Minggu 8

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MINGGU 8 (15/5/2023-19/5/2023)

ISNIN (15/5/2023)

Subject: English Class: 6L Date: 15 May 2023 Time:0930-1030

Topic: Life in the past Theme: World of Stories
Focus: Reading CCE: Language
Teaching Aids: textbook, workbook, audio 21st Century Skill/Strategy/Activity:
Communication, collaboration
Content Standards
Main: 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by using
appropriate reading strategies
Comp: 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Learning Standards
Main: 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple longer texts
Comp: 1.2.5 Understand more complex supported questions
Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
Main: understand specific information and details of simple longer texts
Comp: answer more complex supported questions
❖ Follow the instructions for the visualisation Warm-up: Time machine activity in
the Teacher’s Book, p.56.
❖ Follow the instructions for Activity 1 in the Teacher’s Book, p.56.
❖ Have pupils write questions for their partner to check their ideas in Step 2 using
really to check their understanding/ideas, for example What did Mr. Brockbank
really switch on?
❖ Pupils ask their partners the questions and discuss the answers.

❖ Follow the instructions for Activity 2 in the Teacher’s Book, p.56. Focus again on
spelling common words accurately.
❖ Follow the instructions for Activity 3 in the Teacher’s Book, p.56. Pupils prepare
a rewritten text in writing.
❖ Follow the instructions for Activity 4 in the Teacher’s Book, p.57. Pupils share
their ideas in groups. Monitor and note common mistakes at this step and
Step 6.
Post Lesson
❖ Use your notes from monitoring for error correction as a whole class using the
board or dictate sentences for pupils to correct.
SELASA (16/5/2023)

日期: 2023 年 5 月 16 日 时间:8:00 - 8:30

科目:体育 班级:6L
课题:单元一 体操之美
第五课 连续前后翻滚
1.3 能够正确地进行旋转的动作
5.2 进行活动时,能够表现出自信与责任感
1.3.2 能够进行前滚翻和后滚翻的动作
5.2.2 勤练习,熟练技能以达成目标
教具:视频 跨课程元素:创造与革新
道德价值:安全 评估方式:观察 思维图:/
❖ 学生进行热身运动。

❖ 教师通过视频示范与讲解腾空与着地的步骤。

❖ 学生模仿视频的动作。

❖ 教师根据学生的动作进行评估、纠正。

❖ 教师总结,学生进行松弛活动。

日期: 2023 年 5 月 17 日 时间:8:30 - 9:00

科目:体健 班级:6L
单元 9:我的成长之旅
题目 6:性行为的风险
内容标准:1.2 能应对自身健康 和生理变化所受 的内心和外在影响
● 性行为
学习标准:1.2.3 分析性行为的风险。
教具:视频,课本 跨课程元素:创造与革新
道德价值:尊重 评估方式:书写 思维图:复流程图
❖ 引起动机。

❖ 观看视频。教师与学生讨论视频中的状况。

❖ 教师引导学生充分了解在青少年时期,发生性行为可能带来的风险与危害。。

❖ 教师与学生讨论如何以正确的态度和行为保护自己,远离危险.。

❖ 提醒学生无法处理或恼人的问题时,可以寻求长辈,师长的协助,从中学习处理问题的
❖ 学生做出总结。

Subject: English Class: 5L Date: 17 May 2023 Time: 1030-1130

Topic: Module 1: Towns and Cities Theme: World of self, family and friends

Focus: Language Awareness CCE: Language and values

Teaching Aids: PPT, textbook, exercise book 21st Century Skill/Strategy/Activity: Mastery

Content Standards

Main: 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of purposes in print
and digital media

Comp: 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by using appropriate
reading strategies

Learning Standards

Main: 1.2.5 Understand a sequence of supported questions (KP)

Comp: 4.3.2 Spell a range of high frequency words accurately in independent writing (KT)

Learning Objectives

Main: 4.3.1 Use capital letters, full stops, commas in lists and question marks appropriately in
independent writing at discourse level

Comp: 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple texts of two paragraphs or more


Pre-lesson Pupils do a recap on there’s, there isn’t, there are and they aren’t.

Lesson 1. Pupils refer to textbook page 20 Exercise 3. Pupils orally share their answers with the class.
Development 2. Pupils refer to Exercise 5. In pairs, pupils choose a couple of adjectives and think about the
comparative forms. Pupils can share their answer orally with the class.
3. Pupils are given a quiz set to complete individually (M). Pupils are guided to complete the
quiz set (L).

Post Lesson Pupils discuss the answers with the teacher.





