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Trinidad & Tobago $4 Man

down at
y, January
y, J
Mickela Panday
touches her father, PAGE 10
former prime
minister Basdeo
Panday, during the
public viewing at
the Southern
Academy of the
Performing Arts

Mickela Panday, right, and her sister Niala are
com by family members during the viewing
of the
t body of their father, former prime minister
Basdeo Panday, at SAPA, yesterday.

FOR BAS Hundreds expected for
Panday’s funeral at SAPA
Emotional time for PAGES

family, close friends 6 & 7

2 Tuesday, January 9, 2024
3 Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Over 700 expected at Peeping intruder scares Holness promises tougher
penalties, more support for
Parang season ends

Panday’s funeral today St Brigid’s RC pupils in Point Fortin
Barbados’ Foreign Affairs Minis- Concerned about their children’s people affected by violence The 2023-24 parang season ended
ter and Caricom’s assistant sec- safety after an intruder scaled the Prime Minister Andrew Holness on a high note last Saturday with

News retary-general are expected to be

among the hundreds attending
school wall, parents of St Brig-
id’s Girls’ RC protested yesterday
is to put before the Cabinet, at its
next meeting, a set of initial pro-
the Les Rois Parang Festival at the
St Anthony’s RC Church in Point

this morning’s funeral of former morning calling for better secu- posals and recommendations to- Fortin.
prime minister Basdeo Panday rity on the compound. wards an institutional architecture Celebrations began with the Na-
at the Southern Academy for the As they stood outside the locked to deal with crime and violence. tional Parang Association of T&T’s
Performing Arts (SAPA) in San school gates in Siparia, the police “The objective is to create a (NPATT) church service which
Fernando. arrived and this led to the parents comprehensive, all-of-society en- had a special significance this
Today’s stories The funeral of T&T’s fifth Prime becoming more incensed. terprise to engineer a social and year as the organisation will be
in capsule Minister begins at 9 am.
Final farewells will be said to
Calling on the Ministry of Edu-
cation to address their concerns
cultural transformation of the Ja-
maican society and culture away
celebrating its 53rd anniversary in
April. It was the second year that
a man whose very considerable, urgently, some of the parents have from crime and violence. We are the service was held at the Point
colourful and controversial career decided to keep their children at seeking to bring about a cultural Fortin church.
OPINION … —Pages 6 & 7 home until their … —Page 8 revolution in Jamaica... —Page 14 —Pages 20 & 21
Honour the silver INSIDE YOUR GUARDIAN
Quote of the Day
fox with reform
The nation is mourning the
death of the late prime minis-
“The line between good and
ter Basdeo Panday, a political evil runs not through states,
giant and an orator par excel- nor between classes, nor WEATHER
lence. Panday was the fifth between political parties SUNNY
prime minister of Trinidad
and Tobago, the first of Indian
either — but right through Predominantly
descent and the first Hindu. every human heart.” sunny and breezy
He was a founding member
conditions are
of the United Labour Front
expected despite a
—Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn 20% (low) chance of brief showers.
(ULF), the National
Alliance for Recon-
Night will be fair and cool.
struction (NAR) Piarco Max 32°C Min 23°C
and the United
National Con-
Crown Point Max 32°C Min 24°C
gress (UNC).
10.30 am: 3 (Carriage)
— Jonathan Bhagan 1 pm: 14 (Money)
Page 13 4 pm: 28 (Red Fish)
7 pm: 32 (Shrimp)
10.30 am: 6, 31
1 pm: 6, 28
Port-of-Spain: 4 pm: 25, 17
22–24 St Vincent Street, 7pm: 1, 16
(PO Box 122)
Telephone: 10.30 am: 0, 5, 9, 1
235-5668 Exts 5133, 1 pm: 0, 3, 2, 7
5135, 5116, 4 pm: 5, 4, 0, 9
5174, 5113, 5115 7 pm: 3, 5, 5, 3
San Fernando Bureau:
235-5668 Exts 5224, Members of the X-treme Dance Academy perform a piece titled School in Session during the academy’s show,
5225, 5226 Timeless, at Queen’s Hall, St Ann’s, on Saturday. PICTURE EDISON BOODOOSINGH 1, 7, 9, 15, 19 M: 2

Tears of joy, praises as Hillview honours its scholars

MATTHEW CHIN scholarship for business studies, ment, the General Secretary of
Reporter Sachin Maharaj encouraged stu- the Synod of the Presbyterian
[email protected] dents to not let academics define Church of Trinidad and Tobago,
them and enjoy their youth while Terrence Ward, applauded the
Hillview students Ryker Harrich- they still can. efforts teachers and parents had
aran and Nishka Maharaj were “Don’t let the pressures of made in the lives of the scholars.
both awarded the President’s exams get to you at all, because “To the teachers at Hillview, we
Gold Medals for scoring top marks academics isn’t everything at the thank you for your commitment
in the Caribbean Advanced Profi- end of the day. I know that’s a bit, and dedication to the students.
ciency Examinations (CAPE) last you know, weird to hear from me, To parents, congratulations, your
year. a scholar, but I tellin’ ya, your aca- many years of love and persis-
In recognition of their ac- demics isn’t everything. You need tence has borne fruit, and God’s
complishments, and that of to enjoy your days at Hillview; but favour has been with your chil-
their fellow peers, which cat- just know that when time comes, dren,” Ward said.
apulted Hillview College into you have to lock in, and you have President’s Gold Medal winner
record-breaking status with 13 to do your work,” Maharaj said. Harricharan was the top per-
Government scholarships, the Also in attendance was Tuna- former in Environmental Studies,
college honoured their open and puna MP Esmond Forde, himself Information and Communication
additional scholarship winners a former Hillview student. He Technology, Mathematics and
during an awards ceremony yes- Hillview College’s President’s Gold Medal winners Ryker Harricharan and congratulated the awardees and Natural Sciences. Nishka Maharaj,
terday. Nishka Maharaj pose for a picture after receiving awards for their recognised the indelible mark the the other winner of the prestig-
Shreya Rampersad, an addi- outstanding performances at the 2023 Caribbean Advanced Proficiency college has made on the country. ious award, was tops in Business
tional scholarship winner in Cre- Examinations during a ceremony at the school yesterday. “For the last number of years, Studies, General Studies, Lan-
ative and Performing Studies, PICTURE ABRAHAM DIAZ last probably 20 years or so, guage Studies, Modern Studies/
became emotional in her speech, “To my parents and sisters, new heights. This achievement Hillview has been at the top, as it Humanities and Technical Stud-
as she thanked her teachers for your love and support have been is as much yours as it is mine,” regards to scholarship winners,” ies.
guiding her since Form Three. my pillars of strength, your sacri- Rampersad said with tears filling he said. Hillview received seven open
She also praised her family for fices and encouraging words have her eyes. Thanking God for the scholarships and six additional
giving her strength along the way. fuelled my determination to reach Although securing an additional ground-breaking accomplish- scholarships.
4 news Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Former Integrity Commission

putting there will be well spent,”
Gordon said.
Gordon’s comments followed
claims by the Integrity Commission

chairman questions institution

JESSE RAMDEO three years from 2011 to 2014, said he re-
that a depleted budget had been
suffocating its efforts to perform its
In a release last Wednesday, the
Senior Reporter mains disturbed over operations at the com- commission said it was constrained to initiate
[email protected] mission now chaired by Professor Rajendra proceedings in the High Court on December 28
Ramlogan. to determine the intent and meaning of the rele-
Former Integrity Commission chairman “Before simply dealing with the current vant provisions of the Integrity in Public Life Act
Ken Gordon says he is concerned at the way issue of budget, now you have to deal with (IPLA), as it lamented a $58 million decrease in
the commission has been operating. the whole question, is it functioning in the allocation for the 2012-2014 term had hampered
Gordon, in an interview with Guardian way it is designed, in the way it is designed its ability to operate effectively.
Media yesterday, explained that a lack of to function. And it is my position that it is The commission’s report to Parliament for
transparency over developments at the not and I’m on record widely on how I think the year 2022, which was submitted last March,
commission has eroded the honour of the it should function. So to my mind, I would stated, “The projected budgetary allocation for
body. not be seeking to fight any battle about cut- staffing between 2022 and 2023 is estimated to
Ken Gordon Gordon, who served as chairman for ting revenue now unless the revenue you be $4,312,800.00. At present, there are several
open positions in the commission which cannot
be filled due to lack of funding. This has severely
affected the progress of the Investigations Unit in
particular. The unit has a total of 44 active inves-

tigations dating back to 2013 and has only closed
ten as at December 2022 as more human resource
is needed to bring closure to matters at hand.”
Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley fired back on
social media that same day, saying the issue of
funding may stem from “too many ill-advised and
politically motivated investigations.”
Opposition MP Dinesh Rambally and National
Transformation Alliance leader Gary Griffith con-
demned Rowley for his criticisms of the commis-
Yesterday, Gordon said the role of the commis-
sion must be placed under the microscope and
not necessarily by those tasked with managing it.
“To talk about putting good money after bad is
a very easy way of putting it. I am not suggesting
Name Policy No. Name Policy No. for one moment that the people who are there
ABBIE JOSEPH 8001003981 MACHEL PETERS 8001126404 are unprincipled, what I’m saying is the function-
ALICIA JOSEPH 8000955008 MARSHA GEORGE 8001159001 ing of the commission has left a very sour taste
ALIYAH MOHAMMED 5001978629 MARSHA GEORGE 8000920051 with a number of people,” he explained.
AMRIT SEEPERSAD 8001140385 NADINE PAUL 5001878349 The commission, in its report to Parliament,
ANDREA RAMKISSOON-RAMSOOK 8000657571 NAHEEDAH SAMUEL 8000823683 also noted that it has been provided with a re-
ANDREW ROSS 8000142902 NEFERTARI LUCAS 8000397722 stricted budget that could not carry the commis-
ANDY ASSING 5001204071 NEIL BAPTISTE 8001522954 sion to meet 2023 staffing expenses and beyond.
ANECIA HOPPIE-WILSON 8000875454 NICHOLAS ROOPCHAN 5003659032 Current chairman Ramlogan’s term ends on
ANTON MANSWELL 8000923599 NICOLYN KNIGHT 5003017821 Thursday.
ANTONIO O'CONNOR 8000408929 NIKOLAI ADAMS 8000318393
BOBBY NOYAN 8000190451 ONIKA WELCH 8000242885
8001023311 Get it right
In the Sunday Guardian of January 7th, 2024, on
CAMILLE MILLS 5003272057 REHANA MORADAN 8001131645
page 14, we reported in our Editorial that Prime
CELESTE JULES 8000785102 REON BALOTJE 8001087743
Minister Dr Keith Rowley forgot to declare a
townhouse to the Integrity Commission. This was
CHERYL FORDE 8001283691 RONALD BISNATH 8000445905 reported in error. Dr Rowley in fact declared the said
DALE RAMKISSOON 1000283011 RYAN COONAI 8000347661 townhouse to the Integrity Commission by way of
DAMIEN GLASGOW 8000383128 SAFIYA ALEXANDER 8001097731 his Declaration of Income, Assets and Liabilities for
DANIEL KHAN 8001529746 SEAN CHEE 8000537753 the year 2019. We regret the error.
DARION BISNATH 8003969476 SEUN HAREWOOD 8000380242
Claxton Bay homeowner
opens fire on intruders
DERI FAIRLEY 8001131271 SHIRVAN WILSON 8000689022 Three bandits were sent running in fear for their
DIANNA BAKSH 8001144828 SHIVAN GOOLCHARAN 8000954541 lives after a homeowner opened fire on them
DONNA FLEMMING 8000275562 SIEUDATH MAHASE 8001160939 during a home invasion in Claxton Bay on Sun-
GERARD DIAL 8000527057 SUDASH SIEULAL 1000561593
day morning.
GERARD MICHAEL 8000468883 SUNDAR HARKOO 5000358279
The 32-year-old man, a hardware director, had
ISOLDE GHENT 8000287374 SUZANNE AKAN 8000250641
secured his home around 10 pm on Saturday and
ISOLDE GHENT 8000762382 VALMIKI SAWH 8000727455
went to bed. However, around 5.05 am, his father
KAYLA BECKLES 8003912288
alerted him to intruders who were trying to enter
the upper floor of the house.
KEITH SPENCER 8000970104 YAEESH MOHAMMED 5001978696 Upon viewing the camera surveillance on his
KENNETH BOODOO 8000096196 YOLANDA FORBES 8000282828 cellphone, the man saw three men dressed in
LENNOX BALKARAN 5000745582 ZAID MOHAMMED 8001113264 white and black clothing with face masks and
gloves entering the upper floor through the rear
Armed with his licensed Glock 43x pistol, the
businessman fired four rounds at the intruders,
who ran off.
Police believe the bandits gained access inside
the house by prying open a rear door on the
southern side. It was not clear if any of the sus-
pects were injured.  SASCHA WILSON
Tuesday, January 9, 2024 news 5
Browne clarifies:
No ferry company formed
yet, but talks ongoing
KAY-MARIE FLETCHER has yet been launched but the sels instead of a fast ferry. Director of the Scientific, Penal and Criminal
Senior Reporter governments are in active dis- Nonetheless, Browne empha- Investigations Corps, Douglas Rico
[email protected] cussion and there is planning sised having such a ferry was a

A regional ferry system may

taking place as to the best ar-
rangement by which this ser-
very important initiative and
is linked to the food security
Venezuelan held for
be on the horizon to journey
through Guyana, Barbados and
vice can be provided.”
“There’s no signatures of any
needs of the Caribbean Com-
human, gun
Trinidad and Tobago. However,
despite reports of a new com-
company and all of that. That
was a bit of misinformation but
He said the government is
very much involved in the plan-
trafficking to T&T
pany being established for this we’re getting very close,” he ning and the discussions with RAPHAEL JOHNLALL
ferry service last week, no com- added. its Guyanese and Barbadian Freelance Correspondent
pany has yet been formed. The Minister said this conver- counterparts.
Speaking during a signing of sation isn’t new as there have And added that when the dis- A 24-year-old Venezuelan man nicknamed
the agreement for the construc- been talks around a ferry for cussions are made, legal enti- “El Teletubi” was arrested in Tucupita, the
tion of a bridge in Guyana on maritime transport within Cari- ties including Attorney General capital city of the Venezuelan state of Delta
Friday, its president Dr Irfaan com for some time. Regional Armour, SC, will have Amacuro, last week for human and arms
Ali announced, “Trinidad and He said the conversation was to be involved. trafficking to T&T.
Tobago, Guyana and Barbados refreshed during the Agri-Food Attempts to contact Armour The arrest has been regarded as a break-
has formed the first company, Investment Forum and Expo were futile yesterday. through in illegal trafficking between Vene-
has formed a joint company held in Guyana last October. Guardian Media also reached zuela and Trinidad and Tobago.
Minister of Foreign and Caricom
that work to the introduction Affairs Dr Amery Browne Talks were further advanced out to Ali but up to late evening, Delta Amacuro is the northeastern Ven-
of a ferry system for passenger during the 45th Regular Meet- there was no response. ezuelan state that faces the coast of south
and cargo between Trinidad gional maritime transportation ing of the Conference of Heads However, in Barbados, Min- Trinidad and is notorious for the trafficking
and Tobago, Guyana and Bar- service is in the works but dis- of Government Caricom which ister of Foreign Affairs and For- of migrants by boat and the smuggling of il-
bados.” cussions are still taking place. took place in Trinidad between eign Trade and senior minister legal firearms.
While this proclamation has He said in the next month, July 3 to 5, 2023. coordinating the Productive This was reported by the Director of the
been making its waves region- all three governments will have Guardian Media spoke to sev- Sector, Kerrie Symmonds, said Scientific, Penal and Criminal Investigations
ally, other regional heads were more to say on the subject mat- eral regional heads during the he was also unaware of any Corps (CICPC), Douglas Rico, through his In-
not in the same boat. ter. summit last July and several of company being formed. stagram account, in which he pointed out
Clearing the air yesterday, “There’s some news coming them liked the idea of having a Symmonds said, “I wasn’t that El Teletubi was in charge of receiving
Foreign and Caricom Affairs out of Guyana which was not regional fast ferry. even aware it had been formed the victims at a clandestine dock in Vene-
Minister Dr Amery Browne said entirely accurate and which However, before the meeting, yet. I think you may be being a zuela and would later transfer them in boats
this was not the case. Not yet at according to Guyana’s authori- Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley bit premature though.” to T&T illegally.
least. ties misquoted the president of during an exclusive interview Symmonds was at the time CICPC is the Venezuelan police organisa-
Speaking to Guardian Media Guyana. The headline coming made available to Guardian preparing to travel to T&T to tion responsible for criminal investigations.
yesterday, Browne said the out of Guyana was absolutely Media suggested that Caricom attend the funeral of former Rico wrote on his Instagram account: “Of-
possibility of establishing a re- misleading ... No company invest in single-hull, slower ves- prime minister Basdeo Panday. ficials of the CICPC carried out an extensive
and thorough field investigation work, initi-

Rev: 2023 was a year of misery

ated by the crime of a missing person. These
investigations have led to the identification
and prompt apprehension of Teletubi, who
was in charge of receiving the victims at a
KEVON FELMINE cloud of gloom hangs overhead gation that the church has to clandestine dock and afterwards moving
Senior Reporter because vicious, unconsciona- minister and be the light of the them on illegal boats to T&T.”
[email protected] ble, murderous and free-flow- world despite the lawlessness The case has been handed over to the
ing criminality prevailed in on the streets and violence in Public Prosecutor’s Office in Tucupita for
Former Independent Senator 2023 and the last 10 to 15 years. the classroom. further investigation.
Rev Daniel Teelucksingh says He said he warned the con- “It is not safe in the play- It is not the first time that Venezuelan
2023 was a year of misery for gregation against thinking the parks, recreation grounds and criminals have been arrested for traffick-
victims of violence and crime. statement was exaggerated. He shopping malls, and there is a ing to T&T. In 2022, the Venezuelan Public
He said society is hurting. noted there were 47 murders desecration and robberies of Ministry reported that four people had been
Delivering his sermon at last month, while some people places of worship. Things are arrested for the trafficking of women to T&T.
the Susamachar Presbyterian say it isn’t that bad. really bad,” he added. The Venezuelan Public Ministry at that
Church, San Fernando, as the “You know who is saying it Teelucksingh said a handful time said investigations began after a boat
Presbyterian Church (PCTT) is not so bad? It is those who of church people cannot make carrying 56 Venezuelans arrived at the port
celebrated 156 years of witness are protected by flashing blue a difference on the street, but of Guiria in August 2022, from T&T.
and service over the weekend, lights. It is not so bad for them, a congregation can. He said In February 2022, Prime Minister Dr Keith
Teelucksingh said there was and for 24/7, they have security. the PCTT has 106 congrega- Rowley, in the House of Representatives,
a wave of godlessness in the They go to the grocery, security tions around the country, with quoted from a 2021 article titled—Venezue-
land. He questioned how the there. It isn’t so bad for them. churches in every city and la’s Other Plight: Sex Trafficking in T&T,
church could operate in a sce- On the first day of the New Year town. He said they should have which said the demand for sex and prostitu-
nario where worshippers at- in 2024. The first day of this a day for counselling in the tion in T&T was being driven by a high rate
tend church events while there Rev Daniel Teelucksingh wonderful beautiful year that community, and the church of local consumption.
is darkness around. He chal- to go there and see what we can God has given to us, human must be open for this purpose. Minister of National Security Fitzgerald
lenged devotees to think differ- do to make things better. blood curses the ground be- Teelucksingh lamented that Hinds, in the post-Budget debate last Octo-
ently about how to minister to “The church does not have cause there was a murder on there are thousands of mem- ber, acknowledged the negative effects of
T&T. a police service or peacekeep- the very first day,” Teelucksingh bers but too many weaklings human trafficking and the entry of illegal
Teelucksingh said citizens are ing soldiers. Thank God that in added. in the Presbyterian community arms into this country.
witnessing horrific cruelty and this society, we have a cadre of He said investigators found 41 who are hardly in church but Given last week’s arrests in Venezuela,
the dysfunction of the human spiritually motivated people de- spent bullet shells at the crime present at board meetings. He Guardian Media reached out by phone and
mind. spite all of this gloom and evil scene. He said the criminals said there were stagnant, cos- WhatsApp to the Communication Manager
“Man is losing a fear of God. that is persisting,” he said. fully knew one bullet could take metic and ornamental Chris- of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service
There is a drive for a new ma- Teelucksingh noted a De- a life, but 41 was more than the tians in the church, and they (TTPS) Joanne Archie and the Minister of Na-
terialism fuelled by greed and cember 29 newspaper editorial law of the jungle. should go home and ask God tional Security Fitzgerald Hinds but they did
corruption, and our mandate is where the author said a heavy Teelucksingh told the congre- for forgiveness. not respond up to late yesterday evening.
6 news BASDEO PANDAY MAY 25, 1933JAN 1, 2024 Tuesday, January 9, 2024

OWTU president general Ancel Roget, right, and union members raise their arms in solidarity Former Coast Guard commanders, from left, Sharriff Mohammed, Premnath Roopnarine and
while viewing the body of former prime minister Basdeo Panday, at the public viewing at SAPA Lutchmie Baggan salute the body of former prime minister Basdeo Panday during the public
yesterday. PICTURE VASHTI SINGH viewing at SAPA, San Fernando, yesterday. PICTURE RISHI RAGOONATH

