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Petitioner, Case No. 2023 CV 988870
v. Judge Nancy Margaret Russo



Respondent Elliot Forhan (“Respondent”) hereby propounds, pursuant to Ohio Rules of Civil

Procedure 26 and 36, on Petitioner Juanita Brent (“Petitioner”) the following First Set of Requests for

Admission (“RFAs”). Respondent requests that Petitioner answer by February 20, 2024, under oath,

each RFA. Please forward to Respondent via email at [email protected] or at the

following address the answers:

Representative Elliot P. Forhan

Ohio House of Representatives
Vern Riffe State Office Tower
77 South High Street, Floor 12
Columbus, Ohio 43215

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Definitions and Instructions

1. The “Caucus” means the Democratic Caucus in the House.

2. The “CDP” is defined herein.

3. “Communication(s)” means and includes every manner or means of disclosure, transfer, or

exchange of oral or written information (in the form of promises, facts, ideas, inquiries,

estimates, solicitations, or otherwise) between anyone, including, but not limited to, writings,

documents, interoffice and intra-office memoranda, written agreements, oral agreements,

correspondence, reports, notes of meetings, conferences, and oral conversations, whether

such communication is face-to-face, by telephone, by text message, by email, by mail, by

telecopier, by telex, by computer, or otherwise.

4. The “County Party” means the Cuyahoga County Democratic Party.

5. The “CSPO Ex Parte” means the Civil Stalking Protection Order Ex Parte, issued on

November 21, 2023, in the above-captioned case.

6. “Document” means any written, recorded, or graphic material of any kind, whether prepared

by you or by any other person, that is in your possession, custody, or control. The term

includes agreements; contracts; letters; telegrams; inter-office communications; memoranda;

reports; records; instructions; specifications; notes; notebooks; scrapbooks; diaries; plans;

drawings; sketches; blueprints; diagrams; photographs; photocopies; charts; graphs;

descriptions; drafts, whether or not they resulted in a final document; minutes of meetings,

conferences, and telephone or other conversations or communications; invoices; purchase

orders; bills of lading; recordings; published or unpublished speeches or articles; publications;

transcripts of telephone conversations; phone mail; electronic-mail; ledgers; financial

statements; microfilm; microfiche; tape or disc recordings; and computer printouts.

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7. The term “document” also includes electronically stored data from which information can be

obtained either directly or by translation through detection devices or readers; any such

document is to be produced in a reasonably legible and usable form. The term "document"

includes all drafts of a document and all copies that differ in any respect from the original,

including any notation, underlining, marking, or information not on the original. The term

also includes information stored in, or accessible through, computer or other information

retrieval systems (including any computer archives or back-up systems), together with

instructions and all other materials necessary to use or interpret such data compilations A

document can take the form of any medium on which information can be stored, including

without limitation, computer memory, computer disk, film, paper, tape recordings, video

tapes, and video disks, hard drives, servers, CDs, DVDs, zip discs, jump drives, iPods, iPads,

MP3 players, CD-ROM disks, magnetic tapes, and back-up tapes. A document also includes

computerized data, i.e., a data compilation from which information can be obtained and

translated by the responding party, if necessary, through detection devices in reasonably usable

form, and meta data, system data, backup data, files deleted by a computer user, residual data,

online storage media, and near line storage media.

8. The “House” means the Ohio House of Representatives.

9. The “Jun.-27 Meeting” is defined herein.

10. The “Minority Leader” means Ohio House Minority Leader Allison Russo.

11. The “Munira-Respondent Conversation” is defined herein.

12. The “Nov.-18 Video” is defined herein.

13. The “Nov.-18-20 Videos” is defined herein.

14. The “Nov.-19 Video” is defined herein.

15. The “Nov.-20 CDP Report” is defined herein.

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16. The “Nov.-20 Video” is defined herein.

17. The “Nov.-21 CDP Report” is defined herein.

18. “Person” means any natural person, corporation, company, partnership, joint venture, firm,

association, proprietorship, agency, board, authority, commission, office or other business or

legal entity, whether private or governmental.

19. The “Petition” means the Petition for Civil Stalking Protection Order, filed on November 20,

2023, by Petitioner in the above-captioned case.

20. “Petitioner” means Petitioner Juanita Brent.

