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Fleet Admin Pro

Admin Guide
December 2015



Intended Audience........................................................................................................6
Terminology Used in This Guide.................................................................................6
Reference Material........................................................................................................7
Product support information.......................................................................................7

Installation requirements.............................................................................................8
Installing System..........................................................................................................9
Migration from SyncThru to Fleet Admin Pro..........................................................11
Starting System..........................................................................................................12
Opening System Browser..........................................................................................12
Logging in to System.................................................................................................13
Stopping System........................................................................................................13
Uninstalling System...................................................................................................13
Installing External Site Manager...............................................................................13
Registering External Site Manager...........................................................................14
Unistalling External Site Manager.............................................................................16
Configuring Multi-Instance System .........................................................................16
Scaling back to Single Instance System..................................................................17
System Layout............................................................................................................18

Understanding Widgets.............................................................................................21
Adding Widget............................................................................................................22
Managing Widget........................................................................................................23

Device Management...................................................................................................24
Supply Threshold Template Assignment ................................................................89
Profile Monitor............................................................................................................92
Multi-Domain Device Management...........................................................................95


Local Device Agent Installation.................................................................................99
Local Device Agent Installation History.................................................................100

User Management.....................................................................................................103
User Group Management.........................................................................................113

Multi-Domain User Management.............................................................................115

Creating Domain.......................................................................................................119
Reassigning Domain................................................................................................119
Deleting Domain.......................................................................................................120
Assigning Site Manager to Domain........................................................................120
Unassigning Site Manager from Domain................................................................121
Modifying Site Manager Info....................................................................................121
Unregistering Site Manger.......................................................................................122

Viewing Widgets.......................................................................................................124
Modifying Widget Settings .................................................................................124

Application File Management..................................................................................125
Device Cloning File Management............................................................................136
Device Firmware File Management.........................................................................140
Font/Form/Macro File Management........................................................................143
Driver File Management...........................................................................................146

Reporting Overview..................................................................................................154
Instant Report...........................................................................................................164
Report Generation....................................................................................................171
Multi-Domain Instant Report....................................................................................180
Multi-Domain Report Generation............................................................................181

Rule Overview...........................................................................................................185
Creating Rule............................................................................................................187
Modifying Rule..........................................................................................................201
Deleting Rule.............................................................................................................202

Plug-in Management.................................................................................................203

Enabling Accounting................................................................................................208
Resetting Accounting Usage...................................................................................210
Viewing Accounting Job Records...........................................................................210
Disabling Accounting...............................................................................................211
Applying Permissions..............................................................................................211
Accounting Management History............................................................................216




MIB reference............................................................................................................280
Data matrix................................................................................................................280

Common errors.........................................................................................................283





SSL Communication (HTTPS)..................................................................................298

User Authentication..................................................................................................298
User Credentials.......................................................................................................298

Apache License 1.1..................................................................................................299
Apache License 2.0..................................................................................................299
Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL-1.0)..............................309
Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) 1.1..............................313
JSON License............................................................................................................316
ICU License - ICU 1.8.1 and Later............................................................................316
Microsoft JDBC Driver 3.0 for SQL Server License...............................................317
Sun JavaBeans Activation Framework 1.1.1 License for Nonredistributables...318
Adobe Flex Software Development Kit v4.0 Software License............................321
ARPHIC PUBLIC LICENSE.......................................................................................325


© 2011 - 2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
This admin guide is provided for information purposes only. All information included herein is subject to change without
any notice.
Samsung Electronics is not responsible for any direct or indirect damages, arising from or related to use of this admin
• Fleet Admin Pro is a trademark of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
• Samsung and Samsung logo are trademarks of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
• Microsoft, Windows, Internet Explorer and Windows Vista are either registered trademarks or trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
• All other brand, product and company names herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
REV. 1.0

How to Use This Guide
The Fleet Admin Pro is intended to be used to install and setup Fleet Admin Pro on a network server and client systems.
To assist you in acclimating to the Fleet Admin Pro environment, this guide provides instructional screen images, situa-
tional examples, easy-to-read tables of features, and step-by-step instructions. The chapters of this guide are arranged
according to the page view, moving from left to right. Each tab’s and sub-menu’s functionality and screen layout is de-
scribed in detail to ensure a complete understanding of the environment.

Intended Audience
The expected user for this guide is a network administrator with an understanding of:
• network printing environment,
• network protocols (including SNMP and HTTP), subnets, security features, addresses,
• Windows operating systems on server and client computers,

Terminology Used in This Guide

The following terms are used throughout this guide in examples, instructions, and descriptions:
The following acronyms are used throughout this guide in examples, instructions, and descriptions:

DBMS Database Management System
IP Internet Protocol
JAC Job Accounting
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTPS Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
mDNS Multicast Domain Name System
MFP Multi-Functional Peripheral/Multi-Functional Printer
MSSQL Microsoft SQL
OS Operating System
RFC Request for Comment
SLP Service Location Protocol
S/N Serial Number
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SSL Secure Socket Layers
SWS SyncThru Web Service
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
UDP User Datagram Protocol
WMI Windows Management Instrumentation
XOA eXtensible Open Architecture

(See “Glossary” on page 327).

How to Use This Guide_6

Reference Material

Fleet Admin Pro software

Updates and Plug-ins

Click the Help in site navigation bar at the top right corner of the System user interface.

Product support information

Contact Samsung’s printer service

How to Use This Guide_7

Getting Started
This chapter gives you instructions for installing the System.

The System is a web-based managing and monitoring application which helps you to discover, configure, manage,monitor
and get report on any type of SNMP-compliant printing and imaging devices without leaving your desk. The System
provides a set of menus depending on the plug-ins installed. There main menus can include Dashboard, Plug-in, Device,
File, Accounting, User, Report, Rule, and Settings. For easy device management, you can add device status related
widgets to the Dashboard and monitor them all on one page. The Device menu has sub-menus to support all the device-
related operations, including discovery, cloning, configuration, firmware update and others. The Plug-in menu provides
options to install, stop, start, and uninstall the System plug-ins. The File menu supports all the file-related operations
such as uploading and managing device application installation files, drivers, firmware files and others. The Accounting
menu supports basic accounting functionality to track all jobs within your imaging and printing environments. It helps to
save costs and reduce overuse. The User menu supports all the user-related operations such as user and user group
management. The Report menu provides reporting capabilities for devices. The Rule menu allows to create rules and
manage tasks automatically according to the rule conditions and actions. All menus and features in the System operate
based on the settings defined via the Settings menu.

Installation requirements

System requirements
Hardware Minimum: Client computers do not require any
• Pentium 4 processor, 2GHz or faster software to be installed. Only a web
browser the System supports must be
• 2 GB RAM or more installed on the client computers.
• at least 50 GB free disk space is
Operating • MS Windows Server 2012 (32 bit and 64 bit) Any operating system with a supported
• MS Windows 8 Professional (32 bit and 64 bit) browser installed.
• MS Windows Server 2008 (32 bit and 64 bit)
• MS Windows 7 Professional (32 bit and 64 bit)
Database • PostgreSQL 9 N/A
• MS SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition
• MS SQL Server 2005 Workgroup Edition
• MS SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition
• MS SQL Server 2008 Standard Edition
• MS SQL Server 2008 Workgroup Edition
• MS SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition
• MS SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition
• MS SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition
Network • Network interface: • Network interface:
-- Ethernet 10/100 Base-TX -- Ethernet 10/100 Base-TX
• Network protocols: • Network protocols:
-- TCP/IP (compatible with IPv6) -- System server & client
-- Device communication : SNMP, SNMPv3, communication : HTTP, HTTPS
-- System server & client
communication : HTTP, HTTPS

Getting Started_8
Browsers N/A • Internet Explorer 9.X or higher
• Mozilla Firefox 24 or higher
• Apple Safari 7 or higher
• Google Chrome 31 or higher
• Browser needs Adobe Flash Player
10.1 or higher (the highest Flash
Player version is recommended)
Resolution N/A under browser • 1280 x 1024 or higher resolution is
highly recommended.
• 1400 x 900 or higher resolution
(wide screen) is highly

The System listens on several ports and opens some ports for specific features. See the table below for port description:


162 UDP SNMP communication port
8080 TCP HTTP default port (not required in case of HTTPS configuration, can be
modified during the installation)
8081 TCP HTTPS default port (not required in case of HTTP configuration, can be
modified during the installation)
427 UDP SLP multicast discovery (can be disabled in Settings)
5353 UDP mDNS passive discovery (can be disabled in Settings)
5432 TCP Default remote PostgreSQL port (in case Remote PostgreSQL is selected)
1433 TCP Default MS SQL port (in case MS SQL Server is selected)

Installing System
To install System:
1. Go to the local or network location where you downloaded the System setup file.
2. Run the EXE file under an account having Administrator permission.
3. In the displayed User Account Control dialog click Yes to confirm installation.
This step might be missing. It depends on your OS and its security settings.
4. In the displayed Installer Language dialog select the needed language and click OK.
5. Read the setup guide and click Next to continue installation.
6. Read the license information and click I Agree to continue installation.
7. Choose the destination path for installation.
8. Click Next.
9. Select the Database server type you wish to use:
• Embedded PostgreSQL
or if you prefer to use your own data base:
• Remote PostgreSQL
• Microsoft SQL Server.
10. If Microsoft SQL Server/ Remote PostgreSQL is selected on step 9, provide your MS SQL Server/PostgreSQL
11. Click Next.
12. Provide network connection settings:
a. Select the Add an exception to Windows Firewall checkbox.
b. Modify the port number, if needed (8080 is used by default).
c. (Optional) To enable local user authentication select the Enable authentication checkbox and enter User ID
and password.
13. Click Next.
14. Select the checkboxes of the components you wish to install:
• Client Software Management. It enables file storage in the System for you to upload and manage device

Getting Started_9
application setup files, including drivers and other files. The plug-in also supports pull installation for you to
download a setup file (e.g. Local Device Agent), install it, and track the results via the System.
• Device Management Extention. It enables extended device mangement features for Samsung devices,
including device properties from Samsung private MIB, cloning, reporting, device profiles and tag management
as well as trouble management.
• Device Software Management. It enables device software associated features, including firmware update and
font/form/macro management.
• XOA Application Management. It enables capability to install XOA applications to devices and manage their
• Managed Domain. It enables you to create and manage domains including their own devices and users. This
can be useful, if you need to manage and get statistics on devices and users of different companies under your
support or subsidiaries in your company that shouldn’t share the data.
• PC Site Manager. It allows to install additional Site Managers on PC(s). The plug-in can be used only together
with the Managed Domain plug-in.
• Device Site Manager. It allows to install Site Managers on device(s). The plug-in can be used only together
with the Managed Domain plug-in.
• Accounting. It enables basic accounting functionality, including scans/copies/faxes quotas for users and
capability to track the related usage statistics.
You can install/uninstall a plug-in after the System installation via the Plug-in menu.
15. Click Next.
16. Review the settings summary and click Next. If something is wrong, click Back one or several times to navigate
back to the needed installation step and make corrections.
17. Click Install.
18. As the installation is successfully completed, click Next.
19. Select the Start Fleet Admin Pro application checkbox and click Close.
20. As the application is launched and ready, click Close.

Microsoft SQL Server Settings

To provide Microsoft SQL Server settings:
1. In the Database server field enter your MS SQL Server address.
2. (If needed) Change the port number of your MS SQL Server. Microsoft SQL Server uses port 1433 as a default.
TCP/IP protocol must be enabled for the Microsoft SQL Server. Otherwise, communication between the
database and the System is impossible.
3. In the Database name field enter the name of the data base you wish to use.
4. In the User ID field enter a valid user name to access your MS SQL Server:
• to use local authentication enter local user name with permission to connect to database engine and db_owner
role for the needed database,
• to use domain authentication enter the trusted domain user account in format <domain name>\<user account>
or <user account>@<domain name>.
5. In the Password field enter the corresponding password.
6. Click Check to check the data base connection.
7. If connection check is successful, in the authentication confirmation dialog click OK.
If failed, check the settings and try again.
If the database does not exist, in the displayed dialog click Yes to create it and click OK in the authentication
confirmation dialog.
In this case ensure the user specified on step 4 is the MS SQL Server sysadmin. Otherwise, the new database
cannot be created and message “SQL Authentication failed, please try again“ is displayed.
8. (Optional: for local database authentication) Configure device connection settings encryption:
a. Click Advanced settings.
b. In the displayed dialog select the Encrypt database settings file checkbox.
c. In the Local user account field enter a local Windows user account name (no special permissions needed).
It will be used to encrypt the database settings file in the System installation directory. The user will be
assigned permissions to run the System service, read/write to the System installation directory. The user
account name will be stored in Windows services only. In the Password field enter the corresponding
d. Click OK.
9. (Optional: when several database instances are available) Specify the database instance to be used:
a. Click Advanced settings.
b. In the MS SQL server instance name field enter the needed database instance name.

Getting Started_10
Refer to MSDN on how to configure database instances. To avoid database instance connection issues ensure
the SQL Server Browser service is started in Windows.
c. Click OK.

Remote PostgreSQL Settings

To provide Remote PostgreSQL settings:
1. In the Database server field enter your remote PostgreSQL address.
2. (If needed) Change the port number of your PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL uses port 5432 as a default.
3. In the Database name field enter the existing remote PostgreSQL database name.
4. In the User ID field enter a valid user account name to access the remote PostgreSQL database. This account must
have administrator permissions.
5. In the Password field enter the corresponding password.
6. (If you want to create a new database) Select the Create database checkbox.
7. Click Check to check the database connection.
8. If connection is successful, in the displayed confirmation dialog click OK. If failed, check the settings and try again.
Migration from SyncThru to Fleet Admin Pro
Fleet Admin Pro is the SyncThru successor. You can perform migration from the following SyncThru versions:
5.0.88, 5.1.10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6.3.8,,,, 6.4.7,,, 6.4.10,,,, 6.4.14, 6.4.15,, 6.4.17, 6.4.18,, 6.4.20, 6.4.21, 6.4.22,6.4.23,
6.4.24, 6.4.25, 6.4.26, 6.4.27,, 6.4.29, 6.4.30, 6.4.31,, 6.4.34, 6.4.35,, 6.4.37,, 6.4.39,
6.4.40, 6.4.42, 6.4.43, 6.4.44, 6.4.45, 6.4.46, 6.4.47, 6.4.48, 6.4.49, 6.4.50,, 6.4.52, 6.4.53, 6.4.54, 6.4.55,
6.4.56, 6.4.57, 6.4.58, 6.4.59, 6.4.60, 6.4.61, 6.4.62, 6.4.63, 6.3.8,,,,,
To upgrade from SyncThru to Fleet Admin Pro, perform the following steps:
1. Go to the local or network location where you downloaded the System setup file.
2. Run the EXE file under an account having Administrator permission.
3. In the displayed User Account Control dialog click Yes to confirm installation.
This step might be missing. It depends on your OS and its security settings.
4. In the displayed Installer Language dialog select the needed language and click OK. The upgrade notification is

5. Click OK.
6. Read the setup guide and click Next to continue upgrade.
7. Read the license information and click I Agree to continue installation. The Upgrade dialog is displayed

8. (Optional) If you need to change the database and network connection settings, select the Change database and
HTTP settings checkbox.

Getting Started_11
9. Click Next.
10. If the Change database and HTTP settings checkbox is selected, perform steps 9-20 of the installation guide.
If Do you want to delete all database files from the local machine? dialog is displayed, click Yes, if you
want to remove the SyncThru database files. Otherwise, click No. In this case the SyncThru database backup
will be saved to <System installation directory>/Fleet Admin Pro/Backups.
If the Change database and HTTP settings checkbox is not selected, perform steps 14-20 of the installation guide.
11. After installation is completed, open Fleet Admin Pro in a web browser to check it is working.
12. Restart the Fleet Admin Pro host.
If you do not change database settings during migration, all the SyncThru data is migrated. The exception is data
collection schedules. Only the pre-defined regular data collection schedules with default settings are preserved.
Another migration limitation affects device discovery schedules. The System does not allow to successfully retry a
migrated device discovery schedule. However, you can retry new schedules.
A very limited set of device properties is renamed/removed as unneeded in Fleet Admin Pro. So, after migration some
SyncThru device properties cannot be collected, configured, displayed in the Device List.
If the Device List columns are customized in SyncThru, this customization is not saved after migration. This also affects
the migrated Device List column templates. If a migrated template includes a renamed property, you cannot use the
template as is. The System will inform you on a missing property.
Also, it is possible that some Dashboard widgets will not be displayed after migration.
In addition, LDAP authentication has been changed. So, after migration LDAP users might fail to login to the System. See
“LDAP Users Cannot Login to the System after Migration from SyncThru 6” on page 285.
After migration clear your web browser cache before you launch the System. Otherwise, errors may occur.
See “Cannot access the System after Migration from SyncThru 6” on page 285.

Plug-in Migration Tips

As you upgrade from SyncThru to Fleet Admin Pro, basically you go through the installation steps. One of them allows
you to select plug-ins to be installed. These are standard plug-ins. If you do not select a standard plug-in, its features are
not available right after the System upgrade. But the plug-in installation file is stored in the System file repository. So, you
can install the plug-in when needed. See “Installing Plug-in” on page 205.
You might also use custom plug-ins designed specially for you. These are non-standard B2B plug-ins. They are installed
via Plug-in > Plug-in Management and cannot be selected during the System installation. If a B2B plug-in was installed
on SyncThru, it will not work after the System upgrade. To fix this, update the plug-in as follows:
1. uninstall the plug-in,
2. contact the System provider to get the plug-in version compatible with the upgraded System,
3. install this plug-in version.
See “Updating Plug-in” on page 206 for detailed guidelines.
The standard/B2B plug-in data accumulated before the upgrade is not lost.

Starting System
The System starts automatically every time the computer you installed the System on boots up. The application can also
be started immediately after installation, if you select the Start Fleet Admin Pro application checkbox. If you want to
start the System manually, follow the steps below:
1. From the Windows Start menu navigate to Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Services.
2. Select Fleet Admin Pro Management Application in the list.
3. Click Start.
• If the database is MSSQL, ensure the database server is started.
• If the database is PostgreSQL, then there will be one more service (Fleet Admin Pro Database) that needs to
be stopped/started.

Opening System Browser

To access the System in a web browser address bar enter:
“server_name.domain” is the hostname of the machine where the System is installed.
“port_number” is the web server port number you entered during installation on step 12. Alternatively,
“ip_address” is the IP address of the machine where the System is installed.
“port_number” is the web server port number you entered during installation.

Getting Started_12
Another way to open the System is to select Samsung Network Printer Utilities>Fleet Admin Pro>Fleet Admin
Pro from the Start menu.
If you have migrated from one System version to another or from SyncThru Web Admin Server 6, clear your browser
cache before you launch the System. Otherwise, the System may work incorrectly.

Logging in to System
If authentication is enabled, log in to the System as follows:
1. Open the System as described in the previous section.
2. (If there are several domains in the System) On the login page in the Domain field select/enter the domain you
belong to.
3. In the Login ID field enter your user account registered in the System (e.g. j.smith).
If Local + LDAP authentication method is enabled in the System and you are an LDAP user, enter your login
in format <user account>@<LDAP server name> (e.g. j.smith@sng) or <domain name>\<user account>
(e.g. sng\j.smith). In case your user account is unique in the System, you can enter just your user account. If
not unique, the System considers your user account as local and login fails.
4. (Optional) Select Save login ID checkbox to avoid entering your login every time you log in.
5. Click LOGIN.

Stopping System
The System starts automatically every time the computer you installed the System onto boots up. If you want to stop the
System manually, follow the steps below:
1. From the Windows Start menu navigate to Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Services.
2. Select Fleet Admin Pro Management Application in the list.
3. Click Stop.

Uninstalling System
To uninstall the System:
1. Open the Windows Start menu.
2. Click All programs>Samsung Network Printer Utilities>Fleet Admin Pro>Uninstall Fleet Admin Pro.
3. In the displayed dialog select the needed language and click OK.
4. In the displayed Do you want to delete all database files from the local machine? dialog click Yes, if you want to
remove the System local database file including device information. Otherwise, click No.
5. In the displayed dialog click Yes to confirm the System removal.
6. In the displayed uninstallation dialog click Next.
7. As uninstallation is finished click OK.

Installing External Site Manager

Site Manager is an application the System uses to communicate and manage devices. Any System instance has a
builtin Site Manager. However, if the System does not have direct network access to the devices due to NAT/Firewall
restrictions, the builtin Site Manager cannot be used. To solve this issue, you can install an external Site Manager in the
device network and register it on the System. An external Site Manager can be used, if the Managed Domain plugin is
installed on your System.
An external Site Manager can be installed on a PC or device. The Site Manager installer files are of EXE and PAR format
The host name of the PC/device where a Site Manager is installed must not contain symbol “_”.
To install external Site Manager on a network PC:
1. Navigate to the local or network location where you downloaded the Site Manager Installer file (EXE format).
2. Run the EXE file.
3. In the displayed Installer Language dialog select the needed language and click OK.
4. Read the setup guide and click Next to continue installation.
5. Read the license information and click I Agree to continue installation.
6. Choose the destination path for installation.
7. Click Next.
8. Enter the port number for the Site Manager or leave it default.
By default Site Manager uses port 8080.

Getting Started_13
9. In the Password field enter the password to access the Site Manager.
10. In the Confirm password field enter the password once again to confirm it.
11. Click Next.
12. Review the settings and click Next.
13. Click Install.
14. As installation is finished, click Next.
15. Select the Start Fleet Admin Pro Site Manager application checkbox.
16. Click Close. The Site Manager application starting dialog is displayed.
17. As the Site Manager starts, click Close.
To install external Site Manager on a device:
1. Login to the device embedded web server (SWS) as Administrator.
2. In the top menu select Maintenance.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select Maintenance>Application Management>Application.
4. On the right panel click the Add button.
5. In the displayed Installation dialog click Browse and upload the Site Manager Installer file (PAR format).
6. Click OK.
7. As uploading is finished, click OK.
As Site Manager is installed, you can register it in the System. See “Registering External Site Manager” on page 14.

Registering External Site Manager

The System can use external Site Manager after it is registered. Before you register the external Site Manager, make sure
the Managed Domain plug-in is installed on the System (see “Installing Plug-in” on page 205).
An external Site Manager registration steps depend on where it is installed, a PC or device.
To register external Site Manager installed on PC:
1. Open the Windows Start menu.
2. Click All programs > Samsung Network Printer Utilities > Fleet Admin Pro > Fleet Admin Pro Site Manager.
The Site Manager login dialog is displayed.

3. In the Login ID field enter admin.

4. In the Password field enter the password specified during the Site Manager installation.
5. Click LOGIN. The Fleet Admin Pro window is displayed.

Getting Started_14
6. In the Server Instance address fields enter the IP of the PC where the System is installed and the port number the
System uses.
7. In the Login field enter the account of the user registered in the System.
8. In the Password field enter the user password.
9. Click Validate or press Enter to check the entered credentials are valid.
10. (If step 9 is successful) From the Managed domain drop-down list select the domain the Site Manager will be
assigned to.
See “Domain” on page 118 for domain info.
11. In the Site name field enter the Site Manager name (with no spaces).
12. (Optional) In the Description field enter the Site Manager details.
13. Select the needed connection protocol.
If you also need to configure proxy settings, select HTTP only. Ensure your proxy server supports HTTP as well.
14. Click Register.
15. In the displayed registration confirmation dialog click OK.
16. If your Site Manager can access the System only via proxy, enter your proxy server settings:
a. In the header click Settings. The proxy settings are displayed

b. From the Proxy type drop-down list select Custom.

Getting Started_15
c. In the Proxy address field enter the proxy server IP address.
d. Enter the proxy server port number. By default, 3128.
e. If the proxy server requires authentication, select the Authentication checkbox and:
• in the Login field enter the needed user name.
• in the Password field enter the corresponding password.
f. Click Save.
The registered Site Manager will be displayed on the System Site Manager page with type Host. See “Site Management
Console Overview” on page 118.
To register external Site Manager installed on a device:
1. Login to the device embedded web server (SWS) as Administrator.
2. In the top menu select Settings>Site Manager Settings.
3. On the Site Manager Registration panel in the Central manager address fields enter the IP of the PC where the
System is installed and the port number the System uses.
4. In the Login field enter the account of the user registered in the System.
5. In the Password field enter the user password.
6. Click Submit to check the entered credentials are valid.
7. (If step 6 is successful) From the Managed domain drop-down list select the domain the Site Manager will be
assigned to.
See “Domain” on page 118 for domain info.
8. In the Site name field enter the Site Manager name (with no spaces).
9. (Optional) In the Description field enter the Site Manager details.
10. Select the needed connection protocol.
11. Click Apply.
12. In the displayed registration confirmation dialog click OK.
The registered Site Manager will be displayed on the System Site Manager page with type Device. See “Site
Management Console Overview” on page 118.

Unistalling External Site Manager

If you no longer need an external Site Manager you can uninstall it and remove from the System. An external Site
Manager uninstallation steps depend on where it is installed, a PC or device.
To uninstall an external Site Manager from a PC:
1. In the Windows Start menu from programs select Samsung Network Printer Utilities>Fleet Admin Pro>Uninstall
Fleet Admin Pro Site Manager.
2. In the displayed dialog click Yes to confirm uninstallation.
This step might be missing. It depends on your OS and its security settings.
3. In the displayed Installer Language dialog select the needed language and click OK.
4. In the displayed Fleet Admin Pro Site Manager Uninstall dialog click Yes to confirm uninstallation.
5. In the displayed wizard click Uninstall.
6. As uninstallation is finished, in the displayed Fleet Admin Pro Site Manager Uninstall dialog click OK.
To uninstall an external Site Manager from a device:
1. Login to the device embedded web server (SWS) as Administrator.
2. In the top menu select Maintenance.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select Maintenance>Application Management>Application.
4. On the right panel select the Embedded Site Manager checkbox.
5. Click the Delete button.
6. In the displayed Delete dialog click OK to confirm removal.
7. As the removal is over click OK.

Configuring Multi-Instance System

The System allows you to use multiple instances to manage large number of devices. Single System instance can handle
up to 10 000 devices. As the number of your devices exceeds this limit, you can add another System instance. Multi-
instance System can handle up to 30 000 devices. The maximum number of supported instances is 3.
To configure multi-instance System:
1. make sure your single instance (the first instance) is installed with a remote data base.
2. install another instance with the same data base as the first instance.
In case you are going to use 3 instances to manage up to 30 000 devices, make sure the database is configured for
at least 300 connections. Otherwise, the System works incorrectly, incapable to discover all the devices.
The host name of the machine where an instance is installed must not contain symbol “_”.

Getting Started_16
3. install the Managed Domain plug-in to the 1st instance. See “Installing Plug-in” on page 205.
4. create and assign a new managed domain on the 1st instance. See “Creating Domain” on page 119.
As a result the domain drop-down selector will appear in the System interface. You will have a multi-instance System,
where you can manage your devices by domains and get cross-domain reporting. A domain is an entity that includes
devices, users, and settings of different networks. See “Domain” on page 118.
You can view the list of instances and their status info via the Settings menu (Settings>System>Instances).
As all the instances are connected to the same database, the database cannot store info on which instance is
Central (first installed) or subordinate. This info is stored in file. This is a System file
located in <System installation directory>/Fleet Admin Pro/UniThruTargetPlatform. In case the file is lost (e.g.
during System backup/restore procedure), another instance is created instead of the expected one (e.g. subordinate
instead of Central).

Scaling back to Single Instance System

If you have used multi-instance System, but wish to scale down to one instance, perform the following steps:
1. Delete domains assigned to all instances except the 1st instance or reassign these domains to the 1st instance. See
“Deleting Domain” on page 120 and “Reassigning Domain” on page 119.
The 1st instance status is CrossMD. You can view it via Settings>System>Instances.
2. Uninstall all instances except the 1st instance. See “Uninstalling System” on page 13.
3. On the 1st instance navigate to Settings>System>Instances and remove all instances except the 1st instance. See
“Deleting Instances” on page 235.
4. Uninstall the Managed Domain plug-in. See “Uninstalling Plug-in” on page 206.

Getting Started_17
System Layout
The System interface layout depends on the Main Menu item selected in the header and your role in the System.

Interface Overview

1 2 3 4 5 6



The table below describes the System interface items:


1 ID User ID displayed along with Logout, if user authentication is enabled and a user is logged in.
2 Logout A link to exit the System.
3 About Information about the System (including its version number and other details).
4 Help A link to open the System Help where you can find info on how to perform the operation you
5 Site Map A link to view the structure of the System menus.
6 Language A drop-down list for you to select the System display language.
7 Main Menu The header including the key menu options for you to access the System features. The options
set depends on your permissions and the plug-ins installed in the System. It can include:
• Dashboard. It allows to access the dashboard. See “Dashboard” on page 21.
• Device. It allows to access the Device Management features. See “Devices” on page
• User. It allows to access the User Management features. See “User” on page 103.
• Report. It allows to access reporting capabilities. See “Reports” on page 154.
• Rule. It allows to access rule-based task automation features. See “Rule” on page 185.
• Accounting. It allows access to accounting features, including device usage quota
management. See “Accounting” on page 208.
• Domain. It allows to access Domain Management features. See “Domain” on page 118.
• Plug-in. It allows to access Plug-in Management features. See “Plug-in” on page 203.
• File. It allows to access File Storage features. See “File” on page 125.
• Settings. It allows to access the System settings page for configuring the server as
needed. See “Settings” on page 223.

Getting Started_18
8 Sub-menu It appears as you hover the cursor over a Main Menu option. The sub-menus set depends on
the Main Menu option selected.
9 Breadcrumbs It is displayed under the Main Menu and represents a navigation path to the currently displayed
10 Toolbar It is displayed at the top of the right panel of the System pages and includes a set of controls.
The set depends on the currently selected sub-menu of the Main Menu and provides access to
the corresponding features. For example, under User > User Management it provides access
to user Role Assignment and User Import features.
11 All Tasks The button is displayed at the bottom right corner of the System pages. It opens a list of
currently active tasks (e.g. device configuration). You can stop, pause, and resume them.

Icon overview
The table below provides the System icons description.

Refresh Reloads the data in the information panel.

Refresh Selected Item Refreshes the information only for the selected items by retrieving
information directly from the devices.
Help Opens the System Help.

Add Adds a new item (e.g. a device, user).

Delete Deletes selected items.

Modify Configures the selected item settings (e.g. user details).

Add Adds a new item (e.g. a user group, device group). It is usually
displayed on the left panel of the System pages.
Modify Configures the selected item settings (e.g. a user group, device group).
It is usually displayed on the left panel of the System pages.
Delete Removes the selected item (e.g. a user group, device group). It is
usually displayed on the left panel of the System pages.
Import Imports a .csv file including the needed data (e.g. user list).

Export Exports the selected item info to a .csv file (e.g. user list, device list).

Printable format Opens a new browser window/tab with the info (e.g. a report) in a
printer-friendly format.
Email Sends an email with the data to the specified recipient (e.g. a report).

Statistics Opens the statistical data in chart format.

History Summary Expands task information in the history pages.

Sort by name Sorts list by name (e.g. task list in the device discovery history).

Sort be date Sorts list by date (e.g. task list in the device discovery history).

Pause Pauses a runnung task (e.g. device discovery, device configuration).

Start Initiates a paused task (e.g. device discovery, device configuration).

Getting Started_19
Stop Stops a runnung task (e.g. device discovery, device configuration).

Sort Custom Appears as you hover the cursor over a column (e.g. in the Device
List) and allows you to sort the list in ascending or descending order, or
open a window for selecting custom columns to display.
Close Closes the window or the widget on Dashboard.



Minimize/Maximize Toggles between a full-screen widget and a minimized widget on
Edit Opens the window to make changes to the widget properties.

Normal Device is in a normal operational state.

Unknown The status of the device is unknown.

Warning Device is in a state where an error might occur in the future. For
example, it might be in toner low status, which may lead to toner empty
Error Device has an error.

Disconnected Device is not connected to the network.

New Device is newly discovered.

System Search
The System provides a search field for you to quickly spot the needed item (e.g. a device, user, file). The field is displayed
above an item list (e.g. device list). Enter your request (e.g. device host name) and press Enter or click the magnifier icon.
The search field is highlighted in yellow. As long as it is yellow, the item list displays only the items matching the search
request. To view all items again, clear the search string and click the magnifier icon. Do not forget to press Enter/click the
magnifier icon every time you change a search request. Otherwise, the search results are not updated.

Getting Started_20
The Dashboard menu is available, if you have Dashboard permission(s). It allows you to configure a dashboard with in-
teractive widgets showing device, user, and System related statistics. For example, you can add a widget showing current
status of devices. This will help you to quickly monitor your printing environment. The widget set depends on the plug-ins
installed in the System.
The Dashboard menu includes the following submenus:
• Domain. It opens the Domain dashboard where you can add and manage widgets with device and user statistics.
• Server. It opens the Sever dashboard where you can add the Server Health Widget to monitor the current usage
status of the System server.

Understanding Widgets
Dashboard is designed to help you manage your printing environment better. Each widget gives detailed device/user info
represented as an image, a column or pie graph, and/or a table. The System provides various widget content for monitor-
ing printing environment. You can add the widgets with info that you need to check most frequently. Mousing over data in
the widgets will open a bubble with more information.
Widgets can help you work more efficiently. For example, if you are a Group A manager and you want to monitor
consumables info of Group A devices only, you can add a Toner Status widget for Group A and check the info on the
Dashboard at any moment.
Widgets are added to the Dashboard in a minimized view. You can maximize the added widget to view more details. A
maximized widget can provide a link to the related report or device list. For example, you add a Device Status widget
and see that 5 devices are in error status. Then maximize the widget and check which devices are in error status. You can
also click the device icon and navigate to the Device List.
The table below provides widget description.

Current Error Shows errors currently existing on devices of the selected domain and group.
Error statistics is represented by severity. The severity level can be customized in
the Settings> Device>Alert List page. Available options are Critical, Warning,
and Information.
Device Status Shows current status of devices in the selected domain and group. The widget
maximized view shows the corresponding device list and provides a link to the
general Device List. You can also click a pie chart segment and view the list of
devices with the corresponding status.
Disconnected Device Status Shows how many devices have the disconnected status in the selected domain
and group. The info is according to the selected period. You can click and
change the period: All, Less than 1 week, 1 ~ 2 weeks, 2 weeks ~ 1 month,
and More than 1 month. Several periods can be selected. The maximized widget
view shows the corresponding device list. This widget is useful for checking which
devices have not been turned on and assume that those devices have not been in
use or are out of order.
Estimate Toner Empty Provides a forecast of how many devices will run out of their toner within the
selected period. You can select Today, Week, Month, 3 months, 6 months, Year
or a custom period.
Toner Status Shows toner level of the devices in the selected domain and group. The level can
• Normal: enough toner.
• Low: not enough toner left.
• Empty: toner has reached its life span.

Unresolved Errors Shows how many errors occurred on devices within the selected time periods.
This widget is useful for checking devices which have not been fixed for some
time and assume that those devices have been out of order. The period options
are All, Less than 1 week, 1 ~ 2 weeks, 2 weeks ~ 1 month, and More than
1 month. Several periods can be selected. If you maximize the widget and click
an Unresolved Errors chart segment, the related device list will be shown with
the error information. You can also click the device icon and navigate to the
corresponding interactive troubles report.
Usage Status Shows the device usage by the selected parameters, including:
• Job Type : All, Print, Scan, Copy, Fax In, Fax Out, or Report.
• Paper Type : All, A3, A4, or Other
• Color Type : All, Color, or Mono
• Type : All, Simplex, or Duplex
• Chart Type : Column Chart or Pie Chart
You can set various combinations of these options for this widget. If you maximize
the widget and click a chart segment, the related device list with usage info will
be shown. You can also click the device icon and navigate to the corresponding
interactive usage report.
Usage Top / Low Devices Shows the most- and least-frequently used devices by the selected parameters,
• Job Type : All, Print, Scan, Copy, Fax In, Fax Out, or Report.
• Paper Type : All, A3, A4, or Other
• Color Type : All, Color, or Mono
• Type : All, Simplex, or Duplex
If you maximize the widget and click the device icon, you will navigate to the
corresponding interactive usage report.
Accounting Status Shows on how many devices (in the selected domain and group) Accounting is
enabled/disabled/occupied. If you maximize the widget and click a chart segment,
the related device list with Accounting status info will be shown. You can also click
the device icon and navigate to the device list in the Accounting Management.
Server Health It is designed to show the current condition of the System server in terms of:
• CPU usage level,
• RAM availability,
• HDD usage level.
The maximized view provides graphs showing the dynamics of the CPU, RAM,
and HDD usage levels within the current hour. Yellow and red lines on the graphs
show the warning and severity level specified by the user.
The widget order of the Dashboard may differ depending on which widget was added first.

Adding Widget
To add a Dashboard widget:
1. Login as Administrator with Dashboard permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Dashboard.
3. Select Domain or Server.
4. If the displayed Dashboard is empty, click the widget placeholder or, otherwise, icon at the bottom.
5. In the displayed Add Dashboard Widget dialog select the needed widget.
6. Click Next.
7. Select the widget options.
8. Click Finish.
9. Click Close.

Managing Widget
The header of any widget provides tools for you to manage it, namely:
• modify,
• maximize/minimize,
• refresh,
• delete.
See the subsections below for details.

Modifying Widget
If you need an added widget to display different info, you can edit its options.
To edit an added widget options:
1. In the header of the needed Dashboard widget this click icon .
2. In the displayed Edit Dashboard Widget dialog select the needed options.
The options set depends on the widget type. Many widgets have an option to select device groups, so that you can
customize widgets to display info on a certain device group. The widgets also can have such options as Period or
Chart Type, so that you can view the info you need in a form you find more comprehensive.
3. Click Finish.
4. Click Close.

Maximizing/Minimizing Widget
The Dashboard widgets are designed to provide a minimized and expanded view. As you add a widget to the Dashboard,
it is displayed in a minimized view. You can expand it to maximize the view. The expanded view will provide you more
details and, in some cases, a link to the corresponding report or Device List.

To maximize a widget view click icon in the widget header. The widget will be expanded to fill the entire Dashboard
with more detailed info.

To minimize the widget back click icon again.

Refreshing Widget
The Dashboard widgets can be refreshed automatically or manually. The System allows you to set the refresh interval
for the entire Dashboard. In this case the info in all the Dashboard widgets will be automatically updated according to the
specified interval.
To specify the Dashboard refresh interval:
1. At the bottom of the Dashboard click the Setting button for the Refresh interval.
2. In the Change Refresh Interval dialog enter the needed interval in minutes.
3. Click OK.
If you enter 0, the Dashboard will not be updated automatically.

To refresh a widget manually click icon in the widget header.

Deleting Widget
To delete a widget from the Dashboard click icon in the header of the widget. In the displayed dialog click Yes to
confirm deletion.

The Device menu supports all the device-related operations and can include the following submenus:
• Device Management. It includes device discovery, device configuration and other device management features.
See “Device Management” on page 24.
• Multi-Domain Device Management. It provides limited device management features in the context of managed
domains. See “Multi-Domain Device Management” on page 95.
• Management History. It allows to manage device discovery, device configuration and other device management
tasks and their results.
• Supply. It enables you to manage and monitor device supply levels. See “Supply Threshold Template Assignment”
on page 89.
• Profile Monitor. It allows to track values of certain device configuration properties. See “Supply Threshold Template
Assignment” on page 89.
Availability of a submenu and the corresponding features depends on the installed plug-ins and your role in the System.
This chapter gives you detailed information on the sub-menu features to help you manage devices in the System.

Device Management
The Device Management submenu provides access to the features allowing you to:
• add devices to the System by discovering them (see “Device Discovery” on page 38),
• view device info (see “Viewing Device Info” on page 25),
• manage device tags (see “Assigning Device Tags” on page 34),
• delete devices from the System (see “Deleting Devices” on page 30),
• change device connection settings (see “Connection Settings” on page 41),
• configure devices (see “Device Configuration” on page 47),
• assign Site Manager to devices (see “Site Manager Assignment” on page 46),
• manage device profiles (see “Device Profiles” on page 57),
• clone devices (see “Device Cloning” on page 61),
• manage device firmware (see “Firmware Management” on page 63),
• manage device applications (see “Application Management” on page 68),
• manage device application licenses (see “License Management” on page 75),
• manage device font/form/macro (see “Font/Form/Macro Management” on page 79),
• manage drivers (see “Driver Installation” on page 86).

Device Management Overview
To access Device Management in the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.

(6) (3)

(1) (5)




The Device Management page consists of two panels:

• the left panel (1) consists of two sections to display a list of device groups and toolbars (2) to manage them (add,
modify, delete).
• the right panel (3) displays the list of devices in the selected group (4) and provides a tool bar (5) for you to manage
devices (e.g. add, delete, configure).
The Domain drop-down menu (6) can be available only if the Managed Domain plug-in is enabled. See “Domain”
on page 118.
Left Panel Elements
Device Groups The Device Groups section displays the groups and sub-groups into which the printers
have been divided. By default the section includes the following groups:
• All. The group includes all the devices added to the System.
• Ungrouped. The group includes the devices not assigned to any group.
• Grouped. The group is a root group for you to create your own sub-groups under
and add devices to them.
See “Simple Device Groups” on page 35

Dynamic Groups The Dynamic Group section displays groups and sub-groups to which devices are added
automatically according to their specific properties. The following groups are predefined:
• Model Group. The group shows devices by their model. A new model group is
automatically created as a device of a new model is added to the system. Yet it is not
automatically removed as all its devices are deleted (to avoid performance issues).
The Clean feature is designed for this purpose.
• Color/Mono Group. The group shows devices by their color type.
• On/Off Group. The group shows devices by their status (turned on, off, or error).
• Suspicious Devices. The group shows devices with seemingly incorrect or missing
properties. It includes the following subgroups:
• Duplicate IP Address. This subgroup displays the devices having the same IP
• Wrong Serial Number. This subgroup displays the devices having no serial
number or a serial number that consists of zeros and dashes only.
• Strange Counters. This subgroup displays the devices with strange printing
data. For example, the printed pages number collected lately is less then
previously collected value or difference between the two collected values is huge.
• Missing Data from Device. This subgroup displays the devices which are
connected, but it is impossible to get any data from them.
• No data for Long Time. This subgroup displays the devices which have been
in a disconnected state for a long period of time. You can set up this period in
Settings>Device>Status Settings.
• Site Manager. The group shows devices by Site Manager assigned to them, if the
Managed Domain plug-in is enabled. See “Domain” on page 118.
• Custom Group. The group is a root group for you to create your own dynamic
subgroups under. The devices will be automatically added to them according to the
conditions you’ve specified.
See “Dynamic Device Groups” on page 36.

Right Panel Elements

Statistics bar showing number of devices by their status:
• Error: shows how many devices have errors (e.g. no paper).
• Warning: shows how many devices might encounter an error in the future. For
example, a device might have a low toner.
• New: shows how many devices are newly discovered.
Click this icon to export the device list to a CSV file. See “Exporting Device Group List” on
page 38.
Click this icon to browse the device list in a printer-friendly format.

Click this icon to view the chart showing the device usage statistics (number of printed
pages per day).
Click this icon to initiate data collection for the selected device(s). See “Device Data
Collection” on page 261.
Click this icon to refresh the device list.

Click this button to initiate discovery and add devices to the System. See “Device
Discovery” on page 38.
This button is only active when a device(s) is selected in the list. Click the button to
configure the device settings. See “Device Configuration” on page 47.
This button is only active when a device(s) is selected in the list. Click the button to
configure device profiles. See “Profile Monitor” on page 92.
This button is only active when a device(s) is selected in the list. Click the button to clone
device settings. See “Device Cloning” on page 61.

This button is active, when a device(s) is selected in the list. Click the button to update the
selected device firmware. See “Firmware Management” on page 63.
This button is active, when a device(s) is selected in the list. Click the button to manage
applications installed on a device(s). See “Application Management” on page 68.
This button is active, when a device(s) is selected in the list. Click the button to manage
licenses of the applications installed on devices. See “License Management” on page 75.
This button is active, when a device(s) is selected in the list. Click the button to manage a
device font\form\macro. See “Font/Form/Macro Management” on page 79.
This button is active, when a device is selected in the list. Click the button to install a driver
on your PC. See “Driver Installation” on page 86.
This button can be available, when the Managed Domain plug-in is enabled in the System.
The button is active, when a device(s) is selected in the list. Click the button to assing a
Site Manager to a device(s). See “Site Manager Assignment” on page 46.
Click this icon to add a device to the System. Using this icon you initiate discovery for one
The icon is active, when a device(s) is selected. Click this icon to delete a device from the
System. See “Deleting Devices” on page 30.
The icon is active, when a device(s) is selected. Click this icon to specify device connection
settings. See “Connection Settings” on page 41
The icon is active, when a device(s) is selected. Click this icon to create and assign device
tags. See “Assigning Device Tags” on page 34.
Select this checkbox to display all devices under the parent group and subgroups. If this is
not selected, only printers in the selected group will be displayed.
Use the drop-down menu to filter the device list by device status. See “Filtering Device List”
on page 30.
Use the drop-down menu to filter the device list by device tags.

A search field for you to find the needed devices. See “Searching Device List” on page

Viewing Device Info

All devices added to the System are displayed in the Device List. To view the list select Device>Device Management.
The list is displayed on the right panel.
You can view a list of devices included in a certain group. To do this select the needed group on the left panel.
You can manage the list to view the device info you need as well as view the detailed info of each device in the list. See
the sections below for details.

Managing Device List

The Device List is a table where each column represents a device parameter and its value. The System allows you
to manage the Device List table as follows:
• customize columns,
• filter the content,
• search the content.

Customizing Device List Columns

The System allows you to manage the Device List columns as follows:
• sort the list by any column,
• add columns,
• delete columns,
• change columns order,
• save column settings as template,
• import column settings template.

Sorting Device List
You can sort the Device List by any column. To do this hover the cursor over the needed column header, click the
displayed triangle icon, and select the sorting order:
• Sort Ascending, if you wish to arrange column items from least to greatest,
• Sort Descending, if you wish to arrange column items from greatest to least.
When the list is sorted by a column, the corresponding column header contains a blue arrow icon indicating the
sorting order applied in that column:
• the down arrow corresponds to the Descending sorting order,
• the up arrow corresponds to the Ascending sorting order.
Click these arrows to change the sorting order. Additionally, the System provides a wizard with more capabilities for
you to customize the device info table.
Adding Columns to Device List
You can add columns to the Device List to view the needed device info. For example, add System > Supplies
columns to view current level of toner/imaging unit/fuser.
To add a column:
1. Hover the cursor over a column header.
2. Click the displayed triangle icon and select Custom from the drop-down menu. The system displays the
Custom Settings dialog.

3. In the Feature List column select the needed item(s) and click or just drag and drop it (them) to the
Selected Features column.
To select multiple items hold down Ctrl/Shift. To add all items under a category, select the category name
and drag and drop it to the Selected Features column. To add one item you can just double-click it.
4. (Optional) Repeat step 1 to add as many columns as you need. You can search the Feature List column to
quickly locate needed item. To do this at the column bottom in the search field enter the needed item name and
click the magnifier icon. To search by category (e.g. System, Copy etc.) click , enter the category name, and
click the magnifier icon. The column will be updated to display only the item(s) matching your search request.
The search field will be highlighted in yellow.
As long as the search field is yellow, the column displays only the items matching the search request. To
view all available items again, clear the search string and click the magnifier icon.
5. Click OK, if you are done with columns customization or continue customizing as described below.
Deleting Columns from Device List
You can delete columns from the Device List in case you do not need any device info to be displayed.
To delete a column:
1. Hover the cursor over a column header.
2. Click the displayed triangle icon and select Custom from the drop-down menu. The system displays the
Custom Settings dialog.
3. In the Selected Features column select the unneeded item(s) and click or just drag and drop it (them) to
the Features List column.
To select multiple items hold down Ctrl/Shift. To delete one item you can just double-click it.
If the Feature List search field is highlighted in yellow, the deleted items will appear back in there only if

they match the search request.
4. Click OK, if you are done with columns customization or continue customizing as described the previous
section and the ones below.
Changing Columns Order
You can change the columns order in the Device List by dragging and dropping them to the needed positions or:
1. Hover the cursor over a column header.
2. Click the displayed triangle icon and select Custom from the drop-down menu. The system displays the
Custom Settings dialog.
3. In the Selected Features column select the needed item(s) and drag and drop it (them) to the needed position
or use the up/down arrows at the column bottom.
To select multiple items hold down Ctrl/Shift.
4. Click OK, if you are done with columns customization or continue customizing as described in the previous
sections and the ones below.
Saving Column Settings as Template
As you have added and organized columns, you can save them as a template to reuse it future instead of
customizing columns manually.
To save column settings as a template:
1. Hover the cursor over a column header.
2. Click the displayed triangle icon and select Custom from the drop-down menu. The system displays the
Custom Settings dialog.
3. Above the Selected Features column click icon. The system displays the Save Template dialog.

4. In the Create new template name field of the displayed dialog enter the template name.
If you already have templates and wish to replace one of them with the new one, select the Rewrite
template option and in the Template Name list-box select the template to be replaced.
5. Click Save.
Importing Column Settings Template
If you have saved column settings templates as described in the previous section, you can import them instead of
customizing your columns manually.
To import column settings template:
1. Hover the cursor over a column header.
2. Click the displayed triangle icon and select Custom from the drop-down menu. The system displays the
Custom Settings dialog.
3. Above the Selected Features column click icon. The system displays the Load Template dialog.

4. In the Template Name section select the needed template.
From this dialog you can also:
• save a template to a location you need. To do this select the needed template, click and save it where
you want.
• download a template (saved earlier). To do this click and open the needed template.
• delete a template. To do this select the unneeded template, click and confirm deletion.
5. Click Load. The corresponding items will appear in the Selected Features column and the template name will
be displayed above it.
6. Click OK, if you are done with columns customization or continue customizing as described in the previous

Filtering Device List

You can filter the Device List to view only the devices with certain status or specific parameters.
• To view the devices with certain status from the All statuses drop-down menu above the Device List select
the needed status.
• To view the devices with certain tag from the All tags drop-down menu select the needed tag. See “Assigning
Device Tags” on page 34.
• To view the devices with specific parameters create the corresponding custom filter and select it from the drop-
down menu above the Device List.
To create a custom filter:
1. From the All statuses drop-down menu above select Custom. The Custom Filter dialog is displayed.

2. Click . Add New Custom Filter dialog is displayed.

3. In the Filter Name field specify the custom filter name.
4. Select And operator. The filter toolbar is enabled.
5. Click . The Add Condition dialog is displayed.

6. In the Property drop-down list select the device parameter that must have certain value for the device to be
displayed in the Device List.
7. In the Compound field select:
• Equal to, if you wish the selected parameter to have exactly the value you’ll specify.
• Not equal to, if you wish the selected parameter to have any value except the one you’ll specify.
• Like, if you wish the selected parameter to have the value similar to the one you’ll specify.
• =/>/</=>/<=, if you wish the selected parameter to equal/be greater/be less/be equal or greater/be less or
equal to the value you’ll specify.
8. In the Property value field specify the value the selected parameter must have for the device to be displayed
in the Device List.
9. Click Add. The condition is added to the filter.

• You can click and repeat steps 6-9 to add as many conditions as you need. Conditions are added
under the selected operator (in this case And). To add an operator click / .
• To delete a condition/operator with related conditions select it and click .
• To change a condition/operator select it and click . In case of an operator, it automatically changes
from And to Or and vice versa.
10. Click Add. The Custom Filter dialog is displayed with the new filter added.

11. Click Close.

Searching Device List

You can search the Device List to view the device(s) you need. To do this in the search field above the Device List
enter your request (e.g. device host name, MAC Address, IP Address, Model Name) and click the magnifier icon or
press Enter. Do this every time you change your search request. Otherwise the search results in the Device List
won’t be updated.
Viewing a Device Details
You can view the detailed info about each device displayed in the Device List.
To do this:
1. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
2. Double-click the needed device. The detailed device info will drop-down.

To close the detailed device info view double-click the device again.
The device info is displayed on the tabs described in the table below:

Common This tab displays physical information about the device, such as image, toner status, and paper
tray information.
Supply The tab displays info about the device supplies such as toner description, capacity, current level.
See “Supply Threshold Template Assignment” on page 89.
Alerts This tab displays the device’s alert history.

Configuration This tab displays the device’s current configuration and the configuration history. Click
Configuration to make changes to the device’s settings. See “Device Configuration” on page 47.
Firmware This tab displays info about the device firmware and its upgrade history. The tab shows the main
firmware that supports the device. The Details button allows to view the list of all firmware types
currently installed on the device.
See “Firmware Management” on page 63.
Application This tab displays the device current applications. See “Application Management” on page 68.

Accounting This tab displays the accounting information for the device. See “Accounting” on page 208.

Profiles The tab displays the device profile list and their status. See “Device Profiles” on page 57.

Assets The tab shows how and when the device assets changed. Assets are the device attributes such
as IP address, group, location.

Font/Form/Macro This tab displays the device file storage management history and the files currently on the device
storage unit. See “Font/Form/Macro Management” on page 79. Click Management to open a
window where files can be viewed or removed. The user interface may have different information,
but the process is the same.
Driver This tab displays a list of device drivers and their details.

Deleting Devices
If you do not need devices, you can delete them from the System.
To do this:
1. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
3. On the left panel select the needed device group.
4. On the right panel select the checkboxes of the devices you wish to delete. The Delete Device dialog is displayed.

5. Select the deletion option:

• Delete devices from the system, if you wish to delete the device(s) from the System and keep the possibility
to add it back when needed.
• Delete devices from the system and block, if you wish to delete the device(s) from the System and add it to
the Blocked Devices list and block the possibility to add it back.
6. Click OK.

Assigning Device Tags
The System allows you to assign tags to devices included in the Device List, on condition you have the Manage
Device Tags permission. As you assign a tag to devices, you can filter the Device List by the tag to quickly spot the
corresponding devices. Create and manage tags via the Settings console. See “Tag Management” on page 266.
At any moment you can unassign device tags, if no longer needed.
To assign device tags:
1. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
2. If the Managed Domain plug-in is installed and multiple domains are available, from the Domain drop-down list
select the domain the needed devices belong to. See “Domain” on page 118.
3. On the left panel select the group the needed devices belong to.
4. On the right panel select the checkboxes of the devices you wish to assign tags to.
5. Click above the Device List. The Assign Tags dialog is displayed.

The Tags list is not empty, if tags have already been created via the Tag Management page. If not, click the
Manage Tags button and create the needed tags as described in section “Creating Tag” on page 266.
6. In the Tags list section select the needed tags. Hold down Ctrl or Shift to select several tags at once.
You can search the Tags list section to quickly locate needed tag. To do this at the section bottom in the search field
enter the tag name and click the magnifier icon. The section will be updated to display only the tag(s) matching your
search request. The search field will be highlighted in yellow. As long as the search field is yellow, the section displays only the
tags matching the search request. To view all available tags again, clear the search string and click the magnifier icon.
7. Click or just drag and drop the selected tag(s) to the Selected tags section.
To add one tag you can just double-click it. If you change your mind and decide that a selected tag is not needed,
select it in the Selected tags section and click . Double-click and drag-and-drop works as well.
8. Click OK. The Information dialog with tag assignment result is displayed.

9. Click OK.
Now you can select an assigned tag from the All tags drop-down list above the Device List and the corresponding
devices will be displayed. The System also allows you to add the Tags column to the Device List. The column shows
tag(s) assigned to a device (if any). A tag is displayed as a link. If needed, click it to sort the Device List by the tag.

To unassign device tags:
1. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
2. If the Managed Domain plug-in is installed and multiple domains are available, from the Domain drop-down list
select the domain the needed devices belong to. See “Domain” on page 118.
3. On the left panel select the group the needed devices belong to.
4. On the right panel select the checkboxes of the devices you wish to unassign tags from.
5. Click above the Device List. The Assign Tags dialog is displayed.
6. In the Selected tags section select the unneeded tags. Hold down Ctrl or Shift to select several tags at once.
7. Click or just drag and drop the selected tag(s) to the Tags list section.
8. Click OK. The Information dialog with tag unassignment result is displayed.

9. Click OK.
Device Groups
Devices added to the System are grouped to make their management easier. The following types of groups are available:
• simple device groups,
• dynamic device groups.
The groups are displayed on the left panel of the Device Management page in the Device Groups and Dynamic Groups
sections correspondingly. See “Left Panel Elements” on page 25 for the detailed groups description.
Next to each group name you can see:
• the blue color number. It shows the number of the group devices in the ON mode,
• the red color number. It shows the number of the group devices in the error mode (e.g. devices with empty toners),
• the black color. It shows the total number of the group devices.
If the predefined device groups do not meet all your needs, you can create your own groups and manage them.

Simple Device Groups

You can add, modify, and delete simple device groups with certain limitations described in the subsections below.

Adding Simple Device Group

You can add a simple group only under the All>Grouped group. There is no limit to the number of group levels you
can add and the steps for adding any group level are the same.
To add a group:
1. Login as Administrator with Add device group permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. In Device Groups section select a group you wish to create a new group under.
5. At the section bottom click . The Add Group dialog is displayed.

6. In the Name field enter the group name.

7. (Optional) In the Description field enter the groups details.
8. Click Add.

Deleting Simple Device Group
If a group is no longer needed, you can delete it, on condition that the group is under the Grouped group. You
cannot delete the pre-defined groups, including All, Ungrouped, and Grouped.
To delete a group:
1. Login as Administrator with Manage device groups permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. In Device Groups section select a group you wish to delete.
5. At the section bottom click .
6. In the displayed dialog click Yes to confirm deletion.
Modifying Simple Device Group
If needed, you can change a group name and details, on condition that the group is under the Grouped group. You
cannot modify the pre-defined groups, including All, Ungrouped, and Grouped.
To modify a group information:
1. Login as Administrator with Manage device groups permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. In Device Groups section select a group you wish to modify.
5. At the section bottom click .
6. In the displayed Edit Group dialog enter the new group Name and Description.

7. Click Save.

Dynamic Device Groups

You can add, modify, and delete dynamic groups with certain limitations described in the sections below.

Adding Dynamic Device Group

You can add dynamic groups only under the Custom Group folder. And you can add only one level of groups under
a dynamic group.
To add a group:
1. Login as Administrator with Add device group permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. In Dynamic Groups section select Custom Group or any group under it.
5. At the section bottom click . The system displays the Add Group dialog.

6. In the Name field enter the group name.
7. In the Filter match drop-down list select:
• All conditions, if you wish the device to meet all conditions to be added to the group.
• At least one condition, if you wish the device to meet at least one condition to be added to the group.
8. In the Property drop-down list select the device parameter that must have certain value for the device to be
added to the group.
9. In the Compound field select:
• Equal to, if you wish the selected parameter to have exactly the value you’ll specify.
• Not equal to, if you wish the selected parameter to have any value except the one you’ll specify.
• Like, if you wish the selected parameter to have the value similar to the one you’ll specify.
10. In the Property value field specify the value the selected parameter must have for the device to be added to
the group.
You can click and repeat steps 8-10 to add as many conditions as you need. If you do so, icon will
appear next to conditions. Click the icon to delete a condition, if you decide you don’t need it.
11. Click Add.
Deleting Dynamic Device Group
If a dynamic group is no longer needed, you can delete it, on condition that the group is under the Custom
Group. You cannot delete the pre-defined groups, including Model Group, Color/Mono Group, On/Off Group,
Suspicious Devices group, and Custom Group.
To delete a group:
1. Login as Administrator with Manage device groups permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. In Dynamic Groups section select a group you wish to delete.
5. At the section bottom click .
6. In the displayed dialog click Yes to confirm deletion.

Modifying Dynamic Device Group

If needed, you can change a dynamic group name and details, on condition that the group is under the Custom
Group. You cannot edit the pre-defined groups, including Model Group, Color/Mono Group, On/Off Group,
Suspicious Devices group, and Custom Group.
To edit a group information:
1. Login as Administrator with Manage device groups permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
1. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
2. In Device Groups section select a group you wish to edit.
3. At the section bottom click .
4. In the displayed Edit Group dialog modify the group info as described in steps 6-10 above.

5. Click Save.

Exporting Device Group List

You can export a list of devices included in a device group into an CSV file.
To export a device list:
1. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel select the group to export.
4. Click the button, then CSV.
5. In the displayed dialog select to open or save the exported CSV file.

Moving Device to Group

You can add devices to simple groups under the All group via drag and drop.
1. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
1. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
2. On the left panel select the group containing the devices you need to move to another group.
3. On the right panel select the check boxes of the devices you need to move to another group.
4. Click one of the selected devices and drag it to the needed group folder in the Device Groups section.

Device Discovery
You can search your network for devices and add them to the System. You can schedule and configure discoveries
according to your needs, for example, set the System to perform discovery and add newly discovered devices on a
regular basis.
Once devices are discovered, they are added to the Device List (see “Managing Device List” on page 27) and their
information is stored on the server.

Initializing Device Discovery
To initialize device discovery:
1. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
3. On the right panel click Device Discovery. The system displays the Device Discovery wizard.

4. In the Discovery Target section select which search method to use. The available methods and their usage
are described in table below.
If you already have a discovery options template, load it by clicking the Load Template button.

Broadcast This sends a general SNMP request to all of the active devices on the local subnet
and listens for responses from supported devices. Broadcast method is suitable for the
• searching a small network with few devices.
• searching devices quickly.
• searching a single subnet.
IP range This method searches for the devices within a range of IP addresses. The System can find
devices on local or remote subnets. It can be slow on large networks because the system
checks each IP address, including unused ones, to see if there is a device. IP Range
method is suitable for the following:
• searching devices on local and remote subnets.
• running a discovery for specific IP Ranges with different schedules.
• limiting the scope of discovery on the network.
• searching multiple IP ranges.
SLP multicast This method sends a single SLP request over the specific multicast address,, defined by RFC 2608. Only the devices which support the multicast IP
address can respond to this request. SLP is similar to the Broadcast discovery except that
it only looks for a specific device, which means that it does not generate as much network
traffic and is less likely to lose device responses.
The values of the Multicast address and Scope for Samsung devices are embedded
in the System. Port number 427 is always used for SLP discovery. Please, make
sure that SLP protocol is enabled on the devices. Otherwise, you need to contact
your network administrator.
SLP multicast method is suitable for the following:
• searching devices that support multicast broadcasts,
• searching devices on a relatively small network.

LDAP This method requires your knowledge of LDAP and Active Directory domain. If you use
LDAP discovery method, the System scans the Active Directory or LDAP server for the
printers using LDAP protocol. First, you have to configure LDAP server information in
Settings menu>System>LDAP. LDAP method is suitable for the following:
• searching devices on LDAP servers including Active Directory.
CSV Import You can also use a CSV file with device information to import a list of specific devices.
This method searches the devices with the specified IP addresses. If you have an IP
address list of your devices, you can upload CSV file for easy and efficient discovery.
There is no unnecessary packet during discovery because the System queries only to the
specified IP addresses. CSV Import method is suitable for the following:
• searching devices with a specific IP addresses list.
• running a discovery for specific IP Ranges with different schedules.
• limiting the scope of discovery on the network.
Discovery Options Provides options for connection types to be searched. Click on Connection Settings to
make changes to SNMP or WMI settings (see “Connection Settings” on page 41).
5. In the Discovery Options section specify the connection settings to be used for the device search:
• select Enable SNMP V1/V2 devices discovery option to use SNMP v1/v2 connection for discovery,
• select Enable SNMP V3 devices discovery option to use SNMP v3 connection for discovery,
• select Enable local devices discovery (WMI) option to enable local device discovery.
The SNMP/WMI connection settings must be provided appropriately. Click the Connection Settings
button, if you need to change SNMP or WMI connection settings.