Public says goodbye to down-to-earth

Panday at SAPA viewing
KEVON FELMINE fondly called the Silver Fox. continued with the Basdeo Panday
Senior Reporter During her days in Parliament Foundation, he was still part of my
[email protected] as a member of the People’s Na- counsel and mentor, helping me
tional Movement, former minis- to develop programmes to assist
It was a solemn day in San Fer- ter of Community Development, other organisations within Central
nando yesterday, as former prime Culture and Gender Affairs Joan Trinidad and even on the Eastern
minister Basdeo Panday’s body lay Yuille-Williams was a political op- part of the island,” Bissoondath
in honour at the Southern Acad- ponent. But as she gazed upon his said.
emy for Performing Arts (SAPA), body, she wished him enjoyment It has been a busy schedule for
with tears flowing from his family in eternal rest. Mickela since her father’s death on
and supporters who showed up “Yes, he was a politician, but he New Year’s Day. She experienced
to catch a final glimpse of one of was a friend of mine, and when- a contradiction of feelings yester-
T&T’s most beloved leaders. ever we met, we were happy to day, saying that while the immense
Unlike last Friday in Port-of- do so and greet each other very grief of her family was indescrib-
Spain, there was no fanfare as the warmly,” Yuille-Williams said. able, the outpouring of love from
military escorted Panday’s body to Sporting an old Couva North citizens was both overwhelming
SAPA shortly before 8 am. Within election campaign T-shirt with and comforting.
minutes, people lined the entrance a picture of a younger Panday, “I say it is difficult because it is
to sign the condolence book and Narad Mowiah left his Waterloo Radha Rampersad shows a picture of Barbara Seunarine, of Fyzabad, immense loss and grief, but then
say goodbye ahead of the funeral home at 5 am, travelling by taxi to her posing with the late Basdeo weeps as the body of former prime there are so many people who
this morning. the city. Panday during yesterday’s public minister Basdeo Panday leaves SAPA have come home and shown love,
There was a warm embrace be- “This is my father, you know,” viewing at SAPA. after the public viewing yesterday. and they give you that comfort,”
tween Minister of Foreign and Car- Mowiah told journalists. PICTURE ROBERTO CODALLO PICTURE RISHI RAGOONATH Mickela said.
icom Affairs Dr Amery Browne and “I was on the brink, and that an electricity pole to power her Founder of the Angel Hearts Re- “Yes, it is hard, but it is
Panday’s daughter Mickela, who man inspired my life. He told me home. She said Panday stepped in, habilitation Centre, Brian Bissoon- heart-warming at the same time. It
led family members in greeting the you must not let anybody lift you. bearing the cost. Rampersad said dath, also wore an old election is just a feeling that no one could
public. Mickela’s birthday was also You have to lift yourself. What I she would remember Panday’s T-shirt featuring Panday’s face. probably describe unless they
yesterday. achieved in life was through that humble nature and willingness to Bissoonath said Panday opened a have gone through it themselves.”
There was common grief felt by man.” help people. rehabilitation centre at Woodford Panday’s wife, Oma, was not
those who attended, including po- For Claxton Bay resident Radha “I met him at the Hasely Craw- Lodge, Chaguanas, in 1998 and en- there, and Mickela explained it
lice officers, attorneys, Joint Trade Rampersad, Panday’s kindness ford Stadium at a Kumar Sanu couraged him to serve humanity. was still too hard for her to face
Union Movement leader Ancel had her emotions at breaking show, and he was really down to “He would always say fight for the public.
Roget, lawyers, scouts from his point. Holding a photo of her pos- earth. We laughed. We talked and what you believe in. Serve not for “This was her life partner. She is
alma mater Presentation College, ing with Panday, she recalled the took pictures. The same thing self but for people and country. Al- grieving immensely, but I believe
San Fernando and others. sadness that consumed her when he was eating on his table, I was though younger than him, I went that she has been so strong, and I
Many regular citizens recalled she learned of his passing. She eating the same thing because through many battles under his am proud of her, and she will do
down-to-earth encounters with the remembered that 19 years ago, he invited me to eat with them,” stewardship. Even when he left the this. We will do this together, and
United National Congress founder she had to get $7,000 to pay for Rampersad recalled. Office of the Prime Minister and she has all her girls and family.”

Mickela Panday speaks with Narad Mowiah during the pubic viewing of the body of her father, Members of the Sea Scouts salute the body of former prime minister Basdeo Panday during the
former prime minister Basdeo Panday, at SAPA yesterday. PICTURE RISHI RAGOONATH public viewing. PICTURE RISHI RAGOONATH
Tuesday, January 9, 2024 BASDEO PANDAY MAY 25, 1933JAN 1, 2024 nnews
ews 7

700-plus expected for Panday’s funeral

Public also asked to join procession to cremation site
Senior Political Reporter THE PROGRAMME
Barbados’ Foreign Affairs Minister and Arrival of Mrs Oma Panday and family.
Arrival of the Chief Justice Ivor Archie.
Caricom’s assistant secretary-general are
Arrival of Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley.
expected to be among the hundreds attend-
Arrival of President Christine Kangaloo and
ing this morning’s funeral of former prime
Kerwyn Garcia.
minister Basdeo Panday at the Southern
Academy for the Performing Arts (SAPA) in COMMENCEMENT OF HINDU RITES
San Fernando. PRAYERS:
The funeral of T&T’s fifth Prime Minister Imam Dr Hamza Rafeeq
begins at 9 am. (Representative of the Islamic faith).
Final farewells will be said to a man Reverend Joy Abdul Mohan
whose very considerable, colourful and (Minister of the Presbyterian Church of T&T).
controversial career since entering politics Chief Ricardo Bharath Hernandez
in 1966—and the Parliament in 1976—earned (Chief of the Santa Rosa First Peoples Community).
him legendary status among the public he Rev Karl Patterson
served and on T&T’s political landscape. (National Evangelical Spiritual Baptist Faith).
Panday was the UNC’s founder and first Pundit Doodnath Chadee
leader. (Arya Pratinidhi Sabha Trinidad Inc).
Panday died January 1 at a Jacksonville, Former House speaker Nizam Mohammed views the body of Baba Neal Ryan Rawlins
Florida hospital, after being taken by air former prime minister Basdeo Panday at SAPA yesterday. (Secretary, Council of the Orisha Elders of T&T).
ambulance to the United States on Decem- PICTURE VASHTI SINGH The Most Reverend Charles Jason Gordon
ber 12 to investigate medical concerns. His (Archbishop of Port-of-Spain)
body was returned home last Wednesday. Subhas Panday views the body of his brother, former prime minister The Right Reverend Bishop Claude Berkley
Today’s state funeral will be T&T’s first Basdeo Panday, at SAPA yesterday. PICTURE KRISTIAN DE SILVA (Bishop of T&T).
such under Hindu rites. Funerals for four
other previous prime ministers were under Recital — Ms Adriana Achaibar.
Christian rites. Tributes — Mr Subhas Panday (brother), Mr
According to the Communications Minis- John Humphrey (colleague and friend), Ms Eva
try, the funeral cortege departs at 8.10 am, Cameron (granddaughter), Mr Daniel Tarlow
under military escort, from the corner of Ci- (son-in-law), President Christine Kangaloo.
Eulogy — Ms Mickela Panday (daughter).
pero Street and Rienzi Kirton Highway, then
Recital — Mr Kees Dieffenthaller.
onto Todd Street and into SAPA, where the
Draping of the casket with the flag.
funeral will take place.
National Anthem.
The T&T Guardian was informed that Procession to Shore of Peace.
there will be approximately 700 people in
SAPA itself.
Limited space is available for members Affairs Minister Kerrie Symmonds, Guy-
of the public to view the funeral service via ana’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Hugh Todd
livestream at the SAPA carpark. Additional and Caricom’s assistant secretary-general
viewing via large screens will be available Elizabeth Solomon are expected for the fu-
on a first come/first serve basis at Skinner neral. There was no word on other regional
Park, San Fernando. People are asked to be personalities.
seated by 8.15 am. Tribute has been paid to Panday by re-
Officiating at the funeral, which will be gional leaders, including former Jamaican
conducted under full Hindu rites, will be prime minister PJ Patterson and Guyana’s
Pundit Artma Maharaj. vice president Bharrat Jagdeo. Guyana Pres-
The two and a half hour long programme ident Dr Irfaan Ali also sent Mrs Oma Pan-
includes an address from President Chris- Members of the public walk past the casket of former prime minister day a personal letter of condolence lauding
tine Kangaloo. Basdeo Panday at SAPA yesterday. PICTURE RISHI RAGOONATH Panday, including as a fighter, ardent re-
For this final leg of the “journey” and the gionalist whose work helped shape the con-
cremation, Panday’s body will be dressed tours of Caribbean regional integration and
in traditional East Indian wear. For the two for Panday’s deep connection with Guyana.
public viewings where his body lay in hon- Former UNC Ministers—including Vasant
our—in Port-of-Spain last Friday and San Bharath, Ganga Singh, Jack Warner and
Fernando yesterday—he’d been dressed in others—as well as relatives of deceased pol-
a suit. iticians are expected to be among funeral
Bharath has launched an online petition,
Public invited to join procession so far with over 1,000 names, seeking to
to cremation have the Piarco Airport renamed the Bas-
deo Panday International Airport.
Following the funeral service, the cortege Former Minister Carlos John, Panday’s
departs SAPA at 11.30 am and proceeds on colleague for over 25 years, said yesterday,
to Balisier Avenue, then the San Fernando “He didn’t have any sons but he always
Bypass, continuing on to South Trunk Road, treated me as an extension of the family.
then Mosquito Creek Road. What’s left of my heart after Bas died will
At 12.40 pm, the military procession will be further shattered at that cremation site
begin its escort on Mosquito Creek Road in a few hours ...”
and proceed north, turning into the Shore the two recent viewings at NAPA and SAPA. and brushed back her hair. The Government’s team, headed by
of Peace cremation site. Last Friday, Panday’s daughter Mickela said Mickela—who marked her birthday yes- Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley, will be at-
The ministry stated that members of the her mother was “struggling a little.” terday—hugged and greeted the number of tending today’s funeral.
public are invited to join the funeral proces- At yesterday’s SAPA viewing, Panday’s early arrivals to yesterday’s viewing. The UNC parliamentarians, headed by Oppo-
sion to the Shore of Peace. eldest daughter Niala and her family—who family left SAPA at 9.49 am. sition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar are
Panday’s entire family will be in attend- arrived from overseas last weekend—were also expected, except MP Rushton Paray,
ance at the funeral, including Mrs Oma Pan- among the clan present. Ms Panday, who Foreign dignitaries on hand who’s in the US on business. UNC Senator
day, who was seen at Piarco International was overcome with emotion at the viewing, David Nakhid, who’s also overseas, yester-
Airport when she accompanied her hus- was comforted by her sister Mickela—Pan- Foreign Affairs Minister Amery Browne day posted a tribute to Panday on his sup-
band’s body back home but wasn’t seen at day’s second daughter—who hugged her indicated yesterday that Barbados’ Foreign port of national football.
8 news Tuesday, January 9, 2024

A police officer looks on during a protest by parents of pupils

attending the Brigid’s Girls’ RC School yesterday.

Peeping intruder scares pupils...

Parents protest, demand more
security at St Brigid’s RC
Senior Reporter
[email protected] Parents of pupils attending the St Rose’s Girls’ RC School speak with
Concerned about their children’s
safety after an intruder scaled the
school wall, parents of St Brig-
id’s Girls’ RC protested yesterday
morning calling for better secu-
Failed shuttle system
rity on the compound.
As they stood outside the
locked school gates in Siparia, the Horace Knight points to the wall that
leaves some St Rose’s
police arrived and this led to the
parents becoming more incensed.
Calling on the Ministry of Edu-
an intruder climbed to enter the
school last Friday, leaving the girls
girls out of school
cation to address their concerns today and we need the ministry’s stepping over the wall,” she ex-
support in getting the matter re- OTTO CARRINGTON told us that Standard One and
urgently, some of the parents plained.
solved. Senior Reporter Two students would be joined
have decided to keep their chil- Apart from properly securing
“He was actually peeping [email protected] with students at the St Theresa’s
dren at home until their concerns the wall, the spokesperson said
through the window, that’s by Girls’ RC School and on Friday,
are addressed. parents want a second security
the infant building, he was peep- Parents of pupils at St Rose’s they told us that the school will
A spokesperson for the par- officer posted at the school as
ing at the girls and then started Girls’ RC are angry, after an be on rotation and the students
ents, who gave her name only as well as proper lights and a cam-
laughing at them. The girls got accommodation system at an- will have full-time school,” Clair-
Crystal, explained that a couple era system.
scared. Some of them ran under other RC school in Port-of-Spain mont said.
of weeks ago there were a few When contacted via WhatsApp,
the table even the teachers were fell through yesterday when the She said parents were under
break-ins at the school in which a Education Minister Dr Nyan
traumatised because they did not shuttle system failed to arrive. the impression everything was
pressure washer, paint, fans and Gadsby-Dolly said security at de-
know what to do and they had to The school, located at Henry in order for the pupils, including
hand sanitisers were stolen. That nominational schools was the
dismiss school as well,” she said. Street, Port-of-Spain, has faced their transport.
incident occurred on New Year’s responsibility of the Education
Crystal lamented that the challenges in the past year, as “The students were supposed
weekend according to police re- Boards.
children are afraid to return to parts of it are cordoned off due to be shuttled to the school this
ports. “The providers of security at
school. She said the back wall, to dilapidation. The school has morning, however, this did
However, Crystal said parents denominational schools are the
which borders a cemetery, needs also been earmarked for recon- not happen. We were told that
decided to take action after an Boards. Therefore, that matter
to be secured properly because struction. a 12-seater maxi-taxi was sup-
intruder entered the school while should be raised by the Principal
intruders still have easy access to At present, pupils are being posed to be used but the maxi
classes were ongoing and trauma- with the Board,” the minister said.
the compound. accommodated at Rosary Boys’ taxi never showed up and im-
tised the girls. When contacted, Catholic Edu-
“First of all where the intruder RC School and others are sup- agine this maxi is expected to
“On Friday there was an in- cation Board of Management chief
came through the fencing is very posed to be housed at St There- carry 76 children to and from
truder in the school and the girls executive officer Sharon Mangroo
low and it have a heap of rubbish sa’s Girls’ RC Primary School. the new location.”
are totally traumatised. Today the said she was going to look into the
to the back of the school that However, yesterday, parents Guardian Media obtained a
parents have taken a stand. We matter. There was no further re-
they are using to assist them in who contacted the media said message from the school’s Par-
are keeping our students home sponse up to last evening.
two hours after dropping off ents Teacher’s Association to

St Dominic’s girls denied classes for 3rd day their children, they were called
to return to pick them up.
Parent Takeisha Clairmont
parents, which stated: “I regret
to inform you that no shuttle has
arrived and will not be arriving
For a third day yesterday, par- Last Thursday, they blocked a plain-clothes police officer ar-
claimed the maxi-taxi hired to today until further notice. We
ents of pupils attending St Dom- the entrance of the centre, and rived and opened the gate. Bap-
shuttle the students from St are awaiting word from PTSC
inic’s RC Primary in Penal again on Friday residents joined with tiste said they did not obstruct
Rose’s Girls’ RC to St Theresa’s and the ministry as to when this
blocked teachers and prevented parents and staged a fiery protest. him, but he claimed he was going
RC never arrived. She added service is to officially begin. I
classes from commencing. “They said they would have to call for reinforcements. In-
that a total of 75 children were humbly apologise for this incon-
Upset and disappointed that done some work over the week- stead, a police vehicle with two
affected and they are now urging venience. We go back to rotation
promises by the officials that re- end, nothing was done. At least uniformed officers returned and
the Ministry of Education and from tomorrow until further no-
pairs would have been done at if they came and done something spoke with protesting parents.
the Catholic Education Board of tice and students 1 and 3 will re-
the Penal Community Centre, it would have been a little more Following an earthquake that
Management to intervene. turn to Rosary Boys’ RC School
where the children are housed, safe for the children to come out damaged the school building, the
“Next month will make it a today.”
over the weekend, did not mate- to school. We know our children’s Standards One to Five pupils were
year since the school has been Guardian Media contacted the
rialise the parents again turned education is important but at the relocated to the community centre
shut down and the ministry has Education Ministry on the mat-
away teachers and pupils. end of the day their safety is also while the infants’ department was
promised parents that they will ter but was told by officials that
Parents have been insisting important,” said Sharon Baptiste. sent to St Dominic’s RC Church.
house the students in St Clair, it was being “looked into” and
that the centre is not safe for oc- She claimed further parts of the When contacted, Catholic Edu-
but that did not happen. How- a statement would be released
cupation due to several issues, ceiling at the centre collapsed be- cation Board of Management CEO
ever, last year in October, they soon.
including overflowing toilets and cause of heavy overnight showers Sharon Mangroo said the ministry
a collapsing ceiling. on Sunday. During their protest, was responsible for the repairs.
Tuesday, January 9, 2024 news 9
B Yisrael gets green light Judge resolves 20-year-old land dispute

to file lawsuit over search

A High Court Judge has resolved a
long-standing dispute over owner-
ship of almost 275 acres of land in
north Trinidad.
DEREK ACHONG were plans by THA officials to Delivering a judgment yesterday,
Senior Reporter hire people to carry out a propa- High Court Judge Frank Seepersad
[email protected] ganda campaign. upheld Rabindranath and Ram-
Her lawyers claimed that subse- dath Maharaj’s case against Zali-
Tobago House of Assembly (THA) quent social media posts wrongly moon Khan and Randolph Hicks,
Deputy Chief Secretary Dr Faith B alleged that she was one of the of- the administrator of the estate of
Yisrael has been given the green ficials involved. Anghelo Hicks.
light to pursue a lawsuit over a On July 17, last year, police exe- In the lawsuit, the Maharajs
search warrant obtained against cuted the search warrant at B Yis- sought to have a set of caveats on
her by the T&T Police Service rael’s home at Windward Road, the land removed.
(TTPS), as part of its alleged fraud Belle Garden. Khan claimed that in July
1996, she and Hicks entered Frank Seepersad
probe into her and other THA Two days later, Chief Secretary
members. Farley Augustine addressed the into an agreement with the rel- peared to be fabricated.
Delivering an oral decision dur- investigation at a THA special ple- atives to purchase a 49 per cent “Ultimately, the court also felt
ing a virtual hearing yesterday, nary sitting. stake in the land for $250,000 that her version of the events
High Court Judge Frank Seep- Dr Faith B Yisrael He also played a controversial in order for them to cut timber lacked plausibility,” he said, as he
ersad granted B Yisrael leave to and employee Kevon McKenna audio recording of alleged whis- on it. The Claimants denied that suggested that the payments made
pursue her judicial review lawsuit had filed similar litigation within tle-blower Akil Abdullah. there was a sale agreement but to the Maharajs represented the
against Police Commissioner Erla the three months of the warrants Augustine mentioned he met claimed that they had agreed to a rent.
Harewood-Christopher and Mag- being executed. Abduallah on July 7 and 12, 2023. lease arrangement. Justice Seepersad ruled that ca-
istracy Registrar Jameel Watch, In August, last year, the duo On both occasions, Abdullah Khan admitted that she and An- veats on the land were lodged
who issued the warrant. was charged for allegedly failing made startling claims, which he ghelo had agreed to pay $12,000 a without reasonable cause.
In granting the approval, Justice to abide by a court order related first dismissed. year in rent but denied the Maha- “Based on the evidence, this
Seepersad had to decide whether to their electronic devices. “The Chief Secretary indicated rajs’ claim that they agreed to pay court is of the view that the first
B Yisrael could pursue the case “We will have to interrupt other that on seeing the warrants and $8,000 a month. defendant (Khan) could not have
despite it being filed well over ongoing investigations in order to production orders, Abdullah’s In determining the lawsuit, Jus- had an honest belief based on
three months after Watch granted address this,” she said. claims gained some credibility. tice Seepersad had to analyse a reasonable grounds that she had
the warrant in July, last year. In his decision, Justice Seep- The Chief Secretary shared audio- purported agreement between acquired any interest in the said
Presenting submissions before ersad noted that B Yisrael was visual recordings in the address the parties allegedly signed at a parcels of land,” he said.
Justice Seepersasd, B Yisrael’s entitled to make the request for and stated that he had no confi- branch of a popular fast food fran- While Justice Seepersad ex-
lawyer Christlyn Moore said be- disclosure of the oath. dence that the TTPS would inves- chise in July 1996. punged the caveats, he only
fore filing the lawsuit, her client “Her request was reasonable tigate the matter otherwise,” her He noted that the two expert awarded the Maharajs $5,000 in
wrote to Harewood-Christopher and justifiable in the circum- lawyers said. witnesses Dr Laurie Hoeltzel and compensation.
requesting the disclosure of the stances,” he said, as he expressed Her lawyers pointed out that Glenn Parmassar, who considered “The claimants have not pleaded
oath sworn by WPC Waever-Ali concerns over the purported lack their client did not have the the document, proffered conflict- any loss or damage arising from
before Watch granted the war- of a response. power to hire staff for the THA as ing opinions on whether the claim- the existence of the caveats and al-
rant. “Such a circumstance does not purportedly alleged in the inves- ants had signed it. though it is possible that over the
She noted that the case was accord with expectation for good tigation. “The court having looked at the course of the last 20 to 25 years
filed after Harewood-Christopher and proper administration,” he They noted that while assem- questioned signatures and the there may have been prospective
failed to acknowledge receipt of added. blymen had the power to iden- exemplars noticed that there ap- purchases for the said lands no
the correspondence or respond. He also agreed with Moore over tify potential support staff, their peared to be obvious and signif- such evidence was adduced,” he
Moore noted that the case the importance of the legal chal- selections had to be approved by icant visual differences between said.
was of public importance as her lenge. the assembly. them and ultimately preferred Dr The claimants were represented
client, an elected official, was al- However, he noted that B Yisra- They suggested that the war- Hoeltzel’s opinion,” he said. by Anand Ramlogan, SC, Che
legedly being investigated for “es- el’s claim over the TTPS’s failure rant was improperly obtained. Dealing with the terms of the Dindial, and Vishaal Siewsaran of
tablishing a propaganda machine to retract the warrant was aca- B Yisrael is seeking another agreement, Justice Seepersad Freedom Law Chambers.
using public funds.” demic as it (the warrant) had al- declaration that Watch failed in noted that there was no mention Khan was represented by Doug-
“There is a spectre over this. ready been served and executed. his official duty in issuing the war- of the sale. las Mendes, SC, and Bryan Mc-
That is a powerful factor that Justice Seepersad also stated rant and an order quashing it (the He also took issue with Khan’s Cutcheon.
ought to weigh on the court’s that the litigation brought by the warrant). evidence which he suggested ap- —Derek Achong
mind,” she said. other THA officials had no impact She is also seeking an order
In response, attorney Anya on the case before him. compelling the disclosure of the
Ramute-Mohan, who led Hare- According to B Yisrael’s court oath presented before Watch.
wood-Christopher’s legal team, filings, obtained by Guardian Her case is scheduled to come
suggested that B Yisrael should Media, the investigation is re- up for hearing on February 6.
not be allowed to pursue the case. portedly related to an audio re- B Yisrael is also being repre-
She pointed out that THA Edu- cording, which surfaced around sented by Adanna Joseph-Wallace
cation Secretary Zorisha Hackett May, last year, and alleged there and Joshua Hamlet.