RABU (17/5/2023)
Subject: English Class: 6L Date: 17 May 2023 Time: 1030-1130
Topic: Akbar’s Dream Theme: World of Stories
Focus: Language Arts CCE: Language
Teaching Aids: textbook, workbook, audio 21st Century Skill/Strategy/Activity:
Communication, collaboration
Content Standards
Main: 5.2 Express personal response to literary texts
Comp: 3.3 Read independently for information and enjoyment
Learning Standards
Main: 5.2.1 Describe in simple language a character’s actions or feelings and explain
the reasons for them
Comp: 3.3.1 Read and enjoy A2 fiction/non-fiction print and digital texts of interest
Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
Main: Use simple language to describe and explain the character’s action or feelings
Comp: Read and enjoy a literary text
❖ Use Pre-lesson Task 12: Prepare jumbled-up words that make up a sentence
about Akbar’s Dream (i.e. Akbar’s dream was to make the most beautiful silk
cloth in the whole of India). The fastest group that can rearrange the words
to make the sentence wins.
❖ Divide pupils into groups. In groups, pupils read Chapter 1 of Akbar’s Dream
❖ Pupils talk about the characters and the sequence of events.

❖ Distribute the lyrics of the song from the guidebook (page 38) to each group.

❖ Show the video clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nb3B5NZ6c-c to

introduce the tune of the song to the pupils.
❖ Pupils read the lyrics together and practise singing the lyrics with the tune.

❖ Pupils perform the song in groups.

Post Lesson
❖ Use Post-lesson Task 1: Pupils listen to the actual song
❖ Ask pupils to raise their hands up each time they hear something different
from the lyrics they sang.

Subject: English Class: 5L Date: 17/5/2023 Time: 1100-

Theme: World Of Self, Family and Focus Skill: Listening
CCE: Patriotism and creativity and Topic: Module 2 Day
Language/Grammar Focus: Teaching Aids: videos, worksheet. Map of
Adjectives: friendly, interesting, Malaysia
favourite, old, fantastic, different,
Differentiation Strategy: Support 21st Century Learning: Learning
Assessment: written work
Content Standard:
Main: 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language sounds
Complementary: 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range
of purposes in print and digital media
Learning Standard:
Main : 1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of longer simple texts on range of
familiar topics
Complementary: 4.3.2 Spell a range of high frequency words accurately in independent
Learning Objectives:
Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen and fill in the columns
Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to spell the words correctly.
Pre Lesson:
Teacher asks pupils about their favourite day and the reason.
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils refer to textbook page 22 Activity 1. Pupils are asked to look at the 5 table
headings and read words in in Days and Night quiz. Teacher explains that words in blue
are daily routines.
2. Pupils copy the table into their exercise books. Pupils write their answers in columns 1-
5. Then, pupils listen to CD1-21 to check their answers.
3. Pupils refer to Activity 3. Pupils listen to CD1-22 and write down the words from
Activity 1.
4. Teacher writes ‘never’ on the left side of the board and ‘always’ on the right side of the
board. Pupils to the box in Activity 4. Teachers explains that those words are adverbs.
Teacher also explains the adverb ‘normally’.
5. Pupils listen to CD1-22 again and complete the sentences with an adverb.
Post-lesson: Teacher checks pupils’ spelling.
Weakness: -
KHAMIS (18/5/2023)

日期: 2023 年 5 月 18 日 时间:1200-1230

科目:体育 班级:6L
课题:单元一 体操之美
2.3 能够应用动作概念和机械原理来旋转
5.2 进行活动时,能够表现出自信与责任感
2.3.2 能够鉴定屈脚前翻滚连接分腿后翻滚的方式的可行性
5.2.2 勤练习,熟练技能以达成目标
教具:视频 跨课程元素:创造与革新
道德价值:安全,合作 评估方式:观察 思维图:/
❖ 学生进行热身运动。

❖ 学生以正确的步骤进行腾空与着地

❖ 学生根据教师指示进行腾空与着地。

❖ 教师根据学生的概念进行评估、纠正。

❖ 教师总结,学生进行松弛活动。

Subject: English Class: 5L Date: 18/5/2023 Time: 0800-

Theme: World Of Stories Focus Skill: Language Art
CCE: Language Topic: Serenade
Language/Grammar Focus: Teaching Aids: videos, worksheet.
Differentiation Strategy: Support 21st Century Learning: Performing
Assessment: Performance
Content Standard:
Main: 5.2 Express personal responses to literary texts
Complementary: 3.3 Read independently for information and enjoyment
Learning Standard:
Main : 5.2.1 Explain in simple language why the like or dislike an event, description or
character in a text
Complementary: 3.3.1 Read and enjoy A2 fiction/non-fiction print and digital texts of
Learning Objectives:
Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to explain in simple language why
they like or dislike an event or description.
Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to read and enjoy the
Pre Lesson:
Teacher plays the game ‘Hangman’ with pupils based musical instruments.
Lesson delivery:
1. Teacher reads the poem to pupils and asks pupils in between on how to sound a fiddle,
tra-la-la, drum-boom, boom
2. Pupils are divided into 3 big groups and assigned a stanza.
3. Pupils practise and read the poem with gestures.
4. For the second round, when one group reads, the other two groups must make the
sound effects.
5. Pupils can ask their friends choice of instrument to play and share what they like and
why the like it.
Post-lesson: Pupils can try to make home percussion or classroom percussion using
anything they can find at home or in the class. Teacher can explain the different sounds
involved by showing sample videos.

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