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Essay On Importance Of Hard Work

Writing an essay on the importance of hard work can be both challenging and rewarding. The
difficulty lies in striking the right balance between personal experiences, factual information, and
motivational elements to convey a comprehensive understanding of the topic. Crafting an engaging
introduction that captivates the reader's attention while clearly stating the thesis poses an initial
challenge. Subsequently, maintaining a coherent structure throughout the essay, with well-organized
paragraphs that transition smoothly, adds another layer of complexity.

To truly emphasize the significance of hard work, one must delve into various aspects such as
perseverance, dedication, and the correlation between effort and success. Including relevant
examples and anecdotes helps to make the essay relatable and convincing. However, finding the right
balance between inspiration and practicality can be a delicate task.

Moreover, sourcing credible information and incorporating it seamlessly into the essay can be time-
consuming. Researching to provide evidence and support for the claims made requires a meticulous
approach to ensure the essay's integrity. Balancing personal insights with universal truths is crucial to
making the essay resonate with a diverse audience.

In conclusion, while challenging, writing an essay on the importance of hard work allows for
personal growth and reflection. It demands careful thought and attention to detail to create a piece
that not only informs but also motivates and inspires. Success in such an endeavor depends on the
writer's ability to convey the message effectively, leaving a lasting impact on the reader.

For those seeking assistance with essay writing or exploring similar topics, a variety of resources are
available. One option is , where you can find professional writers ready to tackle
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Essay On Importance Of Hard Work Essay On Importance Of Hard Work
The Dubbed The Gilded Age
The 1870 s 90 s in the United States was a period of rapid industrial, population, and city
growth. Dubbed the Gilded Age by Mark Twain, this era of growth also brought on new,
unprecedented problems. Unhealthy living and working conditions and corruption were
rampant and immigrants settled in cities that were unequipped to deal with them. Under
bossism, the dominant political system of the day, one political giant controlled much of
the cities they were the bossof. These bosses only solved problems when they could see
how it would keep them in power and relied on the vulnerable poor and immigrants to
make up much of their base. They learned to appease them, but never to actually solve
their problems. New inventions revolutionized day to day life. The transcontinental
railroad, the telephone, the lightbulb, and electricity were all invented during this time.
Factories sprung up everywhere, especially in cities. Cities grew by up to 80% as
people, mainly immigrants, flocked to fill the job openings in the factories. But the
apartments and houses in the cities were not equipped to hold as many people as they
were forced to. Many of these new immigrant workers were limited to the only
apartments they could afford, which were run down, often with multiple families living
together in unsanitary conditions. And the workplace was no better. Men, women and
children employed by the factories were often abused, forced to work inhumanely long
shifts, and underpaid. There was
The Paradoxes of Bangladesh
Bangladesh is a country of complex paradoxes; although it has made huge strides in
economic growth, poverty reduction and development, the political scene remains
volatile. In fact, several historical, social, and conditions and contextual factors remain at
play, affecting the democratization process. Drawing upon a procedural definition of
democracy, free, fair, and competitive elections and the guarantee of civil rights and civil
liberties for the citizenry must exist in order to promote democratization in Bangladesh.
Democratization, according to Canadian International Development Agency s (CIDA)
definition, refers to the process of strengthening popular participation, building
democratic institutions and practices, and deepening societal democratic values. Despite
having the framework of a parliamentary democracy and Western democratic institutions,
there has been a downward trend in democratization in Bangladesh. Behind the façade of
democracy, instability, weak political institutions, patrimonial politics, patronage, and
political polarization exist. In this case, Bangladesh can be potentially classified as an
illiberal democracy, or even an electoral autocracy. As such, the country still faces
considerable obstacles; the prevention of a reverse wave back to authoritarianism, and the
encouragement towards further democratization and democratic consolidation, require
further assistance and new approaches in order to address these challenges.
Since the 1990s, the
Argumentative Essay
Career Cluster When I was in middle school, I wanted to be a massage therapist. I
liked helping relieve stress in peoples shoulders even when they did not know it was
there. I knew that it made good money and as I was aware, that was I was suppose to
strive for. My parents made adequate money doing things that helped people, and I
wanted to do that while even making more. As my years passed on, I had a very strong
interest in photography. I was warned that I may not make as much as an artist and
maybe not even enough to survive, but I felt a passion just to find that it was a flame
with no ember. After realizing that maybe money shouldn t be a major focus, I switched
my mental focus to social work. In this field, I could help tremendous... Show more
content on ...
Why isn t there an option to go into seventh grade undecided? After asking some
students about their decision making process, I found that it was not any easier to
make that decision in middle school than it will be for them in their adult years. Many
people who agree with this new system will argue that career clusters are helpful to a
student who is exploring a particular field more in depth. While this is true, it is also
restricting the students to only one particular field of study. Mr. Burris states The big
fear I is that we are going back to where we were at the beginning of the last century,
where we started sorting and selecting students, and putting them on life paths that may
foreclose their options. In my case, I would have learned next to nothing about
photography while studying with the rest of the students in the Health and Wellness
cluster. If I had chosen photography just to find that I d rather help people than make
art, I would have still been stuck in the Digital Media and Art Design cluster rather than
learning with my fellow students interested in Human and Public services. Once a
student chooses his or her career cluster, that student is not stuck in that for the rest of
his or her primary years. Each student may choose to switch his or her career
The Truths Of Slavery By Gary Paulsen
The Truths of Slavery Once stated from Khalil Gibran History does not repeat itself
except in the minds of those who do not know history. Enslavement is a frightening topic
that should not be forgotten or continued. It has roughly was in our country for 246
years. Although Gary Paulsen s novel, Nightjohn, is considered historical fiction, the
descriptions of inhuman punishments, harsh restrictions, and broken families can be
validated with multiple sources, Inhuman punishments are displayed in Nightjohn, that
can be verified in multiple sources. For example, when John got his toes slashed for
simply teaching an innocent child how to write, which was considered a crime for non
whites to be literate. Also as mentioned, in Nightjohn, Alice, Pawley, and Mammy are
beaten, whipped, and horribly treated by their heartless masters while these individuals
committed minor crimes. According to, Mingo White s interview in which he describes
his graphic experience from slaveryI kept up too, to keep from getting lashes. In other
words, these innocent people would get their... Show more content on ...
This assumption can be proven from various sources. In the historically accurate story
many of the slaves including Sarny, are torn from their families and lost forever.
According to the autobiography The Life of Frederick Douglass I was separated when
I was an infant. This confirms that Nightjohn correctly displays the brutal truths of
slavery. A massive amount of slaves are sold to a plantation where they can hardly
remember who their parents. As stated from the Mingo White Interview, also a former
slave My father and mother were sold from each other, too, at the same time as I was
sold. The interview clearly justifies from various sources that slaves are sold in their
youth, along with their parents and parted from one another. Family trees are scattered
across the nation, once an innocent child is being led to a

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