Cop freed of assault at Chaguanas bar

A police officer, who had been come of the case. They were
accused of assault just over five attached to the Central Opera-
years ago, has been freed. tions Unit based at Lion’s Gate
Constable Randell Roberts at the time.
was freed of assault occasioning The State tendered 32 state-
actual bodily harm by a magis- ments for prosecution of the
trate last week, following a no case during the preliminary in-
case submission made by his quiry, four of which belonged to
attorney Jehan Mohammed-Ali. Thandiwe Aminata, who prose-
Roberts and PC Dexter The- cutors claimed was the victim.
ophille were charged in Novem- After extensive cross-exami-
ber 2018 by WPC Carthy of the nation of prosecution witnesses
Professional Standards Bureau, by Mohammed-Ali, Senior
after an altercation at a popular Magistrate Adrian Darmanie,
bar on Endeavour Main Road, presiding in the Chaguanas
Defence attorney Jehan Chaguanas, earlier that year. Magistrates’ Court, upheld the
Mohammed-Ali and her client, PC The charges were laid and lawyer’s no-case submission
Randell Roberts, outside the the officers were not called and freed Roberts. State attor-
Chaguanas Magistrates’ Court after upon to plead. They were both ney Jade Charles conducted the
he was freed of assault. suspended pending the out- prosecution’s case.
10 news Tuesday, January 9, 2024

PoS cops want more vehicles as ...

Man killed,
cleaner wounded
at Breakfast Shed
SHANE SUPERVILLE down at the Queen’s Park Savannah,
Senior Reporter near the Paddock, on Sunday after-
shane.superville noon.
Investigators said Archer was a
One man was fatally shot and an- loader employed with the National
other wounded in an attack at the Carnival Commission (NCC) to help
Femmes Du Chalet, commonly re- transport materials to build vending
ferred to as the Breakfast Shed, on booths around the Queen’s Park Sa-
Wrightson Road, Port-of-Spain, early vannah.
yesterday. Guardian Media attempted to con-
Police said 39-year-old Omar tact the NCC for comment several
Hunte was at the establishment at times via telephone and email but
around 5.20 am when he was shot by was unsuccessful.
two gunmen. He died at the scene. One officer from the Port-of-Spain
Also wounded in the attack was a Division said police were challenged
61-year-old cleaner, who was taken to respond and initiate crime sup-
Crime scene investigators search for evidence at the site where Omar Hunte was shot dead at the Breakfast to hospital. He remained warded up pression activities, as they did not
Shed, Wrightson Road, Port-of-Spain, yesterday. PICTURE KERWIN PIERRE to last night. have sufficient vehicles. The officer
Investigators said the two assail- claimed that despite repeated re-
ants were seen getting into a white quests, they were not given addi-
car before escaping. tional vehicles, which hampered
When Guardian Media visited anti-crime efforts.
the area, crime scene investigators “We need at least 12 to 13 vehicles
were seen collecting several spent to allow us to effectively manage and
shells as curious passers-by from the secure the city. We have to be bor-
nearby Water Taxi Terminal stopped rowing vehicles from this unit or that
to look on. unit to get it done,” the officer said.
Hunte’s body was taken to the Fo- “We should have about six vehi-
rensic Science Centre, St James, but cles for our Task Force, another five
was returned to a funeral home for vehicles for the police stations and
storage, as no relatives went to iden- two more for the specialist units, but
tify his body. we don’t have that. At the end of the
This is not the first time there was day there’s only so many places we
a killing on or near the compound. can go and walk to.”
Early on the morning of Decem- Another officer said they were not
ber, 18, 2023, Wendell Walker, 47, pleased with the murders in the city
was gunned down while driving his but said although the protocols were
grey Mercedes Benz car near the in place for wider use of police re-
Water Taxi Terminal. sources, “poor supervision” meant
The murder prompted England’s they could not capitalise on this.
cricket team to be placed on high Guardian Media sent questions to
alert, as they were staying at the the TTPS Corporate Communica-
Hyatt Regency Hotel, mere metres tions Unit for response to claims of
away from the crime scene. a shortage of vehicles but did not re-
This is the second murder for the ceive a response up to late yesterday.
year to happen in Port- of-Spain, as
26-year-old Akeil Archer was gunned
The public is hereby
notified that Sacred
Heart Girls’ R.C.
School will be hosting
an event/activity
described below:
Date of the
Sunday 21st
January, 2024

Description of the
Party with the Harts III
carnival party
Address of
The Normandie Hotel,
10 Nook Ave, St. Clair

Duration of the
Tuesday, January 9, 2024 news 11
Relative of murdered Retired delivery driver
Mt Lambert man says he gunned down in San Raphael
predicted his own death An early morning shooting in
San Raphael led to the death of a
60-year-old man yesterday.
“Yea, he complained about peo-
ple coming around him and threat-
ening him. It has been going on for
Stories He said Moraldo’s interests were mainly Police said officers were on pa- about three years now,” one rela-
SHANE SUPERVILLE women and he was reluctant to get involved in trol near San Raphael Junction, tive said.
Senior Reporter crime. when they were flagged down by “He was dismissive about it. He
[email protected] The relative said Moraldo was the last of three residents who told them that a didn’t take it seriously, but the
brothers. man had been shot nearby. other person may have been tak-
Despite repeated calls from family to change In 2021, Marlon Moraldo, the eldest of the On reaching the area, police ing it seriously. At least that’s what
his life and stop associating with criminals, a brothers, was shot and killed in a drive-by found McDonald LeBlanc bleeding we think.”
relative of murdered Mt Lambert resident Afiba shooting on the same street as his younger from gunshot wounds. The relative said LeBlanc’s mur-
Moraldo said yesterday that he continued the brother on Sunday. Police took LeBlanc to the Arima der was difficult to accept.
lifestyle which eventually led to his death. Noting that he and other family members Hospital, where he was declared “Like me ain’t even believe it as
Police said Moraldo, 36, was chased into a rel- tried repeatedly to get the younger Moraldo to dead at around 2.05 am. yet because I woke up this morning
ative’s business on Mt Lambert Circular Road change his life, the relative admitted it was dif- Police found three spent 9mm and I thinking it was like a dream,”
on Sunday morning and shot dead. ficult. He also called on other families and par- shells at the scene. the family member said.
The killers then got back in a black Mazda 323 ents not to give up on steering their children Speaking with Guardian Media The relatives said LeBlanc was
and escaped. away from criminality, noting that while disci- at the Forensic Science Centre, a family-oriented person who en-
Speaking with Guardian Media at the Foren- pline was crucial, simply scolding relatives for St James, hours later, LeBlanc’s joyed beach limes.
sic Science Centre, St James, yesterday, one of wrongdoing was not the answer. relatives said while they were still They said he supported himself
his relatives said Moraldo was an affiliate of the He said, “Talk to them and let them know unclear over the motive of the mur- earlier in life as a fast food delivery
Rasta City gang and was warned against contin- what’s on your mind. Don’t sugar-coat it or hide der, they did not think it was a rob- driver.
uing such a lifestyle. anything. Speak to them plainly because they bery and suspect it may be related Police from the Homicide Bureau
Moraldo, the relative said, did not heed the know what they’re doing is wrong,” he said. to a dispute LeBlanc had, although of Investigations Region II are con-
warnings and predicted his own murder, as he “Tell them how that kind of behaviour is they could not divulge any details. tinuing investigations.
spoke frequently about his own death and even hurting them and the family. Let them know
made arrangements for family members as he how they lost loved ones.
expected his passing. Even try to help them be-
Recalling a conversation with Moraldo last cause some youths think
Wednesday, the relative said he mentioned the the family is only there
possibility of his own murder happening soon. to bouff them. Give them
The relative said, “He know things was on some care.”
him, for him to be in the game he knew cer- The relative said
tain things because we had a discussion. He said Moraldo had a four-year-
‘boy you know they want to kill me, they going old daughter and recently
to kill me’. He said things like ‘This one died, opened an ice cream
another one died, now I’m the last one’. business out of his home.
“He had it in his mind that he had to complete
certain tasks for the rest
of the family to be safe.
“Some people might
say that was just how
he used to talk, but he
knew what was going to
The family member
said despite his troubled
past, he felt Moraldo
was not a bad person
and described him as an
“actor” who played the
role of a criminal to fit in
with friends.



late of 113 Downside Hemel
Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP2 5PY,
United Kingdom
Software Engineer/Bachelor
who died on the 21st day of May, 2019
at Mount Vernon Hospital,
Rickmansworth Road, Northwood,
United Kingdom.


NOTICE is hereby given that after

the expiration of fourteen days from
the date hereof, application will be
made in the Registry of the Supreme
Court of Judicature of Trinidad and
Tobago for the Resealing of Letters
of Administration in the estate of
was granted to ADRIAN JAMES
CHUNG by the High Court of Justice
England and Wales, Cardiff District
Probate Registry, 3rd Floor, Cardiff
Magistrates’ Court, Fitzalan Place,
Cardiff, South Wales CF24 0RZ,
United Kingdom on the 3rd day of
February, 2020.
Helen Araujo
121 Henry Street
Port of Spain
Attorneys-at-Law for
(the duly appointed Attorney of
12 Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Guardian Police officers

from the Inter
Agency Task

Force patrol
inside the
yesterday. Last
week there was
a shooting
outside the
Established 1917 market, where
two men were
The trouble with murdered and
three people
intra-regional travel injured.
There used to be a time when regional travel was more ABRAHAM DIAZ
accessible and dependable.
The Federal Palm and Federal Maple operated up-and-down
the island-chain between T&T and Jamaica in the sixties and

T Microbiome
early seventies, providing reliable passenger and cargo service he question “How can I
across the region. boost my immune system?”
Although it was a product to the failed effort at a West Indian has become topical in the
Federation, it was a successful inter-island marine service that last ten years. The COVID pan-
boosted the development of trade and travel, offering a glimpse demic, with its emphasis on the
of the benefits of regional integration.
Memories of those two vessels sailing across the Caribbean
immune system, worsened the
situation. Suddenly, everyone Dr David Bratt
Sea may have been evoked for some older citizens by the wanted to know what they could CMT, MD, MPH
news that the governments of Guyana, Barbados and T&T are do to “make their immune system
pursuing an initiative to provide a regional passenger and cargo stronger,” and every charlatan [email protected]
ferry system. in sight jumped onto the band-
Details of the proposed plan are still sketchy. wagon. The number of ridiculous the gut of the newborn baby are rides that are not used to feed the
Works and Transport Minister Rohan Sinanan was unable stories one sees on social media important for the development baby but to feed the bacteria, the
to shed further light on the announcement made by Guyana or hears on the radio is laughable of a healthy microbiome. Those bifidobacteria that are needed to
President Dr Irfaan Ali, while Foreign and Caricom Affairs and at some time, some sort of crucial first bacteria, the bifido- build a working immune system.
Minister Dr Amery Browne admitted some of the reporting out control or counter-advertising ef- bacteriae, are the building blocks These bacteria in turn produce
of Guyana on it may have been misleading. fort has to be made to protect the that are indispensable for devel- chemicals that nurture the cells
However, the news that a ferry service is in the works, scientifically gullible from wasting oping a strong immune system. of the immune system. They also
limited though it may be to just three Caribbean nations, offers money. You get them from contact with produce lactic acid. Like any tis-
a glimmer of hope that some regional leaders are working to Some would say they deserve to your mother’s vaginal and intesti- sue, brains need fuel to function
solve the troublesome issue of intra-regional travel. lose their money. nal fluids as you are born or put and lactic acid is the major fuel
Word of the proposed ferry service came within days of There are a number of things immediately in skin contact with that the brain cells or neurons
another announcement related to travel within the Caribbean that you can do to improve the your mother or from breastfeed- require. Immune and brain devel-
Community (Caricom)—the liquidation of the debt-ridden functioning of your immune sys- ing. A mother’s vaginal and gut opment in one go.
Leeward Islands Air Transport Service Limited (LIAT). tem. They cost nothing but are microbiome, her skin microbi- Can anything be done if some-
Later this month, the regional carrier will cease to exist in difficult to do. By the time you ome and her breast microbiome one has had a poor immunolog-
its current form. There are plans for the airline to be reformed are into your 40s, you have so are full of bifidobacteriae. ical start by not having a vaginal
into a new entity, LIAT (2020), and the finalisation of an messed up your immune system Separation from the mother, by birth, by not immediately being
arrangement with Air Peace, a private Nigerian airline. that it’s difficult to improve it. If caesarean section, by removal to put into skin contact with the
At a glance, however, neither of these developments are likely you want a healthy immune sys- an incubator and by preventing mother and by not breastfeeding?
to have much impact on the high cost of intra-regional travel, a tem, apart from arranging to be breastfeeding, starts you off on Of course. Humans are eminently
long-standing issue facing Caricom leaders for decades. born to healthy parents with ef- the wrong track. An initial micro- adaptable but it makes things dif-
The high cost of air transport, coupled with insufficient inter- fective immune systems, you have biome composed of bacteria ob- ficult. The response is never as
island marine traffic, have been the biggest barriers to one of to make sure that the building tained from the gloves of a doctor good if the foundation is weak.
the goals of the Caricom Single Market and Economy (CSME)— blocks of the immune system are or nurse, or the air in the delivery How do you boost your im-
the free movement of citizens. made strong from the moment suite or hospital drapes, anything mune system? Not by taking sup-
This is a matter that demands concerted action by you are born. The birthing experi- other than the mother, damages plements. It’s the usual big four:
governments and private sector entities to achieve more ence with your mother is critical. the development of the immune eat properly and as far as the gut
A healthy newborn microbiome is system and predisposes to dis- microbiome is concerned that
affordable and hassle-free movement of goods and people
the most important part of devel- ease, at birth, during childhood means a varied diet with lots of
However, over the decades, Caricom leaders have not been
oping a healthy, strong immune and in adult life. high-fibre foods. Bifidobacteria
able to pay more than lip service to the issue, acknowledging
system. An abnormal microbiome is really like fibre, pulses and fer-
its vital importance to the region but not responding decisively
A microbiome is a community linked to the development of al- mented foods. Regular exercise
to the calls from stakeholders in tourism and other relevant
of microorganisms that live in a lergies (asthma, sinus, eczema), mobilises white blood cells by
industries for action.
particular place. In our case, we immune diseases (rheumatoid increasing blood flow so they can
The bottom line is that intra-regional travel is unaffordable
are the place. We live in a symbi- arthritis, lupus), neuropsycholog- do their job, seek and destroy
for most Caricom citizens. Measured on a per-mile-flown basis, otic relationship with our micro- ical illnesses (autism, dementia), germs.
this region tops world airfares to the extent that it is cheaper biome and anything that alters endocrine (hypothroidism) and Exercise also reduces stress
per mile for Caribbean travellers to fly to destinations in North our microbiome can be detrimen- NCDs like obesity, diabetes, high hormones like cortisol, which on
America and Europe than to neighbouring islands. tal. When scientists talk about the blood pressure, heart attacks etc. its own reduces immune func-
The high cost of regional travel is the result of the taxes, fees microbiome they usually mean The relationship between tion. Exercising and eating well
and charges (TFC) that account for 40 per cent of airfares. the gut microbiome, although vaginal birth, skin-to-skin and will have the knock-on effect of
That is a major sticking point in the marketing efforts for the there are important microbiomes breastfeeding is critical for the making you sleep better which is
various tourism agencies trying to attract Caribbean travellers on our skin, in vaginas, in breasts development of a healthy micro- a bonus because a tired body is
to their resorts and the carnivals and other cultural events that and other sites. The most studied biome. After the initial seeding more susceptible to bugs.
draw tourists from almost every other part of the world. microorganisms in a microbiome of the infant gut by the mother’s But the best way to get your im-
It does not require a complicated fix. Lower the cost of travel so far, are the bacteria in the gut. vaginal and skin bacteria, it turns mune system going well is: vagi-
for business and leisure to enjoy the full benefits of the free The first bacteria that find out that breastmilk contains cer- nal birth, immediate skin-to-skin
movement of Caricom nationals. their way from the mother into tain sugars called oligosaccha- contact and breastfeeding.
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Tuesday, January 9, 2024 opinion 13
Honour the silver fox with reform
The nation is mourning the death of
the late prime minister Basdeo Pan-
day, a political giant and an orator
par excellence. Panday was the fifth
prime minister of Trinidad and To-
Jonathan Bhagan
bago, the first of Indian descent and Attorney At Law • President,
the first Hindu. He was a founding Christian Youth Foundation
member of the United Labour Front
(ULF), the National Alliance for Re- ChristianYouthFoundationTT/

construction (NAR) and the United Chairman, Caribbean Committee Against Sex Crimes
National Congress (UNC).
Perhaps the best way to honour CaribbeanCommitteeAgainstSexCrimes/ WOULD YOU SUPPORT THE
Panday’s memory would be to keep
fighting for the democracy that he PROPOSED FERRY SERVICE
contributed so much to. Moreover,
and reform the Constitution to Other forms of democracy occurred in human
Panday was an advocate for constitu-
strengthen our democracy. history that enforced slavery or segregation on GUYANA AND BARBADOS?
tional reform. He was quoted by the
For all its flaws, a healthy rep- the oppressed and only gave privileged males PICTURES KERWIN PIERRE
Express in 2023 as follows: “Given
resentative democracy is the best the right to vote. The USA enforced slavery and
our Constitution, we have always
form of government for ensuring re- segregation for much of its history, such as in
been under a form of dictatorship of
spect for human rights and guarding the Supreme Court ruling of Plessy v Ferguson.
one kind or another.
against tyranny. It was not until the 1965 Voting Rights Act that Terry Patrick, 68, Chaguanas
We are made to believe that we
The ability of the average citizen to all blacks in the USA could properly exercise
have a democracy. Democracy
cast a vote and share their concerns their right to vote, and this victory was won Yes, that would be sweet.
means “power to the people”; a way
with their member of parliament only after Malcolm X and Martin Luther King’s
of governing which depends on the
helps uphold the ideals of liberty many protests.
will of the people. It is a society in
and equality that under-gird modern Ancient Athenian democracy only allowed
which the citizens are in control of
democratic systems. landowning males the right to vote, women and
the government. Is that the form of Randy Jokhan, 43, Cunupia,
Unfortunately, the 2020 General the poor were disenfranchised. Women only
Government we have? Democracy Technician
Election saw a voter turnout of 58.0 won the right to vote in the UK in 1918 and 1920
is not merely the right to vote every
per cent, whereas the UK 2019 Gen- in the USA after years of the suffragette move- Yes, that’ll be a great system. It
five years. In T&T, the Government
eral Election saw a turnout of 67.3 ment protests. will create employment, plus
directly and/or indirectly controls
per cent. The right to vote is a privi- The Constitution of Trinidad and Tobago al- it will create great tourism for
almost everything. That is a form of
lege a large section of our population lows any person, whether they be rich or poor, the countries and how things are
does not seem to appreciate, as a sig- male or female, the right to vote. Unlike the hard now, it will be better for them.
Speaking to the Newsday in 2018,
nificant number of people take little French, we did not have to storm the Bastille
Panday said, “The executive should Che Llanos, 38, Point Fortin,
to no interest in politics or the future and fight for this right. Unlike the Americans,
not be in the Parliament. No politi- Logistics
of the country. we did not have to shoot at the British army and
cian should have a Constitution to
Democracy in its present form suffer the loss of life and limb to birth a democ-
look after but should be looking after Yes, I don’t think it’s a bad idea. I
is only a champion of equality and racy. We did not have to risk being bombed by
the entire nation. We need to change think bridging the gap, especially
human rights due to the European the KKK like Martin Luther King Jr to get voting with Guyana with the opening
the Constitution of these rules.”
Enlightenment, the 1948 UN Dec- rights, Trinis comparatively have it easy. industry, it’s not a bad idea to have
The best way to honour Panday’s
laration of Human Rights and the As part of a wider decolonisation movement, a ferry running.
memory was to hearken to his voice
post-war decolonisation movement. the Trinidad and Tobago Independence Act
1962 provided for terms, in Section 1, under Zione Collins, 22, Chaguanas,
which the UK would no longer be responsible Hostess
for the governance of T&T. Our Constitution
then laid the foundation for a democracy with I do support it just because I
greater voting rights and equality than the USA know it will be a lot cheaper for
had at the time. persons who can’t really afford
Despite the marvel of our democracy, a huge it like myself because the planes
and stuff, it will be too expensive
segment of the population never votes. Beyond for me.
voting, citizens do not understand that they
have the right to lobby and advocate for the Frank Stewart, 57, Tobago,
policies and changes they need. Instead, lead- retired fire officer
ership in T&T often takes constructive criticism
as a form of disloyalty and becomes defensive Anything to bring the Caribbean
instead of collaborative. closer is welcomed by me
However, in memory of Panday, the nation personally and I am sure by the
should learn to truly appreciate and fight for wider public.
democracy. American Judge William Hastie
stated, “Democracy is a process, not a static Wilfred Fletcher, Tobago, 61
condition. It is becoming, rather than being. It It makes easy travel between the
can easily be lost, but never is fully won. Its es- islands and it brings the islands
sence is an eternal struggle.” together.
In my humble view, Panday’s memory is best
honoured not by giving him awards and verbal
platitudes, but by giving him the change he
sought for many years of his life. The Constitu-
tion should be reformed to strengthen democ-
racy and human rights. Those who refuse to Of the 1,274 online respondents,
exercise their franchise and vote ought to vote
and have their voices heard in the electoral below is a tally of the answers


