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Impact Evaluation - Assesses program

CURRICULUM effectiveness in achieving its ultimate
CURRICULUM EVALUATION 8. Performance Evaluation - It evaluates
➢ Curriculum evaluation is an essential the performance of individuals or teams
phase of curriculum development. involved in the program, and assesses
Through evaluation a faculty discovers their ability to carry out specific tasks
whether a curriculum is fulfilling its
purpose and whether students are What is the importance of evaluation models in
actually learning. education?
REASON WHY WE EVALUATE Evaluation models generally measure whether the
1. Teaching effectiveness - refers to both objectives set by policy, program or project can be
the quality of teaching and the capability achieved or not. This evaluation model focuses on
of teachers. It requires teachers to gathering information that aims to measure the
continually enhance practice by adopting achievement of system, program objectives and plan for
an evaluative mind-set. accountability and decision making.
2. To upgrade instructional materials-
instructional strategies can be modified The Tyler Model – A curriculum evaluation model that
to ensure that students have the necessary takes into account information from the active learner and
foundation for learning. For example, pays close attention to how well the goals and objectives
before encountering new concepts or of the curriculum are supported by the experiences and
vocabulary, students can be immersed in activities provided, was named after its creator, Ralph
discussion and examples to build a Tyler, and focuses on four main A areas: Objectives,
necessary referential base for deeper selecting learning learning experiences and lastly,
learning. Evaluation of students performance.
3. Feedback for improvement - Feedback is The Taba Model – A curriculum evaluation model
a means of improvement it helps emphasizing inductive reasoning, was created by Hilda
individuals shape their actions to better Taba who believed that true curriculum should be
meet the needs of an employer or team developed by the teacher, rather than decided upon by
leader . Feedback is just one of the administration or another authority. The Taba model, also
required tasks of a supervisor or manager called the ''Inductive Approach,'' uses a series of stages or
and is meant to encourage their team to steps, which can be applied in both the development and
meet goals and follow company evaluation of curriculum.
guidelines. Stake’s Responsive Model - The congruence-
4. Continuous improvement- sometimes contingency model of curriculum evaluation is a
called continual improvement, is the qualitative approach to evaluation that was developed by
ongoing improvement of products, Robert Stake in 1975. The model is based on the
services or processes through assumption that curriculum evaluation should be focused
incremental and breakthrough on determining the extent to which the curriculum is
improvements. These efforts can seek congruent with the needs of the students and the context
"incremental" improvement over time or in which it is being implemented.
"breakthrough" improvement all at once. Overall, the congruence-contingency model is a valuable
What is Evaluation? - Ralph W. Tyler, an American tool for educators who want to ensure that their
educator has believed to coined the term evaluation in the curriculum is meeting the needs of their students. It is a
context of learning and teaching. He has defined comprehensive and flexible approach that can be used to
evaluation as follows, Evaluation is "a systematic process evaluate all aspects of the curriculum.
of determining the extent to which educational objectives
are achieved by pupils" Levels of Curriculum Improvement
Types of Evaluation • Curriculum Improvement is the
1. Placement Evaluation - Also referred to process of constantly improving
as pre-assessment or initial assessment, is instruction based on the needs of
conducted prior to instruction or students. It enhances teaching and
intervention to establish a baseline from learning.
which individual student growth can be • Departmentalized - This approach is the
measured traditional model of separate and distinct
2. Diagnostic Evaluation - Means to disciplines taught in isolation from each
diagnose or discover the students' other.
difficulties while learning and assess the • Reinforcement - this level of curriculum
problem accurately improvement is that, the skill instruction,
3. Formative Evaluation - It is used to concept, or activities are rearrange and
monitor the learning process of students resequence to reinforce a similar or
during the period of intruction concept across two or more disciplines.
4. Summative Evaluation - It is a type of
• Complementary - this level of
evaluation that occurs at the end of a
curriculum improvement on the original
learning period or program
synthesized continuum was referred to as
5. Process Evaluation/ Implementation
"complementary/ shared units of the
Evaluation - Determines whether
program activities have been
• Webbed - connections and webs are
implemented as intended. It evaluates the
made between curriculum contents and
implementation process of the program
disciplines relative to a productive team,
6. Outcome Evaluation/Effectiveness
subject use the theme, to sift out
Evaluation - It measures the results or
appropriate concept, topics, and ideas -
outcomes of the program
sometimes called interdisciplinary units.
• Integrated learning - this level of 4. The learners are the prime consideration. It
curriculum integration on the original considers the whole child and believes that in the
synthesized continuum was referred to as curriculum the total development of the
"integrated theme individual is the prime consideration.
a. System Approach
What is an APPROACH? - A way of dealing with c. Managerial Approach
something, a way of doing or thinking about something. d. Behavioral Approach
What is CURRICULUM APPROACH? - A way of 5. This level of curriculum improvement is that the
dealing with a curriculum, a way of doing, creating, skill instruction, concept, or activities are
designing, thinking about a curriculum. rearrange and resequence to reinforce a similar or
concept across two or more disciplines.
According to Ornstein and Hunkins (1993) the main a. Reinforcement
curriculum approaches are: b. Complementary
1. Behavioral Approach - concerned with c. Departmentalized
observable and measurable aspects of d. Integrated learning
human behavior. Everything the students 6. A way of dealing with a curriculum, a way of
do must be observable as this is the doing, creating, designing, thinking about a
evidence that the student has achieved curriculum.
the goals and objectives, which are also a. Curriculum Guide
b. Curriculum Approach
based on observable behaviors.
c. Curriculum Evaluation
d. Curriculum Improvement
2. Managerial Approach - Concerned on 7. Selection of objectives, selection of learning
organization and restructures the schools. experiences, organization of learning experiences
• General Leader and evaluation.
• Curriculum Leader a. The Four-step Approach
3. Systems Approach - Basically a process b. The Five-step Approach
of problem solving. Represents the way, c. The Seven-step Approach
how decisions are made. d. None of the above
4. Humanist Approach – The learners are 8. According to (1993) the main
the prime consideration. It considers the curriculum approaches are System Approach
whole child and believes that in the Humanist Approach, Managerial Approach and
curriculum the total development of the Behavioral Approach
individual is the prime consideration. a. Tyler and Taba
b. Orntein and David
Other approaches are: c. Hunkins and Robert
d. Ornstein and Hunkins
1. The Four-step Approach – Selection of
9. This approach is the traditional model of separate
objectives, selection of learning
and distinct disciplines taught in isolation from
experiences, organization of learning each other.
experiences and evaluation. a. Webbed
2. The Five-step Approach - Additional b. Reinforcement
step to emphasize situational analysis. c. Complementary
3. The Seven-step Approach – Proposed d. Departmentalized
by Hilda Taba. 10. Generally, measure whether the objectives set by
policy, program or project can be achieved or not.
EXAM b. Curriculum Evaluation
1. Through a faculty discovers whether a c. Curriculum Adjustment
curriculum is fulfilling its purpose and whether d. None of the above
students are actually learning.
a. Evaluation 11-13 Give 3 Evaluation Models
b. Assessment 1. Tyler Model
c. Curriculum Evaluation 2. Taba Model
d. Curriculum Improvement 3. Stake’s Responsive Model
2. A process of problem solving. Represents the
way, how decisions are made. 14-20. Give 7 Types of Evaluation
a. System Approach 1. Formative
b. Humanist Approach 2. Summative
c. Managerial Approach 3. Diagnostic
d. Behavioral Approach 4. Process
3. The process of constantly improving instruction 5. Placement
based on the needs of students. It enhances 6. Outcome
teaching and learning. 7. Impact
a. Curriculum Evaluation
b. Curriculum Assessment
c. Curriculum Development
d. Curriculum Improvement
The Indigenous People curriculum is focused
on their daily lives.
For example: family life, health, nutrition,
Curriculum Development sanitation, hygiene, health and food. It discusses
Curriculum development is defined as how Indigenous people take care of themselves
the process of selecting. organizing, and various sicknesses and diseases, as well as
executing, and evaluating learning their rights to ancestral lands, economics and
experiences based on the needs, abilities, income.
and interests of learners and the nature of • Indigenous is an adjective use of a person,
the society or community. language, culture, or all aspects of culture.
Basic Education Curriculum 2002 • 360 million indigenous people around the
The Department of Education envisions world for over 90 countries.
every learner to be functionally literate, • The Philippines has 110 ethnolinguistic
equipped with life skills, appreciative of groups comprising the Philippines'
arts and sports and imbued with the indigenous peoples; as of 2010.
desirable values of a person who is
• These groups numbered around 14–17
makabayan, makatao, makakalikasan at
million people.
maka Diyos.
