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Course Title: Fundamentals of IT

Course Code: CMP-105.2

Administration: First Semester
Duration: One Semester
Class Load: 4 Hrs. per Week (Theory: 2 Hrs., Tutorial: 2 Hrs.)
Pre-requisite: Nil

Theory Practical Total
Sessional 50 - 50
Final 50 - 50
Total 100 - 100
Course Objectives:

The main objective of this course is to provide the student with an overall knowledge in the broad arena of IT, its
historical background, its growth and development and its role in business and organizational context.

Course Contents:

1. Introduction to Information Technology (6 Hrs.)

Information Technology in Business Environment. Elements of Information System and its Architecture.
Types of Information System. Role of Information Technology in Organization. Managing Information
Technology in Organization

2. Information Technology Components (12 Hrs.)

Hardware Components: CPU. Memory Elements. Types of Computer and Input-Output Components;
Software Components: System Software. Application Software. Programming Tools (Software) and
Enterprise Software. Data and Information: Data Organization and Access. File Systems, Database
Systems. DBMS. Data Models. Data Warehouse: Telecommunication and Data Networks:
Telecommunication Systems. Data Networks. Network Software. Data Processing Strategies Hill Network
Environment, Applications of Telecommunication and Computer Network; Internets and Intranets: Basics
of Internet. its Evolution and its Operations. Services on Internet World Wide Web Future of Internet.

3. Applications of Information Technology and E-Commerce (12 Hrs.) Inter-Organizational

Information System, Global Information System, IT Application in Organizational Context, Extranets.
Implementation of Inter-Organizational Information System. Role of IT in Business Functions: Transaction
Processing. Accounting. Finance. Marketing. Sales, Production, Decision Support. Human Resource
Management, Integrated Information System and Enterprise Resource Planning-. Data, Knowledge and
Decision Support Systems. Intelligent Systems in Business: AI and Intelligent Systems. Expert Systems.
Intelligent Agents: Fundamentals of E-Commerce. B-to-B and B-to-C Applications, Supporting Elements
of ECommerce, Consumer. Market Research. Customer Support. Infrastructure. Payments and Other

Text Book: .
Turban, E., Rainer, R. K.. and Potter, (t. E.. Introduction to Information Technology. John Wiley and Sons.
Inc., 2000, ISBN: 9971-51-321-8

Reference Books:
Rajaraman, V., Fundamentals of Computers. 3rd Edition. PHI. 1999. ISBN-81-203-1531-6.
CMP 102.3 Problem Solving Techniques (3-2-0)

Theory Practical Total
Sessional 50 - 50
Final 50 - 50
Total 100 - 100

Course Objectives:
A large part of everyday activity involves problem solving in some form. On order to solve
problem one must think analytically to find a solution to a problem. The main aim of this
course is:
1. To improve and impart conceptual clarity in thinking analytically and logically.
2. To provide fundamental means of approach how to translate verbal discussion onto
analytical data and then how to solve it by computer.

Course Contents:

1. Basic Concepts of Problem Solving (10 hrs)

Introduction to Problem Solving Approach. How to count. Use of induction
principle. Problems of Logic and Issues of Parity.

2. Application of Geometry (10 hrs)

Classical Planar Geometry. Analytic Geometry. Solid Geometry and miscellaneous

3. Miscellaneous Problem Solving Techniques (15 hrs)

Probabilistic approach to solving Counting Problems. Logic Problems (Simple
logic, theory of games. Tracing routes. Learning from Parity. Mysterious arithmetic
problems and surprise). Problems from Recreational math. (Magic square and
Weighing problems). Problems of Algebra and Analysis (Inequality, Trignometry
and related ideas).

4. Solving Miscellaneous Real Life Problems (10 hrs)

Miscellaneous problems, impossible problems, Problems from everyday life and

Laboratory Work:
Realization and Implementation of the numerous problems and various problem-
solving techniques learned is to be implemented in C Programming Language.
However, the practical implementation is also considered as an assignment for the
"Programming in C" course module.

1. Krantz, Steven G., Techniques of Problem Solving, University Press, 1998,

Reference Books:
1. Etter, D. M., Engineering Problem Solving with ANSI C, Prentice Hall, NJ,
2. Lakatos, Proofs and Refutation, Cambridge University Press, 1976.
3. Polya, G., How to Solve It, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1998.

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