14 Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Trinidad & Tobago

Latest escalation linked to war in Gaza

World Digest
Israeli strike kills elite
Hezbollah commander
An Israeli airstrike killed an elite
Hezbollah commander yester-
day in southern Lebanon, the
ROME latest in an escalating exchange
of strikes along the border that
Pope in major policy address calls have raised fears of another Mid-
east war even as the fighting in
for universal ban on surrogacy Gaza exacts a mounting toll on

Says it exploits mother and child The strike on an SUV killed a

commander in a secretive Hez-
bollah force that operates along
Pope Francis called yesterday the border, according to a Leba-
for a universal ban on what he nese security official who spoke
called the “despicable” practice on condition of anonymity in
of surrogate motherhood, as he keeping with regulations. Hez-
included the “commercialisation” bollah identified the slain fighter
of pregnancy in an annual speech as Wissam al-Tawil without pro-
listing threats to global peace and viding details.
human dignity. He is the most senior militant
In a foreign policy address in the armed group killed since
to ambassadors accredited to Hamas’ October 7 attack into
the Holy See, Francis lamented southern Israel triggered all-out This undated picture released by Hezbollah Military Media shows senior
that 2024 had dawned at a time Pope Francis war in Gaza and lower-inten- Hezbollah commander Wissam Tawil, left, who was killed in Kherbet
in which peace is “increasingly sity fighting between Israel and Selem village, south Lebanon, yesterday, sitting next to Iran’s Quds force
threatened, weakened and in the exploitation of situations of the Hezbollah, which has escalated
General Qassem Soleimani, who was killed in Baghdad by a US drone
some part lost.” mother’s material needs,” he said. strike in January 2020. PICTURE AP
since an Israeli strike killed a
Citing Russia’s war in Ukraine, Saying a child is a gift and senior Hamas leader last week The offensive has already there, causing many to join the
the Israel-Hamas war, migration, “never the basis of a commercial in Beirut. killed over 23,000 Palestinians, hundreds of thousands who
climate crises and the “immoral” contract,” he called for a global US Secretary of State Antony devastated vast swaths of the have fled to the south of the be-
production of nuclear and con- ban on surrogacy “to prohibit this Blinken, who is back in the re- Gaza Strip, displaced nearly 85 sieged territory.
ventional weapons, Francis de- practice universally.” gion this week, appears to be per cent of its population of 2.3 Tens of thousands of people
livered a list of the ills afflicting Francis has previously voiced trying to head off a wider con- million and left a quarter of its have sought shelter in Gaza’s
humanity and the increasing vio- the Catholic Church’s opposition flict. residents facing starvation. hospitals, which are struggling to
lation of international humanitar- to what he has called “uterus for Fighting continued in north- Medics, patients and displaced treat dozens of people wounded
ian law that allows them. rent.” At the same time, however, ern Gaza, even after Israel said people fled from the main hos- each day in Israeli strikes. Only
But Francis also listed small- the Vatican’s doctrine office has it has largely wrapped up major pital in central Gaza as the fight- 13 of Gaza’s 36 hospitals are even
er-scale issues that he said were made clear that same-sex parents operations there to now focus ing drew closer, witnesses said partially functioning, according
threats to peace and human dig- who resort to surrogacy can have on the central region and the yesterday. Losing the facility to the UN humanitarian office.
nity, including surrogacy. He said their children baptised. southern city of Khan Younis, would be another major blow Omar al-Darawi, an employee
the life of the unborn child must While commercial surrogacy where thousands more Palestin- to a health system shattered by at the Al-Aqsa hospital, said the
be protected and not “suppressed contracts are common in the ians fled. three months of war. facility has been struck multiple
or turned into an object of traf- United States, including with Israeli officials say the fight- Doctors Without Borders and times in recent days. He said
ficking.” protections for the mothers, ing will continue for many more other aid groups withdrew from thousands of people left after
“I consider despicable the prac- guarantees of independent legal months as the army seeks to dis- Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir the aid groups pulled out, while
tice of so-called surrogate moth- representation and medical cov- mantle Hamas and return scores al-Balah in recent days, saying it patients have been concentrated
erhood, which represents a grave erage, they are banned in parts of of hostages taken during the mil- was too dangerous. That spread on one floor to be treated by the
violation of the dignity of the Europe including Spain and Italy. itants’ October 7 attack. panic among people sheltering remaining doctors. (AP)
woman and the child, based on (AP)

Assault on crime:
Prime Minister Andrew Holness
is to put before the Cabinet, at
its next meeting, a set of initial
proposals and recommendations
towards an institutional architec-
ture to deal with crime and vio-
PM promises new measures, tougher penalties,
“The objective is to create a
more support for people affected by violence
comprehensive, all-of-society en- the symptoms which manifest trators, loved ones (those emo- some Jamaicans say that the levels
terprise to engineer a social and as crime and violence, to a far tionally connected to the victim crime and violence feel distinctly
cultural transformation of the Ja- deeper analysis of the social, and the perpetrator), and the high. Prime Minister
maican society and culture away cultural, and historical factors witnesses (those who were not “This paradox is not inexpli- Andrew Holness
from crime and violence. We that drive aggression, hate, lack directly the target of the violence cable. The gruesome nature of
are seeking to bring about a cul- of respect for authority, low so- but who observed it, often times violent crimes is immediately dis- 31 per cent of all crimes though
tural revolution in Jamaica. I am cio-emotional regulation, anti- children).” played before us in graphic details murder itself declined this year,”
confident we can make Jamaica social behaviours, and a lack of The prime minister under- for our unfiltered consumption Holness told the Observer as he
a kinder, gentler, fairer, prosper- value for the inviolability of the scored that in 2023 Jamaica re- in the age of social media. It is reiterated his concern about the
ous, and peaceful society,” Hol- person and the sanctity of life,” corded its lowest level of crime in not unreasonable to assume this increase in domestic violence
ness told the Jamaica Observer. declared Holness. more than 22 years, down by 10.7 could influence perceptions. while vowing to continue to go
“This year the Government will He added: “An important part per cent when compared to 2022, “However, of greater concern after the gangsters who have long
increase its focus on tackling vio- of the of the response to crime with murders down 7.8 per cent; is that as overall major crimes fuelled Jamaica’s murder rate.
lence as a public health concern. and violence, in addition to the shootings down approximately decline, murders and shootings “Gang-related murders are
The social normalisation and more policing and stronger laws six per cent; and rape, robbery, are declining at slower rates and trending down from 72 per cent of
increasing propensity to use vio- approach, must be the engage- and break-ins down between 12 therefore making up an increas- all murders in 2021 to now (be at)
lence requires a broader response ment of critical social, emotional, and 17 per cent. ing portion of overall crimes. In 67 per cent. This trend will likely
beyond law (enforcement). and psychological services and But Holness accepted that de- 2016 murders were 23 per cent continue as we intensify our ef-
“It requires focus beyond support for the victims, perpe- spite the decline in the numbers of all crimes, now it accounts for forts against the gangs.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

NGC reports $2.38B in 2022 profits

The wholly state-owned National strategies through the completion foreign assets in 2022—a new NGL
Gas Company Group (NGC) yester- of key gas supply contract nego- terminal in Hull, Texas and a pro-
day announced an after-tax profit tiations, including a milestone pane terminal located in Rush City,
of $2.38 billion for the year ended gas supply contract (GSC) with Minnesota. This expanded the
December 31, 2022. bpTT. He added that the company group’s presence in North Ameri-
In the company’s 2022 summary worked collaboratively with Shell can markets while National Energy
consolidated financial statements, to progress the Manatee project was appointed by the government
which was released yesterday, and a heads of agreement (HOA) to lead Trinidad and Tobago’s ex-
NGC disclosed that its 2022 profit was signed to commence joint port promotion of energy services,
return was 5.2 per cent lower than modification of NGC’s Beachfield under the direction of the Ministry
the $2.51 billion after-tax profit re- Facility, to accommodate gas from of Energy and Energy Industries.
corded in 2021. that field. He added, “NGC bolstered its en-
The natural gas distribution and The statement highlighted ergy marketing and trading port-
marketing company’s revenue the fact that NGC focused on the folio through a signed agreement
rose by 41.46 per cent to $33.39 downstream to secure a stable with Proman to take methanol car-
billion in 2022, compared to the supply of gas to the petrochemi- goes from its MHTL facility in Point
$23.60 billion NGC generated in cal and manufacturing industrial Lisas for international export.”
2021. sectors. Khan also hailed the group’s
NGC’s profit before tax increased “Notably, a GSC was signed progress in terms of sustainability
by 6 per cent to $5.07 billion in with local cement manufacturer, and the Green Agenda as in 2022,
2022, from $4.78 billion in 2021. Cemex Trinidad Cement Ltd thanks to the marketing efforts of
According to the audited finan- (Cemex TCL). NGC continued to NGC CNG, a total of 17,536 Natural
cials, NGC paid $2.69 billion in work alongside the GORTT and Gas Vehicles (NGVs) were report-
taxes in 2022, which means it had the other shareholders in Atlantic edly operating on the nation’s
a tax rate of over 53 per cent, com- LNG—Shell and bpTT—to further roads.
pared with a rate of 47.62 per cent Energy Minister Stuart Young, left, and National Gas Company chairman, negotiations on the restructuring “This meant the company
in 2021. Joseph Ishmael Khan, celebrate the wholly state-owned company’s 2022 of the commercial arrangement achieved the target set out in its
NGC chairman Dr Joseph Ish- profits. PICTURE NGC for the LNG facility,” Khan said. founding mandate to support the
mael Khan explained the NGC ammonia and natural gas liquids gas value chain. The group’s subsidiaries were introduction of 17,500 NGVs into
Group’s profitability was driven (NGLs) in 2022. He explained that on the up- also praised as it was explained the domestic market. Sales of
by high energy commodity prices, He said that as an integrated en- stream side of the energy value that key milestones were achieved. CNG also increased by 25 per cent
which were boosted by the up- ergy company, the group was able chain, the group’s parent com- Khan said Phoenix Park Gas Pro- over 2021, showing strong market
ward trend of market prices for to capture value across the natural pany NGC advanced its growth cessors Ltd (PPGPL) acquired two growth,” Khan said.

MasterCard expects 2024 to be better for consumers

This year, 2024, should be a bet-
ter year for consumers, accord-
ing to the Mastercard Economics
Institute’s (MEI) “Economic Out-
look 2024”.
In the annual report, the MEI
noted that inflation pressures
across most economies should
ease. The report stated inflation
globally (consumer price index)
is expected to moderate to 4.9
per cent year over year (YOY) in
2024 from 6 per cent in 2023.
However while inflation will be
lower, it is expected to remain
above the pre-pandemic trend of
2.7 per cent.
According to the report, there
are three common themes for
the global economy this year: an
empowered consumer, easing in-
flationary pressure and a course
correction for central banks. A screen grab of the MasterCard Economic Institute’s Economic Outlook 2024 report.
Removing inflation, “real” episodes in the region. power should increase.” However as hinted to by the tural products and metals. Cen-
growth in 2024 is likely to feel The report stated, “In this However it was noted that the Central Bank, Prime Minister tral America and the Caribbean
like 2023—the MEI expects real situation, consumer spending continued easing of monetary Dr Keith Rowley and local econ- are more vulnerable because of
global GDP growth of 2.9 per growth should moderate com- policy will help sustain con- omists, external factors could the US slowdown from weaker
cent YOY in 2024, compared to pared to 2023 but remain resil- sumer spend in interest-sensitive derail that growth, as the MEI exports and lower remittances.”
3.0 per cent in 2023. ient on the back of strong labour sectors, while income-sensitive said, “As Latin America pursues The report closed, “While the
The report noted that most of markets. Also, sustained global sectors are likely to lag as house- a smooth slowdown, the key global economy will feel more
Latin America will be reaping the demand for commodities re- holds control their expenses. downside risks are external. An “normal” in 2024 than the prior
benefits of its tumultuous, but mains key to economic perfor- The report stated, “The good economic slowdown abroad, es- three years, it is still an economy
persistent commitment to stabi- mance, while the possibility of news is that labour markets will pecially in China and the US, is in the process of rebalancing.
lising inflation. In 2024, MEI fore- higher food prices is a key risk remain strong in the economies the greatest potential threat to This means consumers and cor-
casts a GDP growth slowdown in factor.” that have outperformed. In addi- Latin America’s economic per- porations will be mindful of how
key Latin American economies, The MEI stated, “Consumers tion, labour markets will finally formance in the year ahead. to prioritise their spending and
as the final stretch of the disin- should continue to spend, owing turn the corner in the region’s “A slowdown in China would investment in an environment
flation process will be smooth to strength in the labour market. underperforming economies, hit the economies of South Amer- of shifting relative price differ-
rather than the hard landing that With price inflation cooling more with real wages expected to show ica particularly hard through a entials and higher borrowing
typically follows high-inflation than wage inflation, purchasing modest, but consistent growth.” decline in demand for agricul- costs.”
16 stocks Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Daily Report on Trading, Monday, January 8, 2024

ALL T&T INDEX: 1,806.51
CHANGE: -5.36
CHANGE: -2.35
BOUGHT/SOLD: $1,132,216.77
drops by
Overall market activity resulted
ORDINARY SHARES from trading in 19 securities of
AGOSTINI’S LTD 68.50 68.50 68.49 68.44 56 68.50 11,622 68.50 08-01-2024 773 68.50 which six advanced, five declined
ANGOSTURA HOLDINGS 21.95 22.00 20.00 20.00 114 21.50 142 20.00 08-01-2024 349 20.00 -1.95
and eight traded firm.
ANSA MERCHANT BANK 43.00 43.00 43.00 42.70 400 43.00 14,989 43.00 08-01-2024 11 43.00
ANSA MCAL 55.00 55.90 55.90 55.90 1,583 56.50 391 55.90 08-01-2024 172 55.90 0.90
Trading activity resulted in the
FIRST CITIZEN GROUP FINANCIAL HOLDINGS 49.11 49.50 49.11 49.50 198 50.00 2,075 49.50 08-01-2024 1,710 49.14 0.03 following movements of the TTSE
FIRST CARIBBEAN INTERNATIONAL 7.00 7.00 170 7.05 1,233,178 7.00 05-01-2024 7.00 Indices:
GUARDIAN HOLDINGS 19.00 19.00 18.25 18.25 24,013 18.99 4,900 18.25 08-01-2024 396 19.00 • The All T&T Index declined
GRACE KENNEDY & CO 4.13 4.18 4.10 4.11 719 4.18 2,639 4.18 08-01-2024 7,076 4.17 0.04 by 5.36 points (0.30 per cent) to
GUARDIAN MEDIA LTD 2.20 2.25 2.25 2.25 3,642 2.30 19,827 2.25 08-01-2024 652 2.25 0.05 close at 1,806.51;
JMMB GROUP LTD 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.28 1,000 1.37 950 1.26 08-01-2024 1,500 1.26
• The Composite Index declined
LJ WILLIAMS A 0.21 0.22 23 0.21 03-10-2023 0.21
LJ WILLIAMS B 2.24 2.24 999 2.24 28-12-2023 2.24 by 2.35 points (0.19 per cent) to
MASSY 4.44 4.45 4.44 4.44 44,400 4.45 193,722 4.45 08-01-2024 54,788 4.45 0.01 close at 1,207.80;
NCBFG 3.43 3.15 500 3.40 5,495 3.45 02-01-2024 3.43 • The Cross-Listed Index ad-
NATIONAL ENTERPRISES LTD 3.97 3.65 120 3.95 1,216 3.96 05-01-2024 3.97 vanced by 0.12 points (0.15 per
NATIONAL FLOUR MILLS 1.89 1.80 200 1.90 500 1.74 05-01-2024 1.89 cent) to close at 79.37; and
TTNGL 10.98 11.00 10.94 10.65 145 10.94 3,503 10.94 08-01-2024 2,798 10.96 -0.02 • The SME Index remained at
ONE CARIBBEAN MEDIA 3.80 3.52 30 3.75 144,410 3.80 29-12-2023 3.80
9.30 9.30 9.30 9.24 160 9.30 50,783 9.30 08-01-2024 5,000 9.30
POINT LISAS DEV 3.90 3.90 3.90 3.90 17,700 4.00 5,000 3.90 08-01-2024 5,000 3.90 Guardian Media Ltd led ad-
RFHL 123.00 123.00 122.00 122.97 1,807 122.98 5,844 122.98 08-01-2024 2,516 122.95 -0.05 vancing stocks, rising by 2.27 per
SCOTIABANK 69.06 69.60 69.00 69.55 200 69.67 2 69.50 08-01-2024 2,378 69.11 0.05 cent, and adding $0.05, to close
T’DAD CEMENT LTD 3.30 3.30 3.11 2.90 150 3.25 500 3.11 08-01-2024 1,860 3.17 -0.13 at $2.25.
UNILEVER CARIB LTD 12.00 11.99 11.99 11.75 200 11.98 12,784 11.99 08-01-2024 9,829 11.99 -0.01 Angostura Holdings led declin-
WEST INDIAN TOBACCO CO 8.90 8.92 1,000 9.00 53,693 9.00 04-01-2024 8.90
ing stocks, dropping by 8.88 per
cent, losing $1.95, to close at $20.
PREFERENCE SHARES Trinidad Cement Ltd declined by
GUARDIAN MEDIA LTD 65.85 66.00 1 65.85 22-08-2023 65.85 3.94 per cent, dropping $0.13, to
WILLIAMS LJP 3.79 3.85 1 3.79 29-09-2023 3.79 close at $3.17.
Trading activity on the First-
SECOND TIER SHARES Tier Market registered a volume
MORA VEN HOLDINGS 12.00 12.00 14-12-2018 12.00
of 96,808 shares crossing the
floor of the Exchange valued at
CALYPSO MACRO INDEX FUND 22.56 22.56 20 23.50 7,964 23.50 05-01-2024 22.56 $1,132,216.77.
CLICO INVESTMENT FUND 27.46 28.00 30-12-2022 27.46 Massy Holdings was the vol-
EPPLEY CARIBBEAN DEVELOPMENT FUND 0.71 0.71 09-05-2023 0.71 ume leader with 54,788 shares
EPPLEY CARIBBEAN VALUE FUND 1.60 1.60 10-02-2023 1.60 changing hands for a value of
$243,624.59, followed by Unile-
SME SHARES ver Caribbean Ltd with a volume
CINEMAONE LIMITED 7.20 7.00 7.00 7.00 395 7.00 08-01-2024 8 7.20
ENDEAVOUR HOLDINGS LTD 14.75 14.75 14.75 14.45 105 14.75 1,073 14.75 08-01-2024 3,000 14.75 of 9,829 shares being traded for
USD EQUITY SHARES Trading activity on the SME
MPC CARIBBEAN CLEAN ENERGY LIMITED 0.98 0.95 15,000 0.98 20-01-2023 0.98 Market registered a volume of
3,008 shares crossing the floor of
Note: Closing Price Methodology updated as of December 6, 2023 the Exchange valued at $44,306.
Endeavour Holdings Ltd was
the volume leader with 3,000
shares changing hands for a value
of $44,250, followed by Cine-
maOne with a volume of eight
shares being traded for $56.
The USD Equity Market did not
record any activity.
Tuesday,, January 9, 2024
news 17


on stage

Cooler Fete
Bishop Anstey High School kept up its reputation as one of the
best school cooler fetes with its BAHS Cooler Fete 2024 on Sat-
urday. The fete included three top performers in Lyrikal, Nadia
Batson and Mical Teja. Nigel Telesford captured these photos.

