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2 Module
for 2nd MBBS students of 2019 Batch
The Foundation of Bioethics on
07-08-2021 conducted by
Department of Pharmacology, PIMS&R
Session conducted by
Dr Meena Shrivastava
Assisted by Dr Anjali Shinde, Dr Sachin Patil, Dr
Vidya Mali, Dr Suraj Patil and Non-teaching
staff of Pharmacology Dept
07-08-2021 -The Foundation of Bioethics - The interactive
session was conducted by Department of Pharmacology,
Synopsis: The Foundation of Bioethics
• Bioethics refers to Bioethics: Universal principles
standards of conduct,  Patient Autonomy
derived from principles of freedom of choice
right and wrong  Non-maleficence-
• Distinguish right from do not cause harm
wrong, good from evil, &
propriety from  Beneficence-
impropriety, do good
• The Medical Ethics applies  Justice-
it to health care fairness & equality
professionals  Confidentiality
to regulate professional Principles can overlap as well as
conduct with each other compete with each other for priority
towards their individual
patients & towards society
Principles of Bioethics
Universal principles • Principles can overlap as
 Patient Autonomy- well as compete with each
freedom of choice other for priority
 Non-maleficence-
do not cause harm
 Beneficence-
do good
 Justice-
fairness & equality
 Confidentiality
Top 10 ethical challenges in health care
1. Disagreement between 6. Withholding/withdrawing life
patients/kins & health care sustaining treatment in the
professionals about context of terminal or serious
treatment decisions illness
2. Waiting lists 7. Achieving informed consent
3. Access to needed health 8. Ethical issues related to
care resources for the subject participation in
aged, chronically ill & research (CRO)
mentally ill
9. Substitute decision-making
4. Shortage of family physicians
10. The ethics of surgical
or primary care teams in
innovation & new
both rural and urban settings
technologies for patient care
5. Medical errors
07-08-2021 -The Foundation of Bioethics - The interactive
session was conducted by Dr Meena Shrivastava, Professor and
HOD, Pharmacology
07-08-2021 -The Foundation of Bioethics - Dr Meena Shrivastava interacting
with students, assisted by Dr Anjali Shinde
07-08-2021 -The Foundation of Bioethics - Dr Meena Shrivastava interacting
with students, assisted by Dr Anjali Shinde
07-08-2021 -The Foundation of Bioethics – Students engrossed
deeply in the interactive session was conducted by Department
of Pharmacology, PIMS&R
07-08-2021 -The Foundation of Bioethics - Dr Meena Shrivastava interacting
with students, assisted by Dr Anjali Shinde
07-08-2021 -The Foundation of Bioethics – Students getting ready for
group task of role play on “Principles of bioethics” in the interactive
session conducted by Department of Pharmacology, PIMS&R
07-08-2021 -The Foundation of Bioethics – Students getting ready for
group task of role play on “Principles of bioethics” in the interactive
session conducted by Department of Pharmacology, PIMS&R
07-08-2021 -The Foundation of Bioethics – Students of group 1 with faculty members (From
left Dr Anjali Shinde, Dr Meena Shrivastava, Dr Vidya Mali & Mr SK Ahmed) after successfully
completing the role play on “Principles of bioethics” in the interactive session conducted by
Department of Pharmacology, PIMS&R
07-08-2021 -The Foundation of Bioethics – Students of group 2 with faculty members (From
left Dr Vidya Mali, Dr Anjali Shinde, Dr Meena Shrivastava, & Mr SK Ahmed) after
successfully completing the role play on “Principles of bioethics” in the interactive session
conducted by Department of Pharmacology, PIMS&R
07-08-2021 -The Foundation of Bioethics – Students of group 3 with faculty members (From
left Dr Anjali Shinde,, Dr Vidya Mali, Dr Meena Shrivastava & Mr SK Ahmed) after
successfully completing the role play on “Principles of bioethics” in the interactive session
conducted by Department of Pharmacology, PIMS&R
07-08-2021 -The Foundation of Bioethics – Students of group 4 with faculty members (From
left Dr Anjali Shinde, Dr Meena Shrivastava, Dr Vidya Mali & Mr SK Ahmed) after successfully
completing the role play on “Principles of bioethics” in the interactive session conducted by
Department of Pharmacology, PIMS&R
AETCOM 2.1 Module
for 2nd MBBS students of 2019 Batch
Communication 2 on 6-3-21
Department of Pharmacology, PIMS&R

