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1st Lesson Plan - BSED

Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education (Biliran Province State University)

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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 11
Reading and Writing Grade 11 STEM-

CONTENT STANDARDS: The learner realizes that there are patterns of development in
writing that are used in order to achieve a particular purpose.

I . Objective
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Distinguishes among patterns of development in writing across
disciplines (EN11/12RWS-11bf-3 )

a. Narration (EN11/12RWS-11bf-3.1)
b. Description (EN11/12RWS-11bf-3.2)
c. Definition (EN11/12RWS-11bf-3.3)
d. Exemplification/Classification (EN11/12RWS-11bf-3.4)
e. Comparison and contrast (EN11/12RWS-11bf-3.5)
f. Cause and effect (EN11/12RWS-11bf-3.6)
g. Problem - solution (EN11/12RWS-11bf-3.7)
h. Persuasion (EN11/12RWS-11bf-3.8)

II.Subject Matter
Topic: Patterns of Development in Writing
Materials: Powerpoint Presentation


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity


A. Prayer
- Good morning, class. To peacefully start All: Good morning, Ma’am.
our meeting today, let us all pray.

- (Name of a student) Kindly lead the Student: Yes, Ma’am.

prayer. In the name of the Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit. Almighty Father, we
thank you for this pleasant day. Please

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guide us through our lesson for today and
bless us with your wisdom. This we ask
through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

- Now, before you take your seats, kindly

look at your surroundings and arrange
your chairs. Please, pick up any trash you
see and throw it in the garbage bin. And,
don’t forget to use your hand sanitizers. (The students will do the task.)

- Alright, settle down now. How was Student #1: Our family made a reservation
everyone’s week? I’m sure some of you did at Cabadiangan Cold Spring last Saturday,
some advance summer trip. Who can share Ma’am. It was a very important celebration.
a glimpse of their private getaway? The greeneries there are for sure
marvelous. It was a nice, destressing

B. Checking of Attendance

- Well, that was, for sure a nice getaway

Student #1. Now let me ask who is absent
for today? Let’s find out if there’s someone
in this class who is having an advanced
summer trip right now. Say ‘present’ once
your name is called. Students: We are all present, Ma’am.
(Checking the names of the Students)

Presenting of House Rules

- Okay. Everyone is present. Very good.

Now, let me remind you of some of our
house rules.
1. Do not speak in chorus.
2. Raise your hand if you
have concerns.
3. Maintain social distancing.
4. Stay in the room during class hours.
And, if you want to go out, ask
permission from the teacher.

C. Review
Student #2 raise their hand.
- Before we start our new lesson for today,
can anyone recall our lesson from the last
meeting? Student #2: Our last lesson Ma’am was all

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- Yes, Student #2.
about the techniques in selecting and
organizing information.
- That is correct. Thank you Student #2.
Student #3: (raises their hand) There are
four techniques in selecting and organizing
information. First is a brainstorming list
- How many are those techniques?
which is collecting information from a
group of people. Second is a graphic
organizer which is an easier way to
organize ideas during brainstorming. Third
is a topic outline that contains the most
important content and lastly, sentence
outline which contains the overall
information of supporting details.

- Excellent! Very well said, Student #3.

Thank you. So, those four techniques of
selecting and organizing information helps
you organize your ideas. Ideas that you
may use in writing. Take note that you can
use any of those techniques or it may vary
with your writing style.

D. Motivation
(Student #2 raises their hand)
- Speaking of writing style, what do you
think about patterns in writing? I’m sure
Student #2: I think patterns of writing are
some of you are aspiring writers.
the steps you consider in writing a story.
Like, most writers think about the plot
- Yes, Student #2. What do you think
first. And then they think about the story
patterns of writing are?
line, as well as the characters and its
character’s development.

- That’s a good point Student #2. Thank

you very much.
- So, patterns means a design or a model
that is used as a guide for a certain
purpose. And that purpose that we are
talking about right now is writing.
- Now, for our first activity today, since all
of you know how to make a graphic
organizer, we will have five groups, based

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on your seating arrangement, and each
group will make one graphic organizer
about Patterns of Writing.

Activity #1. Graphic Organizer of Patterns

(The students will do the task.)
of Writing

Direction: Make any graphic organizer that

is all about Patterns of Writing.

Instruction to the learners: Five groups will

make any graphic organizer and the main
topic is Patterns of Writing. You have 10
minutes to finish the activity. Later on,
every group will have a representative to
explain the graphic organizer.