Mical “Rock
Star” Teja

Rowley, right,
and other
Attendees at attendees pose
Bishop’s Cooler for a picture at
Fete the event.

These ladies
were all smiles.

A cross section
of patrons.

Lyrikal was
Iwer clears space in crowd a favourite.
18 opinion Tuesday, January 9, 2024

T he focus of law enforce-

ment should prioritise
combating illegal firearm Police running
down FUL holders
possession rather than bur-
dening lawful firearm li-
cense (FUL) holders with
stringent requirements. uals in possession of illegal Emphasising intelli-
The current regulations firearms. Targeting FUL gence-driven operations
for FUL holders, including holders, who have under- to identify and apprehend
the need for a medical certif- gone rigorous background those with illicit firearms
icate and a firearms instruc- checks and training, under- will have a more significant
tor’s endorsement, as well mines the overall goal of en- impact on reducing crime
as substantial fees, create an suring public safety. and enhancing community
undue burden on responsi- The focus on FUL holders safety. In summary, law en-
ble gun owners. as potential threats diverts forcement should prioritise
Moreover, in the event of resources away from ad- efforts to combat illegal fire-
a justified firearm discharge, dressing the root cause of arms rather than treating
the extended period for po- gun violence—the prolifera- responsible FUL holders as
lice investigations leaves tion of illegal firearms. potential threats.
FUL holders vulnerable to By streamlining the re- This shift in focus will
potential threats. newal process for FUL contribute to a safer soci-
Law enforcement, par- holders and expediting in- ety while respecting the
ticularly the Trinidad and vestigations involving lawful rights and contributions of
Tobago Police Service discharges, authorities can law-abiding firearm owners.
(TTPS), should redirect their strike a balance between
efforts toward identifying public safety and individual GORDON LAUGHLIN
Snowcone vendor Samuel Augustine prepares a snowcone for St James resident Francisco and apprehending individ- rights. Westmoorings
Molina at the Queen’s Park Savannah, Port-of-Spain, on Thursday. PICTURE NICOLE DRAYTON

M y father was a man of integrity. domestic matter gutted us as

He believed that regardless of
your job description, you should
be honest in your dealings and hold
yourself to a high standard of con-
We have lost our humanity daily and wonder whether par-
a people. Imagine, the train-
ing that our soldiers receive,
the discipline that we expect
of their position, the national
duct that could withstand scrutiny. ents still give this advice, or pride in their uniforms worn.
Throughout his life, he set this ex- whether children simply fail The senseless murder at the
ample for us.
Whether it was his work dealings Pavitra to heed their parents’ words. I
noticed we have slowly begun
hands of such a person does
not to lend confidence to the

or his duties in the sports clubs he to lose our humanity. When position or uniform.
was involved with, my father did my son was close to his fourth We are bombarded by accu-
not touch a cent that was not his birthday, I took him out to sations of poor conduct in our
and was forthright in all of his deal- Attorney at Law, Senior Committee lunch after school one day. police service. Almost every-
ings. Member of Assembly of There he was in his little pre- one who has had to conduct
While my father did not have Southern Lawyers school uniform, holding tightly business at certain government
an abundance of worldly riches onto my hand when two uni- offices, have complained of the
to bestow on my brother and me, formed police officers walked bribe system that now appears
he gave something even better. He and I ventured into our work lives, was told in no uncertain terms in to purchase their lunch. My to be a requirement to get mat-
instilled in us his values and belief we both received separate instruc- that when I walked out of my son’s face lit up and he looked ters completed. We as a people
system, as traditional as they may tions of what was expected of us. father’s house and into my new up at them, completely en- seem to have lost all grasp of
have seemed to have been. They At 16, my father gave me permis- employment, I was taking not thralled by the sight of that uni- what humanity entails. There
are the values we have kept to this sion to work in his friend’s book- just my reputation but my fam- form and what it meant. is no longer pride in what we
day. store during the school vacation ily’s. My mother, who was with do. There is no longer honesty
I remember that as my brother while I awaited my CXC results. I My father was very clear that me, was quick to draw one of and integrity in the manner in
one does not touch anything the officer’s attentions to his which we conduct ourselves.
that does not belong to them, childish excitement at seeing We complain endlessly about

that a quick dollar was not them. This officer was kind the criminal elements who
worth the stain on my charac- enough to kneel in front of him break windows, climb into our
ter and I ought to always carry and have a full conversation homes and rob us. What about
and conduct myself in a man- about being a police officer and the criminals who get up each
:HDUHDFWLYHO\UHFUXLWLQJ SHUVRQVIURPWKH ner that my family and I could warning him to pay attention morning, put on their clothes
be proud of. in school and maybe someday and then sit by their govern-
Two years later, I walked into he would wear that uniform to ment desks while we grease
a regional corporation as my help put the criminals away. It their hands to motivate them
first form of permanent em- was a wonderful moment for to do their jobs, the ones they
ployment. Again, my father re- my child, who believed whole are paid to perform, are they
minded me of the integrity he heartedly in the police’s job any less criminals.
expected. Though he departed to protect and serve. Imagine For years we have debated,
this life many years ago, I still now, my son being a little older argued and fought over means
  DSSO\LQSHUVRQ and wiser and having to listen of controlling crime. We have
hear his voice saying don’t sign
  LQFOXGH to the manner in which a WPC passed legislation which have
to receive anything you didn’t
  recently dealt with a distressed failed. We have chastised our
see with your own eyes, don’t
   accept money from anyone to person on the phone. It was government and ministers for
   LIDYDLODEOH  do the government’s job that quite clear that positions held failing us. I wonder, though,
  you’re already being paid to do by some are nothing more what legislation can we pass to
and do not touch anything that than a paying job. We have lost force persons to conduct them-
is not yours. pride in what we do and what selves in the manner they ought
While my father’s advice it represents. A police officer’s too? What legislation can we
meant that I was not a favour- uniform was once a sign that of- pass to compel those around us
ite among my supervisors, as I fered us comfort and security, to remember and revert to the
never signed for things I did not and now, we are a people who core values we once held?
see with my own eyes, it also scoff at the sight of an officer on
meant that I left the govern- duty. Pavitra Ramharack is head
ment service with my reputa- So too, during the course of of chambers at Pavitra
tion properly intact—no finger the week, the headlines of a Ramharack Attorneys at
could be pointed at me. soldier allegedly murdering his Law and can be reached at
I look at our newspapers ex-wife and mother-in-law in a ramharack_pavitra@outlook.
Tuesday, January 9, 2024 opinion 19
Giving proper respect to Basdeo Panday
Basdeo Panday once told the recital. Sagan Maraj to fight for the after a falling out he formed the Club sad-Bissessar who removed Basdeo
story of one of his friends, a life- I want to start with the big rights of the workers of Caroni 88 movement within Parliament, Panday as the Political Leader of the
long UNC supporter who was one, which is the Basdeo Panday 1975 Ltd, I can’t understand how only to create the UNC to contest UNC, it was the financial member-
dying and hospitalised at the International Airport, which de- the SMDS overlooks the oppor- the 1991 general election and every ship of the party.
time. When Mr Panday went to spite being the name of the air- tunity to name the school which subsequent one he faced. So im- That having been said, Dr Panday
visit the man, he found him in a port used by travellers for over a is actually located in Caroni after agine my absolute shock when it was has always felt that this was a rejec-
room surrounded by PNM para- decade, the government doesn’t the man. Instead, they choose a announced that Dr Panday’s body tion of him as a leader and this is
phernalia, and the man himself want to allocate the funds to school located in Penal, which would be viewed at the Parliament nothing further from the truth. He
was clad in a PNM t-shirt. When erect a proper signboard for the by all accounts doesn’t really and at SAPA, but not in the Couva could have still played a role in the
Mr Panday asked the man why thing. And I know there was talk have any ties to Dr Panday out- North constituency, where he sat in transition and future of the party, but
he chose to turn to the PNM at of renaming it after Dr Eric Wil- side of this choice. By renaming office for over three decades. after three decades, it was felt by all
the end of his life, the man re- liams recently, which gave me a the Shiva Boys’ Hindu College in For the constituents of Couva that new leadership was needed. But
sponded that it was because he thought because the truth of the Caroni after Dr Panday, not only North to not have the ability to view it was not the party that turned its
would rather that death was matter is that Basdeo Panday would it have solidified his con- the body of the person they elected back on Basdeo Panday, but rather
coming for a PNM supporter was presented with a doctor- nection with the former Caroni to represent them on nine separate Basdeo Panday who turned his back
rather than it take a UNC. ate by UTT before his passing, workers and their families, but it occasions over the course of 34 years on the party, after being voted out as
I’ll let you decide whether that meaning that this title ought to would have also left the Vishnu before he is sent off to eternal rest is leader.
story has any relevance today. be included in the name of the Boys’ Hindu College open to insane and a national insult to those If only he could have seen the way
Basdeo Panday’s legacy is airport as well. As such, any gov- be named after someone with residents. And someone in the or- that the UNC as a party has banded
poised to outlive all of us still ernment that finds the money to a deeper connection to that ganisational process of this State-run together to celebrate and honour his
alive today, but for a man who erect this signage in the future school, but in hindsight, that event must be brought to answer life today, then he would know that
never ran from controversy in should be sure to check that it may have also been the point of for this debacle because there is no he was always loved by the UNC,
his lifetime, I wonder how he reads as the “Dr Basdeo Panday doing it this way. excuse for them not to have allo- both by the new leadership and the
will be remembered in the fu- International Airport” in proper Speaking about geographical cated one day over the weekend for membership. And it is this support
ture. Even today, a week after recognition of the man. connectivity, not only was Dr viewing in Couva North, especially that we see in the outpouring of love
his passing, but before his final A similar mistake was made Panday a Member of Parliament as nothing else was planned during that has come from across the nation
rites are read, there is some de- by the Maha Sabha, who despite for the Constituency of Couva those two days. after his passing.
bate about what a fitting tribute their best well-meaning inten- North from 1976 to 2010, but This brings me finally to the UNC We the people who have known
to the man should look like. As tions to recognise Dr Panday by he remained their representa- and the elephant standing in the and loved Dr Basdeo Panday will
such, I thought I should weigh renaming a high school in his tive as a member of four politi- room ever since Dr Panday’s death continue to struggle and fight as he
into the conversation, not be- honour, seemed to have made a cal parties during that time. He was first announced. While Kamla taught us to do in building and devel-
cause I know better than most, slight error in their haste to do was first elected under the ULF Persad-Bissessar has borne the brunt oping a united nation for us all and
but if only to interject some new so when they chose the wrong banner in 1976, only to dissolve of the blame for how Dr Panday was our future generations. And it is our
ideas into what has become a one. As a trade union leader that party when the NAR coali- treated in the UNC, history does not duty to remind all who come after us
rather monotonous and boring who worked alongside Bhadase tion was formed in 1986, then reflect this fact. of the lasting legacy of a titan who
Dr Panday was plagued by dissent gave his life to this cause and who
in the rank and file of the UNC since showed us all the vision of the future

Climate change measure

the internal election of 2001 which that we are working towards.
saw Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj and Rest in Peace Dr Basdeo Panday!
his slate obliterate the one that was Long live Mrs Kamla Persad-Bisses-
endorsed by Dr Panday, and this sar!
Did delegates at the recent to the mighty administrative mand of nature’s replenishing trend would follow him throughout Long live the United National Con-
United Nations COP28 come skyscraper, education and all ability. the decade until he finally allowed gress!
up with any realistic measures its requirements, everything So how do we at least slow the party members to veto his leader-
to reduce carbon emissions? we ride, fly, wear or play with, down this great demand on ship in 2010, which they did of their RAVI BALGOBIN MAHARAJ
While we all need to support necessarily or unnecessarily, nature’s replenishing capabil- own free accord. It wasn’t Kamla Per-
pronounced measures, there everything in totality and their ity?
are realities we must face. creative materials, all originate Would a world population DEAR LETTERWRITERS:
All human beings have that from the earth itself. reduction achieve a drop not Please note that before your letter can be published, we must have your
aspiration to be financially And with an ever-growing just in basic food demand, full name and contact details, including a phone number. Your contact
secure and with basic every- global population naturally but also a reduction on ‘eye information will not be published. Letters should be no more than 500 words
long and may be edited for length and clarity. Send by email to: letters@
day comforts that go with it. having that desire to be at least food’? We do know what ‘eye
Most of us work diligently to physically comfortable, can food’ is, don’t we? Yes, it’s the
become financially secure. this steadily over-exploited unnecessary eating, drinking
And if you were not born and aged earth keep replenishing and entertainment pleasures
brought up in an established itself speedily enough to keep we so often and thoughtlessly
business family but are still up with our enormous de- indulge ourselves in.
desirous of going that way, it mands? Yes, we do need a little re-
may take years of preparation: In 1988, the United Nations laxing pleasure at times, we
studies, training in a particular and the World Meteorolog- are, however, presently facing
field, added to devoting sacri- ical Organization together a humongous global climate High Commission of India
ficial financial savings from formed a body called the In- challenge.
your modest earnings etc. ternational Panel on Climate And if a reduction in the
Port of Spain
And if all goes well and you Change (IPCC) to provide global population is possible,
feel set to commence your policymakers with regular would it be incorporated keep-
own business, there’s one scientific assessments on up- ing in mind the long-term sta-
sure thing you’ll unquestiona- to-date knowledge of climate bility of the present ageing but Notice Inviting Tender
bly need for your business to change. With the greatest re- otherwise healthy population
be successful. You’ll need cus- spect to these learned minds, with all the healthcare and at- Sealed quotations are invited for professional
tomers. Whether you’re in the have any of the policy/stand- tention they will require? Housekeeping/Cleaning/Janitorial companies for providing
business of food production/ ards proposed then, initiated Given our global naivety/ Housekeeping/Cleaning/Janitorial at High Commission of India,
sales, medical care, construc- any visible signs of fossil fuel stubbornness and Family Plan- 6 Victoria Avenue, Port of Spain as per terms and conditions
tion, transportation, or what- reduction? ning failures, have the “profes- mentioned in the Tender Documents which can be downloaded
ever, you need customers for Everyone on the face of this sors” of this world, the people from our official website under the column ‘Tenders’ or clicking the
your business’ growth and earth, whether minuscule who apparently had foreseen link
subsistence. or great consumers of its re- this climate challenge decades
But who are the suppliers sources, are to some degree ago, have they come up with
The quotation should be addressed to
of your required abundance contributors to our present any long-term ideas/plans of
of varied raw materials, and climate condition. how to deal with this whole
“Head of Chancery, High Commission of India,
where is it coming from? So how do we put a damper situation? Has it already been #6 Victoria Avenue, Port of Spain (Trinidad) and reach on or
Resources for the produc- on this dicey trend? It’s an es- initiated? before 26th January, 2024 by 17:00 hrs.
tion of everything—foods and tablished fact that as long as
its different forms of metal there are consumers, it would LLOYD RAGOO,
and plastic containers, hous- be a necessity and/or paradise Chaguanas Sd/-
ing from the humble shack for producers, but, a great de- Head of Chancery
20 Tuesday, January 9, 2024

NPATT president Alicia Los Alumnos de

Jaggasar performs San Juan on stage.
with her band, Los
Alumnos de San Juan.

NPATT welcomes increased youth involvement

Parang season ends in Point Fortin

Story, pictures by rang Festival at the St Antho- significance this year as the or- val were Amantes De Parranda, the event in Point Fortin was
INNIS FRANCIS ny’s RC Church in Point Fortin. ganisation celebrates its 53rd Sancouche, Voces Jovenes, Los prompted by parish priest Fa-
Celebrations began with the anniversary in April. It was the Alumnos de San Juan, La Divina ther Cornelius Phillip’s trust and

T he 2023-24 parang season

ended on a high note last
Saturday with the Les Rois Pa-
National Parang Association
of T&T’s (NPATT) church ser-
vice, which took on special
second year the service was held
at the Point Fortin church.
Bands featured at the festi-
Pastora and Los Ruisenores.
NPATT president Alicia Jag-
gasar said the decision to host
belief in parang music.
However, she said the parang
„ Continues on Page 21

This patron
played the
maracas as he
danced along to
the parang

Bands featured
at the festival
were Amantes
De Parranda,
Voces Jovenes,
Los Alumnos
de San Juan, La
Divina Pastora
and Los Afeisha Brown
Ruisenores. during her solo
performance at the
Les Rois Parang
Tuesday, January 9, 2024 rec 21
A cross section of the crowd enjoying the parang music.

Amatas de
Paranda on
stage at the

due to
„ From Page 20

fraternity struggled
to compete with Car-
nival, as the two sea-
sons overlapped.
Cuatro player Afeisha Brown, centre, reflects the joy and energy of the
“I speak for a lot of performance of La Divina Pastora.
citizens of Trinidad Parish priest at the St Anthony’s RC Church in Point Fortin, Fr Cornelius Phillip,
and Tobago. Carnival shares a moment with Mrs Globe T&T Yolandra John and alderman Kevon Primus-
velopments out of we saw in 2023 was the event, I know parang
this year was so very King, of the Point Fortin Borough Corporation.
the parang season youth participation in is in safe hands and we
close, so everywhere was the increase in parang. A lot of youth are happy to be doing
you go, every Christ- youth participation. bands coming out, and what we are doing to
mas event, you had She added: “We also when we look at encourage the youth
to deal with the Car- launched the first-ever the audiences, we see of T&T in something
nival,” she said. parang tent at La Joya a lot of youths forming positive.”
“There was a lot of and we are looking part of the audience at Jaggasar said tra-
soca coming into it, forward to the parang parang events. ditionally during the
so sometimes we had tent next year. “The Paramin event parang season, cel-
to ask the DJ to play a “We had a lot of sup- was not just mature ebrations are held
little parang, soca pa- port, so our presence people, it was filled t h ro u g h o u t T&T,
rang. We found that was felt all through with young people. So ending in Arima.
it (Christmas season) the season and we are when I see the young However, there are al-
was very short, espe- hoping, coming into people parangin’ like ready plans to host the
cially for this year. 2024, that we continue from the junior pa- event in Point Fortin
“When it’s (Car- with that momentum. rang schools and how in 2025 for the third
nival) in March, we “One of the things they are coming to the consecutive year.
have a little more
playtime. But when
it is in February, so
early, we find that
Carnival encroaches
on our Christmas. So
like for me, I would
be celebrating Christ-
mas in Carnival. We
would like to reach
out to T&T to support
this artform, it is an
artform that brings
joy to people.”
The Les Rois Pa-
rang Festival is the
celebration of the
visit of the three
kings to baby Jesus
bearing the gifts of
gold, frankincense,
and myrrh. It also
signal the end of
the parang season.
Jaggasar said one
of the positive de-
22 rec Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Oppenheimer dominates
Poor Things upsets Barbie in comedy
Christopher Nolan’s blockbuster sal chief Donna Langley. decade but facing a new and un-
biopic Oppenheimer dominated Along with best comedy or mu- certain chapter. After a tumul-
the 81st Golden Globes, winning sical, Poor Things also won for tuous few years of scandal, the
five awards including best drama, Emma Stone’s performance as Hollywood Foreign Press Associa-
while Yorgos Lanthimos’ Frank- Bella, a Victorian-era woman ex- tion was dissolved, leaving a new
enstein riff Poor Things pulled off periencing a surreal sexual awak- Globes, on a new network (CBS),
an upset victor over Barbie to tri- ening. to try to regain its perch as the
umph in the best comedy or mu- “I see this as a rom-com,” said third biggest award show of the
sical category. Stone. “But in the sense that Bella year, after the Oscars and Gram-
If awards season has been build- falls in love with life itself, rather mys. Even the menu (sushi from
ing toward a second match-up of than a person. She accepts the Nobu) was remade.
Barbenheimer, this round went good and the bad in equal meas- “Golden Globes journalists,
to Oppenheimer. The film also ure, and that really made me look thank you for changing your
won best director for Nolan, best at life differently.” game, therefore changing your
drama actor for Cillian Murphy, Lily Gladstone won best ac- name,” said Downey in his accept-
best supporting actor for Rob- tress in a dramatic film for Martin ance speech.
ert Downey Jr and for Ludwig Scorsese’s Killers of the Flower It got off to a rocky start. Host Jo
Göransson’s score. Moon. Gladstone, who began her Koy took the stage at the Beverly
“I don’t think it was a no-brainer speech speaking the language of Hilton International Ballroom in
by any stretch of the imagination her native tribe, Blackfeet Nation, Beverly Hills, California. The Fil-
to make a three-hour talky movie is the first Indigenous winner in ipino American stand-up hit on
—R-rated by the way—about one of the category. some expected topics: Ozempic,
Cillian Murphy, left, winner of the award for best performance by an actor in the darkest developments in our “This is a historic win,” said Meryl Streep’s knack for winning
a motion picture (drama) for Oppenheimer and Robert Downey Jr, winner of history,” said producer Emma Gladstone. “It doesn’t just belong awards and the long-running Op-
the award for best performance by an actor in a supporting role in any Thomas accepting the night’s to me.” penheimer. (“I needed another
motion picture for Oppenheimer, pose in the press room at the 81st Golden final award and thanking Univer- The Globes were in their ninth hour.”) Continues to page 23
Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills, California, on Sunday.

