly important to bear in
mind that the elements (and all other relevant factors) must be viewed
together, rather than just relying on one factor. In a number of cases the
courts have thus cautioned that a decision will not necessarily be public
in nature merely because the public has an interest in it. In Calibre
Clinical Consultants (Pty) Ltd and Another v National Bargaining
Council for the Road Freight Industry and Another115 Nugent JA for the
Supreme Court of Appeal thus stated:
I have considerable doubt whether a body can be said to exercise ‘public powers’
or perform a ‘public function’ only because the public has an interest in the
manner in which its powers are exercised or its functions are performed, and I
nd no support for that approach in other cases in this country or abroad.

Other factors that the courts have pointed to as indicative of public

power, either as variants of the elements set out above or as distinct
factors, are the use of public funds in exercising the relevant power,116
the control of government over the exercise of the power or the function
(primarily by looking at government control over the entity performing
the function in relation to that function),117 the monopolistic regulatory
nature of the function118 and whether government would have had to
step in and perform the function had it not been for the actions of the
entity at stake.119

Is the control of sport administrative action?

South African courts have not been consistent in their
treatment of the actions of sporting bodies in terms of
administrative law.120 These are private bodies
established to regulate the affairs of a particular sporting
code, with little or no involvement by the state. Typical
examples are the South African Football Association
(SAFA), the South African Rugby Union (SARU formerly
South African Rugby Football Union SARFU)), Cricket
South Africa (CSA) (which includes the former United
Cricket Board of South Africa (UCB)), Athletics South
Africa (ASA) and the National Horseracing Authority of
Southern Africa (NHA). In some instances, courts have
treated such conduct as purely private and accordingly
not subject to principles of administrative law, whereas in
other instances courts have viewed the conduct as public
and subjected it to administrative-law scrutiny.
Thus, in Cronje v United Cricket Board of SA,121 the
court held that the UCB was not a public body and that
its action in banning a former player from the sport was
not subject to the rules of natural justice under
administrative law. By contrast, in Dr. Nyoka v Cricket
South Africa,122 the court held that the decision by CSA
to remove its president was subject to administrative law
rules of natural justice given CSA’s public function in
respect of cricket in South Africa.
In Ndoro v South African Football Association,123
Unterhalter J provided a useful summary of the principles
at issue in these instances:

First, private entities may discharge public functions

by recourse to powers that do not have a statutory
source. Powers of this kind may be characterized as
public powers. So characterized, actions that issue
from their exercise may constitute administrative
action. Second, a private entity may exercise public
powers, but this does not entail that all its conduct
issues from the exercise of a public power or the
performing of a public function – all depends on the
relevant power or function. Finally, while there are
broad criteria for making an evaluation as to whether
a competence enjoyed by a private entity is a public
power or public function, there is no warrant to
conclude that simply because a private entity is
powerful and may do things that are of great interest
to the public that it discharges a public power or
function. Rather, it is the assumption of exclusive,
compulsory, coercive regulatory competence to
secure public goods that reach beyond mere private
advancement that attract the supervisory disciplines
of public law.

In Ndoro, the court was called upon to determine

whether the resolution of a dispute between Ajax Cape
Town Football Club and one of its players against SAFA
and the National Soccer League (NSL), one of SAFA’s
members, by way of arbitration under the SAFA
Arbitration Tribunal constituted administrative action
open to judicial review. In finding that the resolution of
the dispute and the regulatory powers of SAFA and the
NSL more generally do constitute administrative action,
Unterhalter J placed emphasis on the following factors:

These bodies, (FIFA, SAFA and the NSL) constitute

an institutional framework within which a
comprehensive scheme of regulations is
administered and enforced. Each entity is a private
organization. Neither the entities nor their rules
derive from public statutes. These associations and
their relationships with their members are founded
upon contracts.

But for all this, as a general matter, it is hard to escape

the conclusion that what these bodies do and the
objects they strive after are public in nature. First, the
regulatory scheme constituted by the statutes and
regulations [of FIFA, SAFA and NSL] is exclusive,
comprehensive, compulsory and coercive. There is no
other way to conduct professional football, save in
compliance with this regulatory scheme. FIFA and its
progeny are the singular source of professional football
regulation. Second, compliance is not optional and the
rules are backed by coercive sanctions. Third, although
many actors participate in football for great private
reward, football is not the sum of these private actions.
Rather it is a sport so widely enjoyed and passionately
engaged by large sections of the public that the
flourishing of the game is a public good, and one that is
often understood to be bound up with the well-being of
the nation.

Once this is so, private associations that regulate

football exercise public functions because they
oversee a public good, and do not simply regulate
private interests. And importantly, this is precisely
how FIFA and SAFA see themselves. They seek to
promote football as a public good and not as
organisations simply furthering the private interests
of their members.124

3.7.4 In terms of a constitution, any legislation or an

empowering provision
Another key characteristic of administrative law is that it deals with
delegated powers. In other words, it deals with the exercise of powers
granted to the administrator by another authority in an instrument. e
stereotypical case is of the legislature that has granted the administrator
the power in a statute to take an action. e de nition of administrative
action re ects this characteristic by requiring the presence of a source
for the decision.
For organs of state that source can be either a constitution (the
national constitution or a provincial constitution) or legislation.
Accordingly, in Mostert v Nash,125 the court held that a decision taken by
the Financial Services Board, an organ of state, in respect of the
remuneration of a curator of a pension fund, was not an administrative
action, inter alia because the source of the power exercised was the
court order under which the curator was appointed and not legislation.
For non-organs of state, that source can be an ‘empowering
provision’, which has its own extremely wide de nition in section 1(vi)
and includes any ‘instrument or other document in terms of which an
administrative action was purportedly taken’. Examples of empowering
provisions may thus include the constitution of a voluntary association
such as a political party or a church, the code of conduct of a school or
university, circulars or practice notes issued by state departments as
well as guideline documents and manuals.

3.7.5 That adversely affects rights

e fth element of the de nition of administrative action, read with
the sixth element, is probably the most problematic aspect of the
de nition. If this element is to be taken literally it would imply that only
those decisions that in fact result in rights being negatively affected can
ever qualify as administrative action. is is problematic for a number
of reasons. First, there is no similar restriction in section 33(1) of the
Constitution, but only in section 33(2) in relation to the right to reasons.
Since PAJA is meant to give effect to the whole of section 33, this
element may elevate the restriction found only in section 33(2) to the
entire section. If this element of the de nition is interpreted literally it
may very well render the de nition unconstitutional. Second, PAJA is
meant to provide guidance to administrators before they act as much as
it is meant to provide redress to affected persons after an administrative
action has been taken. However, a logical conundrum emerges if an
administrator must know whether his or her decision will impact
adversely on rights before that decision is taken in order to know
whether it is administrative action and would thus require the
prescripts of PAJA (for example, the rules of procedure in sections 3 or
4) to be followed in reaching the conclusion in the rst place!

Fracking in the Karoo

Imagine that Shale of Africa (Pty) Ltd, a major player in
the energy industry, wishes to conduct hydraulic
fracturing (fracking) to extract natural gas from rocks
deep underground in the Karoo, near a residential area.
They apply to the Director-General (DG) of the
Department of Environmental Affairs for an
environmental authorisation allowing the fracking to take
place. The DG needs to know whether he must take
account of the procedural requirements in sections 3
and/or 4 of PAJA in deciding on the application. This will,
for example, determine whether he must engage with the
community of the adjacent residential area before taking
his decision and what form that engagement will have to
take. The first step in answering the DG’s question is of
course to determine whether his decision will amount to
administrative action under section 1 of PAJA, which is
the gateway to the rest of the Act.
On a literal reading of this fifth element of the
definition, the DG will have to know whether he will grant
the authorisation or not before he can determine whether
his decision will amount to administrative action.
However, the DG will in all likelihood not know whether
he should grant the authorisation before he has received
input from all interested parties. The DG thus finds
himself in a circular argument: the application of the
procedure depends on the outcome of the definition, but
the definition depends on the outcome of the procedure.

In Greys Marine Hout Bay (Pty) Ltd and Others v Minister of Public
Works and Others126 Nugent JA held that a literal interpretation of this
element cannot be accepted. Instead, the court ruled, the fth and sixth
elements were:
probably intended rather to convey that administrative action is action that has
the capacity to affect legal rights, the two quali cations in tandem serving to
emphasise that administrative action impacts directly and immediately on
is interpretation has been endorsed by the Constitutional Court.127 In
applying this approach in Greys Marine the court held that the
respondent’s decision to lease a portion of state land to a private
company was administrative action since it had ‘immediate and direct
legal consequences’ for the lessee.128 Not much is left of the ‘adverse’
part of this element of the de nition following the judgment. In the later
judgment in Minister of Home Affairs and Others v Scalabrini Centre
and Others129 Nugent JA noted that the adverse impact element may
in uence ‘the actionability of the decision’, but not the nature of the
decision as administrative action.
e generous interpretation of the de nition’s impact requirement
has been adopted to hold, for example, that the decision not to appoint
a person to a public service position amounted to administrative
action130 and the same for a decision to appoint a person to such a
position.131 It is thus clear that any impact on rights, whether negative or
positive, will satisfy this element. e judgment in Wessels v Minister for
Justice and Constitutional Development and Others132 is especially
noteworthy since it expressly endorsed a determination approach to the
impact element of the de nition.133 In terms of such an approach, the
determination of rights is enough to satisfy the impact element, it is not
required that rights be taken away, that is a deprivation approach.
e judgment in Joseph and Others v City of Johannesburg and
Others134 has also opened up the potentially restrictive in uence of the
de nition’s impact requirement. In this matter, the City terminated the
electricity supply to an apartment building in which the applicant was a
tenant. Electricity was supplied in bulk to the building so that only the
landlord had a contract with the City for the supply of electricity. e
tenants in turn only had their rental contracts with the landlord, which
included the supply of electricity, but had no contractual relationship
with the City. When the landlord failed to pay the City, it terminated
supply. In challenging the termination decision of the City, the tenants
argued that the decision amounted to administrative action, which
attracted the procedural fairness obligations of PAJA towards them. e
City argued in response that the decision did not amount to
administrative action vis-à-vis the tenants inter alia because the
decision did not impact on any rights of the tenants. e court rejected
this argument, dealing with it as much under the de nition’s impact
elements as the impact requirement under section 3(1).135 e court
held that the City had a general duty ‘to provide municipal services’
owing from a collection of constitutional and statutory provisions.136 It
followed that:
when City Power supplied electricity to [the apartment building], it did so in
ful lment of the constitutional and statutory duties of local government to
provide basic municipal services to all persons living in its jurisdiction. When the
applicants received electricity, they did so by virtue of their corresponding public-
law right to receive this basic municipal service.137

As a result, the City’s decision amounted to administrative action and

the procedural obligations under section 3 of PAJA were activated,
which means that the rights of the applicants were adversely affected
for purposes of PAJA. is judgment is signi cant, because it shows that
the impact element of the de nition of administrative action should not
be narrowly interpreted to refer only to private-law or common-law
rights or to fundamental rights in the Bill of Rights, but also includes so-
called ‘public-law rights’, which emerge from broad constitutional and
statutory obligations placed on organs of state. is latter category of
rights is obviously much broader than a traditional understanding of
legal rights.

3.7.6 That has a direct, external legal effect

e sixth element of the de nition is often read alongside the fth
element to constitute a single impact element, as is illustrated by the
Grey’s Marine judgment noted above. is approach was expressly
endorsed by the Constitutional Court in Joseph and Others v City of
Johannesburg and Others.138 It seems to be common sense that a
decision that has an adverse impact on rights will by implication also
have a direct, external legal effect.
is element furthermore con rms the characteristic of nality in
the de nition of administrative action that we already noted under the
rst element above. A decision can be viewed as nal, and thus
potentially an administrative action, if it manifests in a direct and
external legal effect. Consequently, administrative conduct that is
wholly internal to the administration, often as part of a larger multistage
decision-making process, will not constitute administrative action on its
own, but only as part of the administrative action that will emerge once
a nal decision is taken that has the requisite external effect.
One must be careful, however, of not simply excluding all conduct
on the basis that further steps may follow that may have further effect.
Under particular circumstances, a decision may have adequate external
effect and thus amount to administrative action even though further
action is to follow. A good example is the case of Oosthuizen’s Transport
(Pty) Ltd and Others v MEC, Road Traffic Matters, Mpumalanga and
Others.139 In this matter the MEC appointed an investigation team to
look into alleged overloading practices of the applicant in contravention
of the National Road Traffic Act.140 Upon completion of their
investigation, the team expressed the view in their report that the
applicant had failed to meet its obligations under the Act and
recommended to the MEC a suspension of the applicant’s operations
pending compliance with the Act. e applicants challenged the
ndings and recommendations of the investigation team on
administrative-law grounds, but the respondents argued that there was
no administrative action (yet) since the MEC had not taken any
decision. e respondents relied directly on the impact requirements of
the de nition of administrative action. e court rejected the
respondents’ argument, holding that the investigation team’s
recommendation to the MEC was indeed administrative action. e
court reasoned that it cannot be said that all recommendations lack the
requisite nality and external effect to render them universally excluded
from the de nition of administrative action. e court held that a
recommendation, even though it is still part of a larger multistage
decision-making process, may on its own already have the necessary
external effect to qualify as administrative action. e question in each
case will be whether the particular decision has ‘serious consequences’
in its own right.141 Furthermore, following the Supreme Court of
Appeal’s lead in Grey’s Marine, the court held that an actual direct,
external effect is not required. As long as the decision is aimed at
generating such effect the present element will be satis ed, irrespective
of whether that effect eventually follows or not.142 is is in line with the
general guidance that the Constitutional Court has given in Viking Pony
Africa Pumps (Pty) Ltd t/a Tricom Africa v Hidro-Tech Systems (Pty) Ltd
and Another143 regarding investigations. It held that it is unlikely that the
decision to investigate and the process of investigation itself would
amount to distinct administrative action, but that a determination of
culpability and a decision on what steps to take in response would
constitute administrative action.

3.7.7 That does not fall under any of the listed

e nal part of the de nition is a list of nine particular actions or
action types that are expressly excluded from the de nition of
administrative action. e effect is that these decisions are not subject
to PAJA. It thus does not matter whether these actions satisfy the
preceding six elements of the de nition.
e exclusions can be broadly placed in two categories. On the one
hand there are what can be called the separation of powers
exclusions.144 ese are the actions listed in subsections (aa) to (ee).
ese actions are all actions that are not administrative in nature, but
rather executive, legislative or judicial. As such these actions are also
excluded from the de nition by the rst element and in particular the
requirement that the decision be of an administrative nature. ese
exclusions thus largely overlap with the rst element. However, the
exclusions are particularly useful in that they provide clear-cut
examples of what would qualify as not of an administrative nature.
Subsections (aa) and (bb) in particular provide references to powers
granted in the Constitution that would qualify as executive and not
administrative. is is helpful since the executive/administrative
distinction is probably one of the most difficult to make in the current
context, as we have noted a number of times in this chapter. us, when
the President assents to a bill it is clearly not administrative action since
the power to assent is granted in section 84(2)(a) of the Constitution,
which is listed in subsection (aa) of the de nition as an excluded
executive action. However, it may not always be so easy to identify
which actions would be executive and thus be excluded and which are
administrative. Especially at local government level (exclusion (cc)), this
may be problematic given that the municipal council acts as legislative,
executive and administrative body and the exclusion lists no examples
of clear-cut exclusions as with subsections (aa) and (bb). To determine
whether a particular action falls inside the exclusion, the same
approach to distinguishing between executive and administrative
decisions set out in section 3.7.1 above, under the element of a decision
of an administrative nature, would apply. us the closer the decision is
to the policy function of an elected official, the more likely it will be that
the decision is executive.
e second broad category of exclusions, comprising subsections
(ff) to (ii), can be viewed as pragmatic exclusions. Many of these actions
will probably qualify as administrative action under the rst six
elements of the de nition, but are for practical reasons excluded from
PAJA. e reasons for these exclusions differ between them. e
exclusion of decisions to institute or continue a prosecution (ff), and
decisions taken under the Promotion of Access to Information Act145
(hh), should be viewed in light of the existence of alternative legal
mechanisms in terms of which such decisions are structured and can
be reviewed. Including them under PAJA will probably lead to
duplication and hence administrative inefficiency.

To prosecute or not to prosecute

The question of whether the exclusion of decisions ‘to
institute or continue a prosecution’ under subsection (ff)
of the definition also excludes decisions not to prosecute
has become somewhat controversial in recent years,
especially in light of a number of decisions to continue
or withdraw prosecutions of high-profile individuals.
In Kaunda and Others v President of the Republic of
South Africa and Others146 Chaskalson CJ stated that
unlike decisions to institute prosecutions, PAJA ‘does not
… deal specifically with a decision not to prosecute’. He
continued to state that he is prepared to assume that
different considerations may apply in relation to the
latter type of decisions and that there may be
circumstances under which such decisions are
reviewable. Academics have largely endorsed this view,
inter alia based on the drafting history of PAJA.147
Hoexter thus notes that there is less of a need to allow
review of decisions to prosecute since these will be
followed by a trial during which irregularities could be
challenged, which is not the case for decisions not to
However, this view was questioned in an obiter
dictum in Democratic Alliance and Others v Acting
National Director of Public Prosecutions and Others148
where Navsa JA stated that:

there appears to be some justification for the

contention that the decision to discontinue a
prosecution is of the same genus as a decision to
institute or continue a prosecution.

This would mean that decisions not to prosecute would

also be excluded under subsection (ff).
Subsequently, the Supreme Court of Appeal has
endeavoured to ‘put the issue to rest’ in National
Director of Public Prosecutions and Others v Freedom
Under Law.149 The court unequivocally held that
decisions not to prosecute are of the same nature as
decisions to prosecute so that the same policy
considerations underlying the exclusion of the latter
apply to the former. Decisions not to prosecute (which
would include decisions to discontinue a prosecution)
are consequently also excluded from the definition of
administrative action under subsection (ff) of the
definition. The main policy considerations for excluding
both types of actions are ‘safeguarding the
independence of the prosecuting authority’ and
recognition of the broad discretionary nature of these
decisions and their polycentricity. The court, however,
acknowledged that this view is not necessarily supported
by the text of the definition in PAJA.150

e exclusion of certain decisions of the Judicial Service Commission in

subsection (gg) is to some extent tied to the separation of powers
exclusions. ese decisions are closely related to the judicial function,
although they are not judicial in themselves. e proximity to the
judicial function may explain the exclusion.
Finally, decisions taken in terms of section 4(1) of PAJA are excluded
in subsection (ii). ese are the choices made by administrators
regarding which particular public participation process to follow in
cases where the administrative action impacts on the public. It is
important to note that it is only the choice itself that is excluded, not the
subsequent action in implementing that choice or the proposed
decision that is the subject of the procedure. e section 4(1) choice will
most likely not qualify as administrative action on the basis of elements
ve and six of the de nition as well. Such choices are largely internal,
preliminary decisions on which procedure to follow, rather than
decisions that will have an impact on their own.

Public employment decisions

One area of administration that has created significant
difficulties under the definition of administrative action is
that of public service employment decisions. These
decisions result in an overlap between labour law and
administrative law. Since labour law disputes are
governed by a distinct regime of dispute resolution,
including a separate court structure, jurisdictional
difficulties arise when public employment decisions are
challenged on administrative-law grounds. A key
question is whether such decisions qualify as
administrative action and can thus be challenged in the
High Court, thereby circumventing the Labour Court
system and resulting in parallel labour dispute
Over time the courts have taken diametrically
opposite views on this matter. In South African Police
Union and Another v National Commissioner of the
South African Police Service and Another151 Murphy AJ
held that the commissioner’s decision to change a shift
system for policemen does not amount to administrative
action. He pointed to the contractual basis of the power
exercised and held that the commissioner did not act
from a position of superior power based on his public
position. In contrast, Plasket J held in Police and Prisons
Civil Rights Union and Others v Minister of Correctional
Services and Others (No 1)152 that the dismissal of
correctional services employees was administrative
action. He pointed to the public interest in the
functioning of the department, the statutory source of
the power and the constitutional obligations of the
department as factors leading to his conclusion.
The Constitutional Court considered the labour-law–
administrative-law overlap in a number of cases, the
most significant of which for present purposes were the
Chirwa judgment and Gcaba v Minister for Safety and
Security and Others.153 In both cases the court held that
the relevant decision did not amount to administrative
action. In the latter case the court seems to lay down the
rule that ‘[g]enerally, employment and labour
relationship issues do not amount to administrative
action within the meaning of PAJA’ and ‘[s]ection 33
does not regulate the relationship between the state as
employer and its workers’.154 As Cora Hoexter has
argued, the reasoning of the court is particularly thin and
not always persuasive.155 It is also clear from subsequent
High Court judgments that the Constitutional Court ruling
has not wholly resolved the problems in this area with
the overlap between labour law and administrative law

3.8 Conclusion
Despite all the technicalities involved in the statutory de nition in
section 1(i) of PAJA, administrative action can broadly be understood as
decisions ostensibly taken under empowering provisions in ful lling
the function of state administration and aimed at consequences outside
of the administration.
Administrative action has become the key concept in administrative
law under the Constitution and PAJA. Cora Hoexter has noted that the
strong conceptualism of this approach, especially under PAJA, is
regrettable since it diverts attention away from substantive questions
about administrative justice.157 In a sense PAJA’s approach has
continued the formalism that characterised our common-law
administrative law in the form of the classi cation of functions. We are
still spending a disproportionate amount of time trying to gure out
whether we have administrative action rather than asking what the
standards of administrative justice may require of public conduct. e
development of the concept of legality, as a basis for judicial scrutiny
over all forms of public conduct regardless of whether it quali es as
administrative action or not, can be seen as a response to the difficulties
introduced by the ‘cumbersome’ de nition of administrative action in
PAJA. e dangers of this situation are of course the development of
parallel systems of law – one under legality and another under section
33 of the Constitution – with different requirements that are ostensibly
aimed at achieving the same purposes and regulating and facilitating
the same public conduct.


The Constitution introduced an important shift from an institutional approach,
identifying which actions are subject to administrative law, to a functional
approach. The institutional approach focused on the entity that is taking the action
and its position as a state entity. The functional approach focuses on the particular
function that is being performed by the action at hand and asks whether that
function is public in nature.
The Constitution also introduced a distinct concept of administrative action,
which has subsequently become the ‘gateway’ to administrative law. Administrative
law only applies to administrative action. Thus, the first question in every
administrative-law analysis is whether the action at hand qualifies as
administrative action.
PAJA has introduced an extensive definition of administrative action in section
1 of the Act. This definition is best understood in terms of a number of elements, in
terms of which administrative action is:
1. a decision of an administrative nature;
2. by an organ of state or a natural or juristic person;
3. exercising a public power or performing a public function;
4. in terms of any legislation or an empowering provision;
5. that adversely affects rights;
6. that has a direct, external legal effect; and
7. that does not fall under any of the listed exclusions.

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Pietermaritzburg Cape Town: Juta 47
• Hoexter, C (2012) Administrative Law in South Africa (2nd ed) Cape Town: Juta
• Konstant, A (2015) Administrative action, the principle of legality and
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Constitutional Court Review VII:68
• Penfold, G (2019) Substantive reasoning and the concept of ‘administrative
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• Pfaff, R & Schneider, H (2001) The Promotion of Administrative Justice Act
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• Quinot, G (2008) Administrative Law Cases and Materials Cape Town: Juta 24–
25, 41, 177–178
• Thornton, L (1999) The Constitutional Right to Just Administrative Action – Are
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• Williams, RC (2011) The Concept of a ‘Decision’ as the Threshold Requirement
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1 3 of 2000 (PAJA); section 1 PAJA.

2 Consider, for example, the exclusions listed in the de nition of ‘administrative action’
(section 1 PAJA), discussed below at 3.7.7.
3 As mentioned in Chapter 2, the executive function con ates policy formulation with public
4 Sections 83–85 of the Constitution.
5 Sections 43, 44 of the Constitution.
6 Section 165 of the Constitution.
7 Vile, MJC (1998) Constitutionalism and the Separation of Powers (2nd ed) Chapter 13.
8 Permanent Secretary, Department of Education and Welfare, Eastern Cape and Another v
Ed-U-College (PE)(Section21) Inc 2001 (2) SA 1 (CC) paras 18, 21, 24.
9 132 of 1998.
10 Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of SA and Another: In Re Ex Parte President of
the RSA and Others 2000 (2) SA 674 (CC) para 79.
11 Government of the Republic of South Africa v abiso Chemicals (Pty) Ltd 2009 (1) SA 163
(SCA) para 18.
12 Earthlife Africa (Cape Town) v Director-General: Department of Environmental Affairs and
Tourism and Another 2005 (3) SA 156 (C) para 21.
13 Fedsure para 41.
14 Fedsure para 42.
15 24 of 1936.
16 President of the Republic of South Africa and Others v South African Rugby Football Union
and Others 2000 (1) SA 1 (CC) para 131 (footnotes omitted).
17 2015 (1) SA 279 (GJ) para 111.
18 9 of 1994.
19 See generally Chapter 1 on the historical development of administrative law.
20 See Pharmaceutical Manufacturers of SA; Chapter 2 section 2.6.4 above.
21 See Rose Innes, LA (1963) Judicial Review of Administrative Tribunals in South Africa 39;
Fedsure para 23 and Chapter 1 section 1.3.4 above.
22 Hoexter (2012) Administrative Law in South Africa (2nd ed) 173.
23 Hoexter (2012) 174.
24 Hoexter (2012) 174.
25 Hoexter (2012) 173.
26 See section 3.7 below.
27 See Hoexter (2012) 172.
28 President of the Republic of South Africa and Others v South African Rugby Football Union
and Others 2000 (1) SA 1 (CC).
29 President of RSA v SARFU paras 136–137.
30 President of RSA v SARFU para 138.
31 President of RSA v SARFU para 133.
32 President of RSA v SARFU para 136 (footnote omitted).
33 President of RSA v SARFU paras 139, 142.
34 President of RSA v SARFU para 141.
35 President of RSA v SARFU para 141. In other words, ‘[t]he focus of the enquiry as to whether
conduct is “administrative action” is not on the arm of government to which the relevant
actor belongs, but on the nature of the power he or she is exercising’ (para 141).
36 President of RSA v SARFU para 143.
37 President of RSA v SARFU para 143.
38 President of RSA v SARFU para 143.
39 Section 239 of the Constitution.
40 Section 1 of PAJA, see section 3.7 below.
41 As opposed to Head of the Executive. See sections 83, 85 of the Constitution.
42 President of RSA v SARFU para 144.
43 President of RSA v SARFU paras 145–146.
44 See, especially, President of RSA v SARFU para 147 and 148.
45 President of RSA v SARFU para 148.
46 2007 (1) SA 343 (CC).
47 73 of 1968.
48 71 of 2008.
49 AAA Investments para 31 (‘In the pre-constitutional era in South Africa the nature of
institutions and the way in which they exercised their power became relevant in the context
of determining whether particular decisions were subject to judicial review.’).
50 1983 (3) SA 344 (W).
51 AAA Investments para 31.
52 AAA Investments para 31.
53 AAA Investments para 31 (footnote omitted).
54 AAA Investments para 38.
55 AAA Investments para 39.
56 AAA Investments paras 40–42.
57 AAA Investments para 43.
58 AAA Investments para 44.
59 AAA Investments para 43.
60 AAA Investments para 44.
61 2007 (1) SA 343 (CC).
62 2010 (5) SA 457 (SCA).
63 Calibre Clinical Consultants (Pty) Ltd and Another v National Bargaining Council for the
Road Freight Industry and Another 2010 (5) SA 457 (SCA) para 33.
64 Minister of Defence and Military Veterans v Motau and Others 2014 (5) SA 69 (CC) para 33.
65 Grey’s Marine Hout Bay (Pty) Ltd and Others v Minister of Public Works and Others 2005 (6)
SA 313 (SCA) para 21.
66 Minister of Mineral Resources and Others v Sishen Iron Ore Co (Pty) Ltd and Another 2014
(2) SA 603 (CC) para 59.
67 Minister of Health and Another NO v New Clicks (Pty) Ltd and Others (Treatment Action
Campaign and Another as Amici Curiae) 2006 (2) SA 311 (CC) para 446.
68 2010 (1) SA 87 (GSJ) para 48.
69 2014 (5) SA 69 (CC) para 29 (footnotes omitted).
70 Motau para 33 (emphasis added).
71 Motau para 35 (footnotes omitted).
72 See Chapter 2 section 2.6.4.
73 Mazibuko and Others v City of Johannesburg and Others 2010 (4) SA 1 (CC) para 73.
74 2014 (5) SA 69 (CC) para 33.
75 13 of 2004.
76 See section 3.4.6 below.
77 See Chapter 6 section below.
78 2010 (4) SA 242 (SCA) para 43.
79 2005 (6) SA 313 (SCA) para 24.
80 2013 (6) SA 421 (SCA) paras 54–57.
81 Grey’s Marine Hout Bay para 24.
82 Motau para 34.
83 Motau para 34.
84 AfriForum v University of the Free State 2018 (2) SA 185 (CC) para 34.
85 Minister of Home Affairs and Others v Scalabrini Centre and Others 2013 (6) SA 421 (SCA)
para 57.
86 Van Zyl v New National Party and Others [2003] 3 All SA 737 (C) para 87.
87 See Chapter 1 section 1.3.4 above.
88 2006 (2) SA 311 (CC).
89 101 of 1965.
90 New Clicks para 109.
91 New Clicks paras 110–113.
92 New Clicks para 113.
93 New Clicks para 128 (original emphasis).
94 2010 (3) SA 589 (SCA) para 10.
95 [2014] 3 All SA 171 (GJ) para 71 (footnotes omitted).
96 2018 (2) SA 53 (SCA) para 10.
97 Mostert para 10.
98 See President of RSA v SARFU.
99 See Chapter 1 section above.
100 2007 (1) SA 343 (CC) para 40.
101 2008 (4) SA 367 (CC) para 186.
102 2017 (3) SA 242 (CC) para 75.
103 AMCU v Chamber of Mines para 74.
104 66 of 1995; section 23(1)(d).
105 AMCU v Chamber of Mines para 62.
106 AMCU v Chamber of Mines para 81.
107 [2003] 3 All SA 737 (C) para 75.
108 [2017] 4 All SA 365 (KZP) para 131.
109 2001 (3) SA 1013 (SCA) para 20.
110 2008 (3) SA 91 (E) para 54 fn 55 with reference to the unreported High Court judgment in
Chirwa v Transnet Ltd and Others (Case No 03/01052, WLD).
111 Johannesburg Stock Exchange and Another v Witwatersrand Nigel Ltd and Another 1988 (3)
SA 132 (A) at 152; Dawnlaan Beleggings (Edms) Bpk v Johannesburg Stock Exchange and
Others 1983 (3) SA 344 (W) at 361–362.
112 Absa Bank Ltd v Ukwanda Leisure Holdings (Pty) Ltd 2014 (1) SA 550 (GSJ) paras 51–52.
113 2008 (3) SA 91 (E) para 54.
114 Para 79.
115 2010 (5) SA 457 (SCA) para 36.
116 Calibre Clinical Consultants para 42; Airports Company South Africa Ltd and Another v ISO
Leisure OR Tambo (Pty) Ltd 2011 (4) SA 642 (GSJ) para 59.
117 Calibre Clinical Consultants para 42; Airports Company SA para 47; Khan v Ansur NO and
Others 2009 (3) SA 258 (D) para 32.
118 National Horseracing Authority of Southern Africa v Naidoo and Another 2010 (3) SA 182
(N) para 23 (minority judgment of Wallis J).
119 Calibre Clinical Consultants para 42; Airports Company SA para 59.
120 See Plasket, C (2016) e fundamental principles of justice and legal vacuums: the
regulatory powers of national sporting bodies SALJ 133(3):569.
121 2001 (4) SA 1361 (T).
122 2011 JDR 0460 (GSJ).
123 2018 (5) SA 630 (GJ) para 23.
124 Paras 29–31.
125 2018 (5) SA 409 (SCA) para 34.
126 2005 (6) SA 313 (SCA) para 23.
127 Allpay Consolidated Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Others v Chief Executive Officer,
South African Social Security Agency and Others 2014 (1) SA 604 (CC) para 60; Walele v City
of Cape Town and Others 2008 (6) SA 129 (CC) para 37; Joseph and Others v City of
Johannesburg and Others 2010 (4) SA 55 (CC) para 27; Viking Pony Africa Pumps (Pty) Ltd
t/a Tricom Africa v Hidro-Tech Systems (Pty) Ltd and Another 2011 (1) SA 327 (CC) para 37.
128 Grey’s Marine Hout Bay para 28.
129 2013 (6) SA 421 (SCA) para 49.
130 Minister of Defence and Others v Dunn 2007 (6) SA 52 (SCA); Kiva v Minister of Correctional
Services and Another (2007) 28 ILJ 597 (E).
131 Wessels v Minister for Justice and Constitutional Development and Others 2010 (1) SA 128
132 2010 (1) SA 128 (GNP).
133 See Wessels para 137.
134 2010 (4) SA 55 (CC).
135 See Chapter 7 section 7.3 on the impact requirement for the application of rules of
procedural fairness under PAJA.
136 Joseph paras 34–40.
137 Joseph para 47.
138 2010 (4) SA 55 (CC) para 27.
139 2008 (2) SA 570 (T).
140 93 of 1996.
141 Oosthuizen’s Transport para 25.
142 Oosthuizen’s Transport para 29.
143 2011 (1) SA 327 (CC) para 38.
144 On the role of the separation of powers in administrative law, see Chapter 2 section 2.4.
145 2 of 2000.
146 2005 (4) SA 235 (CC) para 84.
147 Hoexter (2012) 241–242; De Ville, JR (2005) Judicial Review of Administrative Action in
South Africa 64–65; Currie, I (2007) e Promotion of Administrative Justice Act: A
Commentary (2nd ed).
148 2012 (3) SA 486 (SCA) para 27.
149 2014 (4) SA 298 (SCA).
150 Freedom Under Law para 27.
151 (2005) 26 ILJ 2403 (LC).
152 2008 (3) SA 91 (E) para 54.
153 2010 (1) SA 238 (CC).
154 Gcaba para 64.
155 Hoexter (2012) 214–218.
156 See Quinot, G (2010) Administrative Law Annual Survey of South African Law 41 at 48–52;
Kwemaya v National Commissioner, Correctional Services [2017] ZAKZDHC 33; Mlokothi v
Trollip [2017] ZAECPEHC 43; Notyawa v Makana Municipality [2017] 4 All SA 533 (ECG);
Funani v MEC: Department of Education Eastern Cape Province [2017] ZAECBHC 9.
157 Hoexter, C (2000) e Future of Judicial Review in South African Administrative Law SALJ
117(3):484 at 517; Hoexter (2012) 249–250.
Non-judicial regulation of
administrative action


4.1 Control and facilitation

4.2 Legislative regulation

4.3 Internal controls

4.4 Specialised oversight bodies

4.4.1 The Public Protector
4.4.2 The Human Rights Commission
4.4.3 The Auditor-General
4.4.4 The Public Service Commission

4.5 Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in administrative law

4.1 Control and facilitation

e work of the state administration takes place within a broad range of
different frameworks. Section 197 of the Constitution states that the
public service ‘must loyally execute the lawful policies of the
government of the day’. Public administration is thus guided by the
policies adopted by the government, that is by the governing executive.
ese include, for example, the Batho Pele principles aimed at
transforming public service delivery1 and the Public Service Integrity
Management Framework.2 ere are various guidelines and official
manuals that steer the public administration in ful lling their functions,
such as the National Treasury’s Supply Chain Management: A Guide for
Accounting Officers/Authorities and the Department of Public Service
and Administration’s Senior Management Service (SMS) Handbook. e
work of various oversight entities, such as the Auditor-General’s
guidance on records management and the Public Service Commission’s
Code of Conduct for Public Servants, has a direct bearing on how the
administration goes about its daily functions. While these policies,
principles, guidelines, codes and manuals play an important role in
shaping administrative action, they differ in at least one important
respect from the rules of administrative law. e rules are legally
enforceable in contrast to these other instruments that are not (at least
not without the help of administrative law). is means that the rules of
administrative law constitute a normative framework for administrative
action that can be enforced by means of a host of legal institutions.
Administrative law thus plays an important role in ensuring that these
policy frameworks and the decisions taken in terms of them adhere to
the broad normative framework of the Constitution, such as the values
and principles governing public administration in section 195, the core
values of human dignity, equality and freedom contained in the Bill of
Rights, the principles of cooperative government set out in chapter 3 of
the Constitution and the inherent doctrine of separation of powers. As
we have noted in preceding chapters, administrative justice is about
enforceable principles of good public governance. To put the same
point differently, administrative actions that do not comply, for
example, with the principles of Batho Pele or Treasury’s SCM Guide may
be poor decisions, but may still be valid, whereas administrative actions
that do not comply with the rules of administrative law are not only bad
decisions, but can be invalidated in terms of legal mechanisms.
Administrative action is thus regulated by means of the rules of
administrative law.
When one thinks of the regulatory function of the rules of
administrative law, one should guard against thinking of that function
as purely one of control. Within the paradigm of administrative justice,
the rules of administrative law are as much about facilitating
administrative action as they are about controlling that action. When
we say that administrative law regulates administrative action, we mean
that the law tells a person affected by an administrative action whether
the action is valid or whether such person can seek some form of legal
redress in response to the administrative action and we mean that the
law tells the administrator what he or she can or must do and how he or
she must go about doing it. e regulatory function of administrative
law should thus be viewed from both the perspectives of control and
facilitation. is is what we called the dual nature of administrative law
in Chapter 2 above and which was classically captured by Harlow and
Rawlings’s green light and red light theories of administrative law.3
We shall see in the following chapters that the rules of
administrative justice in South Africa stand on three main pillars,
namely lawfulness, procedural fairness and reasonableness. Each one
of these pillars addresses a particular characteristic that an
administrative action must have in order to be constitutionally valid.
However, before we look at each one of these distinct elements of
administrative justice, we must understand what the mechanisms are in
terms of which these rules are enforced. us, before we look at the
content of the rules, we must look at how the law brings these rules to
bear on administrative action. As we shall also see in subsequent
chapters, the way in which administrative action is regulated, that is the
particular mechanism that is used to bring the rules to bear on the
action, often holds important implications for the content of the rules.
For example, our understanding of the content of reasonableness as
one pillar of administrative justice in South Africa is greatly in uenced
by what is possible and desirable under the mechanism of judicial
review as a way to regulate the reasonableness of administrative action.4
In South African administrative law, as in most other
administrative-law systems based on English common law, one
mechanism has dominated the administrative-law regulatory
landscape, namely judicial review. In fact, the mechanism of judicial
review has played such an important role in common-law
administrative-law systems that this branch of law was often thought of
as the law of judicial review.5 However, today it is important to take a
more balanced view of administrative law within the paradigm of
administrative justice. As we noted in Chapters 1 and 2, the
administration has a distinct and legitimate function under the
Constitution as an integral part of constitutional democracy in South
Africa. Administrative law as part of constitutional law should
accordingly strive to support the administration in ful lling this
function. Furthermore, the Constitution introduced important
innovations in South African public administration by creating a range
of institutions that can steer administrative decision-making, such as
the State Institutions Supporting Constitutional Democracy, primarily
the Public Protector and Auditor-General, and the Public Service
Commission. Administrators now have a wider range of legal
mechanisms available to assist them in taking decisions than just
legislation and case law. One should seek to understand the regulatory
function of administrative law in terms of an integrated vision of the
different ways in which the rules are applied to administrative action in
pursuit of both the control and facilitative function of administrative
justice. As we explore the different ways in which administrative-law
rules are applied in this chapter, we should thus consider how they
relate to each other and whether a coherent, integrated picture of the
regulation of administrative action emerges.
is chapter will only focus on the regulatory function of non-
judicial mechanisms aimed at realising administrative justice. In
Chapter 5 we shall focus on judicial review as a speci c form of
regulation of administrative action.

4.2 Legislative regulation

e rst, and often overlooked, way in which administrative action is
regulated is through the work of legislatures. Legislative regulation
precedes all other forms of regulation for the simple reason that the
majority of administrative action is taken in terms of legislative
provisions. is means that administrative action mostly has its origin
in legislation enacted by a legislature. e legislature thus plays a key
role in formulating the empowering provision in such a manner that
both facilitates and controls the subsequent action. When the
legislature formulates a source of administrative power it should do so
mindful of the rules of administrative law and in a way that promotes
administrative justice. e legislature can, for example, build in limits
on the administrative power or other forms of control, such as
procedures that must be followed or oversight mechanisms to check the
exercise of the particular power. e legislature also exercises a form of
regulation by framing the administrative power either widely or

When the legislature formulates an empowering provision

that grants power to an administrator to take
administrative action, it has a fairly wide discretion in
how to frame that power. The legislature may decide to
grant the administrator a very wide discretion, which may
make it much easier for the administrator to formulate
an administrative action on a case-by-case basis, but
which may make it much harder to control via other
regulatory processes such as judicial review.
Alternatively, the legislature may grant a very narrow
power, which prescribes in much greater detail the
circumstances under which the power is to be exercised
and the limited number of options that an administrator
has to act under that power. Such an approach may
render control much easier, since there will be much
more against which the administrative action can be
measured, but may make it much more difficult for an
administrator to respond to the particular circumstances
of a given case.
Compare the following two empowering provisions
and consider the regulatory function that the legislature
has already played when formulating these provisions.

National Building Regulations and Building

Standards Act6

7. Approval by local authorities in respect of

erection of buildings.—

(1) If a local authority, having considered a

recommendation referred to in section 6(1)(a)

(a) is satisfied that the application in

question complies with the requirements
of this Act and any other applicable law, it
shall grant its approval in respect thereof;

(b) (i) is not so satisfied; or

(ii) is satisfied that the building to

which the application in question

(aa) is to be erected in such

manner or will be of such
nature or appearance that—

(aaa) the area in which it is

to be erected will
probably or in fact be
disfigured thereby;
(bbb) it will probably or in
fact be unsightly or

(ccc) it will probably or in

fact derogate from the
value of adjoining or

(bb) will probably or in fact be

dangerous to life or property,
such local authority shall
refuse to grant its approval in
respect thereof and give
written reasons for such

Provided that the local authority shall grant or

refuse, as the case may be, its approval in
respect of any application where the
architectural area of the building to which the
application relates is less than 500 m2, within
a period of 30 days after receipt of the
application and, where the architectural area of
such building is 500 m2 or larger, within a
period of 60 days after receipt of the

Collective Investment Schemes Control Act7

22. Exemptions.—

When it is in the public interest, the registrar

may exempt—

(a) a manager; or
(b) any category of persons,

from any provision of this Act on such

conditions and to such extent as he or she may

In recognition of the regulatory function of legislatures, the law places

some restrictions on legislatures when formulating administrative
powers. e fact that administrative justice is now included in section
33 of the Constitution as part of the Bill of Rights, means that the use of
ouster clauses in empowering provisions is prima facie questionable.
An ouster clause is a provision in a statute that attempts to shield the
exercise of particular administrative power from legal scrutiny,
particularly by courts. Prior to the constitutional dispensation, this type
of clause was often used to insulate administrative power from
challenge, especially in security legislation.8 An ouster clause would
mean that the administrative action taken under the particular
empowering provision would be immune from control via
administrative law. Today such a clause would almost certainly amount
to a limitation of section 33 as well as section 34 (the right of access to
courts) of the Constitution. As a result, an ouster clause could only be
valid if it could meet the requirements for a justi able limitation of a
fundamental right under section 36 of the Constitution. is will not
often be possible, given the test in section 36 that ‘the limitation is
reasonable and justi able in an open and democratic society’. It is
difficult to see how the exclusion of (judicial) scrutiny over
administrative action, that is the possibility of measuring administrative
action against the Constitution, could easily meet this test.
A second restriction on the legislature’s freedom in formulating
administrative power, was expressed in the judgment in Dawood and
Another v Minister of Home Affairs and Others; Shalabi and Another v
Minister of Home Affairs and Others; omas and Another v Minister of
Home Affairs and Others.9 In this matter the Constitutional Court held
that the rule of law requires legislatures to provide guidance to
administrators on what factors to take into account when wide
discretionary powers are granted in empowering provisions. e
effect of the court’s judgment in this matter is that legislatures cannot
grant unfettered discretionary powers to administrators without
providing any guidance on how such discretion is to be exercised. In
this regard, the court stated:
In a constitutional democracy such as ours the responsibility to protect
constitutional rights in practice is imposed both on the legislature and on the
executive and its officials. e legislature must take care when legislation is
drafted to limit the risk of an unconstitutional exercise of the discretionary
powers it confers.11

We shall return to this issue in Chapter 10 when we consider the

implications of administrative justice in legislative drafting, that is, in
the creation of legislative mandates.
A different form of regulation exercised by legislatures ows from
the constitutional obligation of legislatures to provide oversight over the
functions of the executive. In the national sphere this obligation is
stated in section 55(2) of the Constitution, which reads:
(2) e National Assembly must provide for mechanisms-
(a) to ensure that all executive organs of state in the national sphere of
government are accountable to it; and
(b) to maintain oversight of-
(i) the exercise of national executive authority, including the
implementation of legislation; and
(ii) any organ of state.

At provincial level, this obligation is contained in virtually identical

terms in section 114 of the Constitution. Since administrative action
largely amounts to the implementation of legislation, these
constitutional provisions oblige legislatures to regulate the exercise of
administrative action. Some of the mechanisms used by legislatures to
ful l this constitutional obligation are the direct accountability of
members of the executive to the legislature through debate in the
relevant legislature; the work of committees of the legislature in
scrutinising the functions of particular state departments, including
calling administrators to appear before committees to answer questions
or to submit documents to such committees for scrutiny; and crucially
through the power of the public purse. e exercise of administrative
powers inevitably involves spending public money. Such money may
only be spent in terms of a budget allocated to a particular department
by the legislature. It is thus legislatures that ultimately decide on how
much money is allocated to a particular state department. Members of
the executive must annually present their departments’ budgets to the
relevant legislature for approval. is process provides an important
mechanism in terms of which legislatures can control the
administrative functions of the relevant department, but also facilitates
such functions by allocating the necessary funds.
Finally, it is important to note the interaction between legislatures as
mechanisms of regulating administrative action and other such
mechanisms. e legislature’s own conduct, especially in creating new
legislation, is also subject to review by the courts. When the legislature
thus exercises a form of regulation over administrative action by
enacting legislation in a particular manner, the courts in turn may
regulate the conduct of the legislature by reviewing that legislation,
including assessing the legislation’s compliance with section 33 of the
Constitution. e Constitutional Court judgment in Zondi v MEC for
Traditional and Local Government Affairs and Others12 is a good
example. In this matter, the applicant challenged the constitutionality of
the Pound Ordinance (KwaZulu-Natal), 1947. is ordinance allowed
the impoundment of trespassing animals by landowners under certain
circumstances and the sale or destruction of such animals by pound
keepers. e applicant challenged the constitutionality of the
ordinance, inter alia on the basis that it allowed the impoundment and
sale/destruction of the animals without notice to the owner in violation
of section 33(1) of the Constitution that requires all administrative
action to be procedurally fair. e challenge was not against any
particular action impounding the applicant’s animals, but against the
statutory provisions themselves. e High court allowed the challenge,
nding that the statutory provisions were unconstitutional in that they
allowed administrative action to be taken that would adversely affect a
person’s rights without requiring procedural fairness, that is, without
requiring notice to the owner and an opportunity to make
representations. e Constitutional Court, however, found that the
relevant statutory provisions did not exclude the right to procedural
fairness. e court held that the ordinance should be interpreted as
supplemented by the requirements of procedural fairness in the
Constitution and Promotion of Administrative Justice Act (PAJA)13 and
should thus be read to require procedural fairness in taking action
under the ordinance. is interpretation saved the ordinance from
constitutional invalidity.
Many of the oversight bodies that we shall note below are obliged to
report to Parliament so that Parliament ful ls an oversight function over
the regulatory function of oversight bodies in respect of administrative
action. As we will also note, the courts can also ensure that Parliament
ful ls this function. ese mechanisms thus all exist within a single
framework that constitute the legal regulation of administrative action.

4.3 Internal controls

A second form of regulation of administrative action is that of internal
controls. Internal controls, often referred to as internal remedies, are
mechanisms within the administration aimed at addressing
administrative failures. ese provide the administration with the tools
to correct their own mistakes.
In South Africa there is no uniform system of internal controls,
unlike in some other countries where there are now extensive systems
for internal controls. ere is also no right to an internal remedy or
conversely an obligation on a particular part of the administration to
have internal remedies. It all depends on the particular legislative
framework in terms of which the administrative action is taken. One
thus nds an assortment of different mechanisms in various statutes
that provide some form of internal redress to an aggrieved person.

Framing internal control mechanisms

Compare, for example, the vast difference between the
following two internal control mechanisms created under
two separate legislative frameworks:

Treasury Regulations under the Public Finance

Management Act14

16A9.3 The National Treasury and each provincial

treasury must establish a mechanism:-

(a) to receive and consider complaints

regarding alleged non-compliance
with the prescribed minimum norms
and standards; and

(b) to make recommendations for

remedial actions to be taken if non-
compliance of any norms and
standards is established, including
recommendations of criminal steps to
be taken in the case of corruption,
fraud or other criminal offences.

Financial Services Board Act15

26(1) A person who is aggrieved by a decision of

a decision-maker may, subject to the
provisions of another law, appeal against
that decision to the appeal board in
accordance with the provisions of this Act
or such other law.

26B(15) The appeal board may-

(a) confirm, set aside or vary the

decision under appeal, and order that
any such decision of the appeal
board be given effect to; or

(b) remit the matter for reconsideration

by the decision-maker concerned in
accordance with such directions, if
any, as the appeal board may

When PAJA was drafted, the possibility of creating a more coherent and
uniform system of internal remedies was considered. However, it was
left to the discretion of the Minister of Justice in the Act to establish an
advisory council that may advise the Minister on ‘any improvements
that might be made in respect of internal complaints procedures,
internal administrative appeals’.16 No steps have yet been taken under
this section to establish such an advisory council or to reform the
fragmented South African internal remedies landscape.

A coherent system of internal control: The

Australian Commonwealth Administrative Appeals
Since the late 1970s Australia has been at the forefront
of reform of administrative justice systems in the
common-law world. One of the major reforms introduced
in Australia was the creation of a comprehensive
administrative appeals tribunal system. The
Commonwealth Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT)
was introduced in 1976 as the most general
administrative tribunal to hear appeals on a host of
administrative decisions taken by the federal
administration in Australia.17 A number of further
specialised tribunals were also introduced such as the
Migration Review Tribunal, Refugee Review Tribunal and
Social Security Appeals Tribunal. In 2015, these
tribunals were amalgamated into the AAT to form a single
appeals tribunal consisting of various divisions.18
In 2006, Robin Creyke noted that this system is
clearly successful if one simply compares the amount of
cases finalised by the tribunal system with
administrative-law reviews by the courts. By 2004, the
Federal Court of Australia had finalised less than 10 000
administrative-law cases since it was granted jurisdiction
in such matters in 1976.19 In the same period, the five
major Australian tribunals20 have finalised over 450 000
cases. The AAT has a wide appeal power, meaning that it
may reconsider the merits of the relevant decision on
either law or fact and reach a new decision. The AAT is
statutorily obliged to conduct its proceedings ‘with as
little formality and technicality, and with as much
expedition’ as law and practice permit.21

PAJA does contain one important provision that strengthens the role of
internal controls. Section 7(2) of PAJA defers the jurisdiction of the
courts to review administrative action until all internal remedies have
been exhausted. We shall return to this rule below when we consider
judicial review.22 For the moment it can be noted that this is a strong
signal that our law favours reliance on internal controls prior to judicial
It is not difficult to see why one would want to adopt such a position.
Internal controls are mostly much more informal than judicial
proceedings, can potentially be accessed much quicker and
consequently with lower costs, and can address a wider range of issues
regarding the administrative action.23 Since internal controls function
within the relevant administration, there is much less concern about
the institutional ability of the internal control mechanisms to deal with
the technical and often specialised substance of the relevant
administrative action compared to courts that often lack such
expertise.24 For example, under the Genetically Modi ed Organisms
Act,25 the Executive Council for Genetically Modi ed Organisms must
‘decide whether to approve an application … for the use of facilities to
conduct activities in respect of genetically modi ed organisms’.26 Any
person that feels aggrieved by a decision of the Council, say the refusal
to approve an application, may lodge an appeal against such decision to
an appeal board appointed by the relevant Minister consisting of
persons who ‘have expert knowledge of the matter on appeal and who
are otherwise suitable to make a decision on the appeal concerned’.27 In
the case of such an appeal, the appeal board will be in just as good a
position to judge the merits of the application as the Council, whereas a
court that may be faced with a challenge against the Council’s decision
will mostly not have the necessary expertise to judge ‘activities in
respect of genetically modi ed organisms’. In the absence of any
coherence in the South African system of internal controls, these
advantages of course depend largely on how the particular mechanism
is set up in the legislation and (as with all regulatory mechanisms) how
well it is implemented. A common mechanism in South African law is
an appeal to the relevant Minister or MEC who is responsible for the
department within which the administrative action was taken. e
advantages of internal mechanisms set out above will evidently be less
in such a case given that Ministers will not necessarily be more
accessible than courts or even have higher levels of expertise in the
technical matter at issue.

4.4 Specialised oversight bodies

A third distinct mechanism to regulate administrative action is the work
of specialised bodies created to provide oversight over various aspects
of government. e most important of these are created in Chapter 9 of
the Constitution, the State Institutions Supporting Constitutional
Democracy or as they have become known colloquially, Chapter 9
institutions. ese are:
• the Public Protector,
• the South African Human Rights Commission,
• the Auditor-General,
• the Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of
Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities,
• the Commission for Gender Equality,
• the Electoral Commission, and
• the Independent Authority to Regulate Broadcasting.

While these institutions are all important in supporting constitutional

democracy in South Africa, the rst three are the most relevant for
administrative justice.
Another key oversight body for administrative law is the Public
Service Commission, created in Chapter 10 of the Constitution.
In Chapter 2 above, we have already noted one of these institutions,
the Public Protector, and the role that it plays in administrative justice.28
We also noted that these institutions do not easily t into the classical
separation of powers doctrine and that they are both administrative and
judicial in nature. As a mechanism of regulation, this is one of their
main advantages. ese institutions are independent from the
government and the state administration like courts, but are not
constrained by the formal judicial structure in which courts operate.
Unlike courts, these oversight institutions can do their own
investigations and appoint experts to assess conduct of the
administration before reaching conclusions. While all these bodies have
the general mandate of supporting constitutional democracy in South
Africa, they each have speci c areas of focus and different powers in
executing their functions. As we shall see in the following sections,
these powers range from purely investigatory to issuing binding
remedies. e various institutions were designed to function in a
complementary manner rather than to duplicate the same functions
and it is thus important to keep the particular focus area of a speci c
institution in mind when considering the role of that institution in the
pursuit of administrative justice. As we shall also see in the following
sections, this design is not static, but continues to evolve.
e jurisdiction of quite a number of these oversight bodies includes
conduct that may qualify as administrative action or that is closely
linked to administrative action.

4.4.1 The Public Protector29

e Public Protector’s mandate is:
(a) to investigate any conduct in state affairs, or in the public administration in
any sphere of government, that is alleged or suspected to be improper or to
result in any impropriety or prejudice;
(b) to report on that conduct; and
(c) to take appropriate remedial action.30

is constitutional mandate clearly includes oversight over

administrative action. e constitutional powers of the Public Protector
are supplemented by the Public Protector Act31 and other statutes.32 In
the key judgment in Economic Freedom Fighters v Speaker of the
National Assembly and Others; Democratic Alliance v Speaker of the
National Assembly and Others,33 the Constitutional Court emphasised
the importance of bearing in mind that the Public Protector’s powers
ow directly from the Constitution and that the Public Protector Act and
other statutes are secondary sources, eshing out those constitutional
In recent years, the Public Protector has become a key institution in
pursuit of administrative justice. An overview of reports issued by the
Public Protector over the last ve years, shows that a signi cant number
of matters investigated and reported on involve administrative action.
For example, the Public Protector has found irregularities in public
contracts at many different organs of state,34 wrongful disconnection of
public services,35 delays and failures in home affairs decisions such as
relating to citizenship,36 improper management of tax administration,37
and educational matters,38 failures to manage con icts and in the
administration of social services such as social grants and social
housing.39 In these matters, the Public Protector thus provided a
mechanism to assess whether the relevant administrative action
complied with the principles of administrative justice and to provide
redress where it did not.
e Constitutional Court aptly captured the key role of the Public
Protector within the constitutional system as follows:
e Public Protector is thus one of the most invaluable constitutional gifts to our
nation in the ght against corruption, unlawful enrichment, prejudice and
impropriety in State affairs and for the betterment of good governance. e
tentacles of poverty run far, wide and deep in our nation. Litigation is
prohibitively expensive and therefore not an easily exercisable constitutional
option for an average citizen. For this reason, the fathers and mothers of our
Constitution conceived of a way to give even to the poor and marginalised a voice,
and teeth that would bite corruption and abuse excruciatingly. And that is the
Public Protector. She is the embodiment of a biblical David, that the public is,
who ghts the most powerful and very well resourced Goliath, that impropriety
and corruption by government officials are. e Public Protector is one of the true
crusaders and champions of anti-corruption and clean governance.40

Under section 182(1)(a) of the Constitution, as given effect to in the

Public Protector Act,41 the Public Protector has wide investigatory
powers. As noted above, the Constitution mandates the Public Protector
‘to investigate any conduct in state affairs, or in the public
administration in any sphere of government, that is alleged or
suspected to be improper or to result in any impropriety or prejudice’.
Section 7 of the Act implements this power by stating that the Public
Protector may conduct investigations ‘on his or her own initiative or on
receipt of a complaint or an allegation or on the ground of information
that has come to his or her knowledge’. e Public Protector determines
the format and procedure of the investigation himself or herself and
may request any person performing a public function to assist him or
her, may designate any person to conduct the investigation, may direct
any person to give evidence by affidavit and to produce any document,
may examine any person and may request any person to provide an
explanation having a bearing on a matter being investigated. In
exercising these investigatory powers, the Public Protector may
subpoena a person to appear before the Public Protector, may require
the person to evidence under oath and may, having obtained a warrant,
enter any premises and seize anything bearing on an investigation.
ese are extensive powers and as the Constitutional Court has noted,
the Public Protector’s ‘investigative powers are not supposed to bow
down to anybody, not even at the door of the highest chambers of raw
State power’.42
Following an investigation, the Public Protector has wide powers to
remedy any failures in administration. In terms of section 182(1)(c) of
the Constitution, the Public Protector has the power ‘to take
appropriate remedial action’. Under the Public Protector Act,43 these
powers are further described as the power to:
endeavour, in his or her sole discretion, to resolve any dispute or rectify any act or
omission by—
(i) mediation, conciliation or negotiation;
(ii) advising, where necessary, any complainant regarding appropriate remedies;
(iii) any other means that may be expedient in the circumstances.44

e Public Protector differs from the other Chapter 9 institutions in

respect of remedies. It is the only one of these institutions that is
explicitly granted remedial powers in the Constitution. In the important
judgment in Economic Freedom Fighters,45 the Constitutional Court
accordingly held that the Public Protector’s remedial power is premised
on the Constitution. In interpreting this power, the court held that ‘one
cannot really talk about remedial action unless a remedy in the true
sense is provided to address a complaint in a meaningful way’.46
Accordingly, the court held that ‘the words “take appropriate remedial
action” do point to a realistic expectation that binding and enforceable
remedial steps might frequently be the route open to the Public
Protector to take’.47 e judgment thus con rmed that the Public
Protector may take binding legal action in remedying an administrative
injustice, that is, the Public Protector may issue binding legal remedies.
is does not mean that all remedial action issued by the Public
Protector will be binding. e court held that ‘the nature of the issues
under investigation and the ndings made’ will dictate whether binding
legal remedies are appropriate in the given case. e court helpfully
summarised the position regarding the Public Protector’s remedial
powers as follows:
(a) e primary source of the power to take appropriate remedial action is the
supreme law itself, whereas the Public Protector Act is but a secondary
(b) It is exercisable only against those that she is constitutionally and statutorily
empowered to investigate;
(c) Implicit in the words ‘take action’ is that the Public Protector is herself
empowered to decide on and determine the appropriate remedial measure.
And ‘action’ presupposes, obviously where appropriate, concrete or
meaningful steps. Nothing in these words suggests that she necessarily has to
leave the exercise of the power to take remedial action to other institutions or
that it is power that is by its nature of no consequence;
(d) She has the power to determine the appropriate remedy and prescribe the
manner of its implementation;
(e) ‘Appropriate’ means nothing less than effective, suitable, proper or tting to
redress or undo the prejudice, impropriety, unlawful enrichment or
corruption, in a particular case;
(f ) Only when it is appropriate and practicable to effectively remedy or undo the
complaint would a legally binding remedial action be taken;
(g) Also informed by the appropriateness of the remedial measure to deal
properly with the subject-matter of investigation, and in line with the
ndings made would a non-binding recommendation be made or measure
be taken; and
(h) Whether a particular action taken or measure employed by the Public
Protector in terms of her constitutionally allocated remedial power is binding
or not or what its legal effect is, would be a matter of interpretation aided by
context, nature and language. 48

e Public Protector’s powers, including his or her remedial powers, are

not unfettered. Like all other exercises of public power, the Public
Protector’s actions are subject to judicial scrutiny by way of judicial

Are the Public Protector’s actions themselves

administrative action?
While the Public Protector clearly plays an important role
in regulating administrative action taken by other organs
of state, the question emerges whether the Public
Protector’s own actions, including her remedial actions,
amount to administrative action. This is an important
question, because it will determine, as we will see in
Chapter 5, whether the Public Protector’s actions should
be judicially reviewed in terms of administrative law
(including PAJA) or whether it can only be reviewed in
terms of the constitutional principle of legality.
In a number of High Court judgments, the courts
held that the Public Protector is generally subject to
administrative-law scrutiny when investigating and
reporting on alleged maladministration, including the
remedial action taken. In Minister of Home Affairs v
Public Protector,49 the High Court found that ‘as a
general proposition, the decisions and actions of the
Public Protector amount to administrative action as
intended by PAJA’. The court focused on the status of the
Public Protector as an organ of state, the constitutional
and statutory sources of her powers and the potential
impact of her decisions in reaching this conclusion. This
approach was followed in South African Reserve Bank v
Public Protector50 and in Absa Bank Limited and Others
v Public Protector.51 However, in Minister of Home Affairs
and Another v Public Protector of the Republic of South
Africa,52 the Supreme Court of Appeal came to the
opposite conclusion. The SCA focused specifically on the
nature of the Public Protector’s actions and held that
decisions taken by the Public Protector were not
administrative in nature. The SCA listed the following
considerations in reaching this conclusion:

First, the Office of the Public Protector is a unique

institution designed to strengthen constitutional
democracy. It does not fit into the institutions of
public administration but stands apart from them.
Secondly, it is a purpose-built watch-dog that is
independent and answerable not to the executive
branch of government but to the National Assembly.
Thirdly, although the State Liability Act 20 of 1957
applies to the Office of the Public Protector to enable
it to sue and be sued, it is not a department of state
and is functionally separate from the state
administration: it is only an organ of state because it
exercises constitutional powers and other statutory
powers of a public nature. Fourthly, its function is not
to administer but to investigate, report on and
remedy maladministration. Fifthly, the Public
Protector is given broad discretionary powers as to
what complaints to accept, what allegations of
maladministration to investigate, how to investigate
them and what remedial action to order – as close
as one can get to a free hand to fulfil the mandate of
the Constitution. These factors point away from
decisions of the Public Protector being of an
administrative nature, and hence constituting
administrative action. That being so, the PAJA does
not apply to the review of exercises of power by the
Public Protector in terms of s 182 of the Constitution
and s 6 of the Public Protector Act. That means that
the principle of legality applies to the review of the
decisions in issue in this case.53

While the SCA’s pronouncement reflects the current law,

these factors can be critically considered. The first three
factors listed by the SCA are all institutional in nature,
that is relate to the institutional framework within which
the Public Protector functions. Care must be taken in
placing too much emphasis on institutional factors,
since, as the Constitutional Court warned in the SARFU

the test for determining whether conduct constitutes

‘administrative action’ is not the question whether
the action concerned is performed by a member of
the executive arm of government. What matters is
not so much the functionary as the function … The
focus of the enquiry as to whether conduct is
‘administrative action’ is not on the arm of
government to which the relevant actor belongs, but
on the nature of the power he or she is exercising.54

As we noted in Chapter 2, South African administrative

law now largely adopts a functional approach to the
identification of administrative action as opposed to an
institutional approach.55 The fourth and fifth factors also
do not seem to take the inquiry much further. There are
many examples of administrators exercising investigatory
functions as part of their administrative work, such as
investigations by tax administrators, or competition
authorities, or home affairs administrators (for example,
in relation to refugee applications), or health and safety
officials, or police officials. The fact that the work of
these core administrators involves some form of
investigation and consequent remedial action based on
the conclusions reached during such investigations,
hardly takes them out of the realm of administrative law.
Likewise, wide discretionary powers are very common
among administrative decision-makers. It would be very
surprising if the existence of a wide discretion could
point away from the power being administrative.

4.4.2 The Human Rights Commission

e South African Human Rights Commission has a broad mandate to
promote and protect human rights. It must:
(a) promote respect for human rights and a culture of human rights;
(b) promote the protection, development and attainment of human rights; and
(c) monitor and assess the observance of human rights in the Republic.56
Since administrative justice is included in the Bill of Rights, it follows
that the whole of administrative law falls within the jurisdiction of the
Human Rights Commission.
e Commission’s powers under the Constitution and as given
further effect to in the South African Human Rights Commission Act57
are largely restricted to investigation and reporting. e Commission is
competent to investigate ‘on its own initiative or on receipt of a
complaint, any alleged violation of human rights’.58 Unlike the Public
Protector, the Commission does not have the power to issue binding
remedial action. If it nds a violation of any human rights, the
Commission must assist any person adversely affected to secure
redress, which may include approaching a court for relief. e
Commission may also make recommendations to any organ of state on
action to be taken in pursuit of human rights.
e Commission has, however, not been particularly active in
respect of the right to administrative justice. ere are only a very few
examples of where the Commission has investigated matters involving a
breach of section 33 of the Constitution. One such example is the
Commission’s report on the matter between a private party and the
Refugee Appeal Board and others in 2017. In this matter, the
complainant lodged a complaint to the Commission that his
application for asylum seeker status had been unduly delayed by the
Refugee Appeal Board. Following its investigation, the Commission
found that the complainant’s right to lawful administrative action was
infringed due to the unreasonably long delay in nalising his
application. e Commission recommended that the Refugee Appeal
Board issue an apology to the complainant, that it report to the
Commission on the back-log of appeal matters and the steps it intends
to take to address the back-log and to provide facilities to enable
efficient appeals.

4.4.3 The Auditor-General

Section 188 of the Constitution sets out the functions of the Auditor-
General, which are ‘to audit and report on the accounts, nancial
statements and nancial management’ of public entities. e Auditor-
General’s functions thus focus on scrutinising nancial management
within the state. Given that public spending ows to a large extent from
administrative action, such action also falls within the ambit of the
Auditor-General’s work. e Auditor-General’s functions are given
detailed content in the Public Audit Act.59
e Auditor-General annually audits the accounts and nancial
management of all national and provincial government departments,
all municipalities and all legislatures. In addition, it also audits the
accounts of a number of state-owned entities (in the 2018/19 nancial
year, the Auditor-General was responsible for the external audit of 67%
of state-owned entities). In respect of each audit conducted, the
Auditor-General must issue an audit report, which is tabled in
Parliament, in which it expresses a view on:
(a) the nancial statements of the auditee in accordance with the applicable
nancial reporting framework and legislation;
(b) compliance with any applicable legislation relating to nancial matters,
nancial management and other related matters; and
(c) reported performance of the auditee against its predetermined objectives.60

e Auditor-General’s audits and reports thus go beyond simply

expressing a view on the nancial standing of organs of state. As is
evident from the Public Audit Act,61 the reports also express a view on
compliance with legislation. is is a core administrative-law function.
When the Auditor-General thus reports on instances where organs of
state did not comply with legislation in their spending, it is in effect
expressing a view on unlawful administrative action. is part of the
Auditor-General’s work utilises a number of key concepts to express
misalignment between public spending and the regulatory regime. e
most important of these are:
• overspending,
• unauthorised expenditure,
• irregular expenditure,
• fruitless and wasteful expenditure, and
• material irregularity.
e rst four of these concepts are de ned in the Public Finance
Management Act62 and Local Government: Municipal Finance
Management Act63 whereas the last concept is de ned in the Public
Audit Act.64 It is important to distinguish between these concepts since
they express different notions of non-compliance with the regulatory
framework and will have different consequences. e concept of
irregular expenditure has become the most commonly noted one of the
four. As we shall note below, this concept refers to expenditure not in
line with legislative prescripts. It is important to keep in mind that this
does not necessarily imply that the expenditure amounts to corruption
or an abuse of public funds. Irregular expenditure could have been
incurred in a completely bona de manner.
ese concepts are closely related to the budgetary process.
Annually, government departments are awarded a share of the total
budget by the legislature. at is, national departments are awarded a
share of the national budget by Parliament and provincial departments
are awarded a share of the provincial budget by the relevant provincial
legislature. Each department must submit its proposed budget to the
relevant legislature in what is called a budget vote, that is the
legislature’s vote on that department’s annual budget. A budget vote is
divided into main divisions, setting out the part of the department’s
budget allocated to each of its main programmes. At local government
level, the municipality’s annual budget is approved by the municipal
e concept of overspending refers to expenditure that exceeds the
annual budget. is can be either in relation to an entity’s entire budget,
that is its budget vote, or a main division within that entity’s budget. In
other words, overspending refers to total expenditure by a department
that exceeds its total budget allocated or to expenditure within a
particular main segment of its budget that exceeds the amount
allocated for that particular segment in its approved budget.
Overspending thus refers to expenditure by an entity that exceeds the
amount authorised by the legislature to be spent on a particular
Unauthorised expenditure includes overspending, but also includes
expenditure that is not in accordance with the purpose of a budget vote
or a main division within that vote, regardless of whether it amounts to
overspending. Spending can thus be unauthorised even if it is within
the amount budgeted, but for a purpose that does not accord with the
purpose of that main division of its budget vote.
Irregular expenditure refers to expenditure that was incurred in a
manner not in line with applicable legislation, but does not include
unauthorised expenditure. Irregular expenditure and unauthorised
expenditure are thus mutually exclusive concepts. Expenditure will be
irregular if the action leading to the expenditure did not comply with
applicable legislation.
Fruitless and wasteful expenditure is expenditure that, as the label
suggests, is wasteful, that is, was made in vain. Importantly, expenditure
can only be viewed as fruitless and wasteful if it would have been
avoided had reasonable care been taken. For expenditure to be noted as
fruitless and wasteful, two conditions must thus be met. It must,
factually, have amounted to a waste, that is made in vain, and
reasonable care would have avoided it, that is there must be a lack of
reasonable care accompanying the expenditure. e concept of fruitless
and wasteful expenditure may overlap with any of the preceding
concepts, that is overspending, unauthorised expenditure or irregular
expenditure may also be fruitless and wasteful expenditure. is will be
the case if the conditions for both concepts are met in a given case.
However, this will depend on the circumstances of the particular case as
there is no necessary overlap, that is overspending or unauthorised
expenditure or irregular expenditure is not necessarily fruitless and
wasteful. For example, a department may conclude a contract for
services to be rendered to it based on two quotations instead of the
statutorily required three quotations. When those services are rendered
at a market price and the department pays the contractor, the
expenditure will be irregular, because the department did not adhere to
the statutory rule about quotations, but the expenditure will not be
fruitless and wasteful, because the department did receive the services.
Material irregularity is a concept that was fairly recently introduced
by way of an amendment to the Public Audit Act.65 is concept refers to
irregularities identi ed during an audit that meet two conditions.
Firstly, the irregularity must amount to a transgression. is
transgression can be in the form of noncompliance/contravention of
legislation, fraud, theft or a breach of a duciary duty. Secondly, that
transgression must have or be likely to have certain consequences.
ese consequences must be material nancial loss, misuse or loss of a
material public resource or substantial harm to a public sector
institution or the general public. A causal connection is required
between the transgression and the consequence, either in fact or in
likelihood. It is also important to note the degree of consequence
required – it is not any nancial loss, but only a material one; not
misuse/loss of any public resource, but only a material public resource
and the harm must be substantial. In essence, a material irregularity
will exist when an organ of state failed to comply with legal prescripts
and that failure resulted in serious nancial harm.
All of the concepts noted above can be seen as expressing a view on
administrative justice in some form. e Auditor-General thus reports
on whether organs of state are adhering to principles of administrative
justice, primarily in the form of lawfulness, when they incur
expenditure in their daily functions.
e Auditor-General traditionally only played an investigatory and
reporting role, much like the Human Rights Commission. It did not
have any remedial powers to take steps when it found irregularities. e
result was that even though the Auditor-General’s work was
comprehensive in testing compliance with the law, it was fairly weak
since it could not take any action to remedy non-compliance itself. is
changed dramatically with the 2018 amendments to the Public Audit
Act,66 which came into effect in April 2019. e Public Audit
Amendment Act of 2018 augmented the Auditor-General’s powers by
providing it with binding remedial power. Under these new powers, the
Auditor-General can issue recommendations to organs of state on how
to address material irregularities found in an audit. Organs of state are
now obliged to report to the Auditor-General on compliance with those
recommendations, while the Auditor-General is also obliged to follow
up on his or her recommendations.67 If the Auditor-General nds that
an organ of state did not adhere to the recommendations, the Auditor-
General must take appropriate remedial action to address the failure.68
is may include an instruction to the organ of state to recover any
losses that resulted from material irregularities from the responsible
official. If the administrative head of the organ of state (referred to as
the accounting officer or accounting authority) fails to recover such
losses, the Auditor-General may issue a certi cate of debt against the
head of the organ of state, obliging that person to repay the losses
himself or herself.
e Auditor-General’s work has become a key driver in the pursuit
of administrative justice. Given the regularity of public audits, the
publication of the results and the detailed ndings on each and every
public entity’s conduct and the new powers to enforce compliance with
recommendations, the Auditor-General’s work is a very powerful
mechanism to compel public entities to pay speci c attention to their
compliance with legislative requirements, which means in essence
paying special attention to what administrative justice requires.69 e
Auditor-General’s reports also ful l further important functions in
regulating administrative action. ey facilitate Parliament’s role of
oversight over the state administration by providing Parliament with the
necessary information on public spending by individual organs of state
to enable Parliament to hold those organs of state to account. Organs of
state thus commonly have to appear before Parliament’s Standing
Committee on Public Accounts (SCOPA) to explain their nancial
management conduct as reported on in the Auditor-General’s reports. It
is also clear that the Auditor-General’s ndings play an important role
in public discourse regarding the state administrations’ work. It is
common to nd signi cant engagement with ndings of overspending
or irregular expenditure or fruitless and wasteful expenditure in the
popular media when the Auditor-General releases reports.

Can the Auditor-General’s findings be challenged

in court?
We discussed above the issue of whether the Public
Protector’s decisions amount to administrative action
and would thus be subject to scrutiny in terms of
administrative law in judicial review proceedings. We
noted that the SCA has held that this is not the case, but
that the Public Protector’s decisions are subject to
judicial scrutiny in terms of the constitutional principle of
A very similar question can be asked of the
decisions of the Auditor-General. That is, can an organ of
state that disagrees with a finding of the Auditor-General
approach a court to review those findings and set them
aside? The Western Cape High Court judgment in
Member of the Executive Council for Economic
Opportunities, Western Cape v Auditor General of South
Africa and Another70 was the first case in which this
question was addressed. In this matter, the applicant
applied for the review and setting aside of the Auditor-
General’s findings in his audit report on the financial
statements of the Western Cape Department of
In analysing the legal nature of the Auditor-General’s
findings, the court distinguished these findings from
those of the Public Protector and accordingly the present
case from the SCA judgment holding that the Public
Protector’s actions do not amount to administrative
action. The difference, according to the court, lies in the
administrative nature of the Auditor-General’s work
compared to that of the Public Protector. The court held
that the Auditor-General ‘fits squarely into the
institutions of the public administration’ and that its
function is ‘indeed to administer, by auditing the
accounts and financial statements of the relevant organs
of state’.71 On this basis, the court concluded that the
Auditor-General does take administrative action when
making audit findings. The result is that those findings
can be challenged by way of judicial review in
administrative law. However, the court also noted that
even if it is mistaken in its view that the findings amount
to administrative action, the Auditor-General’s findings
would still be subject to judicial review in terms of the
principle of legality.

4.4.4 The Public Service Commission

As noted in Chapter 2 above, the civil or public service exists within the
public administration and is the personnel of the state.72 e Public
Service Commission is created in Chapter 10 of the Constitution to
provide oversight over the work of the public service. Section 196 of the
Constitution lists the following functions of the Public Service
(4) e powers and functions of the Commission are-
(a) to promote the values and principles set out in section 195, throughout
the public service;
(b) to investigate, monitor and evaluate the organisation and
administration, and the personnel practices, of the public service;
(c) to propose measures to ensure effective and efficient performance
within the public service;
(d) to give directions aimed at ensuring that personnel procedures relating
to recruitment, transfers, promotions and dismissals comply with the
values and principles set out in section 195;
(e) to report in respect of its activities and the performance of its functions,
including any nding it may make and directions and advice it may give,
and to provide an evaluation of the extent to which the values and
principles set out in section 195 are complied with; and
(f) either of its own accord or on receipt of any complaint-
(i) to investigate and evaluate the application of personnel and public
administration practices, and to report to the relevant executive
authority and legislature;
(ii) to investigate grievances of employees in the public service
concerning official acts or omissions, and recommend appropriate
(iii) to monitor and investigate adherence to applicable procedures in
the public service; and
to advise national and provincial organs of state regarding
(iv) personnel practices in the public service, including those relating to
the recruitment, appointment, transfer, discharge and other aspects
of the careers of employees in the public service.

ese are clearly wide powers involving signi cant oversight over
administrative action. An important hallmark of the Public Service
Commission is its proactive role in promoting good administration as
opposed to simply investigating administrative failures and attempting
to rectify such failures. In ful lling this function, the Public Service
Commission has thus published various reports and guidelines to
promote good decision-making, such as its Template for Developing
Guidelines on Public Participation and its Code of Conduct for Public
Servants. While these documents are not sources of administrative law,
they do clearly promote decision-making that adheres to administrative
law. ey can thus be viewed as mechanisms in bringing rules of
administrative law to bear on the conduct of the public service.
ere is some uncertainty regarding the Public Service
Commission’s authority over members of the executive. is stems
mainly from the speci c reference to ‘public service’ within its mandate.
Conceptually, the term ‘public service’ excludes members of the
executive.73 To the extent that the Public Service Commission’s mandate
relates to conduct of the public service, it thus does not have authority
over conduct of members of the executive. However, this view should be
carefully considered. Insofar as the Public Service Commission has a
constitutional mandate to monitor the functioning of the public service,
conduct of members of the executive in steering the public service may
quite likely fall within the Commission’s mandate. For example, in
terms of section 196(4)(d) of the Constitution, the Commission has the
power ‘to give directions aimed at ensuring that personnel procedures
relating to recruitment, transfers, promotions and dismissals comply
with the values and principles set out in section 195’. Members of the
executive are quite often involved in these personnel decisions and
conduct would be subject to the powers of the Commission.
4.5 Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in
administrative law
An interesting question that has emerged in recent years is what role
alternative dispute resolution processes (ADR) can play as a
mechanism to regulate administrative action. In many other areas of
law, ADR has become a major route to resolving disputes and thus
enforcing legal rules. ADR typically involves processes of negotiation,
mediation and/or arbitration to resolve a dispute.
ere are some statutory and regulatory indications that ADR may
be used in addressing administrative-law disputes. Section 6(4) of the
Public Protector Act74 provides that the Public Protector shall have the
(b) to endeavour, in his or her sole discretion, to resolve any dispute or rectify any
act or omission by … (i) mediation, conciliation or negotiation.

As is clear from the Annual Reports of the Public Protector, a very

signi cant proportion of complaints brought to the Public Protector are
resolved by means of alternative dispute resolution.
In terms of the Supply Chain Management Regulations under the
Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act75 bid
documents for public tenders at local government level must ‘stipulate
that disputes must be settled by means of mutual consultation,
mediation (with or without legal representation), or, when
unsuccessful, in a South African court of law’.76 Given that our courts
have long held that decisions taken in adjudicating and awarding public
tenders are administrative action, it would seem that this provision
contemplates using mediation to resolve administrative-law disputes in
a public tender at local government level. e Tax Administration Act77
provides that ‘[b]y mutual agreement, SARS and the taxpayer making
the appeal [against an assessment or “decision” by SARS] may attempt
to resolve the dispute through alternative dispute resolution under
procedures speci ed in the “rules”’. Since most of the decisions taken by
SARS will amount to administrative action, this provision thus expressly
allows for settling administrative-law disputes by way of ADR in the tax
e judgment in Airports Company South Africa Ltd and Another v
ISO Leisure OR Tambo (Pty) Ltd78 has, however, cast some doubt as to
whether ADR can be utilised in the administrative-law context. In this
matter the judge found that an arbitrator did not have the jurisdiction to
deal with a dispute between a public entity and a bidder for a public
tender relating to an administrative decision taken as part of the tender
adjudication process. e judge stated:
I, therefore, hold that s 7(4) of PAJA precludes any forum, apart from the High
Court and the Constitutional Court, to adjudicate over claims brought in terms of
PAJA. e parties cannot, in my view, confer jurisdiction upon a private arbitrator
to decide a claim brought in terms of PAJA. To allow such would be to allow
parties to privatise constitutional disputes, and this bears the risk of allowing a
parallel constitutional jurisprudence to develop in this country — one that is
separate and independent from that developed by the Constitutional Court. Such
a development goes against the entire grain of our constitutional system, which is
based on recognising the Constitutional Court as the highest and, in some
respects, the only court that can make pronouncements on constitutional
matters. e privatisation of disputes involving constitutional matters is
anathema to our Constitution, and rightly so, in my view.79

On one reading of the judgment, it may only be authority for the narrow
point that claims expressly brought under PAJA cannot be submitted to
ADR processes, which is what happened on the facts in this case. Such a
result would not be particularly problematic given that PAJA expressly
provides for judicial review. ADR procedures are clearly not judicial
processes and would thus not qualify as the type of fora contemplated
by PAJA. However, the judge’s remarks towards the end of the paragraph
quoted above and particularly in the last sentence, suggests a broader
view, namely that since administrative-law disputes are by implication
constitutional-law disputes (which is beyond doubt) they will never be
amenable to resolution through ADR processes. Such an interpretation
of the judgment clearly has a much further impact and would effectively
remove ADR altogether as a mechanism to regulate administrative law.
ADR, ‘privatisation of disputes’ and constitutional
Consider the court’s statement in ISO Leisure OR Tambo
quoted above that ‘the privatisation of disputes involving
constitutional matters is anathema to our Constitution’.
This ostensible principle underlies the court’s rejection of
recourse to ADR in the administrative-law dispute at
issue in that case. Does this reasoning hold true in all
areas of law? Think of a dispute between a private
landlord and tenant where, say, discrimination is at issue
and the lease agreement includes an ADR clause. Would
the court’s reasoning forbid these parties from
submitting their dispute to arbitration under their ADR
clause, because equality is inevitably a constitutional
matter? If we accept ADR in this context, how do we
draw a line between such cases and administrative-law
disputes, assuming that we can find a basis for the ADR
in the latter cases, for example where there is an
agreement between the parties?
Perhaps the resistance to ADR in administrative-law
disputes signals the courts’ adherence to the dominance
of judicial review as a mechanism of regulating
administrative action. Such resistance may, however, be
to the detriment of developing an integrated system of
regulation where different types of regulation, including
ADR, can play complementary roles.


Administrative law is different from other frameworks that guide the work of the
public administration in that administrative law can be enforced by means of
various legal mechanisms. This is a hallmark of administrative justice, namely the
enforceable normative character of the rules constituting this field. In South African
law, one mechanism has dominated the regulatory landscape, namely judicial
review, but there are actually a range of different mechanisms that can ensure
compliance with administrative-law principles. These include legislative oversight,
internal controls, the work of specialised bodies such as Chapter 9 institutions and
possibly ADR. Many of these non-judicial forms of regulation over administrative
action can enhance administrative justice in a manner that courts cannot. A more
integrated and coherent approach to regulating administrative action in terms of
which the various distinct regulatory mechanisms are aligned and play distinct, but
complementary roles remains an important challenge for South African
administrative law.

• Creyke, R (2006) Administrative Justice: Beyond the Courtroom Door Acta
Juridica 257
• Govender, K ‘Administrative Appeals Tribunals’ in Bennett, TW & Corder, H (Eds)
(1993) Administrative Law Reform Cape Town: Juta
• Hoexter, C (2000) The Future of Judicial Review in South African Administrative
Law SALJ 117(3):484
• Theophilopoulos, C and De Matos Ala, C (2019) An Analysis of the Public
Protector’s Investigatory and Decision-Making Procedural Powers PER / PELJ
• Venter, R (2017) The Executive, the Public Protector and the Legislature: The
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe TSAR 176

1 See the White Paper on Transforming Public Service Delivery (Batho Pele ‘People First’
White Paper on Transforming Public Service Delivery), Dept. of Public Service and
Administration 18 Sept 1997, Notice 1459 of 1997 in GG 18340 of 01.10.1997.
2 Department of Public Service and Administration RSA (2013) Public Service Integrity
Management Framework.
3 See Chapter 2 section 2.6.1 above and Harlow, C & Rawlings, R (2009) Law and
Administration (3rd ed) Chapter 1.
4 See Chapter 8 below.
5 Hoexter, C (2000) e Future of Judicial Review in South African Administrative Law SALJ
117(3):484 at 485–488; Wade, HWR & Forsyth, CF (2014) Administrative Law (11th ed) 4, 8.
e rst book in South Africa to deal exclusively with administrative law, was Rose Innes,
LA (1963) Judicial Review of Administrative Tribunals in South Africa.
6 103 of 1977.
7 45 of 2002.
8 Examples could be found in sections 8, 11, 19, 28, 29 and 41 of the Internal Security Act 74
of 1982; section 5B of the Public Safety Act 3 of 1953; section 103 of the Defence Act 44 of
9 2000 (3) SA 936 (CC).
10 Dawood para 47.
11 Dawood para 48.
12 2005 (3) SA 589 (CC).
13 3 of 2000.
14 1 of 1999.
15 97 of 1990.
16 PAJA section 10(2)(a)(ii).
17 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975.
18 Tribunals Amalgamation Act 2015 (No 60, 2015).
19 Creyke, R (2006) Administrative Justice: Beyond the Courtroom Door Acta Juridica 257 at
20 ese were the AAT, the Refugee Review Tribunal, the Migration Review Tribunal, the
Social Security Appeals Tribunal and the Veterans’ Review Board. Creyke (2006) 262.
21 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 section 33.
22 Section below.
23 Koyabe and Others v Minister for Home Affairs and Others (Lawyers for Human Rights as
Amicus Curiae) 2010 (4) SA 327 (CC) para 35.
24 See Koyabe para 37.
25 15 of 1997.
26 Section 5(1)(b) and 5(1)(b)(i).
27 Section 19(2)(a).
28 Chapter 2 section
29 Also note the discussion of the Public Protector in Chapter 2 section above.
30 Constitution section 182(1).
31 23 of 1994.
32 For example, the Executive Members’ Ethics Act 82 of 1998, the Prevention and Combating
of Corrupt Activities Act 12 of 2004, the Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 2000,
the Protected Disclosures Act 26 of 2000 and the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of
Unfair Discrimination Act 4 of 2000.
33 2016 (3) SA 580 (CC) para 71.
34 See, for example, Public Protector Report No. 3 of 2015/6 reporting on contracting
irregularities at PRASA; Report No. 5 of 2015/6 on irregularities in lease and other
procurement decisions at the South African Post Office; Report No. 13 of 2016/2017 on an
irregular procurement in appointing a security tender by the Kagisano-Molopo Local
Municipality; Report No. 5 of 2017/18 on irregular payment of professional and legal fees by
the North West Department of Local Government and Traditional Affairs; Report No. 8 of
2018/19 on the irregular appointment of a service provider to render academic consultancy
services to the University of Limpopo; Report No. 116 of 2019/20 on irregular tenders for
rehabilitation of streets by the Greater Letaba Local Municipality.
35 See Report No. 1 of 2016/17 on disconnection of electricity services by Eskom.
36 See Report No. 8 of 2016/17 on the Department of Home Affairs’ failures in nalising a
citizenship application; Report No. 32 of 2017/18 on the Department of Home Affairs’
undue delay to nalise and the improper adjudication of applications for naturalisation.
37 See Report No. 14 of 2017/18 on failures by SARS to consider representations and
objections before levying additional taxes.
38 See Report No. 9 of 2017/18 on the North West Department of Education and Sports
Development’s failures in dealing with the death of a learner while playing rugby for a
public school; Report No. 39 of 2018/19 on the Eastern Cape Department of Rural
Development and Agrarian Reform’s failures pertaining to the placement of learners.
39 See Report No. 11 of 2014/15 on the City of Johannesburg’s failures in respect of providing
emergency housing; Report No. 6 of 2014/15 on failures to timeously deal with social
assistance appeals.
40 Economic Freedom Fighters para 52 (footnotes omitted).
41 23 of 1994.
42 Economic Freedom Fighters para 55.
43 23 of 1994.
44 Public Protector Act 23 of 1994, section 6(4)(b).
45 Para 64.
46 Para 65.
47 Para 67.
48 Para 71.
49 2017 (2) SA 597 (GP).
50 2017 (6) SA 198 (GP).
51 2018 JDR 0190 (GP).
52 2018 (3) SA 380 (SCA).
53 Para 37 (footnotes omitted).
54 President of the Republic of South Africa and Others v South African Rugby Football Union
and Others 2000 (1) SA 1 (CC) para 141. President of RSA v SARFU para 141.
55 See Chapter 2 section 3.6.1.
56 Constitution section 184.
57 40 of 2013.
58 South African Human Rights Commission Act 40 of 2013 section 13(3)(a).
59 25 of 2004.
60 Public Audit Act 25 of 2004 section 20(2).
61 25 of 2004.
62 1 of 1999.
63 56 of 2003.
64 25 of 2004.
65 Public Audit Amendment Act 5 of 2018 amended the Public Audit Act 25 of 2004.
66 25 of 2004.
67 Public Audit Act 25 of 2004 section 5A.
68 Public Audit Act 25 of 2004 section 5B.
69 See Auditor-General of South Africa (2014). Consolidated General Report on National and
Provincial Audit Outcomes PFMA 2013–14 at 30, 57–65 where it is reported that 72% of
national and provincial entities audited had ndings of material non-compliance with
70 (19259/2018) [2020] ZAWCHC 50 (8 June 2020).
71 Para 17.
72 Chapter 2 section 2.2.5.
73 See Chapter 2 section 2.2.
74 23 of 1994.
75 56 of 2003.
76 Regulation 21(e) GN 868 in GG 27636 of 30.05.2005.
77 Tax Administration Act 28 of 2011 section 107(5).
78 2011 (4) SA 642 (GSJ).
79 ISO Leisure OR Tambo para 68.
Judicial regulation of
administrative action


5.1 The primacy of judicial review

5.2 Review and appeal

5.3 Judicial review

5.3.1 Grounds of review
5.3.2 Avenues to review
5.3.3 Review and internal remedies

5.4 Deference

5.1 The primacy of judicial review

In South African administrative law, as in many other common-law
systems, the courts have been viewed as the primary mechanism of
regulating administrative action. e way in which administrative law
has developed, as discussed in Chapter 1, was premised on judicial
oversight of the work of the administration. is is clear, for example,
from the original pillars of administrative law, namely the ultra vires
doctrine and the rules of natural justice, which were judicially
developed and enforced principles. As a discipline, at least in the
common-law tradition, administrative law is thus closely tied to judicial
enforcement. As we shall see in the following chapters, the rules of
administrative law are consequently often formulated in a negative way,
called grounds of review, which are essentially descriptions of when
courts may interfere with administrative action.
In this chapter, we focus on judicial review of administrative action
as distinct from other forms of regulation of administrative action noted
in Chapter 4. It is important to bear the relationship between judicial
review and other forms of regulation of administrative action in mind
when considering the complete administrative-justice system. In
Chapter 11 we will look in more detail at the procedural aspects of
utilising the primary mechanism of review and in Chapter 12 we will see
what relief a court can grant a party in terms of the mechanism of
judicial review.

A limited role for courts in administrative law

In her influential 2000 article, Cora Hoexter has
accurately described two of the biggest challenges facing
modern South African administrative law as relating to
the role of courts in this area:

South African administrative law of the twentieth

century cried out for two things. First, it called for
completion. There was a need to develop an
integrated system of administrative law in which
judicial review could play a more suitable and more
limited role. Secondly, it called for the construction
of an appropriate theory of deference. There was a
need to identify principles to guide the courts’
intervention and non-intervention in administrative

As we explore the role of the courts as regulators of

administrative action in this section, it is important to
consider that role in relation to the other mechanisms
already discussed in the preceding chapter. One should
ask how the role of the courts on particular points can
be understood as part of a larger, integrated system of
regulation with other mechanisms fulfilling distinct, but
complementary roles. For example, when one argues
that a court should not be able to do something in
administrative law that should not mean that it cannot
be done in administrative law. It could simply mean that
the courts may not be the best or appropriate
mechanism to achieve the particular function of
administrative law, but some other mechanism may be
better suited to do so. A good illustration is in respect of
appeals against administrative decisions. Unlike
administrative reviews, which are concerned with the
manner in which decisions are taken, appeals involve an
assessment of the appropriateness or correctness of a
decision itself. For the reasons that are given more
detailed attention in section 5.2 below, the courts are
generally not well-placed to adjudicate the latter
questions given their lack of expertise in the technical
matters of running a complex modern bureaucracy. The
responsibility for deciding administrative appeals thus,
more often than not, resides with the administration
itself rather than the courts.

5.2 Review and appeal

e above-mentioned distinction between review and appeal has
always been an important one in administrative law. is is largely
because of the separation of powers doctrine.2 As we noted in Chapter
2, the courts are generally not allowed to take over the work of the
administration, because that is the function speci cally allocated to the
administrative branch of state. e courts’ role in administrative law is
thus restricted to ensuring that the administration keeps within its
mandate and exercises its function in a manner that complies with all
law. As a result, the courts are not tasked with asking whether the
administration took the correct decision, but whether the decision
taken was a legal one. e vital point is that there may be many different
decisions that can achieve the same administrative purpose and all of
them may be legal. e fact that some may be better than others is
largely irrelevant for the courts’ purpose in adjudicating administrative
reviews. is essentially sums up the distinction between review and
appeal. Review is concerned with ‘how’ the decision was taken, and
speci cally whether it is a decision that complies with all law. Appeal, in
contrast, is concerned with whether the correct or best decision was
taken in the circumstances.
In South African law, courts have the constitutional mandate to
review administrative action based on sections 33 (just administrative
action) and 34 (access to courts) of the Constitution. All affected
persons thus have the right to approach a court for the review of
administrative action. Any attempt to limit the exercise of these rights
would need to meet the requirements of section 36 of the Constitution
as a reasonable and justi able limitation of fundamental rights to be
constitutionally valid. In contrast, there is no general mandate for the
courts to hear appeals against administrative action. In a few instances,
statutory provisions provide for courts to entertain such appeals3 and it
would only be in cases where such speci c mandate for appeal is
created that a person can appeal to a court against an administrative
e distinction between review and appeal has come under
increasing pressure as the grounds of review have extended to include
scrutiny of matters of substance, that is grounds of review that have
inevitably resulted in judges having to consider the merits of a
particular action. It is sometimes very difficult to draw a clear line
between judging whether the decision was taken in a correct manner
and judging whether the correct decision was taken when the ground
upon which the administrative action is challenged involves matters of
reasonableness4 or mistake of fact or law.5
Despite the evident and growing difficulty in maintaining a line
between review and appeal, South African courts have remained
steadfast in insisting on the distinction. In a key judgment delivered by
the Labour Appeal Court and dealing with the requirement of justi able
administrative action,6 Froneman J stated in Carephone (Pty) Ltd v
Marcus NO and Others7 that:
It appears from a number of decisions of the High Court that the effect of,
particularly, the administrative justice section in the Bill of Rights is seen as
broadening the scope of judicial review of administrative action …
e peg on which the extended scope of review has been hung is the
constitutional provision that administrative action must be justi able in relation
to the reasons given for it (sections 33 and item 23(b) of Schedule 6 to the
Constitution). is provision introduces a requirement of rationality in the merit
or outcome of the administrative decision. is goes beyond mere procedural
impropriety as a ground for review or irrationality only as evidence of procedural
But it would be wrong to read into this section an attempt to abolish the
distinction between review and appeal. According to the New Shorter Oxford
English Dictionary ‘justi able’ means ‘able to be legally or morally justi ed, able
to be shown to be just, reasonable, or correct; defensible’. It does not mean ‘just’,
‘justi ed’ or ‘correct’. On its plain meaning the use of the word ‘justi able’ does
not ask for the obliteration of the difference between review and appeal …
In determining whether administrative action is justi able in terms of the reasons
given for it, value judgments will have to be made which will, almost inevitably,
involve the consideration of the ‘merits’ of the matter in some way or another. As
long as the judge determining this issue is aware that he or she enters the merits
not in order to substitute his or her own opinion on the correctness thereof, but to
determine whether the outcome is rationally justi able, the process will be in

is reasoning was con rmed by the Constitutional Court in Bel Porto
School Governing Body and Others v Premier, Western Cape and
Another.8 Subsequently, in Bato Star Fishing (Pty) Ltd v Minister of
Environmental Affairs and Others9 the Constitutional Court adopted the
same reasoning in respect of the broader requirement of
reasonableness in section 33 of the Constitution where O’Regan J stated
for the court:
Although the review functions of the court now have a substantive as well as a
procedural ingredient, the distinction between appeals and reviews continues to
be signi cant. e court should take care not to usurp the functions of
administrative agencies.

e point of departure for judicial oversight over administrative action

is thus that the courts can only ask a limited number of questions. While
the substance or merits of the particular action is not irrelevant for the
purpose of judicial oversight, the purpose for which the courts engage
with the merits of the action is strictly limited to ascertaining whether
the decision falls within the scope of actions that could legally be taken
and not whether it is the correct or best decision.

