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REV - 00

Project Location
Vedvan, Sector 78, Noida, UP

Submitted By
Design Consultant
Tensile Membrane Systems, Pune
No. Description Page No.

1 General Aspect. 03
2 General Arrangement Drawing. 06
3 Load Assumption And Combinations. 08
4 Explanation Of Computer Program Used. 26
5 Fabric Forces And Specifications. 31
6 Supporting Steel Structure Calculations. 43
6.01 Member Identification 44
6.02 Refer Staad Report For Steel Structure Calculations 61
7 Civil Interface Details 62
7.01 Reactions at Civil Interface 63

A proposed Tensile structure is located at Vedvan, Sector 78,Noida, UP. Please refer enclosed
general arrangement drawing that shows details. The structure is made up of Mild Steel
square / rectangular/rounds & built-up rectangular box made from MS plates.

Purposes of the Construction.

The Structure provides roof to the Area using PVC polyester membrane (Fabric) and steel.

Rolled Sections and Plates
All structural steel shall confirm to the requirements of the following Indian Standards as

IS 2062 Structural Steel (Plates, Rolled sections) (Minimum yield stress shall be 250
IS 4923 Hollow steel section for structural Use (Rectangular / Square Sections -
Minimum yield stress shall be 250 MPA)
IS 1161 / Hollow steel section for structural Use (Round Sections - Minimum yield
IS 1239 / IS 3589 stress shall be 250 MPA

Bolts & Nuts

All bolts and nuts shall conform to the requirements of
IS 1367 Technical supply conditions of threaded fasteners.

They shall conform to the requirements of the following Indian Standard as specified.
IS 1442 Specifications for covered electrodes for metal arc welding of high tensile
structural steel.
Welding shall be in accordance with the following Indian Standards as applicable.
IS 816 Code of Practice for use of metal arc welding for general construction in mild
IS 820 Code of Practice for use of welding in tubular construction.
IS 2266 Wire Ropes for General Purposes.

All painting work shall in general conform to the requirements of following Indian Standards.

IS 1477-
Part I Pre-treatment
Part II Painting Code of Practice for Painting of Ferrous Metals in Buildings.

IS 8629 Code of Practice for Protection of Iron & Steel Structures from Atmospheric

All nuts, bolts and washers shall be either hot dipped galvanized or zinc plated and passivated
to IS 1573.
IS 1573Code for practice for electroplated coatings of zinc, iron and steel.

Material Properties:

a) All mild steel part shall have minimum Young’s modulus 2.1 x10^10 kg/sq. m. & density
equal to 7850 kg/m3.
b) Yield strength of mild steel used should be as specified.
c) Fabric specifications are enclosed herewith.

All units are specified in MKS system for solving equations. Forces are in KGs and moments
are in KG-M.

Sign Convention
Positive sign indicates compression and negative sign indicate Tension.

Dead Weight
The dead weight is assumed including all fittings. Absorption of liquid is not possible, so any
addition in the dead load due to water ingress is not possible.

Imposed Loads
Referring to the table 2 Clause 4.1 of IS 875 (Part 2)
For sloping roof with access only for Maintenance is as below
= 0.25 KN / M²
25.48 KG / M² = SAY 26 KG / M² Taken 26 KG / M²

Wind Loads
For Noida, UP basic wind speed, Vb is 50 m/s. (As per NBC - 2016)
Basic wind speed is modified according to following factors
Vz = Vb * k1 * k2 * k3 * k4
k1 = Risk factor considering All General Buildings and structures.
life in years = 25, k1 = 0.9 (Table 4, Clause
k2 = Factor considering terrain & height. Terrain category as 2
K2 = 1.05 (Ht. <= 15.0m) (Table 5, Clause
k3 = Topography factor. The site is almost surrounded by flat land, k3 = 1.0
k4 = Importance factor for cyclonic region. All other Structures (Clause,
k4 = 1.00
Vz = 50 x 0.9 x 1.05 x 1.00 x 1.00 = 47.25 m/s (For 15m Height)
The Structure being designed is of Unique Shape & Size. It Consists of 2 Kite aligned &
combined in a manner to attain design Intent. Kindly Refer GA Drawing for More details. As
this Shape is unique & no reference for Wind load calculations are found in any code Indian &
International, CFD approach is used for Wind Pressure Generation over Tensile Membrane
Structure. Steps followed are as below.