Presentation of the Lesson

- For today’s lesson we will discuss

patterns of development in writing across

- At the end of this lesson, you

are expected to:
1. Distinguish among patterns of
development in writing across
disciplines. (EN11/12RWS-11bf-3

a. Narration (EN11/12RWS-11bf-
b. Description
c. Definition
d. Exemplification/Classification
e. Comparison and contrast
f. Cause and effect
g. Problem - solution

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h. Persuasion (EN11/12RWS-11bf-

(The students will do the activity for 15

A. Activity
- Now that you have an idea about the
patterns of development in writing and to
measure your writing skills, I want you to
write a descriptive essay about your dream

Activity #2: My Dream Vacation

Instructions: The students will have 15
minutes to write an essay about their
dream vacation.

B. Analysis (Guide Questions)

1. What did you feel while writing the Student #1: I feel excited when I think
activity? about my dream vacation.
- Right. Thank you Student #1.

2. What method of writing did you use in

Student #2: The method of writing that we
writing the activity?
use is descriptive.
- Correct. Thank you Student #2.

3. What is descriptive writing and how did Student #3: Descriptive writing means
it help writing your dream vacation? that you have to describe the topic like my
- Very well said Student #3. Thank you. dream vacation. It helped me write the
visualization of my dream vacation.
Who else wants to share their ideas?
Student #4: Descriptive writing helped me
- Excellent! Thank you Student #4. elaborate the things I want to do in my
dream vacation. Describing it was the
whole theme of my essay.
- Very good, everyone. The activity you just
did is one of the patterns of development
in writing. You used one of those methods
in writing. And with that let’s dive into our

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C. Abstraction

- First pattern of development in writing is


a.Narration is the most common pattern

of development in writing. This method is
used to tell a story to achieve a purpose. It
describes an event; what, when, where and
how it happened. The sequence of events is
told in a chronological order. So, there are
transition words used to indicate the order
of events, those are first, second, next,
then, lastly and etc.

Here is a simple example using transition


Student #4: (Read the text) The written

- Student #4, kindly read the text and
text is some kind of direction or an
tell what kind of written text it is. instruction.
- Thank you Student #4. You’re correct.

Narration can be any kind of text, story,

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paragraph or essay. And you can use it in
writing a formal, informal, and academic
writing. In literature also, narration is
mostly used, fiction and non-fiction.

The purpose of description is to recreate,
invent, or visually present a person, place,
event, or action so that the reader can
picture that which is being described. It is
heavily based on sensory details like sight,
sound, smell, feel, and taste. These sensory
details can be called sensory languages.
There are two types of description. First
is, where the objective description of the
writer presents an impartial and actual
picture of the subject without biases and
excluding personal impression of the
subject just like when you give your
description of an experiment in class.
Second is, where the writer’s subjective
description gives a personal impression of
what is observed. For instance, when you
did your activity earlier, I asked you to
write about your dream vacation.
- Did any of you give your personal
Student #1: I think all of us gave our
judgment about how you want to
personal expectations about the written
experience your dream vacation?
activity earlier, Ma’am.
- Is that right, class?
(the student answered in unison)
Students: Yes, Ma’am.
- Very good.

Now, I will just give you an example of

objective description.

c. Definition
Definition moves beyond a dictionary
definition. It is to deeply examine a word
or concept as we actually use and

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understand it. So, this type of pattern of
writing has two major purposes, it is to
explain or to convince. That is why
definition can be a paragraph that defines a
certain term or it can be an essay that the
entire purpose is to establish a definition.
There are two ways to define some terms:
Scientific Definition, defines terms and
concepts using facts and is scientifically
Subjective Definition, defines terms and
objects in a more personal way. It is usually
derived from the writer’s own experiences
and opinion.

Just like how a person defines the Sun in

two ways.
“The sun is referred to as a heavenly body
that is a star. It supplies heat and light that
sustain life on Earth. And the sun is so hot.
Which means that it gives me stinging
sunburns everytime I fell asleep while
getting a tan”
Notice that there are signal words that are
used when the person defines the sun.

Here are some common signal words used

to define:

Here is another example of definition in a


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Now remember that if you want to clearly
define a term, you have to state its
characteristics, function, effect and its


Exemplification is a pattern of
development in writing that is effective to
explain an idea or point by presenting
specific and concrete examples to expound
the main idea. In developing this kind of
writing, the writer develops a general
statement which can be a topic sentence
with one or more examples to support it.
And classification is used when the writer
needs to divide things into groups, classes
or categories based on their common and
shared characteristics.