5.3 Judicial review

Judicial review is the speci c procedure that developed under our in
common law in terms of which a court scrutinises administrative action
against the rules of administrative law. In South Africa the basis for this
procedure was authoritatively established in the two judgments of
Innes CJ in Johannesburg Consolidated Investment Co v Johannesburg
Town Council10 and Shidiack v Union Government (Minister of the
Interior).11 In the rst judgment the court formulated the power of the
court to engage in judicial review of administrative action as follows:
Whenever a public body has a duty imposed upon it by statute, and disregards
important provisions of the statute, or is guilty of gross irregularity or clear
illegality in the performance of the duty, this Court may be asked to review the
proceedings complained of and set aside or correct them. is is no special
machinery created by the Legislature; it is a right inherent in the Court, which has
jurisdiction to entertain all civil causes and proceedings arising within the
Transvaal. e non-performance or wrong performance of a statutory duty by
which third persons are injured or aggrieved is such a cause as falls within the
ordinary jurisdiction of the Court.12

For the better part of the twentieth century this remained the basis for
judicial review in South Africa. It was of course a fairly weak basis given
that the courts’ reviewing powers were restricted to narrow procedural
grounds and limited to cases where a serious decisional defect or
illegality was shown to be present. A further constraint on judicial
power in this regard was the fact that the legislature, which had superior
power to the courts in terms of the doctrine of parliamentary
supremacy, could simply oust the courts’ reviewing jurisdiction and
thus insulate particular administrative action from judicial scrutiny.13
With the advent of constitutional democracy in South Africa in 1994
the basis for judicial review of administrative action also changed
radically. Rather than arising from the inherent (and self-proclaimed)
common-law jurisdiction of the courts, judicial review was now
founded expressly on fundamental rights protected in the supreme
In its judgment in Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of SA14
the Constitutional Court con rmed this shift to a single, constitutional
foundation for judicial review of administrative action. It also follows
from this judgment that all instances of judicial review of administrative
action automatically amount to constitutional matters, since they all
involve the enforcement of the Constitution regardless of the speci c
arguments presented in the particular review. In what has become one
of the most important dicta in South African constitutional law
pertaining to the nature of the constitutional law system, the court
ere are not two systems of law, each dealing with the same subject-matter, each
having similar requirements, each operating in its own eld with its own highest
Court. ere is only one system of law. It is shaped by the Constitution which is
the supreme law, and all law, including the common law, derives its force from
the Constitution and is subject to constitutional control.
Whilst there is no bright line between public and private law, administrative law,
which forms the core of public law, occupies a special place in our jurisprudence.
It is an incident of the separation of powers under which courts regulate and
control the exercise of public power by the other branches of government. It is
built on constitutional principles which de ne the authority of each branch of
government, their inter-relationship and the boundaries between them. Prior to
the coming into force of the interim Constitution, the common law was ‘the main
crucible’ for the development of these principles of constitutional law. e
interim Constitution which came into force in April 1994 was a legal watershed. It
shifted constitutionalism, and with it all aspects of public law, from the realm of
common law to the prescripts of a written constitution which is the supreme law.
at is not to say that the principles of common law have ceased to be material to
the development of public law. ese well-established principles will continue to
inform the content of administrative law and other aspects of public law, and will
contribute to their future development. But there has been a fundamental
change. Courts no longer have to claim space and push boundaries to nd means
of controlling public power. at control is vested in them under the Constitution,
which de nes the role of the courts, their powers in relation to other arms of
government and the constraints subject to which public power has to be
exercised. Whereas previously constitutional law formed part of and was
developed consistently with the common law, the roles have been reversed. e
written Constitution articulates and gives effect to the governing principles of
constitutional law. Even if the common law constitutional principles continue to
have application in matters not expressly dealt with by the Constitution (and that
need not be decided in this case), the Constitution is the supreme law and the
common law, insofar as it has any application, must be developed consistently
with it and subject to constitutional control.15

Judicial review of administrative action is thus today simply the

enforcement of section 33 of the Constitution. However, as we have
noted in Chapters 1 and 2 above, it was never contemplated that the
courts will ful l this function directly in terms of section 33. us,
section 33(3) prescribed that legislation must be enacted to inter alia
‘provide for the review of administrative action by a court’. PAJA is this
legislation and it thus follows that judicial review is today primarily
premised on PAJA. In Bato Star Fishing the Constitutional Court
con rmed that the cause of action for judicial review of administrative
action today arises from PAJA on the authority of the Constitution.16

Judicial review under the constitutional principle

of legality
While the advent of constitutional democracy shifted
judicial review of administrative action from a common-
law system to one founded on constitutional rights, as
recent developments show, it did not end there. The
triptych of judgments – Fedsure,17 SARFU18 and
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of SA – are
largely credited with having developed the deeper
constitutional principle of legality as an aspect of the
rule of law in section 1(c) of the Constitution. In so
doing, these judgments broadened the powers of our
courts to review all exercises of public power, including
those that do not qualify as administrative action for the
purposes of section 33 of the Constitution, as given
legislative effect to in PAJA. While this development may
be positively regarded as ensuring that all exercises of
public power are not insulated from judicial scrutiny, with
the growth and expansion of the courts’ reviewing powers
under the mandate of legality, the flipside has been the
relegation of judicial review of administrative action
under PAJA in favour of the more flexible and open-
ended system of review under the legality principle.19
This proliferation of possible avenues to review, which
receives more detailed attention in section 5.3.2 below,
has also undermined the goal of creating a more limited
role for the courts in exercising their review functions in
the constitutional era.

5.3.1 Grounds of review

Unlike appeal, judicial review is not an open-ended procedure in terms
of which an applicant can make any argument to show that the
administrator erred in taking the decision. In review there are a limited
number of causes of action on which an applicant can approach a court
to scrutinise an administrative action. An applicant must frame his or
her case in terms of one or more of these causes of action, called
grounds of review. In Bato Star Fishing the Constitutional Court also
held that PAJA amounts to a codi cation of the grounds of review.20 is
means that an applicant must argue his or her case on review in terms
of one or more of the grounds set out in section 6(2) of PAJA. Put
differently, judicial review of administrative action involves proving that
the administrator made one or more of the mistakes described in
section 6(2) of PAJA. While this is clearly a limitation on the type of
arguments that can be made upon review, it must be noted that the nal
subsection of section 6(2) allows for the argument that the
administrative action ‘is otherwise unconstitutional or unlawful’. is
very broad formulation thus allows scope for arguments that cannot be
brought under one of the more speci c other grounds of review in
section 6(2) to be presented as long as it can be shown that such
argument has a constitutional dimension or is broadly linked to
As was stated above, the grounds of review can be viewed as the
rules of administrative law formulated in the negative. When a court
thus scrutinises an administrative action on a ground of review, the
court is testing whether the action adhered to the particular rule of
administrative law.
e list of grounds of review in section 6(2) of PAJA unfortunately
does not follow a logical structure. e ideal would have been for
section 6(2) to follow the structure of section 33(1) of the Constitution
and to align particular grounds of review with each of the three main
pillars of administrative justice, namely lawfulness, reasonableness and
procedural fairness. is is not the case. e subsections of section 6(2)
are a jumble of grounds addressing particular aspects of the three main
pillars with some overlap between them. While the Constitution
attempted to provide a clean break with the common-law approach to
judicial review, the grounds of review in section 6(2) of PAJA
unfortunately largely re ect the common-law position. Table 5.1 below
attempts to provide a broad structure to the grounds of review in terms
of the pillars of administrative justice. However, since there is certain
overlap between some grounds these categories cannot be viewed as
clearly demarcated.
Table 5.1 Grounds of review and principles of administrative justice

Section 33(1) principle of administrative Sections with corresponding grounds of review in

justice PAJA

Lawfulness 6(2)(a)(i), (ii)


Reasonableness 6(2)(f)(ii)

Procedural fairness 6(2)(a)(iii)


5.3.2 Avenues to review

Despite the ostensible clarity brought about by judgments such as
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Bato Star Fishing about the status
and approach to judicial review of administrative action under the
Constitution as set out in the sections above, there have been parallel
developments in the law that have resulted in fairly signi cant
fragmentation of judicial oversight of administrative action. Hoexter has
termed these ‘different pathways to administrative-law review’ and has
identi ed ve such pathways as we noted in Chapter 1 above.21 ey
• Review under PAJA where the action quali es as administrative
action as de ned in the Act.
• Review in terms of special statutory provisions other than PAJA
where the action quali es as administrative action as de ned, but
for policy reasons is reviewed along a separate avenue from PAJA.
e primary example is review of decisions of the Commission for
Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA), which may qualify
as administrative action under PAJA, but is reviewed in terms of the
Labour Relations Act (LRA)22 and not in terms of PAJA.23
• Review directly in terms of section 33 of the Constitution where
there is action that may qualify as administrative action, but the
challenge is mounted at either PAJA itself or another statutory
provision rather than the action.24
• Review in terms of the common law without reliance on PAJA or
section 33 of the Constitution in cases of private actions that do not
qualify as administrative action as de ned, but that were subjected
to administrative-law principles at common law. Examples would
be where private bodies such as a voluntary association (be it of a
charitable, sporting, religious or other nature) acts to discipline
members. Importantly, this does not include cases where private
bodies exercise public functions, which would be subject to review
under PAJA or the principle of legality.
• Review in terms of the constitutional principle of legality without
reliance on PAJA or section 33 of the Constitution where the action
is public, but not administrative action as de ned. Alternatively, and
more controversially, this avenue is now available where the review
is sought by the decision-maker itself against its own decision in the
fast-developing area of ‘state self-reviews’.25

e picture of ve different avenues to review reveals signi cant and in

fact growing fragmentation in the system of judicial oversight of the
exercise of different forms of power and even within particular forms of
public power – a reality which runs contrary to the goal, alluded to in
section 5.1 above, of creating an integrated system of administrative-law
review in the constitutional era.
Although the Constitutional Court in Bato Star Fishing seems to
have contemplated the multiplicity of avenues when it did not close the
door to the existence of grounds of review outside of PAJA, O’Regan J
was adamant that the ‘cause of action for the judicial review of
administrative action now ordinarily arises from PAJA’.26 On this
approach, the question whether the particular action quali es as
administrative action as de ned in PAJA thus remains a key
consideration. When the action does amount to administrative action,
the number of avenues is immediately reduced to the rst three above.
In principle, having the rst two avenues to review is not particularly
problematic since one can understand them in terms of a general
avenue (PAJA) and a more speci c avenue (other statutes, for example
the LRA). Such an approach is in line with established principles of
subsidiarity given expression in, for instance, the Latin maxim generalia
specialibus non derogant that applies to statutory interpretation. is
maxim holds that general statutes must be read as not interfering with
more speci c statutes,27 thereby affirming the distinction between
general and speci c administrative law.28 Such an understanding of the
difference between the rst two avenues set out above would imply that
the second avenue cannot be in con ict with the rst, that is PAJA.
When such a con ict does arise, the third avenue set out above may
come into play to allow for the particular statutory provision to be
tested against section 33 bearing in mind that PAJA is intended to give
effect to this constitutional provision.
e most problematic of the ve avenues listed above is the fourth
one, namely review in terms of the constitutional principle of legality,
which we traversed brie y in the introductory section of 5.3 above. In
theory this option should not be available where the conduct that is
challenged in review amounts to administrative action. e
Constitutional Court has explained that it is impermissible to rely
directly on constitutional provisions when particular legislation has
been enacted to give effect to the Constitution as this would amount to
bypassing the relevant legislation.29 Ngcobo J stated the position clearly
as follows:
Where, as here, the Constitution requires Parliament to enact legislation to give
effect to the constitutional rights guaranteed in the Constitution, and Parliament
enacts such legislation, it will ordinarily be impermissible for a litigant to found a
cause of action directly on the Constitution without alleging that the statute in
question is de cient in the remedies that it provides. Legislation enacted by
Parliament to give effect to a constitutional right ought not to be ignored.30

It follows that where action amounts to administrative action a person

wanting to challenge such action in review proceedings must do so
under PAJA and cannot rely on the legality principle. Unfortunately, the
courts have not been consistent in following this logic and have
increasingly side-stepped PAJA in favour of reliance on the less
cumbersome and apparently more exible legality principle. ere is
thus a growing trend in administrative-review judgments where judges
do not engage with the threshold question whether the relevant action
amounts to administrative action with the consequence that PAJA must
be followed31 or where judges expressly state that it does not matter
whether the action amounts to administrative action, because the
principle of legality would nevertheless apply.32 Given the position
expressed in the New Clicks judgments, following either of these
approaches is incorrect.
e problem of expansion of legality review has been compounded
following the Constitutional Court judgment in State Information
Technology Agency SOC Ltd v Gijima Holdings (Pty) Ltd33 where the
court created a ‘special exception’ from PAJA in respect of reviews
brought by state organs reviewing their own unlawful decisions. In this
case, the court held that an organ of state cannot rely on section 33 of
the Constitution or PAJA when challenging its own decisions in judicial
review proceedings, irrespective of whether such action amounts to
administrative action. e court found that section 33 (and hence PAJA)
only affords protection to private persons and that only private persons
could accordingly rely on the provision in enforcement proceedings.
While an organ of state has standing to challenge its own administrative
action, what is now referred to as state self-review,34 it cannot do so on
the basis of section 33 or PAJA. It must bring its review in terms of the
legality principle. is is a problematic approach since it implies, for the
rst time, that the difference between review in terms of PAJA and
review in terms of legality no longer lies in the nature of power being
exercised but, rather, on the identity of the reviewing party. Put
differently, while it was understood that if the action amounts to
administrative action review had to be sought under PAJA whereas if
the action did not amount to administrative action review could not be
sought under PAJA and had to be sought under legality. e difference
thus turned on the conceptualisation of the relevant action as being of
an administrative character or not and had nothing to do with the
identity of the party seeking review. Following Gijima, that is no longer
the case. e very same action could now be subject to PAJA review and
legality review, depending on who brings the review application as
opposed to what the nature of the action itself is. e Gijima approach
has been severely criticised in academic commentary35 and even
though the Constitutional Court con rmed the approach in Buffalo City
Metropolitan Municipality v Asla Construction (Pty) Limited,36 a
dissenting minority noted that ‘It may in due course become necessary
to reconsider whether the legality review pathway chosen in Gijima
withstands the test of time’.37
Finally, the fth avenue listed above is of course not strictly-
speaking a matter of administrative law. As we noted in Chapter 3
above, action that does not constitute the exercise of public power is not
administrative action and thus falls outside the scope of administrative
law. At common law, principles of administrative law were nevertheless
at times applied to actions of private entities that did not amount to
administrative action, but that exhibited similar characteristics such as
the exercise of coercive power over an individual. e courts were as a
result prepared to apply administrative-law principles to such
relationships on policy grounds.38 It is evident that neither PAJA nor
section 33 of the Constitution can be the basis for the continued
application of administrative-law principles to these private actions
through judicial review. e courts have, however, continued to subject
private coercive powers to judicial review on administrative-law
grounds after 1994 ostensibly on the basis of the common law. In Klein
v Dainfern College and Another39 the judge stated:
I am therefore of the view that the principles of natural justice have not been
excluded by the Constitution as far as the coercive actions are concerned of
domestic tribunals established by contract which impliedly or expressly include
such principles of justice.

e construction adopted in Dainfern is thus that administrative-law

rules were incorporated into the contract between the parties (a
contract of employment in this case) and that the court could review the
actions of the more powerful party (the employer) in a judicial review
proceeding. is approach was rejected by the Supreme Court of
Appeal in Transman (Pty) Ltd v Dick and Another,40 at least in the
context of disciplinary action taken in the employment context. e
SCA held that the court in Dainfern erred in reasoning that the
incorporation of administrative-law rules into the contract between the
parties resulted in the mechanism of judicial review being available.41
e court held that such incorporation cannot change the nature of the
enforcement proceedings available in contractual relationships to that
of administrative-law relationships. us, when administrative-law
rules are incorporated into a contract between parties either party
would be able to enforce such rules in a contractual action, but not in a
judicial review. e SCA succinctly stated: ‘e incorporated
requirements cannot convert what is essentially a contractual claim into
an entitlement to judicial review on any of the grounds recognised in
law.’42 e SCA restricted its reasoning to the employment context and
also distinguished the common-law authority that Dainfern relied
upon, which indicated that domestic tribunals may be subject to
administrative-law rules via judicial review generally on the basis that
none of those dealt with employment relationships. e judgment in
Transman does not close down the fth avenue to judicial review listed
above in relation to private power, but at least narrows it to non-
employment contexts. e generality of the reasoning in Transman may
yet have a broader impact in further narrowing judicial review of private

It is interesting to compare the approach adopted by the

SCA in Transman with that of the Constitutional Court in
AMCU. The latter case concerned a decision to extend a
collective bargaining agreement in terms of section
23(1)(d) of the LRA between certain (private) mining
enterprises, represented by the Chamber of Mines South
Africa, and the unions representing the majority of
workers at those companies.43 Rather than interrogating
whether this extension qualified as an exercise of private
power with coercive attributes that ought to be
reviewable on common-law grounds (the fourth avenue
to review), the Constitutional Court concluded that what
was at stake was an exercise of public power susceptible
to a legality challenge (the fifth avenue to review).44 This
was because relying on section 23 to extend their
collective agreement ‘ha[d] a coercive effect’ in that ‘it
[bound] non-parties to the agreement, willy-nilly … with
just about industry-wide effects’.45 In this regard
Cameron J reasoned that the extension had ‘extensive
implications for members of the public’ because ‘for its
duration, non-member employees [were] bound’ and
would ‘forfeit the right to strike’ in circumstances where
the collective agreement regulates the dispute in
question.46 This is an interesting development for two
reasons. The first is that it affirms the narrow basis upon
which the courts are generally willing to invoke the
common law as a justification for reviewing what are
ostensibly private powers. The second is what it reveals
about the principle of legality and the increasing
willingness on the part of courts to stretch our
understanding of public power to invoke it as a basis for

5.3.3 Review and internal remedies

As we noted when we looked at internal controls in Chapter 4, there is a
distinct relationship between judicial oversight and internal oversight.
PAJA adopts a strict stance in section 7(2) by stating that a court may not
entertain an application for judicial review as long as all internal
remedies have not been exhausted. PAJA thus sets out expressly the
relationship between internal controls and judicial oversight by
preferencing internal remedies. is is the most deliberate attempt in
PAJA to advance an integrated system of regulation of administrative
In Koyabe the Constitutional Court noted that it is only proper that
courts should allow the administration to complete its own processes in
relation to administrative action before entertaining a challenge against
the administration’s actions.47 is includes internal control
mechanisms. e court added in Dengetenge Holdings (Pty) Ltd v
Southern Sphere Mining & Development Co Ltd and Others48 that section
7(2) obliges all involved, the courts, the person wanting to challenge the
administrative action as well as the administrator to exhaust the
internal remedy before proceeding with review. e administrator thus
cannot waive pursuit of the internal remedy in favour of judicial review.
Section 7(2) only applies to a particular type of internal remedy.
First, it must be a remedy provided for ‘in any other law’.49 is implies
that it is only internal remedies provided for in statute that are at issue
here. However, it seems that internal remedies created in regulations
under a statute would also qualify.50 Second, the remedy must be
internal to the administration. is means that remedies provided for in
other statutes, but that are not internal to the particular administration
taking the administrative action, are not included under section 7(2).51
ird, the internal remedy must be available to the complainant and be
effective.52 To be effective, the remedy must be capable of providing the
complainant with appropriate relief, which must at least be equivalent
to the relief that a court can grant upon review.53 If these conditions are
met, an aggrieved person will have no choice but to pursue the internal
remedy before he or she may approach a court for judicial review.
Conversely, a court will be obliged under section 7(2)(b) to refuse to
entertain the review and to direct the applicant to exhaust the internal
remedy rst.
e duty to exhaust internal remedies under section 7(2) is,
however, not absolute. Section 7(2)(c) allows a court to hear a review
even though internal remedies have not been exhausted if there are
exceptional circumstances and it is in the interest of justice to hear the
review immediately. e courts have provided some guidance on when
these two conditions will be met. 54 For example, in Nichol the court said
that exceptional circumstances will be present when the applicant’s
case is different from the typical case for which the internal remedy was
created.55 It seems that the ineffectiveness of the internal remedy will
(again) be a factor that may show exceptional circumstances.56
However, arguments relating to the grounds of review upon which the
applicant wants to bring the review cannot serve to prove exceptional
circumstances. As the court rightly noted in Nichol, this would amount
to circumventing the bar to hearing the review before internal remedies
had been exhausted.57 If a court were to entertain grounds of review
arguments as part of the argument under section 7(2)(c) it would in
effect already be hearing the review application, which it is not allowed
to do until it has decided on the section 7(2) issue. Finally, the court
indicated in Koyabe that the lapse of the time period for instituting the
internal remedy cannot, without more, constitute exceptional
circumstances under section 7(2)(c).58 A person cannot thus simply wait
out the period for bringing the internal remedy and then approach a
court. All reasonable steps to exhaust the internal remedy must rst be

5.4 Deference
e relationship between courts exercising their oversight function and
the administration ful lling its constitutional mandate in taking
administrative action has become a major point of debate in South
African law. While this debate is inherent to the separation of powers, as
we noted in Chapter 2 above, and has thus always been part of the
discipline of administrative law, the current debate has gained
prominence following the in uential article of Cora Hoexter published
in 2000.59
In her article Hoexter called for debate on the development of a
theory of deference. is she understood to mean developing principles
that can guide courts in intervention and non-intervention when
scrutinising administrative action.60 In what has become a classic
formulation of the issues at stake, Hoexter stated:
the sort of deference we should be aspiring to consists of a judicial willingness to
appreciate the legitimate and constitutionally-ordained province of
administrative agencies; to admit the expertise of those agencies in policy-laden
or polycentric issues; to accord their interpretations of fact and law due respect;
and to be sensitive in general to the interests legitimately pursued by
administrative bodies and the practical and nancial constraints under which
they operate. is type of deference is perfectly consistent with a concern for
individual rights and a refusal to tolerate corruption and maladministration. It
ought to be shaped not by an unwillingness to scrutinize administrative action,
but by a careful weighing up of the need for – and the consequences of – judicial

Hoexter’s notion of deference has been taken up by the courts. In

Logbro Properties CC v Bedderson NO and Others62 the Supreme Court
of Appeal expressly endorsed her description and held it to be an
appropriate approach given that the administrative action under
scrutiny involved complex issues of policy and interests that had to be
balanced by the administrator in reaching a decision. In such cases, the
SCA held that a court should be careful to interfere with the decision-
maker’s judgment given that the decision-maker will generally be in a
better position than a court to evaluate all the relevant considerations.
Subsequently, the Constitutional Court utilised Hoexter’s notion of
deference to similar effect. In the leading case of Bato Star Fishing,
O’Regan J explained that deference does not entail submission by the
courts to the administration, but rather respect by the courts for the
constitutionally ordained function of the administration. She stated it as
A decision that requires an equilibrium to be struck between a range of
competing interests or considerations and which is to be taken by a person or
institution with speci c expertise in that area must be shown respect by the
courts. Often a power will identify a goal to be achieved, but will not dictate which
route should be followed to achieve that goal. In such circumstances a court
should pay due respect to the route selected by the decision-maker. is does not
mean however that where the decision is one which will not reasonably result in
the achievement of the goal, or which is not reasonably supported on the facts or
not reasonable in the light of the reasons given for it, a court may not review that

Deference is thus about respect for the role of another branch of state
within the separation of powers. It is partly based on the constitutional
mandate of various public entities: it is simply not the function of the
courts to administer and they should not attempt to do so via their
oversight of the administration. However, it is also clear that deference
is about the ability of courts to judge certain types of decisions made by
administrators. As the SCA noted in Logbro Properties some decisions
are of such a nature that it is very difficult or even impossible for a court,
with limited expertise and ability to investigate matters, to judge on
substance. ese concerns are to a large extent accentuated by the
increasing substantive dimension of review, which we noted in section
5.2 above when we looked at the distinction between review and
appeal. e more the courts engage in matters of substance as part of
their oversight function over administrative action, the bigger the
concerns of constitutional mandate and institutional capacity become.

The need for deference

The notion of judicial deference is not universally
A lighter form of resistance to deference is premised
on two different understandings of what deference may
entail, largely flowing from the word ‘deference’ itself.
The fear is that deference may be understood to mean
submission.64 In this understanding deference would
thus mean that the courts play a secondary and inferior
role to the administration in administrative law. The
dangers of a judiciary adopting an executive-minded
stance towards its oversight functions, where the
executive, including the administration, is treated lightly
and allowed a wide margin of discretion are well-known
in South Africa. Such an understanding would also not
accord with the Constitution, which grants the power to
courts to provide oversight over administrative action. An
alternative understanding of deference is as respect. This
is the understanding adopted by O’Regan J in Bato Star
Fishing, discussed above, and renders deference less
There are also more stringent forms of criticism
against deference. The English scholar TRS Allan has, for
example, criticised the notion of deference as
unnecessary and only causing confusion.65 He argues
that everything that is ostensibly addressed through a
notion of deference is already incorporated in the normal
rules and principles of administrative law such as the
grounds of review and the distinction between review and
appeal. This view is one shared by some judges in South
Africa too. In a recent article, Clive Plasket writing extra-
curially has also questioned the utility of the concept of
deference, 66 arguing that in fact it has served ‘no
separate, standalone function’67 having not ever made
any difference to a court’s decision in a given case.

This, he explains, is because ‘respect for the decisions of

properly empowered primary decision-makers is already
embedded in the review function of courts, principally as
part of the doctrine of the separation of powers’.68
Malcolm Wallis, also in his extra-curial writings,
positions his critique slightly differently.69 He insists that
deference as a concept offers little value in and of itself
and cannot therefore be relied on as an independent
justification for non-intervention in a particular case. The
primary duty of South African judges is ‘reasoned
decision-making’70 and deference in his view ‘adds
nothing to judicial reasons in the absence of expansion
and explanation’.71 Wallis also disapproves of the fact
that South Africa has simply adopted the ‘immigrant’72
concept of deference from foreign jurisdictions in a way
that he deems inappropriate to the unique function of
reviewing courts in our country. There is accordingly no
further need for a free-standing notion of deference
according to these authors.
In a different vein, Dennis Davis has also criticised
the endorsement of deference especially by the courts.73
Davis’s criticism is, however, premised on what he
perceives to be a failure in South Africa to understand
administrative law within a new rights-based paradigm.
He thus charges that deference does very little to help us
develop new ways of viewing administrative law that is
primarily aimed at facilitating the fundamental right to
administrative justice.
Administrative law is different from other frameworks that guide the work of the
public administration in that this branch of law can be enforced by courts. This is a
hallmark of administrative justice, namely the enforceable normative character of
the rules constituting this field. In South African law, one mechanism has
dominated the regulatory landscape, namely judicial review. Like most common-
law systems, South African administrative law, both under common law and under
PAJA, is often viewed as the law of judicial review of administrative action (or,
increasingly judicial review of public power under the auspices of the legality
principle). While the Constitutional Court has given a clear indication early on in
the constitutional dispensation that there is only one system of law, flowing from
the Constitution, there has been significant fragmentation in approaches to judicial
review of various forms of public action. Today one can identify at least five
different avenues to the challenge of public action, three of which could potentially
be used to judicially review administrative action (and even four, in cases where the
legality principle is inappropriately invoked). Finally, the expanded scope of judicial
review under the constitutional dispensation, especially given the increased
substantive character of review introduced by review for reasonableness, has
created debate about judicial deference, which is a debate about the limits of the
courts’ power of intervention in public decision-making.

• Boonzaier, L (2018) A Decision to Undo SALJ 135(4):642–677
• De Beer, MN (2018) A New Role for the Principle of Legality in Administrative
Law: State Information Technology Agency Soc Ltd v Gijima Holdings (Pty) Ltd
SALJ 135(4):613–630
• Hoexter, C (2000) The Future of Judicial Review in South African Administrative
Law SALJ 117(3):484
• Maree, PJH & Quinot, G (2016) A Decade and a Half of Deference (Part I)
(2016) Journal of South African Law 268–280
• Maree, PJH & Quinot, G (2016) A Decade and a Half of Deference (Part II)
(2016) Journal of South African Law 447–466
• Plasket, C (2002) The Exhaustion of Internal Remedies and Section 7(2) of the
Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000 SALJ 119(1):50
Plasket, C (2018) Judicial Review, Administrative Power and Deference: A View

from the Bench SALJ 135(3):502
• Quinot, G & Van der Sijde, E (2019) Opening at the Close: Clarity from the
Constitutional Court on the Legal Cause of Action and Regulatory Framework
for an Organ of State Seeking to Review Its Own Decisions? Journal of South
African Law 324–336
• Saunders, C ‘Appeal or Review: The Experience of Administrative Appeals in
Australia’ in Bennett, TW & Corder, H (Eds) (1993) Administrative Law Reform
Cape Town: Juta
• Wallis, M (2018) Do We Need Deference? SAJEI 1(1):97

1 Hoexter, C (2000) e Future of Judicial Review in South African Administrative Law SALJ
117(3):484. Reprinted by permission of © Juta & Company Ltd.
2 Carephone (Pty) Ltd v Marcus NO and Others 1999 (3) SA 304 (LAC) para 34.
3 For example, under section 28 of the Planning Profession Act 36 of 2002 either an aggrieved
person or the South African Council for Planners may appeal against a decision of the
Appeal Board created under that Act to the High Court.
4 We will see what reasonableness entails in Chapter 8 below and note there the extent to
which the merits of the particular action are relevant in scrutinising reasonableness.
5 We will explore mistakes in Chapter 6 below and see that administrators can err in respect
of their mandate either by an incorrect interpretation of the law involved or by basing their
decisions on the wrong facts.
6 is was in terms of the interim wording of section 33 of the Constitution pending the
enactment of PAJA as set out in item 23(2)(b) of Schedule 6 to the Constitution.
7 1999 (3) SA 304 (LAC) paras 30–32, 36.
8 2002 (3) SA 265 (CC) para 89.
9 2004 (4) SA 490 (CC) para 45.
10 1903 TS 111.
11 1912 AD 642.
12 Johannesburg Consolidated Investment Co para 115.
13 See Chapter 4 paragraph 4.2.
14 Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of South Africa and Another: In Re: Ex Parte
Application of the President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2000 (2) SA 674 (CC).
15 Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of SA paras 44–45.
16 Bato Star Fishing para 25.
17 Fedsure Life Assurance Ltd and Others v Greater Johannesburg Transitional Metropolitan
Council and Others 1999 (1) SA 374 (CC) paras 56–59.
18 President of the Republic of South Africa and Others v South African Rugby Football Union
and Others 2000 (1) SA 1 (CC) (‘SARFU’) para 148.
19 e most recent example of this trend in favour of relying on legality review at the expense
of PAJA is seen in the developing body of law on state self-reviews. See in this regard State
Information Technology Agency SOC Ltd v Gijima Holdings (Pty) Ltd 2018 (2) SA 23 (CC),
subsequently affirmed in Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality v Asla Construction (Pty)
Limited 2019 (4) SA 331 (CC) and BW Bright Water Way Props (Pty) Ltd v Eastern Cape
Development Corporation 2019 (6) SA 443 (ECG). ese cases involve decisions that clearly
qualify as administrative actions under PAJA and would, for this reason, ordinarily be
reviewed under that legislation.
20 Bato Star Fishing para 25.
21 Hoexter, C (2012) Administrative Law in South Africa (2nd ed) 131.
22 66 of 1995.
23 Sidumo and Another v Rustenburg Platinum Mines Ltd and Others 2008 (2) SA 24 (CC).
24 See Zondi v MEC for Traditional and Local Government Affairs and Others 2005 (3) SA 589
25 Buffalo City para 112.
26 Bato Star Fishing para 25 (emphasis added).
27 See Du Plessis, LM (2002) Re-interpretation of Statutes.
28 See Chapter 2 section 2.6.
29 Minister of Health and Another NO v New Clicks South Africa (Pty) Ltd and Others
(Treatment Action Campaign and Another as Amici Curiae) 2006 (2) SA 311 (CC) paras 96
(per Chaskalson CJ) and 436–437 (per Ngcobo J) concurred at paras 586 (Sachs J), 842
(Langa DCJ), 846 (O’Regan J), 851 (Van der Westhuizen J).
30 New Clicks para 437 (references omitted).
31 See, for example, Electronic Media Network Limited and Others v (Pty) Limited and
Others 2017 (9) BCLR 1108 (CC) where Mogoeng CJ, writing for the majority of the
Constitutional Court, concluded that an amendment to a broadcasting policy introduced
by the Minister of Communications under the Electronic Communications Act 36 of 2005
was reviewable under the principle of legality. In reaching this conclusion the court did
not, however, engage in the mandated threshold enquiry whether the decision in question
quali ed as administrative action but proceeded on the narrow basis that all policy
formulation by the executive arm is automatically governed by the legality principle (para
26). is approach is inconsistent with judicial precedent, which calls for a more a nuanced
approach to determining the nature and character of public power (see, for example,
Minister of Defence and Military Veterans v Motau and Others 2014 (5) SA 69 (CC) paras 37–
32 For example, in Malema and Another v Chairman of the National Council of Provinces and
Another 2015 (4) SA 145 (WCC) the court stated at para 47: ‘e parties were not in
agreement as to whether rst respondent’s rulings could be challenged under the
provisions of PAJA. is issue raises two constituent questions: rstly, whether rst
respondent’s rulings constituted “administrative action” as de ned in sec 1 of PAJA or
whether they were excluded from this de nition by virtue of the exemption provided in the
Act for “the legislative functions of Parliament”; secondly, it raises the question of whether
rst respondent’s rulings had “a direct external legal effect”. In the view that I take of this
matter, however, I consider that it is unnecessary to determine the applicability of PAJA
since it was common cause that rst respondent’s rulings were, at the very least, subject to
review under the principle of legality’ (references omitted).
33 2018 (2) SA 23 (CC).
34 See Chapter 11 on standing in self-review cases.
35 See Boonzaier, L (2018) A Decision to Undo SALJ 135(4):642; De Beer, MN (2018) A New
Role for the Principle of Legality in Administrative Law: State Information Technology
Agency Soc Ltd v Gijima Holdings (Pty) Ltd SALJ 135(4):613–630; Quinot, G & Van der Sijde,
E (2019) Opening at the Close: Clarity From the Constitutional Court on the Legal Cause of
Action and Regulatory Framework for an Organ of State Seeking to Review its Own
Decisions? TSAR 324.
36 2019 (4) SA 331 (CC).
37 Para 112.
38 eron en Andere v Ring van Wellington van die NG Sendingkerk in Suid-Afrika en Andere
1976 (2) SA 1 (A); Turner v Jockey Club of South Africa 1974 (3) SA 633 (A).
39 2006 (3) SA 73 (T) para 25.
40 2009 (4) SA 22 (SCA).
41 Klein paras 14, 24, 27.
42 Transman para 24.
43 National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), Solidarity, and United Association of South Africa
44 AMCU para 72.
45 AMCU para 78.
46 AMCU para 78.
47 Koyabe para 36.
48 2014 (5) SA 138 (CC) paras 127–133.
49 PAJA section 7(2)(a).
50 Road Accident Fund v Duma and ree Similar Cases 2013 (6) SA 9 (SCA) para 25.
51 Reed and Others v Master of the High Court of South Africa and Others [2005] 2 All SA 429
(E) para 25; Hoexter (2012) 540–541.
52 Koyabe para 44.
53 Reed paras 20–25; Koyabe para 44.
54 Koyabe para 44 where the court mentioned lack of availability and ineffectiveness of an
internal remedy as factors relevant to determining whether ‘exceptional circumstances’ for
the purposes of section 7(2)(c) of PAJA are present.
55 Nichol and Another v Registrar of Pension Funds and Others 2008 (1) SA 383 (SCA) para 16;
Earthlife Africa (Cape Town) v Director-General: Department of Environmental Affairs and
Tourism and Another 2005 (3) SA 156 (C) para 33.
56 Nichol para 18; Koyabe para 45.
57 Nichol para 24.
58 Koyabe para 47.
59 Hoexter (2000) 484. See the Pause for re ection box in section 4.6 above.
60 Hoexter (2000) 500.
61 Hoexter, C (2000) e Future of Judicial Review in South African Administrative Law SALJ
117(3):501–502 (footnotes omitted). Reprinted by permission of © Juta & Company Ltd.
62 2003 (2) SA 460 (SCA).
63 Bato Star Fishing para 48.
64 See Corder, H (2004) Without Deference, With Respect: A Response to Justice O’Regan
SALJ 121(2):438 at 441.
65 Allan, TRS (2006) Human Rights and Judicial Review: A Critique of ‘Due Deference’
Cambridge Law Journal 65(3):671.
66 Plasket, C (2018) Judicial Review, Administrative Power and Deference: A View from the
Bench SALJ 135(3):502.
67 Plasket (2018) at 502.
68 Plasket (2018) at 502.
69 Wallis, M (2018) Do We Need Deference? SAJEI 1(1):97.
70 Wallis (2018) at 107.
71 Wallis (2018) at 107.
72 Wallis (2018) at 97.
73 Davis, DM (2006) To Defer and then When? Administrative Law and Constitutional
Democracy Acta Juridica 23; Davis, DM (2006) Adjudicating the Socio-Economic Rights in
the South African Constitution: Towards ‘Deference Lite’? South African Journal on Human
Rights 22(2):301.


6.1 Introduction

6.2 Authorisation
6.2.1 What? Reason, purpose, motive Omission Changing a decision
6.2.2 Who? Identity of the authorised administrator Authorised bodies Delegation Influence and advice
6.2.3 How? Prescribed procedures Conditions

6.3 Mistakes
6.3.1 Error of law
6.3.2 Mistake of fact
6.4 Conclusion

6.1 Introduction
A key feature of administrative law is that it deals with actions taken in
terms of some form of authorisation. In fact, as we noted in Chapter 3,
administrative action is de ned by reference to the existence of an
empowering provision, that is a source in terms of which the action was
purportedly taken.1 is characteristic of administrative law re ects an
important element of the rule of law, which we have also noted is a key
aspect of administrative law.2 In Fedsure Life Assurance Ltd and Others v
Greater Johannesburg Transitional Metropolitan Council and Others3
the Constitutional Court recognised this important aspect of the rule of
law as follows:
[I]t is a fundamental principle of the rule of law, recognised widely, that the
exercise of public power is only legitimate where lawful. e rule of law – to the
extent at least that it expresses this principle of legality – is generally understood
to be a fundamental principle of constitutional law.

Lawfulness thus stands at the core of the general constitutional-law

principle of legality and applies to all public actions. It is not surprising
that it is also stated as the rst requirement of administrative justice in
section 33(1) of the Constitution: ‘Everyone has the right to
administrative action that is lawful …’
At its most basic meaning, lawfulness simply means that the
administrative action and the authorisation for that action must be
aligned. is is illustrated in Figure 6.1 below.
Figure 6.1 The basic lawfulness enquiry

An analysis of lawfulness in administrative law thus always involves

comparing the administrative action to the authorisation for that action
in the relevant empowering provision. e goal of the analysis is to
determine whether the action and the empowering provision overlap.
Any areas of non-overlap point to potential lawfulness problems.
Viewed from a facilitative perspective, lawfulness provides
administrators with the tools to identify speci cally what they are
entitled to do.

e Promotion of Administrative Justice Act (PAJA)4 unfortunately does

not provide a clear statement of lawfulness despite the prominence of
the concept in administrative justice and the broader notion of legality.
PAJA only deals with lawfulness as a matter of grounds of review. at is
to say, PAJA tells one when an administrative action can be taken upon
review to court based on the non-overlap between action and
authorisation. At its most basic, PAJA captures the principle established
in the Fedsure judgment in section 6(2)(i), which states that
administrative action can be reviewed if ‘the action is … unlawful’.

The elements and limits of administrative power

Consider the following hypothetical statutory provision:

Western Cape Disasters Act

5(1) The Premier must by notice in the Gazette
designate land, owned or leased by the state, for the
purpose of constructing temporary shelter to house
people who have been left without shelter due to a
natural disaster in the province.

If you had to advise the provincial government on the use

of this provision, what would you point out? Consider the
following questions in formulating your advice:
• Who may act under this provision?
• What specific action may be taken in terms of this
• For what purpose may action be taken under this
• How must action be taken under this provision?
• For whose benefit may action be taken under this
• Under what circumstances may action be taken
under this provision?

All these questions point to different elements of the

power that is granted in this provision. They all limit the
power in some way. Teasing out those elements or
limitations allows one to formulate administrative action
in terms of this provision that will be lawful.
When you have completed your study of this chapter,
return to this exercise and identify the aspects of
lawfulness that are raised by the questions above. Can
you align them to particular grounds of review in PAJA?

6.2 Authorisation
e rst requirement of lawfulness is the basic one of authorisation. For
every action that an administrator takes, there must be a valid
authorisation in an empowering provision. In the absence of such
authorisation the administrative action will be unlawful. e
Constitutional Court con rmed this basic notion of authorisation in
Fedsure5 when it stated:
It seems central to the conception of our constitutional order that the Legislature
and Executive in every sphere are constrained by the principle that they may
exercise no power and perform no function beyond that conferred upon them by

e court continued to con rm that this basic principle is captured in

the lawfulness requirement of administrative justice.6 It held that the
constitutional requirement of lawfulness includes the common-law
principles of ultra vires (meaning, beyond the conferred power), but
underpins it with a constitutional foundation and supplements it.
Today, PAJA thus tells us that an administrative action can be reviewed
if the action itself was not authorised.7
However, it is not often that administrators act in the complete
absence of authorisation or an empowering provision. In fact, the
complete absence of an empowering provision may be a good
indication that the action is not administrative at all, but rather of a
policy nature and hence excluded from administrative law. In
Permanent Secretary, Department of Education and Welfare, Eastern
Cape and Another v Ed-U-College (PE) (Section 21) Inc8 O’Regan J held
that when executive action is taken ‘outside of a legislative framework’ it
may be a good indication that it is of a policy nature and not
administrative. e question of lawfulness in terms of administrative
law would not even arise.
Lawfulness problems in administrative law more often arise from a
lack of overlap between the empowering provision and the
administrative action as illustrated in Figure 6.1 above. e issue is thus
typically not that there is no authorisation, but rather that some aspect
of the authorisation (as expressed in the empowering provision) does
not align with the action. It is thus essential to analyse an empowering
provision in terms of the various elements of the authorisation that it
grants and to compare each element with the administrative action. A
useful way to approach this exercise is to ask the questions: what was
authorised, who was authorised, and how did the authorisation
prescribe the action to be taken? e what, who and how questions can
serve as a structure in terms of which one can determine the lawfulness
of any action, whether already taken or only contemplated.

6.2.1 What?
e what question is perhaps the most fundamental of the three
questions since the answer tells us exactly what it is that an
administrator can do under the relevant authorisation. Essentially, if an
administrator is authorised to do A, he or she must do A and not B. If his
or her action amounts to B it will be unlawful. Section 6(2)(f)(i) of PAJA
is the primary provision capturing this element of lawfulness.
is basic notion is well illustrated by the judgment in Minister of
Education v Harris.9 In this matter the Minister of Education was
empowered by section 3(4) of the National Education Policy Act10 to
‘determine national policy’ for the education system, including
‘national policy for … the admission of students to education
institutions which shall include the determination of the age of
admission to schools’. e Minister, acting in terms of this authorisation,
published a notice stating that a learner must be admitted to Grade 1 in
the year he or she turns seven and may not be admitted at a younger
age. e court held that this notice amounted to a binding legal rule,
which is something different from ‘national policy’. It followed that the
Minister’s action was unlawful, because he attempted to do something
(make a rule) while something else (make a policy) was authorised.

Authorisation in more than one place

The Harris case also raised the issue of authorisation
flowing from more than one empowering provision. It is
not uncommon to find an empowering provision that
grants different powers to the same administrator in
different sections or of course to find completely
different empowering provisions (for example, different
statutes) that grant powers to the same administrator
that may be exercised in the same context. In the Harris
matter the Minister was authorised in the National
Education Policy Act11 to ‘determine national policy’ and
was authorised under the Schools Act12 to ‘determine
age requirements for the admission of learners to a
school’. Following the court’s finding that the Minister’s
notice in this matter amounted to a binding rule on
admission rather than policy and thus was not
authorised by the National Education Policy Act,13 the
question arose as to whether the Minister’s actions were
nevertheless lawful because they were authorised under
the Schools Act.14 The court held that the Minister’s
actions could not be rescued by reference to the
alternative authorisation in the Schools Act,15 because
the Minister relied deliberately and expressly on the
National Education Policy Act16 and not the Schools
Act.17 The Minister thus purported to exercise his powers
under the National Education Policy Act,18 which turned
out not to cover the particular action. Under such
circumstances it is not open to an administrator to point
to an alternative authorisation that may nevertheless
serve as a basis for the action. Such a scenario is to be
distinguished from one where an administrator does not
rely deliberately on one particular empowering provision,
but reference is mistakenly made to an empowering
provision that subsequently turns out not to provide
authority for the action. If there is, in such a case, an
alternative provision that provides the necessary
authority for the action, unlawfulness may be avoided.

When one considers a grant of power to an administrator in an

empowering provision, one can mostly identify a range of elements that
de ne what it is that the administrator may do in terms of that
authorisation. In addition to the substance of the authorised action, as
illustrated in the Harris matter, these elements may include the time
and/or place at which the action may be taken and the reason or
purpose for which it may be taken. Any action that does not align with
these prescripts will be unlawful. Reason, purpose, motive

A particularly challenging part of lawfulness relates to the reason,
purpose or motive for which action is taken. is is especially the case
where the empowering provision grants a wide discretion to the
administrator. In such instances the primary role of lawfulness is to
ensure that the administrator does in fact have a discretion, that is,
freedom of choice, and exercises a discretion when taking the action.
Anything that results in the discretion being curtailed may lead to
unlawfulness as we shall see below. In the context of wide discretionary
powers lawfulness thus serves to protect the freedom of the
administrator to take action within that discretion as much as it serves
to restrict the administrator’s actions to what is authorised. e what
question accordingly becomes difficult as the answer may simply be
freedom: the administrator is authorised to exercise his or her
discretion in making a choice, whatever that choice may be. However,
one manner in which even the widest of discretionary powers may be
limited is by means of the purpose for which the power was given. No
administrative power is given without a reason or purpose, doing so
would breach the principle of rationality which is a requirement for all
public action including legislation.19 Whatever the administrator’s
choice may be in exercising his or her (wide) discretionary powers, the
administrator’s purpose in making that choice or his or her reasons for
doing so must be aligned to what is authorised in the empowering
is principle is illustrated by the judgment in Gauteng Gambling
Board and Another v MEC for Economic Development, Gauteng.20 In this
matter the MEC had the wide discretionary statutory power to
‘terminate the term of office of any member of the [applicant] board or
the entire board if in the responsible Member’s opinion there are good
reasons for doing so’.21 e MEC instructed the board to make available
office space in its own building to a private company and when the
board refused, she instructed the board to relocate the entire operation
of the board to her department’s offices and lease the board’s building
to the private company. When the board still refused, relying on its
statutory obligations inter alia in terms of public nance regulation, the
MEC terminated the term of office of the entire board. In a challenge to
the MEC’s action in dissolving the board, the court found that even
though the MEC had the discretionary power to terminate the board’s
term and could do so for any ‘good reasons’, her actions were still
unlawful because of her motive in taking the action. e court held that
the MEC took the decision ‘to compel compliance with the prior
instruction to accommodate [the private company]’.22 is was clearly
not an authorised motive.
PAJA recognises the importance of the purpose for which the action
is taken by listing three different grounds of review in this regard.
Administrative action can thus be reviewed if it was taken for an
unauthorised reason (section 6(2)(e)(i)), ulterior purpose or motive
(section 6(2)(e)(ii)) or in bad faith (section 6(2)(e)(v)). Under the rst
two of these provisions it is not necessary to show that the administrator
had a bad motive in taking the action to show that the action was
unlawful. As long as the motive, purpose or reason for the action is not
authorised it makes no difference to the lawfulness enquiry that the
action was taken with the best of intentions. is position was already
recognised in common law where, in Van Eck, NO, and Van Rensburg,
NO, v Etna Stores,23 the judge stated that the court’s ndings about the
unlawfulness of the action due to the unauthorised motive should not
be read as ‘attaching any moral obliquity to the appellants or their
officers; doubtless they were acting in what they conceived to be the
public interest’. However, Hoexter rightly points out that the existence of
dishonesty is still relevant in assessing the action against the standards
of administrative justice as a sinister motive infringes on a wider range
of constitutional values, such as transparency and accountability, and
should certainly attract more stringent censure.24

Changing the motive

It is an interesting question whether an administrator can
take an action for one purpose and then later attempt to
change the purpose. This is illustrated by the judgment
in Harvey v Umhlatuze Municipality and Others.25 In this
matter the administrator expropriated land for a
particular purpose, that is, to create a recreational open
space and a conservation area. When that purpose
could no longer be achieved, because no viable
development plan could be found, the administrator
decided to use the expropriated land for a different
purpose, namely residential development. In a challenge
to the decision to use the land for a different purpose,
the court held that the administrator was entitled to
change the purpose once the original purpose turned out
not to be viable as long as the administrator acted with
bona fides throughout. In its judgment the court implies
that the purpose should only be assessed at the time of
the action and then becomes irrelevant. The purpose for
which the action was originally taken is thus not a
continuous condition on that action. This is a
problematic view from a lawfulness perspective since the
key aim of the lawfulness requirement is to keep
administrators within the bounds of their authority. If an
administrator is thus allowed to change a purpose once
the action has already been taken, the door is opened
for an unlawful purpose and for administrators to extend
their own powers.26 Omission
We have noted in Chapter 3 that an omission can constitute
administrative action.27 However, as we also noted, not all omissions
will constitute administrative action. An omission will only be an
administrative action if it amounts to a failure to act, that is when there
is a duty on the administrator to act and the administrator does not act.
It should be immediately evident that the recognition of administrative
action and the lawfulness requirement attaching to such administrative
action are closely tied in such a scenario. It is the administrator’s failure
in light of the duty to act that results in the omission being
administrative action, while it is that very same failure in light of the
duty to act that constitutes the unlawfulness of the action.
is is nothing more than a particular form of the what question of
lawfulness. Under these scenarios the administrator is mandated
(indeed obliged) to do something (act), but does something else (does
not act). e omission and the empowering provision do not align,
making the omission both an administrative action and an unlawful
one at that.
e key question in such cases is when the omission will turn into
an administrative action and be unlawful. at is, when will the
administrator’s supine attitude turn into a legally relevant action under
administrative law. PAJA provides the answer in sections 6(2)(g) and
6(3). e former contains a ground of review for failures to take
decisions and the latter provides the time frame in terms of which non-
action will become a failure to act. e easy case is where the relevant
empowering provision contains an express timeline within which the
action must be taken. Once that timeline had lapsed without any action
by the administrator there is a failure to act and hence an unlawful
administrative action. However, much more difficult is the case where
the empowering provision contains no express timeline in terms of
which the administrator must act. In such a case section 6(3)(a) of PAJA
states that a person can institute proceedings after a reasonable time
had lapsed. It will thus be up to a court to judge whether the time that
had lapsed is indeed unreasonably long thus resulting in the
administrator’s non-action being a failure to act.

Applications for grants and ID documents

Unlawfulness in the form of omissions has been
especially common in the areas of welfare grants and
identity documents. Both these contexts involve a fairly
standard application process with a limited number of
potential outcomes. The Social Assistance Act,28 for
example, provides in relevant part that:

14. Application for social assistance. –

(1) Any person who wishes to apply for social
assistance … must do so in the prescribed

(2) In considering an application made in terms of

subsection (1), the Agency may conduct an
investigation and request additional

(3) (a) If the applicant qualifies for social

assistance in terms of this Act, the Agency
must render the relevant social assistance.
(b) If the applicant does not qualify for social
assistance in terms of this Act, the
Agency must … inform the applicant –

(i) that he or she does not qualify for

social assistance in terms of this Act

However, many applicants for grants, ID documents or

other registration documents such as (late) birth
registrations have been faced with long delays in getting
any decision taken on their applications. They thus face
the dilemma of the relevant administrator neither
granting nor refusing their applications, but simply doing
nothing. This has resulted in a number of applications to
court on the basis of the relevant administrators’ delay in
taking a decision. These applications are typically
pursued as applications for the review of the
administrator’s omission on lawfulness grounds.
In Thusi v Minister of Home Affairs and Another and
71 Other Cases29 Wallis J noted a ‘steady stream of
cases’ against the Department of Home Affairs for
failures to take decisions and quoted the following as a
typical example of this type of application:

(2) That the second respondent’s failure to take

decisions on:
(a) the applicant’s application for the late
registration of birth made in terms of
section 9(3)(A) of the Births and Deaths
Registration Act 51 of 1992 (the Births

(b) the applicant’s application for an Identity

Document, made in terms of section 15
of the Identification Act 68 of 1997 (the
Identification Act); be reviewed, in terms
of section 6(3)(a) of PAJA and declared

(3) That the second respondent be ordered in

terms of section 8(2) of PAJA to:
(a) register the applicant’s birth; and

(b) issue an identity document to the

applicant within 10 (ten) days of date of
this Order.

(4) That the respondents be ordered to furnish

written proof of the registration of the
applicant’s birth and issue of the identity
document and written details as to when and
where such may be collected to the applicant’s
Attorney within 10 days of the issue thereof.30

The judge noted an affidavit on behalf of the respondent

in which it was stated that between August 2007 and
September 2010, ‘12 631 applications similar to those
under consideration in this judgment were served upon
the State Attorney, KwaZulu-Natal’.31
In the context of social assistance, Plasket J noted in
Vumazonke v MEC for Social Development, Eastern
Cape, and Three Similar Cases32 that ‘literally thousands
of orders have been made against the respondent’s
department over the past number of years’33 and that:

If this volume of social assistance cases had

been unique to one week’s Motion Court roll, it
would have been cause for concern.
Unfortunately, it is a phenomenon that is now
common: the Judges of this Division, as well as
those in the other two Divisions in the Eastern
Cape, have grown accustomed to the
depressing tales of misery and privation
contained in an ever-increasing volume of
cases that clog their Motion Court rolls, in
which applicants complain about
administrative torpor in the processing of their
applications for social assistance. To make
matters worse, this situation is not new. Over
the last four or five years, Judges have
commented, often in strident terms, about the
unsatisfactory performance of the respondent’s
department in the administration of the social
assistance system in the province.34

In this particular matter, the applicants all applied for

social grants in 2003. When the matter was heard in
November 2004, three of the applicants had no
response from the respondent department on their
applications. Plasket J held that on the respondent’s own
account three months was a reasonable period to take a
decision and the delay on the respondent’s part
amounted to an omission, which was reviewable as
unlawful administrative action under PAJA. Changing a decision

e nal issue to consider under the what question is that of changing a
decision that has already been taken. Under common law, this issue
arose within the context of the functus officio doctrine, which dictated
when an administrator could vary a decision.35
e simple answer to this issue is that an administrator can vary a
decision already taken if the administrator is authorised to do so. It is
thus merely an application of the standard what question. When an
administrator varies a decision that he or she is not authorised to vary,
the administrator is taking unlawful action, which can be reviewed
under section 6(2)(f)(i) of PAJA. A prime example of typical statutory
authority to vary decisions is to be found in tax law. As the judgment in
Carlson Investments Share Block (Pty) Ltd v Commissioner, SARS36
indicates, the power to vary tax decisions is fairly commonly found in
legal systems.
In South Africa, sections 92, 98 and 150 of the Tax Administration
Act provide, for example, as follows:

92 If at any time SARS is satis ed that an assessment does not re ect the correct
application of a tax Act to the prejudice of SARS or the scus, SARS must
make an additional assessment to correct the prejudice.

98 (1) SARS may, despite the fact that no objection has been lodged or appeal
noted, withdraw an assessment which-
(a) was issued to the incorrect taxpayer;
(b) was issued in respect of the incorrect tax period;
(c) was issued as a result of an incorrect payment allocation; or
(d) in respect of which the Commissioner is satis ed that-
(i) it was based on-
(aa) an undisputed factual error by the taxpayer in a return; or
(bb) a processing error by SARS; or
(cc) a return fraudulently submitted by a person not authorised by
the taxpayer;
(ii) it imposes an unintended tax debt in respect of an amount that the
taxpayer should not have been taxed on;
(iii) the recovery of the tax debt under the assessment would produce
an anomalous or inequitable result;
(iv) there is no other remedy available to the taxpayer; and
(v) it is in the interest of the good management of the tax system

(2) An assessment withdrawn under this section is regarded not to have

been issued, unless a senior SARS official agrees in writing with the
taxpayer as to the amount of tax properly chargeable for the relevant tax
period and accordingly issues a revised original, additional or reduced
assessment, as the case may be, which assessment is not subject to
objection or appeal.

150 (1) If a ‘dispute’ between SARS and the person aggrieved by an assessment
or ‘decision’ is ‘settled’ under this Part, SARS may, despite anything to
the contrary contained in a tax Act, alter the assessment or ‘decision’ to
give effect to the ‘settlement’.

In its judgment in MEC for Health, Eastern Cape and Another v Kirland
Investments (Pty) Ltd t/a Eye and Lazer Institute38 the Constitutional
Court con rmed the basic position that an administrator is bound to an
administrative action once taken and cannot vary or ignore such action
without approaching a court for an order to set the action aside. In this
matter the administrator had approved an application to establish a
private hospital, but attempted later to reverse that decision, taking the
view that the original approval was defective and that the administrator
could subsequently ‘withdraw’ it and further refuse to implement it. e
applicant challenged the administrator’s conduct and sought an order
that the original decision was still valid and the administrator bound to
it. e court explained the position as follows:
When government errs by issuing a defective decision, the subject affected by it is
entitled to proper notice, and to be afforded a proper hearing, on whether the
decision should be set aside. Government should not be allowed to take
shortcuts. Generally, this means that government must apply formally to set aside
the decision. Once the subject has relied on a decision, government cannot,
barring speci c statutory authority, simply ignore what it has done. e decision,
despite being defective, may have consequences that make it undesirable or even
impossible to set it aside. at demands a proper process, in which all factors for
and against are properly weighed.39

In the context of legislative administrative action, that is rule-making by

administrators, the Interpretation Act40 provides a special regime.
Section 10(3) states that:
[w]here a law confers a power to make rules, regulations or by-laws, the power
shall, unless the contrary intention appears, be construed as including a power
exercisable in like manner and subject to the like consent and conditions (if any)
to rescind, revoke, amend or vary the rules, regulations or by-laws.

e Interpretation Act41 thus provides the authority to vary legislative

administrative action, unless the particular empowering provision
excludes such power.

6.2.2 Who?
e second major aspect of the authorisation that one can interrogate
as part of the lawfulness inquiry relates to the administrator that is
authorised to act: the who question. Identity of the authorised administrator
In most cases the empowering provision will indicate speci cally which
administrator is given a particular power. e way in which this is done
varies between empowering provisions. A statutory provision may thus
identify the particular office holder or the entity that must take the
action. Alternatively, the empowering provision may identify the
quali cations or characteristics of the authorised administrator without
stating speci cally the identity of the administrator.

Different ways of identifying the authorised

As noted above, there are different ways in which an
empowering provision may indicate who the authorised
administrator is.
The empowering provision may name the specific
authorised administrator as illustrated in the following
sections from the Ship Registration Act:42

8(1) There must be an officer for the Republic,

called the Registrar of Ships, who, subject to the
directions of the Authority, is responsible for the
maintenance of the Register and has chief control of
the Registration Office.

10(2) In addition to any other duty imposed by this

Act or any other law, the Registrar must maintain the
Register and must for that purpose …

(b) grant, issue, vary or revoke the certificates

and other documents that are required or
permitted to be granted or issued in
terms of this Act
In this example one can identify the particular individual,
the Registrar of Ships, that is authorised to act.
The empowering provision may grant authority to a
particular position, but which may not amount to any
specific individual. The following section from the
National Building Regulations and Building Standards
Act43 provides an example:

6(1) A building control officer shall –

(a) make recommendations to the local

authority in question, regarding any plans,
specifications, documents and
information submitted to such local

In terms of this section, power is granted to a particular

office within a local authority, namely that of a building
control officer, of which there will be one in each local
Empowering provisions may authorise entities rather
than individuals. As with the examples above, such
empowering provisions may be specific or general. The
following are examples:

Scientific Research Council Act44

4(6) The CSIR [Council for Scientific and Industrial

Research] shall, subject to its other functions in
terms of this Act or any other Act-

(a) undertake the investigations or research

which the Minister may require; and

(b) advise the Minister on research in

Nursing Act45

57(1) A person aggrieved by a decision of the

Council may within the prescribed period and in the
prescribed manner appeal against such decision to
an appeal committee contemplated in subsection
(2) and appointed by the Minister …

(7) The appeal committee may after hearing the

appeal –

(a) confirm, set aside or vary the relevant

decision of the Council

National Land Transport Act46

49(2) The holder of a permit or operating licence for

a vehicle authorising minibus taxi-type services who
has not yet done so may apply in the prescribed
manner for recapitalisation of the vehicle and may
choose either to –

(a) leave the industry, in which case the

Department must cancel the permit or
operating licence

In each of these examples a body is empowered to act

rather than an individual ranging from the specific (the
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research) to the less
specific (appeal committee) to the general (the
An empowering provision may identify the authorised
administrator by way of qualifications, rather than
specifically identifying such administrator by name or
The following section from the National Health Act47
illustrates this approach:
58(1) A person may not remove tissue from a living
person for transplantation in another living person or
carry out the transplantation of such tissue except …

(b) on the written authority of-

(i) the medical practitioner in charge of

clinical services in that hospital or
authorised institution, or any other
medical practitioner authorised by
him or her

In this example, both administrators that are authorised

must be medical practitioners.

PAJA section 6(2)(a)(i) contains the requirement that only the

authorised administrator may act. e ambit of this subsection is
sometimes confused with that of section 6(2)(f)(i). e latter, as we have
noted above, is the most general lawfulness requirement in PAJA,
requiring the action itself to be authorised. Section 6(2)(a) in contrast
focuses on a speci c aspect of the authorisation, namely the
administrator that is authorised, that is, the who question. is is clear
from the structure of the latter subsection, which starts with ‘the
administrator who took it’, and then continues to list a number of
problems that may ow from that aspect of the authorisation. is
indicates that the focus of subsection (a) is on the administrator rather
than the action itself.
us, when the Minister is authorised to take action X, but he or she
takes action Y, the applicable lawfulness rule will be found in section
6(2)(f)(i), because the nature of the issue lies in what was authorised
compared to what was done. In contrast, if the Minister is authorised to
take action X, but the Director-General takes action X, the relevant rule
will be found in section 6(2)(a), since the nature of the issue in this
scenario lies not in what is authorised, but in who is authorised
compared to who acted. Authorised bodies
Apart from the general rule that the administrator who is authorised by
name should be the one that acts, one can ask a number of further
questions about the authorised administrator as part of the who
question, depending on the nature of the empowering provision. us,
where an entity, especially a council or committee, is authorised rather
than an individual, a pertinent question will be whether that entity was
correctly constituted when it acted. As a general rule, if the entity is
incorrectly constituted, it will not amount to the authorised
administrator and any action taken by such body will be unlawful.48 For
example, section 57 of the Nursing Act49 that authorises an appeal
committee, quoted in the box above, states in subsection (2) that:
e appeal committee referred to in subsection (1) consists of –
(a) a retired judge or magistrate or an advocate or attorney of the High Court of
South Africa who has practised as such for a period of at least ve years, and
who must be the chairperson of such committee; and
(b) a nurse.

If a committee that does not include a nurse attempts to decide an

appeal under section 57, such decision will be unlawful on the grounds
that the administrator that took the action, that is, the ostensible appeal
committee, was not authorised. To be precise, the entity that acted in
such a case will not be an appeal committee as authorised by section 57
given the absence of one of its constituents (a nurse). e same
reasoning applies to any requirements in how the entity must be
created. A failure to comply with such requirements may result in the
body not being properly constituted and thus not being the authorised
administrator. For example, section 57(1) of the Nursing Act,50 quoted
above, states that the appeal committee must be appointed by the
Minister. If the appeal committee is not appointed by the Minister, it will
not be properly constituted and any subsequent decision by such
committee may be unlawful on the basis that the administrator who
acted was not authorised.
A more difficult question is whether all members of an entity must
always be present during the process leading to administrative action.
e argument can of course be made that when one member is not
present during deliberations, the deliberations are not those of the
entity, but only of a few members of the entity. In the 1919 judgment of
Schierhout v e Union Government51 it was thus stated that ‘whenever
a number of individuals, were empowered by Statute to deal with any
matter as one body; the action taken would have to be the joint action of
all of them … for otherwise they would not be acting in accordance with
the provisions of the Statute’. However, at the same time the practical
difficulties that may emerge from strict adherence to such an approach
should be acknowledged. Especially larger bodies may be signi cantly
hamstrung in their functioning if all members must always be present
for all activities. us, in S v Naudé52 the court stated:
[I]t must be conceded that a commission is, in general, the master of its own
procedures. Within the bare framework provided by the Act and such
modi cations and regulations as may have been made by the State President in
terms of s 1(1) of the Act, it is free to determine how it shall function. ere is no
doubt that a commission, particularly where it consists of a substantial number of
persons, may operate without every member participating personally in every
activity. Were it otherwise, a commission would be hamstrung from the start.53

In New Clicks the Constitutional Court held that in ‘each case what will
be required will depend on the interpretation of the empowering
legislation and relevant regulations, prescribing how a commission
should function’.54 In the absence of clear instructions in the
empowering provisions that prescribe the procedure for the entity to
follow, that entity will be able to formulate its own procedure, including
quorum rules stating how many members must be present for the entity
to take valid decisions, implying that not all members must always be
present. e key is the provisions of the relevant empowering provision
and how it contemplates the body will function.55 Delegation
Empowering provisions often identify the particular administrator that
must take a decision as we have noted above. is will typically be the
chief administrator in a given organ of state. One thus nds that
empowering provisions routinely authorise the relevant Minister or
MEC to take particular decisions. At the same time one does not in
practice expect the Minister or the MEC to take all decisions him- or
herself. For one reason, it is simply not practically feasible to think that
one person at the head of an organ of state can personally take all
decisions. ere is accordingly a need to recognise that authorised
administrators can get someone else to be involved in taking a decision.
e primary way in which the rules of administrative law provide for
this reality is through delegation.

Practical necessity of delegation

Consider the following powers that are granted to the
Director-General of the Department of Home Affairs in
the Identification Act:56

7. Assignment of identity numbers. –(1) The

Director General shall assign an identity
number to every person whose particulars are
included in the population register …

13. Certificates of certain particulars included in

population register. –(1) The Director General
shall as soon as practicable after the receipt by
him or her of an application, issue a birth,
marriage or death certificate in the prescribed
form after the particulars of such birth,
marriage or death were included in the register
in terms of section 8 of this Act.

Is it practically feasible to think that the Director-General

will be able to assign identity numbers to all citizens and
to issue relevant certificates to all applicants him- or
It is fairly self-evident that the Director-General will
not be able to fulfil these functions personally. There is
accordingly a clear need in cases such as these to
enable someone other than the specifically authorised
administrator to exercise the powers granted to the

In section 6(2)(a)(ii) PAJA recognises that someone other than the

administrator that is authorised in the empowering provision to take a
decision can lawfully take the decision by means of delegation. To
establish whether delegation is possible, one must ask the standard
lawfulness question: is it authorised? An authorised administrator can
delegate his or her power to take a decision to another person if such
delegation is authorised.
In common law there was a presumption against delegation,
expressed in the maxim delegatus delegare non potest.57 is meant that
an administrator had to be able to point to speci c authorisation to
justify a delegation of power to another person if the administrator
wanted such other person to lawfully take a decision in his or her stead.
In the absence of such authorisation the law would presume the
decision by the person other than the originally authorised
administrator to be unlawful.
e Constitution and PAJA do not work with any presumptions in
respect of delegation. Section 238 of the Constitution states that
executive authority may be delegated where authorised and section
6(2)(a)(ii) of PAJA likewise states that administrative decisions taken
under delegated authority will only be reviewable if the delegation is
not authorised. e question is simply one of authorisation, similar to
all other lawfulness questions. e law now recognises that delegation
is not an exception to lawfulness rules governing who is authorised, but
part of those rules.
When deciding whether a particular decision taken in terms of
delegated power is lawful, one must in effect ask the who lawfulness
question twice. First, one must ask who the authorised administrator is,
that is who is identi ed in the empowering provision as the
administrator that must take the decision. If the administrator that
actually took the decision is not that authorised one, the second
question is whether the originally authorised administrator was
authorised to delegate his or her powers to the actual decision-maker.
is second question involves a full lawfulness analysis, that is asking
what the empowering provision authorises and whether it was followed,
but this time only in relation to the delegation of power.
As with the authorisation of all administrative power, delegation can
be authorised either expressly or tacitly. e easy case is where the
empowering legislation contains a section allowing for delegation. An
example is section 4 of the Identi cation Act58 (which we also noted in
the box above), which provides that:
(1) e Director General may – (a) delegate any power granted to him or her by
or under this Act, except the power referred to in this section and section 6,
to an officer in the public service …

Somewhat more problematic are cases where the empowering

legislation does not contain a provision expressly allowing for
delegation, but where authorisation for delegation can be inferred, or
stated differently, where the power to delegate is tacitly granted. Under
common law a number of factors have emerged that can serve as
indicators that a statute tacitly allows for delegation. While these factors
are speci c to the question of whether delegation is tacitly authorised, it
must be kept in mind that this remains a standard exercise in statutory
interpretation aimed at establishing what the empowering provision
entails that is not expressly stated. In Minister of Trade and Industry and
Others v Nieuwoudt and Another59 the court endorsed the following list
of factors identi ed by Baxter:60
(i) the degree of devolution of the power;
(ii) the importance of the original delegee;
(iii) the complexity and breadth of discretion;
(iv) the impact of the power; and
(v) practical necessities.

Generally a court will more readily accept tacit authority to delegate

only a part of the power, while the original holder of the power retains
some control. e more important the original holder of the power is
and particularly the more deliberate the legislature’s choice of that
original administrator as the holder of the power seems to be, the less
likely it is that a court will nd tacit authorisation to delegate. More
complex decisions and decisions involving the exercise of broad
discretion will be less likely to be subject to tacitly authorised
delegation. Delegation will also not easily be inferred where the exercise
of the power has a signi cant impact. Finally, practical necessities may
provide a strong case for nding tacit authority for delegation,
especially where it can be argued that it is simply not feasible for the
original holder of the power to exercise that power individually in every
case, particularly where that administrator is a fairly high-ranking
administrator or member of the executive such as a Minister or MEC.
To this list one can add the existence of express authority for
delegation in the relevant statute. It is highly unlikely that tacit authority
for delegation will be found in a statute that grants express authority for
delegation in limited terms.
e possibility of delegation must be distinguished from scenarios
where the administrator that is authorised by name takes the decision,
but under the in uence of another person or body. e question of
delegation is not activated where the administrator that is expressly
authorised to act ostensibly takes the decision, regardless of who else
may also be involved in taking that decision. us where the
empowering provision authorises administrator A and administrator B
takes the decision, then we need to establish whether A could possibly
have delegated his or her power to B. However, if A is authorised and A
acts under the in uence of B, the question of delegation does not arise,
but the question of in uence may arise to which we now turn. Influence and advice

e basis of the who question of lawfulness is that the authorised
administrator must take the relevant decision him- or herself. is rule
applies not only in form, but also in substance. e authorised
administrator must not only be the one that formally takes the decision,
but also be the one that applies his or her mind and comes to the
relevant decision, that is, takes the decision in substance. Where an
administrator takes a decision under the in uence of another there is
thus a lawfulness problem.61 is problem is often referred to as
dictates, fettering or rubberstamping: the authorised administrator is
acting under the dictates of another, his or her discretion is fettered by
another, or he or she is simply rubberstamping the decision of another,
rather than applying his or her own mind. Section 6(2)(e)(iv) of PAJA
provides that administrative action will be unlawful if it was taken
because of unauthorised dictates of another person or body.
Dictates or fettering is not restricted to the in uence of other
persons on the administrator, but may also come in the form of a
document. When an administrator thus blindly follows a policy
document, his or her discretion is similarly fettered.62 e problem is
the same as above, the authorised administrator is not making the
decision him- or herself. In Cape Town City v South African National
Roads Agency Ltd63 the court reasoned that the broad notion of fettering
as an established ground of review in common law can be understood
as part of the residual lawfulness ground of review in PAJA in section
6(2)(i), which allows administrative action to be reviewed if it is
‘otherwise … unlawful’.
While administrative law protects the discretion of the authorised
administrator by holding decisions taken under the dictates of another
unlawful, administrators should not be discouraged from seeking
advice or using guidelines that may result in better and more consistent
decision-making.64 e line between fettering and advice or guidance
should thus be carefully determined in every case. e key question in
every instance is whether the administrator him- or herself took the
relevant decision after forming his or her own view on the relevant

6.2.3 How?
e third basic question that we can ask in a lawfulness inquiry is the
how question. e issue here is whether the administrator followed the
process set out in the empowering provision for taking the relevant
decision. e focus is on how the decision must be taken in terms of the
empowering provision.
PAJA requires in section 6(2)(b) that all mandatory and material
procedures and conditions must be followed in taking administrative
action. e how question thus relates to both purely procedural
prescripts and substantive preconditions that must be met in order for
the administrator to exercise the power lawfully.
In common law, these statutory requirements were referred to as
jurisdictional facts. ey were viewed as facts that had to exist for the
administrator to have jurisdiction to act. Under the Constitution, this
terminology is no longer accurate. is is mainly because the
justi cation for testing the lawfulness of an administrator’s conduct,
including testing for compliance with prescribed procedures and
conditions, is premised on section 33(1) of the Constitution. It is no
longer based on a common-law notion of adherence to the will of a
sovereign parliament as expressed in the empowering provision. e
Constitutional Court explained this shift in our law as follows in MEC
for Health, Eastern Cape and Another v Kirland Investments (Pty) Ltd t/a
Eye and Lazer Institute:65
Jurisdictional facts refer broadly to preconditions or conditions precedent that
must exist before the exercise of power, and the procedures to be followed when
exercising that power. It is true that we sometimes refer to lawfulness
requirements as ‘jurisdictional facts’. But that derives from terminology used in a
very different, and now defunct, context (namely where all errors, if they were to
be capable of being reviewed at all, had to be construed as affecting the
functionary’s ‘jurisdiction’). In our post-constitutional administrative law, there is
no need to nd that an administrator lacks jurisdiction whenever she fails to
comply with the preconditions for lawfully exercising her powers. She acts, but
she acts wrongly, and her decision is capable of being set aside by proper process
of law. Prescribed procedures

Many empowering provisions prescribe the steps that an administrator
must follow when taking a decision. An example is the following
procedural prescriptions for appeals against decisions of the Nursing
Council as set out in section 57 of the Nursing Act66 (which we also
noted above):
(3) An appeal under subsection (1) must be heard on the date, place and time
xed by the appeal committee.
e appeal committee must ensure that the appellant as well as the Council
(4) are informed of the date, place and time contemplated in subsection (3) at
least 14 days before such appeal is heard.
(8) (a) e decision of the appeal committee must be in writing, and a copy
must be furnished to the appellant as well as to the Council.
(b) e decision of the appeal committee contemplated in paragraph (a)
must be conveyed to the appellant and the Council within 14 days of the
decision being reached.

If the appeal committee noti ed the appellant and the Council of the
date and time of the appeal hearing only ve days before such hearing,
the subsequent decision of the appeal committee could be challenged
on lawfulness grounds for a failure to follow section 57(4) of the Nursing
Act.67 e use of the word ‘must’ in the section is a good indication that
the procedure set out in that section is mandatory, following normal
rules of statutory interpretation.
Compliance with procedures in empowering provisions should not,
however, be judged formalistically. e courts have held that a
deviation from a prescribed procedure will not necessarily result in the
administrative action being unlawful. e question that must be
answered in every case is whether the administrator complied
sufficiently with the prescribed procedure to achieve the purpose of the
particular provision.68 In Allpay Consolidated Investment Holdings (Pty)
Ltd and Others v Chief Executive Officer, South African Social Security
Agency and Others69 the Constitutional Court stated:
e proper approach is to establish, factually, whether an irregularity occurred.
en the irregularity must be legally evaluated to determine whether it amounts
to a ground of review under PAJA. is legal evaluation must, where appropriate,
take into account the materiality of any deviance from legal requirements, by
linking the question of compliance to the purpose of the provision, before
concluding that a review ground under PAJA has been established …
Assessing the materiality of compliance with legal requirements in our
administrative law is, fortunately, an exercise unencumbered by excessive
formality. It was not always so. Formal distinctions were drawn between
‘mandatory’ or ‘peremptory’ provisions on the one hand and ‘directory’ ones on
the other, the former needing strict compliance on pain of non-validity, and the
latter only substantial compliance or even non-compliance. at strict
mechanical approach has been discarded. Although a number of factors need to
be considered in this kind of enquiry, the central element is to link the question of
compliance to the purpose of the provision.
Distinguishing between PAJA section 6(2)(b) and
section 6(2)(c)
Problems with procedure in taking administrative action
can be challenged under either section 6(2)(b) or
section 6(2)(c) of PAJA. However, the one deals with
procedure as a matter of lawfulness (6(2)(b)) while the
other deals with procedure as a matter of procedural
fairness (6(2)(c)). The key difference in practice between
these different grounds of review is the origin of the
particular procedure at issue. Procedure as a matter of
lawfulness and as set out in this chapter, focuses on the
procedural requirements set out in the empowering
provision. It is thus the procedure that forms part of the
authorisation that is relevant from a lawfulness
perspective. Procedure as a matter of procedural
fairness is mostly premised on the procedural
requirements set out in PAJA itself in sections 3 and 4.
This is dealt with in Chapter 7 below. There is also a
conceptual difference in testing for compliance with
these different procedural aspects of administrative
decision-making. As a matter of lawfulness the
procedural inquiry is whether there was compliance with
the authorisation, that is, did the administrator act within
the limits of his or her powers? As a matter of procedural
fairness the procedural inquiry focuses not on
compliance or the limits of power, but on the fairness of
decision-making. The latter thus allows for much more
variability and contextual influence in the inquiry than
the former.
However, there is not a watertight distinction
between these different procedural dimensions of an
administrative action. It is quite possible to find that the
exact same facts may support arguments on both these
grounds of review. For example, giving only five days’
notice of the time and date of an appeal hearing under
section 57 of the Nursing Act,70 noted above, may render
the appeal decision unlawful on the basis of non-
compliance with section 57(4). At the same time, five
days’ notice may not be ‘adequate notice of the nature
and purpose of the proposed administrative action’ and
may result in a party not receiving ‘a reasonable
opportunity to make representations’ as required by
section 3(2)(b) of PAJA as a matter of procedural
Conversely, compliance with the procedure set out in
the empowering provision, that is satisfying the
lawfulness inquiry, may simultaneously satisfy the
requirements of procedural fairness under section 3(5)
for example, which allows for a fair but different
procedure mandated by an empowering provision to be
followed instead of the standard procedures set out in
section 3.71 Conditions
Apart from pure procedures, the empowering provision may also
prescribe (substantive) conditions for the exercise of a particular power.
At its most basic, this takes the following form: in the case of A, the
administrator may do B, where A is the condition and B the
administrative action. e administrator’s power to take action B is thus
dependent on the existence of A.
Conditions can broadly be categorised as either subjective or
objective.72 Examples of both types are found in the following provision
from the South African Police Service Act:73
17D(2) If, during the course of an investigation by the Directorate, evidence of any
other crime is detected and the Head of the Directorate considers it in the
interests of justice, or in the public interest, he or she may extend the investigation
so as to include any offence which he or she suspects to be connected with the
subject of the investigation.
In this example, the Head of the Directorate of Priority Crime
Investigation may extend an investigation if two distinct sets of
conditions are met. e rst condition is objective: evidence of any
other crime is detected. e existence of this condition can be
objectively determined, that is, the condition simply refers to a fact. e
second set of conditions is subjective: the Head of the Directorate must
consider it in the interest of justice or in the public interest to take the
action. is condition does not refer to a fact that can be objectively
determined. It rather refers to the subjective view of a particular person.
Note that this second condition is not that it must in fact be in the
interest of justice or in the public interest to extend the investigation.
e condition is that the Head must consider it so, that is, his or her
subjective view is the condition.
e establishment of compliance with objective conditions are of
course fairly unproblematic. One can simply investigate whether the
relevant facts pertaining to the condition exist. If they do not exist, the
condition is not met and the administrator cannot lawfully take the
Subjective conditions are much more difficult to test. Since it is the
subjective view of a particular person that is the basis of the condition,
it would seem that the objective existence of the matter on which a view
must be formed is irrelevant. In the example above, it is thus ostensibly
irrelevant, at least from a lawfulness perspective, whether extending an
investigation is indeed in the public interest or not. e only relevant
question is whether the Head formed the view that it is. As a result, it is
thus fairly easy for an administrator to simply assert that he or she did
indeed form the view, thereby ful lling the condition. In the old classic
case of South African Defence and Aid Fund and Another v Minister of
Justice74 the court held that in the case of a subjective condition a court
may only interfere if ‘it is shown that the repository of the power, in
deciding that the pre-requisite fact or state of affairs existed, acted mala
de or from ulterior motive or failed to apply his mind to the matter’.75
Today, scrutiny of subjective conditions is less problematic than
under common law, because of the constitutional requirement that
administrative action must also be reasonable. While, following the
approach set out in the South African Defence and Aid Fund case above,
subjective conditions cannot be signi cantly scrutinised as a matter of
lawfulness, an administrator’s subjective conclusion under the
condition can be much more closely assessed as a matter of
reasonableness.76 In Walele v City of Cape Town and Others77 the
Constitutional Court thus stated:
In the past, when reasonableness was not taken as a self-standing ground for
review, the City’s ipse dixit could have been adequate. But that is no longer the
position in our law. More is now required if the decision-maker’s opinion is
challenged on the basis that the subjective precondition did not exist. e
decision-maker must now show that the subjective opinion it relied on for
exercising power was based on reasonable grounds.

Furthermore, the requirement that an administrator take all relevant

considerations into account when taking administrative action in
section 6(2)(e)(iii) of PAJA also undermines the highly deferential
approach of the South African Defence and Aid Fund case to
subjectively framed conditions. On the strength of this section of PAJA it
is now competent to argue that an administrator acted unlawfully when
he or she formed the view that the condition was satis ed while there
are considerations pointing to the opposite conclusion.

6.3 Mistakes
e nal aspect of lawfulness to consider is that of mistake. An
administrator’s action may be unlawful if he or she makes a mistake in
either law or fact pertaining to his or her authorisation. It is particularly
important to remember that we are not talking about a mistake in
relation to the content of the administrator’s decision. In other words,
we are not saying that the administrator took the wrong administrative
action. We are still focusing on the lawfulness of the administrative
action, which means that we are still only focusing on the authorisation
of the action. e mistake we are talking about here is thus purely in
relation to the authorisation.

6.3.1 Error of law

e most established form of mistake that may lead to unlawfulness is
in relation to the empowering provision, commonly referred to as error
of law. In section 6(2)(d) PAJA states that an administrative action will
be unlawful if it was materially in uenced by an error of law.
Administrative law requires that the administrator must take the
administrative action upon a correct interpretation of the applicable
law, particularly the empowering provision. If the action is taken on the
basis of an incorrect interpretation of the law, it may be unlawful. e
ground of review should not be interpreted narrowly as only referring to
errors in relation to the empowering provision. Any error in relation to
law that materially impacts the decision could result in the decision
being set aside as unlawful. In Genesis Medical Scheme v Registrar of
Medical Schemes,78 the court held that it may be a reviewable error of
law where an administrator relied on an incorrect judicial
A classic example is found in Tseleng v Chairman, Unemployment
Insurance Board and Another.79 In this case Mr Tseleng was employed
from 26 March 1990 until 6 November 1992, during which time he
contributed to the Unemployment Insurance Fund. In April 1993 he
applied for unemployment bene ts under the Unemployment
Insurance Act,80 which was granted. On 18 April 1994, Mr Tseleng
applied for further bene ts. is application was rejected with reference
to section 35(13)(a) of the Act, which states that:
a contributor shall not be entitled to unemployment bene ts – (a) unless he has
been employed as a contributor or otherwise in employment for at least 13 weeks
… during the 52 weeks immediately preceding the date upon which a period of
unemployment is deemed to have commenced.

Section 35(7)(a) of the Act further states that ‘a period of

unemployment shall not be deemed to have commenced until the
contributor has lodged an application’.
e board interpreted these sections as meaning that an applicant
for further bene ts had to be employed for at least 13 weeks during the
52 weeks immediately preceding the date of application for further
bene ts. Since Mr Tseleng was last employed in November 1992 and
applied for further bene ts in April 1994, he did not meet this
requirement and the board thus rejected the application for further
bene ts. Mr Tseleng challenged this decision as unlawful, arguing that
it was made on a mistaken interpretation of the applicable statute. e
court upheld this argument nding that the correct interpretation of the
Act is that ‘the reference to a “period of unemployment” in ss (13)(a) is
intended to refer to the single period of unemployment which is
deemed to commence on the lodging of the initial application for
unemployment bene ts’.81 e administrator thus made an error in
interpreting the period of unemployment to have commenced when the
application for further bene ts was lodged, rather than the original
application for bene ts. Upon a correct interpretation of the statute,
which would take the period of unemployment to have commenced in
April 1993, Mr Tseleng was not disquali ed under section 35(13)(a) of
the Act. e administrator’s particular decision was thus taken because
of the error of law and was hence unlawful.
e leading case on errors of law in South African common law is
Hira and Another v Booysen and Another.82 In this case Corbett CJ
exhaustively analysed the relevant case law and held that an error of law
will be reviewable, that is, lead to unlawfulness of the administrative
action, if it was material.83 Materiality is determined by asking if the
same decision would be reached if the administrator had adopted the
correct interpretation of the applicable law. If the answer is yes, the
error of law will not be material and not lead to the unlawfulness of the
administrative action. Conversely, if the answer is no, as in the Tseleng
case, the error will be material and the decision unlawful. is is the
approach also adopted in section 6(2)(d) of PAJA.84

6.3.2 Mistake of fact

A more recent development in South African administrative law relates
to mistakes of fact. In common law these types of mistake were
generally not considered to impact on the lawfulness of a particular
administrative action,85 that is apart from jurisdictional facts as
prescribed conditions or procedures were known in common law.
In the key judgment of Pepcor Retirement Fund v Financial Services
Board,86 the Supreme Court of Appeal broke with the common-law
position and held, in terms of the Constitution, but prior to PAJA, that
mistake of fact should be considered a ground of review going to the
lawfulness of an administrator’s action. e court held that:
a material mistake of fact should be a basis upon which a Court can review an
administrative decision. If legislation has empowered a functionary to make a
decision, in the public interest, the decision should be made on the material facts
which should have been available for the decision properly to be made. And if a
decision has been made in ignorance of facts material to the decision and which
therefore should have been before the functionary, the decision should … be
reviewable at the suit of, inter alios, the functionary who made it – even although
the functionary may have been guilty of negligence and even where a person who
is not guilty of fraudulent conduct has bene ted by the decision. e doctrine of
legality which was the basis of the decisions in Fedsure, Sarfu and Pharmaceutical
Manufacturers requires that the power conferred on a functionary to make
decisions in the public interest, should be exercised properly, ie on the basis of
the true facts; it should not be con ned to cases where the common law would
categorise the decision as ultra vires.

In this matter, the Registrar of Pension Funds decided to allow the

transfer of business from one pension fund to a number of other funds.
is decision was taken on the basis of actuarial calculations, which
later turned out to be incorrect. Upon a challenge, the court found the
decision of the Registrar to be unlawful, because of the mistaken facts
on which it was premised.
PAJA recognises mistake of fact as an element of lawfulness in
section 6(2)(e)(iii), which requires an administrator to take all relevant
considerations into account and ignore all irrelevant considerations
when taking administrative action.87 e mistaken facts would of course
constitute irrelevant considerations and the correct facts relevant
considerations. Alternatively mistake of fact can be reviewed in terms of
section 6(2)(i), which captures the general ground of review for
instances of unlawfulness that do not neatly t into any of the other
grounds of review.
As with error of law, the mistake of fact must also be material before
it will impact on the lawfulness of the administrative action. In
Chairman, State Tender Board v Digital Voice Processing Plasket AJA
thus held that an error of fact will only justify a nding of invalidity if
that error ‘was the direct cause of the decision’ at issue.88

6.4 Conclusion
Lawfulness is one of the most basic requirements of administrative
justice. It is directly linked to the overarching constitutional principle of
legality, premised on the rule of law. At its simplest this notion requires
all public action to be based on a valid source of power. Beyond simply
requiring that administrative action must be based on authorisation,
that is an empowering provision, lawfulness further requires that the
action be aligned to the empowering provision. e action should fall
within the four corners of the empowering provision.
PAJA does not contain a consolidated statement of what lawfulness
in terms of section 33(1) of the Constitution entails. e Act only
contains various grounds of review in section 6 that can be labelled as
lawfulness grounds of review. ese are listed in Table 6.1 below. From
these negatively stated grounds of review, one can extrapolate the rules
of lawfulness in administrative justice.
Table 6.1 Lawfulness grounds of review

Lawfulness rules in PAJA

PAJA section Lawfulness rule

6(2)(a)(i) The authorised administrator must act

6(2)(a)(ii) Delegation can only occur as authorised

6(2)(b) Mandatory and material conditions and procedures in the empowering provision
must be followed

6(2)(d) The decision must be taken on a correct interpretation of the applicable law

6(2)(e)(i) The reason for the action must be authorised

6(2)(e)(ii) The motive and purpose of the action must be authorised

6(2)(e)(iii) All relevant considerations must be taken into account and all irrelevant
considerations must be ignored in taking the action
6(2)(e)(iv) The administrator must take the decision him- or herself and not follow the
prescripts of another

6(2)(e)(v) The decision must not be taken in bad faith

6(2)(f)(i) The action itself must be authorised

6(2)(g) – read with A decision must be taken when there is a duty to decide
section 6(3)

6(2)(i) The action must comply with all legal rules


Lawfulness is one of the most basic requirements of administrative justice. The
core of lawfulness is authorisation. In essence it requires that all administrative
action must be taken in terms of a valid source, called an empowering provision,
and that the action must fit within the four corners of the empowering provision.
To determine the lawfulness of a particular administrative action one can ask a
series of questions when comparing the action to the empowering provision:
• What was authorised versus what was done?
• Who was authorised versus who acted?
• How should the action have been taken versus how was it taken?

• Forsyth, C & Dring, E ‘The Final Frontier: The Emergence of Material Error of
Fact as a Ground for Judicial Review’ in Forsyth, C, Elliott, M, Jhaveri, S,
Ramsden, M & Scully-Hill, A (Eds) (2010) Effective Judicial Review: A
Cornerstone of Good Governance 245
• Hoexter, C (1994) Administrative Justice and Dishonesty SALJ 111:700
• Pretorius, DM (2005) The Origins of the Functus Officio Doctrine, with Specific
Reference to its Application in Administrative Law SALJ 122:832

1 See Chapter 3 section 3.7.4.

2 See Chapter 1 section
3 1999 (1) SA 374 (CC) para 56 (footnotes omitted).
4 3 of 2000.
5 Fedsure para 58.
6 Fedsure para 59.
7 PAJA section 6(2)(f)(i).
8 2001 (2) SA 1 (CC) para 18.
9 2001 (4) SA 1297 (CC)
10 27 of 1996.
11 27 of 1996.
12 84 of 1996.
13 27 of 1996.
14 84 of 1996.
15 84 of 1996.
16 27 of 1996.
17 84 of 1996.
18 27 of 1996.
19 Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of South Africa and Another: In Re Ex Parte
President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2000 (2) SA 674 (CC) para 90.
20 2013 (5) SA 24 (SCA).
21 Gauteng Gambling Act 4 of 1995 section 18B(7).
22 Gauteng Gambling Board para 41.
23 1947 (2) SA 984 (A) at 997.
24 Hoexter, C (2012) Administrative Law in South Africa (2nd ed) 312.
25 2011 (1) SA 601 (KZP).
26 See Quinot, G (2010) Administrative Law Annual Survey of South African Law 56–57;
Hoexter (2012) 309.
27 See Chapter 3 section 3.7.1 above.
28 13 of 2004.
29 2011 (2) SA 561 (KZP) para 3.
30 usi para 13.
31 usi para 29.
32 2005 (6) SA 229 (SE).
33 Vumazonke para 10.
34 Vumazonke para 2.
35 See Pretorius, DM (2005) e Origins of the Functus Officio Doctrine, with Speci c
Reference to its Application in Administrative Law SALJ 122(4):832.
36 2001 (3) SA 210 (W).
37 28 of 2011.
38 2014 (3) SA 481 (CC).
39 Kirland para 65.
40 33 of 1957.
41 33 of 1957.
42 58 of 1998 (emphasis added).
43 103 of 1977.
44 46 of 1988 (emphasis added).
45 33 of 2005 (emphasis added).
46 5 of 2009 (emphasis added).
47 61 of 2003 (emphasis added).
Premier, Western Cape v Acting Chairperson, Judicial Services Commission 2010 (5) SA 634
48 (WCC) paras 17–18; Judicial Service Commission and Another v Cape Bar Council and
Another 2013 (1) SA 170 (SCA) para 27.
49 33 of 2005.
50 33 of 2005.
51 1919 AD 30 at 44.
52 1975 (1) SA 681 (A) at 704.
53 Quoted with approval in Minister of Health and Another NO v New Clicks South Africa (Pty)
Ltd and Others (Treatment Action Campaign and Another as Amici Curiae) 2006 (2) SA 311
(CC) para 171.
54 New Clicks para 171.
55 Judicial Service Commission and Another v Cape Bar Council and Another 2013 (1) SA 170
(SCA) paras 23–26.
56 68 of 1997.
57 Chairman, Board on Tariffs and Trade and Others v Teltron (Pty) Ltd 1997 (2) SA 25 (A) at
58 68 of 1997.
59 1985 (2) SA 1 (C) at 13. Also see the minority judgment of Langa CJ in AAA Investments
(Pty) Ltd v Micro Finance Regulatory Council and Another 2007 (1) SA 343 (CC) para 85.
60 Baxter, L (1984) Administrative Law 435. Reprinted by permission of © Juta & Company
61 Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism and Another v Scenematic Fourteen (Pty) Ltd
2005 (6) SA 182 (SCA) para 20.
62 Kemp NO v Van Wyk 2005 (6) SA 519 (SCA).
63 2015 (6) SA 535 (WCC) para 247.
64 Scenematic Fourteen para 20; Kemp para 1.
65 2014 (3) SA 481 (CC) para 98 (footnotes omitted).
66 33 of 2005.
67 33 of 2005.
68 Weenen Transitional Local Council v Van Dyk 2002 (4) SA 653 (SCA) para 13; African
Christian Democratic Party v Electoral Commission and Others 2006 (3) SA 305 (CC) paras
69 2014 (1) SA 604 (CC) paras 28 and 30.
70 33 of 2005.
71 See Chapter 7 section below on the option of following a fair but different procedure
under the requirements of procedural fairness.
72 South African Defence and Aid Fund and Another v Minister of Justice 1967 (1) SA 31 (A) at
73 68 of 1995.
74 1967 (1) SA 31 (A) at 35; con rmed by the Constitutional Court as still the leading authority
in this area in President of the Republic of South Africa and Others v South African Rugby
Football Union and Others 2000 (1) SA 1 (CC) para 168 fn 132.
75 Also see Kimberley Junior School and Another v Head, Northern Cape Education
Department and Others 2010 (1) SA 217 (SCA) paras 12–13.
76 See Chapter 8 below on the substantive dimension of the reasonableness standard.
77 2008 (6) SA 129 (CC) para 60 (footnotes omitted).
78 2017 (6) SA 1 (CC) para 21.
79 1995 (3) SA 162 (T).
80 30 of 1966.
81 Tseleng 171.
82 1992 (4) SA 69 (A).
83 Hira 93.
84 Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality v Gauteng Development Tribunal and Others 2010
(6) SA 182 (CC) para 91; Security Industry Alliance v Private Security Industry Regulatory
Authority and Others 2015 (1) SA 169 (SCA) para 26.
85 Pepcor Retirement Fund and Another v Financial Services Board and Another 2003 (6) SA 38
(SCA) para 32.
86 2003 (6) SA 38 (SCA) para 47.
87 Chairman, State Tender Board v Digital Voice Processing (Pty) Ltd; Chairman, State Tender
Board v Sneller Digital (Pty) Ltd and Others 2012 (2) SA 16 (SCA) para 34; Dumani v Nair
and Another 2013 (2) SA 274 (SCA) para 30.
88 Chairman State Tender Board para 36.
Procedural fairness


7.1 Introduction

7.2 Procedural fairness in the constitutional era

7.3 Procedural fairness under PAJA

7.3.1 Section 3 of PAJA: Procedural fairness in respect of decisions that affect individuals When does section 3 apply? The requirements of section 3, and how they apply
7.3.2 Section 4 of PAJA: Procedural fairness in respect of decisions that have a general
impact When does section 4 apply? The requirements of section 4
7.3.3 Procedural fairness in respect of decisions that affect individuals and the public
7.3.4 The consequences of a failure to follow a fair procedure as required by sections 3
and/or 4 of PAJA

7.4 The rule against bias

7.5 When is procedural fairness demanded of exercises of public power that do not amount to
administrative action?
7.6 When is procedural fairness demanded of exercises of private power?

7.1 Introduction
Most of us can probably conjure a childhood memory of complaining to
a parent that his or her decision was ‘unfair’. More recently, you might
have watched a sports match where you threw your hands up in the air
at the ‘unfairness’ of a referee or umpire’s decision. Perhaps, in these
situations, you were upset by not being properly heard by a parent, or
by a referee that appeared to favour one team over another. All of us
probably have an intuitive sense of what fairness entails, but are there
concrete factors or actions that render decision-making fair or unfair?
When it comes to administrative law, at common law before 1994,
decisions were considered fair if they complied with the ‘rules of
natural justice’, usually expressed in their Latin format as audi alteram
partem (hear the other side) and nemo judex in sua causa esse debet (no
one should be a judge in his or her own cause/interest). ese rules of
natural justice largely resemble what we would expect of decisions in
other contexts, including on the sports eld or in the household. ey
essentially ensured that people adversely affected by decisions would
know about the decision and be able to participate in that decision,
which entailed prior notice of the decision and an opportunity to state
their case and in uence the outcome of the decision to an unbiased
decision-maker. For example, in Heatherdale Farms (Pty) Ltd and
Others v Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Another1 Colman J held that
before the Deputy Minister could con scate the poultry or eggs of
companies engaged in large-scale chicken breeding, the companies had
to be given an adequate opportunity to make representations to the
Deputy Minister. As the companies concerned were not afforded such
an opportunity, the Deputy Minister’s conduct was found to be
inconsistent with the maxim audi alteram partem and Colman J set
aside the Deputy Minister’s order of con scation in respect of the
companies’ poultry and eggs. In Barnard v Jockey Club of South Africa2
a decision of a domestic tribunal of the Jockey Club of South Africa to
convict a racehorse trainer of contravening club rules was set aside by
the court because a member of the tribunal was a partner of the rm of
attorneys representing the club, such that he had a nancial interest in
the proceedings, which created a suspicion in the mind of a reasonable
person that he was not impartial or that there was a likelihood of bias.
e requirements of fairness as demanded by the rules of natural
justice remain in place post-apartheid, as they are protected by the right
to just administrative action in section 33 of the Constitution and the
Promotion of Administrative Justice Act3 (PAJA). However, they have
been supplemented, particularly in relation to administrative action
affecting the public.4 Further the requirements of fairness are now more
generously applied than under the common law. At common law the
rules of procedural fairness were applied in a restrictive manner with
reliance on the ‘classi cation of functions’.5 Put very simplistically, the
rule against bias was applied in judicial or quasi-judicial contexts, and
not to other types of administrative conduct (that is, of a legislative or
‘purely administrative’ nature), while the maxim audi alteram partem
was applied principally to cases where someone was deprived of a right,
rather than cases concerning ‘mere applicants’, and also only to judicial
or quasi-judicial conduct, in the absence of a legislative provision that
demanded the application of the maxim to other types of administrative
conduct. Under the Constitution and PAJA,6 in contrast, the
requirements of fairness apply to all administrative action, and
sometimes even apply when the exercise of public power does not
amount to administrative action, in terms of the principle of legality.7
Post-apartheid, the imposition of procedural fairness standards is
particularly important because these standards serve to uphold
principles and values that underpin our Constitution: accountability,
responsiveness and openness.8 Moreover, our new constitutional
dispensation envisages a participatory democracy,9 in which ‘[t]he right
to speak and be listened to is part of the right to be a citizen in the full
sense of the word … and the right to have a voice on public affairs is
constitutive of dignity’.10
However, the problem with procedural fairness standards is that
they take time and resources to uphold and ful l, possibly to the extent
of causing ‘administrative paralysis’ at the expense of efficiency.11
Particularly in relation to decisions affecting large numbers of people, it
is not difficult to imagine that it will be burdensome for administrative
officials to give prior notice of an intended decision, listen to and
consider representations, then give notice of the decision taken and
notice of opportunities to appeal every time they take a decision. For
this reason, as discussed below, what fairness demands will depend on
the circumstances of each case.12
is chapter spells out in detail what it means for administrative
action to be fair under section 33 of the Constitution and in terms of
sections 3 and 4 of PAJA. PAJA gives greater detail on what is required
from an administrator in the area of procedural fairness: rst in section
3, in regard to administrative action affecting an individual (that is,
decisions with a speci c impact), then, in section 4, where
administrative action affects the public at large (that is, decisions with a
general impact). We then consider the rule against bias in more detail.
We discuss the development of the principle of legality such that it
demands that public power that is not administrative action may also,
in certain situations, be subject to at least some of the demands of
fairness. Lastly, the circumstances in which the exercise of private
power may be subject to procedural fairness standards are brie y

The practicality of procedure

Consider an administrator in the Department of
Environmental Affairs, who must decide whether or not to
grant an environmental authorisation permitting the
development of a new power plant on the outskirts of
Soweto. The power plant is needed urgently to support
the national grid and prevent load shedding in the future.
To what extent is it practical for the administrator to be
expected to give notice of her proposed decision to
determine the application for an environmental
authorisation, and listen to representations about
whether or not she should do so? Even if it is
impractical, what are some of the reasons why the
administrator should nonetheless engage with people
before she takes her decision?

