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Essay Obesity

Writing an essay on the topic of obesity can be a challenging task, given the complexity and
sensitivity of the issue. This subject requires a nuanced understanding of various factors contributing
to obesity, ranging from genetic predispositions to environmental influences. Crafting a well-
researched and thoughtful essay involves delving into scientific studies, statistical data, and medical
perspectives to present a comprehensive view.

Moreover, addressing the social and cultural aspects of obesity adds another layer of intricacy to the
writing process. Tackling this topic requires a delicate balance between discussing the health
implications of obesity and considering the potential stigmatization of individuals affected by it.
Striking this balance demands careful language choices and a thoughtful approach to avoid
perpetuating harmful stereotypes.

Additionally, the essay should explore potential solutions to the obesity epidemic, ranging from
individual lifestyle changes to broader societal interventions. Evaluating the effectiveness of
different approaches involves synthesizing information from diverse sources and presenting a well-
supported argument.

In conclusion, writing an essay on obesity demands not only research and analytical skills but also
empathy and a nuanced understanding of the multifaceted nature of the issue. It is essential to
approach the topic with sensitivity and objectivity to provide a well-rounded and informed
perspective on this prevalent health concern.

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available. Services like offer support in crafting well-researched and customized
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Essay Obesity Essay Obesity
Viable Curriculum Response
Is VCAL a viable curriculum response for non academic learners?
Given the broadness of the question, I shall limit the discourse of this paper to reviewing
an intervention measure for getting the non academic students who are at risk of leaving
to complete their Year 12, and
an alternate pathway to increase their employability, via the acquisition of knowledge
and skills for the workplace a key approach to achieving lifelong learning (Chapman,
Gaff, Toomey, Aspin, 2005).
The Background...
In 2000, the Kirby Ministerial Review Committee has revealed the need for an alternate
post compulsory certification, the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL).
This comes about because of a concern over a burgeoning number of students ... Show
more content on ...
The damage and trauma sustained by some students in the mainstream education may
prove to be too severe that by the time they get to VCAL, they are almost unreachable.
The batters of failures and rejections... and disengagements, year after year, result in low
academic achievement, conflict with teachers and poor attendance (VAGO, 2012). We
can blame it on poor attitudes; but I think this may well be just a self preservation
mechanism to protect themselves from further ridicule and shame. In such severe cases,
an early intervention program at the middle school may prove more effective, as
addressed in the Future Directions policy (DCPD,
An Analysis of the Populist and Progressive Era
In the words of Thomas Jefferson, A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain
men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their
own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor
the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to
close the circlue of our felicities. (Jefferson, 1801) This idea echoed far beyond it s time
and into the minds and hearts of the Populist s, and became the center and the driving
force of the Progressive era. During the gilded age railroads were being built,
Industrialization was rising, the population of United States was increasing dramatically;
and corporate businesses were becoming extremely... Show more content on ...
(Foner, 2010, pp. 680 681) As the Populist Party increased in size, Populist organized a
convention which is creditably known as the Populist Platform or Omaha Convention
The Omaha Convention which took place in Omaha, Nebraska in 1892. According to
Eric Foner, The platform put forth a long list of election of U.S.
senators, government control of the currency, a graduated tax income, system of low
cost public financing to enable farmers to market their crops, and recognition of the
right of workers to form labor union. (Foner, 2010, p. 682) Although many farmers
joined this cause, it was primarily farmers, and with the major population of United
States consisting of industrial workers plans didn t go far. Some Populists tried to gain
more members by trying to unite black and white farmers as one but because of the
racism between southern farmers, the alliance in the southern areas would not allow
blacks from partaking in meetings. So Populist tried to join forces with factory workers
by engaging and supporting the worker rights, but industrial workers didn t appeal to the
Populists ideology, though both fought against large corporations their political
standpoint was different. Farmers wanted low tariff prices and higher priced agricultural
Asian American Assimilation Into American Society
From Chinatown to Monterey Park, Asian Americans across the boundaries of Los
Angeles are flourishing from bustling inner cities to middle class suburbia. The suburban
life style was originally created by white Americans for white Americans however in
today s suburban cities and towns there seems to be a substantial group of Asians and
Asian Americans thriving in these once predominately white areas(Li 1993, 318). The
development of Asians and Asian Americans in the suburbs occurred through the
following three ways, first is the development of Chinatown and how it became the
Mecca for immigrants and the second is Asian Americanassimilation into American
society. The last reason is the gentrification of towns such as Chinatown, and Little
Tokyo. The development of Chinatown first began with the many Chinese immigrants
that appeared in the United States. Because of the Transcontinental Railroad, many
Chinese immigrants were paid laborers working on the project and were thought of by
employers as reliable laborers who would work, without complaint, even under strenuous
conditions(Norton 1924, 283 296). Chinese immigrants came in waves because of the
grand opportunity. These immigrants were paid significantly lower wages than white
workers, then blamed Chinese laborers for lashing down pay and taking away jobs.
After the railroad was completed and white laborers in other industries began to fear for
their jobs, anti Chinese attacks increased, including beatings, arson and
I Know You Want It
Isabella Salas Allende Professor Vines FWS: Short Stories 11/8/15 Blurred Lines I
know you want it. I know you want it. I know you what it... My back was pressed
against the wall, partly because I couldn t stand up straight on my own. You re a good
girl... The obnoxious music penetrated deep past my ear drum and pumped through
me. The stench of sweat and stale foamy beer consumed the air. Blackness engulfed
me and all the other one hundred clammy bodies in the room. Their erratic body
movements were revealed to the wandering eyes only when the disco ball flashed its
blinding lights on them. Can t let it get past me. You re far from plastic. Talk about
getting blasted... He was leaning against the wall right next to me. His hand was
wrapped around my waist, which pulled me closer and closer to him. I thought nothing
of it. I hate these blurred lines... Alcohol and adrenaline spread their dizzying magic
through my head. I tried to hold onto my clarity, but I watched myself nervously
laughing at his every word and swaying back and forth more and more often. That
August day I set out into Collegetown to assert my independence from my parents by
experiencing for the first time the so called magic and wonder of fraternity parties
without my parents consent. The ostentatiousness, elation, and novelty that define
college parties in movies as a place where college students blow off steam allured me;
college parties are depicted in pop culture as the quintessential Friday night.

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