21. The “Petitioner Press Release” is defined herein.

22. The “Petitioner Email” is defined herein.

23. The “Petitioner Quotes” is defined herein.

24. “Relating to” means containing, constituting, considering, comprising, concerning, discussing,

regarding, describing, reflecting, studying, commenting or reporting on, mentioning, analyzing,

or referring, alluding, or pertaining to, in whole or in part.

25. “Respondent” means Respondent Elliot Forhan.

26. The “Respondent Campaign Facebook Page” means the page available at

27. The “Respondent Campaign Instagram Account” means the account available at

28. The “Respondent Personal Facebook Account” means the account available at

29. The “Respondent Personal Instagram Account” means the account available at

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30. The “Respondent Social-Media Accounts” means (1) the Respondent Campaign Facebook

Page, (2) the Respondent Campaign Instagram Account, (3) the Respondent Personal

Facebook Account, (4) the Respondent Personal Instagram Account, (5) the Respondent

TikTok Account and (6) the Respondent Twitter Account.

31. The “Respondent TikTok Account” means the account available at

32. The “Respondent Twitter Account” means the account available at

33. The “Rumor” is defined herein.

34. “Statehouse” means the Ohio Statehouse.

35. The “Wright-Respondent Conversation” is defined herein.

36. The “Wright-Respondent Meeting” is defined herein.

37. “You” or “Your” means Petitioner, as well as her agents, affiliates, representatives, employees,

or any other person or entity acting or purporting to act on her behalf.

38. Unless otherwise stated in a particular RFA, the time period applicable to these RFAs shall be

from January 1, 2023, to the present.

39. The singular of any word shall include the plural, and the plural of any word shall include the


40. Under Civ.R. 26, there is a continuing duty to seasonably supplement or amend the answers

to these RFAs.

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Requests for Admission

REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 1: Admit that, with respect to the meeting on January 6, 2024

(the “Jan.-6 Meeting”), in Independence, Ohio, of the executive committee of the Cuyahoga County

Democratic Party, you told David Brock before the start of the Jan.-6 Meeting either that you did not

mind or that you would not call the police if Respondent attended in person the Jan.-6 Meeting.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 2: Admit that you filed on or about November 21, 2023, with

the Cleveland Division of Police (the “CDP”) a report (the “Nov.-21 CDP Report”) alleging the

commission by Respondent of certain conduct.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 3: Admit that you filed on or about November 20, 2023, with

the Cleveland Division of Police (the “CDP”) a report (the “Nov.-20 CDP Report”) alleging the

commission by Respondent of certain conduct.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 4: Admit that, in connection with the filing of the Nov.-21

CDP Report, you told law enforcement that you had video surveillance that showed Respondent

approaching your home on November 20, 2023.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 5: Admit that, in connection with the filing of the Nov.-21

CDP Report, you told law enforcement that Respondent left a letter on your property.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 6: Admit that, in connection with the filing of the Nov.-21

CDP Report, you told law enforcement that someone who resembled Respondent drove at 9:15 a.m.

on November 21, 2023, past your house in a black Ford F-150 truck.

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REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 7: Admit that to your knowledge, Respondent only visited your

home one time, on June 26, 2023.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 8: Admit that you do not have any video surveillance that shows

Respondent approaching your home on or about November 20, 2023.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 9: Admit that you have no evidence that Respondent left a

letter on your property.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 10: Admit that you have no reason to believe that Respondent

drives a black truck.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 11: Admit that you thought that Respondent drove a Ford F-

150-style truck because you saw the photograph included in the post, dated on or about February 18,

2023, on Respondent’s campaign social-media accounts, of Respondent posing with another Ohio

State Representative and her husband and their dark-colored pickup truck.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 12: Admit that, in connection with the filing of the Nov.-21

CDP Report, law enforcement asked you to produce the video surveillance that showed Respondent

approaching your home on November 20, 2023, or a copy thereof.


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REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 13: Admit that, in connection with the filing of the Nov.-21

CDP Report, law enforcement asked you to produce the letter that Respondent left on your property

or a copy thereof.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 14: Admit that, in connection with the filing of the Nov.-21

CDP Report, you did not produce the video surveillance that you alleged showed Respondent

approaching your home on November 20, 2023, or a copy thereof.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 15: Admit that, in connection with the filing of the Nov.-21

CDP Report, you did not produce the letter that you alleged that Respondent left on your property or

a copy thereof.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 16: Admit that, in connection with the filing of the Nov.-20

and Nov.-21 CDP Reports, despite not receiving from you any responsive records, law enforcement



REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 17: Admit that, in connection with the filing of the Nov.-20

and Nov.-21 CDP Reports, law enforcement declined, after concluding the investigation, to prosecute.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 18: Admit that you never told Respondent not to contact you.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 19: Admit that you have no documents showing that you told

Respondent not to contact you.