From left, Matty Matheson, Jeremy Allen White, Ebon Moss-Bachrach and Liza
Colon-Zayas, winners of the award for best television series, musical or comedy for
The Bear, arrive at the 81st Golden Globe Awards Billboard after party at the
Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills on Sunday. PICTURES AP

From left, Yorgos Lanthimos, Emma Stone, Willem Dafoe, Mark Ruffalo and Ramy
Youssef pose with the award for best motion picture, musical or comedy for Poor
Things in the press room at the 81st Golden Globe Awards.
24 Tuesday, January 9, 2024


Cervical Cancer
What do you need to know?
World Health Organization shares, “Cervical cancer can be
cured if diagnosed at an early stage and treated promptly.”


WHO shares, “Human papillo-
mavirus (HPV) is a common sex-
ually transmitted infection which
can affect the skin, genital area
and throat. Almost all sexually
active people will be infected at
some point in their lives, usu-
ally without symptoms. In most
cases the immune system clears Other important ways to
HPV from the body. Persistent prevent HPV infection include:
infection with high-risk HPV can being a non-smoker or stopping
cause abnormal cells to develop, smoking and using condoms.
which go on to become cancer.”
“Persistent HPV infection Cervical screening and
of the cervix if left untreated, treatment of precancers
causes 95% of cervical cancers. Two screening tests can help
Typically, it takes 15–20 years for find changes that could become
abnormal cells to become cancer, precancer or cervical cancer.
but in women with weakened Both tests can be done in a
immune systems, such as un- doctor’s office or clinic.
treated HIV, this process can be
faster and take 5–10 years. Risk • The Pap test (or Pap smear)
factors for cancer progression looks for precancers, cell
include the grade of oncogenicity changes on the cervix that might
of the HPV type, immune status, Human Papillomavirus WHO recommendations after speaking with their doctor become cervical cancer if they
the presence of other sexually (HPV) Vaccine are as follows: about their risk for new HPV are not treated appropriately.
transmitted infections, number WHO continues, “the HPV • HPV vaccination is infections and the possible • The HPV test looks for the
of births, young age at first preg- vaccine protects against recommended for preteens aged benefits of vaccination. HPV virus (human papillomavirus)
nancy, hormonal contraceptive the types of HPV that most 11 to 12 years, but can be given vaccination in this age range that can cause these cell changes.
use, and smoking.” often cause cervical, vaginal, starting at age 9. provides less benefit, as more
and vulvar cancers. HPV • HPV vaccine also is people have already been Women should be screened for
What can I do to reduce my risk vaccination prevents new HPV recommended for everyone exposed to HPV. cervical cancer every 5–10 years
of cervical cancer? infections, but does not treat through age 26 years, if they are • If vaccination is started starting at age 30. Women living
The most important things you existing infections or diseases. not vaccinated already. before age 15, a two-dose with HIV should be screened
can do to help prevent cervical This is why the HPV vaccine • HPV vaccination is not schedule is recommended, with every 3 years starting at age 25.
cancer are to get vaccinated works best when given before recommended for everyone older the doses given 6 to 12 months The global strategy encourages a
against HPV, have regular any exposure to HPV. You than age 26 years. However, some apart. For people who start the minimum of two lifetime screens
screening tests, and go back to should get screened for cervical adults age 27 through 45 years series after their 15th birthday, with a high-performance HPV
the doctor if your screening test cancer regularly, even if you who are not already vaccinated the vaccine is given in a series of test by age 35 and again by age
results are not normal. received an HPV vaccine.” may decide to get the HPV vaccine three shots. 45 years.
HPV vaccination and other
prevention steps
Precancers rarely cause
As of 2023, there are 6 HPV symptoms, which is why
vaccines available globally. All regular cervical cancer
protect against the high-risk screening is important, even
HPV types 16 and 18, which
cause most cervical cancers if you have been vaccinated
and have been shown to be safe against HPV.
and effective in preventing HPV
infection and cervical cancer. After a positive HPV test (or
As a priority, HPV vaccines other screening method) a
should be given to all girls aged healthcare provider can look
9–14 years, before they become for changes on the cervix (such
sexually active. The vaccine as precancers) which may
may be given as 1 or 2 doses. develop into cervical cancer
People with reduced immune if left untreated. Treatment of
systems should ideally receive 2 precancers is a simple procedure
or 3 doses. Some countries have and prevents cervical cancer.
also chosen to vaccinate boys to
further reduce the prevalence Information Source:
of HPV in the community and to
prevent cancers in men caused sheets/detail/cervical-cancer
by HPV. Updated: Jan 2024
Tuesday, January 9, 2024 health 25


Cervical Cancer through a

lens of a thriving survivor
Patient CC has always stayed fit and active. She enjoys
walking, biking, and water sports including kayaking, paddle Getting the facts & diagnosis Infertility and acceptance “It’s one of the biggest
boating, and her favourite: dragon boat racing. But in January, Patient CC now was on a quest At the time patient CC battles I have challenge
just after her 40th birthday, she began having back pain. She to sort through this information was diagnosed, life before with,” she said. “That’s
figured she had hurt herself during kayaking or dragon boat and kept key facts that helped her was relatively predictable.
decision process. “Everything in my life was the one thing that has
training. But the pain was bad and did not go away, so she
eventually visited her doctor, after deliberation and some working out,” she said. “I affected me a lot. I am
She learnt: was recently married, had a
delays. In fact, she went from doctor to doctor, who ordered • Infection with HPV is quite doing everything I can
good job, loving family and
tests and prescribed medications, but nothing helped. Weeks common. to reverse the negative
friends, and decided to finally
later, after she first sought treatment for the back pain, she • In most people, the body can
visited her gynaecologist. A Pap Smear was recommended in clear the infection on its own.
try to start a family with my thinking and not put so
husband.” much energy into being
conjunction with a blood HPV test. Results showed she had • Sometimes certain strains of the Unfortunately, treatment
HPV and abnormal cells on her cervix. infection are not cleared, and in for cervical cancer can affect disappointed. As my
some cases they can cause cancer
over time.
a woman’s ability to have doctor told me, ‘There
“I was confronted with She shared her intimate
• There is the HPV vaccine
children. She discussed options
are many options for
story, in the hope of with her doctors and with a
my mortality. building awareness and to protect against HPV that is fertility specialist for ways children after, adopting,
Suddenly I was approved for children as young as
encouraging women to
9, but it was not available when
to protect her reproductive fostering; but first you
thinking of possibly prioritise their health.
patient CC was at the age when the
organs during treatment or to
have to be alive.’”
On diagnosis, she felt remove and freeze her eggs
disappearing from the overloaded, disorganised, vaccine works best. before she started treatment.
world. It was a roller- and lost. She was getting The abnormal cells from But the stage and type of her Feeling like Wonder Woman
advice and information the cervix meant a biopsy was cancer and the location of her Months later, patient CC has
coaster. And I didn’t now finished treatment, tests
from different sources. She necessary and a procedure was tumour made all those options
know how much time had visited local doctors performed to remove these even more complicated. showed her tumour had shrunk
I had left.” and consulted with hospitals abnormal cervical cells which was Patient CC, her husband, and so much it disappeared from the
abroad. Friends and family sent off to histology. One month the health care team decided scans. “I felt like I was reborn,”
When patient CC was sent her everything from later, February 2019, just after the it was not worth the risk. She she said. “I felt like Wonder
diagnosed with stage III scientific research data to onset of the back pain, patient CC has had to accept that she Woman.” She will continue to
cervical cancer, saying she felt personal stories of people got her test results back and learned will never be able to become have scans every 3 months for at
petrified was understating it. they knew who had cancer. she had cervical cancer. pregnant. least the next 2 years to ensure
the cancer does not resurface. If
everything continues to be ok,
the number of follow-up check-
ups after that will go down to
once a year.
Four years later, in 2023, she
feels her confidence returning,
almost back to her new normal
and learning how to feel “whole”
again. She has worked hard to
regain her strength, starting
with 10-minute workouts, and
gradually increasing the amount.
She practices mindfulness,
ensures she maintains a healthy
lifestyle and now taken the
reigns of helping other women
through the process of being
diagnosed, all the way to
treatment, as a Cancer Patient
Navigator with Caribbean Cancer
Research Initiative (CCRI). Her
new mission is ensuring no other
woman endures the challenges
she did, and she voices her story
every opportunity she can.

Her advice to newly

diagnosed patients,
“Fear kills you twice
before the cancer can.
Conquer the fears by
doing your research and
trusting your healthcare
team. I now feel at peace
because I have a plan,
even if it returns, I have
a plan.”
26 comic relief Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Horoscope Eugenia
Leave no room for error. Be direct, ask questions andd fifigure outt your b

way forward before you make a move. Time is on your side. Hard work,

decisive action and putting your energy where it will do some good will lift
your spirits and increase your profile. Monitor relationships with friends,
relatives and associates to avoid being led astray or taking on too much.
You are sensitive, responsive and goal-oriented.
You are prompt and focused.
3, 12, 18, 25, 33, 37, 41.

Nina Dobrev, 35; Catherine, Princess of Wales, 42;

Dave Matthews, 57; Jimmy Page, 80.

Aries Libra

March 21-April 19 Sept 23-October 22

5 STARS Learn how to manage 2 STARS Choose your battles
money better. Don’t buy into wisely. Only enter the ring if
a gimmick that promises the your facts are straight and your
impossible. Look for a way to intentions are honourable. Don’t
improve your income, secure your expect to keep the peace or
position and boost your confidence. please everyone; with debate
Get moving in a positive direction. comes change. Prepare for the
Be the master of your domain. consequences and move forward



April 20-May 20
October 23-Nov 21
3 STARS Embrace change and

explore new possibilities. An 3 STARS Pick up the pace and

opportunity to use your skills make things happen. A change
differently will offer insight will offer a unique perspective
into pursuits that encourage regarding possibilities. Surround
marketability, clout and exciting yourself with hardworking
prospects. Consider expanding individuals who share your values.
your skills to meet demands, and Take a leadership position and
you will find your niche. march toward your goal.

Gemini Sagittarius
May 21-June 20
Nov 22-December 21
3 STARS Backing the wrong person
will put you in a vulnerable position. 3 STARS Confiding in others will

Refrain from giving anyone control result in disappointment. Refuse

or the right to influence what you to let your ego lead the way. Your
do next. Think for yourself and intent to be and do your best will
stand up for what’s right. Question far exceed trying to prove yourself
motives and make decisions based to others. Let your actions and the
on facts, not emotions. results you get be your calling card.

Cancer Capricorn
June 21-July 22 December 22-Jan 19
3 STARS Get moving, research, 3 STARS Take charge and make
try something new, and expand things happen. Choose positive
your mind, skills and connections. changes that make life easier
Listen, but don’t buy into someone and your home comfortable.

else’s dream when you have goals Don’t share secrets, gossip or get
to pursue. A change regarding a involved in events or activities that
partnership will turn out better might jeopardise your reputation,
than anticipated. Do it your way. emotional well-being or health.

Monitor your financial transactions
with care.
July 23-Aug 22

5 STARS Do things that please you. January 20-Feb 18

Surround yourself with people who
enlighten you, but don’t buy into 4 STARS Pay attention to detail
or pay for someone pressuring you and keep tabs on what everyone

for a financial contribution. Too around you is doing. Don’t take

much of anything will drag you on too much or put yourself in a
down. Concentrate on personal negative position due to someone
improvement and meaningful else’s stubbornness. If you make
relationships. Romance is favoured. decisions that offer a positive

outcome, you’ll avoid mistakes.

August 23-Sept 22 Pisces

5 STARS Say little, do a lot. Feb 19-March 20
Bring about positive change and 2 STARS Pay attention to
participate in activities that stretch investments and debt. Keeping
your imagination. What you learn your finances in order will relieve
will encourage new beginnings stress and give you more options
with people striving for stability when an opportunity presents

and a passage forward. It’s time to itself. Connect with people who
diversify how you use your skills. have always been in your corner.
1 star: Avoid conflicts; work behind the scenes. 2 stars: You can
accomplish, but don’t rely on others. 3 stars: Focus and you’ll reach

your goals. 4 stars: Aim high; start new projects. 5 stars: Nothing can
stop you; go for gold.
Tuesday, January 9, 2024 comic relief 27
SCRABBLE 1. On top of
6. ___Kosh B’gosh
9. “Peter and the Wolf”
10. Laundry conveyance
12. Swathed, old style
13. Moves like sludge
14. “Which came first?”
15. Prop up
17. Emulated Pinocchio
19. Monopoly
properties: Abbr.
20. Voice box incision
25. Regard
26. ___-Day vitamins
27. Imitation
31. Playing marble
32. Go-between
33. U.S. Twin Cities
educ. inst.
35. W.B. Yeats final
resting place in
36. Strong bast fiber
37. “Ben-___”
38. Coarse wool fabric

1. Also
2. Spanish noble family
of Pope Callixtus III
3. Asian wild ass
4. Big shot
6. Anise-flavored liqueur
7. Suffix with young
or old
8. Command, a long 18. Tinting 27. Reduce to a pulp
time ago 21. ___phobia: Extreme fear of night 28. “House,” in Inuit
10. Dung prefix 22. Promptly 29. Israel’s Golda
11. Gets moving 23. Villain 30. Mongolian tent
16. Encourager 24. Opened wide 34. Big mouth



28 rec Tuesday, January 9, 2024

National Junior Pan Finals TUCO National Extempo & Freestyle

Venue: TBA Time: 7 pm Competition
Venue: To be confirmed
TUCO National Calypso Monarch
Competition prelims „ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31
„ SATURDAY, JANUARY 20 Venue: San Fernando Time: 9am National Stickfighting Semis
Vintage Kaiso Meets King David Rudder Venue: Diego Martin Sporting Complex
A Society of St Vincent de Paul presentation „ FRIDAY, JANUARY 26 Time: 7 pm
Venue: St Dominic’s Hall (next to St Finbar’s National Stickfighting Prelims
Church) Venue: TBA Time: 7 pm „ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1
Carnival schedule „ SATURDAY, JANUARY 27
Senior Kings & Queens Prelims
Venue: Carnival City, QPS Time: 7 pm
TUCO National Junior Calypso Monarch
„ SATURDAY, JANUARY 13 Semifinal “Junior Fiesta”
Opening of John Cupid Carnival Village Venue: To be confirmed „ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3
Venue: QPS Time: 7 pm Red Cross Junior Carnival
„ SUNDAY, JANUARY 28 Venue: Carnival City, QPS Time: 11am
TUCO Calypso Monarch competition prelims National Pan Semis (Medium & Large)
Venue: PoS Time: 9am Venue: Carnival City, QPS Time: 1 pm Calypso Fiesta
Venue: Skinner Park, San Fernando
Tuesday, January 9, 2024 29
Trinidad & Tobago Guardian

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Tuesday, January 9, 2024 33

Franz Beckenbauer dies at 78

Germany mourns much-loved champion World Cup player, coach
BERLIN (AP) — Franz Beckenbauer,
who won the World Cup both as
player and coach and became
one of Germany’s most beloved
personalities with his easygoing
charm, has died. He was 78.
Beckenbauer’s death was first
announced through a statement
from his family to German news
agency dpa and then confirmed
by the German football federation.
“It is with deep sadness that we
announce that my husband and
our father, Franz Beckenbauer,
passed away peacefully in his sleep
yesterday, Sunday, surrounded by
his family,” the family said in its Franz Beckenbauer
statement. “We ask that we be al- PICTURES AP
lowed to grieve in peace and be succeeded in winning the hosting
spared any questions.” rights with the help of bribery. He
The statement did not provide a denied the allegations.
cause of death. The former Bayern “We did not want to bribe any-
Munich great, who became affec- one and we didn’t bribe anyone,”
tionately known as the “Kaiser”— Beckenbauer, who headed the FILE - West Germany captain Franz Beckenbauer holds up the World Cup trophy after his team defeated the
or “Emperor”—had struggled with World Cup organising committee, Netherlands by 2-1, in the World Cup soccer final at Munich’s Olympic stadium, in West Germany, on July 7, 1974.
health problems in recent years. wrote in his last column for daily
Beckenbauer also had to con- tabloid Bild in 2016. the working-class Munich district States. While his team celebrated, Beck-
tend with allegations of impro- Beckenbauer and three other of Giesing, Beckenbauer became “From Munich-Giesing to New enbauer cut a lonely figure walk-
priety in later years. But they did members of the committee were one of the greatest players to grace York City, that was a huge step,” ing and reflecting at the Olympic
nothing to damage the esteem in formally made criminal suspects the game in a career that also in- Beckenbauer said. Stadium.
which he was held. that year by Swiss prosecutors cluded stints in the United States Beckenbauer said the decisive Later, at the news conference,
“The world of FC Bayern is no who suspected fraud in the true with the New York Cosmos in the step in luring him to the Cosmos he said he was “sorry for the rest
longer the way it used to be—sud- purpose of multi-million euro late 1970s and early 1980s. was the helicopter ride the club of the world” because a united
denly darker, quieter, poorer,” the (dollar) payments that connected Born on September 11, 1945, officials gave him from the roof of Germany would be unbeatable for
Bavarian powerhouse said on its the 2006 World Cup with FIFA. months after Germany’s surren- the Pan Am Building across Man- years to come. But Germany had
website. But he was eventually not indicted der in World War II, Beckenbauer hattan to the Giants stadium in to wait 24 years before winning an-
Beckenbauer was one of Ger- in 2019 for health reasons and the studied to become an insurance New Jersey. other World Cup title.
man football’s central figures. As a case ended without a judgment salesman but he signed his first “That was then the most mod- Once he left for New York,
player, he reimagined the defend- when the statute of limitations ex- professional contract with Bayern ern stadium in the world, with Beckenbauer never had a home
er’s role in football and captained pired in 2020 amid delays to the when he was 18. VIP boxes. We didn’t have that in in Munich. He lived just across
West Germany to the World Cup court system caused by the coro- “You are not born to become a Europe. As we flew over the sta- the border in the Austrian Alpine
title in 1974 after it had lost to Eng- navirus pandemic. world star in Giesing. Football for dium, I told them, ‘Fine, stop it, I resort of Kitzbuehel, where taxes
land in the 1966 final. He was the Beckenbauer was in 2014 briefly me was a deliverance. Looking am coming.’” were lower.
coach when West Germany won suspended by FIFA’s ethics com- back, I can say: Everything went In that 2010 interview, Becken- Beckenbauer was a voracious
the tournament again in 1990, a mittee from all football-related ac- according to how I’d imagined bauer also recalled visits to famed traveller and personally visited
symbolic moment for a country in tivity for failing to cooperate with my life. I had a perfect life,” Beck- nightclub Studio 54 with fellow all 31 countries who had qualified
the midst of reunification, months prosecutor Michael Garcia’s probe enbauer told the Sueddeutsche Cosmos stars Pele and Carlos Al- for the World Cup in Germany in
after the Berlin Wall fell. of alleged corruption in the 2018 newspaper magazine in 2010. berto. Beckenbauer missed the 2006.
“The ‘Kaiser’ was one of the best and 2022 World Cup votes. The Beckenbauer personalised the 1978 World Cup because the Ger- Beckenbauer said he got the
players our sport has ever seen,” suspension was lifted during the position of “libero,” the free-roam- mans decided not to invite play- urge to travel as a child by collect-
German football federation presi- 2014 World Cup in Brazil when he ing nominal defender who often ers playing abroad. He returned ing pictures for a sticker album.
dent Bernd Neuendorf said. “With agreed to cooperate. moved forward to threaten the op- to Germany in 1980, spent two “There were photos from Africa,
his lightness, his elegance and his The allegations damaged Beck- ponent’s goal, a role now virtually seasons with Hamburger SV—and America. It got me interested ...
vision, he set standards on the enbauer’s standing in public per- disappeared from modern football won another Bundesliga champi- but I never thought I’d experience
field. ... Franz Beckenbauer leaves ception for the first time. Until and rarely seen before his days. onship, his fifth—before returning it personally.”
a great legacy for the federation then, Beckenbauer had seemingly An elegant, cool player with vi- for a final season at the Cosmos. “There are many who travel but
and soccer as a whole.” been unable to say or do anything sion, Beckenbauer defined as cap- Although he had never coached who see nothing because they are
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz wrong. Germans simply loved tain the Bayern Munich side that before, Beckenbauer was hired to too busy. I was always curious.”
wrote on social media that Beck- him. won three successive European revive West Germany in 1984 after Beckenbauer retired from the
enbauer “inspired generations of “He did everything that a Ger- Cup titles from 1974 to 1976. a flop at the European Champion- West Germany job after coaching
enthusiasm for German football. man is not supposed to do,” for- In his first World Cup as player in ship. the team to the 1990 World Cup tri-
We will miss him.” mer Bayern Munich teammate 1966, West Germany lost the final West Germany made it to the umph. The Berlin Wall had fallen
Beckenbauer’s death comes just Paul Breitner once said of the man to host England as Beckenbauer final of the 1986 World Cup, losing the year before and Germany was
two days after the announcement popularly known as “Der Kaiser.” chased Bobby Charlton around the to Diego Maradona’s Argentina in in the process of reunifying after
that Mario Zagallo, the Brazilian “He got divorced, he left his chil- field having been given the task of Mexico City. Although West Ger- the Cold War. The final was the
who became the first person to dren, took off with his girlfriend, marking the England standout. many failed to win the 1988 Euros last tournament game played by a
win the World Cup as a player and got into trouble with tax collec- Four years later, with his arm title at home, it went to the final of West Germany-only team.
coach, had died at the age of 92. tors, left his girlfriend again. strapped to his body because of the 1990 World Cup and defeated He didn’t have much success at
The only other person to achieve “But he is forgiven for everything a shoulder injury, Germany lost a Argentina in the final in Rome, an- coaching Marseille, but won the
that feat is France’s Didier Des- because he’s got a good heart, he’s memorable semifinal to Italy. other highlight in the year after the Bundesliga title with Bayern in
champs. a positive person and he’s always Finally, in 1974 at home, Becken- fall of the Berlin Wall. 1994 and the UEFA Cup in 1996,
Beckenbauer was also instru- ready to help. He doesn’t conceal bauer captained West Germany to The penalty goal came from An- both after taking over as coach
mental in bringing the highly his weaknesses, doesn’t sweep his the title. dreas Brehme, a defender Beck- late in the season. He later became
successful 2006 World Cup to Ger- mistakes under the carpet,” Breit- Beckenbauer left Bayern for enbauer had once told to “play Bayern’s president, until leaving
many, though his legacy was later ner said. New York in 1977 and later recalled the piano, play the flute but not most functions when he turned 65
tainted by charges that he only The son of a post official from fondly the time spent in the United football.” in 2010.
34 sport Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Army, Magnolias, QPCC crowned Ventures hockey champs

