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SAP S/4HANA 2022 FPS02 – 2021 Fully Activated Appliance PUBLIC

Demo Guide
June 2023 (V1.5)

SAP S/4HANA 2022 FPS02 – 2021 Fully Activated Appliance:

Bank Guarantee Management

Demo script
Table of Contents

1 Introduction 3
Where Can This Script Be Used? 3

2 Demo Story: Bank Guarantee Management 4

2.1 Issue Bank Guarantee 5

2.1.1 Issue Bank Guarantee 5 Set Settlement Status 10 Bank Guarantee Fees and Cash Collateral Payment 12 Display Payment Schedule 12 Post Flows 14 Process Payment Request 15 Post to General Ledger 20
2.1.2 Roll Over Bank Guarantee 22 Roll Over Bank Guarantee 22 Set Settlement Status 26
2.1.3 Terminate Bank Guarantee 27 Terminate Bank Guarantee and Confirm Cash Collateral 27 Set Settlement Status 30
Conclusion 31

Document History

Revision Date Change

1.0 December 2021 Release for customer (2021 SP00)

1.1 March 2022 Release for customer (2021 FPS01)

1.2 July 2022 Retested and released for customer (2021 FPS02)

1.3 December 2022 Retested and released for customer (2022 SP00)

1.4 March 2023 Retested and released for customer (2022 FPS01)

1.5 June 2023 Retested and released for customer (2022 FPS02)
1 Introduction

Where Can This Script Be Used?

This demo script has been written for usage with the SAP S/4HANA 2022 FPS02 – 2021 Fully Activated Appliance (in short
“appliance” in this script), hence you will need such an appliance to make use of this guide.
The appliance can be brought up in two ways, and the demo scenario in this script is largely the same for both:

1. Via SAP Cloud Appliance Library (hosted on cloud providers)

You need a cloud provider account at AWS, MS Azure, or GCP. With this, you can deploy the appliance within 1-2 hours from > Solutions > SAP S/4HANA (your preferred FPS) Fully Activated Appliance.
2. Via installing it on your own on-premise hardware.
You need to provide your own hardware, and order & install the appliance as explained in SAP Note 2041140.

If you are new to the SAP S/4HANA Fully-Activated Appliance, introductory information can be found here:

Before you start your demo, please read SAP S/4HANA Fully Activated Appliance: Demo Scripts for information about necessary
preparations, especially any post-deployment steps to ensure the full functionality of your appliance. These steps are covered in
B) General Remarks
C) Post-deployment Steps
D) Log-on to the system
Besides this, you will also find links to all demo scripts on this page.

2 Demo Story: Bank Guarantee Management

A bank guarantee is a written promise from a bank or financial institution to take responsibility for the applicant's financial obligation
if that applicant cannot meet its obligation. To issue a Bank Guarantee, you need to contact a bank or financial institution to start the
application process.
Bank Guarantee transactions include transaction types for issuing and receiving bank guarantees.
In addition to functions for creating and changing bank guarantees, the system also supports functions for:
➢ Rollover
➢ Contract settlement
➢ Contract termination
➢ Termination settlement

This document provides a detailed procedure for testing this scope item after solution activation, reflecting the predefined scope of
the solution. Each process step, report, or item is covered in its own section, providing the system interactions (test steps) in a table
view. Project-specific steps must be added.

2.1 Issue Bank Guarantee

2.1.1 Issue Bank Guarantee

The purpose of this step is to create a transaction for an issued Bank Guarantee.
To execute this activity, go step by step through the table.

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori
User: S4H_FIN
Password: Welcome1

In the Search button,

type Create Bank
Guarantee app.

In the Create Bank

Guarantee: Initial Screen
make the following
entries and choose
Company Code: 1710
Product Type: 86A
Transaction Type: 100
Partner: 17537001
Then press Enter.

In the Create Bank

Guarantee make the
following entries in the
Structure tab:
Flow Type: 1860
Amount: for example, 1
Start: for example,
<Current Date>
End: for example,
<Current Date + 1
Bank Guar. Number: for
202112BG001(it needs
to be a number that
does not exist in the

What to Do What You Will See
Bank Guar. Type: PAYM
Payment Guarantee
Beneficiary: for
example, 17300001 (or
search for any vendor
with BP role FLVN00 or
Form of Guarantee:

In the Create Bank

Guarantee choose
Collateral tab and
Choose Create in Facility
Assignment group.

