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National Standard of the People's Republic of China

P GB 50395-2007

Code of Design for Video Monitoring System


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Issued on March 21, 2007 Implemented on August 1, 2007

Jointly issued by the Ministry of Construction and the General
Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the
People's Republic of China

According to the requirements of Document Jian Biao [2001] No. 87 "Notice on Printing
the "Development and Revision Plan of National Engineering Construction Standards from
2000 to 2001"" issued by the Ministry of Construction, the drafting group of this code
carefully summarizes the domestic practical experiences in video monitoring system
engineering, makes reference to the engineering standards of the relevant domestic and
international industries, broadly solicits for the suggestions from relevant domestic
technologists and administrative organizations, and formulated this code finally.
This code is the supporting standard of "Technical Code for Engineering of Security and
Protection System" GB 50348, is one of the basic standards for the engineering construction
of safety and protection system, and also the important technical guarantee for the quality of
safety and protection engineering construction and the personal safety of citizens as well as
the property security of state, group and individuals.
This code comprises ten chapters with the main contents including: General Provisions,
Terms, Basic Provisions, System Composition, System Function, Performance Design, Types
and Installation of Equipments, Transmittal Mode, Types of Wire Cables and Wiring, Power
Supply, Lightning Protection and Ground Connection, Safety, Reliability, Electromagnetic
Compatibility and Environmental Compatibility of System, and Monitoring Center.
The provisions in bold in this code are compulsory provision and must be enforced
strictly and must be enforced strictly. Ministry of Construction t is in charge of the
administration of this code and the explanation of the compulsory provisions, and the
Ministry of Public security is responsible for the current management of this code. The
Technical Committee on Security and Protection Alarm Systems of Standardization
Administration of China is responsible for the explanation of the specific technical contents of
this code. The relevant opinions and advice on the amendments and supplements of this code
in the actual practices during the process of implementing this code, whenever necessary, are
kindly requested to be posted or passed on to the Secretariat of the Technical Committee on
Security and Protection Alarm Systems of Standardization Administration of China (No. 1,
Southern Road Capital Gym, Beijing, China, Postcode: 100044, Tel: 86+10-88512998,
Fax: 010-88513960, E-mail: [email protected]) with a view to being referred in amendments.
The chief development organization, participating development organizations and chief
drafting staffs of this code are:
Chief Development Organization: Technical Committee on Security and Protection
Alarm Systems of Standardization Administration of China
Participating development organizations: The First Research Institute of Ministry of
Public Security of P.R.C
Beijing Univision Shendum Security & Protection Tech. Co., Ltd.
Beijing Landun Shian Info Consultants Co., Ltd.
Chief drafting staffs: Li Jiahong, Yang Guosheng, Shi Juling, Chen Chaowu, Zhou Qun,
and Liu Xiqing


1 General Provisions .........................................................................................................................1

2 Terms..............................................................................................................................................2
3 Basic Provisions.............................................................................................................................5
4 System Compositions.....................................................................................................................6
5 Function and Performance Design of System ................................................................................9
6 Types and Installation of Equipments ..........................................................................................11
7 Transmission Mode, Types of Wire Cables and Wiring ...............................................................16
8 Power Supply, Lightning Protection and Ground Connection .....................................................17
9 Safety, Reliability, Electromagnetic Compatibility and Environmental Compatibility of System
10 Monitoring Center......................................................................................................................19
Annex A Design Process and Depth................................................................................................20
Wording Explanations.....................................................................................................................25
1 General Provisions

1.0.1 This code was formulated in order to standardize the design of security and protection
engineering, improve the quality of video surveillance systems engineering, and protect the
personal safety and the security of the state, collective and personal property.
1.0.2 This code is applicable to the video surveillance system engineering of various
newly-built, reconstructed and extended buildings (structures) as well as their colony with a
purpose of security and protection.
1.0.3 The construction of video surveillance system engineering shall have unified planning
with the design of its strong and light-current system; they may be built once or in steps
according to the practical situations.
1.0.4 The video surveillance system shall be featured of security, reliability, openness,
expandability and application flexibility, and also shall realize state-of-art technology,
economic feasibility, practicality and reliability.
1.0.5 The design of video surveillance system engineering shall not only comply with this
code, but also shall comply with those specified in the current relevant national technical
standards and codes.