DepEd Order No. 62, s. 2011
DEMANDS OF LEARNING ENVIRONMENT • entitled Adopting the National Indigenous
Obectives Peoples Education (IPEd) Policy
The objectives are expressed in terms of Framework
competencies in knowledge, skills, and • the Department of Education (DepEd) is
attitudes. adopting the enclosed Indigenous Peoples
Content Education Curriculum Framework.
Deliver using a variety of media and • Recognizing the right of indigenous peoples to
basic education that is culturally rooted and
The use of multi-sensory materials is
encouraged in teaching. • Curriculum Framework seeks to provide
Teaching-Learning Process guidance to schools and other education
Consider the learners as active partners programs, both public and private, as they
rather than objects of teaching. engage with indigenous communities in
localizing, indigenizing, and enhancing the K
K TO 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM to 12 Curriculum based on their respective
Republic Act 10533 also known as educational and social contexts.
Enhanced Basic Education Act of PURPOSE OF INDIGENOUS
K-12 basic education curriculum is Indigenous education is needed to ensure
designed to shape up the children for
the survival and transmission of
their better future life, as best human
knowledges and worldviews that uphold
beings. This includes learning languages,
taking knowledge about history spirituality, abundance, balance,
geography, etc., mathematics, resilience, adaptability, sustainability,
understanding science, etc. living within the carrying capacity, and
Salient features of K to 12 Curriculum making collective decisions for the
• Strengthening Early Childhood benefit of all.
Education (Universal Kindergarten). CURRICULUM LOCALIZATION
• Making the Curriculum Relevant to refers to the process of adjusting and
Learners (Contextualization and adapting curricular content, materials,
Enhancements). and pedagogical approaches to make
• Building Proficiency (Mother Tongue- them more relevant and meaningful to
Based Multilingual Education). the local context and culture. This
• Gearing Up for the Future principle recognizes the diversity and
• Strengthening TVET Integration in SHS uniqueness of various communities and
• Nurturing the Holistically Developed aims to ensure that the curriculum is
Filipino (College and Livelihood responsive to the specific needs,
Readiness, 21st Century Skills) or TLE interests, and perspectives of the learners
within those communities. It is a
fundamental aspect of education that
Contextualize curriculum for improved seeks to promote inclusivity,
academic achievement. engagement, and equity in the teaching
Most people think of intelligence in and learning process.
terms of IQ scores and grades. But there’s
a lot more to intelligence than just book
Contextualization Curriculum
Contextualizing curriculum means
placing the material being taught in a
specific context.
IMPORTANCE OF LOCALIZATION IN as effective collaboration with local communities,
CURRICULUM experts, and educators. The challenge of lack of
competent staff in curriculum localization is critical for
1. Cultural Relevance: Localizing the curriculum
ensuring that the curriculum is relevant and meaningful to
ensures that educational content reflects the cultural
the students. By investing in professional development,
heritage, traditions, and experiences of the local
training, and support for educators, education systems can
community. It recognizes the unique cultural identity of
build the capacity needed to effectively implement
the learners and provides opportunities for them to see
localized curricula and provide all students with a high-
themselves and their community represented in the
quality education that reflects their unique needs and
curriculum. This enhances their sense of pride, belonging,
and engagement in the learning process. Teachers’ attitudes and potential resistance
2. Contextualized Learning: Localizing the curriculum
The main challenges in curriculum localization
enables educators to connect the curriculum content to the is the attitudes and potential resistance of teachers. Many
local context, making it more meaningful and applicable educators are accustomed to using standardized
to the lives of the learners. By incorporating local
curriculum and teaching materials, and the prospect of
examples, case studies, and real-life situations, educators
adapting these materials to suit local contexts can be
can help students understand and apply concepts in their daunting. Some teachers may be resistant to change,
own context, fostering deeper learning and practical skills feeling that localization efforts will require additional
work and training, or that it may compromise the quality
3. Community Engagement: Curriculum localization
or rigor of the curriculum, while curriculum localization
encourages active involvement of local communities, presents several challenges, particularly in the area of
parents, and stakeholders in the educational process. By teachers’ attitudes and potential resistance, it is also a
engaging community members, educators can gain
valuable and necessary process to ensure that education is
insights into the local needs, aspirations, and challenges, inclusive and relevant to the needs and context of diverse
which can inform curriculum development and
communities. By addressing these challenges through
implementation. Community involvement also promotes training, support, and fostering a culture of openness and
a sense of ownership and partnership in education.
innovation, educational institutions can successfully
4. Preservation of Local Knowledge: Localizing the
navigate the localization process and create more
curriculum recognizes and values the wealth of local
meaningful and impactful learning experiences for
knowledge and indigenous wisdom that exists within a students.
community. It provides opportunities to preserve and
transmit traditional knowledge, local languages, cultural Fear of the unknown
practices, and indigenous ways of knowing. This helps in The fear of the unknown in curriculum
preserving cultural diversity and ensures the localization is the uncertainty surrounding the
intergenerational transmission of valuable knowledge and effectiveness of the localized curriculum. Educators and
skills. administrators may worry that the changes made to the
5. Improved Learning Outcomes: When the curriculum curriculum will not achieve the desired outcomes and may
is localized, learners can better relate to the content, even result in subpar education for students. This fear can
leading to increased motivation and engagement. When lead to resistance to change and a reluctance to embrace
learners see the relevance of what they are learning to localization initiatives, addressing the fear of the
their own lives, they are more likely to develop a deeper unknown in curriculum localization requires a shift in
understanding and mastery of the subject matter. This, in mindset and a willingness to embrace change and
turn, can lead to improved learning outcomes and innovation in education. It is essential to recognize and
academic achievement. acknowledge the fears that may arise during the
6. Enhanced Social and Civic Awareness: Curriculum localization process and to provide the necessary support
localization can foster a sense of social and civic and guidance to overcome them. By doing so, curriculum
responsibility among learners. By incorporating local localization efforts can be better positioned for success,
issues, histories, and perspectives, the curriculum can ultimately benefiting students and the broader educational
raise awareness about local challenges, promote social community.
justice, and encourage active citizenship. It helps learners
develop a sense of empathy, critical thinking, and Lack of resources
problem-solving skills, empowering them to contribute to
the betterment of their communities. The lack of resources can manifest in various
7. Cultural Sustainability: Curriculum localization plays ways, including limited funding for materials and
a vital role in preserving and promoting local cultures and training, inadequate access to technology and
traditions. By embedding cultural elements into the information, and a shortage of qualified teachers and staff.
curriculum, it helps to safeguard and revitalize local These constraints can make it difficult for educators to
languages, arts, customs, and practices. This ensures the engage in the necessary research and development to
continuity and sustainability of cultural heritage for future adapt the curriculum, and they may struggle to implement
generations. the changes effectively without the appropriate support.
The lack of resources presents a significant challenge to
curriculum localization. Without access to relevant
materials, training, and qualified personnel, educators
Lack of competent staff
may struggle to effectively adapt a standardized
Competent staff are essential for successful
curriculum to their specific context. This can hinder the
curriculum localization as they are responsible for
quality of education and limit the potential impact of
identifying and integrating relevant local content,
curriculum localization in promoting meaningful and
language, and cultural elements into the curriculum. This
relevant learning experiences for students.
requires a deep understanding of the local context, as well
Therefore, it is crucial for governments and 9. Desirable values of a person EXCEPT
educational institutions to prioritize the allocation of a. Maka-Diyos
resources to support curriculum localization efforts, and b. Makatao
to provide the necessary support and training for c. Makakalikasan
educators to effectively implement these changes. Only d. Makasaril
then can curriculum localization truly be successful in
10. It means placing the material being taught in a specific
meeting the needs of diverse communities and promoting
a more inclusive and relevant education for all. a. Cultural Relevance
1. It is defined as the process of selecting, organizing, b. Contextualizing Curriculum
executing, and evaluating learning experiences based on c. Contextualized learning
the needs, abilities, and interests of learners and the d. Curriculum Development
nature of the society or community.
a. Curriculum Development 11. Curriculum localization encourages active
b. Curriculum Localization involvement of local communities, parents, and
c. K to 12 Basic Education stakeholders in the educational process.
d. Contextualization of the curriculum a. Community Engagement
b. Preservation of Local Knowledge
2. The following are the Salient features of K to 12 c. Cultural Relevance
Curriculum EXCEPT d. Enhanced Social and Civic Awareness
a. Making the curriculum relevant to learners
b. Building proficiency 12. Curriculum localization encourages active
c. Strengthening secondary education. involvement of local communities, parents, and
d. None of the above stakeholders in the educational process.
