EF3e Beg Filetest 05 A

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Name ____________________________

Class ____________________________

5 Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation,

and Practical English A


1 Complete the dialogues with do or don’t.

Example: A Do you live in Italy?
B No, I don’t.
1 A ________ you work in London?
B No, I ________. I work in Oxford.
2 A ________ you have a big breakfast?
B Yes, we ________. We have eggs, toast, sausage, and coffee.
3 A ________ people in your family drink a lot of tea?
B No, they ________.

2 Complete the email. Underline the correct words.

Hi Sophie,

Thanks for your email. I want to know more about your family! 1Do / What you live in a house
or a flat? My family and I live in a small house in the town centre. 2Do what / What do your
parents do? My parents are teachers. They work at the language school. 3Have do you / Do
you have any brothers or sisters? I have two brothers. They go to university in Manchester.
Do you / What do you do? I work in an Italian restaurant. I’m a waiter.

Bye for now,


Grammar total 10


3 Complete the phrases with the correct verb.

eat listen to live read speak watch

Example: live in a house

1 ________ TV
2 ________ French food
3 ________ music
4 ________ Spanish
5 ________ newspapers
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

5 Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation,

and Practical English A

4 Complete the descriptions with the words in the box.

cereal fruit milk pasta toast vegetables

Example: Spaghetti is pasta

1 Many people have this in their coffee. __________
2 People usually eat this with milk for breakfast. __________
3 Potatoes are __________.
4 Oranges are __________.
5 __________ is bread. We usually eat it with butter for breakfast.
Vocabulary total 10


5 Match the words with the same sound.

go house lunch orange very where

Example: work where

1 who ________
2 have ________
3 juice ________
4 sugar ________
5 cheese ________
Pronunciation total 5


6 Complete the dialogues with the words from the box.

a quarter late o’clock past ten to

Example: A What time is it?

B It’s 6.10. That’s ten past six.
1 A What time is it?
B It’s 7.20. That’s twenty ________ seven.
2 A Is it 7.45?
B Yes, it is. It’s ________ to eight.
3 A What time do you go to work?
B Oh, at ten ________ eight. That’s 7.50.
4 A What time is it?
B Oh, it’s 7 p.m. That’s seven ________.
5 A Oh, no! It’s 9.15.
B Oh, we’re ________!
Practical English total 5
Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, and Practical English total 30
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

5 Reading and Writing A


1 Read the text. What does Amy say? Underline the correct words.

Flatmate wanted
Hi. Are you a woman between 18 and 29 years old? Do you want to live in a nice flat with a
nice flatmate? Do you want to live with a small dog?

My name is Amy Watson and I live here in Manchester. I want a flatmate to share my new
flat. I’m 24 years old. I’m not married and I don’t have children. I have a small, brown dog.
Her name’s Susie.

The kitchen in the flat is very big, and I eat breakfast and dinner at home. I eat lunch at work
with my friends. I don’t eat meat and at the weekend I always have a big breakfast.

I work for a British company and I go to work every morning at 8.00. I come home at 7.00 in
the evening. I have my lunch at a quarter to one in a restaurant with my friends from the
company. Then, I go for a walk in the park. I stay at home every evening and read or watch
TV. I listen to music, too.

I get up early on Saturdays and go to the park. I run there. On Sundays, I see friends and
family, or go to London.

I speak Japanese and French, but not Spanish. A flatmate from France, Switzerland, or
Japan would be great! My phone number is 07835 541752 and my email address is
[email protected].

Example: My flat is new / old.

1 I am 24 / 25 years old.
2 I am / am not married.
3 On Saturday mornings, I sleep late / run in the park.
4 At the weekend, I go to Manchester / London.
5 I have / don’t have a phone.

2 Read the text again. Tick () the correct answer to the questions.
Example: How old does Amy want her flatmate to be?
A under 20 years old B under 30 years old  C under 40 years old
1 What is Amy’s surname?
A Watons B Waston C Watson
2 Who lives with Amy?
A her mother B her dog C her children
3 What does Amy eat at home?
A breakfast and lunch B lunch and dinner C breakfast and dinner
4 Who does Amy have lunch with?
A her sister B her flatmate C her friends
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

5 Reading and Writing A

5 Where does Amy work?

A in a school B in an office C at a restaurant
6 What time does Amy have lunch?
A 12.15 B 12.30 C 12.45
7 Where does Amy eat lunch?
A in a restaurant B at work C in the park
8 What time does Amy come home from work?
A 6.00 B 7.00 C 8.00
9 What does Amy do on Sundays?
A She sees friends and family. B She watches TV. C She listens to music.
10 What language does Amy speak?
A French B Canadian C Spanish
Reading total 15


1 Answer the questions about lunchtime when you’re at work / school. Use complete
What time do you have lunch at work or school?
Where do you have lunch?
What do you have for lunch?
Who do you have lunch with?
Do you go to a restaurant for lunch?

2 Now answer the questions about lunchtime at the weekend. Use complete sentences.
What time do you have lunch at the weekend?
Where do you have lunch at the weekend?
What do you have for lunch?
Who do you have lunch with?
Do you go to a restaurant for lunch?
Writing total 10
Reading and Writing total 25
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

5 Listening and Speaking A


1 Listen to Lynn and John. Tick () the correct person.

1 I have toast and coffee for breakfast at home.
Lynn John
2 I eat dinner with children.
Lynn John
3 I have breakfast in hotels on holiday.
Lynn John
4 I eat fast food for dinner on holiday.
Lynn John
5 I babysit two boys.
Lynn John

2 Listen to five conversations and tick () True or False.

1 Ted doesn’t read newspapers.
True False
2 The woman doesn’t eat meat and doesn’t drink milk.
True False
3 The woman drinks coffee with milk and sugar.
True False
4 The man doesn’t eat good food for lunch.
True False
5 On Sunday, the woman reads her emails and calls her friends.
True False
Listening total 10

1 Ask your partner these questions.

1 Where do you live?
2 Where do you work or go to school?
3 What do you do in the evenings?
4 What do you do on Saturday evening?
5 What do you have for Sunday dinner?

2 Now answer your partner’s questions.

3 Your partner has a fact file about the Johnson family.

Ask your partner questions and complete the fact file.
Where / live?
Where / eat dinner on Friday night?
When / have holidays?
What / do on weekends?
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

5 Listening and Speaking A

The Johnsons
live in: ________________________
Friday night dinner: ________________________
holidays: ________________________
weekend activities: ________________________

4 Read the fact file about the Green family. Answer your partner’s questions.
The Greens
live in: Glasgow
Friday night dinner: at home
holidays: late December
weekend activities: read newspapers, eat at restaurants
Speaking total 15
Listening and Speaking total 25

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