6. (Optional) Click the Save Template button, if you want to save the settings for future discoveries.
7. Click Next. The discovery scheduling dialog is displayed.

8. In the Schedule name field enter the name of the device discovery task or leave default.
9. In the Start section specify when the device discovery task must be initiated. The options are described in the
table below.

Start Now Select this option to start the discovery immediately.
Schedule Select this option, if you wish the discovery to start on a certain date. Then specify:
• Date & Time : select a date and time for the discovery to start.
• Interval : select how often the discovery to run. The discovery will run on the same
day/date and at the same time as the date/time selected for Date & Time.
10. Click Execute.
11. Click Close.

You can view the results of device discovery task on Device>Management History>Device Discovery History
page (see “Device Discovery History Management” on page 42) and the discovered devices in the Ungrouped
group on Device > Device Management page.

Connection Settings
For the System to successfully communicate with your network device, provide appropriate device connection
settings. If you do not specify them, the default connection settings will be used (see “Connection: Configuring
Default Device Connection Settings” on page 259). Appropriate connection settings are needed, in particular, for
successful device discovery and configuration.
To define connection settings for device discovery:
1. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
3. On the right panel in the tool bar click Device Discovery.
4. In the displayed wizard click the Connection Settings button. The Connection Settings dialog is displayed.

5. On the needed settings tab:

• leave the Use default checkbox selected, if you need default settings to be applied or
• deselect the Use default checkbox and specify settings the same way as for default ones (see
“Connection: Configuring Default Device Connection Settings” on page 259).
6. Click OK.
To define connection settings for a discovered device:
1. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel select the needed device group.
4. On the right panel select the device(s) you wish to specify connection settings for.
5. In the tool bar click .
6. On the needed settings tab:
• leave the Use default checkbox selected, if you need default settings to be applied or
• deselect the Use default checkbox and specify settings the same way as for default ones (see “Connec-
tion: Configuring Default Device Connection Settings” on page 259).
7. Click OK.

Device Discovery History Management
The System provides the Device Discovery History page for you to manage the scheduled device discovery tasks:
• view discovery tasks, their status and results (see “Viewing Device Discovery Task” on page 42)
• disable discovery tasks (see “Disabling Device Discovery Task” on page 44)
• initiate discovery tasks manually (see “Initiating Device Discovery Task Manually” on page 44)
• stop in progress discovery tasks (see “Stopping In Progress Device Discovery Task” on page 45)
• modify discovery tasks (see “Modifying Device Discovery Task” on page 45)
• delete discovery tasks (see “Deleting Device Discovery Task” on page 46)

Device Discovery History Overview

To access the Device Discovery History page in the Main Menu select Device>Management History>Device
Discovery History.

(1) (6)



The Domain drop-down list can be available only if the Managed Domain plugin is enabled.
The Device Discovery History console consists of two panels:
• the left panel (1) is divided into two sections:
• History (2). The section displays a list of scheduled discovery tasks and a tool bar to manage them
(3) (modify, delete). The info next to each task shows you whether the task runs once or regularly (e.g.
weekly) or it is postponed. The number of task runs is shown as well. If a task has run, the task instance
will be displayed (4) showing you the task execution date and time.
Click / to sort the History by name/date and quickly locate a task.
• Calendar (5). The section shows you whether there are any discovery tasks scheduled for a date. If a
calendar day is marked by a blue triangle, there are discoveries scheduled for this day. Click the day and
select a task to view its summary.
• the right panel (6) displays either a discovery task summary (if the task is selected) or its results (if the task
instance is selected).

Viewing Device Discovery Task

All the created discovery tasks are stored in the Device Discovery History page. See “Device Discovery History
Overview” on page 42. From this page you can view:
• the discovery task status and settings,
• the discovery task results.

Viewing Device Discovery Task Status and Settings
To view the device discovery task status and settings:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Device Discovery History.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel click the needed task. The task settings are displayed on the right panel.
If the task is still active (e.g. runs regularly or postponed, not expired), you can click and edit its
4. In the top right corner click . The task status details are displayed above the task settings.

If the task is active (e.g. it runs regularly or postponed to a future date), you can click the Disable button to
deactivate it. And with no regard to the task status you can click Run Now button to initiate it once again.

Viewing Device Discovery Task Results

To view the device discovery task results:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Device Discovery History.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel click the plus icon of the needed task. The task instance(s) appear. The number of instances
depends on how many times the task has run.

4. Click the task instance. The discovery results will be displayed on the right panel.

You can click to view the task status details.
You can manage the list to view the needed info by:
• sorting the list,
• adding/removing columns displayed in the list,
• filtering the list to display only results of certain type,
• searching certain results.
You perform these operations the same way as for the User List.
If the list contains failed device discovery results, you can retry the discovery:
• to do this for all the failed devices click the Retry button and select All Failed.
• to do this for certain failed devices select them in the results list, click the Retry button, and select Selected.
The Retry button is active, if the discovery task is completed.
It is impossible to retry a device discovery task, if the Site Manager assigned to the device(s) is deleted. In
particular, you cannot retry a migrated device discovery task. For technical restrictions such tasks do not
include Site Manager data.

Disabling Device Discovery Task

All the created discovery tasks are stored in the Device Discovery History. See “Device Discovery History
Overview” on page 42. If a discovery task is postponed (not expired, scheduled for certain date in future) or
regular (runs according to specified period, for example, weekly), you can deactivate it so that it does not run until
To deactivate a device discovery task:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Device Discovery History.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel click the needed task name.
4. On right panel in the top right corner click .
5. In the displayed task status details section click the Disable button.

Initiating Device Discovery Task Manually

All the created discovery tasks are stored in the Device Discovery History. See “Device Discovery History
Overview” on page 42. You can manually initiate any of them. For example, a discovery task is scheduled for
certain date in future or run on a regular basis (e.g. weekly, monthly), but you need to run it immediately.
To do this:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Device Discovery History.

2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel click the needed task.
4. In right panel in the top right corner click .
5. In the displayed task status section click the Run Now button.

Stopping In Progress Device Discovery Task

All the created discovery tasks are stored in the Device Discovery History console. See “Device Discovery History
Overview” on page 42. The System allows you to pause or stop a running discovery task.
To do this:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Device Discovery History.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel click the plus icon of the needed task. The task instance(s) will be displayed under it.
4. Click the running instance.
5. On right panel in the top right corner click .
6. In the displayed task status section click / to pause/stop the task.

Modifying Device Discovery Task

All the created discovery tasks are stored in the Device Discovery History. See “Device Discovery History
Overview” on page 42. If a discovery task is postponed (not expired, scheduled for certain date in future) or
regular (runs according to specified period, for example, weekly), you can modify it:
• the task name and schedule,
• the task discovery settings.
To modify task name and schedule:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Device Discovery History.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel click the needed task and click at the bottom.
4. In the displayed Edit Scheduling dialog make changes as described here.

5. Click Save.
To modify task discovery settings:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Device Discovery History.
2. On the left panel click the needed task.
3. On the right panel in the Discovery Setting Summary section click .
4. In the displayed Edit Discovery Settings dialog make changes as described here.

5. Click Save.

Deleting Device Discovery Task

All the created discovery tasks are stored in the Device Discovery History. See “Device Discovery History
Overview” on page 42. If you don’t need a discovery task, you can delete it.
To delete task:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Device Discovery History.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel click the unneeded task and click at the bottom.
4. In the displayed dialog click Yes to confirm deletion.
Site Manager Assignment
If the Managed Domain plugin is enabled, the System allows you to define which Site Manager should communicate with
and manage a device(s). See “Domain” on page 118. A device can be assigned only a Site Manager that belongs to the
same domain as the device.
To assign a Site Manager to device(s):
1. Login as Administrator with Assign Site Mangers to Devices permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel select the group including the needed devices.
5. On the right panel select the needed devices.
6. In the tool bar click the Assign Site Manager button. The Assign Site Manager for devices dialog is displayed.

7. From the Site manager drop-down list select the needed Site Manager.
8. Click Apply.

Device Configuration
The System allows to configure device settings using the Device Configuration wizard. You can configure either one or
several devices at once.The way you open and work with the wizard depends on the option you choose.
The System configures devices via SNMP or HTTP. A set of configurable properties depends on device model and
firmware. Before configuring an SNMP device property, check the device SNMP connection settings are defined. The
default SNMP connections settings are defined on the Settings>Device>Connection page. See “Connection: Configuring
Default Device Connection Settings” on page 259.
In case of SNMP v1/v2 connection, SNMP write community is obligatory. Otherwise, device configuration is impossible.
When a wrong write community is specified, device behaviour can be inconsistent. Some devices may return Not
Supported OID, others Not Authorized or Timeout (no response) in device configuration results.
The Device Configuration wizard allows you to check whether a device supports a property. To do this select the device
and open the wizard. This initiates data collection to retrieve all the device properties and display them in the wizard. Not
supported properties are disabled because cannot be collected. Most likely, such properties cannot be configured as well.
However, if an HTTP property is disabled, this does not necessarily mean the property is not supported. It can be just
impossible to collect it. For example, this can be true for the SWS Admin settings.
It is impossible to make the check for multiple devices. A property can be supported by one device, while not
supported by another. This is hard to show per each device in the Device Configuration wizard.
Before configuring an HTTP device property, check the device SWS login and password are specified. The default
credentials are specified on the Settings>Device>Connection page. See “Connection: Configuring Default Device
Connection Settings” on page 259.

Configuring One Device

To configure one device:
1. Login as Administrator with Device Configuration permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
4. On the Device Management page double-click the device you wish to configure.
5. Go to Configuration tab and click the Device Configuration button. The Device Configuration wizard is

6. In the Feature column select the needed feature category (System, Copy etc).
7. Under the selected feature category double-click the needed property.
You can search the Feature section to quickly locate needed property. To do this at the section bottom in
the search field enter the property name and click the magnifier icon. To search by category (e.g. Copy)
click , enter the category name, and click the magnifier icon. The section will be updated to display only
the items matching your search request. The search field will be highlighted in yellow. As long as the search field is

yellow, the section displays only the items matching the search request. To view all available items again, clear the
search string and click the magnifier icon.
8. In the displayed dialog specify the needed property value and click Add. The property appears in the Action
List column. If needed, repeat steps 6-8 to add as many properties as you need to configure.
To modify the value of the property added to the list double-click it and edit it. To delete a property from the
list select it and click above the list.
As you’ve added the needed properties you can click and save them as a template. Next time
you configure devices you can click and load it instead of adding properties one-by-one. See
“Configuration Templates” on page 49.
9. Click OK.
10. Click Close or Device Configuration History link to view the configuration results. See “Viewing Device
Configuration Task Results” on page 55.

Configuring Multiple Devices

To configure multiple devices:
1. Login as Administrator with Device Configuration permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
4. On the right panel select devices.
5. In the tool bar click the Device Configuration button. The Device Configuration wizard is displayed.

6. Perform steps 6-8 described above.

7. Click Next. The configuration scheduling dialog is displayed.

8. In the Schedule name field enter the name of the device configuration task or leave default.
9. In the Start section specify when the device configuration task must be initiated. The options are described in
the table below.
Start Now Select this option to start the configuration immediately.
Schedule Select this option, if you wish the configuration to start on a certain date. Then specify:
• Date & Time : select a date and time for the configuration to start.
• Interval : select how often the configuration to run. The configuration will run on the
same day/date and at the same time as the date/time selected for Date & Time.
10. Click Execute.
11. Click Close.

Configuration Templates
A template is a set of device properties and their values to be configured for your devices, when you need that. It
allows you to quickly apply the required settings to your devices any time you configure them. This saves your time
as you don’t have to pick up device properties and set values for them every time you configure devices. You just
load the needed template.
In addition, you can use templates to automatically set up devices when a certain event occurs. For example,
automatically apply settings to a device, when it is moved to a specific group of devices or just added to the System.
You can create templates as you configure devices or save existing configuration as a template when you view
device details or device configuration history.
If you wish you can export the needed template to your computer, so that it does not get overwritten or deleted by
other users. In any moment you’ll be able to import such template back to the System and use it for your device
Creating Template via Device Configuration Wizards
To create a template via the multiple Device Configuration wizard:
1. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
3. On the right panel select the device(s) you need to configure.
4. In the tool bar click Device Configuration.
5. In the displayed Device Configuration wizard perform steps 6-8 described above to configure settings.
6. In the Actions List click . The Save Template dialog is displayed.

7. Specify the template name.
8. Click Save.
If you don’t need to create a new template, but wish to replace configuration settings of an existing template
with the selected ones, click the Rewrite template option, select the needed template below, then click Save
and confirm rewriting.
9. In the displayed Information dialog click OK.
To create a template via single Device Configuration wizard:
1. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
3. In the Device List double-click the needed device.
4. Go to Configuration tab and click the Device Configuration button.
5. In the displayed Device Configuration wizard perform steps 6-8 described above to configure settings.
6. In the Actions List click .
7. In the displayed Save Template dialog enter the template name.
8. Click Save.
If you don’t need to create a new template, but wish to replace configuration settings of an existing
template with the selected ones, click the Rewrite template option, select the needed template below, then
click Save and confirm rewriting.
9. In the displayed Information dialog click OK.

Saving Existing Configuration as Template

If you have a device configured and you need to configure another device(s) the same way, you can save the device
configuration as a template and use it for this purpose.
In addition, every time you configure a device(s) the corresponding configuration task is created and stored in
the configuration history. Therefore, you can also create a template based on configuration settings used in a
configuration task.
To save a device configuration as a template:
1. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
3. In the device list double-click the device whose configuration you need to save as a template.
4. In the displayed device details view click the Configuration tab.
5. Click button Save as Template.
6. In the displayed Save Template dialog specify the template name and click Save.
If you don’t need to create a new template, but wish to replace configuration settings of an existing
template with the selected ones, click the Rewrite template option, select the needed template below,
then click Save and confirm rewriting.
7. In the displayed Information dialog click OK.
To save configuration task settings as a template:
1. In the Main Menu select Device>Management History>Device Configuration History.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
3. On the History panel of the displayed page click the configuration task whose settings you wish to save as a

On the right panel you can click button View Properties to check the task includes the configuration
settings you need to save as a template.
4. On the right panel click button Create Template.
5. In the displayed Save Template dialog specify the template name and click Save.
If you don’t need to create a new template, but wish to replace configuration settings of an existing
template with the selected ones, click the Rewrite template option, select the needed template below,
then click Save and confirm rewriting.
6. In the displayed Information dialog click OK.

Loading Template to Configure Devices

As you’ve created configuration templates, you can load them to configure your devices via the Device
Configuration wizard.
You can also load a configuration template via rule-based device management tool (see “Rule” on page 185).
The tool allows to automatically apply configuration template to devices, when certain conditions are met.
To load a template to configure a device(s):
1. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
3. Open the Device Configuration wizard from the tool bar or the device details view.
4. In the Action List column of the Configuration Settings section click .
5. In the Template Name section of the displayed Load Template dialog click the template you wish to use to
configure the selected devices.

You can use buttons / / to remove a template/export it to the needed location/import it back in here.
6. Click Load. The template configuration settings are displayed in the Action List. The corresponding properties
are displayed in bold in the Feature column.

Please, note that the checkboxes in the Actions List are designed ONLY for properties removal from this list.
If you decide that a property shouldn’t be configured, select its checkbox and click . All the properties in the
list will be configured no matter whether they are checked or not.
7. Click Next. The configuration scheduling dialog is displayed.

8. In the Schedule name field enter the name of the device configuration task or leave default.
9. In the Start section specify when the device configuration task must be initiated. The options are described in
the table below.

Start Now Select this option to start the configuration immediately.
Schedule Select this option, if you wish the configuration to start on a certain date. Then specify:
• Date & Time : select a date and time for the configuration to start.
10. Click Execute.
11. Click Close.
You can view the configuration results on the Device Configuration History page (Main
Menu>Device>Management History>Device Configuration History>History panel>your configuration task
name>date and time the task was performed).

Exporting Templates
All configuration templates created in the System can be exported to a location you need, for example, to your
computer or a shared space. You might wish to do so to ensure you keep it and can use it, even if it is deleted from
the System.
You can export an existing template from the Load Template dialog as you configure devices:
1. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
3. Open the Device Configuration wizard from the tool bar or the device details view.
4. In the Action List column of the Configuration Settings section click . The Load Template dialog is

5. Select a template to export.

6. Click .
7. In the displayed dialog select to save the template file.

You can also export a template as you set up automatic template applying.

Importing Templates
If you have a configuration template exported from the System and wish to use it to configure your devices, you can
import it back to the System.
You can import a template from the Load Template dialog as you configure devices:
1. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
3. Open the Device Configuration wizard from the tool bar or the device details view.
4. In the Action List column of the Configuration Settings section click . The Load Template dialog is

5. Select a template to import.

6. Click .
7. In the displayed dialog locate the needed template and click Open.
8. In the displayed Information dialog click OK. The template is imported and displayed in the Load Template
dialog. You can select it for configuration.
You can also import a template as you set up automatic template applying.

Deleting Templates
If you don’t need a configuration template, you can delete it. You can delete a template from the Load Template
dialog as you as you configure devices:
1. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
3. Open the Device Configuration wizard from the tool bar or the device details view.
4. In the Action List column of the Configuration Settings section click . The Load Template dialog is
5. The Load Template dialog is displayed.

6. Select a template to delete.

7. Click .
8. In the displayed Confirm dialog click Yes to confirm deletion.
9. In the displayed Information dialog click OK.
You can also delete a template as you set up automatic template applying.

Device Configuration History Management
The System provides the Device Configuration History page for you to manage scheduled device configuration tasks:
• view configuration tasks, their status and results (see “Viewing Device Configuration Task” on page 54),
• disable configuration tasks (see “Disabling Device Configuration Task” on page 56),
• initiate configuration tasks manually (see “Initiating Device Configuration Task Manually” on page 56),
• stop in progress configuration tasks (see “Stopping In Progress Configuration Task” on page 56),
• modify configuration tasks (see “Modifying Device Configuration Task” on page 57),
• delete configuration tasks (see “Deleting Device Configuration Task” on page 57).

Device Configuration History Overview

To access Device Configuration History in the Main Menu select Device>Management History>Device
Configuration History.

(1) (6)





The Domain drop-down list can be available only if the Managed Domain plugin is enabled. See “Domain” on
page 118.
The Device Configuration History console consists of two panels:
• the left panel (1) is divided into two sections:
• History (2). The section displays a list of scheduled configuration tasks and a tool bar to manage them
(3) (modify, delete). The info next to each task shows whether the task runs once or it is postponed. The
number of task runs is shown as well. If a task has run, the task instance will be displayed (4) showing you
the task execution date and time.
Click / to sort the History by name/date and quickly locate a task.
• Calendar (5). The section shows you whether there are any configuration tasks scheduled for a date. If a
calendar day is marked by a blue triangle, there are configurations scheduled for this day. You can click
the day and select a task to view its summary.
• the right panel (6) displays either a configuration task summary (if the task is selected) or its results (if the task
instance is selected).

Viewing Device Configuration Task

All the created configuration tasks are stored in the Device Configuration History page(see “Device Configuration
History Overview” on page 54). From this page you can view:
• the configuration task status and settings,
• the configuration task results.

Viewing Device Configuration Task Status and Settings
To view the device configuration task status and settings:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Device Configuration History.
2. If the Domain drop-down list is available, select the needed domain.
3. In the left panel click the needed task. The task settings are displayed on the right panel. You can:
• click the View Devices button to view which devices are configured in this task,
• click the View Properties button to view which device properties are configured in this task.
• click the Create Template button to save the configuration task settings as a template to reuse it in future
(see “Configuration Templates” on page 49).
If the task is still active (postponed), you can click on the left panel and edit its schedule.
4. In the top right corner click . The task status details are displayed above the task settings.

If the task is active (not expired, postponed), you can click the Disable button to deactivate it. And with no
regard to the task status you can click Run Now button to initiate it once again.

Viewing Device Configuration Task Results

To view the device configuration task results:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Device Configuration History.
2. If the Domain drop-down list is available, select the needed domain.
3. In the left panel click the plus icon of the needed task. The task instance(s) are displayed under it. The number
of instances depends on how many times the task has run.

4. Click the task instance. The configuration results are displayed on the right panel.

You can click to view the task status details.

You can manage the list to view the needed info by:
• sorting the list,
• adding/removing columns displayed in the list,
• filtering the list to display only results of certain type,
• searching certain results (by device name, device model name, device MAC address, IP address, device

You perform these operations the same way as for the User List.
In addition, if the list contains failed device configuration results, you can retry the configuration:
• to do this for all the failed devices click the Retry button and select All Failed.
• to do this for certain failed devices select them in the results list, click the Retry button, and select Selected.
The Retry button is active, after the configuration task is completed.

Disabling Device Configuration Task

All the created configuration tasks are stored in the Device Configuration History (see “Device Configuration
History Overview” on page 54). If a configuration task is postponed (not expired, scheduled for future date), you
can deactivate it so that it does not run until needed.
To deactivate a configuration task:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Device Configuration History.
2. If the Domain drop-down list is available, select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel click the needed task.
4. On right panel in the top right corner click .
5. In the displayed task status details section click the Disable button.

Initiating Device Configuration Task Manually

All the created configuration tasks are stored in the Device Configuration History. See “Device Configuration
History Overview” on page 54. You can manually initiate any of them. For example, a configuration task is
scheduled for certain date in future, but you need to run it immediately.
To do this:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Device Configuration History.
2. If the Domain drop-down list is available, select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel click the needed task.
4. On right panel in the top right corner click .
5. In the displayed task status section click the Run Now button.

Stopping In Progress Configuration Task

All the created configuration tasks are stored in the Device Configuration History. See “Device Configuration
History Overview” on page 54. The System allows you to pause or stop a running configuration task.
To do this:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Device Configuration History.
2. If the Domain drop-down list is available, select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel click the plus icon of the needed task. The task instance(s) are displayed under it.
4. Click the running instance.
5. On right panel in the top right corner click .
6. In the displayed task status section click / to pause/stop the task.

Modifying Device Configuration Task
All the created configuration tasks are stored in the Device Configuration History. See “Device Configuration
History Overview” on page 54. If a configuration task is postponed (not expired, scheduled for certain date in
future) you can modify the task name and schedule.
To modify task name and schedule:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Device Configuration History.
2. If the Domain drop-down list is available, select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel click the the needed task and click at the bottom.
4. In the displayed Edit Scheduling dialog make changes as described here.

5. Click Save.

Deleting Device Configuration Task

All the created configuration tasks are stored in the Device Configuration History. See “Device Configuration
History Overview” on page 54. If you don’t need a configuration task, you can delete it.
To delete task:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Device Configuration History.
2. If the Domain drop-down list is available, select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel click the unneeded task and click at the bottom.
4. In the displayed dialog click Yes to confirm deletion.
Device Profiles
If you have Create and Assign Profiles permission, the System allows you create and assign profiles to devices to easily
monitor the needed device settings. A device profile includes a set of device properties you wish to monitor. Each property
in the profile meets certain condition you define. For example, device language console is like EN (i.e. text on the device
console is displayed in English). As you assign a profile to a device(s), you can navigate to the Profile Monitor and view
whether the current configuration of the device(s) meets the profile conditions. For example, whether the current device
console language setting is English. See “As you select the needed option, the device info is displayed in a new browser
window in a printer-friendly format. Therefore, you can print it as you do it with any other document.” on page 92.
The System also allows to create device profile-associated rules. For example, you can create a rule to automatically
send notification, if a device profile is changed or violated (i.e. the current device configuration does not meet the profile
conditions). See “Rule” on page 185.
You can assign a new profile or an existing one. In the first case you create a profile as you go through device profile
assignment steps. The System also allows you to unassign profiles from devices, when needed. See the paragraphs
below for details.
To assign a new device profile:

1. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain including the needed devices.
See “Domain” on page 118.
3. On the left panel select the group the needed devices belong to.
4. On the right panel select the checkboxes of the devices you wish to assign a profile to.
5. In the tool bar click the Device Profiles button. The Device Profiles wizard is displayed.

6. Select the Device profile assignment option.

7. Select the Create new device profile option.
8. Click Next. The Select Features dialog is displayed.

9. In the All Features section select the needed device properties. Hold down Ctrl or Shift to select several properties
at once. If you need all properties of a category, select the category name (e.g. Copy).
You can search the All Features section to quickly locate needed property. To do this at the section bottom in the
search field enter the property name and click the magnifier icon. To search by property category (e.g. Copy, Print
etc.) click , enter the category name, and click the magnifier icon. The section will be updated to display only the
items matching your search request. The search field will be highlighted in yellow. As long as the search field is yellow, the
section displays only the items matching the search request. To view all available items again, clear the search string and
click the magnifier icon.
10. Click or just drag and drop the selected properties to the Selected Features section.
To add one property you can just double-click it. If you change your mind and decide that a selected property is not
needed, select it in the Selected Features section and click . Double-click and drag-and-drop works as well.
You can also drag-and-drop properties to the needed position within the Selected Features section. Or use to
move selected properties to a position up/down. This defines column order in the Profile Monitor.
11. Click Next.

12. In the Profile name field enter the device profile name.
13. In the Feature values section for each selected property:
a. In the Compound field select:
• Equal to, if you wish the selected property to have exactly the value you’ll specify.
• Not equal to, if you wish the selected property to have any value except the one you’ll specify.
• Like, if you wish the selected property to have the value similar to the one you’ll specify.
• =/>/</=>/<=, if you wish the selected property to equal/be greater/be less/be equal or greater/be less or
equal to the value you’ll specify.
b. In the Property value field specify the needed property value.
14. Click Finish. The Finish dialog with profile creation results is displayed.

15. Click Close.

You can navigate to Profile Monitor to view the Profile List and the devices with the profiles assigned. See “Profile
Monitor” on page 92.
To assign an existing device profile:
1. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain the needed devices belong to.
See “Domain” on page 118.
3. On the left panel select the group the needed devices belong to.
4. On the right panel select the checkboxes of the devices you wish to assign a profile to.
5. In the tool bar click the Device Profiles button. The Device Profiles wizard is displayed.

6. Select the Device profile assignment option.
7. Select the Assign existing device profiles option.
8. In the displayed Profile List select the checkboxes of the needed profiles.
Profiles are available, if you have already created them via the Create new device profile option.
9. Click Finish. The Finish dialog with profile assignment results is displayed.

10. Click Close.

You can navigate to Profile Monitor to view the Profile List and the devices with the profiles assigned. See “Profile
Monitor” on page 92.
To unassign a device profile:
1. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain the needed devices belong to. See “Domain” on page
3. On the left panel select the group the needed devices belong to.
4. On the right panel select the checkboxes of the devices you wish to unassign a profile from.
5. In the tool bar click the Device Profiles button. The Device Profiles wizard is displayed.

6. Select the Device profile unassignment option.
7. In the displayed Profile List select the checkboxes of profiles to unassign.
8. Click Finish. The Finish dialog with profile unassignment results is displayed.

9. Click Close.

Device Cloning
The System allows you to clone device configuration from one device to others. The configuration items included in
cloning file are model specific. So, you can perform cloning between devices of the same model only. Cloning settings
are stored in a cloning file. See “Device Cloning File Management” on page 136. You can create it beforehand or during
device cloning.
To clone device configuration settings:
1. Login as Administrator with Device Configuration and Device Cloning permissions.
2. In the Main Menu navigate to Device>Device Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel select the needed device group.
5. On the right panel select the device(s) to configure.
6. Check the device connection settings:
a. Click the Connection Settings button.
b. Click the Embedded Web Server tab.
c. Make sure the settings are correct. If not, enter the needed SWS login and password.
d. Click OK.
e. In the Information dialog click OK.
7. Click the Device Cloning button above the Device List. The Device Cloning wizard is displayed.

8. Click . The Add Cloning File dialog is displayed.

9. Select the needed file or 1 address book file and 1 cloning file per device model. If there are no files available for the
selected model, first download a cloning file from a device as follows:
a. Click .
b. In the displayed dialog click to open Device cloning wizard.
c. Download Address Book or Cloning File. See “Creating Device Cloning File” on page 136.
d. Select the downloaded file.
e. Click Add.
10. Click Next. the Scheduling dialog is displayed.

11. In the Schedule name field enter the name of the device cloning task or leave default.
12. In the Start section specify when the device cloning task must be initiated. The options are described in the table

Start Now Select this option to start cloning immediately.
Schedule Select this option, if you wish cloning to start on a certain date. Then specify:
• Date & Time : select a date and time for cloning to start.
• Interval : select how often cloning to run. Cloning will run on the same day/date and at
the same time as the date/time selected for Date & Time.
13. Click Execute.
14. Click Close.
You can view the cloning results on the Device Configuration History page (Main Menu>Device>Management
History>Device Configuration History>History panel>your cloning task name>date and time the task was performed). See
“Device Configuration History Management” on page 54.

Firmware Management
The System allows you to update devices firmware. Before you start a device firmware update:
• ensure the device Embedded Web Server connection settings are provided,
• upload the firmware file to the System. See “Uploading Device Firmware File” on page 140.
Then to update a device(s) firmware:
1. Login as Administrator with Firmware Management and Firmware Repository permissions.
2. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel select the group including the needed devices.
5. On the right panel select the needed device(s).
6. In the tool bar click the Firmware Management button. The Firmware Management wizard is displayed.

7. Click . The Add Firmware File dialog is displayed.

If the file list is empty, click File Upload and upload the needed firmware file to the System. See “Uploading Device
Firmware File” on page 140
8. Select the needed firmware file.
9. Click Add. The firmware file is added to the wizard.

10. Select the file.
If on step 5 you selected several device model, repeat steps 7-10 per each model.
11. Click Next. The Scheduling dialog is displayed.

12. In the Schedule name field enter the name of the firmware update task or leave default.
13. In the Start section specify when the firmware update must be initiated. The options are described in the table

Start Now Select this option to start firmware update immediately.
Schedule Select this option, if you wish firmware update to start on a certain date. Then specify:
• Date & Time : select a date and time for installation to start.
14. Click Execute.
15. Click Close.
You can view the firmware update results in the Firmware Management History. See “Viewing Firmware Management
Task” on page 65.

Firmware Management History

The System provides the Firmware Management History page for you to manage scheduled device firmware update
• view tasks, their status and results (see “Viewing Firmware Management Task” on page 65),
• disable tasks (see “Disabling Firmware Management Task” on page 66),
• initiate tasks manually (see “Initiating Firmware Management Task Manually” on page 67),

• stop in progress tasks (see “Stopping In Progress Firmware Management Task” on page 67),
• modify tasks (see “Modifying Firmware Management Task” on page 67),
• delete tasks (see “Deleting Firmware Management Task” on page 68).

Firmware Management History Overview

To access Firmware Management History in the Main Menu select Device>Management History>Firmware
Management History.

(1) (6)



The Domain drop-down menu can be available only if the Managed Domain plugin is enabled. See “Devices”
on page 24.
The Firmware Management History page consists of two panels:
• the left panel (1) is divided into two sections:
• History (2). The section displays a list of scheduled tasks and a tool bar to manage them (3) (modify,
delete). The info next to each task shows whether the task runs once or it is postponed. The number of
task runs is shown as well. If a task has run, the task instance will be displayed (4) showing you the task
execution date and time.
Click / to sort the History by name/date and quickly locate a task.
• Calendar (5). The section shows you whether there are any tasks scheduled for a date. If a calendar day
is marked by a blue triangle, there are tasks scheduled for this day. You can click the day and select a
task to view its instances.
• the right panel (6) displays either a task results, if the task instance is selected.
Viewing Firmware Management Task
All the created firmware update tasks are stored in the Firmware Management History page. See “Firmware
Management History Overview” on page 65. From this page you can view:
• the task status,
• the task results.

Viewing Firmware Management Task Status

To view the device firmware management task status:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Firmware Management History.
2. If the Domain drop-down list is available, select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel click the needed task.
If the task is still active (postponed), you can click and edit its schedule.
4. In the top right corner click . The task status details is displayed.

If the task is active (not expired, postponed), you can click the Disable button to deactivate it. And with no
regard to the task status you can click Run Now button to initiate it once again.

Viewing Firmware Management Task Results

To view the device firmware management task results:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Firmware Management History.
2. If the Domain drop-down list is available, select the needed domain.
3. In the left panel click the plus icon of the needed task. The task instance(s) are displayed under it. The number
of instances depends on how many times the task has run.

4. Click the task instance. The task results are displayed on the right panel.

You can click to view the task status details.

You can manage the list to view the needed info by:
• sorting the list,
• adding/removing columns displayed in the list,
• filtering the list to display only results of certain type,
• searching certain results (by IP address).
You perform these operations the same way as for the User List.
In addition, if the list contains failed results, you can retry the firmware management task:
• to do this for all the failed devices click the Retry button and select All Failed.
• to do this for certain failed devices select them in the results list, click the Retry button, and select Selected.
The Retry button is active, after the task is completed.

Disabling Firmware Management Task

All the created firmware update tasks are stored in the Firmware Management History. See “Firmware
Management History Overview” on page 65. If a task is postponed (not expired, scheduled for future date), you
can deactivate it so that it does not run until needed.
To deactivate a firmware management task:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Firmware Management History.
2. If the Domain drop-down list is available, select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel click the needed task.
4. On right panel in the top right corner click .
5. In the displayed task status details section click the Disable button.

Initiating Firmware Management Task Manually
All the created firmware update tasks are stored in the Firmware Management History. See “Firmware
Management History Overview” on page 65. You can manually initiate any of them. For example, a task is
scheduled for certain date in future, but you need to run it immediately.
To do this:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Firmware Management History.
2. If the Domain drop-down list is available, select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel click the needed task.
4. On right panel in the top right corner click .
5. In the displayed task status section click the Run Now button.

Stopping In Progress Firmware Management Task

All the created firmware update tasks are stored in the Firmware Management History. See “Firmware
Management History Overview” on page 65. The System allows you to pause or stop a running task.
To do this:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Firmware Management History.
2. If the Domain drop-down list is available, select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel click the plus icon of the needed task. The task instance(s) are displayed under it.
4. Click the running instance.
5. On right panel in the top right corner click .
6. In the displayed task status section click / to pause/stop the task.

Modifying Firmware Management Task

All the created firmware update tasks are stored in the Firmware Management History. See “Firmware
Management History Overview” on page 65. If a task is postponed (not expired, scheduled for certain date in
future) you can modify the task name and start date.
To modify task name and schedule:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Firmware Management History.
2. If the Domain drop-down list is available, select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel click the needed task and click at the bottom.
4. In the displayed Edit Scheduling dialog make changes.

5. Click Save.

Deleting Firmware Management Task

All the created firmware update tasks are stored in the Firmware Management History. See “Firmware
Management History Overview” on page 65. If you don’t need a task, you can delete it.
To delete task:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Firmware Management History.
2. If the Domain drop-down list is available, select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel click the unneeded task and click at the bottom.
4. In the displayed dialog click Yes to confirm deletion.
Application Management
The System allows you to manage devices applications as follows:
• install (see “Installing Device Application” on page 68),
• uninstall (see “Uninstalling Device Application” on page 70),
• control lifecycle (start, stop) (see “Managing Device Application Lifecycle” on page 71).
Before you start any of the listed operations ensure the device Embedded Web Server settings are provided. Otherwise,
the operation will fail.

Installing Device Application

If you need to install an application to a device, first specify the device Embedded Web Server connection settings
and download the corresponding application installation file to the System and. See “Device Application File
Management” on page 128.
To install a device application:
1. Login as Administrator with Device Application Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel select the group including the needed devices.
5. On the right panel select the needed devices.
6. In the tool bar click the Application Management button. The Application Management wizard is displayed.

7. Select the Application installation option.
8. Click Next. The Select Application dialog is displayed.

9. Select an application(s) to install.

10. Click Next. The Scheduling dialog is displayed.

11. In the Schedule name field enter the name of the installation task or leave default.
12. In the Start section specify when the installation task must be initiated. The options are described in the table

Start Now Select this option to start installation immediately.
Schedule Select this option, if you wish installation to start on a certain date. Then specify:
• Date & Time : select a date and time for installation to start.
13. Click Next.
14. Click Close.
You can view the installation task results in the Application Management History. See “Viewing Application
Management Task Results” on page 73.

Uninstalling Device Application

If you need to unstall an application from a device, first specify the device Embedded Web Server connection
To uninstall a device application:
1. Login as Administrator with Device Application Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel select the group including the needed devices.
5. On the right panel select the needed devices.
6. In the tool bar click the Application Management button.
7. In the displayed Application Management wizard select the Application uninstallation option.
8. Click Next.
9. Select an application(s) to uninstall.

The wizard Application List includes only the applications that can be uninstalled.
10. Click Next.
11. In the displayed Scheduling dialog in the Shedule name field enter the name of the uninstallation task or
leave default.
12. In the Start section specify when the uninstallation task must be initiated. The options are described in the
table below.

Start Now Select this option to start uninstallation immediately.

Schedule Select this option, if you wish uninstallation to start on a certain date. Then specify:
• Date & Time : select a date and time for installation to start.
13. Click Next.
14. Click Close.
You can view the uinstallation task results in the Application Management History. See “Viewing Application
Management Task Results” on page 73.

Managing Device Application Lifecycle

The System allows you to start or stop applications installed on devices. If you need to do that, first specify the
device Embedded Web Server connection settings.
To start/stop a device application:
1. Login as Administrator with Device Application Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel select the group including the needed devices.
5. On the right panel select the needed devices.
6. In the tool bar click the Application Management button.
7. In the displayed Application Management wizard select the Application lifecycle control option.
8. Click Next.
9. Select an application(s) to start/stop.
10. Click Next. The Start or Stop dialog is displayed.

11. Select the Start Application or Stop Application option.

12. Click Next.
13. In the displayed Scheduling dialog in the Schedule name field enter the name of the start/stop task or leave
14. In the Start section specify when the uninstallation task must be initiated. The options are described in the
table below.

Start Now Select this option to start the task immediately.
Schedule Select this option, if you wish the task to start on a certain date. Then specify:
• Date & Time : select a date and time for the task to start.
15. Click Next.
16. Click Close.
You can view the task results in the Application Management History. See “Viewing Application Management
Task Results” on page 73.

Device Application Management History
The System provides the Device Application Management History page for you to manage sheduled device application
management tasks:
• view tasks, their status and results (see “Viewing Device Application Management Task” on page 72),
• disable tasks (see “Disabling Application Management Task” on page 73),
• initiate tasks manually (see “Initiating Application Management Task Manually” on page 74),
• stop in progress tasks (see “Stopping In Progress Application Management Task” on page 74),
• modify tasks (see “Modifying Application Management Task” on page 74),
• delete tasks (see “Deleting Application Management Task” on page 75).

Device Application Management History Overview

To access Device Application Management History in the Main Menu select Device>Management
History>Application Management History.

(1) (6)



The Domain drop-down menu can be available only if the Managed Domain plugin is enabled.See “Domain”
on page 118.
The Device Application Management History page consists of two panels:
• the left panel (1) is divided into two sections:
• History (2). The section displays a list of scheduled tasks and a tool bar to manage them (3) (modify,
delete). The info next to each task shows whether the task runs once or it is postponed. The number of
task runs is shown as well. If a task has run, the task instance will be displayed (4) showing you the task
execution date and time.
Click / to sort the History by name/date and quickly locate a task.
• Calendar (5). The section shows you whether there are any tasks scheduled for a date. If a calendar day
is marked by a blue triangle, there are tasks scheduled for this day. You can click the day and select a
task to view its instances.
• the right panel (6) displays either a task results, if the task instance is selected.

Viewing Device Application Management Task

All the created device application management tasks are stored in the Application Management History page
(see “Device Application Management History Overview” on page 72). From this page you can view:
• the task status,
• the task results.

Viewing Application Management Task Status
To view the device application management task status:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Application Management History.
2. If the Domain drop-down list is available, select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel click the needed task.
If the task is still active (postponed), you can click and edit its schedule.
4. In the top right corner click . The task status details is displayed.

If the task is active (not expired, postponed), you can click the Disable button to deactivate it. And with no
regard to the task status you can click Run Now button to initiate it once again.

Viewing Application Management Task Results

To view the device application management task results:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Application Management History.
2. If the Domain drop-down list is available, select the needed domain.
3. In the left panel click the plus icon of the needed task. The task instance(s) are displayed under it. The number
of instances depends on how many times the task has run.

4. Click the task instance. The task results are displayed on the right panel.

You can click to view the task status details.

You can manage the list to view the needed info by:
• sorting the list,
• adding/removing columns displayed in the list,
• filtering the list to display only results of certain type,
• searching certain results (by IP Address).
You perform these operations the same way as for the User List.
In addition, if the list contains failed results, you can retry the application management task:
• to do this for all the failed devices click the Retry button and select All Failed.
• to do this for certain failed devices select them in the results list, click the Retry button, and select Selected.
The Retry button is active, after the task is completed.

Disabling Application Management Task

All the created application management tasks are stored in the Application Management History. See “Device
Application Management History Overview” on page 72. If a task is postponed (not expired, scheduled for future
date), you can deactivate it so that it does not run until needed.

To deactivate an application management task:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Application Management History.
2. If the Domain drop-down list is available, select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel click the needed task.
4. On right panel in the top right corner click .
5. In the displayed task status details section click the Disable button.

Initiating Application Management Task Manually

All the created device application management tasks are stored in the Application Management History. See
“Device Application Management History Overview” on page 72. You can manually initiate any of them. For
example, a task is scheduled for certain date in future, but you need to run it immediately.
To do this:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Application Management History.
2. If the Domain drop-down list is available, select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel click the needed task.
4. On right panel in the top right corner click .
5. In the displayed task status section click the Run Now button.

Stopping In Progress Application Management Task

All the created device application management tasks are stored in the Application Management History. See
“Device Application Management History Overview” on page 72. The System allows you to pause or stop a
running task.
To do this:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Application Management History.
2. If the Domain drop-down list is available, select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel click the plus icon of the needed task. The task instance(s) are displayed under it.
4. Click the running instance.
5. On right panel in the top right corner click .
6. In the displayed task status section click / to pause/stop the task.

Modifying Application Management Task

All the created device application management tasks are stored in the Application Management History. See
“Device Application Management History Overview” on page 72. If a task is postponed (not expired, scheduled for
certain date in future) you can modify the task name and start date.

To modify task name and schedule:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Application Management History.
2. If the Domain drop-down list is available, select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel click the needed task and click at the bottom.
4. In the displayed Edit Scheduling dialog make changes.

5. Click Save.

Deleting Application Management Task

All the created device application management tasks are stored in the Application Management History (see
“Device Application Management History Overview” on page 72). If you don’t need a task, you can delete it.
To delete task:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Application Management History.
2. If the Domain drop-down list is available, select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel click the unneeded task and click at the bottom.
4. In the displayed dialog click Yes to confirm deletion.
License Management
The System allows to manage licenses of applications installed on devices:
• activate (see “Activating Device Application License” on page 75),
• deactivate (see “Deactivating Device Application License” on page 77),
• export Device List for license activation (see “Exporting Device List for License Activation” on page 78),
• import activation key file (see “Importing Activation Key File” on page 78).
You can perform the operations only for Samsung devices and licenses. Before you start any of the listed operations
ensure the device Embedded Web Server settings are provided. Otherwise, the operation will fail.

Activating Device Application License

If you need to activate a device application license, first specify the device Embedded Web Server connection
To activate a device application license(s):
1. Login as Administrator with Device Application Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel select the group including the needed devices.
5. On the right panel select the needed devices.
6. In the tool bar click the License Management button. The License Management wizard is displayed.

7. Select the Activate license option.
8. Click Next. The device application list is collected and displayed.

9. Select an application(s) for license activation.

10. Click Next. The License Number dialog is displayed.

11. Click the License Number cell and enter the appropriate license number.
12. Click Next.
13. In the displayed Scheduling dialog in the Schedule name field enter the name of the license activation task or
leave default.
14. In the Start section specify when the license activation task must be initiated. The options are described in the
table below.

Start Now Select this option to start license activation immediately.
Schedule Select this option, if you wish license activation to start on a certain date. Then specify:
• Date & Time : select a date and time for license activation to start.
15. Click Next.
16. Click Close.
You can view the task results in the Application Management History. See “Device Application Management
History” on page 72.

Deactivating Device Application License

If you need to deactivate a device application license, first specify the device Embedded Web Server connection
To deactivate a device application license(s):
1. Login as Administrator with Device Application Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel select the group including the needed devices.
5. On the right panel select the needed devices.
6. In the tool bar click the License Management button.
7. In the displayed License Management wizard select the Deactivate license option.
8. Click Next.
9. In the displayed device application list select an application(s) for license deactivation.
10. Click Next.
11. In the displayed Scheduling dialog in the Schedule name field enter the name of the license deactivation task
or leave default.
12. In the Start section specify when the license deactivation task must be initiated. The options are described in
the table below.

Start Now Select this option to start license deactivation immediately.
Schedule Select this option, if you wish license deactivation to start on a certain date. Then specify:
• Date & Time : select a date and time for license deactivation to start.
13. Click Next.
14. Click Close.
You can view the task results in the Application Management History. See “Device Application Management
History” on page 72.

Exporting Device List for License Activation

The System allows to export the list of selected devices to the CSV file. This file should be submitted to the
Samsung representatives, if you wish to activate device application licenses in offline mode.
The Samsung team will generate a license activation key file using the Samsung License Management Server
(LMS). The generated file will be sent back to you. You can import it to activate the application licenses on the
devices. See “Importing Activation Key File” on page 78.
To export a device list:
1. Login as Administrator with Device Application Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel select the group including the needed devices.
5. On the right panel select the needed devices.
6. In the tool bar click the License Management button.
7. In the displayed License Management wizard select the Export Device List option.
8. Click Next.
9. In the displayed Finish dialog click link here.
10. Select to open or save the CSV file.
11. Close the License Management wizard.

Importing Activation Key File

The System allows you to perform batch activation of multiple device applications. To do that you need to import an
activation key file. It is a special SAMSUNGKEY file provided by Samsung License Management Server (LMS). You
can receive it from the Samsung representatives after you send them a device list. See “Exporting Device List for
License Activation” on page 78.
To perform batch license activation:
1. Login as Administrator with Device Application Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain including the needed devices.
4. In the tool bar click the License Management button.
5. In the displayed License Management wizard select the Import Activation Key File option.
6. Click Next.
7. In the displayed dialog select the needed activations.
8. Click Next.
9. In the displayed Scheduling dialog in the Schedule name field enter the name of the license activation task or
leave default.
10. In the Start section specify when the license activation task must be initiated. The options are described in the
table below.

Start Now Select this option to start license activation immediately.
Schedule Select this option, if you wish license activation to start on a certain date. Then specify:
• Date & Time : select a date and time for license activation to start.
11. Click Next.
12. Click Close.

You can view the task results in the Application Management History. See “Device Application Management
History” on page 72.

Font/Form/Macro Management
The System allows you to manage device PCL fonts/macros, Postscript fonts/forms:
• install to devices (see “Installing Font/Form/Macro” on page 79),
• delete from devices (see “Deleting Font/Form/Macro” on page 81),
• download from devices to the System file storage (see “Downloading Font/Form/Macro” on page 82).

Installing Font/Form/Macro
If you need to install a font/form/macro to a device, first upload the corresponding font/form/macro file to the System.
See “Uploading Device Font/Form/Macro File” on page 143.
You can install a font/form/macro to a device from:
• Font/Form/Macro Management wizard,
• Font/Form/Macro tab of the device details view.
To install file from Font/Form/Macro Management wizard:
1. Login as Administrator with Font/Form/Macro Management and Font/Form/Macro Repository permissions.
2. In the Main Menu>Device>Device Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel select the group including the needed devices.
5. On the right panel select the needed devices.
6. In the tool bar click the Font/Form/Macro Management button. The Font/Form/Macro Management wizard
is displayed.

7. Click Next. The Select File dialog is displayed.

8. Select the needed file(s). If the table is empty, click and upload the needed file.
To filter the table list by file type select the needed type from the drop-down menu. To search for a file
enter the file name in the search field and click the magnifier icon. The search field is highlighted in yellow.
As long as it is yellow, only the items matching the search request are displayed. To view all files again,
clear the search string and click the magnifier icon.
9. Click Next.
10. In the displayed Scheduling dialog in the Schedule name field enter the name of the font/form/macro
installation task or leave default.
11. In the Start section specify when the font/form/macro installation must be initiated. The options are described in
the table below.

Start Now Select this option to start font/form/macro installation immediately.
Schedule Select this option, if you wish font/form/macro installation to start on a certain date. Then
• Date & Time : select a date and time for font/form/macro installation to start.
12. Click Execute.
13. Click Close.
You can view the results in the Font/Form/Macro Management History. See “Viewing Font/Form/Macro Management
Task Results” on page 84.
To install file from Font/Form/Macro tab of the device details view:
1. Login as Administrator with Font/Form/Macro Management and Font/Form/Macro Repository permissions.
2. In the Main Menu>Device>Device Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel select the group including the needed devices.
5. On the right panel double-click the needed device. The device detailed view is displayed.

6. Navigate to the Font/Form/Macro tab.

7. Click the Management button. The Font/Form/Macro Management dialog is displayed.

8. Click . The Select Files dialog is displayed.

9. Select the needed file(s). If the table is empty, click and upload the needed file.
To filter the table list by file type select the needed type from the drop-down menu. To search for a file
enter the file name in the search field and click the magnifier icon. The search field is highlighted in yellow.
As long as it is yellow, only the items matching the search request are displayed. To view all files again,
clear the search string and click the magnifier icon.
10. Click OK.
11. In the displayed Information dialog click OK.
You can view the results in the Font/Form/Macro Management History. See “Viewing Font/Form/Macro Management
Task Results” on page 84.
Deleting Font/Form/Macro
The System allows to remove a font/form/macro from a device. To do that:
1. Login as Administrator with Font/Form/Macro Management and Font/Form/Macro Repository permissions.
2. In the Main Menu>Device>Device Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel select the group including the needed devices.
5. On the right panel double-click the needed device.
6. In the displayed device details view navigate to the Font/Form/Macro tab.
7. Click the Management button.
8. In the displayed Font/Form/Macro Management dialog select the file(s) to delete.
Only the files where Persistence column value is NOT Permanent can be deleted.

To filter the table list by file type select the needed type from the drop-down menu. To search for a file
enter the file name in the search field and click the magnifier icon. The search field is highlighted in yellow.
As long as it is yellow, only the items matching the search request are displayed. To view all files again,
clear the search string and click the magnifier icon.
9. Click .
10. In the displayed dialog click Yes to confirm deletion.
You can view the results in the Font/Form/Macro Management History. See “Viewing Font/Form/Macro Management
Task Results” on page 84.

Downloading Font/Form/Macro
You can download a font/form/macro from a device to the System and install it to other devices when needed.
Before downloading ensure the device Embedded Web Server connection settings are provided.
1. Login as Administrator with Font/Form/Macro Management and Font/Form/Macro Repository permissions.
2. In the Main Menu>Device>Device Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel select the group including the needed devices.
5. On the right panel double-click the needed device.
6. In the displayed device details view navigate to the Font/Form/Macro tab.
7. Click the Management button.
8. In the displayed Font/Form/Macro Management dialog select the file(s) to download.
Only the files where Persistence column value is NOT Permanent can be downloaded.
To filter the table list by file type select the needed type from the drop-down menu. To search for a file
enter the file name in the search field and click the magnifier icon. The search field is highlighted in yellow.
As long as it is yellow, only the items matching the search request are displayed. To view all files again,
clear the search string and click the magnifier icon.
You can view the results in the Font/Form/Macro Management History. See “Viewing Font/Form/Macro Management
Task Results” on page 84.

Font/Form/Macro Management History

The System provides the Font/Form/Macro Management History page for you to manage scheduled device font/form/
macro management tasks:
• view tasks, their status and results (see “Viewing Font/Form/Macro Management Task” on page 83),
• disable tasks (see “Disabling Font/Form/Macro Management Task” on page 84),
• initiate tasks manually (see “Initiating Font/Form/Macro Management Task Manually” on page 85),
• stop in progress tasks (see “Stopping In Progress Font/Form/Macro Management Task” on page 85),
• modify tasks (see “Modifying Font/Form/Macro Management Task” on page 85),
• delete tasks (see “Deleting Font/Form/Macro Management Task” on page 86).

Font/Form/Macro Management History Overview
To access Font/Form/Macro Management History in the Main Menu select Device>Management History>Font/
Form/Macro Management History.

(1) (6)





The Domain drop-down menu can be available only if the Managed Domain plugin is enabled. See “Domain”
on page 118.
The Font/Form/Macro Management History page consists of two panels:
• the left panel (1) is divided into two sections:
• History (2). The section displays a list of scheduled tasks and a tool bar to manage them (3) (modify,
delete). The info next to each task shows whether the task runs once or it is postponed. The number of
task runs is shown as well. If a task has run, the task instance will be displayed (4) showing you the task
execution date and time.
Click / to sort the History by name/date and quickly locate a task.
• Calendar (5). The section shows you whether there are any tasks scheduled for a date. If a calendar day
is marked by a blue triangle, there are tasks scheduled for this day. You can click the day and select a
task to view its instances.
• the right panel (6) displays either a task results, if the task instance is selected.

Viewing Font/Form/Macro Management Task

All the created device font/form/macro management tasks are stored in the Font/Form/Macro Management
History page. See “Font/Form/Macro Management History Overview” on page 83. From this page you can view:
• the task status,
• the task results.

Viewing Font/Form/Macro Management Task Status

To view the font/form/macro management task status:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Font/Form/Macro Management History.
2. If the Domain drop-down list is available, select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel click the needed task.
If the task is still active (postponed), you can click and edit its schedule.
4. In the top right corner click . The task status details is displayed.

If the task is active (not expired, postponed), you can click the Disable button to deactivate it. And with no
regard to the task status you can click Run Now button to initiate it once again.

Viewing Font/Form/Macro Management Task Results

To view the font/form/macro management task results:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Font/Form/Macro Management History.
2. If the Domain drop-down list is available, select the needed domain.
3. In the left panel click the plus icon of the needed task. The task instance(s) are displayed under it. The number
of instances depends on how many times the task has run.

4. Click the task instance. The task results are displayed on the right panel.

You can click to view the task status details.

You can manage the list to view the needed info by:
• sorting the list,
• adding/removing columns displayed in the list,
• filtering the list to display only results of certain type,
• searching certain results (by file name, file type, file key, IP address, model name).
You perform these operations the same way as for the User List.
In addition, if the list contains failed results, you can retry the font/form/macro management task:
• to do this for all the failed devices click the Retry button and select All Failed.
• to do this for certain failed devices select them in the results list, click the Retry button, and select Selected.
The Retry button is active, after the task is completed.

Disabling Font/Form/Macro Management Task

All the created device font/form/macro management tasks are stored in the Font/Form/Macro Management
History. See “Font/Form/Macro Management History Overview” on page 83. If a task is postponed (not expired,
scheduled for future date), you can deactivate it so that it does not run until needed.
To deactivate a font/form/macro management task:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Font/Form/Macro Management History.
2. If the Domain drop-down list is available, select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel click the needed task.

4. On right panel in the top right corner click .
5. In the displayed task status details section click the Disable button.

Initiating Font/Form/Macro Management Task Manually

All the created device font/form/macro management tasks are stored in the Font/Form/Macro Management
History. See “Font/Form/Macro Management History Overview” on page 83. You can manually initiate any of
them. For example, a task is scheduled for certain date in future, but you need to run it immediately.
To do this:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Font/Form/Macro Management History.
2. If the Domain drop-down list is available, select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel click the needed task.
4. On right panel in the top right corner click .
5. In the displayed task status section click the Run Now button.

Stopping In Progress Font/Form/Macro Management Task

All the created device font/form/macro management tasks are stored in the Font/Form/Macro Management
History. See “Font/Form/Macro Management History Overview” on page 83. The System allows you to pause or
stop a running task.
To do this:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Font/Form/Macro Management History.
2. If the Domain drop-down list is available, select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel click the plus icon of the needed task. The task instance(s) are displayed under it.
4. Click the running instance.
5. On right panel in the top right corner click .
6. In the displayed task status section click / to pause/stop the task.

Modifying Font/Form/Macro Management Task

All the created device font/form/macro management tasks are stored in the Font/Form/Macro Management
History. See “Font/Form/Macro Management History Overview” on page 83. If a task is postponed (not expired,
scheduled for certain date in future) you can modify the task name and start date.
To modify task name and schedule:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Font/Form/Macro Management History.
2. If the Domain drop-down list is available, select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel click the needed task and click at the bottom.

4. In the displayed Edit Scheduling dialog make changes.

5. Click Save.

Deleting Font/Form/Macro Management Task

All the created device font/form/macro management tasks are stored in the Font/Form/Macro Management
History. See “Font/Form/Macro Management History Overview” on page 83. If you don’t need a task, you can
delete it.
To delete task:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Font/Form/Macro Management History.
2. If the Domain drop-down list is available, select the needed domain.
3. On the left panel click the unneeded task and click at the bottom.
4. In the displayed dialog click Yes to confirm deletion.

Driver Installation
The System allows you to install a driver for a selected device. Before installation, ensure the appropriate driver file
is uploaded to the System. See “Uploading Device Driver File” on page 146. You can mark a driver as default while
uploading it to the System.
As you install a driver it can be selected automatically or manually. Automatically means the System selects the default
driver appropriate for the chosen device model.
If the default driver is for another device model, you will need to select the driver manually from the available driver list.
The list includes only the drivers for your OS.
To install a driver:
1. Login as Administrator with Driver Installation and Driver repository permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Device>Device Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel select the group including the needed devices.
5. On the right panel select the needed device.
6. In the tool bar click the Driver Installation button. The Driver Installation wizard is displayed.

7. Select:
• Auto driver selection for the driver file to be selected automatically (according to the device model) or
• Manual driver selection to select the driver file manually (according to OS).
8. If Manual driver selection is selected on the previous step, select the needed driver file.
9. Click Next.
10. Click Close.
11. Save the driver setup file to the needed location.
12. In the displayed Information dialog click OK.
13. Run the saved setup file to install the driver.
After the driver is installed, you can view the installation task result in the Driver Installation History. See “Viewing
Driver Installation Task Result” on page 88.

Driver Installation History
The System allows you to track driver installation info. All driver installation tasks are stored on the Driver Installation
History page where you can:
• view a task result (see “Viewing Driver Installation Task Result” on page 88),
• delete tasks (see “Deleting Driver Installation Task” on page 89).

Driver Installation History Overview

To access Diver Installation History in the Main Menu select Device>Management History>Driver Installation



The Domain drop-down menu can be available only if the Managed Domain plug-in is enabled. See “Domain”
on page 118.
The Driver Installation History page consists of two panels:
• the left panel (1) is divided into two sections:
• History (2). The section displays a list of completed tasks and a button to delete them (3). Next to each
task it is shown that the task runs once. The corresponding task instance is displayed (4) showing you the
task execution date and time.
Click / to sort the History by name/date and quickly locate a task.
• Calendar (5). The section shows you whether there are any tasks scheduled for a date. If a calendar day
is marked by a blue triangle, there are tasks scheduled for this day. You can click the day and select a
task to view its instance.
• the right panel (6) displays either a task results.

Viewing Driver Installation Task Result

To view driver installation result:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Driver Installation History.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
3. On the History panel click plus icon of the needed task. The task instance is displayed under it.
4. Select the task instance.
5. View the results on the right panel.
The result is displayed as a table with the following columns by default:
• Driver Name. It shows the driver name.

• User. It shows the name of the user who performed driver installation.
• Time. It shows the date and time of driver installation.
• Status. It shows whether the driver installation was successful or failed.
• Results Description. It shows whether installation was completed or not..

Deleting Driver Installation Task

To delete a task:
1. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Driver Installation History.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
3. On the History panel click the needed task and then at the bottom.
4. Click Yes.

Supply Threshold Template Assignment

As Administrator you can configure when to consider a device supply (toner, drum, fuser, transfer) to be running out and
display alerts (e.g. empty toner) in the Device List. Basically, you can create a threshold template with device supply
levels (early warning, low, empty) and assign it to the needed devices. By default all devices are assigned the Default
System template.
A list of available templates is stored at Settings>Supply>Threshold Template. This page also allows you to create
your own custom templates. See “Creating Supply Level Template” on page 271.
The System provides the Threshold Template Assignment page for you to:
• assign supply threshold templates to devices (see “Assigning Supply Level Template” on page 90),
• unassign supply threshold templates from devices (see “Unassigning Supply Level Template” on page 91),
• export info about supply threshold templates (see “Exporting Info on Supply Level Templates” on page 91),
• print info about supply threshold templates (see “Printing Info on Supply Level Templates” on page 92).

Threshold Template Assignment Overview

To access the Threshold Template Assignment page in the Main Menu select Device>Supply>Threshold Template

(1) (3)


(2) (4)

The Domain drop-down list can be available only if the Managed Domain plugin is enabled. See “Domain” on page
The Threshold Template Assignment console consists of two panels:
• the left panel (1) consists of two sections to display a list of device groups and toolbars (2) to manage them (add,

• the right panel (3) displays the list of devices in the selected group (4) and provides a tool bar (5) for you to manage
their supply level templates (e.g. assign, unassign).
The right panel includes the following elements:

Click this icon to export the device list with supply templates info to a CSV file. See “Exporting
Info on Supply Level Templates” on page 91.
Click this icon to browse the device list with supply templates info in a printer-friendly format. See
“Printing Info on Supply Level Templates” on page 92.
Click this icon to refresh the device list.

The button is active only when a device(s) are selected. Click it to assign a supply threshold
template to a selected device(s). See “Assigning Supply Level Template” on page 90.
The icon is active only when a device(s) are selected. Click this icon to unassign a supply level
template of a selected device(s). See “Unassigning Supply Level Template” on page 91.
Select this checkbox to display all devices under the selected parent group and subgroups. If this
is not selected, only printers in the selected group will be displayed.
A search field for you to find the needed devices. See the details below.

Assigning Supply Level Template

To assign supply level template to a device(s):
5. Login as Administrator with Supply Threshold Management permission.
6. In the Main Menu select Device>Supply>Threshold Template Assignment.
7. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
8. On the left panel select the needed device group.
9. On the right panel select the devices you wish to assign a template to.
10. In the tool bar click the Assign Threshold Template button. The Assign Threshold Template dialog is displayed.

11. Select the checkbox of the needed template.

If no custom templates added, only a Default template is available in the list. You can click and add your own
template as described here. You can also use the following tools to manage the templates list:
• - click the icon to delete a selected template(s).
• - click the icon to copy a selected template as described here.
• - click the icon to modify a selected template as described here.
• drop-down list - select the needed option to filter the templates list (e.g. to view non-default templates).
• search field - enter the needed template name and click the magnifier icon to find it. See the details below.

12. Click Execute.
13. Click Close.
Unassigning Supply Level Template
To unassign supply level template of a device(s):
1. Login as Administrator with Supply Threshold Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Device>Supply>Threshold Template Assignment.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel select the needed device group.
5. On the right panel select the devices you wish to unassign a template(s) from.
6. In the tool bar click .
7. In the displayed dialog click Yes to confirm unassignment.