2 Terms

2.0.1 Video surveillance & control system (VSCS)

It is the electronic system or network to monitor the protected areas and display at real
time and record the video by adopting with video detection technology.
2.0.2 Video signal
It is the baseband picture signal that needs about 6MHz or larger band width based on
the present analog television mode.
2.0.3 Digital video
It means treating the video signal by adopting with digitization technology or obtaining
the digital signal that with strict time sequence directly from optical picture signal through
digital conversion and then being represent as the data with specific data structure to
characterize the original image information.
2.0.4 Video detection
It is a kind of detection method to perceive the object by adopting with photoelectric
imaging technology (from near infrared to the limit of visible spectrum) and to form video
picture signal.
2.0.5 Video monitoring
It refers to monitor the object by adopting with video method and to record object
2.0.6 Video transport
It is the process of transporting the video picture signal from one place to another place
or from one equipment to another one directly or through modulation demodulation by
adopting with the wire or wireless transmission medium.
2.0.7 Front-end device
In this code, the front-end devices are the video camera as well as its relevant matching
devices (such as lens, cradle head, decoding driver and shield).
2.0.8 Video controller/switcher
Generally, it is the video controller; it is the core device of the operation and controlling
of video system and generally is able to complete the video switching and the controlling of
cradle head and lens.
2.0.9 Digital video recorder (DVR)
It is the video device that realizes the digital recording, monitoring and playback of
video (audio) information with digital storage medium of standard interface by adopting with
the digital compression method.
Digital video recorder (DVR) is commonly referred to as digital video recorder; however,
it is also named as hard disk video recorder as its recording media is mainly hard disk.
2.0.10 Branch console
It is the control terminal established outside of the monitoring center.
2.0.11 Analog video surveillance system
It is the surveillance system in the end-end video signal transmission mode among the
video devices except for the display device.

2.0.12 Digital video surveillance system
It is the surveillance system of digital video transmission mode among the video device
except for the display device.
It is also referred to as network video surveillance system as it is adopted with digital
network transmission.
2.0.13 Environmental illumination
It is the physical quantity reflecting the lightness in the environment where the object is
at (within the limit of visible spectrum), which is equal to the luminous flux passing through
per unit area vertically.
2.0.14 Picture quality
It refers to the of picture information, including the recording integrity of original
information within the video frame and the continuous associated integrity of video frame.
Generally, it is described according to the following indices: Pixel composition,
distinguishability, signal-to-noise ratio, and original integrality.
2.0.15 Original integrality
In this code, it is specially refers to the characteristics of the picture information and
sound information to keep the characteristics of original scene, which means the picture and
sound that are finally indicated/ recorded/ replayed shall conform to the original scene no
matter how they are treated in the process, or the degree to keep the maximal similarity
(subjective assessment) with the field scene in such aspects as the reducing property of colour,
reducing property of grey level, reducing property (grey level) of field target picture outline,
descendent sequence of incident, and sound characteristics.
2.0.16 Real time
Generally, it is the continuity of the picture recording or display (generally, it is real-time
picture when the frame ratio is not less than 25fps); in the video transport, it is the
simultaneity or timeliness of terminal picture display with the field incidence and it is
characterized in delay time commonly.
2.0.17 Picture resolution
It is the magnitude for the identification readability of human eyes on the detailed
television pictures, it is equal to the television lines that resolve the most target pictures in the
horizontal scanning direction of the display plane.
2.0.18 Video data format
It is the denotation method of digital video pictures and is characterized in the sequence
of pixel dot matrix.
2.0.19 Digital compression for video
It is a treating process to reduce the redundant data of the represented picture
information by adopting with special computational method according the distribution
features of the spatial domain, time domain and transform domain of pictures.
2.0.20 Synchronization of video and audio
The action information of video presentation and the corresponding action information
of the audio are with consistency.
2.0.21 Video check to alarm
It is the function of video surveillance system to use the relevant pictures of the warning
region when there is a warning.

