Flipped Classroom

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Session Guiding Writing

Session guide form
Subject: Quarter

Learning Standards Content Standard
Session Schedule and 55 min.
Objective Target the of the subject matter and be specific
 Measurable
 Attainable
 Realistic
 Time bounded (55 min.)
Expected outputs Accomplish worksheets
Key Content Generalization (focuses of the learning standard)
Learning Resource Materials Guide of preparing the lesson
References websites

Schedule Detailed Detailed Learner’s Materials

(Time Content Description of output (Slide number)
distribution) Outline Methodology/
Engage Script or say of the Accomplishe PowerPoint/video
(Activity) teacher and student d worksheets
10 min.

15 mins.

15 min.

10 min.

Activate prior knowledge and create an environment of exploration and curiosity among
Strong engagement activity, students become more invested in what they are learning
Videos, illustration, asking question, giving situation, acting out a character, introducing a game
Give student the opportunity to practice or work with their own knowledge in some way. The
most effective explorations allow for mistakes
Helps students make sense of what they have learned by providing them with explanations and
clarifications. This all-good time to introduce new vocabulary and concepts
(Master the word and define)
Provide students with opportunities to apply what they have learned to new situations and
contexts. This stage can include activities such s experiments, research project
Assess students understanding of the topic by asking them to demonstrate what they have
learned. This includes quizzes, test or other assessment.

Flipped classroom
Learn by the student first at home then the outputs make it in the classroom with the
guidance of the teacher.
Encourage students to watch videos, set clear expectations of what to do. And give clear
instructions. When making videos focus only the main topic/lesson. And the expectation of
what to do inside the classroom
Utilize online platforms for video uploads, discussions and assessments. Explore
interactive tools for virtual
Establish clear communication channel for questions and concerns. Regularly
communicate expectation, deadline and changes of schedules.

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