Viewing Info on Supply Level Templates

Info on supply level templates assigned to devices is stored on the Threshold Template Assignment page. To view the
info in the Main Menu select Device>Supply>Threshold Template Assignment. The device list table will be displayed
on the right panel. The Device Template column shows the names of the assigned templates (if any).
You can manage the table to view the info the way you need:
• sort the table by the column you need,
• add/remove columns,
• change the columns order,
• search the table.
To sort the table:
1. Hover the cursor over the column name you wish to sort by.
2. Click the displayed triangle icon.
3. In the displayed drop-down list select the sorting order (Sort Ascending or Sort Descending).
To add/remove columns:
1. Hover the cursor over a column name.
2. Click the displayed triangle icon.
3. In the displayed drop-down list select Custom.
4. Drag-and-drop the items you need to view in the table from Feature List section to Selected Features section or
vice versa, if you don’t need some items to be displayed in the table. Hold down Ctrl or Shift to select several items
at once.
You can also move selected items by clicking / icons. To move one item you can just double-click it.
You can search the Feature List section to quickly locate needed item. To do this in the search field enter the item
name and click the magnifier icon. The section will be updated to display only the item(s) matching your search
request. The search field will be highlighted in yellow. As long as the search field is yellow, the section displays only the items
matching the search request. To view all available items again, clear the search string and click the magnifier icon.
5. Click OK.
To change the columns order click a column header and drag-and-drop the column to the needed position. You can
also change the columns order as you add/remove them. To do this in the Selected Features section select the needed
item(s) and drag-and-drop it to the needed position or click icons to move the selected items to a position up or
down correspondingly.
To search the table enter the search string in the search field above the table and press Enter or click the magnifier icon.
The search field will be highlighted in yellow. As long as the search field is yellow, the table displays only the items matching the search
request. To view all available items again, clear the search string and click the magnifier icon.
Do not forget to press Enter/click the magnifier icon every time you change the search string. Otherwise the search
results won’t be updated.
Exporting Info on Supply Level Templates
You can export information on supply level templates assigned to your devices into an CSV file.
To export info on supply level templates:
1. Login as Administrator with Supply Threshold Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Device>Supply>Threshold Template Assignment.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel select the device group you wish to export info about. The list of the corresponding devices is
displayed on the right panel.
5. In the top right corner of the right panel click and select CSV.
6. In the displayed dialog select to open or save the exported CSV file.

Printing Info on Supply Level Templates
When you view info on supply level templates assigned to your devices, you can print it out. To do this:
1. Login as Administrator with Supply Threshold Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Device>Supply>Threshold Template Assignment.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel select the device group you wish to print info about. The list of the corresponding devices is
displayed on the right panel.
5. On the top right corner of the right panel click and select:
• Print this page (Only list) to print only the list of the currently displayed page,
• Print all pages (Only list) to print the whole list (in case it takes several pages).
As you select the needed option, the device info is displayed in a new browser window in a printer-friendly format.
Therefore, you can print it as you do it with any other document.

Profile Monitor
The System allows you to create and assign device property profiles to track device settings. See “Device Profiles” on
page 57. If you have the Monitor Profiles permission, you can monitor whether current configuration of certain devices
meets the settings of the assigned profile. If it does not, the profile is violated, i.e. its status is Violated. The System
provides the Profile Monitor page for you to monitor and manage device profiles as follows:
• view a list of devices with a profile assigned and its status shown (see “Viewing Profile Monitor Device List” on page
• export info about devices with a profile assigned (see “Exporting Profile Monitor Device List” on page 93),
• print info about devices with a profile assigned (see “Viewing Profile Monitor Device List in Printable Format” on page
• unassign profiles from devices (see “Unassigning Device Profile” on page 94),
• delete device profiles (see “Deleting Device Profile” on page 94).

Profile Monitor Overview

To access Profile Monitor in the Main Menu select Device>Profile Monitor.

(1) (4)



The Domain drop-down list can be available only if the Managed Domain plugin is enabled. See “Domain” on page

The Profile Monitor consists of two panels:
• the left panel displays a list of device profiles (1) and a button to delete them (2).
• the right panel displays a list of devices (3) with a profile selected on the left panel. The panel also provides a tool
bar (4) for you to manage the device list (e.g. view, unassign profiles).

Toolbar for Profile Monitor Device List

Statistics bar showing number of devices with violated profile. Click the yellow icon to view
the corresponding device list.
Click this icon to export the device list with the selected profile to a CSV file. You can do
this the same way as in the Device Management console. See “Exporting Profile Monitor
Device List” on page 93.
Click this icon to browse the device list in a printer-friendly format.

Click this icon to initiate data collection for the selected device(s). See “Device Data
Collection” on page 261.
Click this icon to refresh the device list.

The button is active only when a device(s) is selected. Click this button to unassign a profile
from the selected device. See “Unassigning Device Profile” on page 94 .
Use the drop-down menu to filter the device list by device profile status.

A search field for you to find the needed devices. You can do this the same way as in the
Device List. See “Searching Device List” on page 32.

Viewing Profile Monitor Device List

To view device list in Profile Monitor:
1. In the Main Menu select Device>Profile Monitor.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain the needed devices belong to.
3. On the left panel select the needed device profile.
4. On the right panel view the device list with the selected profile assigned.
The device list is displayed as a table. The table column set and order depends of the device profile settings. The
following columns are displayed by default:
• Host Name. The column shows the device host name.
• Model Name. The column shows the device model name.
• Profile Status. The column shows whether the device current configuration meets the profiles settings. If yes, Ok is
displayed. If no, Violated is displayed.
• Profile Violation Time. The column shows when the device profile was violated, i.e. the device configuration
became different from the profile settings.
The violated property column is highlighted in red. Hover the cursor over the column to view the property value defined in
the device profile.
You can manage the profile monitor device list as follows:
• customize columns (add, remove, sort, change order) the same way as for the device list in the Device
Management page. See “Customizing Device List Columns” on page 27. However, the column set and order is
dynamic. So, your changes will not be saved, when you browse the device list next time. The column set and order
will be as defined in the device profile.
• sort by profile status. To do this select the needed status (Ok or Violated) from the status drop-down menu above
the device list. You can also click to view all devices with the violated profile.
• search the needed device. To do this enter the needed device host name in the search field above the device
list and click the magnifier icon. The device list will be updated to display only the device(s) matching your search
request. The search field will be highlighted in yellow. As long as the search field is yellow, the section displays only the devices
matching the search request. To view all device list again, clear the search string and click the magnifier icon.

Exporting Profile Monitor Device List

Within Profile Monitor you can export info about devices with certain profile assigned. The device list is exported to a
CSV file. To export the device list of a certain profile:

1. In the Main Menu select Device>Profile Monitor.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain the needed profile belongs to.
3. On the left panel select the needed profile.
4. In the top right corner of the right panel click and select CSV.
5. In the standard File Download dialog choose to save or open the exported file correspondingly.

Viewing Profile Monitor Device List in Printable Format

You might need to print out info about devices with certain profile assigned. Therefore, the System allows you to browse it
in a printer-friendly format. To do this:
1. In the Main Menu select Device>Profile Monitor.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain the needed profile belongs to.
3. On the left panel select the needed profile.
4. In the top right corner of the page click and select:
• Print this page (Only list) to print only the device list of the currently displayed page,
• Print all pages (Only list) to print the whole device list (in case it takes several pages).
As you select the needed option, the device list is displayed in a new browser tab/window in a printer-friendly format.
Therefore, you can print it as you do it with any other document.

Unassigning Device Profile

Within Profile Monitor you can unassign profile from device(s). To do this:
1. In the Main Menu select Device>Profile Monitor.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain the needed devices belong to.
3. On the left panel select the profile you wish to unassign from devices.
4. On the right panel select the checkboxes of the devices to unassign the profile from.
5. Click the Unassign Profiles button.
Deleting Device Profile
Within Profile Monitor you can delete unneeded device profiles.
To delete a device profile:
1. In the Main Menu select Device>Profile Monitor.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain the unneeded profile belongs to.
3. On the left panel select the profile you wish to delete.
4. At the bottom of the panel click .

Multi-Domain Device Management
If the Managed Domains plug-in is enabled in the System, you can use Multi-Domain Device Management page to:
• view devices by domain (see “Viewing Multi-Domain Device List” on page 97),
• move devices from one group to another across domains (see “Moving Device from One Group to Another” on page
• assign Site Manager to a device (see “Assigning Site Manager to Device” on page 97),
• manage device groups within domains (see “Groups in Multi-Domain Device Management” on page 98).
Multi-Domain Device Management Overview
To access Multi-Domain Device Management in the Main Menu select Device>Multi-Domain Device Management.






The Multi-Domain Device Management consists of the following sections:

Managed The section (1) displays a list of available domains created via the Domain Menu. See “Domain”
Domains on page 118.
Device Groups The Device Groups section (2) displays device groups grouped by domains selected in the
Managed Domain section. The Domains group includes devices from all selected domains. By
default each domain includes the following groups:
• Ungrouped. The group includes the domain devices not assigned to any group.
• Grouped. The group is a root group for you to create and manage your own sub-groups
under and add domain devices to them.
You can use the group toolbar (3) to create, delete, and edit the groups the same way as in the
Device Management console. See “Simple Device Groups” on page 35.

Multi-Domain Device Management_95

Dynamic Groups The Dynamic Groups section (4) displays groups and sub-groups to which devices are added
automatically according to their specific properties. A set of available groups depends on the
domain(s) selected in the Managed Domain section. The following groups are predefined per
each domain:
• Model Group. The group shows devices of the selected domain(s) by their model. A new
model group is automatically created as a device of a new model is added to the system. Yet
it is not automatically removed as all its devices are deleted (to avoid performance issues).
The Clean feature is designed for this purpose.
• Color/Mono Group. The group shows devices of the selected domain(s) by their color type.
• On/Off Group. The group shows devices of the selected domain(s) by their status (turned
on, off, or error).
• Suspicious Devices. The group shows devices of the selected domain(s) with seemingly
incorrect or missing properties. It includes the following subgroups:
• Duplicate Ip Address. This subgroup displays the devices having the same IP
• Wrong Serial Number. This subgroup displays the devices having no serial number or
a serial number that consists of zeros and dashes only.
• Strange Counters. This subgroup displays the devices with strange printing data. For
example, the printed pages number collected lately is less then previously collected
value or difference between the two collected values is huge.
• Missing Data from Device. This subgroup displays the devices which are connected,
but it is impossible to get any data from them.
• No data for Long Time. This subgroup displays the devices which have been
in a disconnected state for a long period of time. You can set up this period in
Settings>Device>Status Settings.
• Site Manager. The group shows devices by the Site Manager they are managed by. The
group includes Site Managers of the selected domain(s).
• Custom Group. The group is a root group for you to create your own dynamic subgroups
under. The devices will be automatically added to them according to the conditions you’ve
specified. By default the group includes domain subgroups according to domain(s) selected
in the Managed Domain section.
You can use the group toolbar (5) to create, delete, and edit the dynamic groups the same way as
in the Device Management console. See “Dynamic Device Groups” on page 36.
Multi-Domain The section (6) displays a list of devices in the selected domain group and a toolbar (7) to
Device List manage them.

Toolbar for Multi-Domain Device List

Statistics bar showing number of devices in the selected domain group by their status:
• Error: shows how many devices have errors (e.g. no paper).
• Warning: shows how many devices might encounter an error in the future. For
example, a device might have a low toner.
• New: shows how many devices are newly discovered.
Click this icon to export the device list of the selected domain group to a CSV file. You
can do this the same way as from the Device Management page. See “Exporting Device
Group List” on page 38.
Click this icon to browse the device list in a printer-friendly format.

Click this icon to view the chart showing the device usage statistics (number of printed
pages per day) of the selected domain group.
Click this icon to refresh the device list.

The button is active only when a device(s) is selected. Click this button to define which Site
Manager will handle the selected device. See “Assigning Site Manager to Device” on page

Multi-Domain Device Management_96

The icon is active, when a device(s) is selected. Click this icon to delete a device from the
System the same way as in the Device Management console. See “Deleting Devices” on
page 33.
The icon is active, when a device(s) is selected. Click this icon to specify device connection
settings the same way as in the Device Management console. See “Connection Settings”
on page 41.
Select this checkbox to display all devices under the parent group and subgroups. If this is
not selected, only printers in the selected group are displayed.
Use the drop-down menu to filter the device list by device status the same as on the Device
Management page. See “Filtering Device List” on page 30.
A search field for you to find the needed devices the same way as on the Device
Management page. See “Searching Device List” on page 32.

Viewing Multi-Domain Device List

The System allows you to view the devices you add to the System and include in different domains. To do this:
1. Login as Administrator with Multi-Domain Device Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Device>Multi-Domain Device Management. The Multi-Domain Device Management
page is displayed.
3. On the left panel select the checkbox(es) of the domains including devices you need to view. To select all domains
select the Name checkbox.
4. In the Device Groups/Dynamic Groups section select the needed device group.
The group set includes only the groups of the selected domain(s).
5. View the device list on the right panel.
The device list is a table where each column represents a device parameter and its value. It looks and feels the same way
as in the Device Management console. So, you can manage it correspondingly:
• customize columns,
• filter the content,
• search the content,
• view device details.
You can perform the listed operations the same way as for the Device List on the Device Management page. See
“Customizing Device List Columns” on page 27, “Filtering Device List” on page 30, “Searching Device List” on page
32, “Viewing a Device Details” on page 32.

Moving Device from One Group to Another

Within Multi-Domain Device Management you can move a device from one group to another. The destination group can
belong to a different domain. So, as you move a device from one domain to another, make sure the destination domain
includes a site manager that can access the device. Assign this site manager to the device (see “Assigning Site Manager
to Device” on page 97). Otherwise, you will not be able to manage the device within the destination domain.
To move a device to another group:
1. Login as Administrator with Multi-Domain Device Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Device>Multi-Domain Device Management. The Multi-Domain Device Management
page is displayed.
3. On the left panel in the Managed Domain section select the domain including a device(s) you need to move to
another group.
4. In the Device Groups section select the group containing the needed device(s).
5. On the right panel select the checkboxes of the needed devices.
6. Drag and drop them to the needed group folder in the Device Groups section.

Assigning Site Manager to Device

Within Multi-Domain Device Management the System allows you to define which Site Manager should communicate
with and manage a device(s). A device can be assigned only a Site Manager that belongs to the same domain as the
To assign a Site Manager to a device:
1. Login as Administrator with Multi-Domain Device Management and Assign Site Managers to Devices permissions.
2. In the Main Menu select Device>Multi-Domain Device Management. The Multi-Domain Device Management
page is displayed.

Multi-Domain Device Management_97

3. On the left panel select the checkbox of the domain including the needed device(s).
4. In the Device Groups/Dynamic Groups section select the needed device group.
5. On the right panel select the checbox(es) of the needed device(s).
6. Click the Assign Site Manager button above the device list. The Assign Site Manager for devices dialog is

7. From the Site manager drop-down list select the needed Site Manager.
8. Click Apply.
Groups in Multi-Domain Device Management
Within Multi-Domain Device Management devices are organized per simple Device Groups and Dynamic Groups
displayed on the left panel. You can manage them the same way as in the Device Management page. See “Device
Groups” on page 35. The difference is first you need to select the domain where you wish to add, delete, or modify a
device group.

Multi-Domain Device Management_98

Local Device Agent
Local Device Agent is an application installed on a PC to enable the System to access and manage local devices. The
application installers are stored in the Local Device Agent file repository. See “Local Device Agent File Management” on
page 130. Users can download Local Device Agent installer from the repository and install it on their PC.
After that the System manages local devices as network ones. Management features are limited to:
• device discovery,
• device data collection,
• device firmware update.
The device discovery methods are limited to:
• Broadcast,
• IP range,
• CSV import,
• Single device discovery (plus icon above the Device List).
See “Device Discovery” on page 38. For single device discovery you need to enter the host name/IP address of the PC
the local device is connected to. No need to check the Local devices checkbox and enter any credentials.
Properties are collected from local devices via SNMP only. They are limited and depend on the device model and
The subsections below provide info on how to:
• install Local Device Agent (see “Local Device Agent Installation” on page 99),
• monitor Local Device Agent Installation History (see “Local Device Agent Installation History” on page 100).

Local Device Agent Installation

To install Local Device Agent on a PC:
1. In Windows Start menu select Control Panel.
2. Click Programs and Features.
3. Click Turn Windows features on or off.
4. In the displayed dialog select Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and WIMI SNMP Provider
5. Click OK.
6. If prompted, restart the computer to ensure the changes are applied.
7. Download the Local Device Agent installer (see “Downloading Local Device Agent File” on page 133).
8. Navigate to the local or network location where you downloaded the Local Device Agent installer and run it.
Depending on your Windows security settings, you might need to allow the installation steps in the corresponding
Windows security dialogs.
Also, anti-virus software (e.g. Symantec) can block installation. If so happens, use the anti-virus UI to allow the
Local Device Agent setup file.
9. Click Next. The SNMP Service Configuration dialog is displayed.

10. Select the needed SNMP connection option:

• SNMP v1/v2,

Local Device Agent_99

• SNMP v3,
• SNMP v1/v2/v3.
11. If SNMP v1/v2 is selected on the previous step:
a. In the SNMP read community field enter the password the System will use to send SNMP Get requests to
b. In the SNMP write community enter the password the System will use to send SNMP Set requests to devices.
If SNMP v3 is selected on the previous step:
c. In the User name field enter the user name the System will use to access the device SNMP agent.
d. From the Security mode drop-down list select:
• None,
• Auth, if you wish only authentication password to be checked, when the System tries to connect to the
• Auth and Privacy, if you wish both authentication and privacy passwords to be checked, when the
System tries to connect to the device.
e. (If Auth or Auth and Privacy is selected) From the Authentication protocol drop-down list select the algorithm
to encrypt the authentication password (MD5 or SHA).
f. (If Auth or Auth and Privacy is selected) In the Authentication password field enter the corresponding device
g. (If Auth or Auth and Privacy is selected) In the Repeat password field enter the Authentication password
once again.
h. (If Auth and Privacy is selected) From the Privacy protocol drop-down list select the algorithm to encrypt the
privacy password (DES or AES).
i. (If Auth and Privacy is selected) In the Privacy password field enter the device privacy password.
j. In the Repeat password field enter the Privacy password once again.
If SNMP v1/v2/v3 is selected on the previous step specify SNMP v1/v2 and SNMP v3 settings as described above.
12. Click Next. The Web Service Configuration dialog is displayed.

13. Enter the device web service configuration settings as follows:

a. In the ID field enter user name for connecting to Web Service via HTTP/HTTPS. Use either default user name
snmpadmin or your own.
b. In the Password field enter the user name password. If default user name is used, enter sec00000.
c. In the Repeat password field enter the password once again.
14. Click Next.
15. Click Install.
16. As the installation process is complete, click Finish.
You can view the installation results via the Local Device Agent Installation History.

Local Device Agent Installation History

The System allows you to track Local Device Installation info. All Local Device Agent installation tasks are stored on the
Local Device Agent Installation History page where you can:
• view a task result (see “Viewing Task Result” on page 101),
• delete tasks (see “Deleting Task” on page 102).

Local Device Agent_100

Local Device Agent Installation History Overview
To access Local Device Agent Installation History in the Main Menu select Device>Management History>Local
Device Agent Installation History.



The Domain drop-down menu can be available only if the Managed Domain plug-in is enabled. See “Domain” on
page 118.
The Local Device Agent Installation History page consists of two panels:
• the left panel (1) is divided into two sections:
• History (2). The section displays a list of completed tasks and a button to delete them (3). Next to each task
it is shown that the task runs once. The corresponding task instance is displayed (4) showing you the task
execution date and time.
Click / to sort the History by name/date and quickly locate a task.
• Calendar (5). The section shows you whether there are any tasks scheduled for a date. If a calendar day is
marked by a blue triangle, there are tasks scheduled for this day. You can click the day and select a task to
view its instance.
• the right panel (6) displays either a task results.

Viewing Task Result

To view Local Device Agent installation result:
1. Login as Administrator with Local Device Agent Installation History permission.
2. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Local Device Agent Installation History.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the History panel click plus icon of the needed task. The task instance is displayed under it.
5. Select the task instance.
6. View the results on the right panel.
The result is displayed as a table with the following columns by default:
• File Name. It shows the Local Device Agent setup file name.
• User. It shows the name of the user who performed Local Device Agent installation.
• Host IP Address. It shows the IP address of the computer where the Local Device Agent was installed.
• Time. It shows the date and time of Local Device Agent installation.
• Status. It shows whether the Local Device Agent installation was successful or failed.
• Results Description. It shows whether installation was completed or not.

Local Device Agent_101

Deleting Task
To delete a task:
1. Login as Administrator with Local Device Agent Installation History permission.
2. Select Main Menu>Device>Management History>Local Device Agent Installation History.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the History panel click the needed task and then at the bottom.
5. Click Yes.

Local Device Agent_102

The User menu supports all the user-related operations such as:
• user management (see “User Management” on page 103),
• user group management (see “User Group Management” on page 113),
• multi-domain user management (see “Multi-Domain User Management” on page 115).
This chapter provides detailed information on the sub-menus under the User menu that help you manage users and their
permissions in the System.

User Management
The System allows you to:
• add users (see “Adding Users” on page 104),
• assign roles to users (see “Adding Local User” on page 104),
• modify user info (see “Modifying User Information” on page 109),
• delete users (see “Deleting User” on page 109),
• assign users to managed domains (see “Assigning Managed Domains to Users” on page 110),
• view user info (see “Viewing User Information” on page 110),
• export user info (see “Exporting User Information” on page 112).
You can perform the listed operations from the User Management console.

User Management Console Overview

To access the User Management in the Main Menu hover the cursor over the User item and select User Management.





The Domain drop-down list and Managed Domain Assignment button can be available only if the Managed
Domain plugin is enabled. See “Domain” on page 118.
The User Management console consists of two panels:
• the left panel displays a list of user groups (1) and toolbar (2) to manage them (add, modify,delete) and a list of
LDAP user groups (if added) (3).
• the right panel displays the list of users (4) in the selected group and provides a tool bar (5) for you to manage users
(e.g. add, delete, modify, assign permissions, import from custom source).

Adding Users
You can add several types of users, including:
• local users,
• domain users,
• LDAP users.
To add users you need to have User List and Add User permissions.
All users are added to the general list of users (group All). In addition, you can add a user to a specific group (e.g. group
of administrators), if you create such a group and select it when adding the user. See “Creating User Group” on page
113 for group management details.

Adding Local User

You can add local user accounts directly to the System, if you wish users to access a certain System instance. As
you add local users, local authentication can be enabled. See “Enabling Local Authentication” on page 228.
To add a local user:
1. In the Main Menu hover the cursor over the User item and select User Management.
2. If the Managed Domain plug-in is installed and multiple domains are available, from the Domain drop-down
list select the needed domain to add a user to. See “Domain” on page 118.
3. In the User Groups panel select the group you need to add a user to.
You can select any group under the Grouped group.
4. In the right panel click .The System displays the Add User dialog.

5. In the User Account field specify the user account name.

6. In the Password field enter the user password to be used for local authentication.
7. In the Confirm password field enter the password once again for confirmation.
8. (Optional) In the Device account field specify the device account name the user will enter on the device to be
able to use the device functions (e.g. printing, scanning), in case Accounting is enabled (see “Accounting” on
page 208).
9. (If step 8 is performed) In the Device password field specify the password of the device the user will enter on
the device to be able to use the device functions (e.g. printing, scanning), in case Accounting is enabled (see
“Accounting” on page 208).
10. (Optional) Click the More Detailed Information icon and enter detailed user info (name, email, phone number,
address etc.).
11. Click Add.

Adding Domain Users

You can add your domain users to the System, in particular, if you need them to be logged into the System as soon
as they enter their Windows credentials. You can add domain users after you’ve added a domain (see “Adding an
NTLM Domain” on page 232).
There two ways of adding domain users:

• adding the needed users one-by-one manually;
• importing the list of the need users from a CSV file.
To add domain users manually:
1. In the Main Menu hover the cursor over the User item and select User Management.
2. If the Managed Domain plug-in is installed and multiple domains are available, from the Domain drop-down
list select the domain you wish to add a user to. See “Domain” on page 118.
3. In the User Groups panel select the group you need to add a user to.
You can select any group under the Grouped group.

4. In the right panel click . The System displays the Add User dialog.

5. Select the NTLM Domain User option.

6. In the NTLM Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
You must add an NTLM domain beforehand to be able to select it here (see “Adding an NTLM Domain” on
page 232).
7. In the NTLM User field specify the login of the user you need to add.
8. (Optional) Click the More Detailed Information icon and enter detailed user info
(name, email, phone number, address etc.)
9. Click Add.
If you enabled user validation when adding the NTLM domain the user belongs to (see “Adding an NTLM
Domain” on page 232), as you click Add the System checks whether the specified user exists. If not,
you’ll see a message saying that validation of domain user failed.
To import users from CSV file:
1. In the Main Menu hover the cursor over the User item and select User Management.
2. If the Managed Domain plugin is installed and multiple domains are available, from the Domain drop-down list
select the domain you wish to import users to. See “Domain” on page 118.
3. In the upper right corner click and select CSV.
4. In the right panel of the displayed Import From CSV dialog click Browse.
5. Upload the needed CSV file.
The CSV file must have the appropriate format. Use a CSV file exported for user import as a sample.
See “Exporting User Information” on page 112.
6. In the Import From CSV dialog click Next.
7. Select the checkboxes of the users you need to import.
8. (Optional) Select the Update existing users checkbox, if you need the existing user accounts to be replaced
by the imported ones in case of duplicates.
9. Click Execute.
10. View the imports results and click Close.

Adding LDAP Users

You can add your LDAP users to the System, in particular, if you wish to enable them to log into System using their
credentials stored on the corresponding LDAP server. You can add LDAP users after you’ve added an LDAP server
(see “Adding LDAP Server” on page 235).

To add LDAP users you need to import them from LDAP server as follows:
• import only selected LDAP users or
• import a list of all LDAP users and schedule it to be regularly updated according to LDAP changes, i.e.
schedule full synchronization.
To import LDAP users you need to have User List and Add User permissions.
To import only selected LDAP users:
1. In the Main Menu hover the cursor over the User item and select User Management.
2. If the Managed Domain plugin is installed and multiple domains are available, from the Domain drop-down list
select the domain to import users to. See “Domain” on page 118.
3. In the upper right corner click and select LDAP.
4. In the displayed Import From LDAP dialog in the LDAP servers drop-down list select the needed server.

If there no LDAP servers to select, click and add the needed server. See “Adding LDAP Server” on page
5. Select the Import selected users option.
6. Click Next. The Select Users dialog is displayed.

7. In the Select Users dialog in the LDAP field for user ID drop-down list select by which attribute users will be
searched in the LDAP directory. This attribute will be used in the System as a User Account.
You can select Custom and enter the needed LDAP custom field name, for example, email. Then LDAP
user list will be searched by user email. User email will be used as User Account.
8. In the User search DN field enter in which LDAP directory (DN) to search users. If possible, the System
defines and displays an LDAP server DN.
To ensure the DN is entered correctly, open your LDAP server browser and find the
distinguishedName of a user you need to import. For example, distinguishedName is
CN=John Smith,CN=Users,DC=sng,DC=samsung,DC=ru. Then User search DN is
9. (Optional) Select the Update existing users checkbox, if you need the existing user accounts to be replaced
by the imported ones in case of duplicates.
10. In the Search field enter your request or leave it empty, if you need to import all LDAP users. You can enter
only a user attribute specified in the LDAP field for user ID field, otherwise search does not work.
If needed, use a search mask (e.g. if you enter i.*, search results will include users i.smith, i.porter
etc.). You can also select the Use LDAP search syntax checkbox and enter the needed LDAP search
expression (e.g. (mail=* to search users by email).
11. Click Search.
12. In the search results table select the users you need to import. To select all users select the checkbox in the
header of the search results table.
13. Click Next. The System displays the LDAP Groups Import dialog.

14. In the Group import method field select the needed user group import option:
• Select None, if you do no need to import groups.
• Select DN based, if you need to import user groups according to the LDAP tree-based structure of DNs.
• Select Membership attribute based, if you need to import user groups according to a certain user
attribute (e.g. ‘memberOf’or ‘uniqieMemberOf’). The attribute value will be used as a user group name.
15. (If one of the two group import methods is selected on step 13) In the Group name attribute field specify
which LDAP user attribute value to use as a group name (e.g. ‘displayName’ or ‘description’).
16. (If one of the two group import methods is selected on step 13) In the Group base DN field specify a DN of the
LDAP tree to import groups from.
17. (If Membership attribute based is selected on step 13) In the Membership attribute field specify which LDAP
user attribute to use to import groups.
18. (If one of the two group import methods is selected on step 13) Click Test to test whether the group import
settings work.
If possible, the System defines and displays group import settings.
19. Click Finish.

20. Click Close. If import completes with errors, the error results are displayed. Review them and try import again,
if so needed.
To schedule full LDAP synchronization:
1. In the Main Menu hover the cursor over the User item and select User Management.
2. If the Managed Domain plugin is installed and multiple domains are available, from the Domain drop-down list
select the domain the needed users belong to. See “Domain” on page 118.
3. In the upper right corner click and select LDAP.
4. In the displayed Import From LDAP dialog in the LDAP servers drop-down list select the needed server.
If there no LDAP servers to select, click and add the needed server. See “Adding LDAP Server” on page
5. Select the Schedule full synchronization option. The scheduling options are displayed.

6. In the Schedule name field enter the user import task name.
7. Specify when the task must be initiated. The options are described in the table below.

Start now Select this option to start user import immediately.
Schedule Select this option, if you wish user import to start on a certain date. Then specify:
• Date & Time : select a date and time for user import to start.
• Interval : Select how often users will be imported. The system will regularly import users on
the same day/date and at the same time as the date/time selected for Date & Time.
8. Click Next.
9. In the displayed Select Users dialog specify LDAP field for user ID and User search DN as described in the
previous section.
10. In the Search field enter your request or leave it empty to check search of all LDAP users in the specified User
search DN. You can enter only a user attribute specified in the LDAP field for user ID field, otherwise, search
does not work.
11. Click Test to check whether the specified settings allow to import users.
12. Click Next.
If you haven’t checked the specified settings, a confirmation message is displayed. It prompts you to test the
settings. Otherwise, user import is not guaranteed. LDAP groups import settings cannot be checked.
13. In the LDAP Groups Import dialog specify the LDAP groups settings as described in the previous section.
Button Test is disabled, if you haven’t checked the user import settings.
14. Click Finish.
15. Click Close.

Assigning Roles to User
If you need to allow some users to perform certain actions only, you can assign them roles with the corresponding
You can assign roles to a user as follows:
• Make a user acquire the roles of the group he\she belongs to. In this case a user inherits the user group roles. It
means that if such a user is moved to another group, this user permissions are changed to the permissions of the
group he\she is moved to.
• Assign individual roles to a user. In this case if such a user is moved to another group, his\her permissions do not
To assign roles to users you need to have User List and Role Assignment permissions.
To assign roles to users:
1. In the Main Menu hover the cursor over the User item and select User Management.
2. If the Managed Domain plug-in is installed and multiple domains are available, from the Domain drop-down list
select the domain the needed user(s) belong to. See “Domain” on page 118.
3. In the right panel select a user(s) you need to assign a role to.
4. Click the Role Assignment button above the user list.
5. In the displayed Role Assignment dialog select whether you need the user(s) inherit the user group roles or acquire
individual roles.
6. (If Assign individual roles are selected on step 5) In the Role List table select the roles you need to assign. If the list
is empty, add the needed roles as follows:
a. Click in the header of the role list;
b. In the displayed Add Role dialog in the Role name field specify the role name.
c. Drag-and-drop the needed permissions from All permissions column to Selected permissions column. Hold
down Ctrl or Shift to select several permissions at once.
You can also click / icons to add/remove selected permissions. To add/remove one permission you
can just double-click it in the All permissions/Selected permissions column.
You can search the All permissions column to quickly locate needed permission. To do this at the
column bottom in the search field enter the permission name and click the magnifier icon. To search by
permission category (e.g. Device, User etc.) click , enter the category name, and click the magnifier
icon. The column will display only the permissions matching your search request. The search field will be
highlighted in yellow. As long as the search field is yellow, the column displays only the permissions matching the
search request. To view all available permissions again, clear the search string and click the magnifier icon.
d. Click Add. The role will appear in the role list and you’ll be able to select it.
7. Click Execute and Close.
After you’ve assigned roles to a user you can change them at any moment. To do this select the user and click
the Role Assignment button above the user list. Then change the roles as described above.

Modifying User Information

To modify user details you need to have User List and Modify User permissions.
To modify a user info follow these steps:
1. Select User > User Management.
2. If the Managed Domain plug-in is installed and multiple domains are available, from the Domain drop-down list
select the domain the needed user(s) belong to. See “Domain” on page 118.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select the group the needed user belongs to.
4. On the right panel select the user to edit.
5. Click above the user list.
6. In the displayed Edit User dialog change the needed info.
7. Click Save.

Deleting User
To delete a user you need to have User List and Delete User permissions.
To delete a user follow these steps:
1. Select User > User Management.
2. If the Managed Domain plugin is installed and multiple domains are available, from the Domain drop-down list
select the domain the needed user(s) belong to. See “Domain” on page 118.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select the group the needed user belongs to.
4. On the right panel select the user(s) to delete.

5. Click above the user list.
6. In the displayed Confirm dialog click Yes.
Assigning Managed Domains to Users
If the Managed Domain plug-in is enabled, multiple domains can be added to manage your printing environment. See
“Domain” on page 118. The System allows you as Administrator to restrict user access to certain domains only. You can
do that from User Management or Multi-Domain User Management page.
A user can access (view and/or manage) several domains, but always belongs to one.
To assign a domain(s) to a user(s) from the User Management page:
1. Login as Administrator with User List and Assign Managed Domain to User permissions.
2. In the Main Menu select User>User Management.
3. From the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed user(s).
4. On the User Group/LDAP User Group panel select the needed user group.
5. On the right panel select a user(s).
6. In the toolbox click the Managed Domain Assignment button. The Managed Domain Assignment dialog is

7. Select option:
• All domains to allow the user(s) access to all domains including the domains that will be created in future.
• No domains to allow the user(s) access only the domain they belong to.
• Selected domains to allow the user(s) access to certain domains. Then select the domains.
If you selected one user:
• the domain list includes the domains you have access to, excluding the domain the selected user
belongs to,
• the domain(s) already assigned to him/her are selected. You can deselect them and select others.
8. Click Finish.
9. Click Close.
Viewing User Information
You can view all the added users in the User List. To view user list select User > User Management. Then if the
Managed Domain plug-in is installed and multiple domains are available, from the Domain drop-down list select the
domain the needed users belong to. The user list will be displayed on the right panel. If you wish to view users from
certain group only, select the needed group on the left panel.
You can manage the list to view the user info you need by:
• sorting the list by the column you need,
• adding/removing columns displayed in the list,
• changing columns order,
• filtering the list to display only users of certain type,
• searching certain users.

In addition, you can view the detailed info about each user in the list.
To sort the user list:
1. Hover the cursor over the column name you wish to sort by.
2. Click the displayed triangle icon.
3. In the displayed drop-down list select the sorting order (Sort Ascending or Sort Descending).
To add/remove columns:
1. Hover the cursor over a column name.
2. Click the displayed triangle icon.
3. In the displayed drop-down list select Custom.
4. Drag-and-drop the items you need to view in the user list from Feature List section to Selected Features section
or vice versa, if you don’t need some items to be displayed in the user list. Hold down Ctrl or Shift to select several
items at once.
You can also move selected items by clicking / icons. To move one item you can just double-click it.
You can search the Feature List section to quickly locate needed item. To do this at the section bottom in the
search field enter the item name and click the magnifier icon. The section will be updated to display only the item(s)
matching your search request. The search field will be highlighted in yellow. As long as the search field is yellow, the section
displays only the items matching the search request. To view all available items again, clear the search string and click
the magnifier icon.
5. Click OK.
To change the columns order click a column header and drag-and-drop the column to the needed position. You can
also change the columns order as you add/remove them. To do this in the Selected Features section select the needed
item(s) and drag-and-drop it to the needed position or click icons to move the selected items to a position up or
down correspondingly.
To filter the list to display only users of certain type select the needed type (e.g. local, LDAP) from the drop-down
menu above the user list.
To search users enter user account or user name in the search field above the user list and press Enter or click the
magnifier icon. The search field will be highlighted in yellow. As long as the search field is yellow, the user list displays only the users
matching the search request. To view all users again, clear the search string and click the magnifier icon.
Do not forget to press Enter/click the magnifier icon every time you change the search string. Otherwise the search
results won’t be updated.
To view detailed user info double-click the needed user in the list. The details will be displayed.

The details are displayed in the Common tab showing general user info. The Assigned Domain List tab shows the
domains the user has access to. It can be available, if the Managed Domain plug-in is enabled.
Viewing User List in a Printable Format
You might need to print out a User List. Therefore, the System allows you to browse it in a printer-friendly format. To
do this:
1. In the Main Menu select User>User Management.
2. If the Managed Domain plugin is installed and multiple domains are available, from the Domain drop-down list
select the domain the needed users belong to.
3. Customize the displayed User List the way you need (see “Viewing User Information” on page 61).
4. In the top right corner of the page click and select:
• Print this page (Only list) to print only the list of the currently displayed page,
• Print all pages (Only list) to print the whole list (in case it takes several pages).

As you select the needed option, the User List will be displayed in a new browser tab/window in a printer-friendly
format. Therefore, you can print it as you do it with any other document.
If you view the User List using IE and HTTPS connection is enabled (see “Configuring HTTPS Connection” on page
226), the Certificate Error will be displayed in a new browser tab/window. Do not close it, but repeat step 3. The
User List will be displayed in a new browser tab/window in a printer-friendly format.
To avoid IE problem in future configure your IE as follows:
1. Browse to the site whose certificate you want to trust.
2. When There is a problem with this website’s security certificate appears, choose Continue to this
website (not recommended).
3. Select Tools>Internet Options.
4. Select Security>Trusted sites>Sites.
5. Confirm the URL matches and click Add then Close.
6. Click OK or Cancel to close the Internet Options dialog.
7. Refresh the current page.
8. When There is a problem with this website’s security certificate appears, choose Continue to this
website (not recommended).
9. Click Certificate Error at the right of the address bar and select View certificates.
10. Click Install Certificate..., then in the wizard click Next.
11. On the next page select Place all certificates in the following store.
12. Click Browse, select Trusted Root Certification Authorities, and click OK.
13. Back in the wizard click Next, then Finish.
14. If you get the Security Warning message, click Yes.
15. Click OK to close the message.
16. Select Tools>Internet Options.
17. Select Security>Trusted sites>Sites.
18. Select the URL you just added, click Remove, then Close.
19. Now shut down all running instances of IE and start up IE again.
20. The site’s certificate should now be trusted.

Exporting User Information

User information is displayed in the user list (see “Viewing User Information” on page 61). You can export this info into
a CSV file to:
• share it with other people, if needed. In this case the exported CSV file includes any info you’ve customized the user
list to display.
• use it as a source for importing users. In this case the CSV file includes only the user info (in the appropriate format)
required for successful user import. You can use this file as a sample for your user imports.
To export the user information for sharing:
1. In the Main Menu hover the cursor over the User item and select User Management.
2. If the Managed Domain plug-in is installed and multiple domains are available, from the Domain drop-down list
select the domain the needed users belong to. See “Domain” on page 118.
3. On the left panel select the user group you wish to export info about. The list of the corresponding users will be
displayed on the right panel.
You can manage the list to display the info you need (see “Viewing User Information” on page 61).
4. In the top right corner of the right panel click and select CSV.
5. In the standard File Download dialog choose to save or open the exported file.
To export the user information for user import:
1. In the Main Menu hover the cursor over the User item and select User Management.
2. If the Managed Domain plug-in is installed and multiple domains are available, from the Domain drop-down list
select the domain the needed user(s) belong to. See “Domain” on page 118.
3. (Optional) On the left panel select the user group you wish to export info about. The list of the corresponding users
will be displayed on the right panel.
4. In the top right corner of the right panel click and select CSV for editing and import.
5. In the standard File Download dialog choose to save or open the exported file correspondingly.
If the Accounting plug-in is enabled, the exported file includes the Device account and Device password columns.
See “Accounting” on page 208.

User Group Management
The System allows you to create groups to make user management easier. For example, you might need to have a group
of administrators with a range of permissions regular users are not supposed to have. You can also create different admin
groups with different permissions.
User groups are managed from the left panel of the User console (Main Menu>User). By default, there are two groups
• All. This is a group representing general user list. All the users belong in here by default. You cannot create your
groups under this group.
• Grouped. This is the group you can create your own user groups under.

Creating User Group

To create a user group:
1. In the Main Menu hover the cursor over the User item and select User Management.
2. If the Managed Domain plug-in is installed and multiple domains are available, from the Domain drop-down list
select the needed domain. See “Domain” on page 118.
3. On the left panel select the group you wish to create your group under.
You can select either Grouped group or any other group under it.
4. At the bottom of the left panel click .
5. In the displayed Add Group dialog in the Group name field enter the group name.
6. In the Description field enter the group description.
7. Deselect the Inherit roles from parent group checkbox, if you wish to assign individual permissions to the group.
Leave the checkbox selected, if you need your group to have the same permissions as the group it is located under.
8. (if the Inherit roles from parent group checkbox is deselected on step 7) Click and:
a. In the displayed Select Roles dialog select the checkboxes of the roles you wish you group to have. If the role
list is empty, add the needed roles as described above.
b. Click OK.
9. Click Add.
Editing a User Group
The System allows you to modify user groups. You can change roles assigned to a user group. You can also edit
the group name and description, in case the group is created manually. If the group is predefined (All, Ungrouped,
Grouped), the mentioned info cannot be changed.
To edit a user group information, follow these steps:
1. Select User > User Management.
2. If the Managed Domain plugin is installed and multiple domains are available, from the Domain drop-down list
select the needed domain. See “Domain” on page 118.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select the group to edit.
4. Click at the bottom of the left panel.
5. (If needed and allowed) In the Edit Group edit the group name and description.
6. Deselect the Inherit roles from parent group checkbox, if you wish to assign individual permissions to the group or
select the checkbox, if you need your group to have the same permissions as the group it is located under.
7. (if the Inherit roles from parent group checkbox is deselected on step 6) Change the roles assigned to the group:
• to remove roles select them and click .
• to add roles click and:
a. In the Select Roles dialog select the roles you wish to assign to the group. If the role list is empty, click
to add the needed roles.
b. Click OK.
8. Click Save.

Deleting a User Group
The System allows you to delete user groups, if they are created manually (under the Grouped group). If a group is
predefined (All, Ungrouped, Grouped), it can not be deleted.
To delete a user group, follow these steps:
1. Select User > User Management.
2. If the Managed Domain plug-in is installed and multiple domains are available, from the Domain drop-down list
select the needed domain. See “Domain” on page 118.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select the group to delete.
4. Click at the bottom of the panel.
5. In the displayed Confirm dialog click Yes.

Moving a User to Another Group

The System allows you to move users from one group to another. To do this drag and drop the needed user to the needed
group. Remember that in this case if a user is set up to inherit user group permissions, the user roles will change.

Multi-Domain User Management
If the Managed Domains plug-in is installed and enabled in the System, you can use Multi-Domain User Management
view to:
• view users by domain (see “Viewing Multi-Domain User List” on page 116),
• manage users in the needed domains (See “Managing Users within Domains” on page 117),
• manage user groups in the needed domains (see “Managing User Groups within Domains” on page 117).

Multi-Domain User Management View

To access Multi-Domain User Management view in the Main Menu select User>Multi-Domain User Management.

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The Multi-Domain User Management view consists of the following sections:

Managed The section (1) displays a list of available domains created via the Domain Menu. See “Domain”
Domains on page 118.
User Groups The User Groups section (2) displays user groups grouped by domains selected in the Managed
Domain section. The All Domains group includes users from all selected domains. By default
each domain includes the following groups:
• Ungrouped. The group includes the domain users not assigned to any group.
• Grouped. The group is a root group for you to create and manage your own sub-groups
under and add domain users to them.
You can use the group toolbar (3) to create, delete, and edit the groups the same way as in the
User Management console. See “Managing Simple Device Groups” on page 46.
LDAP User The LDAP User Groups section (4) displays user groups and sub-groups imported from an
Groups LDAP server. See “Adding LDAP Users” on page 105. A set of available LDAP groups depends
on the domain(s) selected in the Managed Domain section.
Multi-Domain The section (5) displays a list of users in the selected domain group and a toolbar (6) to manage
User List them. See “Viewing Multi-Domain User List” on page 116.

Multi-Domain User Management_115

Toolbar for Multi-Domain User List
Click this icon to import users from a CSV file or an LDAP server. You can do this the same
way as in the User Management console. See “Adding Domain Users” on page 104 and
“Adding LDAP Users” on page 105.
Click this icon to export the user list of the selected domain group to a CSV file. You can do
this the same way as in the User Management console. See “Exporting User Information”
on page 112.
Click this icon to browse the user list in a printer-friendly format the same way as in the
User Management console. See “Viewing User List in a Printable Format” on page 111.
Click this icon to refresh the user list.

Click this button to assign roles to the selected users the same way as in the User
Management console. See “Assigning Roles to User” on page 109.

Click this button to assign managed domains to the selected users the same way as in the
User Management console. See “Assigning Managed Domains to Users” on page 110.

Click this icon to add a user to the selected domain group the same way as in the User
Management console. See “Adding Local User” on page 104 and “Adding Domain Users”
on page 104.
The icon is active, when a user(s) is selected. Click this icon to delete a user from the
selected domain the same way as in the User Management console. See “Deleting User”
on page 109.
The icon is active, when a user is selected. Click this icon to modify a user info the same
way as in the User Management console. See “Modifying User Information” on page 109.
Use the drop-down menu to filter the users by type (Local, LDAP, Domain).

A search field for you to find the needed users. Enter an account or user name and press
Enter or click the magnifier icon. The search field will be highlighted in yellow. As long as the
search field is yellow, the user list displays only the users matching the search request. To view all
users again, clear the search string and click the magnifier icon. Do not forget to press
Enter/click the magnifier icon every time you change the search string. Otherwise, the
search results won’t be updated.

Viewing Multi-Domain User List

The System allows you to view the users you add to the System and include in different domains. To do this:
1. In the Main Menu select User>Multi-Domain User Management.
2. On the left panel of the displayed Multi-Domain User Management page select the checkbox(es) of the domains
including users you need to view. To select all domains select the Name checkbox.
3. In the User Groups/LDAP User Groups section select the needed users group.
The group set includes only the groups of the selected domain(s).
4. View the user list on the right panel.
The user list is a table where each column represents a user parameter and its value. It looks and feels the same way as
in the User Management console. So, you can manage it correspondingly:
• sort the list by the column you need,
• add/remove columns or change their order,
• filter the list to display only users of certain type,
• search certain users.
Perform the listed operations the same way as for the User List in the User Management console. See “Viewing User
Information” on page 110.

Exporting and Printing Multi-Domain User List

Within Multi-Domain User Management view you can export a domain(s) User List to a CSV file or view it in a printable
format. You can do this the same way as in the User Management console. See “Exporting User Information” on page
112 and “Viewing User List in a Printable Format” on page 111.
The difference is first you need to select the domain whose User List you wish to export/view in a printable format.

Multi-Domain User Management_116

Managing Users within Domains
Within Multi-Domain User Management view you can manage users of the needed domains as follows:
• add users,
• assign roles to users,
• modify user info,
• delete users,
• assign users to managed domains.
Perform the listed operations the same way as in the User Management console. See “User Management” on page
103. The difference is first you need to select the domain where you wish to perform the operation.

Managing User Groups within Domains

Within Multi-Domain User Management view you can manage users groups of the needed domains as follows:
• create user group,
• edit user group,
• delete user group,
• move a user to another domain group.
Perform the listed operations the same way as in the User Management console. See “User Group Management” on
page 113. The difference is first you need to select the domain where you wish to perform the operation.

Multi-Domain User Management_117

The Domain menu allows you as Administrator to create and manage domains. It is available on condition that the
Managed Domain plug-in is installed and you have at least the Domain and Site Manager permission.
A domain is an entity assigned to the System instance. It includes devices, users, and settings of different networks.
The System communicates and manages network devices with the help of the Site Manager application. Site Manager
(SM) can be:
• builtin. It is embedded in the System and manages devices of a network the System belongs to. Each System
instance has a built in SM.
• external. It is installed and runs in a network the System cannot access directly due to NAT/firewall restrictions. An
external Site Manager can be installed on a PC or device. See “Installing External Site Manager” on page 13.
A company can have several device networks with several SMs correspondingly. For example, you as Administrator have
a Customer company located in 2 offices. Each office has its own network devices managed via the System with the help
of 2 SMs accordingly. So, you can create the Customer domain with 2 SM assigned.
You can create several domains on one System instance. Then you will be able to manage devices by domain as well as
get cross-domain reporting. Additionally, you can create admin users and restrict their access to certain domain only (to
share responsibilities and meet security requirements). See “Assigning Roles to User” on page 109.
As the number of devices exceeds 10 000, you can add another instance. Domains can be assigned to the new instance,
but instance can exist without any domains assigned to it. However, if you wish to manage your devices by domains in
multi-nstance System, make sure you assign a domain to the new instance.
The total number of domains you can create in the System (including one or multiple instances) is 100. The total number
of Site Managers allowed in the System (including one or multiple instances) is 300. The maximum number of supported
instances is 3.

Site Management Console Overview

To access Site Management console in the Main Menu hover the cursor over the Domain item and select Site

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The Site Management console consists of two panels:

• the left panel (1) displays Site Manager groups:
• the Unassigned group including Site Managers not assigned to any domain.
• the Assigned group including Site Managers assigned to certain domains. Domains are added under this
• the All group includes all Site Managers (assigned to and unassigned from domains).

The left panel also provides a toolbar (2) to manage domains (add, delete, reassign).
• the right panel (3) displays a list of Site Managers (4) in the selected domain/group and a toolbar (5) to manage
them (assign to/unassign from domain, delete, modify).

Creating Domain
To create a domain:
1. In the Main Menu select Domain>Site Manager. The Site Manager page is displayed.
2. On the left panel click . The Add Domain dialog is displayed.

3. In the Domain name field enter the domain name.

4. (Optional) In the Description field provide the domain details.
5. In the Server Instance Assignment section select the checkbox of the instance that will manage the domain.
You can assign domain to one instance only.
6. Click Add.
As the domain is created, you need to assign SMs which manage the devices you wish to include in the domain.
See “Assigning Site Manager to Domain” on page 120. As you install the first System instance, a Default domain is
automatically created and a built-in Site Manager is assigned to it. You cannot delete them, change instance and names.
The default Site Manager name is according to the name of the instance where the Site Manager is created.

Reassigning Domain
If you have several System instances, you can reassign domains from one instance to another. This might help, for
example, if an instance must go under maintenance and will be unavailable for some time.
To reassign a domain to another instance:
1. In the Main Menu select Domain>Site Manager. The Site Manager page is displayed.
2. On the left panel select the domain you wish to reassign.
3. Click . The Edit Managed Domain page is displayed.

4. (Optional) Modify the domain name and description.
5. In the Server Instance Assignment section select the needed instance.
6. Click Save.

Deleting Domain
The System allows you to delete a domain. For example, it can be needed, if you have several System instances, but
wish to scale down to one.
You cannot delete the Default domain. The Default domain is automatically created as you install the first System
instance. You cannot delete it, change its instance, and name.
To delete a domain:
1. In the Main Menu select Domain>Site Manager. The Site Manager page is displayed.
2. On the left panel select the domain you wish to delete.
3. Click . The System displays the Delete Managed Domain dialog.

If there are no devices in the domain, the dialog will contain the corresponding info. You will need to click Apply to
delete the domain.
4. Select:
• Move all devices to another Managed Domain option, if you need to manage the devices via a different
domain. Then select the domain and SM that will manage the devices.
• Delete all devices from the System option, if you do not need to manage them any more.
5. Click Apply.

Assigning Site Manager to Domain

As you add a domain, you need to assign SM(s) which manage the devices you wish to include in the domain. The builtin
SM is assigned automatically. But you can assign it to another domain as well. Any Site Manager can be assigned to
many managed domains.
To assign SM to domain:
1. In the Main Menu select Domain>Site Manager. The Site Manager page is displayed.
2. On the right panel select the checkbox(es) of SM you wish to assign to a domain.
3. Click the Assign to Managed Domain button. The Assign Site Manager to Managed Domain dialog is displayed.

4. Select the needed domain.
5. Click Apply. The Information dialog is displayed.

6. Click OK.

Unassigning Site Manager from Domain

If you do not need a SM in a domain, you can unassign it from the domain. In this case the System allows you either to
remove the corresponding devices from the System or re-assign them to another Site Manager.
To unassign a Site Manager from a domain:
1. In the Main Menu select Domain>Site Manager. The Site Manager page is displayed.
2. On the left panel select the domain you wish to unassign a SM from.
3. On the right panel select the SM you wish to unassign.
4. Click the Unassign from Managed Domain button. The Unassign Site Manager from the Managed Domain

If SM is not used to communicate with any devices, the dialog will contain the corresponding info. You will need to
click Apply to unassign it.
5. Select:
• Assign all devices to another Site Manager option, if you need to still wish to manage the devices. Then
select the needed Site Manager.
• Delete all devices from the System option, if you do not need to manage them any more.
6. Click Apply.

Modifying Site Manager Info

The System allows you to modify a Site Manager description. A Site Manager name and the Connected to instance URL
are specified when the Site Manager is registered. They cannot be modified in the System. You can unregister the Site
Manager and then register it with a new name/instance.
To modify a Site Manager description:
1. In the Main Menu select Domain>Site Manager. The Site Manager page is displayed.
2. On the left panel select the group the needed Site Manager belongs to.
3. On the right panel select the checkbox of the Site Manager.
4. Click . The Edit Site Manager dialog is displayed.

5. Modify the Site Manager description.
6. Click Save.

Unregistering Site Manger

The System allows you to remove external Site Manager from the System. You need to unassign a Site Manager from all
domains, before you can remove it. See “Unassigning Site Manager from Domain” on page 121.
A builtin Site Manager cannot be removed.
To remove an external Site Manager:
1. In the Main Menu select Domain>Site Manager. The Site Manager page is displayed.
2. On the left panel select Unassigned.
3. On the right panel select the checkbox of the Site Manager you wish to remove.
4. Click . The Confirm dialog is displayed.

5. Click Yes.

Mobile Dashboard
A new feature in the System is the ability to view widgets on your network-connected mobile device. Being able to monitor
devices away from your desk is a useful new feature to assist in productivity and less down time for devices.

The Mobile Dashboard application is one of the latest additions to the System. It is developed to access networked
devices from anywhere. Mobile Dashboard enables users to efficiently manage and monitor network connected devices
added to the System on a network-enabled, hand-held platform. This application integrates the System Dashboard
widgets and displays them on the mobile device.
The Mobile Dashboard requires an active network for the application to run. So, you need to configure the network
settings on your mobile device to gain access to the System server.

Application Navigation
You can access the Mobile Dashboard at , where
• “ip_address” is the IP address of the machine where the System is installed.
• “port_number” is the web server port number you entered during installation.
The dashboard looks as follows:

The maximum number of widgets on the Mobile Dashboard is 5.

The table below provides description of the Mobile Dashboard navigation items:


logout Click to logout of the dashboard.

home Click to return to the standard System Dashboard.

help Click to open Help.

settings Click to modify widget settings.

page up Click to navigate to the top of the current page.

back Click to return to the previous web page.

refresh Click to refresh the Mobile Dashboard info.

Mobile Dashboard_123
drill-down Click to view more info. For example, to open a device list or the device details.

drop-down Click to select a widget setting. For example, a device group or period.

app navigation Click to navigate through widgets and widget info options. For example, the
/ Current Error widget shows statistics on Information, Warning, Critical alerts. If
you click the Warning option, more Warning details are displayed. Then you can
click the icons to navigate to Information/Critical details.
app navigation Click to navigate through widgets and widget info options. The number of dots
depends on the number of widgets/widget info options. Maximum number of
widgets is 5.

Viewing Widgets
To view widgets on your mobile device,:
1. Open a web browser on your mobile device and enter <the System URL>/m in the address bar.
2. Log-in to the System.
3. At the top of the displayed page click / icons to navigate to the needed widget. The widget name is
displayed between the icons. See “Understanding Widgets” on page 21 for info on widget types.
4. From the Group drop-down list select the device group to view data for.
5. Click the widget info option or to view more details. For example, if you click the Critical info option in the
Current Error widget, the list of the devices with critical errors is displayed.
6. To filter the displayed details enter the needed search request in the search field above the details. For
example, enter a device model name to spot the needed device in the device list.
7. Click to view more info about the details item. For example, click a device in the device list to view more info
about the device (it can include the device image and a link to the device SWS).

Modifying Widget Settings

You can change settings of the widgets on the Mobile Dashboard. To do this:

1. On the Mobile Dashboard click . Settings of the available widgets are displayed.

2. Locate the needed widget.

3. For the needed setting click and select the needed value.
4. Click to save the changes.
At any moment you can click to navigate back to viewing widgets.

Mobile Dashboard_124
The File menu supports all the file-related operations such as uploading the needed files to the System file repository for
future usage. The file storage can include:
• application installation files,
• device configuration cloning files,
• firmware files,
• font/form/macro files,
• driver installation files.
This chapter gives you detailed information on the sub-menus under the File menu that help you manage files on the

Application File Management

The File>Application sub-menu provides options for remotely managing application installation files stored in the System
file storage. The options include:
• Plug-in. The option provides access to the System plug-in installation file storage and capabilities to manage the
• Device. The option provides access to the device application installation file storage and capabilities to manage the
• Local Device Agent. The option provides access to the Local Device Agent installation file storage and capabilities
to manage the files.
See the subsections below for details.

Plug-in File Management

The System allows you to store and manage the plug-in installation files, in case you need some printing plug-ins to be
installed on your System server. You can manage the files as follows:
• upload (see “Uploading Plug-in Installation File” on page 126),
• remove (see “Removing Plug-in Installation File” on page 126),
• view files info (see “Viewing Files Info” on page 127),
• export files info (see “Exporting Files Info” on page 128).
You can perform the listed operations from the Plug-in File repository.

Plug-in File Repository Overview

To access Plug-in File repository in the Main Menu hover the cursor over the File item and select Application>

(1) (2)



The repository consists of two panels:

• the left panel (1) displays a list of plug-in groups.
• the right panel (2) displays the list of plug-in installation files (3) (if any added) and provides a toolbar (4) for you
to manage them (e.g. add, delete).

The the list of plug-in installation files can include:
• Client Software Management. The plug-in enables file storage in the System for you to upload and manage
device application setup files, cloning, driver, and other files. The plug-in also supports pull installation for you
to download a setup file (e.g. Local Device Agent), install it, and track the results via the System.
• Device Management Extention. The plug-in enables extended device management features for Samsung
devices, including device properies from Samsung private MIB, cloning, reporting, device profiles and tag man-
agement as well as trouble management.
• Device Software Management. The plug-in enables device software associated features, including firmware
update and font/form/macro management.
• XOA Device Application Management. The plug-in enables capability to install XOA applications to devices
and manage their licenses.
• Managed Domains. The plug-in enables you to create and manage domains including their own devices and
users. This can be useful, if you need to manage and get statistics on devices and users of different companies
under your support or subsidiaries in your company that shouldn’t share the data.
• Accounting. The plug-in enables basic accounting functionality, including scans/copies/faxes quotas for users
and capability to track the related usage statistics.

Toolbar Elements
Click this icon to export the file list to a CSV file. See “Exporting Files Info” on page 128.
Click this icon to print out the file list.
Click this icon to refresh the file list.
Click this icon to add a plug-in installation file to System. See “Uploading Plug-in Installation File”
on page 126.
The icon is active, when a plug-in installation file(s) is selected. Click this icon to delete a file(s)
from the System. See “Removing Plug-in Installation File” on page 126.
A search field for you to find the needed files. Enter the file name/Plug-in ID/Vendor ID/Version
and click the magnifier icon. The file list will be updated to display only the files matching your
search request. The search field will be highlighted in yellow. As long as the search field is yellow, the list
displays only the files matching the search request. To view all available files again, clear the search
string and click the magnifier icon.

Uploading Plug-in Installation File

If you wish to install a printing plug-in to the System, first you need to upload the corresponding plug-in installation
file (PAR file) to the Plug-in File repository.
To upload a PAR file:
1. In the Main Menu select File>Application> Plug-in.

2. Click .The Upload File dialog is displayed.

3. Click Browse to find the file to upload (PAR format).

4. Click Upload to upload the file to the server. The file will be added to the Plug-in File List.

Removing Plug-in Installation File

In case you do not need a plug-in installation file(s) in the Plug-in File repository, you can delete it (them).
To remove a plug-in installation file(s) from the Plug-in File repository, follow these steps (at any time during the
process, you can click Cancel to exit the removal process):
1. In the Main Menu select File>Application> Plug-in.
2. In the right panel select the checkbox(es) of the file(s) you wish to delete.

3. Above the Plug-in File List list click .
4. In the displayed dialog click Yes to confirm the removal.
Viewing Files Info
All the plug-in installation files added to Plug-in File repository are displayed in Plug-in File List. To view the list in
the Main Menu select File>Application>Plug-in.
The list is displayed on the right panel showing the following info:

Name The plug-in name.

Plug-in ID The unique ID assigned to the plug-in.

Vendor ID The plug-in provider name or identifier.
Version The plug-in version number.

You can manage the list to view the file info you need. It is also possible to view the detailed info of each file in the
list. See the sections below for details.

Managing File List

The Plug-in File List is a table where each column represents a file parameter and its value. The System allows
you to manage the Plug-in File List table as follows:
• customize columns:
• sort the list by any column,
• add columns,
• delete columns,
• change columns order,
• search the content.
The listed operations are performed the same way as for the Device List. See “Managing Device List” on page 27
for details.

Viewing a File Details

You can view the detailed info about each file displayed in the Plug-in File List.
To do this:
1. In the Main Menu select File >Application> Plug-in.
2. Double-click the needed file. The detailed file info will drop-down.
To close the detailed file info view double-click the file again.

The table below provides the description of the detailed file info items:

Release The plug-in release date.
Type The XOA plug-in’s type: System, Platform, or Custom.
Provider The unique ID assigned to the plug-in vendor.

Description A description of the plug-in provided by the developers.

Signature Displays whether or not the PAR file is signed.

Verified by Displays whether or not the plug-in has been verified by Samsung.

Exporting Files Info

You can export the Plug-in File List information into a CSV file.
To export files info:
1. In the Main Menu select File >Application> Plug-in.
2. In the right panel select the checkboxes of the files about which you need to export info.
3. In the top right corner click the button, then CSV.
4. In the displayed dialog select to open or save the exported CSV file.

Device Application File Management

The System allows you to store and manage the device application installation files in the Device Application File
repository, if you need applications to be installed on your devices. These are the applications that can be installed on
individual, compatible devices.
You can manage the device application installation files as follows:
• upload (see “Uploading Device Application File” on page 129),
• remove(see “Removing Device Application File” on page 129),
• view files info (see “Viewing Device Application Files Info” on page 129),
• export files info (see “Exporting Device Application Files Info” on page 130)
You can perform the listed operations from the Device Application File repository.

Device Application File Repository Overview

To access Device Application File console in the Main Menu hover the cursor over the File item and select

(1) (2)



The Device Application File repository consists of two panels:

• the left panel (1) displays a list of device application groups.
• the right panel (2) displays the list of device application installation files (3) (if any added) and provides a
toolbar (4) for you to manage them (e.g. add, delete).

Toolbar Elements
Click this icon to export the file list to a CSV file. See “Exporting Device Application Files Info” on
page 130.
Click this icon to print out the file list.
Click this icon to refresh the file list.
Click this icon to add an application installation file to the System. See “Uploading Device
Application File” on page 129.

The icon is active, when an application installation file(s) is selected. Click this icon to delete a
file(s) from the System. See “Removing Device Application File” on page 129.
A search field for you to find the needed files. Enter the file name and click the magnifier icon. The
file list will be updated to display only the files matching your search request. The search field will be
highlighted in yellow. As long as the search field is yellow, the list displays only the files matching the search
request. To view all available files again, clear the search string and click the magnifier icon.