b. Cultural Relevance
3. This includes learning languages, taking knowledge c. Preservation of Local Knowledge
about history geography, etc., mathematics, d. Community Engagement
understanding science, etc.
a. Curriculum Development 13. Curriculum localization can foster a sense of social
b. K to 12 basic education and civic responsibility among learners.
c. Contextualization of the curriculum a. Preservation of Local Knowledge
d. Curriculum localization b. Cultural Relevance
c. Community Engagement
4. Also known as Enhanced Basic Education Act of d. Enhanced Social and Civic Awareness
a. Republic Act 10533 14. Curriculum localization plays a vital role in preserving
b. Republic Act 10355 and
c. Republic Act 10535 promoting local cultures and traditions
d. Republic Act 10553 a.Cultural Sustainability
b. Community Engagement
5. It is the demands of learning environment that c. Preservation of Local Knowledge
consider the learned as active partners rather than objects d. Cultural Relevance
of teaching.
a. Objectives 15. When the curriculum is localized, learners can better
b. Content relate to the content, leading to increased
c. Materials motivation and engagement.
d. Teaching-learning process a. Improved Learning Outcomes
b. Community Engagement
6. It is the process of relating learning content specified c. Preservation of Local Knowledge
in the curriculum to local information and materials from d. Cultural Relevance
the learner’s community. Challenges and Opportunities in Curriculum
a. Contextualization Localization
b. Curriculum Development 16. Lack of competent staff
c. Basic Education 17. Teachers attitudes and potential resistance
d. Curriculum Localization 18. Fear of the unknown
19. Lack of resources
7. It is importance of localization in curriculum which Importance of Curriculum in Localization
Localizing the curriculum ensures that educational
20. Cultural Relevance
content reflects the cultural heritage, traditions, and
experiences of the local community.
21. Contextualized Learning
a. Cultural Relevance 22. Community Engagement
b. Contextualized learning 23. Preservation of Local Knowledge
c. Community engagement 24. Improved Learning Outcomes
d. None of the above 25. Enhanced Social and Civic Awareness
-Cultural Sustainability
8. Importance of localization in curriculum where in
Curriculum localization can foster a sense of social and
civic responsibility among learners.
a. Community engagement
b. Cultural Relevance
c. Enhanced social and civic
d. Improved learning outcomes
CHAPTER 5 AND 6 SUBSTITUTION- as a category of curriculum change
Lesson 1: Implementing the Designed Curriculum as a means that the curriculum will be replaced or substituted
Change Process by a new one. Example is changing a book with a new
CURRICULUM CHANGE AS LEARNING: IN ALTERATION-means there will be minor changes in the
RESTRUCTURING- or building new structure means
Curriculum change is a learning process for teachers and making major changes or modifications in the school
for their schools. Good understanding of change and clear system
conception of curriculum are necessary conditions for im‐ PERTURBATIONS- is considered as a disruptive
proved implementation of new curriculum into practice. change however, teachers are expected to adapt to it
The key message of this presentation can be crystallized within a fairly short period of time
into three conclusions. VALUE ORIENTATION- This classification will
respond to shift in the emphasis that the teacher provides
1. Successful curriculum development requires better which are not within the mission or vision of the school
use of ‘change knowledge’ ‐ failure is often a result of or vise versa.
neglecting it. Policy‐makers, education leaders and
teachers need to know more about the drivers of Lesson 2: Implementing a Curriculum Daily in the
successful curriculum change in schools. There‐fore, Classroom
learning about educational change and its key features
should become integral elements of any serious DO 70, S. 2012 – GUIDELINES ON THE
curriculum reform process. PREPARATION OF DAILY LESSONS
2. Re‐conceptualizing curriculum. Many curriculum
reforms are based on how the curriculum has traditionally 1. Beginning School Year (SY) 2012-2013, teachers of all
been organized. As a consequence, many curricula have public elementary and secondary schools will have more
become overloaded, confusing and inappropriate for time for the preparation of necessary support instructional
teachers and students. Therefore, curriculum orientation materials and studentcentered activities as the Department
should shift from a curriculum as product model to a of Education (DepEd) adopts flexibility in the preparation
curriculum as process model. This would also transform of daily lessons.
the role of the curriculum from a purely technical 2. Teachers’ Guides (TGs) have been prepared for
document into a more comprehensive idea that also serves teachers of Grades 1 and 7 in the K to 12 Curriculum and
as guideline for school improvement. the same will be done for succeeding grades. Likewise,
3. Changing the way teachers teach and students learn there are available Teachers’ Manuals (TMs), textbooks
requires specific approaches. In‐service training of and supplementary materials for use by teachers in the
teachers is not enough. If curriculum reform aims at different year levels.
changing the ways students learn and teachers teach, more 3. To enable the teachers to do other meaningful teaching-
sophisticated implementation strategies are required. related tasks, which include, but not limited to preparing
Therefore, helping teachers to create professional learning instructional aids, assessing learners’ portfolios and
communities and schools to learn from each other are conducting learning interventions, the following
recommended approaches. Guidelines on the Preparation of Daily Lessons (DLs) are
CURRCULUM CHANGE a. Teachers who have been in the service for more than
Force Field Analysis was created by Kurt Lewin in the two (2) years, private school experience
1940s. Lewin originally used it in his work as a social included, shall not be required to prepare detailed lesson
psychologist. Today, however, it is also used in business, plans (DLPs). They may adopt the Daily
for making and communicating go/no-go decisions. Lesson Logs (DLLs) which contain the following entries:
• Lesson as cited in the TG/TM reference materials
with the page/s number;
• Learners’ Material used such as Activity Sheets,
Modules, other materials with the page number
• Remarks indicating number of learners within
mastery level; number of learners needing
enrichment/refinement lessons; and
The tool is useful for making decisions by analyzing the • Other activities include the interventions given to
forces for and against a change, and for communicating the pupils/ students who did not master the
the reasoning behind your decision. lesson(s) in the previous day

CATEGORIES OF CURRICULUM CHANGE b. Teachers with less than two (2) years teaching
Mc Neii in 1990 categorized curriculum change as experience shall be required to prepare DLPs which shall
follows:There are five categories of curriculum change. include the following:
The five categories of curriculum change are the • Objectives;
following: • Subject Matter;
1. Substitution • Procedure;
2. Alteration • Assessment; and
3. Restructuring • Assignment.
4. Perturbations c. Teachers may make modification of/or deviation from
5. Value orientation the TGs/TMs whenever necessary to suit the learners’
ability provided that the learning standards and
competencies are met. They are encouraged to enhance
the TGs to provide activities that will develop higher
thinking skills.
d. DLPs/DLLs shall be written in the language of the REMEMBER
TGs/TMs. Grade 1 teachers need not translate them to the • recognizing (identifying)
Mother Tongue (MT). However, the use of MT as medium • recalling (retrieving)
of instruction must be strictly followed. UNDERSTAND
• interpreting (clarifying, paraphrasing,
STARTING THE CLASS RIGHT: LAYING DOWN representing, translating)
THE CURRICULUM PLAN • exemplifying (illustrating, instantiating)
First, it’s best to view your lesson objectives as goals for • classifying (categorizing, subsuming)
your class and students. One of the most popular goal- • summarizing (abstracting, generalizing)
setting strategies is the ―SMART‖ criteria, which ensures
• inferring (concluding, extrapolating,
goals are focused. In the context of lesson planning, you interpolating, predicting)
can use the SMART criteria to determine your lesson
• comparing (contrasting, mapping, matching)
• explaining (constructing models)
• Is the objective specific?
• Is the objective measurable?
• executing (carrying out)
• Is the objective attainable by all students?
• implementing (using)
• Is the objective relevant to your class and ANALYZE
• differentiating (discriminating, distinguishing,
• Is the objective time-based to align with your focusing, selecting)
• organizing (finding, coherence, integrating,
outlining, parsing, structuring)
• attributing (deconstructing)
1. Intended Learning Objectives
2. Subject Matter
3. Procedure or Strategies of Teaching • checking (coordinating, detecting, monitoring,
4. Assessment of Learning Outcomes testing)
5. Assignment or Agreement • critiquing (judging)
1. Learning outcomes can be defined as the particular • generating (hypothesizing)
knowledge, skills, and abilities that an instructor intends • planning (designing)
for students to learn or develop. Outcomes are more • producing (construct)
specific than learning goals, which take a 10,000-foot
view of what an instructor desires for students to gain In writing objectives or intended learning outcomes, it is
from a course. Bloom’s Taxonomy has revisited by his always recommended that more of the higher order
own student Lorin Anderson and David Krathwohl. thinking skills (HOTS) should be developed and less of
the low level thinking skills (LOTS) for learners. The low
level categories will develop LOTS and thinking skills
progress as the categories move higher.

Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy

A group of cognitive psychologists, curriculum theorists
and instructional researchers, and testing and assessment LEVELS OF KNOWLEDGE
specialists published in 2001 a revision of Bloom’s
Taxonomy with the title A Taxonomy for Teaching, • FACTUAL KNOWLEDGE – The basic elements
Learning, and Assessment. This title draws attention away students must know to be acquainted with a discipline or
from the somewhat static notion of ―educational solve problems.
objectives‖ (in Bloom’s original title) and points to a more • CONCEPTUAL KNOWLEDGE – The
dynamic conception of classification. The authors of the interrelationships among the basic elements within a
revised taxonomy underscore this dynamism, using verbs larger structure that enable them to function together.
and gerunds to label their categories and subcategories • PROCEDURAL KNOWLEDGE – How to do
(rather than the nouns of the original taxonomy). These something, methods of inquiry, and criteria for using
―action words describe the cognitive processes by which skills, algorithms, techniques, and methods.
thinkers encounter and work with knowledge. • METACOGNITIVE KNOWLEDGE – Knowledge of
A statement of a learning objective contains a verb (an cognition in general, as well as awareness and knowledge
action) and an object (usually a noun). of one’s own cognition.
• The verb generally refers to [actions associated
with] the intended cognitive process.
• The object generally describes the knowledge WAYS OF LEARNING: A CLOSER LOOK AT 4
students are expected to acquire or construct. LEARNING STYLES
(Anderson and Krathwohl, 2001, pp. 4–5) 1. VISUAL LEARNERS
How to recognize visual learners in your class:
The cognitive process dimension represents a continuum Someone with a preference for visual learning is partial
of increasing cognitive complexity—from to seeing and observing things, including pictures,
remember to create. Anderson and Krathwohl identify 19 diagrams, written directions and more. This is also
specific cognitive processes that further clarify the referred to as the ―spatial‖ learning style. Students who
bounds of the six categories. learn through sight understand information better when
it’s presented in a visual way. These are your doodling
students, your list makers and your students who take
How to cater to visual learners: The whiteboard or
smartboard is your best friend when teaching these types
of learners. Give students opportunities to draw pictures
and diagrams on the board, or ask students to doodle
examples based on the topic they’re learning. Teachers
catering to visual learners should regularly make handouts
and use presentations. Visual learners may also need more
time to process material, as they observe the visual cues
before them. So be sure to give students a little time and
space to absorb the information.

2. AUDITORY LEARNERS Dale’s Cone of Experience is a model that incorporates

How to recognize auditory learners in your class: several theories related to instructional design and
Auditory learners tend to learn better when the subject learning processes. During the 1960s, Edgar Dale
matter is reinforced by sound. These students would much theorized that learners retain more information by what
rather listen to a lecture than read written notes, and they they do as opposed to what is heard read or observed. His
often use their own voices to reinforce new concepts and research led to the development of the Cone of
ideas. These types of learners prefer reading out loud to Experience. Today, this learning by doing‖ has become
themselves. They aren’t afraid to speak up in class and are known as experiential learning‖ or action learning. The
great at verbally explaining things. Additionally, they may cone is diagramed and explained in the next sections.
be slower at reading and may often repeat things a teacher
tells them. How Can Instructors Use the Cone of Experience?
How to cater to auditory learners: Since these students According to Dale’s research, the least effective method
generally find it hard to stay quiet for long periods of time, at the top, involves learning from information presented
get your auditory learners involved in the lecture by through verbal symbols, i.e., listening to spoken words.
asking them to repeat new concepts back to you. Ask The most effective methods at the bottom, involves direct,
questions and let them answer. Invoke group discussions purposeful learning experiences, such as hands-on or field
so your auditory and verbal processors can properly take experience. Direct purposeful experiences represents
in and understand the information they’re being presented reality or the closet things to real, everyday life. The cone
with. Watching videos and using music or audiotapes are charts the average retention rate for various methods of
also helpful ways of teaching. The further you
learning for this group. progress down the cone, the greater the learning and the
more information is likely to be retained. It also suggests
3. KINESTHETIC LEARNERS that when choosing an instructional method it is important
How to recognize kinesthetic learners in your class: to remember that involving students in the process
Kinesthetic learners, sometimes called tactile learners, strengthens knowledge retention. It reveals that action-
learn through experiencing or doing things. They like to learning‖ techniques result in up to 90% retention. People
get involved by acting out events or using their hands to learn best when
touch and handle in order to understand concepts. These they use perceptual learning styles. Perceptual learning
types of learners might struggle to sit still and often excel styles are sensory based. The more sensory channels
at sports or like to dance. They may need to take more possible in interacting with a resource, the better chance
frequent breaks when studying. that many students can learn from it. According to Dale,
How to cater to kinesthetic learners: The best way instructors should design instructional activities that build
teachers can help these students learn is by getting them upon more real-life experiences. Dales’ cone of
moving. Instruct students to act out a certain scene from a experience is a tool to help instructors make decisions
book or a lesson you’re teaching. Also try encouraging about resources and activities.
these students by incorporating movement into lessons:
pacing to help memorize, learning games that involve According to Dale, instructors should design instructional
moving around the classroom or having students write on activities that build upon more real-life
the whiteboard as part of an activity. experiences. Dales’ cone of experience is a tool to help
Once kinesthetic learners can physically sense what instructors make decisions about resources and
they’re studying, abstract ideas and difficult concepts activities.
become easier to understand. The instructor can ask the following:
• Where will the student’s experience with this
4. READING/WRITING LEARNERS instructional resource fit on the cone? How far is it
How to recognize reading/writing learners in your removed from real-life?
class: According to the VARK Modalities theory • What kind of learning experience do you want to provide
developed by Fleming and Mills in 1992, reading/writing in the classroom?
learners prefer to learn through written words. While there • How does this instructional resource augment the
is some overlap with visual learning, these types of information supplied by the textbook?
learners are drawn to expression through writing, reading • What and how many senses can students use to learn this
articles or books, writing in diaries, looking up words in instructional material?
the dictionary and searching the internet for just about • Does the instructional material enhance learning
The Role of Technology in Delivering Curriculum:
➢ in delivering curriculum the role of technology is
very important -right at the planning phase of any
instruction, aside from formulating the objectives and
among other considerations, there is a need to
identify what instructional media are to be utilized in the
➢ in delivering curriculum the role of technology is involvement. How each individual learner
very important -right at the planning phase of any contributes to the realization of a planned
instruction, aside from formulating the objectives and curriculum would depend on the interactions and
among other considerations, there is a need to internalization of the different learning
identify what instructional media are to be utilized in the experiences provided.
Instructional Media-should not be confused with the ➢ In the teaching and learning process, the other
terms media technology or learning technology. side of the coin is the teacher. Most curricula start
Instructional media also referred as media technology or to gain life from the time it is conceived and
learning technology, or simply TECHNOLOGY. written. Planning and writing the curriculum are
Instructional Media the primary roles of the teacher. A teacher is a
curriculum maker. He/ she writes a curriculum
TYPES OF INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA: daily through a lesson plan, a unit plan or a yearly
Non-projected media include: Real objects, models, realia plan. The teacher designs, enriches, and modifies
, diorama, fieldtrips, kits, printed materials such as books, the curriculum to suit the learner’s characteristics.
magazines, worksheets; visual materials like drawings, Teachers are empowered to develop their own
pictures, graphs, charts; visual boards as chalkboard, curricula taking into consideration their own
whiteboard, flannel board; and audio materials. Projected expertise, the context of the school and the
media cover overhead transparencies, opaque projection, abilities of the learners. By so doing, teachers
slides, filmstrips, films, video, VCD, DVD, and computer become architects of school curriculum.
or multimedia presentations.