3 Basic Provisions

3.0.1 The design of video monitoring system engineering shall be in accordance with those
specified in the current national standard "Technical Code for Engineering of Security and
Protection System" GA/T 367.
3.0.2 The design of the video monitoring system engineering shall be integrally applied with
such advanced and mature technologies as video detection, image
processing/control/display/recording, multimedia, wire/wireless communications, computer
network, and system integration, and be allocated with reliable and applicable devices to form
the advanced, reliable, economical and applicable supporting video surveillance & control
application system.
3.0.3 The equipments applied in the video surveillance & control system (VSCS) must
comply with the requirements specified in the national laws and regulations as well as
those in the compulsory standards and also shall pass the inspection or certification of
legal institutions.
3.0.4 The service pattern of this system conforms to the television system in China.
3.0.5 The system compatibility shall meet the compatibility requirement of equipments and
the system expandability shall meet the requirements of simple capacity-expansion and
3.0.6 The design of video monitoring system engineering shall comply with the following
1 Confirmation of protection demands (including the risk degree and management
requirement) of different protected objects and regions;
2 Requirements of risk degree and safety protection grade on the amount of video
detection devices and video display/recording devices; the requirements on the display and
recording of the pictures and the requirements on the quality of replayed pictures;
3 Requirements of environmental conditions and architecture structure of the monitored
object on the types and installation positions of the video detection devices;
4 Requirements on the installation of control terminal;
5 Requirements on the system compositions and the switching and control functions of
6 Requirements on the integration with other security and protection subsystems;
7 Transmission conditions of the video (audio) and the control signal as well as the
requirements on transmission mode.
3.0.7 The design process and depth of the video monitoring system engineering shall be in
accordance with those specified in Annex A. The design documents shall be accurate, intact
and standard.

5 Function and Performance Design of System

5.0.1 The video surveillance & control system shall have effective video detection,
monitoring, picture display, recording and replay on the major public playgrounds, channels,
elevators (halls), important positions and regions within the monitored building.
5.0.2 The maximum video (audio) detection coverage of the front-end device shall meet the
requirement of locale monitoring coverage, the sensitivity of video camera shall be
corresponding to the environmental illumination, the monitoring and recording picture effect
shall meet the requirement to identify the object effectively, and the installation effect should
be in accordance with the environment.
5.0.3 The signal transmission of this system shall ensure the quality of pictures, the security
of data and the accuracy of control signals.
5.0.4 The control function of this system shall meet the following requirements:
1 The system shall be able to be operated by manually or to operate automatically, the
functions of video camera, cradle head, lens, and shield shall be controlled remotely with
stable and reliable control effect.
2 The system shall be able to switch manually or switch automatically through
programming, the video input signal will be displayed in the designated monitor stably or in
time sequence, the rebuild time for switching and displaying the pictures shall be able to be
within the acceptable range.
3 The system of matrix switching mode and digital video network virtual
exchanging/switching mode shall be with memory function for system information, and
it shall save all the programming information and time information at power
interruption or breakdown.
4 The system shall have interface to link with other systems. When other systems give
synchronized signals to the video system, the video system shall be able to switch out the
pictures of corresponding positions to the designated monitor and also be able to start the
video recording device, and its linkage response time shall not be larger than 4s.
5 The auxiliary lighting linkage shall be in accordance and in synchronism with the
picture display of its corresponding linking video camera.
6 The system with audio monitoring capacity should be with the synchronous
video-audio switching capacity at the same time.
7 The system requiring multistage or remote control shall support the branch console
8 The control response of the front-end device on control terminal and the real time of
picture transmission shall meet the requirements on security management.
5.0.5 The picture information and sound information under monitor shall be with
original integrality.
5.0.6 The system shall ensure its split-second response to the picture and sound information in
the site and also shall meet the management requirements.
5.0.7 The recording function on pictures shall meet the following requirements:
1 The replaying effect of recording pictures shall meet the original integrality of

