Best College Essay

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Best College Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of the "Best College Essay" proves to be a challenging endeavor for
various reasons. Firstly, the term "best" is inherently subjective, making it difficult to establish
universal criteria for evaluating essays. What one person considers exemplary might not resonate
with another, given the diversity of perspectives and experiences. Additionally, the field of college
essays is vast, encompassing an array of styles, tones, and themes.

The challenge intensifies when considering the competitive nature of college admissions. In
attempting to create the "best" essay, one must navigate the delicate balance between authenticity
and appeal. It requires a deep understanding of self and the ability to present personal experiences in
a way that not only distinguishes the writer from other applicants but also resonates with the values
of the institution.

Furthermore, the process involves a meticulous selection of words, sentences, and ideas to construct
a narrative that captivates the reader's attention from the outset. It demands a keen awareness of the
audience – the admissions committee – and an ability to predict and address potential concerns or
questions that may arise during the evaluation.

The time investment required for brainstorming, drafting, revising, and refining adds another layer of
complexity. Writers must engage in introspection, often revisiting pivotal moments in their lives and
translating those experiences into a narrative that is not only compelling but also aligns seamlessly
with the overarching theme of the essay.

Despite the challenges, the pursuit of the "best" college essay is an essential aspect of the application
process. It serves as a means for applicants to express their uniqueness, aspirations, and potential
contributions to the academic community. Success in this endeavor hinges not only on writing
prowess but also on the ability to convey a genuine sense of self.

In conclusion, the task of creating the "Best College Essay" requires a combination of introspection,
storytelling finesse, and an understanding of the competitive landscape of college admissions. It is an
intricate process that demands time, dedication, and a nuanced understanding of both personal
experiences and the expectations of the admissions committee. The pursuit of excellence in this
domain is not merely a writing exercise but a journey towards self-discovery and effective