➢ In school organization, there is always a
INTERACTIVE WHITEBOARDS - SMART curriculum manager or school administrator. In
BOARDS and MIMEO BOARDS are interactive fact, for school principals, one of their functions
whiteboards which can be used by teachers and learners is being a curriculum manager. They supervise
in manipulating texts, objects and in visiting websites for curriculum implementation, select and recruit
content review. new teachers, admit students, procure equipment
WEBSITES AND BLOGS Teachers can create websites and materials needed for effective learning. They
and blogs to post lectures, assignments, communications, also plan for the improvement of school facilities
communications, and other learning materials. They also and physical plants.The role of the administrators
offer multiple representations of knowledge in the form of can never be ignored. The principle of command
video, audio, text, image and data. responsibility and institutional leadership rests on
SOCIAL NETWORKS Social networking sites like the shoulders of the school administrators. The
Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Instagram have academic final decision making in terms of the school’s
benefits if used for the purposes of assignments and class purpose rests on the shoulders of school
projects. administrators. In the academic institution, school
TABLETS AND MOBILE DEVICES Access to administrators have a great stake or concern about
websites and other educational programs can be done what kind of curriculum their schools offer and
through how these are implemented.
tablets and mobile phones, which are very much handy. 4. PARENTS
➢ It simply means that the parents are the best
supporters of the school, especially because they
The following are the roles of educational technology are the ones paying for the child’s education. It is
in delivering the instructional program of the a general fact that even in college the parents are
curriculum of school: responsible for their child’s education. The power
1. Catering to personalized and differentiated instruction of parent’s to influence curricula to include
adapted to different levels of learners using technology instructional materials and school activities is
aided instruction. great, such that success of curricula would
2. Upgrading the quality of teaching and learning in somehow depend on their support. Parents
schools by using technology as avenue for extended influence the implementation of the curriculum
teaching and learning. by playing a vital role in monitoring the lessons
3. Increasing capability of teacher to inculcate learning taught at schools, filling the gap between their
effectively and for learners to gain mastery of the lessons. children and the school administration by
Broadening of delivery of education outside schools providing various resources which are not
through modern approaches to formal and informal available in school. Teachers often take help of
learning. parents for monitoring the social and behavioral
5. Revolutionizing the used of technology to boost development of a child, especially for special
educational paradigm shifts that give importance to educational needs.
students centered learning. 5. COMMUNITY AS THE CURRICULUM
Lesson 4: STAKEHOLDERS IN CURRICULUM ➢ Community Members as curriculum resources.
IMPLEMENTATION The success in the implementation of the
curriculum requires resources. However, most
1. LEARNERS ARE AT THE CORE OF often teachers complain that resources are very
CURRICULUM scarce. There are no books, materials nor
➢ For a particular curriculum design mentioned facilities available. These are usual complaints of
earlier, the learner is placed at the center. The teachers. The community members and materials
learners are the very reason a curriculum is in the existing local community can very well
developed. They are the ones who are directly substitute for what are needed to implement the
influenced by it. Learners in all levels make or curriculum. Respected community members may
unmake the curriculum by their active and direct be included in school boards as in some schools
➢ Other stakeholders in curriculum
implementation. There are other important
stakeholders in curriculum implementation.
Professional organizations have shown great
influence in school curriculum. They are being
asked by curriculum specialists to contribute in
curriculum review because they have a voice in WHAT IS CURRICULUM EVALUATION?
licensure examinations, curriculum enhancement Curriculum evaluation is the process of obtaining
and many more. information for judging the worth of an educational
GOVERNMENT AGENCIES: program, product, procedure, educational objectives, or
1. DEPED, TESDA, CHED – agencies that have the potential utility of alternative approaches designed to
regulatory and mandatory over the implementation of the attain specified objectives.
curricula. Curriculum evaluation focuses on determining whether
2. Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) and Civil the curriculum as recorded in the matter plan has been
Service Commission (CSC) – the agency that certifies and carried out in the classroom. In evaluating a curriculum,
issues teacher licenses to qualify one to teach and affirms the following key questions are usually asked:
and confirms the appointment of teachers in the public • Are the objectives being addressed?
• Are the contents presented in recommended
3. Local Government Units (LGU) include the municipal
government officials and the barangay officials. They are
• Are students being involved in the suggested
big supporters in implementation of a school curriculum.
instructional experiences?
NON-GOVERNMENT AGENCIES: • Are students reacting to the contents
1. GAWAD KALINGA (GK)- to build communities
means to include education. LESSON 2. CURRICULUM EVALUATION
2. SYNERGIA- An organization/foundation that THROUGH LEARNING ASSESSMENT
supports basic education through Reading, Science, EVALUATION OF LEARNING VS. PROGRAM
Mathematics and English. EDUCATION
3. METROBANK FOUNDATION – supports ➢ At the classroom level, it is necessary to
continuing teacher development programs determine whether learning has taken place or is
taking place according to plan in order to find out
the effectiveness of instruction. On a more
comprehensive scale, it is important to determine
CURRICULUM EVALUATION AND THE whether the interaction of the various
TEACHER components of the system (inputs, processes,
outputs) is producing or has produced the desired
WHAT IS EVALUATION? results in order to find out the effectiveness.

Curriculum Development models include evaluation as LEARNING EVALUATION.

one of the fundamental elements of the process along with ➢ In recognition of the importance of evaluation in
planning and implementing the design. Certainly, the teacher-learning process, pre service teacher-
crucial role of evaluation in the success of any curriculum training programs include one or two courses on
reform effort is axiomatic and indisputable. the development of skills in evaluation classroom
EVALUATION is the process of determining the value learning. Undoubtedly, the ability to evaluate
of something of the extent to which goals are being learning is an important skill of all teachers. Such
achieved. It is a process of making a decision or reading a courses as Tests and Measurements and Methods
conclusion. It involves decision making about student of Evaluation provide the necessary training in
performance based on information obtained from an evaluating learning that is taking place or has
assessment process. Assessment is the process of taken place as a result of instruction. Despite the
collecting information by reviewing the products of extensive training presumably given to future
student work, interviewing, observing, or testing. teachers during the pre-service period, classroom
evaluation is still an area that is widely criticized.
THE TYLER EVALUATION MODEL ➢ The widespread criticism points to the difficulty
Tyler proposed the following sequential steps in of the process. Many educators agree that it is a
conducting evaluation (in Ornstein & Hunkins, 1988, p. skill that is not easy to develop. Intuitively, the
256): 1) establish broad goals or objectives; 2) classify reason for the problem may be attributed to the
objectives; 3) define objectives in behavioural terms; 4) fact that evaluation requires value judgement.
find situations in which achievement of objectives can be The disagreement on what is worthwhile and the
shown; 5) develop or select measurement techniques; 6) method to determine what is of value creates
collect student performance data; and 7) compare data controversies that have remained unsolved for
with behaviourally stated objectives. Thus, the years.
effectiveness of the approach depends on the ➢ Many Teachers rely on the results of the test to
establishment, classification and definition of objectives determine whether learning is taking place or has
which becomes the basis of data collection and analysis. already place. There is a school of thought that
The model suggests a dynamic, cyclic process where the criticizes the inordinate focus by many teachers
data and information provide the necessary feedback to on quantitative data to measure learning.
the evaluator on the need to refine or reformulate
objectives. Modifications and adjustments of the
objectives enable the system to function optimally.
PROGRAM EVALUATION. performance of every learner during the year. A
➢ This process entails the assessment of the grade of 85 denotes that a student has more than
effectiveness of entire curricular programs as satisfactorily compiled with all requirements and
implemented. This type of evaluation requires has met prescribed standards for that particular
analysis of the different components of the rating. It is a composite grade that provides a total
educational system i.e., inputs, processes, outputs picture of the performance of the student during
that impact on curriculum implementation. Such the entire year.
inputs as student and teachers profiles and ➢ In terms of curriculum, the focus of summative
physical resources inventories need to be evaluation is the effectiveness of the curriculum
analyzed to determine their contributions, slightly design as implemented on a wide scale. The
or in combination, to the realization of the purpose of the process is to enable the decision-
objectives of the curriculum. makers to make conclusions on how well or how
➢ The instructional processes such as teaching badly the curriculum has worked. The analysis
methods and strategies as well as management yields information on the effectiveness of the
processes such as leadership and communication interaction of the various components of the
either constrain or promote the implementation of curriculum.
the curriculum. There is a common agreement ➢ Sometimes, summative evaluation studies are
among evaluators that the quality of the conducted several years after the wide-scale
interaction between the inputs and the processes implementation of the curriculum. The purpose of
to produce the desired results or outcomes. such evaluation is to determine the impact of the
➢ Cost-effectiveness analysis is an educational tool implemented curriculum on the educational
which can provide educational managers a much system as well as on the larger community.
clearer view of the various options and trade-offs ➢ Summative and formative evaluation can be
available to them when making decisions. The contracted like this: summative evaluation takes
analysis provides managers the needed place at the end of a lesson or project and tells the
information to assess the merits and feasibility of evaluator what has happened. Formative
each option and make a decision accordingly. evaluation takes place during the lesson or project
and tells the evaluator what is happening.
