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Good morning, ma’am, and welcome to Australia’s Moving Experience. How can I help you?
Well, I hope you can help me. I’m so up in the air right now. Just calm down, now. Let me guess.
You’re moving and it has you a little confused. That’s it exactly. You see, I’m relocating to the United
States next month and I’m having a hard time getting organised. Here, fill out your name and address,
and let me ask you a few questions. Oh, what should I call you?My name is Jane, Jane Bond. OK,
Jane, first of all, what’s your work phone number in case I have any questions about things. My work
phone is 9463 5550. But please try not to call me too often there. My boss hates personal calls. So
does mine, ma’am, so does mine. And what address should we ship your things to? My new company
is letting me stay temporarily at 509 Clark house, that’s C L A R K, 1137 University Drive in Seattle.
Seattle? Beautiful city, I hear. Mountains right beside the ocean, almost. Cooler than Australia, too.
OK, and when should we come pack your things? I guess that would be on Monday, March 11th. Do
you want any help with an after-packing clean-up? We do that for a small additional charge.Yes, that
would be helpful. I promised the landlord I’d give her the keys back by 5:00 p.m. on Thurday,
14th. Great, we’ll just schedule the clean-up for that day. That way, the place will smell clean and
there’ll be no dust. Well, you do think of everything. Oh, how much is this going to cost? Here is a
list of our basic prices. Oh dear, this seems rather expensive Yes ma’am, but you’re paying for the
best. We’re careful and we’re fast. Like we say, the only thing we break are speed records getting you
moved. Well maybe that’s so. Oh, I nearly forgot to tell you. I don’t want my furniture shipped with
me. I won't be looking for an apartment till after I arrive in America. Would it be possible to put my
furniture in storage here for a month, then have it sent along later? Of course, we do that all the time.
A couple of other things. We try to pack your things logically. We don’t just throw stuff in boxes. Do
you have any special requests? You know, things you want packed in some special place, so you
know where to find them like what? Oh, I don’t know. Things like dishes maybe. Not to be rude, but
you look like a lady who likes to eat. Yes, I need my dishes and things where I can find them quickly.
Great. We put those dishess and cutlery in what we call the emeregency pack. Can you think of
anything else? I do have an antique kettle my great grandmother gave my mother. I wouldn’t want to
lose that. So I guess yoi better put that in storage with the furniture. Grandma’s tea kettle with the
furniture, got it. How about things like your alarm clock? You don’t want to miss your plane on the
big day, right. Well, you certainly think of everything! Yes, that’s right. I also need my alarm clock
where I canfind it. Fine, we will put that in your personal package. And of course, we'll give you a list
of where we pack everything. So, all you’ll have to do on Thursday, the 14th is grab your luggage on
your way out the door. Um, I couldn’t help noticing the new CD player you’re carrying. Is that a
Samsung? Yes, it is. One of their best. Cost me nearly a hundred dollars, it did. Do you want to take
special care of it I mean it’s brand new. Take care of it, but nothing special. You can just puy it in
storage with the furniture. That looks like everything we need here. I guess you’re all set. That was
certainly quick. Thank you, young man. This has been a most moving experience
Welcome to this podcast about the Sheepmarket which is one of the oldest parts of the city.
As its name suggests, there was originally a market here where farmers brought their sheep, but now
it’s been redeveloped into a buzzing, vibrant area of the city which is also home to one of the city’s
fastest-growing communities. The nearby university has always meant the area popular with students
who come in to enjoy the lively nightlife but now graduates embarking on careers in the worlds of
fashion and design are buying up the new apartments recently built here to replace the small houses
where the market workers used to live. The narrow old side streets are great places for finding original
pictures, jewellery and ceramics which won’t break the bank as well as local produce like fruit and
vegetables. There’s also lots of pavement cafes where you can have a coffee and watch tourists from
all over the world go by. The oldest buildings in the area are on the main streets, including the city’s
first department store built in the 1880s which is still open today. The Sheepmarket is a centre for
fashion and there’s a policy of encouraging new young designer. The Young Fashion competition is
open to local young people who are passionate about fashion. This year they’ve been asked to design
an outfit based on ideas from the music and technology that’s part of their everyday life using both
natural and man-made fibres. The garments will be judged by a panel of experts and fashion
designers, and the winning entries will be modelled at a special gala evening. Parking at the
Sheepmarket is easy. There are plenty of pay and display car parking spaces on the roadsides which
are fine if you just want to stay for an hour or two but if you want to spend the day there it’s better to
park in one of the four underground car parks. It’s not expensive and if you can present a receipt from
one of the local stores you’ll not be charged at all. After 6 pm many of the car parks have a fiat rate
which varies but it is usually very reasonable. The Sheepmarket is one of the main centres for art and
history in the whole of the country. If you look at our map, yousee some of the main attractions there.
Most visitors start from Crawley Road at the bottom of the map. The Reynolds House is one of the
oldest houses in the city and open to the public. It’s on the north side of Crawley Road next to the
footpath that leads to the public gardens. The area particularly interested for its unusual
sculptures. The Thumb is just what its name suggests but it’s about 10m high. You’ll see iron Hill
Road across the road from the Bank. The Museum’s got a particularly fine collection of New Zealand
landscapes. It’s on the east side of the Sheepmarket on City Road. It’s on the other side of the road
from the public gardens immediately facing the junction with Hill Road. The Contemporary Art
Gallery is on a little road that leads off Station Square not far from the public gardens. The road ends
at the gallery it doesn’t go anywhere else. That’s open every day except Mondays. The Warner
Gallery specialises in 19th-century art. It’s on City Road near the junction with Crawley Road on the
same side of the road as the public gardens. It’s open on weekdays from 9 to 5, and entry is free.
Finally if you’re interested in purchasing high quality artwork, the place to go is Nucleus. You need to
ao from Crawley Road up through Station Square and east along Hill Road until you get to a small
winding road turning off, go up there and it’s on your right if you get to city Road you’ve gone too

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