Note that they differ with each other but

you can use both exemplification and
classification in developing a paragraph by
simply identifying categories on a
particular subject and providing
examples or illustrations to explain and
clarify meaning.

Now here are some signal words for


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And here some signal words for

This is an example of both exemplification

and classification used in one paragraph:

e. Comparison and Contrast

Comparison in writing discusses elements

that are similar while in writing contrast
discusses elements or ideas that are
different. A compare-and-contrast essay,
then analyzes two subjects, comparing
them, contrasting them, or both. However,
its purpose is not to simply state the

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obvious but rather to illustrate subtle
differences or unexpected similarities
between two subjects. A writer should help
the readers see how these two ideas are
similar or different by showing them its
advantages and disadvantages. So that they
are able to weigh the pros and cons before
they make a judgment or decision.

As everyone of you can observe, most of

your student activities let you make
comparisons all the time. Because compare
and contrast appear in many kinds of
writings. The goal of comparison and
contrast in academic essays or writings is
generally to show that one item is superior
to another, based on a set of evaluations
included as part of the writing.

Again, comparison focuses on similarities

between things, and contrast focuses on
their differences. Here are some signal
words for Comparing and Contrasting.

Here’s an example of a compare and


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Now, there are ways that you can organize
your compare and contrast. It can be done
by using a graphic organizer, like a venn
diagram. And it can be written in a
paragraph or an essay.
You can compare and contrast point-by-
point, just like the example earlier. It talked
about the two painters one at a time. It
presented specific points like their art
style and their era. Both of the painters are
discussed in one text.
And you can use subject by subject or block
method, where you can discuss the subjects
that you compare and contrast, separately.
This is where you can use a graphic
organizer or you can just write them in a
written form in which you discuss the first
subject and then move on to the second
subject. It is important that you state every
point of each subject.

f. Cause and Effect

If narration is all about the sequence of

events, cause and effect is a pattern of
development in writing which explains
why the sequence of events happened. It
also states what results a particular event
produces. Cause and effect writing is
particularly powerful when the writer can
provide a cause and effect relationship that
the reader wasn’t expecting, and as a result
see the situation in a new light. It usually
gives a statement emphasizing the cause
and another emphasizing the effect.
The following guide questions can be used

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for cause-effect development:

Why did it happen?

What caused it?
What does it cause?
What are the effects?
How is it related to something else?

Now, in developing your texts you can use

signal words for;

Here’s a simple example of cause and


g. Problem-solution

In developing a problem-solution writing,

keep in mind that your task is to clearly

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identify a problem, and then provide a
logical, practical solution for that problem.
So, it is not just writing it right away, but
you have to also analyze the problem. That
is why, elaborate the several aspects of the
problem, then conclude by explaining the
solutions to the said problem.
The problem may be addressed in the
following ways:
● Describe the problem by its effects
only. Use examples of the problem’s
● Outline the causes of the problem
and discuss the solutions in terms of
preventive measures. Basically, a
cause and effects but with solutions.
● After a topic sentence, illustrate the
problem by using an extended
example. Like telling or retelling a
story that is an example of the

And the solution may be presented in the

following ways:
● Ways to prevent the problem from
occurring in the first place. Like
preventative measures towards
● Suggest the easiest and most obvious
solution first, but if that doesn’t work
try something else. Think about a
series of steps that will be the
solution to solve the problem.
● Give some advice and helpful hints.
● Present a choice of solutions,
including solutions that have already
been tried, have been unsuccessful,
and new solutions that you are

Remember that you have to think about

which would be the most appropriate way
of presenting or proposing the solution/s
for the particular problem that you are

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Here’s some signal words that will help you
write problem-solution text:

h. Persuasion

Persuasion is the process of convincing the

reader that a particular point is worthy of
consideration, because it is logical and
reasonable. This type of pattern of
development in writing usually presents an
argument by stating an issue and proves
one point of view is more reasonable than
the other.

An argument is one’s claim or position that

can either support or reject the issue
previously stated. Arguments shall be
supported with well-researched evidence,
which will give details on how and why it
supports the argument. The evidence can
be factual, logical, statistical or anecdotal
in nature. It can also explain counter-
arguments not because the writer wants to
prove which claims are wrong or right but
to enlighten the readers about other

Restating the main argument of the text

conclusion will be the end of the
text. This will be your final statement to
persuade your readers.
Some guide questions in constructing a
persuasive text include:

What is the issue?