For assistance in crafting similar essays and tackling the challenges of the college application process,
professional help is available. Services like offer support in navigating the
intricacies of essay writing, providing tailored guidance to individuals seeking to make a compelling
case for their admission to the college of their choice.
Best College Essay Best College Essay
Analysis Of In Vitro Fertilization
In my academic career, I have taken a variety of different courses. Many courses apply
to my major and some do not. The courses that do not apply are ones I have taken to
fulfill GE requirements or that a counselor recommended I take. In my current standing I
have taken one hundred and twelve units, although a decent portion unfortunately did
not transfer. I transferred here from University of Central Florida and the adviors here
say that if there is aany difference they do not accept the course. This is often frustrating
especially when a course does not transfer because you covered extra material, not less
than required. Each course taken that was under the instruction of a councelor or advisor
has resulted in extra classes that were not... Show more content on ...
I feel confident in saying that I included both sides to every topic I wrote on. For
example in the Bioethics essay I discussed how the author felt about the topic as well
as how another organization viewed the same topic. The opposing view to the author
is The Roman Catholic Church says it is wrong to separate sex and reproduction and ,
were as the author, Lara Purdy says In Vitro Fertilization is a procedure that should
available for women, while educating women (Matthews, 2016). If a topic has pros
and cons I address them to the best of my ability. This is a strength to me to because I
do not feel that all people take the time to say, this is how I feel, here is how the
people for the topic feel and then here is what people against the topic feel. Discussing
how you as awritier feel is important and is astrengh to the paper partially because it is
often reuired in an assignment and because it gies the reader an idea of why the author
is writing in a certain manor and give insight to why the paper is structured the way it is.
When writing for an assignment there is generally a specific topic to focus
Stargirl Case Study
1. The gift of the porcupine necktie prepared the way for other events by implying that
Stargirl was the necktie. Leo loved porcupine neckties ever since his uncle gave him
one and he has always wanted to collect a ton of them. As years go by he still cannot
find another, until one year, on his birthday, he receives one in the mail from an
anonymous sender. This may have been suggesting that Leo had been searching for
someone special but couldn t find anyone, until Stargirl mysteriously showed up. 2.
Stargirl immediately became the target of gossip at school because she is weird and
doesn t fit into any crowd. Stargirl is pure hearted and unique. She loves rain, her pet
rat, and making people smile. These things may not always be acceptable and normal,
but Stargirl didn t care about that. That s probably why she stood out, she didn t care
what people said like others do. 3. Leo and Kevin were especially excited by the
presence of this new student because they felt she would be the perfect guest on their
show. Leo and Kevin have a show called Hot Seat . In their show they interview
strange, unique, popular people. The only problem is there are no strange people in
their school. So when Stargirl appears it seems like their golden opportunity to make
their show even more known and popular. 4. According to Hillari Kimble, Stargirl was
at Mica Area High to spy on the students and bring in more school spirit. Mica Area
High is known as the school with zero school spirit and
Censorship In America
Censorship has existed since the early ages, dating back to the pre common era. One
of the earliest records of censorship can be found in the Office of the Censor, founded
in 443 B.C. to help the Roman council oversee public morality . The issue of censorship
is not just an issue from the old times however. This controversial epidemic has been
increasing in importance and mass, looming over the freedom of information as a cloud
of darkness and uncertainty may in recent years. Censorshipin America has been
documented since the late 18th century during the time of John Adams presidency with
the passing of the Naturalization, Alien enemy, and Sedition acts. The Naturalization Act
moved the residence requirement for citizenship from five... Show more content on ...
Luckily, this bill foresaw possible issues and made sure to specifically state in section
230 that ISPs (internet service providers) and websites hosting content were not to be
held directly responsible for information posted by other users. However in some places
it overstepped its boundaries by placing unfair restrictions on speech within the internet,
therefore it was deemed unconstitutional in 1997. In 1998, the Digital Millennium
Copyright Act was passed. This act prohibits the distribution and hosting of services that
hold or use copyrighted material unlawfully, however even if no infringing material is
hosted if some form of circumvention is in place the host is held liable. This act gave
the entertainment industry extreme power, which has become a major issue in recent
years. For example, on sites such as YouTube (founded 2005) entire videos can be
removed from claims by entertainment providers, like record companies. Oftentimes
these removals are completely unlawful and violate fair use however, nothing has been
done in the terms of stopping the providers. One can dispute a claim, but more often than
not there is a robot in place on the other end who will continue to re instate the claim
indefinitely, preventing the infringing party from appealing the
Understanding Canadian History Essay
Understanding Canadian History

Art history contributes to our understanding of Canada s history. Urban history, art
history, and material history documented events as they unfurled.
Demographic concentration, architecture, economics, and cultural aspects are well
documented in the above disciplines of history.

Art itself is about people and their expressions of hope and meaning. Their impressions
and thoughts are transported to their respective canvases. For the most part, these forms
of history are less biassed and they tell the story as it actually was. A tour of the National
Gallery showed that art comes in many forms: landscape paintings, portraiture, carvings,
sculptures, metal work, among others. Viewing the ... Show more content on ...
These materials show a progress or evolution of a nation. The various possessions found
in a young
Canada showed a very diverse country. Early Canada lacked the resources or the
tradesmen to produce materials for everyday use, such as furniture, precious metals,
cutlery, dolls, and other personal items. That is why many of the items found in Canada
are of European origin. It wasn t until years later that many trades were developed to
self sustain early settlers. For example, early glass objects were crude in form and
function. With advances in technology, came clearer glass objects that could be mass
produced. Significant advancements in technology can be noted in most all other
materials also.