In the Assignment:
Facility dialog box, enter
the following data:
Company Code: for
example, 1710
Transaction: for
1000000000034 (or
search for any the
existing Facility).

Select Choose.

In the Cash Collateral

area, enter the following
Flow Type: 1991
Direction: -(Outflow)
Payment Amount: for
example, 200000
Payment Date: for
example, <Current

What to Do What You Will See
At the bottom of the
area, choose Generate
Incoming Collateral

The system will

automatically generate
the incoming collateral.

Choose Other Flows Tab

and enter the following
Line 1:
Flow Type: 1900
Direction: -
Payment Amount: for
Payment Currency: USD
Payment Date: for
example, <Current
Line 2:
Flow Type: 1900
Direction: -
Payment Amount: for
Payment Currency: USD
Payment Date: for
example, <current
Date + 3 months>

Choose Payment Details

Tab and add a new line
(aside from the existing
ones already) with the
following data:
Direction: Outflow
Currency: for example,
Flow Type: 1991

Double click on the line

to add the following
House Bank: USBK1
Account ID: USAC1

What to Do What You Will See
Payment Request:
Select Without

Select the Picture icon

that takes you back to
the initial screen of
Payment Details Tab.

Choose Fee Conditions

in the tool bar.

In the Overview of
Conditions screen,
choose Create Fee

In the Overview of
Condition dialog box,
enter following data:

What to Do What You Will See
Eff. from: for example,
<the current

Choose Copy.

In the Amounts tab enter

the following data:
Percentage Rate: 0.5

In the Dates tab enter

the following data:
Calculation Date area:
Regular 3 Months
1st date: for example,
<Current date>
Due Date area:
1st date: for example,
<Current date - 3

Choose Back twice and

then choose Save.

What to Do What You Will See

Transaction data is
saved. The following
message displays:
Financial transaction
saved under number
Write down this
transaction number for
further reference. Set Settlement Status

Once a Bank Guarantee transaction is recorded and saved, it needs to be settled before further processing. Normally this needs to
be done once you receive the Bank Guarantee from the bank.
The following section describes step by step how to set the settlement status for a Bank Guarantee transaction.

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori
User: S4H_FIN
Password: Welcome1
In the Search button,
type Process Trade
Finance Transactions -
Collective Processing

What to Do What You Will See
In the Trade Finance:
Collective Processing
view, enter the
following data:
Company Code: 1710
Transaction: for
1000000000187 (the
transaction created in
the previous step)
Keep the default values
for all the other fields.

Choose Execute.

In the Trade Finance:

Collective Processing
view, choose the
checkbox of the
transaction created,
and select Settle.

In the Settle Bank

Guarantee: Structure
view, just choose Save.

What to Do What You Will See
The Bank Guarantee
transaction is now

The following message

will be displayed:
transaction saved
under number
100000000XXXX. Bank Guarantee Fees and Cash Collateral Payment

This step describes the payment process for the Bank Guarantee transaction, for example, the payment of the Bank fee and Cash
collateral. Display Payment Schedule

By executing the below steps, you display/review the payments that are scheduled for a Bank Guarantee transaction.

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori
User: S4H_FIN
Password: Welcome1

Search for Display

Payment Schedules

In the Treasury:
Payment Schedules
screen, enter the
following data:
OTC Transactions:
select the
Company Code: 1710
End of Term in the
Future: select the

What to Do What You Will See
End of Term in Lapsed:
select the
Payment Period:
current date to
current date + 1
Payment Status: 1
Financial Transaction:
for example,
1000000000187 (the
transaction created in
the previous step)
Output Error Log:
select the

Choose Execute.

The payment schedule

report is displayed for
your review.

13 Post Flows
By executing the below steps, you will be generating the payment requests for executing the payment related to the Bank
Guarantee Transaction: Bank fee and Cash collateral.

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori
User: S4H_FIN
Password: Welcome1

Search for Post Flows


On the Treasury: Post

Flows view, enter the
following data:
Trade Finance: select
the checkbox
Company Code: 1710
Transaction: for
1000000000187 (the
transaction created in
the previous step)

Up to and Including
Due Date: for example,
21.06.2023 (it must
be the first payment
Date that was shown in
the Payment Schedule
report in the previous
procedure or current

Pay Only: <select

this indicator>

Choose Execute.

