03-PDPS Entomologist Bee Keeping & Hill Fruit Pests Research Station Rawalpindi 2013-15

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Proposed Draft Para No.


Unauthorized mode of payment of leave encashment in

cash Rs.114,249

As per Finance Department’s letter No. SO.(TT)2-2/72-Pt-I dated

1. Agriculture 19.07.2008, monthly salary of all Government employees may
Department. strictly be disbursed through their bank accounts alone; failing
2. Entomologist which the salary of defaulting employees may be stopped.
Bee Keeping
& Hill Fruit Scrutiny of the record of office of the Entomologist, Beekeeping
Pests & Hill Fruit Pests Research Station, Rawalpindi for the year
Research 2013-15,, revealed that 180-days encashment of leave on
Station, retirement of the following staff were paid in cash instead of
Rawalpindi. through the respective bank accounts of the staff.
3. 2013-15
4. Para No.01 of The payment in cash indicates weakness of financial controls
AIR introduced by the management. Moreover the instructions of
Finance department were set aside while making payment in

Cheque Date Date of Detail Amount

No. drawal (Rs.)
2135099 29.08.201 09.09.2013 180-encashment 57,648
3 of Mr. Jahangir
Khan, ex-
2136052 10.10.201 29.10.2013 180-encashment 56,601
3 of Mr. Muhammad
Murtaza, ex-
Total: 0

In reply to preliminary observation, the DDO noted it for


Audit recommends that irregularity may be got regularized with

the sanction of the Finance Department under intimation to


Proposed Draft Para No.02

Irregular/ unjustified repair of vehicles- Rs.150,531

Same vigilance should be exercised in respect of expenditure
incurred from Government revenue as a person of ordinary
1. Agriculture prudence would exercise in respect of the expenditure of its
Department. own money as per rule 2.10(a) (1) of PFR vol-I.
2. Entomologist
Bee Keeping During scrutiny of accounts office of the Entomologist,
& Hill Fruit Beekeeping & Hill Fruit Pests Research Station, Rawalpindi for
Pests the year 2013-15, and during physical verification of the
Research vehicles, the condition of the vehicles was satisfactory but the
Station, expenditure Rs.150,531 as detailed below incurred on the
Rawalpindi. purchase of spare parts/ maintenance of the vehicles was
3. 2013-15 irregular / doubtful due to:
4. Para No.02 of
AIR - Replaced parts of vehicles were not shown (physically) in
the un-serviceable stock register nor auctioned during the
period under audit.

- History Sheet register with history of vehicle was not

found maintained on the prescribed format of the
government of the Punjab.

Financial Date of
Cheque No Date Amount(Rs.)
Year Drawn
2013-14 2135536 18.9.2013 2.102013 4,583
2013-14 2149369 20.12.2013 26.12.2013 5,159
2013-14 2149369 20.12.2013 26.12.2013 12,293
2013-14 2149369 20.12.2013 26.12.2013 2,937
2013-14 2187296 26.03.2014 03.04.2014 716
2013-14 2187296 26.03.2014 03.04.2014 929
2013-14 2187327 27.03.2014 03.04.2014 2,042
2013-14 2328131 09.04.201 14.04.2014 1,287
2013-14 2328131 09.04.201 14.04.2014 545
2013-14 2328131 09.04.201 14.04.2014 1,990
2013-14 2269037 19.05.2014 27.05.2014 2,183
2013-14 2269037 19.05.2014 27.05.2014 6,535
2013-14 2269037 19.05.2014 27.05.2014 735
2013-14 2373415 19.06.14 24.06.14 1,470
2013-14 2373415 19.06.14 24.06.14 1,797
2013-14 2373415 19.06.14 24.06.14 3,331
2013-14 2373415 19.06.14 24.06.14 654
2013-14 2373504 20.06.14 24.06.14 48,524
2014-15 2421380 25.10.14 31.10.14 488
2014-15 2475114 14.01.15 20.01.15 14,626
2014-15 2486788 16.04.15 17.04.15 16,792
2014-15 2486788 16.04.15 17.04.15 702
2014-15 2527759 07.05.15 11.05.15 2,225
2014-15 2544756 15.06.2015 17.06.2015 2,167
2014-15 2544756 15.06.2015 17.06.2015 7,853
2014-15 2544756 15.06.2015 17.06.2015 1,374
2014-15 2544756 15.06.2015 17.06.2015 6,594
Total: 150,531

In compliance of preliminary observation, the DDO noted it for


Audit recommends that needful may be done and irregularity

may be got regularized with Finance Department under
intimation to audit.


Proposed Draft Para No.03

Non verification of general sales tax Rs.112,965

Purchases of goods should be made from the persons

registered under Sales Tax Act, 1990 and Sales Tax Invoices
1. Agriculture issued by such registered persons should show the amount of
Department. sales tax dully deposited in to Government Accounts and verified
2. Entomologist by the Sales Tax Department as required under letter No.46-
Bee Keeping ST/Govt. Deptt./ CD-1034, dated.28-12-1998.
& Hill Fruit
Pests During the course of audit of office of the Entomologist,
Research Beekeeping & Hill Fruit Pests Research Station, Rawalpindi for
Station, the year 2013-15, it was observed that a sum of Rs.112,965 was
Rawalpindi. paid to the Suppliers/ Firms on account of General Sales Tax as
3. 2013-15 detailed below but the needful as required under above
4. Para No.03 of instruction was not got done.
In reply to preliminary observation, the DDO noted it for

Audit recommends that credit verification of general sales tax

may be obtained from the Sales Tax Department and shown to
Cheque Date Date of Name of Amount Amount of
No. drawal supplier without GST GST
2544756 15.06.201 17.06.2015 M/s Acces 49,500 Rs.8,415
5 Computer,
2544808 15.06.201 15.06.2015 M/s M.K.D. 317,900 Rs.54,043
5 Traders,
2544159 30.05.201 30.05.2015 M/s General 164,103 Rs.27,897
5 Traders (PVT)
2486788 16.04.201 17.05.2015 M/s Madina 59,500 10,115
5 Traders,
2486156 26.03.201 30.03.2015 M/s M.K.D. 36,000 6,120
5 Traders,
2475114 14.01.201 20.01.2015 M/s M.K.D. 37,500 6,375
5 Traders,
Total: 112,965


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