Compare this scenario with some of the others we have

seen in earlier chapters. Look, for example, at the box in
Chapter 1 section 1.1 with the ID card example. What
form did participation in the contemplated decision (to
issue an ID) take there? What are the practical
differences between the scenario here and the one in
Chapter 1 for purposes of procedure? Should these
differences impact on how we view procedure as an
aspect of administrative justice?

7.2 Procedural fairness in the constitutional era

As set out above, the common-law rules of natural justice (that is, audi
alteram partem, which means hear the other side, and nemo judex in
sua causa esse debet, which entails that no one should be a judge in
their own cause/interest) ensured that people adversely affected by
decisions would know about such decisions and be able to participate
in the decision-making process, which entailed prior notice of the
decisions, and an opportunity to state their case and in uence the
outcome of the decisions to an unbiased decision-maker. However,
during apartheid these rules were typically applied in a restrictive, all-
or-nothing manner: not to cases where a ‘mere applicant’ was adversely
affected by a decision, but rather to cases where the holder of an
existing right was so affected: where the decision was ‘quasi-judicial’
rather than ‘legislative or purely administrative’.13 Moreover, other than
quasi-judicial decisions, there was a presumption against the
application of the standards of procedural fairness unless there was a
legislative provision that expressly or by necessary implication,
demanded their application.
In a break from the restrictive application of procedural fairness
standards of our apartheid past, section 33 of the Constitution demands
that all administrative decisions are subject to procedural fairness
standards. Now, where the exercise of public power amounts to
‘administrative action’, section 33 provides that such power must be
‘procedurally fair’.14 As we will discuss below, the provisions of section 3
and 4 of PAJA give detailed content as to what fairness demands
whenever administrative action is taken. Where empowering legislation
imposes speci c procedural fairness standards, and those standards fall
short of what PAJA demands, the empowering legislation must be read
with PAJA.15
Below we will discuss rst section 3 of PAJA, where decisions have a
speci c impact and affect a person, rather than the public at large.
Second, we will discuss section 4 of PAJA, where decisions have a
general impact and affect the public. ird, we will consider what the
rule against bias entails. Next, we will consider the circumstances in
which some of the requirements of fairness will be imposed in terms of
the constitutional principle of legality, in relation to public power that is
not administrative action. Finally, we will discuss the circumstances
under which the requirements of procedural fairness may be imposed
upon exercises of private power under the common law.
At the outset it is important to understand that when administrative
action is taken in a manner that does not comply with the standards
imposed by sections 3 or 4 (as applicable), or when it falls foul of the
rule against bias, the action will be reviewable in terms of section 6(2) of
PAJA, and could be set aside as invalid in terms of section 8 of PAJA.
Section 6(2) confers on the courts the power to judicially review
administrative action that was procedurally unfair (in terms of
subsection (c)), or that was biased or reasonably suspected of bias (in
terms of subsection (a)(iii)).

7.3 Procedural fairness under PAJA

7.3.1 Section 3 of PAJA: Procedural fairness in respect

of decisions that affect individuals
When Mr B applies for his passport at the Department of Home Affairs
and is told that his application has been unsuccessful, or when a local
municipality cuts off Mrs A’s electricity supply, these are situations
where administrative action ‘affects a person’. Section 3(2)(b) of PAJA
provides that in order to be procedurally fair, this kind of administrative
action must comply with certain procedural requirements, essentially:
• adequate notice of proposed administrative action,
• a reasonable opportunity to make representations,
• a clear statement of the administrative action taken,
• adequate notice of any review or internal appeal, and
• adequate notice of the right to request reasons.

Section 3(3) provides that in some situations, more demanding

procedures may be required in respect of administrative action that
affects a person, such as:
• an opportunity for the affected person to obtain assistance and, in
serious or complex cases, legal representation, and
• an opportunity for the affected person to present and dispute
information and arguments, including in person (as opposed to in

We will discuss each of the procedural requirements of section 3 in

more detail below. First, however, we must consider under what
circumstances section 3 is applicable to administrative action. When does section 3 apply?

Section 3(1) tells us that the procedural fairness requirements apply
when the administrative action at issue:
1. ‘affects any person’,
2. has a ‘material and adverse affect’, and
3. affects ‘rights or legitimate expectations’.

Below we consider each of these aspects more carefully. At the outset it

is important to understand that ‘substantive values and factors that
inform the need for administrative justice’ in a particular case ought to
determine whether section 3 applies, rather than ‘highly technical and
abstract conceptual analyses of terms such as “legal effect” and
“rights”’.16 ese substantive values and factors include the ‘the role of
procedural fairness in affirming the dignity of all those affected by
public action’, ‘raising the quality of decision-making’, ‘achieving a
culture of accountability, openness and transparency, especially in
public administration’ and fostering ‘trust in state administration and
more generally democracy’.17

Any person
Administrative action affects ‘any person’, and attracts the fairness
standards imposed by section 3 of PAJA, rst when it has a speci c
impact, rather than a more general impact on the public at large, or a
group or class of the public. For instance, a decision of an official of the
Department of Social Development to reject an application for a
disability grant affects the person who applied for the grant personally,
and has a speci c impact on him, rather than a more general impact on
the public at large.
Bear in mind that ‘person’ includes juristic persons so that a
decision by the Department of Basic Education to reduce the subsidy of
a speci c public school, for example, would still fall under section 3.
e impact is still speci c to the ‘person’, here the school, even though
there may be many individuals (learners, teachers, and so on) that form
part of the school. However, it may at times be difficult to draw the line
between an impact on a person and an impact on a group as we shall
see when we look at the eld of application of section 4 of PAJA dealing
with procedural fairness in cases where the administrative action
impacts on the public.

At rst glance, section 3 suggests that only administrative action that
has a ‘material’ or signi cant impact on a person must comply with its
procedural requirements: it seems to qualify or limit its application to
conduct that ‘materially and adversely affects … any person’ (that is, a
‘materiality quali cation’).18 You will recall that the de nition of
‘administrative action’ in section 1 of PAJA does not require that
decisions must have a material impact in order to fall within its scope.
Instead, section 1 requires that the impact of a decision must be adverse
and sufficiently nal. Section 3’s ‘materiality quali cation’ is potentially
signi cant, as it could be interpreted so as to result in a substantial
narrowing of the application of procedural fairness standards to a
limited type of administrative decision-making. Although a narrowing
of the application of procedural fairness standards would help reduce
the burden imposed on the state administration that these standards
entail, such a narrowing could also run counter to the constitutional
values of accountability, responsiveness and openness applicable to the
public administration. Fortunately, the Constitutional Court has
interpreted the ‘materiality quali cation’ in section 3 of PAJA to mean
that administrative action will attract the standards of procedural
fairness unless it has a ‘trivial’ affect.19 e court took the view that
rather than limit the application of section 3 to a narrow class of
administrative action, administrators could tailor the content of
procedural fairness depending on the circumstances of the case.

Rights or legitimate expectations

e administrative action to which the standards of procedural fairness
apply according to section 3(1) seems a wider category of conduct than
the category ‘administrative action’ as de ned in section 1 of PAJA. You
will recall that ‘administrative action’ as de ned in section 1 is only
action that affects rights.20 Rights include common-law rights, such as
rights attaching to individuals under the law of property, contractual
rights, as well as constitutional rights.21
In Joseph, the Constitutional Court further extended the meaning of
‘rights’ under section 3(1) of PAJA by holding that the term includes
‘legal entitlements that have their basis in the constitutional and
statutory obligations of government’.22 e City had disconnected the
electricity supply to an apartment building after the owner failed to pay
his account. It was common cause that the City followed a fair
procedure vis-à-vis the owner before taking the decision, including
appropriate notices to him of arrears and the proposed disconnection.
e residents of the building had no contractual relationship with the
City for the supply of electricity since supply was in bulk to the building,
rather than to the individual apartments. e resident tenants only had
a contractual relationship with the owner for the supply of electricity,
who in turn had a contractual relationship with the City. e question
was consequently whether the City’s decision to disconnect the power
supply impacted on any of the rights of the tenants so that the City was
obliged to act in a procedurally fair manner vis-à-vis the tenants in
terms of section 3(1) of PAJA before taking the decision to disconnect
their electricity. e court held that the tenants had no contractual
rights vis-à-vis the City that were impacted by the decision to
disconnect. e court also refrained from deciding whether any of the
tenants’ fundamental rights (like the right to housing or dignity) were
infringed by the decision. Rather, the court found that the City had
constitutional and legislative obligations to provide basic municipal
services to everyone living in its jurisdiction, which included electricity
supply.23 e tenants had a ‘correlative public law right’ to receive such
services.24 e City’s decision to disconnect the electricity supply
impacted adversely on these rights, which resulted in section 3 of PAJA
applying to the decision vis-à-vis the tenants. Joseph thus extends the
scope of application of procedural fairness under section 3 of PAJA well
beyond the traditional category of rights.
Curiously, unlike section 1, section 3(1) of PAJA determines that
procedural fairness applies to conduct that affects rights or legitimate

Legitimate expectations
A legitimate expectation is something less than a right.25 It entails the
expectation of a fair procedure being followed or of a certain outcome
being afforded the expectant party. e expectation must have a
reasonable basis, having arisen from an undertaking given by an
administrator or an administrator’s long-standing practice.26 Legitimate
expectations were rst recognised under the common law in
Administrator, Transvaal and Others v Traub and Others,27 where
doctors recommended for particular posts were refused appointment
by an administrator, but claimed to have a legitimate expectation that
they would be appointed or at the very least that they would be given a
hearing before being refused appointment. e doctors argued that
their expectation arose from the administrator’s long-standing past
practice of appointing all the doctors recommended for the particular
post. e court recognised the doctors’ legitimate expectation and
afforded the expectation procedural protection by ordering that given
their expectation the doctors were entitled to be heard if the
administrator wished to depart from its long-standing past practice.
In our constitutional era, the requirements for a legitimate
expectation were enumerated in National Director of Public
Prosecutions v Phillips and Others28 as follows:
• First, the expectation must be ‘reasonable’;
• Second, the representation giving rise to the expectation must be:
◆ ‘clear, unambiguous and devoid of relevant quali cation’,
◆ ‘induced by the decision-maker’, and
◆ ‘one which it was competent and lawful for the decision-maker
to make’.29

Phillips concerned an expectation that the owner of e Ranch, a

brothel, would not be prosecuted in respect of offences related to the
operation of the brothel. He asserted a legitimate expectation based on
past practice of the police and prosecuting authorities, since they had
allowed the owner to carry on criminal activities such as prostitution
undisturbed for some time, and had been ‘lax’ in their enforcement of
offences related to the operation of the brothel. e court held that the
words and conduct of the authorities could not have given rise to a
legitimate expectation in favour of the owner of the brothel. Any
expectation arising from the conduct of the police and prosecuting
authorities would be ‘naïve, unreasonable and, consequently, not
Under section 3(1) of PAJA where a legitimate expectation is
disappointed without a fair procedure having been followed, the
decision giving rise to the disappointment of the legitimate expectation
may be set aside on the grounds of procedural unfairness. Premier
Mpumalanga and Another v Executive Committee, Association of State-
Aided Schools, Eastern Transvaal31 is a pre-PAJA example of the court
setting aside a decision that disappointed a legitimate expectation on
the grounds of procedural unfairness. e Department of Education
had issued a notice promising to pay bursaries to certain schools for
tuition and transport for the 1995 school year. e practice of paying
these bursaries to the schools had been in place for some years.
Subsequently, the schools were informed that they would no longer
receive the bursaries from the Department for the 1995 school year. e
schools had budgeted and planned for 1995 on the basis that they
would receive the bursaries. In the absence of a contract between the
schools and the Department, the schools did not have a ‘right’ to
receive the bursaries. ey could not therefore assert that any
contractual right had been affected that triggered the Department’s
procedural fairness obligations under administrative law. However, they
did have a legitimate expectation that the bursaries would be paid, and
that the bursaries would not be terminated without reasonable notice
rst being given to the schools, that is, the expectation of a fair
procedure in the form of reasonable notice, which stemmed from a
reasonable basis in the form of the longstanding practice of paying the
bursaries and the undertaking that the bursaries would be paid. e
court ordered that in the absence of reasonable notice having been
given to terminate the bursaries, the conduct of the Department was
unfair and fell to be set aside.32 Interestingly, although the school’s
legitimate expectation of a fair procedure had been disappointed, the
effect of the court’s order was to confer a substantive bene t on the
schools in the form of payment of bursaries.

Procedural or substantive protection of legitimate

Although a legitimate expectation can be substantive or
procedural in content, the protection of such
expectations has typically been restricted to requiring
that a procedure be followed, rather than ordering that a
particular outcome materialise.33 In other words, a
person may legitimately expect a substantive benefit to
materialise (for example, that a licence will be issued) or
he or she may legitimately expect a particular procedure
to be followed (for example, that he or she will be
informed if the administrator intends to take certain
steps). Both of these refer to the content of the
expectation. Once the expectation has been established
as legitimate, the protection that administrative law
offers is traditionally procedural in nature, that is, the
person should have the opportunity to participate in the
decision leading to the disappointment of the
expectation. This is also the case under PAJA where
legitimate expectations are referred to in section 3,
which deals with procedural fairness. As under common
law, legitimate expectations serve under PAJA to trigger
the rules of procedural fairness.
In South Africa, as in other common-law
jurisdictions, the question has emerged whether
legitimate expectations should also be protected
substantively. In essence this would mean that where a
person has a legitimate expectation, a court should be
able to enforce the expectation itself, as opposed to
simply force the administrator to follow a particular
procedure if the expectation is to be disappointed. If the
expectation was thus to receive a particular substantive
benefit, say that a licence will be granted, the
substantive protection of that expectation would entail a
court ordering the administrator to issue the licence.
Different common-law countries have answered this
question differently. In England it is now accepted that
legitimate expectations can be enforced, that is,
protected substantively. In the leading judgment in R v
North and East Devon Health Authority Ex Parte
Coughlan (Secretary for Health and Another
Intervening)34 the English Court of Appeal held that a
legitimate expectation will be enforced except if there is
‘sufficient overriding [public] interest’ in not doing so.
However, in Australia35 and Canada36 the courts have
rejected the notion of substantive protection.

In South Africa the possibility of substantive protection of

legitimate expectations remains undecided. A number of
South African scholars have proposed ways in which
substantive protection of legitimate expectations could
be recognised in South African law.37 However, in two
judgments the Supreme Court of Appeal expressly left
the question open: Meyer v Iscor Pension Fund38 and
Duncan v Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism
and Another.39 In the latter case the SCA, with reference
to academic opinion, stated:

Since Meyer, the results of extensive academic

research and analysis have been published … These
publications will undoubtedly be of valuable
assistance when eventually the time comes in an
appropriate case, as it presumably will, for our
courts to cut the Gordian knot. But this is not that

Subsequently, in KwaZulu-Natal Joint Liaison Committee

v MEC for Education, Kwazulu-Natal and Others40 the
Constitutional Court had the opportunity to develop a
doctrine of substantive legitimate expectation. However,
the issue of substantive protection of a legitimate
expectation had not been properly pleaded or argued
before the court, so the court left the question of when
substantive protection would be afforded a legitimate
expectation open for future determination. In Abbott v
Overstrand Municipality41 reliance was expressly placed
on the doctrine of legitimate expectation in pursuit of a
substantive benefit, but the court held that even if one
were to accept that the doctrine of legitimate expectation
of a substantive benefit forms part of our law, the
applicant had not proved objective facts giving rise to
such an expectation.

e Constitutional Court has resolved the inconsistency between the

protection afforded rights in section 1 and the protection afforded rights
and legitimate expectations in 3 respectively, by determining that
notwithstanding the narrower terms of section 1 of PAJA, section 3(1) of
PAJA confers the rights to procedural fairness on persons whose
legitimate expectations had been adversely affected, on the basis that
the more speci c provision, section 3(1), had to be read as
supplementing the more general provision, section 1.42 The requirements of section 3, and how they apply

Once we have established that section 3 applies to a particular
administrative action we can consider in more detail the speci c
requirements of fairness in terms of section 3 and how those
requirements apply. First, it is important to understand that these
requirements apply in a exible manner.

Importantly, section 3(2)(a) tells us that the requirements of procedural
fairness contained in section 3 must be applied in a exible manner. It
provides that ‘a fair administrative procedure depends on the
circumstances of each case’. Flexibility is crucial, as it allows a context-
sensitive application of the requirements of procedural fairness on a
case-by-case basis. In some situations, for example where there is an
urgent matter that needs to be dealt with, such as a decision to erect
temporary shelters for people affected by a ood, it might be fair to give
one day’s notice of a decision, whereas if the matter is not urgent, such
as the approval of a shopping centre development, fairness would
invariably demand much more notice. In complex decisions, involving
a vast number of documents, fairness could require that legal
representation be permitted at a hearing, whereas for everyday issues
that confront the ordinary person on the street, such as the
disconnection of water or electricity, fairness might simply require
opportunity to send written representations in the form of a letter or
notice to an official.
e exibility inherent in section 3 has been interpreted to mean
that although section 3(2)(b) appears to impose ‘mandatory’ or
‘minimum’ requirements of procedural fairness, whilst section 3(3)
appears to impose ‘discretionary’ or ‘additional’ requirements of
procedural fairness, the courts will have a discretion as to whether or
not to enforce even section 3(2)(b)’s requirements in appropriate
cases.43 In other words, a court may nd that an administrator’s conduct
is procedurally fair even if it does not comply with all the requirements
of section 3(2)(b). However, administrators would be ill-advised to
overlook the requirements of section 3(2)(b) in the normal course, and
run the risk of the court nding in subsequent litigation that theirs was
a case in which all of the section 3(2)(b) procedures ought to have been
followed. Instead, if and to the extent an administrator believes that a
departure from the requirements of section 3(2) is appropriate, he or
she should expressly invoke section 3(4), which reinforces the idea of
exibility by allowing administrators to depart from the requirements of
section 3(2)(b) where it is reasonable and justi able to do so, taking into
account all relevant factors. ese factors include the likely effect or
impact of the administrative action, the urgency of the matter, and the
need to promote an efficient administration. We will now turn to
consider what procedures section 3(2)(b) and 3(3) envisage, in order for
administrative action to be fair.

The requirements of section 3

Adequate notice
e rst and most basic procedural requirement of section 3(2)(b) is
that a person who will be affected by administrative action must be
given adequate notice of the intended action. So, for example, before a
municipality may terminate your electricity supply on the grounds that
you failed to pay your bill, it must give you notice, usually in writing,
that it intends to do so within a certain period of time. Such notice
ensures that you have the opportunity to engage with the municipality
before your electricity is cut off.
Adequacy of notice is a relative concept, such that what is ‘adequate’,
both in relation to the form and timing of notice, will depend on the
circumstances of the case. When a municipality wishes to evict
residents from a block of ats in Johannesburg because the building is
derelict and unsafe to live in, it may be appropriate to afford a short
period of notice, and simply to put written notices up on notice boards
at the entrance of the block of ats, as well as on notice boards around
the block of ats. If the residents are predominantly isiZulu speaking,
adequacy could entail that the written notice be published both in
English and isiZulu. However, if illiterate residents of an informal
settlement are to be relocated to a new RDP housing estate, written
notice of the intended decision alone may not be adequate. In such a
case, the officials involved may be required to engage verbally with
community leaders, in their home language over a long period of time,
in order to satisfy the requirement of adequate notice.
In Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union and Others v Minister of
Correctional Services and Others (No 1)44 members of the Department of
Correctional Services were informed that the Department
contemplated dismissing them inter alia for unauthorised absence
from work and were afforded 48 hours to make representations before
the decision was taken. Plasket J held that ‘the notice of 48 hours
cannot, by any stretch of the imagination, be said to be adequate notice
of the nature and purpose of the proposed administrative action, as
envisaged by s 3(2)(b)(i) of PAJA’.45

A reasonable opportunity to make representations

e second requirement of section 3(2)(b) is that a person affected by
administrative action must be given a reasonable opportunity to make
representations, either to the administrator who will take the decision,
or where this would be impractical, persons who will later fully apprise
the decision-maker of the content of representations made by
interested parties. e opportunity must ordinarily be afforded before a
decision is taken. In Sokhela and Others v MEC for Agriculture and
Environmental Affairs (Kwazulu-Natal) and Others46 it was found that:
Where a person has a right to be heard before a decision is taken it is important
that whatever the form of the hearing, the subject matter of the hearing or
opportunity to make representations is made clear to the affected parties in order
that the right to make representations may be effective.

In Sokhela it was alleged that affected parties had been afforded an

opportunity to be heard, because they had been called to a meeting
before the decision adversely affecting them had been taken. However,
the court reasoned that since the affected parties were not informed at
that meeting that its purpose was to afford them an opportunity to make
representations, and the decision-maker did not disclose concerns that
might result in an adverse decision, the meeting did not amount to a
reasonable opportunity to make representations.47
e reason for allowing an opportunity for representations to be
made is not because the representations will necessarily be accepted.
However, representations may have an important in uence on the
outcome of decision-making. For instance, in the context of a decision
to grant a prospecting right in respect of minerals on land, where it is
necessary rst for the landowners to be given notice and consulted in
terms of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act,48 it
has been held that ‘the purpose of consultation is to ascertain if some
sort of accommodation can be reached in respect of [the] impact’ of a
decision to grant a prospecting right. In other words, the purpose of an
opportunity to make representations includes managing the impact of a
decision on those adversely affected.49 Another important reason for
allowing an opportunity to make representations relates to enabling the
decision-maker to hear all points of view so as to arrive at ‘an
objectively justi able conclusion’.
What is ‘reasonable’ will depend on the circumstances of the case,
but typically, the opportunity afforded is to present representations in
writing. is is because it would be unduly burdensome to expect
administrators to speak and listen, in person, to each person affected by
a decision, so as to consider their representations. Further, section 3(3)
recognises that administrators ‘may … in [their] discretion’ (that is, not
in the normal course) give affected persons the opportunity to do more
than just present written representations including: (a) obtaining
assistance, and in serious or complex cases, legal representation, (b)
presenting and disputing information and arguments and (c) appearing
in person. One could expect a decision-maker to exercise the discretion
conferred by section 3(3), for instance, for the bene t of someone who
is illiterate, and thus cannot make written representations on their own,
or where a decision turns on the interpretation of a complex legal
document, such that a layperson would struggle to make
representations without the assistance of legal representation.
As for the timing of the opportunity to make representations, in
order to be ‘reasonable’, the more complex the matter, the longer the
opportunity to make representations should be, especially where a
decision will be made based on vast amounts of information. On the
other hand, if a decision needs to be taken urgently, it could be
reasonable to allow a short period of time for representations to be
made. Note that urgency is a factor here to determine what the exible
standard of fairness in giving an opportunity to make representations
requires under the circumstances, rather than a justi cation for a
departure from the requirement to allow representations.
Finally, in order for the representations to be meaningful, it is
accepted that the administrator must disclose to the affected persons
information that will inform the administrator’s decision-making. is
would usually include:
• provisions in legislation or contracts that will inform the
administrator’s decision,
• policy considerations that will be relied upon in making the
decision, and
• adverse or prejudicial information in the administrator’s possession.
A clear statement of the administrative action
e third requirement of section 3(2)(b) is that after a decision has been
taken, those affected by it should be advised, in clear terms, of the
decision. A clear statement of administrative action ought to set out:
• what was decided,
• who the decision-makers were, and
• on what legal and factual basis the decision was taken.

A statement of this kind would enable a person affected to launch a

meaningful appeal or review in respect of the administrative action

Notice of any right of review or internal appeal and notice of the right to
request reasons
e nal requirements of procedural fairness in section 3(2)(b) of PAJA
demand that decision-makers must inform affected persons that they
are entitled to ask for reasons for the decision in terms of section 5 of
PAJA, and of any internal or special statutory review procedures or any
internal appeal procedures available in respect of the decision.
Decision-makers do not need to inform affected persons that they can
pursue a judicial review in terms of section 6 of PAJA. If some other
review or internal appeal is available, however, the decision-maker
ought to advise affected persons of how long they have to pursue the
review or appeal, where and with whom the review or appeal should be
pursued, and any other formal requirements of the review or appeal.
Note that these requirements do not expressly oblige the
administrator to provide reasons for the administrative action. e only
obligation under this section is that the affected person be informed of
his or her right to request reasons. As we shall see in Chapter 9, dealing
with the right to reasons, this obligation to inform a person of his or her
right to request reasons is an important element of PAJA’s reason-giving
regime, under which a person has a right to request reasons rather than
a right to reasons.
How to change an exam date
The exam date for administrative law is recorded in the
exam schedule published on the university’s intranet as
date X. Your lecturer wants to change the exam date to
date Y. She mentions this in passing to a handful of
students who she bumps into in the library, but doesn’t
notify the student body more generally, or make inquiries
about whether date Y would be suitable for the students.
The lecturer then changes the exam date from date X to
date Y, but does not publish the new exam date on the
university’s intranet. Instead, your lecturer discusses the
new date with a student that she believes to be one of
the strongest in the class. On date Y, most of the
students are absent from the exam. The lecturer’s
decision is clearly unfair, but what is it about her
decision that renders it unfair? For instance, in order to
be fair, ought the lecturer to have given prior notice of
her proposed decision to the students, ought she to have
engaged with representations on the new date, and then
given notice of the decision taken? Did the lecturer
demonstrate a preference for a particular student?

A fair, but different procedure

It is not unusual for the procedure that an administrator must follow in
order to take a decision to be speci cally prescribed by legislation
empowering that administrator to act. Section 3(5) recognises this by
allowing administrators to follow a ‘fair but different procedures’ from
those set out in section 3(2).
In order for an administrator to rely on this provision, the following
elements must be present:
• An empowering provision must provide for a procedure to be
followed (note the broad de nition of empowering provision in
section 1 of PAJA).
e contemplated procedure may differ from that set out in section

3(2) of PAJA.
• e different procedure must still be fair.
• e administrator must follow the different procedure.

Fairness under this subsection will be judged against the general

requirement that the affected person must have a meaningful
opportunity to in uence the administrative decision.
Following a ‘fair but different procedure’ under section 3(5)
amounts to compliance with section 3 of PAJA even though the
procedure followed may look very different from that set out in PAJA.
is is another way in which the exibility of procedural fairness is
manifested under PAJA.

Example of a ‘fair but different procedure’

The provisions in the Refugees Act50 dealing with
applications for asylum provide an example of a
procedure that is somewhat different from that set out in
PAJA, but that can still be considered fair.

Refugees Act 130 of 1998

21. Application for asylum.–

(1) An application for asylum must be made

in person in accordance with the
prescribed procedures to a Refugee
Reception Officer at any Refugee
Reception Office.

(2) The Refugee Reception Officer

(a) must accept the application form
from the applicant;
(b) must see to it that the application
form is properly completed, and,
where necessary, must assist the
applicant in this regard;
(c) may conduct such enquiry as he or
she deems necessary in order to
verify the information furnished in
the application; and
(d) must submit any application
received by him or her, together with
any information relating to the
applicant which he or she may have
obtained, to a Refugee Status
Determination Officer, to deal with it
in terms of section 24.

(3.) When making an application for asylum,

every applicant must have his or her
fingerprints or other prints taken in the
prescribed manner and every applicant
who is 16 years old or older must furnish
two recent photographs of himself or
herself of such dimensions as may be

24. Decision regarding application for asylum.–

(1) Upon receipt of an application for asylum

the Refugee Status Determination Officer–
(a) in order to make a decision, may
request any information or
clarification he or she deems
necessary from an applicant or
Refugee Reception Officer;
(b) where necessary, may consult with
and invite a UNHCR representative
to furnish information on specified
matters; and
(c) may, with the permission of the
asylum seeker, provide the UNHCR
representative with such information
as may be requested.

(2.) When considering an application the

Refugee Status Determination Officer
must have due regard for the rights set
out in section 33 of the Constitution, and
in particular, ensure that the applicant
fully understands the procedures, his or
her rights and responsibilities and the
evidence presented.

(3) The Refugee Status Determination Officer

must at the conclusion of the hearing–
(a) grant asylum; or
(b) reject the application as manifestly
unfounded, abusive or fraudulent; or
(c) reject the application as unfounded;
(d) refer any question of law to the
Standing Committee.

(4) If an application is rejected in terms of

subsection (3)(b)–
(a) written reasons must be furnished to
the applicant within five working
days after the date of the rejection
or referral;
(b) the record of proceedings and a
copy of the reasons referred to in
paragraph (a) must be submitted to
the Standing Committee within 10
working days after the date of the
rejection or referral.

In essence there are thus three main types of procedural routes that an
administrator may adopt under section 3 of PAJA:
1. e administrator may follow the procedure set out in section 3(2)
supplemented by the procedural steps in section 3(3) where the
circumstances require, or
2. the administrator may depart from the procedure in section 3(2) if
the circumstances allow in terms of section 3(4) taking into account
the factors listed in section 3(4)(b), or
3. the administrator may follow a ‘fair but different’ procedure
provided for in an empowering provision.

7.3.2 Section 4 of PAJA: Procedural fairness in respect

of decisions that have a general impact
A decision of the Department of Home Affairs to close an office for the
processing of asylum-seeker permits for refugees living in the country,
or a decision to increase tolls on national highways does not merely
have a speci c impact on individuals. ese decisions also have a
broader impact in the sense that their impact is, in relation to a group or
class of people, equal and impersonal.51 When these types of decisions
are taken, the decision-makers concerned must comply with the
procedural requirements of section 4 of PAJA.
Unlike the procedures provided for in section 3 of PAJA, the
procedures envisaged by section 4 do not contemplate one-on-one
engagement. For example, in some situations, section 4 demands
inviting, by way of notice in a regional newspaper, a community to
attend a meeting in a public forum, such as a town hall or local sports
club, to make verbal or written representations to a panel of decision-
makers about an issue that affects that community (that is, to hold a
public inquiry).52 In other situations, section 4 demands that
administrators put a notice in a national newspaper, inviting written
comments from the public generally on a proposed decision, rather
than only inviting a select few to make comments (that is, to follow a
notice and comment procedure).53
Certain decisions that affect a group or class of the public might
demand both a public inquiry and a notice and comment procedure,54
whilst in some situations it might be fair to follow another procedure,
provided that approach is also fair.55 e inclusion in PAJA of
procedures applicable when decisions affect the public is a welcome
extension to fairness under the common law, as these procedures foster
accountability, openness and justi able decisions.56 Hoexter describes
section 4 as ‘a novel and signi cant provision’ in our constitutional
dispensation, since it introduces new forms of participation when
decisions affect the public.57 Before we consider what the procedures
provided for in section 4 entail, we must understand when section 4 will
be triggered. When does section 4 apply?

Like section 3, the requirements of section 4 are triggered when rights
are ‘materially and adversely’ affected by administrative action. ese
aspects of section 4 ought to be understood as set out in relation to
section 3 above. e distinguishing trigger in section 4 is that the impact
on rights must be on ‘the public’ rather than on ‘a person’. We will now
consider the meaning of the term ‘the public’.

The public
Section 1 provides that for purposes of section 4, ‘public’ includes any
group or class of the public. It is argued that administrative action
affects a group or class of the public when its impact is ‘equal and
impersonal’, rather than merely speci c.58 In addition, administrative
action that is ‘general’ and has a signi cant public effect will arguably
trigger the procedures in section 4, even if the group or class of the
public affected is not clearly identi able or cannot give input itself.59 It
has been held that section 4 allows public interest groups and
individuals to make representations on decisions in such situations,
that is, where the people who might actually be affected are not able to
give input or are not identi able.60 is is because:
[w]here administrative action is proposed which will adversely affect the public,
there may often be an extant group of people who will be immediately affected
but often the proposed action will also have future effects on people who, at the
time of the decision, are not yet in contemplation as persons who will be
adversely affected. Often these ‘future victims’ of the proposed decision will be
the more numerous group. While their identity will not be known (they
themselves might not yet know that their circumstances will ever bring them
within the purview of the proposed decision), we are fortunate to live in a society
where there are many organisations which concern themselves with public
causes and with the welfare of others and where there are altruistic individuals
with the knowledge, experience and skill to make useful representations on
matters affecting the public.61 The requirements of section 4

We will now consider in more detail the procedures provided for in
section 4 of PAJA when administrative action affects the public.
An administrator taking a decision that will have a material and
adverse general impact on the public may:
• hold a public inquiry (section 4(1)(a) and section 4(2)),
• follow a notice and comment procedure (section 4(1)(b) and section
• hold a public inquiry and follow a notice and comment procedure
(section 4(1)(c)),
• follow a different but fair procedure prescribed by an empowering
provision (section 4(1)(d)), or
• follow any other procedure that gives effect to section 3 (section 4(1)

Like section 3, section 4 envisages that what is fair will depend on the
circumstances of the case (that is, section 4 will apply in a exible
fashion, as spelt out in relation to section 3 above). To this end, section
4 affords administrators a number of procedures from which to choose
when their decisions materially and adversely affect the public in a
general sense. Section 1 excludes from the de nition of ‘administrative
action’ a decision or failure to take a decision in terms of section 4(1).62
e result of this exclusion is that the administrator’s choice as to which
section 4 procedure to use when his or her decisions materially and
adversely affect the public will not be reviewable in terms of section 6 of
PAJA. An administrator’s choice may, however, be reviewable in terms
of the constitutional principle of legality, which regulates the exercise of
all public power. Administrators may also depart from the procedures
provided for in section 4(1), (2) and (3) where it is reasonable and
justi able to do so, taking into account factors such as efficiency, good
governance and the urgency of the intended administrative action.63 In
the next section, we will consider what each of the procedures in
section 4 entails.

The section 4 procedures

e procedures in section 4 of PAJA became operational only once
detailed regulations on fair administrative procedures giving greater
content to those procedures had been put in place. us the procedures
provided for in section 4 must be read with the Regulations on Fair
Administrative Procedures 2002.

A public inquiry
A public inquiry is a formal hearing, in a public forum, where an
administrator or a panel of administrators receives representations
(either in writing or verbally) in relation to a decision that will have a
general impact.
In terms of section 4(2), when an administrator has chosen to hold a
public inquiry in order to ensure the fairness of a decision with a
general impact that he or she wishes to take, the administrator must
rst decide whether to conduct the public inquiry him- or herself, or
appoint a panel of suitably quali ed persons to conduct the inquiry.
en, the administrator must invite the public to attend and participate
in the inquiry about the decision. e invitation must contain sufficient
information so as to enable those affected to participate meaningfully,
and enable them to ask for more information if necessary. In addition,
the invitation must be publicised effectively, so as to be brought to the
attention of those affected, including by means of internet, radio,
television, posters, newspapers, etc. At the inquiry, people must be
given a hearing (that is, a proper opportunity to participate and be
heard), having regard to matters such as their level of literacy, the
languages they speak, and the possible need for assistance. After the
inquiry, it is necessary for a written report to be compiled, recording the
reasons for any decision to be taken or recommended. e report must
be published in the Gazette and conveyed to those members of the
public affected by a decision to be taken or recommended.

A notice and comment procedure

Before some decisions affecting the public are taken it may simply be
impractical to convene inquiries with people to receive representations
about the decision. In these cases, a notice and comment procedure
will likely be pursued, instead of a public inquiry. Section 4(3) gives
more information about how a notice and comment ought to be
conducted. As in the case of a public inquiry, administrators must issue
a proper invitation to participate in the procedure, which must be
publicised effectively. e invitation in this case will be to give written
comments on a proposed decision by a certain date, rather than to
participate in a hearing. Once written comments have been received,
the administrators concerned are required to consider the comments
and decide whether or not to take the intended decision, with or
without changes, in light of the comments received.

Fair but different procedure

In Bengwenyama Minerals, the court was concerned with the procedure
contained in the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act,64
in the context of a challenge to a prospecting right granted under that
Act. e court pointed out that in order to satisfy the demands of
fairness, the consultation demanded by the Act could not be ‘a mere
formal process’. Rather the consultation had to amount to ‘genuine and
effective engagement of minds between the consulting and the
consulted parties’.

7.3.3 Procedural fairness in respect of decisions that

affect individuals and the public
Some decisions may have both a speci c and a general impact. ese
decisions will attract the fairness standards imposed by section 3 in
respect of their speci c impact, as well those imposed by section 4, in
respect of their general impact. For instance, the decision to build the
Gautrain railway line in Gauteng had a general impact on all people in
Gauteng, as well as a speci c impact on some people, such as those
whose properties were expropriated in order to make way for the
construction of particular portions of the railway line. Accordingly, in
order to act fairly, the officials involved in the approval of the Gautrain’s
railway line would have been required to follow certain procedures
prescribed by section 4 in respect of the public in Gauteng, as well as to
follow procedures prescribed by section 3 in respect of the speci c
individuals affected by expropriation.

Fracking in the Karoo

Imagine that Shale of Africa (Pty) Ltd, a major player in
the energy industry, wishes to conduct hydraulic
fracturing (fracking) to extract natural gas from rocks
deep underground in the Karoo, near a residential area,
and that the Director-General of the Department of
Environmental Affairs grants an environmental
authorisation allowing the fracking to take place. Clean
Energy, an environmental non-governmental organisation,
argues that the Director-General ought to have
conducted a public inquiry, a notice and comment
procedure or any other fair procedure provided for in
environmental law before granting the environmental
authorisation to allow any fracking.
Are the rights or legitimate expectations of ‘the
public’ materially and adversely affected by the Director-
General’s decision to grant an environmental
authorisation? If so, which group or class of the public is
affected? Which rights or legitimate expectations are
affected? Could the Director-General’s decision
potentially have a specific impact on certain individuals,
in addition to a more general impact on the public?
Which procedures do you think the Director-General
ought to have followed before granting the authorisation?

7.3.4 The consequences of a failure to follow a fair

procedure as required by sections 3 and/or 4 of
In the event that an administrator performs administrative action
without complying with the demands of sections 3 and/or 4 (as
applicable), his or her conduct will be reviewable in terms of section
6(2)(c) of PAJA on the grounds that it was procedurally unfair, and will
typically be set aside as invalid. For example, in Earthlife Africa
Johannesburg v Minister of Energy65 a decision of the National Energy
Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) permitting the procurement of
9600MW of electricity through nuclear energy was reviewed and set
aside, amongst other things on the basis that NERSA had acted in a
manner that was procedurally unfair in terms of section 4 of PAJA. e
decision would have far-reaching implications, not least because it
would entail substantial expenditure on infrastructure (around R1
trillion) which would have to be paid for through taxes and increased
electricity charges.66 Given these and other implications, the court
concluded that ‘a rational and fair decision-making process would have
made provision for public input’ before NERSA acted.67
In Allpay Consolidated Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd v Chief
Executive Officer, South African Social Security Agency and Others68 the
court held that the determination of the procedural fairness of an
administrative decision is independent of the outcome of the decision.
is means that the administrative action can be found invalid because
of procedural irregularities, regardless of whether the action would have
been the same had a fair procedure been followed. e court rejected
the contrary approach followed by the Supreme Court of Appeal in this
matter, which involved a challenge to a procurement decision, stating
that the SCA’s approach ‘undermines the role procedural requirements
play in ensuring even treatment of all bidders’ and ‘overlooks that the
purpose of a fair process is to ensure the best outcome; the two cannot
be severed’. e court held that on the SCA’s approach ‘procedural
requirements are not considered on their own merits, but instead
through the lens of the nal outcome’. is is a awed approach, among
other reasons, because if ‘the process leading to the bid’s success was
compromised, it cannot be known with certainty what course the
process might have taken had procedural requirements been properly
Diagrams A and B in Figure 7.1 on pages 192–193 illustrate the
process of analysing whether a particular administrative action
complied with the procedural fairness requirements of PAJA in a step-
by-step manner. In all instances the analysis starts in Diagram A, which
determines in the rst phase of the process what the impact of the
relevant administrative action entails in order to ascertain whether
section 3 and/or section 4 of PAJA applies. If the impact of the action is
individualised, the focus is on section 3 as set out in the remainder of
Diagram A. If the impact of the action is general (on the public), then
the focus is on section 4, which is set out in Diagram B. In considering
the ow diagram in Figure 7.1 the inherent exibility of procedural
fairness must be remembered, which means that even the mandatory
requirements of section 3(2)(b) of PAJA need not always be strictly

7.4 The rule against bias

As set out above, the rule against bias was, at common law, captured in
the Latin maxim nemo judex in sua causa esse debet, which means that
no one should be a judge in their own cause/interest. One can think
again of a referee in a football or rugby match. If the referee is also a
player in the game, this would detract from his or her ability to make
impartial decisions in the match, when what is required is for the
referee (decision-maker) to approach the match (decision) with an
open mind, without having, for any reason, prejudged the match
In our constitutional era, the rule against bias is recognised by
incorporating in section 6(2)(a)(iii) of PAJA, among the grounds of
review of administrative action, that administrative action will be
reviewable when the administrator who took it was biased or
reasonably suspected of bias.
An administrator’s conduct may be set aside in terms of section 6(2)
(a)(iii) when he or she has in fact prejudged a decision and has thus
actually failed to approach the decision with an open mind, or when he
or she has created the impression, perception, apprehension or
suspicion in the eyes of a reasonable person, on reasonable grounds,
that he or she might have been biased.70 It will often be difficult to prove
that an administrator is actually biased, since bias manifests in the
mind of an administrator.71
Figure 7.1 Steps in analysing the procedural fairness of an administrative action: Diagram A
Figure 7.2 Steps in analysing the procedural fairness of an administrative action: Diagram B

us, the reasonable impression, perception, apprehension or

suspicion of bias, rather than ‘a real likelihood of bias’ will be enough to
trigger the review ground in section 6(2)(a)(iii) of PAJA. is is because:
In the end the only guarantee of impartiality … is conspicuous impartiality. To
insist upon the appearance of a real likelihood of bias would … cut at the very root
of the principle, deeply embedded in our law, that justice must be seen to be
done. It would impede rather than advance the due administration of justice.72

An administrator may be actually biased, or may create a reasonable

apprehension of bias in a number of different scenarios, including
• e administrator stands to gain nancially from a particular
outcome in respect of the issues before him or her,73 which would be
the case, for instance, if he or she were a shareholder of a company
whose tender he or she was adjudicating.74
• A family member or friend stands to bene t from a decision he or
she takes, such that he or she has a personal interest in the outcome
of the decision before him or her.75
• Before a particular issue came before the administrator, he or she
had already formed and expressed a rm view on that issue, such
that no matter what submissions are made to him or her, he or she
will not change her view.76
• e administrator’s allegiance to the views or policies of the
institution to which he or she is accountable render him or her
incapable of making an impartial decision.77

In each of these situations, if there is proof of actual bias, or if a

reasonable person, based on reasonable grounds, would think that the
administrator might have been biased, then the administrator’s
decision will be reviewable in terms of section 6(2)(a)(iii) of PAJA, and
will usually be set aside.
Where an administrator’s decision is set aside on the grounds of bias
or a suspicion of bias after the fact, the rule against bias operates in a
retrospective fashion. It is, however, also possible for the rule against
bias to operate in a prospective fashion, before a decision is taken, by
asking that the administrator recuse him- or herself on the grounds that
he or she is or might be biased, so that another administrator, who is
impartial, can take the decision.

7.5 When is procedural fairness demanded of exercises

of public power that do not amount to administrative
In a number of decisions our courts have faced the dilemma of whether
and, if so, when to impose burdensome procedural fairness standards
upon exercises of public power that do not amount to administrative
action.78 It has been suggested that it is not necessary,79 or that it is not
always appropriate,80 to subject public power that is not administrative
action to the rigours of notice and an opportunity to make
representations. For instance, conduct that is judicial in nature, usually
takes the form of the adjudication of disputes by application of law to
facts in a public forum before an impartial decision-maker, such that
the demands of procedural fairness are satis ed without having to apply
PAJA (that is, it is not necessary to apply PAJA’s procedural fairness
standards to such conduct). Similarly, most law-making is regulated by
a set of procedures contained in the Constitution, such that it is not
necessary to impose PAJA’s procedures to legislative conduct. Further,
law-making typically occurs in a public, deliberative forum, which
ensures transparency and accountability.81
In relation to conduct that is executive in nature the position is more
complex. On the one hand, it may often be undesirable to impose
procedural fairness standards on executive conduct, as to do so would
fetter the political discretion of the decision-maker,82 hinder effective
governance, or could implicate issues of national security, which would
be threatened by the transparency demanded by procedural fairness.
For instance, a decision to re the head of the National Intelligence
Agency, arguably ought not to attract a fair hearing, as the decision is
political in nature, and implicates issues of national security.83 On the
other hand, executive conduct that entails a decision to grant pardons
to political prisoners arguably cannot rationally be taken without
affording the victims of the crimes a hearing, and thus arguably ought to
attract at least some of the demands of fairness.84
In essence, legality demands that all public power must be rationally
and lawfully exercised.85 Although there has been some uncertainty in
relation to the requirements of legality, and whether and to what extent
legality will require fairness, it is now clear that sometimes, in order to
be rational or lawful, exercises of public power that are not
administrative action must follow a fair process. For instance, the
ndings of a commission of inquiry have been set aside on the basis of
the principle of legality, including on the basis that the commission did
not follow a proper process. 86 e precise content of fairness in these
situations remains unclear, however.87 e Constitutional Court has
distinguished between procedural fairness as a requirement for just
administrative action, and procedural rationality as follows:
Procedural fairness has to do with affording a party likely to be disadvantaged by
the outcome the opportunity to be properly represented and fairly heard before
an adverse decision is rendered. Not so with procedural irrationality. e latter is
about testing whether, or ensuring that there is a rational connection between the
exercise of power in relation to both process and the decision itself and the
purpose sought to be achieved through the exercise of that power.88

Legality imposes a duty to consult, rst where the purpose of an

exercise of public power cannot rationally be achieved without
consultation with those affected by the decision.89 Second, legality
imposes a duty to consult where a failure to consult will amount to a
failure to take into account information at the disposal of the decision-
maker which ought rationally to be taken into account by the decision-
maker.90 ird, our courts have pointed out that sometimes a statutorily
mandated procedure is required to be followed as a prerequisite for the
lawful exercise of public power that is not administrative action, and
that in such situations, legality will demand that a fair procedure as
provided for in statute is followed.91 At least in these situations,
exercises of public power that are not administrative action will attract
some of the procedural fairness standards that are typically the preserve
of administrative action.

7.6 When is procedural fairness demanded of exercises

of private power?
Under the common law, the rules of natural justice were sometimes
applied in the context of the judicial review of private (as opposed to
public) power.92 Whilst on the face of it a voluntary association is a
private body that exercises private power in terms of its constitution,
which is a contract with its members, under the common law, punitive
or coercive decisions of voluntary associations such as churches and
sports clubs had to be not only consistent with their constitutions, but
also unbiased and fair, in order to be valid.93 Even with the introduction
of the Constitution, these exercises of private power continue to be
subject to review in terms of the common law rules of natural justice, as
opposed to section 33 of the Constitution or PAJA. For instance, in
Fortuin v Church of Christ Mission of the Republic of South Africa94 the
applicant successfully invoked the court’s inherent review discretion
under the common law to take on review a decision of the Church of
Christ Mission of the Republic of South Africa (the church) to
‘disfellowship’ him from his pastoral duties based on the fact that he
had divorced his wife and remarried a couple of months later. e court
set aside the decision, ruling that the church was in violation of its own
constitution when it failed to afford the applicant a fair process during
his ‘disfellowshipping’, and con rming that the church’s decision was
subject to the rules of natural justice under the common law. In
Motswana v African National Congress95 branch members of the African
National Congress (ANC) in the North West Province challenged a
decision of the National Executive Committee of the ANC (NEC) to
disband or dissolve the North West Province Executive Committee
(PEC). e branch members argued that the decision fell to be reviewed
and set aside in terms of the common law on the basis that it was
procedurally unfair and substantively irrational.96 e ANC argued that
given that the ANC was a political party performing a discretionary
function in terms of its own constitution, the court could only interfere
if the ANC had acted capriciously or acted ‘on a wrong principle’.97
Finding in favour of the branch members, the court reasoned that it was
‘well established in our law that the principles of natural justice can be
implied from the express terms of the contract of a voluntary
association’.98 In this instance, requiring audi alteram partem was
important, not only to ensure that the leadership of the political party
could be provided with an opportunity to obtain information relevant
for the proper exercise of its powers, but also to ensure that the political
rights provided for in section 19 of the Constitution were ful lled.99 e
court found that the ANC had failed to uphold the requirements of
procedural fairness in a number of respects.100 Under the
circumstances, the court declared that the ANC’s decision was
unlawful. e court reviewed and set aside the decision and ordered the
reinstatement of the disbanded PEC.101


This chapter seeks to describe when and how the standards of procedural fairness
as demanded by section 33 of the Constitution will apply to administrative action.
It first examines section 3 of PAJA in relation to administrative action affecting a
person, and second, section 4 of PAJA in relation to administrative action affecting
the public. This chapter further describes the operation of the rule against bias,
which is a key component of fair decision-making. Next, this chapter explains the
circumstances in which the constitutional principle of legality demands that public
power that is not necessarily administrative action will be subject to some of the
demands of fairness. Finally, this chapter explains that private power can
sometimes be susceptible to the demands of procedural fairness.

• Hoexter, C (2011) ‘The Rule of Law and the Principle of Legality in South
African Administrative Law Today’ in Carnelley, M & Hoctor, S (Eds) (2011)
Law, Order and Liberty, Essays in Honor of Tony Mathews Scotsville: University
of KwaZulu Natal Press 55
• Hoexter, C (2012) Administrative Law in South Africa (2nd ed) Cape Town:
Juta, specifically Chapter 7: Procedural Fairness
• Murcott, M (2013) Procedural Fairness as a Component of Legality: Is a
Reconciliation between Albutt and Masetlha Possible? SALJ 130:260
• Quinot, G (2010) Substantive Reasoning in Administrative-Law Adjudication
Constitutional Court Review 3:111

1 1980 (3) SA 476 (T).

2 1984 (2) SA 35 (W).
3 3 of 2000.
4 See section 4 of PAJA.
5 See Chapter 1 section 1.3.4 above on the ‘classi cation of functions’.
6 In terms of sections 3 and 4 of PAJA.
7 Section 1(c) of the Constitution. See, for example, Albutt v Centre for the Study of Violence
and Reconciliation and Others 2010 (3) SA 293 (CC); Minister of Home Affairs and Others v
Scalabrini Centre and Others 2013 (6) SA 421 (SCA) and Law Society of South Africa and
Others v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2019 (3) BCLR 329 (CC).
8 Section 1(d) of the Constitution. See further section 195 of the Constitution, which
demands, among other things, that the public administration must provide services in an
impartial, fair and equitable manner, without bias (section 195(1)(d)), that people’s needs
must be responded to, and the public must be encouraged to participate in policy-making
(section 195(1)(e)), that the public administration must be accountable (section 195(1)(f))
and that transparency must be fostered by providing the public with timely, accessible and
accurate information.
9 Minister of Health and Another NO v New Clicks (Pty) Ltd and Others (Treatment Action
Campaign and Another as Amici Curiae) 2006 (2) SA 311 (CC) paras 111 and 625.
10 New Clicks para 627.
11 Joseph and Others v City of Johannesburg and Others 2010 (4) SA 55 (CC) paras 28–29.
12 Zondi v MEC for Traditional and Local Government Affairs and Others 2005 (3) SA 589 (CC)
paras 113–114. Although there are certain minimum requirements of fairness, according to
Joseph paras 57–63 even these may be applied in a exible manner.
13 See, for example, R v Ngwevela 1954 (1) SA 123 (A).
14 Previously, section 24(b) of the transitional Constitution of 1993 provided for a right to
‘procedurally fair administrative action where any … rights or legitimate expectations is
affected or threatened’.
15 Zondi para 101.
16 Quinot, G (2010) Substantive Reasoning in Administrative-Law Adjudication Constitutional
Court Review 3:111 at 121.
17 Quinot (2010).
18 Emphasis added.
19 Joseph para 31.
20 See Grey’s Marine Hout Bay (Pty) Ltd and Others v Minister of Public Works and Others 2005
(6) SA 313 (SCA) paras 29–33.
Refer to section 3.7.5 in Chapter 3 on the rights element of the de nition of administrative
action in section 1 of PAJA.
22 Joseph para 43.
23 Joseph para 35.
24 Joseph para 40.
25 See Walele v City of Cape Town and Others 2008 (6) SA 129 (CC) para 35, where the court
held that a legitimate expectation can arise in respect of a mere ‘privilege or bene t which
it would be unfair to deny [a] person without giving him or her a hearing’.
26 Quinot, G (2004) e Developing Doctrine of Substantive Protection of Legitimate
Expectations in South African Administrative Law SAPL 19:543 at 546–547. See further
Pretorius, DM (2000) Ten Years After Traub: e Doctrine of Legitimate Expectation in
South African Administrative Law SALJ 117(3):520.
27 1989 (4) SA 731 (A).
28 2002 (4) SA 60 (W).
29 2002 (4) SA 60 (W) para 28.
30 Phillips para 29.
31 1999 (2) SA 91 (CC).
32 Premier Mpumalanga paras 45–46.
33 See Murcott, M (2015) A Future for the Doctrine of Substantive Legitimate Expectation?
e Implications of Kwazulu-Natal Joint Liaison Committee v MEC for Education, Kwazulu-
Natal PER (18)1:3133.
34 [2000] 3 All ER 850 (CA) para 58.
35 Re Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs; Ex Parte Lam (2003) 214 CLR 1.
36 Mount Sinai Hospital Centre v Quebec (Minister of Health and Social Services) [2001] 2 SCR
37 See Hoexter, C (2012) Administrative Law in South Africa (2nd ed) 427–436; Quinot (2004);
Campbell, J (2003) Legitimate Expectations: e Potential and Limits of Substantive
Protection in South Africa SALJ 120(2):292.
38 2003 (2) SA 715 (SCA).
39 2010 (6) SA 374 (SCA).
40 2013 (4) SA 262 (CC).
41 Unreported, referred to as [2016] ZASCA 68, 20 May 2016 paras 32–34.
42 Walele para 37.
43 Joseph paras 56–59.
44 2008 (3) SA 91 (E).
45 Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union para 73.
46 2010 (5) SA 574 (KZP) para 53.
47 Sokhela para 55.
48 28 of 2002.
49 Van Wyk, J (2014) Fracking in the Karoo: Approvals Required (1) Stellenbosch Law Review
25(1):34 at 44–45 referring to Bengwenyama Minerals (Pty) Ltd and Others v Genorah
Resources (Pty) Ltd and Others 2011 (4) SA 113 (CC) paras 63–64.
50 130 of 1998.
51 Currie, I & Klaaren, J (2001) e Promotion of Administrative Justice Act Benchbook 114. See
also Burns, Y & Henrico, R (2020) Administrative Law (5th ed) 179, 324.
52 Section 4(1)(a).
53 Section 4(1)(b).
54 Section 4(1)(c).
55 Section 4(1)(d) and (e).
56 Currie & Klaaren (2001) 108–109.
57 Hoexter (2012) 406.
58 Currie & Klaaren 114.
59 Scalabrini Centre and Others, Cape Town and Others v Minister of Home Affairs and Others
2013 (3) SA 531 (WCC) paras 82–86.
60 Scalabrini Centre WCC paras 85–86.
61 Scalabrini Centre WCC para 85.
62 Section 1(i)(ii) of PAJA.
63 Section 4(4) of PAJA.
64 28 of 2002.
65 2017 (5) SA 227 (WCC) para 44.
66 Earthlife Africa para 44.
67 Earthlife Africa para 45.
68 2014 (1) SA 604 (CC) para 24.
69 Joseph paras 56–59.
70 BTR Industries South Africa (Pty) Ltd and Others v Metal and Allied Workers’ Union and
Another 1992 (3) SA 673 (A) 688D–697; Telkom SA Soc Limited v Mncube NO and Others;
Mobile Telephone Networks (Pty) Ltd v Pillay NO and Others; Cell C (Pty) Limited v e
Chairperson of ICASA and Others; Dimension Data Middle East & Africa (Pty) Ltd t.a
Internet Solutions v ICASA and Others unreported, referred to as [2016] ZAGPPHC 93, 26
February 2016 paras 52–55. See further President of the RSA v SARFU 1999 (4) SA 147 (CC)
para 30 where the court preferred a reasonable apprehension of bias test, since a
reasonable suspicion of bias test creates the impression that bias necessarily entails
corruption or warrants suspicion, when in fact, bias simply entails a pre-judgment, which
includes unintentional, innocent or inadvertent pre-judgment, and is not necessarily
corrupt or malicious.
71 See C Okpaluba and L Juma(2011) ‘e Problems of Proving Actual or Apparent Bias: An
Analysis of Contemporary Developments in South Africa’ PER 38. It was noted in BTR
Industries 693C referring to Council of Review, South African Defence Force v H J Mönnig
and Others 1992 (3) SA 482 (A) that ‘bias is not only conscious but also subconscious’.
72 BTR Industries 694G–694I.
73 See, for example, Rose v Johannesburg Local Road Transportation Board 1947 (4) SA 272
74 Bam-Mugwanya v Minister of Finance and Provincial Expenditure, Eastern Cape and Others
2001 (4) SA 120 (C).
75 See, for example, Liebenberg v Brakpan Liquor Licensing Board 1944 WLD 52.
76 See, for example, Patel v Witbank Town Council 1931 TPD 284; Hamata and Another v
Chairperson, Peninsula Technikon Internal Disciplinary Committee and Others 2000 (4) SA
621 (C).
77 See, for example, Ruyobeza and Another v Minister of Home Affairs and Others 2003 (5) SA
51 (C).
See, for example, Masetlha v President of the Republic of South Africa and Another 2008 (1)
78 SA 566 (CC); Albutt; Scalabrini Centre SCA; National Director of Public Prosecutions and
Others v Freedom Under Law 2014 (4) SA 298 (SCA); Minister of Defence and Military
Veterans v Motau and Others 2014 (5) SA 69 (CC); e National Treasury v Kubukeli 2016 (2)
SA 507 (SCA); Law Society of South Africa and Others v President of the Republic of South
Africa and Others 2019 (3) BCLR 329 (CC).
79 Fedsure Life Assurance Ltd and Others v Greater Johannesburg Transitional Metropolitan
Council and Others 1999 (1) SA 374 (CC) paras 21–46.
80 Masetlha paras 42 and 77–78.
81 See Fedsure Life Assurance.
82 As was the case in President of RSA v SARFU.
83 is is arguably the principle reason why in Masetlha it was appropriate not to apply the
standards of procedural fairness, which is to be contrasted with the reason actually relied
upon by the majority of the Constitutional Court, namely that procedural fairness is not an
aspect of legality. See further Murcott, M (2013) Procedural Fairness as a Component of
Legality: Is a Reconciliation between Albutt and Masetlha Possible? SALJ 130(2):260 at 271–
84 is was the court’s nding in Albutt.
85 See Hoexter, C ‘e Rule of Law and the Principle of Legality in South African
Administrative Law Today’ in Carnelley, M & Hoctor, S (Eds) (2011) Law, Order and Liberty,
Essays in Honor of Tony Mathews 55.
86 Corruption Watch and Another v Arms Procurement Commission and Others [2019] 4 All SA
53 (GP) paras 9–10, 14, 52–70.
87 See Murcott (2013) 269–270.
88 See Law Society of South Africa and Others para 64.
89 is was the case in Albutt and in Scalabrini Centre WCC, where it was held that
consultation with those representing the interests of the victims of political crimes and
asylum seekers respectively was required by legality.
90 See Freedom Under Law v National Director of Public Prosecutions and Others 2014 (1) SA
254 (GNP) paras 127 and 165, where a failure to consult with prosecutors and investigators
before discontinuing criminal prosecution against an accused was found to be irrational.
91 See Motau which concerned the dismissal of a board member of a parastatal, an executive
decision which attracted procedural fairness as demanded by provisions of the Companies
Act 71 of 2008.
92 Hoexter (2012) 127–131.
93 eron en Andere v Ring van Wellington van die NG Sendingkerk in Suid-Afrika en Andere
1976 (2) SA 1 (A); Turner v Jockey Club of South Africa 1974 (3) SA 633 (A).
94 Unreported, referred to as [2016] ZAECPEHC 18, 5 May 2016 para 17.
95 Unreported, referred to as [2019] ZAGPJHC 4, 6 February 2019.
96 Motswana paras 13–14.
97 Motswana para 16.
98 Motswana para 24.
99 Motswana paras 25–26.
100 Motswana paras 42–53.
101 Motswana para 59.


8.1 Introduction

8.2 Reasonableness and related grounds of review

8.3 Symptomatic unreasonableness

8.4 Rationality
8.4.1 Rationality under PAJA
8.4.2 Rationality and legality
8.4.3 Rationality of progress
8.4.4 Rationality and common-law review

8.5 Proportionality
8.5.1 Proportionality in South African courts
8.5.2 A test for proportionality in South African administrative law?

8.6 Vagueness

8.7 Reasonableness generally

8.8 Reasonableness and respect

8.8.1 Factors influencing reasonableness review The nature of the decision The identity and expertise of the decision-maker The range of factors relevant to the decision The reasons given for the decision The nature of the competing interests involved The impact of the decision on the lives and well-being of those affected

8.1 Introduction
Judges are not supposed to decide whether administrative decisions are
correct or not. In other words, they are not to decide on the merits of
administrative action. is is one of the cornerstones of the distinction
between appeal and review. e principal reason for this is the
separation of powers doctrine, which requires that different branches of
government do not impermissibly intrude into the spheres of operation
of other branches. A judge deciding on the merits of administrative
action would be seen as an impermissible intrusion by the judiciary
into the province of the executive. However, there is a more practical
justi cation underpinning the broad principle of separation of powers.
In most cases, judges are not quali ed to make administrative
decisions. ey are not, for example, skilled in weighing the numerous
facts and policy considerations required in deciding the allocation of
shing rights; issuing of water licences; environmental authorisations
or trade licences. ey are, however, skilled in weighing up evidence
and settling disputes. Administrators, on the other hand, are (at least in
theory) experts in their respective elds – whether it is immigration or
income tax or the running of prisons – and their decisions in these elds
ought to be respected by the judiciary for this reason.
e distinction between appeal and review and merits and
regularity is not as clear as it might appear at rst glance, however.1
Probably the aspect that is primarily responsible for the blurring of the
distinction is reasonableness as a ground of review. ere has
historically been resistance to permitting judges to decide on the
reasonableness of administrative action because of concerns that this
would entail judges scrutinising the merits of those decisions. While it is
true that deciding whether an administrative decision is reasonable
would inevitably involve considering the merits of the decision, it ought
not to involve impermissible intrusion into the administrator’s
discretion, and it does not involve deciding whether the decision is right
or wrong. is will be explored in more detail in this chapter.

What type of energy?

Imagine that the National Energy Regulator of South
Africa (NERSA – a statutory body created to regulate all
aspects relating to energy in South Africa) grants a
licence to Eskom to build and operate a new nuclear
power plant in the Karoo. Likely opposition to such a
decision would include arguments in favour of other
forms of energy, in particular from renewable energy
sources such as solar, wind and water-generated power
facilities. How would one go about scrutinising, in legal
terms, the reasonableness of NERSA’s decision in light of
such opposition? Would it, for example, be appropriate
to allow a court to ask whether other forms of energy
should not rather have been chosen e.g.
solar/wind/coal/hydraulic fracturing (fracking)?

A second reason why reasonableness is often controversial is that it

does not operate in an absolute fashion. Some grounds of review are
either present or they are not; in other words, they operate in an
absolute manner. ere is either unlawful delegation or there is not.
ere is either compliance with the mandatory requirements of the
empowering legislation or there is not. ese are not matters of degree.
It is easy to draw a line between what is unlawful and what is not.
Reasonableness operates differently, however. Why is this?
Let us consider the typical challenge to administrative action. A
person will decide to challenge administrative action because he or she
feels that the action was wrongly decided. In most cases, the affected
person will have attempted to challenge the merits (correctness or
otherwise) of the decision in an applicable appeal process. Once that
avenue is exhausted, however, it is not open to him or her to challenge
the merits of the decision in the courts. He or she will have to nd some
other ground upon which to challenge the decision. If he or she argues
that the decision is unreasonable, the court will be faced with
determining the reasonableness of the decision in the circumstances of
that particular case. In other words, reasonableness is context-speci c.
e line between what is reasonable and unreasonable will have to be
drawn differently depending on the different circumstances of
individual cases. ere are numerous factors that in uence this line-
drawing exercise, which are discussed below. It is worth mentioning
that one of the most important of these factors is that the judge ought to
respect the constitutionally ordained functions of the administrator and
not lightly interfere in the latter’s decision. e idea of respect is
discussed in section 8.8.

Different types of unreasonableness cases

The esteemed English academic Sir Jeffrey Jowell, writing
more than 20 years ago, said the following:

It is possible to discern three categories of case that

fall under the general rubric of unreasonableness:

(a) Where there has been an extreme defect in the

decision-making process. The assessment
here focuses upon the reasoning or justification
for the decision; upon the quality of the
argument supporting the decision. We see
here: (i) decisions taken in bad faith; (ii)
decisions based on considerations wrongly
taken into account or ignored, or given
inappropriate weight; and (iii) strictly ‘irrational’
decisions, namely those justified by inadequate
evidence or reasoning;
(b) Decisions taken in violation of common law
principles governing the exercise of official
power. In the absence of express intent to the
contrary, these principles apply even where
discretion has been conferred in the widest
terms. The principles of (i) equality and (ii)
legal certainty fall under this head.
(c) Oppressive decisions are ones which have an
unnecessarily onerous impact on affected
persons or where the means employed (albeit
for lawful ends) are excessive or
disproportionate in their result.2

With some minor exceptions relating to the source of

some of these observations, it is submitted that these
categories would be relevant to the South African law of
reasonableness today. Indeed, this passage was quoted
with approval in the South African case of Ehrlich v
Minister of Correctional Services and Another.3 The
categorisation of different forms of unreasonableness in
this chapter is different from Jowell’s, but it can be seen
from the discussion of the various forms of
unreasonableness below how the categorisation is
consistent with the substance of Jowell’s argument.

8.2 Reasonableness and related grounds of review

Before PAJA, reasonableness sometimes operated as an ‘umbrella’
concept under which other grounds of review, now individually
identi ed in our law as separate grounds of review, were grouped. is
chapter will deal with these grounds of review under the general
heading of reasonableness, even though they may have obtained a
separate identity, so to speak. e links between the grounds of review,
however, will become evident as they are discussed. Ultimately, the
concept of reasonableness entails the idea that a decision will be
unreasonable if it is a decision that a reasonable decision-maker would
not reach.4 e various grounds brie y outlined below are discussed in
detail further on in the chapter but are set out here to indicate what is
covered in the chapter and to justify the order in which the concepts are
• Symptomatic unreasonableness. is type of unreasonableness
manifests itself due to the presence of another aw in the decision,
usually an abuse of discretion. For example, a decision made with
an ulterior purpose is thus unreasonable. We will start with this
because it was the primary ‘meaning’ of unreasonableness under
the common law.
• Rationality. Traditionally seen as part of reasonableness, this is now
separately provided for in PAJA.
• Proportionality. Regarded as part of reasonableness in respect of
only certain types of administrative action under the common law,
this is not provided for explicitly in PAJA, but widely regarded as
being covered by the concept of reasonableness.
• Vagueness. It is arguable that vagueness is out of place here. It is
also not explicitly addressed in PAJA, but it can compellingly be
argued that a reasonable decision-maker would not make a decision
that is vague. is would justify its inclusion under this heading.
• Reasonableness generally. We will explore if there is any residual
aspect of reasonableness that is not covered by the concepts listed
above. is could also be called reasonableness per se.

8.3 Symptomatic unreasonableness

Prior to PAJA, our common-law approach to reasonableness was rather
complex. It relied on the so-called classi cation of functions approach,
whereby the test for reasonableness would differ depending on whether
the administrative action was legislative, judicial (or quasi-judicial) or
‘purely administrative’ (that is, any action that fell into neither of the
rst two categories).5 e test for ‘purely administrative’ actions (such
as deciding permit applications or deciding to arrest and detain a
person) was that set out in the case of Union Government (Minister of
Mines and Industries) Appellants v Union Steel Corporation (South
Africa) Ltd Respondents:6
[N]owhere has it been held that unreasonableness is sufficient ground for
interference; emphasis is always laid upon the necessity of the unreasonableness
being so gross that something else can be inferred from it, either that it is
‘inexplicable except on the assumption of mala des or ulterior motive’ … or that
it amounts to proof that the person on whom the discretion is conferred has not
applied his mind to the matter.

Reasonableness under the common law

Reasonableness under the common law was applied on
the basis of a ‘classification of functions’ approach.
In legislative administrative action (for example, the
making of regulations or municipal by-laws), the test for
reasonableness was based on the English decision of
Kruse v Johnson:7
If, for instance, … [by-laws] were found to be partial
and unequal in their operation as between different
classes; if they were manifestly unjust; if they
disclosed bad faith; if they involved such oppressive
or gratuitous interference with the rights of those
subject to them as could find no justification in the
minds of reasonable men, the Court might well say,
‘Parliament never intended to give authority to make
such rules; they are unreasonable and ultra vires’.

In addition, delegated legislation that was vague or

uncertain was also set aside on that basis in various
For judicial administrative action, the test was that
laid down in Theron en Andere v Ring van Wellington van
die NG Sendingkerk in Suid-Afrika en Andere.8 Such
decisions could be declared unreasonable if they are not
reasonably supported by the evidence available. It was
stressed that this test applied only in ‘purely judicial’
cases, such as this one (a disciplinary inquiry), involving
the same sort of discretion exercised by courts of law.
All other administrative action was reviewable on the
basis of gross unreasonableness (discussed in the main
Whereas the classification of functions approach
was jettisoned by the Appellate Division in respect of
procedural fairness before the onset of the constitutional
era, there was not a similar decision in respect of
reasonableness. The common law would not continue to
apply on this basis post-1994 because of the
requirements of the Constitution.

Section 33 of the Constitution requires administrative action that is

‘lawful, reasonable and procedurally fair’. It is clear that the requirement
of ‘reasonableness’ is not quali ed in any way, but the legislature
provided for reasonableness in rather a curious manner when it
enacted PAJA in 2000:9 administrative action is reviewable if ‘the
exercise of the power or the performance of the function authorised by
the empowering provision, in pursuance of which the administrative
action was purportedly taken, is so unreasonable that no reasonable
person could have so exercised the power or performed the function’.10
Initially, concern was expressed that this section was remarkably
similar to the English test for unreasonableness which has come to be
referred to as the Wednesbury test after the case of its origin: ‘a
decision so unreasonable that no reasonable authority could ever come
to it’.12 e problem with this approach would be that it sets the bar for
unreasonableness so high that the presence of such unreasonableness
would inevitably be accompanied by some other ground of review
relating to abuse of discretion (most of which are explicitly provided for
in PAJA as grounds of review under section 6),13 rendering the
reasonableness ground of review super uous. In the light of the
Constitutional requirement of reasonableness, it was suggested that the
section be interpreted purposively to mean that ‘simple’ (as opposed to
gross) unreasonableness be a ground of review.14
It was not long after the enactment of PAJA that the Constitutional
Court had an opportunity to provide some clarity on the reasonableness
requirement in Bato Star Fishing (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Environmental
Affairs and Others.15 O’ Regan J, for a unanimous court, citing the
English judgment of Lord Cooke in R v Chief Constable of Sussex, Ex
Parte International Trader’s Ferry Ltd,16 decided that:
Even if it be thought that the language of section 6(2)(h), if taken literally, might
set a standard such that a decision would rarely if ever be found unreasonable,
that is not the proper constitutional meaning which should be attached to the
subsection. e subsection must be construed consistently with the Constitution
and in particular section 33 which requires administrative action to be
‘reasonable’. Section 6(2)(h) should then be understood to require a simple test,
namely, that an administrative decision will be reviewable if … it is one that a
reasonable decision-maker could not reach.17

is clearly rejects the notion that section 6(2)(h) requires gross (or
symptomatic) unreasonableness. is test is somewhat circular – a
decision is unreasonable if it is one that a reasonable decision-maker
could not reach. In other words, the unreasonableness of the decision
depends on a decision as to the reasonableness of the decision-maker
in the circumstances. e court, however, did provide some pointers,
indicating that the determination of a reasonable decision will depend
on the circumstances of each case,18 and that there are various factors
which will be relevant in determining whether a decision is reasonable
or not:
• the nature of the decision,
• the identity and expertise of the decision-maker,
• the range of factors relevant to the decision,
• the reasons given for the decision,
• the nature of the competing interests involved, and
• the impact of the decision on the lives and well-being of those

ese factors are discussed further below.

For purposes of dispensing with symptomatic unreasonableness, it
goes without saying that if the correct test in South African law is what
could be called ‘simple’ unreasonableness, any decision displaying
unreasonableness of such a degree that it was indicative of abuse of
discretion would be reviewable. Such a decision would not only be
reviewable in terms of reasonableness but also by using the individual
grounds which collectively make up the abuse of discretion grounds.

8.4 Rationality
Even though rationality is not explicitly provided for in the Bill of Rights,
it is central to the rule of law: a ‘minimum threshold requirement
applicable to the exercise of all public power by members of the
Executive and other functionaries’.20 Prior to PAJA, the test for rationality
in respect of administrative action was held to be whether there is ‘a
rational objective basis justifying the connection made by the
administrative decision-maker between the material properly available
to him and the conclusion he or she eventually arrived at’.21 e
Supreme Court of Appeal con rmed this test, post PAJA, in Trinity
Broadcasting (Ciskei) v Independent Communications Authority of
South Africa.22 It is important to note that the justi cation for the
connection must be objectively rational. is means that a reasonable
observer must regard the connection as rational – it is not sufficient if
the decision-maker thinks the decision is rational.

8.4.1 Rationality under PAJA

PAJA provides that administrative action is reviewable if:
the action itself is not rationally connected to –
(aa) the purpose for which it was taken;
(bb) the purpose of the empowering provision;
(cc) the information before the administrator; or
(dd) the reasons given for it by the administrator.23

is provision envisages four ‘connections’ or ‘links’ that must have a

rational objective basis, as follows:
• A rational connection between the decision and the purpose for
which it was taken. e purpose for which the decision was taken
would usually be evident from the reasons given for the decision.
e purpose would have to be consistent with the purpose of the
legislation, or it could be set aside on the basis of ulterior purpose.24
For example, if the Department of Water and Sanitation indicated in
its reason for a decision to grant a water use licence to a white male
applicant that the decision had been taken to further the
Department’s transformation agenda (meaning that there is a goal
to produce more black and women water users), this decision would
clearly not be rationally connected to the purpose for which it was
taken. is would overlap with the fourth type, and would probably
also be aimed at those cases where the real purpose would not be
explicitly stated in the reasons, but could be inferred from the
circumstances (including the reasons actually supplied).
• A rational connection between the decision and the purpose of
the empowering provision. In the event of such a connection being
absent, the decision would probably be reviewable on the basis of
ulterior purpose as well. An example would be a decision to
authorise the hunting of a rare species of animal for the purpose of
generating a large amount of money, when the legislation in terms
of which such authorisation was given empowers the decision-
maker to take into account only factors relating to the conservation
of that species. Another example of this ‘basis’ of rationality is found
in the Trinity Broadcasting decision, discussed below.
• A rational connection between the decision and the information
before the administrator. is is probably the most frequently
encountered form of irrationality. ‘Information’ would include both
the evidence before the administrator (the factual material or
submissions which the administrator would consider in the process)
and the administrator’s ndings on the evidence.25 e decision (the
conclusion) must be rationally connected to these. ere are a
number of examples of this type of case discussed below.
• A rational connection between the decision and the reasons for
which it was taken. is would more than likely refer to the reasons
that have been provided to the affected individual. e example
given for the rst ‘connection’ would be relevant here too.

ere are several cases where rationality has been invoked. In Trinity
Broadcasting (Ciskei) v Independent Communications Authority of
South Africa,26 several conditions imposed on a broadcasting licence
were held to be irrational. Some were found to be so because there was
no rational connection between the decision and the information
before the administrator. For example, a decision to impose a language
breakdown involving a minimum of 40% isiXhosa and Afrikaans
collectively was justi ed by the respondent on the basis that the
applicant had undertaken in its application to do so. e court,
however, held that there had been no such undertaking, because the
applicant had explained that 75% of its content was foreign
e court also found one of the licence conditions irrational
because the condition was not rationally connected to the purpose of
the empowering provision. e condition requiring compulsory news
broadcasts was not required by the applicable Act, which provides that
broadcasting services, viewed collectively, must provide for news.28 is
condition was also not rationally connected to the information available
(the application).
Other matters in which courts have found no objective rational
connection between the facts (information) and the decision are Radio
Pretoria v Chairperson, Independent Communications Authority of
South Africa and Another29 (the decision was made on the basis of a
broadcasting ‘target area’ different from that for which the applicant
had applied) and Total Computer Services (Pty) Ltd v Municipal
Manager, Potchefstroom Local Municipality, and Others30 (a tender
‘points score’ was not justi ed by the information relating to ‘price,
company pro le, preference and reference sites’).31
WWF South Africa v Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries32
was a particularly striking example of the lack of a rational link between
the evidence before the decision-maker and the decision. e Deputy
Director-General (DDG) of the respondent Department (DAFF) was
responsible for determining the total allowable catch (TAC) of West
Coast rock lobster in terms of the Marine Living Resources Act.33 e
decision is supposed to entail a balancing of environmental, economic
and social considerations and is advised by a recommendation from the
Scienti c Working Group (SWG) of the Department. In the face of a
critical shortage of stocks (the lobster stocks were at a level of 1,9% of
the population before human exploitation), the SWG recommended a
large cut in the quota, as it had for several years before this one (2016–
2017). Despite the recommendation and the related evidence, the DDG
relied on social and economic considerations to decide on a TAC far
larger than that recommended. e court, correctly, concluded that, in:
setting the TAC at the previous season’s level of 1 924,08 tons, rather than at a
level no higher than 1 167 tons, [the DDG] acted arbitrarily and irrationally, failed
to observe the mandated precautionary approach, and made a decision which no
reasonable person could have made.34

is case is a good example of the overlap between irrationality and

Another example illustrating this overlap is FNM v Refugee Appeal
Board and Others.35 In this case, the Refugee Appeal Board, in the same
document, both condoned and refused to condone a late ling of an
appeal. is, the court understandably held, was:
not rationally connected to the reasons given for it, as contemplated in s 6(2)(f )
(ii)(dd) of [PAJA]; and so unreasonable that no reasonable person could have so
exercised the power, as contemplated in s 6(2)(h) of PAJA.36

In Ocean Ecological Adventures (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Environmental

Affairs37 the irrationality involved the absence of links both between the
information before the decision-maker and the purpose of the guiding
policy. e decision involved adjudicating bids to award a permit for
boat-based whale watching (BBWW). e applicant, an existing permit
holder, was unsuccessful and the permit was granted to a new entrant.
e problem with the decision was that the official used separate
scoring systems for existing permit holders and new entrants, and then
considered the applications through the lens of transformation
objectives, which had the effect of considering this aspect
(transformation) twice in the case of new applicants, which the court
found to be irrational.
A case that does not t into any of the four ‘connections’ set out
above is Minister of Safety and Security v Moodley.38 e Supreme Court
of Appeal, in considering the administrator’s in exible application of a
policy, stated that:
e in exibility … effectively precluded a proper consideration of Moodley’s
circumstances. e decision as a result of the Committee’s absolute in exibility is
also arguably, on the face of it, irrational and can on that basis alone be

It has been suggested that the court in this quote found that an
in exible application of policy ‘amounted to irrationality’.39 If this is
what the court held, then it is a novel way of applying rationality –
essentially that a rational decision cannot be made in the absence of
considering all the relevant information. It is not beyond doubt that this
is what the court actually meant, since the court states that the decision
is also irrational, suggesting that this may be a separate holding. is
conclusion is not explained, however.
Often the absence of a rational connection will be found by a court
without much difficulty, because judges are experienced in the use of
logic in order to solve disputes. Sometimes, however, the technical or
scienti c nature of the information on which the decision is based may
make it more difficult for judges, without scienti c backgrounds, to
assess its connection with the decision. In SA Predator Breeders
Association and Others v Minister of Environmental Affairs and
Tourism,40 a challenge to regulations purporting to regulate the practice
of ‘canned lion hunting’, the court was prepared to nd the regulations
irrational. is was, rst, because the regulations were not rationally
connected to the purposes of the Act. e relevant statutory purpose in
this regard was the conservation of endangered or threatened species,
and these regulations had not been made with that end in mind.41 e
second reason was that the regulations envisaged lawful hunting of
lions once a period of 24 months had elapsed after a captive-bred lion
had been rehabilitated. Not only did the 24-month period have no
foundation in the facts, but the expert opinion relied upon by the court
suggested that it was highly unlikely that such lions would ever be
rehabilitated. Consequently, there was no rational connection between
the information and the decision.42 It is submitted that the link in this
case between the ‘scienti c’ fact and the administrator’s conclusion was
relatively straightforward for a non-scientist to assess.
Two decisions in a single matter relating to the granting of shing
rights may not have been justi ed, however. In Foodcorp (Pty) Ltd v
Deputy Director-General, Department of Environmental Affairs and
Tourism: Branch Marine and Coastal Management and Others,43 the
court was considering a challenge to the allocation of shing rights
based on the application of a mathematical formula by the respondent
authority. In the light of certain ‘glaring anomalies’ that the court
identi ed in the allocation decisions, it concluded (on the basis of a
reasonableness argument) that:
One does not need to understand the ‘complex processes, mathematical or
otherwise’ … to realise that at least some of the results produced by the simple
application of the formula were irrational and inexplicable and consequently

e court does not explain further on what basis the decision was
irrational. Seemingly on its reasoning process, the irrationality arose
because of the lack of what it regarded as a rational connection between
the rights allocated in the previous rights allocation process and the one
under scrutiny in this case. is conceivably falls under a link between
the information and the decision. e court did not refer to the
rationality provision in PAJA, but rather the reasonableness one (section
Because of this adverse decision, the Department made a new
decision, using a revised mathematical formula. is new allocation
was also challenged and, once again, the court found it irrational.
Relying on section 6(2)(h), the court held that the new decision was ‘no
less irrational, inexplicable and unreasonable’ than the rst one and set
it aside as well.45 It has been argued that these decisions failed to
appreciate the scienti c rationale for the decisions and that the
allocations were, in fact, not irrational.46 If this argument is correct, it
suggests that courts ought to be cautious in interfering with
administrative decisions that are technically complex, without at least
adequate explanation of the process (which seems to have been absent
in this case).

The relationship between rationality and

Willis J in Thebe Ya Bophelo Healthcare Administrators
(Pty) Ltd and Others v National Bargaining Council for
the Road Freight Industry and Another47 observed that it
seemed to him that ‘in regard to administrative action, at
least, the Constitutional Court may have taken the
decision to suffuse “rationality” into “reasonableness”’.
He based this observation on the fact that the
Constitutional Court in the case of Sidumo and Another v
Rustenberg Platinum Mines Ltd and Others48 declined to
decide the matter on the basis of rationality, which had
been the basis of the decision in the same case in the
Supreme Court of Appeal.49 The reason for this is that
the Constitutional Court did not categorise the matter as
qualifying as administrative action, and consequently
had to deal with the issue under applicable labour
legislation that did not provide for rationality as a ground
of review.
Willis J’s observation may lead one to ask what the
difference is between reasonableness and rationality.
First, the two grounds of review are explicitly provided for,
separately, in PAJA: rationality in section 6(2)(f)(ii) and
reasonableness in section 6(2)(h). Second, the two
concepts do not mean the same thing conceptually. It is
probably correct to note that rationality is a subset of
reasonableness. This is because an irrational decision
will inevitably be a decision that a reasonable decision-
maker could not reach. An irrational decision will never
be reasonable. The converse, however, is not true. A
decision may be rational and yet still unreasonable for at
least two reasons: either on the basis of proportionality
or on the basis of infringing the right to equality.
Unreasonableness may also manifest itself as a
symptom of abuse of discretion, but most cases
involving abuse of discretion would probably fall foul of
the rationality test as well.
In short, rationality is part of reasonableness but
reasonableness covers other concepts as well. The fact
that both grounds of review are provided for in PAJA
means that rationality should be specifically invoked
where a decision’s rationality is in question, rather than
relying on the broader ground of unreasonableness.

8.4.2 Rationality and legality

It is well-established that the principle of legality requires decisions of
public authorities, even if not administrative action under PAJA, to be
rational. e courts have applied so-called rationality review in a
number of such cases.50 It seems clear that there is some inconsistency
in the way in which this has been applied and, consequently, some
concerns have been expressed about the possible erosion of the
separation of powers doctrine by some of these judgments.51 Further
discussion of this aspect, other than the topic covered in the next
section, is beyond the scope of this work. It is worth noting that the
concept of rationality invoked in a legality review as opposed to one
under PAJA is different to the concept under PAJA and has been
described as ‘a narrow one, not necessarily the same as that applied in a
review under s 6(2)(f)(ii) of PAJA’.52
8.4.3 Rationality of process
e rationality provision in PAJA53 focuses on the decision of the
administrator.54 A question that has arisen is whether review of the
rationality of a decision can (or must) include the consideration of the
rationality of the process taken in reaching that decision. is question
has been answered in the affirmative (albeit wrongly) by the
Constitutional Court in National Energy Regulator of South Africa and
Another v PG Group (Pty) Limited and Others.55 is case involved the
setting of a maximum gas price in terms of the Gas Act.56 e National
Energy Regulator (NERSA) is required to set a maximum price of gas in
a situation where the seller of gas has a monopoly (as in this case in
respect of Sasol Gas, the second respondent). e purpose of this power
is for NERSA to set a price that equates as far as possible with the price
that would be charged in a competitive market.
In the Supreme Court of Appeal,57 the court found that NERSA’s
price determination was irrational because, in essence, the price
determined was higher than the monopolistic price that the
determination process was intended to adjust, let alone one which
would mimic a competitive market.
On appeal to the Constitutional Court, the majority58 largely agreed
with the result (the price determination was irrational) but for different
reasons. Following the decision in Democratic Alliance v President of the
Republic of South Africa59 (a decision based on legality, not on PAJA),
the court proceeded on the basis that it may not ‘separate process
rationality and substantive rationality’ because it must determine
‘whether the means (including the process of making a decision) are
linked to the purpose or ends’.60 is, the court held, is the case in
dealing with rationality under PAJA ‘or anywhere else’.61 In Democratic
Alliance, the court had stated:
e means for achieving the purpose for which the power was conferred must
include everything that is done to achieve the purpose. Not only the decision
employed to achieve the purpose, but also everything done in the process of
taking that decision, constitutes means towards the attainment of the purpose for
which the power was conferred.62
e majority in NERSA were of the view that the central shortcoming of
NERSA’s decision had been the latter’s failure to take into account
Sasol’s marginal costs in its determination. Such a aw may easily be
addressed by means of the ground of review requiring an administrator
to take into account relevant considerations, but the court used the
notion of procedural rationality (previously used only in legality cases)
to address this defect. is reasoning has been criticised as being
contrary to the clear provisions of PAJA. ere is no linking of the
nding of irrationality by the majority in NERSA and the provisions of
section 6(2)(f)(ii) of PAJA.63 It is also not necessary to use procedural
rationality (whereas it might be in a legality review), because there is an
available ground of review in PAJA already. It would appear, though,
that this decision will now be binding.
If this is the case, the test for procedural rationality set out in
Democratic Alliance will be relevant in PAJA cases too. e test involves:
a three-stage enquiry …when a court is faced with an executive decision where
certain factors were ignored. e rst is whether the factors ignored are relevant;
the second requires us to consider whether the failure to consider the material
concerned (the means) is rationally related to the purpose for which the power
was conferred; and the third, which arises only if the answer to the second stage
of the enquiry is negative, is whether ignoring relevant facts is of a kind that
colours the entire process with irrationality and thus renders the nal decision

Yacoob J in this passage clearly envisages this approach applying to an

‘executive decision’, and this view is supported by the discussion in the
judgment containing this passage. e unfortunate precedent set in
NERSA may be avoided by reliance on the ground relating to relevant
and irrelevant considerations; rationality need not be invoked in such

8.4.4 Rationality and common-law review

Private acts carried out by private bodies are not subject to review
under PAJA because the act would not qualify as administrative action.65
Disciplinary hearings carried out by private bodies have for some time
under the common law been subject to the requirements of procedural
fairness.66 In National Horseracing Authority of Southern Africa v
Naidoo and Another,67 the majority extended this principle with
reference to section 39 of the Constitution and held that such decisions
are subject to the requirements of rationality as well. On the facts, the
court held that the decision was rationally connected to the evidence.

8.5 Proportionality
Not only is proportionality ‘inherent in the Bill of Rights’,68 but it ‘will
always be a signi cant element of reasonableness’, stated Sachs J in
Minister of Health and Another NO v New Clicks South Africa (Pty) Ltd
and Others (Treatment Action Campaign and Another as Amici
Curiae).69 Jowell argued that one category of unreasonableness consists
of ‘oppressive decisions … which have an unnecessarily onerous impact
on affected persons or where the means employed (albeit for lawful
ends) are excessive or disproportionate in their result’.70 Proportionality
is not explicitly provided for in PAJA (although in earlier drafts of the Act
it was), but if proportionality were not regarded as part of
reasonableness, the latter concept, provided for in section 6(2)(h),
would not cover much. is is because rationality is covered separately
(as described above) and symptomatic unreasonableness is largely
redundant because the aws on which this concept are based are all
separately provided for as well.71 e statements in Bato Star Fishing
also support the idea that reasonableness review in terms of PAJA also
includes proportionality.
In that case, the Constitutional Court set out various factors that
would be relevant in determining whether a decision is reasonable or
not.72 Two of these factors are relevant to the concept of proportionality.
e rst is the ‘nature of the competing interests involved’. If the court
must consider the competing interests involved, it will invariably take
into account the extent to which the decision impacts on the interests of
affected individuals, which is the second of the two Bato Star Fishing
factors relevant in this regard: ‘the impact of the decision on the lives
and well-being of those affected’. is raises the possibility of
proportionality being seen as part of reasonableness under PAJA.
Proportionality has been described by an English court as follows: ‘a
measure which interferes with a … human right must not only be
authorized by law but must correspond to a pressing social need and go
no further than strictly necessary in a pluralistic society to achieve its
permitted purpose; or, more shortly, must be appropriate and necessary
to its legitimate aim’.73 In other words, oppressive decisions may be
‘impugned … because of the unnecessarily onerous impact they have
on the rights or interests of persons affected by them’.74 More
prosaically, proportionality can be seen as the proposition that ‘one
ought not to use a sledgehammer to crack a nut’.75
Hoexter describes the status of proportionality as a ground of review
in South African law as ‘controversial’.76 In assessing how proportionality
may operate in South African administrative law, the use of the concept
in the courts will be considered, followed by an evaluation,
conceptually, of how the principle may be applied.

8.5.1 Proportionality in South African courts

Roman v Williams NO77 was, according to De Ville, the rst case that
explicitly recognised proportionality as an ‘unquali ed requirement for
valid administrative action’.78 e court, applying the requirements of
the interim Constitution, stated that administrative action ‘in order to
qualify as justi able in relation to the reasons given must meet the three
requirements of suitability, necessity and proportionality’.79 e
judgment itself does not explain these aspects further and the
administrative action under challenge was held to be valid without
express application of this ‘test’ for proportionality.
In Bel Porto School Governing Body and Others v Premier, Western
Cape and Another,80 the minority of Mokgoro J and Sachs J stated that
the ‘right to administrative action that is justi able in relation to the
reasons given incorporates the principle of proportionality’.81 is
judgment also explicitly refers to the requirement of the ‘suitability and
necessity’ of the decision as being relevant to a determination of
whether the decision is justi able.82 e judges added that it ‘might be
relevant to consider whether or not there are manifestly less restrictive
means to achieve the purpose’.83
In Schoonbee and Others v MEC for Education, Mpumalanga and
Another,84 the MEC’s decision to suspend a School Governing Body
(SGB) and the principal and deputy was under challenge. e court
held, inter alia, that:
there is no proportionality between the acts or conduct of the SGB which in the
view of the second respondent compelled him to take certain administrative
action on the one side and the administrative action which was actually taken; the
action of the wielder of power in dissolving the SGB is disproportionate to the
conduct which was intended to be corrected or the result aimed at.85

is was part of the reason why the court found in favour of the
In Ehrlich v Minister of Correctional Services and Another,86 Plasket J
expressly mentioned proportionality in the judgment as, rst, being a
‘constitutional foundation’87 and as ‘embedded’ in section 6(2)(h) of
PAJA,88 ultimately holding that the decision of the administrator to stop
a karate development programme in a prison was:
disproportionate in the sense that it has entirely destroyed the … programme when,
by simply ensuring that the programme was supervised by his staff, as he was
required to do all along, it could have proceeded as before. In this sense the
decision was what Professor Jowell called oppressive in that its impact on the
karate development programme’s participants was unduly and unjusti ably

In Medirite v South African Pharmacy Council,90 Leach JA linked the

statement in Bato Star relating to ‘the impact of the decision on the lives
and well-being of those affected’ (discussed above) to proportionality.
e court found that the respondent’s amendment to the Rule of Good
Pharmacy Practice requiring supermarkets that contained pharmacies
to demarcate the latter from the rest of the supermarket by means of a
oor-to-ceiling wall to be ‘wholly disproportional to the end it sought to
achieve’.91 is conclusion was facilitated by the respondent’s
concession that there were other less invasive alternatives available.92
e court clearly located the idea of proportionality within section 6(2)
(h) of PAJA.93
ese judgments invoked proportionality explicitly. As Plasket
notes, proportionality has been recognised ‘sometimes expressly and
sometimes implicitly’.94 In South African Shore Angling Association and
Another v Minister of Environmental Affairs,95 regulations prohibiting
the use of off-road vehicles on the sea shore were under challenge. e
grounds of review raised included an argument that the effect (impact)
of the ban on the applicants’ use and enjoyment of the coastal zone was
unreasonable.96 Although the term ‘proportionality’ is not used at all in
the judgment, this was essentially a proportionality argument. e
court, however, found that the regulations were not unreasonable on
this ground because ‘the impact is softened by various and wide-
ranging automatic exemptions’.97
Another case in which the term ‘proportionality’ was not used was
Ferucci and Others v Commissioner, South African Revenue Service and
Another,98 an application relating to a search and seizure warrant issued
in terms of the Income Tax Act99 and the Value-Added Tax Act.100 Relying
on section 36 of the Constitution, speci cally that fundamental rights in
the Bill of Rights may be limited only to the extent that such limitation is
reasonable and justi able having regard, inter alia, to the availability of
less restrictive means to achieve the purpose in question, the court was
of the view that ‘the contention that a search and seizure should not be
permitted where the objective sought to be achieved thereby could be
attained by other less drastic means is, generally speaking, correct’.101
Consequently, the court held that a judge issuing a warrant in terms of
the two Acts in question ‘should consider whether one of the less drastic
mechanisms contained in those Acts could not be utilised in order to
attain the objective sought’.102 Once again, proportionality was the basis
of this decision without being expressly referred to.
In the unanimous Constitutional Court judgment in Bato Star
Fishing,103 O’ Regan J observed that:
Often a power will identify a goal to be achieved, but will not dictate which route
should be followed to achieve that goal. In such circumstances a Court should
pay due respect to the route selected by the decision-maker. is does not mean,
however, that where the decision is one which will not reasonably result in the
achievement of the goal, or which is not reasonably supported on the facts or not
reasonable in the light of the reasons given for it, a Court may not review that
e comment that a court should pay ‘due respect’ to the ‘route selected
by the decision maker’ would be relevant in the context of deciding
whether there were less onerous means to achieve the statutory
purpose. e court does, however, open the door to proportionality
(bearing in mind that earlier statements in the same judgment did more
than merely open the door) by suggesting that a decision that does not
‘reasonably result in the achievement of the goal’ is open to review. A
disproportionate decision would meet this description.
is discussion indicates that proportionality has played a role in
judicial decision-making in the post-1994 era. None of these judgments,
however, has spelt out a test for proportionality or what the
requirements for such a test should be. e closest a court came to this
was in Roman v Williams NO, where the court simply listed the
requirements (for reasonableness) of suitability, necessity and
proportionality, without more.
In the next section, the question of what such a test might look like is

8.5.2 A test for proportionality in South African

administrative law?
De Ville suggests that proportionality is usually said to entail three
(a) was the measure in question suitable or effective to achieve the desired aim;
(b) was the measure necessary in the sense that no lesser form of interference
with the rights of a person was possible in order to achieve the desired aim
(such alternative measure being equally effective to the measure taken);
(c) does the measure (even though it may be suitable and necessary) not place
an excessive burden on the individual which is disproportionate in relation
to the public interest at stake?104

ese three enquiries appear to equate with the three aspects

mentioned in Roman v Williams NO. Hoexter, on the other hand,
suggests that there are three ‘essential elements’ of proportionality:
balance, necessity and suitability.105 Suitability refers to ‘lawful and
appropriate means’ and would be equivalent, in essence, to De Ville’s
rst enquiry set out above. Necessity would be De Ville’s second, and
his third could be described as balance. In English law, ‘balance’ is
expressed to involve (in this context), ‘whether there has been a
disproportionate interference with the claimant’s rights or interests’.106
is is substantively the same notion as that in the third of De Ville’s
e cases that were discussed above do not provide much, if any,
guidance as to how these three elements of proportionality apply. In
those cases where administrative action was found to be
disproportionate (expressly or in effect), there is no explicit reference or
application of these three elements. In Schoonbee107 the decision was
made on the basis of necessity only: ‘it is not necessary to dissolve the
entire school governing body in order to be able to raise and deal with,
as the second respondent wanted to, the matters or accounting
concerns raised by the report of the auditor-general’.108 In Ehrlich109 the
decision was set aside because it was ‘oppressive’. e court’s
observation that the object could have been achieved by less onerous
means ties in with the idea of necessity. In Ferucci110 the court set aside
the decision on the basis that less onerous alternative measures were
available. Once again, this is the test of necessity. In not one of these
cases were the other elements invoked, certainly not expressly. Does
proportionality require all three elements to be satis ed and, if so, is
there a hierarchy of the elements?
In European Community Law, the so-called ‘structured
proportionality’ test requires the rst question to be whether the
measure under challenge is suitable to attaining the identi ed ends (the
test of suitability), which includes the question of whether there is a
rational connection between means and ends.111 e second step is the
test of necessity: whether the measure is necessary and whether a less
onerous alternative method could have been used. e test of necessity
in this context requires ‘minimum impairment of the right or interest in
question’.112 If both of these tests are satis ed, then the court considers
whether the measure attains a ‘fair balance of means and ends’.113 In
these cases, the onus rests on the public authority to justify the
measure. is would be different from a challenge to administrative
action under PAJA using proportionality (reasonableness), where the
applicant would bear the onus of satisfying the court that the decision
was unreasonable. South African courts have not adopted such a three-
part test, however, and it is not clear whether such a test would be
appropriate if the applicant bore the onus of satisfying it. In summary,
our current jurisprudence does not indicate precisely how the three
elements of proportionality apply.
A further matter to consider is that De Ville also suggests that in
cases of administrative action that do not infringe ‘fundamental rights’:
it becomes more difficult to make out a strong argument for the application of the
principle of proportionality. e balancing required as part of the proportionality
exercise and the consideration of alternative policy choices simply cannot be
done effectively in every case involving the exercise of administrative discretion.
e courts do not have the required expertise, knowledge and training to do this
in every administrative law case. … [T]he courts will necessarily be hesitant in
judging the appropriateness of decisions involving social and economic policy
and in other instances where they do not have comparable experience.114

If proportionality is applicable, says De Ville, it can be applied ‘with

different standards of scrutiny’.115 e standards used will depend on a
variety of factors, including the ‘nature of the power and the objects to
be achieved by its exercise, the speci c rights or interests affected and
the relative expertise of the court as compared to that of the decision-
maker’.116 ese observations are, however, relevant to the application of
reasonableness generally, not just proportionality and echo, in essence,
statements to similar effect by the Constitutional Court in Bato Star
Fishing.117 is is discussed in more detail in section 8.8 below.