Reference Documents & Software’s used

1) NBC – 2016 – Reference Code for Wind Load Calculations

2) IxCube 4-10 – Tensile Membrane Structure Designing Software

3) TCFD 19.10 – CFD Analysis Software

1) Wind Profile Generation (As per NBC - 2016)
Basic Risk Topography Importance Design wind speed
Height and height
Wind factor factor factor at height z
factor (Cat -

Vb K1 K2 K3 K4 Vz

Sr No. a b c d e f=(a x b x c x d x e)
m/s m m/s
(Interpolation Used for Intermediate Values)
1 0 45
2 5 45
3 10 0.9 1 1 1 45

4 15 0.9 1.05 1 1 47.25

5 20 0.9 1.07 1 1 48.15

6 50 25 49.275

7 30 0.9 1.12 1 1 50.4

8 35 50.9625

9 40 51.525

10 45 52.0875

11 50 0.9 1.17 1 1 52.65

2) Wind Profile Generation in IxCube 4-10

We can Specify Wind Direction by changing Wind Angle Setting

3) Virtual Wind Tunnel Domain Parameters
4) Geometry Generation
a) Tensile Membrane Shell Generation

b) RCC Building inside Generation

5) CFD Mesh Parameter Selection

For Tensile Membrane – Membrane Fine / Superfine with Data used.

This allows us to compute Cp & P Values in TCFD & Return back to IxCube for Further Design.

For RCC Building – Fine No Data Used.

As we do not want any Cp & P value over RCC building this option used. This Saves
Computation time.

6) CFD Analysis in TCFD

IxCube 4-10 & TCFD 19.1 are interlinked with each other.
Fabric Mesh along with Wind Speed & Wind Tunnel parameters are transferred to TCFD. CFD
Analysis is carried out in TCFD. Pressure Coefficients Cp & Pressure P values are transferred
back to IxCube 4-10 for Fabric Analysis.
Wind Pressure & Wind Flow –

1) X0 – Wind Pressure

2) X0 – Wind Flow
3) X45 – Wind Pressure

4) X45 – Wind Flow

5) X90 – Wind Pressure

6) X90 – Wind Flow

7) X135 – Wind Pressure

8) X135 – Wind Flow

9) X180 – Wind Pressure

10) X180 – Wind Flow

11) X225 – Wind Pressure

12) X225 – Wind Flow

13) X270 – Wind Pressure

14) X270 – Wind Flow

15) X315 – Wind Pressure

16) X315 – Wind Flow

7) Tensile Fabric Analysis in IxCube 4-10
Tensile Fabric Analysis is carried out in IxCube 4-10 based on Wind pressure input received
back from TCFD

8) Steel Structure Analysis in IxCube 4-10

Steel Structure along with Fabric Analysed in IxCube 4-10
Load combinations:- (IxCube 4-10)
For above-mentioned loadings following load cases are solved as per IS 875 (Part 5) -1987
1) 1.5 X DL + FPS + 1.5 X IL (26 KG/M²) - FT - 01
2) 1.5 X DL + FPS + 1.5 X WL – W0 - FT - 02
3) 1.5 X DL + FPS + 1.5 X WL – W45 - FT – 03
4) 1.5 X DL + FPS + 1.5 X WL – W90 - FT - 04
5) 1.5 X DL + FPS + 1.5 X WL – W135 - FT – 05
6) 1.5 X DL + FPS + 1.5 X WL – W180 - FT – 06
7) 1.5 X DL + FPS + 1.5 X WL – W225 - FT – 07
8) 1.5 X DL + FPS + 1.5 X WL – W270 - FT – 08
9) 1.5 X DL + FPS + 1.5 X WL – W315 - FT – 09
10) 1.5 X DL + FPS - FT - 10
where ,

"X" axis is along Width of the Structure.

"Y" axis is along Length of the Structure.
"Z" +Ve axis is Up.

Pre Stress is inherent property of Fabric.

Warp Pre Stress = 200 kg/m Weft Pre Stress = 200 kg/m

The Determination of Fabric Forces is done with the programme IxCube 4-10. Fabric Forces
are transferred to Staad-Pro along with Steel Structure. Compilations of the maximal loads in
respective groups of 3D beam elements are relevant for the dimensioning of the steel

Suitability of the fabric is verified using IxCube 4-10 software.

The shape that has been finalized for fabric is solved in IxCube 4-10 software along with
structural element of the system in Non-linear static mode with material properties and
fixities as defined in IxCube 4-10.

Axis Definition

For IxCube 4-10 - Positive Z-axis is considered as perpendicular to ground. Gravitational force
is considered –9.81 m/sec sq.

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