What to Do What You Will See
The Information
Overview dialog is
displayed with
following 2 lines:
● Payment Log
● Messages

Double click on
Payment Log to check
the payment log.

In the Payment Log

screen, the key
numbers of the
payment request are
Note down the key
numbers of the
payment requests to
be processed in the
next step. Process Payment Request

By executing the below steps, you will be executing the payment of the payment requests generated in the previous step.

What to Do What You Will See

Open Fiori Launchpad.
User: S4H_FIN
Password: Welcome1
Search for Automatic
Payment Transactions
for Payment Requests

In the Automatic
Payment Transactions
for Payment Requests
screen, enter the
following data:
Run Date: for example,
<current date>
Identification: for
example, TRM01
Choose Parameters.

What to Do What You Will See

In the Automatic
Payment Transactions:
Parameters view, enter
the following data:
Posting Date: for
example, <current
Next payment run on:
for example, current
date + 12 months
Company Code: 1710
Payment Methods: TI

Choose Dynamic

In the Free Selection

for payment run dialog
box, enter the following
Key number: for
example, 60&61 (the
key numbers of the
payment requests
generated in the
previous steps)
Choose Save.

Choose Additional Log,

on the Additional Log
dialog box and enter
the following data:

Payment Method
Selection in All Cases:
select the
Line Items of the
Payment Documents:
select the
Due Date Check:
select the

Choose Continue.

What to Do What You Will See
If a “Log created
for all accounts”
message displays,
choose Continue.

Choose Save on the

Automatic Payment
Parameters view.

Choose Schedule

On the Schedule
Proposal dialog box,
choose Start
Immediate and choose
Schedule Job to
confirm this dialog box.

Choose Update Status,

until Payment
proposal has been
created message
appears in the status
bar with green traffic
light status.

Choose Pmnt run.

On the Schedule
Payment dialog box,
choose Start
Immediate. and choose
Create Payment
Medium, then choose
Schedule Job to
confirm the dialog box.
What to Do What You Will See
The Payment run is
running message is
displayed in the status
bar with yellow traffic
light status.

Choose Update Status,

until Payment run
has been carried
out message appears
with green traffic light

The payment
document is created.
To review, select the
Display payment log.

What to Do What You Will See

19 Post to General Ledger
By executing the below steps, you post related cash flows to the FI interface that generates the relevant postings in financial

What to Do What You Will See

Open Fiori Launchpad.
User: S4H_FIN
Password: Welcome1

Search for Process

Business Transactions

In the Process
Business Transactions
screen, enter the
following data:
OTC Transactions:
select the
Company Code:1710
Valuation Area: US0
Limiting by Subledger
Positions: select the

Transaction: for
1000000000187 (the
transaction created in
the previous step)

Test Run: unselect

the checkbox

Choose Execute:

What to Do What You Will See
In the Update Run:
Post/Reverse Business
Transactions screen,
choose (1) Select All
and choose (2) Choose
Those to Post, and
then choose (3)

The Update Run:

Business Transactions
screen is displayed.
Choose Log and

The Posting Log:

Posted Business
Transactions view
displays. The
accounting documents
are created for
outgoing payment in
local GAAP (valuation
area US0).

To display the
Financial Documents
created, you can
double click on each
Document number to
navigate to the
Document Display.

In the Display
Document: Data Entry
View choose Display
Document Header to
see additional
information of the
Financial Document.

What to Do What You Will See

2.1.2 Roll Over Bank Guarantee

In this section, you roll over the bank guarantee. You may need to adjust some of the transaction conditions after negotiating with
the bank, for example, the amount or the validity term of the bank guarantee. Roll Over Bank Guarantee

By executing the below steps, you roll over a Bank Guarantee.

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori
User: S4H_FIN
Password: Welcome1
In the Search button,
type Process Trade
Finance Transactions -
Collective Processing

What to Do What You Will See
in the Trade Finance:
Collective Processing
screen, enter the
following data:

Company Code: 1710

Transaction: for
1000000000187 (the
transaction created in
the previous step)

Term End: for example,

the current date

Accept default values

for the other
parameters and
choose Execute.

In Trade Finance:
Collective Processing
screen, select the
checkbox before the
transaction, and
choose Roll Over.

What to Do What You Will See
In the Roll Over Bank
Guarantee: Structure
screen enter following
Amount: Change
the amount to for
example, 2 Million
Rollover: for example,
the current date
+ 1 year
End: for example, the
current date + 2

Choose Collateral Tab.