NIGEL SIMON a second-half double from Mickel Paragon got the better of George-
Senior Multimedia Reporter Pierre, while Vieira scored a hat town Cricket Club of Guyana 2-1
[email protected] trick to fire QPCC past Guyana’s on penalty-strokes shoot-out after
Saints 4-2. a 1-1 draw in regulation-time.
Defence Force men and Magno-
lias women were crowned new
champions of the Open Divisions Magnolias spank Bell leads QPCC to
while Queen’s Park Cricket Club
veterans retained their title when
Paragon for veterans crown
the 19th Ventures Hockey Club
International Invitational Indoor
women’s title repeat
Hockey Tournament ended at the Savannah De Freitas and Bri- In the mixed veteran’s category,
Woodbrook Youth Facility, Hamil- anna Govia scored two goals each Jerazeno Bell scored in the tenth
ton-Holder Street, Woodbrook, on as Magnolias came from behind to and 13th minutes to lead Queen’s
Sunday. whip last year’s winners Paragon Park Cricket Club (QPCC) to a suc-
Coming up against Queen’s Park 5-1 in the women’s Open final. cessful title-defence, 3-2 over Police.
Cricket Club (QPCC) in the final, Zene Henry handed Paragon the Robert France scored the third
the Army/Coast-Guard combina- lead as early as the first minute but item for QPCC in the tenth minute
tion raced into a 2-0 lead thanks Shaniah De Freitas drew Magno- for a 3-0 lead while Mickel Pierre
to Shaquille Daniel’s first-minute Old Fort’s goalkeeper Tony Cole dives in vain to stop a QPCC goal during the lias level three minutes later while and Wayne Legerton got sec-
opener, and Caleb Guisseppi’s Ventures Indoor Hockey International Invitational Tournament men’s her sister Savannah (eighth min- ond-half replies for Police in the
13th-minute strike as they sig- division Pool A match at the Woodbrook Youth Facility in Port-of-Spain on
ute), and Govia (tenth) also scored 22nd and 30th minute respectively,
nalled their intentions to keep for a 3-1 lead at the halfway stage. but it was too little too late.
hold of their crown. half, the in-form Jordan Vieira revenge on their top-of-the-table In the second half, Govia (19th), Earlier in the morning session,
However, before the half, Shawn drew the Parkites level at 2-2 after Pool A clash on Saturday night and Savannah (29th) completed QPCC edged Fatima 2-1 in the semi-
Lee Quay pulled one back for the which both teams failed to find the which the Parkites won 4-2 on a their braces to make certain of finals with Bell scoring the decisive
Parkites in the 14th to keep his winner in regulation time, sending hat trick from Jerazeno Bell victory and with it the title. item while Police crushed George-
team in the mix in the 30-minute the contest to the dreaded penal- In the men’s Open Division In the semifinals which were town Cricket Club (GCC) of Guyana
clash. ty-strokes shoot-out where De- semifinals played earlier, Defence contested earlier on, Magnolias 8-1 with Pierre netting a beaver
Three minutes into the second fence Force prevailed 4-2 to exact Force blanked Police 4-0 behind blanked host Ventures 3-0 while trick.

Semifinals Semple 4th, 18th, Phillip Fernandes 11th)
Veterans vs Fatima 3 (Alan Young 7th, 21st, Kim
Police 8 (Mickel Pierre 7th, 13th, 23rd, Wellington 18th)
30th, Atiba Whittington 8th, Roger Daniel
11th, Wayne Legerton 26th, Dwain Quan Women’s Open
Chan 30th) vs GCC 1 (Orland Semple 25th) GCC 2 (Abosaide Cadogan 16th, Aliyah
Gordon 27th) vs Ventures 1 (Amanda
QPCC 2 (Kadeem Fortune 15th, Jerazeno George 28th)
Bell 24th) vs Fatima 1 (Alan Young 23rd)
Men’s Open:
Men’s Open Saints 3 (Shomere Garnett 5th, Baraka
QPCC 4 (Jordan Vieira 1st, 15th, 23rd, Garnett 20th, Jabari Lovell 24th) vs Police
Shawn Lee Quay 30th) vs Saints 2 1 (Jabari Perez 14th)
(Shakeem Fausette 2nd, Shomere Garnett
26th) Finals:
Defence Force 4 (Caleb Guisseppi 5th, QPCC 3 (Jerazeno Bell 10th, 13th, Robert
Mickel Pierre 24th, 26th, Shaquille Daniel; France 10th) vs Police 2 (Mickel Pierre
30th) vs Police 0 22nd, Wayne Legerton 30th)

Women’s Open Women’s Open

Paragon 1 (Avion Barclay 13th) vs GCC 1 Magnolias 5 (Savannah De Freitas 8th,
(Madison Fernandes 25th) - Paragon won 29th, Brianna Govia 10th, 19th, Shaniah
2-1 on penalty-strokes shoot-out De Freitas 4th) vs Paragon 1 (Zene Henry
Magnolias 3 (Brianna Govia 5th,
Savannah De Freitas 7th, Shaniah De Men’s Open:
Freitas 11th) vs Ventures 0 Defence Force 2 (Shaquille Daniel 1st,
Caleb Guisseppi 13th) vs QPCC 2 (Shawn
Third place playoffs Lee Quay 14th, Jordan Vieira 18th) -
Veterans Defence Force won 4-3 on penalty-strokes
GCC 5 (Kevin Spencer 2nd, 29th, Orland shoot-out

Men’s Open
A Division Tariq Marcano 3rd, Akim Toussaint 28th)
QPCC 4 (Shawn Lee Quay 2nd, Jerazeno vs Saints 2 (Baraka Garnett 23rd, 30th)
Bell 5th, 15th, 30th) vs Defence Force 2
(Shaquille Daniel 4th, 12th, 22nd) Women’s Open
B Division
B Division GCC 4 ( Sarah Klautky 2nd, 2nd, 3rd,
Police 5 (Jordan Reynos 2nd, 27th, 30th, 13th) vs Police 0

Best Goalkeeper Force) - 9
Women’s Open: Arresia Sandy (Paragon) Veterans: Kevin Spencer (Bounty GCC)
Men’s Open: Karlos Stephen (Defence - 11
Veterans: Kevin Joseph (Police) Most Valuable Player
Women’s Open: Shaniah De Freitas
Most Goals (Magnolias)
Women’s Open: Savannah De Freitas Men’s Open: Shaquille Daniel (Defence
(Magnolias) - 8 goals Force)
Men’s Open: Shaquille Daniel (Defence Veterans: Jerazeno Bell (QPCC)
Tuesday, January 9, 2024 sport 35
Hall, Madison top U-16 trials at Tacarigua
Senior Multimedia Reporter
[email protected]

B’jorn Hall and Madison Khan emerged as the

winners of the respective boys and girls trials
for selection of junior teams to represent T&T
in the Junior Davis (Under-16) Cup ( JDC) and
Junior Billie Jean King Cup ( JBJKC).
This after both players ended their six-
player round-robin series with perfect 5-0 re-
cords when the three-day trials concluded at
the national Racquet Centre, Orange Groove
Road, Tacarigua, yesterday.
In the Boys competition, Hall scolded
Keyondre Duke 6-2, 6-2 and then in the de-
Jeron Thompson
cisive-match-up with fellow unbeaten player
Jordell Chapman came away with a 7-5, 6-0
triumph to take top spot and place on the na- Joseph, Thompson
tional team alongside Kale Dalla Costa, who
was exempted from the qualifiers, and run- impress on UIndy
ner-up Chapman..
Over the course of the first two days, Hall swim return
previously defeated Daniel Dumas 6-0, 6-1; National swimmers Aqeel Joseph and
Daniel Rahaman 7-6(2), 6-0 and Aaron Subero Jeron Thompson were both in impres-
6-1, 6-1, while Chapman won his opening clash sive form in their first meet of the year
yesterday against Subero 6-4, 6-4 to add to vic- for the University of Indianapolis men’s
tories against Rahaman 2-6, 6-2, 7-6(4); Duke swimming in their long-distance tri-meet
6-3, 7-6(5) and Dumas 6-4, 6-2 on Friday night. at Denison University on the weekend.
The duo of Rahaman, and Duke both ended The meet featured swimmers from
with 2-3 win-loss records, while Subero, and UIndy, Denison, and Cleveland State
Dumas, finished both at 1-4. T&T’s Madison Khan, left, and Valeria Santana of the Dominican Republic before their Girls
and took place at the Trumbull Aquatic
Khan was equally as impressive in the girls Under-14 quarterfinal match in the Central American and Caribbean Tennis Confederation
(COTECC) JITIC Junior Tournament at West Park, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in June Center, Denison University, Granville,
qualifiers as she first brushed aside Lilly Mo- Ohio, and featured a 50m pool as op-
hammed 6-2, 6-4 on Sunday morning in a 2023. Khan won 6-2, 7-6(7-3).
posed to the normal 25-yard distance in
clash of unbeaten players before closing out RESULTS college swimming, offering the oppor-
her tournament with a 6-4, 6-3 defeat of Eva tunity for Olympic trials qualification
Pasea to end with a 5-0 mark. Sunday
Morning Session Boys while still prepping for postseason rac-
In her previous matches, Khan blanked ing.
Suraya D’Arbasie 6-0, 6-0 and whipped Shiloh Girls B’jorn Hall bt Daniel Dumas 6-0, 6-1
Madison Khan bt Lilly Mohammed 6-2, 6-4 Jordell Chapman bt Daniel Rahaman 2-6, 6-2, In the 200m medley relay, Joseph
Walker 7-5, 6-1 in her two matches yesterday Shiloh Walker bt Naomi Mohammed 6-4, 6-4 7-6(4) swam the final leg after Mattia Rossi,
after beating Naomi Mohammed 6-3, 6-3 on Eva Pasea bt Suraya D’Arbasie 6-0, 6-0 Aaron Subero bt Keyondre Duke 6-2, 6-4 Sebestyen Bohm, and Elias Noel as
Friday. UIndy ‘B’ won in one minute, 44.92 sec-
Mohammed (L) recovered from her loss to Boys Evening Session onds, followed by the UIndy ‘A’ team
Khan to beat Naomi Mohammed 6-4, 6-3 for Daniel Rahaman bt Daniel Dumas 6-3, 7-5 Girls which comprised of Thompson on lead-
the all-important second spot with a 4-1 record B’jorn Hall bt Keyondre Duke 6-2, 6-2 Madison Khan bt Shiloh Walker 7-5, 6-1 off, Brayden Cole, Mihir Ambre and Joao
to gain selection on the team where the top Jordell Chapman bt Aaron Subero 6-4, 6-4 Naomi Mohammed bt Suraya D’Arbasie 6-0, 6-0 Silva for a time of 1:45.03 minutes, while
two will be joined by USA-based Em-Miryam Lilly Mohammed vs Eva Pasea 6-3, 2-6, 6-0
Evening Session Denison University was third in 1:49.28.
Campbell-Smith who was also exempted from The T&T pair of Thompson (led off ),
the trials. Boys Boys
Keyondre Duke bt Daniel Dumas 6-4, 6-0 B’jorn Hall bt Daniel Rahaman 7-6(2), 6-0 and Joseph (third leg) then combined
Over the first two days, Mohammed (L) with Silva and Cedric Buessing for
B’jorn Hall bt Jordell Chapman 7-5, 6-0 Jordell Chapman bt Keyondre Duke 6-3, 7-6(5)
outlasted Shiloh Walker 3-6, 7-5, 6-4 and then gold in the men’s 400m freestyle relay
Daniel Rahaman bt Aaron Subero 7-5, 6-1 Daniel Dumas bt Aaron Subero 6-4, 6-2
battled past Eva Pasea 6-3, 2-6, 6-0 to add to in three minutes, 33.19 seconds with
her 6-0, 6-0 blowout of Suraya D’Arbasie 6-0, Girls Friday UIndy ‘B’ in the second spot in 3:38.94,
6-0 on Friday night when the opening round Lilly Mohammed bt Naomi Mohammed 6-4, 6-3 Boys and Cleveland State University, third in
of matches took place. Shiloh Walker bt Suraya D’Arbasie 6-0, 6-0 Keyondre Duke bt Daniel Rahaman 6-4, 6-4 3:39.90 while another T&T swimmer
Walker won her final three matches to finish Madison Khan bt Eva Pasea 6-4, 6-3 B’jorn Hall bt Aaron Subero 6-1, 6-1 Gabriel Bynoe was part of the UIndy ‘C’
in the third spot with a 3-2 mark, followed by Jordell Chapman bt Daniel Dumas 6-4, 6-2 quartet which placed sixth in 3:43.51.
Pasea (2-2), Mohammed (N) with a 1-4 record Saturday
Morning Session Girls Joseph also swam to individual gold
and D’Arbasie without a win. when he won the men’s 100m freestyle
The JDC and JBJKC Tournaments are ex- Girls Madison Khan bt Naomi Mohammed 6-3, 6-3
Lilly Mohammed bt Shiloh Walker 3-6, 7-5, 6-4 Lilly Mohammed bt Suraya D’Arbasie 6-0, 6-0 in 52.43 seconds, just ahead of teammate
pected to take place from February 25 to Silva (53.04), and Thompson (54.14).
Madison Khan bt Suraya D’Arbasie 6-0, 6-0 Shiloh Walker bt Eva Pasea 7-6 (10), 7-5
March 1, 2024, Dominican Republic and El In the 50m freestyle, Silva won in
Eva Pasea bt Naomi Mohammed 7-6 (3), 5-7, 6-1
Salvador, respectively. 23.44 seconds, with Joseph tak-
ing the second spot in 24.09, and
When De Mark Buss TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 2024 LAST DRAW:MONDAY, JANUARY 8, 2024 Austin Kehr, third in 24.54 to com-
plete a UIndy sweep of the top
Marks Times played Marks Times played PLAY WHE PICK TWO three spots
10.30am 1pm 4pm 7pm Total 10.30am 1pm 4pm 7pm Total
01 CENTIPEDE 0 0 0 0 0 19 HORSE 0 0 0 0 0 TODAY’S STAR BETS 10.30 am 6 31 Bynoe also contested the men’s
02 OLD LADY 0 0 0 0 0 20 DOG 0 0 0 0 0 6 (Belly) 50m freestyle Time Trial and had
03 CARRIAGE 1 0 1 0 2 21 MOUTH 0 0 0 0 0 18 (Water Boat) 1 pm 6 28 the top time of 24.81 while in the
04 DEAD MAN 0 0 0 0 0 22 RAT 0 0 0 0 0 23 (House)
05 PARSON MAN 0 0 0 0 0 23 HOUSE 0 0 0 0 0 100m freestyle Time Trial he was
3 (Carriage) 10.30 am 14 (Money) 1 pm 34 (Blind Man) 4 pm 25 17 second in 54.41 to finish behind
06 BELLY 0 0 0 0 0 24 QUEEN 0 0 0 0 0
07 HOG 0 0 0 0 0 25 MOROCOY 0 0 0 0 0
BACKUP MARKS 1 Kehr’s time of 53.88.
08 TIGER 0 0 0 0 0 26 FOWL 0 0 0 2 2 7 pm 16
09 CATTLE 0 0 1 0 1 27 LITTLE SNAKE 0 0 0 0 0 2-13-20-23-25-32 In the end, the UIndy men fin-
10 MONKEY 1 0 0 0 1 28 RED FISH 2 1 1 0 4 Under: (Last Tuesday) ished with a total of 440 points for
11 CORBEAU 0 0 0 1 1 29 OPIUM MAN 0 0 0 0 0 PREFERRED LINES 10.30 am ..................................... 6-6 the top spot, well ahead of Den-
28 (Red Fish) 4 pm 2-5-6-7 1pm............................................ 22-9
12 KING 0 0 0 0 0 30 HOUSE CAT 0 0 0 0 0 32 (Shrimp) 7 pm 4 pm .........................................32-22 ison’s 249, and Cleveland State
13 CRAPAUD 0 0 0 0 0 31 PARSON WIFE 0 0 1 0 1
14 MONEY 0 2 0 0 2 32 SHRIMP 0 0 0 1 1 PICK FOUR 7 pm............................................. 6-7 with 201.
15 SICK WOMAN 0 0 0 0 0 33 SPIDER 0 2 0 1 3 Under: (Last Tuesday) PICK TWO SELECTIONS Up next for UIndy is a road trip
10.30 am 0 5 9 1 5-11 , 14-21
16 JAMETTE 0 1 0 0 1 34 BLIND MAN 0 0 0 0 0 10.30 am................... 5-1-5-0 to Toledo, Ohio next weekend for
17 PIGEON 0 0 0 0 0 35 BIG SNAKE 0 0 0 0 0 1 pm 1 pm........................... 4-8-4-3
18 WATER BOAT 1 0 0 0 1 36 DONKEY 1 1 1 0 3
0 3 2 7
4 pm........................... 8-0-6-2
CASH POT a tri-meet featuring Toledo and
4 pm 5 4 0 9 7 pm........................... 7-1-3-6 SELECTIONS Findlay on UToledo’s campus in
Play Whe—Under: (Last Tuesday) 3-7-12-16-20
PICK FOUR SELECTIONS RESULTS the Student Recreation Center
10.30 am: 10 (Monkey) 1 pm: 33 (Spider) 4 pm: 9 (Cattle) 7 pm: 36 (Donkey) 7 pm 3 5 5 3 4-4-8-5 1-7-9-15-19 Mx2 Pool.NIGEL SIMON
36 sport Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Khan XI wins Red Force

trial match
IAN WASON who is yet to play for the Red Force (but played for
Sports Correspondent the Trinbago Knight Riders), Terrance Hinds, and
Khary Pierre all shared two wickets.
Opener Kjorn Ottley was among the runs in the When the Khan XI made their reply, Ottley and
latest Trinidad and Tobago Red Force trial match Cephas Cooper, shared in a 143-run stand. Cooper
at the Inshan Ali Park in Preysal, Couva, following made 40, while Ottley slammed 127 and retired
up his unbeaten century in the first innings with not out. Amir Jangoo scored 64 and Tion Webster
an unbeaten 48 from just 34 balls, as he led the scored 60 as Khan XI made 377 for nine from 87.4
T&T Khan XI to a nine-wicket win over the T&T overs.
Mohan XI on the weekend. Aamir Ali was the pick of the bowlers, as he
The Vikash Mohan XI was sent in to bat first took four for 42.
by former national captain Imran Khan. Kamil In their second turn at the crease, Pooran fol-
Pooran, who made his first-class debut with the lowed up his 83 with a polished 53 and Mbeki Jo-
Red Force against Jamaica last year at the Brian seph scored an impressive 59 as the Mohan XI did
Lara Academy, was also among the runs as he better in their second innings to score 245.
scored 83. Imran Khan was the pick of the bowlers in the
With Jeremy Solozano now with the Windward second innings, the experienced leg spinner took
Islands Volcanoes, Pooran will fancy his chances four for 68.
of donning the uniform for the Red Force, who Set just 57 to win, the Khan XI reached 59 for
are searching for their 6th first-class title. The last one in 12 overs to win by 9 wickets. Ottley was
T&T’s Red Force batsman Kjorn Ottley
time the Red Force won was in 2006 as they have adjudged the man of the match.
been more successful in the shorter format over The players are on a three-day break before
the years.
Wicketkeeper Daniel Williams scored 55 from
they address the selectors one last time. North
will defend their reign of the North-South Classic. Thomas lifts PVDM to fourth
straight win
46 balls, hitting 12 fours in the process, as the The four-day match will begin on Thursday at the
Mohan XI scored 188 all out. Anderson Phillip, National Cricket Center in Balmain, Couva.
who missed out on the Super 50, Shaaron Lewis
Akiel Thomas fired in a second-half ura ReUnited and the goal looked
double to lead Petit Valley Diego enough for the Eastern Counties
Martin to a come-from-behind Football Union outfit to take all
2-1 win over Queen’s Park Cricket three points, only for Dwight Quin-
Club FC to maintain their 100 per tero to convert a penalty-kick of
cent winning record in Tier II of his own six minutes into time add-
the T&T Premier Football League ed-on at the end of the encounter
on Sunday. to grab a share of the points for the
Fatima College student, Mi- Army/Coast-Guard combination.
chael Chaves fired the Parkites Also on Sunday, Guaya United
into a ninth-minute lead which under the supervision of a new
they took into the interval before coach, Glenton Wolfe after the
Thomas netted second-half items sudden resignation of Travis Mul-
in the 58th, and 78th minutes to raine as a coach on Wednesday
secure the win for Petit Valley blanked winless RSSR at its Guay-
Diego Martin, their fourth from aguayare Recreation Ground with
as many matches for a maximum a goal each from Keston Frontin
of 12 points, two clear of the pre- (11th), Akeel Paul (75th), and Omari
viously perfect Matura ReUnited Campbell (81st penalty).
who dropped their first points of And Harlem Strikers also won
the season in a 1-1 draw with De- 3-0 against UTT Patriots with Sam-
fence Force. uel Delice (26th), Kareem Baptiste
Shackiel Henry converted a (75th), and Ryan Porter (90+1)
penalty in the 11th minute for Mat- scoring one each.

