MGM 2101 Business Communication

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MGM 2101 BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : None This course is designed to increase students awareness of the

functions and importance of effective communication in the business arena. This course will focus on the application of communication principles in achieving the goals of an organization. Special emphasis will be placed on developing writing and speaking proficiencies. MGM 2111 ORGANIZATION AND BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : None Analysis of the basic theories, principles, techniques and tools of management with an emphasis on management functions in relation to main functional areas of business and non business organization. More emphasis will be given on the systems approach. MGM 2191 COMPUTERS AND DATA PROCESSING Credit : 4 (3+1) Prerequisites : None This course will familiarize students with the computer applications and management; help understand the fundamentals of computer nomenclature, particularly with respect to personal computer hardware and software and the World Wide Web; make use of the World Wide Web as a repository of the latest information and an integrated learning tool; develop an indepth understanding of why computers are essential components in the business world and society in general. The topics include the concept of computer system, structure of computer, computer networking, computer communication and computer programming. Hands-on experience will focus on word processing, spreadsheets, graphics presentation, database design and management, web page design and development. MGM 3113 ORGANIZATION BEHAVIOR Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 2111 This course discusses the behavioral phenomena at the individual, group and the systems or organizational levels. Discussion at the individual level covers issues relating to personality, attitude, values, perception, learning and motivation. Group level issues include group dynamics, communication, leadership and conflict. Finally, the issues at the systems level cover organization design, job design, organizational culture and organizational change. MGM 3123 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 3113 The course emphasizes on the 'interface' between the human resource managers and other functional managers in implementing the various human resource management activities such as manpower planning, recruitment, selection, training and development, compensation, and employer- employee relations. It focuses on the methods and techniques of improving organizational effectiveness through sound human resource management practices. The course compares and contrasts the human resource management practices in the private and public sectors while also comparing the philosophy of management from both the western and non-western perspectives. MGM 3161 QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUE IN MANAGEMENT Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MTH 3004 This course discusses the quantitative models as a tool for decision making. Topics include: model formulation, probability concepts, expected and conditional value, decision theory, inventory control, linear programming using simplex method, dual problem and sensitivity analysis, transportation model, game theory, queuing theory, simulation, and PERT/CPM. MGM 3162 BUSINESS STATISTICS Credit : 4 (3+1) Prerequisites : MTH 3004 This course introduces the methods, principles and applications of statistics in the area of business management. The major topics discussed include: descriptive statistics, probability, sampling, sampling distribution, estimation, hypothesis testing (one sample and two samples), Chi-square test, analysis of variance, nonparametric statistics, linear regression, correlation, multiple regression and time series forecasting.

MGM 3211 PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 2111 This course emphasizes on the managerial approach in understanding marketing decision making specific with the emphasis on developing marketing mix and marketing strategies. Topics covered in this course include discussion in marketing; an analysis of marketing opportunities; product/service decision; distribution decision; promotional decision; pricing decision; marketing planning and management, and selected applications. MGM 3244 CONSUMER BEHAVIOR Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 3211 This course emphasizes on: examining economics, sociological and psychological factors influencing consumer behavior. Effect of marketing activities upon society, consumer movements and laws affecting the market place are also discussed. MGM 3331 LABOUR AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS LAW Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 3351 This course deals with the bases of employer-employees relation in the context of the relevant laws. The law relating to the management of human resource and the rights of workers are examined from the perspective of a free economy. MGM 3341 INTELLECTUAL AND INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY LAW Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 3351 The products of intellectual creativity and industrial inventions have now taken many varied forms. Ownership over these calls for a supportive legal regime to give meaning to the proprietary claims of the owners. MGM 3351 COMMERCIAL LAW Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 3351 This course deals with all the principles relating to the formation and management of a particular business. Review of the legal basis of all normal business decisions made by a businessman, such as contracts, consumer credit and banking transactions, particularly the aspects of his liability towards and rights against others. MGM 3354 LAW OF BANKING Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 3351 The legal aspects of all banking transactions will be studied. The principles of law relating to cheques, promissory notes, negotiable instruments, relations between bankers and customers, commercial papers, bankers lien securities and documentary credits are some of the specific topics. MGM 3365 INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LAW Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 3351 The process of forming an international business contract will be studied from the initial stage of formation to the stage of performance. Payment aspects of the international business transactions will be highlighted to reveal the rights and liabilities of the parties to these transactions. MGM 3411 AGRIBUSINESS SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURE Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : ECO3100 This course covers the basic managerial principles, human behavioral aspects of management, long term planning for growth, contemporary issues in agribusiness management and the use of managerial principles to analyze the system and structure of agribusiness, market structure, oligopolistic pricing, technological innovation and agribusiness policies. MGM 4104 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS

Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MTH 3004 and MGM 2111 This course will introduce the fundamental philosophy of research, and discuss the basic concepts of research, business research, its purpose and importance. The course will then introduce various types of research and the basic characteristics of scientific research. The logical methods of inductive and deductive reasoning and the hypothetical deductive method will be discussed. This course will, then, discuss the research process including formulating the problem, objectives of research project, development of theoretical framework, formulating hypothesis and the research design. Sources of data collection and methods to be used in collecting information will be discussed. Students will also be exposed to the basic types of scales and measurements and the characteristics of sound measurement such as the validity and reliability of the measures. The issues on sampling, data analysis and the appropriate techniques used in business research will be discussed, with reference to the application programs in the SPSS. The course will also discuss the problem of interpreting data, and writing the research report. Finally, this course will expose students to the scientific process by preparing case studies and the art of writing case studies in business management. MGM 4124 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 3123 The course emphasizes on the structural and process considerations in designing training and development programs at the micro (organization) level. Focus is also given on the main methods that may be adopted to train and develop employees in an organization. MGM 4125 COMPENSATION MANAGEMENT Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 3123 This course differentiates between the various components of an organizations compensation programs. It describes and discusses the activities to be properly performed in designing and implementing an effective compensation program. It also examines the factors that influence a compensation decision. MGM 4126 EMPLOYER EMPLOYEE RELATIONS Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 3123 This course focuses on issues in labor-management relations that are typically faced by industrial relations managers and their counterparts, which include among others the formation of trade unions, collective bargaining, grievances, discipline and termination/dismissals. Equal emphasis is given to approaches in managing labor-management relations in unionized and non-unionized organizations. MGM 4127 EMPLOYEE RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 3123 This course discusses several options with regard to the sources and methods of employee recruitment by providing the pros and cons of each of the options. Emphasis is given to the steps involved in the employee selection process such as evaluation of the application form, interview, employment testing, and checks on the candidates background. Attention is also given to several special current issues. MGM 4128 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 4197 This course covers key issues related to the management of information technology (IT) at the micro-level (organizations) and the macro-level (nations). At the micro-level, issues in information management (IM) in organizations include strategy formulation and implementation, competitive advantage and management of change. At the macro-level, the focus is on the role of government and public policies. The emphasis of the course is on information management as practiced in public and private sector organizations and in selected countries including Malaysia. MGM 4136 CURRENT ISSUES IN MANAGEMENT Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : Final year

Students are to analyze selected articles/topics comprising of current and important issues in management that cover social, financial and economic areas, and business environment. The students are required to review, discuss, and become critically analyze the articles/topics that actually contribute to the increase in knowledge. In addition students need to submit reports based on the above articles/topics. MGM 4137 CORPORATE SOCIAL POLICY Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : Final year This course introduces the relationship between business and society, social responsibility, business ethics, and the relationship between government and business. Issues on consumerism, ecology and environment, and community are also discussed. Also included are aspects of managing and controlling the corporate social performance. MGM 4139 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 3161, MGM 3211 and ACT 3211 This is a capstone course that integrates the understanding of all the other functional subjects to be used in making strategic decisions for the organizations. The top management perspective will be focused. Topics covered in the course include: elements and process of strategic planning, SWOT analysis, strategic advantage profile, strategic planning systems and strategic planning for non profit organizations. MGM 4144 QUALITY MANAGEMENT Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 4147 This course covers the various theories on quality as well as the use of computer programs in quality management. MGM 4147 OPERATION MANAGEMENT Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 2111 and MGM 3161 This course discusses the strategic role of production operations management and how it interfaces with other functions of the organizations. The role and functions of operations manager is discussed in detail and problems and issues faced by him will also be highlighted. Proven principles of operations to solve related problems and issues will be illustrated. MGM 4148 PROJECT EVALUATION AND MANAGEMENT Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 2111, MGM 4144, and ACT 3211 Procedures and methods of evaluating projects, financial evaluations will be emphasized although other techniques such as economic analysis, cost/benefits analysis etc., will also be discussed. This course includes the problem solving techniques with the use of case studies and group discussions. PERT/CPM technique which is considered as an effective management tool in planning, scheduling, and control of project will also be discussed. This course will also cover elements in project management, integrated system of information networking together with project maintenance to ensure planning, organizing and implementation effectiveness. MGM 4154 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : ACT 3211, MGM 3211 The reason for this course is to educate students to the various issues in managing an international business. Through this course, students should be able to shape and polish their skills towards being a successful manager. MGM 4155 CROSS-CULTURAL MANAGEMENT Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : None The course discusses the concepts, theories, and models of comparative management of some selected cultures. It also highlights the cultural influence on the functioning of organizations. Cross-cultural dimensions of management include the cross-cultural communication and negotiation. MGM 4174 SERVICE MANAGEMENT Credit : 3 (3+0)