One could also see development and history though architecture. Although we walk down
the streets of Ottawa going about daily business, most of us are usually unaware of our
historical surroundings. The older unassuming buildings on Sparks Street reveal intricate
carvings in stone. Where did these carvings come from? Numerous architectural wonders
in the city of Ottawa attest to the hardships and fortitude of the early nation builders.
These are, however, not mere architectural achievements. These buildings tell a story
about the people, sickness, employment and economics of the time. In fact, the Royal
Canadian Mint was a cholera
Important Characteristics Of An Individual s Behavior
Business is a broad field, and there are many important characteristics that play a
significant role in ensuring that business decisions are done correctly. Laws and
regulations are made and enforced to make sure that corrects decisions are done. One of
the main purposes of laws is to make sure that ethical principles are not broken. However,
each situation is different and some times laws and ethicsintertwined, and laws could
cause people to act in unethical ways. Ethics could be defined as moral principles that
guide an individual s behavior. Ethics could be influenced by the person who is seeing
it and by the culture in where the situation is taking place (McKay, Nitsch Peters). A
major guideline that could be used to evaluate if a situation is ethical is to determine if
a situation is right or wrong. Is very important that businesses or global banks follow
ethical guidelines. This would allow society to trust in their decision making. The word
society covers a big group of people, which include investors, clients, and other financial
industries (McKay, Nitsch Peters). Having ethical guidelines would help a business or a
bank to growth in a healthy way for a long term.
Moreover, a recent ethical scandal that took place in London but had a huge influence in
the United States was the JP Morgan London Whale Scandal. This incident took place in
2002, and it brought huge losses to the biggest bank in the United States. This is what
happened in 2002, JP Morgan traders
Effects Of World War I Ended On The 1920s
When World War I ended on November 11, 1918, President Warren G. Harding
proposed a return to normalcy . This promised a return of the United States prewar
mentality, without the thought of war contaminating the minds of the American people.
With this in mind, the 1920s began but Americans in the 1930s witnessed dramatic
changes in their lives from the 1920s. The 1920s was a period of prosperity and
economic success, while the 1930s was a time of economic downfall. The economy
fluctuated between times of great prosperity and times of undoubtable depression.
Following these economic downturns was a period of rigorous attempts to recover from
severe economic loss. It did not take long for this economic hardship to lead to some more
... Show more content on ...
They contributed to society with innovations in music and literature that promoted the
cultural growth of America in the 1920s. Also, this helped feed the Harlem
Renaissance , a cultural movement that spanned the 1920s in which black art, literature,
and music experienced renewal and growth, originating in New York City s Harlem
district. It was a period of great achievement by African American writers, poets, artists,
and performers. Similarly, the 1930s was occupied by the ability of African Americans
to get jobs on Works Progress Administration projects because discrimination was
banned by Executive Order 7046. During this time, a multitude of African Americans
received wages from the WPA twice as much as their prior earnings. Another program
that aided African Americans was Harold Icke s Public Works Administration. This
program provided to black tenants a more than fair share of the public housing it built.
Additionally, Ickes utilized the quota system by Public Works Administration to hire
African Americans in proportion to their numbers in local workforce (Document 8b). All
in all, the two decades emphasized how there was an encouragement of minorities.
Moreover, multiple new occupations were opening for middle class women. Once they
got out of schools and colleges, they dove into all manner
Routine Activity Theory And Social Disorganization Theory
Literature Review
In the literature review there will be different discussions based on past and current
research. The historic overview will discuss the history of campus crime and factors
that have influenced student s feelings of safety on campus from research dated from
1999 and back. The current research section will cover research from 2000 to today
involving the topic of campus crime and factors that impact student s perception of
public safety. Routine Activity Theory and Social disorganization Theory will both be
integrated as well as critiqued individually in order for us to show what each theory is
about as well as how they may come together.
Historical Research Henry Fielding developed the idea of crime prevention in 1748
(Goshen, ... Show more content on ...
However, thanks to a piece of legislation known as the Clery act, information on how
well colleges and universities are addressing the issue of campus crime is readily
available. Named for Jeanne Clery, the 1986 victim of a rape and murder at Lehigh
University, the act requires that all campuses have detailed emergency alert systems in
place, as well as comprehensive crime reporting statistics (Best Colleges, 2016).
The Clery Act is named in memory of 19 year old Lehigh University freshman Jeanne
Ann Clery who was raped and murdered while asleep in her residence hall room on
April 5, 1986. Jeanne s parents, Connie and Howard, discovered that students hadn t
been told about 38 violent crimes on the Lehigh campus in the three years before her
murder. They joined with other campus crime victims and persuaded Congress to enact
this law, which was originally known as the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act
of 1990 (College View,

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