FORMATIVE EVALUATION VS. SUMMATIVE Summative evaluation “sums up” the learning. It
EVALUATION is after-the-fact, like end-of-the-year testing.
Evaluation may be classified as formative or summative Formative evaluation is on-going and yields
depending on the identified objectives. The underlying information that can be used to modify the
objective of formative evaluation is the improvement of program prior to termination. (Howell and Nolet,
the delivery of instruction in the classroom as well as the 2000)
curriculum design before the wide-scale implementation.
➢ This type of evaluation is commonly employed CONNECTION
not only by curriculum developers but by Intended vs. Implemented vs. Achieved Curriculum
classroom teachers as well. A teacher conducts by Purita P. Bilbao, Ed.D. and Tomasa C.
formative evaluation during the lesson Iringan,PhD.
implementation in order to determine whether the
plan for the day is succeeding or not. The PURPOSE OF CURRICULUM ASSESSMENT
formative evaluation is usually conducted Curriculum assessment is the process of collecting
informally by asking questions, by giving a short information for use in evaluation. It is an important part
quiz, or by requiring students to give a summary of the systems approaches to curriculum development.
of important points discussed on the lesson. Any information, data collected or obtained through
Based on the information gathered, the teacher various processes will be analyzed for important decision
can make certain adjustments and modification in making processes.
the plan to improve the teaching learning process
during the rest of the session. In extreme cases, CURRICULUM ASSESSMENT MAY ACHIEVE
the results of the formative evaluation becomes THE FOLLOWING PURPOSES:
the basis for reteaching a particular lesson. 1. Highlight curriculum expectations
➢ Formative evaluation is a fine-tuning effort. That 2. Gather information about what students know and can
is why it is necessary to conduct this type of do
analysis at various stages of the implementation 3. Motivate students to learn better.
phase to gather information not only on the 4. Motivate and encourage teachers to meet the identified
whether the intended outcomes are being needs of students.
achieved unwittingly. To this extent it is an 5. Provide evidence to tell how well the students have
important aspect of the monitoring process. The learned.
information gathered during the monitoring 6. Obtain feedback that helps teachers, students and
provides the curriculum developers the basis for parents make good decision to guide instruction
correcting certain areas of the curriculum design
that seem to be problematic and producing the INTENDED CURRICULUM- refers to a set of
unwanted results. objectives set at the beginning of any curricular plan. It
SUMMATIVE EVALUATION. establishes the goal, the specific purposes, and the
➢ At the classroom level, the purpose of summative immediate objectives to be accomplished. The intended
evaluation is to “sum up” all information curriculum answers what the curriculum maker wants to
regarding performance of individual learners to do.
serve as basis for promotion. Final ratings at the There are certain indicators to measure intended
end of the school year are quantitative curriculum. Among the indicators are stated questions
expressions of summative evaluation efforts which can be answered.
conducted be teachers to assess the overall
1. Are the objectives achievable within the learners’
2. Can the objectives be accomplished within the time
frame? CURRICULUM A curriculum is a course of study that
3. Are the resources adequate to accomplish the will enable the learner to acquire specific knowledge and
objectives? skills. It is also coined as simply a “planned sequence of
4. Are the objectives specific and clear? learning experiences”. Studying the curriculum is just
5. Are the ways of measuring the outcomes of the
studying the whole teaching and learning process
6. Are the objectives observable? happening inside and outside the classroom. Teacher’s
7. Are the objectives relevant? should be mindful of what kind of curriculum he/she is
8. Overall, are the objectives SMART? offering to the learners. It is also providing them
necessary information based on what the learner intends
IMPLEMENTED CURRICULUM- refers to the to know thus aligning all of the learning experiences to
various learning activities or experiences of the students achieve this goal. Designing a curriculum brings out the
in order to achieve the intended curriculum outcomes. creativity and unique style of the Teacher in meeting the
Many times in our cuuriculum, lots of activities are done desired competencies to be met by each learner, thus
but these do not accomplish the stated objectives. educators should really plan well.
Sometimes, there are extra activities done but are not FUNDAMENTALS OF CURRICULUM
specified in the objectives. To assess the implemented DESIGNING
curriculum the following questions can be addressed: 10 GENERAL FACTS ABOUT CURRICULUM
1. Are the learning activities congruent with the stated
2. Are the materials and methods appropriate for the NECESSARY AND DESIRABLE
3. Does the teacher have the skill to implement the 3. CURRICULUM CHANGES MADE EARLIER CAN
activities or use the strategy? EXIST CONCURRENTLY WITH NEWER
4. Does the teacher utilize the various ways of doing to CURRICULUM CHANGES
complement the learning styles of the 4. CURRICULUM CHANGE DEPENDS ON PEOPLE
5. Are there alternative activities for the learners to do to
accomplish the same objectives? 5. CURRICULUM DEVELOPLEMT IS A COOPERATIVE
6. Are there activities provided to address individual GROUP ACTIVITY
7. Do the activities provide maximum learning MAKING PROCESS MADE FROM CHOICES OF
experiences? ALTERNATIVES
8. Do the activities motivate the learners to do more and 7. CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT IS AN ON-GOING
harness their potentials?
9. Do the activities utilize multiple sensory abilities of the
10. Do the activities address multiple intelligences of the EFFECTIVE IF IT IS A COMPREHENSIVE PROCESS,
outcomes based on the first two types of curriculum, the PROCESS
intended and the implemented. The achieved curriculum
is now considered the product. It can be the learning
outcomes, or a material product itself, like a book, module WHERE THE CURRICULUM IS
or instructional material. Any achieved curriculum must
fit with the objectives and the activities that were 1. CURRICULUM CHANGE IS INEVITABLE,
conducted. Achieved curriculum indicates the NECESSARY AND DESIRABLE
performance vis a vis the objectives and the various Changes brought by society should be addressed and
activities. Achieved curriculum is usually described by embraced in crafting a curriculum because it will become
test scores or other performance indicators measured by more responsive and contextualized to the learners.
To measure achieved curriculum the following Since change is inevitable, a crafted curriculum is truly a
questions should be addressed: wonderful evidence brought by various trends in the
1. Do the learning outcomes achieved by the learners
approximately the level performance set at the beginning
2. Are the learning outcomes achieved higher or lower CAN EXIST CONCURRENTLY WITH NEWER
than the objectives set? CURRICULUM CHANGES A revision in the curriculum
3. Do the achieved learning outcomes reflect the starts and ends slowly.
knowledge, skills, attitudes and skills intended to be 4. CURRICULUM CHANGE DEPENDS ON
4. How many percent of the leaners in the same class An effective and long-lasting change, is a kind of change
perform higher than the level set at the beginning? owned by the Teacher himself as he designs the
5. Do the curriculum outcomes reflects the goals and the curriculum. Implementers of the said curriculum should
aspirations of the community where the curriculum was partake in the development of it. It’s a difficult task to
implemented. teach something you didn’t personally plan.
Each type of curriculum can be assessed independently
and in comparison with other three components.
Group decisions should be primarily considered as long not limited to laboratory works, individual tasks, group
as it touches the gains of every learner. Consultations to activities, fieldwork, etc.
the experts will lead your team in a room filled with A teacher’s pedagogy will be tested on this stage
insights and wisdom towards a more precise planning. on how a certain lesson can be taught considering the
6. CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT IS A learners and also the resources available. The lessons to
DECISION-MAKING PROCESS MADE FROM be tackled will be the main foundation of the learners in
CHOICES OF ALTERNATIVES acquiring the set standard competencies.