Uploading Device Application File

If you wish to install an application to your devices via the System, first you need to upload the corresponding
application installation file to the Device Application File repository. The file should be a PAR file signed with
certificate issued by Samsung.
To upload a PAR file:
1. In the Main Menu select File>Application> Device.

2. Click .The Upload File dialog is displayed.

3. Click Browse to find the file to upload (PAR format).

4. Click Upload to upload the file to the server. The file will be listed in the Device Aplication File List.

Removing Device Application File

In case you do not need a device application installation file(s) in the Device Application File repository, you can
delete it (them).
To remove a device application installation file(s) from the repository, follow these steps (at any time during the
process, you can click Cancel to exit the removal process):
1. In the Main Menu select File>Application> Device.
2. In the right panel select the checkbox(es) of the file(s) you wish to delete.
3. Above the Device Application File List list click .
4. In the displayed dialog click Yes to confirm the removal.
Viewing Device Application Files Info
All the device application installation files added to the Device Application File repository are displayed in Device
Application File List. To view the list in the Main Menu select File>Application>Device.
The list is displayed on the right panel showing the following info:

Package Name The device application installation package name.

Provider The device application provider name.

Release The device application release date.
Description A description of the installation package provided by the user.

You can manage the list to view the file info you need. It is also possible to view the detailed info of each file in the
list. See the sections below for details.

Managing File List

The Device Application File List is a table where each column represents a file parameter and its value. The
System allows you to manage the Device Application File List table as follows:
• customize columns:
• sort the list by any column,

• add columns,
• delete columns,
• change columns order,
• search the content.
The listed operations are performed the same way as for the Device List. See “Managing Device List” on page 27
for details.

Viewing Device Application Files Details

You can view the detailed info about each file displayed in the Device Application File List.
To do this:
1. In the Main Menu select File >Application> Device.
2. Double-click the needed file. The detailed file info will drop-down.
To close the detailed file info view double-click the file again.

The table below provides the description of the detailed file info items:

Name The name of the application.
Application ID The unique ID assigned to the application.

Vendor ID The unique ID assigned to the application vendor.

Version The version of the application.

Verification Displays whether or not the application has been verified by Samsung.
It is also possible to have several applications included in one installation file.

Exporting Device Application Files Info

You can export the Device Application File List information into a CSV file.
To export files info:
1. In the Main Menu select File >Application> Device.
2. In the right panel select the checkboxes of the files about which you need to export info.
3. In the top right corner click the button, then CSV.
4. In the displayed dialog select to open or save the exported CSV file.

Local Device Agent File Management

Local Device Agent is an application installed on a local PC. The application locates a device connected via USB using
the SNMP network. It recognizes the device through the IP of the PC it is connected to. This enables the System to
discover devices connected to PC via USB, communicate with them and get their characteristics (e.g. model name, serial
number, toner level). The System communicates with local devices via industry standard printer MIB provided by the
Local Device Agent. So, you can monitor local devices and update their firmware via the System.
The System allows you to store and manage the Local Device Agent installation files in the Local Device Agent File
• upload (see “Uploading Local Device Agent File” on page 131),

• update (see “Updating Local Device Agent File” on page 132),
• download (see “Downloading Local Device Agent File” on page 133),
• remove (see “Removing Local Device Agent File” on page 133),
• view files info (see “Viewing Local Device Agent Files Info” on page 134),
• export files info (see “Exporting Local Device Agent Files Info” on page 134),
• manage Local Device Agent groups (see “Local Device Agent Group Management” on page 134).
Users can download a Local Device Agent installation file from the repository to install it on their PCs. As they do so, you
as Administrator can track the installed Local Device Agents and manage the corresponding local devices as network
ones via the System.

Local Device Agent File Repository Overview

To access Local Device Agent File repository in the Main Menu select File > Application > Local Device Agent.

(1) (3)




The Local Device Agent File repository consists of two panels:

• the left panel (1) displays a list of Local Device Agent groups and toolbar (2) to manage them (add, modify,delete).
• the right panel (3) displays the list of Local Device Agent installation files in the selected group (4) and provides a
tool bar (5) for you to manage them (e.g. add, delete, modify).

Toolbar Elements
Click this icon to export the Local Device Agent file list to a CSV file. See “Exporting Local Device
Agent Files Info” on page 134.
Click this icon to print out the Local Device Agent file list.
Click this icon to refresh the Local Device Agent file list.
Click this icon to upload an Local Device Agent file to the System. See “Uploading Local Device
Agent File” on page 131.
The icon is active, when an Local Device Agent file(s) is selected. Click this icon to delete a file(s)
from the System. See “Removing Local Device Agent File” on page 133.
The icon is active, when an Local Device Agent file is selected. Click this icon to modify the file
info/upload a different file version. See “Updating Local Device Agent File” on page 132.
A search field for you to find the needed files. Enter the file name/version and click the magnifier
icon. The file list will be updated to display only the files matching your search request. The search
field will be highlighted in yellow. As long as the search field is yellow, the list displays only the files matching
the search request. To view all available files again, clear the search string and click the magnifier

Uploading Local Device Agent File

If you wish users to install Local Device Agent to their computers, first upload the corresponding Local Device Agent
installation file to the Local Device Agent File repository. The System allows to upload Local Device Agent installation
files with .msi extension.

Not all devices support Local Device Agent.
To upload a Local Device Agent file:
1. Login as Administrator with Local Device Agent Repository permission.
2. In the Main Menu select File>Application>Local Device Agent.
3. (Optional) On the left panel of the displayed page select the group the Local Device Agent file should be included in.
See “Local Device Agent Group Management” on page 134 to learn how to create and manage Local Device
Agent groups.

4. On the right panel click .The Upload File dialog is displayed.

If you have selected a Local Device Agent group on step 2, its name will be displayed in the Group name field.
5. Click Browse.
6. In the displayed Open dialog locate the appropriate Local Device Agent file on your hard disk.
7. Click Open. The Local Device Agent file name is displayed in the File name field.
8. (Optional) In the Description field enter the needed details on the Local Device Agent.
9. In the Application version field enter the Local Device Agent version number in format x.x.x.x (e.g.
10. Click Upload. The Information dialog with upload result is displayed.

11. Click OK.

Updating Local Device Agent File

All Local Device Agent files uploaded to the System are displayed in Local Device Agent File List. The System allows
you to update the uploaded files. To do this:
1. Login as Administrator with Local Device Agent Repository permission.
2. In the Main Menu select File>Application>Local Device Agent.
3. On the left panel select the group the needed file belongs to.
4. On the right panel of the displayed page select the checkbox of the file you wish to update.
5. Click .The Update File dialog is displayed.

6. Modify the file the same way as when you upload it.
7. To assign the Local Device Agent file to a different group click Select next to the Group name field. The Select
Group dialog is displayed.

8. Select the needed group.
See “Local Device Agent Group Management” on page 134 on how to manage groups.
9. Click OK.
10. Click Update. The Information dialog with update result is displayed.

11. Click OK.

Downloading Local Device Agent File

To install Local Device Agent to a PC, a user must download the Local Device Agent installation file from the System
to the PC. The installation file is stored in the System in .msi format. After downloading to the PC, it turns to .exe and
becomes appropriate for Local Device Agent installation.
To download Local Device Agent installation file:
1. Login as Administrator with Local Device Agent Repository permission.
2. In the Main Menu select File>Application>Local Device Agent.
3. On the left panel select the group the needed file belongs to.
4. On the right panel click the Download button for the needed file.
5. Save the file to the needed location.

Removing Local Device Agent File

In case you do not need a Local Device Agent file(s) in the repository, you can delete it (them). To do this:
1. Login as Administrator with Local Device Agent Repository permission.
2. In the Main Menu select File>Application>Local Device Agent.
3. On the left panel select the group the file belongs to.
4. On the right panel select the checkbox(es) of the file(s) you wish to delete.
5. Above the file list click .The Confirm dialog is displayed.

6. Click Yes to confirm deletion. The Information dialog with deletion result is displayed.

7. Click OK.

Viewing Local Device Agent Files Info

All the Local Device Agent files uploaded to the System are displayed in Local Device Agent File List. To view the list in
the Main Menu select File>Application>Local Device Agent.
The list is displayed on the right panel showing the following info:

Version The Local Device Agent version number in format x.x.x.x (e.g.

File Name The Local Device Agent file name.

Date The date and time the Local Device Agent file was uploaded to the Local Device Agent
File repository.
Installation The Download button that allows users to download the Local Device Agent file to their PC
to install it.
You can manage the list to view the file info you need. See the section below for details.

Managing Device Driver File List

The Local Device Agent File List is a table where each column represents a file parameter and its value. The
System allows you to manage the table as follows:
• customize columns:
• sort the list by any column,
• add columns,
• delete columns,
• change columns order,
• search the content (by file name, version).
The listed operations are performed the same way as for the Device List. See “Managing Device List” on page 27
for details.

Exporting Local Device Agent Files Info

You can export the Local Device Agent File List into a CSV file. To do that:
1. Login as Administrator with Local Device Agent Repository permission.
2. In the Main Menu select File>Application>Local Device Agent.
3. In the top right corner click the button, then CSV.
4. In the displayed dialog choose to open or save the exported CSV file.
Local Device Agent Group Management
The System allows you to create custom groups to make Local Device Agent file management easier. For example, you
might need to group your files by OS where they can be installed.
Local Device Agent groups are managed from the left panel of the Local Device Agent File repository
(File>Application>Local Device Agent). By default, there are 3 groups available:
• All Local Device Agents. This is a group representing general list of Local Device Agent files. All the Local Device
Agent files belong in here by default. You cannot create your custom groups under this group.
• Ungrouped. This is group that includes Local Device Agent files not assigned to any custom group. You cannot
create your custom groups under this group.
• Grouped. This is a group that includes Local Device Agent files assigned to custom groups. This is the group you
can create your own groups under.

Creating Local Device Agent Group

To create a Local Device Agent group:
1. Login as Administrator with Local Device Agent Repository permission.
2. In the Main Menu select File>Application>Local Device Agent.
3. On the left panel select the group you wish to create your group under.
You can select either Grouped group or any other group under it.
4. At the bottom of the left panel click . The Add Group dialog is displayed.

5. In the Group name field enter the group name.
6. (Optional) In the Description field enter the group details.
7. Click Add.

Modifying Local Device Agent Group

The System allows you to modify Local Device Agent groups. You can change the group name and description, if
the group is created manually. If the group is predefined (All Local Device Agents, Ungrouped, Grouped), the
mentioned info cannot be changed.
To modify a Local Device Agent group information:
1. Login as Administrator with Local Device Agent Repository permission.
2. Select File>Application>Local Device Agent.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select the group to edit.
4. Click at the bottom of the left panel. The Edit Group dialog is displayed.

5. Modify the group name/description.

6. Click Save.

Removing Local Device Agent Group

The System allows you to delete Local Device Agent groups, if they are created manually (under the Grouped
group). If a group is predefined (All Local Device Agents, Ungrouped, Grouped), it can not be deleted.
To delete a Local Device Agent group:
1. Login as Administrator with Local Device Agent Repository permission.
2. Select File>Application>Local Device Agent.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select the group to delete.
4. Click at the bottom of the panel. The Confirm dialog is displayed.

5. Click Yes.

Moving Local Device Agent to Another Group
The System allows you to move Local Device Agent files from one group to another. To do this select the needed
group as you update the Local Device Agent file (see “Updating Local Device Agent File” on page 132).

Device Cloning File Management

The System allows you to clone a device settings and apply them to other devices of the same model. This can save your
time on device configuration. You can use a cloning file instead of defining settings manually (see “Device Cloning” on
page 61). The System enables you to use the following of cloning files:
• Address Book. The file includes the device address book data (e.g. user names, emails, fax numbers).
• Cloning File. The file includes the device settings you select (e.g. system, network, scan settings).
The System allows you to store and manage the cloning files as follows:
• create (see “Creating Device Cloning File” on page 136),
• remove(see “Removing Device Cloning File” on page 139),
• view files info (see “Viewing Device Cloning Files Info” on page 139).

You can perform the listed operations from the Device Cloning File repository.

Device Cloning File Repository Overview

To access Device Cloning File repository in the Main Menu select File>Device Cloning.

(1) (2)



The Device Cloning File repository consists of two panels:

• the left panel (1) displays a list of clone file groups. A group is a device model group created automatically as a
device cloning file is created.
• the right panel (2) displays the list of device cloning files (3) (if any created) and provides a toolbar (4) for you to
manage them (e.g. create, delete).

Toolbar Elements
Click this icon to add a cloning file to the System. See “Creating Device Cloning File” on page
The icon is active, when a cloning file(s) is selected. Click this icon to delete a file(s) from the
System. See “Removing Device Cloning File” on page 139.
Use drop-down menu for you to filter the cloning file list by type, for example, to display only
available address books.
A search field for you to find the needed files. Enter the file name and click the magnifier icon. The
file list will be updated to display only the files matching your search request. The search field will be
highlighted in yellow. As long as the search field is yellow, the list displays only the files matching the search
request. To view all available files again, clear the search string and click the magnifier icon.

Creating Device Cloning File

You can clone either a device address book or certain device settings to create a custom cloning file. The created address
book/cloning file can be applied to the devices of the same model. Before you start creating the file, check the appropriate
device sws connection settings are provided.
To create address book file:

1. In the Main Menu select File>Device Cloning.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain including the needed devices.
3. On the right panel of the displayed page click . Device cloning wizard is displayed.

4. Select the Address book option.

5. Click Next. The Select device dialog is displayed.

6. Select the device whose address book you wish to clone.

7. Click Select Device. The Properties dialog is displayed.

8. (Optional) In the File name section deselect the Auto checkbox and enter the needed name for the address book
clone file instead of the default name.
9. (Optional) Provide the needed details on the address book clone file.
10. Click Finish.
11. Click Close. If the selected device model supports cloning, the address book clone file will be displayed in the File
To create a custom cloning file:
1. In the Main Menu select File > Device Cloning.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain including the needed devices.
3. On the right panel of the displayed page click .
4. In the displayed Device cloning wizard select the Cloning file option.
5. Click Next.
6. In the displayed Select device dialog select the device whose settings you wish to clone.
7. Click Select Device. The Select settings dialog is displayed.

8. Select the checkboxes of the settings you wish the cloning file to include.
The step is available, if the device model allows to select certain settings for cloning. If not, all settings are
automatically selected and you go right to step 10.
9. Click Next.

10. (Optional) In the displayed Properties dialog in the File name section deselect the Auto checkbox and enter the
needed name for the cloning file instead of the default name.
11. (Optional) Provide the needed details on the cloning file.
12. Click Finish.
13. Click Close. If the selected device model supports cloning, the cloning file will be displayed in the File List.

Removing Device Cloning File

The System allows you to delete unneeded cloning files. To do this:
1. In the Main Menu select File > Device Cloning.
2. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
3. On the right panel of the displayed page select the checkboxes of the clone files you wish to delete.
4. Above the File List click . The Confirm dialog is displayed.

5. Click Yes to confirm deletion.

Viewing Device Cloning Files Info

All the cloning files stored in the System are displayed in Device Cloning File List. To view the list in the Main Menu
select File >Device Cloning.
The list is displayed on the right panel showing the following info:

File Name The cloning file name.

Size The cloning file size in bytes.

Uploading Date The cloning file creation date.
Model The model of the device whose settings were cloned.

File Type The type of the cloning type (address book or cloning file).

Comment A comment about the cloning file provided during the file creation.

Details A range of settings the cloning file includes. The settings are selected during creation of the
cloning file type.
You can manage the list to view the file info you need. See the section below for details.

Managing File List

The Cloning File List is a table where each column represents a file parameter and its value. The System allows
you to manage the Cloning File List table as follows:
• customize columns:
• sort the list by column,
• add columns,
• delete columns,
• change columns order,
• filter the content by type,
• search the content (by file name).
The listed operations are performed the same way as for the Device List. See “Managing Device List” on page 27.

Device Firmware File Management
The System allows you to store and manage the device firmware files in Device Firmware File repository.
You can manage the device firmware files as follows:
• upload (see “Uploading Device Firmware File” on page 140),
• modify (see “Modifying Device Firmware File” on page 141),
• download to store them locally (see “Downloading Device Firmware File” on page 141),
• remove (see “Removing Device Firmware File” on page 141),
• view files info (see “Viewing Device Firmware Files Info” on page 142),
• export files info (see “Exporting Device Firmware Files Info” on page 142).
The listed operations are performed from the Device Firmware File repository. You can use the firmware files stored in
the repository to update firmware on your devices (see “Firmware Management” on page 63).

Device Firmware File Repository Overview

To access Device Firmware File repository in the Main Menu hover the cursor over the File item and select Firmware.

(1) (2)



The Device Firmware File repository consists of two panels:

• the left panel (1) displays a default All Firmware file group.
• the right panel (2) displays the list of device firmware files (3) (if any uploaded) and provides a toolbar (4) for you to
manage them (e.g. upload, modify, remove).

Toolbar Elements
Click this icon to export the firmware file list to a CSV file. See “Exporting Device Firmware Files
Info” on page 142.
Click this icon to print out the firmware file list.
Click this icon to refresh the firmware file list.
Click this icon to upload a firmware file to the System. See “Uploading Device Firmware File” on
page 140.
The icon is active, when a firmware file(s) is selected. Click this icon to delete a file(s) from the
System. See “Removing Device Firmware File” on page 141.
The icon is active, when a firmware file is selected. Click this icon to modify the file info. See
“Modifying Device Firmware File” on page 141.
A search field for you to find the needed files. Enter the file name/version/model/comment and
click the magnifier icon. The file list will be updated to display only the files matching your search
request. The search field will be highlighted in yellow. As long as the search field is yellow, the list displays
only the files matching the search request. To view all available files again, clear the search string and
click the magnifier icon.

Uploading Device Firmware File

If you wish to upgrade firmware on your devices via the System, first you need to upload the corresponding firmware
file(s) to the Device Firmware File repository.
To upload a firmware file:
1. In the Main Menu select File>Firmware.

2. Click .The Upload File dialog is displayed.

3. In the Version field enter the firmware version name.

The version name can include letters, numbers, ‘_’ and ‘-’ separated by ‘.’. For example,, 1.0.0, 1.0 or 1
4. In the Model field enter the device model the firmware file can be applied to.
5. (Optional) In the Comment field enter the needed details on the firmware file.
6. Click Browse.
7. In the displayed Open dialog locate the appropriate firmware file on your hard disk.
8. Click Open.
9. Click Upload. As uploading is finished the firmware file is displayed in the File List.

Modifying Device Firmware File

All the device firmware files uploaded to the System are displayed in Device Firmware File List. The System allows you
to modify a firmware file description, except the file name. To do this:
1. In the Main Menu select File > Firmware.
2. Select the checkbox of the file whose description you need to modify.
3. Click .The Update Firmware File dialog is displayed.

4. Edit the firmware file Version/Model/Comment.

The version name can include letters, numbers, ‘_’ and ‘-’ separated by ‘.’. For example,, 1.0.0, 1.0 or 1
5. Click Update File.
The button is inactive, until you edit some firmware file info.

Downloading Device Firmware File

All the device firmware files uploaded to the System are displayed in Device Firmware File List. If you need to store a
device firmware file locally on your PC, you can download it as follows:
1. In the Main Menu select File > Firmware.
2. In the right panel click Download for the firmware file you wish to store locally.
3. In the displayed Save As dialog choose the needed location to store the firmware file at.
4. Click Save.

Removing Device Firmware File

In case you do not need a firmware file(s) in the Device Firmware File repository, you can delete it (them).
To remove a device firmware file(s) from the repository, follow these steps (at any time during the process, you can click
Cancel to exit the removal process):
1. In the Main Menu select File > Firmware.
2. In the right panel select the checkbox(es) of the firmware file(s) you wish to delete.
3. Above the File List click .The Confirm dialog is displayed.

4. Click Yes to confirm deletion.

Viewing Device Firmware Files Info

All the device firmware files uploaded to the System are displayed in Device Firmware File List. To view the list in the
Main Menu select File >Firmware.
The list is displayed on the right panel showing the following info:

File Name The firmware file name.

Size The firmware file size in megabytes.

Version The firmware file version name.
Uploading Date The date and time the firmware file was uploaded to the Device Firmware File repository.
Model The model of the device the firmware file can be applied to.

Comment A comment about the firmware file provided during the file uploading.

Download The button that allows you download the firmware file to your PC to store it locally.
You can manage the list to view the file info you need. See the section below for details.

Managing Device Firmware File List

The Device Firmware File List is a table where each column represents a file parameter and its value. The System
allows you to manage the Device Firmware File List table as follows:
• customize columns:
• sort the list by any column,
• add columns,
• delete columns,
• change columns order,
• search the content (by file name, version, model, comment).
The listed operations are performed the same way as for the Device List. See “Managing Device List” on page 27.

Exporting Device Firmware Files Info

You can export the Device Firmware File List information into a CSV file.
To export files info:
1. In the Main Menu select File >Firmware.
2. In the top right corner click the button, then CSV.
3. In the displayed dialog choose to open or save the exported CSV file.

Font/Form/Macro File Management
The System allows you to store and manage the font, form and macro files in Device Font/Form/Macro File repository.
You can manage the files as follows:
• upload (see “Uploading Device Font/Form/Macro File” on page 143),
• set file key (see “Setting Device Font/Form/Macro File Key” on page 144),
• remove (see “Removing Device Font/Form/Macro File” on page 144),
• view files info (see “Viewing Device Font/Form/Macro Files Info” on page 145),
• export files info (see “Exporting Device Font/Form/Macro Files Info” on page 145).
The listed operations are performed from the Device Font/Form/Macro File repository. You can use a font/form/
macro file stored in the repository to install the corresponding font/form/macro to your devices (see “Font/Form/Macro
Management” on page 79).

Device Font/Form/Macro File Repository Overview

To access Device Font/Form/Macro File repository in the Main Menu hover the cursor over the File item and select

(1) (2)



The Device Font/Form/Macro File repository consists of two panels:

• the left panel (1) displays a list of file groups by file types.
• the right panel (2) displays the device font/form/macro file list of the selected group (3) (if any uploaded) and
provides a toolbar (4) for you to manage them (e.g. upload, remove).

Toolbar Elements
Click this icon to export the font/form/macro file list to a CSV file. See “Exporting Device Font/
Form/Macro Files Info” on page 145.
Click this icon to print out the font/form/macro file list.
Click this icon to refresh the font/form/macro file list.
Click this icon to upload a font/form/macro file to the System. See “Uploading Device Font/Form/
Macro File” on page 143.
The icon is active, when a font/form/macro file(s) is selected. Click this icon to delete a file(s) from
the System. See “Removing Device Font/Form/Macro File” on page 144.
The icon is active, when a PCL font/macro file is selected. Click this icon to define a parsing key
for the file. See “Setting Device Font/Form/Macro File Key” on page 144.
A search field for you to find the needed files. Enter the file name/file type/file key and click the
magnifier icon. The file list will be updated to display only the files matching your search request.
The search field will be highlighted in yellow. As long as the search field is yellow, the list displays only the
files matching the search request. To view all available files again, clear the search string and click
the magnifier icon.

Uploading Device Font/Form/Macro File

If you wish to install a font/form/macro on your devices via the System, first you need to upload the corresponding font/
form/macro file(s) to the Device Font/Form/Macro File repository.

To upload a font/form/macro file:
1. In the Main Menu select File>Font/Form/Macro.
2. Click .The Upload File dialog is displayed.

3. Click Browse.
4. In the displayed Open dialog locate the appropriate font/form/macro file on your hard disk.
5. Click Open.
6. Click Upload. As uploading is finished the selected font/form/macro file is displayed in the File List.
A font/form/macro file can also be downloaded from a device (included in the Device List) to the Device Font/Form/
Macro File repository. See “Downloading Font/Form/Macro” on page 82.
The System supports the following file types:
• PS Font,
• PS Form,
• PCL Font,
• PCL Macro.
Setting Device Font/Form/Macro File Key
All the device font/form/macro files uploaded to the System are displayed in Device Font/Form/Macro File List. The
System allows you to define and update a parsing file key for a PCL Font/Macro file. To do this:
1. In the Main Menu select File>Font/Form/Macro.
2. In the right panel select the checkbox of the font/macro file you wish to define the parsing key for.
3. Above the File List click the Set File Key button. The Set File Key dialog is displayed.

4. Enter or change the file key number.

5. Click OK. The Information dialog with the key setting result is displayed.

6. Click OK.

Removing Device Font/Form/Macro File

In case you do not need a font/form/macro file(s) in the Device Font/Form/Macro File repository, you can delete it
(them). To do this:
1. In the Main Menu select File>Font/Form/Macro.
2. In the right panel select the checkbox(es) of the font/form/macro file(s) you wish to delete.
3. Above the File List click .The Confirm dialog is displayed.

4. Click Yes to confirm deletion. The Information dialog with deletion result is displayed.

5. Click OK.

Viewing Device Font/Form/Macro Files Info

All the device font/form/macro files uploaded to the System are displayed in Device Font/Form/Macro File List. To view
the list in the Main Menu select File>Font/Form/Macro.
The list is displayed on the right panel showing the following info:

Name The font/form/macro file name. It is not always possible to define name for a PCL macro. A
PCL file is uniquely identified by File Key.
File Type The file type (PS Font, PS Form, PCL Font, or PCL Macro).

File Key The defined parsing key of the file. It is defined for PCL files only.

Size The font/form/macro file size.

You can manage the list to view the file info you need. See the section below for details.

Managing Device Font/Form/Macro File List

The Device Font/Form/Macro File List is a table where each column represents a file parameter and its value. The
System allows you to manage the Device Font/Form/Macro File List table as follows:
• customize columns:
• sort the list by any column,
• add columns,
• delete columns,
• change columns order,
• search the content (by name, file type, file key).
The listed operations are performed the same way as for the Device List. See “Managing Device List” on page 27.

Exporting Device Font/Form/Macro Files Info

You can export the Device Font/Form/Macro File List information into a CSV file.
To export files info:
1. In the Main Menu select File>Font/Form/Macro.
2. In the top right corner click the button, then CSV.
3. In the displayed dialog choose to open or save the exported CSV file.

Driver File Management
The System allows you to store and manage the device print driver files in Device Driver File repository.
You can manage the device driver files as follows:
• upload (see “Uploading Device Driver File” on page 146),
• update (see “Updating Device Driver File” on page 147),
• remove (see “Removing Device Driver File” on page 148),
• view files info (see “Viewing Device Driver Files Info” on page 149),
• export files info (see “Viewing Device Driver Files Info” on page 149),
• manage driver groups (see “Driver Group Management” on page 150).
The listed operations are performed from the Device Driver File repository. You can use the driver files stored in the
repository to install drivers on your remote PCs (see “Driver Installation” on page 86).

Device Driver File Repository Overview

To access Device Driver File repository in the Main Menu hover the cursor over the File item and select Driver.

(1) (3)



The Device Driver File repository consists of two panels:

• the left panel (1) displays a list of driver groups and toolbar (2) to manage them (add, modify,delete).
• the right panel (3) displays the list of driver files in the selected group (4) and provides a tool bar (5) for you to
manage them (e.g. add, delete, modify).

Toolbar Elements
Click this icon to export the driver file list to a CSV file. See “Exporting Device Driver Files Info” on
page 149.
Click this icon to print out the driver file list.
Click this icon to refresh the driver file list.
Click this icon to upload a driver file to the System. See “Uploading Device Driver File” on page
The icon is active, when a driver file(s) is selected. Click this icon to delete a file(s) from the
System. See “Removing Device Driver File” on page 148.
The icon is active, when a driver file is selected. Click this icon to modify the file info/upload a
different file version. See “Updating Device Driver File” on page 147.
A search field for you to find the needed files. Enter the file name/version/ driver model name/
comment/OS/OS bit and click the magnifier icon. The file list will be updated to display only the
files matching your search request. The search field will be highlighted in yellow. As long as the search
field is yellow, the list displays only the files matching the search request. To view all available files again,
clear the search string and click the magnifier icon.

Uploading Device Driver File

If you wish to install a print driver on remote network computers via the System, first you need to upload the
corresponding driver file(s) to the Device Driver File repository. The System allows to upload driver files with .zip
extension and the INF file located in the root. For Samsung printers only Universal Print Driver can be used.

To upload a driver file:
1. In the Main Menu select File>Driver.
2. (Optional) On the left panel select the group the driver file should be included in.
See “Driver Group Management” on page 150 to learn how to create and manage driver groups.

3. On the right panel click .The Upload File dialog is displayed.

If you have selected a driver group on step 2, its name will be displayed in the Group name field.
4. Click Browse.
5. In the displayed Open dialog locate the appropriate driver file on your hard disk.
6. Click Open. The driver file name is displayed in the File name field.
7. From the OS drop-down list select the operation system of the PC where the driver can be installed.
8. From the OS bit drop-down list select the class of computer architecture supported by the PC OS where the driver
can be installed (e.g. 32 or 64-bit version of Windows).
9. (Optional) In the Description field enter the needed details on the driver.
10. In the Driver version field enter the driver version number in format x.x.x.x (e.g.
11. In the Driver model name enter the device model the driver works for.
12. In the Vendor field enter the driver vendor name. If Samsung, select the Samsung checkbox.
13. If the Samsung checkbox is not selected:
a. Click next to the Supported models field. The Add Model dialog is displayed.

b. Enter the device model name.

c. Click Apply. The model name appears in the Supported models field.
You can repeat steps a-c to add another model name. To delete a model name from the list select it and click .
14. If the Samsung checkbox is not selected, from the Driver type drop-down list select the driver language.
15. (Optional) Select the Default checkbox, if you wish this driver file to be automatically used in Auto driver selection
mode during driver installation on a remote PC (see “Driver Installation” on page 86).
16. Click Upload. The Information dialog with upload result is displayed.

17. Click OK.

Updating Device Driver File

All the device driver files uploaded to the System are displayed in Device Driver File List. The System allows you to
update the uploaded driver files. To do this:

1. In the Main Menu select File>Driver.
2. On the right panel of the displayed page select the checkbox of the file you wish to update.
3. Click .The Update File dialog is displayed.

4. Modify the driver file the same way as when you upload it.
5. To assign the driver file to a different group click Select next to the Group name field. The Select Group dialog is

6. Select the needed group.

See “Driver Group Management” on page 150 on how to manage driver file groups.
7. Click OK.
8. Click Update. The Information dialog with update result is displayed.

9. Click OK.

Removing Device Driver File

In case you do not need a device driver file(s) in the Device Driver File repository, you can delete it (them).
To remove a device driver file(s) from the repository, follow these steps:
1. In the Main Menu select File>Driver.
2. In the right panel select the checkbox(es) of the driver file(s) you wish to delete.
3. Above the File List click .The Confirm dialog is displayed.

4. Click Yes to confirm deletion. The Information dialog with deletion result is displayed.

5. Click OK.

Viewing Device Driver Files Info

All the device driver files uploaded to the System are displayed in Device Driver File List. To view the list in the Main
Menu select File >Driver.
The list is displayed on the right panel showing the following info:

Version The driver version number in format x.x.x.x (e.g.

Default A star icon showing whether the driver is set to be default. If the icon is on, the driver is
automatically used during driver installation with Auto driver selection mode selected.
File Name The driver file name.

Driver Model Name The name of the device model the driver works for.
OS The name of the operating system where the driver can be installed.
OS Bit The class of computer architecture supported by the operating system where the driver can
be installed (e.g. 32 or 64-bit version of Windows).
Date The date and time the driver file was uploaded to the Device Driver File repository.

You can manage the list to view the file info you need. See the section below for details.

Managing Device Driver File List

The Device Driver File List is a table where each column represents a file parameter and its value. The System
allows you to manage the Device Driver File List table as follows:
• customize columns:
• sort the list by column,
• add columns,
• delete columns,
• change columns order,
• search the content (by file name, version, driver model name, comment, OS, OS bit).
The listed operations are performed the same way as for the Device List. See “Managing Device List” on page 27
for details.

Exporting Device Driver Files Info

You can export the Device Driver File List information into a CSV file.
To export files info:
1. In the Main Menu select File>Driver.

2. In the top right corner click the button, then CSV.
3. In the displayed dialog choose to open or save the exported CSV file.

Driver Group Management

The System allows you to create custom groups to make driver file management easier. For example, you might need to
group your driver files by OS where they can be installed. You can also group driver files by device models they apply to.
Driver groups are managed from the left panel of the Device Driver File repository (Main Menu>File>Driver). By default,
there are three groups available:
• All Drivers.This is a group representing general list of driver files. All the driver files belong in here by default. You
cannot create your custom groups under this group.
• Ungrouped. This is group that includes driver files not assigned to any custom group. You cannot create your
custom groups under this group.
• Grouped. This is a group that includes driver files assigned to custom groups. This is the group you can create your
own driver groups under.

Creating Driver Group

To create a driver group:
1. In the Main Menu select File>Driver.
2. On the left panel select the group you wish to create your group under.
You can select either Grouped group or any other group under it.
3. At the bottom of the left panel click . The Add Group dialog is displayed.

4. In the Group Name field enter the group name.

5. (Optional) In the Description field enter the group details.
6. Click Add.

Modifying Driver Group

The System allows you to modify driver groups. You can change the group name and description, if the group is
created manually. If the group is predefined (All Drivers, Ungrouped, Grouped), the mentioned info cannot be
To modify a driver group information, follow these steps:
1. In the Main Menu select File>Driver.
2. On the left panel of the displayed page select the group to edit.
3. Click at the bottom of the left panel. The Edit Group dialog is displayed.

4. Modify the group name/description.

5. Click Save.

Deleting Driver Group

The System allows you to delete driver groups, if they are created manually (under the Grouped group). If a group
is predefined (All Drivers, Ungrouped, Grouped), it can not be deleted.
To delete a driver group, follow these steps:
1. In the Main Menu select File>Driver.
2. On the left panel of the displayed page select the group to delete.
3. Click at the bottom of the panel. The Confirmation dialog is displayed.

4. Click Yes.

Moving Driver to Another Group

The System allows you to move driver files from one group to another. To do this select the needed group as you
update the driver file (see “Updating Device Driver File” on page 147).

Site Manager Installer Management

In the Managed Domain plug-in is enabled in the System, you can store and manage Site Manager installer files in
the Site Manager Installer repository. Site Manager installer is a special updater .PAR file. As you upload a new Site
Manager installer version, the Site Manager on the host/device will be automatically updated. See “Installing External Site
Manager” on page 13.
You can manage Site Manager installers as follows:
• upload (see “Uploading Site Manager Installer” on page 152),
• remove(see “Removing Site Manager Installer” on page 152),
• view files info (see “Viewing Site Manager Installer Info” on page 152),
• export files info (see “Exporting Site Manager Installer Info” on page 153),
• download (see “Downloading Site Manager Installer” on page 153).
You can perform the listed operations from the Site Manager Installer File repository.

Site Manager Installer File Repository Overview

To access Site Manager Installer repository in the Main Menu select File>Application>Site Manager Installer.

(1) (2)



The Site Manager Installer repository consists of two panels:

• the left panel (1) displays the default Site Manager installer group.
• the right panel (2) displays the list of Site Manager installers (3) (if any added) and provides a toolbar (4) for
you to manage them (e.g. add, delete).

Toolbar Elements
Click this icon to export the Site Manager installer list to a CSV file. See “Exporting Site Manager
Installer Info” on page 153.
Click this icon to print out the Site Manager installer list.
Click this icon to refresh the Site Manager installer list.
Click this icon to add a Site Manager installer to the System. See “Uploading Site Manager
Installer” on page 152.
The icon is active, when a Site Manager installer(s) is selected. Click this icon to delete a file(s)
from the System. See “Removing Site Manager Installer” on page 152.
A search field for you to find the needed Site Manager installers. Enter the installer name and
click the magnifier icon. The file list will be updated to display only the installers matching your
search request. The search field will be highlighted in yellow. As long as the search field is yellow, the list
displays only the installers matching the search request. To view all available installers again, clear the
search string and click the magnifier icon.

Uploading Site Manager Installer

To upload a Site Manager installer for a Site Manager on host/on device update:
1. In the Main Menu select File>Application> Site Manager Installer.

2. Click .The Upload File dialog is displayed.

3. Click Browse.
4. Locate the needed Site Manager installer (updater .PAR file) and click Open.
5. Click Upload to upload the installer to the server. The file will be added to the Site Manager Updater File List.

Removing Site Manager Installer

In case you do not need a Site Manager(s) installer in the repository, you can delete it (them).
To remove a Site Manager installer from the repository, follow these steps (at any time during the process, you can
click Cancel to exit the removal process):
1. In the Main Menu select File>Application>Site Manager Installer.
2. In the right panel select the checkbox(es) of the file(s) you wish to delete.
3. Above the Site Manager Updater File List list click .
4. In the displayed dialog click Yes to confirm the removal.

Viewing Site Manager Installer Info

All the Site Manager installers added to the System are displayed in Site Manager Updater File List. To view the
list in the Main Menu select File>Application>Site Manager Installer. The list is displayed on the right panel
showing the following info:

Name The Site Manager installer file name.

Application Type The Site Manager installer type showing whether the installer is for a device or PC (host).
Version The version number of the Site Manager installer.
Description The Site Manager installer details.

You can manage the list to view the file info you need. It is also possible to view the detailed info of each file in the
list. See the sections below for details.

Managing File List
The Site Manager Updater File List is a table where each column represents a file parameter and its value. The
System allows you to manage the table as follows:
• customize columns:
• sort the list by column,
• add columns,
• delete columns,
• change columns order,
• search the content (file name, application type, version, description).
The listed operations are performed the same way as for the Device List. See “Managing Device List” on page 27
for details.

Viewing Site Manager Installer Details

You can view the detailed info about each file displayed in the Site Manager Updater File List.
To do this:
1. In the Main Menu select File>Application>Site Manager Installer.
2. Double-click the needed file. The detailed file info will drop-down.
To close the detailed file info view double-click the file again.

The table below provides the description of the detailed file info items:

Release The date and time of the Site Manager installer release.
Signature The info showing whether the Site Manager installer is signed by Samsung.

Verified By The info showing whether the Site Manager installer is verified by Samsung.

Exporting Site Manager Installer Info

You can export the Site Manager installer info to a CSV file. To export files info:
1. In the Main Menu select File >Application> Site Manager Installer.
2. In the right panel select the checkboxes of the files about which you need to export info.
3. In the top right corner click the button, then CSV.
4. In the displayed dialog select to open or save the exported CSV file.

Downloading Site Manager Installer

All the Site Manager installers uploaded to the System are displayed in Site Manager Updater File List. If you
need to store a Site Manager installer locally on your PC, you can download it as follows:
1. In the Main Menu select File>Application>Site Manager Installer.
2. In the right panel click Download for the installer you wish to store locally.
3. In the displayed Save As dialog choose the needed location to store the installer at.
4. Click Save.

This chapter provides description of the System reporting capabilities and explains how to work with the Report
submenu options.

Reporting Overview
The System provides reporting capabilities allowing you to create, display, and send reports on statuses, usage, alerts,
consumables, assets, and accounting. The reports are created using the data collected in a database according to the
scheduled data collection tasks. See “Device Data Collection” on page 261. for details. If needed, you can set up the
database to be periodically cleaned up. See “Data Management” on page 106.
To access the reporting capabilities in the Main Menu click Report and select the needed submenu:
• Instant Report, if you wish to view quick on the fly reports (see “Instant Report” on page 164),
• Report Generation, if you wish to create custom reports according to your needs
(see “Report Generation” on page 171).
• Multi-Domain Instant Report, if you wish to view on the fly reports per domain. See “Multi-Domain Instant Report”
on page 180. The submenu can be available, only if the Managed Domain plug-in is enabled in the System. See
“Domain” on page 118.
• Multi-Domain Report Generation, if you wish to create custom reports per domain. See “Multi-Domain Report
Generation” on page 181. The submenu can be available, only if the Managed Domain plug-in is enabled in the
System. See “Domain” on page 118.
Both capabilities allow to create the following types of device/user reports:
• historical reports to view accumulated data of the printing environment (e.g. printed page count per period by
• current reports to view data on the current state of the printing environment (e.g. current printed page count by
• pro-active reports to view forecasting data concerning the printing environment (e.g. when the supplies will need to
be replaced).
You can better understand your printing environment using the listed report types. All reports are grouped by categories
according to their purpose. See “Report Categories” on page 154.

Report Categories
The following table describes which reports can be available in the System:


Assets Current Tray Information Shows current information about device input and output
trays, including their name, status, allowed paper type/size,
capacity, and other details.
History Asset Information Shows history of device asset changes within a selected
History period. Assets include a device IP address, location,
registration, and a group the device belongs to.
Device Current Device Detailed Usage Shows the number of prints, copies, faxes, reports made by
Usage devices up to the current moment. The data are grouped by
paper color and size with the overall totals provided.
This report is available only for Samsung devices.

Device Total Usage Shows the overall number of prints, copies, faxes, and
reports per device up to the current moment.

History Device Peak Usage Shows hourly distribution of printed pages based on total
History count information.
Device Total Usage Shows how many pages were printed during the specified
History period. It uses total count information.
Device Detailed Usage The report shows the number of prints, copies, faxes, reports
History made by devices within the specified period. The data are
grouped by paper color and size with the overall totals
This report is available only for Samsung devices.
Supply Current Supply Current Shows current consumables status and remaining level of
Information the selected supply type(s).
History Supply Replacement Shows how many times and when the specified supply
History types were replaced within a selected period. The report
also shows average page count per device from a supply
installation up to its replacement.
Supply Lifecycle History Shows how many times the specified supply types were
installed/low/empty/replaced within a selected period. The
report also shows device page count from one supply level
to another (e.g. from low toner to empty).
Toner Replacement Shows how many times each color toner was replaced within
History a selected period.
Forecast Supply Details Forecast Shows estimation for when to replace the specified supply
type (toner or drum) within a selected period. The number of
the needed replacements is provided as well.
Supply Forecast Shows estimation for how many selected supply types
(toners or drums) should be bought within the specified
Device Current Device List Shows the current device list.
History Device Lifecycle History Shows the history of devices in the System from discovery
to deletion, i.e. when devices were added to the System and
deleted from it (within a specified period).
Device Availability Shows the downtime history for devices, i.e. how many times
History devices were unavailable and for how long on average and
Troubles Current Current Troubles Shows current errors on devices by severity level and
and SLA trouble open time.
History Trouble Resolution Time Shows how many troubles occurred in the devices within a
by Device selected period and how quickly there were fixed.
Trouble Severity Shows how many troubles of different severity levels
occurred in the devices within a selected period.
Most Frequent Troubles Shows the errors occurring most frequently on devices.
Trouble Resolution Time Shows how long the devices where in error status before
being resolved by error type.
Trouble Resolution Time Shows how long the devices where in error status before
by Severity being resolved by severity type.

Accounting Current All Usage Shows current number of prints (color/mono), copies (color/
mono), faxes, scans per device.
Print Usage Shows current number of prints per device. The statistics is
per print mode (simplex/duplex), color mode (mono/color),
paper type (large/small).
Copy Usage Shows current number of copies per device. The statistics is
per copy mode (simplex/duplex), color mode (mono/color),
paper type (large/small).
Fax Usage Shows current number of faxes per device. The statistics is
per color mode (mono/color).
Scan Usage Shows current number of scans per device. The statistics is
per scan mode (simplex/duplex), color mode (mono/color),
scan destination (email, FTP, SMB etc.)
History All Usage Shows number of prints (color/mono), copies (color/mono),
faxes, scans per device for the selected period.
Print Usage Shows number of prints per device for the selected period.
The statistics is per print mode (simplex/duplex), color mode
(mono/color), paper type (large/small).
Copy Usage Shows number of copies per device for the selected period.
The statistics is per copy mode (simplex/duplex), color mode
(mono/color), paper type (large/small).
Fax Usage Shows number of faxes per device for the selected period.
The statistics is per color mode (mono/color).
Scan Usage Shows number of scans per device for the selected period.
The statistics is per scan mode (simplex/duplex), color mode
(mono/color), scan destination (email, FTP, SMB etc.)
Accounting Device Shows number of the selected jobs (prints/copies/faxes/
Usage History scans) per selected device(s) for the selected period.
Accounting User Group Shows number of the selected jobs (prints/copies/faxes/
Summary Usage History scans) per user group for the selected period.
Accounting User Group Shows number of the selected jobs (prints/copies/faxes/
Usage History scans) performed by users from the selected group within
the selected period. You can view statistics either per each
user in the selected group or per selected user groups.
Accounting User Usage Shows number of the selected jobs (prints/copies/faxes/
History scans) performed by selected users within the selected
period. If the User Summary option is selected for the
report, it shows only the total number of the selected jobs
with neither user no device info.

Report Columns
The tables below describe default report columns.

Column Description
Device Model Name Shows the device model name.
Serial Number Shows the device serial number.
Host Name Shows the device host name.
Location Shows the device physical location.

Input Trays Installed Shows whether the tray is installed. If the value is Yes, the tray is installed. If
No, the tray is not installed.
Name Shows the tray name.
Status Shows the current tray status in terms of availability.
Paper Size Shows which paper size is allowed for loading in the tray.
Paper Type Shows which paper type is allowed for the tray.
Current Level Shows the current tray capacity (e.g. number of sheets).
Maximum Level Shows the maximum tray capacity (e.g. number of sheets).
Custom Width Shows which specific paper width is allowed for loading in the tray.
Custom Hight Shows which specific paper hight is allowed for loading in the tray.
Output Trays The same column set as for the Input Trays


Column Description
Model Name Shows the device model name.
Serial Number Shows the device serial number.
Host Name Shows the device host name.
Location Shows the device physical location.
Asset Type Shows which device attribute was changed. If the value is:
• IP address, the device IP address was registered in the System,
• Registration, the device was added to the System,
• Group changed, the device was moved to another group,
• Location, the device physical location was specified or modified.
Before Change Shows the device attribute value (IP address, registration, group, location) before change.
After Change Shows the device attribute value (IP address, registration, group, location) after change.
Change Date Shows when the device attribute was changed.

Device Usage
Column Description
Device Model Name Shows the device model name.
Serial Number Shows the device serial number.
Host Name Shows the device host name.
Location Shows the device physical location.
Print Mono Small Shows the current number of single-sided prints of small paper size and black
Simplex and white color.
Large Shows the current number of single-sided prints of large paper size and black and
white color.
Mono Small Shows the current number of double-sided prints of small paper size and black
Duplex and white color.
Large Shows the current number of double-sided prints of large paper size and black
and white color.
Color Small Shows the current number of color single-sided prints of small paper size.
Large Shows the current number of color single-sided prints of large paper size.
Color Duplex Small Shows the current number of color double-sided prints of small paper size.
Large Shows the current number of color double-sided prints of large paper size.

Copy Mono Small Shows the current number of single-sided copies of small paper size and black
Simplex and white color.
Large Shows the current number of single-sided copies of large paper size and black
and white color.
Mono Small Shows the current number of double-sided copies of small paper size and black
Duplex and white color.
Large Shows the current number of double-sided copies of small paper size and black
and white color.
Color Small Shows the current number of color single-sided copies of small paper size.
Large Shows the current number of color single-sided copies of large paper size.
Color Duplex Small Shows the current number of color double-sided copies of small paper size.
Large Shows the current number of color double-sided copies of large paper size.
Fax-in Mono Small Shows the current number of single-sided incoming faxes of small paper size and
Simplex black and white color.
Large Shows the number of single-sided incoming faxes of large paper size and black
and white color.
Mono Small Shows the current number of double-sided incoming faxes of small paper size
Duplex and black and white color.
Large Shows the current number of double-sided incoming faxes of large paper size and
black and white color.
Color Small Shows the current number of color single-sided incoming faxes of small paper
Simplex size.
Large Shows the current number of color single-sided incoming faxes of large paper
Color Duplex Small Shows the current number of color double-sided incoming faxes of small paper
Large Shows the current number of color double-sided incoming faxes of large paper
Report Mono Small Shows the current number of single-sided device reports (e.g. on print job error)
Simplex of small paper size and black and white color.
Large Shows the current number of single-sided device reports (e.g. on print job error)
of large paper size and black and white color.
Mono Small Shows the current number of double-sided device reports (e.g. on print job error)
Duplex of small paper size and black and white color.
Large Shows the current number of double-sided device reports (e.g. on print job error)
of large paper size and black and white color.
Color Small Shows the current number of color single-sided device reports (e.g. on print job
Simplex error) of small paper size.
Large Shows the current number of color single-sided device reports (e.g. on print job
error) of large paper size.
Color Duplex Small Shows the current number of color double-sided device reports (e.g. on print job
error) of small paper size.
Large Shows the current number of color double-sided device reports (e.g. on print job
error) of large paper size.
Faxout Shows the number of the outcoming faxes.
Scan Shows the current number of scans.
Total Small The current total of prints/copies/incoming faxes/reports of small paper size.
Total Large The current total of prints/copies/incoming faxes/reports of large paper size.
Total Color The current total of color prints/copies/incoming faxes/reports.
Total Mono The current total of prints/copies/incoming faxes/reports of black and white color
Total The current sum of Total Color and Total Mono.

Column Description
Model Name Shows the device model name.
Serial Number Shows the device serial number.
Host Name Shows the device host name.
Location Shows the device physical location.
Page Count Shows the total number of color and mono prints/copies/incoming faxes/reports
per current moment.
Column Description
Model Name Shows the device model name.
Serial Number Shows the device serial number.
Host Name Shows the device host name.
Location Shows the device physical location.
0-1, 1-2,..., 23-24 Shows how many prints/copies/incoming faxes/reports the device made per
certain hour.
Column Description
The same columns as in the Show the same data as in the Device Total Usage report, but per selected period.
Device Total Usage report
Column Description
The same columns as in the Show the same data as in the Device Detailed Usage report, but per selected
Device Detailed Usage report period.

Column Description
Model Name Shows the device model name.
Serial Number Shows the device serial number.
Host Name Shows the device host name.
Location Shows the device physical location.
Information Shows the color of the selected supply type.
Description Shows the selected supply type details.
Maximum Capacity Shows the maximum capacity of the selected supply type in supply units (e.g.
percent or impressions).
Current Level Shows the current capacity of the selected supply type in supply units (e.g.
percent or impressions).
Supply Unit Shows the capacity unit of the selected supply type (e.g. percent or impressions).
Column Description
Model Name Shows the device model name.
Serial Number Shows the device serial number.
Host Name Shows the device host name.
Location Shows the device physical location.
Toner Type Shows the selected supply type (e.g. toner, OPC, i.e.drum)
Color Shows the selected supply color (e.g. black, cyan etc.)
Install Date Shows when the selected supply type was installed into the device.

Low Date Shows when the selected supply level turned low.
Empty Date Shows when the selected supply turned empty.
Replace Date Shows when the selected supply was replaced.
Page Count From Install To Low Shows how many prints/copies/incoming faxes/reports the device made from the
supply type installation till its level turned low.
Page Count From Low To Empty Shows how many prints/copies/incoming faxes/reports the device made before
the low level of the supply type turned empty.
Page Count From Empty To Shows how many prints/copies/incoming faxes/reports the device made before
Replace the empty supply type was replaced.
Column Description
Model Name Shows the device model name.
Serial Number Shows the device serial number.
Host Name Shows the device host name.
Location Shows the device physical location.
Average Page Count From Install Shows how many prints/copies/incoming faxes/reports on average the device
To Replacement made before the selected supply type was replaced.
Number of Replacements Shows how many times the selected supply type was replaced.
Column Description
Model Name Shows the device model name.
Serial Number Shows the device serial number.
Host Name Shows the device host name.
Location Shows the device physical location.
Cyan Shows the number of cyan toner replacements.
Magenta Shows the number of magenta toner replacements.
Yellow Shows the number of yellow toner replacements.
Black Shows the number of black toner replacements.
Drum Shows the number of drum replacements.
Column Description
Model Name Shows the device model name.
Serial Number Shows the device serial number.
Host Name Shows the device host name.
Location Shows the device physical location.
Supply Type Shows the supply type.
Information Shows the color of the supply type.
Expected Replacement Date Shows when you may need to replace the supply type.
Column Description
Model Name Shows the device model name.
Toner Type Shows the supply type.
Number To Buy Shows how many supply units you will need to buy on an estimated day (shown
on the bar chart).

Column Description
Model Name Shows the device model name.
Serial Number Shows the device serial number.
Host Name Shows the device host name.
Location Shows the device physical location.
Page Count Shows the total number of color and mono prints/copies/incoming faxes/reports
per current moment.
Column Description
Model Name Shows the device model name.
Serial Number Shows the device serial number.
Host Name Shows the device host name.
Location Shows the device physical location.
Added Time Shows when the device was added to a System device group.
Deleted Time Shows when the device was removed from the System device group (e.g. moved
to another device group).
Device Group Shows the group the device was added to/removed from.
Column Description
Model Name Shows the device model name.
Serial Number Shows the device serial number.
Host Name Shows the device host name.
Location Shows the device physical location.
Count Shows how many times the device was in error state.
Average Time Shows for how long the device was unavailable in the System on average.
Maximum Time Shows for how long maximum the device was unavailable in the System.

Troubles and SLA

Column Description
Model Name Shows the device model name.
Serial Number Shows the device serial number.
Host Name Shows the device host name.
Location Shows the device physical location.
Alert Name Shows the device alert description.
Information Shows the device alert source (e.g. black/yellow/cyan <toner>, transfer belt).
Start Date Shows when the alert was received.
Severity Level Shows the alert severity.
Column Description
Model Name Shows the device model name.
Serial Number Shows the device serial number.
Host Name Shows the device host name.

Location Shows the device physical location.
Operation Time Shows how much time the device exists in the System within the selected period.
Number of Troubles Shows how many troubles occurred on the device.
Trouble Fix Time Shows how much time passed before the device status changed from Error to
Operation Rate Shows how quickly the device trouble was fixed. The rate is measured in percent.
It is calculated as Trouble Fix Rate/Operation Time * 100%
Column Description
Model Name Shows the device model name.
Serial Number Shows the device serial number.
Host Name Shows the device host name.
Location Shows the device physical location.
Critical Shows the number of the device alerts with critical severity level.
Warning Shows the number of the device alerts with warning severity level.
Information Shows the number of the device alerts with information severity level.
Column Description
Model Name Shows the device model name.
Serial Number Shows the device serial number.
Host Name Shows the device host name.
Location Shows the device physical location.
1, 2,...,5 Shows first, second,...,fifth most frequent device trouble.
Column Description
Alert Name Shows the device alert description.
Count Shows how many times the alert was received.
Number of devices sent the alert Shows how many devices sent this alert.
Average Time Shows the average time spent to fix the trouble associated with the alert. The fix
time is the time passed before the device status changed from Error to Normal.
Maximum Time Shows the maximum time spent to fix the trouble associated with the alert.
Column Description
Severity Level Shows a device alert severity level (critical, warning, information).
Count Shows number of device alerts of the corresponding severity level.
Number of devices sent the alert Shows how many devices sent the alerts.
Average Time Shows the average time spent to fix the trouble associated with the alert. The fix
time is the time passed before the device status changed from Error to Normal.
Maximum Time Shows the maximum time spent to fix the trouble associated with the alert.

Column Description
Serial Number Shows the device serial number.
MAC Address Shows the device MAC address.

Print Color Shows the current number of color prints. You can view the prints data in Device
Detailed Usage report. The print color impressions is a sum of the numbers from
the following report columns and subcolumns:
Print Color Impressions=Print Color Simplex Small+Print Color Simplex
Large*2+Print Color Duplex Small+Print Color Duplex Large*2.
Print Mono Shows the current number of black and white prints. You can view the prints data
in Device Detailed Usage report. The print mono impressions is a sum of the
numbers from the following report columns and subcolumns:
Print Mono Impressions=Print Mono Simplex Small+Print Mono Simplex
Large*2+Print Mono Duplex Small+Print Mono Duplex Large*2.
Copy Color Shows the current number of color copies. You can view the copies data in
Device Detailed Usage report. The copy color impressions is a sum of the
numbers from the following report columns and subcolumns:
Copy Color Impressions=Copy Color Simplex Small+Copy Color Simplex
Large*2+Copy Color Duplex Small+Copy Color Duplex Large*2.
Copy Mono Shows the current number of black and white copies. You can view the copies
data in Device Detailed Usage report. The copy mono impressions is a sum of the
numbers from the following report columns and subcolumns:
Copy Mono Impressions=Copy Mono Simplex Small+Copy Mono Simplex
Large*2+Copy Mono Duplex Small+Copy Mono Duplex Large*2.
Fax Shows the current number of outcoming faxes.
Scan Shows the current number of scans.
Column Description
Serial Number Shows the device serial number.
MAC Address Shows the device MAC address.
Simplex Color Shows the current number of single-sided color prints.
Simplex Mono Shows the current number of single-sided prints of black and white color.
Duplex Color Shows the current number of double-sided color prints.
Duplex Mono Shows the current number of double-sided prints of black and white color.
Large Shows the current number of prints of large paper size.
Small Shows the current number of prints of small paper size.
Column Description
Serial Number Shows the device serial number.
MAC Address Shows the device MAC address.
Simplex Color Shows the current number of single-sided color copies.
Simplex Mono Shows the current number of single-sided copies of black and white color.
Duplex Color Shows the current number of double-sided color copies.
Duplex Mono Shows the current number of double-sided copies of black and white color.
Large Shows the current number of copies of large paper size.
Small Shows the current number of copies of small paper size.
Column Description
Serial Number Shows the device serial number.
MAC Address Shows the device MAC address.
Color Shows the current number of outcoming color faxes.
Mono Shows the current number of outcoming faxes of black and white color.

Column Description
Serial Number Shows the device serial number.
MAC Address Shows the device MAC address.
Simplex Color Shows the current number of color scans made in simplex mode (scanning of a
sheet of paper on one side).
Simplex Mono Shows the current number of scans of black and white color made in simplex
mode (scanning of a sheet of paper on one side).
Duplex Color Shows the current number of color scans made in duplex mode (automatic
scanning of a sheet of paper on both sides).
Duplex Mono Shows the current number of scans of black and white color made in duplex
mode (automatic scanning of a sheet of paper on both sides).
Email Shows the current number of scans sent to email.
FTP Shows the current number of scans sent to FTP server.
SMB Shows the current number of scans sent to SMB server.
WebDAV Shows the current number of scans sent to WebDAV server.
Application Shows the current number of scans made using a scan creator application
installed on a PC (Samsung Easy Document Creator).
USB Shows the current number of scans sent to USB flash memory drive.
Other Shows the current number of scans sent to resources other than the mentioned
Column Description
The same columns as in the in the Show the same data as in the corresponding current reports, but per selected
corresponding current reports period.

Instant Report
System allows you to view interactive reports simple options. These reports are designed to help you easily get a quick
look at the analytical data related to the devices and device users. Basically, you can view reports for a selected device/
user group, not individual device(s)/user(s).
The data for the reports creation is updated every time System collects the device data. Therefore, the displayed report
results depend on the scheduled data collection time. You should remember that while running device usage reports,
• Device Detailed Usage,
• Device Total Usage,
• Device Peak Usage History,
• Device Total Usage History,
• Device Detailed Usage History.
For example, today is Thursday, 19 p.m. You run Device Total Usage History report per Today. It shows the total page
count of X device is 5. At 19.15 p.m. a user prints out 10 pages from the X device and turns it off. There comes Friday.
User turns on the X device at 08:00 a.m. A scheduled data collection starts at 08:00 a.m and finishes at 08:30 a.m. You
run Device Total Usage History report per Yesterday (Thursday). It still shows the X device total page count is 5. Yet,
if you run the report for Today (Friday), it will show 10 with the Thursday pages included. Also note that data collection
takes time, which depends on the number of your devices. In our example it’s 40 min. So, if you had run the report, say, at
08:15, it could have shown 10, because the X device was not the first in the line to collect data from.

Instant Report Page Overview
To access analytical interactive reports in the Main Menu select Report>Instant Report.

(1) (3)



The Domain drop-down menu can be available only if the Managed Domain plug-in is enabled. See “Domain” on
page 118.
The Instant Report console consists of two panels:
• the left panel consists of following sections:
• Instant Report Type section (1). The section displays a list of report categories.
See “Report Categories” on page 154.
• Device Groups sections (2). The sections display lists of available device groups.
• the right panel displays the following sections:
• Settings (3). The section shows up, if the report selected in the Instant Report Type section (1) includes any
• Instant Report Results (4). The section displays the selected report results. It can be a table or a chart or
both, which depends on the selected report.
From the Instant Report console, you can:
• view an instant report based on a device group (not for an individual device),
• easily view instant reports in different aspects (by changing settings options, such as period),
• export instant report results to a PDF, CSV or XML file,
• send the results to a recipient via email,
• print the results.

Viewing Instant Report

To view an instant report:
1. Login as Administrator with Instant Report permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Report>Instant Report.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain the needed devices belong to. See “Domain” on page
4. In the Instant Type section of the left panel select the needed instant report.
See “Report Categories” on page 154 for a list of instant report types (same as reports).
5. In the Device/Dynamic Group section of the left panel select the device group you wish to view the instant report
6. (Optional) In the Settings section of the right panel change the report settings as you need.

Availability of Settings depends on the selected instant report. See “Instant Report Settings” on page 166.
7. View the report results in the Instant Report Results section of the right panel.
For most reports displayed as a table you can manage the columns the same way as for the Device List. See
“Customizing Device List Columns” on page 21.

Instant Report Settings

The table below provides description of the settings available for the instant reports.


Assets Current Tray Information None.
History Asset Information Asset type. The device changed asset type. Available
History options:
• All (all listed below),
• IP,
• Location,
• Registration,
• Group changed.
Period. The report period. Available options:
• Today,
• Last 7 days,
• This Week,
• Last Week,
• This Month,
• Last Month,
• Last 30 days,
• This Year,
• Last Year,
• Custom (allows to select the needed dates)
Device Current Device Detailed Usage None.
Device Total Usage
History Device Peak Usage Period. The report period. Available options:
History • Today,
Device Total Usage • Last 7 days,
• This Week,
Device Detailed Usage • Last Week,
• This Month,
• Last Month,
• Last 30 days,
• This Year,
• Last Year,
• Custom (allows to select the needed dates).

Supply Current Supply Current Supply type. Available options:
Information • All (toner and drum),
• Toner,
• Drum.
Toner type. Available options:
• All (all listed below),
• Cyan,
• Magenta,
• Yellow,
• Black.
State. Available options:
• All (all listed below),
• Normal,
• Low,
• Empty.
History Supply Replacement Supply type. Available options:
History • All (toner and drum),
• Toner,
• Drum.
Toner type. Available options:
• All (all listed below),
• Cyan,
• Magenta,
• Yellow,
• Black.
Period. The report period. Available options:
• Today,
• Last 7 days,
• This Week,
• Last Week,
• This Month,
• Last Month,
• Last 30 days,
• This Year,
• Last Year,
• Custom (allows to select the needed dates).

Supply Lifecycle History Supply type. Available options:
• All (toner and drum),
• Toner,
• Drum.
Toner type. Available options:
• All (all listed below),
• Cyan,
• Magenta,
• Yellow,
• Black.
Event Type. The supply associated event (installation,
level, replacement accordingly):
• Install,
• Low,
• Empty,
• Replace.
Period. The report period. Available options:
• Today,
• Last 7 days,
• This Week,
• Last Week,
• This Month,
• Last Month,
• Last 30 days,
• This Year,
• Last Year,
• Custom (allows to select the needed dates).
Toner Replacement Period. The report period. Available options are the
History same as listed above.
Forecast Supply Details Forecast Supply type. Available options:
• All (toner and drum),
• Toner,
• Drum.
Supply Forecast
Toner type. Available options:
• All (all listed below),
• Cyan,
• Magenta,
• Yellow,
• Black.
Period. The report period. Available options:
• Today,
• This Week,
• This Month,
• 3 Months,
• 6 Months,
• This Year,
• Next Year,
• Custom (allows to select the needed dates).