Confining proportionality review

As noted above, De Ville argues that proportionality
review should be confined to instances where
administrative action infringes on fundamental rights.
However, one can argue that if courts show appropriate
respect for administrative decisions, then it is not
necessary to confine proportionality review to cases
involving infringement of fundamental rights, as De Ville
prefers. The nature of the right or interest being adversely
affected by the administrative action is one of several
relevant factors to take into account by a court in
deciding whether to interfere with such a decision, as will
be seen from the discussion below in section 8.8.
Elevating the infringement of a right to a single decisive
factor in deciding whether to apply proportionality or not
is not justified. Proportionality may well be justified in
cases not involving infringement of rights if the other
applicable factors support it.

One nal aspect to note about proportionality is one that has not been
expressly invoked by South African courts, but is likely to be relevant to
the ground of review of relevant and irrelevant considerations.118
Despite the Supreme Court of Appeal’s holding in MEC for
Environmental Affairs and Development Planning v Clairison’s CC119
that it ‘has always been the law, and we see no reason to think that PAJA
has altered the position that the weight or lack of it to be attached to the
various considerations that go to making up a decision, is that given by
the decision-maker’,120 the court may indeed consider the relative
weight of the considerations taken into account. In one of the leading
cases dealing with this, Bangtoo Bros and Others v National Transport
Commission and Others,121 the court stated:
Take a case, for example, where a factor which is obviously of paramount
importance is relegated to one of insigni cance, and another factor, though
relevant, is given weight far in excess of its true value. Accepting that the tribunal
is the sole judge of the facts, can it be said that it has in the circumstances
postulated properly applied its mind to the matter in the sense required by law?
After much anxious consideration I have come to the conclusion that the answer
must be in the negative.122

Proportionality is relevant to this assessment in that the courts ‘evaluate

whether manifestly disproportionate weight has been attached to one
or other considerations relevant to the decision’.123
English law and oppressive decisions
English law distinguishes between, on the one hand,
oppressive decisions as a category of unreasonableness
and, on the other, proportionality as essentially a
separate ground of review, even though they operate very
similarly. Administrative decisions may be held to be
‘unreasonable when they are unduly oppressive because
they subject the complainant to an excessive hardship or
an unnecessarily onerous infringement of his rights or
interests’.124 This clearly is concerned with the impact of
the decision and not with the way in which the decision
was reached. An argument that a decision is oppressive
is essentially a claim of ‘abuse of power, in the sense of
excessive use of power’.125 Because of this, every case
must be considered ‘in the context of the nature of the
decision, the function of the particular power and the
nature of the interests or rights affected’.126
Woolf et al provide various illustrative categories of
oppressive decisions: those that impose an uneven
burden (which may relate also to the question of
equality, discussed below), those for which
implementation is impossible, and a decision which has
been unreasonably delayed.127 The latter example is now
expressly provided for as a ground of review in PAJA.128
Oppressive decisions would, it is submitted, be
addressed by the ‘balance’ requirement of
proportionality in South African law.

8.6 Vagueness
Under the common law, even though vagueness was not mentioned in
the grounds of reasonableness review applicable to legislative
administrative action,129 clarity was regarded as a requirement of
delegated legislation. e courts extended this requirement in one case
to a notice requiring a person to behave in a particular way (a ‘banning
Post 1994, the Constitutional Court has rightly stressed that the
legislature ‘is under a duty to pass legislation that is reasonably clear
and precise, enabling citizens and officials to understand what it
expected of them’.131 In light of this, the courts have made it clear that
‘the doctrine of vagueness is based on the rule of law’:132
[L]aws must be written in a clear and accessible manner. What is required is
reasonable certainty and not perfect lucidity. e doctrine of vagueness does not
require absolute certainty of laws. e law must indicate with reasonable
certainty to those who are bound by it what is required of them so that they may
regulate their conduct accordingly. e doctrine of vagueness must recognise the
role of government to further legitimate social and economic objectives. And
should not be used unduly to impede or prevent the furtherance of such

Vagueness as a ground of review is not mentioned speci cally in PAJA.

It could be regarded as being covered by section 6(2)(i), which deals
with action reviewable because it is ‘otherwise unconstitutional or
unlawful’.134 Alternatively, and consistently with the common law, it
could be regarded as encompassed by the concept of reasonableness.
Jowell regards it as being a type of unreasonableness (his reference to
‘legal certainty’)135 and it is difficult to argue against the idea that a
reasonable decision-maker would not make a decision that is vague.
e statements at the beginning of this section would suggest that
vagueness is a concept that is relevant only in respect of legislation, but
it goes further than that: it would apply to all administrative decisions
which require persons to act in a particular way. Delegated legislation
(assuming it is administrative action, which is not beyond doubt)136
would be the obvious arena in which clarity would be important.
However, there are numerous other types of decision that require clarity
as well. Legislation might provide for administrators to issue directives
(or similar notices) to persons requiring them to take speci ed steps in
order to comply with the law.137 Moreover, most permits, licences or
other types of authorisations would require persons to comply with
conditions stipulated in those authorisation documents. ese would
all have to be sufficiently clear in order that the affected person would
know what was required of him or her.

Clarity in tax matters

The South African Revenue Service (SARS) is empowered
under a range of taxation laws (for example, the Income
Tax Act,138 Customs and Excise Act139 and the Value-
Added Tax Act140) to issue instructions and
interpretations on how it will implement taxation
requirements. These notes have a direct bearing on how
ordinary taxpayers are required to complete their tax
returns. It is accordingly important for these notes to be
clear in order for taxpayers to know what to do in filing
their tax returns.

In the New Clicks case, the court also observed that it is ‘implicit in all
empowering legislation that regulations must be consistent with, and
not contradict, one another’.141 In that case, the Constitutional Court
dealt with arguments that various regulations relating to the pricing of
medicines were vague and contradictory,142 but the majority found that
the regulations in question were not void for vagueness. ere was,
however, no disagreement in the court as regards vagueness being a
valid ground of review.
In Kruger v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others,143
the court held two proclamations relating to the commencement date
of an Act invalid because they were vague and uncertain. e court
noted that the public ‘should not have to depend on lawyers to interpret
the meaning and import of words in proclamations in order for them to
know whether a particular piece of legislation passed by Parliament has
taken effect’.144 is case was not decided under PAJA.
e link between vagueness and procedural fairness was raised in
Allpay Consolidated Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd v Chief Executive
Officer, South African Social Security Agency.145 e court observed:146
vagueness can render a procurement process, or an administrative action,
procedurally unfair under s 6(2)(c) of PAJA. After all, an element of procedural
fairness – which applies to the decision-making process – is that persons are
entitled to know the case they must meet.

is is because section 3(2)(b)(i) of PAJA requires ‘adequate notice of

the nature and purpose of the proposed administrative action’. In regard
to a tender process, such adequate notice would ‘require sufficient
information to enable prospective tenderers to make bids that cover all
the requirements expected for the successful award of the tender’.147 e
court held that the notice provided by the tender documents in this case
was inadequate because it ‘did not specify with sufficient clarity what
was required of bidders’.148

8.7 Reasonableness generally

e discussion above has dealt with unreasonableness as manifested in
abuse of discretion (symptomatic unreasonableness), irrationality,
disproportionate decisions, and vagueness. Can unreasonableness
cover anything else? Since the test is a decision that a reasonable
decision-maker could not reach, there is probably a wider reach of
reasonableness review than covered by the above-mentioned
categories. In Ehrlich v Minister of Correctional Services and Another,149
the court pointed out that members of the karate development
programme were being treated differently from other prisoners (those
involved in the band, for example). e court found that this pointed to
the ‘unreasonableness of the decision: its unreasonableness lies in its
de ance of the constitutional value and fundamental right of
equality’.150 e court held that, because ‘there is no justi cation for this
differentiation, it is arbitrary and unreasonable on that account’.151 is
case is an example of one that Jowell had in mind when he described
decisions ‘taken in violation of common law principles governing the
exercise of official power’,152 including those involving the principle of
In Millennium Waste Management (Pty) Ltd v Chairperson, Tender
Board: Limpopo Province and Others,154 the court held that the tender
committee had acted ‘unreasonably’ in disqualifying the applicant’s
tender.155 e court held that the committee had made an error of law in
deciding that the absence of a signature on a form was fatal to the
applicant’s tender application. While grounds of review that are
regarded as ‘abuse of discretion’ grounds often trigger
unreasonableness, as discussed above,156 an error of law is not usually
regarded as necessarily being unreasonable. It is submitted that the
court was correct in holding so in this case because of the trivial nature
of the omission.
e ground of review involving relevant and irrelevant
considerations is also not regarded as abuse of discretion, but in
Minister of Defence and Another v Xulu157 the court held that the
decision not to renew the respondent’s xed-term contract was a
‘classic case of irrelevant, or only marginally relevant, considerations
being taken into account and all the relevant considerations being
discounted or ignored completely’ with the result that, from a
‘substantive perspective it was not a reasonable decision in the sense of
one that a reasonable decision-maker could make in the

8.8 Reasonableness and respect

Reasonableness as a ground of review has often been distrusted on the
basis that it raises the prospect of judges unacceptably interfering in the
sphere of the executive by setting aside administrative decisions on this
basis. Consequently, reasonableness review was greatly circumscribed
under the common law. In the introduction to this chapter, the task of a
judge in deciding reasonableness cases was described as drawing a line
between decisions which are reasonable and those that are not.
Another way of looking at this is that the judge asks ‘should I interfere in
this decision or should I leave it be?’
e answer to this question lies in the concept of judicial deference
or respect.159 Hoexter has described deference as follows, in a passage
quoted with approval in our highest courts:
judicial willingness to appreciate the legitimate and constitutionally-ordained
province of administrative agencies; to admit the expertise of those agencies in
policy-laden or polycentric issues; to accord their interpretation of fact and law
due respect; and to be sensitive in general to the interests legitimately pursued by
administrative bodies and the practical and nancial constraints under which
they operate. is type of deference is perfectly consistent with a concern for
individual rights and a refusal to tolerate corruption and maladministration. It
ought to be shaped not by an unwillingness to scrutinise administrative action,
but by a careful weighing up of the need for – and the consequences of – judicial
intervention. Above all, it ought to be shaped by a conscious determination not to
usurp the functions of administrative agencies; not to cross over from review to

In Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism v Phambili Fisheries

(Pty) Ltd,161 Schutz JA stated that:
[j]udicial deference does not imply judicial timidity or an unreadiness to perform
the judicial function. It simply manifests the recognition that the law itself places
certain administrative actions in the hands of the Executive, not the Judiciary.

In the appeal against the Phambili Fisheries decision, Bato Star Fishing
(Pty) Ltd v Minister of Environmental Affairs and Others,162 O’ Regan J
suggested that the term ‘deference’ may be misinterpreted. Instead, she
preferred the term ‘respect’, stating that ‘the need for Courts to treat
decision-makers with appropriate deference or respect ows not from
judicial courtesy or etiquette but from the fundamental constitutional
principle of the separation of powers itself’.163
In Bato Star Fishing, O’ Regan J set out various factors which she
indicated would be relevant in determining whether a decision is
reasonable or not:
• e nature of the decision;
• e identity and expertise of the decision-maker;
• e range of factors relevant to the decision;
• e reasons given for the decision;
• e nature of the competing interests involved; and
• e impact of the decision on the lives and well-being of
those affected.164
Another way to look at these factors, and which makes them relevant to
consider at this juncture, is that these factors are those that will
in uence a court in its decision as to whether to interfere with the
administrative decision or not. Let us consider them in more detail
(which the court did not do).

8.8.1 Factors influencing reasonableness review The nature of the decision

It is unlikely that this statement was aimed at resurrecting a
‘classi cation of functions’ approach.165 It is possible, however, to place
some emphasis on the nature of the decision without going as far as
rigidly to classify functions. One aspect of this may be that cases
involving interference with rights (as opposed to interests) warrant
heightened scrutiny. is was an issue discussed under the
proportionality heading above.
Another important aspect of the nature of the decision is the extent
that it is what could be called a ‘policy’ decision. Traditionally, courts
have been reluctant to interfere too much in policy-based and
polycentric166 decisions due to the notion that the functionary is better
versed in the matters of that particular policy than are the courts. As Sir
omas Bingham MR stated:
e greater the policy content of the decision, and the more remote the subject
matter of the decision from the ordinary judicial experience, the more hesitant
the court must necessarily be in holding a decision to be irrational. at is good
law, and like most good law, common sense.167

On the other hand, following the approach in the well-known case of

eron en Andere v Ring van Wellington van die NG Sendingkerk in
Suid-Afrika en Andere168 decisions ‘involving the same sort of discretion
as that normally exercised by courts of law; … characterized by the
application of legal rules or principles rather than … policy content’,169
often referred to as ‘purely judicial’ decisions, would be more amenable
to judicial scrutiny as to their reasonableness. The identity and expertise of the decision-maker
It would appear, from statements made by O’ Regan J elsewhere in the
Bato Star Fishing judgment,170 that this factor suggests that a decision by
an expert member or body of the administration (‘a person or
institution with speci c expertise’) ought to be treated with appropriate
respect, particularly when it is concerned with subject matter that is
outside of the usual experience of the courts. While this is undoubtedly
a valid consideration, it is important, however, that this not be given
undue emphasis. As Kerans has noted, ‘expertise commands deference
only when the expert is coherent’.171 The range of factors relevant to the decision

While it is clear that the various factors relevant to the decision would
have to be taken into account in determining whether a decision is
reasonable or not, this factor must not be taken to mean that a decision
involving a wide range of factors, what could perhaps be called a
complex decision, is more worthy of judicial deference than a decision
involving only a few relevant factors. e complexity of a decision
should only in uence how much and how carefully a court should
probe the decision in order to ascertain its reasonableness, which is not
the same as saying that it should be accorded more deference. As O’
Regan J states in Bato Star Fishing, ‘a decision that requires an
equilibrium to be struck between a range of competing interests or
considerations and which is to be taken by a person or institution with
speci c expertise in that area must be shown respect by the courts’.172
However, the judge quali es this comment, importantly, by pointing
out that a court ‘should not rubber-stamp an unreasonable decision
simply because of the complexity of the decision or the identity of the
decision-maker’.173 The reasons given for the decision

If the reasons given do not support the decision, this would be a clear
indicator of unreasonableness or irrationality, and a court would be
justi ed in interfering in such a decision. The nature of the competing interests involved
e rst consideration this factor raises is that, if one of the competing
interests is something more than an interest – a right in the Bill of
Rights, for example – then it is probable, as pointed out above, that the
decision will attract heightened scrutiny. On the other hand, the nature
of the interest pursued by the organ of state would also be relevant to
the degree of respect accorded the decision by the courts.
is factor is also relevant to proportionality in respect of the
balance to be struck between competing interests: the state’s on one
hand and the individual’s on the other. The impact of the decision on the lives and well-being of

those affected
is factor raises proportionality as discussed above.
Ultimately, what respect requires is not a formulaic exercise. e
court must appreciate that it is not concerned with whether the
decision was correct or not. Correctness and reasonableness do not
necessarily correspond – a decision may be incorrect but still
reasonable. is was recognised in Bato Star Fishing when O’ Regan J
observed that the administrator’s decision ‘may or may not have been
the best decision in the circumstances, but that is not for this Court to
consider’.174 In Carephone (Pty) Ltd v Marcus NO,175 the court stated that
‘[a]s long as the judge determining [the] issue is aware that he or she
enters the merits not in order to substitute his or her own opinion on
the correctness thereof, but to determine whether the outcome is
rationally justi able, the process will be in order’. If one regards this
judicial statement as being equally apposite to reasonableness
generally, this is the basis for judicial respect. e Carephone dictum
ought, in most cases, to ensure that courts do not interfere in the merits
of administrative decisions in an unwarranted manner.


Section 33 of the Constitution requires administrative action to be reasonable.
Reasonableness is explicitly provided for in PAJA, in a way that the courts have
interpreted as requiring the decision to be one that a reasonable decision-maker
would reach. Reasonableness can thus be seen as an ‘umbrella’ concept, under
which hang various related concepts that are relevant in the context of valid
administrative action. The first of these concepts is rationality, which is explicitly
provided for in PAJA. The second is so-called ‘symptomatic unreasonableness’,
arising usually because one of the grounds of review that amounts to an abuse of
discretion is a symptom of unreasonableness. In some cases, the presence of
grounds of review other than abuse of discretion have been regarded as a symptom
of unreasonableness too. Vagueness is also regarded as related to
unreasonableness. Finally, proportionality, although not explicitly referred to in
PAJA, has been invoked in several cases and is an aspect of reasonableness.
Judicial consideration of reasonableness inevitably involves a consideration of the
merits of the decision and therefore courts will exercise some restraint in interfering
in administrative decisions on the basis of unreasonableness, as reflected in the
idea of judicial deference or respect.

• Currie, I (2007) The Promotion of Administrative Justice Act: A Commentary
(2nd ed) Siber Ink: Cape Town 169–170
• De Ville, JR (2005) Judicial Review of Administrative Action in South Africa
LexisNexis: Durban 196–197, 207–210
• Du Plessis, M & Scott, S (2013) The Variable Standard of Rationality Review:
Suggestions for Improved Legality Jurisprudence SALJ 130(3):597
• Hoexter, C (2012) Administrative Law in South Africa (2nd ed) Juta: Cape Town
329–335, 443–444
• Kohn, L (2013) The Burgeoning Constitutional Requirement of Rationality and
Separation of Powers: Has Rationality Review Gone too Far? SALJ 130(4):810
• Plasket, C (2019) Disproportionality — The Hidden Ground of Review: Medirite
(Pty) Ltd v South African Pharmacy Council & Another SALJ 136(1):15
• Price, A (2010) The Content and Justification of Rationality Review SAPL

1 See Chapter 5 section 5.2 above.

2 Jowell, J ‘Judicial Review of the Substance of Official Decisions’ in Bennett, TW & Corder, H
(Eds) (1993) Administrative Law Reform 117–120, emphasis in original. Reprinted by
permission of © Juta & Company Ltd.
3 2009 (2) SA 373 (E).
4 Bato Star Fishing (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Environmental Affairs and Others 2004 (4) SA 490
(CC), discussed in further detail below.
5 See Chapter 1 section 1.3.4.
6 1928 AD 220 at 237.
7 [1898] 2 QB 91 99–100.
8 1976 (2) SA 1 (A) 20D–21C.
9 e provision in PAJA may be ‘curious’, but it is not inexplicable. See De Ville, JR (2005)
Judicial Review of Administrative Action in South Africa 196–7 and 209–10 and Currie, I
(2007) e Promotion of Administrative Justice Act: A Commentary (2nd ed) 169–70 for
explanation of the drafting history of this clause.
10 PAJA section 6(2)(h).
11 Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd v Wednesbury Corporation [1948] 1 KB 223 at 230.
See Wade, HWR & Forsyth, CF (2014) Administrative Law (11th ed) at 302.
12 Hoexter, C with Lyster, R and Currie, I (Eds) (2002) e New Constitutional and
Administrative Law Vol II Administrative Law 186; Currie, I & Klaaren, J (2001) e
Promotion of Administrative Justice Act Benchbook 172.
13 In terms of s 6(2), administrative action is reviewable if –
(e)the action was taken –
(i)for a reason not authorised by the empowering provision;
(ii)for an ulterior purpose or motive;
because irrelevant considerations were taken into account or relevant considerations
were not considered;
(v)in bad faith; or
(vi)arbitrarily or capriciously;
(g)the action concerned consists of a failure to take a decision;
(i)the action is otherwise unconstitutional or unlawful.
Unlawful fettering is not expressly provided for in PAJA.
14 Hoexter (2002) 186.
15 2004 (4) SA 490 (CC).
16 [1999] 1 All ER 129 (HL) at 157.
17 Bato Star Fishing para 44, references omitted.
18 Bato Star Fishing para 45.
19 Bato Star Fishing para 45.
20 Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of SA and Another: In Re Ex Parte President of
the Republic of South Africa and Others 2000 (2) SA 674 (CC) para 90.
21 Carephone (Pty) Ltd v Marcus NO and Others 1998 (11) BLLR 1093 (LAC) para 37.
22 2004 (3) SA 346 (SCA) para 21.
23 Section 6(2)(f)(ii).
24 See Chapter 6 section
25 For more on the meaning of ‘information’ and ‘ ndings’, see Chapter 9 section 9.1 below.
26 2004 (3) SA 346 (SCA) para 21.
27 Trinity Broadcasting (Ciskei) para 36. Other irrationality ndings relating to the connection
with the information are at paras 48 and 50.
28 Trinity Broadcasting (Ciskei) para 43.
29 2008 (2) SA 164 (SCA).
30 2008 (4) SA 346 (T).
31 Total Computer Services para 55.
32 [2018] 4 All SA 889 (WCC).
33 18 of 1998.
34 WWF South Africa para 117(g).
35 2019 (1) SA 468 (GP).
36 FNM para 44. For further examples, see Cape Gate (Pty) Ltd and Others v Eskom Holdings
(Soc) Ltd and Others 2019 (4) SA 14 (GJ).
37 (6744/2018) [2019] ZAWCHC 42.
38 [2011] 4 All SA 47 (SCA). See also Samons v Turnaround Management Association Southern
Africa NPC and Another 2019 (2) SA 596 (GJ), where the rationale for the court’s nding of
rationality is not clear from the judgment.
39 Quinot, G (2011) Administrative Law Annual Survey of South African Law 49 at 53.
40 [2011] 2 All SA 529 (SCA).
41 SA Predator Breeders Association para 45.
42 SA Predator Breeders Association para 45. Note that the court did not explicitly rely on PAJA
for this decision.
43 2006 (2) SA 191 (SCA).
44 Foodcorp para 203.
45 Foodcorp (Pty) Ltd v Deputy Director-General, Department of Environmental Affairs and
Tourism: Branch Marine and Coastal Management and Others 2006 (2) SA 199 (C) para 209.
46 Butterworth, D, De Oliviera, JAA & De Moor, CL (2012) Are South African Administrative
Law Procedures Adequate for the Evaluation of Issues Resting on Scienti c Analyses? SALJ
47 2009 (3) SA 187 (W) para 23.
48 2008 (2) SA 24 (CC).
49 Rustenburg Platinum Mines Ltd (Rustenburg Section) v Commission for Conciliation,
Mediation and Arbitration 2007 (1) SA 576 (SCA).
50 See, for example, Merafong Demarcation Forum and Others v President of the Republic of
South Africa and Others 2008 (5) SA 171 (CC); Zealand v Minister of Justice and
Constitutional Development and Another 2008 (4) SA 458 (CC); Albutt v Centre for the Study
of Violence and Reconciliation and Others 2010 (3) SA 293 (CC); Poverty Alleviation
Network and Others v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2010 (6) BCLR
520 (CC); Judicial Service Commission and Another v Cape Bar Council and Another 2013
(1) SA 170 (SCA); Democratic Alliance v e President of the Republic of South Africa and
Others 2013 (1) SA 248 (CC).
51 See Du Plessis, M & Scott, S (2013) e Variable Standard of Rationality Review:
Suggestions for Improved Legality Jurisprudence SALJ 130(3):597; Kohn, L (2013) e
Burgeoning Constitutional Requirement of Rationality and the Separation of Powers: Has
Rationality Review Gone too Far? SALJ 130(4):810.
52 Minister of Defence and Another v Xulu 2018 (6) SA 460 (SCA) para 50.
53 Section 6(2)(f)(ii).
54 e subsection itself speaks of ‘action’, but ‘action’ is de ned in section 1 as a decision.
55 2019 ZACC 28.
56 48 of 2001.
57 PG Group (Pty) Ltd v National Energy Regulator of South Africa [2018] ZASCA 56.
58 Majority judgment delivered by Khampepe J, Jafta J dissenting.
59 [2012] ZACC 24.
60 NERSA para 48.
61 NERSA para 48.
62 Democratic Alliance para 36.
63 See the minority judgment of Jafta J in NERSA paras 94–120 and Tsele, M (2019)
Rationalising Judicial Review: Towards Re ning the “Rational Basis” Review Test(s) SALJ
136(2):328 at 359–360.
64 Democratic Alliance para 39.
65 See Chapter 1 sections, 1.3.2; Chapter 2 section 2.5; Chapter 3 sections 3.6.2, 3.7.2,
66 See Turner v Jockey Club of South Africa 1974 (3) SA 633 (A).
67 2010 (3) SA 182 (N).
68 Minister of Public Works and Others v Kyalami Ridge Environmental Association and
Another (Mukhwevho Intervening) 2001 (3) SA 1151 (CC) para 101.
69 2006 (2) SA 311 (CC) para 637.
70 Quote appearing in box above, section 8.1.
71 See discussion above in section 8.3.
72 See the discussion below in section 8.8.1.
73 B v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2000] UKHRR 498 (CA).
74 Woolf, H et al (2013) De Smith’s Judicial Review (7th ed) 600.
75 Hoexter, C (2012) Administrative Law in South Africa (2nd ed) 344.
76 Hoexter (2012) 344.
77 1997 (2) SACR 754 (C).
78 De Ville (2005) 207.
79 Roman v Williams NO 765C.
80 2002 (3) SA 265 (CC).
81 Bel Porto School Governing Body para 162. is, of course, refers to the right to
administrative justice in the interim Constitution.
82 Bel Porto School Governing Body para 165.
83 Bel Porto School Governing Body para 165.
84 2002 (4) SA 877 (T).
85 Schoonbee 885E.
86 2009 (2) SA 373 (E).
87 Ehrlich para 11.
88 Ehrlich para 42.
89 Ehrlich para 43, referring to the Jowell quote in the box above, section 8.1.
90 [2015] ZASCA 27.
91 Medirite para 22.
92 Medirite para 22.
93 Medirite para 20. See Plasket, C (2019) Disproportionality — e hidden ground of review:
Medirite (Pty) Ltd v South African Pharmacy Council & Another SALJ 136(1):15 at 26.
94 Plasket, C ‘Administrative Justice in South Africa: A Snapshot Survey of Developments
Since 1994’ in Kidd, M & Hoctor, S (Eds) (2010) Stella Iuris: Celebrating 100 Years of
Teaching Law in Pietermaritzburg 205–224.
95 2002 (5) SA 511 (SE).
96 South African Shore Angling Association 522H.
97 South African Shore Angling Association 525G.
98 2002 (6) SA 219 (C).
99 58 of 1962.
100 89 of 1991.
101 Ferucci 235B.
102 Ferucci 235G.
103 Bato Star Fishing para 48.
104 De Ville (2005) 203. Reprinted by permission of © LexisNexis. De Ville essentially reinforces
this at 206, where he observes that ‘a court can … test administrative action with regard to
its effectiveness (in achieving its purpose), less restrictive means to achieve the desired
purpose and the appropriate balance to be achieved between the different interests
105 Hoexter (2012) 344.
106 Woolf et al (2013) 585.
107 2002 (4) SA 877 (T).
108 Schoonbee 885D.
109 2009 (2) SA 373 (E).
110 2002 (6) SA 219 (C).
111 Woolf et al (2013) 587.
112 Woolf et al (2013) 587.
113 Woolf et al (2013) 587.
114 De Ville (2005) 205–206. Reprinted by permission of © LexisNexis. Currie (2007) 172 seems
to agree with this.
115 De Ville (2005) 206.
116 De Ville (2005) 206.
117 See Bato Star Fishing.
118 PAJA section 6(2)(e)(iii).
119 2013 (6) SA 235 (SCA).
120 MEC for Environmental Affairs and Development Planning v Clairison’s CC 2013 (6) SA 235
(SCA) para 20.
121 1973 (4) SA 667 (N).
122 Bangtoo Bros 685D.
123 Woolf et al (2013) 585 (emphasis omitted).
124 Woolf et al (2013) 578.
125 Woolf et al (2013) 579.
126 Woolf et al (2013) 579.
127 Woolf et al (2013) 579–584.
128 See Chapter 6 section
129 See section 8.3 above, and the grounds set out in Kruse v Johnson.
130 S v Meer and Another 1981 (1) SA 739 (N).
131 Investigating Directorate: Serious Economic Offences and Others v Hyundai Motor
Distributors (Pty) Ltd and Others: In Re Hyundai Motor Distributors (Pty) Ltd and Others v
Smit NO and Others 2001 (1) SA 545 (CC) para 24. See also, for similar sentiments, President
of the Republic of South Africa and Another v Hugo 1997 (4) SA 1 (CC) para 102; Dawood
and Another v Minister of Home Affairs and Others; Shalabi and Another v Minister of Home
Affairs and Others; omas and Another v Minister of Home Affairs and Others 2000 (3) SA
936 (CC) para 47; South African Liquor Traders’ Association and Others v Chairperson,
Gauteng Liquor Board and Others 2009 (1) SA 565 (CC) para 27; Bertie van Zyl (Pty) Ltd and
Another v Minister for Safety and Security and Others 2010 (2) SA 181 (CC) para 23.
132 New Clicks para 246.
133 Affordable Medicines Trust and Others v Minister of Health of RSA and Another 2005 (6)
BCLR 529 (CC) para 108 (footnotes omitted).
134 See judgment of Chaskalson CJ in New Clicks para 246. See also Allpay Consolidated
Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Others v Chief Executive Officer, South African Social
Security Agency and Others 2014 (1) SA 604 (CC) (‘Allpay (merits)’) para 87.
135 See Jowell quote in box above, section 8.1.
136 See Chapter 3 section 3.7.1.
137 See, for example, section 19 of the National Water Act 36 of 1998 and Harmony Gold Mining
Company Ltd v Regional Director: Free State Department of Water Affairs and Others 2014
(3) SA 149 (SCA).
138 58 of 1962.
139 91 of 1964.
140 89 of 1991.
141 New Clicks para 246.
142 New Clicks paras 246–277; 284–292; 487–491, 492–498; 814–821; 822–835; 848; 851.
143 2009 (1) SA 417 (CC).
144 Kruger para 66.
145 Allpay (merits) para 88.
146 Allpay (merits) para 88.
147 Allpay (merits) para 90.
148 Allpay (merits) para 91.
149 2009 (2) SA 373 (E).
150 Ehrlich para 44.
151 Ehrlich para 44.
152 See box above, section 8.1.
153 See box above, section 8.1.
154 2008 (2) SA 481 (SCA).
155 Millennium Waste para 21.
156 At section 8.3 and section 8.4.1.
157 2018 (6) SA 460 (SCA).
158 Minister of Defence v Xulu para 51. See also Cape Town City and Another v Da Cruz and
Another 2018 (3) SA 462 (WCC) which raises the link between relevant and irrelevant
considerations and rationality, but without clearly explaining such link (para 73).
159 Also see Chapter 5 section 5.4.
160 Hoexter, C (2000) e Future of Judicial Review in South African Administrative Law SALJ
117(3):484 at 501–502; quoted in Logbro Properties CC v Bedderson NO and Others 2003 (2)
SA 460 (SCA) paras 21 and 22; Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism and Others v
Phambili Fisheries (Pty) Ltd; Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism and Others v
Bato Star Fishing (Pty) Ltd 2003 (6) SA 407 (SCA) para 47; and Bato Star Fishing para 46. Cf
Plasket, C (2018) Judicial Review, Administrative Power and Deference: A View from the
Bench SALJ 502.
161 Phambili Fisheries para 50.
162 2004 (4) SA 490 (CC).
163 Bato Star Fishing para 46.
164 Bato Star Fishing para 45. e words used are direct quotes from the judgment, although
the bullets are added.
165 See box at section 8.3.
166 Hoexter describes a polycentric decision as one which is many-centred. A decision made in
relation to such an issue has multifarious consequences, meaning that polycentric issues
cannot be decided in isolation from other issues: Hoexter (2012) 188. e ‘other issues’
referred to in the quote may not be before the court: Hoexter (2012) 148–149.
167 R v Ministry of Defence Ex Parte Smith [1996] QB 517.
168 1976 (2) SA 1 (A) 20D–21C.
169 Hoexter (2002) at 177.
170 Bato Star Fishing para 48.
171 Kerans, RP (1994) Standards of Review Employed by Appellate Courts at 17.
172 Bato Star Fishing para 48.
173 Bato Star Fishing para 48.
174 Bato Star Fishing para 54.
175 Carephone para 36.


9.1 Introduction

9.2 The right to reasons in section 5 of PAJA

9.2.1 Requesting reasons under section 5 of PAJA Who may request reasons? What must that person do in order to obtain reasons?
9.2.2 Providing reasons under section 5 of PAJA
9.2.3 Failure to give reasons
9.2.4 Departure from requirements of section 5 of PAJA
9.2.5 Decisions requiring reasons to be furnished automatically

9.3 Adequacy of reasons

9.3.1 Are reasons revealing possible grounds of review ‘adequate’?

9.4 Procedure and remedies

9.5 Inconsistent sets of reasons

9.6 Reasons and legality

9.1 Introduction
Section 33(2) of the Constitution provides that ‘[e]veryone whose rights
have been adversely affected by administrative action has the right to be
given written reasons’. e right to reasons for administrative action, not
generally required by South African law before 1994,1 is a very
important supporting element of the right to administrative justice. As
Mureinik argued in 1994, South Africa moved with the onset of the new
constitutional era into a ‘culture of justi cation’.2 One of the pivotal
purposes of reasons is thus to justify administrative action, and by so
doing to advance the constitutional requirements of ‘fairness,
accountability and transparency’.3 An administration that justi es its
actions by giving reasons is ‘likely to increase public con dence in the
administrative process and thus enhance its legitimacy’.4
Even before the constitutional era, the importance of reasons was
recognised by Baxter as follows:5
In the rst place, a duty to give reasons entails a duty to rationalize the decision.
Reasons therefore help to structure the exercise of discretion, and the necessity of
explaining why a decision is reached requires one to address one’s mind to the
decisional referents which ought to be taken into account. Secondly, furnishing
reasons satis es an important desire on the part of the affected individual to
know why a decision was reached. is is not only fair: it is also conducive to
public con dence in the administrative decision-making process. irdly – and
probably a major reason for the reluctance to give reasons – rational criticism of a
decision may only be made when the reasons for it are known. is subjects the
administration to public scrutiny and it also provides an important basis for
appeal or review. Finally, reasons may serve a genuine educative purpose, for
example where an applicant has been refused on grounds which he is able to
correct for the purpose of future applications.

Baxter’s comments relating to structuring of the exercise of discretion

feed into the idea that the giving of reasons improves the quality of
administrative decision-making. If an administrator is required to give
reasons, then the quality and rationality of those decisions is more likely
to be stronger than in cases where reasons are not required.6
In line with the above observations, the right has also been referred
to as a right that is ‘intended to make judicial review effective’.7 is is
because, in most cases, a person adversely affected by administrative
action will not know whether or how to proceed with the case unless he
or she has adequate reasons for the decision. Reasons will put such a
person in a position to decide whether to let the matter rest, or whether
to make a new, revised application, or whether to make use of any
administrative appeal facility provided by the relevant legislation, or,
subsequently, whether to take the matter on review. Reasons will also
reveal to the affected person the aspect or aspects of the decision that
are open to challenge. e absence of reasons for a decision effectively
prevents an affected person from protecting his or her administrative
justice rights. e Promotion of Administrative Justice Act (PAJA),8 for
example, provides that an administrative action may be judicially
reviewed if the action itself is not rationally connected to the reasons
given for it by the administrator,9 and may also be reviewed if the action
was taken for a reason not authorised by the empowering provision.10 In
the absence of reasons for a decision, these grounds of review will be
difficult, if not impossible, to invoke.

Reasons informing appropriate reaction to

administrative action
Under the National Building Regulations and Building
Standards Act11 no building work may be done without
the prior approval of the plans by a local authority.
Imagine that your family wants to build an extension
to your house to accommodate a cousin that wants to
attend a better school in your area. You submit plans to
your local authority’s building department. After some
time you receive an SMS notification stating: ‘Plans not
approved, please collect at counter’. As a law student
your immediate reaction is that the municipality will not
stand in the way of your extension and that you will take
their refusal to approve your plans to court and have it
When you collect the plans from the building
department, a cover letter is attached stating that the
plans were not approved since the proposed new
structure (that is, the extension to the existing house) is
not indicated in red on the plans. The letter also
contains a reference to the applicable rules of the
municipality requiring building extensions to be identified
in red in order to distinguish it from existing structures,
which must be indicated in black.
You ask the official at the counter whether he has a
red pen that you can borrow, which he does. You proceed
to colour all the proposed extensions in red on the plans
and there-and-then resubmit the plans. The official tells
you that you can wait for the plans if you wish. Thirty
minutes later you walk out of the municipal building with
your approved plans and call your builder to tell him that
he can commence with the work as soon as possible.
This example illustrates how a clearly formulated
reason for an administrative action (the refusal to
approve your plans) enabled you to know what the most
appropriate course of action was in response. It would
have been ridiculous in this scenario to approach a court
for relief against the municipality in order to get your
plans approved. The clear reasons enabled you to get a
favourable action (the approval of your plans) in the
most efficient manner.

It is important to bear in mind, however, that the bene ts of providing

reasons are accompanied by some drawbacks. A duty on the
administration to provide reasons undoubtedly imposes a burden on
administrators. It is obviously far less work for an administrator simply
to decline an application, for example, than to provide reasons for the
negative decision. Formulating and communicating written reasons is a
time-consuming exercise. Other drawbacks (perceived or real) – ‘that it
will sti e the exercise of discretion, that reasons cannot be furnished in
all instances, that it will lead to the ex post facto fabrication of arti cial
reasons to justify the decision, and that it will lead to an increase in
review applications’12 – ‘are either unconvincing or can be remedied’,13
and are outweighed by the bene ts outlined above.
In this regard, when considering whether reasons in a particular
case are adequate or not (discussed in detail below), one of the most
important balances to be struck is between protecting the
administrative justice rights of the individual (ensuring that he or she is
appropriately apprised of the reasons for the decision) on the one hand
and promoting administrative efficiency on the other.14 In other words,
the administrator ought not to be unreasonably overburdened by
having to provide reasons.
PAJA sets out how effect is to be given to this right in section 5.
Broadly, PAJA provides for a request-driven process – an affected
person may request reasons, which the administrator must then
provide within the prescribed time. An administrator does not have to
provide reasons at the time the decision is communicated to the
affected individual and, absent a request in terms of section 5, will not
have to provide reasons at all.15 Section 5 and this process are discussed
in detail below. ere is nothing to stop an administrator from
providing reasons at the time the decision is communicated, but there
is no compulsion to do so, unless the legislation authorising that
particular decision requires the giving of reasons at that stage. On the
other hand, it has been observed that ‘it is not as a rule appropriate to
ask for reasons for the promulgation of regulations’.16

Terminology: reasons, findings, information and

• Reasons are the explanation for a decision.
• Findings are ‘findings of fact or law which are the
essential background to a decision but that are not
in themselves a complete explanation for it’.17 In the
USA, a distinction is drawn between ‘basic’ findings
and ‘ultimate’ findings:18 basic findings have been
referred to as ‘established facts’19 whereas ultimate
findings are inferences or conclusions drawn from
the basic facts.20 ‘Established facts’ should be
interpreted as meaning the facts established by the
• Information is a term that has often been used in
South African legislation and it means the same as
• Evidence means the oral or documentary
information provided to the administrator.22

Let us consider an example to illustrate these terms. In

terms of the National Environmental Management Act,23
persons carrying out certain activities require
‘environmental authorisations’ for such activities. These
authorisations are issued by provincial environment
departments, after consideration of environmental
impact assessment (EIA) reports submitted by the
person wishing to carry out the activity. In our example,
Under Par (Pty) Ltd (UP) is intending to develop a
residential estate with a golf course on land that is
largely still covered with undisturbed natural vegetation.
The application is submitted to the KwaZulu-Natal
Department of Environment (ZDE).
The evidence in this case is contained in all of the
documentation that the ZDE is required to consider in
order to make a decision: the applicant’s
documentation, including the EIA report, submissions,
including expert reports, from persons who are opposed
to the development, and submissions and reports from
various government bodies: the KwaZulu-Natal
Department of Agriculture, provincial conservation
agency and the local municipality. The evidence contains
both statements of fact and expert opinion based on the
factual observations (for example, an expert opinion that
a portion of the development will not impact adversely
on a colony of rare frogs in a pond on the land).
In this case, there is a dispute in regard to a
particular tree on the land. Opponents to the
development and the conservation agency allege in their
evidence that this is the last truffula tree growing in the
wild in South Africa. UP and its experts in their evidence
allege that there is a small grove of truffula trees growing
in a relatively inaccessible part of the Drakensberg
mountains. Everyone agrees that there are numerous
truffula trees growing in the wild in Lesotho. In regard to
this factual element, the ZDE will have to decide which
factual allegation is correct: its decision, following
investigation, is that the truffula tree on the land is the
last one growing in the wild in South Africa. This would
be a basic finding. The ZDE will then have to decide how
important it is to protect the last remaining truffula tree
in South Africa. The ZDE decides that, since
internationally the species of tree is not under threat,
and that there are numerous specimens in a
neighbouring country, that the preservation of this tree is
not critical. This will be an ultimate finding (a conclusion
drawn from evaluation of the evidence available). The
ZDE will then take this finding, together with all the other
findings it makes in respect of other factual elements of
the application (for example, the contribution of the
development to the economy and employment, other
environmental impacts, cultural and heritage
considerations), in order to come to a final decision. In
this case, the decision is to authorise the development,
subject to specified conditions.
The reasons for this decision will have to explain how
and why the ZDE made the findings it did, based on the
evidence, and explain the reasoning process whereby
these findings were evaluated in such a way as to reach
the conclusions, reflected in the decision.

9.2 The right to reasons in section 5 of PAJA

Section 5 of PAJA sets out initially what a person may do if he or she
desires reasons for a decision and then stipulates what the
administrator must do when such a request has been made. In
discussing section 5, we will examine the section from the perspective
of the requester rst, followed by the duties imposed on the

9.2.1 Requesting reasons under section 5 of PAJA

Section 5(1) provides:
Any person whose rights have been materially and adversely affected by
administrative action and who has not been given reasons for the action may,
within 90 days after the date on which that person became aware of the action or
might reasonably have been expected to have become aware of the action,
request that the administrator concerned furnish written reasons for the action.

is section provides answers (at least in broad terms) to two questions:
1. Who may request reasons?
2. What must that person do in order to obtain reasons?

We will examine each question in turn. Who may request reasons?

Section 33(2) of the Constitution applies the right to reasons to
everyone ‘whose rights have been adversely affected by administrative
action’. Section 5(1) of PAJA echoes this and con nes the right to
reasons to any person ‘whose rights have been materially and adversely
affected by administrative action’. In addition, such person must be one
‘who has not been given reasons for the action’.
Any person ‘whose rights have been materially and adversely affected
by administrative action’
Although this requirement mirrors the Constitutional right, it adds the
requirement of materiality. is aspect of the section requires an
understanding of what is meant by the terms ‘rights’, ‘adversely affected’
and ‘materially’. e idea of ‘adversely affected rights’ is also part of the
de nition of administrative action, discussed above.24 ere is nothing
to suggest that the term means anything different in the context of
section 5. It would seem to be clear that section 5 would apply in
respect of a person whose pre-existing right has been adversely affected
by an administrative action. So, for example, the holder of a shing right
which allows that person to catch 100 tons of pelagic sh in terms of the
Marine Living Resources Act25 would be entitled to request reasons in
terms of section 5 if the Minister decided to reduce the holder’s
allocation to 50 tons of sh, because the holder’s existing right to sh
would be adversely affected by that decision.
However, what would be the position if the person requesting
reasons did not qualify as a holder of an existing right, such as an
applicant for shing rights? At rst glance, section 5 does not provide an
immediate answer. ere is, however, a decision of the Supreme Court
of Appeal that could provide an answer in favour of including an
applicant as a person qualifying in terms of section 5 whose rights have
been adversely affected.
e decision in Transnet Ltd v Goodman Brothers (Pty) Ltd26 dealt
with the right to reasons in terms of the interim Constitution (PAJA was
not applicable), but the reasoning would be applicable to the position
under PAJA. e respondent (Goodman Brothers) had tendered
unsuccessfully to provide goods to the appellant (Transnet), and had
applied to court for the provision of written reasons for the decision not
to accept its tender. e court was faced with Transnet’s argument that
Goodman Brothers did not have the right to reasons because none of its
rights, interests or legitimate expectations (all covered by the right to
reasons in the interim Constitution) had been adversely affected by
Transnet’s conduct.27 e majority decided, focusing only on the
concept of ‘right’ (not interests or legitimate expectations), that the
right that was adversely affected in this case was the ‘right to obtain the
information which the tenderer reasonably required in order to enable
him to determine whether his right to lawful administrative action …
had been violated’.28 As the majority stated, without reasons the
respondent ‘is deprived of the opportunity, to which he is entitled, to
consider further action’.29
Moreover, Olivier JA in the same case suggested that Goodman
Brothers’ right to equality was also adversely affected. He stated:
e right to equal treatment pervades the whole eld of administrative law, where
the opportunity for nepotism and unfair discrimination lurks in every dark
corner. How can such right be protected other than by insisting that reasons be
given for an adverse decision? It is cynical to say to an individual: you have a
constitutional right to equal treatment, but you are not allowed to know whether
you have been treated equally. e right to be furnished with reasons for an
administrative decision is the bulwark of the right to just administrative action.30

e reasoning in Goodman Brothers, although it can be criticised (see

Counterpoint below), is applicable to the position under PAJA, because
it focused on the rights of the applicant. It has not been explicitly
followed as often as one might have expected, but the court in Kiva v
Minister of Correctional Services used the Goodman Brothers reasoning
to hold that an applicant’s rights to both just administrative action and
equality had been adversely affected by a decision not to promote him.
e applicant was consequently entitled to reasons for the decision in
terms of section 5 of PAJA.31 In addition, the applicant’s rights of access
to court (section 34 of the Constitution) and to fair labour practices
(section 23(1) of the Constitution) had also been adversely affected.
Kiva is an example of how the Goodman Brothers reasoning can be
applied to PAJA right to reasons, even though the latter judgment was
dealing with the right to reasons under the interim Constitution.

Which right must be adversely affected in order to

‘trigger’ the right to reasons?
Hoexter argues that the reasoning adopted in Goodman
Brothers is ‘suspiciously circular or “bootstraps”
reasoning’32 in that one right to administrative justice
(the right in section 33(1) of the Constitution) inevitably
entitles one to the right to reasons in section 33(2).
Goodman Brothers reasoning has the effect that the
section 33(1) right will always be adversely affected by
the failure to give reasons. While this may be a logical
flaw, Hoexter suggests that it has the benefit of furthering
the values of participation and accountability.33

Section 5(1) of PAJA also requires that the adverse effect on the right
must be material, which is not a requirement of section 33(2) of the
Constitution. It is unlikely that this adds anything signi cant to the
applicability of section 5(1). e main reason for this is that it is not
likely that one could envisage a ‘situation where a person’s rights have
been adversely affected but the effect is not material’,34 or, in other
words, would be ‘too trivial to bother about’.35 e Constitutional Court,
in Joseph and Others v City of Johannesburg and Others,36 adopted the
approach that ‘materially and adversely affects’ ‘simply [means] that the
administrative action had a signi cant and not trivial effect’ in deciding
that, in the case before it dealing with the right to procedural fairness,
any effects on the applicant’s rights were material and adverse.
In practice, the requirement that a person’s right must have been
materially and adversely affected in order to qualify for the right to
reasons is unlikely to present much of an obstacle to the applicability of
section 5(1) of PAJA, but it cannot simply be ignored. 37

Any person ‘who has not been given reasons for the action’
e person entitled to request reasons in terms of section 5(1) of PAJA
must be someone who has not already been given reasons for the
action. is may seem to be stating the obvious, but it is important
when a requester has been given something that purports to be reasons,
but which are inadequate. It also raises certain questions relating to the
manner in which a person may have already been given reasons. It is
not infrequent that a person will be given ‘reasons’ for a decision that
do not sufficiently explain why the decision was taken. In such a case,
the administrator would take the view that it has already furnished
reasons (and that consequently a person requesting reasons would not
qualify as someone ‘who has not been given reasons for the action’).
e requester, on the other hand, would argue that what he or she has
received from the administrator does not qualify as reasons. Resolution
of this kind of dispute depends on the adequacy of the reasons, which is
discussed in section 9.3 below.
Two further questions must be considered. First, if a requester has
already been given oral reasons would he or she be a person ‘who has
not been given reasons’? While there is no case law in point, the section
33(2) constitutional right speaks of the right to ‘written reasons’, which
suggests that oral reasons would not suffice. Moreover, if one considers
that the primary role of reasons is to enable a person to decide whether
his or her rights to just administrative action have been adversely
affected and what he or she can do about remedying the situation, oral
reasons would not enable him or her to assess this properly.38 e
second question is whether a person could be said to have been ‘given’
reasons if he or she has not been furnished with such reasons
individually, but they have been made public? An example would be
the publication in a newspaper of reasons for a decision. e answer to
this question has also not been addressed in our courts, but, according
to Hoexter, ‘the answer must depend on the extent of the publication
and the medium used’.39 e important element in this regard would be,
rst, whether the affected person would have reasonable access to the
published reasons and, second, whether the reasons published were
adequate. What must that person do in order to obtain reasons?

A person who quali es to request reasons in terms of section 5(1) ‘may
within 90 days after the date on which that person became aware of the
action or might reasonably have been expected to have become aware
of the action, request that the administrator concerned furnish written
reasons for the action’. e 90-day period runs from either the date on
which the requester became aware of the action or the date on which he
or she ‘might reasonably have become aware of the action’. e rst is a
matter of fact, but the second would be ascertained on the basis of the
particular circumstances of the administrative decision in question, and
what would be reasonable to expect in those circumstances.
e ‘Regulations on fair administrative procedures’40 set out
requirements for the request, which must be (a) in writing, (b)
addressed to the administrator concerned, and (c) sent to the
administrator by post, fax or electronic mail or delivered to the
administrator by hand.41 If an administrator receives an oral request for
reasons from a person who cannot write or otherwise needs assistance,
the administrator or a person designated by the administrator must give
reasonable assistance to that person to submit such request in writing.42
A request for reasons must indicate the administrative action which
affected the rights of the person making the request; and which rights of
that person were materially and adversely affected by the
administrative action.43 It must also state the full name and postal and,
if available, electronic mail address of that person; and any telephone
and fax numbers where that person may be contacted.44 ese
requirements make practical sense for the most part but the
requirement that the requester stipulate the right(s) that were adversely
affected by the administrative action is probably asking too much of the
average person.
Section 9(1) of PAJA provides that the period of 90 days referred to in
section 5 may be reduced or extended for a xed period, by agreement
between the parties or, failing such agreement, by a court or tribunal on
application by the person or administrator concerned. e court or
tribunal may grant such an application where the interests of justice so

9.2.2 Providing reasons under section 5 of PAJA

According to section 5(2) of PAJA, the administrator ‘to whom the
request is made must, within 90 days after receiving the request, give
that person adequate reasons in writing for the administrative action’.
Section 9 of PAJA applies to this 90-day period as well: it may be
reduced or extended by agreement. It has been suggested that in
assessing the ‘interests of justice’ referred to in section 9(2) in a
particular case, ‘regard no doubt will need to be given to the
circumstances in which the request for reasons is made; the nature of
the administrative action and the ease with which reasons can be
formulated and provided, the effect of the decision on the person
requesting reasons; and such other factors as may be relevant’.46 e
‘Regulations on fair administrative procedures’47 require the
administrator to whom a request for reasons is made to acknowledge
receipt of the request; and either to accede to the request and furnish
the reasons in writing; or decline the request.48 e essential element of
this duty is that the reasons, in writing as required by the Constitution,
must be adequate. Adequacy is discussed in the next section.
An interesting question is whether the 90-day period may be
reduced in the absence of an agreement or court order in terms of
section 9. Two cases have dealt with this issue. In Sikutshwa v MEC for
Social Development, Eastern Cape and Others,49 the administrator
argued that the applicant’s application to be given reasons was
premature because it had been brought prior to the 90-day period
prescribed in section 5(2). e court held that:
an administrator cannot with impunity wait until the 90-day period has all but
expired before furnishing the reasons that she is obliged to provide. On the
contrary, the administrator must furnish the reasons sought as soon as they are

e court does not adequately explain why this is the case, but suggests
that, even if this interpretation is wrong, the application was not
premature in this particular case because the respondent department
had, on its own admission, sent out reasons some time before the
application had been brought (but the letter had not been received by
the applicant).
A contrasting approach was adopted in Jikeka v South African Social
Security Agency,51 where the court stated:
e legislature intended the administrator to have a period of 90 days within
(a) which to furnish reasons when it promulgated s 5(2) of PAJA, unless
circumstances warranted a reduction in terms of s 9, or else s 9 would not
have been promulgated;
(b) section 5(2) accordingly is a bar to the institution of proceedings prior to the
expiration of the 90-day period unless by way of an application or by
(c) the proceedings can accordingly only be instituted after the expiration of the
90-day period provided for in PAJA, unless an agreement has been reached
to reduce the time period or an application has been brought in terms of s
9(1), failing which it can be dismissed on the basis of it being prematurely

e court went on to express the opinion that an administrator ought

not to wait until the 90-day period has ‘all but expired’ before furnishing
the reasons if it is possible to provide reasons within a shorter period,
and ‘should not hide behind the provisions of PAJA’.53 If the applicant
were able to establish this to be the case, ‘the court would most
certainly consider it to be just and equitable to grant an application for
the reduction of the time periods in those instances’.54 e important
point would be that the correct procedure would be to apply to court in
terms of section 9 for the 90-day period to be reduced, not to apply for
reasons to be furnished before the 90-day period in the absence of an
agreement in terms of section 9, or a court order to this effect.
Accordingly, Jikeka, it is submitted, provides the correct approach.

How do the time frames in section 5 relate to

other time frames in the Act?
The most important consideration in this regard is
section 7(1) which provides that any proceedings for
judicial review in terms of section 6(1) must be
instituted without unreasonable delay and not later than
180 days after the date –

(a) … on which any proceedings instituted in terms

of internal remedies … have been concluded;

(b) where no such remedies exist, on which the

person concerned was informed of the
administrative action, became aware of the
action and the reasons for it or might
reasonably have been expected to have
become aware of the action and the reasons.

The periods prescribed in section 5 have no bearing on

section 7(1), because the 180-day period in section
7(1) begins to run only when the affected person
becomes aware of the action and the reasons for it or
might reasonably have been expected to have become
aware of them. So the 180-day period in section 7(1)
runs only from after the 90-day period the administrator
is given to furnish reasons. This means that an
application for review may be lodged up to 360 days
after the decision (without reasons) was communicated
to the person concerned.55

9.2.3 Failure to give reasons

Before the onset of the constitutional era and the right to just
administrative action, the common law did not recognise a general
right to give reasons where the statute authorising the administrative
action in question did not require the furnishing of reasons. e
absence of such a provision was the norm. In some cases, however,
courts were prepared to draw an adverse inference from the failure to
give reasons even where there was no statutory duty to give them. In
National Transport Commission and Another v Chetty’s Motor Transport
(Pty) Ltd,56 the court emphasised that the failure or refusal to give
reasons is an important element to be taken into account only where
there is other evidence of a aw in the decision (such as bad faith or
ulterior purpose). Once all the evidence is before a court, it would take
this all into account, ‘and if an adverse inference can be drawn from the
absence of reasons, such inference is weighed together with all the
other factors in the totality of the case, in deciding whether there is
proof’ of the ground of judicial review averred against the

Drawing adverse inferences from absence of

In Oskil Properties (Pty) Ltd v Chairman of the Rent
Control Board and Others,58 the court observed that:
Where, as here, none of the evidence supports the
determination arrived at by the Control Board and
where such evidence remains unchallenged and
uncontradicted by other evidence, it seems to me
that the failure of the Control Board to furnish
reasons as to the basis on which it determined the
‘reasonable rental value’ … tends to support the
inference that the evidence before it was ignored.

Consequently, the court held that the valuation decision

had been made in an ‘arbitrary manner’ and was invalid.
A second example is Jeffery v President, South
African Medical and Dental Council,59 where the court
held that ‘the absence of reasons for the disciplinary
committee’s finding weighs against the contention that
its inquiry was fair or its judgment fairly arrived at’ and
the decision to find the applicant guilty of improper
conduct was thus set aside.

ere is a provision in PAJA that has a similar effect. Section 5(3) of PAJA
provides that, if an administrator fails to furnish adequate reasons for
an administrative action, it must, in the absence of proof to the
contrary, be presumed in any proceedings for judicial review that the
administrative action was taken without good reason. is goes further
than the common-law position outlined above, because, in the absence
of reasons, the onus will be shifted onto the administrator to justify his
or her decision. is will apply irrespective of the existence of evidence
of other aws in the process.
In Wessels v Minister for Justice and Constitutional Development and
Others,60 the applicant had requested reasons in terms of section 5 of
PAJA for the respondent’s appointment of the second respondent to the
position of Regional Court President Limpopo instead of the applicant,
who had been shortlisted. In the absence of reasons being furnished,
the applicant applied for the decision to be set aside. e court held
that, in the circumstances, the ‘responsible minister’s failure to furnish
reasons … cannot be seen other than proof that the administrative
action was taken without good reason’,61 and the court set aside the
It was argued in JH v Health Professions Council of South Africa62 that
failure by an administrator to provide reasons within the 90-day period
envisaged by section 5(2) precluded it from raising reasons when its
decision was taken on review. e court, however, held that an
administrator in such circumstances could put up reasons in the review
process, but that it bore the onus of showing that the decision was taken
with good reason. Were the applicant to decide to abandon the review
once it received reasons in the answering papers, the court stated that it
would ‘ordinarily be entitled to costs’.63
In another case decided post PAJA,64 the court was faced with a
decision of an MEC overturning a decision relating to an amendment of
an exemption from the requirement of an environmental authorisation
where he gave no reasons for doing so. is had been a particularly
contentious case for about a decade, and the court held, without
referring to PAJA, that the absence of reasons ‘renders the amendment
decision irrational, for there is no link between the outcome the MEC
reached and the evidence before him’.65
9.2.4 Departure from requirements of section 5 of PAJA
ere are various opportunities for an administrator to depart from the
requirements of section 5. First, section 2 of PAJA allows the Minister to
exempt an administrator from the requirements of section 5 or to vary
such requirements ‘in order to promote an efficient administration and
if it is reasonable and justi able in the circumstances’. is power has
not yet been utilised. In section 5 itself, there is further scope for
departures: section 5(4) provides that an administrator may depart
from the requirement to furnish adequate reasons if it is reasonable and
justi able in the circumstances, and must forthwith inform the person
making the request of such departure. In determining whether such a
departure is reasonable and justi able, an administrator must take into
account all relevant factors, including:
(i) the objects of the empowering provision;
(ii) the nature, purpose and likely effect of the administrative action concerned;
(iii) the nature and the extent of the departure;
(iv) the relation between the departure and its purpose;
(v) the importance of the purpose of the departure; and
(vi) the need to promote an efficient administration and good governance.66

e ‘Regulations on fair administrative procedures’67 provide that, if an

administrator declines a request for reasons in terms of section 5(4)(a)
of the Act, the administrator must give reasons in writing to the person
who made the request why the request was declined.68 ere may be
reasons other than those contemplated in section 5(4) for an
administrator declining to give reasons – for example, the requester is
not a person whose rights have been adversely affected, or he or she has
already been given reasons. e regulations do not, however, require
the administrator to give reasons for declining a request for reasons on
grounds other than those in section 5(4), which is rather odd.
Another departure is provided for in section 5(5), allowing an
administrator, who is empowered by any empowering provision to
follow a procedure which is fair but different from the provisions of
section 5(2), to act in accordance with that different procedure. is
means that a statutory right to reasons that is more onerous than PAJA,
including one which requires the giving of automatic reasons, must be
followed, rather than section 5 of PAJA overriding such provisions.69

9.2.5 Decisions requiring reasons to be furnished

Section 5(6) of PAJA provides that, in order to promote an efficient
administration, the Minister may, at the request of an administrator,
publish a list specifying any administrative action or a group or class of
administrative actions in respect of which the administrator concerned
will automatically furnish reasons to a person whose rights are
adversely affected by such actions, without such person having to
request reasons in terms of this section. is list must be published
within 14 days of receipt of such request. At the time of writing, no such
list has been published.
It is worth noting that there are various statutory provisions which
require the automatic provision of reasons (see box below for some
examples), and these would not have to be listed in terms of section
5(6), but would have to meet the requirements of the ‘fair but different’
provision in section 5(5).

Examples of statutory provisions requiring

provision of reasons
The National Environmental Management Act,70 in
section 24H(3), dealing with application to the Minister
to be authorised as registration authorities, provides:

After considering an application, and any other

additional information that the Minister may require,
the Minister may-

in writing addressed to the association, refuse
the application, giving reasons for such refusal.

The National Environmental Management: Biodiversity

Act71 requires permits for various activities. Section
88(5) provides that if an application (for a permit) is
rejected, the issuing authority must give reasons for the
decision in writing to the applicant.
In PAJA, if an administrator decides to hold a public
inquiry in terms of section 4, the administrator must
compile a written report on the inquiry and give reasons
for any administrative action taken or recommended.72
In the Promotion of Access to Information Act,73
section 25(3) provides that if a request for access to
information is refused, the notice of decision must state
adequate reasons for the refusal, including the
provisions of the Act relied upon.

9.3 Adequacy of reasons

e adequacy of the reasons is central to two issues raised by section 5
of PAJA: whether the applicant has been given reasons already; and it is
a requirement of the written reasons furnished by the administrator in
receipt of a section 5(1) request. In short, reasons that are inadequate
are not reasons at all. is means that a requester who has been
furnished with inadequate reasons nevertheless quali es as a person
entitled to request reasons in terms of section 5(1) because he or she
has not been given reasons (assuming his or her rights have been
adversely affected). An understanding of the right to reasons thus
requires a clear understanding of what ‘adequacy’ means in relation to
In general, whether something is adequate would depend on the
circumstances within which the question arises. It is not surprising that
this is true of the adequacy of reasons as well: it is not possible to ‘lay
down a general rule of what could constitute adequate or proper
reasons, for each case must depend upon its own facts’.74 Adequacy,
however, suggests a tness for purpose,75 so the concept is not
completely open-ended. What is the purpose of reasons in the context
of PAJA and section 33 of the Constitution? One of the primary purposes
is aimed at ensuring that the person affected by an administrative
decision knows why and how the decision was made, so that he or she
can evaluate whether to let the matter rest, make another application,
or challenge the decision if it contains an evident aw. e adequacy of
the reasons furnished must place the affected person in such a position
(think of our building plan example at the beginning of this chapter).
e courts and academic writers have suggested several essential
characteristics of adequate reasons, together with factors that would
determine the adequacy or otherwise of reasons. Let us attempt to distil
some pointers from these sources.

What is the basic element of adequacy?

The Australian judge Woodward J, in the case of Ansett
Transport Industries (Operations) (Pty) Ltd and Another v
Wraith and Others,76 stated that the duty to give

requires the decision-maker to explain his decision

in a way which will enable a person aggrieved to say,
in effect: ‘Even though I may not agree with it, I now
understand why the decision went against me. I am
now in a position to decide whether that decision
has involved an unwarranted finding of fact, or an
error of law, which is worth challenging.’

Along similar lines, the court in Commissioner, South

African Police Service and Others v Maimela and
Another77 stated:
Whether brief or lengthy, reasons must, if they are
read in their factual context, be intelligible and
informative. They must be informative in the sense
that they convey why the decision-maker thinks (or
collectively think) that the administrative action is

So, if the reasons in a given case meet this standard,

they are adequate. If not, then they are not adequate.

A good point of departure is Minister of Environmental Affairs and

Tourism and Others v Phambili Fisheries (Pty) Ltd; Minister of
Environmental Affairs and Tourism and Others v Bato Star Fishing (Pty)
Ltd.78 e Supreme Court of Appeal, per Schutz JA, stated that
requires that the decision-maker should set out his understanding of the relevant
law, any ndings of fact on which his conclusions depend (especially if those facts
have been in dispute), and the reasoning processes which led him to those
conclusions. He should do so in clear and unambiguous language, not in vague
generalities or the formal language of legislation. e appropriate length of the
statement covering such matters will depend upon considerations such as the
nature and importance of the decision, its complexity and the time available to
formulate the statement. Often those factors may suggest a brief statement of one
or two pages only.79

From this quote, the following characteristics of adequate reasons can

be derived:
• e administrator’s understanding (interpretation) of the
relevant law (that is, the law that authorises the decision). is
would allow the affected individual to determine if the
administrator has made an error of law.
• e administrator’s nding on the facts. In some cases, the facts
will not be in issue, so the administrator’s ndings in this regard
would be particularly important where the facts are in dispute. It is,
of course, important for the affected individual to know which
version of the facts the administrator relied on in order to reach his
or her decision. is would enable the affected person to judge
whether there has been a mistake of fact, or whether there is a
rational connection between the factual nding and the decision,
amongst other possible aws. Disputes over facts would typically
arise in cases heard by tribunals (for example, disciplinary
inquiries) and would often arise in cases where applicants are
applying for certain permissions (such as environmental
authorisations) where there are persons opposing the application
who may put forward different factual arguments to those of the
applicant. For example, an applicant for an environmental
authorisation may argue and put forward expert opinion indicating
that a development will have a minimal detrimental impact on the
environment, whereas opponents of the development may put
forward expert opinion to the contrary. In regard to the facts, the
Constitutional Court observed in Koyabe and Others v Minister for
Home Affairs and Others (Lawyers for Human Rights as Amicus
Curiae),80 that reasons do not have to be ‘speci ed in minute detail,
nor is it necessary to show that every relevant fact weighed in the
ultimate nding’.81
• e administrator’s reasoning process. It is not sufficient for the
reasons to consist solely of the administrator’s conclusions (for
example, ‘the tribunal nds that your actions did contravene the
provision’, or ‘we have decided that this development will not have
an unacceptably adverse impact on the environment’). Conclusions
alone will not put the aggrieved person in a position where he or she
can determine whether the decision is lawful, reasonable or
rational. e reasoning process leading to the conclusion is
important for him or her to be able to make such an assessment.
In Kiva v Minister of Correctional Services and Another,82 the
applicant requested reasons for the failure to promote him. He had
been sent a letter purportedly informing him why he had been
unsuccessful. e court held that the letter contained ‘nothing that
can even vaguely be considered to be a reason’.83 is was because
the letter ‘informed him of the result … without furnishing any
explanation as to how that result was arrived at’.84 A second
document responding to the applicant’s grievance informed him of
the type of factors that had been considered, but ‘did not state how
he fared in relation to those factors and why he was considered to be
less suitable than the person who was promoted’.85 e court
regarded this as being an inadequate explanation or justi cation for
the decision not to promote the applicant. An explanation of the
reasoning process must, therefore, not only set out the factors
(considerations) that the administrator took into account but must
explain the role those factors took in the decision-making process.
In Gavric v Refugee Status Determination Officer Cape Town and
Others,86 an applicant for refugee status had been refused on the
basis of section 4(1)(b) of the Refugees Act.87 is provision prohibits
a person from qualifying for refugee status ‘if there is reason to
believe that he has committed a crime which is not of a political
nature and which, if committed in the Republic, would be
punishable by imprisonment’. e court held that the reasons for the
decision in this case, taken by the Refugee Status Determination
Officer (RSDO), had not addressed the question of whether his
crime was ‘of a political nature’ and in ‘this matter the RSDO
provided mere conclusions, not reasons’.88 e ‘paucity of the
reasons provided by the RSDO’ was consequently one of the
grounds on which the decision was held to be invalid and set aside.89
In another refugee case decided just after Gavric,90 the court set
aside a refusal of an application for refugee status, calling the
statement accompanying the decision ‘disjointed’ and stating that,
on reading it, one ‘simply does not know why the RSDO rejected the
application’.91 e decision here, according to the court, ‘was neither
intelligible nor informative and came nowhere near the required
standard. It did not tell [the applicant] why his asylum application
was rejected’ and was accordingly declared invalid.92
• e reasons must be worded in clear and unambiguous language.
Most recipients of administrative decisions are laypersons or, at
least, not well versed in law and legal language. It is important for
the person concerned to be able to understand the reasons. Using
statutory language is often not conducive to this kind of
understanding, and it goes without saying that ambiguity is
undesirable. Similarly, vagueness detracts from understanding –
clarity and lucidity are necessary. e court also mentions an
appropriate length (which will go hand-in-hand with the
appropriate level of detail), which will be determined by the
following factors:
◆ e complexity of the decision.93 is stands to reason: as
pointed out above, the more complex a decision, the more likely
that it will take more length or more detail to explain (and vice
◆ e time available to formulate the statement. Once again, this
is a logical consideration. If reasons have to be formulated in a
short period of time (although PAJA gives a period of 90 days,
there may be other legislation requiring reasons within shorter
periods), then less detail can be expected than if there is a longer
time for the administrator to formulate a decision. Bear in mind,
though, that whatever the length or detail of the reasons, they
still have to be adequate in the circumstances.
◆ e nature and importance of the decision.94 In Moletsane v
Premier of the Free State and Another,95 the court suggested that
the ‘more drastic the action taken, the more detailed the reasons
which are advanced should be. e degree of seriousness of the
administrative act should therefore determine the particularity
of the reasons given’.96 is suggests that the ‘consequences or
effects’97 of the decision determine the level of details in the
reasons. e view adopted in Moletsane is, however, not without
criticism. It is thus important to consider these factors
collectively rather than in isolation.

Impact and detail of reasons

Currie criticises Moletsane as too simplistic: there is no
necessary connection between the degree of seriousness
of a case and the detail of the reasons given for it. This
is because a case with severe consequences can be
relatively easy to decide and, therefore, require only a
succinct explanation. Think of a person who applies for
an old age grant under the Social Assistance Act,98 but
who has not reached the prescribed age to qualify for
such a grant. The reason for refusing such an application
is quite simple – the applicant is too young, but may
have severe financial consequences for the applicant. On
the other hand, a case with less serious consequences
could be the outcome of a complex reasoning process,
which will inevitably take more detail to explain.99 Think
of a refusal to allow building alterations to a historical
building under the National Heritage Resources Act.100
Such refusal may be inconvenient for the owner, but not
necessarily severe while the reasoning behind the refusal
may include a detailed assessment of the historical
value of the building and the potential impact of the
proposed work on such value.

Further characteristics of adequate reasons from other sources are:

• Statement of the decision.101 is almost goes without saying, but it
is important that the decision be stated clearly. is is also re ected
in section 3 of PAJA which provides that a mandatory element of
procedural fairness is a ‘clear statement of the administrative
• e reasons must not merely be a reiteration of the empowering
provisions.103 is is consistent with the requirement that the
reasons include not only the conclusion(s) that the administrator
reached, but also the reasoning process.
• ‘Reasons must not be intelligible and informative with the bene t of
hindsight … ey must from the outset be intelligible and
informative to the reasonable reader thereof who has knowledge
of the context of the administrative action.’104 In the Maimela case,
an applicant for a rearm licence had been given reasons for the
refusal to grant the licence, to the effect that ‘premises/residence
does not comply to required standard’.105 It was subsequently
explained by the SAPS that one of the requirements for granting a
rearm licence is that a safe for the safe-keeping of a rearm must
‘to the satisfaction of the Commissioner … be affixed ush to a oor,
wall or other immovable structure or part thereof of the house … or
other dwelling place of an applicant concerned’.106 e application
was refused because the applicant lived in a ‘shack’ with no
immovable structural components to which a safe could be affixed.
e court held that the reasons were inadequate because they were
not sufficiently informative ‘from the outset’.
• ‘If reasons refer to an extraneous source, that extraneous source
must be identi able to the reasonable reader.’107 In Maimela, the
decision was made on the basis of non-compliance with an
applicable regulation. e purported reasons provided had not
referred to this regulation. e court suggested that if the SAPS had
provided the reason that ‘applicant’s dwelling structurally
unsuitable to affix a safe in accordance with reg 28(3)’, it may have
been sufficiently intelligible and informative. It is submitted that this
does not go far enough. e average person does not have ready
access to regulations and reasons ought not only to refer to the
regulation in question (as suggested by the court), but also to
provide the text of the regulation(s) that are applicable. e same
would apply in respect of any ‘extraneous source’ that is relevant to
the decision. Not only must the source be referred to explicitly, but
the source itself (or relevant sections of it) provided to the affected
person as well. is is in keeping with the idea that a person be
placed in a position where he or she can assess whether the decision
is legally valid or whether, for example, there is an error of law in
that the administrator has misinterpreted the legal requirement.

One should be mindful of the point made in Koyabe v Minister for Home
Affairs,108 that the list of factors relevant to the adequacy of reasons is
‘not a closed one, [and] will hinge on the facts and circumstances of
each case and the test for the adequacy of reasons must be an objective
one’. Several further factors in uencing adequacy have, nevertheless,
been suggested in court decisions and academic writing. ese have
been, in almost all cases, mentioned without further explanation, so it
will be useful to consider how these factors might apply, bearing in
mind the ultimate purpose that reasons serve and how adequacy relates
to this purpose:
• e factual context of the administrative action.109 is would tie
in with the requirement (mentioned above) that the administrator
must set out the ndings on the facts, particularly where these have
been in dispute. So a statement of reasons that did not deal in detail
with the facts in a case where the facts were not in dispute would not
be defective for this reason.
• e nature of the proceedings leading up to the action.110 Many
administrative decisions are reached after what can be called a
‘multistaged’ process. For example, an initial investigation into a
state of affairs may lead to a further decision-making process which
results in the ultimate decision.111 In such a case, the reasons
provided would probably have to outline the reasoning process in
the preliminary step(s) as well.
• e nature of the functionary taking the action.112 In the interests
of promotion of administrative efficiency, one might expect that
reasons provided by, for example, a Minister would be less detailed
than those provided by a government functionary at a junior level.
• e purpose for which reasons are intended.113 In many cases, this
might be difficult for an administrator to assess because he or she
will not necessarily know what the requester’s use of the reasons is
likely to be. is may, however, be determined by the nature of the
decision – if, for example, it involves an application that may be
revised by the applicant, then it would be important for the reasons
to indicate how the applicant may alter his or her submission in
order to stand a better chance of success in a second application. In
cases where there is no opportunity for resubmission, it would be
important to provide enough detail for the requester to consider
possible grounds of appeal or review.
• e stage at which these reasons are given.114 Usually, reasons
would be given once a nal decision is made. In multistaged
decision-making processes, however, it may be necessary to give a
person reasons after a preliminary decision in order to enable that
person to exercise his or her rights of procedural fairness properly.
e details provided at that stage may well be less detailed than
reasons for the nal decision.
• Whether and what further remedies are available to contest the
administrative decision.115 is ties in with the observations made
in respect of the purpose for which reasons are intended (above).
• Whether the issue involves an application for a bene t or a
deprivation of a right.116 e rationale behind this suggestion is not
immediately clear, but it may be that one would expect a higher
standard of explanation and justi cation for a decision that
adversely affects existing rights, than for one that involves
determining rights.
• Administrative efficiency.117 is is a factor that will always be
central. It is important that the duty on the administrator to provide
reasons does not impose an unreasonable burden. What is
reasonable will depend on the circumstances of the case and several
of the other factors mentioned here. As Baxter observes, statements
of ‘reasons ought to be commensurate with the … limits of
administrative feasibility’.118

From the discussion above, we are able to distil what could be called
‘prerequisites’ for adequate reasons. ese are itemised in Table 9.1

Table 9.1 Prerequisites for adequate reasons

Prerequisites for adequate reasons

1. The reasons must contain the statement of decision.

2. The administrator’s finding(s) on the facts must be provided.

3. The administrator’s understanding (interpretation) of the relevant law must be provided.

4. The reasons must not consist solely of the administrator’s conclusion(s), but the administrator’s
reasoning process must be explained.
5. The reasons must not merely be a reiteration of the empowering provision.

6. The reasons must be worded in clear and unambiguous language.

7. Reasons must be intelligible and informative from the outset; not only with the benefit of hindsight.

8. If reasons refer to an extraneous source (such as applicable statutory provisions), that extraneous
source must be identifiable to the reasonable reader.

9. The reasons must be of an appropriate length and level of detail.

Where the ‘prerequisites’ in Table 9.1 above are not absolute

requirements, such as the last one (referring to ‘appropriate length’),
there are several factors that would in uence this determination. ese
are set out in Table 9.2 below.
Table 9.2 Factors influencing adequacy of reasons

Factors influencing adequacy of reasons

1. The nature and importance of the decision

2. The complexity of the decision

3. The time available to formulate the statement

4. The factual context of the administrative action

5. The nature of the proceedings leading up to the action

6. The nature of the functionary taking the action

7. The purpose for which reasons are intended

8. The stage at which these reasons are given

9. Whether and what further remedies are available to contest the administrative decision

10. Whether the issue involves an application for a benefit or a deprivation of a right

11. Administrative efficiency

In Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism v Phambili Fisheries

(Pty) Ltd,119 the court suggested that the appropriate length of a
statement of reasons may be ‘a brief statement of one or two pages only’.
In Commissioner, South African Police Service and Others v Maimela
and Another,120 on the other hand, the court suggested that, depending
on the circumstances, ‘the reasons need not always be “full written
reasons”; the “briefest pro forma reasons may suffice”.’

Standard form reasons

There are two cases in which the adequacy of ‘standard
form’ reasons have been considered.
In Nomala v Permanent Secretary, Department of
Welfare,121 the applicant was challenging the validity of
reasons provided for refusal of a disability grant. The
reasons provided were in a ‘standard form reasons
letter’, which looked something like this:Application is
rejected for the following reason:

The administrator would place a tick in the appropriate

square brackets on the form, indicating the ‘reason’ why
the application had been rejected. The court held that
the reasons were insufficient and invalid, deciding that
the first two reasons ‘disclose nothing of the reasoning
process or the information upon which it is based’.122
This would place an affected person in ‘no better
position’ to appeal than had they been first-time
applicants. The applicant argued that items 3 to 5, while
also disclosing nothing of the reasoning process,
indicate that ‘by definition the decision maker admits
that the information supplied is not sufficient for a
proper decision to be taken’.123

The court agreed, finding that such a decision would be

subject to review on this basis. The court added that:

the reasons do not educate the beneficiary

concerned about what to address specifically in an
appeal or a new application. It does not instil
confidence in the process, and certainly fails to
improve the rational quality of the decisions arrived

A seemingly contrary decision was reached in Ngomana

v CEO, South African Social Security Agency.125 The court
in this case was considering whether reasons had been
provided to social assistance applicants that complied
with the requirements of the Social Assistance Act,126
which required the provision of reasons. It did not
consider PAJA in this context. The court was specifically
concerned with written notice to unsuccessful applicants
that their applications had been rejected because they
were not supported by the required medical report. The
court correctly recognised that the relevant legal
provisions required the submission of a medical report
and that, in the absence of such a report, the
application was bound to fail.127 The court suggested:

The remedy of an applicant who took issue with the

medical report furnished by a medical officer would
be to seek to obtain an improved report, or to
otherwise seek to impugn the report that had been
furnished; it would not be to challenge or query the
Agency’s refusal to approve a grant application that
self-evidently did not satisfy the eligibility
The court proceeded to hold that:

a notification to an applicant who had submitted an

application for a disability grant that was not
supported by a medical report confirming the
disability, or was accompanied by a medical report
negating the existence of a disability, which gave as
a reason for the refusal of the application that it was
not supported by the content of the submitted
medical report would comply adequately with the
requirement of … [the Act].129

What is the correct approach? Starting with Ngomana, it

is important to distinguish between the absence of a
medical report and a medical report that does not
support the application, a distinction that the court
ignores. The absence of a medical report is a question of
fact and it is clear that the decision-maker is not legally
authorised to make a decision in such a case. Although
the application would be rejected, it would be possible
for the applicant to make a new submission
accompanied by a report. What reasons ought to be
given in this case, in accordance with the prerequisites
and factors that were outlined above? It is submitted
that it would be sufficient to notify the unsuccessful
applicant that the application was rejected because of
the absence of a medical certificate but to notify him or
her that the applicable legislation requires the
submission of a medical certificate supporting the
application, accompanied by a copy of the relevant
legislative requirements. This is in accordance with the
requirement that the administrator must explicitly refer to
extraneous sources. This would apply only in the case of
the absence of a medical certificate, however.
Before examining the other scenarios raised in these
two cases, it is worth mentioning that tender applications
in the public procurement process are often rejected
because of the applicants’ failure to provide necessary
information or other formalities. Tenders that are lacking
in material requirements are essentially disqualified in
an initial vetting process, which may be called the
‘administrative compliance’ stage. This means that only
those that have complied with the formal requirements
are then assessed substantively, in the ‘technical
compliance’ assessment. This is illustrated in Millennium
Waste Management (Pty) Ltd v Chairperson, Tender
Board: Limpopo Province and Others.130 In tender
applications there is usually no second chance, but it is
submitted that the reasons for rejection of tender
applications that are lacking in formal requirements
could be confined to notifying the applicant of the
absence of a required detail accompanied by reference
to the legal provisions requiring such item. This is
essentially the same approach as outlined above in
respect of an absent medical certificate. In both cases,
the decision not to accept the application is one that is
made by the exercise of very limited discretion –
essentially a basic finding.
Returning to Ngomana, it is submitted that a
medical certificate that does not support the application
ought to be treated differently from an absent certificate.
It is not enough for the administrator simply to notify the
applicant that ‘your certificate did not support your
application’, which the Ngomana court suggests would
be acceptable. This is not a basic question of fact, but
requires some judgment on the part of the administrator.
The latter would have to explain why the certificate is
inadequate. As the court suggests, it would then be the
applicant’s task to take the matter up with her doctor or
another doctor in order to obtain an improved certificate
(if the facts supported it).
Looking at the grounds supplied in the form
mentioned in Nomala, item 3 is essentially the same as
saying that there is no medical certificate. The others
would all require some explanation on the part of the
administrator: on what basis was the decision reached
that the applicant is ‘not disabled’, how did the
administrator decide that the condition is ‘treatable’,
explain why the medical form is incomplete (what details
are missing?) and, similarly, indicate what objective
medical information is missing.
This discussion has been quite detailed, but it is a
useful illustration of why, in some cases, the briefest pro-
forma reasons may suffice, whereas more detail would
be required in other cases.

e nal observation to make in respect of the adequacy of reasons is

an obvious one but should be stated in the interests of completeness:
the reasons provided must be true.131 In other words, the reasons must
indicate the reasoning process actually followed and conclusions that
were actually reached by the administrator.

9.3.1 Are reasons revealing possible grounds of review

As pointed out above, one of the requirements for adequacy is that the
reasons must indicate how the administrator reached his or her
decision, which includes the reasoning process leading up to the
conclusion(s) reached. It is not necessary, for purposes of meeting the
‘adequate reasons’ standard, that such reasons have to be free from
criticism. If the reasons reveal that there could be doubts as to the
decision’s reasonableness or rationality, or that the administrator failed
to take into account relevant considerations (or any other possible
ground of review), the reasons are not inadequate on that basis. On the
contrary, if we bear in mind that one of the purposes of reasons is to
allow the affected individual to decide whether to challenge the
decision, reasons that reveal aws in the decision-making process will
be adequate. In short, what this means is that the adequacy of the
reasons has no necessary bearing on the validity of the decision. ey
are two separate issues.
is was the essence of the court’s nding in Commissioner, South
African Revenue Service v Sprigg Investment 117 CC t/a Global
Investment.132 e respondent argued that reasons provided in this case
were inadequate because they fell short of showing that the decision
was rational and that the appellant had taken into account the relevant
‘decisional referents’.133 e court reasoned that, in essence, the
respondent was putting the cart before the horse: assessing the
adequacy of reasons was an inquiry that preceded a consideration of
whether the decision was valid or not. As the court pointed out, ‘the
question … is simply whether the respondent has sufficiently been
furnished with the commissioner’s actual reasons … to enable it to
formulate its objection thereto’.134 e court accordingly concluded that
there was ‘absolutely no reason why the respondent would be unable to
formulate its objection, if it has any, in the circumstances’.135
is issue is further canvassed in the following section, in respect of
procedural matters.

9.4 Procedure and remedies

Prior to PAJA, the court in Commissioner, South African Police Service
and Others v Maimela and Another136 stated that:
the order sought was one to furnish ‘full and proper written reasons’. To the extent
that the wording of the prayer conveys that the Court can direct an administrative
decision-maker, who has furnished reasons, to give further or better reasons, an
order could not have been made in those terms. A Court can make an order for
reasons to be furnished only if it concludes that the decision-maker did not give
reasons at all or that what are purported to be ‘reasons’ do not in law constitute
reasons. A Court cannot prescribe to an administrative decision-maker what
his/her/its reasons should be. Should the person whose rights or interests are
affected by an administrative action contend that the reasons do not justify the
action, the appropriate remedy is to have the action reviewed, not to attempt to
force the decision-maker to provide better reasons or to supply particulars to the
Currie contends that this is unlikely to be correct under PAJA, and that
‘an appropriate remedy to cure an inadequate statement of reasons is
an order compelling provision of reasons that are up to the required
standard’.137 If we can regard reasons that are inadequate as being
reasons that ‘do not in law constitute reasons’, then there is no necessary
disagreement between the Maimela court and Currie. To be sure, if we
consider the requirement that a requester must not already have been
given reasons, this would clearly cover the situation where he or she has
been given inadequate reasons. In other words, if the requester has
been given inadequate reasons, for purposes of section 5(1), he or she
has, in law, not been given reasons at all. e adequacy of the reasons
must be seen in the context of whether they explain how the
administrator reached the decision (whether in a awed way or not),
allowing the requester to weigh up his or her options. ‘Adequacy’ in this
sense does not mean that the reasons must justify the decision in a way
that satis es the requirements of lawfulness, reasonableness and
procedural fairness in PAJA. is is what the court in Maimela seems to
be suggesting – that a person alleging that the reasons are defective
because they reveal a aw in the decision-making process is not
permitted to ask for improved reasons but he or she must take the
matter on review, alleging that the decision is defective on the basis of
the ground of review in question.
A requester faced with a refusal to give adequate reasons (or any
reasons at all) may make an application to court for an order directing
the administrator to give reasons. is is suggested by the remedy in
section 8(1)(a) of PAJA which states that a court or tribunal, in
proceedings for judicial review in terms of section 6(1), may grant any
order that is just and equitable, including orders directing the
administrator to give reasons.
e 2009 regulations, setting out rules of procedure for
administrative action,138 con rm this. ey provide that, if an
administrator fails to respond to a request for reasons or refuses to give
reasons, the requester may apply to court for an order compelling the
administrator to give reasons. Such application must be made on notice
of motion supported by affidavit.139
9.5 Inconsistent sets of reasons
An administrator may provide further reasons on affidavit if an
application for the review of the decision is brought.140 Is there a
problem if these reasons are different from those initially furnished? In
National Lotteries Board and Others v SA Education and Environment
Project,141 the court referred to the rule in English law that a decision
unsupported by adequate reasons would:
ordinarily be void and cannot be validated by different reasons given afterwards –
even if they show that the original decision may have been justi ed. For in truth
the later reasons are not the true reasons for the decision, but rather an ex post
facto rationalisation of a bad decision.142

e court, however, found that it did not need to ‘strictly’ decide

whether our courts are required to follow this approach,143 but held, in
the circumstances before it, the appellant had exercised its discretion
unlawfully when it exercised its discretion, despite the fact that it may
have had other reasons for reaching the decision.144

Supplementing reasons upon review

De Ville suggests that the reasons furnished upon
request and subsequent reasons furnished in the review
proceedings or on affidavit must be ‘consistent’.145 There
are several cases where there were differences in the
reasons provided, but none of these decisions turned on
this inconsistency.146 This does not, presumably, mean
that the reasons have to be formulated in exactly the
same way. The latter reasons may be more detailed, but
there should be no factual inconsistencies, including
reasons mentioned for the first time at a later stage.
Currie, on the other hand, suggests that ‘reasons
given in satisfaction of the right to be given reasons may
form part of the administration’s case for justifying the
reasonableness of the action taken, but do not
necessarily exhaust that case’.147
It is submitted that the correct position is that
suggested by De Ville. Currie asks why a single
statement of reasons should limit the government’s
ability to justify a decision on review, seemingly basing
this view on the grounds of administrative efficiency: the
administrator is under pressure to provide initial reasons
and may consequently leave something important out of
the statement of reasons. In the light of the fact that
PAJA gives an administrator 90 days in which to furnish
reasons, it is submitted that this is enough time to
ensure that the reasons supplied at that stage
adequately justify the decision.

9.6 Reasons and legality

In Judicial Service Commission and Another v Cape Bar Council and
Another,148 the respondent Bar Council (CBC) was challenging the
decision by the applicant (JSC) not to appoint nominees for the Western
Cape bench and to leave two positions un lled. e ‘reasons’ provided
by the JSC for this was simply that none of the candidates had received a
majority vote.149 e CBC alleged that this was ‘no reason at all’, thus
raising the inference that the decision was irrational.150 e JSC’s
argument was that it was under no statutory or constitutional duty to
give reasons; that it had in any event provided reasons (those
mentioned above); and that because of its secret voting procedure it
was not possible to give reasons other than those it had given.151
e court was not convinced. First, it reasoned, there was an implied
duty on the JSC to provide reasons because of the constitutional duty on
it ‘to exercise its powers in a way that is not irrational or arbitrary’, and
due to the constitutional values of accountability and transparency.152
Consequently, the court held that the JSC is, ‘as a general rule, obliged
to give reasons for its decision not to recommend a particular candidate
if properly called upon to do so’.153
As for the ‘reasons’ provided by the JSC, the court held that these
were inadequate because they did ‘not serve any of the purposes for
which reasons should be given’.154 At rst glance, the argument relating
to procedure seems compelling, but the court, bearing in mind that the
procedure is not imposed upon the JSC, but that the JSC has the power
to determine its own procedure, reasoned that the JSC’s chosen
procedure must, ‘as a matter of principle, enable the JSC to comply with
its constitutional and legal obligations’.155 If the procedure does not
allow the giving of cogent reasons, so the argument goes, then the JSC
must change its procedure to allow it to do so. e court forti ed this
nding with the observation that the JSC was required to give reasons
for a recommendation of an appointment to the Constitutional Court,
and if this was possible, then it ought to be possible to do so for other
appointments as well.
e absence of adequate reasons in this particular case,
consequently, led the court to conclude that the JSC’s decision was
irrational. is judgment cannot be faulted and it is interesting that the
courts have relied on the basic principle of rationality as a component
of legality in order to nd that, in certain circumstances, rationality
requires procedural fairness156 and, in the case just discussed, the duty
to provide reasons as well.


Section 5 of PAJA gives effect to the right to reasons in section 33(2) of the
Constitution. It does this by providing for a ‘request-driven’ process: the affected
individual does not have a right to be provided reasons immediately but may
request reasons from the decision-maker within the stipulated time period. The
decision-maker must then provide such reasons within a further stipulated time
period. These reasons must be in writing and they must be adequate, allowing the
affected person to decide how to proceed with her matter. There are several
prerequisites for the adequacy of reasons, discussed in some detail and set out
clearly in this chapter. Where these prerequisites are not absolute, several factors
must be taken into account in determining the adequacy of the reasons. These are
also discussed and set out in the chapter.

