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Green technology

1. What is the main focus of Green IT?

a) Increasing energy consumption
b) Reducing GHG emissions
c) Manufacturing more computers
d) Promoting hazardous waste

2. How does IT contribute to greenhouse gas emissions?

a) By reducing energy consumption
b) Through the use of renewable energy
c) By consuming significant electricity
d) By using energy-efficient hardware

3. What is the greenhouse effect?

a) The warming of the Earth's surface due to natural causes
b) The trapping of heat by increased GHG emissions
c) A natural cooling process
d) The result of reducing GHG emissions

4. Why are enterprises interested in going green?

a) To increase energy consumption
b) To meet regulatory requirements
c) To discard old computers
d) To waste resources

5. What are the three Rs of greening unwanted hardware?

a) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
b) Repair, Reboot, Refurbish
c) Redistribute, Reassemble, Retrieve
d) Reject, Replace, Renew

6. What is the key strategy for reducing PC energy consumption?

a) Keeping computers on at all times
b) Using screensavers with moving images
c) Turning off systems when not in use
d) Throwing away old computers

7. What is EPEAT (Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool) used for?

a) Energy consumption monitoring
b) Comparing environmental attributes of IT products
c) Greenwashing practices
d) Reusing old computers
8. What are the key drivers for green initiatives in enterprises and governments?
a) Peer pressure and influence
b) Concerns about climate change
c) Increasing energy consumption
d) Proximity to landfills

9. What is a deep green approach in greening IT?

a) Focusing solely on cost efficiency
b) Expanding measures to neutralize GHG emissions
c) Using only energy-inefficient systems
d) Ignoring branding and marketing

10. What does "greenwashing" refer to?

a) Reducing GHG emissions
b) Exaggerating environmental sustainability attributes
c) Efficient use of renewable energy
d) Promoting environmentally friendly products

11. What does the "green IT" framework proposed by OECD consist of?
a) Three strategies to increase energy consumption
b) Direct impacts of IT, Enabling impacts of IT, and Systemic impacts of IT
c) A focus on manufacturing and disposal of computers
d) Ignoring environmental concerns

12. How does green IT benefit the environment?

a) By increasing carbon dioxide emissions
b) By promoting energy-efficient design
c) By using more harmful materials
d) By discouraging recycling

13. What are the key directions for addressing the environmental impacts of IT?
a) Reducing energy consumption
b) Using more raw materials
c) Promoting e-waste
d) A holistic approach along six complementary directions

14. How can old computers be disposed of in an environmentally friendly way?

a) Throwing them away in landfills
b) Refurbishing and reusing them
c) Recycling them with any collector
d) Donating them to charities

15. What is the primary focus of the strategic approach in green IT?
a) Branding and marketing
b) Reducing carbon dioxide emissions
c) Carbon offset policies
d) Cost efficiency and reduced carbon footprint
16. what is green data centre?
a) It is a server facility which utilizes energy-efficient technologies
b) It is a cloud based facility centre
c) It cloud base mining warehouse
d) It provides data on virtual platform
17. ______________deals with the procurement, recycling and reuse, and eventual
disposal of all equipment within the organization.
a) Equipment lifecycle
b) POD Life cycle
c) SDLC Life Cycle
d) None of the Above
18. Which one the following is an IT-specific Green Framework?
a. Green Class method
b. Green Enterprise method
c. Green Point method
d. None of the above
19. Which if the following operating system is considered as the most green?
a) Windows Vista
b) Windows XP
c) Linux
d) Apple’s OS X
20. A Program that ensures hazardous materials have been removed from U.S.
government ships prior to export.
a) E-Waste Stewardship Project
b) Green Shipbreaking
c) Zero Mercury Campaign
d) Basel Ban Ratification
21. Which organization oversees EPEAT certification for green electronics?
a) The Green Grid
b) Green Computing Impact Organization
c) Climate Savers Computing Initiative
d) Green Electronics Council
22. Through consolidation and ________ one can reduce machines in a organization
a) Socialization
b) Virtualization
c) Materialization
d) Personalization
23. ______deals with the green credentials of the asset in terms of its design and
a) Operate
b) Establish
c) Dispose
d) None of the above
24. A data centre building are specialized buildings to hold the large computing and
communications equipment of the organization.
a. False
b. True
25. _____ further enhances this data capture ability and makes it real time.
a) Mobility
b) Mobile-Broadcast
c) Mobile-Informative
d) Mobile-Operative
26. _____ Used to create and model subsystems.
a) Package diagram
b) Use case Diagram
c) Sequence Diagram
d) State machine Diagram
27. ____ deals with carbon data, storage, transmission, and its interfaces with other data.
a) Green security
b) Green IT
c) Green Policy
d) Green computing
28. Which of the following is not the purpose of a green building?
a) To reduce use of water
b) To minimize damage of the environment
c) Re-use of waste materials
d) None of the above
29. ________is the study and practice of using computing resources efficiently and
effectively with minimal or no impact on the environment.
a) Green enterprise
b) Green Computing
c) Green ICT
d) None of the above
30. Which of the following is not an economic benefit for a green building?
a) 20 – 30 % energy used
b) 20 – 30 % less water used
c) Enhance asset value
d) None of the above

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