information, and its video storage capacity and recording/replaying band width as well as the
retrieving ability shall meet the management requirements.
2 The system shall be able to record the following picture information:
1) The picture information of the incident field and the overall process of the incident;
2) The picture information when warning is sent out from the preset site;
3) Other locale dynamical picture information that the users need to grasp.
3 The picture information recorded by this system shall cover the serial number
and address of the picture and the recording time and date.
4 As for the warning video recording of important fixed areas, the video recording before
the warning also should be offered.
5 The system shall be able to record the locale sound information according to the
requirement of security management.
5.0.8 The pictures monitored and replayed by this system shall be clear and stable, and its
display mode shall meet the requirement of security management. The displayed picture shall
be with the serial number/address, time and date of the picture. The character shall be
displayed in simplify Chinese. The pictures in the elevator case should include the
information of the all the floors of the elevator case and the information on the running state
of elevator.
5.0.9 The system with video moving detection shall be able to set the video warning region
and the warning activation condition at will.
5.0.10 At the normal working illumination conditions, the property index for the picture
quality of the system shall meet the following requirements:
1 The analog composite video signal shall meet the following requirements:
Video output amplitude 1Vp-p±3dB VBS
Horizontal resolution of real-time display black-and-white television ≥400TVL
Horizontal resolution of real-time display color television ≥270TVL
Horizontal resolution of replaying picture center ≥220TVL
Grey scale of black-and-white television ≥8
Random signal-to-noise ratio ≥36dB
2 The digital video signal shall meet the following requirements:
Number of picture elements in single-channel picture ≥352×288 (CIF)
Single-channel display basic frame rate ≥25fps
The resulting display resolution of digital video shall meet those specified in Clause 1 of
this article.
3 The quality of monitoring picture shall not be less than the Grade IV specified in Table
4.3.1-1 of "Technical Code for Requnation of Civil Closed Circuit Monitoring TV System"
GB 50198-1994, and the quality of replayed picture shall not be less than the Grade III
specified in Table 4.3.1-1; and the objects shall be identified effectively in the display screen.

6 Types and Installation of Equipments

6.0.1 The types and installation of video camera shall meet the following requirements:
1 To ensure the integral function and integral technical criteria of this system, the
selection of the video camera shall fully meet the requirements on such factors as
environmental illumination, installation conditions, transmission, control and security
management of the monitored objects.
2 The minimum environmental illumination for the monitored object shall not be less
than 50 times of the minimum illumination of the target surface of video camera.
3 When the environmental illumination of monitored object is low but high picture
resolution is required, the b/w camera should be adopted; when the environmental
illumination of monitored object is low and the color camera is installed, then the additional
lighting devices are required. The luminous ray of the light source for additional lighting
device should not irradiate directly to the lens of video camera for fear that flare spot occurs,
furthermore, the environmental illumination shall be distributed uniformly and the additional
lighting device is able be controlled by the monitoring center.
4 When the lighting by visible light is insufficient or the video camera is installed
concealedly for monitoring in the environment of monitored object, the infrared lamp should
be adopted as the light source.
5 The video camera with adaptable wide dynamic range should be adopted according to
the variations in the locale environmental illumination; when the illumination intensity of
monitored object is with a wide variation range or the picture must be taken back light, the
video camera with automatic electronic shutter should be adopted.
6 The lens of video camera should be installed along with the direction of the light
source and be collimated with the monitored object and also should not be installed back light;
if it must be installed back light, the illumination contrast ratio in the monitoring area should
be reduced or the video camera with backlight compensation such as curtain shielding
function may be adopted.
7 The working temperature and humidity of the video camera shall be adaptable to the
variance in the locale climatic conditions, and the protective covering adaptable to
environmental conditions may be adopted if necessary.
8 The adopted digital video camera shall comply with those specified in Articles 3.0.5,
5.0.2, 5.0.3, Clause 28 in Article 5.0.4, and Articles 5.0.5, 5.0.6 and 5.0.10.
9 The video camera shall be set with stable and firm bracket: The video camera shall be
installed at such position free of external damages near to the object monitoring area, its
installation position shall not influence the operation of locale devices and the normal activity
of workers, and also shall assure the field range of the video camera meet the monitoring
requirement simultaneously. Its installation height shall not be less than 2.5m above the
ground indoors and should not be less 3.5m above the ground outdoors. When installing it
outdoors with upright stanchion, the intensity and stability of the upright stanchion shall meet
the operating requirements of video camera.
10 The video camera in the elevator case shall be installed at the top or at the top right

