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Tumbang Preso

Image courtesy of Pinoy Fitness, source here

Tumbang Preso
“Tumbang Preso” otherwise known as “Kick the Can”
is a common traditional game played in the

This game is somewhat similar to tag

Many kids learn how to play this game growing up,

Short clips of kids playing Tumbang
either playing this at school or after school with Preso
friends or family at home
What you need:

A empty can (soda can, soup can, etc.)

Chalk (tape or a rock works as well, just something that can be used to

mark areas)

Slipper/Sandal/Flip-Flops (any of these options work)

At least 2 players
How to setup the game
❖ First you need to make the “playing field” place your
Can Zone
empty can down wherever and draw a circle around the
can, this can be called the “can zone”
❖ Then walk about 7ft (2 meters or so) away from the
circle and draw a straight line, this is called the “toe-line”
❖ In Tumbang Preso there are the hitters (people who
stand behind the toe-line and try to knock the can down Toe-line
with their slipper) and the person who is “It” (they stay by
Person who
the can zone and try to tag the hitters once they cross is “it” does
not cross
the toe-line to retrieve their slipper) the toe-line
How to Play
1. To determine who is “It” first players can stand by the can
and toss their slippers as close to the toe-line as possible,
the person who’s slipper is farthest is “it” (you can also
determine this by other means such as rock, paper, scissors,
2. Once you have determined who is “it” the hitters will line up
behind the toe-line
3. Then the hitters will start trying to knock down the can with
their slippers
4. After they toss their slipper they must cross the toe-line to
retrieve their slipper
5. The person who is “it” can only tag the hitters once they have
crossed the toe-line and have touched their slipper A basic reference video on how to play
6. Additionally if the can is knocked out of the can zone the Tumbang Preso
person who is “It” must place the can back into the can zone
before they can tag any of the hitters
7. Also the person who is “it” cannot try to block the hitter’s
And that’s it!

Have fun playing tumbang preso outdoors

with your family or friends!

(Please note that the rules that I have listed

are mixture of the different variations of
Tumbang Preso that I have found and that
there are many different ways to play the
game!) A fun short film of adults playing Tumbang Preso

Links to all the original videos here: Adults Playing

Tumbang Preso
Kids Playing Tumbang Preso & Basic Reference Video

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