Device Current Device List None.

History Device Lifecycle History Period. The report period. Available options:
• Today,
Device Availability
History • Last 7 days,
• This Week,
• Last Week,
• This Month,
• Last Month,
• Last 30 days,
• This Year,
• Last Year,
• Custom (allows to select the needed dates).

Troubles Current Current Troubles Severity level. The device alert severity level.
and SLA Available options:
• All (all listed below),
• Critical,
• Warning,
• Information.
Period. The device alert age. Available options:
• All (all listed below),
• Less than 1 week,
• 1-2 weeks,
• 2 weeks-1 month,
• More than 1 month.
History Trouble Resolution Time Period. The report period. Available options:
by Device • Today,
Trouble Severity • Last 7 days,
• This Week,
Trouble Resolution Time • Last Week,
• This Month,
Trouble Resolution Time
• Last Month,
by Severity
• Last 30 days,
• This Year,
• Last Year,
• Custom (allows to select the needed dates).
Most Frequent Troubles Period. The report period. Available options are the
same as the listed above.
Severity level. The device alert severity level.
Available options:
• All (all listed below),
• Critical,
• Warning,
• Information.

Accounting Current All Usage None.
Print Usage
Copy Usage
Fax Usage
Scan Usage
History All Usage Period. The report period. Available options:
Print Usage • Today,
Copy Usage • Last 7 days,
• This Week,
Fax Usage
• Last Week,
Scan Usage
• This Month,
• Last Month,
• Last 30 days,
• This Year,
• Last Year,
• Custom (allows to select the needed dates).

Exporting Instant Report

When you view an instant report you can export it to the following formats:
• PDF,
• CSV,
• XML.

To do this in the top right corner of the Instant Report page click and select the needed format. In case of PDF you
will need to specify the paper size and orientation.

Emailing Instant Report

When you view an instant report you can email it to the needed recipient, on condition that SMTP server settings are
configured. See “SMTP: Setting up SMTP Server” on page 247.
If network issues don’t allow to send the email, the System retries sending in an hour. View the Event Log entries of
Notification category to monitor emailing issues. See “Event Log” on page 249.
To email an instant report:
1. In the top right corner of the Instant Report page click . The Send Email dialog is displayed.

2. In the Subject field enter the email subject.

3. In the To field enter the email recipient address.
4. (Optional) In the Body field enter the email body text.
5. From the Format drop-down list select in which format to email the report (PDF,CSV, XML).
6. (if PDF is selected on step 5) Select the emailed report paper size and orientation.
7. Click Send.
If the SMTP settings are incorrect, the System displays the corresponding error message. Then:
a. In the error message click the Edit SMTP settings link.
b. Provide the appropriate SMTP settings the same way as on page Settings > System > SMTP. See
“SMTP: Setting up SMTP Server” on page 247.
c. Click OK.

d. In the displayed dialog click OK.
e. In the error message click Send Again.

Printing Instant Report

When you view an instant report you can print it out. To do this in the top right corner of the Instant Report page click

icon and select:

• Print this page (Only list) to print only the currently displayed report results,
• Print all pages (Only list) to print all the report results pages.
As you select the needed option, the report results will be displayed in a new browser window in a printer-friendly format.
Therefore, you can print them out as you do it with any other document.

Report Generation
System allows you to view custom reports according to your needs. This reporting feature is based on a slightly different
concept than interactive reporting you access via the Instant Report page (see “Instant Report” on page 164). The
difference is that you can use a Report Configuration wizard with more options like Schedule and Device/User List. It
lets you generate reports on certain devices/users, not only the entire device/user group. In this case System generates
report results after you configure options and select devices/users. So, you can generate a wider variety of reports than
via the Instant Report console.
To access custom reports feature in the Main Menu select Report>Report Generation.

(2) (4)




The Domain drop-down menu can be available only if the Managed Domain plugin is enabled. See “Domain” on
page 118.
The Report Generation page consists of two panels:
• the left panel is divided into two sections:
• History (1). The section displays a list of created reports. The info next to each report shows you whether the
report runs once or regularly (e.g. weekly) or it is postponed (scheduled for a certain date). The number of
report runs is shown as well. If a report has already run, the report instance is displayed (2) showing you the
report creation date and time.
• Calendar (3). The section shows you whether there are any reports scheduled for a date. If a calendar day is
marked by a blue triangle with a number inside, it shows the number of reports scheduled for this day. You can
click the number and select a report to view its summary.
• the right panel displays a button to create reports (4) and the parameters of the report selected in the History. The
View Report (5) button is displayed, if the report instance is selected. It allows to view the report results.
From the Report Generation console you can:

• create and view reports based on your configuration,
• manage the history of the created reports.

Creating Custom Reports

To create a report based on your configuration:
1. Login as Administrator with Report Generation permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Report > Report Generation.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain the needed devices belong to. See “Domain” on page
4. On the right panel of the displayed page click the Create Report button. The Create Report wizard is displayed.

5. From the Report type drop-down list select the needed report. See “Report Categories” on page 154.
If you have already created reports and saved their settings as template, you can click and load them
instead of configuring them manually again.
6. Click Next. The Select Custom Options dialog is displayed. The dialog view depends on the selected report type
and can include:
• a section with report data settings, if any (see “Instant Report Settings” on page 166 and “Custom Report
Settings” on page 173).
• a section with report columns settings, if any (see “Selecting Custom Report Columns” on page 174).
7. (If the selected report has any settings) Specify the report settings you need and select the columns to be displayed
in the report.
8. Click Next.
9. (If the selected report allows device/user selection) In the displayed Select Target Device/User dialog select the
devices/users you wish to run the report for.
10. Click Next. The Scheduling dialog is displayed.

11. In the Schedule name field enter the name of the report name or leave it default.
12. In the Start section specify when the report must be initiated. The options are described in the table below.

Start Now Select this option to create the report immediately.
Schedule Select this option, if you wish to create the report on a certain date. Then specify:
• Date & Time : select the report creation date and time.
• Interval : select how often the report will be created. The report will be created on the same
day/date and at the same time as the date/time selected for Date & Time.
You can click icon to save the report settings (e.g. period, columns, sorting order) as a template and use it
next time you need to run the report. This saves time as you do not need to define settings manually again.
13. (Optional) Select the Send email checkbox, if you wish the report to be emailed to a certain recipient. Then perform
the following steps:
f. In the Subject field enter the email subject.
g. In the To field enter the email recipient address.
h. From the Format drop-down list select in which format to email the report (PDF,CSV, XML).
i. (if PDF is selected on step d) Select the emailed report paper size and orientation.
14. Click Execute.
If you specify email settings for the report, but the SMTP settings are incorrect, the System displays the
corresponding error message. Click the Edit SMTP settings link in the message and provide the appropriate
SMTP settings. Do this the same way as on page Settings > System > SMTP. See “SMTP: Setting up SMTP
Server” on page 247. Then close the error message and click Execute again.
15. Click Close.
You can view the generated reports from the Report > Report Generation page. See the subsection below for details.

Custom Report Settings

As you create a custom report in most cases you can specify the report data settings. The settings are the same
as for the corresponding Instant Report. See “Instant Report Settings” on page 166. The table below shows the
settings of the custom Accounting reports.

Accounting Device Usage History Job type. Available options:
• All (all listed below),
• Print,
• Copy,
• Fax,
• Scan.
Period. The report period. Available options:
• Today,
• Last 7 days,
• This Week,
• Last Week,
• This Month,
• Last Month,
• Last 30 days,
• This Year,
• Last Year,
• Custom (allows to select the needed dates).
Accounting User Group Summary Usage History • The same settings as for Accounting Device
Usage History.
Accounting User Group Usage History • The same settings as for Accounting Device
Usage History.
• Group by. Available options:
• User (to view usage data per each user of the
selected group),
• User Group (to view usage data per selected
Accounting User Usage History • The same settings as for Accounting Device
Usage History.
• User Type. Available options:
• Users (to view usage data per each selected
• User Summary (to view usage data per all
selected users).

Selecting Custom Report Columns

As you create a custom report in most cases it is possible to select columns to be displayed in the report. Column
settings are displayed in the Select Custom Options dialog of the Create Report wizard:

To select columns:
1. In the Feature List section select the columns to be displayed in the report. Hold down Ctrl or Shift to select
several columns at once.
You can search the Feature List section to quickly locate needed column. To do this at the section bottom
in the search field enter the column name and click the magnifier icon. To search by column category
(e.g. Copy, Print etc.) click , enter the category name, and click the magnifier icon. The section will be
updated to display only the item(s) matching your search request. The search field will be highlighted in yellow.
As long as the search field is yellow, the section displays only the items matching the search request. To view all
available items again, clear the search string and click the magnifier icon.
2. Click or just drag and drop the selected columns to the Selected Features section.
You can drag and drop a folder name to add all columns in it to the Selected Features section.
To add one column you can just double-click it. If you change your mind and decide that a selected
column is not needed, select it in the Selected Features section and click . Double-click and drag-
and-drop works as well.
To change the columns order in the Selected Features section select the needed column(s), then drag-and-drop
it to the needed position. Hold down Ctrl or Shift to select several items at once. You can also click icons to
move the selected items to a position up or down correspondingly.
To define the report sorting:
1. In the Selected Features section hover the cursor over a column to sort by.
2. Click the displayed triangle icon.
3. Select the sorting order:
• Sort Ascending,
• Sort Descending.

Viewing Custom Report

To view a custom report results:
1. Login as Administrator with Report Generation permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Report>Report Generation.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain. See “Domain” on page 118.
4. On the left panel click the plus icon of the needed report. The report instance(s) will be displayed under it. The
number of instances depends on how many times the report has run.

You can click / to sort the report history by name/date.
5. Click the needed report instance. The View Report button appears on the right panel.
6. Click the View Report button. The report results are displayed in a new browser window.
Managing Custom Reports History
All the created custom reports are stored on the Report Generation page where you can:
• view a custom report status and settings (see “Viewing Custom Report Status and Settings” on page 176),
• disable a custom report (see “Disabling Custom Report” on page 176),
• initiate a scheduled custom report manually (see “Initiating Custom Report Manually” on page 177),
• stop an in progress custom report (see “Stopping the In Progress Custom Report” on page 177),
• modify a custom report name and recurring interval (see “Modifying Custom Report Name and Schedule” on page
• delete a custom report (see “Deleting Custom Report” on page 178).
If you have migrated from SyncThru to Fleet Admin Pro, the Reports History may include scheduled legacy reports:
Trouble Fix Rate History and Supply Provision Rate History. If so, they still can be viewed, but no longer run
according to their schedule.

Viewing Custom Report Status and Settings

To view the custom report status and settings:
1. Login as Administrator with Report Generation permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Report>Report Generation.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain. See “Domain” on page 118.
4. On the left History panel click the needed report name. The report settings are displayed on the right panel.
You can sort reports by name to quickly spot the needed one. To do this click .
If the report is still active (e.g. it runs regularly or postponed, not expired), you can click and edit its
name and recurring interval. See “Modifying Custom Report Name and Schedule” on page 177.
5. In the top right corner click . The report status details are displayed above the report settings.

If the report is active (e.g. it runs regularly or postponed to a future date), you can click the Disable button to
deactivate it. And with no regard to the report status you can click Run Now button to initiate it once again.

Disabling Custom Report

If a custom report is postponed (not expired, scheduled for certain date in future) or regular (runs according to
specified period, for example, weekly), you can deactivate it so that it does not run until needed.
To deactivate a custom report:

1. Login as Administrator with Report Generation permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Report>Report Generation.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain. See “Domain” on page 118.
4. On the left panel click the needed report name.
5. On right panel in the top right corner click .
6. In the displayed report status section click the Disable button.

Initiating Custom Report Manually

You can manually initiate any report stored in the Report Generation console. For example, a custom report
is scheduled for certain date in future or runs on a regular basis (e.g. weekly, monthly), but you need to run it
To do this:
1. Login as Administrator with Report Generation permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Report>Report Generation.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain. See “Domain” on page 118.
4. In the left panel click the needed report name.
5. In right panel in the top right corner click .
6. In the displayed report status section click the Run Now button.

Stopping the In Progress Custom Report

System allows you to pause or stop a running custom report.
To do this:
1. Login as Administrator with Report Generation permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Report>Report Generation.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain. See “Domain” on page 118.
4. On the left panel click the plus icon of the needed report name. The report instance(s) will be displayed under it.
5. Click the running instance.
6. On right panel in the top right corner click .
7. In the displayed report status section click / to pause/stop the report creation.

Modifying Custom Report Name and Schedule

If a custom report is postponed (not expired, scheduled for certain date in future) or regular (runs according to
specified period, for example, weekly), you can modify its name and schedule, including recurring interval.
To modify a custom report name and schedule:

1. Login as Administrator with Report Generation permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Report>Report Generation.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain. See “Domain” on page 118.
4. On the left panel click the needed report name and click at the bottom.
5. On the displayed Edit Scheduling dialog make changes as described here.

6. Click Save.
Deleting Custom Report
If you don’t need a custom report, you can delete it.
To delete a custom report:
1. Login as Administrator with Report Generation permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Report>Report Generation.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain. See “Domain” on page 118.
4. On the left panel click the unneeded report and click at the bottom.
5. On the displayed dialog click Yes to confirm deletion.

Exporting Custom Report

You can export a created custom report to the following formats:
• PDF,
• CSV,
• XML.
To do this:
1. Login as Administrator with Report Generation permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Report>Report Generation.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain. See “Domain” on page 118.
4. On the left panel click the plus icon of the needed report name. The report instance(s) are displayed under it.
5. Click the report instance you wish to export.
6. In the top right corner of the right panel click and select the need format.
In case of PDF you will need to specify the paper size and orientation.

Emailing Custom Report

You can email a created custom report to the needed recipient, on condition that SMTP server settings are
configured. See “SMTP: Setting up SMTP Server” on page 247.
If network issues don’t allow to send the email, the System retries sending in an hour. View the Event Log
entries of Notification category to monitor emailing issues. See “Event Log” on page 249.
To email an custom report:
1. Login as Administrator with Report Generation permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Report > Report Generation.

3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain. See “Domain” on page 118.
4. On the left panel click the plus icon of the needed report name. The report instance(s) will be displayed under it.
5. Click the report instance you wish to email.
6. In the top right corner of the right panel click . The Send Email dialog is displayed.

7. In the Subject field enter the email subject.

8. In the To field enter the email recipient address.
9. (Optional) In the Body field enter the email body text.
10. From the Format drop-down list select in which format to email the report (PDF,CSV, XML).
11. (If PDF is selected on step 10) Select the emailed report paper size and orientation.
12. Click Send.
13. If the SMTP settings are incorrect, the System displays the corresponding error message. Then:
a. In the error message click the Edit SMTP settings link.
b. Provide the appropriate SMTP settings the same way as on page Settings > System > SMTP. See
“SMTP: Setting up SMTP Server” on page 247.
c. Click OK.
d. In the displayed dialog click OK.
a. In the error message click Send Again.
Printing Custom Report
You can print a created custom report out. To do this:
1. Login as Administrator with Report Generation permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Report>Report Generation.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain. See “Domain” on page 118.
4. On the left panel click the plus icon of the needed report name. The report instance(s) will be displayed under it.
5. Click the report instance you wish to print out.
6. In the top right corner of the right panel click icon and select the print option. The report will be displayed
in a new browser window in a printer-friendly format. Therefore, you can print it out as you do it with any other

Multi-Domain Instant Report
Multi-Domain Instant Report menu is available, if the Managed Domain plug-in is enabled on the System. Multi-
Domain Instant Report menu provides the same set of interactive analytical reporting capabilities as the Instant Report
menu. See “Instant Report” on page 164.
The difference is that you can select several or all domains the devices belong to, when you run interactive analysis
reports. So, the System allows you to get cross domain analytical device reporting.
See “Domain” on page 118 for details on domains.

Multi-Domain Instant Report Page Overview

To access multi-domain instant reports in the Main Menu select Report>Multi-Domain Instant Report.

(1) (6)

(2) (7)





The Multi-Domain Instant Report page consists of two panels:

• the left panel (1) consists of following sections:
• Instant Report Type section (2). The section displays a list of report categories.
See “Report Categories” on page 154.
• Managed Domains (3). The section displays a list of available domains created via the Domain Menu. See
“Domain” on page 118.
• Device Groups section (4). The section displays device groups grouped by domains selected in the Managed
Domain section (3). The Domains group includes devices from all selected domains. By default each domain
includes the following groups:
• Ungrouped. The group includes the domain devices not assigned to any group.
• Grouped. The group is a root group for you to create and manage your own sub-groups under and add
domain devices to them. You can use the group toolbar (3) to create, delete, and edit the groups the same
way as in the Device Management console. See “Simple Device Groups” on page 35.
• Dynamic Groups (5). The section displays groups and sub-groups to which devices are added automatically

Multi-Domain Instant Report_180

according to their specific properties. A set of available groups depends on the domain(s) selected in the
Managed Domains section(3). The following groups are predefined per each domain:
• Model Group. The group shows devices of the selected domain(s) by their model. A new model group
is automatically created as a device of a new model is added to the System. Yet it is not automatically
removed as all its devices are deleted (to avoid performance issues). The Clean feature is designed for
this purpose.
• Color/Mono Group. The group shows devices of the selected domain(s) by their color type.
• On/Off Group. The group shows devices of the selected domain(s) by their status (turned on, off, or
• Suspicious Devices. The group shows devices of the selected domain(s) with seemingly incorrect or
missing properties (duplicate IP address, wrong serial number, strange counter, missing/no data).
• Site Manager. The group shows devices by the Site Manager they are managed by. The group includes
Site Managers of the selected domain(s).
• Custom Group. The group is a root group for you to create your own dynamic subgroups under. The
devices will be automatically added to them according to the conditions you’ve specified. By default the
group includes domain subgroups according to domain(s) selected in the Managed Domains section. You
can use the group toolbar at the section bottom to create, delete, and edit the dynamic groups the same
way as in the Device Management console. See “Dynamic Device Groups” on page 36.
• the right panel (6) displays the following sections:
• Settings (7). The section shows up, if the report selected in the Instant Report Type section includes any
• Instant Report Results (8). The section displays the selected report results. It can be a table or a chart or
both, which depends on the selected report.
From the Multi-Domain Instant Report page, you can:
• view an instant report based on a domain device group or multiple/all domains (not for an individual device). See
“Viewing Multi-Domain Instant Report” on page 181.
• easily view domain instant reports in different aspects (by changing settings options, such as period),
• export instant report results to a PDF, CSV or XML file the same way as in the Instant Report page. See “Exporting
Instant Report” on page 170.
• send the results to a recipient via email the same way as in the Instant Report page. See “Emailing Instant Report”
on page 170.
• print the results the same way as in the Instant Report page. See “Printing Instant Report” on page 171.

Viewing Multi-Domain Instant Report

To view a multi-domain instant report:
1. Login as Administrator with Multi-Domain Reports permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Report>Multi-Domain Instant Report.
3. In the Instant Report Type section of the left panel select the needed instant report.
See “Report Categories” on page 154 for a list of instant report types.
4. In the Managed Domain section select the domain(s) including the devices you need in the report.
5. In the Device Groups/Dynamic Groups section of the left panel select the device group you wish to view the report
for. To view the report for devices from all selected domains, select the Domains group in the Device Groups.
6. (Optional) In the Settings section of the right panel change the report settings as you need.
Availability of Settings depends on the selected report. See “Instant Report Settings” on page 166.
7. View the report results in the Instant Report Results section of the right panel.
For most reports displayed as a table you can manage the columns the same way as for the Device List.
See “Customizing Device List Columns” on page 27.

Multi-Domain Report Generation

Multi-Domain Report Generation menu is available, if the Managed Domain plug-in is enabled in the System.
The Multi-Domain Report Generation menu provides the same set of custom reporting capabilities as the Report
Generation menu. See “Report Generation” on page 171.
The difference is that in the Report Wizard you can select several or all domains the devices/users belong to, when you
run custom reports. So, the System allows you to get cross domain custom device reporting.
See “Domain” on page 118 for details on domains.
To access the Multi-Domain Report Generation page in the Main Menu select Report>Multi-Domain Report
Generation. The page looks and feels the same as the Report Generation page. But there’s no Domain drop-down list.

Multi-Domain Report Generation_181

It can be available on the Report Generation page, when the Managed Domain plug-in is enabled.
From the Multi-Domain Report Generation page you can:
• create and view reports based on selected devices/users from certain domains or devices from all domains. See
“Creating Multi-Domain Custom Report” on page 182.
• manage the history of the created reports the same way as in the Report Generation page. See “Managing Custom
Reports History” on page 176.

Creating Multi-Domain Custom Report

To create a multi-domain custom report:
1. Login as Administrator with Multi-Domain Reports permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Report>Multi-Domain Report Generation.
3. On the right panel of the displayed page click the Create Report button.
4. In the displayed Create Report wizard from the Report type drop-down list select the needed report. See “Report
Categories” on page 154.
If you have already created reports and saved their settings as template, you can click and load them
instead of configuring them manually again.
5. Click Next. The Select Custom Options dialog is displayed. The dialog view depends on the selected report type
and can include:
• a section with report settings, if any (see “Instant Report Settings” on page 166).
• a section with report columns settings, if any (see “Selecting Custom Report Columns” on page 174).
6. (If the selected report has any settings) Specify the report settings you need and select the columns to be displayed
in the report.
7. Click Next. The Select Target Device dialog is displayed.

8. In the Managed Domains section select the domain(s) including the devices you need in the report.
9. In the Device Groups/Dynamic Groups section select the needed device group. The corresponding device list is
displayed on the right panel.
If you’ve selected a user report on step 4, select the needed user group.
10. On the right panel select the needed devices.
If you’ve selected a user report on step 4, you may need to select users.
11. Click Next. The Scheduling dialog is displayed.

Multi-Domain Report Generation_182

12. In the Schedule name field enter the name of the report name.
13. In the Start section specify when the report must be initiated. The options are described in the table below.

Start Now Select this option to create the report immediately.
Schedule Select this option, if you wish to create the report on a certain date. Then specify:
• Date & Time : select the report creation date and time.
• Interval : select how often the report will be created. The report will be created on the same
day/date and at the same time as the date/time selected for Date & Time.
You can click icon to save the report settings (defined on step 5) as a template and use it next time you
need to run the report. This saves time as you do not need to define settings manually again.
14. (Optional) Select the Send email checkbox, if you wish the report to be emailed to a certain recipient. Then perform
the following steps:
a. In the Subject field enter the email subject.
b. In the To field enter the email recipient address.
c. From the Format drop-down list select in which format to email the report (PDF,CSV, XML).
d. (if PDF is selected on step c) Select the emailed report paper size and orientation.
15. Click Execute.
16. Click Close.
You can view the generated reports from the History panel of the Report>Multi-Domain Report Generation page.

Viewing Multi-Domain Custom Report

To view a multi-domain custom report:
1. Login as Administrator with Multi-Domain Reports permission.
2. Select Main Menu>Report > Multi-Domain Report Generation.
3. In the History panel click the plus icon of the needed report. The report instance(s) are displayed under it. The
number of instances depends on how many times the report task has run.

4. Click the needed report instance. The View Report button appears on the right panel.
5. Click the View Report button. The report results are displayed in a new browser window.

Multi-Domain Report Generation_183

Managing Multi-Domain Custom Reports History
All the created multi-domain custom reports are stored on the Multi-Domain Report Generation page. To access it in the
Main Menu select Report>Multi-Domain Report Generation. From this page you can manage the reports history the
same as from the Report>Report Generation page:
• view a custom report status and settings (see “Viewing Custom Report Status and Settings” on page 176),
• disable a custom report (see “Disabling Custom Report” on page 176),
• initiate a custom report manually (see “Initiating Custom Report Manually” on page 177),
• stop an in progress custom report (see “Stopping the In Progress Custom Report” on page 177),
• modify a custom report name and recurring interval
(see “Modifying Custom Report Name and Schedule” on page 177),
• delete a custom report (see “Deleting Custom Report” on page 178).
The Multi-Domain Report Generation page looks and feels the same as the Report Generation console. But
there’s no Domain drop-down list. It can be available in the Report Generation page, when the Managed Domain
plug-in is enabled. See “Domain” on page 118 for details on domains.

Multi-Domain Report Generation_184

The System provides a functionality that allows you to configure the System to automatically perform certain device/user
management actions which you don’t want to do manually.
For example, you might periodically add devices of the same model to manage them via the System. And you want them
to be configured the same way. Therefore, you can set the System to automatically apply certain configuration settings to
them as they are added to the System.
Or you might wish certain users to be assigned specific roles as they are added to the System. You might also need to
receive automatic notifications, in a System component license is about to expire.
For purposes alike you need to create appropriate rules consisting of:
• a condition(s) showing when to perform action for a device/user,
• an action(s) showing what to do for a device/user, when the condition is met.
You can create and manage rules via the Rule page, if you have the Rule Management permission.

Rule Overview
To access the Rule page in the Main Menu select Rule>Rule Management.

The Domain drop-down list can be available only if the Managed Domain plugin is enabled. See “Domain” on page
The Rule page consists of two panels:
• the left panel (1) displays a list of events that you can select as triggers for the System to apply device/user
management rules. The number next to each event shows the number of rules related to the event.
• the right panel (2) displays a list of created rules and provides tool bar (3) for you to manage them (e.g. create, edit,

Left Panel Elements

The table below provides a list of possible left panel elements. The elements set depends on the plug-ins enabled in the

Device added to group Select this event, if you need a certain rule to be applied, when a device is added to a
device group (e.g. color group, model group). As you select the event, the rules bound
to it are displayed on the right panel.
Device added to system Select this event, if you need a certain rule to be applied, when a device is added to
the Device List. As you select the event, the rules bound to it are displayed on the right
Device alert detected Select this event, if you need a certain rule to be applied, when the System receives a
device error message. As you select the event, the rules bound to it are displayed on
the right panel.

Device removed from group Select this event, if you need a certain rule to be applied, when a device is deleted/
moved from a device group (e.g. color group, model group). As you select the event,
the rules bound to it are displayed on the right panel.
Device state changed Select this event, if you need a certain rule to be applied, when a device status
changes (e.g. from normal to error or disconnected). As you select the event, the rules
bound to it are displayed on the right panel.
Profile assigned to device Select this event, if you need a certain rule to be applied, when a device is assigned a
profile. See “Device Profiles” on page 57. As you select the event, the rules bound
to it are displayed on the right panel.
Profile unassigned from Select this event, if you need a certain rule to be applied, when a profile is unassigned
device from a device. As you select the event, the rules bound to it are displayed on the right
Profile violated Select this event, if you need a certain rule to be applied, when a device configuration
does not meet the device profile and the profile status turns from Ok to Violated. See
“Profile Monitor” on page 92. As you select the event, the rules bound to it are
displayed on the right panel.
Profile violation cleared Select this event, if you need a certain rule to be applied, when the device profile
status turns from Violated to Ok. As you select the event, the rules bound to it are
displayed on the right panel.
Instance state changed Select this event, if you need a certain rule to be applied, when a System instance
state changes in multi-instance environment. See “Configuring Multi-Instance System”
on page 16 and “Instances” on page 233. As you select the event, the rules bound
to it are displayed on the right panel.
License about to expire Select this event, if you need a certain rule to be applied (e.g. notification sent to
Administrator), when a System component license is about to expire. See “License
Settings” on page 242. As you select the event, the rules bound to it are displayed on
the right panel.
User added to system Select this event, if you need a certain rule to be applied, when a user is added to the
System. As you select the event, the rules bound to it are displayed on the right panel.
User removed from system Select this event, if you need a certain rule to be applied, when a user is deleted from
the System. As you select the event, the rules bound to it are displayed on the right

Right Panel Elements

Click this icon to create a new rule. See “Creating Rule” on page 187 for details.
Click this icon to delete a rule. It is active, when a rule(s) is selected. See “Deleting
Rule” on page 202.
Click this icon to edit a rule. It is active, when one rule is selected. See “Modifying
Rule” on page 201.
Click this icon to move a rule to one position up in the list. It is active, when one rule is
Click this icon to move a rule to one position down in the list. It is active, when one rule
is selected.
Enter a rule name into this search field to find the rule and click the magnifier icon
or press Enter. The rule list will be updated to display only the rules matching your
search request. The search field will be highlighted in yellow. As long as the search field is
yellow, the list displays only the rules matching the search request. To view all available rules
again, clear the search string and click the magnifier icon.
Each time you enter a search string click the magnifier icon or press Enter. Otherwise,
the search results are not updated.

Creating Rule
Any rule is a set of conditions and actions bound to certain event. Based on the selected event the number of available
conditions and actions can be different. See “Rule Conditions Overview” on page 190 for the info on conditions and
“Rule Actions Overview” for the description of actions.
To create a rule:
1. Login as Administrator with the Rule Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Rule>Rule Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. In the left panel of the Rule Management page click the event you wish to be a trigger for the System to
automatically apply a rule.

5. On the right panel click .

6. In the Add Rule Wizard dialog from the Condition List select the needed condition.

Click here to view the conditions description.

7. Click .The selected condition goes to the Rule section.

You can repeat steps 6-7 to add multiple conditions to the rule. Some words in the Condition List may appear
as an underlined link when added to the Rule section. These items need to be changed to a specific condition
before you proceed. For example, if ‘group’ appears in blue, click on the word ‘group’ and select a specific group to
apply to the rule. Click here for details.
8. Make sure you’ve provided a specific condition (if needed) and click Next.
9. In the Action List select the action you wish to be automatically performed as the selected condition(s) is met.

10. Click .The selected action will go to the Rule section.

You can repeat steps 9-10 to add multiple actions to the rule. Some words in the Action List may appear as
an underlined link when added to the Rule section. These items need to be defined before you proceed. For
example, if ‘connection settings’ appears in blue, click it and specify which connection settings to apply.
11. Make sure you’ve provided the selected action definition (if needed) and click Next.
12. Enter the rule name (mandatory) and description (optional).

13. Click Finish.

14. Click Close.

Rule Conditions Overview
A set of conditions available in the Condition List when you’re creating a rule depends on the event you selected as a
the rule trigger and the plug-ins enabled in the System. The table below contains a list of possible conditions with their

device belongs to group The condition is met, when a device in the event belongs to the specified group.
Therefore, as you add this condition to your rule, you need to select a group.
If a rule event is Device removed from group and a device is removed from
the group specified in the device belongs to group condition, the rule does
not work, because the device does not belong to this group any more. The
rule works, if the rule event is Device removed from group and a device is
removed from the group specified in the device group is group condition.
device in list The condition is met, when selected event affects a device you’ve included in a
specific list. For example, you can create a list of devices to which you need certain
settings to be applied automatically. This condition will act as a filter and test the
device in the event against the list of selected devices. Therefore, as you add this
condition to your rule, you need to create a device list.
device is manufactured by The condition is met, when a device in the event has Samsung Electronics, Ltd
Samsung Electronics, Ltd. defined as its Manufacturer.
device is not manufactured by The condition is met, when a device in the event has somebody defined as its
Samsung Electronics, Ltd. Manufacturer, but this is not Samsung Electronics, Ltd.
device is of XOA type The condition is met, when a device in the event is a Samsung device based on
manufactured by Samsung eXtensible Open Architecture (XOA).
Electronics, Ltd.
device property conditions The condition is met, when a device in the event is a device whose properties meet
specified requirements. Therefore, as you add this condition to your rule, you need
to specify which properties the device must have for the rule to be applied.

device has profile assigned The condition is met, when a device in the event has the specified profile. So, as
you add this condition to your rule, you need to specify a profile.
device profile is profile The condition is met, when the event affects a specified profile (e.g. when a profile
violation is cleared). So, as you add this condition to your rule, you need to specify
a profile.
device group is group The condition is met, when the event affects a specified group (e.g. when a device
is added to or removed from the specified group). Therefore, as you add this
condition to your rule, you need to select a group.
alert in list The condition is met, when the detected alert is of a specified type. Therefore, as
you add this condition to your rule, you need to select alert type(s).
user property conditions The condition is met, when a user in the event is a user whose properties meet
specified requirements. Therefore, as you add this condition to your rule, you need
to specify which properties the user must have for the rule to be applied.

Rule Actions Overview

A set of actions available in the Action List when you’re creating a rule depends on the event you’ve selected as a trigger
for the rule application. The table below contains a list of possible actions with their descriptions.

add alert trap This action makes the System to receive alerts from devices that meet the
rule conditions.
apply connection settings This action applies certain connection settings. So, as you add this action to
your rule, you need to specify which settings to apply.
apply device configuration template This action applies certain configuration settings. Therefore, as you add this
action to your rule, you need to specify which configuration settings template
to apply.

install application This action works only for devices based on eXtensible Open
Architecture and installs certain applications to them. Therefore, as you add
this action to your rule, you need to specify which application(s) to install.
move device to group This action moves devices to a certain group. So, as you add this action to
your rule, you need to specify to which group move the devices.
uninstall application This action works only for devices based on eXtensible Open
Architecture and removes certain applications from them. Therefore, as
you add this action to your rule, you need to specify which application(s) to
apply cloning file This action applies a device cloning file, i.e. configuration settings cloned from
a device. So, as you add this action to your rule, you need to specify which
cloning file to apply.
assign profile profile to device This action assigns certain profile to a device. So, as you add this action to
your rule, you need to specify which profile to assign.
unassign profile profile from device This action unassigns certain profile from a device. So, as you add this action
to your rule, you need to specify which profile to assign.
send email message This action works, when SNMP connection settings are defined, and sends
email notification to a certain address. So, as you add this action to your rule,
you need to specify where to send the message and which data it should
send message to Twitter This action works, when Twitter feature is enabled in the System, and sends
notification to Twitter. So, as you add this action to your rule, you need to set
the Twitter message.
assign roles to user This action assigns certain roles to user. So, as you add this action to your
rule, you need to specify which roles to assign.
move user to group This action moves user to a certain group. So, as you add this action to your
rule, you need to specify to which group move the user.

Defining Rule Conditions

As you create a rule you select conditions for certain actions to be performed automatically. Some of such conditions
require you to define specific parameters. For example, you might need to define to which group a device must belong so
that to apply to it certain configuration settings automatically. This subsection contains info on how to define parameters
for certain conditions as you’ve added them to a rule.
To define group for ‘device belongs to group group’:
1. Add the condition. See “Creating Rule” on page 187.
2. In the Rule section click group link.

3. Select the needed group and click OK.

You create a new group, if need. To do this click icon and enter group info.
To define list for ‘device in list’:
1. Add the condition. See “Creating Rule” on page 187.
2. In the Rule section click list link.

3. On the left panel of the displayed dialog select the group you wish to select devices from.

4. Select the checkboxes of the devices you wish to include in the list and click .
You can use the filter drop-down list or search field above the device list to locate the needed devices faster.
Do not forget to click the magnifier icon or press Enter each time you change the search string, otherwise the
device list is not updated.
5. As you’ve selected all the devices you need in the list, click OK.

The checkboxes in the Selected Devices list are only for the device removal from the list. So if you don’t need a
selected device in the list, select its checkbox and click .
To define ‘device property conditions’:
1. Add the condition. See “Creating Rule” on page 187.
2. In the Rule section click conditions link.
3. In the displayed dialog from the Property drop-down list select the device parameter that must have certain value for
the rule to be applied.

4. In the Compound field select:
• Equal to, if you wish the selected parameter to have exactly the value you’ll specify.
• Not equal to, if you wish the selected parameter to have any value except the one you’ll specify.
• Like, if you wish the selected parameter to have the value similar to the one you’ll specify.
5. In the Property value field specify the value the selected parameter must have for the rule to be applied.
You can click and repeat steps 3-5 to add as many conditions as you need. If you do so, icon appears
next to conditions. Click the icon to delete a condition, if you decide you don’t need it.
6. In the Filter match drop-down list select:
• All conditions, if you wish the device to meet all conditions for the rule to be applied.
• At least one condition, if you wish the device to meet at least one condition for the rule to be applied.
7. Click OK.
To define ‘device has profile assigned’/‘device profile is profile’:
1. Add the condition. See “Creating Rule” on page 187.
2. In the Rule section click profile link.

3. Select a profile(s).
Profiles are available, if created via Device Management page. See “Device Profiles” on page 57.
4. Click OK.
To define ‘user property conditions’:
1. Add the condition. See “Creating Rule” on page 187.
2. In the Rule section click conditions link.
3. Define the user property conditions like the device property conditions in the previous guidelines.
To define ‘device group is group’:
1. Add the condition. See “Creating Rule” on page 187.
2. In the Rule section click group link.
3. Select the needed group and click OK.
You can create a new group, if need. To do this click icon and enter group info.
To define ‘alert in list’:
1. Add the condition. See “Creating Rule” on page 187.
2. In the Rule section click list link.
3. In the Alert List column select the needed alert type and click . Repeat this action to add as many alert types as
you need.

If you don’t need a selected alert type in the list, select it in the Selected alerts and click
4. Click OK.

Defining Rule Actions

As you create a rule you select conditions for certain actions to be performed automatically. Some of such actions require
you to define specific parameters. For example, you might need to define to which group a device must be moved
automatically, if the specified condition is met. This subsection contains info on how to define parameters for certain
actions as you’ve added them to a rule.
To define cloning file for ‘apply cloning file’:
1. Add the action. See “Creating Rule” on page 187.
2. In the Rule section click cloning file link. The Choose Cloning File dialog is displayed.

3. Select the needed cloning file.

Files are available, if they’ve been added via Device Cloning File wizard. You can click and add a cloning file.
See “Creating Device Cloning File” on page 136 for details. If needed, manage the cloning file list as follows:
• to filter it by file type select a type from the drop-down menu (address book or cloning file).

• to search it enter a file name in the search field and click icon ; click the icon every time you change the
search string, otherwise the search results are not updated.
• to delete a file, select it, click , and confirm deletion.
4. Click Choose.
To define settings for ‘apply connection settings’:
1. Add the action. See “Creating Rule” on page 187.
2. In the Rule section click connection settings link. The Connection Settings dialog is displayed.

3. Open the needed settings tab: and

• leave the Use default checkbox selected, if you default settings to be applied or
• deselect the Use default checkbox and specify settings the same way as for default ones (see “Connection:
Configuring Default Device Connection Settings” on page 259).
4. Click OK.
To define template for ‘apply device configuration template’:
1. Add the action. See “Creating Rule” on page 187.
2. In the Rule section click template link.
3. Select the needed template and click Load.

Templates are available here, if they’ve been created or loaded. See “Configuration Templates” on page 49.
To define application for ‘install application’:
1. Add the action. See “Creating Rule” on page 187.
2. In the Rule section click application link.
3. Select the checkbox(es) of the needed application and click OK.

Applications are available here, if they’ve been added to the System file storage. See “Uploading Device Application
File” on page 129.
To define group for ‘move device to group’:
1. Add the action. See “Creating Rule” on page 187.
2. In the Rule section click group link.
3. Select the needed group and click OK.

You create a new group, if need. To do this click icon and enter group info.
To define application for ‘uninstall application’:
1. Add the action. See “Creating Rule” on page 187.
2. In the Rule section click application link.
3. In The list of applications to uninstall dialog click .

4. In the displayed dialog specify the application details and click OK. Repeat the step to add as many applications as
you need to delete from device.

5. In The list of applications to uninstall dialog click OK.
To define profile for ‘assign profile profile to device’/‘unassign profile profile from device’:
1. Add the action. See “Creating Rule” on page 187.
2. In the Rule section click profile link.

3. Select a profile(s).
Profiles are available, if created via Device Management page. See “Device Profiles” on page 57.
4. Click OK.
To define message for ‘send email message’:
1. Add the action. See “Creating Rule” on page 187.
2. In the Rule section click email link. The Email Notification Settings dialog is displayed.

Make sure the correct SMTP settings are provided. See “SMTP: Setting up SMTP Server” on page 247.
Otherwise, email associated features do not work. If network issues don’t allow to send the email, the System retries
sending in an hour. View the Event Log entries of Notification category to monitor emailing issues. See “Event Log”
on page 249.
3. In the Send email to field enter the addressee email. You can also click the User button and use the wizard to find
the needed recipient.
4. In the Subject field enter the text you wish to be displayed in the email subject. If needed, from Properties section
select the device property templates and click Insert to include them to your subject. As the message is sent, the
corresponding device properties will be placed in the email subject.
5. In the Message field type the email body text. If needed, from Properties section select the device property
templates and click Insert to include them to your message. As the message is sent, the corresponding device
properties will be placed in the email body.

6. Click OK.
You can create a list of templates to select them in future instead of manually filling in the info as described above. The
list of templates is managed via Select Email Template wizard. To access it click the Template button above the Subject
To define message for ‘send message to Twitter’:
1. Add the action. See “Creating Rule” on page 187.
2. In the Rule section click message link.
3. Define the twitter template and click OK.

See “Twitter Notification” on page 251 for the details on Twitter notifications settings.

To define roles for ‘assign roles to user’:

1. Add the action. See “Creating Rule” on page 187.
2. In the Rule section click roles link.
3. In the displayed dialog select the needed roles and click OK.

Roles are available in the list here, if they’ve been added via the System role management wizard.
You can click and add roles.
To define group for ‘move user to group’:
1. Add the action. See “Creating Rule” on page 187.
2. In the Rule section click group link.
3. In the displayed dialog select the needed group and click OK.

You can select only a custom group under the Grouped group.

Modifying Rule
The System allows to modify existing rules. To do that:
1. Login as Administrator with the Rule Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Rule>Rule Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left panel of the Rule Management page click the event the needed rule is bound to.
5. On the right panel select the needed rule.
6. Click . The Modify Rule Wizard is displayed.

7. Modify the rule actions/conditions the same way as when creating a rule. See “Creating Rule” on page 187.

Deleting Rule
The System allows to delete rules. To do that:
1. Login as Administrator with the Rule Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Rule>Rule Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left panel of the Rule Management page click the event the rule(s) is bound to.
5. On the right panel select the rule(s).
6. Click .
7. In the displayed Confirm dialog click Yes to confirm deletion.
8. In the displayed Information dialog with deletion results click OK.

The Plug-in menu provides options to manage plug-ins allowing to extend the System features and facilitate printing
environment management. This chapter gives you detailed info on how to manage the System plug-ins.

Plug-in Management
As you install the System you select the plug-ins to enable according to your needs. However after installation you can
also manage the plug-ins as follows:
• install (see “Installing Plug-in” on page 205),
• uninstall (see “Uninstalling Plug-in” on page 206),
• stop (see “Stopping Plug-in” on page 206),
• start (see “Starting Plug-in” on page 207),
• view info (see “Viewing Plug-in Info” on page 207).
The System allows you to perform the listed operations, if you have the Plug-in Management permissions. The plug-ins
are managed via the Plug-in Management page.

Plug-in Management Overview

To access Plug-in Management page in the Main Menu select Plug-in>Plug-in Management.

(1) (3)




The Plug-in Management page consists of two panels:

• the left panel (1) displays a list of available plug-ins and a toolbar (2) to manage them (add,delete).
• the right panel (3) displays:
• the details of the selected plug-in and provides a control (4) for you to enable/disable it.
• the license list (5) showing all licenses associated with the selected plug-in and the capabilities to activate and
return them. See “License Management” on page 243.

Plug-in List
The table below includes a list of the System plug-ins, their description, and the menus they provide.


Fleet Admin Pro It is needed to activate the
System product license
and enable you to use the
System basic features as a
registered user.
Managed Domain It enables you to create and • Domain,
manage domains including • Site Manager,
their own devices and users.
This can be useful, if you • Device,
need to manage and get • Multi-Domain Device Management,
statistics on devices and • User,
users of different companies
• Multi-Domain User Management,
under your support or
subsidiaries in your company • File,
that shouldn’t share the data. • Application,
The plug-in allows to use 2 • Site Manager Installer.
additional System servers
to configure multi-instance
PC Site Manager It allows to install additional
Site Managers on PCs. The
plug-in can be used, if the
Managed Domain Plug-in is
installed and enabled.
Device Site Manager It allows to install Site
Managers on devices. The
plug-in can be used, if the
Managed Domain Plug-in is
installed and enabled.
Device Management It enables extended device • Device,
Extension management features • Supply,
for Samsung devices,
including device properties • Threshold Template Assignment,
from Samsung private • Profile Monitor,
MIB, cloning, reporting, • File,
device profiles and tag
• Device Cloning.
management as well as
trouble management.
Client Software It enables file storage • Device,
Management in the System to upload • Management History,
and manage driver and
Local Device Agent files. • Driver Installation History,
The plug-in also supports • Local Device Agent Installation History,
pull installation for you to • File,
download a setup file (e.g.
• Application,
driver), install it, and track
the results via the System. • Local Device Agent,
• Driver.
Device Software It enables device software • Device ,
Management associated features, • Management History,
including firmware update
and font/form/macro • Firmware Management History,
management. • Font/Form/Macro Management History,
• File,
• Firmware,
• Font/Form/Macro.

Mobile Web Dashboard It allows to access Mobile
Dashboard. You can access
the dashboard at <the
System server address>/m.
For example, localhost/m
or localhost:8080/m or
XOA Device Application It enables capability to install • Device ,
Management XOA applications to devices • Management History,
and manage their licenses.
• Application Management History,
• File,
• Application,
• Device.
Accounting It enables basic accounting • Accounting,
functionality, including scans/ • Accounting Management,
copies/faxes quotas for
users and capability to track • Management History,
the related usage statistics. • Accounting History,
• User Permission History,
• Group Permission History,

Installing Plug-in
Before you install a plug-in make sure its installation file is uploaded to the System. See “Uploading Plug-in Installation
File” on page 126.
Then to install a plug-in:
1. Login as Administrator with Plug-in Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Plug-in > Plug-in Management. The Plug-in Management console is displayed.
3. On the left panel click . The system displays the Install New Plug-in wizard.

4. Select the needed plug-in in from the plug-ins list. The plug-ins are available, if their installation files are added to the
System file storage.
You can search the list to find the needed plug-in. To do this enter the plug-in name in the Plug-in name field
and click the Search button. The list will be updated according to your search request. To view full plug-in list
clear the search field and click Search button again. Click this button every time you change the search field
value. Otherwise, the search results are not updated.
5. Click Next. The License Agreement dialog is displayed.

6. Select I accept the terms of the license agreement option.
7. Click Install.
8. Click Close.
After the operation is finished, the System can be unstable for some time due to a known issue. See “Plug-in
Management Issue” on page 296.

Updating Plug-in
To update a plug-in:
1. Login as Administrator with Plug-in Repository and Plug-in Management permissions.
2. Uninstall the current plug-in version. See “Uninstalling Plug-in” on page 206.
3. Upload the new plug-in version to the Plug-in File repository. See “Uploading Plug-in Installation File” on page 126.
4. In the Main Menu select Plug-in > Plug-in Management.
5. On the left panel of the displayed Plug-in Management console click .
6. In the displayed Install New Plug-in wizard select the new plug-in version.
7. Click Next.
8. In the displayed License Agreement dialog select I accept the terms of the license agreement option.
9. Click Install.
10. Click Close. The System logs you out, if user authentication is enabled. Otherwise, the page is refreshed.
After that the plug-in is updated.
After the operation is finished, the System can be unstable for some time due to a known issue. See “Plug-in
Management Issue” on page 296.
Clear your web browser cash. This helps to ensure the updated plug-in works correctly.

Uninstalling Plug-in
If you do not need a plug-in in the System, you can unistall it.
To uninstall a plug-in:
1. Login as Administrator with Plug-in Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Plug-in > Plug-in Management. The Plug-in Management console is displayed.
3. On the left panel select the plug-in you wish to uninstall and click at the bottom.
4. In the displayed dialog click Yes to confirm uninstallation.
After the operation is finished, the System can be unstable for some time due to a known issue. See “Plug-in
Management Issue” on page 296.

Stopping Plug-in
The System allows you to temporarily deactivate a plug-in currently running on the server. A plug-in is running, if its Run
status is Enabled.
To stop a plug-in:
1. Login as Administrator with Plug-in Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Plug-in>Plug-in Management. The Plug-in Management console is displayed.
3. On the left panel select the enabled plug-in you wish to deactivate.
4. On the right panel click the Stop button.

5. In the displayed dialog click Yes to confirm deactivation.
As the plug-in is deactivated, its Run status is Disabled and the corresponding functionality is not available, until you start
the plug-in back.
If you stop a commercial plug-in, the Main Menu options can be blocked.

Starting Plug-in
You can activate currently deactivated plug-in installed in the System. A plug-in is deactivated, if its Run status is
To start a plug-in:
1. Login as Administrator with Plug-in Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Plug-in>Plug-in Management. The Plug-in Management console is displayed.
3. On the left panel select the disabled plug-in you wish to activate.
4. On the right panel click the Start button.
5. In the displayed dialog click Yes to confirm activation.
As the plug-in is activated, its Run status is Enabled.

Viewing Plug-in Info

You can view info about all the plug-ins installed in the System,.
To view plug-ins info in the Main Menu select Plug-in>Plug-in Management. The Plug-in Management page is
displayed. On the left panel you will see the list of installed plug-ins. To view the details of a plug-in select it and view the
plug-in info on the right panel. The info includes the following items:

Version The plug-in version number.
Plug-in ID The unique ID assigned to the plug-in.
Vendor ID The plug-in provider.
Run status Displays whether the plug-in is running (enabled) or deactivated (disabled).
Start/Stop button The control that allows to enable/disable the plug-in
License start date The activation date of the plug-in license.
Expiration date The expiration date of the plug-in license.
License type The status of the plug-in license.
Description The plug-in description provided by the developers.
Device limit number The number showing how many devices the plug-in can handle.
License List List of all licenses associated with the plug-in and the capabilities to activate and
return them. See “License Management” on page 243.

The Accounting menu is available, if the Accounting plug-in is enabled in the System and you have Accounting
Management permission. Accounting is Job Accounting feature (JAC). JAC supports basic accounting functionality to
track all jobs within your imaging and printing environments. It is designed to help you to save costs and reduce device
JAC allows you to set device usage quotas for users and monitor copy/print/scan/fax statistics via Accounting reports.
Quota is a permission(s) that lets a device user to make a limited number of copies/prints/scans/faxes. The device usage
quota can be applied to:
• local users with device account and device password defined,
• LDAP users (LDAP credentials are used as device account and device password).
A user must enter these credentials:
• in the device print driver settings to start printing,
• on the device to start scanning, copying or faxing.
The subsections below describe how to enable Accounting and manage device usage quotas.

Enabling Accounting
Accounting can be enabled only on devices that support it. When enabling JAC for a device you must enter an access
code. It can be individual or default one. So, it is useful to specify default Accounting settings, including the access code.
See “Accounting Settings” on page 276.
To enable accounting on a device:
1. Login as Administrator with Accounting Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Accounting>Accounting Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel select the needed device group.
5. On the right panel select the device(s) to enable Accounting on.
6. On the tool bar click the Accounting Settings button. The Accounting Settings dialog is displayed.

7. Select the Enable job accounting option.

8. Leave the Use default access code checkbox selected, if you wish to use the default access code. Otherwise,
deselect it and enter the needed access code.
9. Click Next. The Scheduling dialog is displayed.

10. In the Schedule name field enter the name of the Accounting task or leave default.
11. In the Start section specify when the task must be initiated. The options are described in the table below.
Start Now Select this option to start the task immediately.
Schedule Select this option, if you wish the Accounting task to start on a certain date. Then specify:
• Date & Time : select a date and time for the task to start.
12. Click Execute.
13. Click Close.
You can view the task results in the Accounting History. See “Viewing Accounting Task Results” on page 218.
After Accounting is enabled on the device, the device features are unavailable, until:
• you assign quotas to users,
Before that, you can enable certain jobs (e.g. copy) via the Device Configuration wizard. All users will be able
to make copies, despite JAC is enabled.
• the users enter their device account and password in the device print driver.

In case of an LDAP user the User ID format is <domain name>\<user account> (e.g. UKoffice\j.smith).

Resetting Accounting Usage

The System allows to manually reset device accounting usage. This means to set the device usage counters back to
zero. Resetting helps to check device usage per certain period. For example, if your company allows employees to print
100 pages per month, you can reset counters every month. If you want to check the usage quarterly and charge bills, you
can reset counters at the end of every 3 months.
It is possible to configure a default reset interval. In this case the System automatically resets the device usage counters
once per configured period. See “Accounting Settings” on page 276.
To reset a device usage counters manually:
1. Login as Administrator with Accounting Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Accounting>Accounting Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel select the needed device group.
5. On the right panel double-click the device where Accounting is enabled.
6. Navigate to the Accounting tab.
7. In the Accounting Permissions section click .
8. In the displayed Information dialog click OK.

Viewing Accounting Job Records

The System allows to view a list of jobs performed on a device where Accounting is enabled. To do this:
1. Login as Administrator with Accounting Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Accounting>Accounting Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel select the needed device group.
5. On the right panel select a device where Accounting is enabled.
6. On the toolbar click the Job Records button. The Job Records dialog is displayed.

The Job Record List is a table with the following columns:

• Job Type. It shows the device job type (print, copy, scan, fax).
• Job Name. It shows the print/copy/scan/fax document name.
• Amount. It shows the number of print/copy/scan/fax pages.
• Unit. It shows the print/copy/scan/fax unit.
• User Login. It shows the user who made print/copy/scan/fax.
• User Type. It shows the type of the user who made print/copy/scan/fax (local, domain, LDAP).
• User Quota Group. It shows the user group where Accounting permissions are applied.
• Job Status. It shows the current job status.
• End Time. It shows when the job was finished.
You can manage the table as follows:

• add/remove columns,
• change column order,
• sort by column,
• filter by job type,
• search (by job type, job name, user login).
Perform the listed operations the same way as in the Device List. See “Managing Device List” on page 27.

You can also click / / to delete/ export/open the job records.

Collecting Accounting Job Records

If you need to view the latest Job Record List of a device, you can manually initiate job records collection. The System
also allows to configure a default job records collection interval. In this case the System automatically collects job records
according to the configured interval.
To initiate job records collection manually:
1. Login as Administrator with Accounting Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Accounting>Accounting Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel select the needed device group.
5. On the right panel double-click the device where Accounting is enabled.
6. Navigate to the Accounting tab.
7. In the Accounting Permissions section click the Collect Job Record button.
8. In the displayed Information dialog click OK.
Disabling Accounting
To disable Accounting on devices, follow these steps:
1. Login as Administrator with Accounting Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Accounting>Accounting Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel select the needed device group.
5. On the right panel select a device where Accounting is enabled.
6. On the toolbar click the Accounting Settings button.
7. In the displayed Accounting Settings dialog select the Disable job accounting option.
8. Click Next.
9. In the displayed Scheduling dialog in the Schedule name field enter the name of the Accounting task or leave
10. In the Start section specify when the task must be initiated. The options are described in the table below.
Start Now Select this option to start the task immediately.
Schedule Select this option, if you wish the Accounting task to start on a certain date. Then specify:
• Date & Time: select a date and time for the task to start.
11. Click Execute.
12. Click Close.
You can view the task results in the Accounting History. See “Viewing Accounting Task Results” on page 218.

Applying Permissions
As Accounting is enabled on a device(s), the device features cannot be used until you define who can use them and how.
Basically you need to set device usage permissions. The System allows to apply permissions to individual users as well
as user groups. In both cases before you apply permissions, ensure device account and device password are defined for
the needed users.
You can set device account and device password as you add or modify a local user. See “Adding Users” on page
104 and “Modifying User Information” on page 109.
After you apply permissions, it is possible to view and modify them from the Accounting tab of the device details view. See
“Viewing and Modifying User Permissions” on page 213.
The subsections below describe how to apply and manage Accounting permissions.

Applying User Permission
A permission enables a device user to make a limited number of copies/prints/scans/faxes. Basically, it is a device usage
To apply permissions to users:
1. Login as Administrator with Accounting Management and Accounting User Permissions Assignment permissions.
2. In the Main Menu select Accounting>Accounting Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel select the needed device group.
5. On the right panel select the device(s) where Accounting is enabled.
6. On the tool bar click the Apply User Permission button. The Apply User Permission dialog is displayed.

7. On the left panel select the user group, including the needed users.
8. On the right panel select users.
You can manage and search the user list the same way as from the User Management page. See “Viewing User
Information” on page 110.
9. Click Next. The Select Permission dialog is displayed.

10. In the Function column select the job(s) allowed to the user(s). Select checkbox All functions to allow all jobs.
11. In the Limitation column enter the number of allowed jobs. Select checkbox unlimited to allow the user(s) to make
unlimited number of jobs (prints/copies etc).
If you selected All functions on the previous step, the entered limitation applies to all job types.

12. Click Next.
13. In the displayed Scheduling dialog in the Schedule name field enter the name of the permission task or leave
14. In the Start section specify when the task must be initiated. The options are described in the table below.
Start Now Select this option to start the task immediately.
Schedule Select this option, if you wish the task to start on a certain date. Then specify:
• Date & Time : select a date and time for the permissions to apply.
15. Click Next.
16. Click Close.
You can view the task results in the User Permission History. See “User Permission History” on page 221.

Viewing and Modifying User Permissions

The System allows to view and modify applied user permissions. To do this:
1. Login as Administrator with Accounting Management and Accounting User Permissions Assignment permissions.
2. In the Main Menu select Accounting>Accounting Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel select the needed device group.
5. On the right panel double-click the device where Accounting is enabled.
6. Navigate to the Accounting tab.
7. In the Accounting Permissions section click the Modify Users button. The Modify User Permission dialog is

8. In the User List select the user whose permissions you need to view/modify. The permissions are displayed in the
Select Permission section.
9. Modify the permissions the same way as when they are applied.
10. Click Add.

Applying Group Permission

A group permission enables each user from a user group to make a limited number of copies/prints/scans/faxes.
Basically, it is a device usage quota for users from certain group.
To apply permissions to users:
1. Login as Administrator with Accounting Management and Accounting User Permissions Assignment permissions.
2. In the Main Menu select Accounting>Accounting Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel select the needed device group.
5. On the right panel select the device(s) where Accounting is enabled.
6. On the tool bar click the Apply Group Permission button. The Apply Group Permission dialog is displayed.

7. Select the needed group.
8. Click Next. The Select Permission dialog is displayed.

9. In the Function column select the job(s) allowed to each user of the user group. Select checkbox All functions to
allow all jobs.
10. In the Limitation column enter the number of allowed jobs. Select checkbox unlimited to allow the user group to
make unlimited number of jobs (prints/copies etc).
If you selected All functions on the previous step, the entered limitation applies to all job types.
11. Click Next.
12. In the displayed Scheduling dialog in the Schedule name field enter the name of the permission task or leave
13. In the Start section specify when the task must be initiated. The options are described in the table below.
Start Now Select this option to start the task immediately.
Schedule Select this option, if you wish the task to start on a certain date. Then specify:
• Date & Time : select a date and time for the permissions to apply.
14. Click Next.
15. Click Close.
You can view the task results in the Group Permission History. See “Group Permission History” on page 221.

Viewing and Modifying Group Permissions

The System allows to view and modify applied group permissions. To do this:
1. Login as Administrator with Accounting Management and Accounting User Permissions Assignment permissions.
2. In the Main Menu select Accounting>Accounting Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel select the needed device group.
5. On the right panel double-click the device where Accounting is enabled.

6. Navigate to the Accounting tab.
7. In the Accounting Permissions section click the Modify Groups button. The Modify Group Permission dialog is

8. In the Group List select the user group whose permissions you need to view/modify. The permissions are displayed
in the Select Permission section.
9. Modify the permissions the same way as when they are applied.
10. Click Add.
Exporting Permissions
The System allows you to export user/group permissions to a CSV file. You can use this file later to import permissions
instead of specifying them again manually. See “Importing Permissions” on page 215.
To export permissions:
1. Login as Administrator with Accounting Management and Accounting User Permissions Assignment permissions.
2. In the Main Menu select Accounting>Accounting Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel select the needed device group.
5. On the right panel double-click the device where Accounting is enabled.
6. Navigate to the Accounting tab.
7. In the Accounting Permissions section click / to export user/group permissions.
8. Save the exported CSV file to the needed location.
Do not open your CSV file with MS Excel using delimiter different from comma. If you do, the file cannot be imported
back to the System.
Importing Permissions
The System allows you to import user/group permissions from a CSV file. The CSV file must meet the certain format.
You can export permissions to a CSV file and use it as a sample to ensure your CSV file is correct. See “Exporting
Permissions” on page 215.
To ensure successful CSV import, do not open your CSV file with MS Excel using delimiter different from comma. If you
do, Excel wraps up the CSV data in quotes, which makes import fail. If so happens, open the CSV file with another editor
and remove the quotes. Alternatively, open the CSV file with Excel again, change the delimiter, save the file and retry
To import permissions from a CSV file:
1. Login as Administrator with Accounting Management and Accounting User Permissions Assignment permissions.
2. In the Main Menu select Accounting>Accounting Management.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel select the needed device group.
5. On the right panel select the device(s) where Accounting is enabled.
6. On the toolbar click the Import Permission button. The Import Permission dialog is displayed.

7. Select Import user permission or Import group permission option.
8. Click Browse.
9. Locate and open the needed CSV file.
10. In the Import Permission dialog click Upload File.
11. Click Close.
You can view the import result in the Group Permission History/User Permission History. See “Group Permission
History” on page 221 and “User Permission History” on page 221.

Accounting Management History

All Accounting tasks are stored in the Accounting Management History:
• Accounting History. It stores all Accounting state tasks including Accounting enabling/disabling. See “Accounting
History” on page 216.
• User Permission History. It stores all Accounting user permission tasks including assigning/modifying/importing.
See “User Permission History” on page 221.
• Group Permission History. It stores all Accounting group permission tasks including assigning/modifying/importing.
See “Group Permission History” on page 221.
Within each history you can view task results, retry them, and perform other task management operations.

Accounting History
The System provides the Accounting History page for you to manage the scheduled Accounting tasks:
• view tasks, their status and results (see “Viewing Accounting Task” on page 217),
• disable tasks (see “Disabling Accounting Task” on page 219),
• initiate tasks manually (see “Initiating Accounting Task Manually” on page 219),
• stop in progress tasks (see “Stopping In Progress Accounting Task” on page 220),
• modify tasks (see “Modifying Accounting Task” on page 220),
• delete tasks (see “Deleting Accounting Task” on page 220).

Accounting History Overview
To access Accounting History in the Main Menu select Accounting>Management History>Accounting History.





The Domain drop-down menu can be available only if the Managed Domain plugin is enabled. See “Devices”
on page 24.
The Firmware Management History page consists of two panels:
• the left panel is divided into two sections:
• History (1). The section displays a list of scheduled tasks and a tool bar to manage them (2) (modify,
delete). The info next to each task shows whether the task runs once or it is postponed. The number of
task runs is shown as well. If a task has run, the task instance will be displayed (3) showing you the task
execution date and time.
Click / to sort the History by name/date and quickly locate a task.
• Calendar (4). The section shows you whether there are any tasks scheduled for a date. If a calendar day
is marked by a blue triangle, there are tasks scheduled for this day. You can click the day and select a
task to view its instances.
• the right panel displays a task results (5), if the task instance is selected.

Viewing Accounting Task

The System allows to view the Accounting task status, results and retry failed ones, if needed.

Viewing Accounting Task Status

To view the Accounting task status:
1. Login as Administrator with Accounting Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Accounting>Management History>Accounting History.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel click the needed task.
If the task is still active (postponed), you can click and edit its schedule.
5. In the top right corner click . The task status info is displayed.

If the task is active (not expired, postponed), you can click the Disable button to deactivate it. And with no
regard to the task status you can click Run Now button to initiate it once again.

