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Laerskool Van Dyk Primary



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Subject : Social Science Grade :7 . _

Time Allocation: 1 Hour Mark Allocation: 50
Examiner: Mrs S Jacobsz Emis : 700 160 994
Moderator: Mrs A van der Westhuizen
Formal Assessment : Geography Term 4 - Examination

School: Laerskool Van Dyk Primary

Grade : 7.
Aims and skills:
o Understand the interaction between society and the natural
o Consider, synthesise and organize information
o Make links between cause and effect, change and continuity
o Acknowledge and appreciate diverse lifestyle and world
. Care about their planet and the well-being of all who live on it:
o Engage with issues relating to the planet, its people and
resources with knowledge and sensitivity.
o Act responsibly towards people and the environment.

Question 1: Question 2: Question 3:

(Lower order) (Middle order) (Hiqher order)

t15 t25 t10

. Write with a blue or black pen.
o Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.
o Write neat and legibly.
Question 1:
1.1. ldentify the correct word, from the word bank, for each of the statements below:

Diorrhoeo pension water cycle

notionql bordar

obuse protect food choin

1.1.1. is a symptom of an illness that causes a runny tummy. (1)

1.1.2. People normally receive a from the government when they

are no longer working. (1)

1.1.3. The refers to the feeding levels in life. (1)

1.1.4. We . something when we use it in a bad or harmful

way. (1)

1.1.5. We get fresh water from the natural (1)

1.1.6. !t is important that we all our natural resources. (1)

1.1.7. A is a line dividing two countries. (1)

1.2. State whether the following statements are true or false:

1.2.1. Diseases are not harmful to humans. (1)

1.2.2. Malaria is caused by an infected pet at home. (1)

1.2.3. AIDS and COVID - 19 illnesses are known as pandemics.


1.2.4. Family needs, attitudes and believes have an influence on the birth and

death rates in a country. (1)

1.2.5. Natural resources are made by humans. (1)

1.2.6. When something no longer exists it is extinct. (1)

1.2.7 . The word flora refers to plants. (1)

1.2.8. Marine life does not need to be conserved. (1)

Total : 15

Question 2:
2.1. ldentify four different illnesses that has a major influence in the world we know



2.2.What pandemic swept across Europe in the 1350's and how would you know

if a person was infected with this pandemic?


2.3. How can we prevent ourselves from getting the following two diseases below.

Give one prevention for each.





2.4. With what ingredients can you make a rehydration solution? Name all three.


2.5. Why does a person's economic status have an influence on the birth and death


2.6 Look at the pie chart below. Give the correct industries (a - c) for the water
usage below. &2*k
Io d.,.A


2.7. Use the pictures below to answer the questions that follow:

Flgure 7 6ame vieb/ing in natlonal parks and private game

rErervds is Eouth Afrlca! biggest form off(G-touri$m About
75o 000 people visit the Krug€r National Park each year'

2.7 .1. What type of tourism is represented in the pictures above?


2.7.2. Name a place that you know of where this type of tourism takes place.


2.7.3. What is this tourism trying to protect? Name two things.


Total :25

Question 3:
3.1. The water quality of a river catchment is affected by the activities that people do

in these catchment environments. Look at the pictures and write a paragraph

explaining at least three ways we can care for our various river catchments.



Marks 1 Marks 2 - 3 Marks 4 -5

Uses evidence in an Evidence is mostly Uses relevant evidence
elementary manner e.g. relevant and relates to a e.g. demonstrates a
shows little or no great extent to the topic. thorough understanding of
understanding. Uses Uses evidence in a very the topic. Use evidence
evidence partially to report basic manner. very effectively in an
on topic or cannot report organised paragraph that
on topic. shows an understanding
of the topic
3.2. Many wealthy men around the world have more than one
wife, as shown in the
picture below. ln a paragraph discuss whether you agree or disagree with

believes. Think of reasons for your answer as well as the impact their believes
have on the birth and death rates in various countries.

Evidence is mostlY Uses relevant evidence

Uses evidence in an
relevant and relates to a e.g. demonstrates a
elementary manner e.g.
shows little or no great extent to the toPic. thorough understanding of
Uses evidence in a very the topic. Use evidence
understanding. Uses
basic manner. very effectivelY in an
evidence partiallY to rePort
on topic or cannot rePort
organised ParagraPh that
shows an understanding
on topic.

Total : 10

Total of task: 50

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