In the Roll Over Bank
Guarantee: Cash
Collateral screen,
change the payment
date of the second line
as below (1):
Payment Date:
current date + 2

Choose Fee Conditions

in the tool bar (2).

In the Overview of
Conditions screen,
double click on the
second row of fee
condition which is
newly created.

In the Dates tab enter

the following data (1):
In the Calculation Date
area: Regular 3
1st date: for example,
the current date
+ 1 year
In the Due Date area:
1st date: for example,
<the current date
+ 9 months>

What to Do What You Will See

Choose Back twice (2).

In the Roll Over Bank

Guarantee Cash
Collateral Screen
Choose Save.

The transaction has

been rolled over

The following message

is displayed on Trade
Finance: Collective
Processing screen:
transaction saved
under number

25 Set Settlement Status

Once a Bank Guarantee transaction is recorded and saved, it needs to be settled before further processing. Normally this needs to
be done once you receive the Bank Guarantee from the bank.
The following section describes step by step how to set the settlement status for a Bank Guarantee transaction.

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori
User: S4H_FIN
Password: Welcome1
In the Search button,
type Process Trade
Finance Transactions -
Collective Processing

In the Trade Finance:

Collective Processing
view, enter the
following data:
Company Code: 1710
Transaction: for
1000000000187 (the
transaction created in
the previous step)

Keep the default values

for all the other fields.

Choose Execute.

In the Trade Finance:

Collective Processing
view, choose the
checkbox of the
transaction created,
and select Settle.

In the Settle Bank

Guarantee: Structure
view, just choose Save.

What to Do What You Will See
The Bank Guarantee
transaction is now
The following message
will be displayed:
transaction saved
under number

2.1.3 Terminate Bank Guarantee

During the validity period of a Bank Guarantee, if the Bank Guarantee is not needed or the related duties have been performed, then
you can terminate the Bank Guarantee. In this step, you terminate the bank guarantee in the system. Terminate Bank Guarantee and Confirm Cash Collateral

By executing the below steps, you terminate a Bank Guarantee.

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori
User: S4H_FIN
Password: Welcome1
In the Search button,
type Process Trade
Finance Transactions -
Collective Processing

What to Do What You Will See
in the Trade Finance:
Collective Processing
screen, enter the
following data:

Company Code: 1710

Transaction: for
1000000000187 (the
transaction created in
the previous step)

Term End: for example,

the current date

Accept default values

for the other
parameters and
choose Execute.

In the Trade Finance:

Collective Processing
screen, select the
checkbox before the
transaction, and
choose Terminate.

What to Do What You Will See
On the Terminate Bank
Guarantee: Structure
screen, enter following

Terminate: for
example, any date
next year that is
earlier than
initial end date

Choose the Collateral

In the Terminate Bank
Guarantee: Cash
Collateral screen,
change the payment
date of the second line
as below
Payment Date: end of
next year

Choose Save.

The transaction has

been terminated
The following message
is displayed on Trade
Finance: Collective
Processing screen:
transaction saved
under number

29 Set Settlement Status

After you terminate the bank guarantee, you need to settle the termination before you do further processing.
The following section describes step by step how to set the settlement status for a terminated Bank Guarantee transaction.

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori
User: S4H_FIN
Password: Welcome1
In the Search button,
type Process Trade
Finance Transactions -
Collective Processing

In the Trade Finance:

Collective Processing
view, enter the
following data:
Company Code: 1710
Transaction: for
1000000000187 (the
transaction created in
the previous step)
Keep the default values
for all the other fields.

Choose Execute.

In the Trade Finance:

Collective Processing
view, choose the
checkbox of the
transaction created,
and select Settle.

In the Settle Bank

Guarantee: Structure
view, you can see the
status as:
Activity: Termination

Choose Save.

What to Do What You Will See
The Bank Guarantee
transaction is now

The following message

will be displayed:
transaction saved
under number

Congratulations, you have completed the demo story for Treasury: Bank Guarantee Management. During this demo, Bank Guarantee
transactions demonstrated included transaction types for issuing and receiving bank guarantees.
In addition to functions for creating and changing bank guarantees, the system also supports functions for:
➢ Rollover
➢ Contract settlement
➢ Contract termination
➢ Termination settlement


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