Prerequisites : MGM 3211 This course will discuss the service sector, analyzing the service organization. Specific services will also be discusses. It will emphasize on the organizational issues and how to coordinate marketing, operation and human resource functions. MGM 4177 RISK AND INSURANCE MANAGEMENT Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 2111 This course covers the various forms of risks, risk theories, and the principles of insurance. The concept of insurable interest, utmost good faith, proximate cause, indemnity, subrogation and contribution, classes of insurance and the insurance market will be discussed. MGM 4178 FRANCHISE MANAGEMENT Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 3211 The course discusses the concepts and development of franchise, franchise plan, franchise and consultancy, development of franchise business, location and selection of place, management, organizing and administration of franchise policy, training and support from franchiser, identifying franchise opportunities, franchise finance, marketing franchise, consumers rights and those of franchiser, and internationalizing franchise. MGM 4183 ENTREPRENEURSHIP Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 2111 This course deals with the identification, development and function of the entrepreneur within a free enterprise system. The lifestyle of the entrepreneur will be examined in terms of his motivation, interpersonal orientation, role perception, work related experience and preparation, and other factors relevant to entrepreneurial effectiveness in the small business context. The nature of entrepreneurial management and its relation to business dynamism and success will be studied. Various historical and contemporary studies of entrepreneurs as catalyst in the economic development are presented. Lastly, the course examines the role of entrepreneurs in government, commerce and industry. MGM 4184 SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Credit : 3(3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 2111 The course covers: the importance and roles of the small business sector in the Malaysia economy; characteristics of entrepreneurs and theories of entrepreneurial origin; opportunities and problems faced by the small businesses; the process of setting up a new business venture; managerial functions of the entrepreneurs; and an examination of how the theories and principles of management as practiced by the big businesses are also applicable to the small business, although the implementation may differ. MGM 4187 NEW VENTURE MANAGEMENT Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 2111, MGM 3211 and ACT 3211 This course will discuss the basic fundamentals of creating, evaluating, and characterizing new ventures. The topics emphasis includes planning and managing, growth, and venture rescue. This course also covers aspects of financing of new venture. MGM 4188 SMALL BUSINESS CONSULTING Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 2111 This course is aimed at providing students with knowledge to provide managerial aid and advice to small businesses. It is based on integration of various management theories learned formally and through real-life business situations. It also emphasizes the consulting process especially the technique of preparing consulting reports and business plans. MGM 4197 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 2111, MGM 2191 and MGM 3113 This course covers communication theory, organizational theory, psychology of human information processing, the science of decision making and socio-technical models. The course emphasizes on the fundamental theories underlying information

system theory, decision support systems, information requirements determination, implementation of MIS and management of information system resources. MGM 4198 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM II Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 4197 This course covers key issues related to the management of information technology (IT) at the micro level (organizations and the macro-level (nations). At the micro-level, issues in information management (IM) in organizations include strategy formulation and implementation, competitive advantage and management of change. At the macro-level, the focus is on the role of government and public policies. The emphasis of the course is on information management as practiced in public and private sector organizations and in selected including Malaysia. MGM 4204 SERVICES MARKETING Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 3211 The course outlines the meaning and basic concepts of services marketing compared to that of marketing the tangibles. It includes the unique characteristics of services marketing (e.g. intangibility, inseparability, heterogeneity, and perishability), consumer behavior considerations, and ethical concerns related to the service delivery process. The topics pertaining to the management of the service encounter such as process issues, firms physical environment design and people issues (hiring, training, empowerment, and active management of service consumers) [3Ps] in addition to the traditional 4 Ps (product, price, place and promotion) will be discussed. The assessment of the service delivery process dealing with conceptual and measurement issues related to customer satisfaction and service quality, customer retention strategies, service failure and recovery analysis, and the firms transformation from a traditional industrial management approach will be presented. In addition, issues such as organizational culture, the creation of seamless organization and the introduction of a service audit will also be discussed. MGM 4214 MARKETING MANAGEMENT Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 4214 Marketing and the concepts of planning and strategy, strategic marketing and marketing management will be discussed. Discussion will also involve analyzing market opportunities {environment, consumer market, organizational market, competitors}, researching and selecting target market {marketing information system, marketing research, measuring and forecasting demand}, designing marketing strategies {products, pricing, distribution, and communication and promotional}, and organizing implementing, and controlling marketing effort. MGM 4219 MARKETING STRATEGY AND MANAGEMENT Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 3211 A practical guide to marketing decision-making and the development of a marketing strategy, which takes an interdisciplinary approach. The coverage is global, topical and focused. Topics include strategic analysis, strategy formulation, implementation and control, and marketing strategies. MGM 4239 MARKETING STRTEGY Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 3211 and MGM 4214 This course focuses on the examination of a range of marketing theories and the evidence in which they are based. In particular, emphasis will be on the role of marketing, market entry theories, product development and management, consumer behavior, segmentation and forecasting theories. Various approaches to decision-making and application of these to specific marketing topics, including: pricing, distribution, promotion and others such as direct marketing, international marketing, services marketing, industrial marketing, and non-profit marketing will be addressed. Identification of external factors affecting marketing environment and decision making, particularly legal constraints, marketing regulations, ethical and environmental issues will be addressed. More succinctly, the course will consolidate what had been learnt in earlier semesters, develop the student's knowledge of marketing theories and decisions, and enhance the student's analytical skills. MGM 4224 DIRECT MARKETING Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 3211 This course discusses important aspects of direct marketing including size and scope of the direct marketing industry. The