Viewing Accounting Task Results

To view the Accounting task results:
1. Login as Administrator with Accounting Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Accounting>Management History>Accounting History.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel click the plus icon of the needed task. The task instance(s) are displayed under it. The number
of instances depends on how many times the task has run.

5. Click the task instance. The task results are displayed on the right panel.

You can click to view the task status info (execution time, state, number of devices).
The results are represented as a list with the following columns:
• Result. It shows whether the result is successful or failed.
• IP address. It shows the IP address of the device the task was performed for.
• Model Name. It shows the model name of the device the task was performed for.
• Start Time. It shows when the task started.
• End Time. It shows when the task completed.
You can manage the list to view the needed info by:
• sorting the list,
• adding/removing columns displayed in the list,
• filtering the list to display only results of certain type,
• searching certain results (by result, IP address, model name).
Perform these operations the same way as for the Device List. See “Managing Device List” on page 27.
If the list contains failed results, you can retry the Accounting task:
• to do this for all the failed devices click the Retry button and select All Failed.
• to do this for certain failed devices select them in the results list, click the Retry button, and select Selected.
The Retry button is active, after the task is completed.
If you double-click a result, the details are displayed:

The details include the following info:
• Status. It shows whether the result is successful or failed
• Operation. It shows the task type.
• IP Address. It shows the IP address of the device the task was performed for.
• Error code. It shows whether errors occurred during task execution.
• Description. It provides details on the task error info.

Disabling Accounting Task

All the Accounting tasks are stored in the Accounting History. If a task is postponed (not expired, scheduled for
future date), you can deactivate it so that it does not run until needed.
To deactivate the Accounting task:
1. Login as Administrator with Accounting Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Accounting>Management History>Accounting History.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel click the needed task.
5. On right panel in the top right corner click .
6. In the displayed task status section click the Disable button.

Initiating Accounting Task Manually

All the Accounting tasks are stored in the Accounting History. You can manually initiate any of them. For example,
a task is scheduled for certain date in future, but you need to run it immediately.
To do this:
1. Login as Administrator with Accounting Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Accounting>Management History>Accounting History.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel click the needed task.
5. On right panel in the top right corner click .
6. In the displayed task status section click the Run Now button.

Stopping In Progress Accounting Task
All the Accounting tasks are stored in the Accounting History. The System allows you to pause or stop a running
To do this:
1. Login as Administrator with Accounting Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Accounting>Management History>Accounting History.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel click the needed task. The task instance(s) are displayed under it.
5. Click the running instance.
6. On right panel in the top right corner click .
7. In the displayed task status section click / to pause/stop the task.

Modifying Accounting Task

All the Accounting tasks are stored in the Accounting History. If a task is postponed (not expired, scheduled for
certain date in future) you can modify the task name and start date.
To modify task name and schedule:
1. Login as Administrator with Accounting Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Accounting>Management History>Accounting History.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel click the needed task and click at the bottom.
5. In the displayed Task Update dialog make changes.

6. Click Save.
Deleting Accounting Task
All the Accounting tasks are stored in the Accounting History. If you don’t need a task, you can delete it.
To delete task:
1. Login as Administrator with Accounting Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Accounting>Management History>Accounting History.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel click the unneeded task and click at the bottom.
5. In the displayed dialog click Yes to confirm deletion.

User Permission History
The System provides the User Permission History page for you to manage the scheduled user permission tasks. The
page is available, if you have Accounting User Permissions Assignment permission. To access the history in the Main
Menu select Accounting>Management History>User Permission History. The User Permission History page looks
and feels like the Accounting History page. So, you can perform the same task management operations:
• view tasks, their status and results,
• disable tasks ,
• initiate tasks manually,
• stop in progress tasks,
• modify tasks,
• delete tasks.
Perform these operations the same way as in the Accounting History. See “Accounting History” on page 216. The
details of the user permission task result are a bit different:

• Status. It shows whether the result is successful or failed.

• Operation. It shows the task type.
• Model Name. It shows the model of the device the task was performed for.
• IP Address. It shows the IP address of the device the task was performed for.
• Serial Number. It shows the serial number of the device the task was performed for.
• Total permitted user. It shows the number of users the device usage permissions (quotas) are applied to.
• Number of failed user. It shows to how many users the device usage permissions (quotas) could not be applied.
• Details button. It opens more details showing to which users the quotas were applied/could not be applied.

Group Permission History

The System provides the Group Permission History page for you to manage the scheduled user group permission
tasks. The page is available, if you have Accounting User Permissions Assignment permission. To access the history in
the Main Menu select Accounting>Management History>Group Permission History. The Group Permission History
page looks and feels like the Accounting History page. So, you can perform the same task management operations:
• view tasks, their status and results,
• disable tasks,
• initiate tasks manually,
• stop in progress tasks,
• modify tasks,

• delete tasks.
Perform these operations the same way as in the Accounting History. See “Accounting History” on page 216.
The details of the user permission task result are a bit different:

• Status. It shows whether the result is successful or failed.

• Operation. It shows the task type.
• Model Name. It shows the model of the device the task was performed for.
• IP Address. It shows the IP address of the device the task was performed for.
• Serial Number. It shows the serial number of the device the task was performed for.
• Total permitted group. It shows the number of user groups the device usage permissions (quotas) are applied to.
• Number of failed group. It shows to how many user groups the device usage permissions (quotas) could not be
• Details button. It opens more details showing to which user groups the quotas were applied/could not be applied.

The Settings menu is available, if you have Settings permission(s). It allows you to configure different settings for your
printing environment. The sections below provide the settings description.

The table below provides the settings overview.
System • HTTP Security. The setting is available, if you have HTTP Security Settings
permission. It allows you to configure secure System connection and enable the
needed authentication method (e.g. local, LDAP). See “HTTP Security” on page
• Debug Log. The setting is available, if you have Debug Log Settings permission.
It allows you to configure the level of the System debug log file stored in the
System installation directory. See “Debug Log” on page 230.
• Proxy. The setting is available, if you have Proxy Settings permission. It allows
you to configure a proxy server for the System proxy and the features that use
proxy settings (e.g. twitter notifications). See “Proxy” on page 232.
• NTLM Domains. The setting is available, if you have NTLM Domains Settings
permission. It allows you to add an NTLM domain (NT LAN Manager) to enable
domain user authentication in the System. See “NTLM Domains” on page 232.
Domain authentication uses your Windows system account in order to
authorize users. No login page is displayed in this case.
• Instances. The setting is available, if you have Instances Settings permission. It
allows you to view a list of System instances, modify their settings, and delete
them (e.g. when scaling back from multi- to single-instance environment). See
“Instances” on page 233.
• LDAP. The setting is available, if you have LDAP Settings permission. It allows
you to add an LDAP server to enable LDAP user authentication in the System.
See “LDAP” on page 235.
• User Role Management. The setting is available, if you have Role Management
permission. It allows you to add and manage user roles in the System. See
“User Role Management” on page 237.
• Firmware Management. The setting is available, if you have Firmware
Management permission. It allows you to define the device firmware update time
out, i.e. how much time the System waits for the firmware version to be updated,
before the corresponding firmware management task is failed. See “Firmware
Management” on page 239.
• Solution Discovery. The setting is available, if you have Manage Solution
discovery permission. It allows you to view other System servers existing in the
network. These can be previous System versions, i.e. SyncThru 6 or SyncThru 5.
See “Solution Discovery” on page 240.
• File Management. The setting is available, if you have File Repository Settings
permission. It allows you to configure the maximum size of the repository
(accessed via Main Menu>File) where plug-in, device application, cloning and
other setup files are stored. You can also specify the maximum size allowed for a
stored file. See “File Management” on page 240.

• License
• License Settings. The setting is available, if you have License Settings
permission. It allows you to configure settings for product/device licenses
online activation and return. See “License Settings” on page 242.
• License Management. The setting is available, if you have License
Settings permission. It allows you to activate/return product and device
licences. See “License Management” on page 243.
• SMTP. The setting is available, if you have SMTP Settings permission. It allows
you to configure SMTP server settings needed for email-asscociated features
(e.g. emailing reports). See “SMTP: Setting up SMTP Server” on page 247.
• Passive Device Discovery. The setting is available, if you have Device
Discovery permission. It allows you to configure the System to discover device
without user intervention. In this case the System does not propagate any
network traffic unless a device announces itself. You can enable mDNS or SLP
discovery. In the latter case only Samsung devices are discovered. See “Passive
Device Discovery” on page 248.
To enable passive device discovery ensure the mDNS(5353) and SLP(427)
ports are open.

Log Event Log. The setting is available, if you have Event Log permission. It allows you to
view the System log messages and delete them. See “Event Log” on page 249.
Notification • Twitter.The setting is available, if you have Twitter permission. It allows you to
set up Twitter notifications to receive Twitter messages upon events that occur on
networked devices (e.g. when a toner is low). See “Notification” on page 251.
Common • Large Paper Settings. The setting is available, if you have Large Paper Settings
permission. It allows you to configure which paper sizes are considered large
and small for accounting purposes. These settings are useful for data collection
and creation of Current and History reports. See “Large Paper Settings” on page
• Data Management. The setting is available, if you have Data Management
Settings permission. It allows you to configure how and when the System
datadase is cleaned up (e.g. manually or automatically) to free up the disc space.
See “Data Management” on page 254.
Device • Alert List. The setting is available, if you have Alert Severity Levels Settings
permission. It allows you to configure severity levels for device alerts. Depending
on a device alert severity level the System may change the device status (e.g.
from normal to error). Device troubles statistics is also displayed according to
their severity levels. See “Alert List” on page 255.
• Blocked Devices. The setting is available, if you have Blocked Devices Settings
permission. It allows you to view the devices that were blocked when deleted
from the Device List. Such devices cannot be discovered, until deleted from the
Blocked Devices list. See “Blocked Devices” on page 258.
• Connection. The setting is available, if you have Device Connection Settings
permission. It allows you to configure default device connection settings. These
include SNMP connection settings, embedded web server credentials (needed,
in particular, for device firmware update, cloning, application installation), and
account settings for USB-connected devices. See “Connection: Configuring
Default Device Connection Settings” on page 259.
• Device Data Collection. The setting is available, if you have Device Data
Collection Settings permission. It allows you to add, delete, and arrange tasks
for the System to collect the device data displayed, in particular, in the Device
List and reports. You can select specific data to be collected. See “Device Data
Collection” on page 261.

• Tag Management. The setting is available, if you have Device Tags permission.
It allows you to create, modify, and delete device tags. A tag is a label you can
assign to a device to quickly spot it in the Device List. See “Tag Management” on
page 266.
• Status Settings. The setting is available, if you have Device Status Settings
permission. It allows you to define for how long to display the New status for a
discovered device. You can also configure for how long the System waits, before
moves a disconnected device to Suspicious Devices group. See “Device Status
Settings” on page 268.

Tasks • Completed Tasks. The setting is available, if you have Completed Tasks
permission. It allows you to view info about tasks performed by the System,
including device discovery, data collection. See “Viewing Completed Tasks” on
page 269.
• Scheduled Tasks. The setting is available, if you have Scheduled Tasks
permission. It allows you to view and manage info about tasks currently
scheduled for the System. See “Managing Scheduled Tasks” on page 269.
Supply • Threshold Template. The setting is available, if you have Supply Threshold
Management permission. It allows you to create and manage templates of device
supply levels. A template defines when the System considers a device supply to
be nearly low, low, empty and displays alerts (e.g. empty, low toner) in the Device
List or sends notifications. The template can be assigned to device models and
individually. See “Threshold Template” on page 271.
• Model Default Threshold Template. The setting is available, if you have Supply
Threshold Management permission. It allows you to assign/unassign supply
level templates to/from devices of certain models. See “Model Default Threshold
Template” on page 274.
Accounting Accounting Settings. The settings are available, if you have Accounting
Management permission. It allows you to configure accounting settings like job
records collection intervals and the default access code. See “Accounting Settings” on
page 276.
Settings availability depends on the plug-ins enabled in the System.

As Administrator you can configure a range of the System settings described in the subsections below.
HTTP Security
The System is a web based management server. Communication between the System and a web browser depends
on your choice. As you install the System server, you select the client-server connection type (HTTP or HTTPS). See
“Installing System” on page 9. However, you can change this setting later on, if necessary. See the subsections below
for details.
Configuring HTTP Connection
To configure HTTP connection:
1. In the Main Menu click Settings.
2. On the left panel of the displayed page select System > HTTP Security.
3. On the right panel deselect the Enable SSL checkbox.

4. In the HTTP port field enter the needed port number or leave it default (8080).
5. Click Apply.
6. Click OK.

Configuring HTTPS Connection

To configure HTTPS connection:
1. ensure a certificate required for the secured connection is configured (see “Configuring Certificates” on page
2. configure HTTPS settings (see “Configuring HTTPS Settings” on page 227).

Configuring Certificates
The System does not provide a default certificate. To check whether any certificate is installed:
1. In the Main Menu click Settings.
2. On the left panel of the displayed page select System > HTTP Security.
3. (If not selected) On the right panel select the Enable SSL checkbox.
4. View the HTTP Security settings.
If the Certificate alias field is enabled, a certificate is available. If disabled, there is no certificate. In this case you
• add a self-signed certificate,
• sign the added certificate by a trusted authority and then use it.
To add a self-signed certificate:
1. Click .
2. In the displayed dialog enter the certificate details.

3. Click Add.
4. Click OK. The certificate is added to the Certificate alias drop-down list.
To sign the added certificate by a trusted authority:
1. Click .
2. In the Certificate Configuration dialog select the needed self-signed certificate.

3. Click Prepare.
4. In the Certificate Signing Request dialog click Download. The CSR text (certificate signing request) is loaded
to your computer.

5. Click Close.
6. Send the CSR text to the trusted authority.
7. When you receive the signed certificate from the trusted authority, repeat steps 1-2.
8. Click Upload.
9. In the displayed dialog click Browse and upload the received signed certificate.
10. Click Upload.
11. Click Close.

Configuring HTTPS Settings

You can switch from HTTP to HTTPS connection for security so that all the communications between the System
and your web browser were sent encrypted. You can enable HTTPS only if there are configured certificates. See
“Configuring Certificates” on page 226.
To configure HTTPS connection:
1. In the Main Menu click Settings.
2. On the left panel of the displayed page select System > HTTP Security.
3. On the right panel select the Enable SSL checkbox.

4. In the HTTPS port field enter the needed port number or leave it default (8081).
5. From the Certificate alias drop-down list select the needed certificate.
6. (Optional) Select the Enable redirect from HTTP to HTTPS checkbox and enter the HTTP port to ensure the
Login page is displayed, even if a user enters the System address with http.
7. Click Apply.
8. Click OK. The SSL will be enabled with the page reloaded and the web browser address bar updated. From
this moment, to access the System you will need to enter in your web
browser address bar. If you type or in the web browser
address bar, the page will not load. Also note that if the selected certificate is self-signed, the browser displays
the untrusted certificate warning as you try to access the System.

Setting up User Authentication

Authentication is for maintaining the System access rights. If you enable authentication, a user must enter their
credentials to login to the System via a web browser. Choose one of the authentication types according to your
security policy.
Authentication types are the following:
• Local Authentication. It ensures only local users can log into the System. You can enable local authentication
during the System installation or after it. In the latter case, add local users before you select this authentication
• LDAP Authentication. It ensures only users registered on your LDAP server can log into the System. Before
you select this option, add your LDAP server and LDAP users to the System.
If there are no LDAP server, click and add the needed server the same way as from
Settings > System > LDAP. See “LDAP” on page 235.
• Local and LDAP Authentication. It ensures local users as well as users registered on your LDAP server can
log into the System. When Local + LDAP authentication is enabled, LDAP users must log in to the System
using their login in format:
• <user account>@<LDAP server name> (e.g. j.smith@sng) or
• <domain name>\<user account> (e.g. sng\j.smith) or
• <user account> (e.g. j.smith), if the user account is unique in the System. Otherwise, the System
considers the user account as local and login may fail.
When Accounting is used, LDAP users must log in to a device using their login in format
<domain name>\<user account> (e.g. sng\j.smith).
• Domain Authentication. It ensures Single Sign On (SSO), when users are logged into the System as soon as
they have logged into their computers (with the Windows OS installed). Before you select this option, add an
NTLM domain and domain users to the System.
If there are no domains, click and add the needed domain the same way as from
Settings > System > NTLM Domains. See “NTLM Domains” on page 232.
NTLMv2 or later is not supported for Domain Authentication.

Enabling Local Authentication

To enable this type of authentication you need to:
• add local users you wish to allow to access the System. See “Adding Local User” on page 104.
• enable local authentication method.
To enable local authentication method:
1. Login as Administrator with HTTP Security Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. In the left panel of the displayed page select System > HTTP Security.
4. In the Authentication method drop-down list of the right panel select Local.
5. In the upper right corner click Apply.
Enabling LDAP Authentication
To enable this type of authentication you need to:
• add LDAP server storing users you wish to allow to access the System. See “Adding LDAP Server” on page
• add LDAP users you wish to allow to access the System. See “Adding LDAP Users” on page 105.
• enable LDAP authentication method.
To enable LDAP authentication method:
1. Login as Administrator with HTTP Security Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select System>HTTP Security.
4. In the Authentication method drop-down list of the right panel select LDAP.
5. In the LDAP server drop-down list select the needed server.
If there are no servers, click and add the needed server the same way as from Settings > System >
LDAP. See “Adding LDAP Server” on page 126.
6. In the upper right corner click Apply.

Enabling Local and LDAP Authentication

To enable this type of authentication you need to:
• add local users you wish to allow to access the System. See “Adding Local User” on page 104.
• add LDAP server storing users you wish to allow to access the System. See “Adding LDAP Server” on page
• add LDAP users you wish to allow to access the System. See “Adding LDAP Users” on page 105.
• enable Local and LDAP authentication method.

To enable Local and LDAP authentication method:
1. Login as Administrator with HTTP Security Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select System>HTTP Security.
4. In the Authentication method drop-down list of the right panel select Local + LDAP.
5. In the LDAP server drop-down list select the needed server.
6. In the upper right corner click Apply.

Enabling Domain Authentication

To enable this type of authentication you need to:
• add a domain containing users you wish to allow to access teh System via SSO
(See “Adding an NTLM Domain” on page 232),
• add the domain users you wish to allow to access the System via SSO
(See “Adding Domain Users” on page 104), and
• enable domain authentication method.
To enable domain authentication method:
1. Login as Administrator with HTTP Security Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select System>HTTP Security.
4. In the Authentication method drop-down list of the right panel select Domain.
5. In the NTLM default domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
6. In the upper right corner click Apply.

Debug Log
You can define the level of:
• the System debug log file stored in the System installation directory (see “Configuring System Debug Log Level” on
page 231),
• the debug log of the external Site Managers (see “Configuring Debug Log Level of External Site Managers” on page
The System also allows to:
• retrieve an external Site Manager(s) debug log (see “Receiving Debug Log of External Site Managers” on page
• download all debug logs of the System and external Site Managers (see “Downloading All Debug Logs” on page

Configuring System Debug Log Level
To define the System debug log level:
7. Login as Administrator with Debug Log Settings permission.
8. In the Main Menu click Settings.
9. On the left panel of the displayed page select System>Debug Log. The Debug Log settings are displayed on
the right panel.

10. In the Basic Settings section from the Options drop-down list select the needed level defining which kind of
System info will be recorded in the debug log.
11. Click Apply.
Debug log is stored in <System installation directory>\UniThruTargetPlatform\SolutionPlatform.log

Configuring Debug Log Level of External Site Managers

To define the debug log level of the external Site Managers registered in the System (see “Registering External Site
Manager” on page 14):
1. Login as Administrator with Debug Log Settings and Domain and Site Manager permissions.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select System>Debug Log. The Debug Log settings are displayed on
the right panel.
4. In the Site Managers Debug Log Settings section from the Options drop-down list select the needed level
defining which kind of info will be recorded in the debug log of external Site Managers.
5. Click Apply.

Receiving Debug Log of External Site Managers

To retrieve the debug log of the external Site Managers registered in the System:
1. Login as Administrator with Debug Log Settings, Domain and Site Manager, Download Debug Log permissions.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select System>Debug Log. The Debug Log settings are displayed on
the right panel.
4. In the Site Managers Debug Log Settings click the Receive now button. The Receiving log files from
remote site managers dialog is displayed.

As the process is finished, the debug log zip appears in the <System installation directory>\UniThruTargetPlatform\

Downloading All Debug Logs

To download the System debug log and the debug logs received from external Site Managers:
1. Login as Administrator with Debug Log Settings and Download Debug Log permissions.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select System>Debug Log. The Debug Log settings are displayed on
the right panel.
4. In the Debug Log Download section click the Download button.
5. Save the file to the needed location. contains:
• System log files including:
• SolutionPlatform.log,
• SolutionPlatformError.log,
• External Site Managers .zip log files in the RemoteSiteLogFiles folder.

You can configure a Proxy server for the System proxy and the features that use proxy settings. To do that:
1. Login as Administrator with HTTP Security Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select System>Proxy.
4. On the right panel set options:

Direct connection to the Select this item to connect network without any settings.
Load from system setting If you already have a proxy server setting in your system, select this item to load it.
Manual proxy configuration Select this item to enter options manually.
HTTP Proxy Port The HTTP proxy server’s IP address and port. Click Validate to test the connection
This is enabled if Manual proxy configuration is selected.
HTTPS Proxy Port The HTTPS proxy server’s IP address and port. Click Validate to test the connection.
This is enabled if Manual proxy configuration is selected.
No proxy for A list of hosts that do not require a proxy server connection. To add a new host to the
list, click the button and enter the host name. This is enabled if Manual proxy
configuration is selected.
Enable proxy authentication Select this option if the proxy server requires authentication to be used. Enter the User
name and Password required. This is enabled if Manual proxy configuration is
Test URL Enter a web site outside of the intranet and click Send Test to test the proxy server’s
5. Click Apply.
NTLM Domains
NTLM Domains (NT LAN Manager) are used for authentication where Kerberos is not being used. Other situations in
which it is better to use NTLM instead would be the client is authenticating with a server using an IP address, the client
is authenticating with a server that is in a different Active Directory, the client is authenticating with a server that doesn’t
belong to any domain, there is no Active Directory, or a firewall is blocking the ports required by Kerberos.
As you add an NTLM domain you can enable domain authentication. See “Enabling Domain Authentication” on page
Adding an NTLM Domain
Follow these steps to add an NTLM Domain:
1. Login as Administrator with NTLM Domains Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.

3. On the left panel of the displayed page select System>NTLM Domains.
4. At the top of the right panel click .The system displays the Add NTLM Domain dialog.

5. In the Domain name field enter the needed domain name.

6. In the PDC address field enter the address of the Primary Domain Controller managing access to the needed
7. (Optional) select the Enable User Validation checkbox, if you need the System to check domain users
availability as you add them to the System.
8. (If the checkbox is enabled step 7) In the Login field specify a valid user name to access to the needed
domain to check users availability.
9. (If the checkbox is enabled step 7) In the Password field specify the corresponding user password.
10. Click Add.
Editing an NTLM Domain
As Administrator you can change an NTLM domain added to the System for user authentication. See “Adding an
NTLM Domain” on page 232.
To edit your NTLM domain:
1. Login as Administrator with NTLM Domains Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select System>NTLM Domains.
4. On the right panel select the checkbox of the NTLM domain you need to edit.
5. Click above the NTLM domain table.
6. In the displayed Edit NTLM Domain dialog change the needed settings as described above.
7. Click OK.

Deleting an NTLM Domain

As Administrator you can delete an NTLM domain added to the System for user authentication. See “Adding an
NTLM Domain” on page 232.
To delete an NTLM domain:
1. Login as Administrator with NTLM Domains Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. In the left panel of the displayed page select System>NTLM Domains.
4. On the right panel select the checkbox(es) of the NTLM domain(s) you want to delete.
5. Click the button above the NTLM domain table.
6. In the displayed dialog click Yes to confirm deletion.

You can use one or multiple System instances to manage your devices, if the Managed Domain plug-in is installed on the
System. With single System instance you can handle up to 10 000 devices, while with multiple instances (3 maximum is
supported) - up to 30 000. See “Configuring Multi-Instance System” on page 16 on how to configure the multi-instance
The System allows you to:
• view Instances List (see “Viewing Instances List” on page 234),
• modify instance settings (see “Modifying Instance Settings” on page 234),
• delete instances (see “Deleting Instances” on page 235).

Viewing Instances List
The list of all added instances with their details is displayed on the Instances page. To access the page:
1. Login as Administrator with Instances Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select System>Instances. The Instances page is displayed.

The page is available, if the Managed Domain plug-in is installed on the System.
The Instances List is displayed on the right panel. It is a table where each column represents an instance
parameter and its value, including:
• URL. The column shows the instance URL address.
• Description. The column shows the instance description specified by Administrator.
• External URL. The URL which can be used to access an instance from a browser, in case the instance is in
the local virtual network.
• Role. The column shows whether the instance communicates with communicates with other instances. An
instance can have the following roles:
• Standalone. It means the instance is single, there are no other instances added.
• CrossMD. It means there multiple instances added and this instance is the first installed. Such instance
is central and cannot be deleted, when you scale back to single instance System. See “Scaling back to
Single Instance System” on page 17.
• Standby. It means there are multiple instances added and this instance is not the first installed and has
no domain assigned. See “Domain” on page 118.
• Assigned. It means there are multiple instances added and this instance is not the first installed and has
a domain(s) assigned.
• State. The column shows whether the instance is online or offline.
• Last connected time. The column shows the date and time the instance was online last time.
• Cluster port. The column shows the cluster port number. The port ensures single sign on for multi-instance
• JMS port. The column shows the JMS port number. The port ensures communication between instances as
well as between instances and Site Mangers in multi-instance System.
You can manage the Instances List as follows:
• customize columns:
• sort the list (by URL, description, external URL, last connected time, cluster port, JMS port),
• add columns,
• delete columns,
• change columns order,
• search the content by URL.
The listed operations are performed the same way as for the Device List. See “Customizing Device List Columns”
on page 27 and “Searching Device List” on page 32 for details.

Modifying Instance Settings

The System allows you to modify an instance cluster port, JMS port, description, external URL. To do this:
1. Login as Administrator with Instances Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Settings.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select System>Instances.

4. On the right panel select the checkbox of the instance whose settings you wish to modify.
5. Above the Instances List click . The Modify Instance Settings dialog is displayed.
6. Modify the settings you need.

7. Click OK.

Deleting Instances
You can scale from multi-instance System down to single-instance. See “Scaling back to Single Instance System”
on page 17. In this case you need to remove all instances except the first installed.
To do this:
1. Login as Administrator with Instances Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Settings.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select System>Instances.
4. On the right panel select the checkbox(es) of the uninstalled instance(s).
Uninstalled instances have Offline state.
5. Above the Instances List click .
6. In the displayed dialog confirm deletion.

The System allows you to use your LDAP server to authenticate users and discover devices. A special web page is
designed for you to manage LDAP server settings. You can access it by selecting Settings > System > LDAP. On this
page you can add and delete LDAP servers as well as modify their settings.
The LDAP Servers are listed in the table. The list can be sorted according by any column displayed. By default, the table
displays the following columns:
• LDAP Server Name – name of the LDAP server.
• LDAP Server Port – port number used by the LDAP server.

Adding LDAP Server

You need to use the appropriate credentials to add a LDAP server to the System. If you use Microsoft AD Server,
that could be the credentials of the current admin user or even anonymous. In this case you can enter the login
ID in the DOMAIN\username format. If you use OpenLDAP, you need to enter the login ID as a full user DN
To add a new LDAP Server do the following:
1. Login as Administrator with LDAP Settings permission.
2. Navigate to Settings > System > LDAP.
3. On the right panel of the displayed page click . The Add LDAP Server dialog is displayed.

4. If LDAP server requires Kerberos, select the Use Kerberos checkbox, and fill in the displayed fields:
a. Enter a valid Kerberos Domain name.
b. Enter a valid Kerberos server name.
5. Select the authentication method:
• Anonymous authentication or
• Simple authentication. In this case:
a. In the Domain name field enter the needed LDAP server domain name.
b. In the Login ID field enter a valid login ID to the LDAP server.
The login ID format depends on your LDAP server settings. It can be DOMAIN\
user name (e.g. UK\j.smith) or just user name (j.smith) or a full user DN (e.g. uid=j.
c. In the Password field enter the corresponding password.
6. Click Check Server to verify the specified LDAP server connection settings work. The System displays a dialog
showing whether the connection was successful or failed.

If the server connection check failed, make sure the settings are correct and try again.
7. Click Close.
8. Click OK.

Editing LDAP Server Settings

As Administrator you can change settings of an LDAP server added to the System for user authentication and
device discovery purposes. See “Adding LDAP Server” on page 235.
To change your LDAP server settings:
1. Login as Administrator with LDAP Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Settings.
3. On left panel of the displayed page select System>LDAP.
4. On the right panel select the checkbox of the needed LDAP server.
5. Click the button above the LDAP server table.
6. In the displayed Edit LDAP Server dialog change the needed settings as described in the previous guidelines.
7. Click OK.

Deleting LDAP Server
As Administrator you can delete an LDAP server added to the System for user authentication and device discovery
purposes. See “Adding LDAP Server” on page 235.
To delete an LDAP server:
1. Login as Administrator with LDAP Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu select Settings.
3. On left panel of the displayed page select System>LDAP.
4. On the right panel select the checkbox(es) of the LDAP server(s) you need to delete.
5. Click the button above the LDAP server table.
6. In the displayed dialog click Yes to confirm deletion.
7. In the displayed Information dialog click OK.
User Role Management
As Administrator you can create and assign roles to users. A role is a set of permissions for using the System features.
Once a role is assigned to a user, the user has the permissions designated by the role. For example, if a user account
A has only Add Device permission, user account A can only add devices. If a user account has Admin role, which is
provided as a default, that account can use all the features after logging-in to the System. After assigning a role to an
account, you need to enable authentication then log in to the System to use this feature.
The is Administrator user role pre-defined in the System. This role encompasses all available permissions and, therefore,
grants a user with this role access to all the System features. The role is not allowed to be modified or deleted.
A special web page is designed for you to manage user roles. As Administrator you can access it by selecting
Settings>System>User Role Management. On this page you can:
• view user roles and permissions assigned to them (see “Viewing User Roles” on page 237).
• modify permissions for user roles (see “Modifying User Roles” on page 239).
• add/remove user roles (see “Adding User Roles” on page 238, see “Deleting User Roles” on page 239 “).
You can refer to “Role Model” matrix in RFC 3805 for adjusting this role function according to your site (see “Adding
LDAP Server” on page 235).

Viewing User Roles

The System allows you to view existing user roles. To do this:
1. Login as Administrator with Role Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select System > User Role Management. User Role List is displayed
on the right panel.

To view a role permissions select the checkbox of the needed role and click above the list. The Edit Role dialog
will open with the role permissions displayed in the Selected permissions column.

Adding User Roles
As Administrator you can create user roles with the needed permissions. For example, you can add another admin
role but with a limited administrator permissions.
To add a user role:
1. Login as Administrator with Role Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select System > User Role Management.
4. On the right panel click the button above the User Role List. The Add Role dialog is displayed.

5. In the Role name field enter the name of the role.

6. Drag-and-drop the needed permissions from All permissions column to Selected permissions column. Hold
down Ctrl or Shift to select several permissions at once.
You can also click / icons to add/remove selected permissions. To add/remove one permission you
can just double-click it in the All permissions/Selected permissions column.
You can search the All permissions column to quickly locate needed permission. To do this at the

column bottom in the search field enter the permission name and click the magnifier icon. To search by
permission category (e.g. Device, User etc.) click , enter the category name, and click the magnifier
icon. The column will display only the permissions matching your search request. The search field will be
highlighted in yellow. As long as the search field is yellow, the column displays only the permissions matching the
search request. To view all available permissions again, clear the search string and click the magnifier icon.
7. Click Add. You will see the role and the number of its permissions in the Role List.

Deleting User Roles

As Administrator you can delete unneeded user roles.
To delete a user role:
1. Login as Administrator with Role Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select System>User Role Management.
4. On the right panel select the checkbox(es) of the role(s) you want to remove.
5. Click above the Role List.
The Administrator role cannot be deleted.
6. In the displayed dialog click Yes to confirm deletion.

Modifying User Roles

As Administrator you can modify user role, including its name and permissions.
To modify a user role:
1. Login as Administrator with Role Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select System > User Role Management.
4. On the right panel select the checkbox of the role you want to modify.
5. Click the button above the Role List.
6. In the displayed Edit Role dialog drag-and-drop permissions from All permissions to Selected permissions
column to add permissions or vice versa to remove them. Hold down Ctrl or Shift to select several permissions
at once.
You can also click / icons to add/remove selected permissions. To add/remove one permission you
can just double-click it in the All permissions/Selected permissions column.
You can search the All permissions column to quickly locate needed permission. To do this at the
column bottom in the search field enter the permission name and click the magnifier icon. To search by
permission category (e.g. Device, User etc.) click , enter the category name, and click the magnifier
icon. The column will display only the permissions matching your search request. The search field will be
highlighted in yellow. As long as the search field is yellow, the column displays only the permissions matching the
search request. To view all available permissions again, clear the search string and click the magnifier icon.
7. (If needed) Change the role name.
8. Click OK.
The Administrator role is not allowed to be modified. It includes all permissions. If a user account has
this role, the user have access to all System features.

Firmware Management
The System allows to upgrade device firmware. See “Firmware Management” on page 63. You can define time out for
the upgrade task. If the device does not respond during the firmware upgrade, the task will stop after waiting the time out.
To define the timeout:
1. Login as Administrator with Role Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select System>Firmware Management. The settings are displayed on the
right panel.

4. In the Timeout field enter the needed time (in minutes, maximum 280).
5. Click Apply.
Solution Discovery
The System performs Solution Discovery using SLP. This allows you to monitor who is managing the devices with
SyncThru™ 6 or SyncThru™ 5 or other System servers in the network. To do this:
1. Login as Administrator with Manage Solution discovery permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select System>Solution Discovery.
4. On the right panel view the list of all server URLs running on the network.
You can use the drop-down menu to filter the list by server type (e.g. SyncThru™ 6, SyncThru™ 5). A set of types
depends on the discovered servers and internal System settings.
5. If needed, click the Go to Solution button to navigate to the needed server.

File Management
As Administrator you can set up the maximum size of the repository where the downloaded System files (including plugin,
device cloning, firmware, driver files etc.) are stored (see “File” on page 125). You can also specify the maximum size
allowed for a stored file.
To set up the file repository size:
1. Login as Administrator with File Repository Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select System>File Management. The File Management settings are
displayed on the right panel.

4. In the Max repository size(MB) field enter maximum number of file megabytes the repository can contain. The
value can be between 10 and 10000.
5. From the Max file size(MB) drop-down list select the maximum size (in megabytes) of a file stored in the repository.
6. Click Apply.
As Administrator you can manage licenses of the System plug-ins and applications as follows:
• define license management settings (including license server settings),
• view the list of available licenses with their details (e.g. category, type, state),
• activate licenses,

• return licences.
You can also create a rule for the System to automatically send notifications as a license is about to expire. See
“Rule” on page 185.
The System supports the Product License. It enables functionality of the System plug-ins.
The Product License can be:
• Built-in Trial,
• Base,
• Charged.
The Trial License is automatically activated after the System installation. The license enables you to use:
• one System server,
• all basic System features (device management, user management, reports etc.).
While you are using the System under the Built-in Trial License, the UI header shows a message prompting you for
license activation. Request and activate the free Base License. See “Base License Request” on page 244. After the
license activation the message disappears from the UI. The Base License allows you to use one System server (with
built-in Site Manager) and all basic features as a registered user.
The Charged Licenses are requested from the Samsung product dealer. They include:
• Managed Domain License. It allows to use maximum 2 additional System servers (multi-instance environment),
• Device Site Manager License. It allows to install Site Managers on device(s),
• PC Site Manager License. It allows to install Site Managers on PC(s).
The corresponding commercial plug-ins can be installed and enabled in the System. Do not use a commercial feature
until you get and activate a charged license. Otherwise, the Main Menu turns to display only Domain and Settings
(containing Instances, License Management and License Settings) options. If so happens, use the options to delete
additional server/site managers or activate the appropriate charged license.
If you need to stop Device Site Manager/PC Site Manager plug-in or return its license(s), remove the added Device Site
Managers/PC Site Managers first. Otherwise, the Main Menu is blocked as described above. If so, happens, remove the
Site Managers from Domain>Site Manager page and refresh it. See “Unregistering Site Manger” on page 122. The
Main Menu will be restored. The subsections below provide details on the license management operations.

License Settings
The System allows you to manage licenses of its plug-ins/applications. You need to specify settings for this
functionality to be able to use it properly and accordance with your needs. The settings include:
• License Server Settings. These are the license server connection settings for the online license activation.
• License About To Expire Event. The setting defines when the System starts sending license expiration
notification, in case the corresponding email notification rule is created. See “Rule” on page 185.
• Site Information. The setting stores info about your Company. This info must be filled in, if you wish to
activate/deactivate licenses online.
To specify the license management settings:
1. Login as Administrator with License Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select System>License>License Settings. The License Settings are
displayed on the right panel.

4. In the License Server section:

• leave the Server address as is,
• select the Use SSL checkbox, if you need secure server connection; otherwise deselect it,
• in the Timeout field enter the server connection time out in seconds (max 30).
5. In the License About To Expire Event section:
• In the Days to License Expiration field enter how many days (max 90) are left to the license expiration,
when the System starts sending the license expiration notification, if the send e-mail message rule is
created. See “Rule” on page 185.
6. In the Site Information section:
• In the Company Name field (mandatory) enter the name of your company.
• In the Department Name field enter the needed unit name.
• In the Address field (mandatory) enter your company name.
• In the Phone field enter your company contact phone number.

• In the Email field (mandatory) enter your company email.
• In the Remark field enter your comment, if needed.
7. Click Apply.
8. In the displayed Information dialog click OK.

License Management
The subsections below provide info on how to view, activate, and return licenses.

Viewing License List

As Administrator you can view info about the licenses of the applications/plug-ins installed in the System. To view
the license list:
1. Login as Administrator with License Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. In the left panel of the displayed page select System>License>License Management. The Licence List is
displayed on the right panel.

The License List is displayed as a table with the following columns:

• App Name. The column displays the name of the licensed application/plug-in.
• App Version. The column displays the version number of the licensed application/plug-in.
• License Number. The column displays the license number of the licensed application/plug-in
• License Type. The column displays the license type name:
• Free,
• Charged,
• Free of Charged,
• Built-in Trial.
• Category. The column displays the license category name.
• Start Date. The column displays the date when license was activated.
• Expiration Date. The column displays the date when license will be expired.
• Count. The column shows how many licensed applications/plug-ins can be used.
• State. The column displays the license status:
• Activated, if the license is activated and not expired.
• Disabled, if the license is not activated or expired.
• Installed, if the license is built-in trial and not expired.
You can manage the License List table to view the info you need, namely:
• sort by any column,
• delete columns,
• add columns,
• change the columns order.

Do this the same way as for the Device List. See “Customizing Device List Columns” on page 27.

Base License Request
To request Base License:
1. Login as Administrator with License Settings permission.
2. In the trial version expiration message click here. The License Guide Page is displayed.

3. Click here. The Registration Page is displayed.

4. In the Country Name field enter your country name.

5. In the First Name field enter the contact person name.
6. In the Last Name field enter the contact person surname.
7. In the Existing Dealer Name field enter the Samsung dealer name.
8. In the Company Name field enter your company name.
9. In the Email field enter your company email.
10. In the Number of devices field enter the number of devices you wish to manage.
11. If the System has access to the Internet and mail server click Send.
a. Click Download.
b. Save the company info file.
c. Send the file to [email protected]
The License Key and Activation Key will be sent to the specified email. After you receive them, activate the Base
License for Fleet Admin Pro offline. See “Activating Licenses” on page 244. If any questions arise, contact
[email protected].

Activating Licenses
You can activate a license either online or offline, if the Internet is unavailable. For online activation contact
Samsung representative to get the License Key. Also ensure the License Settings are specified (see “License
Settings” on page 242). Otherwise, online activation does not work. For offline activation contact Samsung
representative to get the License Key and Activation Key.
To activate license online:
1. Login as Administrator with License Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.

3. On the left panel of the displayed page select System>License>License Management.
4. On the right panel click icon or select the needed license in the list and click the icon. The License
Activation dialog is displayed.

5. From the License Activation Mode drop-down list select Online.

6. In the License Number field enter the received License Key.
7. Click Next. The Server Setting dialog is displayed.

8. Check the license server settings and make changes, if needed.

The settings are displayed, if already provided on the License Settings page. See “License Settings” on page
9. Click Finish.
10. Click Close.
To activate license offline:
1. Login as Administrator with License Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select System>License>License Management.

4. On the right panel click icon or select the needed license in the list and click the icon. The License
Activation dialog is displayed.
5. From the License Activation Mode drop-down list select Offline. Your hardware ID is generated and
displayed in the Hardware Id field.

6. Send the license activation request with the hardware ID to the Samsung representative.
7. As you receive the License Key and Activation Key from the Samsung representative repeat steps 1-5.
8. Enter the received License Key in the License Number field.
9. Enter the received Activation Key in the License Activation Key field.
10. Click Finish.
11. Click Close.

Returning Licenses
If a license is not needed, you can return it. Besides, if you wish to use the license on another machine, you must
return it first. The license can be returned on condition it is activated and not expired.
The System allows you to return a license either online or offline, if the Internet is not available.
To return a license online:
1. Login as Administrator with License Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select System>License>License Management.
4. Select the unneeded license in the list and click icon . The License Return dialog is displayed.

5. From the License Return Mode drop-down list select Online.
6. Click Next.
7. Check the license server settings and make changes, if needed.
The settings are displayed, if already provided on the License Settings page. See “License Settings” on page
8. Click Finish.
9. Click Close.
To return a license offline:
1. Login as Administrator with License Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select System>License>License Management.
4. Select the unneeded license in the list and click the icon. The License Return dialog is displayed.
5. From the License Return Mode drop-down list select Offline.
6. Click Next. The license is disabled and the generated license return key is displayed in the License Return
Key field of the Finish dialog.
7. Send the license return request with License Return Key to the Samsung representative.
8. Click Close.
You can view and copy the License Return Key after you close the License Return dialog. To do this double-
click the returned license in the License List. The license number and its return key are displayed.

SMTP: Setting up SMTP Server

The System provides email-associated features, in particular, to send printing (analytical or historical) reports by email.
To enable this feature you need to configure your SMTP server settings.
To do this:
1. Login as Administrator with SMTP Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select System > SMTP. The SMTP server settings are displayed on the right

4. In the SMTP server field enter the address of your outgoing SMTP server.
5. In the SMTP port field enter the corresponding port number.
6. If your SMTP server is configured to require SMTP authentication to send outgoing mail, select the SMTP requires
authentication checkbox and enter the appropriate credentials in the Login ID and Password fields.
7. In the Email address from field enter an email to be used as the sender address.
8. (If your SMTP server requires secure connection) From the Secure E-mail Connection with SSL/TLS drop-down
list select:
• SSL, if the server requires connection via SSL.
• TLS, if the server requires connection via TLS.
9. (Optional) If you wish to check whether the entered parameters are correct and emails can be sent, in the Email
address to field enter a valid recipient email and click Send Test to send a test email. Then check the mail box. The
System test message must be there.
10. Click Apply.

Passive Device Discovery

The System can be set up to discover devices passively without Administrator intervention. Passive discovery literally
means that the System works passively. That is, devices send packets first and the System detects the packets. Passive
discovery is quiet because the System does not start sending any packet first. The System does not propagate any
network traffic unless a device announces itself. There are two types of passive discoveries:
• mDNS discovery. If you enable mDNS discovery, the System starts listening for UDP traffic via port 5353. Devices
announce packets continuously and the System detects and adds them to the Device List. With this method, you can
discover all mDNS compatible devices.
• SLP discovery. If you enable SLP discovery, the System starts listening for UDP traffic via port 427. When devices
are powered on, they announce packets and the System detects and adds them to the Device List. This method
works only for Samsung devices. SLP multicast address is

To enable passive device discovery:
1. Login as Administrator with Device Discovery permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select System>Passive Device Discovery. The Passive Device Discovery
settings are displayed on the right panel.

4. Select the needed passive discovery method.

5. Click Apply.
The following information is provided about the discovered devices:

Status The devices status when discovered.
Result Description The detailed description for the status. For example, status Device Already Exists or
new device details.
Algorithms The common view for discovery results.
Discovered Time The time at which the device was discovered.
Host Name The host name of the device.
IP Address The IP address of the device.
Serial Number The serial number of the device.
MAC Address The MAC address of the device.
Model Name The model of the device.

Event Log
Events that occur in the System components are recorded to the Event Log. Log messages are created to record user
and system activity. As Administrator you can view the log to monitor actions and operations performed in the system. If
needed, you can also delete the log entries. See the subsections below for guidelines.

Viewing Event Log

To view the Event Log:
1. Login as Administrator with have Event Log permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left panel of the displayed page select Log> Event Log. The Event Log are displayed on the right

The Event Log is displayed as a table with the following columns:
• Category. The column displays the component affected by the event.
• Computer. The column displays where the log message was created. Usually, it is a computer hosting the
System and the column displays the computer name. However, if the System communicates with the devices
via a remote application, the column might display its name.
• Description. The column displays the logged event description.
• Event. The column displays the event general name associated with its source (e.g. application or user action,
like login or plug-in installation).
• Event Time Stamp. The column displays the date and time the event was logged.
• Event Type. The column displays the event criticality level:
• Information. An event that describes successful task completion. For example, a device group is
• Warning. An event that is not necessarily significant, but may indicate potential problem. For example, a
warning message is logged when disk space starts to run low.
• Error. An event that describes a significant problem, such as the failure of a critical task. For example, an
error message is logged, when a plug-in installation fails.
• Success Audit. An event that describes successful completion of an audited security event. For
example, a Success Audit event is logged when the System user successfully logs in.
• Failure Audit. An event that describes an audited security event that was not completed successfully.
For example, a Failure Audit may be logged when a user cannot access the System.
• User ID. The column displays the user logged in, when the logged action was performed.
• Log Type. The column displays the log type the event belongs to (Application or Security Log).
You can manage the Event Log table to view the info you need, namely:
• customize columns (delete, add, sort, change order). Do this the same way as for the Device List. See
“Customizing Device List Columns” on page 27.
• filter the entries by event type. To do this select the needed event type from the drop-down menu above the
table. The table will display only the events of the selected type.

Searching Event Log

You can search of the Event Log to locate the needed records. Search can be performed by any column value.
To search for log messages:
1. Login as Administrator with Event Log permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left panel of the displayed page select Log>Event Log.
5. On the right panel in the search field enter your search request and click the magnifier icon. The Event Log
is updated to display only the item(s) matching your search request. The search field will be highlighted in
yellow. As long as the search field is yellow, only the items matching the search request are displayed.
To view all available items again, clear the search string and click the magnifier icon.

Deleting Event Log Entries
To delete the Event Log entries:
1. Login as Administrator with Event Log permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left panel of the displayed page select Log>Event Log. The Event Log are displayed on the right
5. Select the checkboxes of the entries you wish to delete.
6. Click .
7. In the displayed dialog click Yes to confirm deletion.


Twitter Notification
Twitter Notification is one of the System proactive features. If you are responsible for managing devices, like replacing
toner, you do not have to check the System or each device when using this feature. You can receive Twitter notification
messages for events that occur on networked printing and imaging devices.
There is a limit of 250 direct messages and 1000 tweets per day (about 128 tweets/30 minutes). For more
information, see
Even if an account has been blocked due to exceeding this tweet limitation, another account can be used: simply login
from the Twitter Notification view with another account. To check if an account is blocked, follow these steps:
1. Login as Administrator with have Event Log permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left panel of the displayed page select Log>Event Log. The Event Log are displayed on the right panel.
5. Search for or locate Twitter Notification in the Category column.
6. Check if the Description of the event starts with “E0501P5014” - this is the message send fail code. If this is the
error code, then the account is currently blocked.
With Twitter Notification settings, you can:
• view Twitter templates,
• register a Twitter template,
• modify a Twitter template, and
• un-register a Twitter template.
Before using Twitter notifications, create an account and register the System as an application. See “Twitter
Authentication” on page 252.

Viewing Twitter Notification Templates

Details can be viewed by double-clicking a template:
1. Login as Administrator with Twitter permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left pane select Notification>Twitter.
5. Double-click a row in the template list. The Follower List drops down, if the template is set up for direct
6. Double-click a row to close the information.

Registering Twitter Notification Template

You may want to check if there is an alert on any device without opening the System or leaving your desk. The
System can inform you if the devices have Twitter notifications set up.
1. Login as Administrator with Twitter permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left pane select Notification>Twitter.

5. Click in the Twitter Notification Template List panel.
If authentication is not completed, see Twitter Authentication.
6. Enter the template name.
7. Select the Twitter settings. If Direct message is selected, follow the sub-steps below.
a. Click Select Follower.
b. Select followers and move the followers to the right-side list.
c. Click OK.
6. Click Add.

Modifying Twitter Notification Template

To modify a Twitter notification template, follow these steps:
1. Login as Administrator with Twitter permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left pane select Notification>Twitter.
5. Select the template to modify.
6. Click .
7. Change the template name if necessary.
8. Update the Twitter settings. If Direct message is selected, follow the sub-steps below.
a. Click Select Follower.
b. Select followers and move the followers to the right-side list.
c. Click OK.
9. Click Save.
Un-registering a Twitter Notification Template
To remove an alert notification if the specified alert notification is no longer needed, follow these steps:
1. Login as Administrator with Twitter permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left pane select Notification>Twitter.
5. Select the template to remove.
6. Click .
If the template has a blue dot icon in the template list, the template is used by a Rule and is protected
from deletion.

Twitter Authentication
Signing Up and Registering in Twitter
Before using Twitter notifications, you need to create an account and register the System as an application. For
more details please see the following URLs:
• Create an account:
• Register an application:
Web Site: IP address with the port number where SyncThru Admin 6 has been installed.
Application Type > Access: select read and write

After completing the two steps above, users can get the consumer key and secret from Twitter.

Twitter Authentication
Before getting Twitter notifications, authenticate first. To do this:
1. Login as Administrator with Twitter permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left pane select Notification>Twitter.
5. On the right panel click Authenticate.
6. In the displayed dialog enter the Consumer key and Consumer secret.
7. Click Confirm to authenticate.
Make sure the authorizing account is the same as the application owner’s account.
A pop-up window will open with a pin code.
8. Enter the code in the Pin code field and click OK.
Access token / Access token secret will be saved from Twitter to the System automatically.
After completing authentication, new templates can be created.
To update the Consumer key and Consumer secret, click Edit and update the Consumer key and
Consumer secret, then repeat steps 6-7.

As Administrator you can define the System settings for tracking size of paper used for printing and settings for managing
cleanup of reporting and historical data stored in the System data base. See the subsections below for details.

Large Paper Settings

One of the System features is tracking which paper size is used for printing. You can specify which paper sizes to
consider as large and which ones as small for accounting purposes.
To configure the paper settings, follow these steps:
1. Login as Administrator with Large Paper Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left panel of the displayed page select Common>Large Paper Settings. The Large Paper Settings are
displayed on the right panel.

5. In the Paper ratio (large/small) field enter the number showing how many small-sized paper pages will be
considered to make up a large-sized paper page for accounting and reporting purposes (e.g. if the ratio is set to 2
and Ledger-size paper is considered to be large, every printed Ledger sheet will be counted as 2 pages printed on
reports and for accounting).
6. In the Large Paper Selection section select a paper type(s) an click the arrows in the middle to move selected
paper type(s) from one side to the other. The paper types moved to the Large column will be considered as large-
7. Click Apply.

Data Management
The System allows to run on the fly and historical reports (see “Reports” on page 154) and provides different types of
historical info including device discovery history, device configuration history. The corresponding data is stored in the
System data base, which increases with the time taking more disk space. As Administrator you can set the System to
clean up the data base periodically or, on the contrary, disable this feature.
To configure the data base clean up method:
1. Login as Administrator with Data Management Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left panel of the displayed page select Common>Data Management. The Data Management settings are
displayed on the right panel.

5. Set the clean up method for reporting and/or historical data and/or device group data using settings described in the
table below.
Report Cleanup Method The section options are designed to define how to clean up the data employed by the
System to create on the fly reports (accessed via Main Menu>Report>Instant Report).
Select option:
• Disabled, if you do not want the data to be automatically deleted.
• Automatic, if you need the data to be deleted automatically, after they have been
stored for a certain period. In this case select the needed period form the Data
retention period drop down list.
• Manual, if you need to delete the data of the certain date. In this case specify the
needed date in the Clean data before specified date field. You can click the icon
next to the field to select the date from the pop-up calendar.
Historical Data Cleanup The section options are designed to define how to clean up the historical data (e.g.
Method history reports, device discovery history, device configuration history).
• Disabled, if you do not want the data to automatically deleted.
• Automatic, if you need the data to be deleted automatically, after they have been
stored for a certain period. In this case select the needed period form the Data
retention period drop down list.
• Manual, if you need to delete the data of the certain date. In this case specify the
needed date in the Clean data before specified date field. You can click the icon
next to the field to select the date from the pop-up calendar.
Device Group Data Click Clean button, if you need to remove Dynamic Model Groups that do not contain
Management any devices. The Clean feature does not remove any other empty dynamic device
groups except the Dynamic Model Groups. These are the groups automatically
created as a device of a new model is added to the system. Yet they are not
automatically removed as all their devices are deleted (to avoid performance issues). The
Clean feature is designed for this purpose.
6. Click Apply.
The following are the items that can be configured in the Device settings menu.
Alert List
During data collection Site Manager polls the device SNMP Agent for operating information and receives SNMP traps.
SNMP trap is an alert informing about the device specific events. As a trap is received, the corresponding alert list is
defined. For example, there can be an alert that one or more device trays are out of paper or that the toner is low. Alerts
have the following severity levels:

• Critical,
• Warning,
• Information.
A device status depends on the highest severity level of the device alerts. If it is:
• Critical, the device status is Error,
• Warning, the device status is Warning,
• Information, the device status is Normal.
The System allows you as Administrator with Alert Severity Levels Settings permission to:
• view a list of possible alerts,
• categorize alerts,
• change alerts severity.

Viewing Alert List

To view a list of possible alerts:
1. Login as Administrator with Alert Severity Levels Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left panel of the displayed page select Device>Alert List. Alert List are displayed on the right panel.

The Alert List is the alert name mapping table. An alert sent by a device has a specific code and belongs to a
certain group. They are displayed in the Alert code(s) [code,group] column of the Alerts List. The System
maps these parameters to a user friendly alert name. It is shown in the Alert Name column of the Alert List. This
alert name is displayed in the System (e.g. in the Device List). Combinations of device alert codes and groups
are numerous. The name mappings are defined for the key combinations. All the others are mapped to the
Uncategorized device alert name and so displayed in the System.
The Alert List also includes the following columns:
• Severity Level. It shows a configured alert severity level. It can be changed, if needed. See “Configuring
Default Alert Severity” on page 258.
• Alert source. It shows where an alert comes from:
• Device, if an alert comes directly from a device.
• Solution, if an alert is generated by the System based on the device data (e.g. when supply threshold
templates are assigned to devices).
• Recovery Time.
You can customize the Alert List as follows:
• sort by any column. To do this click the needed column header. When the Alert List is sorted by a
column, icon or is displayed in the column header showing the sort order, ascending or descending

correspondingly. To change the sort order click the column header once again.
• filter the list to view alerts of a certain category only. To do this select a category from the filter drop-down
menu above the Alert List. By default the menu includes only the All categories option to display all alerts.
You can create your own categories and they will be added to the filter menu. See “Creating Alert Category” on
page 257.

Creating Alert Category

By default the System displays a list of uncategorized alerts, which might be not easy to view. But you can create
categories and add alerts to them to be able to filter the Alert List and view the needed group of alerts. For
example, you can create a category for tray alerts and add alerts that are related to tray or paper errors.
To add an alert category:
1. Login as Administrator with Alert Severity Levels Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left panel of the displayed page select Device>Alert List. Alert List is displayed on the right panel.
5. Click the Alert Category button. The Alert Category Setup is displayed.

6. Click button. The Add Alert Category dialog is displayed.

7. Enter the Category name.

8. Click Add.
9. Select the added category in the Alert Category column.
You can click or button to delete or edit the selected category.
10. In the Alert List column select the alerts you wish to add to the selected category. Hold down Shift or Ctrl to
select multiple alerts.
11. Click . The selected alerts are moved to the Alerts Category column under the selected category.
To remove an alert(s) from the category, select it (them) and click .
12. Click OK.

Configuring Default Alert Severity
The System retrieves alerts from the device SNMP alert tables (OID In addition, alerts can
be retrieved from other device parameters, for example, toner levels. This allows you to define custom toner (and
other supply) levels for all devices, certain device models, or individual devices. Device supply levels are defined in
threshold templates via Settings>Supply. See “Supply” on page 271.
A device status depends on the highest severity of its alerts. You can define and change severity level for an alert.
For example, you do not need a device status to turn to Error, when low paper alert is received. So, you can change
the alert severity level from Critical to Information.
If a device has an alert and its severity level is changed, the device status is updated in the Device List and Current
Instant reports only after the device data collection. For example, a device has the ‘Waste toner container is almost
full’ alert and its severity level is Information. The device status is Normal. Then you change the alert severity
level to Warning. The device status will change to Warning after the device data collection. The device status is
not updated, if the device is disconnected. However, when the device goes back online and data is collected, the
device status is changed accordingly.
For the Troubles and SLA History reports the device status is not changed, after the device becomes
connected again. If the device status was Normal yesterday before the disconnection, it is considered Normal
within all the periods including yesterday. This is true for the following reports:
• Trouble Resolution Time by Device,
• Trouble Severity,
• Most Frequent Troubles,
• Trouble Resolution Time,
• Trouble Resolution by Severity.
The custom alert severity levels are threshold templates are applied to define a device status, only after you enable
this in the Device Status Settings. See “Device Status Settings” on page 268.
To configure an alert severity:
1. Login as Administrator with Alert Severity Levels Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left panel of the displayed page select Device>Alert List. Alert List is displayed on the right panel.
5. Locate the needed alert.
6. In the Severity Level column select the needed severity from the drop-down menu.
7. Click Apply.

Blocked Devices
As Administrator you can block devices you do not need to manage via the System. Devices are added to Blocked
Devices list when you delete them from the Device List with the Delete devices from the system and block option
(see “Deleting Devices” on page 33). Blocked devices are not added to the Devices List when the System device
discovery is performed (see “Device Discovery” on page 38). At any moment you can delete devices from the Blocked
Devices list and the System will be enabled to discover these devices and add them to the to the Devices List. See the
subsections below to learn how to view Blocked Devices list and remove devices from it.
Blocked devices are grayed out in the device discovery results. See “Viewing Device Discovery Task Results” on
page 43.

Viewing Blocked Devices List

To view blocked devices:
1. Login as Administrator with Blocked Devices Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left panel of the displayed page select Device>Blocked Devices. The Blocked Devices list is
displayed in the table on the right panel.

You can manage the displayed device info table as follows:
• sort by any column,
• add columns,
• delete columns,
• change columns order,
• search the content.
The listed operations are performed the same way as for the Device List. See “Customizing Device List Columns”
on page 27.

Removing Devices from Blocked Devices List

To delete devices from the Blocked Devices list and make them available for discovery again:
1. Login as Administrator with Blocked Devices Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left panel of the displayed page select Device>Blocked Devices. The Blocked Devices list is
displayed in the table on the right panel.
5. On the right panel select the checkboxes of the devices you wish to remove from the list.
6. Click .
7. In the displayed dialog click Yes to confirm the deletion.

Connection: Configuring Default Device Connection Settings

To be able to handle your devices via the System you need to configure appropriate connection settings. The System
allows you to configure default connection settings, including:
• SNMP Settings,
• HTTP Settings,
• Embedded Web Server Settings,
• Local Device Settings.
The System is designed to communicate with network devices via SNMP to discover, configure devices, and collect their
data. You can specify SNMPv1/v2 and SNMPv3 default connection settings. Your choice depends on capabilities and
configuration of your devices. In most cases, devices are set to SNMPv1/v2 by default. These SNMP versions transmit
all data on the network without any encryption, which is not secure. To ensure secure communication, SNMPv3 is used.
If you wish the System to communicate with devices via SNMPv3, ensure your devices support this protocol and are
enabled to use it.
Enable SNMPv3 either via a device interface. As your devices are SNMPv3-enabled, specify the corresponding SNMPv3
default connection settings for the System.
HTTP settings allow to enable secure HTTPS connection with devices. HTTP/HTTPS is used to collect and configure
certain device data as well as perform operations like device application installation, cloning or firmware upgrade. These
operations also require device Embedded Web Server settings.
Embedded Web Server settings include a device web server login and password. The default web server settings are
used each time you try to perform one of the mentioned operations without specifying a device-specific credentials. In
case the device credentials differ from the default ones, the operation will fail.
Local Device Settings include Windows account login and password. These credentials are required, when you need
to add a device connected via USB. In this case the System uses WMI. WMI is a legacy connection type used in
SyncThru 5 and SyncThru 6 solutions implemented for communication with local devices. When a local device is added

to the System, a special data collection module is installed on the PC (Samsung Local Printer WMI Provider). It is
recommended to use Local Device Agent instead.
To configure the default connection settings described above:
1. Login as Administrator Device Connection Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left panel of the displayed page select Device>Connection. The Connection Settings are displayed on the
right panel.

5. In the SNMP settings section specify general SNMP settings:

d. In the SNMP timeout field enter the number of milliseconds the System will wait for the devices to respond to
its SNMP requests.
e. In the SNMP retry count field enter the number of the System attempts to connect to devices in case they do
not respond immediately.
6. (Optional) In the HTTP settings section select the Force HTTPS checkbox to forbid insecure HTTP communication
between the System and devices and enable HTTPS instead. In this case if HTTPS connection is disabled on
a device SWS, you cannot perform the device configuration, cloning, firmware update, font/form/macro/ and
application management using the System.
7. In the SNMP v1/v2 settings section:
a. In the SNMP read community field enter the password the System will use to send SNMP Get requests to
When you initiate device discovery without changing connection settings, the default ones are applied. So, if
the device read community name is different from the one here, the System cannot retrieve the device info.
Usually public is set as a default name for read community name. Custom communities can be specified in
Connection Settings. See “Connection Settings” on page 41.
b. In the SNMP write community enter the password the System will use to send SNMP Set requests to devices.
When you initiate device configuration without changing connection settings, the default ones are applied.
So, if the device write community name is different from the one here, the device configuration will not work
properly. Custom communities can be specified in Connection Settings. See “Connection Settings” on page

8. In the SNMP v3 settings section:
a. In the Context name field enter the name of the device management data set the System will be able to
b. In the User name field enter the user name the System will use to access the device SNMP agent.
c. From the Security mode drop-down list select:
• None,
• Auth, if you wish only authentication password to be checked, when the System tries to connect to the
• Auth and Privacy, if you wish both authentication and privacy passwords to be checked, when the
System tries to connect to the device.
d. (If Auth or Auth and Privacy is selected on step c) From the Authentication protocol drop-down list select the
algorithm to encrypt the authentication password (HMAC-MD5 or HMAC-SHA).
e. (If Auth or Auth and Privacy is selected on step c) In the Authentication password field enter the
corresponding device password.
f. (If Auth and Privacy is selected on step c) From the Privacy protocol drop-down list select the algorithm to
encrypt the privacy password (DES or AES).
g. (If Auth and Privacy is selected on step c) In the Privacy password field enter the corresponding device
9. In the Embedded web server settings section:
a. In the SWS login field enter the appropriate device web server login,
b. In the SWS password field enter the appropriate device web server password.
10. In the Local device settings section:
a. In the Windows account login field enter Windows Account Login of the computer the device is connected to.
b. In the Windows account password field enter the corresponding password.
11. Click Apply.
When you enable Force HTTPS, SNMP communication between the System and devices is still available, if they are
configured for it.