• Hoexter, C (2012) Administrative Law in South Africa (2nd ed) Cape Town: Juta
Chapter 8
• Quinot, G (2011) The Right to Reasons for Administrative Action as a Key
Ingredient of a Culture of Justification Speculum Juris 25:32–47

1 ere was no general requirement for reasons, save where speci cally provided for by
2 Mureinik, E (1994) A Bridge to Where? Introducing the Interim Bill of Rights SAJHR
10(1):31 at 38–44.
3 Koyabe and Others v Minister for Home Affairs and Others (Lawyers for Human Rights as
Amicus Curiae) 2010 (4) SA 327 (CC) para 62. See also Currie, I (2007) e Promotion of
Administrative Justice Act: A Commentary (2nd ed) 137.
4 Hoexter, C (2012) Administrative Law in South Africa (2nd ed) 463 fn 14.
5 Baxter, L (1984) Administrative Law 228, footnotes excluded, emphases in original.
Reprinted by permission of © Juta & Company Ltd.
6 Currie (2007) 138.
7 Kiva v Minister of Correctional Services and Another (2007) 28 ILJ 597 (E) para 31.
8 3 of 2000.
9 PAJA section 6(2)(f)(ii)(dd).
10 PAJA section 6(2)(e)(i).
11 103 of 1977.
12 De Ville, JR (2005) Judicial Review of Administrative Action in South Africa 288–289.
13 De Ville (2005) 289.
14 See section 33(3) of the Constitution for the importance of administrative efficiency.
15 See, for example, Mostert NO v Registrar of Pension Funds and Others 2018 (2) SA 53 (SCA)
para 50.
16 Mostert para 41.
17 Currie (2007) 139.
18 Baxter (1984) 228.
19 Hoexter (2012) 461 fn 1; Currie (2007) 146 fn 38.
20 Currie (2007) 146 fn 38.
21 Hoexter (2012) 461.
22 e fact that evidence consists of ‘information’ (as de ned in the Concise Oxford Dictionary
(1982) (7th ed)), leads to potential confusion between ‘information’ and ‘evidence’ (see
Baxter (1984) 230 also fn 263). e confusion is best avoided if one prefers the terms
‘ ndings’ and ‘evidence’.
23 107 of 1998.
24 PAJA section 1(i).
25 18 of 1998.
26 2001 (1) SA 853 (SCA).
27 Goodman Brothers, Olivier JA’s judgment at para 40.
28 Goodman Brothers, Schutz JA’s judgment at para 10.
29 Goodman Brothers para 12.
30 Goodman Brothers, Olivier JA’s judgment at para 42.
31 2006 JDR 0820 (E) paras 21 and 23.
32 Hoexter (2012) 224. Reprinted by permission of © Juta & Company Ltd.
33 Hoexter (2012) 471.
34 Kiva para 23.
35 Hoexter (2012) 473.
36 2010 (4) SA 55 (CC) para 31.
37 Draft 2009 ‘Rules of procedure for judicial review of administrative action’ (which did not
come Into effect) provide that the administrator may refuse a request for reasons if, inter
alia, ‘the requester is not a person whose rights are materially and adversely affected by the
administrative action’ (reg 3(5)(c) of GN R966 in GG 32622 of 09.10.2009).
38 See Hoexter (2012) 473.
39 See Hoexter (2012) 473.
40 GN R1022 in GG 23674 of 31.07.2002. PAJA requires, in section 10(1)(d), the Minister to
make regulations relating to the procedures to be followed in connection with requests for
reasons. ese regulations are those that are required by section 10. e draft 2009 ‘Rules of
procedure for judicial review of administrative action’ supra (note 37), which did not come
into effect, provide for somewhat different procedures (setting out a prescribed form for
requesting reasons, for example).
41 Reg 27(1).
42 Reg 27(2).
43 Reg 27(3)(a).
44 Reg 27(3)(b).
45 PAJA section 9(2).
46 Sikutshwa v MEC for Social Development, Eastern Cape and Others 2009 (3) SA 47 (TkH).
47 GN R1022 in GG 23674 of 31.07.2002.
48 Reg 28.
49 2009 (3) SA 47 (TkH).
50 Sikutshwa para 76, reference excluded.
51 2011 (6) SA 628 (ECM).
52 Jikeka para 11.
53 Jikeka para 12.
54 Jikeka para 12.
55 On section 7(1) see Chapter 11 at section 11.3.2.
56 1972 (3) SA 726 (A) 736.
57 Chetty’s Motor Transport 736G.
58 1985 (2) SA 234 (SE) 246H.
59 1987 (1) SA 387 (C).
60 2010 (1) SA 128 (GNP).
61 Wessels 141E.
62 2016 (2) SA 93 (WCC).
63 JH v Health Professions Council of South Africa 2016 (2) SA 93 (WCC) para 14.
64 Black Eagle Project Roodekrans v MEC: Department of Agriculture, Conservation and
Environment, Gauteng Provincial Department (6085/07) [2019] ZAGPJHC 23; [2019] 2 All
SA 322 (GJ).
65 Black Eagle Project para 43.
66 PAJA section 5(4)(b).
67 GN R1022 in GG 23674 of 31.07.2002.
68 Reg 28(2).
69 See Currie (2007) 149.
70 107 of 1998.
71 10 of 2004.
72 PAJA section 4(2)(b)(iii).
73 2 of 2000.
74 Rèan International Supply Company (Pty) Ltd and Others v Mpumalanga Gaming Board
1999 (8) BCLR 918 (T) at 926.
75 According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary, ‘adequate’ means ‘sufficient or satisfactory’.
76 (1983) 48 ALR 500, quoted in Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism and Others v
Phambili Fisheries (Pty) Ltd; Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism and Others v
Bato Star Fishing (Pty) Ltd 2003 (6) SA 407 (SCA) para 40.
77 2003 (5) SA 480 (T) at 486.
78 Phambili Fisheries para 40.
79 Quoting the Australian case of Ansett Transport Industries 507.
80 2010 (4) SA 327 (CC) para 64.
81 Koyabe para 63.
82 (2007) 28 ILJ 597 (E).
83 Kiva para 39.
84 Kiva para 39.
85 Kiva para 40.
86 2019 (1) SA 21 (CC).
87 130 of 1998.
88 Gavric para 69.
89 Gavric para 81.
90 Refugee Appeal Board and Others v Mukungubila 2019 (3) SA 141 (SCA).
91 Mukungubila para 25.
92 Mukungubila para 27.
93 See Maimela 485–486.
94 See also Maimela 485–486, where the court stated: ‘e adequacy of reasons will depend
on a variety of factors, such as the factual context of the administrative action, the nature
and complexity of the action, the nature of the proceedings leading up to the action and the
nature of the functionary taking the action’.
95 (1996) 17 ILJ 251 (O).
96 Moletsane 254F.
97 Currie (2007) 146.
98 13 of 2004.
99 Currie (2007) 146–147.
100 25 of 1999.
101 See Currie (2007) 145.
102 PAJA section 3(2)(b)(iii).
103 Gumede and Others v Minister of Law and Order and Another 1984 (4) SA 915 (N),
con rmed in Nkondo and Others v Minister of Law and Order 1986 (2) SA 756 (A).
104 Maimela 486F-G.
105 Maimela 483D.
106 Reg 28(3)(a) of regulations promulgated in terms of the Arms and Ammunition Act 75 of
1969 – see Maimela 486E.
107 Maimela 486G.
108 Koyabe para 64.
109 Maimela 485–486.
110 Maimela 485–486.
111 See, for example, Oosthuizen’s Transport (Pty) Ltd and Others v MEC, Road Traffic Matters,
Mpumalanga and Others 2008 (2) SA 570 (T).
112 Maimela 485–486.
113 Koyabe para 64.
114 Koyabe para 64.
115 Koyabe para 64.
116 De Ville (2005) 294.
117 De Ville (2005) 294. See also the observations made in section 9.1 above.
118 Baxter (1984) 230.
119 Phambili Fisheries para 40.
120 Maimela 486A.
121 2001 (8) BCLR 844 (E).
122 Nomala 856.
123 Nomala 855.
124 Nomala 856.
125 (23036/09) [2010] ZAWCHC 172 (13 September 2010).
126 13 of 2004.
127 Ngomana para 48.
128 Ngomana para 48.
129 Ngomana para 49.
130 2008 (2) SA 481 (SCA).
131 See Minister of Social Development v Phoenix Cash & Carry–Pmb CC [2007] 3 All SA 115
(SCA) para 23.
132 2011 (4) SA 551 (SCA).
133 Sprigg Investment para 13.
134 Sprigg Investment para 14.
135 Sprigg Investment para 17.
136 Maimela 487B–D.
137 Currie (2007) 150 fn 54.
Rules of procedure for judicial review of administrative action, Reg 3(5)(c) of GN R966 in
138 GG 32622 of 09.10.2009 (not yet in operation).
139 Reg 6.
140 See Rule 53 of the Uniform Rules of Court.
141 2013 (1) SA 170.
142 National Lotteries Board para 27.
143 National Lotteries Board para 27.
144 National Lotteries Board para 28.
145 De Ville (2005) 294 fn 67.
146 National and Overseas Modular Construction (Pty) Ltd v Tender Board, Free State
Provincial Government and Another 1999 (1) SA 701 (O); Liquor Web (Edms) Bpk v
Voorsitter, Drankraad en ’n Ander 2001 (1) SA 1069 (T); and Grinaker LTA Ltd and Another v
Tender Board (Mpumalanga) and Others [2002] 3 All SA 336 (T).
147 Currie (2007) 147.
148 2013 (1) SA 170.
149 JSC v CBC para 38.
150 JSC v CBC para 38.
151 JSC v CBC para 42.
152 JSC v CBC para 43.
153 JSC v CBC para 45.
154 JSC v CBC para 46.
155 JSC v CBC para 47.
156 See Albutt.
Administrative justice and
drafting empowering provisions


10.1 Introduction

10.2 Lawfulness
10.2.1 Certainty
10.2.2 Guiding discretionary powers
10.2.3 Purpose
10.2.4 Duty to act
10.2.5 Consolidated versions

10.3 Procedural fairness

10.3.1 PAJA as supplementary
10.3.2 Fair but different
10.3.3 Balancing participation and efficiency

10.4 Internal remedies

10.1 Introduction
As we have noted throughout the preceding chapters, administrative
law in South Africa has historically been dominated by the control
mechanism of judicial review. Our very conception of what
administrative law is and its role within the overall legal and public
administration systems have been largely determined by this reactive,
control perspective. We have also, however, noted at various points in
the preceding chapters that administrative law has a more proactive
role to play in guiding the administration of the state. In Chapter 2, we
noted this dual nature of administrative law.1 As we noted there,
administrative law can be described as aiming on the one hand to
restrict public power and on the other hand to enable and facilitate the
exercise of public power. is dual nature of administrative law was
famously described by Harlow and Rawlings in terms of a traffic light
metaphor as the ‘red light theory’ and ‘green light theory’ of
administrative law.2 One of the key differences between these two views
on administrative law, is the lesser role assigned to adjudication in
green light theory. While red light theorists placed primary emphasis on
the role of courts to control administrative decision-making, green light
theorists placed less emphasis on adjudication and more emphasis on
other forms of control, such as the rules within which administrative
decisions must be taken.3 In Chapters 4 and 5, we also noted these
different types of control, what we called judicial and non-judicial
regulation of administrative action. Another way of looking at these
different forms of control is as external and internal controls.4 External
controls are mostly imposed retrospectively by assessing an
administrative decision that has already been taken. Judicial review is
the prime example. Internal controls are often imposed prospectively
by informing an administrative decision while it is being taken. A prime
example of this type of control is the empowering provision that grants
the power to take the administrative action. at empowering provision
is already an important instrument to control the actions of the
administrator in determining what the administrator can and cannot do
and how they must do it. It is accordingly important to consider the
implications of administrative law for the drafting of legislation that will
empower administrators to take decisions. e rules of administrative
law should also serve to guide the drafting of empowering provisions in
a way aimed at achieving administrative justice.
Another important reason for focusing on the implications of
administrative law for the drafting of empowering provisions is the
realisation that many of the provisions that empower administrative
decision-making in the modern state are not found in primary
legislation. Rather, a range of further instruments are used today to
empower administrators to take decisions. is is, for example,
re ected in the broad de nition of ‘empowering provision’ in the
Promotion of Administrative Justice Act (PAJA),5 which de nes an
empowering provision as ‘a law, a rule of common law, customary law,
or an agreement, instrument or other document in terms of which an
administrative action was purportedly taken’.6 Many of these
instruments are created by the administration itself, for example
regulations made by a Minister under a primary statute. An instrument
of increasing relevance is contractual mechanisms. e state
administration is increasingly entering into contractual arrangements
with private parties to ful l public functions. In such instances, the
various contractual instruments used to set up the relationship between
the public entity and the private supplier constitute the empowering
provisions in terms of which administrative actions may be taken. is
does not only refer to the contract entered into between the parties, but
also the tender invitation issued by the public entity to solicit bids that
will lead to the conclusion of a contract. For example, in Allpay
Consolidated Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Others v Chief Executive
Officer of the South African Social Security Agency and Others7 the
Constitutional Court measured the administrator’s decision against the
request for proposals to determine whether there was material non-
compliance with a mandatory condition of the empowering provision.
In a sense, administrative law has a double function in respect of
such instruments. On the one hand, the creation of the instrument, for
example the drafting and publication of the regulation, contract or
invitation to tender, may itself be an administrative action and
administrative law would thus apply to that action.8 On the other hand,
the instrument in turn would empower further administrative action,
which would be subject to administrative law. In other words, an action
that is itself subject to administrative law becomes the instrument
(empowering provision) to empower further administrative action. is
perspective is illuminated by the useful depiction of administrative law
as law for the administration, law of the administration and law against
the administration.9
In South Africa, not much attention has been given to this
dimension of administrative law.10 at is, the role of administrative law
in guiding the drafting of empowering provisions. e elevation of
administrative law to the status of supreme constitutional rules by
means of the right to administrative justice in section 33 of the
Constitution, has, however, made this role more important than before.
Administrative law largely amounted to the control of administrative
decision-making in terms of the statutory mandate granted by the
supreme Parliament prior to constitutionalisation in South Africa,
which meant that administrative-law controls largely depended on the
empowering provision. In contrast, under the supreme Constitution
and as part of the constitutional guarantee of administrative justice, the
position is now largely reversed. Administrative justice is now part of
the supreme normative framework introduced by the Constitution to
which all legislation must adhere.
e Constitutional Court has recognised this dimension of
administrative justice in its judgment in the Dawood case.11 In this
matter, the court declared that the possibility of administrative action
being judicially reviewed for compliance with the Constitution does not
absolve the legislature from also aiming to protect the right to
administrative justice in its work, that is when drafting legislation. e
court thus declared:
e fact, however, that the exercise of a discretionary power may subsequently be
successfully challenged on administrative grounds, for example, that it was not
reasonable, does not relieve the legislature of its constitutional obligation to
promote, protect and ful l the rights entrenched in the Bill of Rights. In a
constitutional democracy such as ours the responsibility to protect constitutional
rights in practice is imposed both on the legislature and on the executive and its
is chapter considers the implications of the principles of
administrative justice as set out in section 33 of the Constitution and
PAJA for the drafting of empowering provisions.

10.2 Lawfulness
As noted in Chapter 6, lawfulness involves at its core the requirement
that all administrative action must be authorised. is is the basis for
the very requirement that an empowering provision must exist for every
administrative action. Furthermore, the requirement of lawfulness
entails that the administrative action must be taken in terms of the
authorisation, that is, the administrative action must fall within the
boundaries of the empowering provision.
Lawfulness therefore gives expression to the core constitutional
requirement of legality as part of the rule of law, which the
Constitutional Court in Fedsure Life Assurance Ltd and Others v Greater
Johannesburg Transitional Metropolitan Council and Others13
formulated as follows:
It seems central to the conception of our constitutional order that the Legislature
and Executive in every sphere are constrained by the principle that they may
exercise no power and perform no function beyond that conferred upon them by

ese basic requirements of lawfulness hold important implications for

the drafting of empowering provisions.

10.2.1 Certainty
If administrative action is limited to the boundaries of the empowering
provision, it is of prime importance that those boundaries be stated as
clearly as possible. Without clarity on the exact content and scope of the
powers granted, an administrator will always be at risk of stepping
outside of those boundaries and hence acting unlawfully.
While clarity is always an objective in legislative drafting,14 it takes
on an added importance in the case of empowering provisions given
the requirement of lawfulness. In Affordable Medicines Trust and Others
v Minister of Health and Others15 the Constitutional Court thus declared
that ‘delegation must not be so broad or vague that the authority to
whom the power is delegated is unable to determine the nature and the
scope of the powers conferred’.
ere are numerous general techniques of legislative drafting that
can be employed to enhance clarity and hence certainty about the
scope of the administrative powers. One such technique is to bear the
readership of the provision in mind. As McLeod rightly reminds us, the
meaning of any written text depends as much on the reader as on the
writer, which is equally true in the case of legislative drafting.16 When
drafting empowering provisions, it is accordingly important to bear in
mind who the administrator is that will have to interpret that provision
to formulate an administrative action within the boundaries of the
provision. e empowering provision should be framed in such a way to
make sense within the relevant administrative context and to the
particular administrators in that context.

Whose interpretation?
One of the most vexing questions in administrative law is
whose interpretation of empowering provisions should be
definitive of the meaning of a particular provision. This
question arises when an administrative action is
challenged in judicial review on the basis of an error of
law. As noted in Chapter 6, PAJA section 6(2)(d) allows a
court to review an administrative action if the action was
materially influenced by an error of law.17 This will be the
case if the administrator adopted an interpretation of the
empowering provision that the court subsequently
disagrees with and upon the interpretation that the court
adopts, the administrator would have taken a different
The difficult question, however, is why the courts’
interpretation should necessarily trump that of the
administrator, especially in instances where the
administrator’s interpretation is a feasible one. This is
especially problematic given that courts are only meant
to review an administrative action and not to determine
its correctness, which would be a matter of appeal.
When a court rules that an administrative action should
be set aside because the administrator adopted an
incorrect interpretation of the empowering provision, this
distinction between review and appeal, which South
African courts insist on as we noted in Chapters 119 and
5,20 becomes distinctly blurred.21
The challenges raised by review for error of law have
played an important role in the development of the
notion of deference in many common-law jurisdictions.22
Particularly in Canadian administrative law, Dyzenhaus
has engaged with the notion of deference as part of the
question of how courts should deal with administrative
interpretation of the law.23 That is, should courts defer to
the administrator’s interpretation of the empowering
provision given that the provision was primarily enacted
with the view that the relevant administrator would be
the one to implement it?
Of course, the issues raised by review for error of law
is closely linked to the extent to which the empowering
provision allows for significantly different interpretations.

Another important mechanism to enhance certainty in empowering

provisions and thus facilitate lawful administrative action, is the
inclusion of appropriate de nitions. While it is a fairly standard practice
to de ne the key terms used in the particular enactment in primary
legislation, it is far less common in other types of empowering
provisions such as regulations, instructions etc. For example, the
dispute in Tseleng v Chairman, Unemployment Insurance Board and
Another24 regarding the calculation of the period of unemployment,
which determined the applicant’s entitlement to unemployment
bene ts, could have been avoided if the term ‘application’ had been
de ned in the empowering provision so that there could be no
uncertainty regarding the calculation of the period of unemployment in
terms of the statutory prescript that stated that ‘a period of
unemployment shall not be deemed to have commenced until the
contributor has lodged an application’.
Apart from the need to de ne key terms, it is also important for
those terms to be consistently used with that meaning throughout the

10.2.2 Guiding discretionary powers

e limitation imposed by the lawfulness requirement on discretionary
decision-making, which is a hallmark of public administration,25
requires empowering provisions to include boundaries when granting
discretionary powers.
In Dawood, the Constitutional Court has noted that the obligation of
the legislature to protect constitutional rights, by implication including
the right to administrative justice, requires the legislature to ‘take care
when legislation is drafted to limit the risk of an unconstitutional
exercise of the discretionary powers it confers’.26
In a key passage in its Dawood judgment, the Constitutional Court
noted the importance of providing guidance to administrators in the
exercise of discretionary powers:
We must not lose sight of the fact that rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights must
be protected and may not be unjusti ably infringed. It is for the legislature to
ensure that, when necessary, guidance is provided as to when limitation of rights
will be justi able. It is therefore not ordinarily sufficient for the legislature merely
to say that discretionary powers that may be exercised in a manner that could
limit rights should be read in a manner consistent with the Constitution in the
light of the constitutional obligations placed on such officials to respect the
Constitution. Such an approach would often not promote the spirit, purport and
objects of the Bill of Rights. Guidance will often be required to ensure that the
Constitution takes root in the daily practice of governance. Where necessary, such
guidance must be given. Guidance could be provided either in the legislation
itself, or where appropriate by a legislative requirement that delegated legislation
be properly enacted by a competent authority.27
In the Dawood matter, the court found the empowering provision
wanting in failing to set out the factors that the administrators should
take into account when exercising the broad discretionary powers
granted to them. From this and other judgments of the Constitutional
Court, it is clear that drafters of empowering provisions are obliged to
provide guidance to administrators when granting (wide) discretionary

10.2.3 Purpose
e need to limit discretionary administrative power requires
empowering provisions to be explicit about the purposes for which
power is granted. is is because even though the particular action may
be authorised, it will still be unlawful if that action is taken for a reason
not authorised,29 an ulterior purpose or motive.30 is requirement can
put an administrator at considerable risk in the absence of a clear
declaration of purpose in the empowering provision.

There are many ways in which the purpose of an

empowering provision and accordingly powers granted in
that provision can be made clear.
The Border Management Authority Act31 provides
examples of the three most common ways in which
purpose is indicated in legislation.
The first is in the so-called long title of the Act, which
is the text immediately below the name of the statute.
The long title of the Border Management Authority Act
reads as follows:

To provide for the establishment, organisation,

regulation, functions and control of the Border
Management Authority; to provide for the
appointment, terms of office, conditions of
service and functions of the Commissioner and
Deputy Commissioners; to provide for the
appointment and terms and conditions of
employment of officials; to provide for the duties,
functions and powers of officers; to provide for
the establishment of an Inter-Ministerial
Consultative Committee, Border Technical
Committee and advisory committees; to provide
for delegations; to provide for the review or appeal
of decisions of officers; to provide for certain
offences and penalties; to provide for annual
reporting; to provide for the Minister to make
regulations with regard to certain matters; and to
provide for matters connected therewith.

The second way to indicate the purpose of an

empowering provision is to include a preamble in the
statute. The Border Management Authority Act starts with
the following:


RECOGNISING that border management is exercised

by multiple organs of state with the purpose of
securing the borders of the Republic and protecting
national interest;

RECOGNISING FURTHER that there is a need for

integrated and co-ordinated border management in
accordance with the Constitution, international and
domestic law, in order to—
1. contribute to the socio-economic development
of the Republic;
2. ensure effective and efficient border law
enforcement functions at ports of entry and the
contribute to the facilitation of legitimate trade
and secure travel;
4. contribute to the prevention of smuggling and
trafficking of human beings and goods;
5. prevent illegal cross-border movement;
6. contribute to the protection of the Republic’s
environmental and natural resources; and
7. protect the Republic from harmful and
infectious diseases, pests and substances;

ACKNOWLEDGING that the circumstances of

modern travel and trade require a single Authority to
be responsible for ports of entry and the control of
the borders of the Republic and the need to balance
the facilitation of legitimate trade and travel with
security; and

ACKNOWLEDGING FURTHER the constitutional

responsibility of the South African National Defence
Force to defend and protect the Republic, its
territorial integrity and its people.

Thirdly, a statute may contain a distinct objects clause.

In the Border Management Authority Act, section 3 reads
as follows:

3. Object of Act.—The object of this Act is to

establish and empower the Authority to achieve

(a) integrated border law enforcement within

the border law enforcement area and at
ports of entry; and

(b) co-operation on and co-ordination of

border management matters in general.
When discretionary power must subsequently be
exercised under this Act, for example an officer must
decide whether to search any person, goods, premises or
vehicle at a port of entry in terms of the power granted in
section 18 of the Act, that officer should rely on the
purpose statements above to determine whether their
intended actions are lawful, that is whether such search
will be aimed at achieving any of these purposes.
The purpose of powers granted in an empowering
provision may also be stated more specifically within an
empowering provision, typically when the relevant
administrator is created or the relevant powers granted.
For example, the Border Management Authority Act
creates an Inter-Ministerial Consultative Committee in
section 24 with the following purpose statement in
subsection (1):

The Inter-Ministerial Consultative Committee is

hereby established to—

(a) consult on—

(i) the designation, determination,

appointment or prescription, and
withdrawal or cancellation of a port of

(ii) the proposed amendment of any

legislation that may affect border

(iii) any international agreement or protocol

that affects the Authority;

(iv) the advice and reports of the Border

Technical Committee referred to in section
25 (3) and (4); and

(v) any other matter referred to it by any of

the Cabinet members referred to in
subsection (3) (b) or (c); and

(b) consider and discuss the Commissioner’s

reports on the performance of the Authority in
terms of section 11 (2) ( j).

Any administrative action taken by this committee can

consequently be measured against these provisions to
determine its lawfulness in terms of purpose.

Apart from purpose as a distinct basis upon which administrative action

may be tested for lawfulness, purpose has also become important to
determine compliance with procedures prescribed in the empowering
provision. In the important judgment of the Constitutional Court in
Allpay Consolidated Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Others v Chief
Executive Officer, South African Social Security Agency and Others,32 the
court held that:
e proper approach is to establish, factually, whether an irregularity occurred.
en the irregularity must be legally evaluated to determine whether it amounts
to a ground of review under PAJA. is legal evaluation must, where appropriate,
take into account the materiality of any deviance from legal requirements, by
linking the question of compliance to the purpose of the provision, before
concluding that a review ground under PAJA has been established … the central
element is to link the question of compliance to the purpose of the provision.

It is evident from this statement that an explicit formulation of the

purpose of the empowering provision will be of particular value in
determining compliance and hence lawfulness of administrative action.
While we have focused in this section on the role of the purpose
statement in an empowering provision to promote lawful
administrative decisions, it is important to note that purpose also plays
an important role in achieving rational administrative decisions. In
providing the test for determining the rationality of administrative
decisions, PAJA requires in section 6(2)(f)(ii)(bb) that there must be a
rational connection between the administrative decision and the
purpose of the empowering provision. is requirement further
emphasises the importance of a clear statement of purpose in an
empowering provision.

10.2.4 Duty to act

A key consideration for the drafting of empowering provisions from a
lawfulness perspective is whether a particular provision imposes a duty
to act or whether it only grants a power to act. is distinction between
duty and power is a common issue in legislative drafting in many legal
systems and in particular in those where the distinction may have vastly
different consequences in the application of administrative law.33 e
same is true in South Africa. For example, PAJA includes in its de nition
of administrative action, ‘any failure to take a decision’.34 It consequently
provides for a ground of review of administrative action on the basis
that ‘the action concerned consists of a failure to take a decision’.35 is
immediately raises the question of when an omission by an
administrator will qualify as an administrative action open to challenge.
In Offit Enterprises (Pty) Ltd and Another v Coega Development
Corporation and Others36 the Supreme Court of Appeal explained that a
failure that would be relevant under PAJA:
refers to a decision that the administrator in question is under some obligation to
take, not simply to indecisiveness in planning on policy issues. It is directed at
dilatoriness in taking decisions that the administrator is supposed to take …

To distinguish between instances of ‘indecisiveness’ and ‘obligation’, the

drafting of the particular empowering provision will be of primary
importance. e standard approach to distinguish between a duty and a
power is to differentiate between the use of the words ‘may’ and
‘shall’/‘must’ in an empowering provision. As a point of departure, the
use of the word ‘may’ in relation to authorisation denotes a power to
act, but not a duty to act. In contrast, the use of the words ‘shall’ or
‘must’ denote a duty to act.
For example, the Public Finance Management Act37 states in section
76(1)(b) that the ‘National Treasury must make regulations or issue
instructions applicable to departments, concerning … the recovery of
losses and damages’, whereas it states in section 76(2)(c) that the
‘National Treasury may make regulations or issue instructions
applicable to departments, concerning … the establishment of and
control over trading entities’. e sole difference between the
authorisation granted in subsection (1) and subsection (2) of section 76
lies in the use of the word ‘must’ in the former and ‘may’ in the latter.
e clear intention of this drafting is to convey that the former imposes
a duty on the National Treasury whereas the latter does not. In terms of
administrative law, one would thus be able to challenge a failure on the
part of National Treasury to issue regulations or instructions in relation
to the matters listed in section 76(1) as an unlawful administrative
action, but one would not be able to do the same in relation to a failure
on National Treasury’s part to issue any regulation or instruction in
respect of the matters listed in section 76(2).
However, the matter is not always as clear as in this example. e
purpose of the empowering provision is again an important
consideration in interpreting the words used in order to determine
whether a duty or power is granted. us, in Steenkamp and Others v
EDCON Ltd,38 the Constitutional Court held that:
e approach that the use of the word ‘shall’ in a statutory provision means that
anything done contrary to such a provision is a nullity is neither rigid nor
conclusive. e same can be said of the use of the word ‘must’. Many factors must
be considered to determine whether a thing done contrary to such a provision is a
nullity … the proper approach is to ascertain what the purpose of the legislation is
in this regard … In each case the legislation will need to be construed properly to
establish its purpose.

It is clear that while the use of the words ‘may’ and ‘shall’/‘must’
provide some guidance on whether the empowering provision creates a
duty or a power, the purpose of the provision will also play a role. When
drafting empowering provisions it is accordingly important to provide
clear and explicit guidance on whether a particular authorisation
amounts to a power or a duty, given the differences in how those will be
treated in administrative law.
A nal consideration regarding a duty to act, is the timeframe within
which the duty must be exercised. PAJA provides that an omission will
amount to a failure to act when a duty to act has not been exercised
within the stated timeframe or, in the absence of a stated timeframe,
within a reasonable time.39 It may not always be easy to determine
exactly what would be a reasonable time, which may create undue
pressure on administrators to take premature decisions. It is thus
desirable that empowering provisions state a timeframe within which a
duty to act must be exercised.

10.2.5 Consolidated versions

Empowering provisions are quite often amended from time to time.
is is especially true of primary legislation, where amendment acts are
common. e amendment of empowering provisions creates potential
risk for an administrator acting in terms of such empowering provision
in that the administrator may not be relying on the up-to-date version
of the provision. is risk can be greatly reduced if amendments are
always incorporated in the main text of the empowering provision so
that the administrator always has access to the current consolidated
version of the empowering provision when taking action.
Unfortunately, amendments to primary legislation are not routinely
incorporated into the main text in South Africa and no consolidated
versions are officially published. In most cases, only the speci c
amendments are published in the relevant amendment act. It is
accordingly up to the reader to piece the original text and all
amendment acts together in order to work with the up-to-date
consolidated version of the relevant empowering provision. is
problem is exacerbated by the absence of an official statutory code in
South Africa, that is an official publication containing all statutes in
consolidated form. Within this context, the danger of working with the
wrong version of the empowering provision looms large. For example,
the Merchant Shipping Act,40 which provides for the control of
merchant shipping in South Africa and inter alia empowers the South
African Maritime Safety Authority to take a range of decisions in this
respect, has been amended by 32 different amendment acts.
While a number of non-governmental organisations, like the
Southern African Legal Information Institute (SAFLII)41 and the Oliver R
Tambo Law Library at the University of Pretoria,42 have launched
projects to create freely available consolidated versions of statutes,
these projects do not yet cover all statutes. e only comprehensive
sources of consolidated legislation in South Africa at present are the
legal databases of commercial publishers, which require subscription.
is is an unfortunate state of affairs, which should ideally be resolved
by an official publication of consolidated statutory law, either by the
Department of Justice and Constitutional Development or Parliament.

In Chapter 6, we looked at the following hypothetical

example of an empowering provision to engage with the
requirement of lawfulness.
Western Cape Disasters Act

5(1) The Premier must by notice in the Gazette

designate land, owned or leased by the state, for the
purpose of constructing temporary shelter to house
people who have been left without shelter due to a
natural disaster in the province.

Having now considered the implications of lawfulness for

the drafting of empowering provisions, what changes
would you recommend to this provision to assist
administrators in taking lawful administrative action
under this provision?
Consider the following issues:
• Is it clear in which Gazette the notice must be
published? Should this perhaps be clarified by
adding a qualifier such as Government or Provincial
to make it clear, or should a definition of the word
‘Gazette’ perhaps be added to the enactment?
• What does the word ‘state’ mean in this context?
Should it be interpreted widely to refer literally to any
land in public ownership regardless of what level of
government? That is, does this provision empower
the Premier to authorise land owned by a national
department or a municipality or SANPARKS? Should
the word ‘state’ not be replaced with a more specific
word or defined?
• The condition that the power may only be exercised
when people have been left without shelter due to a
natural disaster in the province is quite narrow.
Should the purpose of the power not be stated a bit
more broadly?
• Linked to the previous point, does it really matter
that the disaster is a natural one? Could this not
create unnecessary uncertainty in exercising power
under this provision, that is to first determine
whether the relevant disaster is indeed a ‘natural’
one as opposed to man-made? Would it not be
better to omit the word ‘natural’?
• What does the qualifier ‘in the province’ refer to, the
disaster or the people? Grammatically one would
think it relates to the disaster, that is the disaster
must have been in the province. But does that really
make sense? Does it really matter whether the
disaster was in the province or not? Does it not
rather matter that the people without shelter are in
the province? If so, what drafting steps can be taken
to clarify the meaning of the qualifier ‘in the

10.3 Procedural fairness

e principle of procedural fairness in essence entails that a person to
be affected by an administrative action should have an opportunity to
participate in that decision, primarily by having the opportunity to
make representations to the administrators. It follows, as a basic point,
that when an empowering provisions is drafted that authorises an
administrator to take a decision that will impact on a person, attention
should be given to how the affected persons will be allowed to
participate in the decision-making process.43
ere are a number of lessons to be drawn from the requirement of
procedural fairness in administrative law for the drafting process.
A rst point relates to when an affected party should be allowed to
participate. In Earthlife Africa (Cape Town) v Director-General:
Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism and Another44 the
court held that an affected party must have an opportunity to make
representations on the nal materials to be considered by the decision-
maker in order for participation to be fair. In this matter, new materials
had been placed before the decision-maker after affected parties had an
opportunity to make representations. e court held that it was not
‘procedurally fair to take administrative action based on “substantially
different” new matter on which interested parties have not had an
opportunity to comment’.45 e implication of this ruling is that
participation in decision-making must be carefully timed in order to
allow affected parties to comment on the nal considerations that will
determine the outcome. is should thus be taken into account when
designing participatory processes in empowering provisions.
A second relevant point is who should be afforded an opportunity to
participate when designing participatory processes. While section 33(1)
of the Constitution grants ‘everyone’ the right to procedurally fair
administrative action, PAJA narrows that entitlement down in sections 3
and 4. Under PAJA section 3, it is only persons who will be individually,
materially and adversely affected by the decision that are entitled to an
individualised opportunity to participate in such decision.46 Under
section 4, public participatory processes must be implemented when
the public or a class or group of the public stands to be affected by the
decision.47 When these provisions are met, an administrative action will
be considered procedurally fair, also in terms of the Constitution. It
follows that empowering provisions providing for participation in
decision-making do not have to grant opportunities to participate to a
wider group than these.
A third important point is to bear the contextual nature of
procedural fairness in mind. It has long been established in South
African administrative law, and con rmed in section 3(2)(a) of PAJA,
that procedural fairness is a contextual requirement.48 at is, the exact
procedural steps to be taken in a given instance of administrative action
to make it procedurally fair will depend on the circumstances of that
case. It is generally not possible to formulate an exact blueprint for a
procedurally fair administrative action in abstract terms, that is, outside
of the context of a particular scenario. While this is particularly
important for procedural requirements within general administrative
law, that is the rules applicable to all types of administrative action
regardless of sphere of public administration or context, it is also
important to bear in mind when formulating empowering provisions
for administrative decision-making in particular areas. It will certainly
be possible to be more speci c regarding what procedural steps will be
appropriate in an empowering provision applying to particular
instances of decision-making only, but exibility will have to be
maintained even in such formulations of participatory processes. If an
empowering provision is too strict in the procedures that it prescribes, it
runs the risk of losing the quality of fairness in speci c contexts. In such
a case, the administrator will be faced with the dilemma of having to
adhere to the prescribed procedures in the empowering provision (as a
matter of lawfulness), but will also have to supplement those
procedural steps with further procedure drawn from general
administrative law in order to achieve the exibility inherent in
procedural fairness. It is accordingly advisable to ensure that
procedures prescribed in empowering provisions retain a measure of

10.3.1 PAJA as supplementary

One of the important innovations of PAJA is the formulation of an
explicit framework of steps that will constitute procedurally fair
decision-making in sections 3 and 4. While these must still be applied in
a exible manner in adherence to the contextual nature of procedural
fairness and are formulated in a manner to be exible in content (for
example, requiring ‘adequate notice’ and a ‘reasonable opportunity to
make representations’),49 they do provide an extremely useful set of
default rules for both individualised participation50 and public
participation51 in decision-making.
e implication of this function of PAJA is that empowering
provisions do not necessarily have to include participatory procedures
in order to achieve procedural fairness in the exercise of the powers
granted in such provisions. PAJA ful ls an important supplementary
function to empowering provisions in this respect. e Constitutional
Court con rmed this role of PAJA in Zondi v MEC for Traditional and
Local Government Affairs and Others52 in the following terms:
All decision-makers who are entrusted with the authority to make administrative
decisions by any statute are therefore required to do so in a manner that is
consistent with PAJA. e effect of this is that statutes that authorise
administrative action must now be read together with PAJA unless, upon a proper
construction, the provisions of the statutes in question are inconsistent with PAJA.

In this matter, the court accordingly held that the empowering

provision’s silence on requiring the decision-maker to notify the
affected party of the proposed administrative action did not result in the
provision being unconstitutional for a failure to adhere to the
requirement of procedurally fair administrative action. is was
because the provision had to be read in conjunction with PAJA, which
imposed the necessary procedural steps on the decision-maker to
achieve a procedurally fair administrative action.

10.3.2 Fair but different

e converse of the supplementary function of PAJA discussed in the
previous section is also true. at is, empowering provisions may adopt
a completely different set of procedural steps to achieve procedural
fairness compared to those set out in PAJA. e procedural steps
outlined in sections 3 and 4 of PAJA are thus only default rules and may
be displaced by alternative procedures created in the empowering
PAJA itself provides for this possibility in sections 3(5) and 4(1)(d)
respectively. In both these sections, PAJA mandates an administrator to
adopt a procedure that is ‘fair but different’ from the steps set out in
PAJA itself to achieve procedural fairness, but, importantly, only if such
alternative procedure is contained in an empowering provision. In this
way PAJA thus creates scope for drafters of empowering provisions to
craft procedures that are suitable to the circumstances in which the
provision will apply. e only restriction is that such procedures must
still be fair.53
e courts have held that even though PAJA section 3(5) implies a
power rather than a duty to follow the fair but different procedure set
out in the empowering provision (‘the administrator may act in
accordance with that different procedure’), an administrator will not be
able to avoid following the alternative procedure if such procedure is
more extensive than the default steps set out in PAJA.54 us, if the
empowering provision ‘is more extensive in its procedural protections
than the PAJA’, the administrator will be bound to follow those instead of
PAJA’s procedures.55 In this way, the drafter of an empowering provision
may bind an administrator to a higher level of procedure than the
default steps set out in PAJA.

10.3.3 Balancing participation and efficiency

A nal consideration in drafting empowering provisions with
procedural fairness in mind is the need to maintain a balance between
participatory decision-making and administrative efficiency. As we
have noted throughout this book and at the start of this chapter as well,
administrative justice entails both control and facilitation of
administrative decision-making. Placing limitations on administrative
power in order to protect citizens is thus as important as enabling
administrators to take decisions in pursuit of their constitutional
mandate. is dual nature of administrative justice is particularly
important in respect of procedural fairness, because there is a real risk
that the imposition of inappropriate and overly burdensome procedural
requirements on administrative decision-making will undermine the
administration’s ability to deliver on their mandate. at is, efficiency in
public administration can easily be sacri ced in pursuit of procedural
fairness. Yet, this is not what the requirement of procedural fairness as
part of the constitutional guarantee of administrative justice should
e Constitutional Court has recognised this danger in a number of
judgments. In Premier, Mpumalanga v Executive Committee of the
Association of State-Aided Schools, Eastern Transvaal,56 the court stated:
In determining what constitutes procedural fairness in a given case, a court
should be slow to impose obligations upon government which will inhibit its
ability to make and implement policy effectively (a principle well recognised in
our common law and that of other countries). As a young democracy facing
immense challenges of transformation, we cannot deny the importance of the
need to ensure the ability of the Executive to act efficiently and promptly.

In Joseph and Others v City of Johannesburg and Others,57 the court

echoed these sentiments when it stated:
e spectre of administrative paralysis raised by the respondents is a legitimate
concern. Administrative efficiency is an important goal in a democracy, and
courts must remain vigilant not to impose unduly onerous administrative
burdens on the state bureaucracy.

e Constitutional Court’s injunction in these judgments should also be

heeded by drafters of empowering provisions. Care should be taken not
to focus too much on only one or the other of these two important
objectives. at is, empowering provisions should be drafted in a
manner that consciously aims to achieve a balance between
participatory decision-making and administrative efficiency.

10.4 Internal remedies

An important dimension of administrative justice is that those who feel
aggrieved at an administrative decision impacting on them should have
effective and accessible mechanisms to seek redress. While
administrative law traditionally focused narrowly on judicial review of
administrative action as the main way of controlling administrative
decision-making, administrative justice adopts a wider approach to
embrace a range of mechanisms to control and facilitate administrative
Internal controls or internal remedies form an important part of the
wider approach to enforcing justice in administrative decision-making.
Internal remedies refer to those mechanisms within the administration
aimed at addressing administrative failures.
We noted in Chapter 4 that internal remedies hold much promise in
providing effective relief to persons that feel aggrieved at an
administrative action. As the Constitutional Court recognised in Koyabe
and Others v Minister for Home Affairs and Others (Lawyers for Human
Rights as Amicus Curiae):59
Internal remedies are designed to provide immediate and cost-effective relief,
giving the executive the opportunity to utilise its own mechanisms, rectifying
irregularities rst, before aggrieved parties resort to litigation. Although courts
play a vital role in providing litigants with access to justice, the importance of
more readily available and cost-effective internal remedies cannot be gainsaid …
Internal administrative remedies may require specialised knowledge which may
be of a technical and/or practical nature. e same holds true for fact-intensive
cases where administrators have easier access to the relevant facts and

PAJA supports this focus on internal remedies by requiring in section

7(2)(a) that all internal remedies ‘provided for in any law’ must rst be
exhausted before a court may entertain a judicial review application.
is duty to exhaust internal remedies is much more strict under PAJA
than it was under common law, in keeping with the shift to
administrative justice under the Constitution and PAJA.
South African law does not contain a comprehensive, coordinated
approach to internal remedies. Everything depends on whether an
internal remedy is provided for in a law within each case. e
empowering provision, speci cally in the form of legislation, is thus
determinative in whether the duty under section 7(2) of PAJA applies in
any case. e activation of this duty is thus fully in the hands of the
drafter of the (statutory) empowering provision.
Given the signi cant advantages of internal remedies, both for the
aggrieved person and the administrator, it is of particular value for
drafters to pay close attention to the creation of internal remedies
within empowering provisions. e requirements that have emerged
from case law regarding the activation of the section 7(2) duty, provide
important insights for the drafting of empowering provisions containing
internal remedies.
In Reed and Others v Master of the High Court of South Africa and
Others60 the court held that an internal remedy ‘connote an
administrative appeal – an appeal, usually on the merits, to an official or
tribunal within the same administrative hierarchy as the initial
decision-maker – or, less common, an internal review’. Furthermore, the
court noted that a ‘distinctive feature of internal remedies is that they
are extra-curial’.61 In Koyabe, the court added that the internal remedy
must be effective.62 is means that the remedy must offer the claimant
effective relief, must be ‘objectively implemented’, must ‘be readily
available and it must be possible to pursue without any obstruction,
whether systemic or arising from unwarranted administrative conduct’.

Local government procurement appeals

One of the most controversial internal control
mechanisms in South African law is section 62 of the
Local Government: Municipal Systems Act63 and in
particular its application in the case of public
procurement disputes.
Section 62 reads (in relevant part) as follows:

62. Appeals.—

(1) A person whose rights are affected by a decision

taken by a political structure, political office bearer,
councillor or staff member of a municipality in terms
of a power or duty delegated or sub-delegated by a
delegating authority to the political structure,
political office bearer, councillor or staff member,
may appeal against that decision by giving written
notice of the appeal and reasons to the municipal
manager within 21 days of the date of the
notification of the decision.

(3) The appeal authority must consider the appeal,

and confirm, vary or revoke the decision, but no
such variation or revocation of a decision may
detract from any rights that may have accrued as a
result of the decision.

On the face of it, section 62 seems like an effective

internal appeal mechanism that would qualify as an
internal remedy for purposes of section 7(2) of PAJA. It
allows an appeal to a higher authority within the same
administrative hierarchy (the municipality) and
potentially offers effective relief to a complainant, that is
to have the decision varied or revoked. The Supreme
Court of Appeal has recognised section 62 as an internal
remedy for purposes of PAJA under particular
In the context of public procurement decisions at
local government level, that is municipal decisions to
award a tender to a private entity, the interaction
between sections 62 and 7(2) has become particularly
problematic with conflicting judgments.65
Some courts have adopted the view that section 62
offers an aggrieved bidder an appeal against the award
of the bid to its competitor and that it thus constitutes
an internal remedy for purposes of section 7(2) of
PAJA.66 The effect is that the appeal under section 62
must be lodged before a judicial review application
under PAJA may be brought.

Other courts have held that section 62 does not

constitute an internal remedy in the procurement
context for purposes of section 7(2).67 This is
because of the effect of section 62(3). Once a bid is
accepted by the municipality, a contract comes into
being between the municipality and the bidder and
rights accordingly vest. The result is that the appeal
authority cannot interfere with the award in terms of
section 62(3) since it will detract from the
contractual rights. It further follows that section 62
would not offer the aggrieved bidder effective relief
and thus does not qualify as an internal remedy.


The dual nature of administrative law, especially as part of the broader notion of
administrative justice, implies that the rules of administrative law are equally
relevant for the empowerment of administrators to take administrative decisions as
they are for the control of such administrative action. In both the enabling and
control functions of administrative law, the drafting of empowering provisions play
an important role. Administrators obtain all their power to take decisions from
empowering provisions, which implies that empowering provisions lie at the heart of
facilitating administrative decisions, but also that those same empowering
provisions are the first way to control the administrative action. When empowering
provisions are drafted, close attention should thus be paid to the principles of
administrative justice in order to ensure that those empowering provisions can
effectively achieve both functions of administrative law.

• Bednar-Giyose, J (2018) Legislative Drafting and the Appropriate Delineation
of Administrative Power (PhD dissertation, University of the Witwatersrand)

1 See Chapter 2 section 2.6.1.

2 Harlow, C & Rawlings, R (2009) Law and Administration (3rd ed) Ch 1.
3 Harlow & Rawlings (2009) 38.
4 Harlow & Rawlings (2009) 37.
5 3 of 2000.
6 PAJA section 1(vi), see Chapter 3 section 3.7.4.
7 2014 (1) SA 604 (CC) para 62.
8 See Chapter 3 section 3.7.1 on the question of whether rule-making amounts to
administrative action in South African law.
9 Schlössels, RJN & Zijlstra, SE (2010) Bestuursrecht in de Sociale Rechstaat 11–12.
10 A notable exception is the PhD study of Bednar-Giyose, J (2018) Legislative Drafting and the
Appropriate Delineation of Administrative Power (University of the Witwatersrand).
11 Dawood and Another v Minister of Home Affairs and Others; Shalabi and Another v Minister
of Home Affairs and Others; omas and Another v Minister of Home Affairs and Others
2000 (3) SA 936 (CC).
12 Dawood para 48.
13 1999 (1) SA 374 (CC) para 58.
14 McLeod, I (2009) Principles of Legislative and Regulatory Drafting 3; Dawood para 47;
Investigating Directorate: Serious Economic Offences and Others v Hyundai Motor
Distributors (Pty) Ltd and Others: In Re Hyundai Motor Distributors (Pty) Ltd and Others v
Smit NO and Others 2001 (1) SA 545 (CC) para 24.
15 2006 (3) SA 247 (CC) para 34.
16 McLeod (2009) 4.
17 Chapter 6 section 6.3.2.
18 Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality v Gauteng Development Tribunal and Others 2010
(6) SA 182 (CC) para 91.
19 See Chapter 1 section 1.3.5.
20 See Chapter 5 section 5.2.
21 Hoexter, C (2012) Administrative Law in South Africa 288; Burns, Y & Henrico, R (2020)
Administrative Law 447.
22 On deference, see Chapter 5 section 5.4.
23 Dyzenhaus, D ‘e politics of deference: judicial review and democracy’ in Taggart, M (Ed)
e Province of Administrative Law (1997) 279.
24 1995 (3) SA 162 (T).
25 See Chapter 1 section 1.3.3.
26 Dawood para 48.
27 Dawood para 54 (footnotes omitted).
28 Janse van Rensburg and Another v Minister of Trade and Industry and Another 2001 (1) SA
29 (CC) para 25; Justice Alliance of South Africa v President of Republic of South Africa and
Others, Freedom Under Law v President of Republic of South Africa and Others, Centre for
Applied Legal Studies and Another v President of Republic of South Africa and Others 2011
(5) SA 388 (CC) para 51; Lawyers for Human Rights v Minister of Home Affairs and Others
2017 (5) SA 480 (CC) paras 48–49.
29 PAJA section 6(2)(e)(i).
30 PAJA section 6(2)(e)(ii).
31 2 of 2020.
32 2014 (1) SA 604 (CC) paras 28 and 30.
33 McLeod (2009) 103–113.
34 PAJA section 1(i), see Chapter 3 section 3.7.1.
35 PAJA section 6(2)(g), see Chapter 6 section
36 2010 (4) SA 242 (SCA) para 43.
37 1 of 1999.
38 2016 (3) SA 251 (CC) para 182.
39 PAJA section 6(3).
40 57 of 1951.
41 See the SAFLII database of South African legislation at
42 See the library’s database at
43 Crabbe, V (1993) Legislative Drafting 68.
44 2005 (3) SA 156 (C) para 64.
45 Earthlife Africa para 61.
46 See Chapter 7 section
47 See Chapter 7 section
48 Zondi v MEC for Traditional and Local Government Affairs and Others 2005 (3) SA 589 (CC)
paras 113–114; Joseph and Others v City of Johannesburg and Others 2010 (4) SA 55 (CC)
para 56.
49 Joseph paras 56, 59.
50 PAJA section 3.
51 PAJA section 4.
52 2005 (3) SA 589 (CC) para 101.
53 See Chapter 7 section for an example from the Refugees Act 130 of 1998 of such a
‘fair but different’ procedure.
54 Minister of Defence and Military Veterans and Another v Mamasedi 2018 (2) SA 305 (SCA)
para 21; Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union and Others v Minister of Correctional Services
and Others 2008 (3) SA 91 (E) para 71.
55 Mamasedi para 21.
56 1999 (2) SA 91 (CC) para 41.
57 2010 (4) SA 55 (CC) para 29 (footnotes omitted).
58 See Chapter 1 section
59 2010 (4) SA 327 (CC) paras 35, 37.
60 2005 2 All SA 429 (E) para 25.
61 Reed para 26.
62 Koyabe para 44.
63 32 of 2000.
64 City of Cape Town v Reader and Others 2009 (1) SA 555 (SCA).
65 Udeh, KT (2016) Viability of Bidder Remedies Under Section 62 of the South African
Municipal Systems Act African Public Procurement Law Journal 3(2):72.
66 Groenewald NO v M5 Developments (Cape) (Pty) Ltd 2010 (5) SA 82 (SCA); Evaluations
Enhanced Property Appraisals (Pty) Ltd v Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality [2014] 3
All SA 560 (ECG); Syntell (Pty) Ltd v e City of Cape Town [2008] ZAWCHC 120; Total
Computer Services (Pty) Ltd v Municipal Manager, Potchefstroom Local Municipality 2008
(4) SA 346 (T).
67 Loghdey v Advanced Parking Solutions CC 2009 JDR 0157 (C); ESDA Properties (Pty) Ltd v
Amathole District Municipality [2014] ZAECGHC 76.
Standing and procedure for
judicial review


11.1 Introduction

11.2 Standing
11.2.1 The concept of standing
11.2.2 The rationale for a standing requirement
11.2.3 Standing under the common law
11.2.4 Standing under section 38 of the Constitution
11.2.5 Standing under PAJA
11.2.6 Standing in practice

11.3 Procedure for judicial review

11.3.1 Duty to exhaust internal remedies
11.3.2 Time to institute judicial proceedings
11.3.3 The courts with jurisdiction in respects of judicial review proceedings
11.3.4 The rules applicable to judicial review proceedings An overview The current position and how it evolved The value of the Rule 53 record 288 The content of the Rule 53 record

11.1 Introduction
Chapters 4 and 5 looked at a range of different legal mechanisms aimed
at regulating administrative action. at is, mechanisms that can ensure
that administrators follow the rules of administrative law. Despite the
existence of a variety of mechanisms and the importance of developing
an integrated system of administrative-law controls,1 one mechanism
continues to dominate the regulatory landscape, namely judicial
review. As has been noted in the preceding chapters, this means that
the constraints on administrative law are mostly those that are
produced by the grounds of judicial review in section 6(2) of the
Promotion of Administrative Justice Act (PAJA).2
is chapter looks at when and how an aggrieved person can
approach a court to argue that a particular administrative decision falls
foul of particular grounds of review.

11.2 Standing
Standing is a threshold requirement that a litigant must satisfy before
they can persuade a court to engage with the substance of their case. It
is the right of a particular person to approach a court of law for relief.
Standing might seem a technical issue, but it has a signi cant impact on
the ability of citizens to use administrative law to challenge the use of
public power.

11.2.1 The concept of standing

Standing is the entitlement to be heard. No judicial process can proceed
unless standing has been established. To do so, the claimant must show
that he or she has capacity and an interest in the matter. However, any
interest in a matter will not do – the claimant may nd a matter
interesting but nonetheless lack a legally recognised interest in it. e
claimant must show an interest that is sufficient to entitle him or her to a
hearing – they must justify why this person should be entitled to pursue
this claim against this defendant.

Standing in two scenarios

To place the standing debate in context, consider the
following scenarios:
Welfare grants
Two companies bid for a tender for the distribution of
welfare grants in four South African provinces. After a
process plagued by irregularities and possible
corruption, the tender is awarded to Company A.
Company A is in many respects inferior to Company B,
the unsuccessful bidder. The distribution process that
Company A has proposed would involve significant
disruption to the current system – welfare grant-holders
would have to travel great distances to re-register for
their grants, the distribution would happen at only a few
designated offices rather than at post offices and grocery
stores (as Company B proposed), grants would be given
in cash only and grant-holders would not have the option
of receiving their grants as vouchers or bank transfers.
A number of individuals wish to review the decision
to grant the tender to Company A.
• Does Company B have standing to seek a review in
terms of PAJA?
• Do the individual grant-holders have standing to do
• Does ProsperAll, an NGO that assists individuals to
apply for welfare grants and monitors the distribution
and use of grants, have standing to challenge the
Citizen M is a resident of Gauteng (one of the
• provinces not affected by the tender). She has a
keen interest in current affairs and has followed the
tender process carefully. She is aware of the
irregularities in the process and is convinced that the
award of the tender was unlawful. Does she have
standing to challenge the decision?

Commission of Inquiry
The President decides to appoint a commission of
inquiry into the administration of soccer. This upsets a
number of people. In particular, the South African
Football Association alleges that they were not given an
opportunity to make representations before the
Commission was appointed. They wish to challenge and
set aside the decision under PAJA. Soccer players and
club managers believe that the Commission will harm
the reputation of South African soccer.
• Do the Football Association, the players, the club
managers or soccer fans have standing to challenge
the President’s decision?

11.2.2 The rationale for a standing requirement

In determining what the criteria for standing in administrative justice
claims should be, it is helpful to begin by looking at the rationale that
underpins the standing requirement. Why does the law impose
restrictions on who should be allowed to bring a matter before court?
A number of justi cations for the standing requirement have been
offered in the literature and by the South African courts (in both private
and public law):
• First, state resources are scarce and the court system is over-
burdened. Precious resources would be wasted on the adjudication
and defence of claims if mere busybodies could challenge every
minor or alleged infraction by the state or private persons.3 Without
a standing requirement the oodgates will open, inundating the
courts with vexatious litigation and unnecessary court disputes.4
• Second, by requiring that litigants have a sufficient interest in a
matter, the law ensures that the court is presented with concrete
disputes, rather than abstract or hypothetical cases.5 In this regard,
Chaskalson P stressed that:
e principal reasons for this objection are that in an adversarial system decisions
are best made when there is a genuine dispute in which each party has an interest
to protect. ere is moreover the need to conserve scarce judicial resources and
to apply them to real and not hypothetical disputes.6

• ird, the requirement ensures that the person who is best-placed to

litigate the issue is the one who appears in court. Individuals who
have a clear interest in a matter will have greater access to relevant
information. ey are better able to place all pertinent facts before
the court.7 Without a standing provision, it is more likely that imsy
cases will be litigated and decided, resulting in poor precedents.8
• Finally, the requirement of standing provides the judiciary with a
means to protect its independence and to maintain its legitimacy.
On occasion, judges use the rules of standing in order to give effect
to the notion of justiciability – that is, the idea that it is not
appropriate for certain matters to be adjudicated by a court of law.9
Judges use the rules of standing to shield themselves from matters
that are politically loaded or that would draw courts into issues of
policy. In Ferreira v Levin, Chaskalson P noted that, when
considering standing, courts in the United States have regard to ‘the
need to prevent courts from being drawn into unnecessary con ict
with coordinate branches of government’.10 With few or no
restrictions on standing, litigants would have unlimited
opportunities to challenge government action via the courts. is
would expand the policing role of the courts in relation to the other
branches of government.11 is, in turn, would threaten the
legitimacy of the courts.
ese justi cations give some insight into the role and importance
attributed to standing. However, in order to properly engage in the
debate about standing in administrative law, more analysis is necessary.
Two questions must be answered:
• First, what is the purpose of judicial review in administrative law? Is
it to police unlawful conduct by public officials? Is it to redress
injustice and vindicate the rights of a particular claimant? Can a
litigant review conduct purely for the rst purpose – to uphold the
rule of law? If so, any person who alleges that a public official has
acted unlawfully would be entitled to institute a review of that
conduct. If not, only individuals who can show that they have
suffered an injustice will be entitled to institute proceedings.12
• Second, what is the relationship between standing and the purposes
of judicial review?13

With these questions in mind, we enter into the debate about the
standing requirement in South African administrative law.

11.2.3 Standing under the common law

Prior to 1994, the common-law approach to standing was restrictive.
Any person who approached a court was required to show a sufficient,
direct and personal interest in the matter (as well as the capacity to
With regard to a ‘personal’ interest, Innes CJ stated that ‘no man can
sue in respect of a wrongful act, unless it constitutes the breach of a
duty owed to him by the wrongdoer, or unless it causes him some
damage in law’.14 In addition, the litigant was required to show that
some legal right or recognised interest was at stake.15 A ‘sufficient’
interest included a proprietary or pecuniary interest or an interest in
personal liberty.16 e requirement of ‘directness’ meant the conduct
challenged must directly affect the complaint. As Baxter puts it, ‘this
requirement is aimed at ensuring a personal nexus between the
complainant and the act complained of’.17
11.2.4 Standing under section 38 of the Constitution
In the post-apartheid era, a generous and expanded approach to
standing was adopted in the public law context. As a result, the
categories of persons who are granted standing to seek relief are far
broader than our common law has ever permitted.18
e generous approach is encapsulated in section 38 of the
Constitution, which provides as follows:
Anyone listed in this section has the right to approach a competent court, alleging
that a right in the Bill of Rights has been infringed or threatened, and the court
may grant appropriate relief, including a declaration of rights. e persons who
may approach a court are—
(a) anyone acting in their own interest;
(b) anyone acting on behalf of another person who cannot act in their own
(c) anyone acting as a member of, or in the interest of, a group or class of
(d) anyone acting in the public interest; and
(e) an association acting in the interest of its members.

Section 38 is a radical departure from the standing requirements of the

pre-apartheid period. It expressly allows court proceedings by
individuals or organisations acting in the public interest. Public interest
standing is given in addition to the standing that is granted to
individuals or organisations acting on behalf of other persons or on
behalf of a class. Justice Kate O’Regan noted that this approach to
standing is particularly important in our country, where a large number
of people have had scant educational opportunities and may not be
aware of their rights.19
We brie y expand on the different section 38 grounds for standing

11.2.5 Standing under PAJA

Importantly, section 38 applies when a right in the Bill of Rights is
infringed or threatened. Where, then, does PAJA t in?
PAJA does not contain an explicit standing provision. During the
drafting process, a clause similar to section 38 was inserted in the Bill,
only to be removed soon after.20 e parliamentary committee
responsible for the draft did not give clear reasons for its choice to
remove the clause.21 In its nal inculcation, PAJA’s only reference to
standing is contained in section 6(1), which provides that any person
may institute proceedings in a court or tribunal for the judicial review of
administrative action.
What, then, is the standing requirement for litigants instituting
administrative-law proceedings? ere were notionally three
approaches that could have been taken.
• e courts could have held that the narrow common-law approach
to standing continued to apply to PAJA litigation.
• e courts could have held that the broader approach of section 38
of the Constitution applied to PAJA litigation.
• e courts could have read section 6 of PAJA literally to provide that
‘any person’ could institute proceedings – without any requirement
of standing.

Unsurprisingly the Constitutional Court adopted the second of these

approaches. It has held that section 38 of the Constitution does apply to
PAJA litigation. It did so in the case of Giant Concerts:
PAJA, which was enacted to realise [the right to administrative justice in] section
33 [of the Constitution], confers a right to challenge a decision in the exercise of a
public power or the performance of a public function that ‘adversely affects the
rights of any person and which has a direct, external legal effect’. PAJA provides
that ‘any person’ may institute proceedings for the judicial review of an
administrative action. e wide standing provisions of section 38 were not
expressly enacted as part of PAJA. Hoexter suggests that nothing much turns on
this because ‘it seems clear that the provisions of section 38 ought to be read into
the statute.’ is is correct.22

Since Giant Concerts, it is clear that:

• ere is a standing requirement under PAJA.
• is standing requirement is the same as that set by section 38 of the

is approach is very sensible. It ensures that the advantages of a

standing requirement (set out above) are achieved, but also ensures
that judicial review proceedings are encouraged and rendered more
practical by means of the generous approach under section 38.
Moreover, given that the broad standing regime of section 38 applies to
review on the basis of the principle of legality,23 the approach adopted
avoided an illogical and unnecessary disjuncture on this issue between
PAJA and the principle of legality.
In Giant Concerts, the court also helpfully made clear that the
question of the standing of a litigant to bring a PAJA review is not the
same as the question of whether the PAJA review is sustainable on the
merits. Questions of standing and merits must be kept separate:
[I]n determining Giant’s standing, we must assume that its complaints about the
lawfulness of the transaction are correct. is is because in determining a
litigant’s standing, a court must, as a matter of logic, assume that the challenge
the litigant seeks to bring is justi ed. As Hoexter explains:

e issue of standing is divorced from the substance of the case. It is

therefore a question to be decided in limine [at the outset], before the merits
are considered.24

e court correctly explained that this had two implications.

First, it means that the standing enquiry does not focus on whether
the decision challenged was unlawful or invalid. Rather, in
demonstrating ‘own interest’ standing,25 the applicant must focus on the
‘interests that confer standing to bring the challenge’ and the ‘impact
the decision’ has.26
Second, it means that there may be occasions where an unlawful
decision is left in existence – simply because the applicant has failed to
make out a case for own interest standing. e court explained that this
‘is not illogical’:
standing determines solely whether this particular litigant is entitled to mount the
challenge: a successful challenge to a public decision can be brought only if ‘the
right remedy is sought by the right person in the right proceedings’.27

e court did emphasise though that there might be exceptions to this

approach and that there may be cases where the interests of justice or
the public interest might compel a court to scrutinise action even if the
applicant’s standing is questionable. As it explained, ‘when the public
interest cries out for relief, an applicant should not fail merely for acting
in his or her own interest’.28
In our view, the practical implication of this is that an applicant for
judicial review would be well advised to rely not merely on ‘own
interest’ standing under section 38(a), but also where possible public
interest standing under section 38(d). at maximises the possibility of
ensuring that the court reaches the merits of the judicial review.
Finally, we point out that since the Constitutional Court’s judgment
of State Information Technology Agency SOC Ltd v Gijima Holdings (Pty)
Ltd,29 an organ of state seeking to review its own decision does not have
standing under PAJA. In Gijima, the court found that since the right to
administrative action that is lawful, reasonable and procedurally fair is a
fundamental right that is only bestowed on private persons, only they
can vindicate the right.30 Similarly, since PAJA was enacted to give
content to section 33, it, too, is exclusive to private persons.31 e
decision therefore makes clear – for the rst time – that an organ of state
seeking to review its own decision may do so only under the
constitutional principle of legality, not PAJA.

11.2.6 Standing in practice

In what follows, we brie y expand upon the section 38 grounds for
standing in the context of PAJA with reference to practical examples:
a) Anyone acting in their own interest
Section 38(a) re ects the common law but goes beyond it.32 Rather
than showing a direct, personal and sufficient interest, the applicant
need only show that he or she has been directly affected by the
conduct complained of.33 To illustrate this point, the Constitutional
Court has referred to the Canadian case of Morgentaler. ere, a
male doctor was entitled to challenge the constitutionality of
legislation dealing with abortion under which he was liable to be
prosecuted. He was granted standing despite the fact that the rights
upon which the constitutional challenge were based were the rights
of pregnant women, which did not and could not vest in the male
doctor.34<br/>is ‘own interest’ type of standing is used in virtually
all judicial review applications under PAJA. Examples include
people who have been denied refugee permits or social grants,
companies that have failed in tender awards, and people seeking to
challenge planning approvals granted to their neighbours.

An interesting application of own interest standing emerged in the

matter of WDR Earthmoving Enterprises & Another v e Joe Gqabi
District Municipality.35 ere, the applicant was a company that had
been disquali ed from a tender process on the grounds that its bid
was found to be non-responsive. It sought to review an organ of
state’s decision to award the tender to another bidder.
e Full Court of the Eastern Cape Division of the High Court
held that the company lacked standing, because it had been
disquali ed and only a compliant bidder acquires a right to
challenge a decision to award a tender.36
However, the Supreme Court of Appeal disagreed. It found that
the applicant’s standing had to be determined by considering
whether the decision of the organ of state would have a direct effect
upon the interests or potential interests of the applicant. e
applicant’s interest in the decision was that if the decision was set
aside, the applicant would be entitled to participate once the tender
process re-commenced.37 is interest was sufficient to clothe the
applicant with standing to review the decision in terms of PAJA.
b) Anyone acting on behalf of another person who cannot act in
their own name
In Ngxuza and Others v Permanent Secretary, Department of
Welfare, Eastern Cape Provincial Government and Another,38 the
applicants were grant-holders whose disability grants and social
bene ts had been discontinued. ey sought a declaration that the
suspension or cancellation of the grants was unlawful. However, the
discontinuation of grants affected thousands of people other than
the applicants. Hence, the declaration was also sought on behalf of
other grant-holders who were in the same position as the applicants.
Froneman J recognised that many grant-holders were poor, did not
have access to legal representation and would have difficulty in
obtaining legal aid.39 As a result, they would be unable personally to
challenge the unlawful cancellation of their grants.40 Consequently,
the court held that the applicants had standing under section 38(b)
on the basis that they were acting on behalf of others who could not
act in their own names.41 is case took place before the advent of
PAJA, but would now likely be brought in terms of PAJA.
c) Anyone acting as a member of, or in the interest of, a group or
class of persons
As its name suggests, a ‘class action’ is a case brought by one or
more litigants on behalf of a larger group of persons (the class).
Class actions were not part of our law prior to the enactment of the
present Constitution in 1997. However, they are now being used
more frequently – especially in damages claims relating to a wide
range of issues, such as silicosis on mines, pension fund disputes,
the failure by government to pay teacher’s salaries and price- xing
by bread manufacturers.
ere has not yet been a class action brought in terms of PAJA.
However, the Ngxuza judgment already referred to demonstrates
how such a class action would occur. In that case, decided before
PAJA was enacted, the applicants were also granted standing in
terms of section 38(c) on the basis that they were acting for
members of a class of persons affected by the unlawful decisions of
the government in relation to social grants.
Where a class action is brought against private parties, those
bringing the class action must seek certi cation of the class action
from the courts. 42 However, it appears that this need for certi cation
does not apply where the class action is brought in an effort to
enforce constitutional rights against the state.43 e same would
likely apply to a class action brought in terms of PAJA.
d) Anyone acting in the public interest
Section 38(d) is the broadest ground for standing, allowing a person
to bring a claim in the public interest.44 e South African Law
Commission has provided a lucid and concise de nition of a public
interest action:
A public interest action is one brought by the plaintiff who, in claiming the relief
he or she seeks, is moved by a desire to bene t the public at large or a segment of
the public. e intention of the plaintiff is to vindicate or protect the public
interest, not his or her own interest, although he or she may incidentally achieve
that end as well.45

A clear illustration of standing granted in the public interest is the

Limpopo textbooks case.46 In this case, the applicants (including the
NGO ‘Section27’) challenged the government’s protracted failure to
deliver textbooks to schools in the Limpopo province for the 2012
academic year. e absence of broad-standing provisions may have
prevented vindication of the rights of the learners concerned in this
matter. Section27 would have been precluded from participating as
a litigant because it does not have a sufficient direct interest in the
matter. Only schools or learners themselves could have litigated the
issue. However, these learners or schools would not have had a
sufficient direct interest in the provision of textbooks to other
schools. As a consequence, most schools and learners in Limpopo
would have received no relief.
e Constitutional Court has stressed that a person seeking standing
in terms of section 38(d) must genuinely be acting in the public
interest. e following factors are relevant to this determination:
◆ whether there is another reasonable and effective manner in
which the challenge can be brought,
◆ the nature of the relief sought, and the extent to which it is of
general and prospective application, and
◆ the range of persons or groups who may be directly or indirectly
affected by any order made by the court and the opportunity that
those persons or groups have had to present evidence and
argument to the court,47
◆ the degree of vulnerability of the people affected,
◆ the nature of the right said to be infringed, and
◆ the consequences of the infringement of the right.48
In the context of PAJA, public interest standing will arise relatively
frequently. Examples include an organisation of schools reviewing
regulations dealing with school admissions and public interest
organisations reviewing decisions of government to close refugee
reception offices.
In Afriforum v University of the Free State,49 Afriforum, a civil
organisation, brought a review application to set aside the
respondent’s (the University of the Free State) decision to institute a
language policy adopting English as the only language of instruction
– the University had had both English and Afrikaans as its languages
of instruction up until that point. Although the University of the Free
State did not dispute the Afriforum’s standing, the Supreme Court of
Appeal found that Afriforum did not have standing: it was not acting
on behalf of the students who were the people that would be
adversely affected by the University of the Free State’s decision to
adopt the new language policy. e Constitutional Court disagreed.
It held that Afriforum was acting in the public interest because
Afriforum was acting on behalf of Afrikaans-speaking people
seeking to assert their children’s rights to be instructed in
e) An association acting in the interest of its members
e prerequisites for an association to sue on behalf of its members
are the following (i) capacity to sue (the association must have legal
personality); and (ii) a sufficient interest to sue.51 In the context of
PAJA, associations relatively frequently make use of this provision to
review and set aside decisions affecting their members – for
example, decisions of bodies regulating an industry or decisions by
municipalities affecting associations of residents.
In Afriforum, the Constitutional Court found that a trade union,
Solidarity, that had a mandate to advance its members’ interests in
the labour sphere, did not have standing to act on behalf of students
of the University of the Free State who wanted to assert their right to
be taught in the language of their choice (Afrikaans) because neither
the students nor their parents were members of the trade union.52
Accordingly, the trade union did not have any interest in the

11.3 Procedure for judicial review

As has been noted in Chapter 5, judicial review is a mechanism to
regulate administrative action. In order to successfully engage in
judicial review the litigant establishes the necessary standing to do so
(as explained above) and must establish a particular ground of review
set out in section 6(2) of PAJA (as explained in Chapter 5).
e litigant must also comply with the procedural requirements
applicable to judicial review. Some of these are the same as ordinary
civil procedure requirements, but there are also important additional
procedural requirements that apply to judicial review of administrative
action. In this section we deal with these speci c requirements that
apply to judicial review of administrative action.
Before a party can proceed with his or her review application, PAJA
creates two procedural hurdles that the applicant will have to overcome,
namely the duty to exhaust all internal remedies and a prescribed time

11.3.1 Duty to exhaust internal remedies

In Chapter 4 above we noted in detail the relationship between internal
remedies and judicial review.53 We saw that section 7(2) of PAJA
contains a strict procedural rule that all internal remedies must be
exhausted before a court can entertain a judicial review. e rule is,
however, not absolute and an applicant can proceed with judicial
review despite not having exhausted all internal remedies if he or she
can convince a court that there are exceptional circumstances and it is
in the interest of justice to proceed with the review immediately. An
applicant will have to bring a proper application to the court in terms of
section 7(2)(c) for an exemption from the duty to exhaust internal
remedies before he or she will be allowed to proceed.

11.3.2 Time to institute judicial proceedings

Section 7(1) of PAJA sets a time frame within which judicial review
applications must be launched. is is without unreasonable delay and
within 180 days.
PAJA sets out different dates on which the 180 days will start
running. It is evident that the existence of an internal remedy will again
play a key role in this second hurdle for an applicant to surmount before
being able to argue the merits of his or her review before court.
If there is an internal remedy, the 180-day period will only start
running after all proceedings under the internal remedy have been
If there is no internal remedy the 180-day period will start running
on the date:
• on which the person concerned became aware of the action and the
reasons for it, or
• on which the person concerned might reasonably have been
expected to have become aware of the action and the reasons.55

It is important to note that the time frame under PAJA is not simply 180
days, but – depending on the facts of the case – may indeed be much
shorter than that. is is by virtue of the fact that PAJA also requires
reviews to be instituted ‘without unreasonable delay’. e 180-day
period is therefore simply the maximum period, beyond which the
applicant will undoubtedly need an extension from the court,56 as we
explain below.
PAJA thus retains the common-law rule against unreasonable
delay.57 is rule is said to serve two purposes:
First, the failure to bring a review within a reasonable time may cause prejudice to
the respondent. Secondly, there is a public interest element in the nality of
administrative decisions and the exercise of administrative functions.58

In judging whether a particular delay in bringing a review application

was unreasonable, a court will have to make a value judgment on the
facts before it, that is, a court will have to decide what it considers
reasonable under the circumstances.59 Even after nding that the delay
was factually unreasonable, the court at common law still had a
discretion to condone the delay, taking into account:
• the extent of the prejudice that the respondent (administrator) and
other third parties may suffer from instituting the review after the
• the explanation offered for the delay,61
• the nature of the decision, particularly relating to the prejudice that
may follow from setting aside this type of decision following a delay,
• the complexity of the factual and legal matrix of the challenged
administrative action.63

In South African National Roads Agency v Cape Town City,64 the

Supreme Court of Appeal found that the merits of the review
application are also a critical factor when a court considers whether to
condone delay. Navsa JA stated:
It is true that in [Opposition to Urban Tolling Alliance] this Court considered it
important to settle the court’s jurisdiction to entertain the merits of the matter by
rst having regard to the question of delay. However, it cannot be read to signal a
clinical excision of the merits of the impugned decision, which must be a critical
factor when a court embarks on a consideration of all the circumstances of a case
in order to determine whether the interests of justice dictate that the delay should
be condoned. It would have to include a consideration of whether the non-
compliance with statutory prescripts was egregious.65

is was affirmed in City of Cape Town v Aurecon South Africa (Pty)
Limited,66 where the Constitutional Court held that ‘… due regard must
also be given to the importance of the issue that is raised and the
prospects of success’.67
e 180-day maximum period to launch review proceedings may be
extended in terms of section 9 of PAJA either by way of agreement
between the parties (which is of course highly unlikely) or by the court.
If agreement cannot be reached with the respondent administrator, the
applicant will have to apply to court showing that it is in the interest of
justice for the 180-day period to be extended.68 e factors used to
determine whether such extension is in the interest of justice will be
largely similar to those listed above in determining whether to condone
an unreasonable delay.69 Since a refusal to grant an extension may lead
to an invalid administrative action remaining in force, because the
applicant brought the review out of time, a court will also consider the
imperatives of legality against nality in deciding upon what is in the
interest of justice in the particular case.
In Gijima70 and Buffalo City,71 the Constitutional Court held that
even an unreasonable delay should not preclude a court reaching the
merits and declaring a decision invalid where it was ‘clearly unlawful’.
e court preferred instead to use delay mainly as an issue that went to
the question of an appropriate remedy.72 In Buffalo City it held:
[T]his matter is on the same footing as Gijima where the decision maker had
failed to provide a satisfactory explanation for the delay and, for the reasons
outlined, I am unable to nd any basis upon which this delay may be overlooked.
… However, this is not the end of the enquiry. On the authority of Gijima, this
Court must, having established that the Reeston contract was clearly unlawful on
undisputed facts, declare it invalid in terms of the provisions of section 172(1)(a)
and set it aside. e unlawfulness of the Reeston contract cannot be ignored and
this Court is obliged, as it did in Gijima, to set aside a contract it knows to be
unlawful. Even on a restrictive interpretation of the Gijima principle, bearing in
mind the need to hold the state to the procedural requirements of review, as
explained above, I can see no reason to depart from it in this matter.73

is approach – that a court may (and must) still declare a decision
invalid even after concluding that there has been unreasonable delay in
the bringing of the review application and even without condonation
being granted or justi ed – is a substantial and, in our view, regrettable
departure from long-standing principles of administrative law.
However, the principles concerned were articulated by the
Constitutional Court in the context of legality reviews brought by organs
of state in respect of their own decisions. We would thus hope that they
are con ned to this area and are not extended to PAJA reviews or indeed
legality reviews brought by private parties.

11.3.3 The courts with jurisdiction in respects of judicial

review proceedings
Until recently, judicial review proceedings could only be brought before
a High Court and magistrates’ courts had no jurisdiction regarding
judicial reviews.
However, the de nition of ‘court’ in PAJA contemplated the
designation of magistrates’ courts by the Minister of Justice as an
additional forum with jurisdiction over judicial review applications.
is occurred for the rst time in late 2019.74 With effect from 1
October 2019, district75 and regional76 magistrates’ courts with
jurisdiction to decide civil matters also have the jurisdiction to decide
applications for judicial reviews.
e de nition of ‘court’ in PAJA contemplates both High Courts and
magistrates’ courts having jurisdiction over judicial review
applications77 and does not determination which matters are to proceed
in the High Court and which in the magistrates’ courts. e applicant
for judicial review is therefore entitled to elect whether to proceed in the
High Court or magistrates’ court.
e de nition of ‘court’ in PAJA and the designation of magistrates’
courts by the Minister make clear that a number of different High
Courts and magistrates’ courts may have jurisdiction to determine a
particular judicial review application:
• e High Court or magistrates’ court within whose area of
jurisdiction the administrative action occurred – that seems to refer
to where the impugned decision was taken,
• e High Court or magistrates’ court within whose area of
jurisdiction the administrator has its principal place of
• e High Court or magistrates’ court within whose area of
jurisdiction the party whose rights have been affected is domiciled
or ordinarily resident, or
• e High Court or magistrates’ court within whose area of
jurisdiction the adverse effect of the administrative action was, is or
will be experienced.

e applicant for judicial review is entitled to elect which of these courts

to proceed in.
Allowing the applicant for judicial review the election regarding
whether to proceed in the High Court or magistrates’ court, and (if there
is more than one such court with jurisdiction) which High Court or
magistrates’ court, is a sensible and laudable approach.

11.3.4 The rules applicable to judicial review proceedings An overview
Judicial review proceedings are invariably brought by way of application
– not action. In other words, the evidence is placed before the court by
means of affidavit, not oral evidence, and there is generally no cross-
However, judicial review proceedings normally take place via a
special application procedure.
For ordinary applications (governed by Rule 6 of the High Court
Rules),78 the procedure is as follows:
• e applicant les a Notice of Motion and founding affidavit, in
which their entire case must be made out,
• e respondents then le answering affidavits, and
• e applicant then les a replying affidavit.

By contrast, in review applications, applicants generally make use of the

special procedure applicable to review proceedings (governed by Rule
53 of the High Court Rules). It provides for a procedure as follows:
• e applicant les a Notice of Motion and founding affidavit.
• e decision-maker whose decision is being subjected to judicial
review is then required to le the record of their decision. We
explain what that means below, but in essence it means all the
documents that were before the decision-maker at the time of the
decision. e decision-maker can and often must le the reasons
for the decision.
• e applicant is then entitled to le a further affidavit and amend
their notice of motion, in light of the Rule 53 record and reasons.
is includes an entitlement to add to or subtract from the grounds
of review.79
• Only thereafter do the respondents le answering affidavits.
• e applicant then les a replying affidavit.

is special procedure for reviews has a number of important

advantages for applicants for judicial review, some of which we
mention below.
It is important to note that the founding affidavit of the applicant
(under Rule 6) or the founding and supplementary affidavits of the
applicant (under Rule 53) must set out both the facts relied on by the
applicant and the grounds of review relied on.80 It is, in general,
impermissible to raise a ground of review for the rst time in a replying
affidavit.81 The current position and how it evolved

Prior to the enactment of PAJA, the rules applicable to judicial review
proceedings were contained in the Uniform Rules of Court, which
regulate proceedings in the High Court.
When PAJA came into force, sections 7(3) and (4) dealt with the
rules of procedure for judicial review. Section 7(3) required that the
Rules Board82 enact rules of procedure for judicial review and provided
that these rules had to be approved by the Minister of Justice. Until then
the High Court Rules would continue to operate.
e Rules Board enacted a set of rules for judicial review in 2009. In
a number of key respects these were a radical departure from the High
Court Rules and would have put those seeking to challenge
administrative action at a substantial disadvantage relative to the
position under the High Court Rules. e 2009 PAJA Rules were the
subject of a successful constitutional challenge before the High Court,
which declared them invalid.83
Eventually, on 4 October 2019, a new set of PAJA Rules was
enacted.84 e new PAJA Rules in essence preserve the applicability of
the High Court Rules, including Rule 53, for reviews launched in the
High Court.
ey provide that:
• Where a review application is to be brought in the High Court and
no record or an incomplete record has been furnished in advance of
the proceedings, the applicant then has the election regarding
whether to proceed in terms of Rule 6 or Rule 53.85
• Where a review application is to be brought in the High Court and a
record has been furnished in advance of the proceedings, the
applicant shall proceed in terms of Rule 6.86
Where a review application proceeds in terms of Rule 6, the

applicant must make the record (or portions of the record it has)
available to any respondent opposing the relief sought.87
• Where a review application is to be brought in a magistrates’ court
with jurisdiction, much the same position applies. e applicant
may make use of Rule 53 of the High Court Rules or Rule 55 of the
Magistrates’ Court Rules (which is similar to Rule 6 of the High
Court Rules).

e position under the 2019 Rules is a sensible one. It preserves the

advantages of Rule 53 and ensures that the principles laid down by the
courts over many years regarding what that procedure entails continue
to apply in the High Court and are now extended to magistrates’ courts
with jurisdiction. The value of the Rule 53 record

e fact that Rule 53 requires the decision-maker to make available the
record to the applicant is a crucial part of the judicial review
proceedings. Our courts have repeatedly made this clear.
For example, in Jockey Club of SA v Forbes,88 the Appellate Division
emphasised the need for the Rule 53 record as owing from the fact that
applicants for judicial review will often be ‘in the dark’ as to what
occurred before the decision-maker and the reasons for its decision.
e provision of the Rule 53 record seeks to prevent this:
Not infrequently the private citizen is faced with an administrative or quasi-
judicial decision adversely affecting his rights, that has not access to the record of
the relevant proceedings nor any knowledge of the reasons found in such
decision. Were it not for rule 53 he would be obliged to launch review
proceedings in the dark and, depending on the answering affidavit(s) of the
respondent(s), he could then apply to amend his notice of motion and to
supplement his founding affidavit. Manifestly the procedure created by the Rule is
to his advantage in that it obviates the delay and expense of an application to
amend and provides him with access to the record.

In Forbes, the SCA held that because the advantages of Rule 53 were
primarily for the bene t of the applicant, it was the applicant who could
choose whether to proceed by way of Rule 53 or instead make use of the
ordinary application procedure under Rule 6 – where no record would
be provided.
e Forbes decision, however, took place in the context of a case
where the only respondent was the administrative decision-maker
itself. Later decisions of the SCA have emphasised the value of the Rule
53 record to private respondents in review proceedings. For example,
where a decision to award a tender or a broadcasting licence is
challenged in review proceedings, the private party who received the
tender or broadcasting licence will have to be cited as one of the
respondents. However, that private party too will be ‘in the dark’ as to
the proceedings of the administrative decision-maker and the reasons
for its decision. If the private party is to be properly able to exercise its
right to seek to defend the administrative decision, it is essential that it
has access to the Rule 53 record. is was explained by the SCA in
Stanton Woodbrush:89
If, as is the usual case, the proceedings are between the applicant and the organ of
State involved, the latter can always, in answer to an ordinary application, supply
the record of the proceedings and the reasons for its decision. On the other hand,
as in this instance, if the rights of another member of the public are involved, and
the organ of State, hiding behind a parapet of silence, adopts a supine attitude
towards the matter since the order sought will not affect it (no costs were sought
against the Registrar if the latter were to remain inactive), the position is
materially different. Stanton was entitled to have the full record before the Court
and to have the Registrar’s reasons for the impugned decisions available. As a
respondent in an ordinary application it does not have those rights.

e main bene t of the Rule 53 record is thus to allow the parties and
the court to consider whether, in light of the information actually before
the administrative decision-maker and the process actually followed,
the requirements of PAJA were satis ed. is is to the bene t of the
litigants (applicants and respondents) and also the court, as the
Constitutional Court has explained:
Undeniably, a rule 53 record is an invaluable tool in the review process. It may
help: shed light on what happened and why; give a lie to unfounded ex post facto
(after the fact) justi cation of the decision under review; in the substantiation of
as yet not fully substantiated grounds of review; in giving support to the decision-
maker’s stance; and in the performance of the reviewing court’s function.90
To provide a few practical examples, the production of the record might
reveal that:
• e decision-maker adopted a procedure whereby it invited
submissions from some parties, but not others.
• e decision-maker was not properly authorised or quorate when
taking the decision.
• e decision-maker had a wealth of information before it, but failed
to take account of that information.
• e decision-maker proceeded on an understanding of the facts that
was not correct.

Whether and to what extent these give rise to reviewable irregularities

will of course depend on the facts of the case. However, the record
allows the parties and the court to be aware of the process that was
followed and the information available to the decision-maker and thus
to properly apply PAJA.
us while an applicant for judicial review in proceedings not
involving private respondents is still in principle permitted to proceed
under Rule 6 (that is, without a complete record) rather than Rule 53,
this is not normally the prudent approach to adopt.
Indeed, as the Constitutional Court has explained:
An essential purpose of [the obligation to furnish a Rule 53 record]… is to enable a
court to perform its constitutionally entrenched review function. is gives effect
to the rights of the parties under s 34 of the Constitution to have justiciable
disputes decided in fair public hearings with all the issues being ventilated. It also
safeguards parties’ ability to enforce their rights under s 33 of the Constitution to
administrative action that is lawful, reasonable and procedurally fair. e record
was essential to enable the reviewing applicants to understand what occurred
during the investigation that led to the impugned remedial action and to equip
the court to ensure the proper administration of justice in the case.91 The content of the Rule 53 record

e question of what is in the ‘record of proceedings’ requires some
elaboration. e most frequently cited description of the record is that
of the court in Johannesburg City Council v e Administrator,
Transvaal and Another.92 ere the court held as follows:
e words record of proceedings cannot be otherwise construed, in my view, than
as a loose description of the documents, evidence, arguments and other
information before the tribunal relating to the matter under review, at the time of
the making of the decision in question. It may be a formal record and dossier of
what happened before the tribunal, but it may also be a disjointed indication of
the material that was at the tribunal’s disposal. In the latter case it would, I
venture to think, include every scrap of paper throwing light, however indirectly,
on what the proceedings were, both procedurally and evidentially….93

is ‘every scrap of paper’ approach is now well entrenched in our law
and has been expressly endorsed by the Constitutional Court.94
Indeed, where the Constitutional Court has diverged from the
Johannesburg City Council approach, it has broadened – rather than
narrowed – the scope of what is to be included in the record of
proceedings. In Johannesburg City Council, the court held that the
‘every scrap of paper’ approach would not include a record of the
deliberations of the body concerned:
A record of proceedings is analagous to the record of proceedings in a court of law
which quite clearly does not include a record of the deliberations subsequent to
the receiving of the evidence and preceding the announcement of the court’s
decision. us the deliberations of the Executive Committee are as little part of
the record of proceedings as the private deliberations of the jury or of the Court in
a case before it. It does, however, include all the documents before the Executive
Committee as well as all documents which are by reference incorporated in the
le before it.95

In Helen Suzman Foundation, the majority of the Constitutional Court

rejected this approach. After a careful discussion of the issue, Madlanga
J concluded for the majority:
In sum, I can think of no reason why deliberations as a class of information ought
generally to be excluded from a rule 53 record. For me, the question is whether
deliberations are relevant, which they are, and whether – despite their relevance –
there is some legally cognisable basis for excluding them from the record. is
approach to what a record for purposes of rule 53 should be better advances a
review applicant’s right of access to court under section 34 of the Constitution. It
thus respects the injunction in section 39(2) of the Constitution that courts must
interpret statutes in a manner that promotes the spirit, purport and objects of the
Bill of Rights.96

It is thus now established that a Rule 53 record will generally include a

record of deliberations on the decision at issue.
A remaining issue is whether Rule 53 means that even the President
can be required to supply a Rule 53 record where the decision being
reviewed is his decision to dismiss a cabinet minister. is arose in the
matter of Democratic Alliance v President,97 where the DA sought to
compel President Zuma to provide a Rule 53 record in its review
application (under the principle of legality) challenging the decision to
dismiss Minister Pravin Gordhan and Deputy Minister Mcebisi Jonas.
e High Court concluded that the decision did fall within Rule 53,
properly interpreted, and compelled production of the record. e
matter then came before both the SCA98 and Constitutional Court,99 but
both courts dismissed the President’s appeal on the grounds of
mootness, and made clear that they were not expressing a view on the
correctness of the High Court’s conclusion. e issue has therefore not
yet been nally resolved.


Judicial review of administrative action remains the most important mechanism to
enforce administrative law in South Africa.
In order to bring such an application for review before a court, a person will
have to fall within one of the categories of persons enjoying standing under section
38 of the Constitution to enforce a provision of the Bill of Rights.
PAJA creates two procedural hurdles for applicants to surmount before a review
can be heard. These are that all internal remedies must be exhausted first and that
the review must be brought without unreasonable delay and not later than 180
days after concluding the internal remedies or after becoming aware of the
administrative action and reasons.
Judicial review is generally brought on motion proceedings following the special
court procedure created by Rule 53 of the High Court Rules. One of the most
important aspects of Rule 53 is that the full record of the administrative decision
must be filed with the court by the administrator once a review application has
been launched.

• Plasket, C (2002) The Exhaustion of Internal Remedies and Section 7(2) of the
Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000 SALJ 119(1):50
• Quinot, G (2010) New Procedures for the Judicial Review of Administration
Action SA Public Law 25:646

1 See Hoexter, C (2000) e Future of Judicial Review in South African Administrative Law
SALJ 117(3):484; Chapter 4 section 4.1 above.
2 3 of 2000.
3 De Ville, JR (2005) Judicial Review of Administrative Action in South Africa (revised 1st ed)
4 Baxter, L (1984) Administrative Law 645.
5 Baxter (1984) 645.
6 Ferreira v Levin NO and Others; Vryenhoek and Others v Powell NO and Others 1996 (1) SA
984 (CC) para 164. See also Zantsi v Council of State, Ciskei and Others 1995 (10) BCLR 1424
(CC) para 7.
7 Baxter (1984) 645.
8 Hoexter, C (2012) Administrative Law in South Africa (2nd ed) 490.
9 Hoexter (2012) 490.
10 Ferreira para 164.
11 De Ville (2005) 399.
12 Endicott, T (2011) Administrative Law (2nd ed) 405, 409.
13 Endicott (2011) 405, 409.
14 Dalrumple and Others v Colonial Treasurer 1910 TS 372 at 379, as cited in Baxter (1984) 651.
15 Baxter (1984) 652.
16 Baxter (1984) 653, citing Riddelsdell v Hall (1883) 2 SC 356; Wood and Others v Ondangwa
Tribal Authority and Another 1975 (2) SA 294 (A) 310.
17 Baxter (1984) 654. See also Johannesburg City Council v Administrator, Transvaal and
Another 1969 (2) SA 72 (T).
18 Ferreira para 229.
19 Kruger v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2009 (1) SA 417 (CC) para 22.
20 Hoexter (2012) 494; De Ville (2005) 401.
21 Hoexter (2012) 494; De Ville (2005) 401.
22 Giant Concerts CC v Rinaldo Investments (Pty) Ltd and Others 2013 (3) BCLR 251 (CC) para
23 See Democratic Alliance and Others v Acting National Director of Public Prosecutions and
Others 2012 (3) SA 486 (SCA) paras 38–47.
24 Giant Concerts para 32.
25 at is standing conferred by section 38(a) of the Constitution.
26 Giant Concerts para 33.
27 Giant Concerts para 34.
28 Giant Concerts para 34.
29 2018 (2) SA 23 (CC).
30 Gijima paras 19–29.
31 Gijima paras 30–32.
32 Hoexter (2012) 495.
33 Ferreira para 166.
34 Ferreira para 166, citing R v Morgentaler, Smoling and Scott [1988] 31 CRR 1 (SCC).
35 [2018] ZASCA 7.
36 WDR Earthmoving Enterprises para 34
37 WDR Earthmoving Enterprises para 16.
38 2001 (2) SA 609 (E).
39 Ngxuza at 622J–623A.
40 Ngxuza at 624F–G.
41 In addition, it held that the applicants were acting in the public interest, thus had standing
in terms of section 38(d).
42 On the factors to be taken into account regarding whether to grant certi cation, see
Trustees for the time being of Children’s Resource Centre Trust and Others v Pioneer Food
(Pty) Ltd and Others 2013 (2) SA 213 (SCA) at paras 23 to 28; and Mukaddam v Pioneer
Foods (Pty) Ltd and Others 2013 (5) SA 89 (CC) at paras 34 to 39.
43 Mukaddam para 40.
44 Subsection 38(d) connotes an action on behalf of people on a basis wider than the class
actions contemplated in the section. See Lawyers for Human Rights and Another v Minister
of Home Affairs and Another 2004 (4) SA 125 (CC) para 15.
45 South African Law Reform Commission Report (1998) e Recognition of Class Actions and
Public Interest Actions in South African Law (Project 88); Hoexter (2012) 505.
46 Section27 and Others v Minister of Education and Another 2013 (2) SA 40 (GNP) para 9.
47 Ferreira (per O’Regan J) para 234; Lawyers for Human Rights paras 16–17.
48 Lawyers for Human Rights para 18.
49 2018 (2) SA 185 (CC).
50 Afriforum para 26.
51 For more detail see De Ville (2005) 428–433 and Hoexter (2012) 508–511.
52 Afriforum para 27.
53 See Chapter 4 section 4.3.
54 PAJA section 7(1)(a).
55 PAJA section 7(1)(b).
56 Opposition to Urban Tolling Alliance and Others v e South African National Roads Agency
Ltd and Others [2013] 4 All SA 639 (SCA) para 26 cited with approval in Buffalo City
Metropolitan Municipality v Asla Construction (Pty) Limited 2019 (4) SA 331 (CC) para 49.
57 Chairperson, Standing Tender Committee and Others v JFE Sapela Electronics (Pty) Ltd and
Others 2008 (2) SA 638 (SCA) para 28.
58 Associated Institutions Pension Fund and Others v Van Zyl and Others 2005 (2) SA 302 (SCA)
para 46.
59 Wolgroeiers Afslaers (EDMS) BPK v Munisipaliteit van Kaapstad 1978 (1) SA 13 (A); Camps
Bay Ratepayers’ and Residents’ Association v Harrison [2010] 2 All SA 519 (SCA) para 61.
60 Department of Transport v Tasima (Pty) Limited 2017 (2) SA 622 (CC) para 170; Buffalo City
para 54; Gqwetha v Transkei Development Corporation Ltd and Others 2006 (2) SA 603
(SCA) para 23; PG Bison Ltd (in liquidation) and Others v Johannesburg Glassworks (Pty)
Ltd (in liquidation) 2006 (4) SA 535 (W) para 12.
61 Gqwetha para 24.
62 Gqwetha para 24.
63 Buffalo City para 55; Khumalo and Another v Member of the Executive Council for
Education: KwaZulu Natal 2014 (5) SA 579 (CC) para 57; Sasol Oil (Pty) Ltd and Another v
Metcalfe NO 2004 (5) SA 161 (W) para 7; Spier Properties (Pty) Ltd and Another v Chairman,
Wine and Spirit Board, and Others 1999 (3) SA 832 (C) at 844–845.
64 2017 (1) SA 468 (SCA).
65 SANRAL para 81.
66 2017 (4) SA 223 (CC).
67 Aurecon para 49.
68 PAJA section 9(2).
69 Camps Bay Ratepayers’ and Residents’ Association para 54.
70 Gijima para 52
71 Buffalo City paras 99–100
72 Gijima paras 53–54; Buffalo City para 105
73 Buffalo City paras 99–100
74 Designation of Magistrates’ Courts under the De nition of ‘Court’ in the Promotion of
Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000 – GN 1216 in GG 42717 of 19.19.2019.
75 Paragraph (a)(i) of the Designation.
76 Paragraph (a)(ii) of the Designation.
77 e de nition of ‘court’ also contemplates the Constitutional Court having jurisdiction to
hear judicial review applications under its ‘direct access’ jurisdiction but this appears never
to have been used. Given the Constitutional Court’s general reluctance to grant direct
access, it would require the most extraordinary circumstances to persuade the court to
hear a judicial review application under PAJA on a direct access basis. See Bruce v Fleecytex
Johannesburg CC 1998 (2) SA 1143 (CC) at paras 7–8 and the many cases following it.
78 Also known as the Uniform Rules of Court.
79 Helen Suzman Foundation v JSC 2018 (4) SA 1 (CC) para 26.
80 See Telcordia Technologies Inc v Telkom SA Ltd 2007 (3) SA 266 (SCA) para 32; Helen
Suzman Foundation para 26.
81 Tao Ying Metal Industry (Pty) Ltd v Pooe NO and Others 2007 (5) SA 146 (SCA) para 98.is
ows from the general principle that an applicant’s cause of action may not be made out in
reply. However, a court has a discretion to allow new matter in a replying affidavit in
exceptional circumstances – for example where facts alleged in the respondent’s answering
affidavit reveal the existence or possible existence of a further ground for the relief sought
by the applicant. See Finishing Touch 163 (Pty) Ltd v BHP Billiton Energy Coal SA Ltd 2013
(2) SA 204 (SCA) at para 26.
82 e Rules Board is established by the Rules Board for Courts of Law Act 107 of 1985. It is the
body that is responsible for making rules for the Supreme Court of Appeal, High Court and
magistrates’ courts. It includes judges, practitioners, a representative of the Department of
Justice and others.
83 Lawyers for Human Rights v Rules Board for Courts of Law and Another [2012] 3 All SA 153
84 Promotion of Access to Information Rules and Administrative Review Rules, 2019 – GN
R1284 in GG 42740 of 04.10.2019.
85 Administrative Review Rules, rule 2(1).
86 Administrative Review Rules, rule 3(1).
87 Administrative Review Rules, rules 2(3)(a) and 3(2)(a).
88 1993 (1) SA 649 (A).
89 South African Football Association v Stanton Woodrush (Pty) Ltd t/a Stan Smidt & Sons and
Another 2003 (3) SA 313 (SCA) para 5. See also SACCAWU and Others v President,
Industrial Tribunal, and Another 2001 (2) SA 277 (SCA) para 7.
90 Turnbull-Jackson v Hibiscus Court Municipality and Others 2014 (6) SA 592 (CC) para 37.
91 Public Protector v SA Reserve Bank 2019 (6) SA 253 (CC) para 185 .
92 1970 (2) SA 89 (T).
93 At 91G–H.
94 Public Protector para 185.
95 At 91H–92B.
96 At para 27.
97 Democratic Alliance v President of the Republic of South Africa 2017 (4) SA 253 (GP).
98 President of the Republic of South Africa v Democratic Alliance and Others (664/17) [2018]
ZASCA 79 (31 May 2018).
99 President of the Republic of South Africa v Democratic Alliance and Others 2020 (1) SA 428
Remedies in judicial review


12.1 Introduction

12.2 The nature and purpose of judicial review remedies

12.3 The two-staged approach to remedies

12.4 Declarations of constitutional invalidity

12.4.1 The retrospective operation of declarations of constitutional invalidity
12.4.2 Subsequent acts that are not affected by declarations of invalidity
12.4.3 Pre-existing rights are not affected by declarations of invalidity

12.5 Setting aside unlawful administrative action

12.5.1 Invalid administrative action has legal effect until declared invalid and set aside by a
court of law
12.5.2 The collateral or reactive challenge
12.5.3 When will courts decline to set aside unlawful administrative action?
12.5.4 Remedial discretion in self-reviews
12.6 Remittal

12.7 Substitution
12.7.1 The test for substitution
12.7.2 Applying the test: illustrative cases
12.7.3 Alternatives to full substitution orders

12.8 Compensation
12.8.1 Delictual damages for malperformance of statutory functions
12.8.2 Compensation under section 8(1)(c)(ii)(bb) of PAJA
12.8.3 Compensation for unjustified enrichment
12.8.4 Constitutional damages

12.9 A declaration of rights

12.10 Interdicts
12.10.1 Prohibitory, mandatory and structural interdicts
12.10.2 Interim and final interdicts
12.10.3 Interdicts that restrain the exercise of executive and legislative power

12.11 Remedies for failure to take a decision

12.12 Non-PAJA remedies

12.12.1 Severance
12.12.2 Contempt of court

12.13 Costs

12.14 Appealing decisions on remedy

12.1 Introduction
Once a court has decided that an administrative action is invalid (on
one or more grounds of review), what happens next? is chapter
discusses the different remedies that a court may grant if the
application for judicial review is successful.
e chapter starts with a discussion of the nature and purpose of
remedies on judicial review: what are review remedies, and why are
they needed? is is followed by a description of the two-staged
approach to judicial review proceedings that the Constitutional Court
has adopted, in line with section 172 of the Constitution. e two-
staged approach sets out that, at the rst stage, if the court nds that the
administrative action is unlawful or falls short of what the Constitution,
the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act1 (PAJA) and the common
law requires, the court must declare the action invalid. At the second
stage, the court then has discretion to order a just and equitable
remedy. e two-staged approach now informs how the courts address
e chapter then discusses the main remedies on judicial review,
which are set out in PAJA, and include:
• setting aside the irregular administrative action,
• remittal to the administrative decision-maker for a new decision to
be taken,
• substitution of the correct decision by the court,
• a declaration of rights,
• the award of compensation to affected parties, and
• interdicts.

After this, the chapter considers the remedies for an unlawful failure to
take administrative action. e chapter concludes with a discussion of
other common law or statutory remedies that may be applied by the
courts, and the approach to costs orders in judicial review proceedings.

12.2 The nature and purpose of judicial review remedies

A party whose right to just administrative action in section 33 of the
Constitution has been breached is entitled to ‘appropriate relief’ within
the meaning of section 38 of the Constitution.2 Section 38, the provision
in the Bill of Rights on standing, provides that:
Anyone listed in this section has the right to approach a competent court, alleging
that a right in the Bill of Rights has been infringed or threatened, and the court
may grant appropriate relief, including a declaration of rights.