topics covered in this course include: supplying, planning and positioning; List selection and segmentation, creative strategy and execution; special technique of direct marketing including targeted marketing using databases: direct marketing media including, direct mail campaigns, catalog marketing, telephone marketing; Future Developments; Implications for Malaysia. MGM 4254 RETAIL MANAGEMENT Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 3211 The course discusses the role of sales administrators as professional marketing executives; Problems of organizational planning and control of sales; formulation of sales policies and management of sales force; Problems of retailing store; principles and practices of policy establishment, buying and selling, store organization and management. MGM 4264 MARKETING RESEARCH Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 3211 and MGM 3162 The course discusses basic theories and procedures in identifying and solving various marketing problems in the context of business organizations and decision models. Research design, data collection, measurement and scaling, sampling, data analysis and presentation will also be discussed. MGM 4273 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 3211 The course addresses research on the differences in marketing based on international economics. A systematic analysis of the environmental factors responsible for the non-uniformity of markets, marketing research, as well as pricing and product policy will be discussed. It also covers coordination of the marketing functions internationally, with special emphasis on basic commodities. MGM 4274 INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 3211 This course deals with important aspects of international business with specifics emphasis on the system of distribution. Process of distribution including documentation, functions of agents of distribution, international delivery systems and commodity management before and after on board. MGM 4284 PROMOTION MANAGEMENT Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 3211 This course deals with planning, development, use and management of promotion in a company. A comprehensive approach of the subject is adopted which includes discussion on promotion research, creativity in promotion and media management. MGM 4297 PRODUCT MANAGEMENT Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 3211 This course discusses product policy, product life cycle, product positioning, portfolio analysis, product planning, product development, processes, product design, marketing and forecasting, organization and related current issues. MGM 4311 ISLAMIC LAW TRANSACTIONS Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 3351 This course is aimed at explaining general principles of Islamic law which has direct relationship with the establishment and management of an Islamic business transaction. Special attention will be given to the Islamic contract law in order to understand the relationship between parties involved in any Islamic business transactions. Emphasis will also be given to the concept of Halal and Haram in Islam and various other important Islamic transactions such as al-bai, al-wakalah, alijarah, al-syarikah and al-mudharabah. MGM 4312 ISLAMIC LAW OF PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Credit : 3 (3+0)

Prerequisites : MGM 3351 This course will provide students with basic information on principles of Islamic law pertaining to Islamic property management. Emphasis will be given to the concept and procedures of acquiring property from the perspective of Islam. Students will be also be exposed to the procedures for the transfer of ownership by explaining the concept of al-wassiyyah, al-wagf, al-hibah and al-syufah. MGM 4313 ISLAMIC LAW OF BANKING AND TAKAFUL Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 3351 This course is aimed at explaining principles of Islamic law pertaining to Islamic banking and takaful. Special attention will be given to the concept and modus operandi of Islamic banking and takaful which is being practiced in Malaysia. Aspects of legal documentation will be emphasized in order to understand its legal effects on the Malaysian civil law. The course will also take into account the development of Islamic banking and takaful in other Islamic countries. MGM 4321 COMPANY LAW Credit : 4 Prerequisites : MGM 3351 This course explains the principles of law relating to the formation, management and the running of a company, and the process and effects of winding up. MGM 4351 FRANCHISE LAW Credit : 3 (3+0) Prerequisites : MGM 3351 The legal aspects of franchising will be studied in combination with a practical appreciation of franchising as a means of distribution of goods and services. This course will cover the definition and agreements in franchising; protectable subject matter, competition, roles and liabilities of franchisor and franchisee, tax and international franchising. MGM 4199A PROJECT PAPER PROPOSAL Credit : 2 (0 + 2) Prerequisites : Final Year The project paper proposal is an academic exercise which allows students to concentrate on a relevant research topic pertaining to management and marketing. The proposal stage of the project is prepared under supervision. MGM 4199B PROJECT PAPER Credit : 4 (0 + 4) Prerequisites : MGM 4199A This course is a continuation from the Project Paper Proposal, MGM 4199A in which students are required to complete their research reports by the end of the semester. The project is prepared under supervision.

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