A curriculum developer or designer must decide what
contents to teach, a philosophy, strategies and approaches, 4. EVALUATION
and even process of evaluation to use. This phase is more concerned on evidences of
7. CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT IS AN ON- learning. Our curriculum as a whole is patterned on the
GOING PROCESS OBE approach wherein application is the key factor
By crafting a curriculum considering the changes in the learning. On this part, students are presented with various
academe, this will not guarantee stability in the whole assessment strategies to measure how much they have
curricula, thus, a continuous monitoring and evaluation learned on the said content/topic. This will ensure that
must be looked into so that it will always be direct and learning really happens and a basis for improving
contextualized to the learner. instruction. Giving feedback is also a good practice in
8. CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT IS MORE facilitating learning.
Curriculum is not only a kind of goal that is needed to DESIGNING
accomplish, but more of that, educators should bear in All of this approach will guarantee a successful learning
mind why the goal is needed to attain and how the desired but each of them has its specific strengths that can be
outcomes can be fulfilled meaningfully. maximized to attain good results.
outcome to complete and accomplish, it should follow a
sequence wherein knowledge can be effectively grasp. 1. SUBJECT CENTERED APPROACH
10. CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT STARTS This approach focuses on the content of the
FROM WHERE THE CURRICULUM IS A newly curriculum. It corresponds mostly to the “textbooks”
crafted curriculum was formulated based on the existing since they are usually written based on the specific
one. This is a good reference for any educator who plans subject/course. Henry Morrison and William Harris are
to enhance and enrich a curriculum. the few curriculars who firmly believed in this design. The
aim of this approach is all about mastery of the content,
MAJOR ELEMENTS OF CURRICULUM and schools that is using this kind of structure in
1. 1.BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES/DESIRED curriculum design aim for excellence primarily in the
LEARNING COMPETENCIES specific subject discipline content.
2. SUBJECT MATTER/CONTENT Subject-Centered curriculum design has also
3. LEARNING EXPERIENCES some variations which are focused on the individual
4. EVALUATION subject, specific discipline, a combination of subjects or
discipline which are broad field or interdisciplinary.
Some may call it the “Curriculum Intent” or the 1.A. SUBJECT DESIGN
Behavioral Objectives; multiple terminologies yet This design includes the emphasis on the format
consists of one and only goal which is to be attained and of how schools allocate time for different subject areas in
achieved by the learners at the end of every lesson or unit. elementary, secondary and tertiary level. The questions
This is the direction of the whole curriculum to where it “What subject are you teaching” and “What subjects are
leads our learners towards learning. (Print, 1993) The you taking” are the most fitted and simplified question
purpose of these ‘statements’ is solely for our students, so that this design encompasses between the teacher and the
make sure it is achievable, measurable, and clear. learners. Teachers are said to be dispenser of information
only and students became empty vessel that receives the
2. CONTENT information. It is the most traditional approach to teaching
Basically, this is all about a series of topics and and learning.
lessons to be discussed by the teacher. It also includes 1.2. DISCIPLINE DESIGN
various skills and attitudes a learner should partake in This type of design focuses on the academic
while participating in the whole learning process. Make discipline of every content. Discipline refers to specific
sure that the subject to be taken are all aligned to the set knowledge learned through a method which the scholars
standard. It is also a good factor that all lessons should be used to study a specific content of their fields. This design
responsive and engaging to the learners. suggests that it’s important to align every courses/content
to a specific discipline it belongs. For example, students
3. LEARNING EXPERIENCES in history should learn like the Historians. Students taking
Includes all the strategies that are useful for the up biology should learn how the biologists learn. In the
implementation of the curriculum. (Pawilen, 2015). In same way, Teachers should teach how the scholars in the
other books, this stage is called as the “Teaching and discipline will convey the particular knowledge. This
Learning Methods” which talks about all the possible design can be commonly observed in the tertiary or higher
methods a teacher can utilize in instruction, such as but level of education as it serves the students who are already
mature and leading towards their career paths.
The primary purpose of this design is to reduce What makes the design unique is that the
subject fragmentation. It links a subject to another subject contents are organized in ways that allows students to
while maintaining its identity. For example, Social studies clearly view problem areas. In addition, the connection of
and English correlates well by bringing up history in subject-matter to real situations increases the relevance of
presenting different topics of literature. It is widely the curriculum.
observed also that when discussing science, mathematical 3.2. CORE-PROBLEM DESIGN
concepts can be correlated to solve a specific problem. It centers of general education and the problems are based
1.4. BROADFIELD DESIGN on the common human activities. The central focus of the
Broadfield design differs to correlation in a core design includes common needs, problems, and
manner of subject integration. Broadfield is a type of concerns of the learners.The following are steps on how
subject integration wherein three ore more subjects which to proceed using core design of a curriculum formulated
are related to each other can be discussed by Faunce and Bossing in 1959.
correspondingly. This design was made to cure the • STEP 1: Make group consensus on important
“compartmentalization” of the separate subjects and problems
integrate the contents that are related to one another. Thus, • STEP 2: Develop criteria for selection of
subjects such as Geography, Economics, Political important problems
Science, Anthropology, Sociology, and History are fused • STEP 3: State and define the problem
into one subject called Social Studies. Might as well the • STEP 4: Decide on areas of study, including class
grammar, literature, spelling, linguistics, and composition regrouping
under Language Arts. • STEP 5: List the needed information for
2. LEARNER-CENTERED DESIGN • STEP 6: Obtain and organize information
This approach is based on the underlying • STEP 7: Analyze and interpret the information
principle that the Learner is the center of the educative
• STEP 8: State the tentative conclusions
process. It focuses on the needs, interests of the learners.
• STEP 9: Present the report to the class
The aim of this design is to make the curriculum relevant
individually or by group
and responsive to them. The following are some
• STEP 10: Evaluate the conclusions
curriculum designs which are learner-centered.
• STEP 11: Explore other avenues for further
problem solving
Notable names such as Dewey, Froebel, Rouseu,
and Pestallozi can be observed on this design because it
stresses the primary importance of the learner in the
teaching and learning process. It states that learners are
not passive receiver of information but one who engages • Mastery of the content is vital.
on his/her learning environment. One learns by doing and • Most Traditional
actively participating in the educative process. • Separate distinct subjects between Elementary to
The stress of this design is all about openness of • Learning means accumulating of content or
learning activities to the learners. It believes that the knowledge
interest and needs of the learners cannot be pre-planned. • Teacher’s Role is to dispense information.
Instead, experiences of the learner become the starting SAMPLE SCENARIO:
point of the curriculum. Learners are made to choose from “School X aims to produce the best graduates in the
different learning activities that empowers them to shape school district. Every learner must excel in all academic
their own learning. Teacher’s job is to provide learners subjects to be on top of every academic competition. The
with varied but engaging activities to the students. higher the level of cognitive intelligence is, the better the
Usually in this kind of curriculum design, school hours learner. Hence, the focus of learning is mastery of the
are flexible and children are free to make option. subject matter in terms of content. Every student is
2.3. HUMANISTIC DESIGN expected to be always on top in terms of mastery of
The development of the self is the ultimate goal discipline. Memorization and drill are important learning
of learning this curriculum design. It stresses the whole skills. Thee school gives emphasis to intellectual
person, to be educated holistically (cognitive, affective, development, and sets aside emotional, psychomotor, and
psychomotor) and helping the learners to develop positive even value development. Success
self-concept and interpersonal skills. means mastery of the content.”


Emphasis is on developing learners socially and • Believes that the learner is the primary focus of
helping them adapt and cope up to different life issues and the educative process
problems he/she may encounter. Life skills and positive • The curriculum was constructed based on the
values are usually injected to every lesson especially on learner’s needs, interest, purposes and abilities.
elementary and secondary grades. Below are some of the • Activities revolve around the over-all
curriculum design anchored with Problem-Centered development of the learner
Design • Differentiated Instruction is evident
• Provides a motivating, collaborative, and
engaging learning environment.
“School Y is anchored on the theory of multiple This lesson will teach us, curricularists, an important
intelligences in all its curricular and co-curricular process and tool in curriculum development which is
activities. Every classroom provides activity centers Curriculum Mapping and Curriculum Maps.
where children can learn on their own with the different
learning resource materials. Learners can just choose CURRICULUM MAPPING:
which learning center to engage in with different Curriculum Mapping is a process or procedure
resources. This arrangement allows for the capacity of that follows curriculum designing. It is done before
every learner to be honed. It also allows learning how to curriculum implementation or the operalization of the
learn, hence will develop independence. The teacher acts written curriculum. This process was introduced by Heidi
as guide for every learner. The learner sets the goal that Hayes Jacobs in 2004 in her book Getting Results with
can be done within the frame of time facilitated by the Curriculum Mapping (ASCD, 2004). This approach is an
teacher.” ongoing process or “work-in-progress”. It is not a one-
time initiative but a continuing action which involves the
PROBLEM-CENTERED teacher and other stakeholders, who have common
• Complete and total development of the learners concerns. Curriculum mapping can be done by teachers
• Learners are capable of directing and guiding alone, a group of teachers teaching the same subject, the
themselves in resolving problems, thus department, the whole school or district or the whole
developing every learner to be independent. educational system.
• Learners are prepared to assume their civic
responsibilities through direct participation in Some curricularists would describe curriculum mapping
different as making a map to success. There are common questions
• activities. asked by different stakeholders, like teachers, collegues,
• Leads the learners in the recognition of concerns parents, school officials and the community as wee. These
and problems in seeking solutions. questions may include:
• Learners are problem solver themselves. 1. What do my students learn?