SUNDAY Akeel Paul 75th, Omari Campbell 81st pen)
Harlem Strikers 3 (Samuel Delice 26th, vs RSSR FC 0
Kareem Baptiste 75th, Ryan Porter 90+1)
vs UTT Patriots 0 SATURDAY
Matura ReUnited 1 (Shackiel Henry 11th RC Eagles 2 (Malik Robinson 45+1, Chaz
pen) vs Defence Force 1 (Dwight Quintero Forde 90th) vs San Fernando Giants 0
90+6 pen) Club Sando 4 (Dillon Gonzales 37th,
PVDM United 2 (Akeil Thomas 58th, 45+3, 53rd, Corneal Thomas 59th) vs
78th) vs QPCC 1 (Michael Chaves 9th) Laventille United 1 (Elon Mc Comney 15th)
Guaya United 3 (Keston Frontin 11th, Central Soccer World 1 (Simon Joseph
42nd) vs Police Fc 1 (Clevon Mc Fee 62nd)
Latest standings
Teams P W D L F A Pts
1. PVDM Utd 4 4 0 0 11 4 12
2. Matura ReUnited 4 3 1 0 12 3 10
3. Harlem Strikers 4 2 2 0 12 1 8
4. Police FC 4 2 1 1 3 2 7
5. Central Soccer World 4 1 3 0 6 3 6
6. Guaya Utd 4 2 0 2 6 4 6
7. QPCC FC 4 2 0 2 6 6 6
8. Defence Force 3 1 1 1 8 4 4
9. San Fernando Giants 3 1 1 1 4 3 4
10. Club Sando 3 1 1 1 4 4 4
11. RC Eagles 4 1 1 2 5 10 4
12. Bethel SC 2 0 1 1 2 4 1
13. RSSR FC 4 0 1 3 4 12 1
14. UTT Patriots 4 0 1 3 3 13 1
15. Laventille Utd 3 0 0 3 3 16 0
Tuesday, January 9, 2024 sport 37
It’s a new year—local sport needs
positive realities, not cruel ones
“Everything you can imagine is real”—Pablo Picasso form to make a meaningful difference in Leaders have an opportunity daily to
the lives of our sportsmen and sports- influence the actions and behaviours of

I t’s early days in another new year. Thoughtful in-

trospection crafted deep and profound changes
for a better version of humanity, a better society,
women and support them to thrive.
It’s an Olympic year. Thinking about
2024 in these early days can be daunt-
others and to make people, young people,
in particular, see something new.
Sport leaders need to imagine positive
community and country. ing and exciting, all at once and in equal realities not cruel realities.
But, alas it quickly dissipates into cruel realities. measure. When we think about what 2024
Trigger finger gunmen running wild. Shots “bus- could hold for us, there is much potential Editor’s note: The views expressed in
sing” with murderous intent. for excitement. the preceding article are solely those of
Inside the first week—seven days into 2024—Trin- Yet, there can be so much fear, doubt the author and do not reflect the views
idad and Tobago has racked up 13 murders. Armed and concern. Our reality will be what we of any organisation in which he is a
men with high-powered rifles empty their clips on imagine it to be. stakeholder.
intended targets who in the final seconds of life
have no place to run.
New Year’s hopes dashed. It’s not only on
the crime front. Inside the first week, the story EASTERN REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY
emerged that the two main track and field venues TENDER NOTICE
as of December 31, 2023, have been decertified by
World Athletics with the consequences that go with
such decertification. The Eastern Regional Health Authority invites tenders for the following:
In an Olympic year, track and field, the sport dis-
cipline that has won for T&T 15 out of 19 Olympic
medals and all three of the twin-island Republic’s
gold medals have found
REF:026-23/24 - Public Tender for the A Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting and February 08, 2024 for February 08, 2024 for 2:00
It’s an itself in such a situation.
It’s an indictment on 1. Construction of a Steel Frame Roof Structure Site Visit will be held on January 15, 1:00 p.m. p.m.
Olympic year. the bureaucratic pro- at ADQ 25 – Storage Area, Rousseau Street, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.
Sangre Grande
Thinking cess and system. It’s
often, not for want of
about 2024 well-meaning intention 2. All Prospective Tenderer must be registered with the Office of Procurement Regulation.
in these early but implementation, 3. Tender documents can be perused at the Central Purchasing Unit, Administrative Building, No. 121 Eastern Main Road, Sangre
execution and prioriti-
days can be sation. Excuses are nor- Grande and can be subsequently requested for tendering by all prospective tenderers from Monday to Friday between the hours of
daunting malised with the end 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Prospective Tenderers are asked to note that they must indicate interest in participating in a tender by
requesting the tender package no later than the day prior to the mandatory pre-bid meeting and bidders are to familiarise
and exciting, results being what it is.
George Comissiong, themselves with the contents in preparation for the meeting.
all at once president of the Na-
4. All requests for information shall be addressed to:
and in equal tional Association of
Manager, Purchasing & Logistics
Athletic Administration
measure. of Trinidad and Tobago
Central Purchasing Unit
Administrative Building, No. 121 Eastern Main Road,
When we (NAAATT) confirmed
Sangre Grande
that his organisation got
think about an extension of the cer-
Tel: 226-9068 /226-9056/ 226-9055
Email: [email protected]
what 2024 tification of the Dwight
Yorke Stadium (Tobago)
could hold until the track at the
Tenders must be accompanied by the following:
Valid Income Tax and Value Added Tax Clearance Certificates issued by the Board of Inland Revenue and dated not more than
for us, there Hasely Crawford Sta- six (6) months prior to the closing date of the tender.
dium track is relayed.
is much Moreover, the Hasely
ii. A valid Certificate of Compliance issued in accordance with the National Insurance Act.

potential for Crawford Stadium will 6. One (1) original and six (6) copies of the Tender Documents shall be placed in sealed envelopes, addressed to:
be closed from early
excitement. March after the Carifta
Tenders – Central Purchasing Unit
Eastern Regional Health Authority
Trials for relaying. All Administrative Building, No. 121 Eastern Main Road
track and field meets for the remainder of the 2024 Sangre Grande
season will be at the Dwight Yorke Stadium. and clearly marked on the outside: “NAME OF RESPECTIVE TENDER”
Another cruel reality is the political machina-
tions surrounding local football as the emergence 7. Sealed envelopes must be deposited in the Tender Box specially marked for the respective tender at the Central Purchasing Unit
of the FIFA-imposed Normalisation Committee ap- of the ERHA at the above address NO LATER THAN 1:00 p.m. on the respective closing dates indicated above. Tenderers will be
pears imminent. required to sign a form indicating the date and time of deposit of the tender before the deposit of the envelope into the Tender Box.
TTFA elections it is said will be in March. The
chances of this happening may depend on certain 8. Tenderers should note that the dimensions of the SLOT in the Tender Box are approximately 127 mm x 406 mm (5 inches x 16
FIFA conditionalities being met. One can speculate inches) and as such, tenders should be packaged accordingly. Tenders will be opened virtually on the same day at 2:00 p.m. at
as to if these conditionalities aren’t met what then— the Administrative Building, No. 121 Eastern Main Road, Sangre Grande.
will the mandate of the Normalisation Committee
be further extended? 9. Tenderers or their representatives logging into the Tender Opening will be required to email the name of the person/s attending
If you take an objective look at sports here in the opening with a copy of their Identification Card or a Letter of Authorization from the company, in order to show their legitimacy
Trinidad and Tobago, the hope and excitement of as the respective company representative(s).
a brand new year can quickly become “doom and
gloom” as the cruel reality appears stark. 10. LATE tenders will not be considered under any circumstances.
Hope springs eternal or it should—a week ago we
welcomed a new year with expressed hope for a 11. The Authority does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.
bright and prosperous new year.
However, the war is ongoing with the systems 12. The Authority reserves the right to cancel the present notice in its entirety or partially, without defraying any cost incurred by any
firm in submitting their tender.
that are supposed to serve people, are serving it-
13. Failure to comply with any of these instructions may result in the tender not being considered.
There is a balance that many leaders don’t seem
to get right. That is the vision to focus on the fu-
Tenderers are advised that they can visit our website at for all published Tender Notices.
ture where you can dream and have big ideas that
are not constrained by the past. While at the same
Eastern Regional Health Authority
time dealing with day-to-day realities.
Through sport, we have an extraordinary plat-
38 sport Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Russell: We are helping

with Windies development
KINGSTON, Jamaica – Chief executive around the world; you only have
officer Peter Russell said the to look at some of the major sports
partnership that the Caribbean to see how important it is — the
Premier League (CPL) enjoys with Qatar [Fifa] World Cup being an
Cricket West Indies has helped to obvious example of that.
further develop the sport in the “We understand now that CPL
region, pushing back on suggestions is now at a level where we do get
it has not. fans flying to watch these games
Russell said the Caribbean’s pre- and enjoying the games — whether Former West Indies captain
mier Twenty20 tournament has that’s inter-island travel; or fans Kieron Pollard.
successfully heightened the inter- coming from New York, Miami,
est and enthusiasm of fans towards
the sport, especially considering
other parts of the USA; and Can-
ada as well. We understand there’s Pollard
looking for
the challenges that the West Indies CPL chief operating officer Jamaica Cricket Association an inherent value that CPL brings.”
men’s team has faced on the inter- Pete Russell president, Billy Heaven He added: “But it’s more than
national stage over the past two other members of staff at CWI on PICTURE COURTESY JAMAICA that; it’s the social aspect as well.
Recently, Jamaica Cricket Asso-
a daily basis.
“At the end of the day, we’re all
ries and not CWI,” he said. “Peo-
It’s the fact that local fans can get
behind their team and go and sup- better results
ciation president, Billy Heaven be-
moaned the agreement between
CPL and CWI, and he said there
aiming and striving for the same
goal. We want, obviously, [for]
West Indies cricket to be top of the
ple fail to remember that if CWI
are going to be able to employ all
these cricketers, they have to find
port them (local players obviously
have a huge role to play in that),
and small businesses, when we’re
from MI
was a need for the arrangement
to be revisited to ensure enhanced
tree, we want fans to re-engage
with the game across the region,
funds from somewhere.”
This brought into sharp focus
there, obviously make money —
and that’s really the key.
Cape Town
returns on investment for the and we want a flood of develop- the decision of the ownership of “We come into countries like CAPE TOWN, South Africa – Mumbai
sport in the Caribbean. ment players to come through, so the Tallawahs to repatriate the St Lucia, St Kitts, and Barbados, Indians Cape Town captain Kieron
Heaven, also a CWI director, was the future of West Indies cricket is franchise to CPL after citing a lack for example — periods in the Pollard said he was hoping to
speaking amid public outcry over secure. of support from the Jamaican gov- year when there’s not naturally inspire his side to a turnaround
the withdrawal of the Jamaica Tal- “We’re all singing from the same ernment. high-season tourist times — so for in fortunes after a disappointing
lawahs franchise, which has left hymn sheet. It was always a bit Matches have also not been held those businesses, it’s great because maiden season in the SA20
the country without a CPL pres- tricky in the early days, but I think in the country for the past four we come in with a lot of people tournament, starting on Tuesday.
ence since the tournament was we’re way past that now, and it’s years, but Russell said CPL was and we spend money, so it’s good The retired West Indies white-
founded. a case of working together for the grateful for the support other Car- for the local economy. ball captain is leading the side
He said the agreement struck 12 betterment of West Indies cricket.” ibbean governments had shown, “There’s a number of reasons because Afghanistan leg-spinner
years ago was “disadvantageous Russell said CPL had paid close including Antigua, where a new why the governments enjoy having Rashid Khan is unavailable cur-
to Jamaica” and other regional to US $50 million to players since franchise to replace the Tallawahs CPL there, and they are important rently and continues his recovery
countries as it did not provide sig- the start of the League, and he said is to be located. to our ecosystem as well.” from back surgery.
nificant enough value – but Russell this has enabled several players to “It’s very strong, and we don’t Heaven questioned the role of MI Cape Town won only three
disagrees. make a decent living out of the underestimate the strength of CPL in actual cricket development of their 10 matches in the inaugu-
“It’s excellent,” Russell told the sport. those relationships (with gov- across the Caribbean and tends ral season of the SA20 last year,
Jamaica Observer about the rela- “That’s very important, and it ernments) and the importance to emphasise the entertainment finishing last of the six franchises
tionship with CWI. “I speak to the takes the burden off CWI because, of those relationships,” he said. value of the sport rather than the in the tournament.
president, CEO, and a number of obviously, we’re paying the sala- “Sports tourism is a very big deal product. (CMC) They are hoping that Pollard,
a five-time winner of the Indian

Rangers cage Eagles for fourth win Premier League, two-time cham-
pion of the Caribbean Premier
League, and inaugural winner of
NIGEL SIMON Dave Quamina-coached host with the Major League Cricket, could
Senior Multimedia Reporter Isaiah Lee opening the scoring in spur them to better results and
[email protected] the 57th minute before national mid- the title.
fielder Tyrone Charles doubled the “I’ve been here before,” he
Three different players were on tar- lead from the penalty spot in the said about Cape Town during
get in the second half to lead Termi- 62nd minute while another T&T inter- a news conference on Monday
nix La Horquetta Rangers to a 3-0 win national Ross Russell Jr added a third that featured all six captains in
over a stubborn Eagles FC in the final item four minutes into time added-on the tournament. “I’ve enjoyed
Round Seven match in the T&T Pre- at the end of regulation time. the city. I’ve enjoyed Newlands,
mier Football League (TTPFL) Tier I The win, the fourth in six matches and I’ve enjoyed the fans, so I’ve
Division at the Hasely Crawford Sta- for Rangers lifted the club to 12 come and tried to make a dif-
dium, Mucurapo on Sunday night. points, but still fifth on the 11-club ference. Obviously, from a team
Playing at the Phase II La Hor- standings, five behind unbeaten perspective, we didn’t do as well
quetta Recreation Ground, La Hor- leaders Miscellaneous Police while as we thought we should have.
quetta, Rangers dominated the first AC Port-of-Spain is second with 15 “So now we just want to give
45 minutes without having anything points, closely followed by defending the fans something to cheer
to show on the scoreboard. champions Defence Force with 14, about. For me, I’m in the twilight
However, the second half was a and Tiger Tanks Club Sando, a fur- Defence Force FC Cassim Kellar, left, holds off AC PoS Haile Beckles of my career, so it’s about enjoy-
much more productive one for the ther point behind. during the TT Premier Football League match at the Hasely Crawford ment and hopefully passing on
Stadium, Mucurapo, Port-of-Spain on Saturday. Defence Force FC the experience to the younger
Latest TTPFL Tier I standings won 1-0. PICTURE DANIEL PRENTICE guys.”
Sunday Jones 82nd) vs Caledonia FC 1 (Azahrias Latest TTPFL Tier I standings The MI Cape Town squad
La Horquetta Rangers 3 (Isaiah Lee 57th, Ali 90+6 pen) include players the calibre of
Tyrone Charles 62nd pen, Ross Russell Jr Teams P W D L F A Pts South Africa pace spearhead
90+4) vs Eagles FC 0 Defence Force 1 (Rivaldo Coryat 90+5) 1 Police FC 7 5 2 0 17 5 17 Kagiso Rabada, England T20
vs AC PoS 0 2 AC PoS 6 5 0 1 18 5 15 World Cup-winning left-handed
Saturday 3 Defence Force 7 4 2 1 16 8 14 all-rounder Sam Curran, and ex-
Club Sando 2 (Nicholas Dillon 24th, Friday’s Matches 4 Club Sando 6 4 1 1 10 4 13 perienced South Africa batsman
62nd) vs 1976 FC Phoenix 0 Defence Force vs La Horquetta Rangers 5 LH Rangers 6 4 0 2 14 8 12 Rassie van der Dussen.
Police FC vs AC PoS 6 Prison FC 7 3 0 4 11 17 9
MI Cape Town opens their
Point Fortin Civic Centre 2 (Isaiah 7 Point Fortin 6 2 1 3 9 8 7
Thompson 78th pen, Ezekiel Kesar 87th) On Sunday 8 Caledonia 6 2 0 4 8 10 6 campaign on the road against
vs Prison Service 1 (Wesley John 86th) Prison Service FC vs Caledonia FC 9 FC Eagles 7 1 2 4 6 11 5 last year’s fifth-placed side, Dur-
1976 FC Phoenix vs Central FC 10 1976 Phoenix 6 1 0 5 5 16 3 ban Super Giants on Thursday at
Police FC 2 (Kwesi Allen 41st, Joevin Club Sando vs Point Fortin Civic Centre 11 Central FC 6 0 0 6 3 25 0 Kingsmead Stadium. (CMC)
Tuesday, January 9, 2024 sport 39
Revisit CPL, CWI agreement, urges JCA president
KINGSTON, Jamaica—Jamaica Cricket In defending government’s
Association president, Billy Heaven, actions, Sports Minister Olivia
believes the agreement between Grange, said it had been nec-
Cricket West Indies and the Carib- essary to balance investment
bean Premier League needs to be re- in the Tallawahs franchise with
visited, in order to ensure enhanced support for other sporting disci-
returns of investment for the region. plines.
Heaven, also a CWI director, said “We have sought to provide
the agreement struck 12 years ago special support to the Tallawahs
ahead of the inaugural CPL season at the level that our funds may
was “disadvantageous to Jamaica” permit,” Grange was quoted as
and other regional countries as it did saying at the same event.
not provide significant enough value. “The Tallawahs require more
The administrator was speaking than we can provide but I’m
here recently amid public outcry sure the Tallawahs and their ex-
over the pullout of the Jamaica Talla- istence was not depending on
wahs franchise, which left the coun- the Government of Jamaica to
try without a CPL presence since the bankroll them.
tournament was founded. “But in order to give them
“It (agreement) is disadvantageous more, we would have to cut
to Jamaica. It is prejudicial to cricket funding to the more than 40
in Jamaica and that agreement, in the national sports federations such
first instance, spans 30 years,” the as football, netball, and track
Observer newspaper quoted Heaven Jamaica Tallawahs, who captured the 2022 CPL T20 title. PICTURE ASHLEY ALLEN  CPL T20 and field, which depend on the
as saying at an event here. And in re-selling the franchise do they put back monies into the from global Twenty20 star Government to run their pro-
“It came into being in 2012 and to the league, owner Kris Persaud, development of cricket in the Andre Russell and West Indies grammes, and have been re-
when you look at the return from cited lack of government support as territories.” T20 captain, Rovman Powell, questing additional funds which
that—in the first year, the agreement one of the major factors behind the The absence of CPL action with both Jamaicans urging talks we are challenged to provide.”
brings US$1.375 million ( JA$211.8 mil- decision. in Jamaica has drawn criticism between government and CWI. (CMC)
lion) and at the end of 30 years, it is However, Heaven said while he
US$1.75 million. was “disappointed” Jamaicans would
“There’s no increase whatsoever, be unable to watch CPL cricket live,
even to keep pace with the inflation- he questioned the role of CPL in ac-
ary effect. tual cricket development across the
“So, we have to go back to look region.
at that agreement to make it more “CPL and all these franchises are
workable for the region, including exceptional but they speak to an en-
Jamaica.” tertainment value, per se,” he contin-
Even with the Tallawahs franchise ued.
present, Jamaica endured a strained “They do not address the element
relation with the tournament in re- of development in the way that you
cent years, and had not hosted a sin- want to develop your product called
gle match since 2019. cricket. CPL does not do that, neither
Sport Tuesday, January 9, 2024

CEO Russell dismisses criticisms of partnership

West Indies cricket team will tour
Australia from January to February
2024 to play two Tests, three ODIs
and three T20I matches.



Force was named the “Most
Valuable Player” in the Men’s
Open competition at the 19th
Ventures Hockey Club International
Invitational Indoor Hockey

Driving the
Tournament which ended on
Sunday at the Woodbrook Youth
Facility, Hamilton-Holder Street,

point home
Port-of-Spain. He was the top
scorer in the tournament with nine
Portland Trail Blazers’ Duop
Reath, centre, drives to the
basket against Brooklyn Nets
guard Spencer Dinwiddie (26)
and forward Cameron Johnson
(2) during the first half of an NBA
basketball game on Sunday in
New York. Trailblazers defeated
the New Jersey Nets 134-127 in
Overtime. PICTURE AP

At the end of the day, we’re all

aiming and striving for the same
goal. We want, obviously, (for) West
Indies cricket to be top of the tree,
we want fans to re-engage with
the game across the region, and
we want a flood of development
players to come through, so the
future of West Indies cricket is
Chief executive officer

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235-5668, ext 5127,
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email: gmsports@guardian. • Visit our website
& CNC3 facebook page
Printed and Published by Guardian Media Ltd, ANSA McAL Centre, Rodney Road, Endeavour, Chaguanas, Trinidad. Tel: 235-5668

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