also shall be in accordance with the locale environment.
2 When the monitored object is fixed object, the video camera should be set with manual
cradle head--the gimbals.
3 When the monitor scene is of large scope, the video camera shall be set with electric
remote control cradle head, and the carrying capacity of the adopted cradle head shall be
larger than 1.2 times of the actual burden; the working temperature and moisture range of the
cradle head shall meet the field environmental requirement.
4 The cradle head shall have good self-locking performance when it rotates to stop, and
the return difference of horizontal and vertical rotor angles shall not be larger than 1°.
5 The traveling speed (rotating speed of the angle) of the cradle head and the angular
region of its rotation shall be corresponding to the traced moving object and the search
6 When the indoor electric cradle head bears the maximum load, the sound intensity
level of its mechanical noise shall not be larger than 50dB.
7 The quick cradle head or integral remote control camera (including the built-in cradle
head) can be configured as required.
6.0.4 The types and installation of the shield shall meet the following requirements:
1 The shield shall be adopted according to the operational requirements and also shall be
in accordance with the field environment.
2 The dimensions of the shield shall match with the video camera, lens and so on.
6.0.5 The types and installation of transmission device not only shall be in accordance with
relevant regulations specified in the current national standard "Technical Code for
Engineering of Security and Protection System" GB 50348, but also shall meet the following
1 The transmission device shall ensure the transmission bandwidth, load-to-noise ratio
and propagation delay time meet the requirement of the integral indices of this system, and
the interface shall meet the connection requirements of the devices at the front and back ends.
2 The transmission device shall be with its own safety protection measures and should be
with the anti-withdrawal warning function; as for the signal with requirement on secure
transmission, the device shall support the encryption/decryption functions.
3 The transmission device shall be installed in such areas where are in convenient for
overhauling and protecting and also should be near to the front-back end video devices.
6.0.6 The device of video switching control device shall meet the following requirements:
1 The functions of video switching control device shall meet the application and
redundancy requirements.
2 The smallest lines of the video input interfaces shall be reserved with certain
redundancy amount.
3 The smallest lines of video output interfaces shall be determined according to the
requirements of security management and the amount of the allocated display and recording
4 The video switching control device shall be able to operate manually or automatically
to have remote control on the various actions (such actions as turning, zooming, focusing, and
iris) of the lens and the electric cradle head.
5 The video switching control device shall be able to program and switch manually or