In Fose v Minister of Safety and Security,3 Ackermann J emphasised that

the entitlement to appropriate relief must mean ‘an effective remedy’.
Ackermann J explained that:
… without effective remedies for breach, the values underlying and the right
entrenched in the Constitution cannot properly be upheld or enhanced.
Particularly in a country where so few have the means to enforce their rights
through the courts, it is essential that on those occasions when the legal process
does establish that an infringement of an entrenched right has occurred, it be
effectively vindicated. e courts have a particular responsibility in this regard
and are obliged to ‘forge new tools’ and shape innovative remedies, if needs be, to
achieve this goal.

e Constitutional Court has also explained that appropriate relief for

breaches of section 33 generally takes the form of public-law remedies,
as opposed to private-law remedies.4 is takes place via a remedy
granted in terms of PAJA when PAJA is being applied or via a remedy
granted in terms of section 172 of the Constitution when the
constitutional principle of legality is being applied.
Unlike a private-law remedy, which is ordinarily concerned only
with compensating a private person for harm or loss suffered, a public-
law remedy is required to balance and protect a broader range of
affected interests, including accountability and the public interest. e
purpose of judicial review remedies, as stated by Moseneke DCJ in
Steenkamp NO v Provincial Tender Board, Eastern Cape, is ‘to pre-empt
or correct or reverse an improper administrative function’, and
ultimately, ‘to afford the prejudiced party administrative justice, to
advance efficient and effective public administration compelled by
constitutional precepts and at a broader level, to entrench the rule of
To achieve its multifaceted purpose, the remedy for a breach of
section 33 must be carefully crafted to t the injury, and must take into
account all affected interests and broader public interest
considerations. e Constitutional Court has stated that:
e remedy must be fair to those affected by it and yet vindicate effectively the
right violated. It must be just and equitable in the light of the facts, the implicated
constitutional principles, if any, and the controlling law.6

Depending on the circumstances, the court may set aside (or annul) the
irregular decision and either remit (send) the matter to the decision-
maker for a new decision to be taken or, in exceptional cases, substitute
its own decision for that of the administrator. e court may direct the
administrator to act in an appropriate manner or prohibit him or her
from acting in a particular manner, and may even order the
administrator to pay compensation to affected parties. In other cases,
the court may be constrained by practical considerations, or by the
public interest, to suspend a declaration of invalidity or con ne itself to
a declaration of rights while leaving the irregular decision intact.
Overall, in determining the appropriate remedy, the approach of the
South African courts is exible, context-sensitive and pragmatic. e
South African law on remedies is thus relatively simple and
unencumbered by technicalities. is is re ected in the provision on
remedies under PAJA. Section 8 of PAJA affords the court a ‘generous
jurisdiction’ to craft appropriate remedies and incorporates the
overriding constitutional standard that the remedy must be ‘just and
equitable’.7 It provides that the court ‘may grant any order that is just
and equitable’ and provides an open list of the type of orders that the
court may grant.8 e court’s approach to the remedy of compensation
under section 8(1)(c)(ii)(bb) of PAJA is an exception, however. ere,
the courts have adopted an unusually technical approach, which limits
the reach of that remedy.

12.3 The two-staged approach to remedies

e Constitutional Court has outlined a two-staged approach to
remedies in judicial review proceedings (whether based on PAJA or the
constitutional principle of legality). is approach ows from and
accords with the court’s powers and obligations in deciding
constitutional matters under section 172(1) of the Constitution,9 which
provides that:
172(1) When deciding a constitutional matter within its power, a court-
(a) must declare that any law or conduct that is inconsistent with the
Constitution is invalid to the extent of its inconsistency; and
(b) may make any order that is just and equitable, including-
(i) an order limiting the retrospective effect of the declaration of
invalidity; and
(ii) an order suspending the declaration of invalidity for any period and
on any conditions, to allow the competent authority to correct the
As discussed in Chapters 5 and 11, judicial review of public power is
invariably ‘a constitutional matter’, under the constitutional principle of
legality and PAJA which gives effect to section 33 of the Constitution.10
Section 172(1) of the Constitution thus applies to all judicial review
proceedings brought under PAJA and the principle of legality.11
At the rst stage, section 172(1)(a) compels the court to declare any
irregular administrative action – as ‘conduct that is inconsistent with
the Constitution’ – to be constitutionally invalid to the extent of its
inconsistency. e court has no discretion at this stage: if the court nds
that administrative action is irregular, it must declare it to be
constitutionally invalid.
ereafter, the court may make any order that is just and equitable,
in accordance with section 172(1)(b) of the Constitution and section 8
of PAJA (if applicable). At this second stage, the court has a discretion to
grant further relief that is just and equitable. In exercising this
discretion, the court must consider the effects of the declaration of
invalidity on parties or persons to whom the order applies and whether
further relief is required to regulate the consequences owing from the
declaration of constitutional invalidity.
Figure 12.1 below illustrates the two-staged approach and the
court’s remedial options following a declaration of constitutional
Figure 12.1 The Constitutional Court’s two-staged approach to remedies on judicial review

12.4 Declarations of constitutional invalidity

12.4.1 The retrospective operation of declarations of

constitutional invalidity
Once an administrative act is declared invalid by the court (but only
once the court makes its order), the act will be invalid from the moment
the administrative decision was taken. is occurs automatically by
virtue of the declaration, unless the court orders otherwise (for
example, by suspending the declaration of invalidity).12 Even an
unlawful administrative act can produce legally valid consequences, for
as long as the unlawful act is not set aside.13
However, once an administrative act is declared to be invalid by the
court, it not only ceases to have legal effect but is treated as if it never
existed. is means that any subsequent legal acts taken in reliance on
the administrative action, and which depend for their own validity on
the validity of the administrative action, will also be rendered void.14 A
declaration of invalidity of administrative action can thus have serious
and far-reaching consequences for persons who have relied and acted
upon the administrative action by the time it is brought under review
and declared to be invalid.
e problem of subsequent reliance on invalid administrative action
commonly arises in the tender context. is has been helpfully
explained by the Supreme Court of Appeal in Millennium Waste
Management (Pty) Ltd v Chairperson, Tender Board: Limpopo Province
and Others:15
A decision to accept a tender is almost always acted upon immediately by the
conclusion of a contract with the tenderer, and that is often immediately followed
by further contracts concluded by the tenderer in executing the contract. To set
aside the decision to accept the tender, with the effect that the contract is
rendered void from the outset, can have catastrophic consequences for an
innocent tenderer, and adverse consequences for the public at large in whose
interests the administrative body or official purported to act. ose interests must
be carefully weighed against those of the disappointed tenderer if an order is to be
made that is just and equitable.

e court’s discretion at the second stage of judicial review proceedings

– the enquiry into ‘a just and equitable remedy’ – is thus vitally
important to ensure that the consequences of declarations of
constitutional invalidity are fairly and appropriately managed. As the
Supreme Court Appeal observed in Oudekraal Estates (Pty) Ltd v City of
Cape Town and Others:16
It is that discretion that accords to judicial review its essential and pivotal role in
administrative law, for it constitutes the indispensable moderating tool for
avoiding or minimising injustice when legality and certainty collide.

We discuss how courts have balanced the competing interests in the

leading tender cases at section 12.5.3 below.

12.4.2 Subsequent acts that are not affected by

declarations of invalidity
As we have explained above, once an administrative act is declared to
be invalid by the court, subsequent legal acts taken in reliance on the
administrative action, and which depend for their own validity on the
validity of the administrative action, will also be rendered void – unless
the court orders otherwise in the exercise of its remedial discretion.
However, not all subsequent acts are invalidated by an order
declaring prior administrative action invalid. Certain acts may follow
which do not depend for their validity on the lawfulness (or legal
validity) of the prior administrative action, but only on its factual
existence. e validity of these subsequent acts will remain intact
notwithstanding a declaration of invalidity of the prior administrative
An example of this appears in Oudekraal Estates,17 where
administrative acts were taken by various functionaries, including the
Surveyor-General and Registrar of Deeds, after a decision of the
Administrator to approve the establishment of a township. When
interpreting the empowering provisions for the subsequent
administrative acts, the court found that they depended only on the
factual existence of the Administrator’s decision to approve the
township, and not on the legal validity of that decision. e
administrative acts of the Surveyor-General and Registrar of Deeds thus
remained intact, and of full force and effect, despite the invalidity of the
Administrator’s decision. e court reasoned that:
On a proper construction of the Ordinance the validity of each of those steps was
not dependent on the legal validity of the Administrator’s approval but merely
upon the fact that it was given. e legislature could not have expected the
Surveyor-General rst to satisfy himself that the Administrator’s approval was
valid before he approved the general plan. It also could not have intended the
Registrar of Deeds rst to satisfy himself that the approval was valid before he
opened a township register. And it could not have expected the township owner
and the public at large to enquire into the validity of the Administrator’s approval
before they relied upon the noti cation in the Provincial Gazette that the
township had been approved. In our view the functionaries were authorized to
act as they did merely upon the fact of the Administrator’s approval and their acts
were accordingly lawful…18

In assessing what constitutes a just and equitable remedy, the courts

must consider the consequences of the irregular administrative action,
particularly its impact on subsequent administrative actions that may
have been taken. An irregular administrative action or decision may
have consequences that make it undesirable, or even impossible, to set
it aside or to declare it invalid without suspending the declaration of
invalidity or limiting its retrospective effect. ese considerations must
be properly weighed by the court in determining whether to grant
further relief upon a declaration of constitutional invalidity. In the
remainder of this chapter, we discuss the types of orders that the court
may grant to regulate the consequences of a declaration of
constitutional invalidity.

12.4.3 Pre-existing rights are not affected by declarations

of invalidity
In Magni cent Mile Trading 30 (Pty) Ltd v Charmaine Celliers NO,19 the
Constitutional Court was called on to address the impact of a
declaration of invalidity of the decision to grant a prospecting right on
another, pre-existing right to prospect. Madlanga J, writing for the
majority, found that a pre-existing right which does not owe its
existence to a later, unlawful administrative act is not invalidated simply
because the later administrative act is declared invalid and set aside.
Madlanga J explained that this was consistent with the Oudekraal
principle. He observed:
To say the later unlawful Magni cent Mile award could effectively wipe out the
pre-existing limited real right would be turning the Oudekraal rule on its head.
Oudekraal says no more than that if you want to nullify, or even avert
consequences that owe, or would owe, their existence to an initial unlawful
administrative act, that initial act must be set aside. It is one thing to say – but for
an unlawful administrative act – something would never have come about and
that, once it has come about, it continues to exist for as long as the unlawful
administrative act to which it owes its existence has not been set aside. It is quite
another to say that an unlawful administrative act – through the simple facility of
applying the Oudekraal rule – can have the effect of obliterating a pre-existing
right which does not owe its existence to the unlawful administrative act. Indeed,
Smith, Oudekraal, Kirland and all other related cases do not suggest so.20
The doctrine of objective constitutional invalidity
The doctrine of objective constitutional invalidity applies
to laws and conduct (including administrative action)
and informs section 172(1) of the Constitution.
In Ferreira v Levin NO,21 the Constitutional Court
explained the doctrine of constitutional invalidity, and its
retrospective operation to the date of commencement of
the Constitution, as follows:

[27] The Court’s order does not invalidate the law; it

merely declares it to be invalid. It is very seldom
patent, and in most cases is disputed, that pre-
constitutional laws are inconsistent with the
provisions of the Constitution. It is one of this Court’s
functions to determine and pronounce on the
invalidity of laws, including Acts of Parliament. This
does not detract from the reality that pre-existing
laws either remained valid or became invalid upon
the provisions of the Constitution coming into
operation. In this sense laws are objectively valid or
invalid depending on whether they are or are not
inconsistent with the Constitution. The fact that a
dispute concerning inconsistency may only be
decided years afterwards, does not affect the
objective nature of the invalidity. The issue of
whether a law is invalid or not does not in theory
therefore depend on whether, at the moment when
the issue is being considered, a particular person’s
rights are threatened or infringed by the offending
law or not.

[28] A pre-existing law which was inconsistent with

the provisions of the Constitution became invalid the
moment the relevant provisions of the Constitution
came into effect. The fact that this Court has the
power in terms of section 98(5) of the [interim]
Constitution to postpone the operation of invalidity
and, in terms of section 98(6), to regulate the
consequences of the invalidity, does not detract from
the conclusion that the test for invalidity is an
objective one and that the inception of invalidity of a
pre-existing law occurs when the relevant provision of
the [interim] Constitution came into operation …

Ferreira v Levin NO was decided under the interim

Constitution, but the principles apply equally to the final
The effect of the doctrine for laws promulgated after
the commencement of the Constitution was described in
Mvumvu and Others v Minister for Transport and
[44] Ordinarily an order of constitutional invalidity
has a retrospective effect unless its operation is
suspended. In terms of the doctrine of objective
constitutional invalidity, unless ordered otherwise by
the court the invalidity operates retrospectively to the
date on which the Constitution came into force. But
if the legislation in question was enacted after that
date, as was the present Act, the retrospective
operation of invalidity goes back to the date on
which the legislation came into force …

While the above judicial pronouncements are made in

respect of legislation, the principles apply equally to
conduct that is declared to be constitutionally invalid.

12.5 Setting aside unlawful administrative action

Following a declaration of invalidity, the courts have a discretion
whether or not to ‘set aside’ irregular administrative action.24 An order
setting aside irregular administrative action, as Hoexter has put it, ‘is
simply a way of saying that the decision no longer stands’.25 e remedy
is derived from the common law and is provided for in section 8(1) of
e Constitutional Court has recognised what it terms ‘the
corrective principle’ in administrative law, which recognises that the
‘default position’ requires the consequences of invalidity to be
corrected or reversed where they can no longer be prevented.27 What
this means in practice is that once the decision is declared invalid (as a
court must do), usually the decision must also be set aside and remitted
(or sent back) to the decision-maker to correct. e court will depart
from this approach only if it would be unjust or inequitable to do so in
the circumstances.
e reach and effect of the corrective principle still remains
uncertain and largely untested, however. is includes, for instance, the
question whether a successful tenderer who has performed under the
contract, must repay all the pro ts it has earned under the contract
when it is set aside. Debate on this question was prompted by a
statement made by the Constitutional Court in the Allpay case, which
involved the review of a national tender to administer the payment of
social grants. e Constitutional Court found that the award of the
tender to Cash Paymasters was unlawful, and declared the contract
Cash Paymaster had concluded as a result of the award to be invalid.
e Constitutional Court described the effect of the invalidation of Cash
Paymaster’s contract as follows:
It is true that any invalidation of the existing contract as a result of the invalid
tender should not result in any loss to Cash Paymaster. e converse, however, is
also true. It has no right to bene t from an unlawful contract. And any bene t that
it may derive should not be beyond public scrutiny.28

e court’s statement that Cash Paymaster had ‘no right to bene t from
an unlawful contract’ generated considerable debate in the litigation
saga that ensued, and was dubbed by some of the parties as ‘the no
pro t principle’.
Whether the ‘no pro t principle’ is in fact a principle in our law;
whether it is a manifestation of the corrective principle, and thus a
default principle; and in what circumstances its application is just and
equitable, remains unclear. Much of this uncertainty ows from the fact
that, despite setting aside Cash Paymaster’s contract, the Constitutional
Court did not direct Cash Paymaster to repay the pro ts it earned under
the contract (but only to report to the court on its pro ts). Also, had the
Constitutional Court meant to adopt such a far-reaching and novel
principle, one would have expected a more considered discussion of
the basis and implications of the principle (like the debate that ensued
in Steenkamp NO v Provincial Tender Board, Eastern Cape,29 over a
tenderer’s entitlement to claim delictual damages for out-of-pocket
expenses incurred in reliance on a tender award, discussed in 12.8.1
below). But the Constitutional Court did no more than make the
passing remark quoted above, supported by an oblique footnote.
Despite the uncertain import of the Constitutional Court’s dictum in
Allpay, the ‘no pro t principle’ has gained traction. In another case
involving Cash Paymaster and its contract to administer social grants,
the High Court set aside an extension of that same contract, and
directed Cash Paymaster to pay back the full amount it had received
under the invalid extension.30 e High Court’s order was upheld by the
Supreme Court of Appeal,31 and leave to appeal to the Constitutional
Court was refused for lack of prospects of success.

12.5.1 Invalid administrative action has legal effect until

declared invalid and set aside by a court of law
Until it is declared to be invalid and set aside by a court, irregular
administrative action, however defective it may be, is presumed to be
and is treated as though it is valid.32 However anomalous it may seem,
an irregular administrative act or decision has legal effect, and must be
observed as if it is lawful, unless and until it is declared to be invalid and
set aside by a court. is has been con rmed by the Supreme Court of
Appeal in Oudekraal Estates (Pty) Ltd v City of Cape Town33 and by the
Constitutional Court in MEC for Health, Eastern Cape and Another v
Kirland Investments (Pty) Ltd.34
In both cases, the court recognised that reliance on administrative
action, and the presumption of its validity until declared otherwise by a
court, is fundamental to the functioning of a modern bureaucratic state.
If an administrative act could simply be ignored without proceeding to
court, then ‘chaos and not law would rule’.35 If a public official believes
that a decision is irregular, he or she must follow the correct legal
process, and approach the courts to have the decision set aside, as ‘[t]he
courts alone, and not public officials, are the arbiters of legality’.36
e Supreme Court of Appeal explained in Oudekraal Estates that
the ‘proper functioning of a modern state would be considerably
compromised if all administrative acts could be given effect to or
ignored depending upon the view the subject takes of the validity of the
act in question’.37 In Kirland, Cameron J (writing for the majority of the
Constitutional Court) similarly remarked that: ‘e clarity and certainty
of governmental conduct, on which we all rely in organising our lives,
would be imperilled if irregular or invalid administrative acts could be
ignored because officials consider them invalid.’38
e facts in Oudekraal Estates and Kirland illustrate the prejudice
and disruption that can occur when government officials ignore
administrative decisions that they consider to be irregular but which
have not been declared to be invalid and set aside by a court.
In Oudekraal Estates, the owner of undeveloped land sought the
court to grant declaratory orders con rming his rights to develop the
land. Some decades previously, the Provincial Administrator had
approved the establishment of a township on the land. ereafter,
various administrative steps had been taken by the previous owner to
ready the land for development, including obtaining approval of the
general plan by the Surveyor-General and registering its incorporation
at the Registrar of Deeds. However, when the new owner applied to the
City Council for approval of an engineering services plan for the
proposed development, the City refused to consider the application.
Defending its refusal in court, the City argued that the Administrator’s
approval of a township development on the land was unlawful, because
the Administrator had failed to consider the existence of Muslim graves
and kramats on the land, which would be desecrated in the
development. e Supreme Court of Appeal accepted that the
Administrator’s decision was unlawful, as the Administrator had failed
to take into account material information (namely, the cultural and
religious signi cance of the Muslim burial sites). However the Supreme
Court of Appeal held that, notwithstanding the unlawfulness of the
Administrator’s decision, the City was not entitled to disregard the
decision and not comply with its public functions merely because it
believed that the Administrator’s decision was unlawful. e Supreme
Court of Appeal held that:
Until the Administrator’s approval (and thus also the consequences of the
approval) is set aside by a court in proceedings for judicial review it exists in fact
and it has legal consequences that cannot simply be overlooked … It follows that
for so long as the Administrator’s approval (and the extensions) continues to exist
in fact the township owner has been permitted to develop the township and the
Cape Metropolitan Council was not entitled simply to ignore that when deciding
whether or not to carry out its public functions.39

In Kirland, the appellant (Kirland) sought to establish private hospitals

in the Eastern Cape province and applied to the Head of the Provincial
Department of Health (the HoD) for approval. e HoD decided that he
would refuse the application but never signed off his refusal or
communicated the decision to Kirland. Before he could do so, the HoD
was involved in a motor-vehicle accident and took sick leave. During his
absence, an Acting HoD approved Kirland’s applications on the
instructions of the MEC. Kirland was informed of the decision, and it
duly submitted building plans for approval and later sought to increase
the capacity of the proposed hospitals. By that stage, the HoD had
returned from sick leave and resumed his duties. He declined to
approve Kirland’s new applications and informed Kirland that the
approval by the Acting HoD of the private hospitals was withdrawn.
Kirland challenged the HoD’s withdrawal of the approval on review. In
the Constitutional Court, Cameron J held (for the majority) that even
though the approval decision of the Acting HoD appeared to be
defective (due to unlawful dictation by the MEC), the HoD had erred in
purporting to withdraw the decision at his own accord and without
applying formally to court to set aside the defective decision. Cameron J
explained that, unless speci cally authorised otherwise by statute,
government must be held to ‘the pain and duty’ of applying to a court to
set aside a defective decision. is is necessary to enable the court
properly to assess the effects of the defective decision on those subject
to it, and to ensure that setting it aside is just and equitable. Cameron J
reasoned as follows:
When government errs by issuing a defective decision, the subject affected by it is
entitled to proper notice, and to be afforded a proper hearing, on whether the
decision should be set aside. Government should not be allowed to take
shortcuts. Generally, this means that government must apply formally to set aside
the decision. Once the subject has relied on a decision, government cannot,
barring speci c statutory authority, simply ignore what it has done. e decision,
despite being defective, may have consequences that make it undesirable or even
impossible to set it aside. at demands a proper process, in which all factors for
and against are properly weighed.40

In a minority judgment Jafta J dissented, and reasoned that it is

inconsistent with the rule of law for the court to allow constitutionally
invalid administrative action to stand ‘on the technical basis that there
was no application to have it reviewed and set aside’.41 e implication
of this approach is that an administrative act that is patently or
obviously unlawful can simply be ignored by public officials.
e majority and minority judgments in Kirland track a divide in the
Constitutional Court. Broadly speaking, there are two camps on the
question of whether a court must always be approached to declare
invalid and set aside unlawful administrative action. e majority camp
maintains that, for reasons of legal certainty and due process, a court
must be approached, and that an official cannot simply ignore a
decision, even if it considers the decision to be unlawful. e minority
view (most emphatically expressed by Jafta J) is that the rule of law
dictates that an administrative act that is inconsistent with the
Constitution is invalid, and cannot be treated as valid and enforced.
e majority position has consistently prevailed in a line of cases,
where this same divide is evident.42 e position in our law therefore
remains that a public official must approach a court of law to set aside
an administrative act, even if that act is clearly unlawful. Until the court
has set that act aside, it exists and has legal consequences.

12.5.2 The collateral or reactive challenge

While in general, legal certainty requires that irregular administrative
acts be observed by all until set aside by a court of law, there is one
pertinent exception. A fundamental incident of the rule of law is that no
public authority may infringe upon a person’s rights or liberty without
statutory authority. is means that unlawful administrative action may
be ignored with impunity, and resisted if necessary, by those coerced by
the decision.43 is is known as a ‘collateral or reactive challenge’ or
defence to administrative action, which was described in Oudekraal
Estates as follows:
It is in those cases – where the subject is sought to be coerced by a public
authority into compliance with an unlawful administrative act – that the subject
may be entitled to ignore the unlawful act with impunity and justify his conduct
by raising what has come to be known as a ‘defensive’ or a ‘collateral’ challenge to
the validity of the administrative act.44

Where a person is required by an administrative authority to do or not

to do a particular thing, that person may, if he or she doubts the
lawfulness of the administrative act, choose to treat it as invalid and
await developments. If the administrative authority involved wishes to
compel compliance, it will have to go to court to bring enforcement
proceedings, at which point the individual will be able to raise the
unlawfulness and invalidity of the underlying administrative act as a
defence.45 e challenge is called a collateral or reactive one because it
is only raised once another party has initiated court proceedings to
enforce the decision.
When a collateral challenge is raised, the court has no discretion to
allow or disallow the raising of that defence. As the Supreme Court of
Appeal explained in Oudekraal Estates:
the right to challenge the validity of an administrative act collaterally arises
because the validity of the administrative act constitutes the essential prerequisite
for the legal force of the action that follows and ex hypothesi the subject may not
then be precluded from challenging its validity.46

Classically, a collateral or reactive challenge is brought by an individual

threatened with coercive action by a public authority. However, in
Merafong, the courts had to decide whether a collateral challenge can
be brought by an organ of state, as a defence against the enforcement of
another organ of state’s coercive decision. AngloGold, a mining
company operating within the Merafong municipality, required water
to operate its mines. e Merafong municipality charged the mine an
additional surcharge for its supply of water. AngloGold objected to the
surcharge, and appealed to the Minister of Water Affairs. e Minister
ruled that the municipality could not levy a surcharge on the payment,
but the municipality ignored this ruling. AngloGold proceeded to court
to attempt to enforce the Minister’s ruling, and in response, Merafong
municipality sought to raise a collateral challenge. It contended that the
Minister’s ruling was unlawful, and so could not be enforced against it
and must be set aside.
e High Court found against Merafong municipality, and held that
an organ of state cannot raise a collateral challenge. e Supreme Court
of Appeal agreed. It found that an organ of state has a duty to proceed to
court itself to have an administrative act – including one taken by
another organ of state – reviewed and set aside if it considers it to be
unlawful; it cannot wait and only dispute the lawfulness of that act as a
defence when the decision is sought to be enforced against it.
e Constitutional Court disagreed. Writing for the majority,
Cameron J found that South African law has always recognised some
exibility in reactive challenges to coercive action, and that categorical
exclusions should be avoided. It held that neither doctrine nor practical
reason warrants categorically barring organs of state from raising
collateral or reactive challenges.47 e majority noted that, as a matter of
‘good constitutional citizenship’, Merafong municipality should have
proceeded to court to challenge the Minister’s ruling and not waited.
However, the fact that the municipality did not do so did not necessarily
bar it from raising a reactive challenge – this would depend on factors
like the reasons for the delay and prejudice.48 e Constitutional Court
remitted (sent back) the matter to the High Court to decide whether
Merafong’s delay in challenging the Minister’s ruling disquali ed the
challenge and, if it did not, whether the Minister’s ruling was valid.
In Tasima, the Constitutional Court followed the approach adopted
in Merafong. An official in the Department of Transport had unlawfully
extended a contract between the Department and a company, Tasima,
for the provision of IT services. e Department acknowledged that the
extension was unlawful, and so refused to pay Tasima under the
contract. When Tasima approached the court to enforce the extended
contract, the Department raised a reactive challenge and sought to have
the extension of the contract declared invalid and set aside. e
majority of the Constitutional Court (per Khampepe J) again held that
an organ of state is permitted to raise a reactive challenge, even when
the decision is sought to be enforced by a private company (rather than
another organ of state).49 e majority emphasised, however, that the
organ of state must have sound reasons for raising the challenge
reactively (instead of proceeding to court itself to have the decision set
aside) and must account for any delay.50 e majority found that, in this
case, the Department had delayed unreasonably, but that the delay
should be overlooked in the interests of justice. It reasoned that the
Department’s delay was not in bad faith; the decision to extend the
contract was blatantly unlawful (so that the merits of the reactive
challenge were compelling); the extension had a signi cant adverse
effect on state resources; and Tasima would not be prejudiced by setting
aside the decision at that late stage (as the contract extension had
already expired).51
It is clear from these cases that the Constitutional Court has
endorsed a exible and permissive approach to collateral or reactive
challenges. When an individual raises a collateral or reactive challenge,
he or she generally does not need to justify his or her delay in calling the
coercive action into question. However, when an organ of state raises a
collateral or reactive challenge it is required to justify its delay in
challenging the coercive action. is is because organs of state have a
general duty (and the resources) to obtain legal certainty from the
courts when they consider conduct to be unlawful, and not to resort to
self-help; and to act diligently and without delay in rectifying
unlawfulness when they are faced with it.52

12.5.3 When will courts decline to set aside unlawful

administrative action?
e courts exercise their discretion not to set aside – and so in effect, to
uphold – an irregular decision in circumstances where the effluxion
(passage) of time and intervening events renders it impracticable,
overly disruptive, or otherwise unjust and inequitable to do so. ese
circumstances typically arise in the context of tenders where the
successful tenderer has already begun performing the tender by the
time the tender award is reviewed by the court.
We discuss a line of these tender cases to illustrate how the courts
weigh up the competing considerations to decide whether or not to set
aside irregular administration action. As these cases demonstrate,
context is all-important in this determination. And, as the case of Allpay
vividly illustrates, the impact on the provision of public services (in that
case, the payment social grants) is a key consideration.
In Chairperson, Standing Tender Committee and Others v JFE Sapela
Electronics (Pty) Ltd and Others,53 the Supreme Court of Appeal
declined to set aside tender awards for engineering work at prisons. It
did so on the basis that the amount of repair work that had already been
done by the time the review was heard, and which was irreversible,
rendered it impracticable to start a new tender process for the little
work that remained outstanding under the tender.
A useful counterpoint to Sapela is the case of Eskom Holdings Ltd
and Another v New Reclamation Group (Pty) Ltd.54 Here, the Supreme
Court of Appeal con rmed an order setting aside a tender award by
Eskom, even though the two-year contract had less than three months
to run by the time the appeal was heard. e critical factor was the
nature of the particular contract, which involved the ad hoc removal of
scrap material from Eskom sites and its subsequent processing and sale.
e terms of the contract provided that each instruction given by Eskom
to the successful tenderer to collect scrap material would ‘constitute a
separate independent disposal agreement incorporating the terms of
[this] agreement’. In view of the nature of this contract – which was not
an indivisible contract such as an engineering contract – the court
found that it was not impracticable to set it aside.55 e court’s decision
was also informed by the fact that the successful tenderer was, at least
in part, to blame for the tainted award because its tender was awed.56
e question of the divisibility of the tender contract also arose in
Moseme Road Construction CC and Others v King Civil Engineering
Contractors (Pty) Ltd and Another.57 In that case, an unsuccessful
tenderer (King) challenged the award of a tender to construct a dual
carriageway on a highway. King was the highest scoring bidder, but was
disquali ed from the tender as a result of an error by the responsible
department. By the time the review was heard, the successful tenderer
(Moseme) had begun construction work on the highway. e High
Court found that it was just and equitable to set aside the tender award
and contract because the construction contract was ‘re-measurable’ –
meaning that payment could be divided according to the work done by
Moseme and the new contractor. e High Court’s order was
overturned however by the Supreme Court of Appeal, which upheld the
unlawful tender award. It found that even though the contract was ‘re-
measurable’, this measuring exercise was more difficult than the High
Court suggested as ‘each tenderer will weight and price different items
differently’ and preliminary and establishment costs are incurred which
provide no value to the department but for which each contractor is
entitled. It found that the High Court had also underestimated the
adverse consequences of setting aside the tender award. ese included
that Moseme may have an enrichment claim against the department for
its performance under the revoked contract, the department would lose
any contractual claim it may have against Moseme for defective
workmanship, and King may even have a claim for damages against the
department for loss of pro t on the executed part of the contract
because it has now become contractually entitled to the whole
contract.58 e Supreme Court of Appeal also factored in that the
successful tenderer, Moseme, was innocent and that the irregularity in
the tender process was relatively minor: it did not entail any fraud, but
only administrative error by the Department. e court held that ‘[n]ot
every slip in the administration of tenders is necessarily to be visited by
judicial sanction’.59 It accordingly declined to set aside the tender award.
In Millennium Waste Management (Pty) Ltd v Chairperson, Tender
Board: Limpopo Province and Others,60 the court was concerned not to
interrupt the performance of the tender because of the critical nature of
the services being provided under the tender – being the removal,
treatment and disposal of health care waste material from hospitals. In
assessing whether setting aside the tender was just and equitable, the
Supreme Court of Appeal adopted a useful structure of analysis. It
identi ed four interests that had to be factored in: the interests of the
disquali ed bidder, the successful tenderer, the public and the public
purse (that is, the cost to the scus). In evaluating these interests, the
court emphasised the following factors:61
• e loss to Millennium Waste, the disquali ed bidder, from the
unfair tender process ‘was no more than the loss of the opportunity
to have its tender considered’. It was by no means clear that it would
win the tender upon a fresh evaluation of the bids. Accordingly,
effective redress for Millennium Waste meant no more than having
its bid fairly evaluated.
• e successful tenderer was an innocent party and not complicit in
the exclusion of Millennium Waste from the tender process.
• e successful tenderer had already incurred considerable costs in
performing on the contract (by purchasing vehicles and equipment,
hiring employees, leasing premises and constructing a waste
treatment plant).
• e risk of harm to the public if the medical waste-removal services
were interrupted by the termination of the contract.
• e potential bene ts for the public purse of setting aside the
contract. ere was a vast price differential between the two bids,
with the successful bidder providing the service at a fee seven times
higher than Millennium Waste’s bid. With 29 months remaining on
the contract, the potential cost savings were signi cant.62

In weighing up these considerations, the court’s overriding concern was

the uncertainty that would result from setting aside the tender. Jafta JA
I do not think we should make an order that creates uncertainty – with no
promise of gain but instead the potential for loss and chaotic disruption – when
that can be avoided.

e court accordingly declined to set aside the tender award without

more. However, unlike in Sapela and Moseme, the court did not simply
preserve the status quo. It crafted a creative, middle-path remedy. e
court declared the tender award to be invalid and remitted the matter to
the tender board for a re-evaluation of the parties’ bids and granted a
setting aside order that was conditional on the tender board reaching a
different decision on re-evaluating the bids. us the order set aside the
tender award only if, on the re-evaluation of the bids, the tender board
decided to award the tender to Millennium Waste.63 In this way, the
court left the evaluation of the risks and consequences of appointing a
new tenderer or concluding a new tender to the tender board, while
vindicating Millennium Waste’s right to just administrative action by
requiring that the tender board evaluate its bid fairly.64
Another case involving the provision of critical public services,
which could not be interrupted by the unquali ed setting aside of a
tender award is Allpay.65 is was the rst case in which the
Constitutional Court considered the merits of a tender review and the
question of a just and equitable remedy in this context.66 e matter
raised difficult questions of remedy – so much so that the Constitutional
Court held a second hearing dedicated to determining what would be a
just and equitable remedy, and directed all the parties to le further
affidavits and written argument on this issue alone. e case concerned
the award of a tender by the South African Social Security Agency
(SASSA) for the countrywide payment of social grants to bene ciaries.
An unsuccessful tenderer (Allpay) brought the review application for
the setting aside of the tender award. e scale of the tender was
signi cant: it involved the appointment of a sole service provider for
payment of social grants across the entire country – that is, the payment
of about fteen million social grants to about ten million recipients
each month, for ve years. e successful tenderer (Cash Paymaster)
contended that it had invested R1,3 billion to roll out the tender. e
remedy sought by Allpay was an order setting aside the tender award
and directing SASSA to issue a fresh tender for the same contract period
of ve years.
e Supreme Court of Appeal had found that the irregularities in the
tender process would not have changed the ultimate outcome of the
decision under review, and for this reason the decision should not be
declared invalid or set aside. e Constitutional Court departed from
this, nding that the ‘no difference’ approach of the Supreme Court of
Appeal – that if the irregularities made no difference to the outcome,
then the decision is not invalid – impermissibly con ated the merits of a
review with the remedy.67 e Constitutional Court held that the impact
of the irregularities on the outcome may have a bearing on the court’s
remedy, but not on the prior determination of the merits (that is,
whether there are reviewable irregularities). e merits enquiry turns
on whether the irregularities committed are material – that is, whether
the irregularities undermine the purpose of the statutory or prescribed
requirements. Applying this purposive test for materiality, the
Constitutional Court found that there were indeed reviewable
irregularities in the tender process, and it declared the tender award
In turning to determine a just and equitable remedy, the
Constitutional Court’s foremost concern was the risk of any disruption
in the payments of social grants, upon which millions of children,
elderly and the poor rely for their livelihood. SASSA, Cash Paymaster
and one of the friends of the court (the Centre for Child Law), all argued
that if the tender award was set aside, disruptions in the payment of
social grants were inevitable. ey contended that the only just and
equitable remedy, and the only way to ensure the uninterrupted
payment of social grants, would be to suspend the declaration of
invalidity until the contract concluded between SASSA and Cash
Paymaster had run its course.68 e court did not accept this approach,
however. It noted that the likelihood of a disruption of payments to
bene ciaries upon the award of a new tender was disputed by the
parties, and would have to be evaluated by the responsible
administrator, SASSA. e Constitutional Court thus adopted a middle-
path approach, similar to that adopted in Millennium Waste: it remitted
the matter to SASSA for a fresh tender process, but it did not attempt to
impose a nal solution on SASSA. e court left it to SASSA to decide,
on an evaluation of the new tender, whether or not to award the new
tender to any of the bidders. It thus remained open to SASSA to decide,
after re-running the tender process, not to contract with any bidder or
to in-source the services.69 In the event that SASSA chose not to award a
new tender, the court order suspended the declaration of invalidity of
the contract concluded between SASSA and Cash Paymaster until the
completion of that contract period, thereby ensuring that it remained in
full force and effect (so that payment of grants to bene ciaries would
not be disrupted). e court also found that, to the extent that it
performs the public function of administering social grants, Cash
Paymaster is not an ordinary private entity. Instead, for the purposes of
its performance of those functions it is an organ of state (in terms of
section 239 of the Constitution), and so could not simply walk away
from the contract.
As noted, the order in Allpay was similar to that in Millennium
Waste — the court remitted the matter to the administrator without
annulling the unlawful decision, and made any annulment of the
unlawful tender award conditional on the outcome of the
administrator’s decision. However, the Allpay order differed in that the
Constitutional Court directed the administrator not merely to re-
evaluate the existing bids (as in Millennium Waste), but to re-run a fresh
tender process in its entirety. us, SASSA was required to issue a new
tender, followed by a new bidding process, and the evaluation and
adjudication of the new bids. is order is considerably more onerous
on the administrator than that of Millennium Waste.

12.5.4 Remedial discretion in self-reviews

e Constitutional Court has, in recent years, been confronted with
several cases in which state parties have applied to review their own
unlawful decisions – what has become known as a ‘state self-review’.70
ese cases have proven particularly difficult for the court where the
state party has delayed unreasonably in instituting the review. In such
circumstances, the court is called upon to balance the rule of law
concern of declaring and correcting unlawful decisions, with the
importance of expeditious and diligent compliance with constitutional
duties (including the duty of state litigants to rectify unlawful decisions)
so as to ensure certainty and nality for the parties relying on such
As exempli ed in State Information Technology Agency SOC Limited
v Gijima Holdings (Pty) Limited71 and Buffalo City Metropolitan
Municipality v Asla Construction (Pty) Limited,72 the Constitutional
Court has sought to balance these concerns by declaring the unlawful
conduct invalid (and overlooking unreasonable delay by the applicant
state party), and protecting the rights of the party that relied on the
decision through novel orders aimed at protecting vested contractual
rights. e court’s approach in these cases is fraught with conceptual
difficulties, and has attracted unusually severe academic criticism.73
In Gijima, the State Information Technology Agency (SITA) applied
to court to review and set aside its own decision to conclude a contract
with the IT company, Gijima. Although the contract did not comply
with SITA’s own procurement procedures, SITA had provided
assurances to Gijima that there were no irregularities. SITA then took its
own decision on review, 22 months after the contract was concluded.
On appeal, the Constitutional Court found SITA had delayed
unreasonably in instituting the review of its own decision. While the
court found that there was no good reason to overlook the delay in this
case, it nevertheless declared the contract invalid under section 172(1)
(a). It did so on the basis that section 172(1)(a) of the Constitution
obliged the court to declare SITA’s award of the contract invalid. e
court thus departed from the established approach of refusing to grant
any substantive relief (including declarations of invalidity) where the
circumstances do not warrant the court overlooking the unreasonable
e court then sought to ameliorate the prejudice that the
declaration of invalidity would cause to the contractor, Gijima by
granting an extraordinary order, using its wide remedial power to grant
a just and equitable order. e court exercised its remedial discretion
under section 172(1)(b) of the Constitution, and not PAJA, because it
found that an organ of state cannot review its own decisions under
PAJA; it must proceed under the constitutional principle of legality.74
e court ordered that ‘the order of constitutional invalidity … does not
have the effect of divesting the respondent [Gijima] of any rights it
would have been

entitled to under the contract, but for the declaration of invalidity’. e

court explained the basis for this order as follows:
Overall, it seems to us that justice and equity dictate that, despite the invalidity of
the award of the DoD agreement, SITA must not bene t from having given Gijima
false assurances and from its own undue delay in instituting proceedings. Gijima
may well have performed in terms of the contract, while SITA sat idly by and only
raised the question of the invalidity of the contract when Gijima instituted
arbitration proceedings. In the circumstances, a just and equitable remedy is that
the award of the contract and the subsequent decisions to extend it be declared
invalid, with a rider that the declaration of invalidity must not have the effect of
divesting Gijima of rights to which – but for the declaration of invalidity – it might
have been entitled. Whether any such rights did accrue remains a contested issue
in the arbitration, the merits of which were never determined because of the
arbitrator’s holding on jurisdiction.75

ere are at least two unusual aspects to the Constitutional Court’s

approach to remedy in Gijima. First, in an effort to protect Gijima’s
contractual rights against SITA, the court introduced a ‘rider’ to its
declaration of invalidity, rather than following the simpler (and
conceptually neater) approach of exercising its remedial discretion not
to set aside the contract. As discussed in 12.5 above, review courts have
always retained the discretion to decline to set aside an unlawful
contract, even if it is declared invalid. Second, unreasonable delay
typically operates as a threshold enquiry to determine whether the
court grants a decision and relief on the merits at all, including whether
it grants a declaration of invalidity. However in Gijima, delay informed
the court’s determination of the consequences that owed from
declaring the impugned contract invalid. is oddity ows from the
court’s nding that it was obliged under section 172(1)(a) of the
Constitution to declare SITA’s decision to award the contract to Gijima
invalid – irrespective of unreasonable delay by the reviewing state party.
In Buffalo City, the Constitutional Court was confronted with
another case of ‘self-review’ by an organ of state that delayed
unreasonably in instituting the review. A majority of the Constitutional
Court followed the approach adopted in Gijima and found that,
notwithstanding the municipality’s unreasonable delay in instituting
the review, section 172(1)(a) of the Constitution compelled the court to
declare invalid the municipality’s award of an unlawful contract. It
reasoned that:
Gijima dictates that where the unlawfulness of the impugned decision is clear and
not disputed, then this Court must declare it as unlawful. is is notwithstanding
an unreasonable delay in bringing the application for review for which there is no
basis for overlooking. Whether an impugned decision is so clearly and
indisputably unlawful will depend on the circumstances of each case.76

e majority of the Constitutional Court sought to soften the inequities

that owed from the declaration of invalidity with a variation of the
order that had been granted in Gijima. It declared the municipality’s
contract invalid, but did not set it aside so as to preserve the rights that
the respondent (the contractor) might have been entitled to under the
contract. e majority held that ‘such an award preserves rights which
have already accrued but does not permit a party to obtain further
rights under the invalid agreement’.77 In crafting this remedy, the
majority addressed the rst anomaly we noted in the Gijima order, and
adopted the simpler route of declaring the contract invalid, while
exercising its discretion not to set the contract aside. e second
anomaly was, however, repeated by the majority in Buffalo City. It again
held that section 172(1)(a) of the Constitution obliged the court to
declare unlawful state conduct constitutionally invalid, irrespective of
unreasonable delay in the institution of the review; with the result that
delay informed the determination of remedy (as opposed to operating
as a threshold enquiry). However on this nding, this time, there was a
dissenting minority.
Writing in the minority, Cameron and Froneman JJ reasoned that it
was not in the interests of justice for the court to pronounce on the
unlawfulness of the municipality’s decision to contract, given the
unexplained delay and the absence of any manifestly serious
unlawfulness in the decision sought to be reviewed. In these
circumstances, they stated, section 172(1)(a) of the Constitution did not
oblige the court to declare the contract invalid and come to the
municipality’s aid.78 Cameron and Froneman JJ held:
In the absence of adequate explanation for unreasonable delay, courts should not
intervene to inquire into a nal and determinative holding into unlawfulness,
unless the seriousness of the unlawfulness at issue warrants overlooking the
manifest de ciencies in the state actor’s case.79

e minority also cautioned that the court’s approach in Gijima (and of

the majority in Buffalo City) was open to abuse by state-litigants seeking
to avoid the consequences of their unlawful conduct by approaching
the court to have their own unlawful decisions set aside. e minority
A court should be vigilant in ensuring that state self-review is not brought by state
officials with a personal interest in evading the consequences of their prior
decisions. It should scrutinize the conduct of the public body and its candour in
explaining that conduct to ensure, in the public interest, open, responsive and
accountable government. Where there is glaring arbitrariness and opportunism –
that is, where the government actor’s efforts to correct the suspected unlawful
decision serve the antithesis of the rule of law – the interests of justice weigh
against giving it a free pass by overlooking an unreasonable delay.80

Notwithstanding the dissent in Buffalo City, the prevailing legal position

(following the unanimous decision in Gijima and the majority decision
in Buffalo City) is that:
i) Section 172(1)(a) of the Constitution obliges the court to declare
unlawful state conduct invalid, and for this purpose to overlook
unreasonable delay in the review of such conduct (at least under
the constitutional principle of legality).
ii) Delay may, however, be relevant determination of a just and
equitable remedy under section 172(1)(b) of the Constitution.
iii) Where an organ of state has unreasonably delayed in instituting
a review of its own decision, this may have the consequence that
a just remedy is to preserve the other party’s rights,
notwithstanding that the decision vesting those rights is
declared invalid. is may be achieved by the exercise of the
court’s remedial discretion to decline to set aside an invalid

The Constitutional Court’s decisions in Allpay v

SASSA and MEC for Health, Eastern Cape v
Kirland Investments
1. In Allpay (remedy), was the Constitutional Court
correct to find that Cash Paymaster was an organ of
state when it provided services under its contract
with SASSA? What are the consequences of this
finding for Cash Paymaster’s constitutional and
contractual obligations to perform the services under
the tender? Consider the Constitutional Court’s
reasoning at paragraphs 49–67. Is the court’s
reference at para 65 to Juma Musjid, which
describes the constitutional obligations of private
parties relevant or misplaced?
2. Does the Constitutional Court suggest that a private
company like Cash Paymaster, which contracts with
the state to provide public services, is not entitled to
profit from a contract that it concluded with the
state? Would this be fair in Allpay, considering that
Cash Paymaster is obliged to continue performing
under the contract and when the tender process was
unlawful through no fault of its own (that is, it was
an innocent tenderer)? Consider paragraphs 67 and
70 of the remedy judgment.
3. What are the implications of the Constitutional
Court’s approach to remedy in Allpay for tenders
generally? Does it pose a genuine risk that private
companies who have the capacity to provide
services which the state needs but cannot itself
provide, may choose not to tender because of the
costs that they incur when tenders are reviewed?
Does it threaten to undermine competitiveness in
public procurement, which is essential to ensuring
cost-effectiveness for the state? Is the court’s
insistence on public accountability by administrators
and tenderers necessary and appropriate? Consider
paragraphs 68 to 71 of the Allpay remedy judgment.
4. In MEC for Health, Eastern Cape v Kirland
Investments, do you agree that the state was
required to institute a review to set aside its own
unlawful administrative action as the majority of the
Constitutional Court found (per Cameron J et al)? Or
was Jafta J correct to contend that the issue of the
validity of the Acting Head of Department’s decision
was before the court and should have been decided
by it, notwithstanding that it was not specifically
brought on review? Did the majority judgment place
form over substance? Who, if any, might have been
prejudiced by Jafta J’s approach?
5. Consider Gijima and the majority and minority
judgments in Buffalo City. Do you think the
Constitutional Court in Gijima is correct in its
approach to section 172(1)(a) of the Constitution –
that is, that it always requires unlawful state conduct
to be declared invalid, regardless of unreasonable
delay in the institution of the review? Do you think
the minority’s ‘pragmatic’ and ‘purpose-driven
approach’ in Buffalo City to section 172(1)(a) and
unreasonable delay is workable and appropriate? Is
the minority correct that the case is distinguishable
from Gijima, to justify a different approach in the
application of section 172(1)(a)?
12.6 Remittal
When a court reviews and sets aside administrative action it almost
always sends the matter back, or remits it, to the decision-maker to
enable it to reconsider the matter afresh and make a new decision.
Occasionally, and only in exceptional cases, the court does not give the
administrator a further opportunity. Instead the court makes the
decision itself – this is termed ‘substitution’.
Remittal can thus be understood as the default remedy upon the
setting aside of administrative action. e exercise of this remedy is a
manifestation of judicial deference in judicial review, which is required
by the constitutional separation of powers and the institutional
limitations of courts. e reviewing court will ordinarily remit the
matter to the administrator, so that the court does not usurp the
decision-making powers that the legislature has delegated to the
administrator, and because the court may lack the expertise or the
information necessary to make the decision. ese two considerations
were recognised in Gauteng Gambling Board v Silverstar Development,
where Heher JA explained that:81
An administrative functionary that is vested by statute with the power to consider
and approve or reject an application is generally best equipped by the variety of
its composition, by experience, and its access to sources of relevant information
and expertise to make the right decision. e court typically has none of these
advantages and is required to recognise its own limitations. at is why remittal is
almost always the prudent course.

Similarly, in Intertrade Two (Pty) Ltd v MEC for Roads and Public
Works, Eastern Cape and Another,82 Plasket J emphasised that the
separation of powers principle meant that:
[C]ourts, when considering the validity of administrative action, must be wary of
intruding, even with the best of motives, without justi cation into the terrain that
is reserved for the administrative branch of government. ese restraints on the
powers of the courts are universal in democratic societies such as ours and
necessarily mean that there are limits on the powers of the courts to repair
damage that has been caused by a breakdown in the administrative process.

e remedy of remittal is also important for maintaining the functional

distinction between appeals and reviews. Unlike an appellate court,
which exercises a standard of correctness over a lower court’s decision,
a reviewing court is concerned only with determining whether a
reviewable error was committed in the decision-making process.83 us,
the role of the reviewing court is not to ‘second-guess’ the
administrator, or to determine the correct decision, but rather to
remedy the defect in the decision-making process. e Supreme Court
of Appeal discussed this distinction in MEC for Environmental Affairs
and Development Planning v Clairison’s CC,84 and criticised the High
Court for failing to appreciate the nature of judicial review:
It bears repeating that a review is not concerned with the correctness of a decision
made by a functionary, but with whether he performed the function with which
he was entrusted. When the law entrusts a functionary with a discretion it means
just that: the law gives recognition to the evaluation made by the functionary to
whom the discretion is entrusted, and it is not open to a court to second-guess his
evaluation. e role of a court is no more than to ensure that the decision-maker
has performed the function with which he was entrusted.85

Strictly construed, the wording of section 8(1)(c)(i) of PAJA suggests that

remittal may only be ordered upon the setting aside of administrative
action.86 But the courts have adopted a more exible approach and
have, on occasion, ordered remittal without an order setting aside the
decision. is is done where the court is unable properly to assess the
consequences of setting aside an irregular decision, or where it deems
the decision-maker to be better placed to make this assessment. In
these circumstances, the court has remitted the matter to the decision-
maker for redetermination, with the setting aside order made
conditional on the decision-maker reaching a different decision. is
approach was adopted, for example, in the tender cases of Millennium
Waste and Allpay, discussed above.
e court may also couple an order remitting a matter for
redetermination with further instructions. For example, in Allpay, the
Constitutional Court gave detailed directions to the administrator
regarding when the decision had to be taken, the composition of the
new decision-making body and additional conditions for the fresh
tender to provide for, to protect the interests of social grant
bene ciaries.
In redetermining a matter remitted to it, can the administrator take
into account new information or a change of circumstances since the
original decision? is question arose in Logbro Properties CC v
Bedderson NO and Others.87 In that case, the High Court had set aside a
tender award for the sale of provincial property on the basis that the
successful tenderer had failed to comply with the tender conditions.
e High Court remitted the matter to the provincial assets committee
for redetermination, directing the committee to reconsider the tenders
that had complied with the tender conditions. However, by the time the
committee reconsidered the matter, two years had passed since its
original decision, and the property value had increased. e committee
took into account the change in property values and decided not to
award the tender to any of the tenderers. Instead, it recommended a call
for fresh tenders. One of the compliant tenderers challenged the new
decision, contending that the committee had not taken into account the
change in property values and ought to have awarded the tender to one
of the compliant tenderers. is argument was rejected. In the Supreme
Court of Appeal, Cameron JA found that, in reconsidering a matter
upon remittal it is appropriate for the decision-maker to take into
account all relevant considerations. It was thus appropriate for the
committee to have had regard to supervening considerations, including
the public bene t to be derived from obtaining a higher price by re-
advertising the property.
Cameron JA pointed out that it was precisely because of the
complexity of the committee’s mandate, that the matter had been
remitted to it for redetermination.88

12.7 Substitution
Instead of remitting a matter to the administrator, the court has the
power to substitute its own decision for that of the administrator, or it
may vary the administrative action or correct a defect resulting from the
administrative action.89 However, under both the common law and
section 8(1)(c)(ii)(aa) of PAJA, the exercise of this interventionist
remedial power is justi ed only in ‘exceptional cases’.90 In view of the
constitutional separation of powers and the functional distinction
between reviews and appeals, substitution is considered to be an
extraordinary remedy in judicial review. us the courts have held that
the remedy is to be ‘exercised sparingly, in exceptional circumstances’,
and only when a court is persuaded that a decision to exercise a power
should not be left to the designated functionary.91
As the Constitutional Court has stated, ‘remittal is still almost always
the prudent and proper course’.92 e Constitutional Court has also
emphasised that even where there are exceptional circumstances, a
court must be satis ed that it would be just and equitable, and fair to
the implicated parties, to grant an order of substitution.93 In making this
determination, the court must have regard to all the relevant facts and

12.7.1 The test for substitution

ere is no closed list of situations in which a court may be justi ed in
substituting its own decision, and section 8 of PAJA does not offer any
guidelines as to what constitutes ‘exceptional cases’ justifying
substitution. However, a number of guidelines have crystallised through
the cases. e following four factors, discerned by Baxter, have
prompted the courts to substitute the decision rather than remit the
matter to the original decision-maker.95 ese are:
i) where the court is as well quali ed as the original authority to
make the decision,96
ii) where the end result is a foregone conclusion, and it would be a
waste of time to remit the decision to the original decision-
iii) where further delay would cause unjusti able prejudice to the
applicant or another affected person, and98
iv) where the original decision-maker has exhibited bias or
incompetence to such a degree that it would be unfair to ask the
applicant to submit to its jurisdiction again.99

In Trencon Construction (Pty) Ltd v Industrial Development Corporation

of South Africa Limited,100 the Constitutional Court held that the rst
two institutional factors hold greater weight in the substitution enquiry
as a result of the separation of powers doctrine.101 It explained that these
factors ought to be considered rst, and cumulatively. us in
conducting the substitution enquiry, the court must rst consider
whether it is in as good a position as the administrator to make the
decision, and then consider whether the result is a foregone conclusion.
ereafter, if the court is satis ed that it has the institutional
competence to take the decision, the court must weigh up the equitable
considerations and other relevant factors (such as bias, incompetence
of the administrator, delay).102
Plasket J advanced a similar approach to the substitution enquiry in
Intertrade Two (Pty) Ltd v MEC for Roads and Public Works, Eastern
Cape and Another.103 Plasket J explained the reason for rst determining
the court’s institutional competence as follows:
e availability of proper and adequate information and the institutional
competence of the Court to take the decision for the administrative decision-
maker are necessary prerequisites that must be present, apart from ‘exceptional
circumstances’, before a court can legitimately assume an administrative
decision-making function. is, it seems to me, is a minimum requirement of
rational decision-making, a fundamental requirement of the rule of law. In this
case, because of the absence of proper estimates, because of the aws in the
evaluations of the tenders and because of the unknown consequences on the
tenders of the inexcusable passage of time, both prerequisites are absent …104

Where the court is satis ed that it is able to make the decision, then the
overriding principle, and the common thread in the equitable factors, is
‘fairness to both sides’.105

12.7.2 Applying the test: illustrative cases

A number of cases illustrate how courts apply the above factors, and
weigh up the competing considerations, to determine whether fairness
between the parties requires substitution.
In Gauteng Gambling Board v Silverstar Development Ltd,106 the
Supreme Court of Appeal found that the High Court had correctly
substituted its decision for that of the Gauteng Gambling Board to
award a casino licence to Silverstar. Heher JA was satis ed that the High
Court was in as good a position as the Board to make the decision
because the relative merits and demerits of Silverstar’s application had
received exhaustive ventilation during the court proceedings, and there
were no unresolved issues or objections raised by the Board in respect
of its application. Heher JA also reasoned that, if remitted, the result of
the Board’s decision was a foregone conclusion, since the only other
prospective licensee had been disquali ed (for failure to obtain an
environmental approval) and there was no evidence of any other
prospective licensees. As a result, Silverstar was the only remaining
applicant for the casino licence for the area in question. Heher JA
concluded that ‘the Court a quo was not merely in as good a position as
the Board to reach a decision but was faced with the inevitability of a
particular outcome if the Board were once again to be called upon fairly
to decide the matter’.107 Turning to considerations of fairness, Heher JA
noted that nothing would be gained by remittal and that there was no
reasonable possibility of prejudice to the Board or the public in the
event of non-remittal. On the other hand, equitable considerations
supported an order of substitution in favour of Silverstar: the delay in
the determination of its licence application ‘had reached substantial
proportions’, and the Board had demonstrated an ‘unswerving
opposition’ to Silverstar on dubious grounds, such that Silverstar had
‘well-founded grounds for believing that the Board [had] lost its
objectivity’. For all these reasons, Heher JA concluded that this was an
exceptional case and that the court a quo did not err when it declined to
remit to the Board and substituted its decision.
In Trencon Construction v IDC, the Constitutional Court similarly
considered whether substitution of a decision to award a tender was
just and equitable. e Constitutional Court overturned the Supreme
Court of Appeal to nd that the substitution order granted by the High
Court was appropriate in the circumstances. e Constitutional Court
found that the court was in as good a position as the administrator (the
Industrial Development Corporation, (IDC)) to award the tender to
Trencon, since the entire tender process had been completed and
Trencon had been recommended as the preferred bidder by the
procurement committee. e administrator had declined to award the
tender to Trencon only as a result of an error of law committed at the
nal stage of the procurement process. e Constitutional Court
explained that ‘It is on the basis of the technical and administrative
recommendations and processes that had already been completed that
this Court nds itself in as good a position as the IDC to decide whether
to award the tender to Trencon’.108
e Constitutional Court was also satis ed that the correct decision
was a foregone conclusion, and that remittal would therefore serve no
purpose. On this issue, the Constitutional Court overruled the Supreme
Court of Appeal. e Supreme Court of Appeal had found that remittal
was appropriate because the IDC was not obliged to award the tender to
the lowest bidder or at all. Further, as a result of the litigation, some two
years had elapsed since the beginning of the tender process so that the
information upon which the tenders were evaluated was dated and
supervening circumstances (such as price increases) would have to be
considered by the administrator.109 e Constitutional Court rejected
this reasoning. It noted that procurement legislation obliged the IDC to
award the tender to the highest point earner, unless there were
‘objective criteria’ or ‘justi able reasons’ for not doing so. No such
criteria or reasons were advanced by the IDC or apparent on the papers
– the only reason for the IDC’s refusal to award Trencon the tender was
an error of law.110 Similarly, the IDC was obliged under the governing
legislation to award the tender save in certain speci ed instances, none
of which were applicable.111 As regards the two-year delay since the
tender process began, the Constitutional Court held that the Supreme
Court of Appeal erred in taking this into account because no new facts
on supervening circumstances were introduced into evidence on
appeal, and ordinarily the substitution enquiry on appeal must be
based on the facts that were before the court of rst instance.112 e
Constitutional Court also found that the Supreme Court of Appeal had
failed to take into account the impact on the public purse of the further
delay occasioned by remittal, and the public interest in having
procurement disputes involving organs of state resolved expediently. It
thus concluded that ‘considerations of fairness’ also pointed towards
the granting of an order of substitution.113
In contrast, in Westinghouse, 114 the Supreme Court of Appeal set
aside a tender award by Eskom but declined to substitute one of the
bidders, Westinghouse, as the successful bidder. e court found that it
was not a foregone conclusion that Westinghouse would be awarded
the contract on remittal, particularly because Eskom had awarded the
contract to another bidder (even if unlawfully so and for strategic
reasons that were not part of the bid criteria). e successful bidder had
also already begun to perform under the contract, so that the
consequences of substitution were uncertain. e Supreme Court of
Appeal thus remitted the matter to Eskom, to allow it to reconsider the
tender and, if it wished, to start the tender process again with revised
bid criteria (to include the strategic considerations it regarded vital but
had omitted from the tender).115
Substitution has been granted in several reviews of decisions
refusing asylum-seeker and refugee status, often because of the
systemic dysfunction and prejudicial delays in the claims process. One
such case is M v Minister of Home Affairs and Others,116 which
concerned the review of a refusal by a Refugee Status Determination
Officer to grant the applicant (‘M’) refugee status and asylum, as well as
of the Standing Committee on Refugee Affairs’ decision to uphold the
refusal on internal appeal. e High Court found both decisions to be
unlawful, and declined to remit the matter to the Standing Committee.
Instead it substituted its decision to grant M refugee status. e High
Court considered that it was in as good a position to make a
determination on the applicant’s eligibility for refugee status, as M met
the statutory requirement for refugee status on the uncontested facts.
e High Court found further that, in contesting the review application,
the Standing Committee had demonstrated a biased attitude against the
applicant and an ‘intractable belief’ that it was entitled to reject the
application regardless of the facts before it. e court concluded that
there was no point in remitting the matter to the Standing Committee
for redetermination, as it would be unlikely to consider the matter with
an open and independent mind. An additional consideration was the
protracted delay in the determination of M’s asylum application (with
almost ve years having passed since the initial refusal of her
application), and the risk of further delay on remittal. e court
considered the prejudice that such delays had caused to M and to M’s
ve-year-old daughter, who remained stateless and undocumented as a
result of her mother’s uncertain status, and noted that any further delay
would adversely affect M and be severely detrimental to the interests of
M’s daughter.117
A similar case is Tshiyombo v Refugee Appeal Board and Others,118
where the High Court substituted the decision of the Refugee Appeal
Board to grant refugee status to the applicant. In that case, the Refugee
Appeal Board had failed to le any answer to the review of its decision,
with the result that the applicant’s version was unchallenged. e High
Court considered that, on the applicant’s uncontroverted version, it was
a foregone conclusion that the applicant should be given refugee status
and that the court was in as good a position as the administrator to take
this decision. e court emphasised that the processing of Mr
Tshiyombo’s status application had taken inordinately long, and that Mr
Tshiyombo had, in the meantime, put down roots in South Africa (with
two children born to him in that time). e court found that the adverse
effect on the applicant’s family’s sense of security of further extending
the delay in determining their right to live in the country would be
unjust.119 e court also noted that the Standing Committee on Refugee
Affairs was vested with the statutory power to withdraw refugee status.
is meant that, even if the applicant’s version should subsequently be
shown to be false, a substitutive order granting him refugee status
would not prejudice the state.120

12.7.3 Alternatives to full substitution orders

In Silverstar and M v Minister of Home Affairs and Others, a concern of
bias on the part of the administrator was a factor that informed the
court’s decision to substitute. However, where bias or incompetence of
the original decision-maker is a concern, the court may, rather than
substitute its own decision, choose to remit the decision to another
competent decision-maker, or require the decision-making body to be
reconstituted. is was done, for example, in Allpay, where the
Constitutional Court ordered that the Bid Evaluation Committee and
Bid Adjudication Committee be re-established to decide the fresh
tender. e court reasoned that the involvement of the Bid Evaluation
Committee and Bid Adjudication Committee in the rst bid ‘may make
it difficult for them to bring an independent assessment to bear on a
new tender process’, and required that new members to be appointed to
those committees.121
Section 8(1)(c)(ii)(aa) expressly contemplates that the court may be
able to remedy irregular administrative action by varying only a part of
the decision, rather than substituting an entirely new decision. is
remedy would be applicable, for instance, where an administrator fails
to attach a necessary condition to the granting of a licence. Where there
is otherwise no dispute over the granting of the licence, the court may
vary the administrative action by reading in the necessary condition to
the administrator’s decision.

12.8 Compensation
Judicial review is generally an inappropriate means for an individual to
seek recovery of loss suffered as a result of unlawful administrative
action. Judicial review is directed primarily at the pre-emption,
correction or reversal of improper administrative acts, rather than at
compensating people by way of damages.122 e Rule 53 motion
procedure for judicial review is thus not designed to resolve complex
and often contested factual disputes over the quanti cation of damages
or the causation of loss. Accordingly, a person seeking compensation
for monetary loss caused by irregular administrative action would
ordinarily proceed by instituting an action for contractual or delictual
damages. Constitutional damages may also be sought under section 38
of the Constitution to vindicate the breach of constitutional rights
arising from irregular administrative action where there are no other
appropriate remedies available.123
Section 8(1)(c)(ii)(bb) of PAJA does, however, empower the court in
judicial review proceedings to award compensation upon setting aside
an irregular administrative act, but only ‘in exceptional cases’. In such
cases, the court may direct ‘the administrator or any other party to the
proceedings to pay compensation’.
Compensation under section 8 of PAJA is a public-law remedy,
which must be distinguished from private-law damages. As Moseneke J
noted in Steenkamp, the considerations that it attracts differ from those
that inform whether a breach of an administrative duty can give rise to
private-law delictual damages.124 Nevertheless, in applying section 8(1)
(c)(ii)(bb), the courts have had regard to the practical and policy
concerns that have informed the courts’ approach to delictual damages
for irregular administrative action.125
Since PAJA’s promulgation, there have been very few cases on
section 8(1)(c)(ii)(bb), and it is very rare for courts to award
compensation. In practice, it is also difficult to claim compensation for
delictual damages, particularly because courts have tended to nd that
irregularities in administrative law are not necessarily wrongful (in the
delictual sense).
In this section, we accordingly begin by discussing the courts’
approach to claims for delictual damages caused by unlawful
administrative action. We also examine the role of the law of unjusti ed
enrichment as a cause of action for compensation. ereafter, we
discuss the remedy of compensation under section 8 of PAJA and
constitutional damages.

12.8.1 Delictual damages for malperformance of

statutory functions
e courts have adopted a cautious approach to awarding delictual
damages against public bodies for negligent conduct in the
performance of statutory functions. is caution re ects what is
regarded as a proper balancing of the policy considerations that inform
whether a public body has acted wrongfully (in the delictual sense)
when performing an administrative function.126
us, the courts have found that an unsuccessful tenderer, or a
successful tenderer whose contract is subsequently set aside on review,
generally has no claim in delict for pure economic loss resulting from
irregularities in the tender process, where the irregularities fall short of
fraud or dishonesty by the public officials concerned. Bona de
administrative errors, incompetence or even negligence by public
officials will ordinarily not found a delictual claim for an unsuccessful
In Olitzki Property Holdings v State Tender Board and Another128 (a
case decided under the interim Constitution and before PAJA was
enacted) an unsuccessful tenderer claimed damages to recover pro ts
that it lost on account of not being awarded a contract following an
irregular tender. It founded its delictual claim on the breach of the
constitutional provisions on procurement administration and the right
to administrative justice.129 Cameron JA declined to award the
unsuccessful tenderer damages for loss of pro ts on either basis.
Cameron JA found that there were ‘powerful reasons of policy’ pointing
away from awarding damages for loss of pro ts for tender irregularities,
either as delictual or constitutional damages. One consideration was
the windfall that the plaintiff would obtain by being awarded damages
for lost pro ts in circumstances where the plaintiff did not seek the
setting aside and re-allocation of the tender to itself: the plaintiff would
thus obtain pro ts for no work. A further concern was the impact of
such awards, which could be substantial indeed, on the public purse.
e effect of the claim was ‘a double imposition on the State’, which
would have to pay the successful tenderer the tender amount in
contract while paying the same sum in delict to the aggrieved
plaintiff.130 is was an especially important consideration:
in a country where there is a great demand generally on scarce resources, where
the government has various constitutionally prescribed commitments which have
substantial economic implications and where there are ‘multifarious demands on
the public purse and the machinery of government that ow from the urgent need
for economic and social reform’.131

A third consideration was the availability of other remedies, including

that the plaintiff could have interdicted the award of the tender. While
Cameron JA was careful to state that he did not decide that lost pro ts
could never be claimed as constitutional damages to vindicate the right
to administrative justice, he held that in the circumstances of the case
before him, it was not an appropriate remedy.132
In Steenkamp NO v Provincial Tender Board, Eastern Cape133
(another pre-PAJA case), the Constitutional Court con rmed the
principles articulated in Olitzki Property Holdings. e court considered
whether a successful tenderer whose tender award was subsequently
set aside by a court on review, was entitled to claim delictual damages
for out-of-pocket expenses incurred in reliance on the award. It was not
disputed that the tender board had acted in good faith, but that the
tender was procedurally unfair.
Writing for the majority, Moseneke DCJ found that public policy
considerations did not justify permitting delictual claims for the out-of-
pocket losses of disappointed successful tenderers. e key
considerations that informed this nding were that:134
i) A successful tenderer has alternative remedies to mitigate any
losses that may be occasioned by the tender award being
subsequently set aside.135
ii) Tender boards, which make decisions in the public interest,
ought to be immune from damages claims in respect of negligent
but honest decisions. ey must not be ‘bogged down’ with fear
of damages claims, which could compromise their
iii) e purpose of tender legislation is to ensure a fair tendering
process in the public interest, rather than to protect participants
in the tender process.
iv) Numerous claims by successful tenderers whose tenders are set
aside would have a chilling effect on the tender process,
resulting in ‘a spiral of litigation likely to delay, if not to weaken
the effectiveness of or grind to a stop the tender process’.137
v) e limited resources of the state treasury, against the
background of vast public needs, means that the scus can ill-
afford to recompense by way of damages disappointed or
initially successful tenderers and still remain with the need to
procure the same goods or service.

In a forceful dissenting judgment, Langa CJ and O’Regan J reasoned

that normative factors favoured permitting the successful tenderer to
claim damages for out-of-pocket expenses. ey drew on the following
countervailing considerations in support of this position:
e purpose of procurement legislation governing the tender
board was not only to protect the public interest, but also to
protect the right to administrative justice of those engaged in
tender processes.138
ii) A claim for out-of-pocket expenses is a far more modest claim
than that for loss of pro ts: it does not constitute a ‘windfall’
claim, but only the recovery of money actually spent by it in
good faith pursuance of contractual obligations.139 Out-of-pocket
expenses are also limited to those expenses proved to have been
incurred as a direct result of the contract arising from the tender
award; ordinary running expenses of businesses will not be
iii) e inability to recover out-of-pocket expenses may well render
smaller and less nancially viable tenderers at risk of liquidation.
Government procurement is one of the key mechanisms for
ensuring that those previously locked out of economic
opportunity by the policies of apartheid, are given an
opportunity to participate. By de nition such companies and
individuals are often new, small and not nancially robust.141
iv) It would be an undesirable consequence for the performance of
government contracts, if successful tenderers are anxiously
looking over their shoulders in case their contract should
subsequently be declared void. A successful tender applicant
should not hesitate before performing in terms of the contract, in
case a challenge to the tender award is successfully brought. is
would undermine the constitutional commitments to efficiency
and the need for delivery which are of immense importance to
both government and citizens alike.142
v) Holding the Tender Board liable will enhance its

Olitzki Property Holdings and Steenkamp concerned bona de and

innocent irregularities in the tender process. However, where
unsuccessful tenderers have suffered loss as a result of dishonest or
fraudulent conduct by public officials, the Supreme Court of Appeal has
not hesitated to award delictual damages. us, in Transnet Ltd v
Sechaba Photoscan (Pty) Ltd144 the Supreme Court of Appeal awarded
delictual damages to an unsuccessful tenderer for loss of pro ts, where
the tender process was vitiated by fraud. Similarly, in Minister of
Finance and Others v Gore NO,145 the fraudulent and corrupt conduct of
certain officials in charge of the tender process was held to found an
unsuccessful tenderer’s claim against them for damages, for which their
employer was vicariously liable. Cameron and Brand JJA reasoned:
In our view, speaking generally, the fact that a defendant’s conduct was deliberate
and dishonest strongly suggests that liability for it should follow in damages, even
where a public tender is being awarded. In Olitzki and Steenkamp, the cost to the
public purse of imposing liability for lost pro t and for out-of-pocket expenses
when officials innocently bungled the process was among the considerations that
limited liability. We think the opposite applies where deliberately dishonest
conduct is at issue: the cost to the public of exempting a fraudulent perpetrator
from liability for fraud would be too high.
[T]he question is: is there any conceivable consideration of public or legal
policy that dictates that Louw and Scholtz (and vicariously, their employer)
should enjoy immunity against liability for their fraudulent conduct? We can
think of none. e fact that the fraud was committed in the course of a public-
tender process cannot, in our view, serve to immunize the wrongdoers (or those
vicariously liable for their conduct) from its consequences. And we nd no
suggestion in Olitzki and Steenkamp that the tender process itself must provide
government institutions with a shield that protects them against vicarious liability
for the fraudulent conduct of their servants.146

12.8.2 Compensation under section 8(1)(c)(ii)(bb) of PAJA

e claim for compensation under section 8(1)(c)(ii)(bb) of PAJA is a
relatively untested remedy. Until recently, the courts have resisted
de ning what constitutes ‘exceptional cases’ justifying an award of
compensation under this subsection, preferring to make case-by-case
determinations.147 However, a discrete body of administrative-law
principles is beginning to be developed under this subsection,
spearheaded by the judgment of Rogers J in the High Court division of
the Western Cape, in De Jong and Others v e Trustees of the Simcha
Trust and Another.148 e approach set out by Rogers J is compelling for
its structural coherence, and has been endorsed by the Supreme Court
of Appeal149 and the Constitutional Court.
In De Jong, the owner of a property (Simcha) claimed compensation
from the City after building works that it had begun were interdicted
and the City’s approval of its building plans was reviewed and set aside
by neighbouring owners. In approving the building plans, the City had
applied a process that had been declared to be unlawful by the
Constitutional Court some four months previously.150 Simcha based its
claim for compensation exclusively on section 8(1)(c)(ii)(bb) of PAJA;
there was no claim in delict nor for constitutional damages directly in
terms of section 38 of the Constitution. Simcha argued that the City’s
disregard for the Constitutional Court’s judgment when approving
Simcha’s plans was so reckless or grossly negligent as to render the
present matter an ‘exceptional case’ justifying the granting of
compensation to Simcha in terms of section 8(1)(c)(ii)(bb).
Interpreting the construction of section 8(1)(c) of PAJA,151 Rogers J
made two key ndings. First, he held that compensation cannot be
granted where the court has remitted the matter for reconsideration by
the decision-maker. is follows from the structure of section 8(1)(c) of
PAJA, which provides that on setting aside a decision, the court may
either remit the matter for reconsideration to the administrator under
section 8(1)(c)(i) ‘or’ it may adopt one of the two remedies under
section 8(1)(c)(ii): it may substitute its decision (section 8(1)(c)(ii)(aa))
‘or’ it may direct the administrator or any other party to the proceedings
to pay compensation (section 8(1)(c)(ii)(bb)). Second, Rogers J
accepted that what makes a case exceptional is not the egregiousness of
the impugned conduct of the administrator (as Simcha had argued),
but instead whether it is appropriate to depart from the usual remedy of
remittal. Section 8(1)(c) indicates that the primary remedy upon setting
aside is remittal, and that it is only ‘in exceptional cases’, where a
remittal to the administrator would not be practical or would not
achieve justice, that the alternative remedies of substitution and
compensation may apply. Rogers J explained that:
the two alternative substitute remedies would be reserved for the exceptional
cases where (a) it is appropriate for there to be a decision on the administrative
application but where it would be unjust or inequitable to remit this to the
original decision-maker or (b) it is inappropriate for any further decision to be
taken on the administrative application but nevertheless just and equitable that
the aggrieved applicant should be compensated for the original decision-maker’s
unlawful conduct.152

Rogers J remarked that the egregiousness of the decision-maker’s

conduct may have a bearing on whether or not the court remits the
matter to the decision-maker for redetermination. However,
exceptionality under section 8(1)(c) ‘is concerned with the choice of
remedy, not the quality of the administrator’s decision in the abstract.
In many cases involving very poor decisions a setting aside and remittal
will remain appropriate’.153
Rogers J emphasised that his ndings did not mean that ‘an
aggrieved party in review proceedings is entitled to compensation
merely because there has been neither a remittal nor a substitute
decision by the court’. e holding is simply that ‘compensation is not
available as a remedy if the usual remedy of remittal has been granted
or if exceptionally the court has substituted its own decision for that of
the administrator’.154
e issue of who may claim compensation under section 8(1)(c)(ii)
(bb) was also raised, but not nally decided, in De Jong. e City argued
that only an aggrieved applicant and not, as in this case, the
respondent, could seek compensation. Rogers J noted that section 8(1)
(c)(ii)(bb) does not, on its terms, limit the range of persons to whom the
administrator can be ordered to pay compensation. Moreover, as
evidenced in De Jong, the party most keenly interested in receiving a
favourable decision in a judicial review application may be the
respondent, not the applicant. ere appeared to be no reason why, as a
party to the litigation, the respondent cannot contend for an alternative
remedy under section 8(1)(c)(ii).155
e ndings made by Rogers J are consistent with the outcomes
reached in two earlier cases dealing with compensation under section
8(1)(c)(ii)(bb) of PAJA. However, these outcomes were not explained in
the same terms.156
In the rst of these, Darson Construction (Pty) Ltd v City of Cape
Town and Another,157 an unsuccessful tenderer claimed compensation
for loss of pro ts and ‘out-of-pocket expenses’ under section 8(1)(c)(ii)
(bb) of PAJA arising from an unlawful tender award. On the facts, there
was no question of remitting the decision to the proper authority for
reconsideration, because the period of the contract (that had been put
out to tender) had already run its course.158 e court also found that
there was no basis for substitution of its own decision for that of the
relevant administrator.159 However Selikowitz J found that the applicant
was entitled to compensation for out-of-pocket expenses incurred in
tendering.160 As Rogers J noted in De Jong, while Selikowitz J did not
analyse the structure of section 8(1)(c) or make the legal ndings set out
in De Jong, compensation was awarded to vindicate the applicant’s right
to administrative justice because neither the remedy of remittal nor a
substituted decision was feasible or appropriate.161
e second case, Minister of Defence and Others v Dunn162
concerned a challenge of a decision by the Minister of Defence not to
promote a member of the South African National Defence Force. e
High Court granted compensation to Dunn – again, in circumstances
where the court considered that neither a remittal nor a substituted
decision was feasible. e High Court found that it would not be just
and equitable to set aside or substitute the Minister’s decision because
another person had already been appointed to the post. Instead, it
ordered the SANDF to pay Dunn compensation in the amount of the
salary he would have been paid if promoted.163 On appeal, the Supreme
Court Appeal found that there was no basis for reviewing the Minister’s
decision, but proceeded to deal with the remedy granted by the High
Court.164 Lewis JA found that, even if the Minister’s decision had been
reviewable, there were no ‘exceptional circumstances’ to justify an order
of compensation. Lewis JA did not speci cally address the nature of the
‘exceptionality’ criterion under section 8(1)(c)(ii)(bb), but appeared to
adopt a broader approach than Rogers J in De Jong, considering factors
such as the prejudice caused to the applicant. In particular, Lewis JA
emphasised that there was no evidence of any prejudice to Dunn since
non-promotion was always a possibility where there are competing
candidates for a position. Lewis JA held further that compensation was
an impermissible order since Dunn had failed to prove any loss
justifying a monetary award. e Supreme Court of Appeal underscored
that compensation must be used as an alternative remedy to
substitution, and not as a form of substitution as the High Court had
done by awarding Dunn compensation in the form of the salary he
would have received if promoted.165
In summary, the following emergent principles can be discerned,
but have not been nally determined by the Constitutional Court, in
respect of compensation awards under section 8(1)(c)(ii)(bb):
i) Compensation under PAJA will only be granted in ‘exceptional
cases’, which must be determined in ‘the speci c context of each
ii) e remedies of remittal and of a substituted decision or
compensation are mutually exclusive so that if the usual remedy
of remittal is granted, compensation may not be awarded.167
iii) Exceptionality for the purposes of substitution or compensation
has to do with the circumstances which exceptionally justify the
granting of one or other of these unusual remedies in lieu of the
usual remedy of remittal, rather than with circumstances which
render the administrative decision exceptionally bad.168
iv) A party seeking compensation is required to prove that it has
suffered loss as a result of the unfair administrative action.169
v) It is impermissible for a court to make an order of compensation
which has the effect of substituting the court’s decision for that
of the administrator.170

12.8.3 Compensation for unjustified enrichment

An area of nascent development is compensation on the basis of
unjusti ed enrichment – either in terms of PAJA section 8(1)(c)(ii)(bb),
the general rubric of ‘just and equitable relief’ under section 172(1)(b)
of the Constitution, or as an independent common-law claim. e law
of unjusti ed enrichment presents a mechanism for some measure of
compensation in circumstances where work has been performed under
a contract that is declared invalid and set aside. However, the remedy is
limited to recovery of the value of whatever the claimant transferred to
the party without a lawful basis – in other words, the amount by which
the other party bene tted or was ‘unlawfully enriched’ at the expense of
the claimant. It does not, therefore, provide for recovery of lost pro ts or
even recovery of expenses incurred in the performance of an invalid
e Supreme Court of Appeal has commented that when an
agreement between a public body and a service provider is void for
non-compliance with procurement law, the service provider should, in
principle, not be left remediless because it could claim from the public
body in unjusti ed enrichment.171 is means that when a service
provider does something which bene ts a public body, and there is no
legal ground upon which the public body should have been bene ted,
then the service provider should be allowed to claim the return of that
bene t.
Under South African law, traditionally enrichment claims have only
been upheld when a plaintiff wishes to claim the return of money or
property. However, in the procurement context, the contractor will
often have provided services, and will therefore seek to claim the return
of the value of services. In the old Appellate Division case of Nortje v
Pool, the court held that plaintiffs cannot recover for the value of
services unless their services resulted in tangible improvements to the
defendant’s property.172 is decision is yet to be expressly overruled.
However, English law has been clearly developed to recognise
enrichment claims for the provision of services.173 In Benedetti v Sawari
& Ors,174 the UK Supreme Court established the following principles for
cases of this kind:
(i) the starting point for identifying whether a bene t has been conferred on a
defendant, and for valuing that bene t, is the market price of the services; (ii) the
defendant is entitled to adduce evidence in order subjectively to devalue the
bene t, thereby proving either that he in fact received no bene t at all, or that he
valued the bene t at less than the market price; but (iii) save perhaps in
exceptional circumstances, the principle of subjective revaluation should not be
recognised, either for the purpose of identifying a bene t, or for valuing a bene t

ere are clear signs of movement in the same direction in South

African courts. e Supreme Court of Appeal has indicated a
willingness to extend the boundaries of enrichment law to include
recovery of value of services.176 In at least three cases, the High Court
has recognised the possibility of enrichment actions for the provision of
services that extend beyond the narrow terms of Nortje v Pool.177
In Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality v Maluti Plant Hire,178 a full
bench on appeal upheld a High Court order directing payment to a
service provider based on unjust enrichment. e High Court held that
‘[i]f a person is enriched as a consequence of services performed by
another, the measure of enrichment is the value of the service’; and that
the fact that pro ts were earned or lost as a consequence of the service
provided cannot be added to the enrichment claim.179 In Special New
Fruit Licensing Limited and Others v Colours Fruit (South Africa) (Pty)
Limited and Others,180 Hendricks AJ accepted the availability of ‘a
general action for unjusti ed enrichment’ arising from the provision of
services, but found that the facts of the case did not give rise to an
enrichment action. In Rural Maintenance (Pty) Ltd v Maluti a-Phofong
Local Municipality,181 the High Court found that a municipality was
‘unjustly enriched’ when a company took over its responsibility of
supplying electricity. e court accepted that the ‘just and equitable
relief’ envisaged in section 172(1)(b) of the Constitution read with
section 8(1)(c)(ii)(bb) of PAJA could include a claim based on unjust
enrichment (but was not necessarily limited to such a claim).182
However, the court went on to nd that the claim, properly
characterised, was not an enrichment claim, but a claim based on the
actio negotiorum gestio (an action for recovery of loss incurred by an
agent for work done for its principal). us rather than computing the
value of the actual enrichment of the municipality, the High Court
awarded compensation for the value of the expenses incurred by the
plaintiff, acting as the municipality’s agent, less the income it received
from consumers for its provision of electricity.
Most tellingly perhaps, in Allpay the Constitutional Court referred to
the principles underlying claims for unjusti ed enrichment in
describing the consequences of declaring invalid Cash Paymaster’s
contract for the provision of social grant payment services.183 e court
stated that ‘any invalidation of the existing contract as a result of the
invalid tender should not result in any loss to Cash Paymaster. e
converse, however, is also true. It has no right to bene t from an
unlawful contract’. In support of this statement, the court referred to the
restitutionary principles in the law of contract (on rescission or
cancellation of a contract) and in claims for unjusti ed enrichment. In
Shabangu, the Constitutional Court again stated (albeit obiter) that
recovery of what was transferred under an invalid agreement may be
addressed in an enrichment claim, or as part of a broader claim for just
and equitable relief under PAJA and section 172(1)(b) of the

12.8.4 Constitutional damages

Constitutional damages have been awarded by the courts for breaches
of constitutional rights other than the right to just administrative action,
which are infringed as a result of irregular administrative action.185 It
remains to be decided whether constitutional damages may be granted
to vindicate only the section 33 right, and if so, whether such
constitutional damages are encompassed in the compensation that may
be awarded under section 8(1)(c)(ii)(bb) of PAJA or are independently
derived from section 38 of the Constitution.
MEC, Department of Welfare, Eastern Cape v Kate186 is an example of
when an award of constitutional damages for the infringement of
another right in the Bill of Rights is appropriate. e Supreme Court of
Appeal ordered the Eastern Cape Department of Welfare to pay the
respondent constitutional damages for its unreasonable delay in
processing her application for a social grant. e court found that the
Department’s unreasonable delay in considering the respondent’s
application deprived her for a period of her constitutional right to social
assistance, and that an order of constitutional damages was appropriate
relief for the deprivation of that constitutional right.187
In the Life Esidimeni arbitration,188 retired Justice Moseneke (sitting
as an arbitrator) awarded R1 million in constitutional damages to each
of the claimants. e claims arose from the death of 144 mental health
care patients and mistreatment of many others, after the Gauteng
Health Department unlawfully terminated a contract with Life
Esidimeni Care Centre and transferred all its health care patients to
non-governmental facilities that were not duly licensed and quali ed to
care for them. e arbitrator found that several constitutional rights had
been violated by the state’s actions,189 and that given the extent of
suffering and trauma that the patients and their families had to endure,
and the complete disregard by government officials of their
constitutional duties, vindication of the claimants’ constitutional rights
required an award of constitutional damages (over and above the
amount already awarded for emotional shock and trauma). While not
binding as a court precedent, the arbitration award is a signi cant
development in this area of law, which has been markedly slow to
In considering whether constitutional damages under section 38
might be awarded for breaches of section 33 alone, a useful starting
point is the Constitutional Court’s discussion of constitutional damages
in Fose. ere, the Constitutional Court held that there is no reason in
principle why constitutional damages should not be awarded in an
appropriate case. Ackermann J stated:
… there is no reason in principle why ‘appropriate relief’ should not include an
award of damages, where such an award is necessary to protect and enforce
chapter 3 rights. Such awards are made to compensate persons who have suffered
loss as a result of the breach of a statutory right if, on a proper construction of the
statute in question, it was the Legislature’s intention that such damages should be
payable, and it would be strange if damages could not be claimed for, at least, loss
occasioned by the breach of a right vested in the claimant by the supreme law.
When it would be appropriate to do so, and what the measure of damages should
be will depend on the circumstances of each case and the particular right which
has been infringed.190

As Conradie JA noted in Jayiya v MEC for Welfare, Eastern Cape and

Another,191 the remedies under PAJA may already provide appropriate
relief for any breach of section 33 of the Constitution as required under
section 38. Conradie JA reasoned that, following the principle of
subsidiarity, the courts must rst look to apply these statutory remedies
in protecting and giving effect to section 33; it is only where the
statutory remedies do not provide appropriate relief that the court may
grant constitutional damages under section 38 of the Constitution.192
Conradie JA’s approach is contested, however. For instance, in Kate,
Nugent JA expressed the view (but did not decide the point) that ‘the
relief that is permitted by s 38 of the Constitution is not a remedy of last
resort, to be looked to only when there is no alternative – and indirect –
means of asserting and vindicating constitutional rights’.193 Nugent JA
went on to nd that additional considerations informed whether the
‘direct s 38 remedy’ of constitutional damages was justi ed. In
particular, Nugent JA took into account that there was a direct breach of
a substantive constitutional right, which deserved ‘direct vindication’,
and that there was ‘an endemic breach’ of the rights concerned that
required ‘the clear assertion of their independent existence’.194
Whether there is a role for constitutional damages to be awarded
solely for breaches of the section 33 right will depend, at least in part, on
the courts’ approach to compensation under section 8(1)(c)(ii)(bb) of
PAJA – including whether compensation under this section is limited to
proven nancial loss (as suggested in Minister of Defence v Dunn) and
whether the relatively restricted approach to exceptionality set out in De
Jong is endorsed by the highest courts. Clearly, the more liberal the
courts’ approach to compensation under section 8(1)(c)(ii)(bb) for
breaches of the section 33 right, the more difficult it becomes to
conceive of a role for constitutional damages. If compensation awards
under section 8(1)(c)(ii)(bb) of PAJA are con ned to compensating
complainants for proven loss, and to cases where remittal and
substitution is not appropriate, there may be cases where constitutional
damages are appropriate – either because a just and equitable remedy
requires the award of punitive or exemplary damages, and not merely
compensatory damages, or because a just and equitable remedy
requires an award of compensation notwithstanding remittal or
In respect of punitive or exemplary constitutional damages, such
awards might be premised on the principle of accountability – our
courts have recognised that constitutional damages can play a role in
reinforcing accountability and obedience to the Constitution.195
However, the courts have thus far declined to award punitive
constitutional damages on the basis that public policy considerations
do not favour the award.196 Further, the Constitutional Court expressed
reservations about punitive constitutional damages in Fose. As
Ackermann J pointed out, for punitive damages awards to individuals to
have a helpful effect on the conduct of public officials they would have
to be very substantial, and ‘the more substantial they are, the greater
the anomaly that a single plaintiff receives a windfall of such
magnitude’. In addition to this anomaly, awarding large punitive
damages could have a grave impact on the scus, which is already over-

1. Consider the court’s approach to the compensation

remedy under section 8(1)(c)(ii)(bb) of PAJA. Do you
think the court’s understanding of ‘exceptional
circumstances’ in this context is correct? Could the
provisions of section 8(1)(c)(ii)(bb) of PAJA be
interpreted purposively to have a broader
2. In the Allpay (remedy) judgment, did the
Constitutional Court in fact establish a ‘no profit
principle’? Consider the statement in paragraph 67
of the judgment and the order granted in that case.
What is the import, if any, of the court’s suspension
of the declaration of invalidity of CPS’s contract for
the application of such a principle?
3. In the Allpay (remedy) judgment, is the
Constitutional Court’s explanation of the statement
that the tenderer, Cash Paymaster ‘has no right to
benefit from an unlawful contract’ in footnote 47 of
the judgment satisfactory?
4. Is the position of an innocent successful tenderer,
who performs under a contract that is subsequently
set aside, adequately protected by the remedies of
judicial review under our law?
12.9 A declaration of rights
A declaration of rights is a common-law remedy and is speci cally
provided for under section 8(1)(d) of PAJA, which empowers the court
to grant an order ‘declaring the rights of the parties in respect of any
matter to which the administrative action relates’. Section 8(2) of PAJA,
which describes the remedies for a failure to take a decision, also allows
for an order ‘declaring the rights of the parties in relation to the taking of
the decision’.198
Unlike a declaration of constitutional invalidity under section 172(1)
(a),199 the courts are not obliged to grant a declaration of rights but may
do so where they consider it to constitute appropriate relief. A
declaration of rights is a non-invasive remedy: it clari es the legal
position and allows parties to obtain a determination of their rights. It
is, as O’Regan J put it in Rail Commuters Action Group and Others v
Transnet Ltd t/a Metrorail and Others,200 ‘a exible remedy which can
assist in clarifying legal and constitutional obligations in a manner
which promotes the protection and enforcement of our Constitution
and its values’.201 It does so by acknowledging wrongdoing, affirming
rights and providing guidance for future conduct. A declaration of rights
is thus particularly useful where the court nds irregularities in
government processes that are likely otherwise to be repeated or where
the responsible authorities deny that they have certain obligations (as
occurred in Rail Commuters).
A declaration of rights may be accompanied by other orders such as
interdicts, but it may also stand on its own. As Hoexter notes, a bare
declaration of rights may be ‘a rather toothless remedy’, as it does not
require any action to be taken.202 It relies instead on the goodwill of
officials to act in accordance with the declaration, and to take such
steps as they deem necessary in doing so. On the other hand, there is
value in this non-prescriptive remedy in a constitutional democracy
premised on the separation of powers: it enables courts to declare the
law, while leaving to the other arms of government, the executive and
the legislature, the decision as to how best the law, once stated, should
be observed.203
12.10 Interdicts

12.10.1 Prohibitory, mandatory and structural interdicts

An interdict is an order of court directing a person not to do something
(prohibitory interdict) or directing a person to take certain action
(mandatory interdict). In the administrative-law context, prohibitory
interdicts are typically used to prevent the commission of irregular
administrative action or to prevent the taking of further steps in reliance
on administrative action. Mandatory interdicts are used to get
performance when public officials refuse to act, or to direct public
officials to remedy a situation brought about by irregular administrative
Section 8 of PAJA expressly provides for mandatory and prohibitory
interdicts. Section 8(1)(a)(ii) empowers the court to grant an order
‘directing the administrator to act in the manner the court or tribunal
requires’, while section 8(1)(b) provides that the court may grant an
order ‘prohibiting the administrator from acting in a particular manner’.
e court may retain supervisory jurisdiction and require public
officials to report to court within a speci ed period on the steps they
have taken to comply with a mandatory interdict. is is known as a
‘structural interdict’, and is an especially powerful and potentially far-
reaching remedy available to the reviewing court. It enables the court to
monitor and enforce compliance with its order over a period of time.
Structural interdicts are typically granted where socio-economic
rights are threatened or undermined, and where there has been a
sustained failure by the responsible administrator or department to
perform its duties. An example of a detailed structural interdict is the
Constitutional Court’s order in Black Sash I – a further order granted in
the social grants saga.204 is order was prompted by the Social Security
Agency of South Africa’s (SASSA) failure to appoint a new service
provider or itself take-over of the administration of social grants in the
time speci ed in the Allpay (remedy) order. In Black Sash I, the
Constitutional Court extended the declaration of invalidity of CPS’s
contract to allow CPS to continue to providing grant payment services
for another 12 months, and issued a structural interdict against the
Minister of Social Development and SASSA. It directed these state
parties to le reports on affidavit every three months, setting out how
they planned to ensure the payment of social grants after the expiry of
the suspended period of invalidity of CPS’s contract; what steps they
had taken and what further steps they would take, and when they would
take each future step, so as to ensure that the payment of all social
grants is made when they fall due after the expiry of the 12-month
When faced with especially serious and systemic failures in the
administration, the courts have also resorted to the extraordinary
measure of appointing other persons or bodies to assist the
dysfunctional department in complying with the court order, or to assist
the court by providing independent or expert reports on progress in the
implementation of the court’s order. is may take the form, for
instance, of an independent expert, a claims administrator, a special
master or an independent trust.
In Black Sash I, the Constitutional Court also adopted this remedy. It
directed that a panel of experts be appointed to, amongst other things,
evaluate the steps proposed or taken by SASSA for any bidding process
or any other processes aimed at appointing a new contractor, or any
steps aimed at SASSA itself administering and paying the grants in the
future. e court required the panel to le monthly reports for six
months, setting out their evaluation method, the results of their
evaluations and any recommendations they consider necessary. e
court order provided for the parties to submit the names of suitably
quali ed individuals for appointment ‘as independent legal
practitioners and technical experts’ on the panel.
In Linkside and Others v Minister of Basic Education and Others,205
which concerned the appointment of teachers to vacant posts at public
schools in the Eastern Cape and the payment of outstanding teacher
salaries, the High Court ordered the appointment of a rm of registered
chartered accountants as claims administrators to receive funds from
the defendant, assess claims by schools and distribute funds to them.
In Meadow Glen Home Owners Association and Others v City of
Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality and Another,206 the Supreme Court
of Appeal endorsed the use of special masters and other creative
remedial approaches, especially in cases involving socio-economic
rights. Wallis JA observed:
Both this Court and the Constitutional Court have stressed the need for courts to
be creative in framing remedies to address and resolve complex social problems,
especially those that arise in the area of socio-economic rights. It is necessary to
add that when doing so in this type of situation courts must also consider how
they are to deal with failures to implement orders; the inevitable struggle to nd
adequate resources; inadequate or incompetent staffing and other administrative
issues; problems of implementation not foreseen by the parties’ lawyers in
formulating the order and the myriad other issues that may arise with orders the
operation and implementation of which will occur over a substantial period of
time in a uid situation. Contempt of court is a blunt instrument to deal with
these issues and courts should look to orders that secure on-going oversight of the
implementation of the order. ere is considerable experience in the United
States of America with orders of this nature arising from the decision in Brown v
Board of Education and the federal court supervised process of desegregating
schools in that country. e Constitutional Court referred to it with approval in
the TAC (No. 2) case. Our courts may need to consider such institutions as the
special master used in those cases to supervise the implementation of court

In Mwelase and Others v Director-General for the Department of Rural

Development and Land Reform and Another,208 the Constitutional Court
upheld the appointment by the Land Claims Court of a special master
to assist the Department of Rural Development and Land Affairs to
process a backlog of over nearly 11 000 labour tenant applications for
land ownership rights. e court found that this order, while certainly
novel, did not constitute judicial overreach in light of the Department’s
longstanding failure to perform its duties. Writing for the majority,
Cameron J stressed the seriousness of the Department’s failure:
[O]ver nearly two decades… the Department has manifested and sustained what
has seemed to be obstinate misapprehension of its statutory duties. It has shown
unresponsiveness plus a refusal to account to those dependent on its cooperation
for the realisation of their land claims and associated constitutional rights. And,
despite repeated promises, plans and undertakings, it has displayed a patent
incapacity or inability to get the job done.
In this, the Department has jeopardised not only the rights of land claimants,
but the constitutional security and future of all. South Africans have been waiting
for more than 25 years for equitable land reform. More accurately, they have been
waiting for centuries before. e Department’s failure to practically manage and
expedite land reform measures in accordance with constitutional and statutory
promises has profoundly exacerbated the intensity and bitterness of our national
debate about land reform. It is not the Constitution, nor the courts, nor the laws of
the country that are at fault in this. It is the institutional incapacity of the
Department to do what the statute and the Constitution require of it that lies at
the heart of this colossal crisis.

e performance of the Department in response to the increasingly focused

pressures the applicants applied, has been an object, and abject, case in point.
Each time, the Department has temporised. It has done this, each time, with
promises of better performance. is time it would get things right. But it never
did. It has been a classic case of more-same, more-same. e very course of this
litigation, right up to the proceedings in this Court, has shown the Department’s
inability, in colloquial but apposite terms, to get its act together. While the good
faith and good intentions of its promises and undertakings may be accepted, they
have repeatedly failed to translate into effective, rights-affirming practical

Cameron J described the role of the special master, and addressed the
concern that the special master remedy breached the separation of
powers, as follows:
Special masters, often with expertise in specialist areas of government, may assist
with either devising a remedial plan or implementing it. In implementing a
remedy, the main task of a special master is to oversee and monitor – rather than
usurping performance of executive functions, which is closer to the functions of
other court-appointed officers (administrators or receivers, whose respective
tasks may be to supplement or replace management of a government institution).