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REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 20: Admit that you sent on or about October 11, 2023, to

Respondent a text message in which you wrote, “Thank you.”


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 21: Admit that the reason that you sent on or about October

11, 2023, to Respondent a text message was in response to receiving on the same day a text message

from Respondent.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 22: Admit that you sent on or about September 12 and 13,

2023, twice, to Respondent two text messages in which you wrote, “text me.”


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 23: Admit that Respondent has not called you since September

18, 2023.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 24: Admit that, since May 23, 2023, except for a week-long

period in September when Respondent was trying to organize a group letter, Respondent has called

you no more than three times.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 25: Admit that, since May 23, 2023, except for a week-long

period in September when Respondent was trying to organize a group letter, Respondent called you

three times: once on May 25, 2023, during which you and Respondent talked for approximately ten

minutes, and once on June 9, 2023, to each of two phones of yours, neither of which call was answered.


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REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 26: Admit that, except for the week-long period in September

when Respondent was trying to organize a group letter, Respondent has sent to you a text message

no more than four times, ever.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 27: Admit that Respondent has not sent to you a Signal message

since April 2023.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 28: Admit that Respondent has sent to you a Signal message

no more than four times, ever.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 29: Admit that each communication by Respondent to you was

related to political or government activities or activities otherwise in connection with the Ohio General

Assembly or the Ohio or Cuyahoga County Democratic Party organization.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 30: Admit that you posed on or about September 10, 2023, for

a photograph with Respondent and Respondent’s parents.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 31: Admit that you said on or about September 10, 2023, to

one of Respondent’s mothers, “Can I call you Mom?”


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 32: Admit that you issued on or about November 21, 2023, a

press release (the “Petitioner Press Release”) announcing that you obtained the CSPO Ex Parte.


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REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 33: Admit that you included in the Petitioner Press Release that

you “file[d] a temporary restraining order.”


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 34: Admit that, with respect to the three videos, dated

November 18 (the “Nov.-18 Video”), 19 (the “Nov.-19 Video”) and 20 (the “Nov.-20 Video” and,

together with the Nov.-18 Video and the Nov.-19 Video, the “Nov.-18-20 Videos”), 2023, by

Respondent, mentioned in paragraphs 5) through 7) of the Petition, Respondent said nothing



REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 35: Admit that, other than to one or more of the Respondent

Social-Media Accounts, Respondent did not publish any of the Nov.-18-20 Videos.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 36: Admit that, to the extent that Respondent published any of

the Nov.-18-20 Videos, Respondent did not tag any account owned by you.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 37: Admit that, with respect to each of the Respondent Social-

Media Accounts, the Nov.-18-20 Videos are deleted therefrom.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 38: Admit that, with respect to each of the Respondent Social-

Media Accounts, the Nov.-18-20 Videos were before the time of the filing of the Petition deleted



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REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 39: Admit that you have no reason to believe that the post,

time-stamped at or about 10:26 a.m. on November 15, 2023, by Respondent on Twitter, tagging the

account of Ohio Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted, is anything other than a post about deer-hunting.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 40: Admit that you gave on or about November 16, 2023, to a reporter, in connection with the prospective publication of an article about Respondent,

quotes (the “Petitioner Quotes”).


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 41: Admit that you included in the Petitioner Quotes a

suggestion that Respondent should resign or be removed from his position as an Ohio state



REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 42: Admit that you included in the Petitioner Quotes statements

to the effect of “We can’t have people in office who are having manic moments. . . . [Respondent has]

had a lot of manic moments.”


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 43: Admit that you are not qualified to make clinical diagnoses

regarding mental health.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 44: Admit that you do not know of any diagnosis of



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REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 45: Admit that you included in the Petitioner Quotes, in

addition to the suggestion that Respondent should resign or be removed, other remarks disparaging

to Respondent.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 46: Admit that you included in the Petitioner Quotes the

statement, with respect to the Munira-Respondent Conversation, “Rep. Abdullahi came out of the

room crying super hard.”


