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Examples Of An Essay Paper

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Examples of an Essay Paper" can be a challenging endeavor,
primarily due to the inherent paradox it presents. While the topic itself suggests a focus on exemplars,
the challenge lies in avoiding a circular narrative where the essay itself becomes the prime example.

To begin with, one must grapple with the dual responsibility of providing clear, concise examples
while simultaneously delving into the nuances of essay writing. Striking a balance between
specificity and generality is no small feat. Selecting examples that are not only relevant but also
illustrative of various essay structures, styles, and purposes can be akin to navigating a labyrinth of

Moreover, the very nature of the topic demands a certain level of self-awareness. As the writer, you
find yourself in the intricate dance of explaining the intricacies of essay construction while
exemplifying these very principles in your own work. This self-reflexivity requires a keen
understanding of one's writing process, decisions, and the conscious application of essay-writing

The challenge intensifies when attempting to cater to a diverse audience. Different readers may seek
different types of examples based on their familiarity with the essay genre or their specific writing
needs. Striking a balance between accessibility and depth becomes paramount, making the task akin
to walking a tightrope.

Additionally, the temptation to veer into the abstract or theoretical can be overpowering. It's easy to
get lost in discussing the theoretical underpinnings of essay writing without providing concrete, real-
world examples that resonate with the reader. This requires a constant reassessment of the essay's
trajectory to ensure it remains grounded and practical.

In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic of "Examples of an Essay Paper" demands a delicate
interplay between theory and practice, self-awareness, and a judicious selection of illustrative
examples. The writer must navigate through the intricacies of the essay genre while ensuring that the
essay itself doesn't become an unintentional example of the very challenges it seeks to address.

For those seeking guidance or assistance in navigating this intricate terrain, it's worth noting that
similar essays and a plethora of resources are available through platforms like .
These resources can provide valuable insights and support for anyone grappling with the complexities
of essay writing.
Examples Of An Essay Paper Examples Of An Essay Paper
Oscar Wilde s The Picture Of Dorian Gray
The Victorian era is an extraordinarily complex age that occurred throughout the reign of
Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1901. The Victorian Era was a tremendously exciting
period that created the emergence of many various artistic styles such as literacy, poetry,
and painting. In addition, the Era caused the social, political, and religious movements to
flourish. The Victorian Era, although being known as the beginning of modern times,
still embraced some radical views that today we would associate as prudishness and
repression . In 1890, author Oscar Wildewrote The Picture of Dorian Grayand submitted
it to Lippincott s Monthly Magazine. The magazine s editor, J.M. Stoddert, immediately
declined the novel and determined that it would offend the sensibilities of his
readership (Wilde x). It was believed that Oscar Wilde s book contained explicit sexual,
especially homosexual, content which contradicted the time period of the Victorian Era
and was deemed obscene. It was not until 2011, that Wilde s novel was published as
originally written under the title, The Picture of Dorian Gray: An Annotated, Uncensored
Edition. The Uncensored Picture of Dorian Gray highlights the triangular relationship
between the three leading characters: Basil Hallward, Dorian Gray, and Lord Henry
Wotton. Although it is arguably debated, there is an appearance of homosexual content
in The Uncensored Picture of Dorian Gray which appears in Basil Hallward s emotions
toward Dorian and in the
Sling Blade Essay
Sling Blade

Film directed by and screen play by Billy Bob Thornton.


Sling Blade s main theme is the redemption of Karl s lost childhood. Karl Childer s
overly religious parents believed he was a punishment from God. They severely
abused him, treated him like an animal, and forced him to live in a shed in solitude.
Everyone in town picked on him and called him names. He was seen as a retard or
slower than others. He had little to call his own. His only possessions were a Bible and
several books on Christmas and carpentry. Karl was taught the Bible as a child, but it
wasn t really the Bible. The stories they told him were not in the Bible. His parents had
made up their own stories and had led him astray on the rights and wrongs ... Show more
content on ...
Through a deadly crime, Karl freed his young friend from a life of pain and despair, only
to end up back where he began at the nut house . The choice of right or wrong seemed to
make good and evil equal.