What is your position or opinion?

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What is the opposing position/opinion?
What are some reasons for your
What are some cases or examples that
support this?

Here are also some signal words to help:

D. Generalization

- Okay. Let’s have a quick recap our lesson


- Student #3. Based on what we discuss

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today, what is “patterns of development in

- Thank you. Very good Student #3.

Patterns of development in writing are
methods or we can say strategies that we
can use to organize information in order to
have a well developed paper. That’s why we
call it the pattern of development. And
when we say development, it is a process
of explaining and supporting the main
topic of your paper. Of course the methods
Student #3: Patterns of development in
that you use depends on what is the
writing are methods that you use to
purpose of your writing.
develop a well organized essay and
- What are the patterns of development in
writing? Student #1, please answer my

- Excellent! Thank you Student #1. Those

are the methods of development you can
use in writing.

- Now. I want four students to give a brief

definition of each pattern of development
in writing. Two patterns of development
Student #1: The patterns of development
per student. in writing are Narration, Description,
Definition, Exemplification and
- Let’s start with student #2. What is Classification, Comparison and Contrast,
Narration and Persuasion? Cause and effect, Problem-solution and

- Very good, Student #2.

- Student #4. What is Description and


- Very well said, Student #4.

- Student #6, kindly tell us what is

Student #2: Narration is a pattern of
Exemplification/Classification and
development in writing that tells a story in

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Comparison and Contrast?
a chronological order. And persuasion is
convincing the reader to agree to a certain
- Excellent! Student #6, thank you.
Student #4: Description is used to
describe something either subjectively or
- Finally, Student #8. What is Cause
objectively. And Definition is used to
and effect and Problem-solution?
deeply examine and define a term in a
paragraph form.

Student #6: Exemplification is used to give

- Well done Student#8. Thank you. specific examples and classification is used
to divide examples into groups. While,
- Now, do any of you have questions? comparison and contrast is used to
compare and contrast something. State
their similarities and differences.
E. Application
- To test your understanding about the
lesson today, write what you have learned Student #8: Cause and effect is a pattern
on this paper. of development in writing that is used to
expound the cause and effect of a problem.
And problem-solution is used to identify
the problem and provide a solution to the
said problem.

All Students: None, Ma’am.

Activity #3: What I Have Learned

Instructions: The students will enumerate
what they learn about the lesson.

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Read the following sentence carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. It is a design or a model that is used as a guide for a certain purpose.
a. Narration c. Pattern
b. Persuasion d. Development

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2. It tells the sequence of events in a chronological order.
a. Narration c. Pattern
b. Persuasion d. Development

3. It is a process of convincing the reader to side on a particular point of view.

a. Pattern c. Persuasion
b. Development d. Narration

4. It is a process of supporting and explaining the main topic of a paragraph or essay.

a. Pattern c. Development
b. Persuasion d. Description

5. It identifies a problem and provides a logical and practical solution.

a. Problem-solution c. Cause and Effect
b. Persuasion d. Definition
6. Read Ode on a Grecian Urn by John Keats and identify what kind of description
did he use?
“Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard
Are sweeter; therefore, ye soft pipes, play on…
to the spirit ditties of no tone:
Fair youth, beneath the trees, thou canst not leave
Thy song, nor ever can those trees be bare;”
a. Objective Description c. Subjective Definition
b. Subjective Description d. Scientific Definition

7. “Many people think that they can get sick by going into cold weather improperly
dressed; however, illnesses are not caused by temperature- they are caused by
germs. So while shivering outside in the cold probably won’t strengthen your
immune system, you’re more likely to contract an illness indoors because you will
have a greater exposure to germs.”
This paragraph is an example of?
a. Cause and Effect c. Exemplification/Classification
b. Problem-solution d. Comparison and Contrast
8. Provides specific examples and groups it into one category.
a. Exemplification/Classification c. Description
b. Comparison and Contrast d. Definition

9. Lists the similarities and differences of a certain topic.

a. Exemplification/Classification c. Description
b. Comparison and Contrast d. Definition

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10. Lists the characteristics, function, effect and its origin.
a. Exemplification/Classification c. Description
b. Comparison and Contrast d. Definition

Read and study the following topics:
A. Organization
B. Coherence and cohesion
C. Language use
D. Mechanics

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