automatically and to have fixed or time-sequential display of all the input video signals in the
designated monitor. time sequence
6 The video switching control device shall be with the information storage function and
also be able to memory all the programming installation, video camera number, address and
time after the power interruption or closedown, and its system will recover to the normal
working after it is started or the power supply is restored.
7 The video switching control device shall be with the interface to be linked with other
external system. In the linkage with the alarm control device, it shall be able to send out the
pictures of the video camera at the corresponding position and display the record.
8 The installation of code authority for system operation and the Chinese menu display
are required.
9 It has the function of video loss alarm.
10 When the system has branch console requirement, the control terminals such as
supervisory keyboard and video output interface shall be distributed according to the practical
situations and the function of operation authority shall be determined as required.
11 The large-size composite security and protection system should be adopted with
multimedia technology to make the characters, dynamic warning messages, diagrams,
pictures, and system operation be completed in one set of computer.
6.0.7 The types and installation of the recording and replaying devices shall meet the
following requirements:
1 The digital video recorder (DVR) with anti-tamper function should be adopted; its
storage capacity and the quality of the replayed picture (sound) shall meet the relevant
standards and the management and operating requirements.
2 In one system, the specifications for video tape recorder and recording medium shall
be uniform.
3 The video storage device shall be with linkage interface.
4 When recording the sounds as well as recording video, the recording device shall be
able to record the pictures and sound synchronously and also be able to replay them
5 The picture recording and retrieving devices should be installed at such position where
is easy to operate.
6.0.8 The types and installation of the digital video & audio device shall meet the following
1 The digital video devices for video detection, transmission, display and recording shall
meet those specified in Articles 3.0.5, 5.0.2, 5.0.3, Clause 28 in Article 5.0.4, and Articles
5.0.5, 5.0.6 and 5.0.10.
2 The device should be with the capacity for interconnection, remote operation and
3 The result of the analysis process of digital video & audio processing device shall be
kept in line with the corresponding characteristics of original video and audio signals. The
false rate shall be within the acceptable range.
6.0.9 The types and installation of the display device shall meet the following requirements:
1 The display device meeting the field conditions and operating requirements shall be

7 Transmission Mode, Types of Wire Cables and Wiring

7.0.1 The transmission mode not only shall be in accordance with the relevant regulations
specified in the current national standard "Technical Code for Engineering of Security and
Protection System" GB 50348, but also the transmission mode with security privacy
protection requirement shall be adopted with signal encryption measures.
7.0.2 The selection wire cables not only shall be in accordance with relevant regulations
specified in the current national standard "Technical Code for Engineering Security and
Protection System" GB 50348, but also shall meet the following requirements:
1 The analog video signal should be adopted with the coaxial cables, and the models and
specifications of the coaxial cables shall be determined according to the transmission range of
video signal, the signal adaptation range of terminal connecting device, and the attenuation
index of cable; when carrying out differential processing on the signals, the signals also may
be retransmitted by adopting with the twisted pair with performance no less than Grade V.
2 The retransmit of digital video signals shall be selected with wire cables according to
the requirements of the digital system.
3 The models and specifications of the models shall be determined according to its
wiring position and the environmental conditions where they are laid.
7.0.3 The wiring design shall be in accordance with relevant regulations specified in the
current national standard "Technical Code for Engineering of Security and Protection System"

8 Power Supply, Lightning Protection and Ground Connection

8.0.1 The main power supply not only shall be in accordance with relevant regulations
specified in the current national standard "Technical Code for Engineering Security and
Protection System" GB 50348, but also shall meet the following requirements:
1 The power supply for video camera should be supplied by the monitoring center
uniformly or by the power supply under control of the monitoring center.
2 The power supply power supply by remote source and the power supply for video
camera and video switching control device should be homo-phase power supply or proper
measures may be adopted to ensure the picture synchronization.
3 The power supply mode shall be adopted with the TN-S system.
8.0.2 The lightning protection and ground connection of the system not only shall be in
accordance with relevant regulations specified in the current national standard "Technical
Code for Engineering of Security and Protection System" GB50348, but also shall meet the
following requirements:
1 Corresponding isolation measures shall be adopted to prevent the unequal earth
potentials from resulting in picture interference.
2 The connecting cables of outdoor video camera should be adopted be lightning
protection measures.

9 Safety, Reliability, Electromagnetic Compatibility and

Environmental Compatibility of System

9.0.1 The system safety not only shall be in accordance with relevant regulations specified in
the current national standard "Technical Code for Engineering Security and Protection
System" GB 50348, but also shall meet the following requirements:
1 With the detection and alarming ability for video loss.
2 The devices adopted in the system shall not be introduced into the potential safety
hazard and shall have no damage on the protected object.
9.0.2 The system reliability shall be in accordance with relevant regulations specified in the
current national standard "Technical Code for Engineering of Security and Protection System"
9.0.3 The electromagnetic compatibility of the system shall be in accordance with relevant
regulations specified in the current national standard "Technical Code for Engineering of
Security and Protection System" GB50348. And the electromagnetic compatibility of
such major adopted devices for control, display, recording and transmission shall be
in accordance with the those specified in the series standards on electromagnetic
compatibility test and measurement technology, and the severity degree shall meet the
requirement of the field electromagnetic environment.
9.0.4 The environmental compatibility of the system shall be in accordance with relevant
regulations specified in the current national standard "Technical Code for Engineering of
Security and Protection System" GB50348.

