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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Davao Region
Schools Division of Davao Occidental
Kidalapong Elementary School
Kidalapong, Malita, Davao Occidental


(Home Economics)


Teacher MRS. LYRA FE D. GRANDE Learning Area TLE
Date January 19, 2024 Quarter 2nd
Time 2:40 – 3:30 P.M. No. of Day/s 1

I. OBJECTIVE/S At the end of the lesson the pupils are expected to:
1. Define food preservation
2. Explains different ways of food preservation (drying, salting,
freezing, canning, and fermentation)
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding the skills in the basics of
food preservation.
B. Performance The learner preserves food/s using appropriate tools and materials and
Standard applying the basics of food preservation
C. Most Essential Explains different ways of food preservation (drying, salting,
Learning freezing, and processing)
Competencies TLE6HE-0f-10 (3.1, 3.1.1-3.1.3)
II. CONTENT Different ways of food preservation.
A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Life skill through TLE Teachers Manual page 33-34
Page Curriculum guide in Teaching Technology and Livelihood Education 6
b. Learner’s Material Module, PIVOT 4A LM’S page 1-25
Page MISOSA-V Iba’t-ibang Pamamaraan ng Pag-iimbak.
MISOSA-VI Pag-iimbak at Preserbatiba.
c. Textbook Life Skills Through TLE Textbook page 124-130
d. Additional DepEd LRMDS Portal
Materials from Google
Learning Resource YouTube
B. List of Learning
Resources for
Development and
A. Introduction What I need to know?
The learners will do the walkthrough of the lesson expectations.
At the end of this Lesson you are expected to:
a. Define food preservation
b. Explains different ways of food preservation

 In this part the lesson will be presented.

“Where Diversity Meets Competence”

Kidalapong, Malita, 8012 Davao Occidental

[email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Davao Region
Schools Division of Davao Occidental
Kidalapong Elementary School
Kidalapong, Malita, Davao Occidental

 Learning objectives will also be introduced to guide the

learners on the learning targets founded on Knowledge,
Skills and attitudes/values and principles.
B. Motivation “ Show a picture or two of preserved food”

1. 2.

Ask the pupils the following questions:

1. Can you name the first picture?
2. What does the second picture display?
3. What can you say about the two pictures?
3. Can we do it at home, school and or community?

What’s new?

If you have a lot of fruit trees in your house and you cannot
consume all the fruits immediately, what different things you can
do? If you bought some fishes and meat in the market but wish to
consume it some other time, how will you prevent them from

C. Unlocking Unlock the following terms:

Food Preservation – A method of preventing food spoilage

Food Spoilage – the process where a food product becomes unsuitable to ingest
by the consumer.

Consume -

D. Presentation
a. Video Presentation Watch Video Presentation of the lesson in MP4 format.
E. Discussion Divide the class into four (4) groups; ask them to have their leader, secretary and

Each group will be given pictures of different tools and they are going to identify
and give the names of the following by writing it on the manila paper.

The presenter will then present it to the class.

“Where Diversity Meets Competence”

Kidalapong, Malita, 8012 Davao Occidental

[email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Davao Region
Schools Division of Davao Occidental
Kidalapong Elementary School
Kidalapong, Malita, Davao Occidental
F. Generalization
What are the tools needed in constructing simple electrical gadget?

The tools needed in constructing simple electrical gadgets are the following:
1. pliers
2. wire stripper
3. hammer
4. screwdrivers
5. soldering tool
6.electric drill
7. electrical tape
8. cables and wires
9. tester
10. male plug
11. female outlet
G. Application Since the class is already divided into four (4) groups, allow them to determine
the functions and or uses of the tools.

Group Performance Task:

Determine the Functions and or Uses of Tools

Each group will be given materials for the activity.

Printed pictures of tools will be given as well.
Pictures should be placed on a manila paper.
Functions and or uses should be written beside the picture of the tools.
A group member will present their final output.
After the performance task, ask the following questions to the pupils:

1. How did you start with the task?

2. What difficulties did you encounter during the conduct of the task?
3. Why identifying tools needed is important?
4. Discuss the importance of knowing different tools in making simple electrical
V. EVALUATION Cross Matching

Match Column A with column B

Column A Column B

1. pliers a. use to remove insulation from the wire

2. hammer b. attached to one end of a gadget and used
3. screwdrivers to insert to a female electrical socket
4. male plug c. used to tighten or loosen screws
5. wire stripper d. used to pound, punch and drive out nails
and staple wires
e. used to cut, hold, bend and twist any object
and wires
VI. ASSIGNEMNT Write a short essay discussing the importance of knowing how to construct
electrical gadgets. (Word Limit – 50)

“Where Diversity Meets Competence”

Kidalapong, Malita, 8012 Davao Occidental

[email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Davao Region
Schools Division of Davao Occidental
Kidalapong Elementary School
Kidalapong, Malita, Davao Occidental

Prepared by: Checked and evaluated by:


TLE Teacher - Ratee Master Teacher I – Rater

Reviewed & Approved by:


Head Teacher III

“Where Diversity Meets Competence”

Kidalapong, Malita, 8012 Davao Occidental

[email protected]

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