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 47: Admit that published on or about November

16, 2023, an article that included at least some of the Petitioner Quotes, including (a) the suggestion

by you that Respondent should resign or be removed from his position as an Ohio state representative,

(b) statements to the effect of “We can’t have people in office who are having manic moments. . . .

[Respondent has] had a lot of manic moments, (c) other remarks by you disparaging to Respondent

and (d) the statement, with respect to the Munira-Respondent Conversation, by you that “Rep.

Abdullahi came out of the room crying super hard.”


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 48: Admit that you serve as the Executive Vice Chair of the

County Party.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 49: Admit that the Executive Vice Chair position is the second-

highest-ranking officer position of the County Party.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 50: Admit that the County Party is, with respect to politics in

Cuyahoga County, one of the most influential organizations.

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REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 51: Admit that you saw no more than ten seconds of a

conversation that occurred between at or about 12:53 p.m. and at or about 12:57 p.m. on November

15, 2023 (the “Munira-Respondent Conversation”), in Statehouse Hearing Room 121 between Ohio

State Representative Munira Abdullahi and Respondent.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 52: Admit that you looked into Statehouse Hearing Room 121

for no more than ten seconds from the hallway outside of the room during the Munira-Respondent



REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 53: Admit that you never entered with all your body Statehouse

Hearing Room 121 during the Munira-Respondent Conversation.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 54: Admit that, with respect to the Munira-Respondent

Conversation, the statement “Rep. Abdullahi came out of the room crying super hard” is false.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 55: Admit that Rep. Munira accepted Respondent’s apology in

connection with the Munira-Respondent Conversation.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 56: Admit that Rep. Munira said that she got angry during the

Munira-Respondent Conversation.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 57: Admit that Respondent gave you flowers once, on or about

July 3, 2023.

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REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 58: Admit that Respondent told you, when he gave you the

flowers, that he was doing so at the suggestion of Rep. Munira.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 59: Admit that you do not have personal knowledge that

Respondent pounded aggressively on June 26, 2023, on the door of your home.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 60: Admit that you do not have personal knowledge that the

person who answered the door of your house on June 26, 2023, when Respondent knocked on it ever

opened the main door during the conversation between the person and Respondent.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 61: Admit that you do not have personal knowledge that

Respondent repeated over and over on June 26, 2023, at your door the statement “I just want to talk

to her.”


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 62: Admit that you do not have personal knowledge that

Respondent badgered on June 26, 2023, the person at your door.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 63: Admit that you sent at or about 9:30 p.m. on June 26, 2023,

to Respondent, copying, among other people, the Minority Leader, an email (the “Petitioner Email”).


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 64: Admit that you wrote in the Petitioner Email that

Respondent “knock[ed]” on your door.


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REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 65: Admit that you did not include in the Petitioner Email any

mention of Respondent yelling at the person who answered the door.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 66: Admit that you included in the Petitioner Email a request

that Respondent disclose the identity of the person who had told Respondent a rumor (the “Rumor”)

that you were recruiting one or more candidates to compete against Respondent in a future election.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 67: Admit that you included in the Petitioner Email that a Plain

Dealer reporter called you on May 30 and asked you for an interview relating to Respondent and that

you “refused.”


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 68: Admit that the number of words that you devoted in the

Petitioner Email to the topics of (a) the identity of the person who had told Respondent the Rumor

and (b) the Plain Dealer reporter is no fewer than 89.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 69: Admit that the number of words that you devoted in the

Petitioner Email to the topic of Respondent knocking on your door is no more than 91.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 70: Admit that you included in the Petitioner Email as a threat

to Respondent mention of the Plain Dealer reporter.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 71: Admit that you included in the Petitioner Email that you

were not sure how Respondent got your address.