…e Land Claims Court made clear that the special master remains an agent of
the Court, and acts in extension of the Court’s own supervisory jurisdiction. And
the Court alas made plain that the work to be done would alleviate its own
capacity constraints in overseeing the output of the Department. e
apprehension that the special master would be a complete outsider, reigning at
will over the Department with unfettered executive power loses sight of a key fact.
is is that the independence of the special master is not merely the detached
neutrality of a third party expert unaffiliated with the parties. It is rather an
extension of judicial independence, because it derives from appointment as an
agent of the court, continuingly subject to court control and authority.

While the powers afforded a special master certainly seem intrusive, this is only
because it is the Court itself that is exercising the constitutionally entrusted
powers to afford effective relief. It is not the Court authorising an outside,
unchecked body to intrude into the executive domain. It is the Court stepping in
to ensure that nationally critical land reform and restitution processes make
headway, 20 years after they should. In this way, the special master’s
independence is a product of the independence of the Court, to which he or she
remains subordinate.210

12.10.2 Interim and final interdicts

An interdict can be sought either as a temporary or nal order, and
there are distinct requirements that must be met for each.211 While
subsection 8(1)(a)(ii) and 8(1)(b) of PAJA empower the court to grant
nal mandatory and prohibitory interdicts, section 8(1)(e) provides
additionally for ‘granting a temporary interdict or other temporary
An interim interdict is directed at preserving or restoring the status
quo pending the nal determination of the rights of the parties, and is
often sought on an urgent basis. It is fairly common for parties
challenging the validity of administrative action to apply for an interim
interdict to prevent actual or threatened harm, and to prevent steps
being taken in reliance on the administrative action, pending the
outcome of the review application. For instance, an interim interdict
may be obtained to prevent mining activity pending the review of the
decision to award the mining licence, or to prevent a successful
tenderer from implementing a tender pending review of the tender
e common-law test for an interim interdict has four requirements.
e applicant must establish (i) a prima facie right that it seeks to
protect; (ii) a reasonable apprehension of irreparable and imminent
harm if an interdict is not granted; (iii) that the balance of convenience
favours the granting of the interdict; and (iv) that no suitable alternative
remedy is available.213 We provide a brief explanation of each of these
i) Prima facie right. is requirement was considered by the
Constitutional Court in National Treasury and Others v
Opposition to Urban Tolling Alliance and Others.214 e court
addressed the question whether an applicant seeking an interim
interdict pending judicial review could establish a prima facie
right simply by relying on its right to just administrative action.
e court held that this did not suffice. e court explained that
the applicant must show that it has a prima facie right that
requires protection in the form of an interim interdict. Since
every person’s right to approach a court to review and set aside
irregular administrative action is protected under section 33 of
the Constitution, the interim interdict does not serve to protect
this right. What the applicant must show is ‘a right to which, if
not protected by an interdict, irreparable harm would ensue’.215
ii) Apprehension of harm. is is an objective requirement,
meaning that on the basis of the facts presented to it, the court
must decide whether the applicant has a reasonable basis for the
apprehension of harm.216 Furthermore, an interdict will only be
granted where future or ongoing harm is feared. If the
infringement complained of is one that prima facie appears to
have occurred once and for all, the applicant must allege facts to
show that the harm is likely to be repeated.217
iii) Balance of convenience. In assessing where the balance of
convenience lies, the courts weigh up the harm or prejudice that
would be caused to the applicant if the interim interdict is
refused against the prejudice that the respondent will suffer if
the interdict is granted. All relevant circumstances must be
considered. e weight that the court will place on the balance
of convenience, is informed by the applicant’s prospects of
ultimate success in the pending litigation: the stronger the
applicant’s prospects of success, the less the need for the balance
of convenience to favour him; conversely, the weaker the
applicant’s prospects of success, the greater the need for the
balance of convenience to favour him.218
iv) Suitable alternative remedy. is requires that there be no
other legal remedy available that would be as effective in
protecting the applicant against the apprehended harm.

It must be recalled that an interim interdict is a discretionary remedy.

is means that even if all four requirements are met, the court may
refuse to grant the relief.
Turning to the nal interdict, this is an order of permanent force and
effect, alterable only on appeal. e applicant must establish three
requirements on a balance of probabilities: (i) a clear and de nite right
that it seeks to protect; (ii) the actual or threatened interference with the
right; and (iii) the absence of a suitable alternative remedy. It is a matter
of some debate whether the court retains a discretion to refuse to grant
a nal interdict where all the requirements have been met. In United
Technical Equipment Co (Pty) Ltd v Johannesburg City Council,219 Harms
J discussed the case authorities at some length, and concluded that, if
the discretion exists at all, it is exercised only in exceptional
circumstances.220 In general, the discretion of a court to refuse a nal
interdict is limited and is bound up with the question whether the rights
of the complaining party can be protected by any other ordinary

12.10.3 Interdicts that restrain the exercise of executive

and legislative power
By granting an interdict that restrains the exercise of an executive or
legislative power authorised under statute or the Constitution, the
courts threaten to undermine the separation of powers. For this reason,
the courts grant interdicts that restrain the exercise of a statutory or
constitutional power only ‘in the clearest of cases’,221 where there are
‘exceptional circumstances and when a strong case is made out for
relief’.222 While the Constitutional Court has cautioned against de ning
‘the clearest of cases’,223 it has stated that one of the important
considerations is whether the harm apprehended by the claimant
amounts to a breach of one or more constitutional rights in the Bill of
Rights. Under the common law, the courts have granted interdicts to
restrain the exercise of statutory power in cases where there are
allegations of mala des or where a functionary has acted outside the
In International Trade Administration Commission v SCAW South
Africa (Pty) Limited,225 the Constitutional Court upheld an appeal
against an interim interdict granted by the High Court, on the basis that
the interdict infringed the separation of powers. e interim interdict
restrained, amongst others, the Minister of Trade and Industry from
terminating an existing anti-dumping duty. e Constitutional Court
emphasised that the determination and implementation of
international trade policy (including anti-dumping duties) ‘resides in
the heartland of national executive function’ and entailed polycentric
policy considerations. It held that, by granting the interdict, the High
Court had usurped the Minister’s discretion to make this decision and
had inappropriately intruded on the executive domain. e
Constitutional Court cautioned that:
When a court is invited to intrude into the terrain of the executive, especially
when the executive decision-making process is still uncompleted, it must do so
only in the clearest of cases and only when irreparable harm is likely to ensue if
interdictory relief is not granted. is is particularly true when the decision entails
multiple considerations of national policy choices and specialist knowledge, in
regard to which courts are ill-suited to judge.226

e Constitutional Court noted that, under the common law, interim

interdicts that restrain statutory power are regarded as ‘exceptional’.227
e Constitutional Court affirmed that this remained the correct
standard under the Constitution. It explained further, while the
common-law test for an interim interdict remained applicable under
the Constitution, the constitutional separation of powers principle must
now inform the ‘balance of convenience’ requirement:
e balance of convenience enquiry must now carefully probe whether and to
which extent the restraining order will probably intrude into the exclusive terrain
of another branch of Government. e enquiry must, alongside other relevant
harm, have proper regard to what may be called separation of powers harm. A
court must keep in mind that a temporary restraint against the exercise of
statutory power well ahead of the nal adjudication of a claimant’s case may be
granted only in the clearest of cases and after a careful consideration of
separation of powers harm …228

Another case where the court was found to have overstepped the line by
granting an interdict – this time a nal interdict – is National Director of
Public Prosecutions and Others v Freedom Under Law.229 e Supreme
Court of Appeal overturned a nal mandatory interdict granted by the
High Court, which ordered the National Director of Public Prosecutions
(NDPP) to reinstate all the charges against the suspended National
Commissioner of Crime Intelligence in the South African Police Service
(Mdluli), and to ensure that the prosecution of these charges were
enrolled and pursued without delay. e High Court further directed
the Commissioner of Police to reinstate disciplinary proceedings
against Mdluli and to take all steps necessary for the prosecution and
nalisation of these proceedings. e Supreme Court of Appeal found
that while the High Court had correctly reviewed and set aside the
unlawful decisions taken by the NDPP and Commissioner of Police, the
High Court ‘went too far’ and transgressed the separation of powers
doctrine in granting the interdictory relief. Writing for a unanimous
bench, Brand JA stated that:
In terms of the Constitution the NDPP is the authority mandated to prosecute
crime, while the Commissioner of Police is the authority mandated to manage
and control the SAPS … [T]he court will only be allowed to interfere with this
constitutional scheme on rare occasions and for compelling reasons. Suffice it to
say that in my view this is not one of those rare occasions and I can nd no
compelling reason why the executive authorities should not be given the
opportunity to perform their constitutional mandates in a proper way. e setting
aside of the withdrawal of the criminal charges and the disciplinary proceedings
have the effect that the charges and the proceedings are automatically reinstated
and it is for the executive authorities to deal with them. e court below went too

In contrast, a court could grant an interdict against the exercise of a

statutory power if the constitutionality of that statutory power is being
challenged. e principles that apply in such cases are set out in the
UDM ‘ oor-crossing’ case. 231 e UDM, a political party, challenged the
constitutionality of new oor-crossing legislation (which allowed
members of parliament to defect to another party without the member
losing his or her seat) and in the interim, sought to bar any oor-
crossing from taking place under the legislation. e Constitutional
Court held that this was permissible where –
… legislation is impugned as unconstitutional, and it appears that action
pursuant to its terms is imminent and is likely to cause serious and irreparable
prejudice, in all but the most exceptional cases, interim relief could be designed
to prevent such prejudice pending a decision by a court having jurisdiction to
decide on the constitutionality of the legislation.232
e court set out the following principles applicable to the granting of
interim relief in these circumstances:
• A court may grant interim relief designed to maintain the status quo
or to prevent a violation of a constitutional right where legislation
that is alleged to be unconstitutional in itself, or through action it is
reasonably feared might cause irreparable harm of a serious nature.
• Such interim relief should only be granted where it is strictly
necessary in the interests of justice.
• In determining the interests of justice, the court must balance the
interests of the person seeking interim relief against the interests of
others who might be affected by the grant of such relief.
• e interim relief should be strictly tailored to interfere as little as
possible with the operation of the legislation.233

12.11 Remedies for the failure to take a decision

Section 8(2) of PAJA provides for a special class of remedies where the
failure to take a decision is reviewed. Section 8(2) provides:
(2) e court or tribunal, in proceedings for judicial review in terms of section
6(3), may grant any order that is just and equitable, including orders-
(a) directing the taking of the decision;
(b) declaring the rights of the parties in relation to the taking of the
(c) directing any of the parties to do, or to refrain from doing, any act or
thing the doing, or the refraining from the doing, of which the court or
tribunal considers necessary to do justice between the parties; or
(d) as to costs.

e remedies in section 8(2) of PAJA are not strictly necessary, since the
broad remedies for judicial review under section 8(1) of PAJA would
suffice. However, as Hoexter has pointed out, the clear statement of
these remedies is to be welcomed for their ease of application, and
especially seeing that administrative delay is a notorious feature of
South Africa’s administration.234
As is evident from the wording of section 8(2) of PAJA, its remedies
only apply once it is established that there is a reviewable failure to take
a decision in terms of section 6(3) of PAJA.235 Section 6(3) provides that
a failure to take a decision is reviewable where (i) an administrator has a
duty to take a decision; and (ii) where the empowering law does not
prescribe any period for the taking of the decision but the administrator
has delayed unreasonably in exercising the duty to take the decision
(section 6(3)(a)), or where the empowering law prescribes a period for
the taking of the decision and that period has passed without the
administrator having taken the decision (section 6(3)(b)).236
e rst question, then, is whether the impugned administrator has
a duty, as opposed to a power or a right, to take the decision. is
distinction was emphasised by the Supreme Court of Appeal in
Commissioner, South African Revenue Service v Trend Finance (Pty)
Limited and Another.237 e court found that the empowering provision
in question did not impose a duty on the Commissioner to take a
decision but only empowered the Commissioner to do so, and held on
this basis that the section 8(2) remedies did not apply.238
Where the empowering law prescribes the time period in which the
decision must be taken, then section 6(3)(b) of PAJA ipso facto entitles
the claimant to a just and equitable remedy under section 8(2) once
that period has passed. However, if no period is prescribed for the
taking of the decision, the applicant must show that the delay is
unreasonable. In this determination context is critical, as is evidenced
in the following two cases.
In Ruyobeza and Another v Minister of Home Affairs and Others,239
the High Court found that a three-month delay by the Standing
Committee on Refugee Affairs to decide an application for a certi cate
of inde nite refugee status was unreasonable. ring J emphasised the
following factors: the committee had ‘totally ignored’ the applicant’s
request for a certi cate for three months, despite a reminder; the
committee had given no satisfactory explanation for the delay; and the
delay had caused considerable prejudice to the applicant, who was
effectively prevented from working as a result.240
e case of Sibiya v Director-General: Home Affairs and Others and
55 Related Cases241 provides an instructive contrast to Ruyobeza, and
demonstrates the importance of establishing a proper factual basis for
showing that the administrator’s delay is unreasonable. In that case
fty-six matters were brought on review in the High Court in which the
applicants sought to compel the Department of Home Affairs to issue
each applicant with a bar-coded identity document. e applications
were brought on the ground that the Department had a duty to issue
bar-coded identity documents, and that a reasonable period of three
months had elapsed since the applications were lodged with the
Department, without any identity documents having been issued. e
period of three months was advanced as being a reasonable period of
time on the basis of what the applicants had allegedly been told when
their applications had been lodged. However, Wallis J rejected the
contention that, in all fty-six cases, a delay of longer than three months
was unreasonable. Wallis J noted that this presupposed that all
applications for the issue of an identity document were of precisely the
same type involving precisely the same issues, which was patently not
the case. Wallis J described the nature of the proper enquiry into
unreasonable delay as follows:
As the question of whether the department has delayed unreasonably in
attending to an application is a question of fact in my view if an applicant wishes
to satisfy a court that there has been unreasonable delay in dealing with their
application they must furnish sufficient particulars of their personal
circumstances and the nature of their application, so as to indicate on what basis
the reasonable period has been determined. Enough information must be
furnished to convey to the court the reasons why they contend that there has been
undue delay in dealing with their application and why they allege that the
department is in default. In other words their application must be tailored to their
own situation. While one must be cautious of applying statements made in the
wholly different context of what constitutes a reasonable time for performing a
contractual obligation in the different environment of administrative action it has
there been held that what is a reasonable time will depend amongst other things
on the particular circumstances surrounding the performance of the contractual
obligation in question, and the difficulties, obstacles and delays in performing
that were actually foreseen or would be foreseen by a reasonable person. It has
also been said that one is entitled to expect reasonably prompt and appropriate
action and due diligence on the part of the party obliged to perform. Suitably
adapted, these seem to me to be appropriate matters to take into account in
determining whether a reasonable time has passed after the lodging of an
application so that it can properly be contended that the department is in
Wallis J concluded that it was not apparent from the affidavits what
information had been made available to the Department in support of
each application for an identity document, and it was thus not possible
for the court to determine what a reasonable time was to complete the
process in each case. e application was accordingly dismissed as
fatally defective.243
Where there has been unreasonable delay causing prejudice to the
applicant, a just and equitable order may require more than the court
directing the administrator to take a decision. For instance, in
Mahambehlala v MEC for Welfare, Eastern Cape and Another,244 Leach J
ordered the Department of Welfare to retrospectively pay the applicant
a social welfare grant. e Department had failed, without explanation,
to process the applicant’s application for a grant for a period of nine
months. e court found that three months was a reasonable period for
processing the application, and ordered the Department to pay the
applicant the amounts she would have been paid if the grant had been
approved in three months – that is, backdated for six months, with
interest.245 While Leach J relied on section 38 of the Constitution in
granting this order, Leach J could equally have relied on section 8(2)(c)
of PAJA which affords the court a generous power to grant orders
‘directing any of the parties to do … any act or thing the doing … of
which the court or tribunal considers necessary to do justice between
the parties’.246 As discussed above, more sustained and systemic failures
to act may also attract structural interdicts or other creative remedies
(such as, in the most severe cases, the appointment of a special master).

12.12 Non-PAJA remedies

12.12.1 Severance
Severance is a remedy associated with the correction of illegalities in
legislation and subordinate legislation (the latter of which is a species of
administrative action).247 It entails the separation and setting aside of
only the invalid portions of the legislation, where this is possible to
achieve without affecting the valid portions and objects of the
legislation. e requirements for the application of this remedy were
stated by Centlivres CJ in Johannesburg City Council v Chester eld
House (Pty) Ltd:248
e rule … is that where it is possible to separate the good from the bad in a
Statute and the good is not dependent on the bad, then that part of the Statute
which is good must be given effect to, provided that what remains carries out the
main object of the Statute … Where, however, the task of separating the bad from
the good is of such complication that it is impracticable to do so, the whole
Statute must be declared ultra vires. In such a case it naturally follows that it is
impossible to presume that the legislature intended to pass the Statute in what
may prove to be a highly truncated form …249

Severance is also applied to remedy illegalities in other documents,

such as wills or contracts. As a public law remedy, however, severance
enables courts to give effect to the constitutional principle, enshrined in
section 172(1)(a) of the Constitution, that when deciding a
constitutional matter within its power, a court must ‘declare any law or
conduct that is inconsistent with the Constitution invalid to the extent
of its inconsistency’.250 Whether severance is an applicable remedy only
‘in exceptional cases’, as a form of varying administrative action under
section 8(1)(c)(ii)(aa) of PAJA, is a question that the courts are yet to
An example of the court’s reliance on severance in the
administrative-law context appears in Retail Motor Industry
Organisation and Another v Minister of Water and Environmental
Affairs and Another.251 e Supreme Court of Appeal applied severance
to remedy a tyre waste management plan, which was approved and
published by the Minister under certain environmental regulations. e
court found that the plan unlawfully regulated both solid tyres and
pneumatic tyres, but was otherwise consistent with the regulatory
framework. To remedy the defect, the court severed and set aside all
references to solid tyres in the plan, and left the plan otherwise intact.
Severance can also have appropriate application in the case of
speci c administrative decisions, where it is possible to separate the
bad from the good and achieve the objectives of the decision. An
example would be the granting of a licence where some, but not all, of
the conditions attached to the licence are invalid.252
12.12.2 Contempt of court
Contempt of court is a useful common-law remedy which litigants may
resort to when confronted with wilful and mala de (bad faith) non-
compliance with court orders directing an opponent to do or refrain
from doing something (orders ad factum praestandum).253 While a
contempt of court order is sought by way of application on notice of
motion, contempt of court is a criminal offence, and may be punished
by a ne or committal to prison. e object of contempt proceedings is
to compel performance in accordance with the court order, as well as to
protect the rule of law by vindicating the court’s dignity, authority and
repute in the face of the non-compliance with its order.254
While non-compliance with court orders by certain organs of state
has unfortunately become rather commonplace,255 this is not
necessarily the result of wilful and mala de non-compliance. It may be
symptomatic of a systemic break-down in the administration, or simply
of incompetence on the part of public officials.256 Neither of these
causes for non-compliance suffice to establish contempt of court; what
is required is deliberate and intentional (that is, wilful) and mala de
Since criminal punishments can follow upon ndings of contempt
of court, the courts apply the requirements for contempt orders strictly.
e Supreme Court of Appeal considered the nature and requirements
of contempt of court in detail in Fakie NO v CCII Systems (Pty) Ltd.258
e court con rmed that there are four requirements for a contempt of
court order: (i) the existence of an order of court obliging the
respondent to perform an obligation ad factum praestandum; (ii) the
respondent must have personal knowledge of the court order – this may
be established by showing that the respondent received service or
notice of the court order; (iii) non-compliance by the respondent with
the court order; and (iv) willfulness and mala des (bad faith) in the
non-compliance. Each of these requirements must be proved on the
criminal standard of proof – that is, beyond a reasonable doubt.259 Once
the applicant has proved the rst three requirements (court order,
service or notice, and non-compliance), the respondent bears an
evidential burden in relation to wilfulness and mala des: If the
respondent fails to advance evidence to establish a reasonable doubt
that the non-compliance was wilful and mala de (in bad faith),
contempt will be taken to have been proved beyond a reasonable doubt.
e approach to contempt of court proceedings set out in Fakie was
endorsed and applied by the Constitutional Court in Pheko and Others v
Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (No 2).260 In that case, the
Constitutional Court confronted non-compliance by a municipality
with two court’s orders directing the municipality to le a report on its
progress in housing an evicted community. e municipality’s excuse
for its non-compliance was that it had not been made aware of the court
orders by its attorney. e Constitutional Court accepted that the
municipality’s non-compliance with the orders was not wilful or mala
de, and that the municipality had not acted with contempt. e court
went on to consider whether the municipality’s attorney, Mr Khoza, had
acted with contempt. e court held that liability for contempt of court
extends ‘not only the person named or party to the suit but all those
who, with the knowledge of the order, aid and abet the disobedience or
wilfully are party to the disobedience’.261 Mr Khoza’s excuse was that he
too had not received notice of the court’s orders, because his email
address, telephone and fax numbers had changed when he relocated
his office. While the court accepted that Mr Khoza’s explanation meant
that contempt was not established, it proceeded to grant a personal
costs order (costs de bonis propriis) against Mr Khoza for gross
negligence and a gross disregard for his professional responsibilities.
Generally, contempt of court applications are brought by way of a
rule nisi (obtained ex parte), calling on the respondent to show cause on
the return day why an order of contempt of court should not be granted.
is procedure ensures that before a contempt order is granted, the
respondent has been given proper notice of the alleged non-
compliance. is also secures the attendance of the respondent at court
on the return day, to enable an order of committal to be enforced.
The practical challenges of obtaining contempt of
court orders against senior public officials
Obtaining contempt of court orders against obstructive
senior public officials is difficult for several reasons. First,
court orders directing officials to take certain steps
seldom specify the officials responsible for performing
the particular obligations. Instead, entire departments
are often directed to take certain measures. Such orders
will not found a contempt order; what is required is non-
compliance by a particular respondent with a specific
performance obligation under the court order. Second,
proving non-compliance with a court order is difficult if
the order does not specify timeframes for performance.
These two difficulties can be addressed by the careful
crafting of the relief sought by applicants. The third
difficulty is more intractable. Where senior government
officials and government ministers are sought to be held
in contempt of court, proving personal knowledge of the
court order (that is, by personal service or notice of the
order) is notoriously difficult. As the Labour Court noted
in Setshedi v Minister Ndebele,262 ‘the nature of
government bureaucracy, […] insulates senior
government officials and ministers from direct personal
interaction with sheriffs responsible for giving effect to
service’. This places frustrated litigants, as well as the
court, in an invidious position, since it remains the duty
of the court to ensure that effective remedial action is
taken to ensure compliance with its judgments.263
Contempt of court proceedings typically play out as
a game brinkmanship. Ultimately, however, the threat of
a contempt order and the possibility of imprisonment,
does tend to prompt government officials to perform
their obligations, albeit belatedly. For this reason, the
remedy remains, as Cameron JA put it in Fakie, ‘a most
valuable mechanism’.264

12.13 Costs
Under section 8(1)(f) of PAJA, the court’s remedial discretion to make
any order that is just and equitable includes ‘any order as to costs’. e
court thus retains the discretion it enjoys under the common law: the
award of costs is wholly in the discretion of the court, provided that the
discretion is exercised ‘judicially’, that is honestly and reasonably.265
ere are, however, two respects in which the exercise of the court’s
discretion on costs in judicial review proceedings differs from the
general common-law approach.
e rst distinguishing feature is that judicial review is a form of
constitutional litigation.266 As a result, the principles on costs that
govern constitutional litigation must be applied.267 e locus classicus
on costs in constitutional litigation involving the state is the
Constitutional Court’s judgment in Biowatch Trust v Registrar, Genetic
Resources and Others.268
In that case the Constitutional Court held that, where the state is
shown to have failed to ful l its constitutional and statutory obligations,
and where different private parties are affected, the general rule is that:
(i) the state should bear the costs of litigants who have been successful
against it, and (ii) ordinarily there should be no costs orders against any
private litigants who have become involved.269 e Constitutional Court
explained the threefold rationale for this rule as follows:
… In the rst place it diminishes the chilling effect that adverse costs orders
would have on parties seeking to assert constitutional rights. Constitutional
litigation frequently goes through many courts and the costs involved can be high.
Meritorious claims might not be proceeded with because of a fear that failure
could lead to nancially ruinous consequences. Similarly, people might be
deterred from pursuing constitutional claims because of a concern that even if
they succeed they will be deprived of their costs because of some inadvertent
procedural or technical lapse. Secondly, constitutional litigation, whatever the
outcome, might ordinarily bear not only on the interests of the particular litigants
involved, but also on the rights of all those in similar situations. Indeed, each
constitutional case that is heard enriches the general body of constitutional
jurisprudence and adds texture to what it means to be living in a constitutional
democracy. irdly, it is the State that bears primary responsibility for ensuring
that both the law and State conduct are consistent with the Constitution. If there
should be a genuine, non-frivolous challenge to the constitutionality of a law or of
State conduct, it is appropriate that the State should bear the costs if the challenge
is good, but if it is not, then the losing non-State litigant should be shielded from
the costs consequences of failure. In this way responsibility for ensuring that the
law and State conduct are constitutional is placed at the correct door.270

In relation to constitutional litigation between two private parties, the

approach to costs is laid down in Bothma v Els and Others.271 It is to the
effect that (i) the general principle is that costs will follow the result; and
(ii) in ‘exceptional cases’, the court will make no order as to costs. In
particular, no order as to costs will be made where ‘the pursuit of public
interest litigation could be unduly chilled by an adverse costs order’.272
Secondly, where judicial review concerns the performance of public
duties by public officials, the award of costs is informed by the court’s
concern to promote good governance.273 us, on the one hand, where
administrators have performed their duties and litigated in good faith,
the courts have expressed reluctance to award costs against the
administrator. On the other hand, where administrators have acted
mala de, or where gross administrative irregularities or abuse of legal
process have been committed, the courts have readily awarded costs
against the administrator. In particularly egregious cases, the courts
have awarded costs on a punitive scale274 or costs de bonis propriis,
meaning that the costs must be paid out of the official’s own pocket.275
In keeping with the Biowatch Trust principles, the courts will not
readily award costs against persons who are unsuccessful in seeking to
enforce their right to just administrative action. However private parties
are not immunised from appropriate sanctions, including punitive costs
orders and costs de bonis propriis, for litigation that is vexatious,
frivolous, professionally unbecoming or in any other similar way
abusive of the processes of the court. As Ackermann J noted in Motsepe,
spurious constitutional challenges ‘can neither be in the interests of the
administration of justice or fair to those who are forced to oppose such
In Black Sash v Minister of Social Development (No 2)277 the
Constitutional Court ordered the Minister of Social Development,
Bathabile Dlamini, to pay a portion of the costs of the litigation
personally. A separate fact- nding inquiry into the Minister’s conduct
(which had been ordered by the court) had found that Ms Dlamini had
not made full disclosure to the court of material facts in her affidavits
led in litigation before it. Based on these ndings, the court ordered
the Minister to pay 20% of the litigation costs out of her own pocket, for
misleading the court. e court emphasised that imposing personal
liability for costs on public officials who act contrary to their
constitutional obligations is an important tool for ensuring
accountability. It rejected the Minister’s argument that a personal costs
order against her would offend the separation of powers, and reasoned
that –
When courts make costs orders they do not make judgments on the political
accountability of public officials. ey do so only in relation to how the rights of
people are affected by the conduct of a public official who is not open,
transparent and accountable and how that impacts on the responsibility to a
court by those involved in the litigation.278

e Constitutional Court was again called upon to consider a personal

costs order against a public official – this time, the Public Protector,
Busisiwe Mkhwebane – in the South African Reserve Bank matter.279 e
High Court had ordered the Public Protector to pay 15% of the Reserve
Bank’s costs on a punitive attorney-and-client scale, in her personal
capacity, for misleading the court under oath as to her reliance on
certain expert evidence, for failing to disclose meetings with the
Presidency and the State Security Agency in her investigation, and for
obfuscating and failing to give a full and frank account of the steps she
took in producing a report that, amongst other things, directed
Parliament to change the constitutional mandate of the Reserve Bank.
e Public Protector appealed against this order to the Constitutional
Court. e majority of the Constitutional Court upheld the costs order
granted by the High Court. It applied the principles set out in Black Sash
II, and con rmed that a decision to impose personal and punitive costs
– like all costs awards – entails an exercise of true discretion. As such, an
appellate court will not lightly interfere with the award. e court also
emphasised the constitutional source and purpose of personal costs
orders, as follows:
[T]he source of a court’s power to impose personal costs orders against public
officials is the Constitution itself. e Constitution requires public officials to be
accountable and observe heightened standards in litigation. ey must not
mislead or obfuscate. ey must do right and they must do it properly. ey are
required to be candid and place a full and fair account of the facts before a court.
e purpose of a personal costs order against a public official is to vindicate
the Constitution. ese orders are not inconsistent with the Constitution; they are
required for its protection because public officials who out their constitutional
obligations must be held to account. And when their de ance of their
constitutional obligations is egregious, it is they who should pay the costs of the
litigation brought against them, and not the taxpayer.280

In making costs awards, the court must also be guided by any special
provisions on costs in the applicable legislation. For example, sections
32(2) and (3) of the National Environmental Management Act281 contain
special provisions on costs awards for environmental litigation, and
provide that a court may decide not to award costs against unsuccessful
litigants who are acting in the public interest or to protect the
environment and who had made due efforts to use other means for
obtaining the relief.

12.14 Appealing decisions on remedy

In Trencon,282 the Constitutional Court held that the determination of a
just and equitable remedy is an exercise of ‘a true discretion’. A true
discretion exists where the lower court has a number of equally
permissible options available to it. e signi cance of this
characterisation is that another court on appeal will not second-guess
or lightly interfere with the exercise of a true discretion. It will only
interfere if the discretion was not exercised judicially, was in uenced by
wrong principles or a misdirection on the facts, or if the decision
reached could not reasonably have been made by a court properly
directing itself to all the relevant facts and principles. In other words,
there must have been a material misdirection on the part of the lower
court in order for an appeal court to interfere; it is not sufficient on
appeal simply to show that the lower court’s order was wrong. is
‘principle of appellant restraint’ was described by Moseneke DCJ in
Florence v Government of the Republic of South Africa:283
Where a court is granted wide decision making powers with a number of options
or variables, an appellate court may not interfere unless it is clear that the choice
the court has preferred is at odds with the law. If the impugned decision lies
within a range of permissible decisions, an appeal court may not interfere only
because it favours a different option within the range. is principle of appellate
restraint preserves judicial comity. It fosters certainty in the application of the law
and favours nality in judicial decision making.


When a court finds that administrative action is irregular, the court must declare
the action invalid, and then has a wide discretion to award appropriate relief. Since
administrative law litigation amounts to constitutional litigation, the Constitution’s
provisions dealing with remedies apply to such instances. These provisions are
supplemented by PAJA’s provisions on remedies in section 8, which mandates
courts to grant any order that is just and equitable.
Administrative law remedies thus operate in two stages:
1. when a decision is inconsistent with demands of the Constitution, PAJA or the
common law, a court must declare it invalid; and
2. once a court has declared the decision invalid, the court has discretion to
order a ‘just and equitable’ remedy.

The main remedies that the courts grant are first, declaring the irregular
administrative action invalid and, second setting it aside and remitting (or sending
it back) to the administrator to take the decision afresh. This is the default
approach. However, courts may grant an exceptional remedy such as suspending
the declaration of invalidity and declining to set the decision aside; substituting the
administrative action (where a court makes the decision itself, instead of remitting
it to the administrator); or granting compensation (monetary relief).

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• Taylor, H (2019) Forcing the Court’s Remedial Hand: Non-Compliance as a
Catalyst for Remedial Innovation Constitutional Court Review IX:247
• Van Loggerenberg, DE; Bishop, M & Brickhill, J (2014) Erasmus: Superior
Courts Practice (Revision Service 45) Appendix E8: Interdicts at 1–15

1 3 of 2000.
2 Steenkamp NO v Provincial Tender Board, Eastern Cape 2007 (3) SA 121 (CC) para 22.
3 1997 (3) SA 786 (CC) para 69.
4 Steenkamp para 29.
5 Steenkamp paras 29–30. See also Allpay Consolidated Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd and
Others v Chief Executive Officer, South African Social Security Agency and Others 2014 (4) SA
179 (CC) (remedy judgment) (‘Allpay (remedy)’) paras 29–34.
6 Steenkamp para 29.
7 Steenkamp para 30; Bengwenyama Minerals (Pty) Ltd and Others v Genorah Resources (Pty)
Ltd and Others 2011 (4) SA 113 (CC) para 83.
8 Section 8(1) of PAJA provides:
(1) e court or tribunal, in proceedings for judicial review in terms of section 6(1),
may grant any order that is just and equitable, including orders-
(a) directing the administrator-
(i) to give reasons; or
(ii) to act in the manner the court or tribunal requires;
(b) prohibiting the administrator from acting in a particular manner;
(c) setting aside the administrative action and-
(i) remitting the matter for reconsideration by the administrator, with or
without directions; or
(ii) in exceptional cases-
(aa) substituting or varying the administrative action or correcting a
defect resulting from the administrative action; or
(bb) directing the administrator or any other party to the proceedings
to pay compensation;
(d) declaring the rights of the parties in respect of any matter to which the
administrative action relates;
(e) granting a temporary interdict or other temporary relief; or
(f) as to costs.
9 Bengwenyama Minerals paras 81–85; Allpay Consolidated Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd
and Others v Chief Executive Officer, South African Social Security Agency and Others 2014
(1) SA 604 (CC) (merits judgment) (‘Allpay (merits)’) para 56; Allpay (remedy) para 31.
10 See Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of SA and Another: In Re Ex Parte President
of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2000 (2) SA 674 (CC) paras 44–45 and 51; Bato
Star Fishing (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Environmental Affairs and Others 2004 (4) SA 490 (CC)
para 22.
11 As discussed in Hoexter, C (2012) Administrative Law in South Africa (2nd ed) at 127–131, it
remains a matter of some debate whether the judicial review of private power is a
constitutional matter or involves only the application of the common law. However, the
judicial review of private power is rare, and so is not considered further in this chapter.
12 is follows from section 172(1) of the Constitution and the doctrine of objective
constitutional invalidity. See the discussion box at section 12.4.3 below for an explanation
of the doctrine of objective constitutional invalidity. See also Ferreira v Levin NO and
Others; Vryenhoek and Others v Powell NO and Others 1996 (1) SA 984 (CC) paras 27–28; Ex
Parte Women’s Legal Centre, In Re Moise v Greater Germiston Transitional Local Council
2001 (4) SA 1288 (CC) paras 11–13.
13 Oudekraal Estates para 26; MEC for Health, Eastern Cape and Another v Kirland
Investments (Pty) Ltd t/a Eye and Lazer Institute 2014 (3) SA 481 (CC) para 100.
14 Kirland para 102, fn 74; Seale v Van Rooyen NO and Others; Provincial Government, North
West Province v Van Rooyen NO and Others 2008 (4) SA 43 (SCA) paras 13–14; Corruption
Watch NPC and Others v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others; Nxasana v
Corruption Watch NPC and Others 2018 (10) BCLR 1179 (CC) paras 31–34.
15 2008 (2) SA 481 (SCA) para 23.
16 2004 (6) SA 222 (SCA) para 36.
17 We discuss this case in more detail below at 12.5.1.
18 Oudekraal Estates para 39. To explain this effect, the SCA quoted and relied on Christopher
Forsyth, ‘e Metaphysic of Nullity: Invalidity, Conceptual Reasoning and the Rule of Law’
in Essays on Public Law in Honour of Sir William Wade QC at 141. e following passage by
Forsyth (at 159) is quoted at paragraph 29 of the Oudekraal Estates judgment, and neatly
sums up the principle:
[I]t has been argued that unlawful administrative acts are void in law. But they clearly
exist in fact and they often appear to be valid; and those unaware of their invalidity
may take decisions and act on the assumption that these acts are valid. When this
happens the validity of these later acts depends upon the legal powers of the second
actor. e crucial issue to be determined is whether that second actor has legal power
to act validly notwithstanding the invalidity of the rst act …
19 Magni cent Mile Trading 30 (Pty) Limited v Charmaine Celliers NO and Others 2020 (1)
BCLR 41 (CC).
20 Magni cent Mile para 43.
21 1996 (1) SA 984 (CC).
22 Kruger v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2009 (1) SA 417 (CC) para 52.
23 2011 (2) SA 473 (CC).
24 Oudekraal Estates para 36:
[A] court that is asked to set aside an invalid administrative act in proceedings for
judicial review has a discretion whether to grant or to withhold the remedy.
25 Hoexter (2012) 545.
26 See, for example, Johannesburg Consolidated Investment Co v Johannesburg Town Council
1903 TS 111 at 115, where Innes CJ held:
Whenever a public body has a duty imposed on it by statute, and disregards important
provisions of the statute, or is guilty of gross irregularity or clear illegality in the
performance of the duty, this Court may be asked to review the proceedings
complained of and set aside or correct them. is is no special machinery created by
the Legislature; it is a right inherent in the Court, which has jurisdiction to entertain all
civil causes and proceedings arising …
See further, Baxter, L (1984) Administrative Law 678.
27 Allpay (remedy) para 30. See also Steenkamp para 29:
e purpose of a public-law remedy is to pre-empt or correct or reverse an improper
administrative function…
28 Allpay (remedy) para 67.
29 2007 (3) SA 121 (CC).
30 Corruption Watch (NPC) (RF) v Chief Executive Officer of the South African Social Services
and Others [2018] ZAGPPHC 7.
31 Cash Paymaster Services (Pty) Ltd v Chief Executive Officer of the South African Social
Security Agency and Others [2019] 4 All SA 327 (SCA).
32 Under the common law, the rebuttable presumption of validity of administrative acts is
expressed in the common-law maxim omnia praesumuntur rite esse acta. See Baxter (1984)
33 See Oudekraal Estates para 26.
34 Kirland paras 65–66 and 100–103.
35 Magni cent Mile para 50.
36 Kirland para 103.
37 Oudekraal Estates para 26.
38 Kirland para 103.
39 Oudekraal Estates paras 26 and 40.
40 Kirland para 65.
41 Kirland paras 40–44, 46, 60–61.
42 See, for example, the majority judgments of the Constitutional Court in Kirland;
Magni cent Mile; Merafong City Local Municipality v AngloGold Ashanti Limited 2017 (2)
SA 211 (CC); and Department of Transport v Tasima (Pty) Limited 2017 (2) SA 622 (CC).
43 e ‘collateral challenge’ is discussed in Oudekraal Estates paras 32–36; see also Baxter
(1984) 359. More recently, see Merafong and Tasima.
44 Oudekraal Estates para 32.
45 Oudekraal Estates para 34.
46 Oudekraal Estates para 36.
47 Merafong paras 26–30, 55. e minority (per Jafta J) agreed on this point, and found there
was no reason of principle to preclude the state from raising a collateral challenge where it
faces a claim that it must comply with an illegal decision: paras 100–106.
48 Merafong paras 59–61, 76–77.
49 Tasima para 140.
50 Tasima para 150.
51 Tasima paras 163–171.
52 Section 237 of the Constitution.; Merafong paras 59–61; Khumalo and Another v Member of
the Executive Council for Education: KwaZulu Natal 2014 (5) SA 579 (CC) para 46.
53 2008 (2) SA 638 (SCA).
54 2009 (4) SA 628 (SCA).
55 New Reclamation Group para 16.
56 New Reclamation Group para 14.
57 2010 (4) SA 359 (SCA).
58 Moseme para 20.
59 Moseme para 21.
60 2008 (2) SA 481 (SCA).
61 Millennium Waste paras 25–30.
62 e court acknowledged, however, that it was unable to assess why the differential in
bidding price was so large, and it was left to speculate as to whether setting aside the
contract at that stage would result in cost savings.
63 Jafta JA explained the effect of the order at paragraph 32 as follows:
[It] vindicates the appellant’s rights to the full while it prevents the potential for
disruption to the service, and it avoids unwarranted loss to the public purse. It might
end up that the consortium suffers loss – that will occur only if appellant’s tender is
accepted and even then commercial considerations that minimise the loss might
come into play – but that is inevitable if we are to accommodate the potential loss to
the public purse. It seems to me that such an order promises no loss to the public
purse and an uninterrupted service. And if it turns out that the consortium has indeed
been pro teering excessively and loses the contract as a result, then any loss that it
might suffer does not weigh heavily with me. e order envisaged here maintains a
balance between the parties’ con icting interests while taking into account the public
ere is a conceptual problem with the order. While the court declared the tender award to
64 be invalid, it did not suspend the declaration of invalidity. However, this was clearly the
intent, as the court made the setting aside of the tender award conditional on the re-
evaluation of the bids resulting in a different decision. A suspension of the declaration of
invalidity must thus be taken to be implied in the order.
65 Allpay (merits); Allpay (remedy).
66 e only tender case previously before the Constitutional Court, Steenkamp, concerned a
delictual claim following the setting aside of a tender award. e Constitutional Court did
consider the merits of the review nor whether the setting aside of that tender was just and
67 Allpay (merits) paras 23–27.
68 Allpay (remedy) para 37.
69 Froneman J explained the ‘practical approach’ adopted in the order at para 40:
We acknowledge that we are not in a position to determine what the effect of making a
new tender award will be on a number of interests. ese include: the ability of other
potential tenderers to make truly competitive bids; whether a new system will
necessarily disrupt existing payments; whether SASSA will be able to run the
administration and payment of social grants independently at the time envisaged; and
what advantages Cash Paymaster may derive from its incumbency. A new tender
process will make it possible for SASSA to have more information available to it when
it makes a decision whether to award a new tender at the end of the process. It is true
that this will come at some cost, between R5 million and R10 million at current
estimates, but in the context of the vast sums involved, and considering the potential
for a more cost-effective solution, this is a justi able price to pay to ensure that the rule
of law and the demands of transparency and accountability are met.
70 Khumalo; Kirland; Tasima; City of Cape Town v Aurecon South Africa (Pty) Ltd 2017 (4) SA
223 (CC); State Information Technology Agency SOC Limited v Gijima Holdings (Pty)
Limited 2018 (2) SA 23 (CC); and Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality v Asla
Construction (Pty) Limited 2019 (4) SA 331 (CC).
71 2018 (2) SA 23 (CC).
72 2019 (4) SA 331 (CC).
73 Boonzaier, L (2018) A Decision to Undo SALJ 135(4):642; De Beer, MN (2018) A New Role
for the Principle of Legality in Administrative Law SALJ 135(4):613; Quinot, G & van der
Sijde, E (2019) Opening at the Close: Clarity from the Constitutional Court on the Legal
Cause of Action and Regulatory Framework for an Organ of State Seeking to Review its Own
Decisions? TSAR 2:324.
74 is nding, in particular, has been criticised. See Chapter 11 section 11.2.5.
75 At para 54.
76 At para 66.
77 At para 105.
78 See especially paras 129–133; 147–149.
79 At para 127.
80 At para 139.
81 Gauteng Gambling Board v Silverstar Development Ltd and Others 2005 (4) SA 67 (SCA)
para 29. See also Bato Star Fishing paras 46–49; Logbro Properties CC v Bedderson NO and
Others 2003 (2) SA 460 (SCA) para 21; Trencon Construction (Pty) Ltd v Industrial
Development Corporation of South Africa Limited 2015 (5) SA 245 (CC) paras 43–46.
82 2007 (6) SA 442 (Ck) para 46.
83 Allpay (merits) para 42.
84 2013 (6) SA 235 (SCA).
85 Clairison’s para 18.
86 Section 8(1)(c)(i) provides for orders
(c) setting aside the administrative action and– (i) remitting the matter for
reconsideration by the administrator, with or without directions. (Emphasis
87 2003 (2) SA 460.
88 Logbro Properties paras 20–21. Cameron JA went on to nd (at paras 23–25) that procedural
fairness required the committee to afford the compliant tenderers an opportunity to make
written representations on the signi cance of the change in property value before the
committee decided to recommend re-advertisement. On this basis, Cameron JA set aside
the decision to re-advertise and remitted the matter to the committee to allow for such
representations to be made before a new decision was taken.
89 Section 8(1)(c)(ii)(aa) of PAJA.
90 For a discussion of the common-law position, see Baxter (1984) 681–685 and Trencon
Construction v IDC paras 36–39.
91 Silverstar paras 28–29.
92 Trencon Construction v IDC para 42.
93 Trencon Construction v IDC paras 35, 47, 53.
94 Trencon Construction v IDC para 47.
95 Baxter (1984) 681–685. See also Hoexter (2012) 553–557. See these same guidelines
recognised in University of the Western Cape and Others v Member of Executive Committee
for Health and Social Services and Others 1998 (3) SA 124 (C) at 131D–J; Ruyobeza and
Another v Minister of Home Affairs and Others 2003 (5) SA 51 (C) at 64G.
96 M v Minister of Home Affairs and Others (6871/2013) [2014] ZAGPPHC 649 (22 August
2014) paras 177–179; Silverstar paras 38–39; eron en Andere v Ring van Wellington van
die NG Sendingkerk in Suid-Afrika en Andere 1976 (2) SA 1 (A).
97 See, for example, Hangklip Environmental Action Group v MEC for Agriculture,
Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, Western Cape and Others 2007 (6) SA 65
(C); Silverstar paras 38–39.
98 M v Minister of Home Affairs and Others paras 175–176; ICS Pension Fund v Sithole and
Others NNO 2010 (3) SA 419 (T) para 97; Head, Western Cape Education Department and
Others v Governing Body, Point High School and Others 2008 (5) SA 18 (SCA) para 17;
Ruyobeza at 65D–H.
99 M v Minister of Home Affairs and Others paras 170–174; Mlokoti v Amathole District
Municipality and Another 2009 (6) SA 354 (E) at 380I–381B; Tantoush v Refugee Appeal
Board 2008 (1) SA 232 (T) para 127; Minister of Local Government and Land Tenure v
Inkosinathi Property Developers (Pty) Ltd and Another 1992 (2) SA 234 (TkA); Mahlaela v
De Beer NO 1986 (4) SA 782 (T) at 794–795; Essack v Durban City Council 1953 (4) SA 17 (N)
at 23.
100 2015 (5) SA 245 (CC).
101 Trencon Construction v IDC para 47.
102 Trencon Construction v IDC paras 47–51.
103 2007 (6) SA 442 (Ck).
104 Intertrade Two para 43.
105 See Baxter (1984) 684; Commissioner, Competition Commission v General Council of the Bar
of South Africa and Others 2002 (6) SA 606 (SCA) para 15; Minister of Trade and Industry v
Sundays River Citrus Company (Pty) Ltd [2020] 1 All SA 635 (SCA) paras 23–27. See also
Masamba v Chairperson, Western Cape Regional Committee, Immigrants Selection Board
2001 (12) BCLR 1239 (C) at 1259H–1260E; and Ruyobeza at 65F–H.
106 Silverstar paras 38–39.
107 Silverstar para 39.
108 Trencon Construction v IDC para 58.
109 Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Limited v Trencon Construction (Pty)
Ltd [2014] 4 All SA 561 (SCA) paras 18–19.
110 Trencon Construction v IDC paras 62–65.
111 Trencon Construction v IDC paras 68–71.
112 Trencon Construction v IDC para 73.
113 Trencon Construction v IDC para 74.
114 Westinghouse Electric Belgium Societe Anonyme v Eskom Holdings (Soc) Ltd and Another
2016 (3) SA 1 (SCA).
115 Westinghouse paras 76–78
116 M v Minister of Home Affairs and Others paras 170–176.
117 M v Minister of Home Affairs and Others paras 170–179.
118 Tshiyombo v Refugee Appeal Board and Others 2016 (4) SA 469 (WCC) at para 46.
119 At paras 43–45.
120 At para 46. See further: Ruyobiza and Another v Minister of Home Affairs and Others 2003
(5) SA 51 (C) at 65C–H; Tantoush v Refugee Appeal Board 2008 (1) SA 232 (T). See also Jose
and Another v e Minister of Home Affairs and Others 2019 (4) SA 597 (GP), where the
High Court ordered the Minister of Home Affairs to grant the applicants citizenship; and
Gavri v Refugee Status Determination Officer, Cape Town and Others 2019 (1) SA 21 (CC),
where the Constitutional Court substituted a decision of the Refugee Status Determination
Offer to refuse an application for refugee status.
121 Allpay (remedy) para 68.
122 Hoexter (2012) 520ff. See also Steenkamp paras 29–30.
123 Whether constitutional damages can be sought for an infringement only of the right to just
administrative action is open to contestation. See discussion at section 12.9.3 below.
124 Steenkamp para 31. See, more recently, Home Talk Developments (Pty) Ltd v Ekurhuleni
Metropolitan Municipality 2018 (1) SA 391 (SCA), and Odi n (Pty) Ltd v Reynecke 2018 (1)
SA 153 (SCA) – two cases where the Supreme Court of Appeal dismissed delictual claims
for pure economic loss on the basis that the breaches of statutory duties were wrongful (in
the delictual sense).
125 See Darson Construction (Pty) Ltd v City of Cape Town and Another 2007 (4) SA 488 (C) at
504I–505E; De Jong and Others v e Trustees of the Simcha Trust and Another 2014 (4) SA
73 (WCC) para 25.
126 De Jong para 25.
127 South African Post Office v De Lacy and Another 2009 (5) SA 255 (SCA) para 4; Minister of
Finance and Others v Gore NO 2007 (1) SA 111 (SCA) para 10; Steenkamp para 56;
Telematrix (Pty) Ltd t/a Matrix Vehicle Tracking v Advertising Standards Authority SA 2006
(1) SA 461 (SCA) para 26.
128 2001 (3) SA 1247 (SCA).
129 Sections 187 and 24 of the interim Constitution respectively. Cameron JA considered
delictual damages as a form of ‘appropriate relief’ under section 7(4)(a) of the interim
Constitution (the predecessor to section 38 of the nal Constitution) for breach of the right
to administrative justice. Section 7(4)(a) empowered the court to grant ‘appropriate relief’
for an infringement or threat to any fundamental right under Chapter 3 of the interim
130 Olitzki Property Holdings para 30.
131 Olitzki Property Holdings para 41, citing Ackermann in Fose at para 72. See also the
endorsement of Cameron JA’s reasoning on this point by the Constitutional Court in
Steenkamp per Moseneke DCJ at para 40 and per Langa CJ and O’Regan J at paras 79–81.
132 Olitzki Property Holdings para 42.
133 2007 (3) SA 121 (CC).
134 At paras 42–55.
135 e reliance that Moseneke DCJ placed on the availability of alternative remedies (at paras
48–50) was strongly contested in the dissenting judgment of Langa CJ and O’Regan J.
Moseneke DCJ found that the successful tenderer had alternative remedies as it could re-
tender upon remittal and the running of a fresh tender and, upon the tender award, it could
have negotiated that the right to restitution of out-of-pocket expenses upon a setting aside
of the tender was included in its contract. Langa CJ and O’Regan J disputed both proposed
alternative remedies, at paras 88–89. In respect of the rst, they observed that unlike the
unsuccessful tenderer, the successful tenderer ‘cannot challenge the tender award by way
of judicial review nor may it seek to have its validity con rmed’. Moreover, if the tender is
repeated, while the successful tenderer may enter the race for the tender again, even if the
successful tenderer is again successful, ‘it still may not receive reimbursement for out-of-
pocket expenses incurred the rst time around’. And if it is unsuccessful in the next round,
‘it certainly will not have those expenses reimbursed’. As regards the second proposed
alternative remedy, Langa CJ and O’Regan J noted that there was no evidence led on this
issue, and expressed skepticism as to whether a successful tenderer is indeed able to
demand terms in its contract with government which protect its interests in the event of the
tender award being set aside.
136 Steenkamp at para 55(a), citing Telematrix at paras 13–14. Telematrix concerned a delictual
claim against an incorrect decision by the Advertising Standards Authority. e Supreme
Court of Appeal further described the public policy considerations requiring immunity of
adjudicators at paras 26–28:
[P]ublic policy considerations require that adjudicators of disputes are immune to
damages claims in respect of their incorrect and negligent decisions. e overriding
consideration has always been that, by the very nature of the adjudication process,
rights will be affected and that the process will bog down unless decisions can be
made without fear of damages claims, something that must impact on the
independence of the adjudicator. Decisions made in bad faith are, however, unlawful
and can give rise to damages claims.
137 Steenkamp paras 42 and 55 (citing the SCA judgment a quo).
138 Steenkamp para 75.
139 Steenkamp para 84.
140 Steenkamp para 92.
141 Steenkamp paras 82 and 94.
142 Steenkamp para 83.
143 Steenkamp para 86. On this point, see however Country Cloud Trading CC v MEC,
Department of Infrastructure Development, Gauteng 2015 (1) SA 1 (CC) paras 44–50, where
the Constitutional Court declined to impose delictual liability for pure economic loss solely
on the basis of a norm of accountability.
144 2005 (1) SA 299 (SCA).
145 2007 (1) SA 111 (SCA).
146 Gore paras 88 and 90.
147 In Steenkamp para 30, Moseneke J stated that ‘[i]t is unnecessary to speculate on when
cases are exceptional. at question will have to be left to the speci c context of each case’.
148 2014 (4) SA 73 (WCC).
149 e Trustees of the Simcha Trust and Another v De Jong and Others 2015 (4) SA 229 (SCA)
paras 27–28.
150 Walele v City of Cape Town and Others 2008 (6) SA 129 (CC).
151 Section 8(1)(c) reads, with emphasis added:
e court or tribunal, in proceedings for judicial review in terms of section 6(1), may
grant any order that is just and equitable, including orders –

(c) setting aside the administrative action and –
(i) remitting the matter for reconsideration by the administrator, with or
without directions; or
(ii) in exceptional cases –
(aa) substituting or varying the administrative action or correcting a
defect resulting from the administrative action; or
(bb) directing the administrator or any other party to the proceedings
to pay compensation …
152 De Jong para 19.
153 De Jong para 21.
154 De Jong para 22.
155 De Jong para 23.
156 De Jong paras 26–28.
157 2007 (4) SA 488 (C).
158 Darson Construction at 502F–G.
159 Darson Construction at 502J–503F.
160 Selikowitz J reasoned at 510E–G as follows:
I am, however, satis ed that applicant is entitled to some compensation for the
manner in which rst respondent breached its right to administrative justice. Having
regard to the facts of this matter it is clear that applicant responded - at a cost - to the
invitation to tender, only to have its tender considered by an unauthorised
administrator - the Supply Chain Management Committee. Applicant deserved far
better from rst respondent.
161 De Jong para 26.
162 2007 (6) SA 52 (SCA).
163 Dunn v Minister of Defence and Others 2006 (2) SA 107 (T). Whether the court a quo’s order
– of compensation without setting aside – is permitted under section 8(1)(c) of PAJA is not
clear, however. On the construction of section 8(1)(c), as discussed in De Jong, an order of
compensation may have to follow an order that sets aside unlawful administrative action.
164 Minister of Defence and Others v Dunn 2007 (6) SA 52 (SCA) para 33.
165 Minister of Defence v Dunn paras 38–40.
166 In Darson Construction at 502C–D, Selikowitz J opined that the interpretation and
application of the phase ‘in exceptional cases’ under section 8(1)(c)(ii)(bb) would require
the presence of different factors from that in section 8(1)(c)(ii)(aa). However, Selikowitz J
declined to attempt to de ne the phrase and expressed the view that it is undesirable to do
so as ‘each case will need to be assessed on its own facts’.
167 De Jong para 24.
168 De Jong para 24.
169 Minister of Defence v Dunn para 40. See also Darson Construction at 509F–510D.
170 Minister of Defence v Dunn para 39. However, the SCA’s ndings on compensation were
171 City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality v RPM Bricks Proprietary Ltd 2008 (3) SA 1
(SCA) para 25.
172 Nortje v Pool NO 1966 (3) SA 96 (A) 134G. See also Pucljowski v Johnston’s Executors 1946
WLD 1 at 6.
173 Benedetti v Sawiris & Ors [2013] UKSC 50.
174 [2013] UKSC 50.
175 Benedetti v Sawiris & Ors, majority judgment per Lord Clarke, at para 34.
176 McCarthy Retail Ltd v Shortdistance Carriers CC 2001 (3) SA 482 (SCA) paras 8–10. See also
the minority judgment of Ogilvie ompson JA in Nortje v Pool.
177 Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality v Maluti Plant Hire 2017 JDR 0401 (FB) paras 33–36
(full bench decision); and Special New Fruit Licensing Limited and Others v Colours Fruit
(South Africa) (Pty) Limited and Others [2019] ZAWCHC 83 paras 143–147.
178 2017 JDR 0401 (FB).
179 Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality v Maluti Plant Hire paras 30–33 and 37.
180 [2019] ZAWCHC 83.
181 Rural Maintenance (Pty) Ltd v Maluti a-Phofong Local Municipality [2019] ZAFSHC 186.
182 Rural Maintenance at paras 29–30, 36–41.
183Allpay (remedy) para 67, read with footnote 47.
184Shabangu v Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa 2020 (1) SA 305
(CC) paras 26–28.
185 MEC, Department of Welfare, Eastern Cape v Kate 2006 (4) SA 478 (SCA) paras 22–33.
186 2006 (4) SA 478 (SCA).
187 Kate para 22.
188 Reported at
189 is part of the award read:
e Government is ordered to pay R1 000 000 (one million rand) to each of the
claimants listed in Annexures A, B and C as appropriate relief and compensation for
the Government’s unjusti able and reckless breaches of section 1(a), (c) and (d),
section 7, section 10, section 12(1)(d) and (e), section 27(1)(a) and (b) and section
195(1) (a), (b), (d), (e), (f) and (g) and multiple contraventions of the National Health
Act 61 of 2003 and the Mental Health Care Act 17 of 2002 that caused the death of 144
mental health care users and the pain, suffering and torture of 1418 mental health care
users who survived and their families.
190 Fose v Minister of Safety and Security 1997 (3) SA 786 (CC) para 60.
191 2004 (2) SA 611 (SCA).
192 In Jayiya, Conradie JA explained at para 9 that:
As appears from its preamble the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act was passed
by Parliament to give effect to the constitutional guarantee of just administrative
action. e appellant should accordingly have sought her remedy in this Act.
‘Constitutional damages’ in the sense discussed in Fose v Minister of Safety and
Security … might be awarded as appropriate relief where no statutory remedies have
been given or no adequate common-law remedies exist. Where the lawgiver has
legislated statutory mechanisms for securing constitutional rights, and provided, of
course, that they are constitutionally unobjectionable, they must be used. e
Promotion of Administrative Justice Act does not provide for the kind of relief afforded
to the appellant in paras 2(c) and 3 of the order. Instead, it provides in s 8(1)(c)(ii)(bb)
that a Court may in proceedings for judicial review, exceptionally, direct an
administrator to pay compensation.
193 Kate para 27.
194 Kate para 27. However, see the Supreme Court of Appeal’s judgment in Komape v Minister
of Basic Education [2019] ZASCA 192, which considered whether constitutional damages
should be awarded to the family of Michael Komape, a ve-year-old learner who drowned
in a pit latrine at his school in Limpopo. e Supreme Court of Appeal awarded his family
delictual damages but not constitutional damages, holding that where claimants have been
fully compensated for loss sustained and public funds are better served elsewhere,
constitutional damages generally should not be awarded.
195 Steenkamp para 39; Premier, Western Cape v Faircape Property Developers (Pty) Ltd 2003
(6) SA 13 (SCA) para 40; Minister of Safety and Security v Van Duivenboden 2002 (6) SA 431
(SCA) para 21.
196 In this regard, Harms JA observed in Steenkamp NO v Provincial Tender Board, Eastern
Cape 2006 (3) SA 151 (SCA) at para 39:
e importance of accountability as a public policy factor serving a constitutional
imperative has more than once been underscored by this Court, but, as counsel
ruefully mentioned, it has never carried the day by imposing delictual liability.
197 Fose paras 71–72; see also Olitzki Property Holdings para 41.
198 On the remedies under section 8(2) of PAJA, see below at section 12.11.
199 On section 172(1)(a) of the Constitution, see above at section 12.3. It requires that the court
must declare ‘any law or conduct that is inconsistent with the Constitution’ to be invalid to
the extent of its inconsistency. It is a special constitutional provision, different to the
common-law rules governing the grant of declaratory orders. For a discussion of the
differences between the jurisdiction of the High Court to grant declaratory relief and
section 172 of the Constitution, see Islamic Unity Convention v Independent Broadcasting
Authority and Others 2002 (4) SA 294 (CC) paras 8–12 and National Director of Public
Prosecutions and Another v Mohamed NO and Others 2003 (4) SA 1 (CC) paras 55–56.
200 2005 (2) SA 359 (CC).
201 Rail Commuters para 107.
202 Hoexter (2012) 558.
203 Rail Commuters para 108.
204 Black Sash Trust v Minister of Social Development 2017 (3) SA 335 (CC) (‘Black Sash I’).
205 [2014] ZAECGHC 111.
206 2015 (2) SA 413 (SCA).
207 At para 35.
208 2019 (6) SA 597 (CC).
209 At paras 40–42.
210 At paras 58–62.
211 e requirements for an interdict are discussed only brie y below. For a full discussion see
Cilliers, AC, Loots, C & Nel, HC, Herbstein & Van Winsen: e Civil Practice of the High
Courts of South Africa (5th ed) Vol 2 at 1456–1482; and Van Loggerenberg, Erasmus:
Superior Courts Practice (Revision Service 45, 2014), Appendix E8: Interdicts at 1–15.
212 In such cases, a two-part application is typically brought, with Part A setting out the basis
for the interim interdict and Part B setting out the grounds for the review. Part A will be
heard rst, and if granted, the interim interdict will operate pending the outcome of the
review application in Part B.
213 Setlogelo v Setlogelo 1914 AD 221; Webster v Mitchell 1948 (1) SA 1186 (W).
214 2012 (6) SA 223 (CC).
215 Opposition to Urban Tolling Alliance para 50. See also the discussion in Economic Freedom
Fighters v Gordhan and Others; Public Protector and Another v Gordhan and Others [2020]
ZACC 10 (29 May 2020) paras 24 and 65.
216 National Council of Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals v Openshaw 2008 (5)
SA 339 (SCA) at 347D–E.
217 Openshaw at 347E–F.
218 Olympic Passenger Service (Pty) Ltd v Ramlagan 1957 (2) SA 382 (D) at 383F–G.
219 1987 (4) SA 343 (T).
220 See United Technical Equipment at 346B–G. See further Transvaal Property & Investment Co
Ltd and Reinhold & Co Ltd v SA Townships Mining & Finance Corporation Ltd & the
Administrator 1938 TPD 512 at 521.
221 Opposition to Urban Tolling Alliance paras 47 and 66.
222 Gool v Minister of Justice and Another 1955 (2) SA 682 (C); Molteno Brothers and Others
Appellants v South African Railways and Others Respondents 1936 AD 321 at 329 and 331.
223 Opposition to Urban Tolling Alliance paras 47 and 90.
224 See Gool; Molteno Brothers; Opposition to Urban Tolling Alliance paras 47 and 66.
225 2012 (4) SA 618 (CC).
226 SCAW para 101.
227 SCAW para 45.
228 SCAW paras 47, 63–67.
229 2014 (4) SA 298 (SCA).
230 Freedom Under Law para 51.
231 President of the Republic of South Africa and Others v United Democratic Movement 2003
(1) SA 472 (CC) (‘UDM’).
232 UDM para 28.
233 UDM para 32.
234 Hoexter (2012) 567.
235 Section 6(3) of PAJA must be read with section 6(2)(g) of PAJA, which establishes the
ground of review ‘that the action concerned consists of a failure to take a decision’.
236 See Chapter 6 section above on omissions as a ground upon which the lawfulness of
administrative action can be challenged.
237 2007 (6) SA 117 (SCA).
238 Trend Finance para 27.
239 2003 (5) SA 51 (C).
240 Ruyobeza at 65B–D.
241 2009 (5) SA 145 (KZP).
242 Sibiya para 24.
243 Sibiya paras 18–19, 29.
244 2002 (1) SA 342 (SE).
245 See also Mbanga v MEC for Welfare, Eastern Cape and Another 2002 (1) SA 359 (SE), where
Leach J made a similar order.
246 A further helpful example is Road Accident Fund v Duma and ree Similar Cases 2013 (6)
SA 9 (SCA) paras 20–23, where the court explained how such an approach could be used in
terms of PAJA when the Road Accident Fund failed to take a decision within a reasonable
247 See Chapter 3 section 3.7.1 on rule-making, that is the creation of subordinate legislation,
as administrative action.
248 1952 (3) SA 809 (A).
249 Chester eld House at 822D–F. See too S v Prefabricated Housing Corporation (Pty) Ltd and
Another 1974 (1) SA 535 (A) at 539C–F.
250 Section 172(1)(a) of the Constitution.
251 2014 (3) SA 251 (SCA) paras 44–49.
252 Baxter (1984) 679.
253 Contempt of court cannot be invoked for non-compliance with court orders directing only
at the payment of monies (orders in pecuniam solvendam) – such orders must be enforced
by way of execution.
254 Fakie NO v CCII Systems (Pty) Ltd 2006 (4) SA 326 (SCA) para 8.
255 See Pheko and Others v Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (No 2) 2015 (5) SA 600 (CC)
at para 27, and the cases cited there.
256 Roach, K & Budlender, G (2005) Mandatory Relief and Supervisory Jurisdiction: When is it
Appropriate, Just and Equitable? SALJ 122(2):325.
257 Fakie para 9; Pheko (No 2) para 42.
258 2006 (4) SA 326 (SCA).
259 However, a declaratory order and other appropriate civil remedies remain available to an
applicant if contempt of court is proven only on a balance of probabilities.
260 Pheko and Others v Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (No 2) 2015 (5) SA 600 (CC)
paras 25–37.
261 Pheko (No 2) para 47.
262 Setshedi v Minister Ndebele and Another (2014) 35 ILJ 2861 (LC) para 1.
263 Setshedi para 1.
264 Fakie para 7.
265 For a general discussion on the principles of costs awards under the common law, see
Herbstein & Van Winsen, Volume 2, Chapter 36 at 951ff. See too, Affordable Medicines Trust
and Others v Minister of Health and Others 2006 (3) SA 247 (CC) para 138.
266 Whether instituted under PAJA or on the basis of the constitutional principle of legality,
judicial review is directed at protecting and giving effect to the right to just administrative
action under section 33 of the Constitution.
267 Freedom Under Law para 52; Bengwenyama Minerals para 88; Koyabe and Others v
Minister for Home Affairs and Others (Lawyers for Human Rights as Amicus Curiae) 2010 (4)
SA 327 (CC) para 87.
268 2009 (6) SA 232 (CC). See also Affordable Medicines Trust para 138.
269 Biowatch Trust para 56.
270 Biowatch Trust para 23.
271 2010 (2) SA 622 (CC).
272 Bothma v Els and Others paras 91–93.
273 See Hoexter (2012) 574–576.
274 See, for example, Nyathi v MEC for Department of Health, Gauteng and Another 2008 (5) SA
94 (CC) para 91; Njongi v MEC, Department of Welfare, Eastern Cape, 2008 (4) SA 237 (CC)
para 85.
275 See cases discussed below. See also: Moeca v Addisionele Komissaris, Bloemfontein 1981 (2)
SA 357 (O) at 366B–C; Machi v MEC for Province of KwaZulu-Natal Responsible for Social
Welfare and Population Development, unreported case D&CLD 4392/04 of 8 March 2005,
discussed in Hoexter (2012) 575–576.
276 Motsepe v Commissioner for Inland Revenue 1997 (2) SA 898 (CC) para 30. See also
Affordable Medicines Trust para 138.
277 Black Sash Trust v Minister of Social Development and Others (Freedom Under Law NPC
Intervening) 2018 (12) BCLR 1472 (CC) (‘Black Sash II’).
278 Black Sash II para 10.
279 Public Protector v South African Reserve Bank 2019 (6) SA 253 (CC).
280 South African Reserve Bank at paras 152–153.
281 107 of 1998.
282 Trencon paras 89–90.
283 2014 (6) SA 456 (CC) para 113.
Promotion of Administrative
Justice Act 3 of 2000

(English text signed by the President.)

(Assented to 3 February 2000.)


To give effect to the right to administrative action that is lawful,

reasonable and procedurally fair and to the right to written reasons
for administrative action as contemplated in section 33 of the
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996; and to provide for
matters incidental thereto.


WHEREAS section 33 (1) and (2) of the Constitution provides that

everyone has the right to administrative action that is lawful, reasonable
and procedurally fair and that everyone whose rights have been
adversely affected by administrative action has the right to be given
written reasons;
AND WHEREAS section 33 (3) of the Constitution requires national
legislation to be enacted to give effect to those rights, and to –

* provide for the review of administrative action by a court or,

where appropriate, an independent and impartial tribunal;

* impose a duty on the state to give effect to those rights; and

* promote an efficient administration;

AND WHEREAS item 23 of Schedule 6 to the Constitution provides that

the national legislation envisaged in section 33 (3) must be enacted
within three years of the date on which the Constitution took effect;


* promote an efficient administration and good governance; and

* create a culture of accountability, openness and transparency in

the public administration or in the exercise of a public power or
the performance of a public function, by giving effect to the right
to just administrative action,

BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Parliament of the Republic of

South Africa, as follows:—

De nitions
1. In this Act, unless the context indicates otherwise—

(i) “administrative action” means any decision taken, or any

failure to take a decision, by—

(a) an organ of state, when—

(i) exercising a power in terms of the Constitution
or a provincial constitution; or
(ii) exercising a public power or performing a
public function in terms of any legislation; or

(b) a natural or juristic person, other than an organ of

state, when exercising a public power or performing a
public function in terms of an empowering provision,
which adversely affects the rights of any person and
which has a direct, external legal effect, but does not

(aa) the executive powers or functions of the National

Executive, including the powers or functions referred
to in sections 79 (1) and (4), 84 (2) (a), (b), (c), (d), (f),
(g), (h), (i) and (k), 85 (2) (b), (c), (d) and (e), 91 (2),
(3), (4) and (5), 92 (3), 93, 97, 98, 99 and 100 of the

(bb) the executive powers or functions of the Provincial

Executive, including the powers or functions referred
to in sections 121 (1) and (2), 125 (2) (d), (e) and (f),
126, 127 (2), 132 (2), 133 (3) (b), 137, 138, 139 and 145
(1) of the Constitution;

(cc) the executive powers or functions of a municipal


(dd) the legislative functions of Parliament, a provincial

legislature or a municipal council;

(ee) the judicial functions of a judicial officer of a court

referred to in section 166 of the Constitution or of a
Special Tribunal established under section 2 of the
Special Investigating Units and Special Tribunals Act,
1996 (Act No. 74 of 1996), and the judicial functions of
a traditional leader under customary law or any other
(ff ) a decision to institute or continue a prosecution;

(gg) a decision relating to any aspect regarding the

nomination, selection, or appointment of a judicial
official or any other person, by the Judicial Service
Commission in terms of any law;

(hh) any decision taken, or failure to take a decision, in

terms of any provision of the Promotion of Access to
Information Act, 2000; or

(ii) any decision taken, or failure to take a decision, in

terms of section 4 (1);

(ii) “administrator” means an organ of state or any natural or

juristic person taking administrative action;

(iii) “Constitution” means the Constitution of the Republic of

South Africa, 1996;

(iv) “court” means—

(a) the Constitutional Court acting in terms of section 167

(6) (a) of the Constitution; or

(b) (i) a High Court or another court of similar status;


(ii) a Magistrate’s Court for any district or for any

regional division established by the Minister for
the purposes of adjudicating civil disputes in
terms of section 2 of the Magistrates’ Courts Act,
1944 (Act No. 32 of 1944), either generally or in
respect of a speci ed class of administrative
actions, designated by the Minister by notice in
the Gazette and presided over by a magistrate,
an additional magistrate or a magistrate of a
regional division established for the purposes of
adjudicating civil disputes, as the case may be,
designated in terms of section 9A,
within whose area of jurisdiction the
administrative action occurred or the
administrator has his or her or its principal
place of administration or the party whose
rights have been affected is domiciled or
ordinarily resident or the adverse effect of the
administrative action was, is or will be

(v) “decision” means any decision of an administrative nature

made, proposed to be made, or required to be made, as the
case may be, under an empowering provision, including a
decision relating to—

(a) making, suspending, revoking or refusing to make an

order, award or determination;

(b) giving, suspending, revoking or refusing to give a

certi cate, direction, approval, consent or permission;

(c) issuing, suspending, revoking or refusing to issue a

licence, authority or other instrument;

(d) imposing a condition or restriction;

(e) making a declaration, demand or requirement;

(f ) retaining, or refusing to deliver up, an article; or

(g) doing or refusing to do any other act or thing of an

administrative nature, and a reference to a failure to
take a decision must be construed accordingly;
(vi) “empowering provision” means a law, a rule of common
law, customary law, or an agreement, instrument or other
document in terms of which an administrative action was
purportedly taken;

(vii) “failure”, in relation to the taking of a decision, includes a

refusal to take the decision;

(viii) “Minister” means the Cabinet member responsible for the

administration of justice;

(ix) “organ of state” bears the meaning assigned to it in section

239 of the Constitution;

(x) “prescribed” means prescribed by regulation made under

section 10;

(xi) “public”, for the purposes of section 4, includes any group

or class of the public;

(xii) “this Act” includes the regulations; and

(xiii) “tribunal” means any independent and impartial tribunal

established by national legislation for the purpose of
judicially reviewing an administrative action in terms of this

Application of Act
2 (1) e Minister may, by notice in the Gazette—

(a) if it is reasonable and justi able in the circumstances,

exempt an administrative action or a group or class of
administrative actions from the application of any of the
provisions of section 3, 4 or 5; or
(b) in order to promote an efficient administration and if it is
reasonable and justi able in the circumstances, permit an
administrator to vary any of the requirements referred to in
section 3 (2), 4 (1) (a) to (e), (2) and (3) or 5 (2), in a manner
speci ed in the notice.

(2) Any exemption or permission granted in terms of subsection (1)

must, before publication in the Gazette, be approved by

Procedurally fair administrative action affecting any person

3 (1) Administrative action which materially and adversely affects the
rights or legitimate expectations of any person must be
procedurally fair.

(2) (a) A fair administrative procedure depends on the circumstances

of each case.

(b) In order to give effect to the right to procedurally fair

administrative action, an administrator, subject to
subsection (4), must give a person referred to in subsection

(i) adequate notice of the nature and purpose of the

proposed administrative action;

(ii) a reasonable opportunity to make representations;

(iii) a clear statement of the administrative action;

(iv) adequate notice of any right of review or internal

appeal, where applicable; and

(v) adequate notice of the right to request reasons in

terms of section 5.
(3) In order to give effect to the right to procedurally fair
administrative action, an administrator may, in his or her or its
discretion, also give a person referred to in subsection (1) an
opportunity to—

(a) obtain assistance and, in serious or complex cases, legal


(b) present and dispute information and arguments; and

(c) appear in person.

(4) (a) If it is reasonable and justi able in the circumstances, an

administrator may depart from any of the requirements
referred to in subsection (2).

(b) In determining whether a departure as contemplated in

paragraph (a) is reasonable and justi able, an administrator
must take into account all relevant factors, including—

(i) the objects of the empowering provision;

(ii) the nature and purpose of, and the need to take, the
administrative action;

(iii) the likely effect of the administrative action;

(iv) the urgency of taking the administrative action or the

urgency of the matter; and

(v) the need to promote an efficient administration and

good governance.

(5) Where an administrator is empowered by any empowering

provision to follow a procedure which is fair but different from the
provisions of subsection (2), the administrator may act in
accordance with that different procedure.
Administrative action affecting public
4 (1) In cases where an administrative action materially and adversely
affects the rights of the public, an administrator, in order to give
effect to the right to procedurally fair administrative action, must
decide whether—

(a) to hold a public inquiry in terms of subsection (2);

(b) to follow a notice and comment procedure in terms of

subsection (3);

(c) to follow the procedures in both subsections (2) and (3);

(d) where the administrator is empowered by any empowering

provision to follow a procedure which is fair but different, to
follow that procedure; or

(e) to follow another appropriate procedure which gives effect

to section 3.

(2) If an administrator decides to hold a public inquiry—

(a) the administrator must conduct the public inquiry or

appoint a suitably quali ed person or panel of persons to do
so; and

(b) the administrator or the person or panel referred to in

paragraph (a) must—

(i) determine the procedure for the public inquiry, which


(aa) include a public hearing; and

(bb) comply with the procedures to be followed in

connection with public inquiries, as prescribed;
conduct the inquiry in accordance with that
(ii) procedure;

(iii) compile a written report on the inquiry and give

reasons for any administrative action taken or
recommended; and

(iv) as soon as possible thereafter—

(aa) publish in English and in at least one of the

other official languages in the Gazette or
relevant provincial Gazette a notice containing a
concise summary of any report and the
particulars of the places and times at which the
report may be inspected and copied; and

(bb) convey by such other means of communication

which the administrator considers effective, the
information referred to in item (aa) to the
public concerned.

(3) If an administrator decides to follow a notice and comment

procedure, the administrator must—

(a) take appropriate steps to communicate the administrative

action to those likely to be materially and adversely affected
by it and call for comments from them;

(b) consider any comments received;

(c) decide whether or not to take the administrative action,

with or without changes; and

(d) comply with the procedures to be followed in connection

with notice and comment procedures, as prescribed.
(4) (a) If it is reasonable and justi able in the circumstances, an
administrator may depart from the requirements referred to in
subsections (1) (a) to (e), (2) and (3).

(b) In determining whether a departure as contemplated in

paragraph (a) is reasonable and justi able, an administrator
must take into account all relevant factors, including—

(i) the objects of the empowering provision;

(ii) the nature and purpose of, and the need to take, the
administrative action;

(iii) the likely effect of the administrative action;

(iv) the urgency of taking the administrative action or the

urgency of the matter; and

(v) the need to promote an efficient administration and

good governance.

Reasons for administrative action

5 (1) Any person whose rights have been materially and adversely
affected by administrative action and who has not been given
reasons for the action may, within 90 days after the date on which
that person became aware of the action or might reasonably have
been expected to have become aware of the action, request that
the administrator concerned furnish written reasons for the

(2) e administrator to whom the request is made must, within 90

days after receiving the request, give that person adequate
reasons in writing for the administrative action.

(3) If an administrator fails to furnish adequate reasons for an

administrative action it must, subject to subsection (4) and in the
absence of proof to the contrary, be presumed in any proceedings
for judicial review that the administrative action was taken
without good reason.

(4) (a) An administrator may depart from the requirement to

furnish adequate reasons if it is reasonable and justi able in
the circumstances, and must forthwith inform the person
making the request of such departure.

(b) In determining whether a departure as contemplated in

paragraph (a) is reasonable and justi able, an administrator
must take into account all relevant factors, including—

(i) the objects of the empowering provision;

(ii) the nature, purpose and likely effect of the

administrative action concerned;

(iii) the nature and the extent of the departure;

(iv) the relation between the departure and its purpose;

(v) the importance of the purpose of the departure; and

(vi) the need to promote an efficient administration and

good governance.

(5) Where an administrator is empowered by any empowering

provision to follow a procedure which is fair but different from the
provisions of subsection (2), the administrator may act in
accordance with that different procedure.

(6) a) In order to promote an efficient administration, the Minister

may, at the request of an administrator, by notice in the
Gazette publish a list specifying any administrative action or
a group or class of administrative actions in respect of
which the administrator concerned will automatically
furnish reasons to a person whose rights are adversely
affected by such actions, without such person having to
request reasons in terms of this section.

(b) e Minister must, within 14 days after the receipt of a

request referred to in paragraph (a) and at the cost of the
relevant administrator, publish such list, as contemplated in
that paragraph.

Judicial review of administrative action

6 (1) Any person may institute proceedings in a court or a tribunal for
the judicial review of an administrative action.

(2) A court or tribunal has the power to judicially review an

administrative action if—

(a) the administrator who took it—

(i) was not authorised to do so by the empowering


(ii) acted under a delegation of power which was not

authorised by the empowering provision; or

(iii) was biased or reasonably suspected of bias;

(b) a mandatory and material procedure or condition

prescribed by an empowering provision was not complied

(c) the action was procedurally unfair;

(d) the action was materially in uenced by an error of law;

(e) the action was taken—

(i) for a reason not authorised by the empowering

(ii) for an ulterior purpose or motive;

(iii) because irrelevant considerations were taken into

account or relevant considerations were not

(iv) because of the unauthorised or unwarranted dictates

of another person or body;

(v) in bad faith; or

(vi) arbitrarily or capriciously;

(f ) the action itself—

(i) contravenes a law or is not authorised by the

empowering provision; or

(ii) is not rationally connected to—

(aa) the purpose for which it was taken;

(bb) the purpose of the empowering provision;

(cc) the information before the administrator; or

(dd) the reasons given for it by the administrator;

(g) the action concerned consists of a failure to take a decision;

(h) the exercise of the power or the performance of the function

authorised by the empowering provision, in pursuance of
which the administrative action was purportedly taken, is so
unreasonable that no reasonable person could have so
exercised the power or performed the function; or

(i) the action is otherwise unconstitutional or unlawful.

If any person relies on the ground of review referred to in
subsection (2) (g), he or she may in respect of a failure to take a
decision, where—

(a) (i) an administrator has a duty to take a decision;

(ii) there is no law that prescribes a period within which

the administrator is required to take that decision;

(iii) the administrator has failed to take that decision,

institute proceedings in a court or tribunal for judicial
review of the failure to take the decision on the
ground that there has been unreasonable delay in
taking the decision; or

(b) (i) an administrator has a duty to take a decision;

(ii) a law prescribes a period within which the

administrator is required to take that decision; and

(iii) the administrator has failed to take that decision

before the expiration of that period,
institute proceedings in a court or tribunal for judicial
review of the failure to take the decision within that
period on the ground that the administrator has a
duty to take the decision notwithstanding the
expiration of that period.

Procedure for judicial review

7 (1) Any proceedings for judicial review in terms of section 6 (1) must
be instituted without unreasonable delay and not later than 180
days after the date—

(a) subject to subsection (2) (c), on which any proceedings

instituted in terms of internal remedies as contemplated in
subsection (2) (a) have been concluded; or

(b) where no such remedies exist, on which the person

concerned was informed of the administrative action,
became aware of the action and the reasons for it or might
reasonably have been expected to have become aware of
the action and the reasons.

(2) (a) Subject to paragraph (c), no court or tribunal shall review an

administrative action in terms of this Act unless any internal
remedy provided for in any other law has rst been

(b) Subject to paragraph (c), a court or tribunal must, if it is not

satis ed that any internal remedy referred to in paragraph
(a) has been exhausted, direct that the person concerned
must rst exhaust such remedy before instituting
proceedings in a court or tribunal for judicial review in
terms of this Act.

(c) A court or tribunal may, in exceptional circumstances and

on application by the person concerned, exempt such
person from the obligation to exhaust any internal remedy if
the court or tribunal deems it in the interest of justice.

(3) e Rules Board for Courts of Law established by section 2 of the

Rules Board for Courts of Law Act, 1985 (Act 107 of 1985), must,
before 28 February 2009, subject to the approval of the Minister,
make rules of procedure for judicial review.

(4) Until the rules of procedure referred to in subsection (3) come

into operation, all proceedings for judicial review under this Act
must be instituted in a High Court or another court having

(5) Any rule made under subsection (3) must, before publication in
the Gazette, be approved by Parliament.
Remedies in proceedings for judicial review
8 (1) e court or tribunal, in proceedings for judicial review in terms
of section 6 (1), may grant any order that is just and equitable,
including orders—

(a) directing the administrator—

(i) to give reasons; or

(ii) to act in the manner the court or tribunal requires;

(b) prohibiting the administrator from acting in a particular


(c) setting aside the administrative action and—

(i) remitting the matter for reconsideration by the

administrator, with or without directions; or

(ii) in exceptional cases—

(aa) substituting or varying the administrative action

or correcting a defect resulting from the
administrative action; or

(bb) directing the administrator or any other party to

the proceedings to pay compensation;

(d) declaring the rights of the parties in respect of any matter to

which the administrative action relates;

(e) granting a temporary interdict or other temporary relief; or

(f ) as to costs.

(2) e court or tribunal, in proceedings for judicial review in terms

of section 6 (3), may grant any order that is just and equitable,
including orders—
(a) directing the taking of the decision;

(b) declaring the rights of the parties in relation to the taking of

the decision;

(c) directing any of the parties to do, or to refrain from doing,

any act or thing the doing, or the refraining from the doing,
of which the court or tribunal considers necessary to do
justice between the parties; or

(d) as to costs.

Variation of time
9 (1) e period of—

(a) 90 days referred to in section 5 may be reduced; or

(b) 90 days or 180 days referred to in sections 5 and 7 may be

extended for a xed period,
by agreement between the parties or, failing such
agreement, by a court or tribunal on application by the
person or administrator concerned.

(2) e court or tribunal may grant an application in terms of

subsection (1) where the interests of justice so require.

Designation and training of presiding officers

9A (1) (a) e head of an administrative region de ned in section 1 of
the Magistrates’ Courts Act, 1944 (Act No. 32 of 1944), or the
magistrate at the head of a regional division established for
the purposes of adjudicating civil disputes in terms of
section 2 of the Magistrates’ Courts Act, 1944, must
designate in writing any magistrate, additional magistrate or
magistrate of a regional division established for the
purposes of adjudicating civil disputes, as the case may be,
as a presiding officer of the Magistrate’s Court designated by
the Minister in terms of section 1 of this Act.

(b) A presiding officer must perform the functions and duties

and exercise the powers assigned to or conferred on him or
her under this Act or any other law.

(2) …

(3) e heads of administrative regions or magistrates at the head of

regional divisions established for the purposes of adjudicating
civil disputes, must take all reasonable steps within available
resources to designate at least one presiding officer for each
magistrate’s court within his or her area of jurisdiction which has
been designated by the Minister in terms of section 1.

(4) …

(5) e South African Judicial Education Institute established in

terms of section 3 of the South African Judicial Education Institute
Act, 2008 (Act No. 14 of 2008), must develop and implement
training courses for presiding officers with the view to building a
dedicated and experienced pool of trained and specialised
presiding officers for purposes of presiding in court proceedings
as contemplated in this Act.

(6) …

(7) …

(8) e provisions of section 12 (6) and (8) of the Magistrates’ Courts

Act, 1944 (Act No. 32 of 1944), are applicable with the necessary
changes required by the context.

Regulations and code of good administrative conduct

10 (1) e Minister must make regulations relating to—
(a) the procedures to be followed by designated administrators
or in relation to classes of administrative action in order to
promote the right to procedural fairness;

(b) the procedures to be followed in connection with public


(c) the procedures to be followed in connection with notice

and comment procedures; and

(d) the procedures to be followed in connection with requests

for reasons.

(2) e Minister may make regulations relating to—

(a) the establishment, duties and powers of an advisory council

to monitor the application of this Act and to advise the
Minister on—

(i) the appropriateness of publishing uniform rules and

standards which must be complied with in the taking
of administrative actions, including the compilation
and maintenance of registers containing the text of
rules and standards used by organs of state;

(ii) any improvements that might be made in respect of

internal complaints procedures, internal
administrative appeals and the judicial review by
courts or tribunals of administrative action;

(iii) the appropriateness of establishing independent and

impartial tribunals, in addition to the courts, to review
administrative action and of specialised
administrative tribunals, including a tribunal with
general jurisdiction over all organs of state or a
number of organs of state, to hear and determine
appeals against administrative action;
(iv) the appropriateness of requiring administrators, from
time to time, to consider the continuance of standards
administered by them and of prescribing measures for
the automatic lapsing of rules and standards;

(v) programmes for educating the public and the

members and employees of administrators regarding
the contents of this Act and the provisions of the
Constitution relating to administrative action;

(vi) any other improvements aimed at ensuring that

administrative action conforms with the right to
administrative justice;

(vii) any steps which may lead to the achievement of the

objects of this Act; and

(viii) any other matter in respect of which the Minister

requests advice;

(b) the compilation and publication of protocols for the

drafting of rules and standards;

(c) the initiation, conducting and co-ordination of programmes

for educating the public and the members and employees of
administrators regarding the contents of this Act and the
provisions of the Constitution relating to administrative

(d) matters required or permitted by this Act to be prescribed;


(e) matters necessary or convenient to be prescribed in order to

(i) achieve the objects of this Act; or

subject to subsection (3), give effect to any advice or
(ii) recommendations by the advisory council referred to
in paragraph (a).

(3) is section may not be construed as empowering the Minister to

make regulations, without prior consultation with the Minister for
the Public Service and Administration, regarding any matter
which affects the public service.

(4) Any regulation—

(a) made under subsections (1) (a), (b), (c) and (d) and (2) (c),
(d) and (e) must, before publication in the Gazette, be
submitted to Parliament; and

(b) made under subsection (2) (a) and (b) must, before
publication in the Gazette, be approved by Parliament.

(5) Any regulation made under subsections (1) and (2) or any
provision of the code of good administrative conduct made under
subsection (5A) which may result in nancial expenditure for the
State must be made in consultation with the Minister of Finance.

(5A) e Minister must, by notice in the Gazette, publish a code of

good administrative conduct in order to provide administrators
with practical guidelines and information aimed at the promotion
of an efficient administration and the achievement of the objects
of this Act.

(6) e code of good administrative conduct referred to in subsection

(5A) must, before publication in the Gazette, be approved by
Cabinet and Parliament and must be made before 28 February

10A. No person is criminally or civilly liable for anything done in good
faith in the exercise or performance or purported exercise or
performance of any power or duty in terms of this Act or the rules
made under section 7(3).