Session conducted by
Dr Meena Shrivastava
Assisted by Dr Anjali Shinde, Dr Sachin Patil,
Dr Vidya Mali, Dr Suraj Patil and Non-teaching
staff of Pharmacology Dept
06-03-2021 Session on Communication II (AETCOM 2.1) as per CBME curriculum of
Pharmacology, Dr Meena Shrivastava, Professor and HOD, Pharmacology giving an
introductory lecture on module of Communication in relation to doctor patient
National Medical Commission

Communication:part II
Communication is an integral part of medicine

• Good communication skills are a must for

medical and other healthcare practice
• Not only for Doctor & patient interaction
but also within the healthcare team.
Definition of communication in AETCOM module
• Communication is the purposeful activity of
information exchange between two or more
participants in order to convey or receive
the intended meanings.
Principles of a good communication
Types of Communication:
Based on the purpose of communication
Therapeutic communication:
• It takes place between a health care
personnel & a patient, with the purpose of
modifying the patient behavior.
• This is accomplished with repeated
interaction using certain essential attributes
such as trust, empathy, tenderness, concern
& nonjudgemental attitude.
Benefits of effective communication
• Building up of good working relationships
• Increased patient satisfaction
• Increased work satisfaction for doctor
• Better understanding of treatment and
improved compliance of patient
• Establishes role of a doctor as a member/
leader of a team, a clinician and a good
Barriers to communication
• Physiological • Cultural
(Lack of (tradition)
attention) • Organizational
• Psychological (R&R)
(Emotions) • Semantic
• Environmental • Those related to
(Temperature) Process of C
• Social (Feedback)
06-03-2021 Session on Communication II (AETCOM 2.1) as per CBME curriculum of
Pharmacology was conducted for 2nd MBBS 2019 Batch by Faculty members in Pharmacology

Standing from left- Dr Vidya Mali, Tutor,, Dr Anjali Shinde, Professor, Dr Meena Shrivastava,
Professor and Head, Dr Sachin Patil, Associate Professr and Dr Suraj Patil, Tutor
06-03-2021 Dr Anjali Shinde, Professor and Head, conducting the session for 2nd
MBBS 2019 Batch on “communication in relation to interaction between doctor and
patient (AETCOM 2.1) as per CBME curriculum of Pharmacology”
06-03-2021 Session on Communication II (AETCOM 2.1) for 2nd MBBS 2019 Batch
Dr Sachin Patil, Associate Professor and Dr Vidya Mali demonstrating the role play of
doctor patient communication
06-03-2021 Session on Communication II (AETCOM 2.1) for 2nd MBBS 2019 Batch in
progress. Students deeply engrossed in seeing the clipping of the Marathi Movie Shwas
depicting the doctor breaking the bad news to the relative of the patient
06-03-2021 Session on Communication II (AETCOM 2.1) for 2nd MBBS 2019 Batch in
progress. Students deeply engrossed in seeing the clipping of the Marathi Movie Shwas
depicting the doctor breaking the bad news to the relative of the patient and the Medico-
social worker consoling him
20-04-2021-AETCOM module 2.1
Doctor patient communication
Use of device- eye drops and inhalers
Role play by students of 2nd MBBS, 2019 Batch