Device Data Collection

The System is designed to collect data from all the registered devices. The collected data is displayed in particular in the
Device List. By default the System regularly performs the following data collection tasks:
• FirstRegularDataCollectionTask. The task is intended to collect device status data, including device alerts info.
• SecondRegularDataCollectionTask. The task is intended to collect device printing statistics (printed page count) and
supplies info.
• ThirdRegularDataCollectionTask. The task is intended to collect general system info of devices, including a device
host name, model, firmware version, available printing modes and capabilities, color and others.
The listed tasks are pre-defined by the System developers and it is highly not recommended to delete or modify them,
unless you are sure in your intentions and actions. However, as Administrator you can configure and schedule data
collection tasks you need and monitor their execution history. See the subsections below for details.
If you migrate from SyncThru to Fleet Admin Pro, only the pre-defined tasks with default settings are preserved.

Managing Data Collection Tasks
This subsection provides you with the information on how to add, initiate, modify, delete scheduled device data
collection tasks and enable device alerts monitoring.
Adding Scheduled Data Collection Task
To add a new data collection task, follow these steps:
1. Login as Administrator with Device Data Collection Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left panel of the displayed page select Device>Device Data Collection. Data Collection Settings are
displayed on the right panel.

5. In the Data Collection Schedules section click . The Add Schedule dialog is displayed.

6. In the Schedule name field enter the task name.

7. From the Schedule interval drop-down list select how often the task must run:
• Hourly,
• Daily,
• Weekly,
• Monthly,
• Cron for a custom data collection interval on the System server. As you select this option, an input field is
displayed for you to enter a cron expression specifying the interval you need. For example, 0 0/10 * * * ?
means the data collection task will run every 10 minutes according to the System server time. Click here
for Cron details.
8. Click the Configure List of Properties button. The Configuration dialog is displayed.

9. In the Property List column select the properties defining the data to be collected.
Hold down Ctrl or Shift to select several properties at once.
You can search the Property List column to quickly locate needed property. To do this at the column
bottom in the search field enter the property name and click the magnifier icon. To search by category
(e.g. System, Copy etc.) click , enter the category name, and click the magnifier icon. The column will
be updated to display only the item(s) matching your search request. The search field will be highlighted
in yellow. As long as the search field is yellow, the column displays only the items matching the search
request. To view all available items again, clear the search string and click the magnifier icon.
10. Click or just drag and drop the selected properties to the Selected Properties column.
You can drag and drop a folder name to add all its properties to the Selected Properties column.
To add one property you can just double-click it. If you change your mind and decide that a selected
property is not needed, select it and click . Double-click and drag-and-drop works as well.
11. Click OK. The selected properties are displayed in the Add Schedule dialog in the List of properties box.
12. In the Add Schedule dialog click Add. The task appears in the Data Collection Schedules section.
If needed, you can revert changes introduced to Data Collection Schedules section. To do this click the
Reset button.
Initiating Scheduled Data Collection Task
A data collection task runs as scheduled. However, you can initiate it manually, when you need as well. To do this:
1. Login as Administrator with Device Data Collection Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left panel of the displayed page select Device>Device Data Collection. Data Collection Settings are
displayed on the right panel.
5. In the Data Collection Schedules section select the checkbox(es) of the needed task.
6. Click the Start Instance Now button.
7. In the displayed dialog click Yes to confirm the task initiation.
You can check the task execution progress. To do this click the All tasks button at the page bottom. The Active
Task List dialog is displayed.

If needed, use:
• buttons to pause, restart, stop a task correspondingly (the buttons are active, when a task
checkbox(es) is selected ),
• drop-down menu to filter the task list by task status,
• search field to find the needed task. Do not forget to click the magnifier icon or press Enter each time you
change the search string. Otherwise, the task list will not be updated.
The System executes a task as a set of steps. Some of them may be executed simultaneously. The task can be
paused only when its current step is completed. So, as you click pause, the task gets pausing status to show you its
current step is in progress. As the step is finished, the task gets paused status and you can restart it, when needed.
But if the current task step is the last one, the task is actually completed and removed from the active task list. So, if
your task is short-term with not many steps to complete, when you click pause button its last step will be in progress.
Therefore, the task will remain in the pausing state for a short time and disappear from the list.

Modifying Scheduled Data Collection Task

You can change a data collection task settings, except its name. However, it is not recommended to modify the pre-
defined tasks.
To modify a data collection task:
1. Login as Administrator with Device Data Collection Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left panel of the displayed page select Device>Device Data Collection. Data Collection Settings are
displayed on the right panel.
5. In the Data Collection Schedules section select the checkbox of the needed task.

6. Click . The Modify <data collection task name> dialog is displayed.

7. Edit the task settings as described in 7-11 above.

8. Click the Modify schedule button.

Deleting Scheduled Data Collection Task

If a data collection task is not needed, you can delete it. However, it is not recommended to delete the pre-defined

To delete a data collection task:

1. Login as Administrator with Device Data Collection Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left panel of the displayed page select Device>Device Data Collection. Data Collection Settings are
displayed on the right panel.
5. In the Data Collection Schedules section select the checkbox(es) of the unneeded task(s).
6. Click the button.
7. In the displayed dialog click Yes to confirm the deletion. The task and its execution history is deleted.

Managing Data Collection Task History

As soon as a data collection task is completed, its result is recorded to the Data Collection History. The
subsections below describe how to view and manage the history records.

Viewing Data Collection Task History

To view data collection task history:
1. Login as Administrator with Device Data Collection Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left panel of the displayed page select Device > Device Data Collection. Data Collection Settings are
displayed on the right panel.
5. View the Data Collection History section.

The data collection history is displayed as a table with the following columns:
• Schedule Name. The column displays the task name.
Schedule name is displayed for regular data collection tasks only. It is not defined for the tasks a user
initiates manually, for example, when refreshes the Device List or opens up a device details view in the
Device List.

• Result State. The column displays the task execution result.
• Start Time. The column displays the date and time the task started to run.
• Finish Time. The column displays the date and time the task was completed.
• Recurring Interval. The column displays how often the task is scheduled to run.
You can manage the history table to view the info you need, namely:
• customize columns (delete, add, sort, change order). Do this the same way as for the Device List. See
“Customizing Device List Columns” on page 27.
• filter the records by task name. To do this select the needed task name from the drop-down menu above the
table. The table will display only the selected task history.
• view which info is collected by a task. To do this select the checkbox of the needed task and click the List
of Properties button above the table.

Deleting Data Collection History Records

If you delete a data collection task its history records are deleted automatically. However, you can delete a task
history record manually. To do this:
1. Login as Administrator with Device Data Collection Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left panel of the displayed page select Device>Device Data Collection. Data Collection Settings are
displayed on the right panel.
5. Go to Data Collection History section.
6. Select the checkbox(es) of the records you wish to remove.
7. Click .
8. In the displayed dialog click Yes to confirm deletion.

Tag Management
The System allows you to assign tags to devices included in the Device List. As you assign a tag to devices, you can filter
the Device List by the tag to quickly spot the corresponding devices. See “Assigning Device Tags” on page 34. All tags
are managed via the Tag Management page. From this page you can:
• create tags,
• modify tags,
• delete tags,
• view tags list.
See the subsections below to learn how to perform the listed operations.

Creating Tag
To create a device tag:
1. Login as Administrator with Device Tags permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain the tag must belong to.
4. On the left panel of the Settings page select Device>Tag Management.
5. On the right panel click . The Add New Tag dialog is displayed.

6. Enter the tag name.

7. Click Add.

Modifying Tag
The System allows to modify a tag name. To do this:
1. Login as Administrator with Device Tags permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain the tag belongs to.
4. On the left panel of the Settings page select Device>Tag Management.
5. On the right panel select the checkbox of the tag you wish to modify.
6. Click . The Edit <tag name> dialog is displayed.

7. Modify the tag name.

8. Click Save. The Confirm dialog is displayed.

9. Click Yes to confirm changes.

Deleting Tag
To delete a device tag:
1. Login as Administrator with Device Tags permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain the tag belongs to.
4. On the left panel of the Settings page select Device>Tag Management.
5. On the right panel select the checkbox(es) of the tag you wish to delete.
6. Click . The Confirm dialog is displayed.

7. Click Yes.

Viewing Tag List

All the created device tags are stored on the Tags Management page. To view the tag list:
1. Login as Administrator with Device Tags permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain the needed tags belong to.
4. On the left panel of the Settings page select Device>Tag Management.
5. View the tag list on the right panel.

The list is represented as a table with the following columns:
• Name. The column shows a device tag name.
• Device Count. The column shows number of devices a tag is assigned to.
You can manage the tag list columns the same way as in the Device List. See “Customizing Device List Columns”
on page 27. To quickly pick the needed tag enter the tag name in the search field and click the magnifier icon.
The list will be updated to display only the tag(s) matching your search request. The search field will be highlighted in
yellow. As long as the search field is yellow, the section displays only the tags matching the search request. To view all available
tags again, clear the search string and click the magnifier icon.

Device Status Settings

The System allows you to configure for how much time to consider a discovered device as a new one and display the
New status for it in the Device List. You can also set up:
• for how much time a device can stay disconnected without being considered a suspicious one and moved to the No
data for long time dynamic group.
• whether to use alert severity levels and supply level threshold templates to determine the device status. See “Alert
List” on page 255 and “Supply” on page 271.
To specify the new and non-suspicious status lifetime:
1. Login as Administrator with Device Status Settings permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the domain, including the needed devices.
4. On the left panel of the displayed page select Device > Status Settings. The Device status settings is displayed
on the right panel.

5. In the Days for ‘New’ status field enter the number of days a device will be displayed with the New status in the
Device List.
6. In the Non-suspicious disconnected period, days field enter the number of days a disconnected device will not be
considered suspicious.
7. Check the Use alert severity level and supply level threshold to determine status checkbox, if you need custom
alert severity levels and device supply threshold templates to be applied for the device status calculation. See “Alert
List” on page 255 and “Supply” on page 271. Leave the checkbox unchecked to define the device status by the
device status property value (retrieved during the device data collection).
8. Click Apply.

The System is designed to perform different types of tasks, including:
• Device Discovery,
• Device Data Collection,
• Device Configuration,
• Device Cloning,
• Device Firmware update
• Device Application Installation.
Information about such tasks (scheduled and completed) is recorded on special pages. As Administrator you can view
and manage them. The subsections below describe how to do this.

Viewing Completed Tasks

A list of completed tasks is displayed on the Completed Tasks page. To view the list:
1. Login as Administrator with Completed Tasks permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left panel of the displayed page select Tasks > Completed Tasks. The Completed Tasks info is displayed
on the right panel.

The task information is displayed as a table with the following columns:

• Type. The column displays the task type.
• Schedule. The column displays the task name, recurring interval, and number of runs.
• Status. The column displays the task run result.
• Start Time. The column displays the date and time the task started to run.
• End Time. The column displays the date and time the task was completed.
• User. The column displays the task initiator.
You can manage the table to view the info you need, namely:
• sort by any column,
• add columns,
• delete columns,
• change columns order,
• filter by type and status.
The listed operations are performed the same way as for the Device List. See “Customizing Device List Columns” on
page 27.

Managing Scheduled Tasks

The System provides the Scheduled Tasks page. From this page you can manage tasks scheduled in the System:
• view,
• modify,
• delete.

Viewing Scheduled Tasks
To view scheduled tasks:
1. Login as Administrator with Scheduled Tasks permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select Tasks > Scheduled Tasks. The Scheduled Tasks are displayed
on the right panel.

The task information is displayed as a table with the following columns:

• Type. The column displays the task type.
• Schedule. The column displays the task name, recurring interval, and a number of runs.
• Next Execution Time. The column displays the date and time at which the task will run next time.
• User. The column displays the task initiator.
You can manage the table to view the info you need, namely:
• sort by any column,
• filter by task type,
• add columns,
• delete columns,
• change columns order.
The listed operations are performed the same way as for the Device List. See “Customizing Device List Columns”
on page 27.

Modifying Scheduled Task

The System allows to modify scheduled tasks. To do this:
1. Login as Administrator with Scheduled Tasks permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select Tasks > Scheduled Tasks.
4. On the right panel select a task.
5. In the toolbar click .
6. In the Edit Schedule dialog in the Schedule name field modify the task name.
7. In the Date & Time section select a date and time when the task must run.
8. From the Interval drop-down list select how often the task must run. The task will run on the same day and at
the same time as specified in the Date & Time section.
9. Click Save.

Deleting Scheduled Task

The System allows to remove scheduled tasks. To do this:
1. Login as Administrator with Scheduled Tasks permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. On the left panel of the displayed page select Tasks > Scheduled Tasks.
4. On the right panel select a task.
5. In the toolbar click .

Devices include different types of supplies including toner, drum, fuser, transfer, and others. You can configure early
warning, low, and empty levels for them in threshold templates. After you assign a template to a device, the System
detects supply level alerts according to the template settings and calculates the device status according to the alerts
severity. See “Alert List” on page 255.
The created custom templates can be assigned to individual devices as well as device models. See “Assigning Supply
Level Template” on page 90 and “Model Default Threshold Template” on page 274.
If you assign threshold templates to devices, enable the System to use them via Settings>Device>Status Settings. See
“Device Status Settings” on page 268. Otherwise, they do not work and the device status is displayed according the
value of its status property.
See the subsections below for guidelines on how to create and manage supply level templates.

Threshold Template
As Administrator you can configure when to consider device toner supply to be running out and display alerts (e.g. empty
toner) in the Device List. For this purpose the System allows you to create and manage threshold templates of device
supply levels. See the subsections below for details.

Creating Supply Level Template

To create a supply level template, follow these steps:
1. Login as Administrator with Supply Threshold Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left panel of the displayed page select Supply>Threshold Template. The list of available templates is
displayed on the right panel.

5. Click .The Add Threshold Template dialog is displayed.

6. In the Template name field enter your template name.
7. (Optional) In the Description field enter the template details.
8. In the Threshold Table in the needed supply column (Toner, Drum etc.) click a cell and enter a value of close
to low, low, none supply level correspondingly in rows:
• Early Warning,
• Low,
• Empty.
For example, if you enter 40 for Toner Early warning, the Toner early warning alert appears, when the Toner
level is 40%.
a. Click .
b. In the displayed dialog in the Supply Level Control section select the checkboxes of the supplies you
wish to define levels for.
c. Move sliders to specify which supply level (in percent) to consider close to low, low, none correspondingly:
• Early Warning,
• Low,
• Empty.
d. Click Apply.
9. Click Add.

Copying Supply Level Template
The System allows you to copy an existing template and later modify its settings instead of creating it from scratch.
To copy an existing supply level template:
1. Login as Administrator with Supply Threshold Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left panel of the displayed page select Supply>Threshold Template. The list of available templates is
displayed on the right panel.
5. On the right panel select the checkbox of the template you wish to copy.
6. Click .
7. In the displayed Copy Threshold Template dialog edit the template name.
8. Click Copy.

Modifying Supply Level Template

To modify a supply level template:
1. Login as Administrator with Supply Threshold Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left panel of the displayed page select Supply>Threshold Template. The list of available templates is
displayed on the right panel.
5. On the right panel select the checkbox of the template you wish to modify.
6. Click .
7. In the displayed Edit Threshold Template dialog modify the template the same way as during creation.
8. Click Save.

Deleting Supply Level Template

To delete a supply level template:
1. Login as Administrator with Supply Threshold Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left panel of the displayed page select Supply>Threshold Template.
5. On the right panel select the checkboxes of the templates you wish to delete.
6. Click .
7. In the displayed dialog click Yes to confirm the deletion.

Viewing Supply Level Templates

To view existing supply level templates:
1. Login as Administrator with Supply Threshold Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left panel of the displayed page select Supply>Threshold Template. The list of available templates is
displayed in the table on the right panel with the following info:
• Template Name,
• Creation Date,
• Modification Date.
You can manage the displayed table as follows:
• sort by any column,
• add columns,
• delete columns,
• change columns order,
• filter the content,
• search the content.

To sort the table:
1. Hover the cursor over the column name you wish to sort by.
2. Click the displayed triangle icon.
3. In the displayed drop-down list select the sorting order (Sort Ascending or Sort Descending).
To add/remove columns:
1. Hover the cursor over a column name.
2. Click the displayed triangle icon.
3. In the displayed drop-down list select Custom.
4. Drag-and-drop the items you need to view in the table from Feature List section to Selected Features section
or vice versa, if you don’t need some items to be displayed in the table. Hold down Ctrl or Shift to select several
items at once.
You can also move selected items by clicking / icons. To move one item you can just double-click
5. Click OK.
To change the columns order click a column header and drag-and-drop the column to the needed position. You
can also change the columns order as you add/remove them. To do this in the Selected Features section select
the needed item(s) and drag-and-drop it to the needed position or click icons to move the selected items to a
position up or down correspondingly.
To filter the table content from the drop-down menu above the table select:
• Default to view only default template automatically created by the System,
• Non Default to view only manually created templates,
• All to view all available templates.
To search the table enter a template name in the search field above the table and press Enter or click the magnifier
icon.The search field will be highlighted in yellow. As long as the search field is yellow, the table displays only the items matching
the search request. To view all available items again, clear the search string and click the magnifier icon.
Do not forget to press Enter/click the magnifier icon every time you change the search string. Otherwise, the
search results won’t be updated.

Model Default Threshold Template

As Administrator you can configure when to consider supplies of devices included in a model group to be running out
and display alerts (e.g. empty toner) in the Device List. For this purpose the System allows you to assign supply level
templates to devices of certain models. You can also unassign templates, when needed. See the subsections below for
Assigning Supply Level Template to Device Model
To assign a supply level template to a device model:
1. Login as Administrator with Supply Threshold Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left panel of the displayed page select Supply>Model Default Threshold Template. The list of
available device models is displayed in the table on the right panel.

5. Select the checkboxes of the models you need to assign a template to.

6. Click .The Assign Threshold Template dialog is displayed.

7. Select the needed template from the list.

If no custom templates have been added, only a Default template is available in the list. You can click and
add your own template as described here. You can also use the following tools to manage the templates list:
• - click the icon to delete a selected template(s).
• - click the icon to copy a selected template as described here.
• - click the icon to modify a selected template as described here.
• drop-down list - select the needed option to filter the templates list (e.g. to view non-default templates).
• search field - enter the needed template name and click the magnifier icon to find it.
8. Click Assign.

Unassigning Supply Level Template from Device Model

To unassign a supply level template from a device model:
1. Login as Administrator with Supply Threshold Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left panel of the displayed page select Supply>Model Default Threshold Template. The list of
available device models is displayed in the table on the right panel.
5. Select the checkboxes of the device models you wish to unassign a template(s) from.
6. In the tool bar click .
7. In the displayed dialog click Yes to confirm unassignment.

Viewing Supply Level Templates of Device Models

To view which supply level templates assigned to device models:
1. Login as Administrator with Supply Threshold Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left panel of the displayed page select Device>Model Default Threshold Template. The device model
list is displayed on the right panel. The Model Template column of the table shows the names of the templates
assigned to device models (if any).
You can manage the table to view the info the way you need, including:
• sorting the table by the column you need,
• adding/removing columns,
• changing the columns order,
• searching the table.
Perform the listed operations the same way as for supply level templates. See “Viewing Supply Level
Templates” on page 273.


Accounting Settings
In case the Accounting plug-in is enabled, the System allows you to configure default Job Accounting settings. Job
Accounting (JAC) is a feature allowing Administrator to set device usage quotas for users and monitor copy/print/scan/fax
statistics. See “Accounting” on page 208.
To configure JAC settings:
1. Login as Administrator with Accounting Management permission.
2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
3. If available, from the Domain drop-down list select the needed domain.
4. On the left panel of the displayed page select Accounting>Accounting Settings. The Accounting Settings are
displayed on the right panel.
5. Specify the following settings:

Default access code When you enable Job Accounting for devices, the System uses this value as an
access code unless you enter a custom access code. You can change the default
access code here. The System will use Default access code as a default.
Reset usage interval If you enable the Job Accounting feature, you need to reset the usage account
periodically. For example, if your company allows employees to print 100 pages
each month, you can set this option to every month. If you want to check the usage
quarterly and charge bills, set this option to the end of every 3 months.
Job records collection interval The System gathers all of the job records from the devices periodically. This is for
the interval for collecting data from the devices. You can change this interval for your
own purposes.
Send email notification to user If you check this option and set the remaining usage (percentage), the System
about remaining usage limit sends an email when the remaining usage (percentage) value is reached. A user
who has received this email can ask the administrator to increase his/her allowed
page count.
Notification interval The time interval for sending notification emails.
Send email to following also When sending a notification email you can also send it to other people, like the
device manager, for reference.
6. Click Apply.

Backup & Restore
Backing up the System databases is an important step in ensuring your data is safe in case an unforeseeable event
occurs. The backed-up databases can be restored from the back-up files and ensure everything is kept running smoothly
without disruption.
Backups can be created with the following limitations:
• Only PostgreSQL or Microsoft SQL are supported.
• Only entire databases can be backed-up and restored.
• Backing-up and restoring can only be performed for the same database type: you can’t restore a PostgreSQL
database with a Microsoft SQL backup file.
• Only the System databases can be backed-up and restored.
This chapter provides instructions for backing-up and restoring the System databases and settings.

As Administrator you can create a backup copy of the System and restore it, when needed. A back up can be created
• System installer,
• command line.

Creating Backup from Installer

You can create a backup copy while uninstalling the System. To do this:
1. Open the Windows Start menu.
2. Click All programs>Samsung Network Printer Utilities>Fleet Admin Pro>Uninstall Fleet Admin Pro.
3. In the displayed dialog select the needed language and click OK.
4. In the displayed Do you want to delete all database files from the local machine? dialog click No.
5. Continue with uninstallation. See “Uninstalling System” on page 13.
After uninstallation is finished, the backup zip archive is stored in the <System installation directory>\Backups.

Creating Backup from Command Line

You can create the System backup copy with the help of a special .bat file stored in the <System installation
directory>Tools\BackupRestore\BackupRestore.bat. You will need to run this script with appropriate parameters to back
To create a backup copy of the System:
6. In Windows OS open Start menu.
7. Locate cmd.exe.
8. Right-click cmd.exe and select Run as Administrator.
9. In the User Access Control dialog click Yes.
10. In the command prompt enter the path to the BackupRestore.bat file followed by a set of parameters white space
separated, strictly in the specified order:
a. backup,
b. path to the UniThruTargetPlatform (e.g. “C:\Fleet Admin Pro\UniThruTargetPlatform”),
c. path to a folder to store the backup copy in (any path you need, e.g. “E:\backup”),
d. (Only in case MSSQL data base is used) path to SQLCMD.EXE (e.g. “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
If a path contains whitespaces, enclose it in quotation marks. Otherwise, the backup procedure fails. See the
sample below to make sure you enter the back up command correctly.

11. Click Enter.

After backup is successfully completed, the specified backup folder contains a zip archive with the backup copy of the
database and the System local file storage.

Backup & Restore_277

As Administrator you can restore the System using a backup. It is possible to do this via:
• System installer,
• command line.

Restoring System from Installer

You can install the System using a backup created earlier. This will restore the System instead of installing it from scratch.
To do this:
1. Go to the local or network location where you downloaded the System setup file.
2. Run the EXE file under an account having Administrator permission.
3. In the displayed User Account Control dialog click Yes to confirm installation.
This step might be missing. It depends on your OS and its security settings.
4. In the displayed Installer Language dialog select the needed language and click OK.
5. Read the setup guide and click Next to continue installation.
6. Read the license information and click I Agree to continue installation.
7. Choose the destination path for installation.
8. Click Next. The Database Migration dialog is displayed.

9. Select the Do you want to restore backup instead of new installation? checkbox.
10. Select the needed backup.
11. (If Microsoft SQL Server backup is selected) Click the File button and specify the path to the SQLCMD.EXE file.
12. Click Next and continue installation. See “Installing System” on page 9.

Backup & Restore_278

Restoring System from Command Line
To restore the System:
1. In Windows OS open Start menu.
2. Locate cmd.exe.
3. Right-click cmd.exe and select Run as Administrator.
4. In the User Access Control dialog click Yes.
5. In the command prompt enter the path to the BackupRestore.bat file followed by a set of parameters white space
separated, strictly in the specified order:
a. restore,
b. path to the UniThruTargetPlatform (e.g. “C:\Fleet Admin Pro\UniThruTargetPlatform”),
c. path to the System backup copy (e.g. “E:\backup\”),
d. (Only in case MSSQL data base is used) path to SQLCMD.EXE (e.g. “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
If a path contains whitespaces, enclose it in quotation marks. Otherwise, the restoring procedure fails.
6. Click Enter.
After the procedure is successfully completed, the database is restored and the files are unarchived to the System local
file storage.

Backup & Restore_279

Data Reference
This chapter includes:
• MIB reference
• Data matrix
• Role reference

MIB reference

Generic support
The System uses SNMP queries to gather information from printers. How much information is displayed and what
functionality is provided depends on the printer’s own ability to respond to SNMP queries.

System supported devices

Any printing and imaging device directly connected to the network that supports SNMP and the standard printer MIB
(RFC 1759) is supported.
Network SNMP Printers and MFPs should support the following Request for Comments (RFC) standards:
• RFC 1213 (MIB-II for TCP/IP)
• RFC 1759 (Printer MIB v1)
• RFC 3805 (Printer MIB v2)
• RFC 3806 (Printer Finishing MIB)
• RFC 1514 / RFC 2790 (Host Resources MIB v1, v2)

Samsung private MIB

For Samsung devices, The System provides much more information and functionality.
• Samsung Host Resources MIB
• Samsung Service Monitor MIB
• Samsung Diagnostics MIB
• Samsung File Storage MIB
• Samsung General MIB

Data matrix

Data vs. Information

The System collects raw data from devices such as device status and generates useful information based on the
collected data. You can see the data categories the System manages in the table below.

Raw data from devices • Usually for Analysis & Reports or Dashboard
• Generation based on raw data
Device • Properties such as model You can see various reports in the Report menu, including
name : You can see this data in proactive analysis. Additionally, Dashboard provides useful
the Device Management menu. statistics for you to monitor devices efficiently. Most of all,
• Files : You can see the file you can get alert notifications without accessing the System.
repository for managing firmware These features help you manage devices without leaving your
or font/macro/form files. desk.
• Alerts
User • User accounts and roles The System provides customized UI for users. If Job
• Usage and permissions if Job Accounting is installed - various reports will be provided
Accounting is installed. using raw data.

Data Reference_280
System itself • Server configuration settings
• Help
• Log and history
• Active tasks

Collecting data from devices

Data collection from devices is one of the most important jobs the System performs since the primary usage of the
System is to manage devices. Devices have hundreds of properties and you cannot get all the properties in real time;
therefore, the System categorizes the properties as follows:


Identity • To use for identifying • Hardware address Yes No N/A
devices • Serial number
• No change over time after
Properties. 1 • To collect often for • Device status Yes Yes 10 minutes
monitoring device status
• Changes are always there
over time
Properties. 2 • To collect periodically • Consumables Yes Yes 1 hour
• Changes are expected • Usage counters
over time (not more • Total page count
frequently than
Properties.1) • Color page count
• Mono page count

Properties. 3 • To collect periodically • Location Yes Yes 24 hours

• Changes happen seldom • Model name
• Host name
• Storage files
• Tray information and
other properties

Data Reference_281
Role reference
The following tables are based on RFC3805:

Role assignment help

The following table helps you to assign roles to users:


Notification of events Receive notification of Click Settings menu > Device > Alert • Operator
the existence of a defined List. • Technician
printer event. An event can
be of many types, including
warnings, errors, job stage
completion, and etc.
Printer configuration Query the current To see the Configuration • System manager
configuration of a printer window, select Device > Device • Installer
Management > Select the devices
for which to change settings > Device
Configuration tab.
Printer consumables Determine the current state • Click the Dashboard menu • Operator
of any and all consumables • Click Device > Device • Capacity planner
within a printer Management. • Accountant
Internal printer status Determine the current status • Click the Dashboard menu • Operator
of the printer • Click the Devices menu > Device • Technician
Management. • System Manager

What does

The following table explains each role:

User (USER) A person or application that submits print jobs to the printer: typically viewed as the “end
user” within the overall printing environment.
Operator (OP) A person responsible for maintaining a device on a day-to-day basis, including such tasks
as filling empty media trays, emptying full output trays, replacing toner cartridges, clearing
simple paper jams, etc.
Technician (TECH) A person responsible for repairing a malfunctioning device, performing routine
preventive maintenance, and other tasks that typically require advanced training on
the printer internals. An example of a “technician” would be a manufacturer’s Field
Service representative or other person formally trained by the manufacturer or similar
System Manager (MGR) A person responsible for configuration and troubleshooting of components involved in
the overall printing environment, including printers, print queues and network connectivity
issues. This person is typically responsible for ensuring the overall operational integrity of
the device system components, and is typically viewed as the central point of coordination
among all other roles.
Help Desk (HELP) A person responsible for supporting users in their printing needs, including training users
and troubleshooting users’ printing problems.
Asset Manager (AM) A person responsible for managing an organization’s printing system assets (primarily
printers). Such a person needs to be able to identify and track the location of printing assets
on an ongoing basis.
Capacity Planner (CP) A person responsible for tracking the usage of printing resources on an ongoing basis for
the purpose of planning printer acquisitions and/or placement of printers based on usage
Installer (INST) A person or application responsible for installing or configuring printing system components
on a local system.
Accountant (ACCT) A person responsible for tracking the usage of printing resources on an ongoing basis for
the purpose of charging Users for resources used.

Data Reference_282
This chapter gives helpful information for what to do if you face an error.

Common errors

Cannot access the System from a browser

User actions
• Make sure that the URL and port number you type in the web browser are correct.
• Check if your browser is supported by the System.
• Ask your administrator.

Administrator actions
• Check if the System is running. If the server is not running, you need to restart the service. If the service is
running, restart the system.
• Check if you can access the System from your host machine, where the System is installed. If you can access
the System from the host machine, but cannot access it from any remote machine, you may have a network
issue that is preventing communication between the browser and the System host machine.
-- Ask your network administrator. You need to check your network policy, especially security issues.
-- Check the security settings, like the firewall, of the remote machine. If the port number of the System service is
blocked by your network manager or firewall, you may have this problem.
-- If you have unchecked the firewall configuration at the installation time, you may face this problem. Check the
firewall settings. By default, the System will configure the firewall exceptions automatically unless you change
the setting.

Empty Main Page after System Installation

After the System is installed the UI is empty.

The issue can be caused by incorrect system date/time on the host where the System is installed. The System
plug-ins are certified for a period from Jan 9, 2014 to Jan 2, 2044. So, if the host date/time is not within the period,
the System cannot operate properly.

Fix the system date/time on the host and re-install the System.

Cannot Add Devices/Configure Devices/View Custom Reports

Users cannot add and configure devices/view custom reports.

There are too many active tasks running in the System.

To solve the issue:
1. At the UI bottom click Active Tasks button.

2. Check the displayed task list.

If there are many unscheduled device data collection tasks, it is very likely some device(s) is sending many SNMP
You can wait for the System to complete them or make the System stop listening SNMP traps. To do this:
1. Login to the System as Administrator.
2. In the web browser enter http://[server_address]:[port_number]/app.base.central.web/configuration
3. Locate section 10000_4.
4. Set to false.
Alternatively, turn off SNMP traps on the device SWS.

Cannot access the System after Migration from SyncThru 6
When users try to access the System after migration from SyncThru 6 to Fleet Admin Pro, the following error is displayed:

The error occurs because of the data stored in the web browser cache.

Clear your web browser cache and try to access the System again.

LDAP Users Cannot Login to the System after Migration from SyncThru 6
LDAP users cannot login to the System after migration from SyncThru 6 to Fleet Admin Pro. The System displays error
“Authentication service isn’t configured properly or failed to authenticate”.

LDAP authentication has been reworked since SyncThru 6. This may cause failure of LDAP users authentication
after upgrading to Fleet Admin Pro.

To fix this issue:
1. Login to the System as Local Administrator.
2. Re-import the LDAP users. See “Adding LDAP Users” on page 105.

Some Features are not Available after Migration to Higher System Version
The System features available before migration are missing after it.

The corresponding plug-ins were not selected during installation of the higher System version.

Install the needed plug-ins via Main Menu > Plug-in > Plug-in Management. See “Installing Plug-in” on page 205.

Corrupted Custom Report in Multi-Instance System
It is impossible to view a report results from Report > Report Generation page. The System gets stuck pre-loading the

or informs about the corrupted report data.

The problem occurs because a user tries to view the report from a domain assigned to a troubled instance. The
trouble is that this instance cannot communicate with the primary instance (with the Default domain). This happens
due to a network issue. For example, this instance cannot resolve the host name of the primary instance.

Check and try to fix your network connection. If you cannot find the appropriate solution, perform the following steps:
1. Go to the machine where the troubled instance is installed.
2. Navigate to “%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\drivers\etc”.
3. Open the hosts file.
4. Provide Host names and IP address mapping.

Network Error (dns_server_failure) in Multi-Instance System

Network error occurs when a user navigates from a domain, assigned to a subordinate instance, to the Default domain.

The subordinate instance cannot communicate with the primary instance (with the Default domain) because it
cannot resolve the host name of the primary instance.

Check and try to fix your network connection. If you cannot find the appropriate solution, perform the following steps:
1. Go to the machine where the subordinate instance is installed.
2. Navigate to “%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\drivers\etc”.
3. Open the hosts file.
4. Provide Host names and IP address mapping.

Cannot open context sensitive help in the System

If you are using Safari as a client and the System is HTTPS enabled, you may face issues in opening context sensitive
help in the System. To resolve this issue, do one of the following:
1. Click the Settings icon in the browser’s toolbar.
2. Uncheck Block pop-up windows.
In the Edit menu, uncheck Block pop-up windows.

Cannot find some network-connected devices

Administrator actions
• Make sure that the specified devices are turned on.
-- From the Windows Start menu, select Run and type in cmd. A window appears. Then, type in ping and the
specified IP address to confirm network connectivity.
• The devices might have a network communication problem. Check the network configuration of the specified
devices, such as a protocol status.
-- Check SNMP community names. Verify that SNMP GET community names contain public.
• If you know the IP addresses of the devices that you want to find, you can add the devices using the
button located in the Device List.
• If you used Broadcast discovery method,
-- Run the discovery when there is less network traffic. If your network is busy, the System might not discover
some devices.
-- Try another discovery method, IP Range or CSV Import method. If some devices are not on the same subnet,
Broadcast discovery might not find them.
• If you used SLP discovery method,
-- Make sure that the devices support multicast broadcasts. If the devices do not, try another discovery method.
-- Check whether the router is multicast-enabled or not. If the router is not enabled, the multicast packet does not
go out of the router. You need to ask the network administrator to enable the multicast on the router.
• If you used IP Range discovery method,
-- Check if the IP Range for the discovery reflects the network that is being scanned. Your network monitoring
system might consider the discovery as being an attack to your network. If so, contact and inform your network
administrator when running this discovery.
-- If the System still cannot find the devices, the devices might have a network communication problem. Check
the network configuration of the specified devices, such as a protocol status.

Unable to find locally connected devices

Device is connected to the remote computer in the local network. However, local device discovery cannot find the device.

Administrator actions
• Check if the local device account and local device password configured on the started discovery are correct.
This account should have administrator privileges on the remote computer in order to perform discovery.
• If the operating system of the remote computer is Windows XP/Vista and non-domain configuration is used,
check if guest user is not blocked on the remote computer. Also, the Simple File Sharing option in Windows
Explorer should be cleared.
• WMI service uses DCOM to communicate with the remote computer. If you use a network firewall, it should be

configured properly in order to allow DCOM connectivity. Refer to the user manual of your network firewall to
configure it. If your system has Windows XP embedded firewall, check the Windows user manual.
You can see more information on the Microsoft web site ( for solutions to
problems with DCOM and WMI.

Local device discovery fails

In the latest version of Windows, local device discovery fails if the System service is started under “Local System” user.

Administrator actions
• A possible solution is to start the System service under an administrator account.
• This issue is still being resolved.

Incorrect device status appears

User & Administrator actions

• If your network is busy or has a high level of network traffic, the System might miss some packets.
-- Make sure the device is turned on.
-- Refresh the devices list by clicking the icon.
-- If this still happens, ask your network administrator about your network communication status.
Disconnected Device Status after Refresh
The actual device status is no longer Disconnected, but it is not updated in the Device List after a user clicks
the Refresh icon .

The refresh icon only refreshes the Device List. Refresh means only to retrieve the latest data from the
database, not collect data from the device. If the new device status is not collected, it is not stored in the database.
So, it does not appear in the Device List after refresh.

To view the new status in the Device List:
1. Wait until the new status is automatically collected. By default, it takes 10 minutes.
2. Click .
1. In the Device List select the device.
2. Click to collect the latest data from the device.
3. When the data is collected click or revisit the Device > Device Management page.

Device status for locally connected device is not displayed

The System found locally connected device, but the status is not displayed.

Administrator actions
Local device discovery shows additional information for Samsung devices if the special WMI Provider has been
installed on the remote computer and the locally connected device should support Samsung’s USB interface. This
WMI Provider component is automatically installed on the remote computer during local device discovery. The
WMIProvider supports devices which are connected using USB interface only. If the device can provide additional
information, the status will be displayed.
• Check if your network firewall allows the System to access the network.
• If the operating system of the remote computer is Microsoft Windows 2003 Server, you might need to add the
MSI WMI Provider component using Add or Remote Programs on the Control Panel. Use the Add/Remove
Windows Components feature.

Registered Site Manager Goes Disconnected
If a PC Site Manager is registered with proxy settings provided, its status is Disconnected.

This may happen, if the proxy server is configured to use HTTP only, while the PC Site Manager is set to use TCP.

To fix this issue, configure your proxy server and PC Site Manager to use the same communication protocol.

Server Validation Fails during Site Manager Registration

When a user registers a Site Manager the server credentials validation fails.

The issue can be caused by the following reasons:
a. the System server is connected via HTTPS and the related certificate has expired.
b. the System server is connected via HTTPS, the related certificate is valid, but the System server date/time is
not correct (e.g. earlier than the current date). In this case the valid certificate is considered invalid.

Solution A
Configure the valid certificate for the System server and try to register the Site Manager again.

Solution B
Set the System server date/time correctly and try to register the Site Manager again.

Incorrect Alerts in the Device List

The device Alerts tab shows alerts that do not actually exist on the device. E.g. Paper is jammed, while there’re no
device paper jam.

The System cannot properly process an alert received from the device. Misinterpretation happens when the System
byte order does not match the device byte order.

To fix this issue, change the byte order either on the device or in the System.
To change the byte order on the device:
1. Login to the device SWS as Administrator.
2. In the web browser address bar enter:
• for XOA device <device IP address>/sws/q6zle_tech_admin_setting.sws
• for non-XOA device <device IP address>/sws/service_mode_hrPrinterDetectedErrorState.html
3. Press Enter.
4. (For XOA device) In the device SWS Main Menu click SNMP.
5. On the displayed page select the byte order option matching the System byte order (forward or reverse).
6. Click Apply.
To change the byte order in the System:
1. Login to the System as Administrator.
2. In the web browser address bar enter
<System IP address>:<port number>/app.base.central.web/configuration and press Enter.
3. On the displayed page locate troublemgt.printer.detected.error.state.byte.order property.
4. Enter the byte order matching the device byte order (forward or reverse).
5. Click Save.
6. Restart the System service.

Uploading and updating firmware takes too long

Administrator actions
• There might be a network communication problem in your site. Ask your network administrator first.
• There might be a file size issue. It can take a longer time when uploading/updating a large file.

When a device is selected in the File Storage, File List (font/ macro/ form) is not displayed
• Make sure the following are correct:
-- Selected device is on the network.
How to check: From the Windows Start menu, select Run and type in cmd. Press enter then type in ping and
the specified IP address to confirm network connectivity in the command window.
-- Selected device supports the System File Storage feature.
-- The device has at least one file. This problem can happen because the device doesn’t have any files.
If you still have trouble with this, contact the network administrator.

After files are successfully uploaded to selected devices, the result always says failed
• Make sure the following settings are correct:
-- Check if there is any other SNMP trap server running on the computer where the System is installed. If so, that
trap server may intercept traps via 162 port and the System cannot get any traps. Thus, the result is always
failed as the System recognizes the connection time-out.
-- If the System is installed on the Windows XP with Service Pack 2, port 162 should be added in the Exceptions
list of Windows Firewall configuration in Windows Security Center. (If you have unchecked the firewall
configuration during the installation, you need to check the firewall settings on the server.)

Configuration History always says “Failed”
Make sure the following settings are correct:
• Check if your devices support Samsung Private MIBs. All the items in Configuration have dependency with MIB
information inside the device. Only Location, Contact, and Host Name are linked to public MIB, RFC1213.
• Check if your devices have SNMP Write Community name correctly. SNMP settings should be required because
this Configuration uses SNMP SET command.
• Check if your devices’ SNMP Write Community name is same as the System SNMP Write Community name.
Otherwise, SNMP communication between your devices and the System always fails. See “Connection: Configuring
Default Device Connection Settings” on page 259.

Cloning Rule is Repeatedly Applied to the Same Device

The apply cloning file rule is defined in the System and repeatedly executed for the same device.

This can happen, if the rule includes:
• event Device added to group and
• condition device property conditions with filter Model name like <the device model name> (e.g. Model name
like 4075).
In this case the rule is executed whenever the device with 4075 model is added to ANY group. The event can
happen several times because a device is added to several groups. In particular, as device cloning involves device
restart, the device is repeatedly moved between Devices on group and Devices off group. This causes the System
to repeatedly execute the rule.

Use additional condition such as device group is to restrict the event. Alternatively, use another event.

Cannot find devices using LDAP discovery

Check the shared Windows printer port format, IP_<ip-addr> (case insensitive, e.g. IP_19.168.1.100), is the only
supported printer port format in discovering devices. The LDAP discovery scans the shared Windows printers in Active
Directory when it is used to find the network-connected devices. The LDAP discovery extracts IP address information
from the printer port name of printer sharing. The port name is parsed and the IP address is used for communication.
When a port name does not contain a valid IP address, the network device may not be discovered

Cannot use some ports for HTTP/HTTPS configuration

The following list of TCP ports are blocked by Flash Player. You may get an error if you try to use these ports for either
HTTP or HTTPS configuration:


20 ftp data 42 name 113 auth 587 smtp
21 ftp control 43 nicname 115 sftp 601 syslog
1 tcpmux 53 domain 117 uucp-path 636 ldap+ssl
7 echo 77 priv-rjs 119 nntp 993 ldap+ssl
9 discard 79 finger 123 ntp 995 pop3+ssl
11 systat 87 ttylink 135 loc-srv/epmap 2049 nfs
13 daytime 95 supdup 139 netbios 4045 lockd
15 netstat 101 hostriame 143 imap2 6000 x11
17 qotd 102 iso-tsap 179 bgp
19 chargen 103 gppitnp 389 ldap
22 ssh 104 acr-nema 465 smtp+ssl
23 telnet 109 pop2 512 uucp
25 smtp 110 pop3 556 remotefs
37 time 111 sunrpc 563 nntp+ssl
For more information, please refer to the AS3 Developer Guide:

Frequently Asked Questions
This chapter gives answers to frequently asked questions.


How do I access the System after installing?

From a web browser

Type in one of the following addresses.
• “server_name.domain” is the hostname of the System host machine.
• “ip_address” is the IP address of the machine where the System is installed.
• “port_number” is the port number that you entered during the installation.

From the Start menu

From the Start menu, click Program>Samsung Network Printer Utilities>Fleet Admin Pro>Fleet Admin Pro.

Is Window XP Service Pack 2 supported by the System?

The System supports Windows XP Service Pack 2 if the firewall is disabled or if the following ports are enabled:
• 5432 : PostgreSQL port number if you use PostgreSQL
• 8080 : HTTP default port, or if you configure another port number for HTTP, the specified port number should be
• 8081 : HTTPS default port, or if you configure another port number for HTTPS, the specified port number should be
• 427 : SLP Multicast discovery port number
• 161 : SNMP communication port
• 162 : Traps listening port number
• 5353 : mDNS discovery port number

Where can I get the System version information?

After the System is installed, open it via a supported web browser.
Click About located in the top-right corner of the browser. Version and database information are located here.

Is there any way to speed up device discovery time?

Basically, Broadcast and SLP are the discovery methods with the highest speed while IP Range and CSV Import
work slowly. If you have a speed problem with discovering devices, check the discovery strategy recommended in the
Discovery section (see “Device Discovery” on page 38).
In addition, you can use another options for discovery: passive discovery settings.
Navigate to Settings>Syste>Passive Device Discovery.
Passive SLP discovery or passive mDNS discovery works faster without the network traffic issue.
For IP Range, refer to the followings:
• IP Range discovery checks every IP address. If the range includes many unused IP addresses, the System checks
those addresses, which causes the discovery time problem. If you can ask your network administrator about the IP
addressing schemes and network environments, or if you already know them, this discovery can be faster.
• You can configure the specific range of IP addresses according to your network environments.
• If you want to use multiple, distinct IP Range settings, you can schedule your own discoveries (see “Device
Discovery” on page 38).
It is recommended that you run discoveries during off-hours if possible. However, all the devices should be turned
on in this case.

What is the purpose of group management?

Device groups make it easier to find the devices, check their statuses, and perform maintenance and other administrative
operations. For example, if you create groups by your own physical location, you can monitor or manage them easily.

Frequently Asked Questions_292

A single device can belong to an unlimited number of the groups.

Can I downgrade from current System to a previous version with

the same database?
Basically, downgrading is not supported by the System because we cannot expect any changes in the future, such as
database schema, which means that a previous version you want to reinstall will not support updating database schema
from current System to previous version schema. Therefore, if you want to reinstall previous version of teh System, we
recommend you to create a new database table.
How do I contact the Samsung printer service for questions about the System?
You can contact Samsung at their web site:

There are so many postgres.exe tasks in task manager even though one database is
running. Is this normal behavior?
This is normal behavior of PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL makes around 8 to 10 tasks in task manager for a PostgreSQL

Frequently Asked Questions_293

Known Issues
This chapter contains info on currently known System issues.

Multi-Instance Migration from Fleet Admin Pro v.

As you try to upgrade multi-instance Fleet Admin Pro v. to a higher version, the installation process cannot be

To successfully finish the upgrade:
1. Navigate to Windows services.
2. Locate and select the Fleet Admin Pro Management Application service.
3. Click Stop.
4. Wait until the service stops. This may take up to 30 minutes.
5. Run the new version installer again.

Site Manager is not Updated Automatically

After you upload the Site Manager installer of a higher version to the Site Manager Installer repository (File > Application
> Site Manager Installer), the System does not automatically update a PC/device Site Manager of versions compatible
with Fleet Admin Pro 1.0.38 (PC Site Manager v. Site Manager v. ).

To update the currently installed PC Site Manager:
1. Uninstall the currently installed Site Manager from a PC.
See “Unistalling External Site Manager” on page 16.
2. Install the new Site Manager on the PC. See “Installing External Site Manager” on page 13.
3. Register the new Site Manager. See “Registering External Site Manager” on page 14.
To update the currently installed Site Manager on device:
1. Login to a device SWS as Administrator.
2. Navigate to Settings > Site Manager Settings.
3. Click Clear Configuration. The System clears the Site Manager Settings and starts to remove its plug-ins.
This can take 10-15 minutes.

Known Issues_294
4. Navigate to Maintenance > Application Management.
5. Check the Site Manager plug-ins are removed. If not, select them (1) and click Delete (2) to delete them





6. Select Embedded Site Manager (3).

7. Click Delete (2).
8. Click Add (4).
9. In the displayed dialog click Browse and upload the new Site Manager Installer file (PAR format).
10. Click OK.
11. When uploading is finished, click OK.
12. Register the new Site Manager. See “Registering External Site Manager” on page 14.

Known Issues_295
Device Site Manager not Available
Device Site Manager may become unavailable in the following cases:
• right after installation/update,
• after Clear Configuration operation,
• during Fleet Admin Pro update.
Device Site Manager unavailability may cause the following issues on the device SWS UI:
• no Site Manager Settings submenu,
• not updated Site Manager settings,
• HTTP Error:

Wait for 5 minutes. This time is needed to finish up the Device Site Manager re-configuration. After that the listed
issues disappear.

Plug-in Management Issue

After you install/uninstall/update a plug-in, the System behaviour can be unstable. For example, some menus may be

Wait for 10-20 minutes after the plug-in management operation. The System needs this time for re-initializing. After
that the issue disappears.

Known Issues_296
Security Reference
This chapter explains which features the System provides to ensure security.
This chapter includes:
• SSL communication (HTTPS),
• User authentication,
• SNMPv3,
• User credentials.

SSL Communication (HTTPS)

SSL (RFC5246) stands for Secure Sockets Layer. It is cryptographic protocol that provides secure communication on the
network. If you enable SSL, all the data sent from your browser to teh System server is encrypted.
You can enable SSL from the System user interface:
• navigate to Settings>System>HTTP Security. See “HTTP Security” on page 225.

User Authentication
To control access to the System server itself, an authentication feature is provided. If you enable authentication, only
registered users can access the System. In this case the System requires a user login ID and password.
Additionally, registered users can be assigned different roles including permissions for certain System operations.
To manage user roles from the System user interface:
• navigate to Settings>System>User Role Management. See “User Role Management” on page 237.
To enable user authentication from the System user interface:
• navigate to Settings>System>HTTP Security. See “HTTP Security” on page 225.

You can configure the security settings for the devices which support SNMPv3 security (RFC2571). These devices will not
report any status information until you set up the security configuration. The SNMPv3 protocol encrypts the information
sent between the System and the devices.
You can specify device connection settings from the System user interface:
• navigate to Device>Device Management. Select a device then click the Connection Settings button. See
“Connection Settings” on page 41.
• navigate to Settings>Device>Connection to specify default connection settings. See “Connection: Configuring
Default Device Connection Settings” on page 259.

User Credentials
The embedded web servers (SWS) of the Samsung devices support user credentials for security. These credentials are
required for certain device management operations using HTTP. The operations include device firmware update, cloning,
http properties configuration, application management. So, you must specify the device SWS credentials in the System.
Otherwise, the listed operations are impossible.
You can specify device SWS connection settings from the System user interface:
• navigate to Device>Device Management. Select a device then click the Connection Settings button. See
“Connection Settings” on page 41.
• navigate to Settings>Device>Connection to specify default connection settings. See “Connection: Configuring
Default Device Connection Settings” on page 259.

Security Reference_297
Open Source Information
Apache License 1.1
The Apache Software License, Version 1.1
Copyright (c) 2000 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
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Apache License 2.0

Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
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Open Source Information_298

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Open Source Information_299

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APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by
brackets “[]” replaced with your own identifying information. (Don’t include the brackets!) The text should be
enclosed in the appropriate comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a file or class name and
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third-party archives.
Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS
IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

[Previous license]
Copyright (c) <year> <copyright holder>.
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted provided that the above copyright notice and this
paragraph are duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, advertising materials, and other materials related
to such distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed by the <organization>. The name of the
<organization> may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written
[4-clause license (original “BSD License”)]
Copyright (c) <year>, <copyright holder>
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgement:
This product includes software developed by the <organization>.
4. Neither the name of the <organization> nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote
products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
[3-clause license (“Revised BSD License”, “New BSD License”, or “Modified BSD License”)]
Copyright (c) <year>, <copyright holder>
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
conditions are met:

Open Source Information_300

• Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
• Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
• Neither the name of the <organization> nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote
products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
[2-clause license (“Simplified BSD License” or “FreeBSD License”)]
Copyright (c) <YEAR>, <OWNER>
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the authors and should not be
interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed or implied, of the FreeBSD Project.

The software included in this product contains copyrighted software that is licensed under the LGPL v2.1. You may obtain
the complete Corresponding Source code from us for a period of three years after our last shipment of this product by
sending email to: [email protected]
If you want to obtain the complete Corresponding Source code in the physical medium such as CD-ROM, the cost of
physically performing source distribution may be charged. This offer is valid to anyone in receipt of this information.
LGPL v2.1 software : itext-2.1.4.jar, jcommon-1.0.12.jar, jfreechart-1.0.9.jar, javacsv.jar, jcifs-1.3.1.jar, jna-3.5.1.jar,
Version 2.1, February 1999
Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts as the successor of the GNU Library Public License,
version 2, hence the version number 2.1.]
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU
General Public Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the
software is free for all its users.
This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some specially designated software packages--typically

Open Source Information_301

libraries--of the Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You can use it too, but we suggest you
first think carefully about whether this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better strategy to use in any
particular case, based on the explanations below.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use, not price. Our General Public Licenses are
designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you
wish); that you receive source code or can get it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of it in
new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to
surrender these rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the library
or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights
that we gave you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. If you link other code with the
library, you must provide complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them with the library after making
changes to the library and recompiling it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives
you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is
modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know that what they have is not the original version, so
that the original author’s reputation will not be affected by problems that might be introduced by others.
Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of any free program. We wish to make sure that a
company cannot effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a restrictive license from a patent holder.
Therefore, we insist that any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be consistent with the full freedom of
use specified in this license.
Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the ordinary GNU General Public License. This license,
the GNU Lesser General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and is quite different from the ordinary
General Public License. We use this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those libraries into non-free
When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using a shared library, the combination of the two is legally
speaking a combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary General Public License therefore permits
such linking only if the entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General Public License permits more lax
criteria for linking other code with the library.
We call this license the “Lesser” General Public License because it does Less to protect the user’s freedom than the
ordinary General Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less of an advantage over competing
non-free programs. These disadvantages are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many libraries.
However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain special circumstances.
For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to encourage the widest possible use of a certain library,
so that it becomes a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be allowed to use the library. A more
frequent case is that a free library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this case, there is little to gain
by limiting the free library to free software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License.
In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free programs enables a greater number of people to use a
large body of free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in non-free programs enables many more
people to use the whole GNU operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating system.
Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the users’ freedom, it does ensure that the user of a
program that is linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run that program using a modified version
of the Library.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference
between a “work based on the library” and a “work that uses the library”. The former contains code derived from the
library, whereas the latter must be combined with the library in order to run.
0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other program which contains a notice placed by the
copyright holder or other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of this Lesser General Public
License (also called “this License”). Each licensee is addressed as “you”.
A “library” means a collection of software functions and/or data prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application
programs (which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
The “Library”, below, refers to any such software library or work which has been distributed under these terms. A
“work based on the Library” means either the Library or any derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a work

Open Source Information_302

containing the Library or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated straightforwardly into
another language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in the term “modification”.)
“Source code” for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. For a library, complete
source code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the
scripts used to control compilation and installation of the library.
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered by this License; they are outside its scope.
The act of running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from such a program is covered only if its
contents constitute a work based on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for writing it). Whether
that is true depends on what the Library does and what the program that uses the Library does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library’s complete source code as you receive it, in any medium,
provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of
warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and distribute a copy of
this License along with the Library.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in
exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and
copy and distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of
these conditions:
a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of
any change.
c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this
d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a table of data to be supplied by an application program
that uses the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility is invoked, then you must make a good
faith effort to ensure that, in the event an application does not supply such function or table, the facility still operates,
and performs whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful.
(For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent
of the application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any application-supplied function or table used by this
function must be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square root function must still compute square
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the
Library, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its
terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same
sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this
License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of
who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the
intent is to exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or collective works based on the Library.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library with the Library (or with a work based on the
Library) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this License.
3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public License instead of this License to a given copy
of the Library. To do this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so that they refer to the ordinary GNU
General Public License, version 2, instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the ordinary GNU
General Public License has appeared, then you can specify that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other
change in these notices.
Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License
applies to all subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of the Library into a program that is not a library.
4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable
form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany it with the complete corresponding
machine-readable source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange.
If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent access
to copy the source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to distribute the source code, even though third
parties are not compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being

Open Source Information_303

compiled or linked with it, is called a “work that uses the Library”. Such a work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the
Library, and therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
However, linking a “work that uses the Library” with the Library creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library
(because it contains portions of the Library), rather than a “work that uses the library”. The executable is therefore
covered by this License. Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
When a “work that uses the Library” uses material from a header file that is part of the Library, the object code for the
work may be a derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not. Whether this is true is especially
significant if the work can be linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The threshold for this to be true is
not precisely defined by law.
If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small
inline functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally
a derivative work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the Library will still fall under Section 6.)
Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may distribute the object code for the work under the terms of
Section 6. Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6, whether or not they are linked directly with the
Library itself.
6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or link a “work that uses the Library” with the Library
to produce a work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work under terms of your choice, provided that
the terms permit modification of the work for the customer’s own use and reverse engineering for debugging such
You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use
are covered by this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work during execution displays copyright
notices, you must include the copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference directing the user to the
copy of this License. Also, you must do one of these things:
a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code for the Library including
whatever changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work
is an executable linked with the Library, with the complete machine-readable “work that uses the Library”, as object
code and/or source code, so that the user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified executable
containing the modified Library. (It is understood that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application to use the modified definitions.)
b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at
run time a copy of the library already present on the user’s computer system, rather than copying library functions
into the executable, and (2) will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if the user installs one, as
long as the modified version is interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with.
c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give the same user the materials
specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more than the cost of performing this distribution.
d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, offer equivalent access to
copy the above specified materials from the same place.
e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
For an executable, the required form of the “work that uses the Library” must include any data and utility programs
needed for reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception, the materials to be distributed need
not include anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major components (compiler,
kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the
It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot use both them and the Library together in an
executable that you distribute.
7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the Library side-by-side in a single library together with other
library facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined library, provided that the separate distribution
of the work based on the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise permitted, and provided that you do these
two things:
a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based on the Library, uncombined with any other
library facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the Sections above.
b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact that part of it is a work based on the Library, and
explaining where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute the Library except as expressly provided under
this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute the Library is void, and will
automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you
under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.

Open Source Information_304

9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing else grants you
permission to modify or distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Library (or any work
based on the Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying,
distributing or modifying the Library or works based on it.
10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the Library), the recipient automatically receives a
license from the original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library subject to these terms and conditions.
You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients’ exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not
responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason (not limited
to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the
conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to
satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence
you may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the
Library by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and
this License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any particular circumstance, the balance of the section
is intended to apply, and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents or other property right claims or to contest validity
of any such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free software distribution system
which is implemented by public license practices. Many people have made generous contributions to the wide range of
software distributed through that system in reliance on consistent application of that system; it is up to the author/donor to
decide if he or she is willing to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a consequence of the rest of this License.
12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted
interfaces, the original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add an explicit geographical
distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the Lesser General Public License from
time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new
problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library specifies a version number of this License which
applies to it and “any later version”, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that version or of
any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a license version number,
you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation.
14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible
with these, write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation,
write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the
two goals of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of
software generally.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries

Open Source Information_305

If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public, we recommend making it free
software that everyone can redistribute and change. You can do so by permitting redistribution under these terms (or,
alternatively, under the terms of the ordinary General Public License).
To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library. It is safest to attach them to the start of each source file
to most effectively convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the “copyright” line and a pointer
to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the library’s name and a brief idea of what it does.> Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your school, if any, to sign a “copyright disclaimer”
for the library, if necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the library `Frob’ (a library for tweaking knobs) written by
James Random Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1990 Ty Coon, President of Vice
That’s all there is to it!

The software included in this product contains copyrighted software that is licensed under the LGPL v3.0. You may obtain
the complete Corresponding Source code from us for a period of three years after our last shipment of this product by
sending email to: [email protected]
If you want to obtain the complete Corresponding Source code in the physical medium such as CD-ROM, the cost of
physically performing source distribution may be charged. This offer is valid to anyone in receipt of this information.
LGPL v2.1 software : jasperreports-3.5.3.jar
Version 3, 29 June 2007
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <> Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim
copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU
General Public License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below.
0. Additional Definitions.
As used herein, “this License” refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public License, and the “GNU GPL” refers to
version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
“The Library” refers to a covered work governed by this License, other than an Application or a Combined Work as
defined below.
An “Application” is any work that makes use of an interface provided by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on
the Library. Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode of using an interface provided by the
A “Combined Work” is a work produced by combining or linking an Application with the Library. The particular version of
the Library with which the Combined Work was made is also called the “Linked Version”.
The “Minimal Corresponding Source” for a Combined Work means the Corresponding Source for the Combined Work,
excluding any source code for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are based on the Application,
and not on the Linked Version.
The “Corresponding Application Code” for a Combined Work means the object code and/or source code for the
Application, including any data and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the Application, but
excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work.
1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL.

Open Source Information_306

You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License without being bound by section 3 of the GNU
2. Conveying Modified Versions.
If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an
Application that uses the facility (other than as an argument passed when the facility is invoked), then you may convey a
copy of the modified version:
a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to ensure that, in the event an Application does not
supply the function or data, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful,
b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of this License applicable to that copy.
3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files.
The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from a header file that is part of the Library. You may
convey such object code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated material is not limited to numerical
parameters, data structure layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates (ten or fewer lines in
length), you do both of the following:
a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the Library is used in it and that the Library and its
use are covered by this License.
b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license document.
4. Combined Works.
You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that, taken together, effectively do not restrict modification
of the portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse engineering for debugging such modifications,
if you also do each of the following:
a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that the Library is used in it and that the Library and
its use are covered by this License.
b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license document.
c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during execution, include the copyright notice for the Library
among these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the copies of the GNU GPL and this license
d) Do one of the following:
0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, and the Corresponding
Application Code in a form suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to recombine or relink the
Application with a modified version of the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the
manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying Corresponding Source.
1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a)
uses at run time a copy of the Library already present on the user’s computer system, and (b) will operate
properly with a modified version of the Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked Version.
e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise be required to provide such information under
section 6 of the GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such information is necessary to install and execute a
modified version of the Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the Application with a modified
version of the Linked Version. (If you use option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany the Minimal
Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation
Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying Corresponding Source.)
5. Combined Libraries.
You may place library facilities that are a work based on the Library side by side in a single library together with other
library facilities that are not Applications and are not covered by this License, and convey such a combined library under
terms of your choice, if you do both of the following:
a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based on the Library, uncombined with any other
library facilities, conveyed under the terms of this License.
b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License from
time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new
problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered
version of the GNU Lesser General Public License “or any later version” applies to it, you have the option of following the
terms and conditions either of that published version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.

Open Source Information_307

If the Library as you received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser General Public License, you may
choose any version of the GNU Lesser General Public License ever published by the Free Software Foundation.
If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General
Public License shall apply, that proxy’s public statement of acceptance of any version is permanent authorization for you
to choose that version for the Library.

The software included in this product contains copyrighted software that is licensed under the EPL. You may obtain
the complete Corresponding Source code from us for a period of three years after our last shipment of this product by
sending email to: [email protected]
If you want to obtain the complete Corresponding Source code in the physical medium such as CD-ROM, the cost of
physically performing source distribution may be charged. This offer is valid to anyone in receipt of this information.
Copyright 2002, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
conditions are met:
-- Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
-- Redistribution in binary form must reproduct the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
Neither the name of Oracle nor the names of contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
software without specific prior written permission.
This software is provided “AS IS,” without a warranty of any kind. ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS,
You acknowledge that Software is not designed, licensed or intended for use in the design, construction, operation or
maintenance of any nuclear facility.

The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) <year> <copyright holders>
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to
whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the

Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL-1.0)

1. Definitions.
1.1. Contributor means each individual or entity that creates or contributes to the creation of Modifications.
1.2. Contributor Version means the combination of the Original Software, prior Modifications used by a Contributor
(if any), and the Modifications made by that particular Contributor.