Annex A Design Process and Depth

A.1 Design Process

A.1.1 The design of video monitoring system engineering shall be carried out according to the
process of "compilation of design specifications-field investigation-preliminary design-
scheme argumentation-compilation of working drawing design documents (formal design)".
A.1.2 As for the video monitoring system engineering of new-built buildings, the construction
organization shall offer such design information as the relevant architecture general situations,
electricity and pipe chase route to the design organization of video monitoring system.

A.2 Compilation of Design Specifications

A.2.1 Before the design of video monitoring system engineering, the construction
organization shall put forward the design specifications according to the security and
protection demands.
A.2.2 The design specifications shall cover the following contents:
1 Mission source.
2 Relevant regulations and management requirements of the government sectors
(including the risk grade and protection grade of protection object).
3 Security management status and requirements of the construction organization.
4 The contents and requirements of engineering project (including the function demand,
property index, requirement of monitoring center, training, and maintenance service).
5 Construction period.
6 Control amount of the engineering investment and the capital sources.

A.3 Field Investigation

A.3.1 Before the design of the video monitoring system engineering, the design organization
and construction organization shall carry out the field investigation and compile the field
investigation report.
A.3.2 The field investigation shall be in accordance with relevant regulations specified in the
current national standard "Technical Code for Engineering of Security and Protection System"

A.4 Preliminary Design

A.4.1 The references for the preliminary design shall include the following contents:
1 The relevant laws and regulations as well as the current national standards.
2 The relevant administrative provisions specified by the engineering construction
organization or its competent departments.
3 Design specifications.

4 Field investigation report and relevant architectural drawings and documents.
A.4.2 The preliminary design shall cover the following contents:
1 The demand analysis of the construction organization and the integral conceive of the
engineering design (including the structure and configuration of the protection system).
2 The description on the arrangement and monitoring scope of front-end devices.
3 The types of the front-end devices (including video camera, lens cradle head and
4 The types of the central device (including the control host computer, display device
and recording device).
5 The descriptions on the transmittal mode and route of signals and the pipeline
6 The requirements on the site selection, area, temperature, humidity and illumination of
the monitoring center as well as the arrangement of devices.
7 Descriptions on the system safety, reliability, electromagnetic compatibility,
environmental compatibility, power supply, lightning protection, and ground connection.
8 Interface relationship with other systems (such as linkage and integration mode).
9 Intended effect description after the system is completed and the consideration of
system expansibility.
10 Requirements and suggestions on human protection and article protection.
11 The design and construction integrated corporation shall offer its commitments on
after-sale service and technical training.
A.4.3 The preliminary design documents shall cover the design specifications, design
drawings, detailed list of major equipments, and budgetary estimate statement.
A.4.4 The preparation of preliminary design documents shall cover the following contents:
1 The design specifications shall cover the overview protection arrangement strategy,
and system configuration of the engineering project as well as other necessary descriptions.
2 The design drawings shall include the system drawing, plan, arrangement diagram of
monitoring center, and the necessity descriptions.
3 The design drawings shall be in accordance with the following requirements:
1) The drawings shall be in accordance with those specified in the relevant national
drawing standard, and shall have intact column headings accurate and standard
letters and also shall be with the signatures of relevant workers and the stamp of the
design organization;
2) 2) The graphic examples shall be in accordance with those specified in the relevant
current national standards such as "Symbols for Use in Diagrams of Security and
Alarm System" GA/T 74.
3) The size, scale and north stabilized indicator shall be indicated in the plan;
4) The equipment name, specifications, amount and other necessary descriptions shall
be included in the plan.
4 The system drawing shall cover the following contents:
1) The types and amounts of major equipments;
2) Signal transmission form, direction of the wire cables in the main and pipe chases of
the system, and the connection relation of equipments;
3) Power supply mode;