Assessment through checklists by

Dr Vidya Mali and Dr Suraj Patil, Tutors,
Pharmacology department, PIMS&R
Interactive training of 2nd MBBS students in use of
device (Eye drops and inhalers)
• Student were taught the different steps involved in sequence for
use of device. While doing so, they were taught how to
communicate this to patient. Checklist was shared for
assessment of these steps & marks allotted to each step were
also shown to the students
• They practiced in pairs for training in use of eye drops & inhaler.
They performed the role-play in the act of communication of use
of device (students acted as doctor & dummy patient )
• Formative assessment was done by using checklist by teachers.
• Students took interest in this activity and their response was very
• This training was planned to prepare them for assessment of
communication in internal assessment and University
examination of MUHS
20-04-21 AETCOM 2.1-Practical Pharmacology- 2nd MBBS 2019 B students
engrossed in preparing for the session of role play on doctor patient
communication about optimal use of drug device- eye drops & inhaler
Dr Vidya Mali & Dr Suraj Patil, tutor, conducted the session
20-04-21 AETCOM 2.1-Practical Pharmacology- 2nd MBBS 2019 B students
performing role play on doctor patient communication about optimal use of drug
device- eye drops & inhaler. Dr Vidya Mali, tutor, is seen assessing them.
20-04-21 AETCOM 2.1-Practical Pharmacology- 2nd MBBS 2019 B students
performing role play on doctor patient communication about optimal use of
drug device- eye drops & inhaler . Dr Vidya Mali, tutor, is seen assessing them
20-04-21 AETCOM 2.1-Practical Pharmacology- 2nd MBBS 2019 B students
performing role play on doctor patient communication about optimal use of
drug device- eye drops & inhaler . Dr Vidya Mali, tutor, is seen assessing them
20-04-21 AETCOM 2.1-Practical Pharmacology- 2nd MBBS 2019 B students
performing role play on doctor patient communication about optimal use of
drug device- eye drops & inhaler . Dr Vidya Mali, tutor, is seen assessing them
20-04-21 AETCOM 2.1-Practical Pharmacology- 2nd MBBS 2019 B students
performing role play on doctor patient communication about optimal use of
drug device- eye drops & inhaler . Dr Vidya Mali, tutor, is seen assessing them
20-04-21 AETCOM 2.1-Practical Pharmacology- 2nd MBBS 2019 B students
performing role play on doctor patient communication about optimal use of
drug device- eye drops & inhaler . Dr Vidya Mali, tutor, is seen assessing them
20-04-21 AETCOM 2.1-Practical Pharmacology- 2nd MBBS 2019 B students
performing role play on doctor patient communication about optimal use of
drug device- eye drops & inhaler . Dr Suraj Patil, tutor, is seen assessing them
20-04-21 AETCOM 2.1-Practical Pharmacology- 2nd MBBS 2019 B students
performing role play on doctor patient communication about optimal use of
drug device- eye drops & inhaler . Dr Suraj Patil, tutor, is seen assessing them
20-04-21 AETCOM 2.1-Practical Pharmacology- 2nd MBBS 2019 B students
performing role play on doctor patient communication about optimal use of drug
device- eye drops & inhaler . Dr Suraj Patil, tutor, is seen assessing them
20-04-21 AETCOM 2.1-Practical Pharmacology- 2nd MBBS 2019 B students
performing role play on doctor patient communication about optimal use of
drug device- eye drops & inhaler . Dr Suraj Patil, tutor, is seen assessing them
20-04-21 AETCOM 2.1-Practical Pharmacology- 2nd MBBS 2019 B students
performing role play on doctor patient communication about optimal use of
drug device- eye drops & inhaler. Dr Suraj Patil, tutor, is seen assessing them
20-04-21 AETCOM 2.1-Practical Pharmacology- 2nd MBBS 2019 B students
engrossed in preparing for the session of role play on doctor patient
communication about optimal use of drug device- eye drops & inhaler
Dr Vidya Mali & Dr Suraj Patil, tutor, conducted the session

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