Open Source Information_308

1.3. Covered Software means (a) the Original Software, or (b) Modifications, or (c) the combination of files
containing Original Software with files containing Modifications, in each case including portions thereof.
1.4. Executable means the Covered Software in any form other than Source Code.
1.5. Initial Developer means the individual or entity that first makes Original Software available under this License.
1.6. Larger Work means a work which combines Covered Software or portions thereof with code not governed by
the terms of this License.
1.7. License means this document.
1.8. Licensable means having the right to grant, to the maximum extent possible, whether at the time of the initial
grant or subsequently acquired, any and all of the rights conveyed herein.
1.9. Modifications means the Source Code and Executable form of any of the following:
A. Any file that results from an addition to, deletion from or modification of the contents of a file containing
Original Software or previous Modifications;
B. Any new file that contains any part of the Original Software or previous Modification; or
C. Any new file that is contributed or otherwise made available under the terms of this License.
1.10. Original Software means the Source Code and Executable form of computer software code that is originally
released under this License.
1.11. Patent Claims means any patent claim(s), now owned or hereafter acquired, including without limitation,
method, process, and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by grantor.
1.12. Source Code means (a) the common form of computer software code in which modifications are made and
(b) associated documentation included in or with such code.
1.13. You (or Your) means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under, and complying with all of the terms
of, this License. For legal entities, You includes any entity which controls, is controlled by, or is under common
control with You. For purposes of this definition, control means (a) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction
or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of
the outstanding shares or beneficial ownership of such entity.
2. License Grants.
2.1. The Initial Developer Grant.
Conditioned upon Your compliance with Section 3.1 below and subject to third party intellectual property claims, the
Initial Developer hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license:
(a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark) Licensable by Initial Developer, to use,
reproduce, modify, display, perform, sublicense and distribute the Original Software (or portions thereof), with
or without Modifications, and/or as part of a Larger Work; and
(b) under Patent Claims infringed by the making, using or selling of Original Software, to make, have made,
use, practice, sell, and offer for sale, and/or otherwise dispose of the Original Software (or portions thereof).
(c) The licenses granted in Sections 2.1(a) and (b) are effective on the date Initial Developer first distributes or
otherwise makes the Original Software available to a third party under the terms of this License.
(d) Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted: (1) for code that You delete from the
Original Software, or (2) for infringements caused by: (i) the modification of the Original Software, or (ii) the
combination of the Original Software with other software or devices.
2.2. Contributor Grant.
Conditioned upon Your compliance with Section 3.1 below and subject to third party intellectual property claims,
each Contributor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license:
(a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark) Licensable by Contributor to use,
reproduce, modify, display, perform, sublicense and distribute the Modifications created by such Contributor
(or portions thereof), either on an unmodified basis, with other Modifications, as Covered Software and/or as
part of a Larger Work; and
(b) under Patent Claims infringed by the making, using, or selling of Modifications made by that Contributor
either alone and/or in combination with its Contributor Version (or portions of such combination), to make,
use, sell, offer for sale, have made, and/or otherwise dispose of: (1) Modifications made by that Contributor
(or portions thereof); and (2) the combination of Modifications made by that Contributor with its Contributor
Version (or portions of such combination).
(c) The licenses granted in Sections 2.2(a) and 2.2(b) are effective on the date Contributor first distributes or
otherwise makes the Modifications available to a third party.
(d) Notwithstanding Section 2.2(b) above, no patent license is granted: (1) for any code that Contributor
has deleted from the Contributor Version; (2) for infringements caused by: (i) third party modifications of

Open Source Information_309

Contributor Version, or (ii) the combination of Modifications made by that Contributor with other software
(except as part of the Contributor Version) or other devices; or (3) under Patent Claims infringed by Covered
Software in the absence of Modifications made by that Contributor.

3. Distribution Obligations.
3.1. Availability of Source Code.
Any Covered Software that You distribute or otherwise make available in Executable form must also be made
available in Source Code form and that Source Code form must be distributed only under the terms of this License.
You must include a copy of this License with every copy of the Source Code form of the Covered Software You
distribute or otherwise make available. You must inform recipients of any such Covered Software in Executable form
as to how they can obtain such Covered Software in Source Code form in a reasonable manner on or through a
medium customarily used for software exchange.
3.2. Modifications.
The Modifications that You create or to which You contribute are governed by the terms of this License. You
represent that You believe Your Modifications are Your original creation(s) and/or You have sufficient rights to grant
the rights conveyed by this License.
3.3. Required Notices.
You must include a notice in each of Your Modifications that identifies You as the Contributor of the Modification. You
may not remove or alter any copyright, patent or trademark notices contained within the Covered Software, or any
notices of licensing or any descriptive text giving attribution to any Contributor or the Initial Developer.
3.4. Application of Additional Terms.
You may not offer or impose any terms on any Covered Software in Source Code form that alters or restricts the
applicable version of this License or the recipients rights hereunder. You may choose to offer, and to charge a fee
for, warranty, support, indemnity or liability obligations to one or more recipients of Covered Software. However,
you may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on behalf of the Initial Developer or any Contributor. You must
make it absolutely clear that any such warranty, support, indemnity or liability obligation is offered by You alone,
and You hereby agree to indemnify the Initial Developer and every Contributor for any liability incurred by the Initial
Developer or such Contributor as a result of warranty, support, indemnity or liability terms You offer.
3.5. Distribution of Executable Versions.
You may distribute the Executable form of the Covered Software under the terms of this License or under the
terms of a license of Your choice, which may contain terms different from this License, provided that You are in
compliance with the terms of this License and that the license for the Executable form does not attempt to limit
or alter the recipients rights in the Source Code form from the rights set forth in this License. If You distribute the
Covered Software in Executable form under a different license, You must make it absolutely clear that any terms
which differ from this License are offered by You alone, not by the Initial Developer or Contributor. You hereby agree
to indemnify the Initial Developer and every Contributor for any liability incurred by the Initial Developer or such
Contributor as a result of any such terms You offer.
3.6. Larger Works.
You may create a Larger Work by combining Covered Software with other code not governed by the terms of this
License and distribute the Larger Work as a single product. In such a case, You must make sure the requirements of
this License are fulfilled for the Covered Software.
4. Versions of the License.
4.1. New Versions.
Sun Microsystems, Inc. is the initial license steward and may publish revised and/or new versions of this License
from time to time. Each version will be given a distinguishing version number. Except as provided in Section 4.3, no
one other than the license steward has the right to modify this License.
4.2. Effect of New Versions.
You may always continue to use, distribute or otherwise make the Covered Software available under the terms
of the version of the License under which You originally received the Covered Software. If the Initial Developer
includes a notice in the Original Software prohibiting it from being distributed or otherwise made available under any
subsequent version of the License, You must distribute and make the Covered Software available under the terms
of the version of the License under which You originally received the Covered Software. Otherwise, You may also
choose to use, distribute or otherwise make the Covered Software available under the terms of any subsequent
version of the License published by the license steward.
4.3. Modified Versions.

Open Source Information_310

When You are an Initial Developer and You want to create a new license for Your Original Software, You may create
and use a modified version of this License if You: (a) rename the license and remove any references to the name
of the license steward (except to note that the license differs from this License); and (b) otherwise make it clear that
the license contains terms which differ from this License.
6.1. This License and the rights granted hereunder will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with terms herein
and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. Provisions which, by their nature,
must remain in effect beyond the termination of this License shall survive.
6.2. If You assert a patent infringement claim (excluding declaratory judgment actions) against Initial Developer or
a Contributor (the Initial Developer or Contributor against whom You assert such claim is referred to as Participant)
alleging that the Participant Software (meaning the Contributor Version where the Participant is a Contributor or the
Original Software where the Participant is the Initial Developer) directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then any
and all rights granted directly or indirectly to You by such Participant, the Initial Developer (if the Initial Developer
is not the Participant) and all Contributors under Sections 2.1 and/or 2.2 of this License shall, upon 60 days notice
from Participant terminate prospectively and automatically at the expiration of such 60 day notice period, unless if
within such 60 day period You withdraw Your claim with respect to the Participant Software against such Participant
either unilaterally or pursuant to a written agreement with Participant.
6.3. In the event of termination under Sections 6.1 or 6.2 above, all end user licenses that have been validly granted
by You or any distributor hereunder prior to termination (excluding licenses granted to You by any distributor) shall
survive termination.
The Covered Software is a commercial item, as that term is defined in 48 C.F.R. 2.101 (Oct. 1995), consisting of
commercial computer software (as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R. 252.227-7014(a)(1)) and commercial computer
software documentation as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212 (Sept. 1995). Consistent with 48 C.F.R. 12.212
and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4 (June 1995), all U.S. Government End Users acquire Covered Software
with only those rights set forth herein. This U.S. Government Rights clause is in lieu of, and supersedes, any other FAR,
DFAR, or other clause or provision that addresses Government rights in computer software under this License.
This License represents the complete agreement concerning subject matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held
to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. This License
shall be governed by the law of the jurisdiction specified in a notice contained within the Original Software (except to the
extent applicable law, if any, provides otherwise), excluding such jurisdictions conflict-of-law provisions. Any litigation
relating to this License shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts located in the jurisdiction and venue specified in
a notice contained within the Original Software, with the losing party responsible for costs, including, without limitation,
court costs and reasonable attorneys fees and expenses. The application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts
for the International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded. Any law or regulation which provides that the language of a
contract shall be construed against the drafter shall not apply to this License. You agree that You alone are responsible
for compliance with the United States export administration regulations (and the export control laws and regulation of any
other countries) when You use, distribute or otherwise make available any Covered Software.

Open Source Information_311

As between Initial Developer and the Contributors, each party is responsible for claims and damages arising, directly or
indirectly, out of its utilization of rights under this License and You agree to work with Initial Developer and Contributors
to distribute such responsibility on an equitable basis. Nothing herein is intended or shall be deemed to constitute any
admission of liability.

Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) 1.1

1. Definitions.
1.1. “Contributor” means each individual or entity that creates or contributes to the creation of Modifications.
1.2. “Contributor Version” means the combination of the Original Software, prior Modifications used by a Contributor
(if any), and the Modifications made by that particular Contributor.
1.3. “Covered Software” means (a) the Original Software, or (b) Modifications, or (c) the combination of files
containing Original Software with files containing Modifications, in each case including portions thereof.
1.4. “Executable” means the Covered Software in any form other than Source Code.
1.5. “Initial Developer” means the individual or entity that first makes Original Software available under this License.
1.6. “Larger Work” means a work which combines Covered Software or portions thereof with code not governed by
the terms of this License.
1.7. “License” means this document.
1.8. “Licensable” means having the right to grant, to the maximum extent possible, whether at the time of the initial
grant or subsequently acquired, any and all of the rights conveyed herein.
1.9. “Modifications” means the Source Code and Executable form of any of the following:
A. Any file that results from an addition to, deletion from or modification of the contents of a file containing
Original Software or previous Modifications;
B. Any new file that contains any part of the Original Software or previous Modification; or
C. Any new file that is contributed or otherwise made available under the terms of this License.
1.10. “Original Software” means the Source Code and Executable form of computer software code that is originally
released under this License.
1.11. “Patent Claims” means any patent claim(s), now owned or hereafter acquired, including without limitation,
method, process, and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by grantor.
1.12. “Source Code” means (a) the common form of computer software code in which modifications are made and
(b) associated documentation included in or with such code.
1.13. “You” (or “Your”) means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under, and complying with all of the
terms of, this License. For legal entities, “You” includes any entity which controls, is controlled by, or is under
common control with You. For purposes of this definition, “control” means (a) the power, direct or indirect, to cause
the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than fifty
percent (50%) of the outstanding shares or beneficial ownership of such entity.
2. License Grants.
2.1. The Initial Developer Grant.
Conditioned upon Your compliance with Section 3.1 below and subject to third party intellectual property claims, the
Initial Developer hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license:
(a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark) Licensable by Initial Developer, to use,
reproduce, modify, display, perform, sublicense and distribute the Original Software (or portions thereof), with
or without Modifications, and/or as part of a Larger Work; and
(b) under Patent Claims infringed by the making, using or selling of Original Software, to make, have made,
use, practice, sell, and offer for sale, and/or otherwise dispose of the Original Software (or portions thereof).
(c) The licenses granted in Sections 2.1(a) and (b) are effective on the date Initial Developer first distributes or
otherwise makes the Original Software available to a third party under the terms of this License.
(d) Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted: (1) for code that You delete from the
Original Software, or (2) for infringements caused by: (i) the modification of the Original Software, or (ii) the
combination of the Original Software with other software or devices.
2.2. Contributor Grant.
Conditioned upon Your compliance with Section 3.1 below and subject to third party intellectual property claims,

Open Source Information_312

each Contributor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license:
(a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark) Licensable by Contributor to use,
reproduce, modify, display, perform, sublicense and distribute the Modifications created by such Contributor
(or portions thereof), either on an unmodified basis, with other Modifications, as Covered Software and/or as
part of a Larger Work; and
(b) under Patent Claims infringed by the making, using, or selling of Modifications made by that Contributor
either alone and/or in combination with its Contributor Version (or portions of such combination), to make,
use, sell, offer for sale, have made, and/or otherwise dispose of: (1) Modifications made by that Contributor
(or portions thereof); and (2) the combination of Modifications made by that Contributor with its Contributor
Version (or portions of such combination).
(c) The licenses granted in Sections 2.2(a) and 2.2(b) are effective on the date Contributor first distributes or
otherwise makes the Modifications available to a third party.
(d) Notwithstanding Section 2.2(b) above, no patent license is granted: (1) for any code that Contributor
has deleted from the Contributor Version; (2) for infringements caused by: (i) third party modifications of
Contributor Version, or (ii) the combination of Modifications made by that Contributor with other software
(except as part of the Contributor Version) or other devices; or (3) under Patent Claims infringed by Covered
Software in the absence of Modifications made by that Contributor.
3. Distribution Obligations.
3.1. Availability of Source Code.
Any Covered Software that You distribute or otherwise make available in Executable form must also be made
available in Source Code form and that Source Code form must be distributed only under the terms of this License.
You must include a copy of this License with every copy of the Source Code form of the Covered Software You
distribute or otherwise make available. You must inform recipients of any such Covered Software in Executable form
as to how they can obtain such Covered Software in Source Code form in a reasonable manner on or through a
medium customarily used for software exchange.
3.2. Modifications.
The Modifications that You create or to which You contribute are governed by the terms of this License. You
represent that You believe Your Modifications are Your original creation(s) and/or You have sufficient rights to grant
the rights conveyed by this License.
3.3. Required Notices.
You must include a notice in each of Your Modifications that identifies You as the Contributor of the Modification. You
may not remove or alter any copyright, patent or trademark notices contained within the Covered Software, or any
notices of licensing or any descriptive text giving attribution to any Contributor or the Initial Developer.
3.4. Application of Additional Terms.
You may not offer or impose any terms on any Covered Software in Source Code form that alters or restricts the
applicable version of this License or the recipients’ rights hereunder. You may choose to offer, and to charge a fee
for, warranty, support, indemnity or liability obligations to one or more recipients of Covered Software. However,
you may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on behalf of the Initial Developer or any Contributor. You must
make it absolutely clear that any such warranty, support, indemnity or liability obligation is offered by You alone,
and You hereby agree to indemnify the Initial Developer and every Contributor for any liability incurred by the Initial
Developer or such Contributor as a result of warranty, support, indemnity or liability terms You offer.
3.5. Distribution of Executable Versions.
You may distribute the Executable form of the Covered Software under the terms of this License or under the
terms of a license of Your choice, which may contain terms different from this License, provided that You are in
compliance with the terms of this License and that the license for the Executable form does not attempt to limit
or alter the recipient’s rights in the Source Code form from the rights set forth in this License. If You distribute the
Covered Software in Executable form under a different license, You must make it absolutely clear that any terms
which differ from this License are offered by You alone, not by the Initial Developer or Contributor. You hereby agree
to indemnify the Initial Developer and every Contributor for any liability incurred by the Initial Developer or such
Contributor as a result of any such terms You offer.
3.6. Larger Works.
You may create a Larger Work by combining Covered Software with other code not governed by the terms of this
License and distribute the Larger Work as a single product. In such a case, You must make sure the requirements of
this License are fulfilled for the Covered Software.
4. Versions of the License.
4.1. New Versions.

Open Source Information_313

Oracle is the initial license steward and may publish revised and/or new versions of this License from time to time.
Each version will be given a distinguishing version number. Except as provided in Section 4.3, no one other than the
license steward has the right to modify this License.
4.2. Effect of New Versions.
You may always continue to use, distribute or otherwise make the Covered Software available under the terms
of the version of the License under which You originally received the Covered Software. If the Initial Developer
includes a notice in the Original Software prohibiting it from being distributed or otherwise made available under any
subsequent version of the License, You must distribute and make the Covered Software available under the terms
of the version of the License under which You originally received the Covered Software. Otherwise, You may also
choose to use, distribute or otherwise make the Covered Software available under the terms of any subsequent
version of the License published by the license steward.
4.3. Modified Versions.
When You are an Initial Developer and You want to create a new license for Your Original Software, You may create
and use a modified version of this License if You: (a) rename the license and remove any references to the name
of the license steward (except to note that the license differs from this License); and (b) otherwise make it clear that
the license contains terms which differ from this License.
6.1. This License and the rights granted hereunder will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with terms herein
and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. Provisions which, by their nature,
must remain in effect beyond the termination of this License shall survive.
6.2. If You assert a patent infringement claim (excluding declaratory judgment actions) against Initial Developer or a
Contributor (the Initial Developer or Contributor against whom You assert such claim is referred to as “Participant”)
alleging that the Participant Software (meaning the Contributor Version where the Participant is a Contributor or the
Original Software where the Participant is the Initial Developer) directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then any
and all rights granted directly or indirectly to You by such Participant, the Initial Developer (if the Initial Developer
is not the Participant) and all Contributors under Sections 2.1 and/or 2.2 of this License shall, upon 60 days notice
from Participant terminate prospectively and automatically at the expiration of such 60 day notice period, unless if
within such 60 day period You withdraw Your claim with respect to the Participant Software against such Participant
either unilaterally or pursuant to a written agreement with Participant.
6.3. If You assert a patent infringement claim against Participant alleging that the Participant Software directly or
indirectly infringes any patent where such claim is resolved (such as by license or settlement) prior to the initiation of
patent infringement litigation, then the reasonable value of the licenses granted by such Participant under Sections
2.1 or 2.2 shall be taken into account in determining the amount or value of any payment or license.
6.4. In the event of termination under Sections 6.1 or 6.2 above, all end user licenses that have been validly granted
by You or any distributor hereunder prior to termination (excluding licenses granted to You by any distributor) shall
survive termination.

Open Source Information_314

The Covered Software is a “commercial item,” as that term is defined in 48 C.F.R. 2.101 (Oct. 1995), consisting of
“commercial computer software” (as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R. § 252.227-7014(a)(1)) and “commercial computer
software documentation” as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212 (Sept. 1995). Consistent with 48 C.F.R. 12.212
and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4 (June 1995), all U.S. Government End Users acquire Covered Software
with only those rights set forth herein. This U.S. Government Rights clause is in lieu of, and supersedes, any other FAR,
DFAR, or other clause or provision that addresses Government rights in computer software under this License.
This License represents the complete agreement concerning subject matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held
to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. This License
shall be governed by the law of the jurisdiction specified in a notice contained within the Original Software (except to the
extent applicable law, if any, provides otherwise), excluding such jurisdiction’s conflict-of-law provisions. Any litigation
relating to this License shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts located in the jurisdiction and venue specified in
a notice contained within the Original Software, with the losing party responsible for costs, including, without limitation,
court costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses. The application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts
for the International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded. Any law or regulation which provides that the language of a
contract shall be construed against the drafter shall not apply to this License. You agree that You alone are responsible
for compliance with the United States export administration regulations (and the export control laws and regulation of any
other countries) when You use, distribute or otherwise make available any Covered Software.
As between Initial Developer and the Contributors, each party is responsible for claims and damages arising, directly or
indirectly, out of its utilization of rights under this License and You agree to work with Initial Developer and Contributors
to distribute such responsibility on an equitable basis. Nothing herein is intended or shall be deemed to constitute any
admission of liability.
The code released under the CDDL shall be governed by the laws of the State of California (excluding conflict-of-law
provisions). Any litigation relating to this License shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts of the Northern
District of California and the state courts of the State of California, with venue lying in Santa Clara County, California.

JSON License
Copyright (c) 2002
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to
whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil.

ICU License - ICU 1.8.1 and Later

Copyright (c) 1995-2014 International Business Machines Corporation and others
All rights reserved.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom
the Software is furnished to do so, provided that the above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in
all copies of the Software and that both the above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in supporting

Open Source Information_315

Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote
the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization of the copyright holder.
All trademarks and registered trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.

Microsoft JDBC Driver 3.0 for SQL Server License

These license terms are an agreement between Microsoft Corporation (or based on where you live, one of its affiliates)
and you. Please read them. They apply to the software named above, which includes the media on which you received it,
if any. The terms also apply to any Microsoft
• updates,
• supplements,
• Internet-based services, and
• support services
for this software, unless other terms accompany those items. If so, those terms apply.
By using the software, you accept these terms. If you do not accept them, do not use the software. If you comply
with these license terms, you have the rights below.

1. INSTALLATION AND USE RIGHTS. You may use any number of copies of the software on your devices.
a. Distributable Code. You are permitted to distribute the software in programs you develop if you comply with
the terms below.
i. Right to Use and Distribute. The software is “Distributable Code.”
• Distributable Code. You may copy and distribute the object code form of the software. You may not
modify the software.
• Third Party Distribution. You may permit distributors of your programs to copy and distribute the
Distributable Code as part of those programs.
ii. Distribution Requirements. For any Distributable Code you distribute, you must
• add significant primary functionality to it in your programs;
• require distributors and external end users to agree to terms that protect it at least as much as this
• display your valid copyright notice on your programs; and
• indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Microsoft from any claims, including attorneys’ fees, related to
the distribution or use of your programs.
iii. Distribution Restrictions. You may not
• alter any copyright, trademark or patent notice in the Distributable Code;
• use Microsoft’s trademarks in your programs’ names or in a way that suggests your programs come
from or are endorsed by Microsoft;
• include Distributable Code in malicious, deceptive or unlawful programs; or
• modify or distribute the source code of any Distributable Code so that any part of it becomes subject
to an Excluded License. An Excluded License is one that requires, as a condition of use, modification
or distribution, that
• the code be disclosed or distributed in source code form; or
• others have the right to modify it.
3. SCOPE OF LICENSE. The software is licensed, not sold. This agreement only gives you some rights to use the
software. Microsoft reserves all other rights. Unless applicable law gives you more rights despite this limitation, you
may use the software only as expressly permitted in this agreement. In doing so, you must comply with any technical
limitations in the software that only allow you to use it in certain ways. You may not
• disclose the results of any benchmark tests of the software to any third party without Microsoft’s prior written

Open Source Information_316

• reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the software, except and only to the extent that applicable law
expressly permits, despite this limitation;
• publish the software for others to copy; or
• rent, lease or lend the software.
4. TRANSFER TO A THIRD PARTY. The first user of the software may transfer it and this agreement directly to a third
party. Before the transfer, that party must agree that this agreement applies to the transfer and use of the software.
The first user must uninstall the software before transferring it separately from the device. The first user may not
retain any copies.
5. EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. The software is subject to United States export laws and regulations. You must comply
with all domestic and international export laws and regulations that apply to the software. These laws include
restrictions on destinations, end users and end use. For additional information, see
6. SUPPORT SERVICES. Because this software is “as is,” we may not provide support services for it.
7. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This agreement, and the terms for supplements, updates, Internet-based services and
support services that you use, are the entire agreement for the software and support services.
a. United States. If you acquired the software in the United States, Washington state law governs the interpreta-
tion of this agreement and applies to claims for breach of it, regardless of conflict of laws principles. The laws of
the state where you live govern all other claims, including claims under state consumer protection laws, unfair
competition laws, and in tort.
b. Outside the United States. If you acquired the software in any other country, the laws of that country apply.
9. LEGAL EFFECT. This agreement describes certain legal rights. You may have other rights under the laws of your
country. You may also have rights with respect to the party from whom you acquired the software. This agreement
does not change your rights under the laws of your country if the laws of your country do not permit it to do so.
10. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY. The software is licensed “as-is.” You bear the risk of using it. Microsoft gives
no express warranties, guarantees or conditions. You may have additional consumer rights under your
local laws which this agreement cannot change. To the extent permitted under your local laws, Microsoft
excludes the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.
its suppliers only direct damages up to U.S. $5.00. You cannot recover any other damages, including
consequential, lost profits, special, indirect or incidental damages.
This limitation applies to
• anything related to the software, services, content (including code) on third party Internet sites, or third party
programs; and
• claims for breach of contract, breach of warranty, guarantee or condition, strict liability, negligence, or other tort
to the extent permitted by applicable law.
It also applies even if Microsoft knew or should have known about the possibility of the damages. The above limitation or
exclusion may not apply to you because your country may not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental, consequential
or other damages.

Sun JavaBeans Activation Framework 1.1.1 License for Nonredistributables

A. Sun Microsystems, Inc. (“Sun”) ENTITLEMENT for SOFTWARE
Licensee/Company: Entity receiving Software.
Effective Date: Date of delivery of the Software to You.
Software: JavaBeans Activation Framework 1.1.
License Term: Perpetual (subject to termination under the SLA).
Licensed Unit: Software Copy.
Licensed unit Count: Unlimited.
Permitted Uses:
1. You may reproduce and use the Software for Individual, Commercial, or Research and Instructional Use for the
purposes of designing, developing, testing, and running Your applets and application(“Programs”).
2. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and restrictions and exceptions set forth in the Software’s
documentation, You may reproduce and distribute portions of Software identified as a redistributable in the
documentation (“Redistributable”), provided that:
a. you distribute Redistributable complete and unmodified and only bundled as part of Your Programs,
b. your Programs add significant and primary functionality to the Redistributable,
c. you distribute Redistributable for the sole purpose of running your Programs,
d. you do not distribute additional software intended to replace any component(s) of the Redistributable,
e. you do not remove or alter any proprietary legends or notices contained in or on the Redistributable.

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f. you only distribute the Redistributable subject to a license agreement that protects Sun’s interests consistent
with the terms contained in this Agreement, and
g. you agree to defend and indemnify Sun and its licensors from and against any damages, costs, liabilities,
settlement amounts and/or expenses (including attorneys’ fees) incurred in connection with any claim, lawsuit
or action by any third party that arises or results from the use or distribution of any and all Programs and/or
3. Java Technology Restrictions. You may not create, modify, or change the behavior of, or authorize your licensees
to create, modify, or change the behavior of, classes, interfaces, or subpackages that are in any way identified as
“java”, “javax”, “sun” or similar convention as specified by Sun in any naming convention designation.
B. Sun Microsystems, Inc. (“Sun”) SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT
1. Definitions.
a. “Entitlement” means the collective set of applicable documents authorized by Sun evidencing your obligation to pay
associated fees (if any) for the license, associated Services, and the authorized scope of use of Software under this
b. “Licensed Unit” means the unit of measure by which your use of Software and/or Service is licensed, as described in
your Entitlement.
c. “Permitted Use” means the licensed Software use(s) authorized in this Agreement as specified in your Entitlement.
The Permitted Use for any bundled Sun software not specified in your Entitlement will be evaluation use as provided
in Section 3.
d. “Service” means the service(s) that Sun or its delegate will provide, if any, as selected in your Entitlement and as
further described in the applicable service listings at
e. “Software” means the Sun software described in your Entitlement. Also, certain software may be included for evalua-
tion use under Section 3.
f. “You” and “Your” means the individual or legal entity specified in the Entitlement, or for evaluation purposes, the
entity performing the evaluation.
2. License Grant and Entitlement.
Subject to the terms of your Entitlement, Sun grants you a nonexclusive, nontransferable limited license to use Software
for its Permitted Use for the license term. Your Entitlement will specify (a) Software licensed, (b) the Permitted Use, (c) the
license term, and (d) the Licensed Units.
Additionally, if your Entitlement includes Services, then it will also specify the (e) Service and (f) service term.
If your rights to Software or Services are limited in duration and the date such rights begin is other than the purchase
date, your Entitlement will provide that beginning date(s).
The Entitlement may be delivered to you in various ways depending on the manner in which you obtain Software and
Services, for example, the Entitlement may be provided in your receipt, invoice or your contract with Sun or authorized
Sun reseller. It may also be in electronic format if you download Software.
3. Permitted Use.
As selected in your Entitlement, one or more of the following Permitted Uses will apply to your use of Software. Unless
you have an Entitlement that expressly permits it, you may not use Software for any of the other Permitted Uses. If you
don’t have an Entitlement, or if your Entitlement doesn’t cover additional software delivered to you, then such software is
for your Evaluation Use.
a. Evaluation Use. You may evaluate Software internally for a period of 90 days from your first use.
b. Research and Instructional Use. You may use Software internally to design, develop and test, and also to provide
instruction on such uses.
c. Individual Use. You may use Software internally for personal, individual use.
d. Commercial Use. You may use Software internally for your own commercial purposes.
e. Service Provider Use. You may make Software functionality accessible (but not by providing Software itself or
through outsourcing services) to your end users in an extranet deployment, but not to your affiliated companies or to
government agencies.
4. Licensed Units.
Your Permitted Use is limited to the number of Licensed Units stated in your Entitlement. If you require additional
Licensed Units, you will need additional Entitlement(s).
5. Restrictions.
a. The copies of Software provided to you under this Agreement are licensed, not sold, to you by Sun. Sun reserves all

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rights not expressly granted.
b. You may make a single archival copy of Software, but otherwise may not copy, modify, or distribute Software. How-
ever if the Sun documentation accompanying Software lists specific portions of Software, such as header files, class
libraries, reference source code, and/or redistributable files, that may be handled differently, you may do so only as
provided in the Sun documentation.
c. You may not rent, lease, lend or encumber Software.
d. Unless enforcement is prohibited by applicable law, you may not decompile, or reverse engineer Software.
e. The terms and conditions of this Agreement will apply to any Software updates, provided to you at Sun’s discretion,
that replace and/or supplement the original Software, unless such update contains a separate license.
f. You may not publish or provide the results of any benchmark or comparison tests run on Software to any third party
without the prior written consent of Sun.
g. Software is confidential and copyrighted.
h. Unless otherwise specified, if Software is delivered with embedded or bundled software that enables functionality of
Software, you may not use such software on a stand-alone basis or use any portion of such software to interoperate
with any program(s) other than Software.
i. Software may contain programs that perform automated collection of system data and/or automated software updat-
ing services. System data collected through such programs may be used by Sun, its subcontractors, and its service
delivery partners for the purpose of providing you with remote system services and/or improving Sun’s software and
j. Software is not designed, licensed or intended for use in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any
nuclear facility and Sun and its licensors disclaim any express or implied warranty of fitness for such uses.
k. No right, title or interest in or to any trademark, service mark, logo or trade name of Sun or its licensors is granted
under this Agreement.
6. Term and Termination.
The license and service term are set forth in your Entitlement(s). Your rights under this Agreement will terminate
immediately without notice from Sun if you materially breach it or take any action in derogation of Sun’s and/or its
licensors’ rights to Software. Sun may terminate this Agreement should any Software become, or in Sun’s reasonable
opinion likely to become, the subject of a claim of intellectual property infringement or trade secret misappropriation. Upon
termination, you will cease use of, and destroy, Software and confirm compliance in writing to Sun. Sections 1, 5, 6, 7,
and 9-15 will survive termination of the Agreement.
7. Java Compatibility and Open Source.
Softwaremay contain Java technology. You may not create additional classes to, or modifications of, the Java technology,
except under compatibility requirements available under a separate agreement available at
Sun supports and benefits from the global community of open source developers, and thanks the community for its
important contributions and open standards-based technology, which Sun has adopted into many of its products.
Please note that portions of Software may be provided with notices and open source licenses from such communities
and third parties that govern the use of those portions, and any licenses granted hereunder do not alter any rights and
obligations you may have under such open source licenses, however, the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability
provisions in this Agreement will apply to all Software in this distribution.
8. Limited Warranty.
Sun warrants to you that for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase, as evidenced by a copy of the receipt, the
media on which Software is furnished (if any) will be free of defects in materials and workmanship under normal use.
Except for the foregoing, Software is provided “AS IS”. Your exclusive remedy and Sun’s entire liability under this limited
warranty will be at Sun’s option to replace Software media or refund the fee paid for Software. Some states do not allow
limitations on certain implied warranties, so the above may not apply to you. This limited warranty gives you specific legal
rights. You may have others, which vary from state to state.
9. Disclaimer of Warranty.
10. Limitation of Liability.
SUCH DAMAGES. In no event will Sun’s liability to you, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise,
exceed the amount paid by you for Software under this Agreement. The foregoing limitations will apply even if the above
stated warranty fails of its essential purpose. Some states do not allow the exclusion of incidental or consequential
damages, so some of the terms above may not be applicable to you.
11. Export Regulations.
All Software, documents, technical data, and any other materials delivered under this Agreement are subject to U.S.

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export control laws and may be subject to export or import regulations in other countries. You agree to comply strictly with
these laws and regulations and acknowledge that you have the responsibility to obtain any licenses to export, re-export,
or import as may be required after delivery to you.
12. U.S. Government Restricted Rights.
If Software is being acquired by or on behalf of the U.S. Government or by a U.S. Government prime contractor or
subcontractor (at any tier), then the Government’s rights in Software and accompanying documentation will be only as
set forth in this Agreement; this is in accordance with 48 CFR 227.7201 through 227.7202-4 (for Department of Defense
(DOD) acquisitions) and with 48 CFR 2.101 and 12.212 (for non-DOD acquisitions).
13. Governing Law.
Any action related to this Agreement will be governed by California law and controlling U.S. federal law. No choice of law
rules of any jurisdiction will apply.
14. Severability.
If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable, this Agreement will remain in effect with the provision
omitted, unless omission would frustrate the intent of the parties, in which case this Agreement will immediately terminate.
15. Integration.
This Agreement, including any terms contained in your Entitlement, is the entire agreement between you and Sun
relating to its subject matter. It supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or written communications, proposals,
representations and warranties and prevails over any conflicting or additional terms of any quote, order, acknowledgment,
or other communication between the parties relating to its subject matter during the term of this Agreement. No
modification of this Agreement will be binding, unless in writing and signed by an authorized representative of each party.
Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc. 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054 if you have questions.

Adobe Flex Software Development Kit v4.0 Software License

not obligated to provide maintenance, technical support or updates to you for any portion of the SDK. The foregoing
limitations, exclusions and limitations shall apply to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, even if any remedy
fails its essential purpose.
Nothing contained in this Agreement limits Adobe’s, or its suppliers, liability to you in the event of death or personal
injury resulting from Adobe’s negligence or for the tort of deceit (fraud). Adobe is acting on behalf of its suppliers for the
purpose of disclaiming, excluding and limiting obligations, warranties and liability, but in no other respects and for no other
1.3 Binding Agreement. This Agreement governs installation and use of the Flex SDK. You agree that this Agreement is
like any written negotiated agreement signed by you. By clicking to acknowledge agreement to be bound during review of
an electronic version of this Agreement or by downloading, copying, installing or using any portion of this SDK, you accept
all the terms and conditions of this Agreement. This Agreement is enforceable against you and any person or entity that
obtains this SDK or on whose behalf they are used: for example, your employer. If you do not agree to the terms of this
Agreement, do not use any portion of this SDK. This Agreement shall apply to any portion of the SDK, regardless of
whether other software is referred to or described herein.
1.4 Additional Terms and Agreements. You may have a separate written agreement with Adobe that supplements or
supersedes all or portions of this Agreement. Your use of some third party materials included in the SDK may be subject
to other terms and conditions typically found in a separate license agreement or a “Read Me” file located near such
materials or in the “Third Party Software Notices and/or Additional Terms and Conditions” found at

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com/go/thirdparty. Such other terms and conditions may require you to pass through notices to your end users. Such
other terms and conditions will supersede all or portions of this Agreement in the event of a conflict with the terms and
conditions of this Agreement.
2. Definitions.
2.1 “Adobe” means Adobe Systems Incorporated, a Delaware corporation, 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, California
95110, if Section 9(a) of this Agreement applies; otherwise it means Adobe Systems Software Ireland Limited, 4-6
Riverwalk, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24, Ireland, a company organized under the laws of Ireland and an affiliate
and licensee of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
2.2 “Authorized Users” means employees and individual contractors (i.e., temporary employees) of you.
2.3 “Build Tools” means build files, compilers, runtime libraries (but not the complete Runtime Software), and other tools
accompanying this Agreement, including, for example, the contents of the bin, lib, and runtime directories, adl.exe, adl.bat
and adt.jar.
2.4 “Developer Programs” means your applications, libraries, components or programs that are created using portions
of this SDK in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
2.5 “Documentation” means the written materials accompanying this Agreement, including, for example, technical
specifications, file format documentation and application programming interface (API) information.
2.6 “Effective Date” means the date that you download or otherwise access the any portion of the SDK.
2.7 “Material Improvement” means perceptible, measurable and definable improvements that provide extended or
additional significant and primary functionality and adds significant business value.
2.8 “Professional Component Source Files” means, if you receive the Build Tools and Documentation in connection
with licensing Adobe Flash® Builder™, each Flex Framework source code file that is provided with the SDK in a directory
or directories as specified by Adobe from time to time.
2.9 “Runtime Components” means any of the individual files, libraries, or executable code contained in the Runtime
Software directory (e.g. the runtime folder) or the Runtime Software utilities included with the utilities directory or installer
2.10 “Runtime Software” means the Adobe runtime software in object code format named “Adobe AIR” or “Adobe Flash
Player “that is to be installed by end-users and all updates to such software made available by Adobe.
2.11 “Sample Code” means sample software in source code format and found in directories labeled “samples” and
“templates” and any other directory or directories as specified by Adobe from time to time.
2.12 “SDK” means the Build Tools, Documentation, Professional Component Source File, Runtime Components,
Runtime Software, Sample Code, SDK Source Files, files, libraries and executables that are described in a “Read Me”
file or other similar file as being included as part of the Flex Software Development Kit, including the build files, compilers,
and related information, as well as the file format specifications, if any, and any related information accompanying this
Flex Software Development Kit, including any updates thereto, that are downloaded to your computer or otherwise used
by you.
2.13 “SDK Source Files” means source code files included in the directory “frameworks” that accompany this
3. License and License Restrictions.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Adobe grants to you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to
use this SDK according to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, on the licensed platforms and configurations.
3.1 Build Tools, Documentation, Professional Component Source Files, Sample Code and SDK Source Files.
3.1.1 Build Tools and Documentation. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and except as otherwise
expressly provided in this Agreement, Adobe grants you a non-exclusive, nontransferable license to (a) use the Build
Tools and Documentation for the sole purpose of internally developing Developer Programs, and (b) use the Build Tools
and Documentation as part of your website for the sole purpose of compiling the Developer Programs that are distributed
through the your website. This Agreement does not grant you the right to distribute the Build Tools, Documentation or
Runtime Software. For more information about obtaining the rights to distribute such components with your product or
service, please refer to and
3.1.2 Professional Component Source Files. With respect to each Professional Component Source Files and subject
to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, if your version of the SDK includes Professional Component Source Files,
Adobe grants you a non-exclusive, nontransferable license to (a) modify and reproduce such Professional Component
Source File for use as a component of your Developer Programs provided that you add Material Improvements to such
Professional Component Source File; (b) distribute such Professional Component Source File in object code form and/
or source code form only as a component of Developer Programs that add Material Improvements to such Professional
Component Source File subject to the requirements in Section 3.2 below; and (c) for the avoidance of doubt, you shall
have no rights to the Professional Component Source Files (or the object code form of such files), except to the extent

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such Professional Component Source Files are provided to you in connection with your licensing of Flash Builder
3.1.3 Sample Code.
(a) Distribution with Developer Programs. You may modify the Sample Code solely for the purposes of designing,
developing and testing your own Developer Programs. However, you are permitted to use, copy and redistribute its
modified Sample Code only if all of the following conditions in 3.2 below are met.
(b) Distribution of Sample Code Stand-Alone. You may distribute Sample Code in source code or object code format on
a stand-alone basis or as bundled with other software, as long as you first make modifications to such Sample Code that
result in Material Improvements.
3.1.4 SDK Source Files.
(a) You may modify the SDK Source Files provided to you in human readable (i.e. source code) format. You may
incorporate the modified SDK Source Files into your Developer Programs. You may not modify any other portions of the
SDK, except as explicitly set forth in in this Agreement. You may not delete or in any manner alter the copyright notices,
trademarks, logos or related notices, or other proprietary notices of Adobe (and its licensors, if any) appearing on or within
any portion of this SDK other than Sample Code or SDK Source Files that constitute Material Improvements by you in
accordance with this Agreement;
(b) You may distribute SDK Source Files in source code or object code format on a stand-alone basis or as bundled
with other components useful to developers, as long as you first make modifications to such files that result in Material
Improvements, and provided that you include a copyright notice reflecting copyright ownership in such modified files.
3.2 Additional Distribution Requirements. If you distribute Professional Component Source Files, Sample Code or SDK
Source Files under this Agreement, you must (a) include a copyright notice in such code, files, the relevant Developer
Program or other larger work incorporating such code or files, including every location in which any other copyright notice
appears in such application and (b) distribute such object code and/or source code under the terms and conditions of
an end user license agreement that provides (i) a prohibition against reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling
or otherwise attempting to discover the source code of the subject Developer Program that is substantially similar to
the prohibition set forth in Section 3.3.1 below; (ii) a statement that your suppliers disclaim all warranties, conditions,
representations or terms with respect to the subject Developer Program; and (iii) a limitation of liability that disclaims all
liability for the benefit of your suppliers. You may not delete or in any manner alter the copyright notices, trademarks,
logos or related notices, or other proprietary rights notices of Adobe (and its licensors, if any) appearing on or within such
Professional Component Source File and/or Build Tools and Documentation, or any documentation relating to the Build
Tools and Documentation. You may not make any statement that any Developer Program or other software is “certified”
or otherwise guaranteed by Adobe. You may not use Adobe’s name, trademarks or logos to market any Developer
Program or other software without written permission from Adobe. Adobe is not responsible to you or any other party for
any software updates or support or other liability that may arise from your distribution. You may not use “flex,” “flash,” “fl”,
“adobe” or “air” in any new package or class names distributed with the Professional Component Source Files, Sample
Code, or SDK Source Files. You agree to identify any modified files with a prominent notice stating that you have changed
the file. Any Developer Programs developed by you will be designed to operate in connection with Adobe Flash Builder,
Adobe Flex Data Services Software, Adobe LiveCycle Data Services, the Runtime Software or with portions of this SDK.
3.3 Restrictions.
3.3.1 No Modifications, No Reverse Engineering. Except as specifically provided herein, you shall not (a) modify, port,
adapt or translate the any portion of this SDK; (b) add or delete any program files that would modify the functionality and/
or appearance of other Adobe software and/or any component thereof; or (c) reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble
or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of any portion of this SDK. Notwithstanding the foregoing, decompiling
the SDK is permitted to the extent the laws of your jurisdiction give you the right to do so to obtain information necessary
to render the licensed portions of the SDK interoperable with other software; provided, however, that you must first
request such information from Adobe and Adobe may, in its sole discretion, either provide such information to you or
impose reasonable conditions, including a reasonable fee, on such use of the source code to ensure that Adobe’s and its
suppliers’ proprietary rights in the source code for the SDK are protected.
3.3.2 No Unbundling. The SDK may include various applications, utilities and components, may support multiple
platforms and languages or may be provided to you on multiple media or in multiple copies. Nonetheless, the SDK is
designed and provided to you as a single product to be used as a single product on computers and platforms as permitted
herein. You are not required to use all component parts of the SDK, but you shall not unbundle or repackage the
component parts of the SDK for distribution, transfer, resale or use on different computers.
3.3.3 No Transfer. You shall not sublicense, assign or transfer the SDK or your rights in the SDK, or authorize any portion
of the SDK to be copied onto or accessed from another individual’s or entity’s computer except as may be explicitly
provided in this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section 3.3.3, you may transfer copies of the
SDK installed on one of your computers to another one of your computers provided that the resulting installation and use
of the SDK is in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and does not cause you to exceed your right to use the SDK
under this Agreement.
3.3.4 Prohibited Use. Except as expressly authorized under this Agreement, you are prohibited from: (a) using the

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SDK on behalf of third parties; (b) renting, leasing, lending or granting other rights in the SDK, including rights on
a membership or subscription basis; and (c) providing use of the SDK in a computer service business, third party
outsourcing facility or service, service bureau arrangement, network, or time sharing basis; (d) creating or distributing
any software, including any Developer Program, that interoperates with individual Runtime Components in a manner not
documented by Adobe; (e) creating or distributing any software, including any Developer Programs, that is designed to
interoperate with an un-installed instance of the Runtime Software; (f) distributing your Developer Program as an AIR
application, if such application does not interoperate with the Runtime Software; (g) creating or distributing any Developer
Program that runs without installation; (h) installing or using the Build Tools or other portions of the SDK to develop
software prohibited by this Section 3.3. Failure to comply with this Section 3.3.4 is a breach of this Agreement that
immediately terminates all rights granted to you herein.
3.3.5 Other Prohibitions. You will not use the SDK to create, develop or use any program, software or service that (a)
contains any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots or other computer programming routines that are
intended to damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data or personal
information, (b) when used in the manner in which it is intended or marketed, violates any law, statute, ordinance,
regulation or rights (including any laws, regulations or rights respecting intellectual property, computer spyware, privacy,
export control, unfair competition, antidiscrimination or false advertising), or (c) interferes with the operability of Adobe or
third-party programs or software.
4. Indemnification.
You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold Adobe and its suppliers harmless from and against any and all liabilities,
losses, actions, damages, lawsuits, or claims (including product liability, warranty and intellectual property claims, and all
reasonable expenses, costs and attorneys fees), that arise or result from the use or distribution of any portion of the SDK
or your Developer Programs, provided that Adobe gives you prompt written notice of any such claim, and cooperates with
you, at your expense, in defending or settling such claim.
5. Intellectual Property Rights.
The SDK and any copies that you are authorized by Adobe to make are the intellectual property of and are owned by
Adobe Systems Incorporated and its suppliers. The structure, organization and code of the SDK are the valuable trade
secrets and confidential information of Adobe Systems Incorporated and its suppliers. The SDK is protected by copyright,
including by United States Copyright Law, international treaty provisions and applicable laws in the country in which it is
being used. Except as expressly stated herein, this Agreement does not grant you any intellectual property rights in the
SDK and all rights not expressly granted are reserved by Adobe.
6. MP3 Codec Use.
You may not modify the runtime libraries or any other Build Tools. You may not access MP3 codecs within the runtime
libraries other than through the published runtime APIs. Development, use or distribution of a Developer Program that
operates on non-PC devices and that decodes MP3 data not contained within a SWF, FLV or other file format that
contains more than MP3 data may require one or more third-party license(s).
7. Export Rules.
You acknowledge that this SDK is subject to the U.S. Export Administration Regulations (the “EAR”) and that you
will comply with the EAR. You will not export or re-export this SDK, or any portion hereof, directly or indirectly, to: (1)
any countries that are subject to US export restrictions (currently including, but not necessarily limited to, Cuba, Iran,
North Korea, Sudan, and Syria); (2) any end user who you know or have reason to know will utilize them in the design,
development or production of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons, or rocket systems, space launch vehicles, and
sounding rockets, or unmanned air vehicle systems; or (3) any end user who has been prohibited from participating in the
US export transactions by any federal agency of the US government. In addition, you are responsible for complying with
any local laws in your jurisdiction which may impact your right to import, export or use the SDK.
8. Adobe AIR Trademark Guidelines.
“Adobe® AIR®” is a trademark of Adobe that may not be used by others except under a written license from Adobe.
You may not incorporate the Adobe AIR trademark, or any other Adobe trademark, in whole or in part, in the title of
your Developer Programs or in your company name, domain name or the name of a service related to Adobe AIR. You
may indicate the interoperability of its Developer Program with the Adobe AIR Runtime Software, if true, by stating,
for example, “works with Adobe® AIR®” or “for Adobe® AIR®.” You may use the Adobe AIR trademark to refer to your
Developer Program as an “Adobe® AIR® application” only as a statement that your Developer Program interoperates
with the Adobe AIR Runtime Software.
9. Governing Law.
If you are a consumer who uses the SDK for only personal non-business purposes, then this Agreement will be
governed by the laws of the state in which you purchased the license to use the SDK. If you are not such a consumer,

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this Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive laws in force in: (a) the State of
California, if a license to the SDK is obtained when you are in the United States, Canada, or Mexico; or (b) Japan, if a
license to the SDK is obtained when you are in Japan, China, Korea, or other Southeast Asian country where all official
languages are written in either an ideographic script (e.g., Hanzi, Kanji, or Hanja), and/or other script based upon or
similar in structure to an ideographic script, such as hangul or kana; or (c) England, if a license to the SDK is obtained
when you are in any jurisdiction not described above. The respective courts of Santa Clara County, California when
California law applies, Tokyo District Court in Japan, when Japanese law applies, and the competent courts of London,
England, when the law of England applies, shall each have non-exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes relating to this
Agreement. This Agreement will not be governed by the conflict of law rules of any jurisdiction or the United Nations
Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, the application of which is expressly excluded.
10. Non-Blocking of Adobe Development.
You acknowledge that Adobe is currently developing or may develop technologies and products in the future that have or
may have design and/or functionality similar to products that you may develop based on your license herein. Nothing in
this Agreement shall impair, limit or curtail Adobe’s right to continue with its development, maintenance and/or distribution
of Adobe’s technology or products. You agree that you shall not assert in any way any patent owned by you arising
out of or in connection with this SDK or modifications made thereto against Adobe, its subsidiaries or affiliates, or their
customers, direct or indirect, agents and contractors for the manufacture, use, import, licensing, offer for sale or sale of
any Adobe products.
11. Term and Termination.
This Agreement will commence upon the Effective Date and continue in perpetuity unless terminated as set forth herein.
Adobe may terminate this Agreement immediately if you breach any of its terms. Sections 1, 2, 3.3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, and 13 will survive any termination of this Agreement. Upon termination of this Agreement, you will cease all use
and distribution of the SDK and return to Adobe or destroy (with written confirmation of destruction) the SDK promptly at
Adobe’s request, together with any copies thereof.
12. General Provisions.
If any part of this Agreement is found void and unenforceable, it will not affect the validity of the balance of this
Agreement, which shall remain valid and enforceable according to its terms. Updates may be licensed to you by Adobe
with additional or different terms. The English version of this Agreement shall be the version used when interpreting or
construing this Agreement. This is the entire agreement between Adobe and you relating to the SDK and it supersedes
any prior representations, discussions, undertakings, communications or advertising relating to the SDK. The use of
“includes” or “including” in this Agreement shall mean “including without limitation.”
13. Notice to U.S. Government End Users.
The SDK and any Documentation are “Commercial Item(s),” as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R. Section 2.101, consisting
of “Commercial Computer Software” and “Commercial Computer Software Documentation,” as such terms are used in
48 C.F.R. Section 12.212 or 48 C.F.R. Section 227.7202, as applicable. Consistent with 48 C.F.R. Section 12.212 or 48
C.F.R. Sections 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4, as applicable, the Commercial Computer Software and Commercial
Computer Software Documentation are being licensed to U.S. Government end users (a) only as Commercial Items and
(b) with only those rights as are granted to all other end users pursuant to the terms and conditions herein. Unpublished-
rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. Adobe Systems Incorporated, 345 Park Avenue, San Jose,
CA 95110-2704, USA.
14. Third-Party Beneficiary.
You acknowledge and agree that Adobe’s licensors (and/or Adobe if you obtained the SDK from any party other than
Adobe) are third party beneficiaries of this Agreement, with the right to enforce the obligations set forth herein with respect
to the respective technology of such licensors and/or Adobe.
Adobe, AIR, Flash Builder, Flex and LiveCycle are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems
Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.


Copyright (C) 1999 Arphic Technology Co., Ltd.
11Fl. No.168, Yung Chi Rd., Taipei, 110 Taiwan
All rights reserved except as specified below.
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is forbidden.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the ARPHIC
PUBLIC LICENSE specifically permits and encourages you to use this software, provided that you give the recipients all
the rights that we gave you and make sure they can get the modifications of this software.
Legal Terms

Open Source Information_324

0. Definitions:
Throughout this License, “Font” means the TrueType fonts “AR PL Mingti2L Big5”, “AR PL KaitiM Big5” (BIG-5 character
set) and “AR PL SungtiL GB”, “AR PL KaitiM GB” (GB character set) which are originally distributed by Arphic, and the
derivatives of those fonts created through any modification including modifying glyph, reordering glyph, converting format,
changing font name, or adding/deleting some characters in/from glyph table.
“PL” means “Public License”.
“Copyright Holder” means whoever is named in the copyright or copyrights for the Font.
“You” means the licensee, or person copying, redistributing or modifying the Font.
“Freely Available” means that you have the freedom to copy or modify the Font as well as redistribute copies of the Font
under the same conditions you received, not price. If you wish, you can charge for this service.
1. Copying & Distribution
You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of this Font in any medium, without restriction, provided that you retain this
license file (ARPHICPL.TXT) unaltered in all copies.
2. Modification
You may otherwise modify your copy of this Font in any way, including modifying glyph, reordering glyph, converting
format, changing font name, or adding/deleting some characters in/from glyph table, and copy and distribute such
modifications under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that the following conditions are met:
a) You must insert a prominent notice in each modified file stating how and when you changed that file.
b) You must make such modifications Freely Available as a whole to all third parties under the terms of this License,
such as by offering access to copy the modifications from a designated place, or distributing the modifications on a
medium customarily used for software interchange.
c) If the modified fonts normally reads commands interactively when run, you must cause it, when started running
for such interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an announcement including an appropriate
copyright notice and a notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a warranty) and that users
may redistribute the Font under these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this License.
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the
Font, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License and its terms,
do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. Therefore, mere aggregation of another work
not based on the Font with the Font on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. Condition Subsequent
You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Font except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Font will automatically retroactively void your rights under this
License. However, parties who have received copies or rights from you under this License will keep their licenses valid so
long as such parties remain in full compliance.
4. Acceptance
You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission
to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Font. These actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.
Therefore, by copying, modifying, sublicensing or distributing the Font, you indicate your acceptance of this License and
all its terms and conditions.
5. Automatic Receipt
Each time you redistribute the Font, the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy,
distribute or modify the Font subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the
recipients’ exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to this
6. Contradiction
If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent
issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions
of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy
simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
not distribute the Font at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Font by all
those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this License
would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the Font.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any particular circumstance, the balance of the section
is intended to apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.

Open Source Information_325


Open Source Information_326

• The following glossary will help familiarize you with the System by understanding the terminologies commonly
used in this admin guide.
• The definitions of the below terms are mostly cited from:
A) and B)

In the System, having an account means you have the right to access the device or system.

Console is the device’s LCD display.

Comma Separated Values (CSV) is a type of file format. CSV is used to exchange data between disparate applications.
The file format, as it is used in Microsoft Excel, has become a pseudo standard throughout the industry, even among non-
Microsoft platforms.

Database Management System

DNS server
Domain Name Server (DNS) is a system that stores information associated with domain names in a distributed database
on networks, such as the Internet or an intranet.

Embedded Web Server is a web server embedded in the device. You can access it by typing in the IP address or the Host
name on the address bar of a web browser.

Firewall is an integrated collection of security measures designed to prevent unauthorized electronic access to a
networked computer system. It is also a device or set of devices configured to permit, deny, encrypt, decrypt, or proxy all
computer traffic between different security domains based upon a set of rules and other criteria.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a commonly used protocol for exchanging files over any network that supports the TCP/IP
protocol (such as the Internet or an intranet).

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a communications protocol. Its use for retrieving inter-linked text documents
(hypertext) led to the establishment of the World Wide Web.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer or https is a URI scheme used to indicate a secure communication
such as payment transactions and corporate information systems.

Internet Protocol (IP) address is a unique number that devices use in order to identify and communicate with each other
on a network utilizing the Internet Protocol standard.

Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is an Internet Layer protocol for packet-switched internet works. IPv4 is
currently[update] the dominant Internet Protocol version, and was the first to receive widespread use. The Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF) has designated IPv6 as the successor to version 4 for general use on the Internet.

Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) defines a standard protocol for printing as well as managing print jobs, media size,
resolution, and so forth. IPP can be used locally or over the Internet to hundreds of printers, and also supports access
control, authentication, and encryption, making it a much more capable and secure printing solution than older ones.

The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a networking protocol for querying and modifying directory services
running over TCP/IP.

Line Printer Daemon protocol/Line Printer Remote protocol (or LPD, LPR) also known as the Berkeley printing system, is
a set of programs that provide printer spooling and network print server functionality for Unix-like systems.

Media Access Control (MAC) data communication protocol sub-layer, also known as the Medium Access Control, is a
sublayer of the Data Link Layer specified in the seven-layer OSI model (layer 2).

Multicast DNS (mDNS) is a protocol that is used by Apple Inc. It uses similar APIs to the unicast DNS system but
implemented differently.

Multi Function Printer/Peripheral (MFP) is an office machine that includes the following functionality in one physical body,
so as to have a printer, a copier, a fax, a scanner and etc.

A management information base (MIB) stems from the OSI/ISO Network management model and is a type of database
used to manage the devices in a communications network. It comprises a collection of objects in a (virtual) database used
to manage entities (such as routers and switches) in a network.

OPC drum
Organic Photo Conductor (OPC) is a mechanism that makes a virtual image for print using a laser beam emitted from
a laser printer, and it is usually green or gray colored and a cylinder shaped. An exposing unit of a drum is slowly worn
away by its usage of the printer, and it should be replaced appropriately since it gets scratches from grits of a paper.”

Primary Domain Controller (PDC)

The PDC is a server located on a Windows domain. The PDC controls access to the domain.

In the System, plug-in is an additional feature that you can add to the System.

Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) is an application-layer Internet standard protocol used by local email clients to
retrieve email from a remote server over a TCP/IP connection.

PostgreSQL is an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS). It is released under a BSD-style license
and is thus free software.

In computer network engineering, a Request for Comments (RFC) is a memorandum published by the Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF) describing methods, behaviours, research, or innovations applicable to the working of the
Internet and Internet-connected systems.

RFC 3805
Printer MIB version 2. This document provides definitions of models and manageable objects for printing environments.
The objects included in this MIB apply to physical, as well as logical entities within a printing device.

Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0) is a family of Web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works—such as
blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video—in a standardized format. RSS feeds can be read using software called
an “RSS reader”, “feed reader”, or “aggregator”, which can be web-based or desktop-based. A standardized XML file
format allows the information to be published once and viewed by many different programs. The user subscribes to a feed
by entering the feed’s URI (often referred to informally as a “URL”, although technically, those two terms are not exactly
synonymous) into the reader or by clicking an RSS icon in a browser that initiates the subscription process.

Site Manager
A site manager is a program running on a remote site that performs the operations related to that particular site, including
device discovery and data collection.

Service Location Protocol (SLP, srvloc) is a service discovery protocol that allows computers and other devices to find
services in a local area network without prior configuration. (RFC 2608)

Server Message Block (SMB) is a network protocol mainly applied to share files, printers, serial ports, and miscellaneous
communications between nodes on a network. It also provides an authenticated Inter-process communication

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is the standard for e-mail transmissions across the Internet. SMTP is a relatively
simple, text-based protocol, where one or more recipients of a message are specified, and then the message text is
transferred. It is a client-server protocol, where the client transmits an email message to the server.

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a component of the Internet Protocol Suite as defined by the Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF). SNMP is used in network management systems to monitor network-attached devices for
conditions that warrant administrative attention. It consists of a set of standards for network management, including an
Application Layer protocol, a database schema, and a set of data objects.
SSDP is the basis of the discovery protocol of universal plug-and-play.

Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol and its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), are cryptographic protocols
that provide security and data integrity for communications over TCP/IP networks such as the Internet.

Single sign-on (SSO) is a method of access control that enables a user to log in once and gain access to the resources of
multiple software systems without being prompted to log in again.

SyncThru Web Service(SWS) is a embedded web server for Samsung devices.

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is one of the core protocols of the Internet Protocol Suite. TCP is so central that the
entire suite is often referred to as “TCP/IP.”


The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Protocol (IP); the set of communications protocols that
implement the protocol stack on which the Internet and most commercial networks run.

Trap is used to report an alert or other asynchronous event about a managed subsystem. In SNMPv1, asynchronous
event reports are called traps while they are called notifications in later versions of SNMP.

User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is one of the core members of the Internet Protocol Suite, the set of network protocols
used for the Internet. With UDP, computer applications can send messages, sometimes known as datagrams, to other
hosts on an Internet Protocol (IP) network without requiring prior communications to set up special transmission channels
or data paths. UDP is sometimes called the Universal Datagram Protocol. UDP uses a simple transmission model without
implicit hand-shaking dialogues for guaranteeing reliability, ordering, or data integrity. Thus, UDP provides an unreliable
service and datagrams may arrive out of order, appear duplicated, or go missing without notice.

Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) is a set of computer protocols promulgated by the UPnP Forum. The goals of UPnP
are to allow devices to connect seamlessly and to simplify the implementation of networks in the home (data sharing,
communications, and entertainment) and in corporate environments to simplify installation of computer components. This
is achieved by defining and publishing UPnP device control protocols built upon open, Internet-based communication

WINS server
Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) is Microsoft’s implementation of NetBIOS Name Service (NBNS), a name
server and service for NetBIOS computer names. Effectively WINS is to NetBIOS names, what DNS is to domain names
— a central mapping of host names to network addresses. Like DNS it is broken into two parts, a Server Service (that
manages the encoded Jet Database, server to server replication, service requests, and conflicts) and a TCP/IP Client
component which manages the client’s registration, renewal of names and takes care of queries.

A firmware restore 275
details 32 rule-based automatic tasks
accounting management history 63 actions 188
apply permissions 209 update firmware 62 conditions 188
device account 103 upload firmware file 139 events 183, 239
device password 103
rule 183, 185
disable 209 I
enable 206
instances 16, 17, 230
view job records 208
alerts security
L device sws credentials 256, 258
alert list 252
alert tab 32, 285 LDAP HTTPS 223, 257
custom alert severity 265 add LDAP server 232 SNMPv3 256, 258

enable LDAP authentication 226 user authentication 226

B import users 105 settings 221
user synchronization 106 site manager
backup 274
license assign to device 45

D activate 241 assign to domain 119

base license 238, 241 install 13
dashboard charged license 238 register 14
add widget 22 return 243 update 150
manage widget 23
local device system
mobile 122
install local device agent 98 backup 274
widget list 21
upload local device agent file 130 install 9
device migration 11
clone 60 M requirements 8
configure 46 restore 275
connection settings 40, 256 managed domain plug-in
uninstall 13
device details 31 domain 117
device list 27 multi-domain custom report 179
discover 37 multi-domain device management
94 user
device profile multi-domain instant report 178 add 103, 104
assign 56, 58 multi-domain user management assign role 108
monitor 91 114
enable authentication 226
unassign 59
import 104, 105, 106
device supply template P
user groups
assign 89, 271
plug-in 94, 114, 117, 201 create 112
create 268
install 203 delete 113
unassign 90
start 205 edit 112
device tags stop 204 user roles
assign 33 uninstall 204 add 235
create 263
assign 108
unassign 34 R delete 236

F reports
custom report 170
file instant report 163
file repository 124 report list 153


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