The main point of Sling Blade was to convey the message that sometimes wrong can be
right. Symbolically, killing with the switchblade represents for cutting away the troubles
that get in the way. Sling Blade was a subjective film. It seduces the audience to
emphasize with Frank and Karl and think the way the director wants.


The first element I found that supported the theme was the script. The actors dialogues
shaped the characters roles. Karl adopted a new dialect. He picked up a backwoods,
disturbed, monotone, punctuated by a throaty um hmmm . Karl s dialogue showed
that he spoke in a simple way. He avoided complicated, fancy language. He spoke like a
child, slow and easy, while the others in the movie indicated more education through
their speaking. Karl explained the way he was treated as a child, his love for Frank, and
his fear of Doyle. His moments of silence revealed his reflection, his caged up behavior,
and his childlike manner. Karl s words shaped him as gentle and to the point. Karl told
Frank s mamma she s good for Frank. He let people know their worth. At the end Karl
stated, the world was too big . He
How Technology Has The Best Decision For School Districts
I don t think tablets are where we should be focused. But I do think they could end up
being an efficient way of delivering textbooks. They re just not really that, yet. There s
all sorts of poisons and mined minerals and carnage that goes on to make a tablet. Way
more than to print a book... (Rushkoff). There is heated debate going on in school
districts across the nation, but it is not over dress code or standardized testing. It is over
whether schools should shift to tablets instead of dated textbooks. Within the last ten
years, the advancement of technology has caused an increase in controversy over which
one is the best option. Weighing pros against cons, it would ultimately be the best
decision for school districts to continue... Show more content on ...
By 2009, 97% of classrooms had one or more computers, and 93% of classroom
computers had Internet access. For every 5 students, there was one computer. Instructors
stated that 40% of students used computers, often in their educational methods, in
addition to interactive whiteboards and digital cameras (Educational technology). The
country is on the threshold of the most radical change in American education in over a
century. It is clear that technology is increasing and is now woven through education
as well. Most people know the feeling getting in their comfy clothes and sitting down
to watch a new episode of their favorite tv show on the laptop. The popcorn laying by
ones s side. Their butter fingers across the keys, while each image is illuminating your
face. Their phone is buzzing from the Snapchats. In this generation, people cling to some
type of electronic device. According to the US Department of Education and studies by
the National Training and Simulation Association Technology based instruction can
reduce the time students take to reach a learning objective by 30 80% ( In
a classroom, teachers are able to take their class around the world electronically to look
at the development of civilizations in Egypt, Greece, Rome, and Latin America. Also,
students are able to take virtual trips and collaborate with other students around the world
and research in the best libraries
Why College Students Dropout
With the current fluctuations in the economy and instability in the job market, it has
become extremely important to have a diploma from high school and a higher education.
Despite the success associated with education, the country is being faced with high rates
of college dropout. Dropping out of school results in social integration failure. This leads
to subsequent diminishment of an individual s chances of attaining personal success in
fields that are legally accepted. The reduction and deterrence of this phenomenon are
difficult to accomplish because of the high intricacy of its causes. A just identification
and exploration of the factors causing collegestudents to drop out would be helpful in
revealing the necessary course of action to assume and result in a diminution and
prevention of cases of college dropout. Many college students drop out of school
because of economic needs, poor academic performances, and lack of advising.
Economic needs affect college students hindering them from progressing easily with
their learning (Beatty 16). Theoretically, learners do not pay to receive public education
from first grade to twelfth grade for the reason... Show more content on ...
Everyone thinks about how his or her future will turn out. Some individuals have
experienced success because during their time in college they were in full contact with
their advisors, had no financial problems, and performed well because they were self
controlled. Other students, for various reasons, drop out of college and fail to live up to
their life expectations. Dropping out of school results in social integration failure. This
leads to the subsequent diminishment of an individual s chances of attaining personal
success in fields that are legally accepted. The reduction and deterrence of this
phenomenon are difficult to accomplish because of the high intricacy of its

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