Short title and commencement

11 is Act is called the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act,
2000, and comes into operation on a date xed by the President
by proclamation in the Gazette.
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Additional reading
Bednar-Giyose, J (2018) Legislative Drafting and the Appropriate Delineation of Administrative
Power PhD dissertation, University of the Witwatersrand
Craig, PP ‘What is Public Power?’ in Corder, H & Maluwa, T (Eds) (1997) Administrative Justice
in Southern Africa: Proceedings of the Workshop on Controlling Public Power in Southern
Africa Held in Cape Town, South Africa, 8-11 March 1996 Cape Town: Dept of Public Law,
Corder, H (1993) Introduction: Administrative Law Reform Acta Juridica 1
Forsyth, C (2006) e eory of the Second Actor Revisited Acta Juridica 209
Forsyth, C & Dring, E ‘e Final Frontier: e Emergence of Material Error of Fact as a Ground
for Judicial Review’ in Forsyth, C et al (Eds) (2010) Effective Judicial Review: A Cornerstone of
Good Governance Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press
Govender, K ‘Administrative Appeals Tribunals’ in Bennett, TW & Corder, H (Eds) (1993)
Administrative Law Reform Cape Town: Juta
Hoexter, C (1994) Administrative Justice and Dishonesty SALJ 111(4):700
Hoexter, C ‘From Chirwa to Gcaba: An Administrative Lawyer’s View’ in Kidd, M & Hoctor, S
(Eds) (2010) Stella Iuris: Celebrating 100 Years of Teaching Law in Pietermaritzburg Cape
Town: Juta
Mandlana, W (2008) Effective Remedies and Obedience to Court Orders Central to the Rule of
Law: An Examination of the Judicial Approach Speculum Juris 22(1):14
Maree, PJH (2013) Investigating an Alternative Administrative-Law System in South Africa
Unpublished doctoral dissertation (US) Chapter 2 Available at:
Mureinik, E (1993) Reconsidering Review: Participation and Accountability Acta Juridica 35
Pfaff, R & Schneider, H (2001) e Promotion of Administrative Justice Act from a German
Perspective SAJHR 17(1):59
Plasket, C (2000) Protecting the Public Purse: Appropriate Relief and Cost Orders Against Public
Officials SALJ 117(1):151
Pretorius, DM (2005) e Origins of the Functus Officio Doctrine, With Speci c Reference to its
Application in Administrative Law SALJ 122(4):832
Price, A (2010) e Content and Justi cation of Rationality Review SA Public Law 25:346
Quinot, G (2008) Worse an Losing a Government Tender: Winning It Stellenbosch Law Review
Quinot, G (2011) e Right to Reasons for Administrative Action as a Key Ingredient of a Culture
of Justi cation Speculum Juris 25(1):32
Roach, K & Budlender, G (2005) Mandatory Relief and Supervisory Jurisdiction: When is it
Appropriate, Just and Equitable? SALJ 122(2):325
Saunders, C ‘Appeal or Review: e Experience of Administrative Appeals in Australia’ in
Bennett, TW & Corder, H (Eds) (1993) Administrative Law Reform Cape Town: Juta
ornton, L (1999) e Constitutional Right to Just Administrative Action – Are Political Parties
Bound? SAJHR 15(3):351
Van Loggerenberg, DE; Bishop, M & Brickhill, J (2014) Erasmus: Superior Courts Practice
(Revision Service 45) Appendix E8: Interdicts at 1–15 Cape Town: Juta
Williams, RC (2011) e Concept of a ‘Decision’ as the reshold Requirement for Judicial
Review in Terms of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act PER 14:230

Internet sources
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Department of National Treasury RSA (2015) Information about the Ministry Available at:
Department of Public Service and Administration RSA (2013) Public Service Integrity
Management Framework Available at:
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Eskom: Powering Your World (2015) Available at:
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AAA Investments (Pty) Ltd v Micro Finance Regulatory Council and Another 2007 (1) SA 343 (CC) 12, 77,
78, 79, 87, 161
Abbott v Overstrand Municipality [2016] ZASCA 68, 20 May 2016 180
Absa Bank Limited and Others v Public Protector 2018 JDR 0190 (GP) 116
Absa Bank Ltd v Ukwanda Leisure Holdings (Pty) Ltd 2014 (1) SA 550 (GSJ) 90
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Affordable Medicines Trust and Others v Minister of Health of RSA and Another 2005 (6) BCLR 529 (CC) 219
African Christian Democratic Party v Electoral Commission and Others 2006 (3) SA 305 (CC) 164
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Airports Company South Africa Ltd and Another v ISO Leisure OR Tambo (Pty) Ltd 2011 (4) SA 642 (GSJ) 91,
124, 125
Albutt v Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation and Others 2010 (3) SA 293 (CC) 25, 172, 194,
195, 196, 210, 254
Allpay Consolidated Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Others v Chief Executive Officer, South African Social
Security Agency and Others 2013 (4) SA 557 (SCA) 26
Allpay Consolidated Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Others v Chief Executive Officer, South African Social
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(merits) 26, 94, 164, 190, 219, 220, 221, 256, 263, 296, 310, 316
Allpay Consolidated Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Others v Chief Executive Officer, South African Social
Security Agency and Others 2014 (4) SA 179 (CC) which is referred to in its abbreviated form as Allpay
(remedy) 295, 296, 302, 303, 308, 310, 311, 315, 317, 322, 332, 334, 335, 336
Ansett Transport Industries (Operations) (Pty) Ltd and Another v Wraith and Others (1983) 48 ALR 500 241,
Associated Institutions Pension Fund and Others v Van Zyl and Others 2005 (2) SA 302 (SCA) 283
Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd v Wednesbury Corporation [1948] 1 KB 223 204
Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union v Chamber of Mines of South Africa 2017 (3) SA 242 (CC)
89, 90, 138

B v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2000] UKHRR 498 (CA) 213
Bam-Mugwanya v Minister of Finance and Provincial Expenditure, Eastern Cape and Others 2001 (4) SA 120
(C) 194
Bangtoo Bros and Others v National Transport Commission and Others 1973 (4) SA 667 (N) 218
Barnard v Jockey Club of South Africa 1984 (2) SA 35 (W) 172
Bato Star Fishing (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Environmental Affairs and Others 2004 (4) SA 490 (CC) 22, 132,
133, 134, 135, 140, 141, 202, 204, 205, 212, 214, 215, 217, 222, 223, 224, 297, 316
Bel Porto School Governing Body and Others v Premier, Western Cape and Another2002 (3) SA 265 (CC)
130, 213
Benedetti v Sawiris & Ors [2013] UKSC 50 331
Bengwenyama Minerals (Pty) Ltd and Others v Genorah Resources (Pty) Ltd and Others 2011 (4) SA 113 (CC)
182, 189, 296, 348
Bertie van Zyl (Pty) Ltd and Another v Minister for Safety and Security and Others 2010 (2) SA 181 (CC) 219
Biowatch Trust v Registrar, Genetic Resources and Others 2009 (6) SA 232 (CC) 348, 349, 350
Black Eagle Project Roodekrans v MEC: Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Environment, Gauteng
Provincial Department [2019] 2 All SA 322 (GJ) 239
Black Sash Trust v Minister of Social Development 2017 (3) SA 335 (CC) (‘Black Sash I’) 336
Black Sash Trust v Minister of Social Development and Others (Freedom Under Law NPC Intervening) 2018
(12) BCLR 1472 (CC) (‘Black Sash II’) 350
Bothma v Els and Others 2010 (2) SA 622 (CC) 349
Britannia Beach Estate (Pty) Ltd and Others v Saldanha Bay Municipality 2013 (11) BCLR 1217 (CC) 36
Bruce v Fleecytex Johannesburg CC 1998 (2) SA 1143 (CC) 286
BTR Industries South Africa (Pty) Ltd and Others v Metal and Allied Workers’ Union and Another 1992 (3) SA
673 (A) 191, 194
Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality v Asla Construction (Pty) Limited 2019 (4) SA 331 (CC) 132, 134,
137, 283, 284, 285, 312, 313, 314, 315
BW Bright Water Way Props (Pty) Ltd v Eastern Cape Development Corporation 2019 (6) SA 443 (ECG) 132

Calibre Clinical Consultants (Pty) Ltd and Another v National Bargaining Council for the Road Freight Industry
and Another 2010 (5) SA 457 (SCA) 79, 91
Camps Bay Ratepayers’ and Residents’ Association v Harrison [2010] 2 All SA 519 (SCA) 283, 284
Cape Gate (Pty) Ltd and Others v Eskom Holdings (Soc) Ltd and Others 2019 (4) SA 14 (GJ) 207
Cape Metropolitan Council v Metro Inspection Services (Western Cape) CC and Others 2001 (3) SA 1013
(SCA) 25, 90
Cape Town City and Another v Da Cruz and Another 2018 (3) SA 462 (WCC) 221
Cape Town City v South African National Roads Agency Ltd 2015 (6) SA 535 (WCC) 162
Carephone (Pty) Ltd v Marcus NO and Others 1999 (3) SA 304 (LAC) 128, 129, 205, 224
Carlson Investments Share Block (Pty) Ltd v Commissioner, SARS 2001 (3) SA 210 (W) 154
Cash Paymaster Services (Pty) Ltd v Chief Executive Officer of the South African Social Security Agency and
Others [2019] 4 All SA 327 (SCA) 303
Chairman, Board on Tariffs and Trade and Others v Teltron (Pty) Ltd 1997 (2) SA 25 (A) 160
Chairman, State Tender Board v Digital Voice Processing (Pty) Ltd; Chairman, State Tender Board v Sneller
Digital (Pty) Ltd and Others 2012 (2) SA 16 (SCA) 169
Chairperson, Standing Tender Committee and Others v JFE Sapela Electronics (Pty) Ltd and Others 2008 (2)
SA 638 (SCA) 283, 308, 309
Chirwa v Transnet Ltd and Others (Case No 03/01052, WLD) 90
Chirwa v Transnet Ltd and Others 2008 (4) SA 367 (CC) 25, 35, 89, 99
City of Cape Town v Aurecon South Africa (Pty) Ltd 2017 (4) SA 223 (CC) 284, 312
City of Cape Town v Reader and Others 2009 (1) SA 555 (SCA) 271
City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality v Cable City (Pty) Ltd 2010 (3) SA 589 (SCA) 86
City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality v RPM Bricks Proprietary Ltd 2008 (3) SA 1 (SCA) 330
Commissioner, Competition Commission v General Council of the Bar of South Africa and Others 2002 (6) SA
606 (SCA) 319
Commissioner, South African Police Service and Others v Maimela and Another 2003 (5) SA 480 (T) 241,
244, 245, 246, 248, 251, 252
Commissioner, South African Revenue Service v Sprigg Investment 117 CC t/a Global Investment 2011 (4) SA
551 (SCA) 251
Commissioner, South African Revenue Service v Trend Finance (Pty) Limited and Another 2007 (6) SA 117
(SCA) 343
Corruption Watch (NPC) (RF) v Chief Executive Officer of the South African Social Services and Others [2018]
Corruption Watch and Another v Arms Procurement Commission and Others [2019] 4 All SA 53 (GP) 59, 195
Corruption Watch NPC and Others v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others; Nxasana v Corruption
Watch NPC and Others 2018 (10) BCLR 1179 (CC) 298
Council of Review, South African Defence Force v H J Mönnig and Others 1992 (3) SA 482 (A) 191
Country Cloud Trading CC v MEC, Department of Infrastructure Development, Gauteng 2015 (1) SA 1 (CC)
Cronje v United Cricket Board of SA 2001 (4) SA 1361 (T) 91

Dalrumple and Others v Colonial Treasurer 1910 TS 372 276
Darson Construction (Pty) Ltd v City of Cape Town and Another 2007 (4) SA 488 (C) 323, 328, 329, 330
Dawnlaan Beleggings (Edms) Bpk v Johannesburg Stock Exchange and Others 1983 (3) SA 344 (W) 78, 90
Dawood and Another v Minister of Home Affairs and Others; Shalabi and Another v Minister of Home Affairs
and Others; Thomas and Another v Minister of Home Affairs and Others 2000 (3) SA 936 (CC) 107, 108,
219, 257, 258, 260
De Jong and Others v The Trustees of the Simcha Trust and Another 2014 (4) SA 73 (WCC) 323, 327, 328,
329, 330, 334
De Lange v Smuts NO and Others 1998 (3) SA 785 (CC) 42
Democratic Alliance and Others v Acting National Director of Public Prosecutions and Others 2012 (3) SA 486
(SCA) 98, 211, 212, 278
Democratic Alliance v President of the Republic of South Africa 2017 (4) SA 253 (GP) 211, 291
Democratic Alliance v The President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2013 (1) SA 248 (CC) 210
Dengetenge Holdings (Pty) Ltd v Southern Sphere Mining & Development Co Ltd and Others 2014 (5) SA 138
(CC) 138
Department of Transport v Tasima (Pty) Limited 2017 (2) SA 622 (CC) 284, 305, 307, 312
Dr. Nyoka v Cricket South Africa 2011 JDR 0460 (GSJ) 91
Dube v Zikalala [2017] 4 All SA 365 (KZP) 90
Dumani v Nair and Another 2013 (2) SA 274 (SCA) 169
Duncan v Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism and Another 2010 (6) SA 374 (SCA) 180
Dunn v Minister of Defence and Others 2006 (2) SA 107 (T) 329

Earthlife Africa (Cape Town) v Director-General: Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism and Another
2005 (3) SA 156 (C) 72, 139, 190, 266
Earthlife Africa Johannesburg v Minister of Energy 2017 (5) SA 227 (WCC) 190
Economic Freedom Fighters v Gordhan and Others; Public Protector and Another v Gordhan and Others [2020]
ZACC 10 339
Economic Freedom Fighters v Speaker of the National Assembly and Others; Democratic Alliance v Speaker of
the National Assembly and Others 2016 (3) SA 580 (CC) 113, 114, 115
Ehrlich v Minister of Correctional Services and Another 2009 (2) SA 373 (E) 201, 214, 216, 221
Electronic Media Network Limited and Others v (Pty) Limited and Others 2017 (9) BCLR 1108 (CC) 136
ESDA Properties (Pty) Ltd v Amathole District Municipality [2014] ZAECGHC 76 272
Eskom Holdings Ltd and Another v New Reclamation Group (Pty) Ltd 2009 (4) SA 628 (SCA) 308
Essack v Durban City Council 1953 (4) SA 17 (N) 319
Evaluations Enhanced Property Appraisals (Pty) Ltd v Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality [2014] 3 All SA
560 (ECG) 271
Ex Parte Chairperson of the Constitutional Assembly: In Re Certification of the Constitution of the Republic of
South Africa, 1996 1996 (4) SA 744 (CC) 37, 38, 41
Ex Parte Women’s Legal Centre, In Re Moise v Greater Germiston Transitional Local Council 2001 (4) SA 1288
(CC) 298

Fakie NO v CCII Systems (Pty) Ltd 2006 (4) SA 326 (SCA) 346, 347, 348
Fedsure Life Assurance Ltd and Others v Greater Johannesburg Transitional Metropolitan Council and Others
1999 (1) SA 374 (CC) 36, 72, 74, 132, 145, 147, 148, 168, 194, 195, 258
Ferreira v Levin NO and Others; Vryenhoek and Others v Powell NO & Others 1996 (1) SA 984 (CC) 275,
276, 277, 279, 281, 298, 300, 301
Ferucci and Others v Commissioner, South African Revenue Service and Another 2002 (6) SA 219 (C) 214,
215, 216
Finishing Touch 163 (Pty) Ltd v BHP Billiton Energy Coal SA Ltd 2013 (2) SA 204 (SCA) 287
Florence v Government of the Republic of South Africa 2014 (6) SA 456 (CC) 351
FNM v Refugee Appeal Board and Others 2019 (1) SA 468 (GP) 207
Foodcorp (Pty) Ltd v Deputy Director-General, Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism: Branch Marine
and Coastal Management and Others 2006 (2) SA 199 (C) 208, 209
Fortuin v Church of Christ Mission of the Republic of South Africa [2016] ZAECPEHC 18 196
Fose v Minister of Safety and Security 1997 (3) SA 786 (CC) 295, 324, 333, 334
Fredericks v MEC for Education and Training, Eastern Cape 2002 (2) SA 693 (CC) 25
Freedom Under Law v National Director of Public Prosecutions and Others 2014 (1) SA 254 (GNP) 196
Funani v MEC: Department of Education Eastern Cape Province [2017] ZAECBHC 9 99

Gauteng Gambling Board and Another v MEC for Economic Development, Gauteng 2013 (5) SA 24 (SCA)
Gauteng Gambling Board v Silverstar Development Ltd and Others 2005 (4) SA 67 (SCA) 316, 318, 320,
Gavri v Refugee Status Determination Officer Cape Town and Others 2019 (1) SA 21 (CC) 243, 322
Gcaba v Minister for Safety and Security and Others 2010 (1) SA 238 (CC) 24, 25, 99
Genesis Medical Scheme v Registrar of Medical Schemes 2017 (6) SA 1 (CC) 167
Giant Concerts CC v Rinaldo Investments (Pty) Ltd and Others 2013 (3) BCLR 251 (CC) 278, 279
Gool v Minister of Justice and Another 1955 (2) SA 682 (C) 340, 341
Government of the Republic of South Africa v Thabiso Chemicals (Pty) Ltd 2009 (1) SA 163 (SCA) 72
Gqwetha v Transkei Development Corporation Ltd and Others 2006 (2) SA 603 (SCA) 284
Grey’s Marine Hout Bay (Pty) Ltd and Others v Minister of Public Works and Others 2005 (6) SA 313 (SCA)
79, 84, 94, 95, 96, 177
Grinaker LTA Ltd and Another v Tender Board (Mpumalanga) and Others [2002] 3 All SA 336 (T) 253
Groenewald NO v M5 Developments (Cape) (Pty) Ltd 2010 (5) SA 82 (SCA) 271
Gumede and Others v Minister of Law and Order and Another 1984 (4) SA 915 (N) 245

Hamata and Another v Chairperson, Peninsula Technikon Internal Disciplinary Committee and Others 2000 (4)
SA 621 (C) 194
Hangklip Environmental Action Group v MEC for Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning,
Western Cape and Others 2007 (6) SA 65 (C) 318
Harmony Gold Mining Company Ltd v Regional Director: Free State Department of Water Affairs and Others
2014 (3) SA 149 (SCA) 219
Harvey v Umhlatuze Municipality and Others 2011 (1) SA 601 (KZP) 151
Head, Western Cape Education Department and Others v Governing Body, Point High School and Others 2008
(5) SA 18 (SCA) 319
Heatherdale Farms (Pty) Ltd and Others v Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Another 1980 (3) SA 476 (T)
Helen Suzman Foundation v JSC 2018 (4) SA 1 (CC) 287, 290
Hira and Another v Booysen and Another 1992 (4) SA 69 (A) 168
Home Talk Developments (Pty) Ltd v Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality 2018 (1) SA 391 (SCA) 323

ICS Pension Fund v Sithole and Others NNO 2010 (3) SA 419 (T) 319
Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Limited v Trencon Construction (Pty) Ltd [2014] 4 All SA
561 (SCA) 321
International Trade Administration Commission v SCAW South Africa (Pty) Limited 2012 (4) SA 618 (CC) 341
Intertrade Two (Pty) Ltd v MEC for Roads and Public Works, Eastern Cape and Another 2007 (6) SA 442 (Ck)
316, 319
Investigating Directorate: Serious Economic Offences and Others v Hyundai Motor Distributors (Pty) Ltd and
Others: In Re Hyundai Motor Distributors (Pty) Ltd and Others v Smit NO and Others 2001 (1) SA 545 (CC)
219, 258
Islamic Unity Convention v Independent Broadcasting Authority and Others 2002 (4) SA 294 (CC) 335

Janse van Rensburg and Another v Minister of Trade and Industry and Another 2001 (1) SA 29 (CC) 260
Jayiya v MEC for Welfare, Eastern Cape and Another 2004 (2) SA 611 (SCA) 333
Jeffery v President, South African Medical and Dental Council 1987 (1) SA 387 (C) 238
JH v Health Professions Council of South Africa 2016 (2) SA 93 (WCC) 238
Jikeka v South African Social Security Agency 2011 (6) SA 628 (ECM) 236
Jockey Club of SA v Forbes 1993 (1) SA 649 (A) 288
Johannesburg City Council v Administrator, Transvaal and Another 1969 (2) SA 72 (T) 276
Johannesburg City Council v Chesterfield House (Pty) Ltd 1952 (3) SA 809 (A) 345
Johannesburg City Council v The Administrator, Transvaal and Another 1970 (2) SA 89 (T) 290
Johannesburg Consolidated Investment Co v Johannesburg Town Council 1903 TS 111 130, 302
Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality v Gauteng Development Tribunal and Others 2010 (6) SA 182 (CC)
168, 259
Johannesburg Stock Exchange and Another v Witwatersrand Nigel Ltd and Another 1988 (3) SA 132 (A) 90
Jose and Another v The Minister of Home Affairs and Others 2019 (4) SA 597 (GP) 322
Joseph and Others v City of Johannesburg and Others 2010 (4) SA 55 (CC) 25, 94, 95, 173, 176, 177,
181, 191, 234, 267, 269
JSE and Another v Witwatersrand Nigel 1988 (3) SA 132 (A) 16
Judicial Service Commission and Another v Cape Bar Council and Another 2013 (1) SA 170 (SCA) 23, 158,
159, 210, 253, 254
Justice Alliance of South Africa v President of Republic of South Africa and Others, Freedom Under Law v
President of Republic of South Africa and Others, Centre for Applied Legal Studies and Another v President
of Republic of South Africa and Others 2011 (5) SA 388 (CC) 260

Kaunda and Others v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2005 (4) SA 235 (CC) 97
Kemp NO v Van Wyk 2005 (6) SA 519 (SCA) 162
Khan v Ansur NO and Others 2009 (3) SA 258 (D) 91
Khumalo and Another v Member of the Executive Council for Education: KwaZulu Natal 2014 (5) SA 579 (CC)
284, 307, 312
Kimberley Junior School and Another v Head, Northern Cape Education Department and Others 2010 (1) SA
217 (SCA) 166
Kiva v Minister of Correctional Services and Another (2007) 28 ILJ 597 (E) 94, 228, 233, 234, 243
Klein v Dainfern College and Another 2006 (3) SA 73 (T) 137
Komape v Minister of Basic Education [2019] ZASCA 192 334
Koyabe and Others v Minister for Home Affairs and Others (Lawyers for Human Rights as Amicus Curiae) 2010
(4) SA 327 (CC) 111, 138, 139, 227, 242, 245, 246, 270, 348
Kruger v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2009 (1) SA 417 (CC) 220, 277, 301
Kruse v Johnson [1898] 2 QB 91 203, 219
KwaZulu-Natal Joint Liaison Committee v MEC for Education, Kwazulu-Natal and Others 2013 (4) SA 262 (CC)
Kwemaya v National Commissioner, Correctional Services [2017] ZAKZDHC 33 99

Law Society of South Africa and Others v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2019 (3) BCLR
329 (CC) 172, 194, 195
Lawyers for Human Rights and Another v Minister of Home Affairs and Another 2004 (4) SA 125 (CC) 281
Lawyers for Human Rights v Minister of Home Affairs and Others 2017 (5) SA 480 (CC) 260
Lawyers for Human Rights v Rules Board for Courts of Law and Another [2012] 3 All SA 153 (GNP) 287
Le Roux and Others v Honourable Magistrate and Others [2006] ZAGPHC 63 73
Liebenberg v Brakpan Liquor Licensing Board 1944 WLD 52 194
Linkside and Others v Minister of Basic Education and Others [2014] ZAECGHC 111 337
Liquor Web (Edms) Bpk v Voorsitter, Drankraad en ’n Ander 2001 (1) SA 1069 (T) 253
Logbro Properties CC v Bedderson NO and Others 2003 (2) SA 460 (SCA) 25, 65, 140, 141, 222, 316,
317, 318
Loghdey v Advanced Parking Solutions CC 2009 JDR 0157 (C) 272
Loza v Police Station Commander, Durbanville 1964 (2) SA 545 (A) 16
M v Minister of Home Affairs and Others [2014] ZAGPPHC 649 318, 319, 321, 322
Machi v MEC for Province of KwaZulu-Natal Responsible for Social Welfare and Population Development,
unreported case D&CLD 4392/04 of 8 March 2005 350
Magnificent Mile Trading 30 (Pty) Limited v Charmaine Celliers NO and Others 2020 (1) BCLR 41 (CC) 300,
303, 305
Mahambehlala v MEC for Welfare, Eastern Cape and Another 2002 (1) SA 342 (SE) 345
Mahlaela v De Beer NO 1986 (4) SA 782 (T) 319
Majake v Commission for Gender Equality and Others 2010 (1) SA 87 (GSJ) 80
Malema and Another v Chairman of the National Council of Provinces and Another 2015 (4) SA 145 (WCC)
Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality v Maluti Plant Hire 2017 JDR 0401 (FB) 331
Masamba v Chairperson, Western Cape Regional Committee, Immigrants Selection Board 2001 (12) BCLR
1239 (C) 319
Masetlha v President of the Republic of South Africa and Another 2008 (1) SA 566 (CC) 194, 195
Matatiele Municipality and Others v President of the RSA and Others (No 2) 2007 (6) SA 477 (CC) 34
Mazibuko and Others v City of Johannesburg and Others 2010 (4) SA 1 (CC) 25, 32, 50, 51
Mbanga v MEC for Welfare, Eastern Cape and Another 2002 (1) SA 359 (SE) 345
McCarthy Retail Ltd v Shortdistance Carriers CC 2001 (3) SA 482 (SCA) 331
Meadow Glen Home Owners Association and Others v City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality and Another
2015 (2) SA 413 (SCA) 337
MEC for Environmental Affairs and Development Planning v Clairison’s CC 2013 (6) SA 235 (SCA) 217, 218,
316, 317
MEC for Health, Eastern Cape and Another v Kirland Investments (Pty) Ltd t/a Eye and Lazer Institute 2014 (3)
SA 481 (CC) 155, 163, 298, 303, 304, 305, 312, 315
MEC, Department of Welfare, Eastern Cape v Kate 2006 (4) SA 478 (SCA) 332, 333, 334
Medirite v South African Pharmacy Council [2015] ZASCA 27 214
Member of the Executive Council for Economic Opportunities, Western Cape v Auditor General of South Africa
and Another [2020] ZAWCHC 50 122
Merafong City Local Municipality v AngloGold Ashanti Limited 2017 (2) SA 211 (CC) 305, 306, 307
Merafong Demarcation Forum and Others v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2008 (5) SA
171 (CC) 210
Meyer v Iscor Pension Fund 2003 (2) SA 715 (SCA) 180
Millennium Waste Management (Pty) Ltd v Chairperson, Tender Board: Limpopo Province and Others 2008 (2)
SA 481 (SCA) 26, 221, 250, 298, 309, 311, 317
Minister of Defence and Another v Xulu 2018 (6) SA 460 (SCA) 210, 221
Minister of Defence and Military Veterans and Another v Mamasedi 2018 (2) SA 305 (SCA) 268
Minister of Defence and Military Veterans v Motau and Others 2014 (5) SA 69 (CC) 79, 80, 81, 84, 136,
Minister of Defence and Others v Dunn 2007 (6) SA 52 (SCA) 94, 329, 330, 334
Minister of Education v Harris 2001 (4) SA 1297 (CC) 148, 149
Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism and Another v Scenematic Fourteen (Pty) Ltd 2005 (6) SA 182
(SCA) 162
Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism and Others v Phambili Fisheries (Pty) Ltd; Minister of
Environmental Affairs and Tourism and Others v Bato Star Fishing (Pty) Ltd 2003 (6) SA 407 (SCA) 222,
241, 242, 248
Minister of Finance and Others v Gore NO 2007 (1) SA 111 (SCA) 324, 326, 327
Minister of Health and Another NO v New Clicks (Pty) Ltd and Others (Treatment Action Campaign and Another
as Amici Curiae) 2006 (2) SA 311 (CC) 80, 81, 85, 86, 135, 136, 159, 173, 212,
219, 220
Minister of Home Affairs and Another v Public Protector of the Republic of South Africa 2017 (2) SA 597 (GP)
Minister of Home Affairs and Others v Scalabrini Centre and Others 2013 (6) SA 421 (SCA) 83, 84, 94, 172,
Minister of Local Government and Land Tenure v Inkosinathi Property Developers (Pty) Ltd and Another 1992
(2) SA 234 (TkA) 319
Minister of Mineral Resources and Others v Sishen Iron Ore Co (Pty) Ltd and Another 2014 (2) SA 603 (CC)
Minister of Public Works and Others v Kyalami Ridge Environmental Association and Another (Mukhwevho
Intervening) 2001 (3) SA 1151 (CC) 212
Minister of Safety and Security v Moodley [2011] 4 All SA 47 (SCA) 208
Minister of Safety and Security v Van Duivenboden 2002 (6) SA 431 (SCA) 334
Minister of Social Development v Phoenix Cash & Carry–Pmb CC [2007] 3 All SA 115 (SCA) 250
Minister of Trade and Industry and Others v Nieuwoudt and Another 1985 (2) SA 1 (C) 161
Minister of Trade and Industry v Sundays River Citrus Company (Pty) Ltd [2020] 1 All SA 635 (SCA) 319
Mlokoti v Amathole District Municipality and Another 2009 (6) SA 354 (E) 319
Mlokothi v Trollip [2017] ZAECPEHC 99
Mobile Telephone Networks (Pty) Ltd v Chairperson of the Independent Communications Authority of South
Africa and Others, In Re: Vodacom (Pty) Ltd v Chairperson of the Independent Communications Authority of
South Africa and Others, In Re: Vodacom (Pty) Ltd v Chairperson of the Independent Communications
Authority of South Africa and Others [2014] 3 All SA 171 (GJ) 86
Moeca v Addisionele Komissaris, Bloemfontein 1981 (2) SA 357 (O) 350
Moletsane v Premier of the Free State and Another (1996) 17 ILJ 251 (O) 244
Molteno Brothers and Others Appellants v South African Railways and Others Respondents 1936 AD 321
340, 341
Moseme Road Construction CC and Others v King Civil Engineering Contractors (Pty) Ltd and Another 2010 (4)
SA 359 (SCA) 308, 309
Mostert NO v Registrar of Pension Funds and Others 2018 (2) SA 53 (SCA) 86, 230
Mostert v Nash 2018 (5) SA 409 (SCA) 93
Motsepe v Commissioner for Inland Revenue 1997 (2) SA 898 (CC) 350
Motswana v African National Congress [2019] ZAGPJHC 4 196, 197
Mount Sinai Hospital Centre v Quebec (Minister of Health and Social Services) [2001] 2 SCR 281 179
Mukaddam v Pioneer Foods (Pty) Ltd and Others 2013 (5) SA 89 (CC) 281
Mvumvu and Others v Minister for Transport and Another 2011 (2) SA 473 (CC) 301
Mwelase and Others v Director-General for the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform and
Another 2019 (6) SA 597 (CC) 337

National and Overseas Modular Construction (Pty) Ltd v Tender Board, Free State Provincial Government and
Another 1999 (1) SA 701 (O) 253
National Council of Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals v Openshaw 2008 (5) SA 339 (SCA)
339, 340
National Director of Public Prosecutions and Another v Mohamed NO and Others 2003 (4) SA 1 (CC) 335
National Director of Public Prosecutions and Others v Freedom Under Law 2014 (4) SA 298 (SCA) 98, 194,
341, 342, 348
National Director of Public Prosecutions v Phillips and Others 2002 (4) SA 60 (W) 178
National Energy Regulator of South Africa and Another v PG Group (Pty) Limited and Others [2019] ZACC 28
National Horseracing Authority of Southern Africa v Naidoo and Another 2010 (3) SA 182 (N) 91, 212
National Lotteries Board and Others v SA Education and Environment Project 2012 (4) SA 504 (SCA) 252,
National Transport Commission and Another v Chetty’s Motor Transport (Pty) Ltd 1972 (3) SA 726 (A) 237
National Treasury and Others v Opposition to Urban Tolling Alliance and Others 2012 (6) SA 223 (CC) 339
Ndoro v South African Football Association 2018 (5) SA 630 (GJ) 92
Ngomana v CEO, South African Social Security Agency [2010] ZAWCHC 172 249, 250
Ngxuza and Others v Permanent Secretary, Department of Welfare, Eastern Cape Provincial Government and
Another 2001 (2) SA 609 (E) 280
Nichol and Another v Registrar of Pension Funds and Others 2008 (1) SA 383 (SCA) 139
Njongi v MEC, Department of Welfare, Eastern Cape, 2008 (4) SA 237 (CC) 350
Nkabinde and Another v Judicial Service Commission President of the Judicial Conduct Tribunal and Others
2015 (1) SA 279 (GJ) 73
Nkondo and Others v Minister of Law and Order 1986 (2) SA 756 (A) 245
Nomala v Permanent Secretary, Department of Welfare 2001 (8) BCLR 844 (E) 248, 249, 250
Nortje v Pool NO 1966 (3) SA 96 (A) 330, 331
Notyawa v Makana Municipality [2017] 4 All SA 533 (ECG) 99
Nyathi v MEC for Department of Health, Gauteng and Another 2008 (5) SA 94 (CC) 350

Ocean Ecological Adventures (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Environmental Affairs [2019] ZAWCHC 42 208
Odifin (Pty) Ltd v Reynecke 2018 (1) SA 153 (SCA) 323
Offit Enterprises (Pty) Ltd and Another v Coega Development Corporation and Others 2010 (4) SA 242 (SCA)
83, 263
Olitzki Property Holdings v State Tender Board and Another 2001 (3) SA 1247 (SCA) 324, 326, 327, 334
Olympic Passenger Service (Pty) Ltd v Ramlagan 1957 (2) SA 382 (D) 340
Oosthuizen’s Transport (Pty) Ltd and Others v MEC, Road Traffic Matters, Mpumalanga and Others 2008 (2) SA
570 (T) 96, 246
Opposition to Urban Tolling Alliance and Others v The South African National Roads Agency Ltd and Others
[2013] 4 All SA 639 (SCA) 283, 339, 340, 341
Oskil Properties (Pty) Ltd v Chairman of the Rent Control Board and Others 1985 (2) SA 234 (SE) 238
Oudekraal Estates (Pty) Ltd v City of Cape Town and Others 2004 (6) SA 222 (SCA) 298, 299, 300, 302,
303, 304, 305, 306

Patel v Witbank Town Council 1931 TPD 284 194
Pepcor Retirement Fund and Another v Financial Services Board and Another 2003 (6) SA 38 (SCA) 168
Permanent Secretary, Department of Education and Welfare, Eastern Cape, and Another v Ed-U-College (PE)
(Section21) Inc 2001 (2) SA 1 (CC) 32, 71, 148
PG Bison Ltd (in liquidation) and Others v Johannesburg Glassworks (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation) 2006 (4) SA 535
(W) 284
PG Group (Pty) Ltd v National Energy Regulator of South Africa [2018] ZASCA 56 211, 212
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of SA and Another: In Re Ex Parte President of the RSA and Others
2000 (2) SA 674 (CC) 71, 72, 74, 131, 132, 134, 150, 168, 297
Pheko and Others v Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (No 2) 2015 (5) SA 600 (CC) 346, 347
Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union and Others v Minister of Correctional Services and Others (No 1) 2008
(3) SA 91 (E) 90, 99, 182, 268
Poverty Alleviation Network and Others v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2010 (6) BCLR
520 (CC) 210
Premier, Mpumalanga v Executive Committee of the Association of State-Aided Schools, Eastern Transvaal
1999 (2) SA 91 (CC) 178, 179, 269
Premier, Western Cape v Acting Chairperson, Judicial Services Commission 2010 (5) SA 634 (WCC) 158
Premier, Western Cape v Faircape Property Developers (Pty) Ltd 2003 (6) SA 13 (SCA) 334
President of the Republic of South Africa and Another v Hugo 1997 (4) SA 1 (CC) 219
President of the Republic of South Africa and Others v South African Rugby Football Union and Others 2000
(1) SA 1 (CC) 23, 32, 73, 75, 76, 77, 87, 117, 132, 166, 168, 195
President of the Republic of South Africa and Others v United Democratic Movement 2003 (1) SA 472 (CC)
President of the Republic of South Africa v Democratic Alliance and Others [2018] ZASCA 79 291
President of the Republic of South Africa v Democratic Alliance and Others 2020 (1) SA 428 (CC) 291
President of the RSA v SARFU 1999 (4) SA 147 (CC) 36, 191
Pretoria North Town Council v A1 Electric Ice-Cream Factory (Pty) Ltd 1953 (3) SA 1 (A) 13
Public Protector v SA Reserve Bank 2019 (6) SA 253 (CC) 290
Public Protector v South African Reserve Bank 2019 (6) SA 253 (CC) 350, 351
Pucljowski v Johnston’s Executors 1946 WLD 1 330

R v Chief Constable of Sussex, Ex Parte International Trader’s Ferry Ltd [1999] 1 All ER 129 (HL) 204
R v Ministry of Defence Ex Parte Smith [1996] QB 517 223
R v Morgentaler, Smoling and Scott [1988] 31 CRR 1 (SCC) 279
R v Ngwevela 1954 (1) SA 123 (A) 16, 174
R v North and East Devon Health Authority Ex Parte Coughlan (Secretary for Health and Another Intervening)
[2000] 3 All ER 850 (CA) 179
Rail Commuters Action Group and Others v Transnet Ltd t/a Metrorail and Others 2005 (2) SA 359 (CC) 335
Rainbow Civils CC v Minister of Transport and Public Works, Western Cape and Others [2013] ZAWCHC 3 36
Re Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs; Ex Parte Lam (2003) 214 CLR 1 179
Rèan International Supply Company (Pty) Ltd and Others v Mpumalanga Gaming Board 1999 (8) BCLR 918
(T) 241
Reed and Others v Master of the High Court of SA and Others [2005] 2 All SA 429 (E) 139, 270
Refugee Appeal Board and Others v Mukungubila 2019 (3) SA 141 (SCA) 243
Retail Motor Industry Organisation and Another v Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs and Another
2014 (3) SA 251 (SCA) 346
Riddelsdell v Hall (1883) 2 SC 356 276
Road Accident Fund v Duma and Three Similar Cases 2013 (6) SA 9 (SCA) 139, 345
Roman v Williams NO 1997 (2) SACR 754 (C) 213, 215, 216
Rose v Johannesburg Local Road Transportation Board 1947 (4) SA 272 (W) 194
Rossouw v Sachs 1964 (2) SA 551 (A) 11
Rural Maintenance (Pty) Ltd v Maluti a-Phofong Local Municipality [2019] ZAFSHC 186 331
Rustenburg Platinum Mines Ltd (Rustenburg Section) v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration
2007 (1) SA 576 (SCA) 209
Ruyobeza and Another v Minister of Home Affairs and Others 2003 (5) SA 51 (C) 194, 318, 319, 343, 344

S v Makwanyane and Another 1995 (3) SA 391 (CC) 31
S v Meer and Another 1981 (1) SA 739 (N) 219
S v Naudé 1975 (1) SA 681 (A) 159
S v Prefabricated Housing Corporation (Pty) Ltd and Another 1974 (1) SA 535 (A) 345
SA Predator Breeders Association and Others v Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism [2011] 2 All SA
529 (SCA) 208
SACCAWU and Others v President, Industrial Tribunal, and Another 2001 (2) SA 277 (SCA) 289
Sachs and Diamond v Minister of Justice 1934 AD 11 15
Saliwa v Minister of Native Affairs 1956 (2) SA 310 (A) 16
Samons v Turnaround Management Association Southern Africa NPC and Another 2019 (2) SA 596 (GJ) 208
Sasol Oil (Pty) Ltd and Another v Metcalfe NO 2004 (5) SA 161 (W) 284
Scalabrini Centre and Others, Cape Town and Others v Minister of Home Affairs and Others 2013 (3) SA 531
(WCC) 84, 187, 196
Schermbrucker v Klindt NO 1965 (4) SA 606 (A) 11, 16
Schierhout v The Union Government 1919 AD 30 158
Schoonbee and Others v MEC for Education, Mpumalanga and Another 2002 (4) SA 877 (T) 213, 214, 216
Seale v Van Rooyen NO and Others; Provincial Government, North West Province v Van Rooyen NO and Others
2008 (4) SA 43 (SCA) 298
Section27 and Others v Minister of Education and Another 2013 (2) SA 40 (GNP) 281
Security Industry Alliance v Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority and Others 2015 (1) SA 169 (SCA)
Setlogelo v Setlogelo 1914 AD 221 339
Setshedi v Minister Ndebele and Another (2014) 35 ILJ 2861 (LC) 348
Shabangu v Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa 2020 (1) SA 305 (CC) 332
Shidiack v Union Government (Minister of the Interior) 1912 AD 642 7, 11, 130
Sibiya v Director-General: Home Affairs and Others and 55 Related Cases 2009 (5) SA 145 (KZP) 344, 345
Sidumo and Another v Rustenburg Platinum Mines Ltd and Others 2008 (2) SA 24 (CC) 134, 209
Sikutshwa v MEC for Social Development, Eastern Cape and Others 2009 (3) SA 47 (TkH) 235, 236
Sokhela and Others v MEC for Agriculture and Environmental Affairs (Kwazulu-Natal) and Others 2010 (5) SA
574 (KZP) 182
South African Association of Personal Injury Lawyers v Heath and Others 2001 (1) SA 883 (CC) 38, 41
South African Defence and Aid Fund and Another v Minister of Justice 1967 (1) SA 31 (A) 165, 166
South African Football Association v Stanton Woodrush (Pty) Ltd t/a Stan Smidt & Sons and Another 2003 (3)
SA 313 (SCA) 289
South African Liquor Traders’ Association and Others v Chairperson, Gauteng Liquor Board and Others 2009
(1) SA 565 (CC) 219
South African National Roads Agency v Cape Town City 2017 (1) SA 468 (SCA) 284
South African Police Union and Another v National Commissioner of the South African Police Service and
Another (2005) 26 ILJ 2403 (LC) 99
South African Post Office v De Lacy and Another 2009 (5) SA 255 (SCA) 324
South African Reserve Bank v Public Protector 2017 (6) SA 198 (GP) 116
South African Shore Angling Association and Another v Minister of Environmental Affairs 2002 (5) SA 511 (SE)
Special New Fruit Licensing Limited and Others v Colours Fruit (South Africa) (Pty) Limited and Others [2019]
ZAWCHC 83 331
Spier Properties (Pty) Ltd and Another v Chairman, Wine and Spirit Board, and Others 1999 (3) SA 832 (C)
State Information Technology Agency SOC Ltd v Gijima Holdings (Pty) Ltd 2018 (2) SA 23 (CC) 132, 136,
279, 285, 312, 313, 314, 315
Steenkamp and Others v EDCON Ltd 2016 (3) SA 251 (CC) 264
Steenkamp NO v Provincial Tender Board, Eastern Cape 2006 (3) SA 151 (SCA) 334
Steenkamp NO v Provincial Tender Board, Eastern Cape 2007 (3) SA 121 (CC) 25, 66, 295, 296, 302, 303,
323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 334
Syntell (Pty) Ltd v The City of Cape Town [2008] ZAWCHC 120 271

Tantoush v Refugee Appeal Board 2008 (1) SA 232 (T) 319, 322
Tao Ying Metal Industry (Pty) Ltd v Pooe NO and Others 2007 (5) SA 146 (SCA) 287
Telcordia Technologies Inc v Telkom SA Ltd 2007 (3) SA 266 (SCA) 287
Telematrix (Pty) Ltd t/a Matrix Vehicle Tracking v Advertising Standards Authority SA 2006 (1) SA 461 (SCA)
324, 325
Telkom SA Soc Limited v Mncube NO and Others; Mobile Telephone Networks (Pty) Ltd v Pillay NO and Others;
Cell C (Pty) Limited v Th e Chairperson of ICASA and Others; Dimension Data Middle East & Africa (Pty) Ltd
t.a Internet Solutions v ICASA and Others unreported, referred to as [2016] ZAGPPHC 93, 26 February
2016 191
The National Treasury v Kubukeli 2016 (2) SA 507 (SCA) 194
The Public Protector v Mail & Guardian Ltd and Others 2011 (4) SA 420 (SCA) 57
The Trustees of the Simcha Trust and Another v De Jong and Others 2015 (4) SA 229 (SCA) 327
Thebe Ya Bophelo Healthcare Administrators (Pty) Ltd and Others v National Bargaining Council for the Road
Freight Industry and Another 2009 (3) SA 187 (W) 209
Theron en Andere v Ring van Wellington van die NG Sendingkerk in Suid-Afrika en Andere 1976 (2) SA 1 (A)
137, 196, 203, 223, 318
Thusi v Minister of Home Affairs and Another and 71 Other Cases 2011 (2) SA 561 (KZP) 152, 153
Total Computer Services (Pty) Ltd v Municipal Manager, Potchefstroom Local Municipality 2008 (4) SA 346 (T)
207, 271
Transman (Pty) Ltd v Dick and Another 2009 (4) SA 22 (SCA) 137, 138
Transnet Ltd v Goodman Brothers (Pty) Ltd 2001 (1) SA 853 (SCA) 232, 233
Transnet Ltd v Sechaba Photoscan (Pty) Ltd 2005 (1) SA 299 (SCA) 326
Transvaal Property & Investment Co Ltd and Reinhold & Co Ltd v SA Townships Mining & Finance Corporation
Ltd & the Administrator 1938 TPD 512 340
Trencon Construction (Pty) Ltd v Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Limited 2015 (5) SA 245
(CC) 316, 318, 319, 320, 321, 351
Trinity Broadcasting (Ciskei) v Independent Communications Authority of South Africa 2004 (3) SA 346 (SCA)
205, 206, 207
Trustees for the time being of Children’s Resource Centre Trust and Others v Pioneer Food (Pty) Ltd and Others
2013 (2) SA 213 (SCA) 281
Tseleng v Chairman, Unemployment Insurance Board and Another 1995 (3) SA 162 (T) 167, 168, 259
Tshiyombo v Refugee Appeal Board and Others 2016 (4) SA 469 (WCC) 322
Turnbull-Jackson v Hibiscus Court Municipality and Others 2014 (6) SA 592 (CC) 289
Turner v Jockey Club of South Africa 1974 (3) SA 633 (A) 137, 196, 212

Umfolozi Transport (Edms) Bpk v Minister van Vervoer [1997] 2 All SA 548 (A) 25
Union Government (Minister of Mines and Industries) Appellants v Union Steel Corporation (South Africa) Ltd
Respondents 1928 AD 220 202
United Technical Equipment Co (Pty) Ltd v Johannesburg City Council 1987 (4) SA 343 (T) 340
University of the Western Cape and Others v Member of Executive Committee for Health and Social Services
and Others 1998 (3) SA 124 (C) 318

Van Eck, NO, and Van Rensburg, NO, v Etna Stores 1947 (2) SA 984 (A) 150
Van Zyl v New National Party and Others [2003] 3 All SA 737 (C) 84, 90
Viking Pony Africa Pumps (Pty) Ltd t/a Tricom Africa v Hidro-Tech Systems (Pty) Ltd and Another 2011 (1) SA
327 (CC) 94, 96
Vryenhoek and Others v Powell NO and Others 1996 (1) SA 984 (CC) 298
Vumazonke v MEC for Social Development, Eastern Cape, and Three Similar Cases 2005 (6) SA 229 (SE)

Walele v City of Cape Town and Others 2008 (6) SA 129 (CC) 94, 177, 180, 327
WDR Earthmoving Enterprises & Another v The Joe Gqabi District Municipality [2018] ZASCA 7 280
Webster v Mitchell 1948 (1) SA 1186 (W) 339
Weenen Transitional Local Council v Van Dyk 2002 (4) SA 653 (SCA) 164
Wessels v Minister for Justice and Constitutional Development and Others 2010 (1) SA 128 (GNP) 94, 95,
Westinghouse Electric Belgium Societe Anonyme v Eskom Holdings (Soc) Ltd and Another 2016 (3) SA 1
(SCA) 321
Wolgroeiers Afslaers (EDMS) BPK v Munisipaliteit van Kaapstad 1978 (1) SA 13 (A) 283
Wood and Others v Ondangwa Tribal Authority and Another 1975 (2) SA 294 (A) 276
WWF South Africa v Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries [2018] 4 All SA 889 (WCC) 207

Zantsi v Council of State, Ciskei and Others 1995 (10) BCLR 1424 (CC) 275
Zealand v Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development and Another 2008 (4) SA 458 (CC) 210
Zondi v MEC for Traditional and Local Government Affairs and Others 2005 (3) A 589 (CC) 24, 66, 108, 134,
173, 174, 267, 268
Arms and Ammunition Act 75 of 1969 245

Births and Deaths Registration Act 51 of 1992 152
Section 9(3)(A) 152
Border Management Authority Act 2 of 2020 261, 262
Section 3 262
Section 24 262
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act 53 of 2003 66

Collective Investment Schemes Control Act 45 of 2002 107
Companies Act 71 of 2008 55, 77, 196
Section 1 30, 55
Section 8 55
Section 11(3)(c)(iv) 55
Section 19(1)(a) 55
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act 200 of 1993 (Interim Constitution) 73
Chapter 3 324
Constitutional Principle VI
Schedule 4 37, 39
Section 7(4)(a) 324
Section 24 74, 324
Section 24(b) 174
Section 237 46
Section 237(3) 46
Section 187 324
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (final Constitution) 31, 34, 41, 43, 44, 46,
70, 77, 107, 109
Chapter 9 43, 112
Chapter 10 41, 56, 112, 122
Chapter 197(1) 33
Schedule 5 47
Schedule 6 74
Section 1 31, 34, 36
Section 1(c) 132, 172
Section 1(d) 34, 173
Section 2 33, 47
Section 7 35, 47
Section 7(2) 33
Section 8 33, 35
Section 8(1) 65
Section 17 34
Section 19 197
Section 23(1) 233
Section 26 33
Section 29 33
Section 26(2) 31, 33
Section 27 47, 49, 50
Section 27(2) 47
Section 33 35, 62, 64, 65, 66, 70, 74, 75, 76, 77, 80, 81, 83, 100, 107, 108, 118, 129, 130, 132,
134, 136, 137, 172, 173, 174, 196, 197, 203, 225, 241, 257, 279, 295, 297, 333, 334, 339,
Section 33(1) 80, 93, 109, 133, 146, 163, 169, 233, 267
Section 33(2) 93, 227, 232, 233, 234, 254
Section 33(3) 35, 132, 230
Section 34 34, 107, 129, 233
Section 36 35, 47, 75, 107, 129, 215
Section 38 277, 278, 279, 291, 295, 323, 324, 327, 332, 333, 345
Section 38(a) 278, 279
Section 38(b) 280
Section 38(c) 280
Section 38(d) 279, 280, 281
Section 39 212
Section 39(3) 36
Section 43 70
Section 44 47, 70
Section 55(2) 108
Section 57 158
Section 57(1)(b) 34
Section 57(4) 165
Section 59(1)(a) 34
Section 76(1) 47
Section 83–85 70, 77
Section 84 76
Section 84(1) 45
Section 84(2) 77
Section 84(2)(a) 97
Section 85 31, 40, 46
Section 114 108
Section 118 34
Sections 125 32
Section 151(2) 32
Section 165 59, 70
Section 165(2) 58
Section 165(4) 58
Section 165(5) 59
Section 166 65
Section 172 33, 47, 294, 295, 335
Section 172(1) 296, 297, 298, 300
Section 172(1)(a) 33, 36, 297, 312, 313, 314, 315, 335, 346
Section 172(1)(b) 33, 297, 312, 314, 330, 331, 332
Section 181 56, 59
Section 181–183 56
Section 181(2) 58
Section 181(2)–(5) 57
Section 181(3) 58
Section 182 57, 117
Section 182(1) 113
Section 182(1)(a) 43, 59, 114
Section 182(1)(c) 59, 115
Section 182(2) 57
Section 184 118
Section 188 118
Section 195 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 41, 46, 104, 173
Section 195(1) 34
Section 195(1)(d) 41, 173
Section 195(1)(e) 34, 173
Section 196 33, 60, 122
Section 196(2) 33
Section 196(4) 60
Section 196(4)(b) 33
Section 196(4)(d) 123
Section 196(5) 33
Section 197 33, 103
Section 213 53, 54
section 213(1) 53
Section 216 52
Section 216(1) 53
Section 216(2) 52
Section 217 36
Section 237 307
Section 238 160
Section 239 33, 43, 45, 65, 76, 78, 87, 311
Section 239(a) 45, 57
Section 239(b) 57
Customs and Excise Act 91 of 1964 55, 220

Defence Act 44 of 1957 107
Section 103 107

Electronic Communications Act 36 of 2005 136
Eskom Conversion Act 13 of 2001 55
Section 1 55
Section 2 55
Section 6(4) 56
Executive Members’ Ethics Act 82 of 1998 113

Financial Services Board Act 97 of 1990 110

Gas Act 48 of 2001 211
Gauteng Gambling Act 4 of 1995 150
Section 18B(7) 150
Genetically Modified Organisms Act 15 of 1997 111
Section 5(1)(b) 112
Section 5(1)(b)(i) 112
Section 19(2)(a) 112

Higher Education Act 101 of 1997 63
Section 1 63
Section 38J 63
Section 38J(1)(a) 63, 64

Identification Act 68 of 1997 159, 161
Section 4 161
Section 15 153
Income Tax Act 58 of 1962 66, 214, 220
Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 73
Interpretation Act 33 of 1957 155
Section 10(3) 155
Internal Security Act 74 of 1982 107
Section 8 107
Section 11 107
Section 19 107
Section 28 107
Section 29 107
Section 41 107

Judicial Service Commission Act 9 of 1994 73

Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 (LRA) 89, 134
Section 23(1)(d) 89, 138
Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003 54, 119, 124
Section 1 54
Section 60 54
Section 62 271
Section 62(3) 272
Section 93 54
Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000 64, 271
Section 62 271
Section 75A 64
Section 93J 54

Marine Living Resources Act 18 of 1998 207, 232
Section 5 232
Medicines and Related Substances Act 101 of 1965 85
Section 22G 85
Merchant Shipping Act 57 of 1951 265
Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002 182, 189

National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act 103 of 1977 106, 156, 229
National Education Policy Act 27 of 1996 148, 149
Section 3(4) 148
National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 230, 240, 351
Section 24H(3) 240
Section 32(2) 351
Section 32(3) 351
National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 10 of 2004 240
Section 88(5) 240
National Health Act 61 of 2003 157
National Heritage Resources Act 25 of 1999 244
National Land Transport Act 5 of 2009 157
National Road Traffic Act 93 of 1996 96
National Water Act 36 of 1998 47
Section 19 219
Nursing Act 33 of 2005 157, 158, 163, 165
Section 57 158, 163, 165
Section 57(1) 158
Section 57(4) 163

Planning Profession Act 36 of 2002 129
Section 28 129
Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 5 of 2000 66
Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act 12 of 2004 113
Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 2000 97, 113, 240
Section 25(3) 240
Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000 (PAJA) 33, 70, 109, 147,
228, 256, 294, 333
Section 1 43, 65, 66, 70, 76, 80, 94, 100, 176, 177, 180, 184, 187, 188
Section 1(i) 79, 80, 82, 83, 84, 100, 232, 263
Section 1(i)(cc) 51
Section 1(i)(ii) 188
Section 1(ii) of PAJA 45
Section 1(v) 82, 83, 84, 85
Section 1(vi) 93, 256
Section 2 239
Section 3 35, 80, 93, 94, 95, 164, 172, 173, 174, 176, 177, 179, 180, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190,
191, 197, 245, 267, 268
Section 3(1) 95, 175, 177, 178, 180
Section 3(2) 184, 186
Section 3(2)(a) 180, 267
Section 3(2)(b) 165, 175, 181, 182, 183, 191
Section 3(2)(b)(i) 182, 220
Section 3(2)(b)(iii) 245
Section 3(3) 175, 181, 183, 186
Section 3(4) 181, 186
Section 3(4)(b) 186
Section 3(5) 165, 184, 268
Section 4 35, 79, 93, 94, 164, 172, 173, 174, 176, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 197, 267, 240,
Section 4(1) 98, 188
Section 4(1)(a) 186
Section 4(1)(b) 186, 188
Section 4(1)(c) 187, 188
Section 4(1)(d) 187, 188, 268
Section 4(1)(e) 187, 188
Section 4(2) 188
Section 4(2)(b)(iii) 240
Section 4(3) 188, 189
Section 4(4) 188
Section 5 183, 230, 231, 232, 233, 235, 237, 238, 239, 240, 254
Section 5(1) 231, 232, 233, 234, 240, 252
Section 5(2) 235, 236, 238, 239
Section 5(3) 238
Section 5(4) 239
Section 5(4)(a) 239
Section 5(4)(b) 239
Section 5(5) 239, 240
Section 5(6) 240
Section 6 65, 184, 188, 204, 277
Section 6(1) 252, 237, 277
Section 6(2) 133, 158
Section 6(3) 83
Section 6(2) 34, 133, 164, 175, 204, 274, 282
Section 6(2)(a) 157, 158
Section 6(2)(a)(i) 157, 133, 169
Section 6(2)(a)(ii) 133, 160, 169
Section 6(2)(a)(iii) 133, 191, 194
Section 6(2)(b) 133, 162, 164, 169
Section 6(2)(c) 164, 190
Section 6(2)(d) 133, 167, 168, 169, 258
Section 6(2)(e) 133
Section 6(2)(e)(i) 150, 169, 228, 260
Section 6(2)(e)(ii) 150, 169, 260
Section 6(2)(e)(iii) 166, 169, 217, 260
Section 6(2)(e)(v) 150, 169
Section 6(2)(e)(vi) 133
Section 6(2)(e)(iv) 162, 169
Section 6(2)(f)(ii) 210, 211
Section 6(2)(f)(ii)(bb) 263
Section 6(2)(g) 83, 133, 151, 169, 263, 343
Section 6(2)(h) 133, 203, 204, 209, 210, 212, 214
Section 6(2)(i) 133, 147, 162, 169, 219
Section 6(3) 83, 151, 169, 264, 343
Section 6(3)(a) 152, 153, 343
Section 6(3)(b) 343
Section 7(1) 237, 283
Section 7(1)(a) 283
Section 7(1)(b) 283
Section 7(2) 111, 138, 139, 270, 271, 283
Section 7(2)(a) 139, 270
Section 7(2)(b) 139
Section 7(2)(c) 139, 283, 287
Section 7(3) 287
Section 7(4) 287
Section 8 175, 296, 297, 318, 323, 336, 352
Section 8(1) 34, 296, 302, 343
Section 8(1)(a) 252
Section 8(1)(a)(ii) 336, 339
Section 8(1)(b) 336, 339
Section 8(1)(c) 327, 328, 329
Section 8(1)(c)(i) 317, 327
Section 8(1)(c)(ii) 327, 328
Section 8(1)(c)(ii)(aa) 318, 322, 327, 329, 346
Section 8(1)(c)(ii)(bb) 296, 323, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334
Section 8(1)(d) 335
Section 8(1)(e) 339
Section 8(2) 153, 335, 343
Section 8(2)(c) 345
Section 9 235, 236, 284
Section 9(1) 235
Section 9(2) 235, 284
Section 10 235
Section 10(1)(d) 235
Section 10(2)(a)(ii) 110
Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act 4 of 2000 113
Protected Disclosures Act 26 of 2000 113
Public Audit Act 25 of 2004 118, 119, 120, 121
Section 5A 121
Section 5B 121
Section 20(2) 119
Public Audit Amendment Act 5 of 2018 120, 121
Public Finance Management Act 1 of 1999 30, 53, 54, 56, 66, 67, 110, 119, 264
Schedule 2 55, 56
Schedule 3 55
Section 1 30, 53, 55
Section 2 53
Section 5 53
Section 6 53, 117
Section 6(2)(g) 53
Section 11(1) 53
Section 12(1) 53
Section 36(1) 53
Section 36(2) 53
Section 38 53
Section 49 56
Section 76(1) 264
Section 76(1)(b) 264
Section 76(2) 264
Section 76(2)(c) 264
Public Protector Act 23 of 1994 57, 113, 114, 115
Section 6 57
Section 6(4) 124
Section 6(4)(b) 115
Section 7 114
Public Safety Act 3 of 1953 107
Section 5B 107
Public Service Act, 1994 (Proclamation 103 of 1994) 46
Schedule 1 46, 47, 48, 51, 52, 54, 55
Section 7A 46
Section 7(5)(a) 46

Refugees Act 130 of 1998 185, 243, 268
Section 4(1)(b) 243
Rules Board for Courts of Law Act 107 of 1985 287

Schools Act 84 of 1996 149
Scientific Research Council Act 46 of 1988 156
Ship Registration Act 58 of 1998 156
Social Assistance Act 13 of 2004 82, 152, 244, 249
South African Human Rights Commission Act 40 of 2013 118
Section 13(3)(a) 118
South African Medicines and Medical Devices Regulatory Authority Act 132 of 1998 71
South African Police Service Act 68 of 1995 165
South African Revenue Service Act 34 of 1997 54, 55
Schedule 1 54
Section 2 54, 55
Section 3 55
Section 5 54
Section 6(1) 54
State Liability Act 20 of 1957 117

Tax Administration Act 28 of 2011 124
Section 92 154
Section 98 154
Section 107(5) 124
Section 150 154

Unemployment Insurance Act 30 of 1966 167
Section 35(7)(a) 167
Section 35(13)(a) 167, 168
Usury Act 73 of 1968 77
Section 15A 77

Value-Added Tax Act 89 of 1991 55, 214, 215, 220

Water Services Act 108 of 1997 47, 48, 49, 50
Section 9 49
Section 9(1) 50
Section 41 50
Section 49 49
Section 61 49
Section 66 49
Section 73(1)(h) 50
Section 73(1)(j) 50
Section 74(2)(a) 50

Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 111
Section 33 111
Tribunals Amalgamation Act 2015 (No 60, 2015) 111

Soviet Constitution 1977 31
Article 1 31
administration Those public institutions primarily concerned with the implementation of legislation and policy,
as such, and created for this very purpose.
administrative action Generally administrative action are decisions ostensibly taken under empowering
provisions in fulfilling the function of state administration and aimed at consequences outside of the
administration. This term is comprehensively and technically defined in section 1(i) of the Promotion of
Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000.
administrative justice The notion of control over and facilitation of administrative action through a range of
mechanisms, primarily based in administrative law, aimed at ensuring state administration in line with
constitutional norms.
alternative dispute resolution (ADR) A range of processes aimed at resolving a legal dispute between two
parties other than by means of courts, including negotiation, mediation and arbitration.
appeal A process in terms of which the merits of a decision are assessed to determine whether the correct
decision was taken and if not to replace the original decision with a new one.
audi alteram partem The common-law rule that requires an administrator to give a person the opportunity to
make representations before taking an action that impacts on that person.
Auditor-General One of the state institutions supporting constitutional democracy created in Chapter Nine of
the Constitution with the mandate to audit and report on the accounts, financial statements and financial
management of organs of state.
Bill A draft law that the legislature is discussing and considering. Once the President duly passes and signs the
Bill, it becomes an Act of the legislature.
Bill of Rights Chapter 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 containing fundamental
rights protected under the Constitution.
bona fide Latin term meaning ‘good faith’.
branch of government The name given in constitutional theory to the three pillars of government usually
distinguished from each other when discussing the separation of powers doctrine. These three pillars are
the legislature, the executive and the judiciary.
Cabinet In terms of section 91 of the Constitution, the Cabinet comprises of the President, Deputy President
and Ministers appointed by the President and exercising national executive authority with the President. All
members of Cabinet except the President and a maximum of two Ministers must be members of the
National Assembly. Deputy Ministers are not members of Cabinet.
case law The binding legal principles developed by courts when handing down judgments on the interpretation
and application of statutes, common law or customary law.
Chapter Nine institutions State institutions supporting constitutional democracy created in Chapter Nine of
the Constitution, which includes the Public Protector and Auditor General.
checks and balances The concept closely associated with the doctrine of separation of powers which
envisages that each of the three branches of government (the legislature, the executive and the judiciary)
will act as a check (or brake) on the exercise of power by the other two branches to prevent the abuse of
power and to ensure accountable government.
civil service Personnel constituting the public administration.
collateral challenge Resisting irregular administrative action that has not been declared invalid in proceedings
where the action is sought to be enforced against a person, the validity of the administrative action thus
forms a defence in the enforcement proceedings and is called a collateral challenge.
common law The set of legal rules and principles not contained in legislation duly passed by the legislature,
but rather inherited from the colonial powers and which are continuously being developed and enforced by
the judiciary.
compensation A court order for a party to pay another party an amount of money as appropriate relief
following the review of an administrative action.
Constitution see final Constitution.
constitutional damages Where a court finds that a person or institution has infringed the constitutional rights
of an individual and (in the absence of other appropriate remedies) orders the person or institution to pay
a sum of money to the aggrieved party to remedy the constitutional infringement.
constitutional supremacy The Constitution is the supreme authority in the state and all law and conduct is
subject to the Constitution.
contempt of court A common-law remedy which litigants may resort to when confronted with wilful and mala
fide (bad faith) non-compliance with court orders directing an opponent to do or refrain from doing
damages The sum of money a court orders a person or institution to pay to somebody to compensate for the
financial or emotional harm or ‘damage’ suffered by the aggrieved party because of actions taken by the
person or institution ordered to pay the damages.
declaration of constitutional invalidity Declaration by a court in terms of section 172 of the Constitution that
the decision under scrutiny does not comply with constitutional requirements and accordingly in law never
declaration of rights A court order that declares the rights of the parties in respect of the matter before the
deference The notion that courts should show respect to the constitutionally ordained role of other branches of
state when reviewing the actions of those branches.
delegation The process in terms of which the authority to take an action is transferred from one administrator
to another.
delegatus delegare non potest Latin statement meaning that a person that has been granted power generally
cannot delegate that power to another person.
Director-General The administrative head of a government department.
doctrine of objective invalidity Also referred to as the doctrine of objective unconstitutionality, this is the
principle that any legislative provision or action which is in conflict with the Constitution is assumed to be
invalid from the moment that the conflict first arose. When a court confirms the unconstitutionality and
hence invalidity of the legislative provision or action, it will automatically be invalid retrogressively from the
moment the conflict arose unless the court orders otherwise.
Executive Executive generally refers to that branch within the separation of powers primarily concerned with the
formulation of policy and the implementation of legislation and policy; this term is crucial to the study of
administrative law. It is usually understood to include both political officials (Cabinet and Deputy Ministers)
and the administration.
ex parte Latin term meaning ‘from one side’. In litigation this term refers to instances when a party approaches
a court in the absence of a respondent, that is, there is only one party to the case.
final Constitution (also Constitution) The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 finally adopted
by the democratically elected Constitutional Assembly in 1996 in terms of which South Africa has been
governed since 1997.
final interdict An order of court granting interdictory relief of permanent force and effect, that is directing a
person not to do something or to take certain action.
Freedom Charter The charter setting out core principles according to which South Africa should be governed,
adopted by the Congress of the People in 1955 in Kliptown, Soweto. This Charter formed the normative
basis of the liberation struggle in South Africa.
functus officio Doctrine in administrative law that holds that once an administrator has taken a final decision
that administrator can, as a general rule, not revoke or vary the decision.
general administrative law The principles of administrative law that are applicable to all administrative
entities, as opposed to specific administrative law which applies to specific areas such as education, the
environment, the police, the revenue service and so on.
government The term government is employed in several ways. On occasion, ‘government’ is synonymous with
‘executive’ in the wide sense, comprising both politicians and administrators. Sometimes government
refers to the high executive, that is, Cabinet, and sometimes the ruling or majority party is referred to as
the government.
grounds of review The bases or arguments in administrative law upon which a court can interfere with an
administrative action. Grounds of review in effect capture the mistakes that administrators can make in law
that would render their administrative actions subject to invalidation by a court. These are codified in
section 6(2) of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000.
horizontal application Traditionally, a constitution only binds the state and prohibits it from infringing on the
rights of private individuals and institutions (and is said to apply vertically only). The South African
Constitution applies horizontally as, in certain cases, it also binds private individuals and institutions and
prohibits them from infringing on the rights of others.
human rights A set of norms and standards contained in a bill of rights or international human rights treaty
aimed at protecting the human dignity and other fundamental interests of individuals, which binds the
state (and sometimes other parties) and is usually enforced by independent courts or tribunals.
in limine Literally, ‘at the threshold’, this Latin term refers to a motion made before a trial begins which asks
the court, for example, to rule on a preliminary legal point or on the exclusion of certain evidence.
interdict An order of court directing a person not to do something (prohibitory interdict) or directing a person
to take certain action (mandatory interdict).
interim Constitution The South African Constitution according to which South Africa was governed between
1994 and 1996 while a final Constitution was being negotiated. It contained the 34 Constitutional
Principles with which the final Constitution had to comply and prescribed the process for the adoption of
the final Constitution.
interim interdict An order of court granting temporary relief directed at preserving or restoring the status quo
pending the final determination of the rights of the parties.
internal remedy A mechanism within the administration aimed at providing effective legal relief to a person
aggrieved by an administrative action taken by that administration.
invalid administrative action Administrative action that has been declared by a court as inconsistent with the
Constitution and thus invalid, meaning that the administrative action never existed in law.
ipse dixit Latin term meaning ‘he himself said it’ and referring to the situation where a claim is based purely
on a person’s own statement without any further supporting proof.
irregular (or unjust) administrative action Administrative action that does not comply with one or more of the
three basic requirements of administrative justice under section 33(1) of the Constitution, namely
lawfulness, reasonableness and procedural fairness. Irregular administrative action or unjust administrative
action covers unlawful administrative action, unreasonable administrative action and procedurally unfair
administrative action.
judicial authority The term for the power given to judges that allows them to hear a case and to decide in
favour of one party.
judicial independence The notion that judges should be free from interference by the other branches of
government or private parties and which is achieved by providing institutional safeguards.
judicial review The process through which judges review the constitutionality of actions taken by the
legislature, executive or private parties and declare such actions invalid if they are in conflict with the
Constitution. In administrative law, judicial review refers specifically to judicial scrutiny of administrative
judiciary One of the three branches of government, staffed by judicial officers and led by the Chief Justice.
jurisdiction The legal authority of members of the judiciary to hear and determine judicial disputes in a
specific geographical area or on specific subject matter.
justiciability Concerns the limits on legal issues over which a court can exercise its judicial authority and thus
refers to factual or legal questions capable of being decided by a court.
justiciable In constitutional law, a matter is justiciable if courts can apply the Constitution to the factual or
legal dispute and can declare invalid action in conflict with the Constitution.
lawfulness One of the three pillars of administrative justice in terms of section 33(1) of the Constitution, which
requires all administrative action to be taken in terms of a valid legal source and in compliance with that
law-making power The power of an institution such as a legislature, derived from a constitution, to pass valid
legality The legal ideal that requires all exercises of public power to be rational, non-arbitrary and authorised
by law that is clear, ascertainable and non-retrospective.
legitimate expectation An expectation on the part of a person that an administrator will take a certain
decision or follow a certain procedure based on a promise made by the administrator or on a long-
established practice that the person can reasonably expect to continue.
limitation of rights When law or conduct infringes on one or more of the rights protected in the Bill of Rights,
this is called a limitation of the right. A limitation can be justified in terms of section 36 (and is then
constitutionally valid) or it can be unjustified (and is then unconstitutional).
mala fide Latin term meaning ‘in bad faith’.
Member of the Executive Council (MEC) This is a person appointed by the Premier of a province from among
the members of the provincial legislature to serve in the provincial executive, that is the equivalent of the
Cabinet at provincial level and who, along with the Premier, exercises provincial executive authority and
heads up the provincial government.
nation state A political unit consisting of an autonomous state inhabited predominantly by a people sharing a
common history.
National Assembly The lower House of the national Parliament of South Africa comprising 400 members
elected in a general election through the system of proportional representation to represent the interests of
the whole electorate.
National Council of Provinces The second House of the national Parliament of South Africa comprising 10
delegates from each province, primarily representing the interests of provinces in the national law-making
nemo judex in sua causa esse debet Latin statement that states that no one should be a judge in their own
norms Values or principles that direct proper, or in constitutional law, legally permissible behaviour in a society.
notice and comment procedure A procedure set out in section 4(3) of the Promotion of Administrative Justice
Act 3 of 2000, in terms of which the public or groups of the public can be consulted before administrative
action impacting on them is taken and which involves written submissions being invited on the proposed
administrative action.
organ of state In terms of section 239 of the Constitution, any department of state or administration in the
national, provincial or local sphere of government; or any other functionary or institution that exercises a
power or performs a function in terms of the Constitution or a provincial constitution; or that exercises a
public power or performs a public function in terms of any legislation. However, it does not include a court
or a judicial officer.
ouster clause A provision in a statute that attempts to prevent a court from scrutinising any action taken in
terms of that provision or statute.
Parliament In South African constitutional law it is the collective name for the National Assembly and the
National Council of Provinces, the two Houses of the national legislature empowered jointly to pass
legislation and to fulfil the other duties of the national legislature.
parliamentary supremacy This is also called parliamentary sovereignty or legislative supremacy and is a
concept in the constitutional law of some parliamentary democracies. With parliamentary sovereignty, a
legislative body (usually the democratically elected parliament) has absolute sovereignty, meaning it is
supreme to all other government institutions, including the executive and the judiciary. This means that the
legislative body may change or repeal any previous legislation and is not constrained by the constitution in
what legislation it can pass.
portfolio committees The various committees of the National Assembly tasked with processing legislation and
overseeing the implementation of legislation relating to the portfolio of each member of the Cabinet.
Premier In South Africa, the head of a provincial executive and holder of provincial executive authority. The
Premier is elected by the provincial legislature from its members.
President In South Africa, the head of state and the head of the national executive, elected by the National
Assembly from its own members, but who ceases to be a member of the National Assembly upon election
as President. The national executive authority vests in the President.
principle of subsidiarity The rule that where legislation gives effect to a constitutional right, a litigant must,
where possible, rely on the provisions of the legislation and cannot rely directly on the right concerned.
procedural fairness One of the three pillars of administrative justice under section 33(1) of the Constitution,
which requires administrative action to be taken in terms of a process that is fair towards all those affected
by the action. Procedural fairness encompasses, but is not restricted to, the common-law rules of natural
proportionality A legal principle used to decide how the right balance should be struck between conflicting
interests to accommodate the various interests optimally, usually in a fair and just manner. In
administrative law, proportionality is one standard against which the reasonableness of administrative
action can be determined and is taken to encompass the three elements of balance, necessity and
public administration That part of the executive concerned with the implementation of legislation and of
public inquiry A procedure set out in section 4(2) of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000 in
terms of which the public or groups of the public can be consulted before administrative action impacting
on them is taken and which involves holding a public hearing to obtain input.
Public Protector One of the state institutions supporting constitutional democracy in South Africa created in
Chapter 9 of the Constitution with the mandate to investigate and report on any conduct in state affairs, or
in the public administration in any sphere of government, that is alleged or suspected to be improper or to
result in any impropriety or prejudice and to take appropriate remedial action.
public service The collective name for those persons who work for the national and provincial government
rationality A standard against which the reasonableness of an administrative action can be tested. Rationality
in administrative law requires a link between the administrative decision taken and the purpose of the
decision, the purpose of the empowering provision under which the action is taken, the information before
the administrator and the reasons given for the decision.
reasonableness One of the three pillars of administrative justice under section 33(1) of the Constitution,
which tests the substantive fairness of administrative action on a scale between rationality at the one end
and proportionality at the other. The particular standard for reasonableness in a given case is determined
by the context using factors set out in case law.
reasons A statement that adequately explains why the administrator took a particular administrative decision.
remittal When a court reviews and sets aside administrative action it may refer the matter back, or remit it, to
the decision-maker to enable it to reconsider the matter and make a new decision, which is called remittal.
retrospective operation When an action is declared constitutionally invalid that declaration operates from the
moment that the action was taken and the action accordingly never existed in law.
royal prerogative The powers that the Monarch as Head of State enjoyed and which were traditionally not
subject to judicial scrutiny. These powers were transferred to the State President when South Africa became
a Republic, but ceased to exist when the interim Constitution came into operation.
rule nisi A temporary order granted by a court requiring the person against whom the order is granted to show
by a certain date why the order should not become a permanent order.
rule of law An evolving constitutional principle enforceable by courts and closely related to the principle of
legality which, at a minimum, requires the legislature and the executive in every sphere only to exercise
power and perform functions if authorised to do so by law and then only in a rational manner.
rules of natural justice At common law the two rules expressed by the Latin statements nemo judex in sua
causa esse debet (no one should be a judge in their own cause/interest) and audi alteram partem (hear
the other side).
separation of powers The principle that there must be some separation of function and, in some cases,
personnel of the three branches of government.
setting aside An order by a court that the administrative action found to be constitutionally invalid does not
exist in law.
severance The remedy which allows a court to declare invalid only that part of the action which renders the
action unconstitutional to fix the unconstitutionality of the action.
socio-economic rights The set of rights that ensures that the basic social and economic needs of individuals
are met, such as the right to housing, water, health care and social assistance.
sources of administrative law The legal sources that contain the rules of administrative law, primarily the
Constitution, Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000 and the common law.
sources of administrative power The source of the authority in terms of which an administrator takes
administrative action, also known as empowering provisions and which can be a law, a rule of common
law, customary law, or an agreement, instrument or other document in terms of which an administrative
action was purportedly taken.
specific administrative law The principles of law that are applicable to discrete areas of administration, for
example education, the environment, the police, the revenue service and so on.
standing The right of either an individual or an organisation to bring a case to a specific court and to have that
case heard in that court.
state An organised political community occupying a certain territory and whose members live under the
authority of a constitution. The state is therefore a far broader concept than the government.
structural interdict A remedy handed down by a court ordering the government to take certain steps and to
report back to the court at regular intervals about the steps taken to comply with the Constitution.
subsidiarity See principle of subsidiarity.
substitution An order in terms of which a court replaces an invalid administrative decision with a different
decision following the review and setting aside of the original decision.
suspension of an order of invalidity A remedy in which the court, after declaring an action constitutionally
invalid, suspends that order, allowing the action to remain in operation, usually for a set period of time to
allow the administrator to fix the invalidity of the action.
trias politica The division of the state into three distinct branches – executive, judicial and legislative – in terms
of the traditional doctrine of separation of powers.
ultra vires Describes actions taken by government bodies or private institutions that exceed the scope of power
given to them by law.
values Important and lasting beliefs or ideals contained in a constitution and/or shared by the members of a
culture about what is good or bad and desirable or undesirable.
Westminster system Also called a parliamentary system, this system of government is based on the British
model in which the members of the executive branch (usually the Prime Minister and his or her Cabinet
Ministers) are appointed from among the Members of Parliament and obtain their democratic legitimacy
from the Parliament. They are members of, as well as accountable to, that body, meaning that the
executive and legislative branches are intertwined.
Page numbers in italics indicate information presented in tables or illustrations.

and constitutional damages 334
and costs orders 350
and democracy 34
and efficiency 20, 21
and public power 4
accounting officers 53–54
basic element of 241
see also reasons, adequacy of
adequate notice 181–182
and tenders 220–221
administration, the 42–43
and administrative law 45
the administrative state 43–44
‘the administration,’ defining 44–45
see also South African administration, the
administrative action 12–14, 69–70, 100
AAA Investments judgment 77–79
and common law 74
and Constitution 74, 75
definitions 20–21, 79–82
and development of administrative law 73–74
essential elements 20
pre-constitutional period 74–79
pre-PAJA constitutional period 75
separation of powers, classification of state functions 70–71
seven elements of 81–82
administrative action, branches performing 71
the judiciary 73
policy branch 71–72
the public administration 72
the public legislature 72
administrative action, judicial regulation of see judicial review
administrative action, non-judicial regulation of
alternative dispute resolution 124–125
Auditor-General 118–122
control and facilitation 103–105
Human Rights Commission 118
internal controls 109–112
legislative regulation 105–109
Public Protector 113–117
Public Service Commission 122–123
specialised oversight bodies 112–123
administrative action, SARFU judgment
and the Constitution, prerogative powers 77
from institutional to functional 75–76
scope of functional approach 77
administrative action under PAJA 79–82
decision of administrative nature 82–86
definition of ‘decision’ 82–84
definitions 79–82
exercising public power, performing public function 88–92
final decisions 82–83
by organ of state or natural or juristic person 86–87
rule-making 84–86
in terms of a constitution, legislation or empowering provision 93
that adversely affects rights 93–95
that does not fall under listed exclusions 96–99
that has a direct, external legal effect 95–96
administrative and executive authority 12–14
administrative authorities 29–30
vs administrative law 65
civil service defined 32
concepts, nomenclature 30–33
constitutional supremacy 33–36
controversy in administrative law 61–67
doctrine of separation of powers 36–42
the government defined 32
identifying the administration 42–61
public administration defined 32
the state defined 30–31
administrative efficiency 247, 269
administrative justice 104
and administrative law 4
right to 17–18
administrative justice advisory council 22
administrative law 2–3, 61–62
vs ‘the administration’ 45
vs administrative authorities 65
and administrative justice 4
and administrative power 63–65
and Bill of Rights 65
and changing patterns in society 10
as constitutional law 4
defining 3–6, 61–62
dual nature of 63–64
external and internal controls 256
facilitating administrative action 104
general and particular 62, 135
and labour law 99
and public authority, functions 5
and public power 4
and role of legislature 4–5
and rule of law 6
as rules of law 5
sources of 65–66
sources of administrative power 66–67
administrative law, development of in SA 6–7
and apartheid 15–16
avenues to judicial review 23–24
challenges 26
consequences of ‘judge-made law’ 7–8
the current state 25–26
defining administrative law 3–6
and delegation of authority 10–12
and discretionary authority 10–12, 13
distinguishing between review, appeal 14–15
and executive, administrative authority 12–14
peculiar character of SA administrative law 15–16
and principle of legality 26
and private, public spheres 8–10
some basic terminology 16–17
see also Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000
administrative law, reform of in SA 17
first stage 17
fourth stage 19
second stage 17–18
superstructural reform 19–20
third stage 18–19
administrative power
and administrative law 63–65
authorised administrator 155–158
sources of 66–67
African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights 31
alternative dispute resolution 124–125
and judicial review 125
and Public Protector 124
and tenders 124
classification of functions doctrine under 12, 21
and deference 8
and development of administrative law 15–16
and discretion 11
and procedural fairness 174
and public power 4
and rights 18, 174
and rules of natural justice 16
security legislation 15
appeal and review 128–130
distinguishing between 14–15
appeal committee 157, 158, 163
appeals and interference 351
appeals tribunals 111
appeals vs reviews and remittal 316
appellant restraint, principle of 351
apprehension of bias 191, 194
apprehension of harm 339
asylum seekers 118, 185–186, 243, 321–322
see also refugees
audi alteram partem 172 see also natural justice, rules of
Auditor-General 118–122
and budgetary process 119–120
and fruitless and wasteful expenditure 120
functions 118
as institution of public administration 122
and irregular expenditure 120
and judicial review 122
key concepts 119–121
and material irregularity 120
and overspending 120
and Public Audit Amendment Act of 2018 121
remedial action 121
and unauthorised expenditure 120
Australian Commonwealth Administrative Appeals Tribunal 111
authorisation 147–148
and Constitutional Court 147–148
see also lawfulness
authorisation, how it is authorised 162–163
conditions 165–166
PAJA section 6(2)(b) and section 6(2)(c) 164–165
prescribed procedures 163–165
authorisation, what is authorised 148–149
authorisation in more than one place 149
changing a decision 154–155
discretion 149–150
omission 151–153
reason, purpose, motive 149–151
authorisation, who is authorised 155
authorised bodies 158–159
delegation 159–162
entities rather than individuals 156–157
identity of authorised administrator 155–158
influence and advice 162
particular position 156
by qualifications rather than by name or office 157
specific authorised administrator 156
authorised administrator 155–158
delegation of 10–12
discretionary 10–12, 13

bad faith 347
of convenience 339, 340, 341
of participation, efficiency 269
and proportionality 216
Batho Pele principles 103
bias 172
apprehension of 191, 194
rule against 174–175, 191, 194
and substitution 322
Bill of Rights 35, 47
and administrative law, administrative authorities 65
as check on state power 74
and constitutional supremacy 33, 34n25, 35–36
and discretionary power 257, 260
and judicial review 129, 295, 332
and ouster clauses 107
pre-1994 15–16
and rationality 205
and reasonableness 212, 215
and right to just administrative action 75
and standing 277
branches of government see administrative action, branches performing
Breakwater Declaration 17
broadcasting 88, 136n31, 206–207
budgetary process 119–120

Cabinet 8, 48
Chapter 9 institutions 56–57
checks and balances 37
City Power 95
civil service defined 32 see also under public service
class action 280–281
classification of functions doctrine 12–13
under apartheid 12, 21
common law 12, 74, 172
and reasonableness 202–203, 223
Code of Conduct for Public Servants 103, 123
collateral challenge 305–307
Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration 13, 134
commissions 59–61
commissions of inquiry 61, 76
and standing for judicial review 275
common law
and administrative action 12–13, 74
and avenues to review 134, 137
classification of functions doctrine 12, 74, 172
contempt of court 346
and costs orders 348
and delegation 160
and doctrine of classification of functions 12–13
and fairness 172
and grounds of review 133
inherent jurisdiction 7, 73, 179
interdicts 341
and interim interdicts 341
process of authorisation 162–163
and reasonableness 202–203
remedies 335, 341, 346
review and rationality 212
standing under 276
ultra vires doctrine 6, 16, 25
see also natural justice, rules of
compensation 323
constitutional damages 332–335
delictual damages 323–327
exceptional cases 327–330
under PAJA 327–330
and tenders 328–329
for unjustified enrichment 330–332
competing interests 140–141, 224
Constitutional Court
and authorisation 147–148
and changing a decision 154–155
defining administrative action 80–82
developing administrative law 13
and judicial review 131–132
and procedural rationality 195
process of authorisation 163
see also Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996
constitutional damages
and accountability 334
compensation 332–335
constitutional invalidity see declarations of constitutional invalidity
constitutional law 131–132
administrative law as 4, 105
disputes 125
and legality 146
constitutional supremacy 33–34
and Bill of Rights 33, 34n25, 35–36
and democracy 34–35
Section 195 of Constitution 35–36
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 18–19
and administrative authority 14
and administrative action 74, 75
delegation in the 160
and prerogative powers 77
principle of legality and review 134, 135–136
and procedural fairness 174–175
and Public Protector 114–115
and rules of natural justice 137, 196
Section 195 35–36
standing under 277
values 35–36
see also Constitutional Court
Constitution, transitional, 1993 17–18, 19
and administrative action 74
consultation 124, 182, 189, 196, 367
contempt of court 346–348
common law 346
Constitutional Court 347
obtaining against senior public officials 348
requirements 347
contractual mechanisms 256–257
corrective principle 302
costs orders 348–351
and accountability 350
and common law 348
interference of 61, 127, 140, 166, 197
jurisdiction of in judicial review 285–286
state interference in 58n148

of administrative nature 82–86, 82–86
changing a 154–155
and Constitutional Court 154–155
definition of 82–84
factors relevant to 224
failure to take a 343–345
and reasonableness, respect 223–224
reasons given for 224
remedies for failure to take 345
see also decisions
decision-makers 63, 140
identity and expertise of 223–224
and making representations 182–183
and reasonableness 166
and requesting reasons 183–184
affecting individuals, public 189–190
appealing 351
and bias 174–175, 191, 194
final 82–83
oppressive 218
on public service employment 99
and rationality 206
requiring reasons to be furnished automatically 240
see also decision
declaration of rights 335
declarations of constitutional invalidity
doctrine of objective constitutional invalidity 300–301
judicial review remedies 298–301
pre-existing rights not affected by 300–301
retrospective operation of 298–299
subsequent acts not affected by 299–300
and tenders 298–299
declining setting aside unlawful administrative action 307–311
divisibility of the tender contract 308–309
flawed tender 308
impracticability 308
middle-path remedy 309–311
and tenders 307–311, 315
uncertainty 309–310
defective decisions 155, 304–305
deference 8, 140–141
the need for 141–142
and remittal 316
and respect 222–223
see also reasonableness and respect
delay 118, 152, 283–285
and collateral challenge 306–307
and constitutional damages 332
and failure to take decision 343–345
and remedial discretion 312–315
remedies 306–307, 312–315, 320–322, 343–345
and substitution 319–322
delegated powers 93
delegation 159–162
in authorisation 159–162
of authority 10–12
in common law 160, 161
in the Constitution and PAJA 160
expressly or tacitly 160–161
influence of another person, body 161–162
and Parliament 11–12
practical necessity of 159–160
delegation of authority 10–12
delictual damages
compensation 323–327
and tenders 324–327
democracy 34–35
and accountability 34
and constitutional supremacy 34–35
participatory 34–35
Department of Water and Sanitation 47
constitutional and legislative framework 47–48
institutional structure 48, 48–49
policy formulation to legislation to litigation 50–51
power and functions 49–51
vs ministries 51
national 45–55
departments vs ministries 51
dictates 162
disciplinary hearings 212
abuse of 205, 210
and apartheid 11
in authorisation 149–150
and reasonableness 210, 221
remedial, in self-reviews 312–315
discretionary authority 10–12, 13
and Parliament 10–11, 15
discretionary powers
and Bill of Rights 257, 260
in empowering provisions 260
and legislative regulation 107–108
over facts 242
privatisation of 125
public procurement 271
distinct objects clauses 262
doctrine of objective invalidity 300–301
duty and power to act 263–264

and accountability 20, 21
administrative 247, 269
and participation 269
empowering provisions 66n185, 93
and legislative regulation 106–107
reiteration of and reasons 245
empowering provisions, drafting of 255–257
internal remedies 269–272
and tenders 256–257
empowering provisions, drafting of, lawfulness 257–258
certainty 258–259
clarity 258
consolidated versions 264–266
distinct objects clauses 262
duty to act 263–264
guiding discretionary powers 260
inclusion of definitions 259
interpretation 258–259
long titles, preambles 261
purpose 260–263
empowering provisions, drafting of, procedural fairness 266–267
balancing participation and efficiency 269
fair but different 268
PAJA as supplementary 267–268
energy sector 88
English law 7
and balance 216
and enrichment claims 330–331
and oppressive decisions 218
and reasons 252
enrichment claims 330–332
enrichment, unjustified, compensation for 330–332
equality 221, 233
error of law 167–168
Eskom 55–56, 56
institutional position 56
shareholding 55–56
evidence, definition 230
exclusions, listed 96–99
definition of 46
dual nature of 32
executive authority
and administrative authority 12–14
of the President 31, 40
executive control over a private institution 79
executive power 13–14
and executive functions 70–71
fruitless and wasteful 120
irregular 120
overspending 120
unauthorised 120
external and internal controls 256
extraneous sources 245

fair but different procedure 184–186, 189, 268
fettering 162
final decisions 82–83
final interdicts 339–340
findings, definition 230
flexibility 22, 180–181, 267
fracking in the Karoo 93–94
Freedom Charter 31
fruitless and wasteful expenditure 120
functional approach 43, 75–77

general administrative law 62, 135
generalia specialibus non derogant 135
Genetically Modified Organisms 111–113
government defined 32
government expenditure see expenditure
grants see social grants
green light theory 63–64
and adjudication 64, 256

harm, apprehension of 339
Head-of-State vs Head of Executive functions of President 76, 77
High Court
jurisdiction 124, 285–286
and review 129, 286, 287–288, 291
rules 286, 287, 288
see also Rule 53 record
human rights 9
interference with 213, 215–216, 223
see also Bill of Rights; rights
Human Rights Commission 118

impermissible intrusions 200
impracticability and setting aside 308
incompetence 319, 322, 324, 346
of judiciaries 42
of Public Protector 57, 58–59
of Public Service Commission 60
of special masters 338–339
Industrial Revolution 44
and advice in authorisation 162
and delegation 161–162
see also interference
inherent jurisdiction 7, 73
institutional approach 43
and administrative action 75–76
institutional competence of court 319
common law 341
interim and final 339–340
mandatory 336–339
prohibitory 336–339
restraint on exercise of executive, legislative power 340–342
structural 336–339
and tenders 339
and appeals 351
of courts 61, 127, 140, 166, 197
with human rights 213, 215–216, 223
of state 44, 47
see also influence
interim interdicts 339–340, 341
and common law 341
as discretionary remedies 340
requirements 339–340
internal controls 109–112
Australian Commonwealth Administrative Appeals Tribunal 111
coherent system of 111
and external controls 256
and judicial controls 111
mechanisms 110
uniformity in 109–110
internal remedies 138–139
duty to exhaust 283
and tenders 271
judicial, in administrative matters 128, 140, 222
state 10, 11, 63
invalid administrative action see declarations of constitutional invalidity
irrationality 196, 206–210, 211–212
and absence of reasons 239, 253–254
and policy content 223
procedural 195
irregular expenditure 119–120
administrative action 294, 296, 297, 299, 302, 303–305
and compensation 323–324, 326
material 120–121, 263
procedural 190
tender processes 308, 310, 326

judge-made law 5
consequences of 7–8
and doctrine of separation of powers 7–8
and judicial policy 7
judicial controls and internal controls 111
judicial deference see deference
judicial intervention in administrative matters 128, 140, 222
judicial regulation see administrative action, judicial regulation of
judicial review 105, 130–132
and Auditor-General 122
and Bill of Rights 129, 295, 332
and the Constitutional Court 131–132
before constitutional democracy 130–131
and the constitutional principle of legality 132
grounds of review 133, 133–134
and internal remedies 138–139
primacy of 127–128
for reasonableness 14
review and appeal 128–130
rounds of 16–17
judicial review, avenues to 23–24, 134–138
and administrative action 23, 24
and constitutional principle of legality 135–137
and executive action 23
five pathways 134–135
and private power 137–138
judicial review, procedure for 282
courts with jurisdiction 285–286
duty to exhaust internal remedies 283
and tenders 288–289
time frame 283–285
judicial review proceedings, rules for 286–287
content of Rule 53 record 290–291
current position 287–288
value of Rule 53 record 288–290
judicial review remedies 293–294
appealing decisions on 351
compensation 323–335
costs 348–351
declaration of rights 335
declarations of constitutional invalidity 298–301
for failure to take a decision 343–345
interdicts 336–342
nature and purpose of 295–296
remittal 316–318
setting aside unlawful administrative action 302–316
substitution 318–322
two-staged approach to 296–297, 297
judicial review remedies, non-PAJA
contempt of court 346–348
severance 345–346
judiciary 73
independence of 42
jurisdictional facts 162–163
jurisdiction of courts 130–131
after 1910 7
and common law 7, 73, 179
inherent 7, 73
and internal remedies 111
magistrate’s courts 21, 288
and private arbitration 124
and public employment decisions 99
in review 285–286
supervisory jurisdiction 336, 338
justifiability 18, 107, 129–130, 213, 239
labour law 99
language, clear unambiguous 243–244
lawfulness 145–147, 146, 169
and empowering provisions 148
and PAJA 147, 169–170
see also authorisation; mistakes
lawfulness of empowering provisions see empowering provisions, drafting of, lawfulness
and avenues to judicial review 135–137
constitutional principle of 132
principle of 26
procedural fairness and exercises of private power 194–196
and rationality 210
and reasons 253–254
and review, constitutional 134, 135–136
legislation vs policy 32, 40–41
legislative regulation 105–109
and discretionary powers 107–108
and empowering provisions 106–107
ouster clauses 107
and public money 108
restrictions 107–108
and review by the courts 108–109
legislature 72
and administrative law 4–5
legitimate expectation 18, 177–180
procedural or substantive protection of 179–180
liberty 39, 63–64
Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act 54, 124
Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 64–65
local government
and Parliament 47, 64–65
procurement appeals 271–272
long titles, preambles 261

magistrate’s courts, jurisdiction 21, 288
mala fides 347
mandatory interdicts 336–339
material irregularity 120
materiality 164, 168, 176
purposive test for 310
middle-path remedy 309–310, 311
ministries vs departments 51
Ministry of Finance 51
institutional structure 51–52, 52
National Treasury 52–54
South African Revenue Service 54–55
mistakes (authorisation) 166–167
error of law 167–168
mistake of fact 168–169
see also lawfulness

National Assembly 34, 108
members of Cabinet in 41
national departments 45–55
National Revenue Fund 53
National Treasury 52–54, 52–55
natural justice, rules of 74, 91, 172, 174
and apartheid 16
and the Constitution 137, 196
and private power 196–197
nemo judex in sua causa esse
debet 191 see also natural justice, rules of
Nkandla compound 58–59
non-judicial regulation see administrative action, non-judicial regulation of
no profit principle 302–303
notice 186–187
adequate 165, 173, 175, 181–182, 220
and comment procedure 189
of court order 347
Notice of Motion 286–287, 346
reasonable 179
of right of review or internal appeal 183–184
of right to request reasons 183–184

objective constitutional invalidity, doctrine of 300–301
ombuds 4, 57
omission 83, 115, 151–153
oppressive decisions 218
organs of state
and Bill of Rights 65
and Commissions of Inquiry 61
definition 87
ouster clauses 16, 107
and Bill of Rights 107
out-of-pocket expenses 303, 325–326
Chapter 9 institutions 56–57
legislature over executive 108
and Parliament 109, 121
specialised bodies 112–123
overspending 120

PAJA see Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000
Parliament 4
and constitutional rights 135
and delegation 11–12
and discretionary authority 10–11, 15
and oversight 109, 121
and provincial, local governments 47, 64–65
and separation of powers 7–8
and sub-delegation 11
parliamentary sovereignty 34, 131
participation and efficiency 269
participatory democracy 34–35
particular administrative law 62, 135
personal costs orders against public officials 350–351
policy branches 41–42
and the President 71–72
policy vs legislation 32, 40–41
power and duty to act 263–264 see also administrative power
preambles, long titles 261
Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 66
prerogative powers and Constitution 77
and commissions of inquiry 61, 159
executive authority of 31, 40
Head-of-State vs Head of Executive functions 76, 77
and Ministries 48
and national departments 45–46
and policy branch 71–72
and prerogative powers 77
private arbitration and jurisdiction 124
private institutions
executive control over 79
performing public functions. 87
private law 45, 131
remedies 295, 323
private power
and judicial review 137–138
and procedural fairness 196–197
rules of and natural justice 196–197
private, public spheres 8–10
of disputes 125
of state resources 9, 10
procedural fairness 171–174
and common law 172
in the constitutional era 174–175
contextual requirements 267
and exercises of private power 196–197
exercises of public power not amounting to administrative action 194–196
and procedural rationality 195
the rule against bias 191, 194
see also empowering provisions, drafting of, procedural fairness
procedural fairness under PAJA 192–193
consequences of failure to follow 190–191
decisions affecting individuals, public 189–190
procedural fairness under PAJA section 3 175
adequate notice 181–182
any person 176
clear statement of administrative action 183
consequences of failure to follow fair procedure 190–191
fair but different procedure 184–186
flexibility 180–181
legitimate expectation 177–180
materiality 176
notice of right of review, internal appeal 183–184
notice of the right to request reasons 183–184
procedural, substantive protection of legitimate expectations 179–180
reasonable opportunity to make representations 182–183
requirements of section 3, how they apply 180–186
rights 177, 183–184
when it applies 175–180
procedural fairness under PAJA section 4 186–187
consequences of failure to follow fair procedure 190–191
fair but different procedure 189
notice and comment procedure 189
procedures 188–189
and the public 187
public inquiry 188–189
requirements of 188–189
when it applies 187
procedural rationality 195
prohibitory interdicts 336–339
Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000 19, 353–367
balancing accountability with efficiency 20, 21
defining administrative action 20–21
defining ‘administrator’ 45
defining ‘organ of state’ 45
and delegation 160
effect on development of administrative justice 22
and empowering provisions 267–268
and lawfulness 147, 169–170
outline of general structure 20–22
and possible grounds of review 21–22
pragmatic exclusions 97–98
and procedural fairness 21
procedural fairness and empowering provisions 267–268
procedures in seeking to review 22
rationality under 205–210
rule-making under 84–86
and reasonableness 203–205
section 8(1)(c)(ii)(bb) 327–330
separation of powers exclusions 97
standing under 277–279
see also administrative action under PAJA; procedural fairness under PAJA; reasons, right to in section 5 of
proportionality 212–213
confining proportionality review 217
English law and oppressive decisions 218
in South African courts 213–215
test for in SA administrative law? 215–218
see also reasonableness
provincial government and Parliament 47, 64–65
public administration defined 32
public and private spheres 8–10
Public Audit Act 118–119
Public Audit Amendment Act of 2018 121
public authority, functions 5
public employment decisions and jurisdiction 99
public entities, definition 55
Public Finance Management Act 53–54
public function 5, 88–92
as contextual 88
public inquiries 188–189, 358
public interest 90–91
and standing 281–282
public law 2, 30, 61, 131
remedies 295, 323, 346
rights 95
public money and legislative regulation 108
public policy and delictual claims 325
public power 4
and accountability 4
not amounting to administrative action 194–196
and public function 88–92
public procurement 66, 271–272, 320–321, 330
see also tenders
Public Protector 56–59, 113–117
actions of as administrative action 116–117
and alternative dispute resolution 124
as an organ of state 57
and Constitution 114–115
functions 57
governing principles 57
independence of 57, 58–59
key role 114
mandate 113
remedial powers 115–116
Public Protector Act 114–115
public service 103–104
Code of Conduct for Public Servants 103, 123
employment decisions 99
Public Service Commission 60–61, 122–123
authority 123
and the Constitution 60–61, 122–123
functions 122–123
independence of 60
public, procedural fairness 187
punitive costs 350–351

qualifications, authorisation by 157

race classification 15
rail services 88
and Bill of Rights 205
and common-law review 212
and decisions 206
and legality 210
under PAJA 205–210
of process 210–212
and reasonableness 17, 209–210
reactive challenge 305–307
reasonableness 199–201
and Bill of Rights 212, 215
and classification of functions doctrine 202–203, 223
common-law approach to 202–203
of consequences 14
and discretion 210, 221
factors relevant in determining 205
and PAJA 203–205
and rationality 17, 209–210
reasonableness generally 221
and related grounds of review 202
symptomatic unreasonableness 202–205
and tenders 221
types of unreasonableness cases 201
vagueness 219–221
see also proportionality; rationality
reasonableness and respect 222–223
factors influencing reasonableness review 223–225
identity and expertise of decision-maker 223–224
impact on those affected 224–225
judicial deference and respect 222–223
nature of competing interests involved 224
and nature of decision 223
range of factors relevant to decision 224
reasons given for decision 224
see also deference
reasons 227–231
inconsistent sets of 252–253
informing appropriate reaction to administrative action 229
and legality 253–254
procedure and remedies 251–252
and findings, information, evidence 230–231
supplementing upon review 253
and tenders 232, 250
reasons, adequacy of 240–250
and administrator’s finding on the facts 242
and administrator’s reasoning process 242–243
and administrator’s understanding of relevant law 242
appropriate length 244
appropriate level of detail 244
basic element of adequacy 241
characteristics of adequate reasons 242–245
and clear unambiguous language 243–244
factors influencing adequacy 246–247, 247–248
impact and detail of reasons 244
prerequisites for adequate reasons 247
reasons revealing possible grounds of review ‘adequate’? 251
and reiteration of empowering provisions 245
standard form reasons 248–250
reasons, right to in section 5 of PAJA 231
decisions requiring reasons to be furnished automatically 240
departure from requirements 239
failure to give reasons 237–239
persons who have not been given reasons 234
person whose rights have been affected 232–234
providing reasons 235–237
requesting reasons 231–232, 232–234
what to do in order to obtain reasons 234–235
who may request reasons? 232–234
record of proceedings 290
redetermination and remittal 317–318
red light, green light theory 63–64
and adjudication 64, 256
reform see administrative law, reform of in SA
Refugee Appeal Board 118, 207, 322
refugees 118, 185–186, 234, 321–322, 343
see also asylum seekers
regulation see legislative regulation
remedial discretion in self-reviews 312–315
remedial powers of Public Protector 115–116
and common law 335, 341, 346
see also judicial review remedies
remittal 316–318
and appeals vs reviews 316
and deference 316
and redetermination 317–318
and substitution 316
and tenders 317
see also substitution in remittal
representative democracy 34
and judicial deference 222–223
see also reasonableness and respect
restraint on exercise of executive, legislative power 340–342
review see judicial review
review and appeal 128–130
distinguishing between 14–15
see also judicial review
to administrative justice 17–18
to reasons 231
to request reasons, notice of 183–184
of review, appeal, notice of 183–184
of review or internal appeal 183–184
see also reasons, right to in section 5 of PAJA
and administrative action 93–95
adversely affected 93–95
African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights 31
and apartheid 18, 174
constitutional, and Parliament 135
declaration of 335
and discretionary power 257, 260
pre-existing and constitutional invalidity 300–301
and procedural fairness 177
procedural fairness under PAJA section 3 177
public-law 95
socio-economic 25, 44, 337
see also Bill of Rights; human rights
Roman-Dutch law 5
rubberstamping 162
Rule 53 record 290–291
content of 290–291
value of 288–290
rule-making under PAJA 84–86
rule of law 6, 23, 34, 66, 145–146, 305
and rationality 205
and vagueness 219
rules of law 5
rules of natural justice see natural justice, rules of
SARFU judgment see administrative action, SARFU judgment
self-review by state 312–315
separation of powers doctrine 36–37, 37 70–71
and the administration 40–42, 42
normative nature of 39
pure doctrine 36–37
and reasonableness of administrative action 200
in South Africa 37–38, 38
service-delivery protests 30n2, 67
setting aside unlawful administrative action 302–303
collateral or reactive challenge 305–307
and impracticability 308
legal effect of invalid administrative action 303–305
remedial discretion in self-reviews 312–315
and tenders 302–303
when courts will decline 307–311
severance 345–346
social grants
as administrative action 82
and constitutional damages 332
and interdicts 336
and omissions 152–153
and reasons 248–249
and remedies for failure to take decision 345
and setting aside 302, 303, 310–313
and standing 274, 280
socio-economic rights 25, 44, 337
South African administration, the 45
commissions 59–61
national departments 45–55
National Treasury 52–55
Public Protector 56–59
state-owned company: Eskom 55–56, 56
South African Revenue Service Act 54–55
special masters 338–339
sport, control of and administrative action 91–92
standing for judicial review 274
and Bill of Rights 277
and commissions of inquiry 275
concept of standing 274–275
procedure for judicial review 282–291
rationale for standing requirement 275–276
standing under common law 276
standing under PAJA 277–279
standing under section 38 of Constitution 277
and tenders 274, 279–280
and welfare grants 274
standing in practice
an association acting in interest of members 282
anyone acting in own interest 279–280
anyone acting in public interest 281–282
anyone acting on behalf of another 280
for a group or class of persons 280–281
standing to sue 16
state, definition of 30–31, 47, 84
state functions, classification of 70–71
state interference 44, 58n148
state intervention 63
in socio-economic sphere 10, 11
state-owned companies
definition 55
Eskom 55–56, 56
state, the
interference of 44, 47
self-review 312–315
structural interdicts 336–339
sub-delegation of administrative authority 10–11
judicial review remedies 318–322
and tenders 319, 320–321, 322
substitution in remittal 316, 318
alternatives to full substitution orders 322
applying the test: illustrative cases 320–322
test for 318–319
supervisory jurisdiction 336, 338
Supply Chain Management Regulations 124
Supreme Court of Appeal
on Public Protector 57
and review and appeal 14
symptomatic unreasonableness 202–205

tacit authority to delegate 161
Tax Administration Act 124
tax law 66, 154
telecommunications 88
temporary interdicts 339
Tender Boards 66, 72, 250
tender process
as administrative action 25, 66
and alternative dispute resolution 124
and compensation 328–329
and declarations of constitutional invalidity 298–299
and declining to set aside 307–311, 315
and delictual damages 324–327
divisibility of contract 308–309
and drafting of empowering provisions 256–257
flawed 308
and interdicts 339
and internal remedies 271
and procedure for judicial review 288–289
and reasonableness 221
and reasons 232, 250
and remittal 317
and setting aside 302–303
and standing 274, 279–280
and substitution 319, 320–321, 322
transparency 52, 195
treasury see National Treasury
trias politica 37, 37, 40
true discretion 351

ultra vires doctrine 6, 16, 25
unauthorised expenditure 120
uncertainty, declining setting aside 309–310
unjustified enrichment 330–332
symptomatic 202–205
types of cases 201

vagueness 202, 219–221
and procedural fairness 220
values, constitutional 35–36

wasteful expenditure 120
water and sanitation see Department of Water and Sanitation
welfare grants see social grants
Zuma, President Jacob 58–59

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