SAMPLE SCENARIO: 2. What do they study in the first quarter?
School Z believes that a learner should be trained to solve 3. What are they studying in the school throughout the
real life problems that come about because of the needs, year?
interests, and abilities of the learners. Problems persistent 4. Do my co-teachers who handle the same outcomes?
in life and society that affect daily living are also Use similar strategies?
considered. Most of the school activities revolve around 5. How do I help my students understand the connections
finding solutions to problems like poverty, drug problems, between my subjects and other subjects
climate change, natural calamities and many more. Since within the year? Next Year?
the school is using a problem-based design, the same Curriculum Mapping, may be able to answer these
approached is used. Case questions above
study and practical work are the teaching strategies that
are utilized. Problem-centered approach has become Curriculum Mapping Process There are many ways of
popular in many schools. doing things, according to what outcome one needs to
produce. This is also true with curriculum mapping.
IDENTIFICATION: However, whatever outcome (map) will be made, there
Identify what kind of design and approaches are utilized are suggested steps to follow.
in the following descriptions. Write… EXAMPLE A.
A if it’s Subject-Centered
B it it’s Learner-Centered
C if it’s Problem Centered
1. Only students who master the subject content
can succeed.
2. Students are encouraged to work together to
find answers to their task.
3. No learner is left behind in reading, writing,
and arithmetic.
4. School means survival of the fittest. You will find Example A as a component of an OBE-
5. Teacher extends class because the children Inspired syllabus for the higher education. However, this
have not mastered the lesson. can be modified for basic education to serve the specific
6. Lesson deals with finding solution to purpose as you will see in some maps.
everyday problem.
7. Differentiated instruction should be utilized EXAMPLE B (for a degree program in college) *
for different ability groups.
8. Accumulation of knowledge is the primary
importance in teaching.
9. Learning how to learn is observable among
10. Students are problem-finders and solution-
Curriculum Maps are visual timeline that EXAMPLE OF A CURRICULUM MAP
✓ outline desired Learning Outcomes to be ➢ BASIC EDUCATION
achieved, contents, skills, and values taught,
instructional time, ELEMENTARY SCIENCE GRADE 3
✓ assessment to be used,
✓ and the overall student movement towards the
attainment of the intended learning outcomes.
Curricular Maps may be simple or elaborate that can
be used by individual teacher, a department, the whole
school or educational system. A map is geared to a school
Curriculum maps provide quality control of what are
taught in schools to maintain excellence, efficiency, and
effectiveness. It is intended to improve instruction and
maintain quality of education that all stakeholders need to
be assured. I. MULTIPLE CHOICE
1. Some curricularists call this element as the of the
Sometimes, parents and teachers would ask question like: curriculum
A. Curriculum Intent
B. Content
C. Learning Experiences
D. Evaluation
2. It is simply the process done after designing the
curriculum wherein it consists of desired competencies to
be achieved, content itself, different strategies to be
utilized, etc.
Parents, teachers and the whole educational A. Curriculum Implementation
community can look at the curriculum map to see that B. Curriculum Mapping
intended outcomes and content are covered. A map can C. Matrix Designing
reassure stakeholders specific information for pacing and D. Crafting a Syllabus
alignment of the subject horizontally or vertically. It will 3. The purpose of this design is to reduce Subject
also avoid redundancy, inconsistencies and misalignment. Fragmentation.
Course that re not correctly aligned will allow teachers to A. Broadfield
quickly assess the mastery of the skills in the previous B. Discipline
grade, to avoid unnecessary reteaching. C. Subject
Horizontal alignment, called sometimes as D. Correlation
“pacing guide”, will make all teachers, teaching the same 4. In order to measure if the Intended Learning Outcomes
subject in a grade level follow the same timeline and were met by the students, Teacher
accomplishing the same learning outcomes. This is Marie needs to conduct a/an?
necessary for state-mandated, standard-based assessment A. Survey
that we have in schools. Vertical alignment, will see to it B. Gathering of Info about the Learners
that concept development which may be hierarchy or in C. Summative Examination
spiral form does not overlap but building from a simple to D. Evaluation
more complicated concepts and skills. Alignment, either 5. Which of the following qualities best suits a good
vertical or horizontal, will also develop interdisciplinary curriculum .
connections among teachers and students, between and A. Well-planned
among courses. Teachers can verify that skills and B. Fun
contents are addressed in other courses or to higher levels, C. Culturally Relevant and Responsive
thus making learning more relevant. Why is my friend’s D. Varied and Unique
son studying decimals in Mr. Bernardo’s class and my 6. The main goal of this curriculum is to make learners
own son is not studying the same in Miss Julia’s class acquire mastery of the content.
when they are of the same grade level? or “Why do some A. Learner-Centered
of my students recognize the parts of speech while others B. Subject-Centered
are totally lost?” C. Skill-Focused
A curriculum map is always a work in progress, D. Problem-Centered
that enables the teacher or the curriculum review team to 7. Which reason best fits the statement “A curriculum is a
create and recreate the curriculum. It provides a good product of its time”?
information for modification of curriculum, changing of A. Curriculum must always be time-bounded
standards and competencies in order to finds ways to build B. Trends in the academe can be aligned in crafting the
connections in the elements of the curricula. curriculum
C. A good curriculum must follow a digital orientation
D. A curriculum should always be direct to the learners
8. This element of curriculum is enriched with various
strategies and methodologies every Teacher can utilize in
the implementation of the curriculum.
A. Learning Experiences
C. Pedagogy • Based on Perception and organization
D. Objectives • Our minds perceive things as part of a whole
9. The ultimate aim of this design is the development of • We have predisposed ways of organizing
oneself. information
A. Core
10. This design believes that the child is the primary focus 3. PROXIMITY PRINCIPLE
of the educative process. 4. PRINCIPLE OF GOOD CONTINUATION
B. Experience-Based 6. LAW OF PRAGNANZ
C. Problem-Centered
D. Subject-Centered
HUMANISTIC THEORY – Perceiving images into
➢ It is psychological perspective that emphasizes figure and ground
the study of the whole person.
➢ Humanistic psychologists look at human
behavior not only through the eyes of the person PROXIMITY PRINCIPLE
doing the behavingdeveloped in the 1960s and - Objects close to one
70s in the United States as a response to the another are grouped together
continual struggle between behavior theorists and
cognitive psychologists.
➢ described as anthropocentric or human-centered PROXIMITY PRINCIPLE
- Objects close to one
• Gestalt
• Carl Rogers - Objects that are similar
GESTALT PSYCHOLOGY to one another grouped.
• Based on Perception and organization Together
• Our minds perceive things as part of a whole
• We have predisposed ways of organizing PRINCIPLE OF CLOSURE
information - Seeing an image with
missing parts and filling
them in to complete the
image in your head


MASLOW’S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS - People perceive continuously
flowing and smooth lines even
with interruption


- Objects moving together
are grouped together
• Co-Founder of Humanistic Psychology with SOCIAL FOUNDATION
Abraham Maslow Social foundation are issue from society, which
• Main contribution was in clinical therapy and include groups and institutions, that contribute and affect
applications of Humanism the curriculum and structure of education
• Started Person-Centered Psychology


➢ Person-centered therapy is a therapy that ➢ Dewey considered two fundamental elements-
emphasizes understanding and caring rather than school and civil society- to be major topics
diagnosis, advice, and persuasion needing attention and reconstruction to
encourage experimental intelligence and
➢ CONGRUENCE ➢ "Learning by doing"
BASIC ASSUMPTIONS OF HUMANISTIC ➢ Wrote the book "future shock"
PSYCHOLOGY ➢ Believed that knowledge should prepare
➢ Humans have free will; not all behavior is students for the future.
determined ➢ Suggest that in the future, parents might have
➢ All individuals are unique and have an innate the resources to teach prescribed curriculum
(inborn) drive to achieve their maximum from home as a result of technology, not in spite
potential of it (home schooling)
➢ A proper understanding of human behavior can
only be achieved by studying humans not SOCIETY AS AN SOURCES OF CHANGE
➢ Psychology should study the individual case KNOWLEDGE AS AN AGENT OF CHANGE
(idiographic) rather than the average
performance of groups (nomothetic).


1. Promote positive self-direction and Independence.
2. Develop the ability to take responsibility for what is
3. Developed creativity.
4. Curiosity and;
5. Have an interest in the arts



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