compatibility, power supply, lightning protection and ground connection of the system meet
those specified in the relevant standards.
7 Whether the expandability and interface mode of the system meet the operating
8 Whether the preliminary design documents meet those specified in A.4.3 and A.4.4.
9 Whether the construction period meets the practical situation at engineering locale and
meets the requirements of construction organization.
10 Whether the budgetary estimate is reasonable.
11 As for the design and construction integrated corporation, whether its after-sale
service commitment and training content are feasible.
A.5.4 The scheme argumentation shall cover the assessment on the contents of A.5.3 and form
conclusions (accepted, basically accepted and rejected), put forward amendment suggestions
and be confirmed by the construction organization.

A.6 Compilation of Design Documents on Construction Drawing (Formal Design)

A.6.1 The references for compiling the design documents on construction drawing shall cover
the following contents:
1 Preliminary design documents.
2 The amendment suggestions put forward in the scheme argumentation and the
amendment measures made by the design organization with the approval of the construction
A.6.2 The design documents of construction drawing shall include the design specifications,
design drawing, material list of major equipments, and project budget statement.
A.6.3 The preparation of the design documents of construction drawing shall meet the
following requirements:
1 The design specifications for construction drawing shall carry out modification,
supplements, and consummation on the preliminary design explanation, including
construction technical notes of the materials of equipment and the pipeline laying explanation,
and also shall implement the amendment measures.
2 The construction drawings shall include the system drawing, layout plan, layout of
monitoring center and its necessary descriptions, and also shall meet those specified in Clause
3 of Article A.4.4.
3 Based on Clause 4 of Article A.4.4, the system drawing shall include the detailed
content of system configuration (such as vertical pipe drawing), indicate the quantity of
equipments, supplement the wiring diagram of equipments, and consummate the power
supply design in the system.
4 The layout plan shall cover the following contents:
1) Protection arrangement drawing of front-end equipments shall accurately indicate
the installation positions, installation modes and numbers of the equipments and
also list the statistical table of equipments;
2) The protection arrangement drawing of the front-end equipments may cover the
mounting list and detail installation drawing as required.
3) In the pipeline laying drawing, the laying and installation mode, model, route and

amount of pipelines as well as the height of the position of terminal outlet box shall
be indicated; the junction box shall be indicated with the direction and terminal
number of the wire cables as required; right quantity of spare wire cables should be
left on the basic routing line as required and the statistical table of materials will be
4) In the pipeline laying drawing, the partial detail drawing of piping installation may
be offered as required;
5) The position and size of each controlled area should be stated and the same
controlled area and high level controlled area should be marked.
6) Other necessary descriptions.
5 The monitoring center layout shall cover the following contents:
1) In the monitoring center plan, the positions, external dimensions and boundary
distance of the control desk and display devices shall be indicated;
2) The positions and sizes of control desk, display devices, cabinet as well as the
corresponding control equipments should be determined according to the principles
of man-machine engineering.
3) The direction and opening position of the inner tube of monitoring center shall be
indicated according to the arrangement of control desk, display devices, equipment
cabinets and their operating positions;
4) The connecting lines of equipments and the serial numbers of wire cables shall be
5) The fitment requirements such as floor pavement, temperature/humidity, outlet and
lighting shall be indicated;
6) The monitoring center should be installed jointly with the video monitoring center;
7) Other necessary descriptions.
The detailed material list of equipments shall be listed according to the system
compositions and the model, specifications, producing area and manufacturer of equipments
also shall be indicated.
6 The project budget book shall be compiled according to the construction content and
the requirements specified in the relevant current national standards such as "Compiling
Method of Budget for Security & Protection Engineering Expense" GA/T 70.


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