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REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 72: Admit that the County Party makes publicly available on its

website the street address of the residence of each member of the leadership of the organization,

including each of the hundreds of members of the executive and central committees.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 73: Admit that, with respect to the leadership of the County

Party, the residential street address is the only form of contact information that the organization makes

publicly available.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 74: Admit that, during the meeting that occurred at or about

9:00 a.m. on June 27, 2023 (the “Jun.-27 Meeting”), in the Vern Riffe State Office Tower office of the

Minority Leader, the participants of which meeting included you, Respondent, the Minority Leader

and Ohio State Representative Phil Robinson, you asked that Respondent disclose the identity of the

person who had told Respondent the Rumor.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 75: Admit that the purpose of the Jun.-27 Meeting was to obtain

from Respondent the identity of the person who had told Respondent the Rumor.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 76: Admit that in connection with your service as an officer of

the County Party and as a state representative you ask on a regular basis people to knock doors.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 77: Admit that you said during the Jun.-27 Meeting to

Respondent that knocking on your door without advance notice wouldn’t have been a problem “if

you were my man.”


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REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 78: Admit that the Minority Leader said during the Jun.-27

Meeting words to the effect of, “Rep. Forhan, if you knock my door without giving advance notice,

then I might answer the door without wearing a bra.”


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 79: Admit that you initiated the conversation that occurred

from at or about 1:52 p.m. to at or about 1:57 p.m. on May 23, 2023 (the “Wright-Respondent

Conversation”), in Statehouse Hearing Room 113 between Ms. Ladosha Wright and Respondent by

indicating at Respondent and telling Ms. Wright that Respondent was the Democrat who was co-

sponsoring the bill that Ms. Wright opposed.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 80: With respect to the Wright-Respondent Conversation,

admit that Respondent gesticulated with his hand in connection with the content of the conversation

by (a) pointing to the ceiling as he was saying words to the effect of “to the highest level” and (b)

snapping his fingers as he was saying words to the effect of, “If I could snap my fingers and make this

change, then I would.”


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 81: With respect to the Wright-Respondent Conversation,

admit that Respondent did not scream.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 82: With respect to the Wright-Respondent Conversation,

admit that Respondent did not say “I know better because I went to Yale Law School.”


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REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 83: With respect to the Wright-Respondent Conversation,

admit that at the end of the conversation Ms. Wright extended to Respondent her hand and said,

“Thank you,” and Respondent and Ms. Wright shook hands.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 84: With respect to the Wright-Respondent Conversation,

admit that approximately two days later you and Respondent spoke by phone (the “Petitioner-

Respondent Call”).


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 85: With respect to the Petitioner-Respondent Call, admit that

Respondent apologized to you, and you accepted his apology.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 86: With respect to the Petitioner-Respondent Call, admit that

you expressed surprise that the Minority Leader said that she might remove Respondent from a House

committee leadership position.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 87: With respect to the Wright-Respondent Conversation,

admit that David Brock invited you to attend a meeting that occurred at or about 8:00 a.m. on June 1,

2023 (the “Wright-Respondent Meeting”).


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 88: Admit that you did not attend the Wright-Respondent



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REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 89: Admit that you have not participated in the ongoing

discussions from June 2023 through February 2024 between Respondent and Ms. Wright in

connection with their work together on new Black-hairstyling-education legislation.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 90: Admit that, during a meeting that occurred on or about

November 20, 2022, at the headquarter office of the County Party, the participants of which meeting

included the delegation from Cuyahoga County to the House of Democratic state representatives, you

encouraged Respondent to seek an open position on the leadership team of the Caucus.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 91: Admit that you do not have personal knowledge that

Respondent asked David Brock three times during November 16 to 19, 2023, to meet with you or for

your schedule.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 92: Admit that contacts between you and other state

representatives occur routinely when you are not in Columbus.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 93: Admit that Respondent did not engage in a pattern of

conduct that knowingly caused you to believe that Respondent will cause physical harm to you or a

family or household member of yours or cause mental distress to you or a family or household member

of yours.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 94: Admit that Mallory McMaster advised you to file the



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REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 95: Admit that Mallory McMaster told you that I drove a black

F150-style truck.


REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. 96: Admit that Mallory McMaster advised you that you or an

agent of yours should say that I drove by your house.


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COUNTY OF _________________ )

__________________________, being first duly sworn according to law, deposes and states
that she/he has read the foregoing and that it is true and accurate to the best of her/his knowledge.

SWORN TO BEFORE ME and subscribed in my presence this __ day of February, 2024.


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Certificate of Service

I certify that I served on February 5, 2024, as provided by Ohio Civ. R. 5(B)(2) on opposing
counsel a copy of the foregoing document.

_/s/ Elliot P. Forhan_________________

Respondent Elliot P. Forhan

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