Can You Ask A Question in An Essay

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Can You Ask A Question In An Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of whether it's acceptable to pose a question within an essay presents a
unique set of challenges. The difficulty lies not only in exploring the different perspectives on this
matter but also in navigating the fine line between engaging the reader with thought-provoking
queries and maintaining the formal structure of an academic piece.

Addressing the issue requires a delicate balance between rhetorical techniques and scholarly
conventions. One must grapple with the inherent tension between the conversational nature of
questions and the traditionally declarative style of academic writing. Crafting a coherent argument
while incorporating questions seamlessly can be a formidable task.

Moreover, delving into the philosophical aspects of communication and the purpose of an essay itself
adds another layer of complexity. Analyzing whether questions enhance or detract from the clarity
and persuasiveness of an essay demands a nuanced examination of language and rhetoric.

Furthermore, the challenge lies in avoiding the pitfall of overusing questions, which may dilute the
overall impact of the essay. Striking the right balance requires a keen understanding of the topic's
intricacies and an ability to articulate a well-founded perspective.

In conclusion, navigating the landscape of incorporating questions into an essay is a challenging

endeavor that demands a nuanced approach. The writer must grapple with the interplay of language,
rhetoric, and academic conventions to effectively convey their thoughts on the matter.

For assistance with similar essays and a myriad of other topics, one can explore resources such as , where professional writers are available to provide guidance and support in
crafting well-researched and compelling essays.
Can You Ask A Question In An EssayCan You Ask A Question In An Essay
The Consequences Of Gun Violence In The United States
Ashok Kadariya
James Jaap
English 15: 04
29th October 2017
Gun Violence

On the night of October 1, 2017, a 64 year old gunman fired hundreds of rifle rounds
from his suite on the 32nd floor of the nearby Mandalay Bay hotel on the crowded
concert. According to the Washington post, he killed at least 59 people and injured more
than 500 others. He later killed himself. Gun violence is one of the major problems in the
United States and the number of people dying from gun violence is increasing every
year. The increase in drugs business, terrorist attacks, mass shootings, crimes, and
robbery are the effects of guns violence.
Gun related violence is violence committed with the use of a gun. Mass shooting,
homicides, domestic violence, robbery, and assault are the different gun related acts of
violence in the United States. According to the UNODC, small gun surveys, America
has the highest rate of gun homicide in perspective to other developed nations. It also
shows that the United States has the highest number of gun ownership. We see so many
news related to the mass shootings. There are lot of shootings at the school. According
to the CNN news, on December 12, 2012, a gunman named Adam Lanza shot 20 kids
and 6 staffs at Sandy Hook Elementary School. He killed his own mom before shooting
26 people. This creates fear in entire communities, families, and children. About 25%
students witnessed that shooting and their minds have been filled with fear and
insecurities. According to
Fredrick Deeming s Whitechapel Murders
Fredrick Deeming born on the 30 July 1853, was an English man, who was hanged in
Australia for the murder of his two wives and their children. After his execution
suspicions began to arise about whether he had any responsibility in the Whitechapel
murders. The white Chapel murders were series of grotesque killings in 1888 which was
mainly targeted at the prostitutes in the poverty stricken Whitechapel district. Fredrick
Deeming was a renowned Australian con artist, thief and serial killer. He was considered
aggressive, rude and strange towards women. He lived a difficult youth and ran off to
sea at an early age. He began a life of thieving and fraud. He murdered his first wife
Marie and their four children and his second wife Emily Mather in Melbourne March
1891. Their bodies were left decomposing under the floors of their previous homes. He
later travelled to Western Australia were he was captured. He was trialed and hanged for
the murderof Marie and Emily Mather and his four children. Speculation around his
involvement in the Jack the Rippermurders continue.
Fredrick Deeming has been accused of being Jack the Ripper due to sightings of him in
Whitechapel during the Whitechapel ... Show more content on ...
Forensic officer Robin Napper has found that the type off weapons used to kill many of
the Ripper prostitutes were also similar to the weapons deeming used to kill his two
wives. Napper had also conducted an investigation which proved that Deeming was not
in prison at the time of the White chapel murders. He also found that the rituals used to
display the victims including the awkward placement of object around the victims were
similar and that he was just as aggressive as the Ripper. Much of his evidence confirms
his guilt but there was not enough information to find him guilty to confirm that Fredrick
Deeming was indeed jack the
Golf Greatest Failure
The greatest failure and growing experience of my life has to be the falling out of my
golf career. I was once one of the top ranked ranked junior golfers in the world with the
burning desire to be a professional golfer. I had the competitive edge that not many kids
had my age and it helped me for years. I was the number one ranked player in North
Carolina, I was trying to qualify for PGA tour events at the age of 15, and I also was
talking with big SEC and ACC schools. My whole life revolved around golfand I couldn t
wait to see what my future held. Then I broke my right hand at the age of 16 which put
my game at a standstill. The stress of not being able to play golf and colleges slowly
dropping me off their radar caused me to get some of... Show more content on ...
Even after my hand healed fully, I was never the same on the golf course. My head
would spin when I played and my attitude was terrible. If the person reading this essay
has ever had the yips in golf, they know its the WORST thing in the world. I ended up
quitting golf for about a year because of my frustration at the game and all with all my
friends that I was previously better than were getting D1 scholarships made me want
to play again. I recently have picked up the game again and everything is back to
normal, which is the biggest relief of my life. I don t have those weird thoughts I had
during Accutane and I am playing with no fear like the good ole days. Even though
my golf game brought great disappointment, I have recovered it and with my new
approach towards the game I can t wait to see the success I will have in the future with
it. One of my favorite quotes is Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries
with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit. Napoleon Hill, which means that with
failure comes prosperity. I am at the moment trying to get back to the playing level that I
used to be at but am glad to have went through this growing
What Is The Theme Of The Sorrow Of War
Hoàng Au Phuong, pen name Bao Ninh, is a Vietnamese novelist, essayist, short story
writer, and author of the aesthetically beautiful, The Sorrow of War written in 1990. The
book revolves around the bitter Vietnam War where Ninh served in the 27th Youth
Brigade in the North Vietnamese Army. Out of the approximately five hundred young
men in his unit, only ten of them survived, including Ninh himself. Although he was on
the victorious side of the war, he was scarred because of his experiences. One of the
many ways through which Bao Ninh coped with his post war life was through writing.
The Sorrow of War was an outcome of this coping mechanism. Through writing about
Kien s experiences in the novel, Ninh hoped to relieve some of the steaming... Show
more content on ...
His sorrows prevented him from relaxing by continually enticing him back into his past.
After the war when Kien had nightmares, all the moments that in the time of war seem
exhilarating merely became a haunting factor to him. The night terrors could imply that
even though during the war they seemed like happiness, those moments reminded him of
all the pain and misery that came along. But even though these moments haunt him now,
they were the reason Kien got through the
John Cena s Shocking
John Cena has just announced plans to take a break from the WWE in order to pursue
a TV career. He will serve as the host for FOX s American Grit, a reality TV
competition that forces 16 different civilians to work together to complete a gauntlet
of military and survival inspired challenges. Speaking with Zap 2 It, the 15 time
World Champion explained the reasons behind his shocking decision. I ve been a
cornerstone of WWE programming since 2002. That s a long time, it s more than 10
years, Said Cena in an interview. So much so that a portion of our audience has direct
complacency with me. Man, Cena holds everybody down. He doesn t give the new guys
a chance. During his decade long stint at WWE, Cena has compiled one of the most

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